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COD Fractionation in Wastewater Characterization-The State of The Art

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J. Chem. T ech. Biotechnol.

1997, 68, 283È293

COD Fractionation in Wastewater

Characterization—The State of the Art
Derin Orhon* Emine Ubay C‘ okgoŽ r
Environmental Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University, I0 .T.U. I0 ns‘ aat FakuŽltesi, 80626
Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
(Received 24 May 1996 ; revised version received 6 August 1996 ; accepted 15 August 1996)

Abstract : Wastewater characterization is now regarded as an indispensable step

yielding all the necessary information for a reliable modelling and design of bio-
logical treatment processes. It should mainly include fractionation of the chemi-
cal oxygen demand (COD), and assessment of signiÐcant kinetic and
stoichiometric coefficients. COD fractionation involves identiÐcation of inert and
biodegradable COD together with readily biodegradable and slowly biodegrad-
able fractions. Experimental methods developed or selected for the assessment of
COD fractions should be compatible with the mathematical models deÐning bio-
logical treatment and should yield consistent and reliable values. A critical
review of available experimental methodology is provided and values of signiÐ-
cant COD components determined in this work and reported in the literature,
for di†erent types of domestic and industrial wastewaters are outlined.

Key words : wastewater characterization, COD fractionation, soluble inert COD,

particulate inert COD, residual microbial products, readily biodegradable COD,
slowly biodegradable COD

NOTATION *O Amount of oxygen consumption per unit

volume (mg dm~3)
OUR Oxygen uptake rate (mg dm~3 h~1)
b Endogenous decay rate (day~1)
H S Fermentation products (mg COD dm~3)
BOD Biological oxygen demand (mg COD dm~3) A1
S Fermentable readily biodegradable COD (mg
COD Chemical oxygen demand (mg COD dm~3) F1
COD dm~3)
C Total non-biodegradable COD (mg COD
I1 S InÑuent rapidly hydrolysable COD (mg
dm~3) H1
COD dm~3)
C Total biodegradable COD (mg COD dm~3)
S1 S Effluent rapidly hydrolysable COD (mg
C Total inÑuent COD (mg COD dm~3) H
T1 COD dm~3)
f Inert fraction of biomass
EX S InÑuent soluble inert COD (mg COD dm~3)
f Readily biodegradable fraction I1
SS S Soluble residual COD generated as metabolic
K Hydrolysis rate contant (day~1) P
h products (mg COD dm~3)
MLVSS Volatile suspended solids in the mixed liquor
S Effluent soluble residual COD (mg COD
(mg VSS dm~3) R
NO -N Nitrite-nitrogen (mg N dm~3)
2 S Effluent readily biodegradable COD (mg
NO -N Nitrate-nitrogen (mg N dm~3) S
3 COD dm~3)
N -N Oxidized nitrogen (mg N dm~3)
OX S InÑuent readily biodegradable COD (mg
*N Amount of nitrogen acceptor consumed by S1
1 COD dm~3)
growth on readily biodegradable substrate
S Effluent soluble COD (mg COD dm~3)
(mg N dm~3) T
S InÑuent soluble COD (mg COD dm~3)
SS Suspended solids (mg SS dm~3)
X Active heterotrophic biomass (mg COD
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. dm~3)
J. Chem. T ech. Biotechnol. 0268-2575/97/$09.00 ( 1997 SCI. Printed in Great Britain
284 D. Orhon, E. U. C‘ okgoŽ r

