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General Principles
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Receptor Selectivity
• Types of receptors
– adrenergic receptors
– cholinergic receptors
– H1 and H2 receptors
• Cholinergic receptors
– respond to
acetylcholine (parasympathetic neurotransmitter)
certain drugs
– H1 and H2 receptors
– respond to histamine
• Therapeutic effect
– drug’s main action for which it was prescribed
– selected to
prevent a disease
diagnose a disease
treat a disease by controlling, improving, or curing
the symptoms
• Therapeutic effect
– can be directed toward a specific area of the
target organ
– not always directed towards a target organ
antibiotic drugs
– sometimes therapeutic effect actually a side
Copyright ©2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Susan M. Turley All rights reserved.
Side Effects
• Drug effects other than the therapeutic
– mild and temporary
– moderate and annoying
– severe
FDA may not approve the drug
• Therapeutic index
– narrow margin of safety between therapeutic
dose and toxic dose
– when a drug with a low therapeutic index is
administered it is not uncommon to see toxic
• Histamine
– produces mild-to-severe allergic symptoms
– depends on amount released
– Mild-to-severe to life-threatening reactions
– most severe symptoms of an allergic reaction
are collectively known as anaphylaxis or
anaphylactic shock
• Polypharmacy
– patients may take both prescription drugs and
over-the-counter drugs
– increases the likelihood of a drug-drug
• When administered simultaneously some
drugs interact with each other
– accentuates action of each
– diminished action of each
Copyright ©2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Susan M. Turley All rights reserved.
Drug-Drug Interactions
• Synergism
– in many cases, synergism is beneficial
Tylenol taken with codeine
potassium-wasting diuretic taken with a potassium-
sparing diuretic
• Synergism
– in some cases synergism is undesirable
combination of tranquilizers and alcohol or
antihistamines and alcohol
• side effect of drowsiness is heightened
• sedative effect of alcohol
• often has a fatal result
• Antagonism
– occurs when two drugs combine to produce
an effect
– effect is less than the intended effect of either
– example
tetracycline taken with an antacid
• Unit
– some drugs are never measured by the metric
system, but instead by a special designation
called a unit
some penicillins (1 unit is 0.6 mcg of penicillin G)
all types of insulin (defined on weight basis of pure
• manufactured with 100 units per milliliter
• abbreviated as U-100
– exact value varies from drug to drug
Copyright ©2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Susan M. Turley All rights reserved.
Figure 5-7 Insulin syringe. An insulin syringe is used to administer liquid insulin, and its calibrations
are in units, not in milliliters as are other syringes. This system of measurement (units) is clearly
marked at the base of the syringe. This syringe can administer up to 100 units of liquid insulin. It
cannot be used to administer liquid drugs that are measured in milliliters. Photo reprinted courtesy of
BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company).
Copyright ©2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Susan M. Turley All rights reserved.
Other Drug Measurements
• Inches
– only one common medication measured in
– nitroglycerin ointment (Nitro-Bid)
pad of specially marked paper
ointment squeezed onto the paper
prescribed dose may range from ½ inch to 4
• Drops
– abbreviated gtt
– eye and ear liquid drugs prescribed as drops
to be given
• Milliequivalents
– an equivalent is the molecular weight of an
ion divided by the number of hydrogen ions it
reacts with
– a milliequivalent is 1/1000 of an equivalent
– abbreviated mEq
• Percentage
– one part in relationship to the whole
– based on a total of 100
– a 10% solution would be composed of 10 mL
of drug in 100 mL of liquid
• Ratio
– relationship between the concentrations of
two substances together in a solution
– expressed as two numbers with a colon mark
between them
• Household
– unofficial system
– used by people at home measuring drugs
– includes measuring spoons and silverware
– inaccurate measurement system because of
no standardized size
• Topical
– applied to the skin, eyes, or ears
– local therapeutic effect
• Transdermal
– different than topical route
– applied to skin
– systemic therapeutic effect
– delivered through a patch
– drug slowly released
• Oral
– most convenient route
– most commonly used
– tablets, capsules, liquids
– absorbed in the stomach or small intestine
– PO, p.o. (Latin per os, through the mouth)
• Sublingual
– placing medication under the tongue
– provides faster therapeutic effect than oral
• Buccal
– placing medication in the pocket between the
cheek and lower teeth
– few drugs are administered by buccal route
• Nasal
– spraying a drug into the nasal cavity
– usually done topically
– some nasal spray drugs work systemically
• Inhalation
– inhaling of a drug in a gas, liquid, or powder
– absorbed through the alveoli
• Nasogastric (NG)
– used for patients who cannot take oral
– accomplished through a nasogastric tube
inserted through the nose
through the esophagus
into the stomach
– any liquid drug that can be given orally
• Vaginal
– used to treat vaginal infections
– creams, ointments, and suppositories
– contraceptive foams are inserted vaginally
• Rectal
– reserved for certain situations
when patient is vomiting or unconscious
medication cannot be given by injection
– systemic absorption is slow and unpredictable
– not used often
– preferred to relieve constipation or to treat
• Parenteral
– theoretically includes all routes of
administration other than oral
– in clinical use, commonly includes
• Intradermal
– using a syringe to inject a liquid drug into the
– used for allergy scratch test and Mantoux test
• Intravenous
– Bolus
whole amount injected in a short period of time
often referred to as I.V. push
– I.V. infusion
injected into the fluid of a large I.V. bag
administered over several hours
known as an I.V. drip
• Intravenous
– I.V. piggyback
injected into the fluid of a small I.V. bag attached to
existing I.V. line
• Endotracheal tube
– used to administer drugs through tube
inserted in the mouth into the trachea
– useful if no established intravenous access
– drug is absorbed through the lung tissue and
into the blood
– NAVEL (naloxone, atropine, Valium,
epinephrine, lidocaine
• Implantable port
– special intravenous access
– used to administer chemotherapy drug
– thin metal or plastic reservoir placed in
subcutaneous pocket of tissue
– reservoir attached to a catheter that is
threaded into superior vena cava
– administered by inserting a needle through
the skin overlying the reservoir
Copyright ©2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Susan M. Turley All rights reserved.
