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COD - BOD Ratio

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5/7/2020 COD/BOD ratio?

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on Asked 17th Mar, 2016 Greenland is melting at an historically unp

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OD ratio?
COD/BOD ratio of sewage is higher than COD/BOD ratio of standard? What is that mean?

OD is means COD value divide BOD value.

Sewage Wastewater Management

Greenland is melting at an historically

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Apourv Pant 11th Feb, 2020

G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

OD is the amount of total degradable organic present in wastewater it is always greater than BOD,
eans biologically degradable organics. So, COD is always greater than BOD. COD/BOD ratio
nes the biodegradability of wastewater.

wers (1)

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Bachir Achour research you need to help your work.
18th Mar, 2016
Université de Biskra
17+ million members
135+ million publications
d BOD are completing parameters. 700k+ research projects
hemical oxygen demand) indicates all oxidizable materials but provides no information on their
adability. Join for free

ochemical oxygen demand) indicates the amount of biodegradable matter of effluent.

D / BOD helps to qualify the biodegradability of effluent: Similar questions and discussions

OD <2: readily biodegradable effluent;

What is the relationship between the
/ BOD <4: moderately biodegradable effluent; and BOD values in Waste water?

OD> 4: hardly biodegradable effluent. Question 120 answers

Asked 28th Sep, 2012
best regards
Iresha Ranasinghe
chir ACHOUR Relationship between the COD and BO

How to correlate COD/BOD ratio and
Question 17 answers
Asked 20th Jun, 2013
Rafik Karaman 18th Mar, 2016
Al-Quds University Jessy Sreejith
Is there is any index available for conn
steria, COD/BOD ratio and biodegradability?

hemical Oxygen Demand) is the total measurement of all chemicals including

and inorganic compounds in water or waste water;

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5/7/2020 COD/BOD ratio?
ochemical oxygen demand) is a measure of, the amount of oxygen that is requires for the bacteria What is a relationship between TOC
de or cleave the organic species present in water or waste water. COD?

higher than that of BOD; the ratio is up to 4 in medium scale industries; however, it varies based Question 13 answers
dustrial process and nature of the raw materials used. COD values are always higher than the Asked 2nd Jun, 2016
ues. Because COD includes both biodegradbale and non-biodegradable substances whereas BOD
S.P. Ghuge
only biodegradable compounds.
For advanced wastewater treatment
his will be helpful, techniques, is TOC removal efficiency
proportional to COD Removal efficienc

Recommendations Exactly why do we dilute waste wate
samples to find BOD? and how to de
Bachir Achour 18th Mar, 2016 dilution factor?
Université de Biskra
Question 15 answers
Asked 12th Jan, 2015
d BOD are completing parameters. Laxmi Biradar
Suppose if we have waste sample hav
hemical oxygen demand) indicates all oxidizable materials but provides no information on their
BOD 4500 mg/l , how to reduce its BO
around 100-180 mg/l to carry out labor
ochemical oxygen demand) indicates the amount of biodegradable matter of effluent. level experiment. And how to decide it
dilution fraction
D / BOD helps to qualify the biodegradability of effluent:
OD <2: readily biodegradable effluent;
Does anyone know about the ratio b
/ BOD <4: moderately biodegradable effluent; BOD and COD in wastewater?
Question 20 answers
OD> 4: hardly biodegradable effluent.
Asked 25th Jun, 2015
best regards Waleed M. Sh. Alabdraba
chir ACHOUR in a wastewater analysis i find the BOD
ratio in raw wastewater is 0.76
but in treated wastewater the BOD/CO
Henrik Rasmus Andersen 19th Mar, 2016 was 0.43 , why it different from that of r
Technical University of Denmark wastewater? and which is better in trea
wastewater the hight or low ratio?
D/COD ratio varies a lot in wastewater depending on the source. Industry wastewater and different
habits are main factors that create differences in the ratio.
tandard do you refer to?
What is the hydraulic retention time
Recommendations Question 22 answers
Bhagwanjee Jha 19th Mar, 2016 Asked 15th Dec, 2015
Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Government Polytechnic, Karad (DP), Dadra
& Nagar Haveli; Affiliated with Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad Fatemah Allam
In microbial fuel cell techniques, I usua
OD ratio is generally high for industrial waste than domestic etc waste. This ratio varies a lot for
that term, Hydraulic retention time, can
c sewage as well for septic sewage and may decrease alarmingly with time for stagnant waste one help in explaining that?
hen drainage system is not proper. So for public health safety point of view initially for any waste
s ratio decreases with time and becomes more critical for public health and environment....
Recommendations What is the dilution ratio if it is 1:1 ra
COD calculation?
Jose Luis Urrea Marin 21st Mar, 2016
University of Oviedo Question 5 answers