X InÑuent particulate inert COD (mg COD From a modelling standpoint, COD cannot di†eren-
dm~3) tiate between biodegradable and inert organic matter or
X Particulate inert metabolic products (mg between readily and slowly biodegradable fractions. The
COD dm~3) inert COD may be present in the inÑuent or it may be
X InÑuent slowly biodegradable COD (mg generated during biological treatment as residual micro-
COD dm~3) bial products. This residual COD fraction, not so criti-
X Total inÑuent particulate COD (mg COD cal for conventional wastes, becomes signiÐcant for
dm~3) industrial effluents and especially in strong wastes as it
VSS Volatile suspended solids (mg VSS dm~3) leads to misinterpretation of the biological treatability
Y Heterotrophic yield coefficient (mg cell COD and kinetic analysis ; the soluble inert COD fraction
(mg COD)~1) also becomes a challenging factor in meeting the efflu-
Y Ratio between the soluble residual products ent limitations expressed in terms of COD for a number
and initial COD of industrial categories.
Current understanding of activated sludge modelling
g ,g Correction factors for growth and hydrolysis for carbon and nitrogen removal involves a number of
g h
under anoxic conditions kinetic and stoichiometric coefficients, excluding param-
h Sludge age (day~1) eters related to biological phosphorus removal. A sig-
kü Maximum speciÐc growth rate for hetero- niÐcant proportion of these coefficients are deÐned for
trophs (day~1) speciÐc functions in the models and, therefore, are not
kü Maximum speciÐc growth rate for auto- sensitive to wastewater characteristics. A smaller group
trophs (day~1) however, including maximum heterotrophic and auto-
trophic growth rates, kü and kü , heterotrophic yield,
Y , hydrolysis rate constant, K , and correction factors
H h
1 INTRODUCTION for anoxic conditions, g and g , are very much site spe-
g h
ciÐc and need to be experimentally determined for each
Modelling is a valuable tool for design of activated case.
sludge systems, because it enables the role and impact The paper is limited to a review of the signiÐcant
of signiÐcant parameters to be analysed and so helps to methodology so far proposed for COD fractionation
deÐne and optimize the proposed process. In this and the representative values associated with signiÐcant
context, the value of modelling depends upon the accur- COD fractions for di†erent types of domestic and
acy and reliability of available experimental informa- industrial wastewaters.
tion, the wastewater to be treated and the biochemical
reactions involved. Experimentally-derived information
has to cover various wastewater fractions included as 2 COD FRACTIONATION
model components, biomass in activated sludge and
wastewater and Ðnally, various kinetic and stoichiomet- The COD parameter embodies di†erent forms of
ric coefficients deÐning the biochemical processes organic carbon that require further di†erentiation in
included in the model. terms of their biodegradation characteristics. In this
The identiÐcation of wastewater characteristics with context, the total inÑuent COD, C , has two major
regard to the organic content is useful both from the components : the total non-biodegradable or inert
standpoint of process kinetics and prediction of effluent COD, C , and the total biodegradable COD, C . The
I1 S1
quality. Difficulties associated with the correct assess- inert fraction may be further subdivided into soluble
ment of organic substrate have caused inconvenience inert COD, S , and particulate inert COD, X . The
I1 I1
and confusion, to the extent of hindering the progress of soluble inert COD concentration in the inÑuent by-
activated sludge theory. Collective analytical param- passes the system without a†ecting the biochemical
eters such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and reactions in the reactor, whereas the particulate inert
chemical oxygen demand (COD), routinely used to COD is entrapped and accumulated in the activated
reÑect the total organics in wastewaters, do not corre- sludge and leaves the system through the sludge
spond to the real system variable, i.e. the growth limit- wastage stream.
ing substrate. COD is estimated to be a more useful The subdivision of the biodegradable COD originally
parameter than BOD as it enables one to make appro- relates to the bi-substrate model of Dold and Marais,1
priate correlations among substrate, biomass and dis- which identiÐed two major fractions : readily biodegrad-
solved oxygen in terms of electron equivalence. It able COD, S , and slowly biodegradable COD, X .
S1 S1
cannot, however, identify the growth limiting com- The di†erentiation was based upon experimental
ponents directly related to the corresponding process observations showing a signiÐcant di†erence of approx-
rate expressions, especially in complex media such as imately an order of magnitude between the rates of bio-
domestic and industrial wastewaters. degradation of the two fractions. Evidently, each
COD fractionation in wastewater characterization 285