Routes of Administration
• Implantable port
– Ommaya reservoir placed beneath the scalp
– catheter is placed in the ventricle of the brain
– reservoir filled with chemotherapy drug
• Intra-arterial
– used to administer chemotherapy directly into
the area of a cancerous tumor
– catheter inserted into the main artery that
brings blood to organ where cancer is located
– connected to an infusion pump implanted
under the skin and worn externally
– pump administers doses of chemotherapy
drug at preprogrammed intervals
Copyright ©2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Understanding Pharmacology for Health Professionals, Fourth Edition Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Susan M. Turley All rights reserved.
Routes of Administration
• Intra-articular
– used to administer drugs to a joint
– injected once every few weeks or months
• Intracardiac
– only used during emergency resuscitation
– needle inserted through the chest wall,
between the ribs, and into one of the heart
• Intrathecal
– used to administer drugs within the meninges
around the spinal cord
• Intraperitoneal
– used to administer drugs or fluids into the
peritoneal cavity
– catheter surgically implanted through the
abdominal wall into peritoneal cavity
– used to administer chemotherapy or dialysis
• Intravesical
– used for the administration of chemotherapy
drugs into the bladder
– catheter inserted into the urethra
• Disintegrate
– must disintegrate before they are absorbed
– this step is omitted when already in a liquid
form or effervescent tablets
• Dissolve
– once in liquid form, dissolves into the
surrounding fluids
• Absorb
– from the body fluid, the drug passes through
the walls of nearby capillaries
• Intravenous injections
– entirely bypass the step of absorption
– administered directly into the vein
– immediately enters the blood
• Distribution
– once a drug has been absorbed into the blood
– distributed via the circulatory system
some of the drug binds to circulating plasma
other portions that do not bind
• Distribution
– some of the drug binds to circulating plasma
large molecules have indentations in their
molecular surface
permit drug molecules to bind to them
essentially pharmacologically inactive as they are
carried through the blood
• Distribution
– other portions that do not bind to plasma
moves through circulatory system
passes through walls of capillaries into body
as this portion leaves the blood, some of the bound
drug is released by the plasma proteins so as to
maintain the equilibrium of unbound drug in the
• Distribution
– Drugs that move into body tissues come in
contact with a cell membrane where it exerts
an effect by interacting with a receptor
• Blood-brain barrier
– one area of the body where drugs are not
readily distributed
– exists between the capillary walls of blood
vessels in the brain and the surrounding brain
– some drugs are able to pass through and can
exert a therapeutic effect
• Blood-brain barrier
– other drugs are able to pass through and can
cause side effects
– some classes of drugs are unable to cross the
• Blood-brain barrier
– sometimes the barrier actually blocks drugs
that are needed to treat diseases of the brain
chemotherapy drugs
• wafer form implanted directly in the brain
Parkinson’s drugs
• dopamine
• levodopa
• Placenta
– thought that it formed a barrier to protect fetus
– allows nearly all drugs to pass from the
maternal circulation to the fetus
• Biotransformation
– the process of metabolism
– drug gradually transformed or metabolized
from its original active form
to less active or inactive form
– accomplished in the liver
principal organ of metabolism
by action of liver enzymes
• First-pass effect
– initial metabolism by the liver
– drug must first pass through the liver before
entering the general circulation
– for some drugs, most of the drug dose is
immediately metabolized
– drug must be given by a different route in
order to be therapeutic
• Prodrug
– some drugs are administered in an inactive
form and remain inactive until metabolized by
the liver
– metabolite form of the drug that is active and
actually exerts a therapeutic effect
– prodrug form of the drug that comes before
the active drug is produced
• Necessary step
– in ridding the body of waste products
– removing active drugs that are not
metabolized by the liver
• Principle organ of drug excretion is the
• Ancient sources
– many drugs still in use today were originally
derived from plant, animal, or mineral sources
hundreds or even thousands of years ago.
• In the past
– designing a new drug by changing molecular
structure of an existing drug was a slow
process of trial and error
– using intuition and molecular models made
from wood and wire.
– example
Penicillin G
terfenadine (Seldane) = fexofenadine (Allegra)
• Computers
– display the molecular structure of any drug
– With very slight molecular changes, the
original drug may be significantly changed
therapeutic effect
side effects
• Computers
– identify unsuccessful chemicals before time
and money are invested in extensive testing.
