Catalog MAXON
Catalog MAXON
Catalog MAXON
Series “SN” Sealed Nozzles (see catalog bulletin 3200)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 1102
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Burner Nozzles Page 1103
Page 1104 Burner Nozzles
Capacity/Selection Data
All Maxon Burner Nozzles provide
positive flame retention and clean,
complete, stable combustion when
supplied with a 100% air/gas
premixture. Their heat release is
directly related to the differential
mixture pressure developed by that
supply system.
Capacities in 1000’s Btu/hr are
plotted (on the charts on this page and
the following page) against the
differential mixture pressures for each
of the nozzle sizes.
Discharge area for each nozzle
size is also shown.
Any reference to a “pressure”
must relate to the “effective dis-
charge area” through which the
volume of gas or air/gas premixture
is passing. When selecting premixing
equipment systems, the maximum
and minimum mixture pressures must
be evaluated relative to the quantity
and/or size of the nozzle(s). The ratio
between these two factors dictates the
turndown capabilities of the overall
Multiple nozzle combinations
may be considered for a given heat
release with a specific premixing
device, but the total discharge areas
of all the multiple nozzles must not
exceed the effective discharge area of
the specified single nozzle size.
A minimum differential mixture
pressure of +0.25" wc must be
maintained to minimize the
potential for backfiring.
Page 1106 Burner Nozzles
Capacity/Selection Data
Burner Nozzles Page 1107
Accessory Options
for Series “SN” Sealed Nozzles
Standard: Sketch 1
Page 1108 Burner Nozzles
Accessory Options
for STICKTITE™ and PILOTPAK™ Nozzles
Tuyere Blocks
Provides uniform firing ports for
Nozzles used on furnaces
constructed of fire-brick (up to
18mm Spark Ignitor
1-1/2" & 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" & 5" 6"
Nozzle Size Required for direct sparked 4" STICKTITE™ Nozzle
Dimension "L"
1.88 2 2.62 2.75 6
(in inches)
Burner Nozzles Page 1109
Accessory Options
for STICKTITE™ and PILOTPAK™ Nozzles
Typical for Solution Heating Applications Nozzle Support Bracket dimensions (in inches)
Nozzle Size A B C D
Nozzle spacing
1-1/2" 3.5 1-1/8
4.25 4.19 [1] 7/16
2" 2.5 1-5/16 to 1-1/2
2-1/2" 1-5/8 to 2-1/2
5.25 5.75 4.88
3" 1-5/8 to 2-5/8
4" 6.88 1-1/2 to 2-3/4
6.44 6.88
5" 1-3/8 to 3
6" 9 8 11/16 1-1/2 to 2-1/2
[1] Actually grips inlet pipe, not nozzle as shown
Typical for
Furnace Pipe threads on this page conform to NPT
Applications (ANSI Standard B2.1)
Page 1110 Burner Nozzles
NOTE: “BP” Nozzles have (4) ignitor ports; all others have
(8) ignitor ports
NOTE: Typical of
NOTE: Typical of SPA-6-60 PILOTPAK™ Nozzle only
1-1/2" through 5"
Page 1112 Burner Nozzles
“Basic” Series “SN” Sealed Nozzles (shown with optional flame rod & pressure pilot assemblies)
Flame Rod
Burner Size A B C D G H J L M P R S V W X Y
NPT [1] [2]
3/4"-5, -7 3/4"
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
1"-9 2.44 .31 7.5 5 1" 6.38 8.75 3.75 .28 .88
1-1/4"-12, -14 1-1/4" 2.56 3.62 4.88 3.75 11 8.06 .12 3.62 7
1-1/2"-16, -18 3.31 1-1/2" 3.5
2"-20 3.44 3.62
.38 9 7. 5 2" 9 12.12 5.25 3.94 5.12 .34 1 5.25 14.5 11.62 4.12 6.44
2"-24 4.19 4.38
2-1/2"-27 4.69 2-1/2" 4.88
3"-33 5.75 .5 9.5 9 3" 11.5 13.88 6 5.94 3.68 6.12 .41 1.25 6.25 16.5 13.56 5.62
[1] Without cooling tee [2] With cooling tee [3] 12" long flame rod is normally furnished from stock. If ordered with the nozzle, it is cut to
correct length. If ordered separately, it must be cut to specified length (shown in table above) to fit your SN Sealed Nozzle.
Burner Nozzles Page 1100-S-1
Installation Instructions
4/92 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Series “SN” Sealed Nozzles
General Instructions
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The sketch below
shows a typical pipe train system as might be used
with Sealed Nozzle Burners.
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
To prevent damage in transit, the control valves,
pipe trains, spark ignitor, mounting gaskets, flame rod
and connecting linkage components may be packed The use of a monolithic seal of castable refractory
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon around each Sealed Nozzle Burner (as shown above)
Sealed Nozzle Burner. will lessen the chance of shearing off the block
Series “SNF” Sealed Nozzle Burners can fire in because of unequal expansion of the refractory and
any direction, but the scanner manufacturer may the furnace shell.
impose limitations. Avoid orientations which might Excessive maintenance on the burner blocks and
permit pilot and/or flame supervision ports to collect castings is frequently the result of external stresses
debris and/or moisture. and strains transmitted to the burner through the
Include observation ports in your combustion piping. On large installations, consider the use of
chamber design to provide a view of both main and flexible piping connectors to provide “give-and-take” in
pilot flame area. Start-up and adjustment procedures both length and alignment. Installation of such con-
will be greatly simplified. nectors at certain key spots in the air or gas
Flexible connections are recommended in all manifolding can prevent damage to the burners from
piping to reduce piping stresses and alignment/ uneven thermal expansion.
shifting problems.
Typical of Series “LG” or “HG” Mixing Tubes, Maxon MICRO-RATIO® Valve and
Series “SNF” Sealed Nozzle Burner
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the piping layout
shown. Specific piping and wiring diagrams should always be submitted to the
appropriate agencies for approval on each applications.
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 1100-S-4 Burner Nozzles
Installation Instructions
Series “SN” Sealed Nozzles
Sketch 2
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Block Replacement 7. Put main body into position and bolt finger-tight.
If the refractory block of your Sealed Nozzle Burner 8. Remove any excess refractory cement that is
requires replacement, Maxon can supply replacement forced out between body and burner block.
block and frame sub-assemblies. 9. Tighten nozzle body firmly into position and clean
throat with a narrow, wet brush to insure a
To install a new block and frame assembly: smooth path for air and gas.
1. Shut off system and allow to cool. 10. Allow re-assembled burner to stand at least 48
2. Disconnect piping, etc., and remove “SNF” hours so that refractory cement will set.
Sealed Nozzle burner from installation. Failure to do so may result in a weak bond and
3. Unscrew the bolts which fasten the nozzle body early deterioration.
to the mounting frame, set aside and remove
body (tapping lightly if necessary to break bond). 11. Re-install burner, following installation
4. Clean all old refractory from main body to insure instructions.
a proper seal when re-assembling. 12. Dry refractory thoroughly by running burner at
5. Prepare a refractory cement mixture (preferably low fire for at least 15 minutes.
A.P. Green ‘Sairset’) mixed to the consistency of 13. Reconnect controls, etc., restoring burner to
thin peanut butter. service following manufacturer’s instructions.
6. Apply a generous coating of the refractory
cement to those surfaces of the new block which
will mate with the burner main body when it is
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
STICKTITE™ Burner Nozzles
Approximate net weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 1100-A/P-2 Burner Nozzles
Assembly Numbers
1-1/2" - 16 1.516 16270 (4) 44146 (4) 20311 (5) 44158 (5) T-15
19568 20247
1-1/2" - 18 1.518 16271 (3) 44147 (3) 20312 (4) 44159 (4) (23)
2" - 18 218 14831 (5) 44145 (5) 20317 (6) 44160 (6) 11148
L = 1.875" T-22
2" - 21 221 14571 (5) 44143 (5) 20318 (5) 44161 (5) 14856 01872
2" - 24 224 14292 (5) 44141 (5) 20319 (5) 44162 (5)
2-1/2" - 27 2.527 14293 (6) 44142 (6) 20320 (7) 44163 (7) T-33
L = 2"
11149 14857 01873
59164 (59)
3" - 30 330 14190 (9) 44139 (9) 20321 (9) 44164 (9)
L = 2.625"
4" - 34 434 14572 (15) 44144 (15) 20322 (15) 44165 (15) T-44
59165 11150 14858 29291
4" - 41 4 41 14191 (14) 44140 (14) 20323 (15) 44166 (15) (100)
L = 2.75"
5" - 50 550 14192 (21) --- 20324 (15) --- T-66
59166 11798 14859 29298
6" - 60 660 15230 (52) 59167 (52) 20327 (52) 59168 (52) (255)
L = 6"
8" - 84 884 --- --- --- ---
--- --- --- ---
8" - 88 888 --- --- --- ---
[1] Includes #18110 spark ignitor
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Pilots for STICKTITE™ Burner Nozzles (see catalog pages 9505 & 9521 for more details)
Pressures required
Normal Pilot Assembly includes:
Pilot to pilot mixer
Assembly Pilot Description Gas
Combustion 1000's Pilot Spark
Number Natural Gas Adjustable
Air Btu/hr Mixer Ignitor
04572 (3) Open por t atmospheric pilot 8-27" wc 30 12326
06868 (4) ---
Open por t venturi pilot 4-6" wc 15 12457
06969 (4) 18110
10849 (3) 39294 ---
10901 (3) 8-27" wc 30 12326
Open por t atmospheric pilot ---
10904 (3) 18110
13919 (4) 6-8" wc 25 12457
18886 (4) ---
Open por t venturi pilot 2-15 PSIG --- 30 18885 39295
18887 (4) 18110
09300 (2) ---
10237 (2) Open por t pressure pilot
4-7" wc 8-16 oz. 20 11680 38579
10895 (2) 18110
10899 (2) Pressure pilot/spark ignited
*Included in Pilot Mixer Assembly
Approximate net weight (in pounds) are shown in parentheses
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 1100-A/P-4 Burner Nozzles
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Pilots for Series ‘‘SNF’’ Sealed Replacement Block and Frame Assemblies
Nozzle Burners (see catalog pages 9505-9521
Sealed Nozzle Burner Size Replacement Block & Frame
for more details) & Assembly
Pilot Designation For basic burner [1]
Assembly Description SN- 3/4" -5
SN- 3/4" -7 28851
Open port venturi pilot [1]
SN- 1" -9
for 4-6" wc natural gas @ 30,000 Btu/hr,
06868 SNF- 1-1/4" -12
includes: #12457 mixer & #39294 adjustable 28853
orifice SNF- 1-1/4" -14
Open port venturi pilot [1] w/ignitor SNF- 1-1/2" -16
for 4-6" wc natural gas @ 30,000 Btu/hr, SNF- 1-1/2" -18 28855
includes: #12457 mixer, #39294 adjustable
SNF- 2" -20
orifice & #18110 ignitor
SNF- 2" -24 28857
Sealed port venturi pilot
10240 for 2-5 PSIG natural gas @ 20,000 Btu/hr, SNF- 2-1/2" -27 28859
all except 3" includes: #18885 mixer, #39295 adjustable SNF- 3" -33 28863
orifice & #18110 ignitor [1] Refer to Product Data Sheet 9000-1 & 2 for alternate
Sealed port venturi pilot refractor y materials at net extra charge
10243 for 2-5 PSIG natural gas @ 20,000 Btu/hr,
3" only includes: #18885 mixer, #39295 adjustable
orifice & #18110 ignitor
Sealed port pressure pilot (for SNF-2-1/2"-
27 & smaller): for 4-7" wc natural gas & 8-16
11681 osi combustion air @ 25,000 Btu/hr, includes:
#11680 mixer, #38579 adjustable orifice &
#18110 ignitor
Sealed port pressure pilot (for SNF-3"-30 &
larger): for 4-7" wc natural gas & 8-16 osi
11684 combustion air @ 40,000 Btu/hr, includes:
#11683 mixer, #38579 adjustable orifice &
#18110 ignitor
Open port venturi pilot [1]
for 2-15 PSIG natural gas @ 30,000 Btu/hr
includes: #18885 mixer & #39295 adjustable
Open port venturi pilot [1] w/ignitor
for 2-15 PSIG natural gas @ 30,000 Btu/hr,
includes: #18885 mixer, #38579 adjustable
orifice & #18110 ignitor
[1] Requires #43372 pilot mounting assembly (order
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 1202
A high-intensity infra-red energy radiates from the high
face temperatures of the ceramic refractory grids of an
Their design produces a low forward velocity air move-
ment, minimizing disturbances of granular or powder
Modular-designed sections permit tailoring total heat
release and radiant pattern to your particular application
Two versions of INFRAWAVE® Burners (“SG” single grid
or “DG” double grid) provide the application flexibility that
dramatically boosts production speeds by concentrating
heating into small areas and/or onto fast-moving products.
Typical applications for INFRAWAVE® Burners are:
• Direct spot heating
• Direct heating/drying on a conveyer
• Oven process heating or drying
• Moving web heating/drying processes
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Premix-type Line Burners Page 1203
Page 1204 Premix-type Line Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners
For example: L B A – 12 – 96 – 36 – 43
Capacity/Selection Data
Total heat release and LINOFLAME® Burner Avoid continuous straight runs longer than 7 feet
footage are normally selected from the tables given in of LINOFLAME® Burner. Beyond that length, the burner
the various premixing equipment sections of the should be broken into separately-fed, shorter lengths
Maxon catalog: (connected by cross ignition end plate sets) to mini-
PREMIX® Blower Mixers ................... Bulletin 3100 mize burner distortion and stresses during alternate
Series LG & HG Mixing Tubes, heating and cooling cycles.
MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers ..................... Bulletin 3200 Use alloy ignition rails whenever burner is to be
VENTITE™ Inspirator Mixers ........... Bulletin 3300 fired on propane, or when application involves tempera-
Based on capacity information given in these tures above 400°F (204°C).
catalog sections, and within the constraints of duct Do not use side inlet tees if air velocities across the
size and air volume flows, a LINOFLAME® Burner LINOFLAME® Burner assembly exceed 1000 SFPM
assembly is designed utilizing the available sections because of the air stream turbulence created.
shown on the following pages. To center-feed Style C LINOFLAME® Burner
When ordering a burner assembly made up from assemblies, use a Style B bottom inlet section and two
these available module components, be sure to provide LBC-3 reducing sections.
an assembly sketch of the complete burner (as viewed
Warning: Discharge areas of this or any premix-
from the back, or upstream, side) including locations of
type burner are carefully matched to the equip-
all accessories and/or individual component sections.
ment supplying air/gas premixture. Increasing
Start-up and operating procedures will be greatly
the discharge area by adding to the burner or
simplified if observation ports are provided and posi-
enlarging burner ports could result in ignition
tioned to allow direct visual inspection of both pilot and
within the burner or backfire during operation.
main flame.
All “open” ends of burner assembly must be closed
off with one of the end closures or pilot assemblies
shown on the following pages. Any end plate ports not
used must be plugged. Burner duct area displacement
Burner inlet feed piping must be adequate to For purposes of calculating operating air velocities
provide a well-distributed flow of air/gas throughout the and resulting static pressure drops across the burner
burner assembly. assembly, use the following equivalent displacements:
Inlet flanges bolt directly to burner body casting and Velocity of air flowing past a LINOFLAME®
accept threaded NPT piping.
