Construction Internal Audit Program
Construction Internal Audit Program
Construction Internal Audit Program
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Purchase & Procurement All purchases are authorised Check that all purchases orders raised are
and valid. against approved Indent For Procurement (IFP).
All PO raised are in the interest Check that more than one quotations are taken
of the company. from vendors and the same are techno-
commercially evaluated.
Check that where more than one quotation is not
available, note for reason for single quotation has
been provided and approved.
Amount posted to Accounts Check vendor liability is booked only when PO,
Payable & Purchase account GRN and Vendor invoice are received.
account represents goods
actually received.
Map procedures for vendor returns. Ensure that
returns are communicated to the purchasing
department and debit memo’s are prepared and
forwarded to accounts payable in a timely
All purchases are recorded in Check that statements and invoices from
the accounting system and in suppliers are reconciled in the vendors account
the appropriate period. regularly and the differences are investigated.
All payment for purchases are Check that all supporting documents are
made only for goods actually reviewed before approval for payment is
received. made.Also check that vendor payment is
approved as per the chart of authority
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
All other expenses incurred are All other expenses incurred are
Other expenses authorised. approved as per the Chart Of Authority.
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
All inventory procured are Check that all goods received are against a valid
only against approved purchase order (which has been approved as per
Inventory Control indent for procurement. the Chart Of Authority)
All goods received are as Ensure all receipts are checked for quality and
per the conditions of the quantity; Check that all material received are
purchase contract. verified by actual weight
Check that procedure is in place to record excess
receipt and to inform the same to the purchasing
Check materials received but not tested are
separately kept and marked until test certificate is
All goods received are Ensure all receipts are accurately, promptly
recorded accurately. recorded in inventory records
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
All borrowing decisions made are Check that all borrowing decisions are
approved. approved by the management/ Board
Loan repayments are as per Loan Check that loan repayment requests are as
agreement per the loan agreement.
Interest are properly calculated Review all interest expenses and interest
and recorded in the accounting income to ensure all interest are recorded
system correctly in the accounting system.
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Project cost is managed to ensure
total project cost is within Review the reporting to management of
Project Cost Management budgeted cost. actual cost related to the project.
Check that actual cost is compared
with budgeted cost at regular interval.
Reasons for variance also analysed on
a regular basis.
Check that any significant revisions to
the budget are approved
Check that status of project completion
are compared with budgeted and actual
Actual construction activities are
Construction schedule is regularly reviewed with the scheduled
Construction Schedule managed to ensure completion of activity. Delay in work schedule are
Management project on time. regularly analysed.
XYZ Pvt Ltd
Financial Year: 2008-09
Audit Program for Chart Of Authority
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Check that transactions are Check that approval as per the chart of
authorised as per the Chart Of authority has been taken for:
Chart Of Authority Authority
a) Placement of construction contract
b) Placement of supply contract
c) Issue of Purchase orders & Work Orders
d) Issue of orders for Projects
e) Purchase of Hardware/Software or Rental of
f) Rental of Fixed Assets
g) Approval for disposal of fixed assets
h) Orders for Printing & Stationery
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control
Business Area Internal Control Objective Audit Program for test of control