– manipulate chemicals at the molecular level
design new drugs
involves molecular pharmacology
Example: molecular pharmacology
• Gene therapy
– missing specific or have abnormal gene
– normal version linked to harmless virus
– vector
– Human Genome Project
– Connectivity Map database
• Human genome
– pharmacogenetics
– pharmacogenomics
– new area of research: the proteome
• in vitro testing
– in vitro is Latin for in glass
– chemical analysis
– laboratory test tubes
• in vivo testing
– in vivo is Latin for in living
– animal testing
– human testing
• Animal testing
– precedes testing on humans
– drug evaluated and noted for:
side effects
toxic effects
cancerous tumors
fetal deformities
• Pharmacodynamics
– frequency distribution curve
– half-life
– median effect dose (ED50)
– median toxicity dose (TD50)
– therapeutic index (TI)
-many compounds can act through two or even three types of cell signaling
e.g. growth factors (e.g. EGF) – paracrine and autocrine and endocrine
-epinephrine – endocrine and paracrine
Circulating & Local Hormones
• Circulating
– act on distant targets
– travel in blood
– endocrine hormones
• Local hormones
– paracrine hormones
& autocrine
• two types
– lipid soluble
– water soluble
Lipid-Soluble Hormones
• Eicosanoids
– derived from arachidonic acid
(fatty acid)
– prostaglandins or leukotrienes
– prostaglandins despite being
lipidphilic – bind to cell surface
Action of Lipid-Soluble Hormones
• Hormone diffuses
through phospholipid
bilayer & into cell
• Binds to receptor
turning on/off specific
• New mRNA is formed
& directs synthesis of
new proteins
• New protein alters
cell’s activity
Action of Water-Soluble Hormones
• Can not diffuse through plasma
• Hormone receptors are integral
membrane proteins
– act as first messenger
• Receptor protein activates G-protein in
• G-protein activates adenylate cyclase to
convert ATP to cAMP in the cytosol
• Cyclic AMP is the 2nd messenger
• Activates kinases in the cytosol to
speed up/slow down physiological
• Phosphodiesterase inactivates cAMP
• Cell response is turned off unless
new hormone molecules arrive
Cell-surface receptors belong to four major classes
-ligand binding changes the confirmation of the receptor so that specific ions flow
through it
-the resultant ion movement alters the electric potential across the plasma
-found in high numbers on neuronal plasma membranes
e.g. ligand-gated channels for sodium and potassium
-also found on the plasma membrane of muscle cells
-binding of acetylcholine results in ion movement and
eventual contraction of muscle
-lack intrinsic catalytic activity
-binding of the ligand results in the formation of a receptor dimer (2 receptors)
-this dimer then activates a class of protein called tyrosine kinases
-this activation results in the phosphorylation of downstream targets by
these tyrosine kinases (stick phosphate groups onto tyrosines within
the target protein)
• -the successive p
phosphorylation/activation of multiple KINASE #1
kinases results in a cascade of
• -this cascade is frequently called a p
signal-transduction cascade KINASE #2
• -this cascade eventually leads to a
specific cellular response
• e.g. changes in cell physiology p
and/or patterns of gene KINASE #3
• -RTK pathways are involved in
regulation of cell proliferation and p
differentiation, promotion of cell TARGET
survival, and
• modulation of cellular metabolism
Second messengers
• produced by the activation of GPCRs and RTKs
• Hormone stimulation of Gs protein-coupled receptors leads to activation
of adenylyl cyclase and synthesis of the second messenger cAMP
– most commonly studied second messenger
– cAMP does not function in signal pathways initiated by RTKs
– cAMP and other second messengers activate specific protein kinases
(cAMP-dependent protein kinases or PKAs)
• cAMP has a wide variety of effects depending on the cell type and the
downstream PKAs and other kinases
– in adipocytes, increased cAMP activates a PKA that stimulates production of
fatty acids
– in ovarian cells another PKA will respond to cAMP by increase estrogen
• second messenger systems allow for amplification of an extracellular
– one epinephine molecule can bind one GPCR – this can result in the
synthesis of multiple cAMP molecules which can go on to activate and
amplified number of PKAs
• a blood level as low as 10-10M epinephrine can raise blood glucose levels by 50%
Second messengers
• other second messengers include:
– IP3 and DAG – breakdown products of phosphotidylinositol (PI)
• produced upon activation of multiple hormone receptor types
(GPCRs and RTKs)
– calcium – IP3 production results in the opening of calcium-
channels on the plasma membrane of the ER – release of
• a rise in calcium in pancreatic beta cells triggers the exocytosis of
• a rise in intracellular calcium also triggers contraction of muscle
• much study has been done on the binding of calcium to a protein
called calmodulin and the effect of this complex on gene
Common signaling pathways are
initiated by different receptors in a class
• The effects of activation of GPCRs
and RTKs is more complicated than
a simple step-by-step cascade
• Stimulation of either GPCRs or
RTKs often leads to production of
multiple second messengers, and
both types of receptors promote or
inhibit production of many of the
same second messengers
• in addition, RTKs can promote a
signal transduction cascade that
eventually acts on the same target
as the GPCR
• therefore the same cellular
response may be induced by
multiple signaling pathways by
distinct mechanisms
• Interaction of different signaling
pathways permits fine-tuning of
cellular activities
b-adrenergic 2d Messenger System
external signal:
signal: nt nt norepinephrine
Receptor b adrenergic -R
trans- primary
primary adenylyl
ducer effector
effector GS cyclase
messenger cAMP
secondary effector
secondary effector protein kinase
b-adrenergic 2d Messenger System
• NT: Norepinephrine
• Membrane-associated components
– Receptor: b-adrenergic
– Transducer: Gs protein
– Primary effector: Adenyly cyclase
• Intracellular components
– 2d messenger: cAMP
– Secondary effector: Protein kinase ~
G protein: Protein Phosphorylation
G protein: Protein Phosphorylation
G protein: Protein Phosphorylation
G protein: Protein Phosphorylation
PK Pore
Specific example: b-adrenergic receptors in
liver and muscle
• Gsa is complexed
to GDP
• In the inactive
state Gs is a trimer
of Gsa•GDP, Gb,
and Gg
Active state
• Gsa is complexed to
• In the active state
Gs is dissociated
into a dimer of Gb,
and Gg (Gbg ) plus
Back to inactive state
cAMP also inhibits glycogen
• Target enzyme is glycogen synthase
– Builds glycogen polymers
– UDP-glucose + glycogen (n residues) --->
UDP + glycogen (n+1 residues)
• Epinephrine causes glycogen synthase to
be inhibited
Effect of cAMP on glycogen
synthase Red = inactive
Green = active
Glycogenolytic cascade
• Huge amplification: 10-10 M epinephrine -->
50% increase in blood glucose
• 10-10 M epinephrine --> 10-6 M cAMP
• Another 104 fold amplification via effects of
cAMP on enzymes.