Do not exceed the capacity feed limitations shown Section Description Displacement Area
in the table below. 3" straight sections (-3) .064 ft2
6" straight sections (-6) .117 ft2
8" straight sections (-8) .152 ft2
Inlet feed capacity limitations 12" straight & back inlet sections (-12) .223 ft2
Burner inlet flange Maximum Btu/hr Tee section, bottom inlet (-TB) .300 ft2
Tee section, side inlet (-TS) .359 ft2
1-1/2" end inlet (LFE- 1-1/2") [1]
350,000 Tee section, cross ignition (-TX) .270 ft2
1-1/2" back inlet (LFB- 1-1/2")
3" elbow section (E-3) .176 ft2
2" end inlet (LFE- 2") [1] 6" elbow section (E-6) .175 ft2
2" back inlet (LFB- 2")
Burner assembly used for air heating is determined by
2-1/2" back inlet (LFB- 2-1/2") 850,000
dividing SCFM of air passing over the burner by the net
3" back inlet (LFB- 3") 1,250,000 area (in ft2) of the cross-section of the duct surrounding
[1] Do not end-feed straight rows of LINOFLAME® Burner if the burner. This net area is determined by subtracting
capacity exceeds 600,000 Btu/hr (150,000 Btu/hr for Style C). The the space displaced by the LINOFLAME® Burner from
effect of velocity pressure in such instances will prevent uniform the gross area of the duct itself.
heat distribution.
Page 1206 Premix-type Line Burners
Cross Ignition *
End Plate Set
(normally supplied in pairs)
LEP Plain End Plate EP-FR End Plate LDP Division Plate
Page 1208 Premix-type Line Burners
Inlet Tee Feed Sections 3" Midget Section End inlet flange set
LM-3-72 ANSI Flange NPT Pipe
Designation Thread*
12" Back Inlet Tee 1-1/2" LFE 1-1/2"
Universal Support
Back Inlet Flange Set Inlet flange set options Bracket
for inlet tee sections above (normally ordered
ANSI Flange NPT Pipe Dimension in pairs).
Identification Thread "A"
Carbon steel and
LFB- 1-1/2" 1-1/2"
0.88 stainless steel versions
LFB- 2 2" available.
LFB- 2-1/2" 2-1/2"
LFB- 3 3" Cross Ignition End Plate Set
(normally supplied in pairs)
LDP Division Plate LEP Plain End Plate EP-FR End Plate
Typical mounting
of flame rod
holder and/or
LDP Division Plate
pilot mounting
Page 1210 Premix-type Line Burners
1 2
Optional/Replacement Parts
18mm Spark Ignitor
Optional electrode
cover protects porce-
lain insulator and
electrical connection
from dirt and moisture. May be used for
ambient temperatures up to 450°F (232°C).
Premix-type Line Burners Page 1211
1 3 4
Optional/Replacement Parts
18mm Spark Ignitor 10mm Spark Ignitor
Page 1212 Premix-type Line Burners
VFH-12" section
Capacity/Selection Data
Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners
Page 1214 Premix-type Line Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners
When making premix-type line burner compari- “VF” Burner face temperatures are essentially
sons, the discharge areas and capacity equivalents constant (850°F) at their maximum firing rates. At this
may be shown as follows: temperature, the theoretical linear expansion is 0.06
inches/lineal foot. (Example: A 5' center-fed bar of
1' of VFL = 1/2' of VFH = 1' of Style B-96-36-43
“VF” LINOFLAME® Burner will deflect approximately
0.75" at 850°F and the deflection commences at the
When ordering a burner assembly made up from
ends of its feed section.)
the available module components, be sure to provide
With or without inlet feed flexible connectors in the
an assembly sketch of the complete burner (as
air/gas premixture line(s), the maximum linear
viewed from the back, or upstream, side) including
distance recommended between cross-ignition
locations of all accessories and/or individual compo-
end plates or between an end plate and a cross-
nent sections.
ignition end plate is 10 ft.
All “open” ends of burner assembly must be
Avoid continuous straight runs longer than 7
closed off with one of the end closures or pilot
feet of LINOFLAME® Burner. Beyond that length, the
assemblies shown on the following pages. Any end
burner should be broken into separately-fed, shorter
plate ports not used must be plugged.
lengths (connected by cross ignition end plate sets) to
Ignition may be either direct spark (utilizing special
minimize burner distortion and stresses during
flame rod and spark ignitor end closures offered) or
alternate heating and cooling cycles.
more typically, by incorporating one of the available
Burner support methods provide support to your
LINOPAK® pilots (offered for both low- and high-
inlet feed manifolds and bolt the “VF” burner assem-
pressure gas supplies and in your choice of atmo-
bly to the inlet flanges. If Universal Support Brackets
spheric and pressure types).
(USB) are used, locate them nearer to the inlet feed
sections, and not at the extreme ends of the burner.
Burner expansion and bowing Start-up and operating procedures will be greatly
Due to the increased mass of “VF” LINOFLAME® simplified if observation ports are provided and
Burner casting, special consideration must be made positioned to allow direct visual inspection of both
to allow for the additional linear expansion. pilot and main flame.
VFH straight sections VFH-T 12" x 6" tee VFH-X 12" x 12" cross
Page 1216 Premix-type Line Burners
10 mm spark ignitor (included)
Hi-recirc end plate
Premix-type Line Burners Page 1217
VFL straight sections VFL-X 12" x 12" cross VFL-T 12" x 6" tee
* ISO threaded
flanges available;
contact Maxon.
Page 1218 Premix-type Line Burners
VFL-XEP expansion end plate set
hi-recirc end plate
Page 1220 Premix-type Line Burners
Page 1222 Premix-type Line Burners
Select all premixing equipment and control Radiant Heat Input Calculations
valves based on the “gross” fuel flow capacity Consider mass and specific heat of system
curves shown on chart above. through-put, latent heat of vaporization and/or fusion,
Radiant power flow curves reflect the infrared radiation and exhaust losses.
heat output in radiant energy and do not take into Check that adequate product area is exposed to
consideration any convected heat available from the radiant heating. A 12" length of “DG” INFRAWAVE®
hot combustion products. Burner has approximately 1.56 ft2 of radiating surface
CAUTION: Emissivity of the product and/or geo- area.
metric positioning of the workpiece will affect the
infrared energy absorption rates.
Page 1224 Premix-type Line Burners
12" DG 12" DG
Bottom Inlet Side Inlet
Page 1226 Premix-type Line Burners
6" DG straight
shown with end
mounted pilot,
bracket, flame
rod (optional)
and end closure
Caution: Be sure to kit (optional) on
specify refractory grid body manifold
position on SG
UV scanner/flame rod
must be located on Universal Support Bracket (normally supplied in pairs)
refractory grid side of
burner element.
Component Identification
Suggested spare parts 3. Remove broken grid section and any remaining
• Deflector rail(s) • Refractory baffle grid(s) fragments as shown in Sketch 2.
• Grid clamp(s) • Manifold gaskets 4. Insert replacement grid and return grid clamp to
• Grid support(s) original position holding grid firmly against grid
Gaskets 5. Center grids on each grid clamp section so they do
Unless specified otherwise, burners are shipped not overlap, then retighten grid clamp screws firmly.
from the factory with manifold and body/manifold joints
sealed with Keypaste.
For field replacements or sections shipped loose, NOTICE: INFRAWAVE® Burner grids must be
high temperature gaskets should be ordered and cured before being taken to high fire.
installed between manifolds and between body and This curing process must take place on initial firing
manifold. and is to include at least a 15 minute slow bring-up
time where the grid is fired low and brought up through
To replace refractory baffle grids: the firing rate at even increments over the 15 minute
1. Apply penetrating oil to grid clamp screws and let period.
stand for a few minutes. If still tight, tap with a After this process has taken place, the refractory
hammer to loosen. grids may be fired in the normal manner without
2. Unscrew grid clamp screws sufficiently so that grid negative side effects.
clamp may be tilted back to clear refractory grids as Failure to cure the refractory grids in this manner
shown in Sketch 1. may result in cracking and quick erosion of the grids,
which results in shortened burner life.
Page 1228 Premix-type Line Burners
Premix-type Line Burners Page 1200-S-1
Installation Instructions
for Style A, B, C LINOFLAME® Burners
Important: Do not discard packing material until Maintain smooth, even air flow over the burner by
all loose items are accounted for. designing supports to provide minimum interference,
deflection and turbulence. Flat strap iron (with its
General width parallel to the direction of movement) is prefer-
LINOFLAME® Burner assemblies must be able to angle iron or channel supports.
adequately supported and positioned. For small or In horizontal air streams, the preferred support
simple burners, gas supply manifold may provide all methods depend on the type of burner configuration.
the support needed. Small assemblies (up to 5' with one center-fed
In most cases, however, additional supports will be inlet, up to 10' with two inlets) can usually be
required. Avoid rigid mounting. Burner assembly supported from the gas piping only.
expands and contracts with temperature variations, If horizontal rows of straight burner sections
and rigid mounting creates severe stresses within the predominate, choose one of the two alternatives
burner itself, its fastenings and/or supports. shown in Sketches 4 and 5.
If burner fires in still air:
Sketch 1 below illustrates a typical upward-firing
position. It is only necessary to supply sufficient
support to hold burner weight. In some circum-
stances, the manifolding itself may provide adequate
support particularly if inlets occur every 4' or less.
Use cross-ignition end plates to sectionalize longer
burner assemblies exceeding 7' in length.
(See Sketch 3 at right.)
6/92 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 1200-S-2 Premix-type Line Burners
Installation Instructions
for Style A, B, C LINOFLAME® Burners
If vertical rows of straight burner sections pre- be moved back from the burner, thus minimizing any
dominate, small assemblies (up to 10' of burner) can airstream turbulence or diversion that it might cause.
be supported from the gas manifold. For larger Sketch 10 shows an alternate arrangement which
assemblies, see the examples below. offers the advantage of more controlled positioning.
This arrangement is especially good if the burner is to
be installed in a heater which must be shipped to
another location.
Sketch 6 shows angle iron used to support the LINOPAK Pilots bolt directly onto the burner in
burner. Note that narrow edge of angle faces air flow. place of an end plate, already in proper position.
Sketch 7 shows how gas manifolding may be used “Patch-on” pilots, when not factory-installed,
to support the burner. If there are multiple inlets, you must be mounted as shown in Sketch 11 below, at a
must avoid rigid connection by using the oversize location suitable to you.
U-bolt (loosely drawn-up) illustrated. To mount flame rod, insert it in the flame rod
In vertical air streams, avoid upward-firing bracket. Position bracket on burner side as shown
arrangements wherever possible. The increased below so that flame rod passes directly over a main
chance of dirt falling into the burner (especially during burner port and mark the two mounting holes. Then
a shut-down) can seriously affect performance and drill 5/32" holes, tap them #10-24 and bolt flame rod
reliability. If unavoidable, however, support as shown bracket in place.
in Sketch 8. To mount pilot hood, position it as shown below
(off-setting slightly to clear flame rod if ground vane is
present), mark mounting holes and drill 13/64" holes,
tap 1/4"-20 threads and bolt pilot hood in place.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners with cast iron ignition rails
LINOFLAME® Burner Designation Style "A" Style "B" Style "C"
Section Description (Code) LA-(*)-36 LA-(*)-72 LB-(*)-24 LB-(*)-36 LB-(*)-72 LB-(*)-96 LC-(*)-24
Configured Item Number [2] LA36 LA72 LB24 LB36 LB72 LB96 LC24
24135 24155 24195
3" straight section --- --- --- ---
(3) (3) (3)
3" straight section with #18118 53818 53827 53843
--- --- --- ---
spark ignitor & rail (3) (3) (3)
24110 24117 24133 24153 24174 24193
6" straight section ---
(7) (7) (6) (6) (6) (6)
6" straight section with #18118 53802 53806 53817 53826 53834 53842
spark ignitor & rail (7) (7) (6) (6) (6) (6)
24132 24152 24192
8" straight section --- --- --- ---
(8) (8) (8)
8" straight section with #18118 53816 53825 53841
--- --- --- ---
spark ignitor & rail (8) (8) (8)
9" straight section (-9) --- --- --- --- --- ---
24109 24116 24131 24151 24172 24191 26630
12" straight section
(10) (10) (9) (9) (9) (9) (6)
12" straight section with #18118 53801 53805 53815 53824 53833 53840 53896 [1]
spark ignitor & rail (10) (10) (9) (9) (9) (9) (6)
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) 24137 24157 24197
--- --- --- ---
bossed side inlet (13) (13) (13)
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) (-12S)
53820 53829 53845
bossed side inlet with #18118 --- --- --- ---
(13) (13) (13)
spark ignitor & rail
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) 24136 24156 24196
--- --- --- ---
bossed back inlet (13) (13) (13)
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) (-12B)
53819 53828 53844
bossed back inlet with #18118 --- --- --- ---
(13) (13) (13)
spark ignitor & rail
3" straight section (1" NPT) 24140 24160 24200
--- --- --- ---
bossed back inlet (3) (3) (3)
3" straight section (1" NPT) (-3B)
53821 53830 53846
bossed back inlet with #18118 --- --- --- ---
(3) (3) (3)
spark ignitor & rail
24141 24161 24182 24201
12" tee section side inlet --- --- ---
(14) (14) (14) (14)
12" tee section side inlet with 53822 53831 53839 53847
--- --- ---
#18118 spark ignitor & rail (14) (14) (14) (14)
24112 24118 24142 24162 24202
12" tee section back inlet --- ---
(18) (18) (14) (14) (14)
12" tee section back inlet with 53803 53807 53823 53832 53848
--- ---
#18118 spark ignitor & rail (18) (18) (14) (14) (14)
[1] Style C LINOFLAME® section requires 10mm spark ignitor #18110
[2] To order line burner arrangements, order the appropriate configured item number. To order burner sections loose,
order individual burner section assembly numbers.
Approximate net weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
Size and number of drilled ports for all LINOFLAME® Burner sections must be specified on order
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners with alloy ignition rails
LINOFLAME® Burner Section Designation Style "A" Style "B" Style "C"
Description (Code) LAA-(*)-36 LAA-(*)-72 LBA-(*)-24 LBA-(*)-36 LBA-(*)-72 LBA-(*)-96 LCA-(*)-24
Configured Item No. [1] LAA36 LAA72 LBA24 LBA36 LBA72 LBA96 LCA24
24213 24232 24252 24271
3" straight section --- --- ---
(3) (3) (3) (3)
3" straight section with #18118 53852 53860 53868 53877
--- --- ---
spark ignitor & rail (3) (3) (3) (3)
24121 24128 24211 24230 24250 24269
6" straight section ---
(7) (7) (6) (6) (6) (6)
6" straight section with #18118 53809 53813 53851 53859 53867 53876
spark ignitor & rail (7) (7) (6) (6) (6) (6)
24210 24229 24268
8" straight section --- --- --- ---
(8) (8) (8)
8" straight section with #18118 53850 53858 53875
--- --- --- ---
spark ignitor & rail (8) (8) (8)
9" straight section (-9) --- --- --- --- --- ---
24120 24127 24209 24228 24248 24267 26632
12" straight section
(10) (10) (9) (9) (9) (9) (6)
12" straight section with #18118 53808 53812 53849 53857 53866 53874
spark ignitor & rail (10) (10) (9) (9) (9) (9)
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) 24215 24234 24273
--- --- --- ---
bossed side inlet (13) (13) (13)
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) (-12S)
53853 53862 53879
bossed side inlet with #18118 --- --- --- ---
(13) (13) (13)
spark ignitor & rail
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) 24214 24233 24272
--- --- --- ---
bossed back inlet (13) (13) (13)
12" straight section (1-1/2" NPT) (-12B)
53804 53861 53878
bossed back inlet with #18118 --- --- --- ---
(13) (13) (13)
spark ignitor & rail
3" straight section (1" NPT) 24218 24237 24276
--- --- --- ---
bossed back inlet (3) (3) (3)
3" straight section (1" NPT) (-3B)
53854 53863 53880
bossed back inlet with #18118 --- --- --- ---
(3) (3) (3)
spark ignitor & rail
24219 24238 24277
12" tee section side inlet --- --- --- ---
(14) (14) (14)
12" tee section side inlet with 53855 53864 53881
--- --- --- ---
#18118 spark ignitor & rail (14) (14) (14)
24123 24129 24220 24239 24259 24278
12" tee section back inlet ---
(18) (18) (14) (14) (14) (14)
12" tee section back inlet with 53810 53814 53856 53865 53873 53882
#18118 spark ignitor & rail (18) (18) (14) (14) (14) (14)
[1] To order line burner arrangements, order the appropriate configured item number. To order burner sections loose,
order individual burner section assembly numbers.
