On-Site Sanitation
On-Site Sanitation
On-Site Sanitation
On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems
• Rural areas and the outskirts of urban areas may have insufficient
population to support sewer systems and central treatment.
• In such areas it is likely that unsanitary disposal techniques may be used.
Septic Tanks
Details of Septic Tank
Septic tanks are buried, watertight tanks designed and constructed to
receive wastewater:
to separate solids from the liquid (Sedimentation)
• Settleable solids settle to the bottom where organic matter is partially
decomposed under anaerobic conditions.
• A scum of lightweight material (including fats and greases) rise to the
to allow the clarified liquid to discharge for further treatment and
Basic considerations:
1. The septic tank must be watertight.
Excessive leakage from septic tanks can cause the level of the scum layer
to drop below the outlet baffle. This would allow excessive scum to
discharge into the trenches.
Infiltration may enter the tank, which can cause hydraulic overloading
of the tank and the percolation system.
3. To ensure that the flow out of the septic tank carries a minimal
concentration of settleable solids, proper inlet and outlet devices (baffles
and tee-connections) must be installed.
• These devices serve four general functions:
1) Minimize turbulence caused by the inlet flow to prevent mixing and
poor settling of sludge
2) Maintain anaerobic conditions
3) Prevent rising gases from the anaerobic digestion process from
interfering with settling and resuspension of particles.
4) Protect against scum outflow
Design of septic tank:
1- At start 3 – Check:
Get Qd then Vt Get on T and Vs
Vt = Vw = Qd*t1 T = (1-3) years
Qd = 1.5*P*qavg = P*qmax Vs = P*S*T ≤ (Vt/2)
assume t1 = 2 - 3 days
2- At end (desludging) 4 – Design:
Get T= detention time of sludge Get dimensions
Vt = Vw + Vs = Qd*t2 + P*S*T assume Vone max = 30 m3 ,L = (2-3)B, and d = 1.2-2m
assume t2 = 1-2 days n = Vt/30 .. get nnew,
Vone = Vt/nnew = L*B*d ,
Where: 1- At start
Qd = Design flow ( m3/d)
P = Population (capita)
qavg = Average water consumption (m3/c/d)
time= t1
Vt = Total volume (m3)
Vw = Volume of water (m3)
Vs = Volume of sludge (m3) Vt=Vw
t1 = Maximum detention time (days)
t2 = Minimum detention time (days)
T= Detention time of sludge (y)
2- At end
S = Sludge production rate (m3/c/y)
L = Length (m)
B = Width (m) time= t2
d = Water depth (m)
n = Number of septic tanks
Vt=Vw+ Vs 11
Final Disposal Methods
1) Percolation Trench
Without Mortar
Design of Percolation Trench
Used when:
1. ROPsoil ≥ 150 l/m2/d AND 2. GW depth ≥ 2m
1. Area = Qd/ROPsoil = L*d*2 ,
assume d = 1 m, and get L
2. Lone max = 40 m, n = L/40.. get nnew,
Lone = L/ nnew
With Mortar
Design of Filtration Trench
Used when:
1. ROPsoil < 150 l/m2/d OR 2. GW depth < 2m
1. Area = Qd/ROFsand = L*d ,
assume d = 0.5 m, and get L
2. Lone max = 40 m, n = L/40.. get nnew,
Lone = L/ nnew
Where ROF = rate of filtration of sand (if not given = 450 l/m2/d)
A community having a population of 150 people lies in a rural area. If the average rate
of water consumption is 120 l/c/day, sludge production rate is 60 l/c/year, and
minimum and maximum detention times are 1.5 and 2.5 days, respectively. Design an
on-site wastewater treatment facility (septic tank).
1- At start 2- At end
time= t2
time= t1
Vt=Vw Vt=Vw+ Vs
Q max = 1.5 * 120*150*1/1000 = 27 m3/day
• At start:
V = Q max * T1 = 27 *2.5 = 67.5 m3
• At desludging:
V = Q max * T2 + S * Pop* T
67.5 = 27 *1.5 + (60*150*T/1000) Check:
So, T = 3 years (in range) O.K. V sludge = 67.5 -27 *1.5 = 27 m3 < 0.5 V O.K.
Find the length of a trench which is used after a septic tank knowing the following:
Volume of septic tank = 21.6 m3, maximum detention time of septic tank = 3 days,
ground water depth = 2.5 below ground surface, Rate of percolation of soil = 360
7200/360 = L*1*2
L = 10 m
Thank you
Any Questions?