• Ratio of protein kinase A:phosphorylase
kinase:phosphorylase is 1:10:240 in
skeletal muscle
Coordinate control
• In addition up-regulation of glycogen
breakdown is coupled to down-regulation
of glycogen synthesis
• This occurs at the level of protein kinase A
and is an example of coordinate control
The Autonomic Nervous
Cell functions
Resting state
Figure 1. Electron microscope images of worm synapses( .A) Ventral nerve cord fixed by classical method using osmium and glutaraldehyde. (B) Ventral nerve cord fixed by
high-pressure freezing. Images in A and B are taken from( Rostaing et al., 2004 )with permission. M, muscle; N, presynaptic terminal; Mit, mitochondria. Yellow arrows, SV;
orange triangles, MT; *, space between nerve processes. Scale: 500nm. (C–E) Images of synapses by classical fixation method: neuron-neuron synapse in the ventral nerve cord
(C), cholinergic neuromuscular junction (D), and GABAergic NMJ (E). M, muscle; N, presynaptic terminal; Mit, mitochondria. (F–G). Images of synapse by high-pressure fixation
procedure. G shows an enlarged view of the presynaptic density (R. Weimer and J-L. Bessereau, personal communication). Yellow arrows, SV; light-blue arrows, dense core
vesicles; dark-blue arrow, large core vesicle; green arrows, postsynaptic density-like structures; pink-purple arrow, presynaptic density; orange triangle, MT. (H). Image of
longitudinal section of ventral nerve cord, showing the sharp transition of SV cluster and MT nearby. Black arrows, presynaptic density; orange triangles, MT; A, axon; M, muscle.
Taken from Hedgecock and Hall (1991 )with permission .
• The Peripheral nervous system is divided
into Afferent and Efferent divisions.
– Sympathetic (adrenergic)
• Exit from thoracic and lumbar regions
– Parasympathetic (cholinergic)
• Exit from cranial and sacral portions
Organization of the Autonomic
Nervous System
• Sympathetic ganglia are located close to the
spinal cord.
• Parasympathetic ganglia are located close to
the effector tissues.
• Sympathetic pathways have short
preganglionic fibers and long postganglionic
• Parasympathetic pathways have long
preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers.
Characteristics of sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions of the ANS
• Adrenergic (sympathomimetic)
Acetyl CoA
Choline acetylase
Acetylcholine and Its Metabolites
Choline Acetate
Types of cholinergic receptors
The ‘nicotinic’ acetylcholine receptor:
• Activated by nicotine
• A pentameric protein transmembrane channel
• Permeability for small cations
• Slowed heartbeat
• Stimulation of intestinal and urinary bladder
motility; bronchial constriction
• Secretion of exocrine glands (saliva, intestinal,
sweat, bronchial mucus)
• Miosis; eye accommodation, eased outflow of
Cholinergic Drugs
Mechanism of Action
• Direct-acting cholinergic agonists
– Bind to cholinergic receptors, activating them
• Indirect-acting cholinergic agonists
– Inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase -
prventing, which breaks down ACh - more ACh
is available at the receptors
– Reversible - Bind to cholinesterase for a period
of minutes to hours
– Irreversible - Bind to cholinesterase and form a
permanent covalent bond
• The body must make new cholinesterase to break
these bonds
Cholinergic Drugs
“rest and digest” system
• Salivation
• Lacrimation
• Urinary incontinence
• Diarrhea
• Gastrointestinal cramps
• Emesis
Adverse effects with
cholinergic drugs
Cholinergic Drugs
Drug Effects
• Stimulate intestine and bladder
– Increased gastric secretions
– Increased gastrointestinal motility
– Increased urinary frequency
• Stimulate pupils
– Constriction (miosis)
– Reduced intraocular pressure
• Increased salivation and sweating
• Cardiovascular effects
– Decreased heart rate
– Vasodilation
• Respiratory effects
– Bronchial constriction, narrowed airways
Cholinergic Drugs
Direct-acting drugs
- Management of COPD.
