Enhance Draw Gear and Cupling
Enhance Draw Gear and Cupling
Enhance Draw Gear and Cupling
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The instructions contained in this technical pamphlet apply to inspection & maintenance
in workshops & depots of Enhanced Capacity Draw Gear and Screw Couplings fitted on
reF type BG mainline coaches.
Enhanced draw gear and screw coupling components were earlier manufactured from
Stc. 60.61 VSM10661 steel. The draw gear & screw couplings are designed for a proof
load of601 (both) and a breaking load of 108t & 112 t respectively.
In 1998,the material for the draw gear and screw coupling components has been
upgraded to IS5517-93 Grade 35 Mn6M03 to enhance the proofload to 701 (both) and a
hreaking load of 130 t (both). This was fimher enhanced to 75t(both) for proof load
testing instead of 701 (both) and accordingly spec.C-9505 and 9509 has been revised.
Specifications C-9509 and C - 9505 apply to these draw gear and screw coupling
respectively. The dimensions of these draw gear & screw couplings are the same as
The components, except draft yoke, are specially heat treated to achieve the load bearing
capacity. Hence these components should not be heated above 550°C. The latest
specified material for screw coupling and draw gear is 35 Mn6M03 to IS 5517-1993.
The material is required to be in hardened and tempered condition to achieve high tensile
and yield strength. Stress relieving during maintenance acts as tempering treatment and
there will be adverse effect on tensile propenies when every time stress relieving is done.
For screw couplings and draw gear manufactured from steel to IS:5517 the practice of
stress relieving in workshops should be dispensed with.
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CMl9901 (Rev 2)
The poof load testing machines should have a capacity of applying loads upto a
maximum of lOOt • 1501. The load should be increased on the component gradually.
When the prescribed load is achieved, hold it for 2 minutes before gradually releasing the
load and checking for permanent set.
Measure permanent set by checking the distance across 2 marks on the components, as
far apart as possible, before and after application of load. 1t is preferable to have direct
indication of pennanent set, for higher productivity.
Record-keeping : lnspeetion records should be kept for each inspection stage, relating
them to "the coach from which stripped & also the coach on which fitted after
maintenance. Reasons for rejection & repairs should be clearly mentioned.
Load testing and crack detection should be eamed out even on newly procured draw gear
components before fitting them on the coaches.
Special attention should be paid to the condition of the yoke & draw gear pins for signs
of creep motion. loose or bent/cracked pins. Elongated or worn out yoke holes should be
marked for repairs. Any welding cracks or distortion in the yoke should also be checked
Take out the draft key from the draw bars and the draw hook after straightening & pulling
out the draft key cotters.
Detach the screw coupling assembly from the draw hook by cutting off the snap head
rivet and removing the pin from the collar.
Remove the split pins and the castle nuts form the draw bar rear ends.
Remove the spring end plates, draft pads and parting plates and pull out both the draw
bars. .
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eMI 990 I (Rev 2)
Remove the draft yoke, if required in pre-inspection, by pulling out the draw gear pins,
using a puller.
Clean the components by any suitable metbod (Bosch tanks, hot water jets etc.) before
inspecting them for cracks, distortions, corrosion or wear. The detailed instructions for
inspection & repair of individual components are given below:-
Draw hook
Ref. Drg. ROSO SK- 79062 & 99004
Remove the scale, rust, work hardened layers and surface cracks, if any> by light
grinding/filing. Take care so that no grinding cracks or sharp edges are generated which
could act as stress raisers. Use dye-penetant test for checking surface cracks in case of
Inspect the draw hook for deformations & cracks. The neck" its pin hole, and the slot are
vulnerable locations. Draw hooks worn beyond the maximum permissible wear laid
down in the table below should be scrapped: -
Location of wear Wear limit Suggested NO GO gauge
Root of hook near point of contract 13mm Profile gauge with IS mm
with beot Iiok adjustable oroiection
62 mm dia Din hole 3mm 65 mm flat
Bottom side of shank 56 mm height 15 mm 41 mm snaD
Draft kev slot 059 mm) 13mm 173 mm flat
38 mm width 2mm 40 mm flat
Hook opening 48 mm 5mm 46 mm GO
53 mm NO GO Dlug
Stress relieve the draw hooks manufactured from steel to 51. 60-61. Stress relieving
should not be done for draw hooks manufactured from steel to IS 5517.
Load Test draw hooks (Stc. 60-61) at 60 t and those oflS:5517 Gr. 35Mn6M03 at 75 t
respectively. There should be no permanent set after release of load.
