D-l-cN-14-0047A4 Venkataramani Mani, Plaintiff IN: County
D-l-cN-14-0047A4 Venkataramani Mani, Plaintiff IN: County
D-l-cN-14-0047A4 Venkataramani Mani, Plaintiff IN: County
'':, PM ,
riOuez-.Menfoza ,
. , T¡avis County .
ITI, PittÍes
company doing business in Texas that does not maintain a registered agent in Texas, and may be
.:. . ,
served with cit¿tion by and through the Commissioner of lnsuance, JuliaRathgeber, P,O. Box
fV, Venuê
omissions giving rise to PlaintifPs
:' .
CodeAnn. $ 15.002(a)(1). :
to Austin, Texàs to visit his son's family: After he had been in the IJrrited States for
approximately a month, Mr. Mani,developed, for the fú$ qtné in his':!ife, acute cholecystitis and
Mr. Mani was forced to seek medical fieatntent for these'conditions that first started in
, the United St¿tes:at great expense.'The liver
. ..t..
fromlthese conditions.
:. ..: ... . I .'
plaintiffapplied for and was accepted for rnsurance coÌerage by Ddendants. He paid the
requüed premiums, entering into a binding co
'..r.'. :" i . l . .'
breached the conüact by denying Plaintiffs clai
reçöver his actuat damages, court costs and reaso
. :
Case 1:14-cv-01103-SS Document 1-3 Filed 12/12/14 Page 4 of 5
Texas Insurance Code: (1) $5a1.060(a)(1) misrepre¡enting'to a claimant a material fact or policy
provision relating to coverage at issue; (2) $541.060(a)(2)(A) failing to auempt in good faith to
effectuate a prompt, fair, and equitable settletnenf of a claim with resp ct to which the insurerls
.l : .
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Case 1:14-cv-01103-SS Document 1-3 Filed 12/12/14 Page 5 of 5
'XI.r Praiêr
Texas 78731
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