fraction contained a number of compounds associated includes the non-biodegradable organics originating
with a range of biodegradation rates, but this range was from the wastewater and by-passing the reactor, S , a
estimated to be small compared with the rate di†erence small portion of the biodegradable COD remaining
between the two groups.2 Recently, the readily biode- after biological oxidation (S ] S ), and soluble residual
gradable COD was further subdivided into fermentable COD generated as metabolic products, S (Fig. 2(a)).
readily biodegradable COD, S , and fermentation pro- Consequently, the effluent stream generally contains
ducts, S , considered to be acetate, but in fact covering more soluble inert COD than the wastewater, since the
a whole range of other fermentation products.3 This effluent soluble residual COD, S , includes soluble
new subdivision was mainly proposed for mathematical residual products aside from the soluble inert COD of
modelling of biological phosphorus removal. The slowly the wastewater by-passing the reactor.
biodegradable fraction, originally deÐned as particulate
organics in the model proposed by Dold and Marais,1 S \S ]S (1)
R I1 P
is now found to cover a wide range of particle size dis-
tribution from soluble to colloidal and larger organic The generation of the soluble inert products have been
particles of complex structure. The common feature of incorporated into mathematical models by means of
the particulate organics is that they cannot pass growth-associated or decay-associated processes.5 In
through cell wall and need to undergo extracellular the models where soluble inert products are not
hydrolysis prior to adsorption. Hydrolysis is advocated included as a separate component, the entire residual
as the rate limiting step for the utilization rate of the COD, S , is measured and considered as a Ðctitious
slowly biodegradable organic matter. It may be difficult inÑuent inert COD concentration.
to characterize this fraction by a single value for the Similarly, the particulate COD in the mixed liquor
hydrolysis rate, since it exhibits a signiÐcant variation and the process effluent has four fractions (Fig. 2(b)).
for various compounds in wastewaters. This argument The major component is the active biomass, X , that is
provides the basis of the recent approach to subdivide sustained in the reactor using the biodegradable COD
this group into further fractions, namely rapidly hydro- as the energy and carbon source. The other component
lysable COD, S , and slowly hydrolysable COD, X .4 may be a small fraction of the particulate slowly biode-
H1 S1
Figure 1 gives a schematical description of di†erent gradable organics, X , remaining after hydrolysis and
wastewater COD fractions. subsequent utilization. The mixed liquor also contains
The mixed liquor and the process effluent exhibit a particulate inert COD of wastewater origin, X , that is
di†erent COD structure from the wastewater. As far as enmeshed in the sludge and accumulated in the reactor.
soluble compounds are concerned, the quality of the This is not the only particulate non-biodegradable
process effluent is accepted to be the same as that of the COD fraction : particulate inert organic products, X ,
mixed liquor, since process modelling generally includes are generated as a result of the microbial metabolic
the assumption that no biological activity takes place in activity, during the endogenous decay or the death-
the settling phase. The total effluent soluble COD, S , regeneration phase, depending on the type of model

Fig. 1. Distribution of COD fractions in wastewaters.

286 D. Orhon, E. U. C‘ okgoŽ r

Fig. 2. COD fractions in the mixed liquor : (a) soluble COD components ; (b) particulate COD components.

adopted. This spectrum accounts only for the organic that of Mamais et al.6 proposing settling and adsorp-
structure of the activated sludge, also expressed in terms tion of organic compounds, other than the assumed
of the VSS parameter. The inorganic fraction of the readily biodegradable fraction, by physicalÈchemical
activated sludge is also important in the process design, methods, may yield empirical results, if they disregard
it is quantiÐed as the di†erence between the mixed the biochemical nature of the process. The aerobic
liquor suspended solids (SS), and volatile suspended batch test basically relies on observation of the oxygen
solids (VSS), concentrations. uptake rate (OUR) a parameter indicating the amount
of oxygen consumption per unit time, per unit reactor
volume, due to microbial activities. The initial OUR is
3 EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF COD usually associated with the readily biodegradable sub-
FRACTIONS strate. Ekama et al.7 claim that the initial OUR may
stay constant over a period of 1È3 h where the readily
3.1 The readily biodegradable COD, S biodegradable substrate, S , is high enough to sustain
S1 S1
maximum growth rate, if a suitable food to micro-
The readily biodegradable COD is presumably com- organism (F/M) ratio is selected. After the consumption
posed of soluble compounds such as volatile fatty acids, of S , OUR is expected to drop to a lower level only
simple carbohydrates, alcohols, amino acids, etc. that correlated with the hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable
can be directly absorbed for synthesis. In current math- substrate and endogenous respiration. The readily bio-
ematical models, the readily biodegradable COD con- degradable COD is sewage, S , may be calculated from
centration is conceived as the rate limiting component the following relationship :
for heterotrophic growth. This component may be
expressed as a fraction of the total COD : 1
S \ *O (3)
S1 1 [ Y 2
S \f C (2)
S1 SS T1
where *O is the di†erence between total respiration
where f \ readily biodegradable fraction of the inÑu- and respiration due to hydrolysed substrate and
ent COD. endogenous metabolism and Y is the heterotrophic
All signiÐcant methods proposed for the determi- yield. The value of the yield coefficient, Y , may either
nation of readily biodegradable organic matter rely on be theoretically calculated for each type of wastewater,
respirometric measurements conducted under aerobic on the basis of the energetics of the process stochio-
or anoxic conditions, using continuous or batch reac- metry,8 or experimentally assessed using similar
tors. Procedures involving other techniques, such as respirometric techniques.9,10 For domestic sewage, a
COD fractionation in wastewater characterization 287

