The Conjunction Analysis in David Beckham Speech: Vicky Rahmat Tanjung, Sudiyono
The Conjunction Analysis in David Beckham Speech: Vicky Rahmat Tanjung, Sudiyono
The Conjunction Analysis in David Beckham Speech: Vicky Rahmat Tanjung, Sudiyono
Vicky Rahmat Tanjung , Sudiyono
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1. IKIP Siliwangi
2. IKIP Siliwangi
A conjunction is a way of linking different parts of the text to create cohesiveness. In this study, the
writers use a qualitative descriptive method to examine and find out the types of conjunction elaboration
and extension used by David Beckham's speech in World Children Days. The data were taken from the
video on YouTube. The result shows that there are four types of conjunction elaboration and extension
used by David Beckham's speech in World Children Day, they are appositive, clarification, additive, and
variation. David Beckham uses 10-word additive, 3-word clarification, 2 words appositive, and 1-word
variation during a speech at World Children Day. It can be concluded that the commonly used is Additive
conjunction as many as 10 words.
Keywords: Discourse analysis, Conjunction, Type of Conjunction
Discourse analysis is a broad term for the study of how language is used in texts and contexts,
also called discourse studies (Toolan & McCarthy, 2006) in Nasrullah et al (2019). Analysis of
discourse related to the study of the relationship between the language and the context in which it
is used. It grew out of work in different disciplines in the 1960s and early 1970s, including
linguistics, semiotics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Discourse analysts learn the
language used: the written text of all types, and spoken data, from conversations to the very most
popular forms of speech (Michael McCarthy:1991). The language features that give the shape
just mean grammatical function. The meaning of language is represented in several oral and
written tasks. With functional grammar, the spoken and written tasks will display the
grammatical connection between individual clauses and utterances is given. These grammatical
links can be classified under three general types: reference, ellipsis/substitution, and conjunction.
In this study, the writers focus on conjunction as the main subject in the research.
Based on the explanation above, the objectives of this research are to find out what types of
conjunction that many used in David Beckham's speech and how many types of conjunction for
all David Beckham speech in UNICEF. David Beckham is the best football players in the world
and is the phenomenal people in the world, so the writer interested to analyze the David
Beckham speech especially in the use of a conjunction. The writer focuses on elaboration and
extension conjunction. The writer chooses this topic because Conjugation is a way of connecting
various parts of a text to create cohesiveness, and a conjunction links words, phrases, or clauses
It is difficult to learn to use conjunctions correctly in a foreign language.
Besides that, the findings of this research are expected to give benefit for:
The writer this research is expected to be able to increase understanding and knowledge
directly about conjunctions especially used in David Beckham's speech. The reader the result of
this research expected to be able to provide information for the reader especially about
conjunction in the English language especially that used in David Beckham's speech. The other
researcher the results of this research are expected to be able to add references or alternatives for
the other researcher who conducted the research.
A qualitative method used by the writer in this research to analyze the conjunction of the
dialogue in the video. Research is a scientific way to obtain data with specific purposes and uses
(Sugiyono 2006). Sugiyono (2013) state qualitative research methods are a method of study used
to examine the condition of natural objects, in qualitative research, research is a key instrument,
data collection techniques combined with inductive analysis and results of qualitative research
emphasizing on the meaning of generalization. The process of collecting data provided by the
following steps: ( Searching the video about the topic. ; (2) Listening to the dialogue and write
done the script from the video; (3) Grouping/data collection; (4) Data analyzing;
Search the material in this part, the writer searches the video about David Beckham speech
from YouTube that will be used as research material. Listen the material in this case, the writer
tries to listen and write David Beckam speech to analyze the conjunction that used during his
speech. Data collection in this part, the writer uses document in the form of David Beckham
speech as an instrument to analyze the data. Data analyzing, data analysis is the review process,
sorting, and grouping data to formulate working hypotheses and lifted it into conclusion or
theories in the research findings, (Bakri, 2003, p. 162) cited in Suhaila (2019). Data analysis is
the process to organize data in a pattern, category, and analysis. In this research, there are some
procedures used to analyze the data Patton (1990, p. 103). The procedures are as follows:
a. Analyzing the data taken from the article.
b. Revealing the answers related to the problems of the study.
c. Editing and organizing the data
d. Concluding the data analysis.
