Advances in Textile Waste Water Treatment
Advances in Textile Waste Water Treatment
Advances in Textile Waste Water Treatment
Environmental Technology Awareness Series
S.Eswaramoorthi K.Dhanapal and D.S.Chauhan
Environment With People's Involvement and CoOrdination in India
No.198, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore641009.
06 February 2008
Advances in Textile Waste Water Treatment: The Case for UVOzonation
and Membrane Bioreactor for Common Effluent Treatment Plants in
Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, India.
1) Introduction
Textile waste water treatment for industrial reuse remains as a complicated problem due to several
reasons. Among them are 1) High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) content of the waste water; 2) Presence
of toxic heavy metals such as Cr, As, Cu, Zn, etc.; 3) Nonbiodegradable nature of organic dye stuffs
present in the effluent; 4) Presence of freechlorine and dissolved silica. Thus, any adopted treatment
system, especially with respect to primary treatment, should be able to address all these issues.
Segregation of dye bath and wash water, which was adopted earlier under conventional physico
chemical treatment (lime ferrous treatment for achieving flocculation) is not an viable option to recover
water for industrial reuse due to the fact that the highly concentrated dye bath can not be passed into
reverse osmosis membrane system utilized to recover water. Thus, for achieving desired results, the dye
bath is combined with wash water and then the combined waste water is treated.
Many technological advancements were made for treating textile waste water. Of most importance is
the primary treatment where BOD, COD, TSS, colour, and pH are reduced/adjusted to desirable extend
in order to make the effluent suitable for subsequent treatment by the reverse osmosis system that shall
recover water for reuse.
As far as textile waste water treatment is concerned, colour removal and reduction of BOD/COD are the
main problems to be addressed in the primary treatment. Most commonly utilized primary treatment
processes are i) conventional physicochemical treatment; ii) conventional biological treatment where
continous aeration is carried out to reduce BOD; iii) chlorination; iv) ozonation (with/without ultra
violet irradiation. Recent advancements, however, made the adoption of ozonation with/without ultra
violet irradiation and Membrane Bioreactor as the most suitable alternatives. Due to cost and energy
considerations, though UV/Ozonation and MBR technologies were develped over decades and
effectively utilized in various kinds of industries, only now it has become possible to adopt them for
textile waste water treatment.
2) Effluent Generation Process
Effluent is generated under various processes during textile wet processing. These major processes
include i) bleaching; ii) neutralising; iii) washing; iv) dyeing; v) washing; vi) acid wash; vii) washing;
viii) soaping; ix) hot wash; x) fixing and softening. The list of chemicals used in bleaching and dyeing
are presented in Table1.1 and Table1.2.
Table1.1: List of chemicals used in bleaching.
Chemical Utilization (per 100 kg of cloth)
Soft flow machine Winch
Wetting agent 0.5 kg 0.5 kg
Caustic soda 2.5 kg 4.0 kg
Peroxide 3.0 kg 4.0 kg
Lubricants 0.2 kg 0.3 kg
Stabilizers 0.2 kg 0.3 kg
Peroxide killer (oxidizing agent) 1.0 kg 1.0 kg
Acetic acid 2.0 kg 2.0 kg
Table1.2: List of chemicals used in dyeing.
Chemical Utilization (per 100 kg of cloth)
Soft flow Winch
Lubricants 0.3 kg 0.4 kg
Sequestering agent 0.6 kg 1 kg
Dye stuff 150 g for light shade. 150 g for light shade.
1.5 kg for medium shade. 1.5 kg for medium shade.
10 kg for dark shade. 10 kg for dark shade.