Cholinergic antagonists
• Tropicamide and cyclopentolate
• Produce complete muscle relaxation during surgery
• Facilitate intubation
Central muscle relaxants:
diazepam, dantrolene, baclofen
Nondepolarizing (competitive)
• Curare; hunting
• Tubocurarine; 1940
• Indirect-acting agonists;
- Uptake blockers; cocaine
- Release noradrenaline; tyramine, amphetamines
• Respiratory:
- Stimulation of β2; Powerful bronchodilation by acting directly on
bronchial smooth muscle → relieves bronchoconstriction
- In acute asthmatic attack,
• Rapidly relieves dyspnea (labored breathing)
• Increases the tidal volume (volume of gases inspired and expired)
• Inhibits the release of allergy mediators such as histamines from
mast cells.
• Hyperglycemia: cAMP mediated effects
- β2 effect; increased glycogenolysis in the
liver, increased release of glucagon
- α2 effect; decreased release of insulin
• Lipolysis: β receptors of adipose tissue,
↑ cAMP, cAMP stimulates a hormone-
sensitive lipase, which hydrolyzes
triacylglycerols to free fatty acids and
Therapeutic uses
• Bronchospasm: Emergency treatment of bonchoconstriction;
acute asthma and anaphylactic shock. Selective β2 agonists,
such as albuterol, chronic treatment of asthma; longer duration
of action and minimal cardiac stimulatory effect.
• Pulmonary edema
• Cardiovascular:
- ↑ rate and force of contraction, ↑ cardiac output
- Treatment of AV block or cardiac arrest
- Decreases peripheral resistance through dilating the
arterioles of skeletal muscle (β2 effect)
- ↑ systolic blood pressure slightly, ↓↓ mean arterial and
diastolic BP
• Pulmonary:
- Bronchodilation (β2 action)
- Rapidly alleviates an acute attack of asthma when taken
by inhalation
• Other effects: β receptors, ↑ blood sugar and increased
lipolysis, not clinically significant.
• Therapeutic uses:
- Rarely used as a broncho-dilator in asthma
- Stimulate the heart in emergency situations
• Pharmacokinetics:
- Sublingual absorption
- Better if parenterally or as an inhaled aerosol.
- Marginal substrate for COMT and is stable to
• Immediate metabolic precursor of norepinephrine
• When administered in the nose, burning of the nasal mucosa and sneezing
may occur
• Salbutamol; 4 - 6 hours
Salmeterol and formoterol
• Long-acting β2 selective agonist, over 12 hours
• Cause minimal changes in cardiac output, renal blood flow, and the
glomerular filtration rate
• No tolerance to effects on BP
• The names of all β-blockers end in “-olol” except for labetalol and
• The prototype β-adrenergic antagonist
• Hypertension: Decrease cardiac output, inhibit renin release, and decrease sympathetic
outflow from the CNS ↓BP
• Glaucoma: diminish intraocular pressure ↓secretion of aqueous humor, for chronic treatment
e.g. timolol (topical)
• Angina pectoris: decrease oxygen requirement of heart muscle → ↓chest pain on exertion,
chronic not acute.
• Propranolol also reduces the incidence of sudden arrhythmic death after myocardial infarction
Adverse effects:
• Bronchoconstriction: serious and potentially lethal side effect when administered
to an asthmatic, asphyxiation. Propranolol must never be used in treating any
individual with COPD or asthma.
• Sexual impairment: not α, some men do complain of impaired sexual activity ???
• Drug interactions: Drugs that interfere with the metabolism of propranolol, such
as cimetidine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and ritonavir, may potentiate its
antihypertensive effects. Conversely, those that stimulate its metabolism, such as
barbiturates, phenytoin, and rifampin, can decrease its effects.
Timolol and nadolol
• Nonselective β antagonists
• Block β1- and β2- adrenoceptors and are more potent than propranolol
• Nadolol has a very long duration of action
• Timolol; glaucoma, and for systemic treatment of hypertension
• Selective β1 antagonists
• No unwanted bronchoconstrictor effect (β2 effect) in asthmatics
• Acebutolol, atenolol, and metoprolol, antagonize β1 receptors at doses 50-
to 100-fold less than those required to block β2 receptor
• Cardio-selectivity is lost at high doses
• Acebutolol has some intrinsic agonist activity
Acebutolol, atenolol, metoprolol, and esmolol
• Stimulate the β receptor to which they are bound and inhibit stimulation by
the more potent endogenous catecholamines, epinephrine and
- Slow onset and long duration of action, and effects persist for many days
after discontinuation
Drugs Affecting Neurotransmitter
Release or Uptake
- Blocks the release of stored norepinephrine + displaces
norepinephrine from storage vesicles (thus producing a
transient increase in blood pressure)
- Leads to gradual depletion of norepinephrine in nerve
endings except for those in the CNS
- Causes orthostatic hypotension and interferes with male
sexual function
- Supersensitivity to norepinephrine due to depletion of the
amine can result in hypertensive crisis in patients with
- Inhibits norepinephrine uptake → adrenergic agonist
Results in:
Basal Ganglia
excitatory inhibitory
Nonmotor symptoms
Autonomic disturbances
» Constipation
» Sweating disorders
» Sexual dysfunction
Sleep disturbances
Stats and Facts
related to immobility .
2. Genetic factors ??
3. Others :
Drug induce PD :
1. Reserpine ------------ depletion of dopamine storage.
2. Halloperidole, phenothiazin , MPTP.
What is MPTP ?
Stages of PD
• Stage 1 : Unilateral involvement
Minimal or no functional impairment.