default value of 0É45 g VSS~1 g COD (or 0É64 g cell tion is given in Figs 3(a) and 3(b), illustrating the results
COD~1 g COD) is commonly used for this coefficient.3 of aerobic and anoxic batch tests conducted in this
If further subdivision of S is required for the indi- work10 on Istanbul domestic sewage, under experimen-
vidual assessment of S and S , the latter has to be tal conditions described by Ekama et al.7 It should be
F1 A1
measured as the acetic acid or volatile acid concentra- noted that appropriate correction for the accumulation
tion ; then S can be calculated as of NO -N is a prerequisite for an accurate evaluation of
F1 2
S in the anoxic test. Table 1 summarizes average
S \S [S (4) values of S and f experimentally determined for a
F1 S1 A1 S1 SS
number of domestic and industrial wastewaters.11
The same COD fraction may also be calculated from
the oxidized nitrogen concentration proÐle in an anoxic
reactor. In this test the initial electron acceptor util- 3.2 The inert COD fractions and residual microbial
ization rate is faster, due to the oxidation of the readily products
biodegradable substrate, yielding the values of S by
means of the following expression : Assessment of the inert fraction of the organic matter is
very important because it indicates indirectly the other
2É86 main fraction, which is biodegradable organic matter,
S \ *N (5)
S1 1 [ Y 1 i.e. substrate available for microbial growth and elec-
tron acceptor utilization. A number of methods have so
An example of the observed OUR and NUR proÐles for far been proposed for the estimation of inert fractions in
the assessment of the readily biodegradable COD frac- wastewater, as listed in Table 2.12

Fig. 3. (a) The NUR test for the assessment of the readily biodegradable COD in domestic sewage. (b) The OUR test for the
assessment of the readily biodegradable COD in domestic sewage.
288 D. Orhon, E. U. C‘ okgoŽ r

Readily Biodegradable COD of Di†erent Wastewaters11

T ype of wastewater C (mg dm~3) S (mg dm~3) f

T1 S1 SS

Domestic 566 50É5 50 0É091 0É088

Meat processing plant 2686 374 392 0É155 0É170
Dairy industry 1745 406 397 0É233 0É228
Confectionary 3790 720 710 0É189 0É187

The importance of the initial soluble inert organic that they are residual ; others state that they are biode-
matter, S , is recognized in the literature.13 Ekama et gradable, but at a much slower rate than the biodegrad-
al.7 suggested the use of a laboratory completely mixed able COD in the inÑuent stream, leading to their
reactor system operated at sludge ages, h , between 10 accumulation in the system. Experimental evidence may
and 20 days, and stipulated that the inÑuent soluble be used to postulate that a portion of the soluble micro-
inert organics will be equivalent to the COD of the Ðl- bial products undergo biodegradation at such a slow
tered effluent. Later, the IAWPRC Task Group deÐned rate that they may be considered inert for the operating
a di†erent method which consisted of removing an conditions of the activated sludge system. The formula-
aliquot from the mixed liquor from a continuously fed tion of the rate of their generation or accumulation
completely mixed reactor operated at a sludge age in depends on the way in which the sludge age is incorpor-
excess of 10 days and aerating it in a batch reactor ;14 ated in the mathematical model adopted.12
the Ðnal soluble residual COD determined by periodical Similarly, a signiÐcant research e†ort is devoted to
sampling and analysis was assumed to be equal to the the assessment of the initial particulate inert organics,
soluble inert COD concentration in the feed. These X . Procedures generally suggested for the assessment
types of methods have the major drawback of not di†er- of this component involve the kinetic analysis of a
entiating between soluble inerts in the effluent and laboratory-scale completely mixed activated sludge unit
soluble residual fraction of microbial products, and operated at steady-state with a h value longer than 5
measuring them together. This simpliÐed approach may days : Ekama et al.7 propose to calculate X by com-
be tolerated for domestic wastewaters provided that the paring the measured MLVSS concentration with the
existence of residual products are accounted for in the calculated value on the basis of process kinetics. The
determination of other organic fractions. However, it is Task Group recommends a similar approach based
likely to cause serious problems in the characterization upon the comparison of observed and calculated sludge
of strong industrial wastes. production. These procedures require that three kinetic
The nature of the soluble microbial products is not constants, namely the heterotrophic yield, Y , the
well established. As outlined above, most studies claim endogenous decay rate, b , and the inert fraction of the