Soda ash Light shade 6 g/L; Light shade 6 g/L;
Medium shade – 11 g/L; Medium shade – 11 g/L;
Dark shade – 20 g/L Dark shade – 20 g/L
Sodium chloride Light shade – 15 g/L; Light shade – 15 g/L;
Medium shade – 45 g/L; Medium shade – 45 g/L;
Dark shade – 90 g/L Dark shade – 90 g/L
Acetic acid 2.5 kg 3.0 kg
Soap 1.0 kg 1.0 kg
Fixing 1.0 kg 1.0 kg
Softener 2.0 kg 2.0 kg
The selection of dye by member units shall depend upon the type of fibres being dyed, desired shade,
dyeing uniformity and fastness (stability or resistance of colourants to influences such as, light, alkali,
etc.). Reactive dyes are normally used by most of the members while disperse and direct dyes are also
used sometimes. Sulphur and Vat dyes are only rarely utilized. Some of the brand names of the dyes
being used by the member units is given here:
1) Procion dyes.
2) Remazol dyes.
3) Drimarene dyes.
4) Solophynyl dyes.
For 100 kg of cloth, the volume of water added in the dye bath shall be 800 L in the case of softflow
machines, and 1500 L in the case of winch.
The main pollutants generated by bleaching includes chlorinated organics, BOD, COD, oxidizing
agents, alkali and acids. Dyeing process generate many pollutants viz., salts, surfactants, levellers,
lubricants, alkalis, volatile organics, cleaning solvents, stabilizers, catalysts, grease resisting agents,
exhausting agents, soaping agents, softeners etc., apart from the unfixed dye in the bath, which is let out
after dyeing operation is over. The typical raw effluent characteristics of textile waste water are
presented in Table1.3.
Table1.3: Typical raw effluent characteristics of the textile waste water
Parameter Range
pH 6 10
Temperature 3545C
Total dissolved solids 8,000 –12,000 mg /L
BOD 300 – 500 mg/L
COD 1000 – 1500 mg/L
Total suspended solids 200 – 400 mg /L
Chloride 3000 –6000 mg/L
Free chlorine <10 mg /L
Sodium 70 %
Trace elements ligands (Fe, Zn,Cu,As,Ni ,B, F, <10 mg/L
Mn,V, Hg, PO4, CN)
Oil & grease 10 – 30 mg/L
TNK (asN) 10 30 mg /L
NO3 N < 5mg/L
Free ammonia < 10 mg/L
SO4 600 –1000 mg/L
Silica < 15 mg/L
With due considerations to the raw effluent characteristics given in Table1.3, the following parameters
require much attention with regard to implementing a good waste water treatment scheme.
i) pH
ii) Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
iii) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
iv) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
v) Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
vi) Hardness
vii) Sodium
viii) Chloride
ix) Free Chlorine
x) Trace elements & ligands (Fe, Zn ,Hg, Cr, Cu, Se, As, CN free ammonia etc.
xi) Oil and grease
xii) Silica
3) Conventional Technologies & Constraints
There are mainly two technologies which are normally utilized for textile waste water treatment. 1)
Conventional physicochemical treatment (with lime and ferrous); 2) Conventional biological treatment
with aeration. These two technologies have the following problems associated with them.
While conventional biological treatment is best suited for primary treatment, due to the following
reasons it can not be successfully implemented for textile wastewater treatment:
1) High TDS content retards microbiological growth. This is due to the fact that high
concentration of solutes results in high osmotic pressure that prevents efficient transfer of water
into the cell. If biological growth is retarded, then the efficiency of the treatment system to
bring down the BOD is affected.
2) Presence of toxic heavy metals also prevents biological growth. Though microbiological
organisms are able to grow under textile waste water, their growth shall become limited as the
concentration of heavy metals rises due to recycling of biological cell materials.
3) The most common problem with textile waste water treatment is that most of the dye stuffs are
nonbiodegradable which renders conventional biological treatment ineffective or less efficient.
4) The Case for UVOzonation
Table1.4: Major components and processes of the proposed treatment system.
S.No Treatment process Treated parameters
4 Sludge drying bed Filtration of sludge from clarifier.
Solar evaporation pond1 Evaporation of effluent resulting from
5 cleaning up of Multiple Effect
Full description on the criteria employed for designing the treatment system is provided in the
following paragraphs.
