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Experimental Study of Open Web Steel Joists With Crimped Critical Web Members

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E.T.Buckley1, D.W.Dinehart2, P.S.Green3, S.P.Gross2, J.R.Yost2
Open web steel joists are prefabricated truss like flexural members that
are ideal for resisting low levels of load over long spans. These
members are typically found in floor or roofing support systems. Joists
are typically designed as simply supported and uniformly loaded
flexural members that cover long spans to take advantage of their high
strength-to-weight ratio. The top chords are almost always in
compression and are continuously braced by some type of decking.
The bottom chords are generally tension members and are stabilized by
diagonal bridging placed at specific locations along the joist. The web
members vary between tension and compression members and can be
fabricated as bars, single angles, double angles or single angles with
crimped ends.

Currently, the design methodology employed by the Steel Joist Institute

(SJI) is based on both allowable stress design (ASD) and load and
resistance factor design (LRFD). An LRFD design is performed
through the use of resistance factors and by factoring design loads so
that the required stress in any given member does not exceed the design
stress. An ASD design guarantees that member stresses do not exceed
pre-determined allowable stress levels at prescribed service level loads.

When single angle web members are used, a bending moment exists in
this member because the load is not applied through the angle’s

1 Structural Engineer, Thornton-Tomasetti, 51 Madison Avenue, New

York, NY 10010
2 Associate Professor, Villanova University, Department of Civil and

Env. Eng., 800 Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085

3 Technical Director, Steel Joist Institute, 3127 Mr. Joe White Avenue,

Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

centroid. The load is transferred to the web member with an inherent
eccentricity because the centroid of the single angle does not intersect
with the centroid of the top and bottom chords.

The designing a joist with single angle web members, this eccentricity
and resulting bending moment need to be addressed. This reduces the
overall load carrying capacity of the entire structural element. In order
to eliminate the load eccentricity, the ends of single angle web
members are crimped and rotated to align the member’s centroid with
the centroid of the chords. From a design standpoint, this method of
fabrication is advantageous because it theoretically eliminates the
bending stresses present that are caused by eccentric loads. It should be
noted that crimping the member reduces the weak axis moment of
inertia at the crimped locations.

Problem Definition
The motivation behind this study is to better understand the effects of
using crimped ends on critical web members for open-web steel joists.
The joists supplied for the study were provided by three different
manufacturers which allows for comparisons to be made between each
manufacturer and the different assembly processes used. These
differences in construction and assembly provided a way to identify the
joists’ overall strengths and weaknesses.


The research conducted for this consists of ninety different joists with
crimped critical web members made by three separate manufacturers.
The colors blue, white and red were given to each manufacturer to
distinguish where each joist was assembled so proper comparisons can
be made among like joists. Of the ninety joists, each manufacturer
produced thirty specimens varying in length, depth, and critical web
member size. For each design, two joists were made by each of the
three different manufacturers for a total of fifteen different joist
designs. Among the fifteen different designs there are three varying
lengths. There are thirty joists of length 8 feet (J1), 22 feet (J2) and 28
feet (J3). The J2 and J3 joists all have a depth of three feet, while J1

has a depth of eighteen inches. There are five different critical web
member sizes that are identical throughout the three joist lengths. The
angle sizes of the critical web members are 1.25 in x 1.25 in, 1.50 in x
1.50 in, 1.75 in x 1.75 in, 2 in x 2 in and 2.5 in x 2.5 in. Table 1 shows
the test matrix including design loads for each of the fifteen different
joist designs. Joist length, depth and critical web member size are the
only features of the joist that are required to be identical among all
three manufacturers. Often times, joists with the same critical web
member size did not have identical web member or chord sizes. Both
the top and bottom chords were fabricated as double angles with one
inch chord gaps. Single angles with crimped ends or double angles
welded to the exterior of the chords were always used as the interior
web members while double angle or solid round bar was used as
exterior web members. The steel angle for all specimens used for the
critical web members was cut from the same original length of angle.
All specimens were statically loaded with a point load at midspan to
failure. Buckley (2007) provides a detailed description of the testing
system, loading rates, data acquisition, and pre-test measurements.