Methods for Estimating Inert Organic Fractions in Wastewater

Organic fraction T est methods Reference

Soluble inert organics Batch Chudoba13

Continuous Ekama et al.7
Batch Henze et al.14
Batch Boero et al.15
Batch Germirli et al.16
Batch/continuous Sollfrank et al.17
Batch Lesouef et al.18
Batch Germirli et al.19
Particulate inert organics Continuous ] model calculation Ekama et al.7
Calibrated with sludge production Henze et al.14
Batch Orhon et al.20
Batch Kappeler & Gujer21
Batch Lesouef et al.18
Batch Germirli et al.19
COD fractionation in wastewater characterization 289

Experimental Results on Soluble Inert COD Fractions

W astewater category S S Y Reference

T1 I1 SP
(mg dm~3) (mg dm~3)

Municipal wastes
Domestic 150 8 0É096 Orhon et al.23
164 13 0É064 Orhon et al.23
250 15 0É062 Lesouef et al.18
Municipal 190 15 0É086 Orhon et al.23
Industrial W astes
T annery 1500 323 0É040 KabdasÓ h et al.24
1075 262 0É040 KabdasÓ h et al.24
1870 464 0É045 KabdasÓ h et al.24
T extile
Woven fabric 1176 90 0É044 Orhon et al.20
Knit fabric 800 88 0É040 Orhon et al.20
Knit fabric 535 117 0É088 Orhon et al.20
Cotton and synthetics 1000 190 0É083 Orhon et al.16
dying and Ðnishing
Integrated 480 È 0É068 Orhon et al.25
Yogurt and buttermilk 1190 È 0É062 Orhon et al.25
Pulp and paper 3340 137 0É057 Germirli et al.16
Meat processing 1990 110 0É057 Germirli et al.16
Antiobiotics 9330 2520 0É100 Germirli et al.16
Strong wastes
Cheese whey
Anaerobic inÑuent 60000 È 0É027 Germirli et al.19
Aerobic inÑuent 1020 256 0É054 Germirli et al.19
Citric acid plant
Anaerobic inÑuent 29300 1870 0É054 Germirli et al.19
Aerobic inÑuent 2025 804 0É210 Germirli et al.19
Anaerobic inÑuent 28100 1600 0É060 Germirli et al.19
Aerobic inÑuent 4055 1900 0É078 Germirli et al.19

biomass, f , be correctly determined by independent reactor, total and soluble COD are monitored for a
experimental methods. period long enough to ensure the depletion of all biode-
Recently a new procedure has been proposed, gradable substrate and the mineralization of all biomass
enabling direct experimental determination of the inÑu- so that the measured C and S values reach their
T1 T1
ent particulate and soluble inert fractions.21,22 It only constant threshold levels containing only initial inert
relies on COD measurements and eliminates the basic COD and residual products. Both reactors are initially
problems associated with the earlier approaches : (a) seeded by a minimal amount of biomass previously
inÑuent and generated soluble inert organics are separa- acclimated to the wastewater to avoid the interference
tely identiÐed and the interference of S on the assess- of residual COD released through the decay of the
ment particulate inert organics is avoided ; (b) other initial inoculation. It is suggested that the acclimation
kinetic and stoichiometric coefficients such as Y , b be carried out in Ðll and draw systems operated at F/M
and f are not required. The procedure basically uses ratios over 1É0 g COD g~1 VSS day~1 to ensure a
the principle that both soluble and particulate inert highly viable biomass, and the amount of seed is ad-
microbial products, S and X , can be expressed as a justed between 10 and 50 mg dm~3, depending on the
constant fraction of the inÑuent biodegradable COD, nature of the wastewater to be tested.
C . The experiment requires two aerated batch reac- The previous method for the assessment of S is
S1 I1
tors, one started up with the unÐltered wastewater (C ) applicable to wastewater samples with a reasonable
and the other with the Ðltered wastewater (S ). In each large particulate COD fraction. This component may be
290 D. Orhon, E. U. C‘ okgoŽ r