Since chlorination will result in the production of carcinogenic chloroorganic compounds, ozonation is
preferred. Also, the rate of oxidation of organics with ozonation is around 30 times faster than
chlorination; and ozonation in combination with UV irradiation yields several benefits viz., i) the rate
of degradation of organic contaminants under UVOzonation is several orders of magnitude greater
than with chlorine; therefore, retention time required to achieve desired results could be minimized,
which reduces power consumption and operating costs. ii) secondly, ozonation of the effluent in
combination with UV has the capability to destroy heavy molecular hazardous substances, which are
typical of textile wet processing waste water. iii) finally, ozonation when combined with UV increases
the treatment efficiency and reduces overall operation cost. Ozonation also oxidizes most of the trace
elements in the raw effluent, which are flocculated and settled before they reach reverse osmosis
In the textile effluent, the main hazardous substance is the dye stuff. In the adopted treatment system,
ozonation combined with UV irradiation breaks up the heavy dye molecules into small nontoxic form.
In addition, a significant portion of the dye stuff could be oxidized due to ozonation and UV
irradiation, where upon highly reactive hydroxyl and super oxide radicals are produced and sustained
for a prolonged period, which strongly reacts with the dye stuff and oxidises it very fast. Thus the
hazardous dye stuff is mostly degraded by the UVOzonation, thereby decolourizing the effluent, and
minimizing the hazardous waste output from the treatment system in the form of reject.
Though ozonator alone is sufficient to treat the effluent for reducing BOD and COD load, UV is also
employed to improve the overall efficiency of the system. Combined application of ozone and UV
radiation leads to an increase in the concentration of oxidizing agent, including strongly reacting
hydroxyl radicals, due to interaction between the products of water radiolysis and those of ozone
decomposition. This is reflected in the higher decomposition efficiency of organic pollutants
(BOD/COD) contained in the waste water.
Finally, ozone generation could be controlled very easily. This ensures that only optimum power is
utilized in the treatment process.
1 Multiple Effect Evaporator shall be cleaned on daily basis, resulting in the generation of 200 L of effluent per day. Since
mother liquor from Multiple Effect Evaporator shall be recirculated to the 3effect forced circulation evaporator, and the
decant from sludge drying bed shall be returned to equalization tank, provision for solar evaporation pond is to treat only
the effluent generated by washing of evaporator. The estimated solar evaporation pond size is 100 m2, which shall be
able to evaporate 400 L of effluent on normal sunny days. Extra capacity is provided to evaporate the entire effluent on
cloudy days [Evaporation rate under normal conditions is 4 mm/m2 as prescribed by TNPCB].
The proposed treatment scheme uses UV in combination with ozone (called Critical Point Radiation)
for the destruction of the dye stuff and other molecules in the effluent. The mechanism of UVOzone
oxidation is described below:
UV photolysis of ozone in the aqueous phase yields hydrogen peroxide followed by reaction of the
conjugate base, hydroperoxy anion (HO2) with ozone to yield superoxide (O2 ) and hydroxyl radical.
Superoxide reacts with ozone to form hydroxyl radicals:
O3 + *
O2+ H2O > 2O2 + OH + OH*
The hydroxyl radical enters a competing reaction with ozone to form more superoxide according to the
following reaction:
In the absence of organic compounds, the first three equations are the initiation reactions, with the next
two steps of reactions representing the chain photodecomposition of ozone. However, in the presence
of sufficient or, excess organic compounds ( > 100 mole), the hydroxyl radical abstracts one
hydrogen atom to form water molecule and an organic radical.
This is, in turn, followed by reaction between the organic radical and oxygen to yield organic peroxy
These organic peroxy radicals could either photolyze to more stable organic molecules or, regenerate
further superoxide which reenters the system by reaction with ozone via the following equation:
O3 + *
O2+ H2O > 2O2 + OH + OH*
Repetition of the above process will ultimately lead to complete destruction of the organic compound.
