Journal Pre-Proof: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Journal Pre-Proof: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Journal Pre-Proof: Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
PII: S2213-3437(20)31092-7
Reference: JECE 104743
Please cite this article as: Bhat AP, Gogate PR, Cavitation-based pre-treatment of wastewater
and waste sludge for improvement in the performance of biological processes: A review,
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (2020),
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Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology,
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed
Graphical Abstract:
Long treatment times, large quantity of sludge generation, inhibition by micro-organisms and
biological treatment including aerobic oxidation and anaerobic digestion. This work presents a
well as for the treatment and modification of waste sludge for subsequent anaerobic digestion.
For wastewater pre-treatment, important metrics to be assessed are COD reduction, and
observed with cavitation. For sludge pre-treatment, particle size reduction, soluble COD and
have been reviewed. The effect of several process parameters like ultrasound power,
hydrodynamic cavitation pressure and geometry, time, and pH are critically reviewed and
compared for various studies. Improvements in treatment times, higher enzymatic digestibility,
removal of refractory pollutants, and lower inhibition in the biological processes were observed
as the key advantages. Optimum cavitation numbers for efficient pre-treatment lie between 0.05
and 0.15. It is observed that low hydrodynamic pressures are the most advantageous for sludge
disintegration and also the process is highly time dependent. Cavitation, especially the
pretreatment for sludge modification and biological oxidation processes leading ultimately to an
‘energy-positive system’. Future studies in this context should mainly focus on continuous flow-
Key words: Hydrodynamic cavitation; ultrasound; biological oxidation; wastewater sludge;
anaerobic digestion.
Ratio of Total Perimeter to Total Area Of Orifice
AOP Advanced Oxidation Processes
β0 Ratio of Total Area to Cross-Sectional Area Of Pipe
In Orifices
BI Biodegradability Index
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Cv Cavitation Number
DDCOD Degree of Disintegration of Sludge
DDOUR Degree of Inactivation Based on Oxygen Utilization
FT-IR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
HC Hydrodynamic Cavitation
PSD Particle Size Distribution
SCFA Short Chain Fatty Acids
SCOD Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand
1. Introduction
Biological treatment of water encompasses aerobic or anaerobic processes that drain out large
amounts of activated or digested sludge respectively. Wastewater treatment can produce large
amounts of sludge, between 5 and 30% of volume of wastewater processed [1,2]. Bio-sludge
majorly consists of biomass, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and water [3,4]. The
metabolic properties of the micro-organisms in the biomass are harnessed in biological treatment
processes, leading to oxidation or reduction of organic pollutants [5]. These processes are
and usually called ‘secondary treatment process’. Biological processes are generally cost
effective in terms of operating costs, while capital costs may be high in terms of agitators or
aeration pumps used [6]. One of the major drawbacks of biological processes is their ability to
only process biodegradable compounds. Biological treatment process and the metabolism of
micro-organisms can be inhibited by the presence of toxic, recalcitrant, and persistent compounds
in wastewater [7]. The biomass is unable to process large-sized compounds that contribute to a
high chemical oxygen demand (COD). With a high organic load, biological processes may also
take longer retention times, increasing the aeration costs. Combination of biological processes
with other chemical-based processes like advanced oxidation can be effectively used to degrade
persistent and recalcitrant pollutants from wastewater before it is biologically treated and thereby
Biogas can be produced from cellulosic biomass, food waste or anaerobic sludge. Drawbacks of
biomethane production lie within the difficulty in cell lysis in the waste activated sludge leading to
long retention times up to 60 days [5,9]. While biogas production can be employed using various
raw wastes, most wastes require pre-treatment to improve conversion, productivity and yield [10].
Using pre-treatment for biomass processing involves size reduction, breaking of the complex
hemicellulosic recalcitrant structures and solubilization of the substrate among other mechanisms
[11,12] and these observed effects help to enhance the biomethane yield and the hydrolysis rates
In recent decades, increasing attention has been paid to cavitation, an emerging advanced
oxidation technique. Cavitation is the process of formation, growth and collapse of vapor cavities
within microseconds generating intense shockwaves and leading to localized hotspots with
temperature between 1000 to 15000 K and pressure from 500 to 5000 bar [14]. Additionally, the
collapse of cavities also generates highly oxidizing free hydroxyl radicals contributing to chemical
effects as well as high turbulence and shear mixing jets contributing to physical effects [15].
Cavitation can be produced using high pressure flow and a sudden constriction (hydrodynamic
cavitation) or by using ultrasound (acoustic cavitation) [16,17]. Cavitation has been reported in a
vast number of studies for degradation of organic pollutants in wastewater, often most of these
studies deal with a single contaminant. Recently, cavitation has been studied to treat real
The process of cavity generation is based on pressure variations in the liquid medium (Figure 1).
Cavities may be generated by ultrasound with frequencies between 16 KHz to 2 MHz (more
specific effects are seen over the range of 20 kHz to 1 MHz) that lead to pressure variations in
the medium due to the compression and rarefactions of the waves [20]. In hydrodynamic
cavitation, cavities are generated by a high-pressure flow impinging on a sudden constriction like
a venturi or orifice leading to a sudden pressure drop [21]. If the local pressure drops below the
vapor pressure of the liquid medium at the vena contracta, cavities are generated. Pressure
recovery downstream of constriction as the flow area increases, usually leads to cavity growth
and violent implosion. Energy loss in terms of pressure drop downstream of the flow leads to high
intensity, and the turbulence depend on the type of constriction and flow conditions at the
constriction [14] and need to be optimized for obtaining a cost effective operation.
The dimensionless number, called cavitation number (CV) is used to express the intensity of
cavitation in hydrodynamic cavitation.
𝑃2 −𝑃𝑉
𝐶𝑉 = …(1)
1 2
( )×ρ×𝑉𝑡ℎ
Where, P2 is the downstream recovered pressure, PV is the vapor pressure of the liquid, ρ is the
density of the liquid medium, Vth is the velocity at the throat, all in SI units. Under ideal conditions,
cavities are generated at CV<1 [22]. The presence of dissolved gases and particles may lead to
formation of additional nuclei that sometimes can cause cavities to form even if C V is more than
unity. Theoretically, higher cavities are formed when CV is low, leading to intensified effects of
cavitation. It is also important to note that too low Cv is also not recommended as it gives super
cavitation which is equivalent to formation of a cavity cloud that collapses with much lower
intensity. Typical recommended values of Cv is in the range of 0.1 to 1 or more specifically 0.15
to 0.4. Cavitation can be controlled by controlling the downstream pressure where the cavities
collapse. A careful consideration of device geometry and inlet pressure is necessary for
understanding cavitation. Risks of cavitation include the damage to impellor, pump, or the reactor
at high pressures or health risk with prolonged exposure to ultrasound. Hydrodynamic cavitation
needs to be carefully operated within the pressure limits and presence of bypass or pressure
release valves. Cavitation, both acoustic and hydrodynamic has been widely reported to degrade
a wide range of compounds and for wastewater treatment. Cavitation, if not a stand-alone
treatment due to its low (<40%) stand-alone COD reduction capabilities, still offers great promise
as a pre-treatment technique and this aspect has been reviewed in the current study.