Table 1 Text Matrix for crimped web member tests

Span Depth Critical Web Size Design Load (lbs)
J1 8' - 0" 3' - 0" 1.25" x 1.25" x 0.125" 14180
J1 8' - 0" 3' - 0" 1.50" x 1.50" x 0.170" 24232
J1 8' - 0" 3' - 0" 1.75" x 1.75" x 0.170" 29592
J1 8' - 0" 3' - 0" 2.00" x 2.00" x 0.232" 46764
J1 8' - 0" 3' - 0" 2.50" x 2.50" x 0.230" 60790
J2 22' - 0" 3' - 0" 1.25" x 1.25" x 0.125" 2627
J2 22' - 0" 3' - 0" 1.50" x 1.50" x 0.170" 6160
J2 22' - 0" 3' - 0" 1.75" x 1.75" x 0.170" 9910
J2 22' - 0" 3' - 0" 2.00" x 2.00" x 0.232" 19009
J2 22' - 0" 3' - 0" 2.50" x 2.50" x 0.230" 29913
J3 28' - 0" 1' - 6" 1.25" x 1.25" x 0.125" 2630
J3 28' - 0" 1' - 6" 1.50" x 1.50" x 0.170" 6160
J3 28' - 0" 1' - 6" 1.75" x 1.75" x 0.170" 9900
J3 28' - 0" 1' - 6" 2.00" x 2.00" x 0.232" 18940
J3 28' - 0" 1' - 6" 2.50" x 2.50" x 0.230" 30000

Failure Types
All 90 joists were tested to failure and midspan deflection was
recorded. For the crimped web member joists, 58 out of the 90
specimens failed at the critical web member. There were 29 critical
web failures from the J1 series (out of 30 specimens), 18 critical web
failures from the J2 series and 11 critical web failures of the J3 series.
Figures 1 through 7 depict the different types of failure mechanism
listed in the summary tables. Tables 2 through 4 summarize the critical
web member failures for the J1, J2 and J3 joists.

Figure 1 Buckling of the crimp transition zone (J2250-R2)

Figure 2 Buckling of crimp transition zone and member fracture (J2200-R1)

Figure 3 Out of plane buckling at the crimp (J3250-W1)

Figure 4 Out of plane buckling at crimp and member fracture (J1200-W1)

Figure 5 In-plane buckling of the uncrimped section (J2200-W2)

Figure 6 Out of plane buckling of the uncrimped section (J3175-W2)

Figure 7 Weld and member fracture at the chord connection (J1175-W1)

Table 2 J1 critical web member failure mechanisms
Test Specimen Ratio (Exp/Design) Notes Failure Mode
J1125-B1 1.09 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1125-B2 1.13 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1125-R1 1.40 L Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1125-R2 1.32 L Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1125-W1 1.49 L Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1125-W2 1.31 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1150-R1 1.75 R Buckling of the upper crimp transition zone
J1175-R1 1.88 L Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1175-R2 1.75 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J1150-B1 1.40 L Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp
J1150-B2 1.53 L Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp
J1175-B2 1.47 R Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp
Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp in addition to weld failure
J1150-W1 1.43 L at the bottom chord connection
Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp in addition to weld &
J1175-W2 1.56 L member fracture at the bottom chord connection
Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp in addition to weld &
J1200-W1 1.54 L member fracture at the bottom chord connection
Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp in addition to weld &
J1250-B2 1.62 R member fracture at the bottom chord connection
Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp in addition to weld &
J1200-W2 1.66 L member fracture at the bottom chord connection of the critical web
member & member P1
Buckling of the crimp transition zone in addition to weld failure at
J1150-W2 1.40 R the bottom chord connection
Buckling of the crimp transition zone in addition to weld failure at
J1175-B1 1.44 L the bottom chord connection
Buckling of the crimp transition zone in addition to weld & member
J1200-R1 2.01 R failure at the bottom chord connection
Buckling of the crimp transition zone in addition to weld failure at
J1250-B1 1.54 L the bottom chord connection
Buckling of the crimp transition zone in addition to weld failure at
J1250-R1 1.98 L the bottom chord connection
Buckling of the crimp transition zone in addition to weld & member
J1250-W1 1.68 L fracture at the bottom chord connection of the critical web member

J1175-W1 1.60 L Weld and member fracture at the bottom chord connection

J1200-R2 1.85 R Weld and member fracture at the bottom chord connection

J1250-W2 1.98 R Weld and member fracture at the bottom chord connection
Weld and member fracture at the bottom chord connection of both
J1200-B2 1.59 L/R critical web members
Weld and member fracture at the bottom chord connection in
J1200-B1 1.51 R addition to weld failure at the bottom of member P6
Fracture along the back heel of the bottom of the angle followed by
J1150-R2 1.69 L buckling of the upper crmip transition zone