too small or practically negligible in some industrial slowly biodegradable CODs is not further di†erentiated
wastewaters or in the effluent from the chemical treat- as rapidly and slowly hydrolysable components, and
ment step of multi-stage treatment schemes commonly initial biomass is not separately identiÐed, the following
used for complex strong wastes. For such wastes, the mass balance yields X , provided that S is experi-
S1 S1
procedure proposed by Germirli et al.16 may be fol- mentally estimated.
lowed ; it also consists of running two parallel aerated
batch reactors of Ðltered wastewater and glucose, C \S ]X (6)
S1 S1 S1
seeded with a very small amount of biomass previously
Rapidly hydrolysable COD, if considered as a model
acclimated to the glucoseÈwastewater mixture. Glucose
component, is generally assumed to be predominantly
is selected because it is the central compound of vital
soluble, so that it may be deÐned with a reasonable
importance which appears in the metabolic pathways of
approximation for domestic wastewaters by means of
the biodegradation of every organic matter. At the end
the mass balance expression below :
of the experiment where all biodegradable substrates in
the two reactors are depleted, the di†erence between the S \S [S [S (7)
residual COD levels may be manipulated to yield the H1 T1 I1 S1
initial inert COD in the wastewater tested and the ratio A similar mass balance on the particulate COD frac-
between the soluble residual products and the initial tions may be used to calculate the slowly hydrolysable
Experimental results related to soluble and particu-
late inert COD fractions in wastewaters are outlined in 3.4 COD fractionation of di†erent wastewaters
Tables 3 and 4. Evaluation of the data presented in
Table 3 should take into account that the effluent Results of extensive experimental work,10 carried out
quality is signiÐcantly a†ected by the inert fraction of on COD fractionation of a wide range or domestic and
the inÑuent COD as well as the generation of residual industrial wastewaters are given in Table 5. Experi-
microbial products. It should be noted that the total ments were conducted on raw samples, since the
residual effluent COD for such industries as tannery, resulting data were expected to reÑect the character of
textile, pulp and paper, etc. requires that effluent limi- the wastewaters investigator. The COD fractionation
tations be reviewed if biological processes are to be data on Istanbul domestic sewage, presented above,
maintained as appropriate treatment technologies. This may be compared with similar results outlined in Table
is especially true for industries producing strong wastes, 6, reported for the same type of wastwater in di†erent
as illustrated in Table 3. parts of the world. The two sets of data in Tables 5 and
6 support the general consensus that sewage quality and
3.3 The slowly biodegradable COD fractions structure are site-speciÐc and should be determined
individually for each case. An evaluation for the COD
Slowly biodegradable organic fractions, X , are gener- fractionation of industrial wastewaters is not possible as
ally determined from mass balance. In models where there are no similar data available in the literature. The
Experimental Results on Particulate Inert COD Fractions

W astewater category C X Reference

T1 I1
(mg dm~3) (mg dm~3)

Municipal wastes
Domestic 314 29 Orhon et al.23
360 36 Orhon et al.23
440 30 Lesouef et al.18
Municipal 390 112 Orhon et al.23
Industrial wastes
T extile
Knit fabric 535 73 Orhon et al.20
Strong wastes
Cheese whey
Aerobic inÑuent 2761 28 Germirli et al.19
Citric acid plant
Aerobic inÑuent 2945 228 Germirli et al.19
Experimental Results on Distribution COD Fractions of Di†erent Wastewaters (mg dm~3)10

W astewater C S X S S X S X S /C S /S S /C S /S S /C S /S X /C X /C
T1 T1 T1 S1 I1 I1 H1 S1 S1 T1 S1 T1 I1 T1 I1 T1 H1 T1 H1 T1 S1 T1 I1 T1
Domestic 315 150 165 40 20 42 90 123 0É127 0É267 0É063 0É133 0É286 0É600 0É390 0É133
COD fractionation in wastewater characterization