Draw Bar
Ref. Drawings: ROSO SK- 79063 & SK- 99007
Check the draw bar for dimensional distortions and damaged threads. Also check for
wear on teo
hfill Owtnll Iocattons: ~
Location of wear Wear limit Suggested NO GO gauge
155mm draft key slot 9mm 164 nun snaD
39 mm shank bodv 3mm 36 mm snaD
Slot width 38 min 2mm 40 mm flat
Threads M39x3 I mm Thread profile
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eMI 9901 (Rev 2)
Reject draw bars failing these standards. In acceptable draw bars, clean tbe threads and
ease them. Round offthe roots of threads at the slot.
Check the castle nuts for damaged threads, worn nut faces and threads visually. Replace
castle nuts if so,
Stress relieve the draw bars manufactured from steel to St 60-61. Stress relieving should
not be done for draw bars manufactured from steel to IS :5517
Load test draw bar (Stc. 60.61) at 39.5 t and those of (IS 5517 Gr. 35Mn6M03) at 601.
There should not be any permanent deformation.
Draft key
Renew worn, misshaped draft keys. In acceptable draft keys, round off the contact area
with the draw bars & draw hook to remove ridges, pitting, etc. if any.
Stress relieve the draft key manufactured from steel to St,60-61. Stress relieving should
not be done for draft key manufactured from steel to IS: 5517
Tbe rubber pads sbould invariably be changed as a set every alternate POH's. The sets
should not be formed from supplies from different supplies. Furthermore, the pads
should be checked every POR for bulging, pelishing or having got set to a length below
193 mm. Replace tbe pads (as a set) iffound defective.
Draft Yoke
Ref ICF Drawing No.ICFrr-2-1-0\2
Carry out detailed inspection, after removal and cleaning, for welding cracks, distortions
and wear as given in the table below:
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eMf 990 I (Rev 2)
Rebuild the 45 mm dia hole by welding and drilling to the nominal .size, if",r,~~uired.
Ensure that the mmimum distance between the mner edges of the 2 holes IS 171 . mm.
Draw hook beam (Ref. ICF Drg. No. T-2-1-602 and RDSO SK-99034)
Check the following locations for wear:-
The wearing piece on the draw hook beam should be replaced ifwom or cracked.
The locating pins provided to restrict side-ways movement of the draw hook, should be
replaced if deficient, cracked or worn.
Cut off rivets at both ends of screw and also rivets on trunnion for straight links and
remove screw and straight links.
Inspect the components for distortion, cracks or wear exceeding the limits below. In case
of doubt, dye-penetrant tests, may be used for confirming the presence/absence of cracks.
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CM! 990 I (Rev 2)
klthread I gauge
Trunnion LHIRH Thread I rnm K thread profile
Knuckle 55.635x6.35 gauge
Trunnion LWRH 76 rnm thickness 4rnm 72 rnm snap
Trunnion LHIRH 46 rnm dia pin 2rnm 44 mm snap
Replace the worn out components. Replace both the trunnions if required. Remove
ridges, rust, notches etc. by grinding.
Load test the screw coupling assemhly under proof load of 60 t (Stc. 60-61) and 75t
(IS:5517) respectively. There should not be any pennanent set.
Lubricate the wearing surfaces in the screw couplings, draw hooks and draw bars with
graphite grease or used Roller Bearing grease.
Place the draft yoke and secure it with draw gear pins. Place lock pins and splits pins in
the bracket and secure lock pin with split pin. Do not re-use split pins,
Position the draw hook beam on head stock and secure it with bolts and nuts as shown in
ICF/SK T-2-1-602.
Assemble the screw coupling with draw hook by inserting pin and rivet the pin.
Position the draw bars in the draft yoke and insert draw hook. Insert the draft Key in
draw bars and draw hook. Fit cotters in the draft key and bend them. Do not re-use
Place a rubher draft pad pack (consisting of? pads) to STR No. C-9501 (Rev.3),4 nos of
3.15 rnm thick parting plates and 1 no. of 16 rnm thick spring end plate on each draw bar.
Thc free height of ruhher springs & parting plates should he 208 mm.
Tighten the castle nuts using a spanner to achieve a pre-compression of 193 nun length of
pack. This should he checked by a gauge.
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Ensure that the projection of the shoulder on the draw hook from the head stock is within
92 mm -120 mm.
C. Maintenance In Depots
Check for proper condition of the draw gear and screw couplings, after cleaning the
accumulated dirt. Pay special attention to displaced draft key & it's cotters, draw bars
and condition of draft pads.
~ Lubricate the screw portion of the coupling and the area around the draw hook pin with
graphite grease or used roller bearing grease.
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