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners
Spare Parts
End-mounted LINOPAK Pilots Side-mounted pilots
for Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners for Style A, B & C LINOFLAME® Burners
Pilot Assembly Includes: Pilot Pilot Assembly Includes:
Assembly Pilot Description Assembly Pilot Description Pilot Gas Adjustable Spark
Pilot Gas Adjustable Spark
Number Number Mixer Orifice Cock Ignitor
Mixer Orifice Cock Ignitor
05140 Fresh air type
15214 Iner t air
33107 --- 15726 (3) LINOFLAME® pilot
(9) LINOPAK pilot 12326 39294 ---
10847 Fresh air type
15216 Fresh air LINOPAK (3) (with vane)
(5) pilot 18118
12326 39294 --- 12150 Recirculating type
15218 Fresh air LINOPAK 33107 --- 15726
(8) (with vane)
(5) pilot (w/vane)
10848 Pressure type pilot
15220 Iner t air LINOPAK 18118 11680 38579 ---
33107 --- 15726 (3) (with vane)
(9) pilot (w/vane)
15215 Pressure type (4)
(4) LINOPAK pilot 12457 39294 ---
Pressure type 11680 38579 --- (4) Open por t
LINOPAK pilot 18886 venturi pilot
(4) ---
(w/vane) (4)
18885 39295 ---
Miscellaneous Optional Accessories
18mm spark ignitor (R) 18118
10mm spark ignitor (R) 18110
Electrode cover for flame rod or spark ignitor (A) 18722
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
INFRAWAVE® Burner Sections Note: All INFRAWAVE® Burner sections use ISO standard (metric) fasteners
Configured Item Number [1] INFRA SG INFRA DG
Section Type Description "SG" Single Grid "DG" Double Grid
Plain 6 S SG (16) 6 S DG (20)
With pilot, includes side-mounted pressure pilot #25906 which
includes #11680 pilot mixer, #18110 spark ignitor, #38579 adjustable 6 SP SG (18) 6 SP DG (22)
6" straight pilot gas orifice, with provision for mounting a UV scanner
sections With SI and FR, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor,
(I.S.O. opposite of provision for mounting a flame rod (order #18117 flame --- 6 SSF DG (21)
assemblies) rod, if used, separately)
With SI, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor 6 SS SG (16) 6 SS DG (20)
With FR-SCAN, includes provision for side-mounting a UV scanner or
6 SFU SG (16) 6 SFU DG (20)
flame rod (order #18117 flame rod, if used, separately)
Plain 12 S SG (32) 12 S DG (40)
With pilot, includes side-mounted pressure pilot #25906 which
includes #11680 pilot mixer, #18110 spark ignitor, #38579 adjustable 12 SP SG (30) 12 SP DG (37)
12" straight pilot gas orifice, with provision for mounting a UV scanner
sections With SI and FR, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor,
(I.S.O. opposite of provision for mounting a flame rod (order #18117 flame 12 SSF SG (32) 12 SSF DG (40)
assemblies) rod, if used, separately)
With SI, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor 12 SS SG (30) 12 SS DG (37)
With FR-SCAN, includes provision for side-mounting a UV scanner or
12 SFU SG (32) 12 SFU DG (40)
flame rod (order #18117 flame rod, if used, separately)
[1] To order burner arrangements, order the appropriate configured item number.
• Grid Material
• Grid Clamp Material
• Body Gasket
• Maximum Airstream Temperature
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
INFRAWAVE® Burner Sections Note: All INFRAWAVE® Burner sections use ISO standard (metric) fasteners
Configured Item Number [1] INFRA SG INFRA DG
Section Type Description "SG" Single Grid "DG" Double Grid
Plain 6 BI SG (15) 6 BI DG (19)
6" bottom inlet With pilot, includes side-mounted pressure pilot, #25906 which
sections includes #11680 pilot mixer, #18110 spark ignitor, #38579
6 BI SP SG (17) 6 BI SP DG (21)
(I.S.O. adjustable pilot gas orifice, with provision for mounting a UV
assemblies) scanner
NOTE: Select With SI and FR, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor,
optional inlet opposite of provision for mounting a flame rod (order #18117 --- 6 BI SSF DG (19)
flange set flame rod, if used, separately)
separately from With SI, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor 6 BI SS SG (15) 6 BI SS DG (19)
listing on following
page With FR-SCAN, includes provision for side-mounting of a UV
scanner or flame rod (order #18117 flame rod, if used, 6 BI SFU SG (15) 6 BI SFU DG (19)
Plain 12 BI SG (28) 12 BI DG (36)
With pilot, includes side-mounted pressure pilot, #25906 which
12" bottom inlet includes #11680 pilot mixer, #18110 spark ignitor, #38579
sections (I.S.O. adjustable pilot gas orifice, with provision for mounting a UV 12 BI SP SG (31) 12 BI SP DG (38)
assemblies) scanner
NOTE: Select
With SI and FR, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor,
optional inlet 12 BI SSF SG 12 BI SSF DG
opposite of provision for mounting a flame rod (order #18117
flange set (29) (37)
flame rod, if used, separately)
separately from
listing on following ith SI, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor
W 12 BI SS SG (28) 12 BI SS DG (36)
page With FR-SCAN, includes provision for side-mounting of a UV
scanner or flame rod (order #18117 flame rod, if used,
(29) (36)
Plain 12 SI SG (28) 12 SI DG (35)
With pilot, includes side-mounted pressure pilot #25906 which
12" side inlet includes #11680 pilot mixer, #18110 spark ignitor, 338579
sections 12 SI SP SG (30) 12 SI SP DG (38)
adjustable pilot gas orifice, with provision for mounting a UV
(I.S.O. scanner
With SI and FR, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor,
NOTE: Select 12 SI SSF SG 12 SI SSF DG
opposite of provision for mounting a flame rod (order #18117
optional inlet (29) (36)
flame rod, if used, separately)
flange set
separately from With SI, includes side-mounted #23739 spark ignitor 12 SI SS SG (28) 12 SI SS DG (36)
listing below With FR-SCAN, includes provision for side-mounting a UV
scanner or flame rod (order #18117 flame rod, if used,
(29) (36)
[1] To order burner arrangements, order the appropriate configured item number.
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
INFRAWAVE® Burner End Plate Sets, Accessory Options and Spare Parts
"SG" single grid "DG" double grid
End Mounted Pilot
Assembly End mounted pressure pilot and mounting bracket, includes
NOTE: Select an end plate pressure pilot #24922 which includes #11680 pilot mixer, #18118
27405 (5) 27404 (5)
set from below to close off spark ignitor, #38579 adjustable pilot gas orifice with provision to
the end of the burner mount a flame rod (order #18117 flame rod, if used, separately)
Bottom & Side Inlet 2" NPT (ANS) 27465 (2)
Flange Sets 3" NPT (ANS) 27466 (2)
Bottom & Side Inlet 2" ISO 35915 + (4) 54630
Flanges 3" ISO 32721 + (4) 54630
2" NPT (ANS) 27462 (2)
End Inlet Flange Sets
3" NPT (ANS) 27463 (2)
2" ISO 35915 + (4) 54630 + (4) 42534
End Inlet Flanges
3" ISO 32721 + (4) 54630 + (4) 40023
End plate set - end closure 27461 (3)
End Closure Sets
End plate set - bottom and side closure 27464 (3)
Flame rod (L - 7-1/2") (A/R) 18117
10mm 18110
Spark Ignitor (R) 14mm 23739
18mm 18118
Electrode protective cover (A/R) for flame rod or spark ignitor 18722
zinc plated, good up
Universal support bracket (A) to 750°F
USB normally furnished in pairs stainless steel, good
up to 1600°F
Miscellaneous Accessory Flame rod cooling tee (A) 27549
Options and Spare Parts
Standard 1056792
Refractory baffle grid (R) Drilled for pilot 1056793
Drilled for ignitor 1056794
Manifold gasket (R) for field assembly 31796
Manifold gasket, 6" body (R) 35358
Manifold gasket, 12" body (R) 35359
#310SS grid clamp (R) 28341
#310SS deflector rail (R) 28340
Deflector rail, cross ignition (R) 34329
Maximum airstream temperature: 450°F (rubber boot limit); 600°F (burner limit if up-fired, 400°F if down-fired)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• High radiant output. Up to 33,000 Btu/sq. ft./hr (104 kw/m2) of radiant face area when
operated at 1650°F (900°C).
• Rapid heat up and cool down, eliminating the need to rotate burner heads away from your
• Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burner tiles are not subject to water damage and require no
additional cooling or sealing air.
• No wire screens are required to stabilize combustion on the face of the burner.
• Low manifold pressures for normal operation: 4.5" - 5" wc nominal (11.2 – 12.5 mbar).
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394.
Page 1352
Front view – Type 13 assembly 1. Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners are full premix and
will operate on both natural and propane gas.
Manifold mixture pressures at the burner range
from 4.5" – 5" wc (11.2 – 12.5 mbar).
2. The three-tile 25 and 50 series burner heads have
a maximum heat input of 25,000 Btu/hr (7.3 kw);
Type 13 has a maximum heat input of 19,500 Btu/
hr (5.7 kw).
3. Normal operating face temperatures range from
Front view – Type 25 (end-to-end) assembly 1250°F – 1650°F (675°C – 900°C).
4. Burner heads are fabricated of 304 stainless.
5. Burner tiles are high efficiency, high emissivity tiles.
6. All Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burner heads have a
quick connect feature which allows you to remove
and replace individual burner heads without
removing the whole manifold assembly from the
7. Tiles in the burner head are held in place by twist
lock retainers. There are no bolts or nuts to be
Type 50 burner with flame rod and spark ignitor removed if tiles need to be replaced.
8. Type 25 and Type 50 utilize the same burner
heads. Type 25 are asembled end-to-end; Type 50
are assembled side-to-side.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394.
Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners Page 1353
Page 1354 Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners
= 70 kw/m2
Page 1356 Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners
°F °C
Flame Temperature
Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners Page 1357
Step 1) Select operating temperature of Maxon P/S (445,600 Btu/hr) / (24,900 Btu/ft2 hr) = 17.9 ft2 of
Radiant burner of 1500o F. (The P/S Radiant oper- burner required per side
ates between 1200o and 1650o F. Selecting 1500o F
allows for a good “mid-range” should the operating To determine the number of burner heads required,
temperatures require adjustment after installation.) simply divide the total area per side by the area of the
burner head, which is 0.37 ft2.
Step 2) Determine the radiant energy transfer for the
operating temperatures in Btu/ft2 hr. According to the (17.9 ft2) / (0.37 ft2/burner head) = 48.4 burner heads
chart on page 1353, for a product temperature of 200o
F and an emitter temperature of 1500o F, the radiant Step 9) Determine and identify the zoning of the
energy transfer is 24,900 Btu/ft2 hr. Keep in mind that burner system, if any.
this energy transfer is for only one side of the product.
Step 10) Select the burner type (i.e., type 13, 25, or
Step 3) Determine the weight per square foot of the 50). For this particular application we choose (3)
material. For 16 gauge (.0598”) cold rolled steel rows of the 17-50 PS-II Radiant burner. This provides
sheet, this value is 2.50 lb/ft2. us with 51 burner heads at a length of approximately
108 inches per row (see page 1359).
Step 4) Determine the specific heat of the product.
For steel, cp = 0.11 Btu/lb oF. Step 11) Determine the fuel input to the burners.
Step 5) From the above information, we can now (51 burner heads)x(25,000 Btu/hr burner head) =
determine the heating capacity per square foot.
1,275,000 Btu/hr
(2.50 lb/ft2)(0.11 Btu/lb oF)(200o F - 65o F) =
This is the input required to the burner. Select an
37.13 Btu/hr ft2 appropriate premix system to provide this heat input.
Page 1358 Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners
6.5 7.5
.38 (3/8")
dia. thru holes
8 places
G 5.53
3.69 4.04
Burner Size A B C D F G
3 - 25 37.5 45.38 1" ISO 7/1 R 1" 23.5 33.69
4 - 25 47.75 56.75 26.13 44.94
5 - 25 60.0 68.0 34.75 56.19
5.29 7.48
6 - 25 71.25 79.25 1-1/2" ISO 7/1 R 1-1/2" 37.38 67.44
7 - 25 82.5 90.5 46.0 78.69
8 - 25 93.75 101.75 48.63 89.94
9 - 25 105.0 116.5 57.25 101.19
10 - 25 116.25 127.75 59.88 112.44
11 - 25 127.5 139.0 2" ISO 7/1 R 2" 68.5 123.69
12 - 25 138.75 5.79 8.48 150.25 71.31 134.94
13 - 25 150.0 161.5 79.75 146.19
14 - 25 161.25 174.75 82.38 157.44
2-1/2" ISO 7/1 R 2-1/2"
15 - 25 172.5 186.0 91.0 168.69
Page 1360 Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners
.38 (3/8")
dia thru holes
8 places
G 5.53
3.69 4.04
Burner Size A B C D F G
3 - 50 21.16 29.03 1" ISO 7/1 R 1" 15.33 16.69
4 - 50 26.73 34.73 15.12 22.27
5 - 50 32.31 40.31 20.91 27.85
5.29 7.48
6 - 50 37.89 45.89 1-1/2" ISO 7/1 R 1-1/2" 20.70 33.42
7 - 50 43.47 51.47 26.48 39.00
8 - 50 49.05 57.05 26.27 44.58
9 - 50 54.62 66.12 32.06 50.16
10 - 50 60.20 71.70 31.85 55.74
11 - 50 65.78 5.79 8.48 77.28 2" ISO 7/1 R 2" 37.64 61.31
12 - 50 71.36 82.70 37.43 66.89
13 - 50 76.94 88.44 43.22 72.47
14 - 50 82.51 96.01 43.01 78.05
15 - 50 88.09 101.59 48.80 83.63
16 - 50 93.67 6.29 9.48 107.17 2-1/2" ISO 7/1 R 2-1/2" 48.59 89.20
17 - 50 99.25 112.75 54.37 94.78
18 - 50 104.83 118.33 54.16 100.36
19 - 50 110.40 124.15 59.95 105.94
20 - 50 115.98 129.73 59.74 111.52
21 - 50 121.56 135.31 65.53 117.09
22 - 50 127.14 140.89 65.32 122.67
6.79 10.48 3" ISO 7/1 R 3"
23 - 50 132.72 146.74 71.11 128.25
24 - 50 138.29 152.04 70.90 133.83
25 - 50 143.87 157.62 76.69 139.41
26 - 50 149.45 163.20 76.48 144.98
Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners Page 1361
.38 (3/8")
dia thru holes
8 places
G 2.0
3.69 4.04
12.0 Box Centers ANSI 1/4" NPT Steel Pipe Coupling 3.31
Both Ends
F E Threaded
D Pipe Coupling
Both Ends
Burner Size A B C D F G
3 - 13 36.44 44.31 1" ISO 7/1 R 1" 19.97 31.83
4.5 - 13 52.38 60.38 30.94 47.77
5.29 7.48
6 - 13 68.31 76.31 1-1/2" ISO 7/1 R 1-1/2" 35.91 63.70
7.5 - 13 84.25 92.25 46.88 79.64
9 - 13 100.19 111.69 51.84 95.58
10.5 - 13 127.63 5.79 8.48 127.63 2" ISO 7/1 R 2" 62.81 111.52
12 - 13 132.06 143.56 67.78 127.45
13.5 - 13 148.00 161.50 78.75 143.39
6.29 9.48 2-1/2" ISO 7/1 R 2-1/2"
15 - 13 163.94 177.44 83.72 159.33
Page 1362 Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners
Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners Page 1350-S-1
Start-up Instructions
The following steps should be followed in the initial established, other pilots supplied by a single mixer
start-up of Maxon-P/S II Burners using mixers and can be adjusted in height using the 1/4" input ball
regulators to supply the proper air/gas mixture. valves. If it is determined that all pilots are too
The following procedures may be modified for small or too large, their size can be regulated by
different types of mixing systems. either increasing or decreasing the mixture pres-
sure. This is done by opening or closing the
1. Open all butterfly or ball valves (located on each manual air inlet valve on the entry of each pilot
main burner air gas manifold) to the full open mixer. There should be no additional changes
position. made to the gas supply.
