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D-l-cN-14-0047A4 Venkataramani Mani, Plaintiff IN: County

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The plaintiff developed acute cholecystitis and liver conditions while visiting family in the US and is suing his insurance providers for denying coverage of his medical bills.

The plaintiff developed acute cholecystitis and liver conditions.

The cholecystitis was treated with a laparoscopic cholecystectomy and the plaintiff received treatment for the liver conditions.

Case 1:14-cv-01103-SS Document 1-3 Filed 12/12/14 Page 1 of 5 1ilt1

'':, PM ,

riOuez-.Menfoza ,

. , T¡avis County .

No. D-l-cN-14-0047A4 ' '




Defendants ?91Sr - TDICIALDI'TRICT


files'this öriginal'petition complaining

'' :
of '

Sirius :)lanA,tnæøation"l Mrdiral Group,Inc.

. _ t .. .'.

('¿International')andwouldshow: ',.' '. ' .', '

.:...... . .' .t-
'' . :

Control Plan, Level2.

denial of an insurarice claim.,

ITI, PittÍes

Plaintiffis an individual residing if Travis County,,fsxas.

Case 1:14-cv-01103-SS Document 1-3 Filed 12/12/14 Page 2 of 5

Defendant, siti.rs International Insrrance Coqpóration; is a foreigu,urpt r" linos insurance


company doing business in Texas that does not maintain a registered agent in Texas, and may be
.:. . ,

served with cit¿tion by and through the Commissioner of lnsuance, JuliaRathgeber, P,O. Box

International, Insurance Corporation,'./o Edwæds Mldman Palmer, LLP, 750 Lexington


Averrue, 8ú Floor, New York, NY 10022-9833.

Defendant, Internationat Medical Gro


, the'State of Texas that does not mantain


citation by and through the Texas Secreta¡y of.

' '.. :. . -:,
International Medical Group, Inc., 2960, North


fV, Venuê

' Venue is proper in Travis

omissions giving rise to PlaintifPs

:' .

CodeAnn. $ 15.002(a)(1). :

VL X'acts of the Case

: : lvh. Mani is a citiZen of India. ,Hr o

medical insurance from Defendants for thè perio

Case 1:14-cv-01103-SS Document 1-3 Filed 12/12/14 Page 3 of 5

to Austin, Texàs to visit his son's family: After he had been in the IJrrited States for

approximately a month, Mr. Mani,developed, for the fú$ qtné in his':!ife, acute cholecystitis and

Mr. Mani was forced to seek medical fieatntent for these'conditions that first started in
, the United St¿tes:at great expense.'The liver
. ..t..

the Cholecy. stltis .was'freatéd wittr. a lapæoscopic

: : . '' . : .. - . .: .

fromlthese conditions.
:. ..: ... . I .'

M¡. Mani's medical bills were'submitte

investi-gatión, Greg'Weâver, RN, of Akeso Care

',Mani's treatment,was, a il'non-covered servic

individuat ïyith MCMC, unote:a letter.ctai

Defendants have not paid any of Mr. Mani's o

rBreach ¡if Côntract '.,

Defendants? actions amount to ¿breach of contract between.Þlaintiff and Defendants.l

plaintiffapplied for and was accepted for rnsurance coÌerage by Ddendants. He paid the

requüed premiums, entering into a binding co
'..r.'. :" i . l . .'
breached the conüact by denying Plaintiffs clai

reçöver his actuat damages, court costs and reaso

Texas Civil Practice.& Rernedies Code, Section'318,001;et seq.

': :'

. :
Case 1:14-cv-01103-SS Document 1-3 Filed 12/12/14 Page 4 of 5

Texas Insurance Code: (1) $5a1.060(a)(1) misrepre¡enting'to a claimant a material fact or policy
provision relating to coverage at issue; (2) $541.060(a)(2)(A) failing to auempt in good faith to

effectuate a prompt, fair, and equitable settletnenf of a claim with resp ct to which the insurerls

policyholder a reasonable'explanation'of the,basis in the policy, in:relation to the' facts or

applicable law, forthe insurer's deriial'of a'c

t '
' '' . . . .

and (4) $5a1.060(a)(7) refrrsing to pay,a clai

with respect to'the claim; As,a result, Pl
jurisdictional limits of this cor¡¡t.

DL' Third Câuse of Action¡

' Deféndant?s'actions also arfiount to a violation,of Texas Insurancel Côde, Sèetións: .,

.l : .

542.051-0t61 . As such, Plaintiff is :entitled to l8o/o per :

*num i¡ a¿Atio¡ toi the aurotmt 'of his'

claim, plus auornéyst fees.

. À. .. .. ...
.-:. .:i :

. Plaintiffhas requested ttrat this case'be y a jury'as allowed'by, Tex. R, Civ, P

216. T\e appropriate jury fee has been paíd; ' . r l - l, t

..ì :.:


Case 1:14-cv-01103-SS Document 1-3 Filed 12/12/14 Page 5 of 5

'XI.r Praiêr

which Plaintiff may show himself justly entitled.,

Texas 78731
,stzqie-^égs ræ<

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