Here, the oxidant (ozone) concentration directly determines the concentration of hydroxyl radicals,
therefore, the speed of the reaction.
4.1) Process implementation
UVOzonation is generally more effective at basic pH. High pH values tend to generate more hydroxyl
radicals which shall increase the oxidation capacity of the ozonation system. Further, when metals are
present in the waste water and the pH is in the alkaline range, dissolved metals in the effluent may form
soluble or, insoluble metal hydroxides upon ozonation (Thus, ozonation also helps to remove heavy
metals present in the solution). Since the raw effluent pH shall always remain basic (pH > 7), there
shall be no need to adjust the pH. In order to remove insoluble metal hydroxide and other precipitates, a
clarifier is provided after ozonation.
4.1.2) Pilot plant tests
The pilot plant has been designed for treating 200 m3/day (10 m3/hr) and commissioned at a textile
dyeing unit in Erode. The plant has been commissioned on 26th September 2006. Pilot plant tests were
conducted by M/s.Canadian Crystalline Waters (India) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, and experimental parameters
are given here in Table1.5 along with the results in Table1.6
Table1.5: Effluent and system parameters for pilot plant test runs.
Parameter Value
Effluent characteristics (Inlet)
Flow rate 10 m3/h
TDS 10, 460 mg/L
TSS 196 mg/L
pH 10.2
System characteristics
UV dose 30 mW.cm2.sec1
Contact tank volume 5 m3
Number of contact tanks 2
Ozone output from one generator module 320 g/h
Total output of ozone from 2 modules 2 x 320 = 640 g/h
Ozonation methodology Multi point injection & fine bubble diffusion
Parameter Value
Ozonator specifications
Output of oxygen concentrator (feed to ozonator) 1 m3/h
Output of ozone/m3 of oxygen 320 g/h
Table1.6: Pilot plant test results
4.1.2) Calculation of ozone consumption and scaleup
The ln [O3 dose] values are plotted against ln (C/Co) were plotted [using linear regression function in
Casio fx991 MX scientific calculator] to derive the steadystate concentration of dissolved ozone in the
waste water (given by intercept A = 4.725 mg/L) and ratio of oxidized contaminant to that of ozone
(given by slope B = 0.540). The minus sign before the slope (B) indicates that as the ozone
concentration increases, the contaminant concentration in the waste water decreases. From these data,
the ozone dose required to achieve desired reduction in COD could be estimated using the following
d (mg/L) = A ln (Co/C)1/B
Required dose (d) = A * ln (CODinitial /CODfinal)1/B
= 4.725 mg/L * (1300/160)1/0.540
= 229 mg/L
However, not all the ozone supplied is get transferred, and 8090% of transfer efficiency is normally
achieved in waste water treatment. To be on the safer side of the design, 80% transfer efficiency is
assumed. Thus, the required dose can be estimated using the following formula:
5) The Case for Membrane Bioreactor
The pilot plant studies are based on secondary data available in the public domain. The selection of
MBR is justified on the following lines:
1) Membrane Bioreactor is an advancement over the conventional activated sludge process with
the use of ultrafiltration or, microfiltration membrane, which helps to maintain high levels of
MLSS concentration and better treated water quality.
2) Activated sludge process has been well documented, thoroughly experimented, and widely
adopted for the treatment of industrial waste water, including that of textile waste water.