The primary data is the transcription of David Beckham speech at United Nations Headquarters
in New York on 20 November 2019
8 ."In any case, I heard from young people in South Africa and Clarification
Swaziland, who deserve to grow up free from diseases like
9 " I have seen myself how UNICEF helps make changes that Additive
the children need to see in the world.
"By providing health care. Nutrients. Water and sanitation.
Plus education. All the ingredients that children need to grow
healthy and happy, and to unlock their potential...
10 As a leader, as a community figure, as a parent and, as a Additive
human being, we all have to do more to protect the dreams of
11 "To help my kids find their passion and purpose in life. Additive
12 " To help them learn what is right and what is wrong. Additive
"But I also know that every day, our children teach us.
13 They called for seats in the classroom, and the loudest voices, Additive
coming from women.
"Where our resources are sustainable and our environment is
14 And they called for peace. To end the violence. End of the Additive
"Ending political and cultural divisions that destroy
communities, separating families and endangering children's
lives every day.
15 "Actually, Children never stop learning. Neither should we. Clarification
16 "I am proud to be here lending my voice to this conversation Additive
and supporting brilliant young activists like Millie Bobbie
Brown who is using her platform to command attention to the
Based on my research looking for material for me to analyze on Youtube about David Beckam’s
speech, because David Beckham is the number 1 phenomenal soccer player in the world, the
author is interested in analyzing David Beckham’s speech, especially in the use of conjunctions
David Beckham addresses United Nations Headquarters in New york on November 20, 2019 on
World Children’s Day (UNICEF) Collecting data in this section the writer uses a document in
the form of David Beckham’s speech as an instrument to analyze the data. Data analysis is the
process of reviewing, sorting, and grouping data to formulate a working hypothesis and elevate it
to be conclusions or theories in research findings.
From this research, it is known that David Beckham in his speech used several types of
conjunction, including Appositive, clarification, additive, and variation. In his speech, the writer
found that David Beckham used 2 appositive conjunction namely that is and for example,
because in his speech David Beckham did not represent or restate his every word. Then, David
Beckham in his speech uses 3 words of clarification conjunctions namely 2 words actually and 1
word in any case, because, in his speech, some sentences are made more precise, and also some
sentences are summarized. Besides that, David Beckham uses 10 words of additive conjunction
in his speech namely, and, because in his speech David Beckham has a lot to inclusion in the
sentence. And the last, David Beckham uses 1 word of variation conjunction, namely, from that,
because based on the results of the analysis, in his speech, David Bechakm not many associate
something with something else. From the explanation, it can be concluded that David Beckham
uses 16 words of conjunction.
Based on the explanation above, the objectives of this research are to find out what types of
conjunction that many used in David Beckham's speech and how many types of conjunction for
all David Beckham speech in UNICEF. Based on the result, the speech of David Beckham
classified into 4 types of conjunction classifications, such as Appositive, Clarification, Additive,
and Variation. In other words, David Beckham often uses Additive conjunction in his speech.
Alhamdulillah, I thanks to Allah S.W. T who gave a blessing to the writer, the writer can finish
this article with a good health condition. The writer says the biggest thank you for the writer’s
article supervisors who always gave support when conducting this research. Also, the writer
would like to say thank you to IKIP Siliwangi which allowed us to publish this article. Also for a
blind reviewer who reviewed this article as well as to the editorial team so this article can be
published perfectly
CURRICULUM. ELTIN JOURNAL, Journal of English Language Teaching in Indonesia.
4(2): 1-12,
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