been mentioned, COD measures the total organic matter content of an effluent, both biodegradable Asked 23rd Feb, 2018
biodegradable, whereas BOD only measures the biodegradable fraction. Sri Kantha
I want to calculate COD in mg/L. I am d
re, COD and BOD are two parameters allowing to measure and classify the content of organic the domestic/municipal wastewater (as
f an effluent. When both are linked, it can be determined whether the sewage have characteristics for biological treatment) with distilled w
ate for the treatment by a biological process. So, the highest ratio COD /BOD of sewage indicates 1:1 ratio as. In that I am taking 2.5 ml f
as a smaller proportion of biodegradability with respect to the standard that is being compared. which i am doing in open refliux metho
his helps clarify your doubt. The calculation part is
Recommendation COD= ((Blank - Sample) x 800)/ 2.5 (2
Malik Wajid Hussain Chan sample taken)
30th Jun, 2018
University of Karachi
If i am taking 2.5 ml in 20 ml sample th
s less than BOD, how it can be explained? Kindly somebody can explain it is the dilution ratio/factor to multiply to
actual COD value?

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5/7/2020 COD/BOD ratio?
P S Suvin 15th Jan, 2019
National Institute of Technology Karnataka Is there any difference between kjen
nitrogen (total organic nitrogen) and
elemental nitrogen in organic sampl
D to COD ratio gives the level of biodegradability of a sample:
Question 7 answers
COD is > 0.5 = biodegradable 2.BOD/ COD is between 0.3 and 0.5 = slow action, biodegradable
Asked 26th Oct, 2016
COD is < 0.3 = non biodegradable
Noé Contreras
Organic samples: OFMSW, digestate f
digestion of the very same OFMSW an
amount of oxygen required for biological decomposition of dissolved organic matter to occur
d condition, time and temperature.

The relation of DO and BOD
d to measure the amount of oxygen required to chemical decomposition of organic compounds in
Question 7 answers
Asked 30th May, 2013
Rizal Awaludin Malik
Phani Bhusan Ghosh 15th Nov, 2019 I had read journal about wastewater
Institute of Engineering & Management
phytoremediation, there it said DO is n
BOD is high (about 200mg/l), how coul
always higher than BOD, as result, the ratio COD/BOD will be greater than one. This means that
happen? Since BOD was in biological o
ch fraction of COd or BOD is present in any aquatic system.
demand and DO was nil how could
microorganisms be degrading organic
the oxygen is absent?
Anup Kumar Gupta 25th Nov, 2019
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad

d by different scholars COD is always greater than BOD value, this is because in case of COD View
requirements of oxygen for decomposition of all kinds of chemicals weather it is organic or
c. While in case of BOD it only measures the amounts of oxygen required for the decomposition of
compounds in the waste water. Now comes to the point regarding relationship between COD and
general there is no such standard interrelationships but in some cases it may correlate in some Got a technical question?
such as in case of domestic waste water there may a factor of 3, means BOD of sewage water can
Get high-quality answers from experts.
times of BOD.
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ication of Geographic Information Systems for wastewater management based on Land use
eristic in Chonburi province
ence Paper Full-text available
sirin Sangmanee · Thanomsak Boonphakdee · Namthip Boonkhwang

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5/7/2020 COD/BOD ratio?
per aims to identify source of wastewater in residential municipalities of Chonburi and tourism area
city). The steps taken into this study include BOD, structure of sewage network, wastewater
nt plant, outflow pipes, land use and then we integrated all of those data by GIS. BOD values of the

ation of an onsite wastewater management program /

Leonard. Burnam
M.S., Civil Engineering)--California State University, Sacramento. Kenneth D. Kerri, Chairperson.

ed approach to urban wastewater management /

an · Sheikh Mohammad
pt. Thesis--University of Florida. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 221-229).

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