Table 3 J2 critical web member failure mechanisms
Test Specimen Ratio (Exp/Design) Notes Failure Mode
J2125-R1 4.37 L In plane buckling of the uncrimped section
J2200-R2 2.29 R In plane buckling of the uncrimped section
J2200-W2 2.49 R In plane buckling of the uncrimped section
J2150-R2 3.17 L In plane buckling of the uncrimped section
J2125-R2 4.53 R Out of plane buckling at the uncrimped section
J2200-B1 2.18 R Out of plane buckling at the uncrimped section
J2200-B2 2.26 R Out of plane buckling at the uncrimped section
J2200-R1 2.35 L Out of plane buckling at the uncrimped section
J2175-B1 1.41 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J2250-R1 1.39 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J2250-R2 1.30 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J2175-B2 1.97 R Out of plane buckling at the upper crimp
Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp & fracture along the back heel
J2250-B1 1.66 L of the critical web member
Out of plane buckling of the lower crimp & weld failures at the bottom
J2250-W1 1.72 L chord connection of members S1 & P1
In plane buckling of the top chord & out of plane buckling at the upper
J2175-W2 2.56 X-TC / R crimp
Local buckling of the top chord & out of plane buckling at the
J2200-W1 2.49 X-TC / R uncrimped secion
Fracture along the back heel of S1 & buckling of the lower crimp
J2250-B2 1.50 X-S1 / L transition zone of the critical web member
Fracture along the back heel of S3 & weld failure at the bottom chord
J2250-W2 1.71 X-S3 / L connection of S1 & out of plane buckling at the lower crimp of the left
critical web member

Table 4 J3 critical web member failure mechanisms

Test Specimen Ratio (Exp/Design) Notes Failure Mode
J3150-B2 2.17 L In plane buckling of the uncrimped section
J3175-B2 1.83 R In plane buckling of the uncrimped section
J3200-W1 2.25 L In plane buckling of the uncrimped section
Out of plane buckling of the uncrimped
J3175-W2 2.44 R
section and local buckling of the top chord
J3200-R1 1.47 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J3250-B1 1.93 L Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J3250-B2 2.01 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J3250-R1 1.39 L Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J3250-R2 1.36 R Buckling of the lower crimp transition zone
J3250-W1 2.13 R Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp
J3250-W2 2.10 R Out of plane buckling at the lower crimp

Load – Deflection Behavior
During each test, applied load data was collected and plotted versus in-
plane deflection. Vertical deflection data was recorded using an LVDT
at each bottom chord panel point. The load-deflection plots for all J2
and J3 joists share the same general behavior as the example plot given
in Figure 8. The J1 plots, however, vary for the majority of the tests
due to the fact that the joists did not immediately lose capacity after the
critical web member initially failed. Figure 9 presents an example of
the load-deflection behavior for a J1 specimen. At failure a typical J1
joist would slowly began to shed load due to local buckling, weld
failure and member fracture at the bottom chord connection of the
critical web member would then occur.



Load (lb)

Left End Panel
Right End Panel
Left Quarter Panel
Right Quarter Panel


0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00
Deflection (in)

Figure 8 Load-deflection results for J3250-W1






Left End Panel
30000 Right End Panel



0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20
Deflection (in)

Figure 9 Load-deflection results for J1200-W2

This non-linear behavior during failure is exclusive to the J1 series
joists and is most prominent in the joists with the larger web members.
This phenomenon is also more pronounced in those joists that failed
due to some degree of weld failure or member fracture. There were
also several specimens that failed either due to local buckling or
member fracture that regained stiffness after the initial local failure.
After the local failure, the joists once again began taking load until the
critical web member failed in a more global manner.

Non-linearity that occurs when the joist is first loaded is also a

characteristic common to the J1 joists and is less obvious in the plots
generated for the J2 and J3 series. This initial non-linearity can be
attributed to the redistribution of load and leveling that takes place at
each joist seat at very low levels of load.


Overall Performance
The performance value that was common among all joists tested was
the ratio of experimental capacity over the design capacity. In order to
evaluate the data collected among different joist sizes and types, this
was chosen as the baseline for all comparisons. As mentioned in the
previous chapter, the design capacities that are being used are less
accurate than desirable due to the basic analysis used to determine these
numbers. The web members were assumed to be concentrically and
axially loaded crimped compression members with prismatic section
properties of symmetric angular shape. Design capacities will often be
less conservative when using this type of fundamental analysis.

Overall performance values for each joist type and manufacturer that
failed at the critical web member can be seen in Figure 10, while Figure
11 contains the average loads for all failure types.



