Foam Top Pourer Set Mk5: Key Features
Foam Top Pourer Set Mk5: Key Features
Foam Top Pourer Set Mk5: Key Features
The Angus Fire Top Pourer Set (TPS) Mk5 This ensures a rapid spread across the
is designed for use in foam systems for surface of the fuel, whilst lowering
the protection of fixed roof flammable the application velocity, reducing D
liquid storage tanks and combines foam contamination of the foam by the fuel E
generation, vapour sealing and foam and minimising splash.
pouring in a robust, low-maintenance Foam Tube Length
design. The TPS Mk5 represents over
The standard or minimum length of the F
35 years of product development and
foam dispersal tube projecting into the
operating experience. Modern materials
tank interior is shown in the below table
such as graphite and stainless steel are
under "E". It is designed for pourers
employed to ensure each unit performs
mounted (usually using the Angus Fire
to the precise pressure and flow standards
mounting kit) directly on to the tank wall.
laid down by Underwriters Laboratories
This positions the deflector plate at the
(UL) and NFPA. A
optimum position inside the tank to spread
Key Features the foam evenly around the interior. Other
z Narrow pressure tolerance bursting lengths of the foam dispersal tube can be
disc for increased reliability specified by the customer.
z Impregnated graphite bursting disc for
leak free operation Angus Foam
z Reusable bursting disc holder With the correct foam concentrate, Top
z Air/liquid flow controller for optimum Pourer Sets can be used in applications
foam quality involving either hydrocarbon or water
miscible fuels. Angus Tankmaster foam
z Body lid retained by stainless steel INLET FLANGE
± 0.05 bar For applications involving water miscible
(± 0.75 psi). Each orifice is specifically designed fuels, Alcoseal at 6% or Tridol ATF produces
to allow the correct amount of foam a 25% drainage time of around 8 – 10
premix into the foam-making tube after minutes at 5 bar inlet pressure to the TPS
taking into account the supply pressure unit. Recommended application rates
at the inlet flange, the foam type and will vary depending on the specific water
concentration. miscible product(s) involved.
Foam Box and Bursting Seal Access Materials and Finish
To allow access to the foam generating Standard bodies are fabricated from carbon steel and the orifice plate, internal parts and
box for test purposes, and to inspect or all fixings are manufactured from A2 or SS316 stainless steel.
replace the graphite disc, the box lid has
been designed to allow quick and easy Component Material Options
access. Four retained stainless steel bolts Body and foam generator tube Carbon steel to EN10025 Stainless steel SS316
swing away to allow the lid to pivot giving
Air/liquid flow controller Stainless steel SS316
access without the risk of any components
falling from the unit. High performance bursting disc Impregnated Graphite
Reusable bursting disc holder Zinc plated steel Stainless steel SS316
Bursting disc “O” ring seal Nitrile rubber (for hydrocarbons) Viton (for polar solvents)
Captive foam enhancer Stainless steel SS316
Fixings (nuts, bolts, washers) Stainless steel 304, A2 Stainless steel SS316
Outlet flange gasket Neoprene rubber PTFE
Angus Fire Top Pourer Sets are supplied as standard with a unique yellow
thermoplastic powder paint finish, between 250 and 450 microns thick, suitable for
most operating conditions. Alternative colours are available.
Performance Envelope
300 1200
FLOW l.p.m.
FLOW l.p.m.
1000 2000
FLOW l.p.m.
FLOW l.p.m.
200 800
100 400
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Installation Options
The Angus mounting kit allows the TPS to be sited without the need for access from inside the tank.
WARNING: Before any cutting work is done to the tank wall, which could cause sparks and hot spots, it must be ensured that the tank is
empty and purged of any flammable vapour.
A hole is cut into the tank side. Then the Angus mounting kit flange is secured from outside by passing the stud nuts through the access
hole. They are then tightened on the inside by reaching through the access hole from outside the tank, removing the need for access to
the inside of the tank. The TPS body with its foam deflector is then bolted on to the adapter kit flange in the normal way.
Flanges are welded outside and inside the tank wall. The TPS body and foam generator are mounted on to the
external flange and the foam deflector on to the internal flange.