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How It Works Senior staff manage programming and employees from a distance, but visit the project site
Best Practices • Delegate and provide national staff with mentoring support for decision-making.
• Follow sensible security procedures, and keep travel arrangements confidential.
• Consider the best communication options, such as phone, Skype, radio, etc.
How It Works Community-based organisations implement part of the project (aid distribution, for example).
Best Practices • Seek to understand the perceptions and gain the support of other partners in the area, and
elevate final decision-making if needed.
• Provide mentoring and support with decision-making.
Advantages They can provide otherwise unavailable technical input and guidance.
Disadvantages It does little to build the capacity of local organisations or partners, and it can be expensive.
Best Practices • Promote the use of local contractors or consultants to build capacity.
• Incorporate training and skills transfer into contracts.
The following list is adapted from ‘Once Removed: Lessons and Challenges in Remote Management of Humanitarian
Operations for Insecure Areas’, by A. Stoddard, A. Harmer and J. S. Renouf and published in 2010 by Humanitarian
Outcomes for the Center on International Cooperation:
Develop clear agency policies, guidance Invest in better capacity building for local
and practical tools for remote staff in key skills (for example, negotiation,
management. leadership, technical skills, etc.).
Strengthen duty of care to national and Recruit international staff, contractors and
local staff, and extend to national partner consultants with experience in remote
organisations (for example, better, more management. Avoid risk transfer as a
differentiated risk assessments). policy priority.