2.19 2.23
2.00 1.85
Ratio (exp/design)

1.57 BLUE
1.50 1.43 1.41 RED



Joist Type

Figure 10 Critical web failures for all joist types


2.20 2.20 2.20
2.02 2.02
2.00 1.90
Ratio (exp/design)

1.57 BLUE
1.50 1.43 RED



Joist Type

Figure 11 All failures for all joist types

Figures 10 and 11 demonstrate that the red joists failed at the highest
average failure ratios for the critical web failures and for all failure
types. The red joists that failed due to a critical web member failure

averaged a failure ratio 2.07 while the white joists averaged 1.85 and
the blue joists averaged 1.66. The red joists of all failure types failed at
an average ratio of 2.20 while the white joists averaged 2.02 and the
blue joists averaged 1.79. This data shows that in terms of overall
performance, the red joists provided more strength than the white or
blue joists.

Failure Mode Performance of Critical Web Members

In this section, the 58 critical web member failures will be categorized
by seven different failure types. The failure types are buckling at the
crimp transition zone, buckling at the crimp transition zone in addition
to weld and member fracture, out of plane buckling at the crimp, out of
plane buckling at the crimp in addition to weld and member fracture,
in-plane buckling at the uncrimped section, out of plane buckling at the
uncrimped section and weld and member failure at the bottom chord

Buckling of the crimp transition zone is a local buckling failure that

occurs when the transition zone bulges and the web member can no
longer maintain its capacity. The transition zone can be defined as the
location where the web member changes from its crimped shape to its
natural angle shape. Table 5 shows a breakdown, in terms of joist type
and manufacturer, of the eighteen joists that failed at the crimp
transition zone.

Table 5 Buckling of lower crimp transition zone


Buckling of the J1 9 BLUE 6
Lower Crimp
Transition Zone J2 4 RED 10
J3 5 WHITE 2

Table 5 shows that the J1 series joists are more likely to buckle at the
crimp transition zones. These critical web members have short
effective lengths that make a flexural buckling failure very difficult to

achieve. Also evident from this table, is that red joists are more
susceptible to this type of failure while the white joists rarely failed by
buckling of the crimp transition zone. When a compression member
fails locally it does not reach its ultimate global buckling capacity
which explains the relatively low failure loads. The average ratio of
experimental capacity versus design capacity for this failure type is the
lowest when compared to six different failure modes.

The next failure type to be discussed includes a buckling of the crimp

transition zone in addition to a failure of the weld or a fracture at the
end of the critical web member. Table 6 shows a breakdown, in terms
of joist type and manufacturer, of the seven joists that failed due to
member fracture and buckling at the crimp transition zone.

Table 6 Buckling of lower crimp with weld/member failure

Buckling of the AVERAGE RATIO = 1.68

Lower Crimp J1 7 BLUE 2
Transition Zone in
Addition to Weld J2 0 RED 3
& Member Failure J3 0 WHITE 2

This failure mode occurred only in the J1 series joists and happened
exclusively at the bottom chord connections of the critical web
member. There was an even distribution of this failure type among the
three manufacturers. The failure load ratio for these joists is slightly
higher than those of the joists that buckled at the crimp transition zone
and experienced no weld failure or member fracture; however, the
average ratio is relatively low when compared to the remaining types of
critical web member failures. This can once again be attributed to the
type of local buckling that caused these joists to fail.

The third failure type is out of plane buckling of the critical web
member’s crimped section. This type of failure occurs when the
crimped section of the web member buckles at the chord connection in
its weak direction, out of the plane of the joist. Table 7 shows a
breakdown, in terms of joist type and manufacturer, of the eight joists
that failed due to buckling of the crimp.

Table 7 Out of plane buckling at the crimp


Out of Plane J1 3 BLUE 4
Buckling at the
Crimp J2 3 RED 0
J3 2 WHITE 4

This is another local buckling failure mode where the distribution

among joist types is relatively even. This distribution is not even
among manufacturers, as none of the red joists failed in this manner
while there were four from both the blue and white groups. The
average ratio for this type of failure is higher than the other local
buckling modes. This means that this failure mechanism occurs when
the joist is closer to reaching its global bucking capacity and therefore
can handle more stress. The data indicates that the red joists are much
more predisposed to buckling at the crimp transition zone than buckling
out of plane at the crimp. This could be due to differences in the
crimping, welding or fabrication process of the three joist

The fourth failure mode is out of plane buckling of the crimp in

addition to a weld failure or fracture at the end of the critical web
member. Table 8 shows a breakdown, in terms of joist type and
manufacturer, of the seven joists that failed due to member fracture and
buckling of the crimp.

