An Exploratory Data Analysis For Loan Prediction Based On Nature of The Clients
An Exploratory Data Analysis For Loan Prediction Based On Nature of The Clients
An Exploratory Data Analysis For Loan Prediction Based On Nature of The Clients
Abstract -In India, the number of people applying for the The primary objective of the bank is to provide their
loans gets increased for various reasons in recent years. The wealth in the safer hands. In recent times, banks approve
bank employees are not able to analyse or predict whether the loan after verifying and validating the documents provided
customer can payback the amount or not (good customer or bad
customer) for the given interest rate. The aim of this paper is to
by the customer. Yet there is no guarantee whether the
find the nature of the client applying for the personal loan. An applicant is deserving or not. This paper classifies the
exploratory data analysis technique is used to deal with this customers based on certain criteria. The classification is
problem. The result of the analysis shows that short term loans done using Exploratory Data Analysis. Exploratory Data
are preferred by majority of the clients and the clients majorly Analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyse the datasets that
apply loans for debt consolidation. The results are shown in summarizes the main characteristics with visual methods.
graphs that helps the bankers to understand the client’s
The purpose of using EDA is to uncover the underlying
Keywords - Loan analysis, exploratory data analysis structure of a relatively larger set of variables using
technique, client’s analysis, financial categories analysis visualizing techniques.
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1864017519 176 & Sciences Publication
An Exploratory Data Analysis for Loan Prediction Based on Nature of the Clients
The paper [5] uses decision tree induction algorithm and lakhs. By these criteria, a new column called Category is
found that the algorithm finds a best way to evaluate the derived.
credit risk. To avoid the credit risk, bankers holds the
technique called as “credit score”, where it helps the
lenders to keep note on who are the applicants who will able
to repay the amount or probability of going into the default
risks. The input given for credit evaluation was customer
data, WEKA software, cibil score. The methodology used in
prediction system was problem and data understanding, data
filtering, system modelling and finally system evaluation.
This was done on the banks existing dataset containing 1140
records and 24 attributes. At last the system was tested and
helps the bankers to make a correct decision on whether to
accept or reject the loan approval.
The paper [6] used predictive model technique and
descriptive model technique to predict the loan approval in
banks. In predictive model technique, classification and
regression were used and in descriptive model technique
clustering and association were used. Classifiers also Fig 1. Annual Income vs purpose
implement several algorithms like naive Bayes, kNN
algorithms of R language and regressors implements several Thus, grouping the Category that is high,
algorithms like decision trees, neural networks, etc., To moderate and low.
undergo this prediction analysis, out of all these algorithms,
Inference from the Figure 1 is as follows:
naive Bayes produces a most accurate classifier and the
algorithms like decision tree, neural network, K-NN People in moderate category seek loan in the higher
algorithms will be more accurate regressors. The main goal numbers.
of the paper is to predict the loan classification based on the The field debt consolidation shows the highest
type of loan, loan applicant and the assets (property) that distribution.
loan applicant holds. It was found that the decision tree Low and moderately categorized applicants try for
algorithm gave an improved accuracy of almost 85% on other purpose and car loans equally.
doing the analysis. B. Trust Customer Classification
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1864017519 177 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S, November 2018
C. Loan Term Vs Delinquent Months Figure 4 spectacles the repayment period of the loan
versus credit score under various categories by grouping the
derived column credit category and loan term.Figure 4 have
deduced the following:
Customers with good and very good credit score
prefer for short term payback period in
contradiction to customers with fair credit score.
People applying loan for first time prefer short term
loans because lender doesn’t do a credit check so
that the applicant avail loans easily.
E. Loan Term Vs Years In Current Job
Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1864017519 178 & Sciences Publication
An Exploratory Data Analysis for Loan Prediction Based on Nature of the Clients
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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: E1864017519 179 & Sciences Publication