The combination of cavitation and biological processes offers great promise economically and
decrease in COD (up to 40% initial reduction) but the hydroxyl radicals can degrade large bio-
refractory molecules to smaller biodegradable molecules, assisting in a more efficient biological
oxidation [23]. Similarly, cavitation is able to break the hemicellulose structures and increase the
solubility of digested sludge when used as a pre-treatment. Cavitation presents itself as a
promising pre-treatment due to its low cost, non-usage of additional chemicals and zero
production of additional wastes [18,24]. There have been multiple studies in the use of cavitation
as a pre-treatment for wastewater before biological oxidation and the use of cavitation for pre-
treatment of waste sludge to improve anaerobic digestion. There have been certain reviews on
pre-treatment methods for waste sludge and sludge disintegration [25–29], specifically a few older
These reviews (mostly in terms of ultrasound) do not include literature post-2016. To our
cavitation and compare it to ultrasonic processes. Considering these issues, the current study
includes a compiled dataset with a critical review on use of cavitation as (a) pre-treatment for
wastewater and (b) cavitation as pre-treatment of sludge for biological processes. Such a review
will be useful for future research on cavitation and pre-treatment for biological oxidation processes
and will drive certain aspects of future research. The current study enforces the idea of an energy
positive commercial system with respect to wastewater and waste sludge treatment. The goal is
to highlight standard practices, parameters and compare studies to avoid future redundancies,
and for a possible application of cavitation for commercial purposes. It is observed that cavitation
can be highly beneficial and cost effective as a pre-treatment to anaerobic digestion and biological
treatment, if certain parameters are carefully optimized. To our knowledge, the study of
applicability of cavitation in biological processes carried out in this study has never been reported
for commercial applications.
2. Wastewater pre-treatment
High BOD or biodegradability index (ratio of BOD to COD) is required for an efficient biological
oxidation process. Several bio-refractory compounds present in the wastewater COD cannot be
digested by microbes. Treatment of such refractory compounds is needed before the wastewater
is sent for aerobic oxidation. There have been several studies on improving the efficiency of
biological oxidation by water pre-treatment, such studies include advanced oxidation processes.
Cavitation is an effective pre-treatment technique that can be applied for increasing the
the non-selective degradation large organic compounds. The non-selective attack of hydroxyl
radicals in cavitation can mineralize many refractory molecules that contribute to the COD. The
biodegradability index must be at increased to at least 0.4 (or more) for making the wastewater
susceptible to aerobic oxidation with activated sludge [38]. The following sections are divided into
(1) a review of various metrics that are important with respect to cavitation-based wastewater
treatment and (2) a review of effect of process parameters specifically important for biological
biodegradability index along with simulation of biological process at a lab scale is important for
that affect the process include inlet pressure, geometry of the device, temperature, pH, initial COD
or dilution. Further, addition of oxidants can help improve the COD reduction decreasing the load
2.1.1. COD degradation
COD fractionation can be used to analyze enhanced biodegradability of wastewater. In context to
in minutes when transported inside the cell membrane. The soluble slowly biodegradable fraction
of COD (SH) needs extracellular fractionation and size reduction before it can be metabolized.
The last fraction, soluble inert COD (SI) consists of recalcitrant chemicals which may have access
to the microbial cell structure but cannot be biodegraded in the required timespan. The process
of cleavage of compounds by oxidation that leads to a gradual decrease in total COD, leads to an
increase in SS. Another method for analyzing the biodegradability is the particle size determination
(PSD) analysis for COD contents [39]. To our best knowledge, reduction in COD particle size
gives a direct indication of conversion of SH to SS. PSD has never been reported for cavitation-
been utilized for AOPs like ozonation and Fenton, and the use may be extended for cavitation-
based approaches to analyze the changes [40]. Qualitative determination of type of compounds,
functional groups and the size of compounds is possible with Fourier transform Infrared
spectroscopy (FT-IR) [41]. FTIR has been harnessed for qualitative and quantitative information
of compounds after pretreatment can be a very important tool in analyzing the process and
For wastewater samples that have been studied for increased biodegradability by cavitation-
based pretreatment, the initial COD widely differs between 5000 and 15000 mg L-1 of O2 [44,45],
depending on the type of industry. A variety of compounds present in different quantities in each
wastewater create a unique complex matrix of compounds in each case that cannot be
quantitatively compared. COD degradation is the most important metric used to analyze the
treatment strategy in all the cases. COD degradation for cavitation-pre-treatment of approximately
120 minutes at optimum pressures has been reported to be in the range from as low as 14 % [46]
to up to 50 % [47]. Inlet pressure, type of constriction used, pH, temperature, and dilution are
important parameters that affect this metric, and are discussed in later sections. With an
Analysis that can also be used to complement COD data is the qualitative compound analysis
using FT-IR [49]. A study reported conversion of cyclic compounds to straight chain compounds,
and their final conversion to CO2 [46]. In general, all cavitation-based wastewater treatment
studies have reported only between 25 and 40% COD reduction and while cavitation may not
reported several times [23] and can be anchored to enhance the efficiency of biological oxidation
following cavitation.
terms of BOD5. The biodegradability index (BI) of an effluent determines its applicability in a
biological oxidation process [39,50]. The biodegradability index (BI) of an effluent determines the
effluent can be treated by biodegradation or biological oxidation by activated sludge provided that
the BI is more than 0.4, higher the BI higher the susceptibility of the effluent is to biological
treatment [51]. Hence, the goal of cavitation pretreatment is to increase the BI to at least 0.4 for
the effective application of biological treatment. Various Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
including ozonation, Fenton’s reagent, cavitation, photocatalysis and their combinations have
been reported to improve biodegradability [8]. Cavitation-based preliminary degradation of
effluents that have considerable toxicity facilitates efficient activity of activated sludge by
enhancing uptake of organic compounds inside the cell membrane leading to further degradation
in subsequent stages of activated sludge biological oxidation [38]. Several studies report
increments in biodegradability indices (BI) making the effluents conducive to biological oxidation,
for example increase in BI from 0.2 to up to 0.5 and 0.57 [48,52] (Table 1). On the other hand,
aerobic oxidation cannot be used for some studies that report a decrease in biodegradability index
for some effluents or under certain conditions like elevated hydrodynamic cavitation pressures
The overall efficiency of the pre-treatment can be determined by aerobic oxidation experiments
degradation. The most efficient lab-scale simulation can be performed using a working municipal
activated sludge with a good mix of culture. For the chosen activated sludge, the optimum sludge
volume index may be between 100 to 200 mL g-1 [5]. A very few studies on cavitation-based
pretreatment demonstrate lab-scale experimental studies for the activated sludge treatment
[44,55,56]. Most studies on improving biodegradability only consider changes in BI. The
drawbacks of using biological oxidation without pre-treatment include long retention times, slow
COD reduction and resistance of biodegradation of recalcitrant and toxic chemicals. Studies have
shown a decrease of biological oxidation time-scales from 60 hours to 21 hours by the introduction
of cavitation pre-treatment for the same COD reduction [44]. Another study demonstrated that
both rate and extent of COD reduction can increase with the introduction of cavitation pre-
treatment [55]. The higher the COD reduction in the preliminary treatment, lesser is the load on
activated sludge process and faster will be the treatment, while this might come at the expense
of higher costs. Similarly, analysis on biotoxicity reduction can also be used as a metric for
degradation, use activated sludge from industrial or municipal treatment plants. Sludge
increased biodegradable and is demonstrated by [44]. Inhibition of certain microbes in the
biomass plays an important role in the efficiency of biological oxidation.
2.2.1. HC Pressure
Inlet pressure and cavitation number (CV) are considered the most important parameters for
inducing hydrodynamic cavitation. The pressure at which the liquid medium hits the constriction
determines the rate and intensity of generation of cavities. An optimum number of cavities
number directly relates to this pressure and is used to assess the cavitating device and compare
results across various processes. The higher the inlet pressure, the lower is the cavitation
number. Theoretically, cavitation starts, and cavities occur at a cavitation number lower than unity
[16]. Increase in pressure above the optimum and thereby an excessive decrease in cavitation
cavity-cloud. At such high pressures and cavitation numbers <0.1, the effect of cavitation in
take place anywhere between Cv of 0.1 and 1, in some cases less than 0.1 [57].