• L-Dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA)
• DOPA Decarboxylase (DDC) inhibitors
• DA agonists
• Amantadine
• MAO-B inhibitors
• Anticholinergics
• Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT)
• High therapeutic index - drug of choice for symptom control especially in
elderly (need DOPA-decarboxylase, DDC, inhibitor to block dopamine in
DA agonists
• Mimic the function of DA in the brain and are used primarily as adjuncts
to L-DOPA/carbidopa therapy.
• Can be used as monotherapy but are generally less effective in controlling
• Examples: bromocriptine, pergolide, pramipexole and ropinirole
Treatments of PD
Amantadine (early stages)
• Antiviral drug which has DA agonist properties.
• It increases the release of DA
• Unfortunately, ceases to be effective within 3 to 4 months
MAO-B inhibitors
• Inhibit the oxidation of DA by monoamine oxidase B and thus prolonging its
• Example is selegiline which inhibits MAO-B and consequently increases the amount
of available DA in the brain.
• Reduce the relative over activity of acetylcholine to balance the diminished activity of
• Most effective in the control of tremor, and they are used as adjuncts to L-DOPA.
• Examples: benztropine mesylate, biperiden, diphenhydramine and
neurotrophic factor
Surgical Procedure :
pharmacotherapy ..
Drugs for AD
• Short term benefit
• None alter the underlying neurodegenerative process
• Improve cholinergic transmission within the CNS
• Prevent excitotoxic actions resulting from overstimulation of N-
methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA)-glutamate receptors in selected
brain areas.
Increase ACh
• Reversible AChE inhibitors for
mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.
donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine (AChE), and
tacrine (hepatotoxicity)
Galantamine (competitive), some selectivity for
AChE in the CNS
• Mechanism of action:
- Translocation of extracellular calcium
• CNS;
- 100–200 mg caffeine; brain (cortex) stimulation, decrease in fatigue and increased
mental alertness
- 1.5 g of caffeine; anxiety and tremors
- 2–5 g of caffeine; spinal cord stimulation
- Tolerance can rapidly develop to the stimulating properties of caffeine
- Withdrawal; feelings of fatigue and sedation.
• Cardiovascular system;
- A high dose of caffeine has positive inotropic and chronotropic effects (harmful to
patients with angina pectoris)
- In others, an accelerated heart rate can trigger premature ventricular contractions
• Diuretic action: Caffeine has a mild diuretic action that increases urinary output of
sodium, chloride, and potassium.
• Gastric mucosa: Because all methylxanthines stimulate secretion of hydrochloric
acid from the gastric mucosa, individuals with peptic ulcers should avoid beverages
containing methylxanthines.
• Adverse effects;
• Moderate doses of caffeine cause insomnia, anxiety, and agitation
• A high dosage is required for toxicity, which is manifested by emesis
and convulsions
• The lethal dose is about 10 g of caffeine (100 cups of coffee),
unlikely, induces cardiac arrhythmias
• Lethargy, irritability, and headache occur in users who have
routinely consumed more than 600 mg of caffeine per day (roughly
six cups of coffee per day) and then suddenly stop
Adverse effects:
– Anxiety: hypertension, tachycardia, sweating, and paranoia.
– With alcohol: cocaine metabolite + ethanol → cocaethylene,
psychoactive and believed to contribute to cardiotoxicity.
– Depression: mental and physical depression, agitation
(benzodiazepines, phenothiazines)
– Toxic effects:
• Seizures, treated by IV diazepam
• Fatal cardiac arrhythmias, treated by IV propranolol
• Noncatecholaminergic sympathetic amine that shows neurologic
and clinical effects quite similar to those of cocaine
• SE: increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and reddening of the
• Seizures:
- Clonazepam; certain types of epilepsy
- Diazepam and lorazepam; terminate grand mal
epileptic seizures and status epilepticus
- Chlordiazepoxide, clorazepate, diazepam, and
oxazepam; acute treatment of alcohol withdrawal
(related seizures)
Therapeutic uses of Benzodiazepines
- Intermediate-acting temazepam;
frequent wakening. 1 to 2 hours before the desired bedtime
• Antidepressants
- long-term symptoms of chronic anxiety disorders
- When concerns for addiction or dependence or a history of addiction
- SSRIs, TCAs, venlafaxine, duloxetine and MAOIs all have potential
usefulness in treating anxiety.
- Induce tolerance, drug-metabolizing enzymes, physical dependence, and are
associated with very severe withdrawal symptoms.
- Ability to cause coma in toxic doses.