Table 8 Out of plane buckling at crimp with weld/member failure

Out of Plane AVERAGE RATIO = 1.60

Buckling at the J1 5 BLUE 2
Crimp in Addition
to Weld & J2 2 RED 0
Member Failure J3 0 WHITE 5

This failure type occurred mostly in the J1 series joists where the
member fracture was more of a prevalent characteristic. The two J2
series failures experienced mostly a failure of the welds that occurred
due to a violent “folding” of the lower crimped section. Just like the
previous failure mode, there were no red joists that failed due to this

The fifth critical web member failure mode is buckling of the

uncrimped section in the plane of the joist. This is a flexural buckling
failure of the entire critical web member. The uncrimped section can
be defined as the portion of the web member, between the two
transition zones, where the angle has returned to its natural shape.
Table 9 shows a breakdown, in terms of joist type and manufacturer, of
the seven joists that failed due to flexural buckling of the uncrimped
Table 9 In plane buckling in uncrimped section


In Plane Buckling J1 0 BLUE 2
at the Uncrimped
Section J2 4 RED 3
J3 3 WHITE 2

This global failure did not occur in the J1 series joists because, as
previously mentioned, local buckling occurred before the joist could
reach its maximum flexural buckling capacity. There was an even
distribution among the three manufacturers for this failure type. The
longer, more slender members were more susceptible to this failure
because of their low flexural buckling capacity compared to their
tendency to locally buckle. As expected, the critical web members that
failed due to global buckling reached higher capacities than those that
buckled locally.

The next failure mechanism is out of plane buckling at the critical web
member’s uncrimped section. This failure mode is identical to the
previous one, with the only difference being the direction the buckling
occurs in. Table 10 shows a breakdown, in terms of joist type and

manufacturer, of the six joists that failed due to out of plane buckling of
the uncrimped section.

Table 10 Out of plane buckling in uncrimped section


Out of Plane J1 0 BLUE 2
Buckling at the
Uncrimped Section J2 5 RED 2
J3 1 WHITE 2

Once again, this global buckling failure did not occur in the J1 series
joists but had an even distribution among the three manufacturers. The
weak axis of the critical web members is in the plane of the joist,
however, these members failed out of the plane of the joist. It is
possible that this was caused by initial rotation of the critical web
member when it was welded in between the top and bottom chords.
Members that failed in this manner reached a much higher average load
ratio than those members that failed locally. As expected, there is a
minimal difference in failure ratio between out of plane global buckling
and flexural buckling in the plane of the joist.

The seventh and final critical web member failure mode is weld failure
or member fracture at the bottom chord connection. This type of
failure is the only non buckling mechanism that the critical web
members failed in. Table 11 shows a breakdown, in terms of joist type
and manufacturer, of the five joists that failed due to weld and member
fracture at the bottom chord connection.

Table 11 Weld/member fracture at bottom chord

Weld and Member

Fracture at the J1 5 BLUE 2
Bottom Chord J2 0 RED 1
J3 0 WHITE 2

This failure mode occurred only in the J1 series joists and was
distributed relatively even among the three manufacturers. These joists
failed exclusively due to member fracture and/or weld failure where
local buckling did not cause the loss of load carrying capacity. The
ratio of experimental capacity over design capacity for this failure
mechanism was relatively low and very similar the other joists that
failed due to some form of local buckling. The common behavior for
this failure type was one in which the critical web member would
fracture along the back heel of the angle and the crack would continue
to grow and slowly split apart. These joists would not fail suddenly;
rather they would slowly lose capacity over a long period of time and
experience relatively large deflections.

Effects of Double Angle End Webs

During this testing program, there were twenty-three failures that
occurred due some form of web member fracture at the bottom chord
connection. Each of these failures occurred where a crimped member
was sharing a joint with an exterior tension web. All twenty-three of
these failures occurred when the exterior web member was constructed
as double angles welded to the outside of the bottom chord angles. The
other type of member used at this location is a solid round bar welded
to the interior of both bottom chord angles. A photograph of this type
of failure can be seen in Figure 12.

Figure 12 Fracture of Web Member at Bottom Chord Connection

This study consisted of the testing of 90 open web steel joists with
crimped end critical web members. There were 30 eight foot joists, 30
twenty-two foot joists and 30 twenty-eight foot joists fabricated by
three different manufacturers. Based on the results of the crimped
angle web member joist study, several conclusions can be made. The
failure mode data suggests that the non-critical joist members were not
designed with a low enough stress ratio to ensure all of the failures
would occur at the desired members. This is the result of critical web
members reaching higher failure ratios than anticipated. This study
also showed that, joists which failed locally, i.e. crimp transition zone
failure, buckling at the crimp and member or weld fracture, did not
reach failure loads as high as those reached by joists that failed globally
due to flexural buckling. Failures were categorized into seven different


E. T. Buckley (2007) Experimental Study of Open Web Steel Joists with

Crimped Critical Web Members, Villanova University Masters Thesis,
Villanova, PA.


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