Most studies that report an increased biodegradability report an optimum inlet pressure of 4 to 10
bars. For distillery wastewater, an increase in pressure from 5 bar to 13 bar (C V unreported), did
not change the COD reduction substantially (32 and 34% respectively) but an increased final
biodegradability (0.32 from 0.13) was reported at the higher pressure [58]. A similar observation
for a vegetable oil refinery wastewater was reported; slightly higher COD reduction and BI was
observed at 8 bars as compared to 6 bar inlet pressure. The optimum Cv in this study was 0.18
[52]. Some unexplained and confusing observations were reported in another study for fish
processing wastewater, increasing the pressure from 6 to 8 bar for a 2- orifice plate reduced the
BI of the wastewater whereas increasing the pressure from 6 to 8 bars for a 3-orifice plate
increased the BI to up to 0.55 [47] (Table 1). A high COD reduction of 51% was reported with
trade-off between pressure and cavitating device geometry that is explained in detail in the HC
geometry section. The Cv reduced substantially in a 2-orifice plate at higher pressure compared
to in a 3-hole orifice, leading to the cavity-cloud effect. Most other studies report only a single
pressure in their studies that range between 4 and 10 bars. The consensus on optimum cavitation
numbers between 0.07 to 0.2 for several studies is reported in Table 1. The drawbacks of using
high pressures in the process (>12 bars) are high costs of treatment, damage to impellor and
pumps due to overheating, formation of cavity-cloud and ineffective cavitation effects. An optimum
pressure of up to 8 bars has been observed for most studies with CV being more than 0.07.
2.2.2. HC geometry
Various types of hydrodynamic cavitation devices can be used to induce cavities (Figure 2),
although not all have been used for biodegradability enhancement. Most commonly, venturi tubes
(slit and circular) and orifice plates are used as cavitating devices. Theoretically, venturi tubes
have been reported to give denser cavitation clouds, increased time available to bubble growth
and collapse [59]. In general, such conditions yield higher turbulence and greater collapse
intensity beyond the constriction. The careful consideration of device geometry is required to
apply it to practice. Collapse conditions, turbulence intensity, velocity gradients are important
theoretical considerations that affect the contaminant degradation and imperfect conditions often
yield low COD reductions even though optimum pressures may have been applied. While none
of the studies compare an orifice plate and a venturi tube in the same study for direct conclusions
to be drawn, some generalizations can be made with respect to cavitating device geometry.
In orifices, theoretically a higher number of holes will produce more jet streams and lead to higher
cavitational effects. However, this is more complex in practice and also depends on the pressure
along with the geometry. Two parameters, α and β0 have been designed to study the performance
of orifices with respect to their geometry [60]. With regards to the α parameter (ratio of total
perimeter to total area), Bis et al., 2015 reported the highest degradation for the constriction with
highest velocity (Table 2). Similarly, a lower β0 (ratio of total area to cross-section of the pipe)
favors higher cavitational intensity. At the tested pressure, plate B with highest β0 value,
demonstrated lowest degradation efficiency. The one-hole orifice showed the best results
because of the highest constriction velocity and lowest β0 value. Such behavior is seen to change
for different studies. Since the flowrate for each type of constriction changes for different
pressures, the conflicting results for a two-hole and three-hole orifice for Dhanke et al., 209, can
be explained with α and β0 parameters [47]. Gogate and Pandit highlighted that the diameter of
the orifices must be optimized for each study depending on the specific application [14]. An
increase in biodegradability, which has been termed as requiring intense cavitational effects
would need higher diameters as compared to smaller diameters for reduced intensity. This
explains the higher BI enhancement for a 3-hole orifice of 3 mm each. At that given pressure of 8
bars with the lowest cavitation number, the 3-hole orifice could produce more intense cavitational
effects due to its higher constriction velocity (leading to higher BI) whereas in a 2-hole orifice,
there could be effects like cavity-clouds and coalescence or dominance of physical and chemical
effects. The behavior at 6 bars was exactly the opposite, where the 2-hole orifice performed better.
A venturi tube operates with lower pressure loss based on the geometry and provide more time
for bubble growth and collapse [61]. As the cavitation zone extends beyond the constriction, larger
cavitation clusters grow and theoretically could perform better than an orifice [62,63]. A study that
used a gradient orifice (Figure 2), hydrodynamically similar to a venturi, demonstrated that the
performed was more efficient (CV=0.033) than orifice plates in terms of COD reduction and BI
enhancement. High BI enhancement has been reported for a slit venturi, with a final BI of up to
0.57. Slit venturi tubes have also been successfully tested as a pre-treatment for actual biological
oxidation processes and demonstrated superior performance over circular venturi or orifices
The hydroxyl radicals generated in an HC reactor, are highly oxidizing and have a redox potential
of 2.8 eV and can non-selectively target any pollutant in order to mineralize them. Furthermore,
better utilization of these hydroxyl radicals can take place by increasing the interaction with the
the fluid medium. It is well established that waters with lower pollutant concentration are better
treated with HC. Lower pollutant concentrations will alter the probability of pollutant interactions
with the oxidizing radicals. Dilution of wastewater has often been reported to alter the degradation
efficiency, and biodegradability in the cases of wastewaters with high organic and inorganic
loading. While it is not possible to compare different wastewaters with different initial CODs due
to the complex nature of the solution, many studies use dilution to report an increase in
degradation efficiencies. Almost all studies that report dilution observed higher extent of COD
reduction but the change in biodegradability was only slight. It is evident that dilution helps in
reducing the pollutant loading thereby increasing the efficiency of degradation but there is no
selective degradation of non-biodegradable compounds. The fact that in most cases, BI remains
almost the same demonstrates that there is equal oxidation of COD and BOD content in the
wastewater. For example, for distillery wastewater [58] dilution of up to 50% increased COD
reduction from 32 to 48% but did not change the biodegradability to a considerable extent. Similar
observations were reported for tannery wastewater effluent and vegetable oil refinery wastewater
[48,52]. The drawback of diluting is the possibility of higher cost of process, since a 50% diluted
sample will have to be treated twice as compared to the original sample for the same quantity
processed. Additionally, diluting with clean municipal water for the purpose of generating more
2.2.4. Temperature
Temperature becomes a crucial parameter in cavitation-based processes due to its effect on liquid
evaporation pressure. Higher temperatures have been studied to increase the number of
cavitation bubbles. Although, if the temperature is too high, due the higher vapor pressure of the
liquid, the vapor content in the cavities becomes too large leading to cushioning of the cavity
implosion [64]. Generally, most studies have reported that an optimal temperature exists for
highest activity in hydrodynamic cavitation. The existence of an optimal may not apply to all the
applications and also the optimum value will depend on the specific application, making the
A study comparing three temperatures: 20, 30 and 40⁰C for oil refinery wastewater found that
lowering the temperature aids in the formation of higher cavities and increases the performance,
not only in terms of extent of COD reduction, but also in the rate of reaction and BI improvement
[52]. This was in agreement with reports found in literature for cavitation-based water treatment
[57,65]. The same three temperatures for fish processing wastewater, yielded exactly opposite
results [53]. Highest temperature showed the best rate and highest extent of COD reduction,
although no difference in BI was reported. Even though the results were slightly contradictory, the
latter study only showed slight improvement at higher temperatures. This is most probably due to
ineffective selection of pressure and pH. Additionally, the orifice geometries differed in both
studies. Also, the trade-off between the two contradictory processes affect the optimum
temperature: (1) Reaction kinetics are favored at high temperatures (2) Higher vapor pressure at
temperature, it is optimum to choose the room temperature, to avoid the use of heat exchangers.
