Is It Safe To Eat Guava If You Have Diabetes?
Is It Safe To Eat Guava If You Have Diabetes?
Is It Safe To Eat Guava If You Have Diabetes?
Meta description: Guava or poor man's apple is a highly nutritious food, and it can cure several
diseases. If you want to know can Diabetics eat Guava and its benefits continue reading?
Diabetes is a significant disease that occurs when the blood sugar level of our body increases.
Patients who have Diabetes has grown a lot in recent years. Commercial diet and modern
lifestyle is a significant cause of this disease.
Diabetes occurs when the human body stops producing an adequate amount of insulin to
regulate blood sugar. And because of that, blood sugar doesn't enter the cell for storage. Not
only this, but many other factors can cause Diabetes.
Proper diet is important for maintaining the blood sugar of our body.
Diabetes is a chronic disease, and uncontrolled diabetes can cause severe health issues, such as
kidney diseases, liver diseases, heart diseases, nerve damage, Alzheimer's disease, foot
damage, hearing impairment and blindness.
Diet control is essential to beat Diabetes. Diabetics patients should not eat sugary and
sweetened beverages, trans fats, white bread, pasta, and much much more. Instead, they
should eat whole fruits to lower diabetic symptoms. But can diabetics eat Guava?
The answer is super simple, yes people with diabetes can eat Guava as it is highly nutritious and
can alleviate the diabetic symptoms. It can reduce the chance of Diabetes.
Highly nutritious and rich in fibre: Eating Guavas can help to maintain blood sugar because
Guava is rich in fibre and fibrous fruits take a considerable amount of time to digest.
Low Glycemic index: Diabetics suffer from low blood sugar. Fruits with low Glycemic indexes get
absorbed gradually and increase the glucose level of the body. And Guava has a low Glycemic
Lesser calories: As mentioned above, Diabetics patients should not eat foods that are high in
calories, such as meat, Granola, fish, avocados, dairy products, and sweet potatoes.
Surprisingly, 50g of Guava contains only 34 calories which are relatively less. Because of lesser
calories, it can help the diabetic patient in managing weight. So, if you ask, can diabetics eat
Guava? The short answer is yes they can. Diabetics should eat Guava if they want to beat
Diabetes, lose weight, and get rid of the problem of constipation.
Lesser sodium content and higher potassium content: The level of sodium increases in the
blood due to high blood sugar and to maintain the level of sodium and potassium diabetics
should eat fruits and vegetables with lesser sodium content. And Guava is one such fruit.
Guava leaf tea is a popular herbal remedy that can reduce the effect of Diabetes. You can make
powder from its leaves, mix them with hot water and consume the liquid.
You can drink Guava tea before and after every meal if you want to experience quick results.
Guava leaf tea is a herbal tea, and herbal solutions are free from any chemicals, so there will be
no chances of side effects. But still, if you start drinking a lot of Guava tea, you may experience
Therefore, in the beginning, it would be better if you start with small doses. You can increase
the dosage as soon as your body adjusts to it.
Guava has a shallow glycemic index, and this is the reason it is an ideal fruit for Diabetes. 100g
of Guava has only 9-gram Sugar which is relatively less.
Diabetic patients should not eat cakes, doughnuts, ice cream, and other sugary foods because it
increases calorie. But most often, they crave for such foods. And if you are the one, then you
should know that we have got an alternative for you. If you eat crunchy green guavas, you
would love them. I know they can't replace those sugary items, but Guavas are tasty and
healthy at the same time. It consists of several chemicals and elements, then it would make you
feel full, and you would be able to prevent yourself from munching fatty foods.
Guava is a less dense fruit, and you will feel energized as soon as you consume it. As mentioned
above, 100g contains only 34 calories. So, if you consume Guava, you will lose weight, and you
can keep your metabolism in check as well.
You should not consume a citrus fruit like Guava in an empty stomach in the morning.
Many people have a misconception that we should not eat Guava in the evening as it can cause
cold. But this doesn't seem right. Guava is a citrus fruit, and its juice can reduce cold and cough.
This fruit has antioxidants, and you can consume it at night for beautiful and radiant skin.
Moreover, if you consume Guava at night, you will be able to keep your blood pressure regular.
So, you can eat Guava anytime, but in my view, it would be best if you eat Guava after
This tasty and crunchy delicious fruit has various health benefits and can reduce the symptoms
of several diseases, including Diabetes. If you want to regulate or lower the blood sugar level of
your body, then you should include Guava in your diet.
Its nutrient composition makes it an excellent food for Diabetes. Guava has a low glycemic
index, which means your body would face no difficulty in digesting it.