- Thiopental (very short-acting) still used to induce anesthesia
• Classified according to their duration of action
• It has been proposed that presynaptic inhibitory receptor densities in the brain
decrease over a 2- to 4-week period with antidepressant drug use. This down-
regulation of inhibitory receptors permits greater synthesis and release of
neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft and enhanced signaling in the
postsynaptic neurons, presumably leading to a therapeutic response
• Antidepressant drugs that specifically inhibit serotonin reuptake, having
300- to 3000-fold greater selectivity for the serotonin transporter as
compared to the norepinephrine transporter
norepinephrine re-
uptake only at high
+++ = strong
++ = moderate
+ = weak affinity
0 = little or no
Pharmacological actions
• block the reuptake of serotonin→↑ concentrations of the neurotransmitter in the
synaptic cleft and, ultimately, to greater postsynaptic neuronal activity
• Depression, but also other psychiatric disorders; OCD (fluvoxamine’s only use),
panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, social
anxiety disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and bulimia nervosa (only
fluoxetine approved)
• Well absorbed after oral administration (food or none, except with sertraline, for which food
increases its absorption)
• Only sertraline undergoes significant first-pass metabolism
• The majority of SSRIs have plasma half-lives that range between 16 and 36 hours
• Deactivation by P450-dependent enzymes and glucuronide or sulfate conjugation
• Fluoxetine:
- Long half-life (50 hours); is available as a sustained-release preparation → once-weekly
- Metabolite of the S-enantiomer, S-norfluoxetine, is as potent as the parent compound and has
quite long t ½ (10 days)
• Fluoxetine and paroxetine are potent inhibitors of CYP2D6, responsible for the elimination of:
- tricyclic antidepressant drugs
- neuroleptic drugs
- some antiarrhythmic and β-adrenergic–antagonist drugs
• Sexual dysfunction: Loss of libido, delayed ejaculation, and anorgasmia; replace with one
having fewer sexual side effects, such as bupropion or mirtazapine or reduce dose. In men
with erectile dysfunction and depression, treatment with sildenafil, vardenafil, or tadalafil may
improve sexual function
• Use in children and teenagers: used cautiously in children and teenagers, 1 out of 50
children becomes more suicidal as a result of SSRI. Observed for worsening depression and
suicidal thinking
• Overdoses: does not usually cause cardiac arrhythmias (compared to the arrhythmia risk for
TCAs), but seizures are a possibility because all antidepressants may lower the seizure
• Serotonin syndrome; symptoms of hyperthermia, muscle rigidity, sweating, myoclonus
(clonic muscle twitching), and changes in mental status and vital signs when used in the
presence of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor or another highly serotonergic drug → extended
periods of washout for each drug class should occur prior to the administration of the other
class of drugs
• Discontinuation syndrome: all SSRIs; agents with the shorter half-lives and having inactive
metabolites have a higher risk for such an adverse reaction→ Fluoxetine has the lowest risk
headache, malaise and flu-like symptoms, agitation and irritability, nervousness, and
changes in sleep pattern.
• Venlafaxine and duloxetine selectively inhibit the re-uptake of both
serotonin and norepinephrine
• Inhibits serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake at all doses
• Extensively metabolized in the liver → X hepatic insufficiency
• Metabolites are excreted in the urine → X ESRD
• Food delays the absorption of the drug
• T1/2 ~ 12 hours, highly bound to plasma protein
• SE; GIT: nausea, dry mouth, and constipation vomiting, Insomnia,
dizziness, somnolence, and sweating. Sexual dysfunction also occurs
along with the possible risk for an increase in either blood pressure or heart
Atypical Antidepressants
• Mixed group of agents that have actions at several different
sites: bupropion, mirtazapine, nefazodone, and trazodone
• Not any more efficacious than the tricyclic antidepressants or
SSRIs, but their side effect profiles are different
• Bupropion
- Weak dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
- Short half-life; more than once-a-day dosing or extended-
release formulation
- Assists in decreasing the craving and attenuating the
withdrawal symptoms for nicotine in tobacco users trying to
quit smoking
- SE; dry mouth, sweating, nervousness, tremor, a very low
incidence of sexual dysfunction, and an increased risk for
seizures at high doses
- Metabolized by the CYP2D6 pathway and is considered to
have a relatively low risk for drug-drug interactions
• Mirtazapine
- Enhances serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmission
via blocking presynaptic α2 receptors + blocks 5-HT2
- It is a sedative (good; sleeping problems) because of its
potent antihistaminic activity (no antimuscarinic SE like TCAs)
- No interference with sexual functioning like SSRIs
- Increase appetite → weight gain frequently occurs
• All have similar therapeutic efficacy, and the choice of drug may depend
on such issues as patient tolerance to side effects, prior response,
preexisting medical conditions, and duration of action
• Patients who do not respond to one TCA may benefit from a different drug
in this group
• Blocking of receptors:
- Block serotonergic, α-adrenergic, histaminic, and muscarinic receptors
- Actions at these receptors are probably responsible for many of the
unwanted SE
- Amoxapine also blocks the D2 receptor
Pharmacological actions
• Elevate mood, improve mental alertness, increase physical activity, and
reduce morbid preoccupation in 50 to 70 percent of individuals with major
• Onset of the mood elevation is slow, ≥ 2 weeks
• Do not commonly produce CNS stimulation or mood elevation in normal
• ↓Physical and psychological dependence, still slow withdrawal to minimize
discontinuation syndromes and cholinergic rebound effects
Therapeutic uses
• Treating moderate to severe major depression.
• Some patients with panic disorder also respond to TCAs
• Imipramine has been used to control bed-wetting in children (older than 6
years) by causing contraction of the internal sphincter of the bladder
• Induces cardiac arrhythmias and other serious cardiovascular problems
(cautiously used)
• TCAs, particularly amitriptyline, have been used to treat migraine headache
and chronic pain syndromes (for example, ―neuropathic‖ pain) in a number
of conditions for which the cause of the pain is unclear
• Precautions:
• Known manic-depressive patients, even during their depressed state, because antidepressants
may cause a switch to manic behavior
• Narrow therapeutic index → 5-6 fold the maximal daily dose of imipramine can be lethal
• Depressed patients who are suicidal → limited quantities & monitored closely
• D/D interactions
• May exacerbate certain medical conditions, such as unstable angina, benign prostatic
hyperplasia, epilepsy, and patients with preexisting arrhythmias
• Caution should be exercised with their use in very young or very old patients as well.