Most studies in Table 1 do not report the operating temperature as a parameter, further
complicating the discussion specifically for BI improvement. Higher temperatures may often yield
slightly better degradation efficiencies but offer a tradeoff with respect to heating and cooling
costs. Biological processes can be inefficient to high temperature feeds due to loss of microbial
activity at temperatures above 40⁰C. In general, it is recommended to use the ambient conditions
2.2.5. pH
Hydrogen ion activity and pH are also important factors for consideration when treating
wastewater. Optimum pH conditions can improve the efficiency by more than 50% and is often to
be selected after detailed experimental studies. Optimum pH can be generalized for certain
groups of compounds like aromatic amines, certain azo dyes but for real wastewaters,
experiments relating to pH changes are necessary. Although, many studies regarding the
application of cavitation as a pre-treatment for biological oxidation, do not study this parameter
[58,66], it has been highlighted in several reviews, that study of pH is necessary for cavitation-
based processes [57]. Most organic compounds are efficiency degraded under acidic conditions
due to the higher dissociation of peroxide in water, as well as lower recombination of radicals in
Most studies with respect to real wastewater treatment samples have been carried out at the
original solution pH, which could vary drastically based on the contents. Very few studies that
report combination with biological treatment or study biodegradability have reported an effect of
pH. The optimum pH range for tannery wastewaters, fish processing wastewaters range between
6 and 7.5. Studies on pH adjustment for these wastewaters did not yield enhanced results [48].
For a recent study on vegetable oil refinery wastewater, highest BI enhancement was obtained
for a pH of 4 [52]. Additionally, there is always a need for pH adjustment before biological
would be needed twice, before and after the cavitating unit, shifting the focus to higher capital and
operating costs of treatment. The optimum pH for biological processes may vary between 6.0 to
8.0 and the use of wastewater at low pH of 2-3 may cause microfaunal degradation, highly
reducing the efficacy of wastewater treatment [69]. Highly alkaline pH may cause corrosion or
precipitation of metals in the wastewater. It is again recommended to use pH suitable for biological
oxidation also in the case of cavitation pretreatment unless a very significant effect of pH is seen
in the cavitation treatment justifying the higher costs required for pH adjustment.
2.2.6. Ultrasound
The reports on acoustic cavitation or sonochemical pre-treatment were very common before
2015. For example, in one of the prior studies, the use of 120 W and 20 KHz ultrasonic bath was
reported for little-to-none COD reduction and an increase in biodegradability from 20 to up to 40%
[70]. One of the more recent studies with a 22 KHz US horn for treatment of benzene, toluene,
naphthalene and xylene (BTNX) wastewater (Table 1) provided detailed and in-depth analysis of
biodegradability indices at various operating conditions and addition of Fenton’s reagent [71].
Most studies on the use of ultrasonic cavitation for wastewater treatment, even though are scarce,
only report COD reductions. There have not been many studies on use of ultrasound as pre-
treatment for biological oxidation. On the contrary, there have been many studies on the use of
ultrasound for sludge pre-treatment. More recent literature has been on the use of combined
oxidation processes i.e. ultrasound with peroxymonosulfate or Fenton processes for treatment of
real industrial wastewater [72–74]. The reader is directed to other critically reviewed reports on
the use of ultrasound for biological applications [75]. In summary, most common ultrasonic
treatment studies are carried out at 20 kHz operating frequency but have been reported to be
highly cost intensive. Ultrasonic treatment can cost as much as 20 times that of conventional
important to understand that ultrasound often presents issues in scale-up and economic viability
and has been generally regarded as an effective way to pre-assess whether hydrodynamic
cavitation can be used. The recent availability of wide number of studies on hydrodynamic
that ultrasound often presents issues in scale-up and economic viability and has been generally
regarded as an effective way to pre-assess whether hydrodynamic cavitation can be used. The
recent availability of wide number of studies on hydrodynamic cavitation makes ultrasound less
The most common oxidant added in combination with cavitation is hydrogen peroxide. The
addition of hydrogen peroxide has always improved both the COD reduction and biodegradability
for all types of wastewaters. Higher H2O2 loading till an optimum yields higher COD reduction due
to the abundance of hydroxyl radicals. It is again important to note that much higher peroxide
loadings lead to residual peroxide in the wastewater hampering and inhibiting the following
biological process, thus establishing the optimum is important. Nonetheless the combination
seems to be giving significant intensification effects. For example, for vegetable oil refinery
wastewater the increase of H2O2 loading from 20 to 30 g L-1 lead to an increase in COD reduction
from 68 to 72% and BI from 0.60 to 0.72 [52]. Similar results were observed for fish processing
wastewater and optimum loading of 15 g L-1 yielded a very high BI of 0.93. Such a high BI would
lead to a very efficient biological oxidation process [47].
Similar effective combinations have also been reported for other AOPs. For example, HC +
Fenton’s reagent process reported by Saxena et al., 2018 demonstrated 75% lower energy
requirement and cost along with enhanced degradation as compared to individual HC process
[46].Combination of UV with hydrogen peroxide has also been reported for enhanced
to 0.98 [52]. The drawback of TiO2 processes are longer degradation times. In comparison to
hydrogen peroxide and ozone, ozone leads to lower COD reduction and lower BI improvement
as compared to hydrogen peroxide [77]. The drawback of almost all studies are that synergistic
indices have not been reported for combinations i.e. it is important to also calculate the efficiency
indices have been reported in the past for cavitation in combinations with AOPs [24,78,79] and
may lead to biodegradability improvement as well. The addition of oxidants can be promising if
considering the additional cost of additives. Also considering the operating and capital costs,
combination with hydrogen peroxide looks more promising followed by Fenton’s reagent and then
The three main types of waste sludge are (1) primary sludge produced through mechanical
treatments, is easily biodegradable due to digestible fats and carbohydrates, (2) Waste activated
sludge (WAS) from biological wastewater treatment, and (3) digested sludge, which is the residual
biomass after the anaerobic digestion [5]. Anaerobic digestion is a slow and complex process,
where hydrolysis is the rate limiting step for certain substrates, thereby requiring a pre-treatment
for sludge. There are various methods for sludge pre-treatment under the category of mechanical,
chemical or electrical methods [34]. Cavitation has found to be promising as a pre-treatment
method, due the time and power required as well as the ease of process [31]. The following
sections review various metrics that have been analyzed for sludge pre-treatment studies that are
divided into physical, chemical and biological changes in the sludge. Further, the review reports
the effect of certain important parameters that affect the cavitation process specific to the
Physical changes
Particle size reduction can be considered one of the most important physical parameters for
effective in decreasing the particle size of sludge and thereby to disrupt the architectural stability
of flocs. The particle size reduction is most commonly, maximum during the initial few minutes of
cavitation exposure [80,81], thus establishing the optimum treatment time is important. For
ultrasonic sludge treatment, the disintegration depends on the ultrasonic power and density. A
study demonstrated that the structure of the flocs remained undisturbed at 0.11 W mL-1 while at
0.33 W mL-1, there was sufficient disintegration observed [82]. All the studies on ultrasound show
the presence of critical power, only beyond which size reduction is observed [83]. Sludge flocs
are disintegrated under optimum conditions under an average of 20 min, though in recent studies,
very high size reduction was observed within the first 10 minutes [80,84]. Beyond the initial size
reduction, there have been contradicting results on re-flocculation and related-reverse effects
[85]. With respect to energy dosage, an almost perfect correlation (R2=0.996) has been
demonstrated for particle size reduction [86]. The use of hydrodynamic cavitation has been
scarcely reported for particle size reduction. Many studies on sludge pre-treatment have ignored
particle size reduction and have only focused on COD changes and biomethane production
potential (Table 3). In the few studies that report particle sizes, effects similar to ultrasound have
been demonstrated [87,88]. The initial size reduction is high and slightly more than 30% size
reduction can be obtained, depending on the inlet pressure and HC geometry [88,89]. In both
cases of cavitation, particle size reduction is easier when the floc size is above 4.4 to 5 μm. Larger
flocs are easier to disintegrate for cell lysis due to weaker binding forces [83,90].
Pre-treatment by cavitation leads to sludge mass reduction due to organic content solubilization
that is either measured in terms of decrease in dissolved or suspended solids (SS) in the sludge
or as an increase of soluble COD in the liquid medium [91]. SS reduction has been reported to be
linear with US or HC duration i.e. stable sludge disintegration and continuous cell lysis [91,92].
