Applying Internal Circulation Anaerobic Reactor Fo
Applying Internal Circulation Anaerobic Reactor Fo
Applying Internal Circulation Anaerobic Reactor Fo
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2 authors, including:
Ha Manh Bui
Saigon University
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Application of quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) and molecular biology to study cyanotoxins and explore genetic diversity of cyanobacterial population in the Tri An
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doi: 10.21307/ACEE-2019-045
Internal Circulation reactor (IC reactor) is an anaerobic digestive system with the capability to treat high-load Chemical
Oxygen Demand (COD) of industrial wastewater (e.g. brewery, potato starch, pulp and paper). IC reactor advantages
include of the following: only small areas required, shock load resistance, produces more biogas and uses less energy com-
pared to the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor. BIOPAQ@ICX is an upgrade to BIOPAQ@IC that has high-
er efficiency, lower volume, able to build from the current anaerobic reactor, and its trial has produced positive results in
many different countries and with various types of wastewater. A case study of the wastewater treatment plant at Saigon
Paper’s mills shows that the IC reactor COD removal rate is over 80% when the COD is not over 2300 mg/L; Volumetric
Load Rate (VLR) is 6–14 kgCOD/ and the removal rate is higher with a higher load and could reach 80% at
14 kgCOD/; granular sludges settle very well, and the three-phase separator is efficient of preventing sludge from
washing out; pH, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), alkalinity, Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA), N-NH4+, P-PO43-, Ca2+, SO42- were
also analysed and indicated that the IC reactor is operating well.
K e y w o r d s : Internal Circulation reactor (IC reactor); Paper mill wastewater; Granular sludge; Organic compounds.
Development of IC reactor
In the mid 1990s, the second generation of anaerobic Figure 1.
treatment (with the first being UASB) was intro- Internal circulation reactor[12]
duced with the name BIOPAQ@IC. The
BIOPAQ@IC reactor’s height is 12–30 m, whereas
well with the influent; external circulation is optional
the UASB is 5–7 m. Many investors then took notice
as internal circulation occurs, saving energy needed
of the reactor due to its size and thus BIOPAQ@IC
for external circulation; internal circulation also
has gradually begun replacing the UASB. Currently,
helps dilute the influent, so the IC reactor has a high-
there are around 280 wastewater treatment systems
er shock loading [9].
designed and built by BIOPAQ, with 200 of these
being BIOPAQ@IC [9; 11].
IC reactor inhibitors
IC reactor processes As an anaerobic system, many factors should be con-
sidered while operating an IC reactor. The first factor
IC wastewater treatment is an anaerobic process;
is temperature as the effect of temperature on anaer-
therefore, the IC reactor is capable of treating
obic microorganisms is particularly significant as
biodegradable organic compounds, and this is usual-
methanogens produces more methane in high tem-
ly done before the aerobic process. The IC process is
peratures, indicating a better COD removal process.
as follows: An IC reactor is composed of three com-
The second and most important inhibition factor in
ponents; wastewater is pumped into the first compo-
anaerobic digestion is pH depending on how sensitive
nent of the reactor which has a bed of granular
methanogens are to pH changes. The optimum pH
sludge. Due to the production of biogas, the mixture
should be 6.8–7.2, and alkalinity is the factor that
of wastewater and sludge goes up to the riser and
maintains the pH of the reactor, and so it is also very
flows to the third component where gas and liquid
important to have sufficient alkalinity concentration.
are separated. After the separation, the mixture of
Toxic substances, such as oxygen, ammonia, cations
wastewater and sludge is directed through a downer
and heavy metals are the third factor that must be
and back to the bottom of the first part; the higher
considered when applying an anaerobic digestion sys-
the COD load, the more biogas will be produced,
tem [13] as it could potentially damage bacteria need-
leading to more circulation. The second component
ed for the anaerobic digestion process. The last
of the IC reactor is responsible for treating the waste-
inhibitor is Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA), a study by
water with a lower organic load from the first com-
Zhu, et al. (2018) [14] has shown VFA effects on
ponent, and the treated wastewater then flows out for
anaerobic digestion whereby the higher the level of
the next treating process.[8]
VFA, the lower the COD removal rate.
Due to its unique mechanics, the IC reactor has many
advantages over the UASB: investment cost is lower IC reactor wastewater treatment plants
as the IC reactor volume is smaller but treats the
same type of wastewater; it is taller, therefore saving Table 1 shows that the IC reactor is able to treat varieties
the ground space usually required; OLR is higher but of wastewater with high COD loads. The removal rate
with lower hydraulic retention because internal circu- varies depending on which type of wastewater is being
lation is occurring inside the reactor and mixes very treated, with most of it being over 75% while many
Figure 2.
VFA and COD removal rate correlation[14]
Table 1.
IC reactor treatment plants[8; 14]
COD load Removal
Wastewater Company COD(mg/l)
(kgCOD/m3.d) rate (%)
Brewery Harbin brewing (Shenyang) Co.,Ltd 2000–2800 - 80
Sweet potato
in Zhengzhou 10865 21.9 84
Fujian Nanping Paper - 12–15 65
Pulp and
paper YueYang Paper Co.,Ltd and Gaungxi Bossco Environment
- 20–26 > 75
protection Technology Co.,Ltd
Table 2.