2. Open each 1/4" ball valve on each pilot burner to 12. Once all pilot flames have been established, the
the full open position. pilot flame signal strength can be checked using
3. Close all manual gas valves on the main gas the flame signal meter located in the face of the
control train, as well as at each air/gas mixer main control panel. Slight changes in flame height,
location where there are valves installed. This position or mixture may be required to obtain the
prevents main burner ignition prior to proper set maximum flame signal.
up. 13. Main burners can now be started. Using the same
4. Start the combustion blower. method of adjustment as used on the pilot air/gas
5. Burner systems having a mixer per burner row; mixers, open the manual gas ball valve on the
Open the butterfly valves on the air entry to each mixer being set up. Back out on the gas adjustor
main burner air/gas mixer until a manifold pres- screw until the main burner lights off full width.
sure, using combustion air only, is 4.5" - 5" w.c. Note: Some burner systems come with a rich light-
(11.5 - 12.7 mbar) minimum. For burners in- off system. This system consists of a 3-way load
stalled face down, the minimum pressure should solenoid tied to a 10 sec. light-off timer. This
be set at 5"-5.5" w.c. (12.7 - 14 mbar). system puts a load signal on the regulator, causing
6. If more than one burner row or outboard zone it to open beyond the normal run setting. After a 10
is being supplied by a single air/gas mixer, the sec. light off period, the timer returns the regulator
manifold pressure in each row should be set using to its normal run setting.
the butterfly or ball valve installed on the manifold 14. Allow the main burner to come up to the normal
entry end to the proper manifold start-up setting. operating temperature. If a slight blue haze is
Some valves may need to be open more than present on the face of the burner, this is an indica-
others due to variations in pipe loss in each tion that the mixture is too lean. To correct the
manifold. problem, open the gas adjustment setting until the
7. After all manifold pressures have been checked blue haze is no longer present. If you notice a
and balanced, go through the same procedure for yellow blanket of flame on the burner surface, this
each pilot air/gas mixer. All 1/4" ball valves should is an indication that the mixture is too rich. To
be in the full open position. Using the inlet air valve correct this problem, screw in on the gas adjust-
on each mixer, set the mixer downstream pressure ment screw until the yellow blanket of flame is no
at 3-3.5" wc.(7.5 - 9 mbar). longer present. After all adjustments have been
8. Screw all gas adjustment screws on all pilot and made, cycle the burner several times to be sure
main air/gas mixers down to the full closed there are no problems lighting full width.
position. 15. After all main burners have been started and
9. At this time, check and set all air and gas safety adjusted, you can further fine tune individual
and limit switches prior to trying to fire and adjust burner rows for brightness and uniformity using the
the pilots. ball valves or butterfly valves installed on the inlet
10. Prior to starting any pilots, be sure to check to see of each manifold or zone. For best results and
that all manual gas valves on each main air/gas burner life, the burner operating surface tempera-
mixer are in the full closed position. This will ture should be set in the 1500°-1525°F (815° -
prevent accidental firing of any main burners when 830°C) range using a radiation temperature non-
the last pilot in any zone proves. contact gun.
11. With the flame safeguard in the ignition cycle, This completes the basic system start-up. Remove the
slowly open the gas adjustment screw on each manual ignition card in your flame safeguard and
pilot mixer until a pilot flame is established. The return the system to the automatic operating mode.
pilot should have a slight yellow tip when the
proper air/gas mixture is present. Once a pilot is
8/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 1350-S-2 Maxon-P/S Radiant II Burners
Assembly Instructions
Upon receipt of your Maxon P/S Radiant II Burner, it 2. Place the head on the manifold such that the plug
may be necessary to install the burner heads to the mates up with the hole in the manifold.
burner manifold. The burner heads are shipped
completely assembled and only require two fasteners 3. Use two M8 screws and two M8 washers (provided)
per head to attach them to the burner manifold. to attach the bottom clamp against the manifold and
securely fasten the head. Alternate the tightening of
Following the illustrations below, mount the burner the bolts to ensure an even clamping force.
head to the manifold as follows:
4. Repeat for the remainder of the burner heads. Make
1. Place the o-ring in the groove of the plug on the sure the “face” or tile side of the heads are relatively
underside of the burner head. This o-ring is used to flush with each other before final tightening of the
help provide a gas tight seal and must be installed. fasteners to 3-5 foot-lbs.
Pilot Head
(Note bracket
mounting tabs)
M8 Washer
M8 Screw
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Repair Instructions
Installing Ledge Gaskets Figure 1
– Figures 1 & 2
Spread a bead of adhesive around the entire length of
the tile support ledge. Place the ledge gasket on the
adhesive, taking care to press the gasket flat (no high
spots) when installed. The adhesive should be allowed
to cure for at least 30 minutes before installing the tile.
Figure 2
8/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Repair Instructions
Installing Burner Tiles Figure 4
– Figures 4 & 5
Once the tape is installed, put the outer two burner
tiles in place on the tile support ledge. Check to see
that the gasket tape around the outer edge of the tile
is in place and seated against the ledge gasket. The
middle tile can then be pressed into place by raising
the center edge of either outside tile to form a tent with
the middle tile. Press downward on the two raised
edges until the tile snaps into place. If one or more
burner tiles are uneven, do not attempt to push
individual tiles into place. This can result in cracked or
broken tiles. The burner tile will be leveled in the next
Figure 5
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Burner Assemblies - Type 25 and Type 50 Burner Assemblies - Type 13
Type 25 (end-to-end) Type 50 (side-to-side) Type 13 (end-to-end)
Assembly Assembly Assembly
Assembly Assembly Assembly
Designation Designation Designation
Number Number Number
3 - 25 325 PSR2 3 - 50 350 PSR2 3 - 13 313 PSR2
4 - 25 425 PSR2 4 - 50 450 PSR2 4.5 - 13 4513 PSR2
5 - 25 525 PSR2 5 - 50 550 PSR2 6 - 13 613 PSR2
6 - 25 625 PSR2 6 - 50 650 PSR2 7.5 - 13 7513 PSR2
7 - 25 725 PSR2 7 - 50 750 PSR2 9 - 13 913 PSR2
8 - 25 825 PSR2 8 - 50 850 PSR2 10.5 - 13 10513 PSR2
9 - 25 925 PSR2 9 - 50 950 PSR2 12 - 13 1213 PSR2
10 - 25 1025 PSR2 10 - 50 1050 PSR2 13.5 - 13 13513 PSR2
11 - 25 1125 PSR2 11 - 50 1150 PSR2 15 - 13 1513 PSR2
12 - 25 1225 PSR2 12 - 50 1250 PSR2
Segment choices are as follows for
13 - 25 1325 PSR2 13 - 50 1350 PSR2
configured products:
14 - 25 1425 PSR2 14 - 50 1450 PSR2
• Manifold Connection
15 - 25 1525 PSR2 15 - 50 1550 PSR2
--- --- 16 - 50 1650 PSR2 • Manifold Material
--- --- 17 - 50 1750 PSR2 • Head Type
--- --- 18 - 50 1850 PSR2 • Ignition/Flame Detection(Inlet End)
--- --- 19 - 50 1950 PSR2 • Ignitor Position (Inlet End)
--- --- 20 - 50 2050 PSR2 • Ignition/Flame Detection Position (Plugged End)
--- --- 21 - 50 2150 PSR2 • Ignitor Position (Plugged End)
--- --- 22 - 50 2250 PSR2
• Constant Pilot (Inlet End)
--- --- 23 - 50 2350 PSR2
• Constant Pilot (Plugged End)
--- --- 24 - 50 2450 PSR2
--- --- 25 - 50 2550 PSR2
--- --- 26 - 50 2650 PSR2
Descriptions of segment choices and
available options are listed on page
Ignitor Assembly w/flame rod 1042678
Ignitor Assembly w/blast pilot 1042593
12/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
MANIFOLD CONNECTION Type of thread on the premix inlet
ISO–THRD ISO (European) Thread
MANIFOLD MATERIAL Manifold material CS Steel
Burner tile and gasket materials Standard
and options
Rigidized tiles are cleaned and
dipped to reduce dusting STDR Standard with rigidized tile
BP Blast pilot
Type of ignition and flame BPFR Blast pilot and flame rod
detection on the inlet end of the FR With flame rod
NONE No flame detection or ignitor
SI 3-prong spark ignitor
SIFR 3-prong ignitor with flame rod
END End mounted
Ignitor position for the inlet end of LH Left hand (viewed from inlet end)
the burner NONE No ignitor chosen
RH Right hand (viewed from inlet end)
BP Blast pilot
Type of ignition and flame BPFR Blast pilot and flame rod
detection on the plugged end of FR With flame rod
NONE No flame detection or ignitor
SI 3-prong spark ignitor
SIFR 3-prong ignitor with flame rod
END End mounted
Ignitor position for the plugged LH Left hand (viewed from inlet end)
end of the burner NONE No ignitor chosen
RH Right hand (viewed from inlet end)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Replacement Parts
Assembly Number
Ridgidized Tile Plain (or Std.)
Type 25 or 50 burner head 1040701 1038539
Burner Type 25 or 50 burner head (w/pilot mounting tabs) 1040699 1037762
Heads Type 13 burner head 1040697 1039397
Type 13 burner head (w/pilot mounting tabs) 1040695 1039401
Burner Tiles 25/50 burner tile (11-3/16" box - standard) 1040648 1059788
325-825 Std 1040686 1039627
325-825 Pilot Std 1040675 1039629
925-1325 Std 1040687 1039631
Type 25/50 925-1325 Pilot Std 1040676 1039633
Combination 1450-1850 Std 1040688 1039635
1450-1850 Pilot Std 1040678 1039637
Replacement 1950-2650 Std 1040689 1039639
Kits 1950-2650 Pilot Std 1040679 1039641
(w/clamps, o-ring
313-7513 Std 1040669 1039560
and fasteners)
313-7513 Pilot Std 1040663 1039563
913-1213 Std 1040670 1039567
Type 13
913-1213 Pilot Std 1040664 1039569
13513-1513 Std 1040671 1039571
13513-1513 Pilot Std 1040665 1039573
Pressure pilot (required for blast pilots) 11680
25/50 tile retainer 44949
13 tile retainer 1039393
Replacement gasket kit for 25/50 box
Miscellaneous 45769
(consists of (1) #44942 tape gasket and (1) #45679 tile/box gasket)
Items Replacement gasket kit for 13 box
(consists of (1) #1039391 tape gasket and (1) #1039390 tile/box gasket)
High temperature sealant - 3 oz. tube 45766
Fenwal spark ignitor 57586
90 deg mini flame rod 1041550
Note: 325-825 represents 3-25, 4-25, 5-25, 6-25, 7-25 and 8-25 sizes
313-7513 represents 3-13, 4.5-13, 6-13 and 7.5-13 sizes
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Selection Guide – Maxon Series "LG" Mixing Tubes with North American
Limiting Orifice Valves for Air & Gas Inlets
P/S Premixing Guide P/S Burner Heads Capacity 1,000 North American
Series "LG" Mixing Tubes per "LG" Mixer Btu/hr Limiting Orifice Valve Size
Designation Assembly Number Series 13 Series 25/50 (maximum) Air Inlet Gas Inlet
LG-75-19 12165 2 2 50
LG-75-22 12166 3 2 65
LG-75-25 12167 3 3 70
LG-100-22 12168 3 3 70
LG-100-25 12169 3 3 70
LG-100-28 12170 4 3 90
1-1/4" 1/2"
LG-100-31 12171 4 3 90
LG-125-28 12172 4 3 90
LG-125-31 12173 5 4 110
LG-125-37 12174 7 6 150
LG-125-41 12175 9 8 195
LG-125-46 12176 12 10 240
LG-150-46 12177 12 10 240
LG-150-51 12178 12 10 240 3/4"
LG-150-56 12179 15 12 310
LG-150-63 12180 19 15 380
LG-200-56 12181 19 15 380
LG-200-62 12182 19 15 380
LG-200-66 12183 19 15 380 1"
LG-200-70 12184 23 19 475
LG-200-73 12185 27 22 555
LG-200-80 12186 34 27 680
LG-300-78 12187 34 27 680
LG-300-84 12188 34 27 680
LG-300-92 12189 34 27 680
3" 1-1/2"
LG-300-98 12190 41 33 825
LG-300-106 12191 41 33 825
LG-300-116 12192 41 33 825
LG-400-98 12193 41 33 825
LG-400-106 12194 49 39 980
LG-400-116 12195 60 48 1200 4"
LG-400-124 12196 72 58 1450 (not available)
LG-400-136 12197 87 70 1750
LG-400-142 12198 100 80 2000
Part Numbers for North American Limiting Orifice Valves Note: The Maxon LG Mixer size is based on a
Size Maxon Part Number minimum combustion air inlet pressure at the mixer
.5" 1040910 inlet of 7 osi. The minimum inlet pressure (air) to the
.75" 1033928 North American Limiting Orifice valve is 10 osi to
1" 1033934 supply the maximum Btu capacity noted. Normal
1.25" 1030339 inlet pressure to the North American Limiting Orifice
1.5" 1035023 on the gas inlet is 8” w.c. A 16 osi combustion
2" 1030338 blower is recommended for all systems to insure
2.5" 1040337 sufficient inlet pressures.
3" 1040335
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: P/S Radiant II Burners Page: 1350-2 Date: 4/00
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
Dimensions in inches
A Wt.
Pipe B C D E F (lb.)
1040910 .50 1.69 3.38 2.34 .88 1.75 1.5
1033928 .75 1.69 3.38 2.34 1.0 2.0 1.75
1033934 1 2.12 4.25 2.66 1.16 2.31 2.75
1030339 1.25 2.44 4.88 2.88 1.44 2.88 4.25
1035023 1.5 2.62 5.25 3.19 1.62 3.25 5.5
1030338 2 2.94 5.88 3.69 1.88 3.75 7.5
1040337 2.5 3.88 7.75 4.22 2.44 4.88 12.5
1040335 3 4.88 9.75 5.56 2.94 5.88 20.0
LG Mixing H J K
Tube gas inlet air inlet outlet
LG-75 8.88 3/4
LG-100 9.88 --- --- 1.44 1.69 2.38 --- 1/2 1-1/4 1 --- --- --- ---
LG-125 10.88 1-1/4
LG-150 12.25 5 1.5 1-1/2
5.75 1.5 2.25 3.25 1 2 1.81 1.5
LG-200 13.25 6 1.69 2 .44 .5
LG-300 17.5 9.25 6.84 1.41 4.38 1.81 1-1/2 3 3 1.94 1.75
LG-400 22.5 12 2.88 2.31 4 2.38 2
8.44 2.06 5.38 2 4 .56 .62
LG-500 26.5 16 2.38 5 2.62 2.25
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Bulletin 1400
RadMax™ Burners
• Durable, industrial-quality cast iron body construction with stainless steel tile retainers
• Direct spark/flame sensing port for simple, reliable ignition and flame detection
• Easy tile replacement — spring clip assembly requires no tools for removal
• Radiant face temperatures from 1050°F to 1650°F deliver uniform heat for a variety of processes
• Rapid heat up and cool down eliminates the need to rotate burner heads away from product
• Low profile design operates in horizontal or vertical applications to accommodate limited space
• Low manifold pressures for normal operation: 4.5" - 5" wc nominal (11.2 – 12.5 mbar)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
Page 1402
RadMax™ Burners
RadMax™ Burners are designed to deliver uniform,
high intensity radiant energy for moisture removal in
textile and paper ovens, paint drying, and powder
coating, as well as many pre-heat, plastic forming,
heat treating and annealing operations.