The energy or power input required for maximum sludge solubilization differs vastly with each
study, indicating that along with US or HC parameters, it also strongly depends on the sludge
properties. While up to 50% SS reduction has been reported with US for WAS, only up to 10%
has been reported for HC [93]. SS can be effectively reduced at typical energy input between 500
to 30,000 KJ kgTS-1 [86]. There has been a general disagreement between importance of
measuring either SS, VS, or TS in various studies. For example, it is reported that shortening the
reduction in VS rather than TS, making the calculation of VS more important [94,95].
Dewaterability, or separation of waste from the sludge is yet another physical parameter that is
affected by cavitation, although not extensively reported like particle size analysis. As sludge floc
size decreases, their water absorption capacity increases thereby slowing the release of water
from the sludge [30]. There have been studies that report that the effect of released EPS on
sludge dewaterability is much higher than the effect of particle size on dewaterability [96].
Capillary suction time (CST) and the specific resistance to filtration (SRF) are used parameters
to assess dewaterability. For both US and HC, contradictory results regarding dewaterability have
been reported [87,97,98]. For US, dewaterability improves for short US irradiation duration and
low energy input while deteriorates for longer US runs [85]. Effects for HC are similar to those of
US [87]. Dewaterability can be better at acidic pH values or when combined with Fenton’s reagent
[87,99]. Thus, again it is important to select the best treatment conditions in terms of time of
3.1.3. Settleability
Sludge settleability is rarely reported as a parameter by itself, although several times reported
along with parameters like dewaterability and particle size (Table 3). Settling velocity is often
calculated during the operation of wastewater treatment plants to control sludge bulking [86].
Nether US nor HC enhances sludge settleability [91,100,101]. Due to particle size reduction,
formation of smaller flocs, and increase of EPS in the solution sludge settleability deteriorates
[96]. It is directly related to turbidity of sludge, which increases as broken particles release into
the supernatant. As high as 136% increase in solution turbidity has been recorded for
hydrodynamic cavitation at optimum conditions [91]. The increase in TS content and turbidity
provides for a higher viscosity of sludge. The cavitation effects may be slowed down due to higher
viscosity. Higher TS increases collision between flocs and particles, theoretically leading to
greater disintegration. The positive and negative effects counteract, leading to specific effects
4.1.4 Chemical Changes
ro Degree of disintegration (DDCOD) and SCOD
Organic content, cellular matter and extracellular matter including EPS are disintegrated due to
the physical and chemical effects of cavitation, releasing them into the liquid medium [102].
Solubilization of such organic matter increases the soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) of
the sludge. SCOD has been used widely and is one of the most important parameters besides
particle size to assess the pre-treatment efficiency (Table 4). All the studies demonstrating US or
depends on US power, HC pressure and duration. Degree of disintegration (DDCOD) is also used
to assess the efficiency of increase in SCOD. Some studies measure DDCOD while some only
report SCOD. One of the methods to calculate DDCOD is given in eq. (2) [103].
𝐷𝐷𝐶𝑂𝐷 = × 100 % … (2)
Where SCODUS/HC is the soluble COD after the cavitation treatment, SCOD0 is the initial COD and
TCOD is the total COD. The equation gives an estimate of the amount of COD that has increased
[104–106]. Recent studies with improved performances report up to 90% degree of disintegration,
offering a great promise as a pre-treatment [106]. The high degree of disintegration goes hand in
hand with highest particle size reduction and increased biomethane production potential [97]. With
regards to SCOD, resent studies show from 23 to 72 times increase [90,100]. In HC pre-treatment,
the SCOD increment and DDCOD is generally lesser than recent sonochemical studies. At optimum
conditions, up to 50 to 60% DDCOD and more than 20% increase in SCOD has been observed for
HC [88,107,108]. It is important to note however that the scalability of operation as well as energy
ro Nucleic acid and protein assessment
Under US and HC conditions, cell lysis leads to continuous solubilization of cellular and
extracellular substances into the liquid phase, this includes nucleic acids and protein from the
cells [109]. Post 2009 [86], none of the studies measured proteins and nucleic acids as the part
of their analysis and neither are these widely accepted as appropriate metrics for disintegration.
Besides, the increment in protein due to the disintegration of DNA material is not a suitable
Nitrogen concentration and total ammonia-nitrogen increases with cell lysis due to HC and US
treatment (Table 4). As opposed to protein and nucleic acid increment, non-biological contribution
to total ammonia nitrogen is also high and hence, used as a parameter to assess disintegration
efficiency [13]. Organic nitrogen content in sludge decreases and that in the liquid medium
increases with pre-treatment [95]. However, to our knowledge any study on correlation of how
organic nitrogen or ammonia-nitrogen affects anaerobic digestion and what is the non-biological
contribution part to organic and ammonia-nitrogen is yet to be reported. It has been recently
observed that free ammonia instead of ammonium acts as an inhibitor to the process and should
have been reports on increment of nitrate along with ammonia-nitrogen [86] though its effects on
Biochemical methane production is the only parameter which directly analyses the desired
application of the pre-treated sludge rather than the physical and chemical changes occurring in
the sludge. However, even though it is an important parameter, some studies on US do not report
the metric. The principal aim of pre-treatment is to enhance sludge biodegradability in anaerobic
digestion that directly favors higher methane production, along with lower retention times. Studies
have shown that residence time required for similar biogas production decreases, and with the
same residence times, up to 2.2 times higher biogas yield can be obtained with US [111,112].
Most commonly studies show a 40 to 50% increase in biomethane production potential in pre-
treated sludge [104,106]. Similar results have been observed for HC pre-treatment [91,113].
Using a rotor and stator assembly lead to up to 100% increase in biogas production as compared
to studies using circular or slit venturis [114]. In both HC and US, the percentage of increment of
biomethane potential, most commonly agreed with the percentage of increment in soluble COD
(SCOD). It can be hence generalized that SCOD, is an important assessment in terms of sludge
The goal of sludge modification and disintegration is to open up the cell membranes leading to
cell lysis thereby aiding in faster anaerobic digestion. Methanogens are responsible for producing
methane in anaerobic digestion and dominate in growth during the process. Cavitation
pretreatment has been reported to affect the microbial growth and activity ultimately affecting the
yields. For example. in digestion devices at 20 days of residence time, with cavitated sludge,
the most dominant bacterial genus found [100]. In both pre-treated and non-pre-treated samples,
samples, the relative abundance of Methanocorpusculum reduced suddenly after a while and
The microbial analysis can also be done by analyzing the oxygen utilization rate (OUR) [115]. The
most common observation is that microbial activity initially slightly increases when the DD COD is
about 20% (stage 1), and further disruption of cells, leading to higher solubilization and DD COD,
leads to a decrease in microbial activity (stage 2) and inhibits/damages microbes. DD OUR is the
degree of inactivation and can go up to 95% (with 35% DDCOD) highly inhibiting cell metabolism
[92]. Careful consideration of the two stages of microbial lysis and disruption is needed to enhance
the efficiency of anerobic digestion. The change in the stages can be analyzed by a sudden rise
in DDOUR after the first stage of cell lysis [30]. Analysis clearly reveals the importance of
3.2.1. US frequency
Ultrasound frequency significantly alters the critical size of cavity bubble and its respective
physical and chemical effects as recognized in various studies and reviews [15,67]. Lower
frequencies (16 to 50 KHz) are associated with more violent bubble collapse favoring physical or
mechanical effects [116]. Higher frequencies (> 100 KHz) lead to less violent and smaller cavities,
but more cavitation events producing more hydroxyl radicals and often harnessed for the chemical
decreases indicating that chemical effects are not dominant in the mechanism [118]. Most of the
studies are carried out in the rage of 20-22 KHz frequency (Table 3,4). Lowering the frequency
further up to 12 KHz also yielded the required degree of disintegration [105]. Depending on the
availability of equipment, frequency can be lowered though most ultrasound equipment are
3.2.2. US power
In terms of costs of operation and scaling up for a full-scale process, ultrasonic power is the most
important consideration and high power may be detrimental for process costs. Also, it is generally
agreed that increasing power and intensity leads to higher physical and chemical effects.