3) While conventional biological treatment systems may face problems due to:
a. Low F/M ratio (due to low levels of BOD in the raw effluent);
b. Sludge settleability in the clarifier;
c. Growth of algae due to higher levels of total dissolved solids in the raw effluent;
d. Increased operating costs due to low levels of MLSS concentration, increased aeration tank
size, requirement for higher retention time;
e. Inability to withstand shocks, i.e., sudden changes in the raw effluent quality;
f. Requirement for more secured land fill area due to higher levels of sludge production;
g. Inefficient nutrient removal in the raw effluent that shall encourage growth of microbial
organisms on the reverse osmosis membrane;
h. Poor treated water output quality which shall impose operational restrictions on the
secondary treatment system,
all these issues are properly addressed and taken care by the Membrane Bioreactor as already described
in earlier paragraphs.
Due to its design MBR shall be able to handle effluent with wide ranging characteristics, especially
with respect to COD and BOD. Due to the maintenance of high levels of Mixed Liquor Suspended
Solids (MLSS), i.e., from 10,000 mg/L to 15,000 mg/L, the BOD and COD values are brought down
drastically and due to the utilization of membrane and higher biological activity, the variations in the
physicochemical characteristics of the outlet water are largely smoothed out.
Membrane Bioreactor utilizes activated sludge process in combination with membrane filtration
(microfiltration or, ultrafiltration) for retention of active microorganisms and heavy molecular weight
organics typical of textile effluent, where after BOD and colour are reduced, and then the effluent is let
out for further treatment.
The MBR has two zones i) anoxic and ii) oxic. The bacteria growing under anoxic condition has the
capability to break down recalcitrant macromolecules1, which is then digested by the aerobic bacteria in
1 Earlier works in this direction are given under References.
another zone. In this way, a significant portion of the dye stuff could be broken down. Thus the
hazardous dye stuff is mostly degraded.
Due to the use of membrane and high concentration of active microorganisms, the MBR treated water
has a uniform physicochemical characteristics and the colour is mostly reduced, making this suitable
for further treatment by the reverse osmosis system1. Due to reduction of colour in the feed, the reject
from the R.O system shall also be less coloured, thereby the recovered salt can be reused. In this way,
hazardous waste generation is minimized and at the same time salt is also recovered2.
i) While conventional biological treatment system shall be useful for treating effluents with high BOD
and COD, the nature of the textile effluent makes this scheme unsuitable for adoption. Since the
colour of the textile effluent should be removed in order to recover clear salt, simple biological
oxidation schemes may not be worth full.
ii) Secondly, the dyes are mostly nonbiodegradable and only a part of it is biodegradable. Due to their
chemical nature, even the biodegradable dyestuff remains recalcitrant. The ability to digest
recalcitrant macromolecular dye stuff is exhibited by anaerobic bacteria Thus, anoxic biological
degradation is an important step if we consider biological treatment. Even then, the recovered water
shall have colour, which will get rejected by the reverse osmosis system and that shall be finally
passed onto the salt crystallized by the postevaporation system built with the evaporator. Thus, a
technology which utilizes anaerobic digestion along with membrane filtration for colour removal is
essential to recover reusable salt.
iii)Chlorination will result in the production of carcinogenic chloroorganic compounds, which shall
heavily impact on the environment.
iv)Ozonation can be considered as a suitable alternative. The rate of oxidation of organics with
ozonation is around 30 times faster than chlorination. Ozonation in combination with UV (advanced
oxidation) is more effective in destroying the organics present in the effluent; the reaction time of
ozone with organics present in the effluent is also several orders of magnitude higher.
v) However, the quality of effluent received from Membrane Bioreactor is more stable than what could
be achieved with ozonation, enabling the optimal functioning of the secondary treatment system.
This stabilized output water quality is due to the prevalence of a steadystate condition inside the
MBR compartments3, whereby both the anaerobic and aerobic bacteria shall flourish, feeding on the
digestible organic matter available in the effluent. Since the microorganisms are retained within the
MBR tank by filtration through the use of membranes, a high biological activity is maintained. The
1 Whether the MBR output shall be coloured or not shall also depend on the nature of the dye in the raw effluent.
However, a significant part of colour shall be removed by MBR, while the traces of it shall be successfully eliminated by
the activated carbon filter adopted in the design.