BIOPAQ@ICX performance of Allard Emballages, France and Hamburger, Hungary compared to UASB average performance[15]
Treatment specification of BIOPAQ@ICX UASB average performance
Country France Hungary Country UK
COD load (kgCOD/ 6000–7000 7000 COD load (kgCOD/ 0.8–5.68
Flow rate (m3/h) 70–80 400–500 Flow rate (m3/h) 46–326
Biogas produce (m3/day) 2400–3000 15000 – 25000 Biogas produce (Nm3/day) 439–5992
Biogas quality (% CH4) 70 - Biogas quality (% CH4) 43.7–69.1
Removal rate (%) 80–90 74–90 Removal rate (%) 70–80
effects could have lowered its efficiency, such as systems new anaerobic digestive system called
operation, adaptation of the reactor microorganisms to @
BIOPAQ ICX, an upgraded reactor from
the following influent and increasing toxicity. BIOPAQ@IC. Compared with BIOPAQ@IC,
BIOPAQ@ICX has a different construct: instead of
having a three-phase separator, BIOPAQ@ICX sepa-
IC reactor upgrade
rates gas on the top level while biomass separation
To meet the requirements of treating different types occurs in the bottom of the reactor, which enhances
of industrial wastewater, PAQUES has introduced a efficiency and prevents sludge wash out. Spare vol-
Figure 4.
Effect of COD concentration on COD removal
VFA(mgL) = –
sample volume
Figure 4 shows that the COD removal percentage
( 0.0616 x ( volH2SO4pH4.3 x N H2SO4 x 50000
sample volume )) – 10.9
changes depending on the COD concentration.
While for the COD concentration ranged from
1500–2500 mg/l, COD removal efficiency was above
80% and stable with the COD load up to 2300 mg/l.
When introduced with COD concentration over 2300
Table 4. mg/l, the removal rate drops to 72% as a result of
Saigon Paper mill IC reactor influent and effluent tests
overload and therefore we can determine the maxi-
mum COD load of the reactor.
Value *QCVN
Parameters Unit The VLR of the IC reactor at the Saigon Paper mill
Influent Effluent is 6–14 kg/m3.d, and as Figure 5 shows, the higher the
pH - 5.9–6.5 6.9–7.1 5.5–9 VLR rate the higher the COD removal efficiency.
This has been proven by a study conducted by Zhang,
TSS mg/l 250–400 200–450 100
et al. (2015) [8]. But a paper mill’s VLR could reach
COD mg/l 1500–2500 300–600 150
20–25 kgCOD/m3.d as in the case of Guangxi
Alkalinity mg/l 250–400 851–1000 - Nanning Sugar Industry Co., Ltd. [8] Unfortunately,
VFA mg/l 420–630 85–110 - Saigon Paper’s IC reactor has never shown a VLR
N-NH4 mg/l 20–30 20–30 - higher than 14 kg/m3.d, and only one reactor is cur-
P-PO4 mg/l 4–6 7–9 - rently running so it is not possible to see its maximum
VLR load.
Ca2+ mg/l 300–350 - -
SO42- mg/l 50–100 1–5 - The IC reactor at the Saigon Paper mill’s wastewater
plant is using granular sludge with a volume of
*Vietnamese national technical regulations on pulp and
paper industry wastewater
650–750 m3, which is 53% of the total volume of the
reactor. Using the Imhoff test, results show the granu-
lar settleability works well; sludge was taken from five
points (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) high at 1.6 m, 5.4 m, 9.2 m,
14 m, 17 m, respectively. The test results are as follows:
Figure 5.
Saigon Paper mill IC reactor Imhoff test results
Table 5. 4. CONCLUSION
Saigon Paper mill IC reactor Imhoff test results
P1 (mL/L) P2 (mL/L) P3 (mL/L) P4(mL/L) P5(mL/L) Treating industrial wastewater without causing sec-
830 800 750 0.8 0.2 ondary pollution and recycling clean energy with high
900 770 840 1.2 0.2
efficiency is in demand, and anaerobic treatment can
900 850 810 0.5 0.5
930 850 880 0.2 0.1
meet these expectations. The IC reactor is capable of
900 870 890 0.3 0.4 treating industrial wastewater with high COD load
950 920 950 0.2 0.5 and can adapt to many types of wastewater to
increase its efficiency over time while only small
P1, P2 and P3 has a high concentration of sludge, ground areas are required and there is a lower reten-
which implies how well the sludge settles; P4 and P5 tion time compared with the current UASB reactor;
almost has no sludge available which is mostly due to therefore, it needed more attention from researchers
the three-phase separator, which helps to prevent the and investors by its superior advantages. The upgrad-
sludge from washing out of the reactor. ed BIOPAQ@ICX from BIOPAQ@IC has also shown
positive results from its trial with many types of
Influent and effluent parameter differences could be wastewater, especially paper industry wastewater.
explained: pH maintaining at 7.0 due to the presence Although it is still a new design, its potential will con-
of carbonate or bicarbonate as the IC reactor is a tinue to be researched in the future. A study of the
buffer system [13]. Higher TSS from the effluent Saigon Paper mill’s IC reactor has also been evaluat-
indicated high turbulence inside the IC reactor due ed in this paper, which has shown the removal rate is
to high water velocity influent and water mixing from stable at the COD concentration of 1500–2300 mg/l
the circulation. The three-phrase separators are and is considered as an inhibitor above 2300 mg/l.
designed to hold the granular sludge and so smaller VLR has also affected the removal rate, showing that
sludge could still be washed out along with the efflu- the higher the VLR, the higher the removal rate.
ent. The increase in alkalinity is due to the addition Granular sludge used in the reactor accounted for
CaCO3 to ensure the stable pH of the system and the 53% of its volume and has a good settleability, and by
production of HCO3- by methanogens. During the testing the effluent parameters, the IC reactor is con-
anaerobic processes, VFA levels will certainly drop as cluded to be well operated and fully capable of treat-
these are the material needed to produce biogas by ing pulp and paper wastewater.
methanogens. Microorganisms need to consume N
and P as nutrients to exist, so NH4- and PO4- were
added to feed the microorganisms. The residue of
NH4+ and PO43- remains in the effluent to ensure the REFERENCES
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