Increasing the power further, beyond a limit may lead to formation of cavity coalescence and cloud
formation [119]. Most studies report an improvement in SCOD increment with increasing the
ultrasonic power. For example, with an increase in power from 1 to 2.7 W mL-1 the disintegration
and flocculant extraction improved almost linearly [120]. Although, a study showed that there was
no difference in SCOD and particle size for 2 and 3 W mL-1 indicating that there is an optimum
[121], which in some cases might be more than the studied power ranges. This agrees with other
studies that show an optimum value between 2 and 3 W mL-1 for waste activated sludge
[120,122]. Le at al., 2015 stated that high power-short time process can be used for municipal
sludge while low power-long time process may be used for industrial sludge [30]. The composition
of sludge (municipal or industrial) plays an important part in choosing the power of operation.
More settled bacteria will need to be broken down by a low power while presence of fibrous
3.2.3. Time
With respect to duration of treatment, particle size reduction is typically observed very quickly
within the initial 15 minutes for both US and HC treatment (Table 3, 4 and 5). The maximum
particle size reduction is observed within the initial 15 minutes in most studies with HC or US
[81,89], in some cases within the initial 5 minutes of irradiation [90]. A recent study revealed that
SCOD increased 23 times within 80 minutes for 0.5 W mL-1 and there was no change beyond 80
minutes [100]. In another study for 2 W mL-1, the time for 8-times increment in SCOD was 60
minutes and beyond 60 minutes, the SCOD curve plateaued [81]. At the same power density,
other recent studies observed more than twice the increase in SCOD in 15 to 20 minutes
[123,124]. It is evident that at higher power density, SCOD increase is recorded in lower time
duration but for higher increase in SCOD, lower power density may be applied for longer times.
Most studies for HC report a treatment duration of 30 to 60 minutes for a significant increase in
SCOD. Ultrasound may be faster in treatment than HC but can be cost prohibitive at the same
For hydrodynamic cavitation, duration of treatment has been found to be extremely crucial.
Excess treatment can deteriorate the sludge thereby rendering the pre-treatment useless. A study
showed that the disintegration of sludge by HC can be divided into two parts. In the first stage,
the SCOD increased with cell lysis and organic matter solubilized. In this case, microbial activity
enhanced due to opening of the cellular walls. Excessive cavitation-based disruption beyond a
certain time lead to a second stage where the whole cells were damaged. Complete cell damage
lead to intracellular solubilization, SCOD increased sharply but microbial activity and biomethane
potential went down. This stage also lead to unnecessary and excess energy consumption [99].
It is thus important to conclude that selection of optimum treatment time would be an important
3.2.4. Temperature
It is well known that bacterial growth and activity is the highest at temperatures around 40⁰C. In
temperature to between 30 and 40⁰C increases the efficiency of treatment [115,125]. Further,
increasing the temperature to 60⁰C can enhance sludge solubilization [82]. This is however
temperatures. On the other hand, temperature effect is dominant only when the duration of
process (either HC or US) is more than 20 minutes. For an efficient scale-up it is not required to
increase the temperature at the start of the operation. Temperature rises following the continuous
cavitation phenomenon, and subsequently needs to be controlled to the desired temperature (30-
40⁰C in this case) by using a cooling jacket. Maintaining temperature around this range definitely
would give a best performance as no external heating will be required and also best performance
3.2.5. HC Pressure
Most studies with only-HC pre-treatment of bio-sludge have reported optimized pressures
between 2 and 4 bars [87,89,99] (Table 5). Although, two studies report pressures of 10.25 and
12 bars respectively for up to 30% increase in biogas yield, but the former study used mixed
wastewater-sludge samples while the latter one was an alkali-hydrolyzed process [91,93].There
is no generalized agreement for optimized pressure along with cavitation numbers for the
treatment of waste activated sludge. In each study, lower cavitation numbers anywhere between
0.07 and 0.15 have been reported to enhance the disintegration of sludge. Based on the studies
if same energy supplied is considered, lower pressures can also give equal amount of
disintegration if the sludge is processed for more than an hour [108]. It should be noted that very
high cavitating effects will lead to damage of intracellular matter, lowering the possible biogas
yield. With respect to scale-up, it is preferential to keep the pressures as low as possible, between
3.2.6. HC geometry
Cavitation device geometry has a great deal of effects on the process (Table 5). The different HC
devices used for sludge treatment are orifices with different dimensions, circular and slit venturi,
rotation generator, swirling jet assembly, and stator and rotor assembly (Figure 2). In a unique
study with wheat straw biomass, rotor and stator assembly was demonstrated to be superior to
venturi or orifices [114]. Otherwise, comparing the SCOD increment and biogas production in
various assemblies, it is difficult to generalize the effect of each type of device. As such, there
haven’t been studies that integrate the use of two or more devices and compare them in one
report. Venturi and orifice assembly may be more economically viable than other complex
assemblies. Orifice plates with optimized geometries, α and β0 can result in up to more than 50%
degree of disintegration [108]. For venturi and orifices both, smaller throat diameters (up to 1.4
mm) may be recommended based on the published studies [126]. Smaller throat diameters lead
to a higher-pressure gradient and higher disruption. The effect of parameter α reported in a study
demonstrated that smaller orifices may lead to better efficiencies [127]. A unique geometry, called
swirling jet or ecowirl reactor was reported where cavities are generated in a multi-dimensional
vortex generator with a pre-swirling chamber followed by an orifice plate and collision plate for
pressure recovery. This reactor also demonstrated performance similar to orifice plate cavitation
reactor in terms of DDCOD [99] (Figure 2). Other hydrodynamic cavitation assemblies include a
rotor and stator assembly, a rotation generator and vortex-cavitation, which have all been
efficiently used for sludge pre-treatment (Figure 2, Table 5). Additionally, lower cavitation number
is necessary for higher cavitational effects, which is consistent with many studies on sludge
Conventional biological oxidation processes are comparatively less expensive than advanced
limited by the biodegradability potential of the effluent. Many effluents consist of a large amount
additionally could inhibit the bacterial activity [128]. Considering the fact that pre-treatment for
improvement in biodegradability is necessary for such effluents, cavitation is very promising due
to its low cost. Other chemical and advanced oxidation processes have been widely reported for
BI improvement and sludge treatment [129–131], but may present drawbacks like additional
sludge production in Fenton’s process, higher costs than cavitation and inhibition of biomass due
to reactive radicals. Many studies have performed detailed cost analysis and comparison that
show cavitation can be an attractive alternative to other oxidation processes [18,24,79]. In terms
of comparison of cavitation and biological oxidation, there is a tradeoff between the cost of the
process and efficiency of the treatment (Table 6). For example, the cost of biological treatment is
an order of magnitude lower than cavitation but is often accompanied with very low degradation
efficiencies [56]. Pre-treatment is necessary in such cases because the goal of degradation
precedes lowering the cost of treatment. Additionally, combination of HC with other conventional
advanced oxidation processes like ozonation is also recommended. HC + AOPs in some cases,
It is important to consider that the characteristics of wastewater and waste sludge affect the
energetics of cavitation pre-treatment. This includes the location of HC reactor in the treatment
scheme i.e. before and after removal of solids/pre-primary treatment. The presence of solids in
wastewater will reduce the efficiency of cavitation by more than 50% [132]. The viscosity of
wastewater and sludge also influences the nuclei distribution and bubble dynamics. Regardless
viscosity of the medium will reduce the efficiency of cavitation. The effect is observed due to
reduction in growth and collapse of bubbles due to additional resistance from the liquid medium
[133,134]. The cost of operation will be higher if the medium is more viscous. The effect of dilution
discussed earlier plays an important role in reducing this increased energetic cost while giving
the required results. In sludge, presence of TS, TSS and dry matter content increases the viscosity
due to inter and intra-molecular interactions [134], ultimately increasing the power consumption
and cost. In contrast, the use of HC will decrease the viscosity of sludge and wastewater during
the process by breaking molecular bonds within the medium. The decrease in viscosity during
In terms of pre-treatment for anaerobic digestion, digestion of HC pre-treated sludge not only
broke even with respect to cost needed for HC pumping but produced 3.5 to 9 times higher energy
than the pre-treatment consumed [113]. Additionally, the volume of sludge for disposal decreased
due to the pre-treatment. Combination of HC pre-treatments for biological oxidation and anaerobic
digestion in the same treatment plant can help not only in breaking even with the cost of pre-
treatment but also with producing energy, higher extents of COD reduction and lesser sludge
disposal issues (figure 3). It has been demonstrated that cavitation also assists in short chain fatty
acids (SCFA) yields in anaerobic digestion, thereby allowing for nutrient recovery downstream of
the digestor [124]. This integrated process also applies to ‘nutrient removal-enhanced recovery’
concept in WWTPs (Figure 3). A proper design of a continuous-flow cavitation process will be a
promising technique for application in WWTPs if the plant becomes energy-positive. According to
the report by Wang et al., 2019, concepts similar to these can save up to $3.5 million annually for
a treatment plant with 105 m3 d-1, while using ultrasound-based cavitation [124]. Additionally, it is
presumed that the use of hydrodynamic cavitation (which has been proved to be orders of
magnitude cheaper to ultrasound) can be much more cost saving and sustainable.