2 Only if the feed to the R.O system is colourless, then the reject shall be colourless. Otherwise, the reject shall have
colour, resulting in coloured crystallized salt, which could not be reused. Unlike the conventional biological treatment
system, use of MBR reduces the colour significantly and the remaining colour, if any, shall be removed by activated
carbon filter as already mentioned. Thus, MBR provides a better opportunity to recover colourless salt from the
evaporator for industrial reuse apart from so many other advantages.
maintenance of high biological activity renders a uniform output from the MBR and at the same
time, the retention time of the effluent could be minimized.
vi)Further, when the food/microorganisms ratio is low, the settleability of the sludge is increased1.
This is because, under low food/microorganisms ratio, the microorganisms are under foodlimited
environment, even though the rate of metabolism may be high when the recycled microorganisms
are first mixed with the incoming waste water. Once food is limiting, the rate of metabolism rapidly
declines until the microorganisms are in the endogenous respiration phase with cell lysis and re
synthesis taking place2. Therefore almost complete oxidation of substrate occurs producing a high
quality effluent, low BOD, good flocculation and sludge settlement.
vii)Food limitation is mainly dependent on the amount of food available (which is given by flow x BOD
= organic loading) and the amount of biomass available in the digestion chamber. Thus, for a given
BOD level in the effluent, if the number of number of microorganisms per unit volume is kept high
by recycling of sludge, then BOD reduction shall be kept at higher side – and at the same time the
settleability of the sludge shall also be increased.
viii)While MBR is utilized, the microbial activity remains high due to their retention by the membrane.
Thus, a low food/biomass ratio is maintained, leading to higher BOD removal and good sludge
settleability. Even if the sludge fails to settle down, the MBR membrane blocks the suspended flocs
(biomass) from leaving the digester. In the case of conventional biological treatment, sludge
retention is mainly dependant on the settleability of the sludge.
The advantages of using MBR are:
1) Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) and Solids Retention Time (SRT) can be changed fairly
independent of each other.
2) Lower HRT (810 hrs) compared to conventional process (1528 hrs). This reduces tank
3 The stable output from MBR is mainly due to recirculation of waste water from the membrane zone into the anaerobic
and aerobic compartments, and the maintenance of high MLSS concentration. If X is the inflow, and therefore outflow,
anaerobic to aerobic and, aerobic to membrane flow is 4X, with a recirculation from membrane compartment to
anaerobic being 3X to balance. When ever the feed quality changes, its characteristics are dampened by this re
circulation as the feed water get diluted by the recirculating fluid, and any oscillations in effluent parameters are
dampened by 3 times. This is valid only for parameters having linear relationship with concentration viz., BOD, COD,
TDS, etc. For parameters having logarithmic relationship with concentration, for example pH, this relationship shall be
more complicated – but still the changes in such parameters due to variations in effluent quality shall be dampened.
Similarly, higher MLSS concentration level helps to dampen the changes in BOD and COD within a short residence time
due to intense biological activity.
1 Gray, N.F. (1999) Water Technology: An introduction for Environmental Scientists and Engineers, First Indian Edition,
Viva Books Private Limited, New Delhi, pp.548.
2 Endogenous respiration shall consume more amount of oxygen due to recycling of carbonaceous material inside the
MBR compartments, thereby increasing operating costs. However, it shall reduce the quantity of generated sludge as
most of the recalcitrant substances are degraded due to increased SRT. Optimization techniques utilizing mathematical
modelling shall provide the required F/M ratio suitable to achieve better effluent quality and minimize sludge
production. But, this shall be possible only after the plant is commissioned and operated for a certain period of time to
collect necessary data – as effluent quality plays a certain role in determining the operating parameters.
3) High MLSS concentration in MBR (8,00015,000 mg/L) allows more BOD throughput than
conventional process which has 15003000 mg/L MLSS.