670 185 485 61 18 52 106 433 0É091 0É329 0É027 0É097 0É158 0É573 0É646 0É078
585 150 435 75 16 60 59 375 0É128 0É500 0É027 0É107 0É101 0É393 0É641 0É103
CÓirag‘an Hotel 630 370 260 40 56 63 174 197 0É222 0É378 0É089 0É151 0É276 0É470 0É313 0É100
Confectionary 3380 3120 260 735 77 È 2308 260 0É217 0É236 0É023 0É025 0É683 0É740 0É077 È
3000 2500 500 2045 45 È 410 500 0É682 0É818 0É015 0É018 0É137 0É164 0É167 È
1800 1495 305 840 105 È 550 305 0É470 0É562 0É058 0É070 0É306 0É368 0É169 È
8085 6775 1310 5370 45 È 1360 1400 0É664 0É793 0É006 0É007 0É1682 0É201 0É173 È
Dairy 1410 1075 335 400 È 105 675 230 0É284 0É372 È È 0É479 0É628 0É163 0É074
Tannery 2410 1210 1200 300 140 265 770 935 0É124 0É248 0É058 0É116 0É319 0É636 0É388 0É110
È 775a È 230 120 È 425 È È 0É298 È 0É155 È 0É548 È È
È 1080a È 340 200 È 540 È È 0É315 È 0É185 È 0É500 È È
Textile 935 470 465 135 12 188 323 277 0É144 0É287 0É013 0É026 0É345 0É687 0É296 0É201
785 560 225 152 21 45 387 180 0É194 0É271 0É027 0É038 0É495 0É691 0É229 0É057
Meat 2600 1140 1460 380 30 305 730 1155 0É146 0É333 0É012 0É026 0É281 0É640 0É444 0É117

a Chemical treatment effluent.

292 D. Orhon, E. U. C‘ okgoŽ r

Reported COD Fractionation Results for Domestic Wastewaters.

C or C S S X X X Reference
T1 TS1 I1 S1 S1 H1 I1
(mg dm~3) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

South Africa 530 5 20 62 È 13 Ekama et al.7
Denmark È 2 20 40 20 18 Henze et al.26
South Africa 370 8 28 60 È 4 Ekama et al.7
Switzerland 220 11 32 45 È 11 Henze et al.14
Hungary 350 9 29 43 È 20 Henze et al.14
Denmark I 515 8 24 49 È 19 Henze et al.14
Denmark È 3 20 43 14 11 Henze et al.26
Switzerland I 250 20 11 53 7 9 Kappeler & Gujer21
Switzerland II 430 10 7 60 15 8 Kappeler & Gujer21
Switzerland III 325 12 8 55 15 10 Kappeler & Gujer21
Switzerland IV 190 8 10 56 È 26 Siegrist et al.27
Switzerland V 250 8 10 58 È 24 Siegrist et al.27
Switzerland VI 360 10 16 40 25 9 Sollfrank et al.28
Spain I 340 9 18 33 15 25 de la Sota et al.29
France I 450 10 33 44 È 13 Lesouef et al.18
France II 345 6 25 41 È Lesouef et al.18

results show clearly that the total organic content char- hydrolysis or organics, a factor entirely overlooked in
acterized by the total COD concentration, C , gives conventional practice.
inadequate, if not misleading information about the bio- Another issue of practical signiÐcance is the problem
logical treatability of di†erent wastewaters. Confec- created by more and more stringent COD criteria,
tionary wastes for example, having a total COD imposed as effluent limitations for domestic and indus-
concentration of over 3000 mg dm~3, appear to be trial wastewaters, with the belief that they can be met
more easily amenable to biological treatment than with biological treatment at longer hydraulic retention
textile, leather or meat processing wastewaters as their times and higher sludge ages. The COD fractionation
major COD fraction is readily biodegradable. data presented in this paper provide clear evidence that
Another common and signiÐcant feature of experi- such limitations cannot be achieved, due to inert COD
mental observations is the fact that the slowly biode- fractions of wastewaters. They further indicate that the
gradable COD should be considered as the major rate effluent quality with respect to soluble organics, is likely
limiting process component for heterotrophic growth in to deteriorate at higher sludge ages with the accumula-
biological treatment systems. In fact, in the conven- tion of residual metabolic products.5
tional kinetic approach, the entire BOD or the COD
concentration in the wastewater is conceived as the rate
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