It is highly recommended that future studies do not ignore certain important parameters and
metrics. Some previously published reports lack data as evidence to prove efficient increase in
biodegradability and sludge disintegration. Optimization based on all process parameters ca drive
the industrial application to the next level. Further, temperature and pH need to be considered on
Biological oxidation process is inevitably an order of magnitude cheaper than advanced oxidation
processes including cavitation. It should be carefully studied if certain wastewater needs pre-
increase the efficiency. Alternative biological processes like biofilm processes or Annamox
compounds need degradation. Such data can drive optimization of research to selectively
degrade large compounds. Proper synergy in mechanisms between cavitation, ozone, Fenton
For sludge treatment, more studies on hydrodynamic cavitation in combination of oxidants need
to be targeted There is a general dearth of data on hydrodynamic cavitation while ultrasound has
There is no data on the effect of ultrasound duty-cycle and signal type for sludge disintegration
process. Such studies are recommended as it can help in achieving a cost effective operation.
Designing of a continuous flow system is necessary to apply the processes on an industrial scale.
Large quantity of wastewater and sludge can be processed in a semi-batch or continuous process
but data on such processes are not available in literature. It is important to develop continuous
process especially for the large scale operation. For example, a shift from 5 L batch process to
more than 0.5 MGD capacity cavitation unit may decrease the number of passes and enhance
A comprehensive assessment of the pre-treatment process with respect to life cycle assessment
and techno-economic analysis of pilot-scale treatment systems is needed for the process to have
commercial viability.
6. Conclusions
Wastewater pre-treatment
Optimum activity of biodegradation is ensured only if wastewater is pre-treated and bio-refractory
constituents are degraded prior to biological oxidation. Cavitation in combination with oxidants
It is crucial that along with enhancement of biodegradability index, COD also reduces
substantially, reducing the load on biological oxidation. A biodegradable index of at least 0.4 is
required, although many studies have reported an increase of more than 0.5 and in some cases
up to 0.8 to 1. Careful selection of operating conditions and additives is crucial in enhancing the
biodegradability at the same time maintaining the cost of pretreatment at minimum possible so
Cavitation along with Fenton or hydrogen peroxide has been reported to increase the COD
applicability of the pre-treatment. The general consensus on cavitation number lies between 0.07
and 0.2, optimum cavitation number in most cases, yielded higher efficiency. Additionally,
The most important metrics to be analyzed are particle size distribution and reduction, increase
in soluble COD or DDCOD and biomethane production potential, but is also necessary to
complement these with metrics like sludge solubility, dewaterability, and nitrogen content which
some reports lack evidence on.
cell lysis and cleavage of cell membranes, thereby increasing biomethane potential but excessive
disruption or agitation and long irradiation leads to cell damage and decrease in microbial activity.
Hence, the process is highly time dependent. The process is most feasible at low ultrasound
frequencies and power and at low hydrodynamic cavitation pressures of 2-3 bars. In addition, an
treatment for both biological oxidation and anaerobic digestion can improve the overall efficiency
of the system significantly. Such a system can produce low-COD effluents at the same time
increasing biomethane generation, ultimately being energy positive in nature. Such as system
promising for commercial exploitation. The future studies should focus on continuous flow
Declaration of Interest
We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there
has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome.
We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors and that there are no
other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further confirm that the order
of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us.
We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with
this work and that there are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with
respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we have followed the regulations of our
institutions concerning intellectual property.
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Figure 1. Cavity formation and collapse in (A) acoustic and (B) hydrodynamic cavitation as a
function of pressure
Figure 2. Various types of devices and geometries used in hydrodynamic cavitation for
wastewater and waste sludge pre-treatment (A) conventional venturi and orifice (B) swirling jet
cavitation (C) rotor and stator assembly (D) vortex-cavitation and (E) Rotation generator.
Pressure, 120 decreased the lag phase
minutes; venturi during methane
and 6 L volume generation.
25% 0.13 0.32
Distillery Ultrasound bath -- -- Biodegradability was [70]
Wastewater 22 KHz, 120 W; measured as the initial
100 mL rate of COD reduction in
aerobic treatment after
ultrasound pre-
treatment. COD
reduction was 40% in US
pre-treated sample
whereas it was 25% for
untreated sample. No
costing analysis.
Landfill 7 bar inlet 1 hole 0.046 0.056 One hole orifice had the [66]
Leachate pressure; 30 L orifice; 30 lowest cavitation number
(Mature) volume passes (0.033) but the highest
5 hole 0.046 0.046 increase in
Tannery 5 bar pressure; Alum dose 0.34 0.57 Alum coagulation [48]
effluent Slit venturi; 120 of 0.5 g L-1; followed by Cavitation.
minutes pH pH adjustment at
adjustment coagulation increases
Alum dose 0.38 0.45 cavitation efficiency.
of 2 g L-1; no Possible to further use
pH anaerobic digestion due
adjustment to high biodegradability.
No study on qualitative
50% 0.35 0.51 assessment of
Dilution wastewater.
Ultrasound 120 Alum dose 0.12 0.27
minutes; 20 of 0.5 g L-1;
KHz and 750 pH 4.5
W. adjustment
Alum dose 0.16 0.38
of 2 g L-1; no
Tannery Venturi; 500 30°C 50% 0.33 0.43 pH between 6.5 and 7.5. [46]
Effluent KPa dilution Maximum reduction of
14.46% COD and 12.6%
TOC along with a
30°C No 0.25 0.35 reduction in TDS and
dilution TSS. Wastewater
dilution did not enhance
the HC degradation
efficiency and therefore it
is not feasible.
Fish Orifice plate 6 bar; 2 0.25 0.47 COD was reduced [47]
processing holes 3mm; from 13,180 mg/L to
wastewater 160 minutes 7568 mg/L. Similar BI
increase for
6 bar; 3 0.25 0.33 temperatures from 20
holes 3mm; to 40 °C. acidic pH had
40 minutes better BI increase (up
8 bar; 2 0.25 0.35 to 0.58 for pH 4). 120
holes 3mm; minutes also showed
160 minutes slightly similar results
8 bar; 3 0.25 0.55 to 160 minutes.
holes 3mm;
40 minutes
2 mm hole 4 bar 0.81 0.32 Even though [53]
orifice; 120 significant COD
minutes reduction was
9 bar 0.81 0.29 observed; BI
drastically reduced.