RadMax™ Burners can economically increase Rear view – Type 50 assembly
production rates, reduce seconds and defects caused
by improper or uneven heating or drying, and reduce
down time and maintenance costs when the need for
service or repair arises.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
RadMax™ Burners Page 1403
Page 1404 RadMax™ Burners
= 70 kW/m2
Page 1406 RadMax™ Burners
°F °C
NOx Emissions (ppm, corrected to 3% oxygen)
Face Temperature
% Excess Air
NOx Face Temp
RadMax™ Burners Page 1407
Page 1408 RadMax™ Burners
designed to nominal
capacities. Reduced or 1400 4"w.c. Manifold Pressure
extended capacities are
possible. Contact Maxon 1300 4.5"w.c. Manifold Pressure
for more information.
1200 5"w.c. Manifold Pressure
2 50,000 2 - 13 31.62
3 75,000 3 - 13 47.46
4 100,000 4 - 13 63.31
1-1/2" 5 125,000 5 - 13 79.15 2x2
6 150,000 6 - 13 94.99
7 175,000 7 - 13 110.84
8 200,000 8 - 13 126.68
9 225,000 9 - 13 142.53
2" 2x3
10 250,000 10 - 13 158.37
Page 1410 RadMax™ Burners
Position #2 Position #1 Position #10 Position #9
Position #8
Position #3
Position #4 Position #5 Position #6 Position #7 4.06 Threaded Pipe
NPS Half Coupling
Each End
15.84 15.78
Burner Centers
Threaded Pipe - NPS Half Coupling
Position #8
Position #4 Position #5 Position #6 Position #7 Threaded Pipe
NPS Half Coupling
Each End
11.25 11.07
Burner Centers
Threaded Pipe - NPS Half Coupling
Page 1412 RadMax™ Burners
Position #1 Position #8 B C
Position #3 Position #2
Position #7 Position #6
Threaded Pipe
NPS Half Coupling
Position #4 Position #5 Each End
Centers 5.39
Threaded Pipe - NPS Half Coupling
Page 1414 RadMax™ Burners
RadMax™ Burners Page 1400-S-1
Start-up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding and desired maximum firing rate (per the table on
familiarize yourself with all the system’s equipment and Page 1400-S-2.) Manifold differential pressure
components. Verify that all equipment has been should not exceed 6.0” w.c.
installed in accordance with the original manufacturer’s C. Return air flow control device to minimum.
current instructions. 6. Adjust fuel/air mixing device to the recommended
initial settings. Refer to the appropriate start-up
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off should be
instructions provided by the manufacturer for this
undertaken only by trained and experienced
personnel familiar with combustion systems, with
7. Ignite the burner. (Direct spark applications only;
control/flame safeguard circuitry and with knowledge
refer to appropriate manufacturers instructions for
of the overall installation. Equipment installation
piloted systems.)
and operating procedures should comply with all
A. Verify combustion air blower is running.
applicable international, federal, state, local codes
B. Set air flow control device to minimum.
and standards. C. Open main gas shut-off valve(s).
D. Initiate trial for ignition sequence and verify
Initial RadMax™ Burner start-up: spark ignitor is arcing properly.
1. Close all burner fuel valves and gas cocks. E. If burner does not ignite, close main gas shut-
Make preliminary adjustment to fuel gas off valve(s) and re-purge unit before attempting
regulator(s) to establish adequate fuel pressure. to ignite the burner again.
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all control 8. Adjust burner minimum firing rate. Allow
devices, flame safeguard, and interlocks are burners to come up to stable operating temperature.
operable and functioning within their respective With the air flow control device at minimum, adjust
settings/ranges. the fuel flow to establish the desire operating
3. Check that all duct and chambers are clear and temperature within the range stated in the “Capaci-
that their dampers operate freely. Adjust all ties and Specifications” table on Page 1400-S-2. If
dampers to their proper start-up positions. Open a slight blue haze is present on the face of the
the manual pet-cock valves on all burner Direct- burner, this is an indication that the mixture is too
Spark/Flame-Sensing Ports. lean. To correct, increase fuel flow until the blue
4. Start process fan(s) and combustion blower(s) haze is no longer present. If you notice a yellow
and purge the entire unit in accordance with the blanket of flame on the burner surface, this is an
appropriate codes and standards. indication the mixture is too rich. To correct,
5. Adjust combustion air pressure to establish the decrease fuel flow until the yellow haze is no longer
proper burner manifold pressure per the “Capacities present.
and Specifications” table on page 1400-S-2. A test 9. Adjust burner maximum firing rate. Slowly
connection is provided on the burner manifold for increase combustion air flow and fuel flow in small
set-up adjustment purposes. Required manifold increments as allowed by the fuel/air ratio controller.
pressures are differential pressures relative to the Hold at each step and allow the burner to come up
firing chamber. For on/off (single firing rate) to a stable operating temperature. Make adjust-
operation, adjust air to establish the proper ments to fuel flow as necessary to establish the
manifold differential pressure required for the desired operating temperature within the range
desired firing rate. For variable firing rate opera- stated in the “Capacities and Specifications” table.
tion, refer to the following procedure: Continue to increase the fuel/air ratio controller in
A. Set low fire combustion air flow. Position small increments and make adjustments at each
combustion air flow control device to establish step until the desired high firing rate is established.
burner manifold pressure required for the 10. Verify settings. After establishing high and low fire
desired minimum firing rate (per table on Page settings, cycle the burner from high to low fire
1400-S-2). Manifold differential pressure several times to confirm the repeatability of fuel/air
should never be less than 2.0” w.c. settings. Shut down the burner and re-ignite to
B. Set high fire combustion air flow. Position confirm reliability of ignition system and light-off
combustion air flow control device to establish settings. Check all safety interlocks and limits and
burner manifold pressure required for the confirm proper settings and operation.
9/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Capacities and Specifications
RadMax™ Type 13/25/50 Burner Head
Manifold Pressure "w.c. 2 3 4 4.5 (nominal) 5 6
Combustion Air Flow SCFH 205 252 291 308 326 357
Maximum Capacity Btu/hr 17,800 20,700 23,500 24,925 26,200 28,500
Fuel Flow at Maximum SCFH 17.8 20.7 23.5 24.9 26.2 28.5
Minimum Capacity Btu/hr 10,800 14,100 16,600 18,000 19,300 21,700
Fuel Flow at Minimum SCFH 10.8 14.1 16.6 18.0 19.3 21.7
Face Temperature Range °F 1050-1483 1110-1537 1130-1569 1150-1590 1173-1611 1200-1659
capacities. Reduced or
extended capacities are 1400 4"w.c. Manifold Pressure
possible. Contact Maxon for
more information. 1300 4.5"w.c. Manifold Pressure
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Fuel Flow - Natural Gas (SCFH)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
RadMax™ Burners Page 1400-S-3
Assembly Instructions
Upon receipt of your Maxon RadMax™ Burner, it may Following the illustrations below, mount the burner head
be necessary to install the burner heads to the burner to the manifold:
manifold. The burner heads are shipped completely
assembled and only require two fasteners per head to 1. Place the gasket on the air/gas inlet on the under-
attach them to the burner manifold. side of the burner head. This gasket is used to help
provide a gas tight seal and must be installed.
Rivet Clamp
M8 Washer
M8 Lock
Manifold M8 Screw
9/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Installing Replacement Burner Tiles Figure 1
– Step 1
Coat the tile support face of the body casting with a
thin film of gasket adhesive.
– Step 2 Figure 2
Install the burner body gasket. Be careful to ensure
gasket is installed squarely and use care to avoid
tearing gasket material. Allow gasket to set for 5-10
minutes before installing tiles.
– Step 3 Figure 3
Place tile retainer frame face down on a flat surface.
Install 3 burner tiles into tile retainer, making sure that
no gaps exist between tiles and that tiles are properly
centered in tile retainer.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
– Step 4 Figure 4
Place burner body casting face down into tile retainer
frame, with burner body gasket resting on top of burner
tiles (along inside edge of tile retainer frame).
– Step 5 Figure 5
Install spring clips to secure the tile retainer frame.
9/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Burner Assemblies - Type 13 Burner Assemblies - Type 25 and Type 50
Type 13 (end-to-end) Assembly Type 25 (end-to-end) Type 50 (side-to-side)
Burner Configured Item Assembly Assembly
Designation Number Configured Configured
Burner Burner
2 - 13 213 RM Item Item
Designation Designation
Number Number
3 - 13 313 RM
3 - 25 325 RM 3 - 50 350 RM
4 - 13 413 RM
4 - 25 425 RM 4 - 50 450 RM
5 - 13 513 RM
5 - 25 525 RM 5 - 50 550 RM
6 - 13 613 RM
7 - 13 713 RM 6 - 25 625 RM 6 - 50 650 RM
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Type 13 and Type 25 RadMax Burners
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
EXT Extended height to match PSR2
BURNER HEIGHT Box distance above manifold
STD Standard height
BOX TYPE Machining options STD Standard box
BI Back inlet feed
MANIFOLD TYPE Inlet connection location
EF End feed
NONE No flame sensing / direct spark
POS1 Position 1
POS10 Position 10
POS2 Position 2
Location of direct spark / flame
POS3 Position 3
sensing por t
Refer to drawings on pages 1410
POS5 Position 5
& 1411 for locations
POS6 Position 6
POS7 Position 7
POS8 Position 8
POS9 Position 9
Location of direct spark / flame
DIR SPRK/FLM SENS PORT CHOICE 2 sensing por t - same segment POS8 Position 8
choices as above
Location of direct spark / flame
DIR SPRK/FLM SENS PORT CHOICE 3 sensing por t - same segment NONE No flame sensing / direct spark
choices as above
Location of direct spark / flame
DIR SPRK/FLM SENS PORT CHOICE 4 sensing por t - same segment NONE No flame sensing / direct spark
choices as above
BOTH Heads and sensors loose
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
9/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Configured Spare Parts - RM RSP
Spare Parts
Configured Item Description Default Value Assembly Number
Burner head 0 (see page 1400-A/P-5
for segment choices)
Ceramic tile (3 tiles per burner box required) 0 1059788
Direct Spark/Flame Sensing Por t Assembly with Bracket 0 1057903
Spark Ignitor/Flame Rod 0 1058544
CSST Corrugated Tubing 1/4" I.D. x 18" Long 0 1060048
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
9/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Page 2102
Typical piping layout with “Block and Bleed” gas train arrangement
Page 2103
Model 435
Burner with pre-
assembled “Block
& Bleed” pipe
train and pre-
wired into
package system
Model 425
package system,
installed and mounted
onto a Maxon pre-
fabricated heater/duct
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burner Page 2105
Page 2106 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
Motor Horsepower: 1/3 1/2 1/3 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/3 3/4
Specification Frame Number: 48 48 48 56 48 56 48 56
-5.0 to 550 880 1650
--- -- --- --- ---
-0.5" wc 2.8" 3.4" 1.7"
Page 2108 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
Motor Horsepower: 1/3 1/2 1/3 3/4 1/2 3/4 1/3 3/4
Specification Frame Number: 48 48 48 56 48 56 48 56
460 735 1375
D -5.0" wc --- --- --- --- ---
U 2.0" 2.4" 1.2"
C 460 735 1375
Maximum T -3.0" wc --- --- --- --- ---
2.0" 2.4" 1.2"
S 415 625 670 660 1000 1080 1250 1800
(1000's Btu/hr) T
±0" wc
1.6" 1.7" 2.0" 1.9" 2.0" 2.5" 1.0" 2.0"
with Natural Gas A
Pressures ("wc) T 390 585 630 625 920 990 1190 1670
+1.0" wc
I 1.4" 1.5" 1.7" 1.7" 1.7" 2.4" 0.9" 1.8"
C 920 1440
S +2.0" wc --- --- --- --- --- ---
1.7" 1.3"
Minimum Main plus pilot 15 20 15 20 37
(1000's Btu/hr) Pilot only 10 15 20
Required natural gas differential
2.2 2. 3 3.0 2.6 3. 5 4.1 2.9 5.6
pressure to burner inlet ("wc)
Approximate flame length 1 to 1-1/2 to 2 to
1/2 to 1 ft. 1/2 to 1 ft. 1 to 2 ft.
in still air 1-1/2 ft. 2 ft. 2-1/2 ft.
Page 2110 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
Maximum Capacity 460 580 715 780 870 910 960 1000
EB-1 Heat Releases
Minimum & pilot 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
OVENPAK® (1000's Btu/hr)
Pilot only 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
Natural Gas At burner inlet 2.1 3.4 5.1 6.1 7.6 8.3 9.2 10.0
pressures ("wc) At burner gas test connection 2.0 3.1 4.7 5.6 7.0 7.6 8.5 9.2
Flame Lengths In still air 4" to 15" beyond end of discharge sleeve
Maximum Capacity 750 980 1200 1330 1450 1500 1550 1600
EB-2 Heat Releases
Minimum & pilot 60 60 60 60 70 70 75 80
OVENPAK® (1000's Btu/hr)
Pilot only 25 25 25 25 30 30 35 35
Natural Gas At burner inlet 3 5.2 7.8 9.5 11.3 12.1 12.9 13.8
pressures ("wc) At burner gas test connection 2.5 4.2 6.3 7.7 9.2 9.8 10.5 11.2
Flame Lengths In still air 12" to 30" beyond end of discharge sleeve
Maximum Capacity 1620 1900 2120 2320 2670 2840 3000 3150
EB-3 Heat Releases
Minimum & pilot 90 95 105 115 130 140 150 155
OVENPAK® (1000's Btu/hr)
Pilot only 45 45 50 55 65 70 75 75
Natural Gas At burner inlet 4.1 5.6 7.0 8.3 11.0 12.5 13.9 15.4
pressures ("wc) At burner gas test connection 1.6 2.2 2.8 3.3 4.4 5.0 5.6 6.2
Maximum Capacity 2320 2800 3230 3500 3950 4150 4330 4600
EB-4 Heat Releases
Minimum & pilot 100 115 130 140 160 170 180 190
OVENPAK® (1000's Btu/hr)
Pilot only 40 40 40 45 50 55 55 60
Natural Gas At burner inlet 2.5 3.7 4.9 5.8 7.4 8.1 8.8 10.0
pressures ("wc) At burner gas test connection 1.9 2.8 3.7 4.3 5.5 6.1 6.6 7.5
Flame Lengths In still air 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 feet beyond end of discharge sleeve
Page 2112 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
Maximum Capacity 2940 3500 3980 4420 5130 5450 5740 6000
EB-5 Heat Releases
Minimum & pilot 155 180 200 220 255 270 285 300
OVENPAK® (1000's Btu/hr)
Pilot only 25 30 35 35 40 45 50 50
Natural Gas At burner inlet 2.2 3.1 4.0 4.9 6.6 7.5 8.3 9.1
pressures ("wc) At burner gas test connection 1.3 1.8 2.3 2.9 3.9 4.4 4.8 5.3
Maximum Capacity 4710 6700 9500 11200 13500 14300 15800 16500
Heat Releases
EB-6 (1000's Btu/hr)
Minimum & pilot 335 390 490 575 695 735 815 850
OVENPAK® Pilot only 100 100 100 115 140 145 165 170
Natural Gas At burner inlet 2.8 5.6 11.3 15.7 22.8 25.6 31.3 34.1
pressures ("wc) At burner gas test connection 2.0 4.0 8.1 11.2 16.3 18.3 22.3 24.3
3 to 8 feet beyond end of 8 to 12 feet beyond end of
Flame Lengths In still air
discharge sleeve discharge sleeve
Maximum Capacity 4710 6700 9500 11200 13500 14300 15800 16500
Heat Releases
EB-7 (1000's Btu/hr)
Minimum & pilot 335 390 490 575 695 735 815 850
OVENPAK® Pilot only 100 100 100 115 140 145 165 170
Natural Gas At burner inlet 1.8 3.6 7.3 10.1 14.8 16.6 20.2 22.1
pressures ("wc) At burner gas test connection 1.0 2.0 4.1 5.6 8.2 9.2 11.2 12.2
3 to 8 feet beyond end of 8 to 12 feet beyond end of
Flame Lengths In still air
discharge sleeve discharge sleeve
Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners Page 2113
Accessory Options
Air filter assemblies and silencers
dB(A) sound levels Sound Level dB(A)
from actual tests con- Burner
Model Standard with
ducted at full-rated 60 Hz Burner Silencer
capacity are shown in table 405 84 75
at right. Measurement point 407M 83 77
is shown in sketch below. 408M 84 75
(Meter was set to A-scale, 408 87 78
412M 81 73
slow response.) 82
413M 72
Operation on 50 Hz 415 89 77
power results in lower 422M 88 79
rotational speed of blower, 425 89 78
and so reduces air output, 432M 88 80
435 87 78
capacity, and resulting 89
442M 80
noise levels. 50 Hz noise 445 89 81
levels should not exceed 456M 90 83
the above data measured 470M 92 83
on 60 Hz operation. 487M 94 85
Air filter assemblies help to trap airborne particu-
late matter. They are offered with washable replaceable
filter elements or with permanent metallic elements (as
shown in photograph above). Filters mount onto
OVENPAK® Burner's blower housing (or silencer
housing of burners so equipped) and surround the
blower motor and combustion air inlet.
