LBP vs. Omengan
LBP vs. Omengan
LBP vs. Omengan
MIGUEL OMENGAN RTC-SAC's application of the basic formula is incomplete and the 20% Net
G.R. No. 196412 Income Rate (NIR) and the 12% capitalization rate factors was not clearly
explained. If the 20% NIR and the 12% capitalization rate were taken into
account, the CNI per ha of the unirrigated riceland should be Php 71,250.
For prompt resolution of the instance case and considering that the relevant
Respondent Miguel Omengan was the registered owner of a parcel of land factors have already been judicially determined, the final just compensation,
located at Tabuk City, Kalinga with an area of 10.001 hectares and covered by mathematical computation, should be Php 500,820.125 for the 10.001
by TCT No. T-10172. On March 20, 2000, respondent received a notice of has.
coverage from the DAR placing the subject property under the CARP.
We emphasize that in determining just compensation, the RTC-SAC
The property was initially valued by petitioner at Php219,524.98. However necessarily works within the parameters set by law and as such, should take
the respondent rejected the offer. DAR requested petitioner to deposit into account the formulae provided by DAR. Be that as it may, when acting
amount of the initial valuation in the respondent's name. within the parameters set by the law itself, the RTC-SACs, are not strictly
bound to apply the DAR formulae to its minute detail when the situation
In a decision on July, 14, 2005, the PARAD noted that since the property was does not warrant the formula's strict application. The RTC, in the exercise of
taken in 2000 and the unit market value (UMV) for the year 2000 which is its judicial function of determining just compensation, cannot be restrained
Php 18,940/ha should have been applied instead of the 1994's UMV of or delimited in the performance of its judicial function of determining just
Php 15,780/ha. Premises considered, the landholding's valuation should be compensation as to do so would amount to a derogation of its judicial
increased to Php326,918.20 plus legal interests. prerogative.
However, on the ground that the subject property is considered as one of 2. Accordingly, the interest rate of 12%/p.a. should be imposed on the
Tabuk City's potential growth area for urban expansion, the RTC-SAC balance due from the date of the taking, or on March 20, 2000 until June 30,
granted an additional valuation of Php 40,000 per ha or an additional MV of 2013 and the interest rate of 6%/p.a. per annum is imposed from July 1,
Php 400,000, for a total just compensation of Php706,850 for the 10.001 2013 until fully paid.
The interest is to be imposed only on the balance of the final just
The CA adopted the RTC-SAC's award of just compensation however compensation, i.e., the final just compensation (Php 500,820.125) less the
modified the interest rate from twelve percent (12%) to six percent (6%) amount of the initial valuation (Php 219,524.98) or Php 281,295.145. Since
per annum in accordance with DAR A.O. No. 13, Series of 1994. petitioner's initial valuation had been contested, and it has been
subsequently determined that the expropriated property had been
undervalued, an interest on the balance or the difference between the
amount already paid and the final just compensation is proper.
1. Whether or not the formula for determining just compensation prescribed
under DAR A.O. No. 5-98 was complied with;
2. Whether or not the CA correctly imposed a six percent (6%) interest on
the amount of just compensation pursuant to DAR A.O. No. 13-94.