BTNX US Horn; 120 Toluene 0.176 0.212 Detailed performance [71]
wastewater W; 22 KHz; 40 based on BI index.
minutes Benzene 0.179 0.209 US/Fenton/stirring and
only Fenton oxidation
naphthalene 0.156 0.17 were found to be
feasible pretreatment
xylene 0.222 0.244 option
W; 22 KHz; 2.0
g L-1 H2O2; 3 g
L-1 Fe2+; 90 Benzene 0.176 1
naphthalene 0.156 0.62
Bitumen HC; venturi; 8 360 minutes 0.42 0.4 Study in basic pH; [38]
Effluent bar Other oxidants like
peroxide and ozone
studied; treatment
resulted in complete
removal of all
oxygenated organic
US; multiple 360 minutes 0.19 0.18 2-methyl cyclohexane [54]
transducers was removed; Alkaline
(1000 W total); pH process.
25 KHz
'complex' Venturi; 150 5 bar 0.168 0.27 High pressure was [135]
industrial minutes. idea; wet air oxidation
effluent was also studied.
13 bar 0.168 0.47
Table 2. Hydraulic characterization example of orifice geometry for three different orifice plates.
Parameter Unit A B C
Number of – 1 5 9
Diameter/linear mm 3 5×1 1
dimensions of
Total area of mm2 7.0686 25 7.0686
Cv cavitation – 0.033 0.2976 0.3852
number of
orifice plate
α mm−1 1.333 2.4 4
β0 – 0.0023 0.0082 0.0023
Total perimeter mm 9.42 60 28.26
of holes
Orifice velocity m s−1 75.44 25.73 21.46
Table 3. Compilation of several studies on ultrasonic pre-treatment of sludge based on the effect
on physical parameters.
Particle size
WAS 0-26000 kJ -- 20 Broke up smaller particles more [96]
KgTS-1 efficiently than bigger ones
(Power and
WAS 0.44 W mL-1 20-120 20 Size reduces to less than 3 μm in 20 [82]
Nitrogen 1.04 W mL-1 30 20 80-99% average reduction, [80]
sludge significantly within the initial two
Secondary 0.2-1.5 W 60 20 Highest in initial 15 minutes [81]
sludge mL-1
WAS 0.7 - 32.9 KJ 20 Reduction by 89% after 60 min at 33 [136]
gTSS-1 (800 kJ gTSS−1. No significant effect after
mL) 5 min at 3.2 kJ gTSS−1. 78%
WAS 1111 to 9999 5 to 45 20 Size reduction from about 270 to [138]
KJ L-1 110 μm for all US treatments.
Total Solids
If more than 3.6%, the effect
WAS 0-26000 kJ -- 20 ES of 1000 KJ kgTS-1 was optimum [96]
KgTS-1 for sludge settleability.
(Power and
WAS 0.44 W mL-1 20-120 20 CST increased at 0.33W mL-1 from [82]
197s to 490 s
WAS 0.5 W mL-1 100 20 Dewatering deteriorated [100]
Table 4. Compilation of several studies on ultrasonic pre-treatment of sludge based on the effect
on chemical parameters.
WAS 0.44 W mL-1 20-120 20 20% COD transferred. [82]
Biodegradability increase from
0.66 to 0.80.
WAS 0.5 W mL-1 100 20 SCOD increased by 23 times in [100]
80 minutes. No change after 80
Nitrogen 1.04 W mL-1 30 20 Reported increase for all sludge [80]
sludge types. Higher SCOD for higher
Secondar 0.2-1.5 W 60 20 200 to 1600 mg L-1 increase in 60 [81]
y sludge mL-1 minutes. Highest for highest
WAS 700-850 W 30-60 20 Up to 8 to 72 times increase in [90]
in 1.7 to 10 L SCOD in different runs. Sludge
WAS 0 to 3 W mL- 15 20 No difference between 2 and 3 W [121]
1 mL-1
Food 240 - 960 W 15 20 Higher disintegration at energy [139]
Waste L-1 (1 L) density greater than 480 W L−1
ammonia VSS was obtained
Sewage 15500-30500 KJ kgTS-1 26 COD solubilization of 59.3 kg [111]
sludge TS/L, 30,500 kJ/kg TS and 13 h.
759–902% increase in soluble
carbohydrate concentrations.
DWTS 0.03-0.033 15 68 and Highest solubilization for time [98]
W mL-1 160 within 15 minutes. Highest degree
of disintegration at 68 KHz of
about 55%.
WAS 720 W L-1 60 12 KHZ Up to 60% optimized DDCOD [105]
and values. Lower pressure was
pressure better than 20 KHZ. Pressure
of 3.25 increase was recommended due
bar to increase in DDCOD from about
30 to about 60.
sludge 50% and hence, electricity
recovery by up to 24 %
WAS 0.4 KW L-1 + 0.04 g L-1 40 The US/Fenton treatment [104]
FeSO4.7H2O produced the highest ultimate
methane yield (232.80 mL/L-
sludge), which was 1.4-fold, 1.17-
fold and 5.2-fold of those obtained
in the Fenton, US and control
tests, respectively.
Sewage 21 KJ gTS-1 up to 18 20 Up to 40% improvement in [106]
sludge methane production.
Particle size
WAS HC: 12 hole 3.1 to 5.5 Decrease in particle size (flocs) [87]
orifice bars
biomass Stator and 2 bars Reduction in size affected viscosity. [89]
rotor Increase in surface area from 28 to
35 m2/kg TS. Bigger particles
increase specific energy input.
WAS HC + Electric 5 kgf cm-2 Reduction from 31.1 µm mean size [88]
field (single to upto 9.22 µm mean size using
hole orifice) EFM-HC
Total solids
WAS 1.2 mm 12 bar 7% TS reduction. [93]
venturi; 2M
WAS HC: 12 hole 3.1 to 5.5 Low pH and low sludge favored [87]
orifice dewaterability.
WAS HC: 27 hole 0.7 MPa Approximately 5 mg L-1 COD higher [107]
orifice gas yield than non-pretreated
sample. Addition of NaOH further
improves yield.
WAS Rotation The biogas production increased by [142]
generator 12.7%
HC (1740 to
2850 rpm)
WAS+OWW Orifice: 3 10.25 bar Up to 30 % increase in biogas yield. [91]
Wheat straw Stator and Up to 100 % increase in biogas [114]
Rotor (2300- production.
2700 rpm)
biomass Stator and 2 bars Approximately 10% increase in the [89]
rotor methane production with energy
input of 470 kJ/kg TS
WAS+ OWW Orifice: 3 3.1 to 5.5 Biogas yield increased by 43%. [113]
mm bars Longer increase for longer HRTs.
Increased biodegradability of OWW.
Lignocellulosic Venturi 220 - 340 Generated no furfural. Efficient [126]
biomass kPa degradation of lignocellulose.
Table 6. Sample costing analysis for comparison of different process involving hydrodynamic
cavitation and biological oxidation in terms of cost and extents of degradation.
Process Pressure Time Extent of Energy KWh Cost ($ m-3) Cost per
(bar) degradation L-1 order ($ m-3)
HC 5 120 minutes 27.9 1.9776 x10-02 1.9776 x10-03 1.4176 x10-04
Only biological 28 days 14.4 8.5600x10-04 8.5600 x10-05 1.1889 x10-05
HC + 5 120 min (HC) 50.6 1.9776 x10-02 1.9776 x10-03 7.8165 x10-05
biological + 28 days
(BO) (BO)