Castro vs. CA
Castro vs. CA
Castro vs. CA
The instant petition for review on certiorari of the CA is focused on the issue of whether or not a residential house, which
was constructed by a lessee on a portion of the leased property theretofore encumbered under a real estate mortgage by
the lessor, can be rightly covered by a writ of possession following the foreclosure sale of the mortgaged land.
The Cabanatuan City Colleges obtained a loan from the Bancom Development Corporation. In order to secure
the indebtedness, the college mortgaged to Bancom two parcels of land located in Cabanatuan City. The parcels were
both within the school site. While the mortgage was subsisting, the college board of directors agreed to lease to
petitioners a 1,000-square-meter portion of the encumbered property on which the latter, eventually, built a residential
house. Bancom, the mortgagee, was duly advised of the matter.
The school defaulted in the due payment of the loan. In time, Bancom extrajudicially foreclosed on the mortgage,
and the mortgaged property was sold at public auction with Bancom coming out to be the only bidder. A certificate of sale
was accordingly executed by the provincial sheriff in favor of Bancom. Subsequently, the latter assigned its credit to
Union Bank of the Philippines.
Following the expiration of the redemption period without the college having exercised its right of redemption,
Union Bank consolidated title to the property. Union Bank filed with the RTC an ex-parte motion for issuance of writ of
possession not only over the land and school buildings but also the residential house. The lower court granted the motion
and directed the issuance of the corresponding writ.
The ex-officio provincial sheriff, in implementing the writ, thereby also sought the vacation of the premises by the
Castros. When the latter refused, Union Bank filed an ex-parte motion for a special order directing the physical ouster of
the occupants.
The Castros formally entered their appearance in the proceedings to oppose the ex-parte motion. They averred
that, being the owners of the residential house which they themselves had built on the foreclosed property with the prior
knowledge of the mortgagee, they could not be ousted simply on the basis of a petition for a writ of possession.
The lower court, nevertheless, issued an order granting Union Bank’s motion. The motion for reconsideration
was subsequently denied.
The Castros elevated the case to the CA. The appellate court rendered decision affirming the questioned orders.
Hence, this present petition.
There is merit in the instant petition for review on certiorari.
Shorn of unrelated matters, the basic question raised in the petition relates to the proper application of Article
2127 of the Civil Code. The law reads:
Art. 2127. The mortgage extends to the natural accessions, to the improvements, growing fruits, and the
rents or income not yet received when the obligation becomes due, and to the amount of the indemnity
granted or owing to the proprietor from the insurers of the property mortgaged, or in virtue of
expropriation for public use, with the declarations, amplifications and limitations established by law,
whether the estate remains in the possession of the mortgagor, or passes into the hands of a third
This article extends the effects of the real estate mortgage to accessions and accessories found on the
hypothecated property when the secured obligation becomes due. The law is predicated on an assumption that
the ownership of such accessions and accessories also belongs to the mortgagor as the owner of the principal.
The provision has thus been seen by the Court, in a long line of cases to mean that all improvements
subsequently introduced or owned by the mortgagor on the encumbered property are deemed to form part of the
mortgage. That the improvements are to be considered so incorporated only if so owned by the mortgagor is a
rule that can hardly be debated since a contract of security, whether, real or personal, needs as an indispensable
element thereof the ownership by the pledgor or mortgagor of the property pledged or mortgaged. The rationale
should be clear enough — in the event of default on the secured obligation, the foreclosure sale of the property
would naturally be the next step that can expectedly follow. A sale would result in the transmission of title to the
buyer which is feasible only if the seller can be in a position to convey ownership of the thing sold (Article 1458,
Civil Code). It is to say, in the instant case, that a foreclosure would be ineffective unless the mortgagor has title
to the property to be foreclosed.
It may not be amiss to state, in passing that in respect of the lease on the foreclosed property, the buyer at the
foreclosure sale merely succeeds to the rights and obligations of the pledgor-mortgagor subject, however, to the
provisions of Article 1676 of the Civil Code on its possible termination.
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and a new one is entered
declaring the residential house owned by petitioners to have been improperly included in the writ of possession issued by
the court a quo. No costs.