• MAO → oxidative deamination (norepinephrine,
dopamine, and serotonin)
Pharmacological actions
• Delayed antidepressant like SSRIs and TCAs (several weeks)
• Selegiline and tranylcypromine have an amphetamine-like stimulant effect that may
produce agitation or insomnia
Therapeutic uses
• Depression in patients who are unresponsive or allergic to TCAs or who experience
strong anxiety
• Patients with low psychomotor activity may benefit from the stimulant properties
• Useful in the treatment of phobic states
• Atypical depression (characterized by labile mood, rejection sensitivity, and appetite
• Last-line agents in many treatment venues (D/D & F/D interactions)
• Well absorbed after oral administration,
• Enzyme regeneration, when irreversibly inactivated, varies, but it usually occurs
several weeks after termination of the drug → minimum of 2 weeks of delay must
be allowed after termination of MAO inhibitor therapy and the initiation of another
antidepressant from any other class (fluoxetine, discontinued at least 6 weeks
before a MAO inhibitor is initiated)
Adverse effects
• Severe & often unpredictable due to D/D & F/D interactions; tyramine (aged
cheeses and meats, chicken liver, pickled or smoked fish such as anchovies or
herring, and red wines) normally inactivated by MAO in the gut → MAOI→ unable to
degrade tyramine → tyramine causes the release of large amounts of stored
catecholamines from nerve terminals →occipital headache, stiff neck, tachycardia,
nausea, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, and possibly, stroke →
educate patients to avoid tyramine-containing foods
• Phentolamine or prazosin;→ management of tyramine-induced hypertension
• Treatment with MAO inhibitors may be dangerous in severely depressed patients
with suicidal tendencies. Purposeful consumption of tyramine-containing foods is a
• Drowsiness, orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, dry mouth, dysuria, and
• MAOIs and SSRIs should not be coadministered due to the risk of the life-
threatening ―serotonin syndrome‖
• Combination of MAO inhibitors and bupropion can produce seizures
Drugs interacting with tricyclic
antidepressants. CNS =
central nervous system; MAO
= monoamine oxidase
Treatment of Mania and Bipolar Disorder
• Lithium salts are used prophylactically for treating manic-depressive patients and in the
treatment of manic episodes and, thus, is considered a ―mood stabilizer‖
• Lithium is effective in treating 60 to 80 percent of patients exhibiting mania and hypomania
• The mode of action is unknown
• Lithium is given orally, and the ion is excreted by the kidney
• Lithium salts can be toxic → safety factor and therapeutic index are extremely low—
comparable to those of digitalis
• Common adverse effects may include headache, dry mouth, polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia,
gastrointestinal distress (give lithium with food), fine hand tremor, dizziness, fatigue,
dermatologic reactions, and sedation
• Adverse effects due to higher plasma levels may include ataxia, slurred speech, coarse
tremors, confusion, and convulsions
• The diabetes insipidus that results from taking lithium can be treated with amiloride
• Thyroid function may be decreased and should be monitored. Lithium causes no noticeable
effect on normal individuals
• Not a sedative, euphoriant, or depressant.
• Several antiepileptic drugs, including most notably carbamazepine, valproic acid, and
lamotrigine, have been identified and FDA-approved as ―mood stabilizers‖ and have been
successfully utilized in the treatment of bipolar disorder
• Other agents that may improve manic symptoms include the older and newer antipsychotics.
• The atypical antipsychotics (risperidone, olanzapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, and quetiapine)
have also received FDA approval for the management of mania
• Benzodiazepines are also frequently used as adjunctive treatments for the acute stabilization
of patients with mania
• Also called antipsychotic drugs, or major tranquilizers
• Used primarily to treat schizophrenia, also other psychotic states (manic
states with psychotic symptoms such as grandiosity or paranoia and
hallucinations, and delirium)
• All decrease dopaminergic (mainly D2) and/or serotonergic
• Typical neuroleptic (conventional or first-generation antipsychotics);
competitive blockers of dopamine receptors → vary in potency:
chlorpromazine is a low-potency drug, and fluphenazine is a high-potency
agent → no one drug is clinically more effective than another
• Atypical (second-generation antipsychotics); fewer extrapyramidal SE
• Block both serotonin and dopamine (other?)
• Current antipsychotic therapy: atypical (↓ risk of debilitating movement
disorders (D2)
• Atypicals efficacy ≥ typicals
• Individual patient response and comorbid conditions often used as a guide
in drug selection
• Not curative; do not eliminate the fundamental and chronic thought
disorder → decrease the intensity of hallucinations and delusions → permit
schizophrenics to function in a supportive environment
• Negative symptoms (blunted affect, anhedonia (not getting pleasure from normally
pleasurable stimuli), apathy, and impaired attention, as well as cognitive impairment are not as
responsive to therapy, particularly with the typical neuroleptics)
• Many atypical agents, such as clozapine, ameliorate the negative symptoms to some extent
• Do not depress the intellectual functioning of the patient (like CNS depressants; barbiturates)
with minimal motor incoordination
• Antipsychotic effects → several days to weeks → therapeutic effects are related to secondary
changes in the corticostriatal pathways
• Sexual dysfunction may also occur with the antipsychotics due to various receptor-
binding characteristics
• Only efficacious treatment for schizophrenia, not all patients respond, and
complete normalization of behavior is seldom achieved
• Used in combination with narcotic analgesics for treatment of chronic pain with
severe anxiety
• Pimozide; treatment of the motor and phonic tics of Tourette's disorder (also
risperidone & haloperidol)