4) Smaller footprint per unit BOD loading or per unit feed flow rate. Ideal for expansion of
existing facilities without increase in footprint. Land for MBR is about half or less compared to
conventional process.
5) Submerged MBRs more suitable for retrofits using existing aeration tanks/clarifier.
6) MBRs operate at low F/M1 ratio and long SRT. This means less sludge generation. Some MBRs
operate at zero sludge generation. This reduces costs of sludge disposal.
7) Low F/M ratio operation minimizes oxygen consumption since microbes are in endogenous
respiration phase and not in growth phase.
8) Better sludge quality eliminates sludge bulking.
9) Post treatment such as sandfiltration is not necessary. Membranes provide final barrier for
pathogens and suspended solids.
10) Effluent quality is more suitable for use as feed to reverse osmosis for desalination for process.
11) Process control is easier and more amenable to automation. No more clarifier upsets or, Total
Suspended Solids carryover.
12) Eliminates loss of slowgrowing nitrifying bacteria to clarifier weirs. Improves nitrification.
13) Better removal of phosphorus associated with suspended solids (bacteria and colloids).
14) The need for secondary clarifier is eliminated.
The Membrane Bioreactor shall reject total suspended solids in addition to reducing BOD/COD to the
desired levels, making the effluent suitable for further treatment with reverse osmosis system.
1 Food to micro organism ratio – an important parameter to be maintained in the activated sludge process so that optimal
TSS removal could be achieved while maintaining necessary level of MLSS concentration. Changes in F/M ratio shall
affect the settleability of sludge in the clarifier. But in the MBR, due to the retention of micro organisms, F/M ratio can
be lowered without concern on settleability. Due to higher SRT and high levels of MLSS, endogenous respiration takes
place, resulting lesser sludge production. Also, the need for clarifier is also eliminated. This is one of the main
advantages of MBR over to that of conventional activated sludge process.
General details on advanced oxidation processes and as it is applied in textile waste water treatment are
available from:
1) Handbook: Advanced photochemical oxidation processes. United States Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC. EPA/625/R98/004.
2) Engineering and Dosing: Ultraviolet/Chemical Oxidation, Department of Army, U.S.Army Corps of
Engineers, Washington.
Literature on the use of MRB for textile waste water treatment
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bacterium. Water Practice & Technology, 1(3), IWA Publishing doi: 10.2166/WPT.2006052.
Trussell, R.S., Merlo, R.P., Hermanowicz, S.W., and Jenkins, D. (2006) The effect of organic loading
on process performance and membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal
waste water. Water Research, 40: 26752683; Corrigendum to “The effect of organic loading on
process performance and membrane fouling in a submerged membrane bioreactor treating municipal
waste water” [Water Research, 40 (2006) 14].
Research Projects European Union Funded Projects on MBR
Many research projects are funded by the European Union to carry out research on utilization of MBR
for the treatment of waste water. These projects are listed below (details available in the attachments):
1) 5th Framework Programme
a. Poseidon
2) 6th Framwork Programme
c. Reclaim Water
d. Removals
3) Marie Curie Actions
a. AQUAbase
4) INCO Program
5) Program Asia ProEco II
a. AsiaBioMem
6) CRAFT Program
7) Collective Program
a. Space2tex
8) COST Action
9) DULIFE Program
Space2tex: Wastewater recycling in textile finishing through the application and further development
of membrane bioreactors used in space lifesupport systems. Fifth Framework Programme Collective
Research. Project URL:
Purification of textile waste water by MBR. Project URL: email contact:
European Union Project – Puratreat:
Membrane bioreactors for anaerobic treatment of conventional and medium strength wastewater.
Sung, S.W., and Ugurlu, A. (20042006) Application of anaerobic membrane bioreactor for waste
water treatment. Funded by National Science Foundation, USA.
Mishoe, G.L. (1999) F/M ratio and the operation of an activated sludge process. Florida Water
Resources Journal, March.
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