Page 2114 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
Accessory Options
Universal Joint Arrangements (for all Auxiliary Switches
versions except EB-MRV) allow control of as many as Maxon offers 4 types, all cam-actuated by the
5 burners by a single control motor. Torque require- burner main operating shaft. (If Universal Joint Ar-
ment is 10 in-lbs for EACH burner driven. Primary rangements are used, switch must mount on furthest
burner should drive no more than 2 Secondary burners left burner.) Field installation MAY require burner
to either side of itself. modification per instructions provided in Product
Miniature universal joints simplify burner alignment. Information Sheet 2000-7/8.
Aluminum connecting rod can be cut to fit actual Low Fire Start Switch Assembly (SPDT) opens
burner spacing. (Allowable distance between adjacent the circuit when burner leaves minimum position. Also
burner centerlines is 21" – 33" for 422M and smaller, available in Weatherproof and Hazardous Location/
23.5" – 36" for larger burners.) Weatherproof versions.
High and Low Fire Position Switch Assembly
includes 2 SPDT switches. One switch may be field-
set to activate at high fire position, while other is set to
activate at low fire position. Switch assemblies are
also available in a weatherproof version.
To order, specify:
1. Primary and secondary burners
2. Any other accessories desired
3. Required quantity of Universal Joint Assemblies
Standard With
Arrangement High Back Pressure Kit
Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners Page 2115
Accessory Options
Hi/Lo Control Motor Sets for high or low firing. Discharge Sleeves are available in 3 versions:
Optional set includes 2-position unidirectional 11- – Standard sleeve is 8" long, made of #310 SS, and
second 120v 50/60 Hz motor and connecting base with is suitable for downstream temperatures up to
mounting linkage. See table below for dimensions 1000°F (538°C).
which differ from standard burner.
– For higher velocities, specify 12" long sleeve made
of #310 SS for downstream temperatures up to
1000°F (538°C).
– For higher downstream temperatures between
1000°F (538°C) and 1500°F (816°C), specify 8" long,
#RA 330 SS sleeve.
Dimensions in Inches
Burner Model
EB-1, 2 405 - 413M 10.25 17.63 7.75
EB-3 415 - 422M 10.19 17.56 7.75
EB-4, 5 425 to 442M 11.69 19.06 8.75
EB-6, 7 445 - 487M 16.69 24.06 8.75
Page 2116 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
405 8.81 11.37 14 3.66 17.81 14.37 17.06
407M 15.25 15.87 18 4.69 19.69 21.69 18.62
408 8.81 11.37 14 3.66 19.12 17.81 14.37 17.06
3.75 1 6.62 8.87 10.30 8.44 6.31 8.44 3.62
5.44 13.19 4.37 0.25 17.31
412M 15.25 15.87 18 4.69 19.69 21.69 18.62
413M 19.12
415 8.81 11.37 14 17.75 14.37 17.06
4.75 1-1/4 7.69 8.81 10.25 10.37 8.25 10.37 4.44 3.59 17.31
422M 15.25 15.87 19.56 21.69 18.62
425 1-1/2 12.12 14.44 3.94 20.5 20.25 19.75
432M 15.25 15.87 2.81 21.25 23.56 29.62
5.75 10.06 11.88 14.69 12.50 5.44 10.25 12.5 5.62 18.25
435 12.12 14.44 18 3.94 20.5 20.25 19.75
442M 2 2.81 21.25 23.56
6.06 8.62 0.37
445 15.25 15.87 22.5
25 23.5
456M 29.62
6.81 14.38 16.88 19.31 14.62 6.5 12.25 14.75 6.69 5.37
470M 24
3 17.75 17.79 19 26.81 25.94
*Main fuel gas inlet NPT
Model A B C D E F G H J K L M N U V W X Y AA BB
3.75 6.62 8.44 6.31 8.44 3.62 5.44
EB-2 1-1/4 5.44 8.87 10.31 13.19 4.37 0.25 7.25 8.62 6.37 0.44 5.44 4
EB-3 4.75 7.69 10.37 8.25 10.37 4.44 5.38
5.75 2 10.06 11.88 14.69 12.5 5.44 10.25 12.5 5.62 9.25 10.62 8.87 7.75 6 6
6.06 8.62 0.37 0.56
EB-6 11.7-
6.81 3 14.38 16.88 19.31 14.62 6.5 12.25 14.75 6.69 9.62 11.12 10.25 8.5 8
EB-7 5
Page 2118 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
405 14.4 12.4 19.3 10.4 23.2 29.9 33.6
407M 21.7 15.1 21.9 7.8 24.7 31.4 35.1
408 14.4 12.4 19.3 10.4 23.2 29.9 33.6
412M 21.7 15.1 16 21.9 7.8 24.7 31.4 35.1
415 14.4 12.4 19.3 10.4 23.2 29.9 33.6
422M 21.7 15.1 7.8 24.7 31.4 35.1
425 20.2 14.5 8.3 24 25.9 32.6 36.3
432M 23.6 18.1 22 24.9 10.8 24.9 31.9 38.5 42.3
435 20.25 14.5 16 21.4 8.3 24 25.9 32.6 36.3
442M 23.6 24.9
445 18.1 22 24.9 10.8 31.9 38.5 42.3
23.5 28.6
25.9 20.2 24 29.2 12.8 29.6 33.9 42.7 44.3
Component Identification
Page 2120 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
EB-6 456M
1.3 .4 .4 12.8 2.9
EB-7 470M
package system
installed and
mounted onto a
heater/duct section
Save time and reduce your installation costs with a All pre-assembled package systems include a
completely assembled and pre-wired burner and pipe Model “400” OVENPAK® Burner and pipe train. The
train “package”. pipe trains are available with “Block and Bleed” ar-
All system components have been carefully se- rangement options only.
lected to match the high performance characteristics of Additional application flexibility is provided with five
the Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burner. different sized systems, all with 40:1 turndown
The compact design of this “packaged system” capacity ranges.
makes mounting to your duct fast and easy. Connect Packaged OVENPAK® Burner systems may also be
to the gas line and bring in electricity. It's wired and mounted in a pre-fabricated combustion heater/duct
piped, ready to go. section by Maxon. This option is value-engineered to
give you the most for your dollar spent.
Page 2122 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
Page 2124 Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
1. Quantity ________
2. Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burner Assembly _________, for natural gas
– Arranged for UV detector, or with flame rod
– Furnished with blower motor for ___________ AC
– With low fire start switch _________ , General Purpose, 115/60 AC
– With combustion air filter assembly ____________ (optional)
– With connecting base and linkage assembly ____________ to adapt customer's automatic electric
control motor. Specify/select which one of these electric operators will be used:
– Barber-Colman #EA51–58, also with prefix MC, MP or MF
– Honeywell #M644, #M744, #M941, or #M944
– Penn/Johnson #M-80 or #M81
4. With _______ 1-1/4" or 1-1/2" Maxon Series __________ Automatic Reset, Manual Reset
Shut-Off Valve(s), for natural gas, in top assembly position “L” for 115/60VAC
– With electrical terminal block (option)
– With 6 second, or 2.5 second opening time (automatic reset valve(s) only)
– With ______________ auxiliary signal switch(es) (optional)
NOTE: Specify which switch(es) go in main valve and which switch(es) in blocking valve, if different.
Performance data
NOTE: Maximum capacity varies with the range of suction provided at operating temperature
Air volumes shown are for burners without damper, Typical pipe train
or with damper in full-open position. If damper is used
to restrict air flow, maximum capacity will be similarly
Pilot flame issues from the same gas ports as
main flame, so proof of pilot gas ignition assures
ignition of main gas supply.
Flame sensing can be either by flame rod or UV
scanner when natural gas is the fuel, but only with UV
scanner if propane is the fuel.
Installation is simple, utilizing the built-in, direct-
mounting flange provided.
A complete combustion system utilizing Model
“200” OVENPAK® Burners also includes gas train,
fuel-throttling valve and control system. Your Maxon
representative can help you choose from the broad
range of options available.
Page 2126 Model “200” OVENPAK® Gas Burners
Installation Instructions
General Instructions compatible with burner nameplate ratings. Insure that
all normal control safeguards are satisfied. Combus-
Important: Do not discard packing material until tion air blower should continue to run after shutdown
all loose items are accounted for. to allow burner to cool.
To prevent damage in transit, the spark ignitor, Gas supply piping must be large enough to
discharge sleeve, mounting gaskets, flame rod and maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for the
connecting linkage components may be packed particular burner size used with burner operating at
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon full rated capacity.
OVENPAK® Burner. Anything more than minimal distance or piping
The burner itself is normally only a part of your turns may necessitate oversizing piping runs to keep
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
accessories and control components will be required Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at least
for a complete system installation. The sketch below four pipe diameters in length. If multiple burners are
fed from a single gas train, care should be taken to
shows a typical gas train as might be used with
minimize pressure drop and give maximum uniformity.
OVENPAK® gas fired burners.
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage
of pipe train components or burner gas ports.
Piping Layout as sometimes required by Main Shut-Off Cock should be upstream of both
insurance and standards groups the main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to
shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during shut-
Block and Bleed gas train arrangement illustrated
down periods of more than a few hours.
with Model “400” OVENPAK® Burner
The fuel throttling valve contained within a Maxon
burner is not intended for tight shut-off.
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. If one pipe train
supplies multiple burners, provide a separate regula-
tor in the branch leading to each burner system.
Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
losses. Follow the instructions attached to the regula-
tor during installation and be sure to remove any
shipping pin or block.
Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
regulator, but downstream of the main gas cock. It
should normally include its own pilot gas regulator, a
solenoid valve and shut-off cock. A pilot adjustable
orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
your particular burner size.
Fuel Shut-Off Valves (when properly connected to
a control system) shut the fuel supply off when a
Model “400” OVENPAK® Burners provide the air hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual
supply (except for EB versions, which require a reset valves require operator attendance each time
separate combustion air blower). They also serve as the system is started up (or restarted after a trip-out).
a fuel flow control and fuel/air mixing device. Model Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic start-
“200” OVENPAK® Burners serve as a mixing device restart when used with an appropriate control system.
and usually have an externally-mounted gas control Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
valve. ment. They should be provided immediately down-
Burner should not be exposed to direct radiant stream of the regulator and are included in the burner
heat or positioned where it might draw in inert gases. itself. Test connections must be plugged except
If such conditions exist, consider filters, relocation when readings are being taken.
and/or use of the EB version and external air supply.
Electrical service must match the voltage, phase
and cycle of all electrical system components and be
4/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 2100-S-2 “400”, “200” OVENPAK® Burners
Installation Instructions
Horizontal mounting is preferred, but burner may Additional burner support may be required in
be mounted in any position suitable for automatic conjunction with a stiffener plate when mounting
control motor and UV scanner (if used). OVENPAK® Burner (weighing 100-350 pounds)
OVENPAK® Burners will typically be installed through typical thin wall of heater/oven panels.
through an oven wall or insulated air duct. Cut open- For push-through systems, use Maxon special
ing approximately 1" larger in diameter than discharge back pressure gasket between stiffener plate and
sleeve to allow for thermal expansion of sleeve. discharge sleeve flange and use (2) ring gaskets
Burner mounting requires four studs and a flat between discharge sleeve flange and burner casting
mounting surface perfectly centered on the discharge to prevent back flow of high temperature air. Fill area
sleeve. D (see sketch below) with no more than 2" of high
After placing burner in position over studs, add lock temperature packing (too little will overheat mounting;
washers and nuts, then draw up hand-tight only. too much will overheat sleeve).
Check that burner is seated evenly all around the
flange, filling any gaps to prevent air leakage, then
tighten all nuts firmly. Typical discharge sleeve mounting
For proper performance of any burner, air inlet and recommendations
motor should be surrounded by clean, fresh, cool air.
Burner and pipe manifold support will be re-
quired to support weight of the burner and connected
pipe train components. Air control motors, in particu-
lar, require additional support. Maxon connecting
base and linkage assemblies are designed to position
the control motors to work with the burner, not to
support their weight.
The Packaged Model “400” OVENPAK® Burner
requires external auxiliary support provided by the
user. The support configuration may be similar to the
leg support or knee bracket support illustrated below.
Suggested supporting arrangements for
Packaged Model “400” OVENPAK® Burners:
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
For “400” OVENPAK® Burners: Lock screws If OVENPAK® Burner is equipped with Maxon Hi/Lo
should be drawn up hand-tight, then backed out one- Control Motor, low-fire start wiring can be accom-
half turn to allow for cone expansion. They must be plished as shown in the sketch below.
re-checked after start-up, and loosened if necessary
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or
to prevent deformation of cone. See start-up instruc-
misuse of the layouts shown. Specific piping
tions for details. Over-tightening lock screws can
and wiring diagrams should always be submit-
lead to cone distortion and greatly reduce cone
ted to the appropriate agencies for approval on
and discharge sleeve life.
each application.
Discharge sleeve must be flush with, or extend
beyond, interior wall. Maxon can supply a special 12" Multi-burner installations require special consid-
long discharge sleeve, but higher noise levels may erations if supplied by a common pipe train and/or air
result, particularly when firing on propane. supply. Air and Gas Balancing Valves should be
An external viewing port should be provided for used for improved heating uniformity; Gas Swing-
flame observation, preferably in such a position that Check Valves should be installed as close as pos-
burner pilot and main flame can both be seen. sible to each burner inlet for dependable lightoff (gas
Flame sensing can be accomplished by either manifold may otherwise act as a reservoir, preventing
flame rod or UV scanner. When UV scanner is used, lightoff during trial-for-ignition period).
it should be kept as close to burner as feasible. Heat Control system’s circuitry must not allow main
block, if used, may affect signal strength with some Fuel Shut-Off Valve to be opened unless combustion
brands of scanners. air is on, and must de-energize valve upon loss of
For “400” OVENPAK® Burners, field conversion combustion air pressure, along with the other usual
from a flame rod version to a UV scanner version and system interlocks. Motor starter is to be interlocked
vice versa may require additional parts in the burner. with valve, whether or not a combustion air pressure
Contact Maxon for requirements. switch is used.
Alternate fuels may require correction of supply
4/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, For Model EB-MRV and Model “200”
and familiarize yourself with all the system's equip- OVENPAK® Burners, the connecting linkage on
ment components. Verify that your equipment has the separate control valve must be similarly
been installed in accordance with the original manu- loosened and disconnected. Refer to specific
facturer's current instructions. adjusting procedures relating to control valve
adjustment in Maxon catalog.
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off Initial start-up adjustment should only be
should be undertaken only by trained and accomplished during a manual burner control
experienced personnel familiar with combus- mode.
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
with knowledge of the overall installation. Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
Instructions provided by the company and/or direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
individuals responsible for the manufacture working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
and/or overall installation of complete system adequate purge of your manifolds and combus-
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence tion chamber plenums. With main gas shut off,
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon manually advance burner to high fire position so
instructions conflict with any codes or regula- that air only flows through burner and combustion
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before chamber.
attempting start-up.
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
typically controlling sequential operations.
For initial OVENPAK® Burner start-up: For EB OVENPAK® Burners only (step 6)
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make 6. Verify differential air pressure. With combustion
preliminary adjustments to fuel gas regulators. air blower on, all volume air fans operating, and
Remove pilot and main gas regulator’s adjusting burner at high fire position, connect a manometer
screw covers. Turn adjusting screw down (clock- between the air test connection on backplate of
wise) to approximately mid-position. Close pilot OVENPAK® Burner and your combustion chamber
gas adjustable orifice screw by turning in clock- static pressure test connection. This will give a
wise until it stops. (Do not over-tighten.) Then direct differential air pressure reading.
back out the adjustable orifice (counter-clockwise)
approximately 2-3 turns.
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all control
devices and interlocks are operable and function-
ing within their respective settings/ranges. Be
sure all air and gas manifolds are tight and that
test ports are plugged if not being used.
3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are
properly positioned and locked into operating
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
linkage from the “400” OVENPAK® Burner’s
operating crank arm by loosening the control
motor’s connecting rod from the burner’s toggle
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Determine your differential air pressure reading control valve. This lets you limit and set the differential
by taking an additional reading with manometer pressure to the OVENPAK® Burner. Refer to Maxon
connected between the burner’s air pressure test specification tables in the catalog for the differential
port and atmosphere with the burner at high fire air settings required for your specific OVENPAK®
position, fuel valves closed, and all air handling Burner capacity.
systems running. Subtract the combustion
7. Determine the required differential gas pres-
chamber static pressure obtained above from this
sure using this differential air pressure reading
air pressure reading to give you differential air
obtained from step 6. If your combustion chamber
pressure reading.
does not have a static pressure test connection,
then you must measure combustion chamber
For Model “200” OVENPAK® Burner only static pressure by connecting a manometer
(steps 6A-6C) between the gas pressure test port on the
burner’s backplate and to atmosphere with the
burner at low fire position, fuel valves closed, and
all air handling systems running. High fire pres-
sures are provided in Maxon product line catalog
literature and/or read data stamped into burner
8. Verify that spark ignitor is properly positioned
and lines up with the appropriate dimensions
required for your specific burner. (Refer to appro-
priate Maxon catalog specification table.) Check
that spark ignitor arcs at the end of your properly
positioned ignitor.
9. Return burner control valve (or crank) to low
fire position when purge of system is complete.
10. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt
6A. Cross-connect manometer to upstream ① and spark ignition to light pilot while slowly turning
downstream ② air pressure test connections on pilot gas regulator spring clockwise and/or
Model “200” OVENPAK® Burner’s main housing. adjustable orifice screw counter-clockwise to
6B. Start air handling system and adjust louvers, increase fuel flow. Repeat procedure as neces-
dampers, etc. to desired setting to establish cold sary until pilot ignites as air might have to be bled
suction design conditions. out of fuel supply lines before reliable pilot flame
6C. Transfer manometer connection from upstream is established. Pilot gas regulator should normally
air pressure test ① to gas pressure test connection be set for as low a pressure as possible, using
③. This is the differential air pressure reading for a fuller opening of pilot gas adjustable orifice (if
Model “200” OVENPAK® Burner. used).
11. After ignition, adjust pilot flame for good stable
For “400” OVENPAK® Burners: The differential air
flame shape. A rule of thumb is that any pilot over
pressure setting determines the burner’s capacity and a tennis ball size is probably too large. This
performance capabilities. Model EB and MA manual assumes you have visual access to the pilot
air OVENPAK® Burners, with their external air control flame. If this is not possible, then adjust pilot to
valve(s), provide for the manual setting of this differ- give the strongest and most stable flame signal
ential air pressure to the burner. Refer to specific through your flame safety circuit. This signal
adjusting procedures relating to MICRO-RATIO® and strength can be read with a micro-amp meter. The
control valve adjustment in Maxon product line signal strength (or range) will be determined by
catalog. MA OVENPAK® Burners have an external the specific type of flame safeguard instrument
locknut adjustment on the end of the air butterfly you have with your burner system.
4/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Cycle burner from minimum to maximum
12. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock
and refine adjustment, if necessary.
or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and
For operation with interrupted pilot (as
refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get
recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
ignition within a second or two. The flame safe-
from minimum to maximum and back several
guard relays should now power your main fuel
times to verify the flame is maintained.
Shut-Off Valve(s).
15. When burner performance is satisfactory and
CAUTION: After completing steps above, re- stable throughout the firing range, reconnect
check all interlocking safety components and control motor.
circuitry to prove that they are properly in- For “400” OVENPAK® Burners: Reconnect
stalled, correctly set, and fully operational. If in linkage to control motor. Control linkage travel
doubt, shut the system down, close pilot cock must be such that burner crank is moved through-
and contact responsible individual before out its complete travel, or cataloged capacities
proceeding further. and turndowns will not be achieved. If less than
full-rated burner capacity is required, linkage can
13. Establish main flame. With burner at low fire
be adjusted to limit maximum output.
position, back out main gas pressure regulator
With interrupted pilot, it may be necessary to
adjusting screw (counter-clockwise) to get lowest
set control for somewhat higher than minimum
outlet pressure possible. Open all manual fuel
burner setting to permit hold-in of flame detection
shut-off valves (automatic fuel shut-off valve
system without pilot.
should already be open) so gas flows to burner
inlet. There should be little, if any, change in CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the
flame appearance. Turn main regulator adjust- control motor may be damaged if linkage is
ing screw in (clockwise) to obtain outlet pressure adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in
of about 4"-6" wc higher than combustion cham- high or low fire position.
ber pressure (2"-4" wc for propane, considerably
higher for some EB versions). Main flame should 16. Re-check differential gas pressure with unit at
now appear larger than pilot-only flame. operating temperature. Refine high fire setting if
14. Establish high fire setting by slowly moving necessary, considering differential pressure,
burner toward high fire position while observing flame length, and appearance. Natural gas flame
gas pressure at burner gas test connection. should normally be predominantly clear blue but
Refine main gas regulator adjustment as neces- possibly with semi-luminous tips. Dust or contami-
sary to provide correct differential pressure nants in the air stream may affect flame appear-
(gauge to combustion chamber, see step 7) at ance.
high fire. If pressure cannot be adjusted low 17. For “400” OVENPAK® Burners: Check for
enough, a different regulator or regulator spring contact between mixing cone and top-most
may be necessary, or a limiting orifice valve (such centering screw after system has reached
as Maxon's Series “BV”) should be added. Do maximum operating temperature. If set screw
not, however, exceed 4" wc pressure drop touches cone, back off an additional 1/8 turn on
between regulator outlet and burner inlet. top and both side set screws.
18. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
CAUTION: If burner(s) go out, close shut-off dangerous fuel leakage. Replace equipment
valve or shut main gas cock at once. Return to cover caps and tighten linkage screws.
minimum setting, re-light pilots if necessary,
then turn main gas on again. Check carefully
that every burner is lit before proceeding.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
19. Check out overall system operation by cycling WARNING: Test every UV installation for
through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot, dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
and allowing temperature control system to cycle other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
burner from minimum to maximum and return. radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
Recheck all safety system interlocks for proper connections.
setting and operation.
NOTE: Typical gas firing control sequence for Maxon 20. Before system is placed into full service,
burner is provided only as a guide. Instructions instruct operator personnel on proper start-up
provided by complete system manufacturer incorpo- operation with shut-down of system, establishing
rating Maxon burners take precedence. written instructions for their future reference.
For gas firing Model “400” OVENPAK® Burner
Light-off: Shut-down:
1. Close cocks, shut-off valve(s) 1. Close main &
2. Verify burner at low fire pilot gas cocks
3. Start recirculating/exhaust fans 2. Keep combustion
4. Start burner blower air blower running
5. Purge at least 4 air changes after shut-down long
6. Open pilot & main gas cocks enough to allow
burner to cool
4/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
Size Packaged Burner Packaged Manual Air Packaged Automotive UL Listed Burners
405 405 OP (70) 405MA OP (49) 405AM OP (70)
407M 407M OP (83) 407MMA OP (74) 407MAM OP (86)
408 408 OP (70) 408MA OP (49) 408AM OP (70)
408M 408M OP (84) 408MMA OP (75) 408MAM OP (88)
412M 412M OP (83) 412MMA OP (74) 412MAM OP (85)
413M 413M OP (84) 413MMA OP (75) 413MAM OP (88)
415 415 OP (72) 415MA OP (75) 415AM OP (73)
422M 422M OP (94) 422MMA OP (73) 422MAM OP (98)
425 425 OP (107) 425MA OP (74) 425AM OP (111) 54391 (120)
432M 432M OP (118) 432MMA OP (78) 432MAM OP (122) 54392 (131)
435 435 OP (107) 435MA OP (74) 435AM OP (111) 54393 (120)
442M 442M OP (122) 442MMA OP (81) 442MAM OP (125) 54394 (135)
445 445 OP (157) 445MA OP (149) 445AM OP (161) 54395 (174)
456M 456M OP (169) 456MMA OP (161) 456MAM OP (205) 54396 (186)
470M 470M OP (191) 470MMA OP (195) 470MAM OP (224) 54397 (208)
487M 487M OP (219) 487MMA OP (224) 487MAM OP (249) 54398 (236)
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
ANSI ANSI threaded
BACKPLATE Type of threads on backplate
ISO ISO threaded
NONE No spark ignitor
Type of spark ignitor,
SPARK IGNITOR STD Standard spark ignitor
if desired
UL UL recognized spark ignitor
HIGH_CAP High capacity adjustable orifice
Type of adjustable orifice,
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE NONE No adjustable orifice
if desired
STD Standard adjustable orifice
HIGH_TEMP High temp observation glass
STD Standard observation glass
OBSERVATION GLASS Type of observation glass
UV Tapped adapter for UV scanner
UV_HT Tapped adapter w/sightglass
FLAME_ROD Flame rod
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Descriptions
(DEFAULT is shaded)
IEC 230 / 400-3-50 IEC 34-7
NONE No motor
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
FLTR Air (foam) filter
FLTRSLNCR1 Air (foam) filter/silencer position 1
FLTRSLNCR2 Air (foam) filter/silencer position 2
FLTRSLNCR3 Air (foam) filter/silencer position 3
NONE No filter or silencer
Filter and/or silencer and PERMFILTR Air (permanent) filter
guard position,
GUARD POS PERMSLNCR1 Air (permanent) filter/silencer position 1
if desired
PERMSLNCR2 Air (permanent) filter/silencer position 2
PERMSLNCR3 Air (permanent) filter/silencer position 3
SLNCR1 Silencer, guard position 1
SLNCR2 Silencer, guard position 2
SLNCR3 Silencer, guard position 3
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
• The flame rod assemblies already include a rubber boot
• The internal linkage kits include air butterfly connecting links (which will be extra parts for MA versions)
• The filter element segment does not appear in the EB configured spare parts
• The cone centering fasteners that appear under Misc. Accessories should be specified in multiples of 4
• After a selection of “yes”, the quantity of items is to be specified at the next level
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Number in parentheses represents quantity (if no value is shown, default quantity is 1).
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Item Numbers (by size) - Replacement Blower Kits and Motors (continued)
Segment Choices 425 432M 435 442M 445 456M 470M 487M
.125" Hollow Pipe Plug 20410 (1)
Air Inlet Flange 19414 (1) 24062 (1) 19414 (1) 24062 (1) 24063 (1)
Guard 33648 (1) 33649 (1) 33648 (1) 33649 (1) 1049451 (1)
1/4"-20 Plated Hex Nut 40019 (4) 40019 (2)
1/4"-20x . 75" Hex Head Cap
40264 (4) 40264 (2)
5/16"-18x .312" Socket Set Screw 40520 (2)
#10x .5" Plated Round Head
40548 (11) 40548 (12) 40548 (11) 40548 (12)
Replacement Screw
Blower Kits Gasket 50562 (1) 50559 (1) 50562 (1) 50559 (1) 50558 (1)
Impeller - ANSI 19417 (1) 24649 (1) 19417 (1) 24650 (1) 23961 (1) 24371 (1) 24372 (1) 36892 (1)
Impeller - ISO 25455 (1) 24943 (1) 25455 (1) 24712 (1) 24543 (1) 24544 (1) 24545 (1) 24546 (1)
Impeller - 7E 19417 (1) 24649 (1) 19417 (1) 24650 (1) 23961 (1) 24371 (1) 24372 (1) 36892 (1)
Housing - Standard 27460 (1) 27540 (1) 27460 (1) 27540 (1) 27541 (1) 27539 (1)
Housing - Manual Air 30493 (1) 30489 (1) 30493 (1) 30489 (1) 30491 (1) 30492 (1)
.125" Waste Nut - Aluminum 18098 (1)
.125" Waste Nut - Gray Iron 43423 (1)
115/230-1-60 14535 32987 --- --- ---
190/380-415-3-50 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Replacement 220/440-3-60 47238 47236 47241 47242 47237
Motor 230/460-3-60 20632 17447 21060 21061 19296
575-3-60 20633 20635 39359 39360 20640
200/400-3-50 (IEC) 47563 47564 47565 47566 47567
230/460-3-60 34706 34707 --- --- ---
460-3-60 --- --- --- --- --- 22773 22774 22775
Number in parentheses represents quantity (if no value is shown, default quantity is 1).
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts - EB Versions
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts - EB Versions
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts - UL Versions
Differential Pressure 1.5"-5"wc Low Differential 54378 --- --- --- ---
Switch 3"-22"wc Low Differential --- --- --- --- 54379
Internal Linkage Kit
Standard 1063116 1063117 1063116 1063117 43096 43097 43098 43099
Foxboro P25 (air) 24066
Foxboro P50 (air) 27104
Honeywell (air) 20685
Johnson Control (air) 25187
Taylor (air) 22929
Connecting Base &
Linkage Barber-Colman (electric) 19866
Foxboro/Jordan (electric) 34468
Honeywell Modutrol (electric) 19680
Honeywell Actionator (electric) 22009
Leeds & Nor thrup (electric) 24009
Penn/Johnson (electric) 19680
Pilot Adjustable Orifice 50431
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon Pre-Assembled Model “400” OVENPAK® Gas Burner Systems
Pre-assembled pipe train package includes all components for natural gas or propane gas:
• Burner gas shut-off cock
• Main inlet gas shut-off cock
• Pilot gas train consisting of:
– Pilot gas shut-off cock
– Pilot gas pressure regulator
– Pilot gas solenoid valve – 115/60v AC
• Main gas pressure regulator
• Combustion air pressure switch – automatic reset, NEMA 1, 115/60v AC
• Combination high and low gas pressure switch – manual reset, NEMA 1, 115/60v AC
• Spark ignition transformer – 5000 volts, NEMA 1, 115/60v AC
• NEMA 12 & 13 junction box with terminal wiring strip
• Normally open vent solenoid valve – 115/60v AC (Block and Bleed arrangements only)
• Maxon Model “400” OVENPAK® Burner assembly
• Maxon main gas shut-off valve – position “L”, 115/60v AC
• Maxon main gas blocking shut-off valve – position “L”, 115/60v AC (Block and Bleed arrangements only)
To order:
– Select appropriate Model “400” OVENPAK® Burner system from below
– Configure system (which includes the burner and valve(s) – refer to catalog page 2124)
For burner CB & L’s:
(1) Specify from Honeywell: WITH #7616BR crank arm
(2) Specify from Penn/Johnson: WITH #LVR27A-601 crank arm
Model "400" OVENPAK® Burner 405 408 408MA 415 425 435
Block & Bleed w/Hi Lo Switch 405HL BB 408HL BB 408MAHL BB 415HL BB 425HL BB 435HL BB
Packaged System
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Model “200” OVENPAK® Burners
Replacement Items
Flame Rod with rubber cover
Spark Ignitor
Spark Ignitor Boot with 48" of spark ignition wire
Manometer (0-8" wc range) 21757
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Component Identification
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Product Data Sheet Product: Model “400” OVENPAK Burners ®
Do Not Reproduce
“Normal” Maximum Combustion Air Pressures (at back plate air pressure test connection)
Size 405 408 415 425 435 407M 408M 412M 413M 422M 432M 442M 445 456M 470M 487M
"wc 3.1 3.3 2.3 3.1 2.6 4.9 4.5 4.7 5.4 4.8 4.8 4.8 2.9 3.7 4.9 6.1
Bulletin 2150
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 2152
Typical piping layout with “Block and Bleed” gas train arrangement
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burner Page 2153
Page 2154 Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burners
Page 2156 Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burners
Page 2158 Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burners
Accessory Options
Air filter assemblies and silencers
Air filter assemblies help to trap airborne particu-
late matter. They are offered with washable replace-
able filter elements or with permanent metallic ele-
ments. Filters mount onto OVENPAK®-II Burner's
blower housing and surround the combustion air inlet.
Filter silencers help reduce noise levels. They
physically become a part of the OVENPAK®-II
Burner's filter housing and enclose the combustion air
inlet (as shown in photograph at right). They must be
furnished in conjunction with a filter element assembly
described above.
Sound levels from actual Burner Sound Level
tests conducted at full-rated Size (dBA)
60 Hz capacity are shown in 405 80
table at right. Measurements 408 83
are the average maximum at 415 84
high fire for standard burner 425 86
(natural gas, 8" discharge 435 86
sleeve). 445 90
456 90
470 93
487 93 Model 415 OVENPAK®-II Burner assembly with combustion
air filter assembly (including replaceable foam filter
element). Permanent metallic filter element may be
substituted for standard foam filter element at extra cost.
When accessories and/or options are added, use
the following guidelines to calculate sound levels.
Filter (permanent) add 2 dB (3dB)
Silencer (with permanent filter) subtract 2 db (1 dB)
12" discharge sleeve add 2 dB
50 Hz motor – 83% capacity subtract 2 dB
Propane gas add 4 dB
Combine the adds and subtracts for net change
when calculating sound levels with more than one of
these options/accessories. (Example: A burner with
silencer and operating on propane would be 2 dB
Silencer includes filter element as standard.
NOTE: Background may affect on-site
Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burners Page 2159
Accessory Options
Auxiliary Switches Discharge Sleeves are available in 3 versions:
Low Fire (or Set Position) Switch Assembly
– Standard sleeve is 8" long, made of #310 SS, and
includes one cam-actuated switch (2 SPST circuits)
is suitable for downstream temperatures up to
which can be set to open a circuit when burner leaves
1000°F (538°C).
minimum (or set) position. It meets NEMA #4/IP665
standards for weatherproof, outdoors, non-hazardous – For higher velocities, specify 12" long sleeve
locations. made of #310 SS for downstream temperatures up
High and Low Fire Position Switch Assembly to 1000°F (538°C).
includes 2 cam-actuated switches (each with 2 SPST
– For higher downstream temperatures between
circuits). One switch may be field-set to activate at
1000°F (538°C) and 1500°F (816°C), specify 8"
high fire position, while the other is set to activate at
long, #RA 330 SS sleeve.
low fire position.
Optional high and low fire position switch set shown on Oven wall adapter plate dimensions (in inches)
OVENPAK®-II Burner assembly
Discharge sleeve
6" 8" 10" 12"
Air Butterfly Position Switch Set provides one A 3.62 4.44 5.62 6.69
switch (2 SPST circuits) to monitor physical move-
B 5.12 6.12 6.69 8.25
ment and/or position of OVENPAK®-II Burner’s air
C 10.25 12.25 13.38 16.50
butterfly control valve.
D 7.28 9.34 11.25 13.25
E 8.75 10.50 12.31 14.75
Page 2160 Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burners
Standard Configuration
(as shipped from factory)
Figure 1 Figure 2
Blower scroll case to Combustion air filter
LEFT with control motor housing to LEFT with
on RIGHT control motor on RIGHT
Figure 3 Figure 4
Blower scroll case to Combustion air filter
RIGHT with control housing to RIGHT with
motor on RIGHT control motor on LEFT
Model A B C D E F G H J K L M N P
1 6.25 10.0 9.38 10.38
408 15.25 7.88 7.25 18.62 19.75 11.75 11.19 8.0 4.00
415 1-1/4 8.31 12.0 9.31 10.31
425 1-1/2
16.25 7.81 7.88 23.3 27.4 17.25 11.44 7.85 10.25 13.31 10.94 6.06 11.94
445 14.44 2
26.7 30.0
456 15.38
15.06 6.69 6.81 17.38 7.62 12.25 16.25 15.56 6.44 16.56
470 16.44
28.9 31.2 3
487 17.31
8.25 8.75 5.31 3.12
408 8.81 6.81 7.25 5.88 13.06 14.0 8.5 2.81 1.62 3.31
415 7.5 10.5 5.25 3.88
8.81 7.81 12.31 7.19 5.31 4.31 7.88 8.31 17.62 23.2 11.31 6.06 4.31
6.38 13.44 5.5 .75
10.56 9.69 14.75 8.88 3.69 6.81 9.88 23.6 25.1 4.69
6.94 17.38 4.31
Page 2162 Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burners
Model A B C E H J K L M N P R S
1 6.25 10.0 9.38 10.38 8.25
EB-2 15.25 7.88 7.25 11.5 8.0 4.06 8.81
EB-3 1-1/4 8.31 12.0 9.31 10.31 7.5
EB-4 1-1/2
16.25 7.81 7.88 15.5 7.85 10.25 13.31 10.94 6.06 11.94 8.81 7.81
15.06 6.69 6.81 16.56 7.62 12.25 16.25 15.56 6.44 16.56 10.56 9.69
EB-7 3
8.75 5.31 3.12
EB-2 6.81 7.25 5.88 13.06 1.62 3.31 6.69 7mm 6.25 4.5
EB-3 10.5 5.25 3.88
12.31 7.19 5.31 4.31 7.88 8.31 17.62 4.31 8.50 8.25 6.62
.75 12mm
EB-6 6.38
14.75 8.88 3.69 6.81 9.88 23.6 4.69 9.50 10.25 8.62
EB-7 6.94
Component Identification
Page 2164 Model “400” OVENPAK®-II Gas Burners
Installation Instructions
General Instructions Gas supply piping must be large enough to
maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for the
Important: Do not discard packing material until particular burner size used with burner operating at
all loose items are accounted for. full rated capacity.
To prevent damage in transit, the spark ignitor, Anything more than minimal distance or piping
discharge sleeve, mounting gaskets, flame rod and turns may necessitate oversizing piping runs to keep
connecting linkage components may be packed pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at least
OVENPAK®-II Burner. four pipe diameters in length. If multiple burners are
The burner itself is normally only a part of your fed from a single gas train, care should be taken to
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train minimize pressure drop and give maximum uniformity.
accessories and control components will be required Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage
for a complete system installation. The sketch below of pipe train components or burner gas ports.
Main Shut-Off Cock should be upstream of both
shows a typical gas train as might be used with
the main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to
OVENPAK®-II gas fired burners.
shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during shut-
down periods of more than a few hours.
Piping Layout as sometimes required by The fuel throttling valve contained within a Maxon
insurance and standards groups burner is not intended for tight shut-off.
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
Block and Bleed gas train arrangement
uniform system supply pressure. If one pipe train
supplies multiple burners, provide a separate regula-
tor in the branch leading to each burner system.
Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
losses. Follow the instructions attached to the regula-
tor during installation and be sure to remove any
shipping pin or block.
Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
regulator, but downstream of the main gas cock. It
should normally include its own pilot gas regulator, a
solenoid valve and shut-off cock. A pilot adjustable
orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
your particular burner size.
Fuel Shut-Off Valves (when properly connected to
a control system) shut the fuel supply off when a
OVENPAK®-II Burners provide the air supply hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual
(except for EB versions, which require a separate reset valves require operator attendance each time
combustion air blower). They also serve as a fuel flow the system is started up (or restarted after a trip-out).
control and fuel/air mixing device. Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic start-
Burner should not be exposed to direct radiant restart when used with an appropriate control system.
heat or positioned where it might draw in inert gases. Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
If such conditions exist, consider filters, relocation ment. They should be provided immediately down-
and/or use of the EB version and external air supply. stream of the regulator and are included in the burner
Electrical service must match the voltage, phase itself. Test connections must be plugged except
and cycle of all electrical system components and be when readings are being taken.
compatible with burner nameplate ratings. Insure that
all normal control safeguards are satisfied. Combus-
tion air blower should continue to run after shutdown
to allow burner to cool.
8/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Horizontal mounting is preferred, but burner may Additional burner support may be required in
be mounted in any position suitable for automatic conjunction with a stiffener plate when mounting
control motor and UV scanner (if used). OVENPAK®-II Burner (weighing 100-350 pounds)
OVENPAK®-II Burners will typically be installed through typical thin wall of heater/oven panels.
through an oven wall or insulated air duct. Cut open- For push-through systems, use Maxon oven wall
ing approximately 1" larger in diameter than discharge gasket (E) between stiffener plate and burner body
sleeve to allow for thermal expansion of sleeve. flange. Fill area D (see sketch below) with no more
Burner mounting requires eight studs and a flat than 2" of high temperature packing (too little will
mounting surface perfectly centered on the discharge overheat mounting; too much will overheat sleeve).
After placing burner in position over studs, add lock Typical discharge sleeve mounting
washers and nuts, then draw up hand-tight only.
recommendations Oven
Check that burner is seated evenly all around the Wall
flange, filling any gaps to prevent air leakage, then
tighten all nuts firmly. D
For proper performance of any burner, air inlet and A
motor should be surrounded by clean, fresh, cool air.
Burner and pipe manifold support will be required
to support weight of the burner and connected pipe Burner Discharge B C
train components. Air control motors, in particular,
require additional support. Maxon connecting base and
linkage assemblies are designed to position the control
motors to work with the burner, not to support their A
A Perimeter weld thimble
weight. end to inner panel OR Oven Inner panel
use flashing "A" Wall surface
B Discharge sleeve diameter
Suggested supporting arrangements for (in inches)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Discharge sleeve and cone alignment Flame sensing can be accomplished by either
Cone self centering is achieved by using fixed flame rod or UV scanner. When UV scanner is used,
length cone screws. This eliminates the need to it should be kept as close to burner as feasible. Heat
adjust for cone alignment. Cone screws should be block, if used, may affect signal strength with some
tight against the housing to ensure proper cone brands of scanners.
spacing and cone security. Field conversion from a flame rod version to a UV
scanner version and vice versa is possible without
CAUTION: Loose cone screws can cause the any additional burner parts.
following: cone overheating, spark electrode Alternate fuels may require correction of supply
damage, cone ejection. pressures.
The mixing cone is centered in the burner housing Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or
and discharge sleeve to provide a small annular misuse of the layouts shown. Specific piping
opening for the flow of cooling air along the discharge and wiring diagrams should always be submit-
sleeve wall. We SUGGEST periodic inspection of ted to the appropriate agencies for approval on
cone screws for tightness in the housing and from the each application.
discharge side of the burner to insure that annular
opening is maintained.
Multi-burner installations require special consid-
Blockage of the annular opening will lessen erations if supplied by a common pipe train and/or air
burner service life. supply. Air and Gas Balancing Valves should be
used for improved heating uniformity; Gas Swing-
Discharge sleeve must be flush with, or extend
Check Valves should be installed as close as pos-
beyond, interior wall. Maxon can supply a special 12"
sible to each burner inlet for dependable lightoff (gas
long discharge sleeve, but higher noise levels may
manifold may otherwise act as a reservoir, preventing
result, particularly when firing on propane.
lightoff during trial-for-ignition period).
An external viewing port should be provided for
Control system’s circuitry must not allow main
flame observation, preferably in such a position that
Fuel Shut-Off Valve to be opened unless combustion
burner pilot and main flame can both be seen.
air is on, and must de-energize valve upon loss of
combustion air pressure, along with the other usual
system interlocks. Motor starter is to be interlocked
with valve, whether or not a combustion air pressure
switch is used.
4/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Installation of control motor mounting bracket
Model 425, 435, 445, 487, EB-4, EB-5, EB-6 and Both holes are located on the same side as the
EB-7 OVENPAK®-II Burners require the control motor operating shaft elliptical hole. Refer to Figure 2
mounting bracket to be installed as follows, based on below.
the type of control motor being used. 2. Mount the control motor bracket with two M6X20
To mount the bracket, follow the procedure outlined hex head screws so the chosen holes align with
below. the bolt flanges located above the operating shaft.
3. Attach the stand off spacers between the control
1. Determine which holes to use: motor bracket and the burner with two M6X80 hex
– All Barber Coleman control motors use the head bolts. Mount the bolts through the narrow
holes stamped with the number 2. slots located below holes 2 and 3. Refer to Figures
– All Honeywell Modutrol control motors use the 1 and 2.
holes stamped with the number 3.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, For Model EB-MRV Burners, the connecting
and familiarize yourself with all the system's equip- linkage on the separate control valve must be
ment components. Verify that your equipment has similarly loosened and disconnected. Refer to
been installed in accordance with the original manu- specific adjusting procedures relating to control
facturer's current instructions. valve adjustment in Maxon catalog.
Initial start-up adjustment should only be
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off accomplished during a manual burner control
should be undertaken only by trained and mode.
experienced personnel familiar with combus- 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
with knowledge of the overall installation. direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
Instructions provided by the company and/or working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
individuals responsible for the manufacture adequate purge of your manifolds and combus-
and/or overall installation of complete system tion chamber plenums. With main gas shut off,
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence manually advance burner to high fire position so
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon that air only flows through burner and combustion
instructions conflict with any codes or regula- chamber.
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before
attempting start-up. CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
typically controlling sequential operations.
4/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Determine your differential air pressure reading through your flame safety circuit. This signal
by taking an additional reading with manometer strength can be read with a micro-amp meter. The
connected between the burner's air pressure test signal strength (or range) will be determined by
port and atmosphere with the burner at high fire the specific type of flame safeguard instrument
position, fuel valves closed, and all air handling you have with your burner system.
systems running. Subtract the combustion 12. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock
chamber static pressure obtained above from this or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and
air pressure reading to give you differential air refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get
pressure reading. The differential air pressure ignition within a second or two. The flame safe-
setting determines the burner’s capacity and guard relays should now power your main fuel
performance capabilities. Shut-Off Valve(s).
7. Determine the required differential gas pres-
sure using this differential air pressure reading CAUTION: After completing steps above, re-
obtained from step 6. If your combustion chamber check all interlocking safety components and
does not have a static pressure test connection, circuitry to prove that they are properly in-
then you must measure combustion chamber stalled, correctly set, and fully operational. If in
static pressure by connecting a manometer doubt, shut the system down, close pilot cock
between the gas pressure test port on the and contact responsible individual before
burner’s backplate and to atmosphere with the proceeding further.
burner at low fire position, fuel valves closed, and
13. Establish main flame. With burner at low fire
all air handling systems running. High fire pres-
position, back out main gas pressure regulator
sures are provided in Maxon product line catalog
adjusting screw (counter-clockwise) to get lowest
literature and/or read data stamped into burner
outlet pressure possible. Open all manual fuel
shut-off valves (automatic fuel shut-off valve
8. Verify that spark ignitor is properly positioned
should already be open) so gas flows to burner
and lines up with the appropriate dimensions
inlet. There should be little, if any, change in
required for your specific burner. (Refer to appro-
flame appearance. Turn main regulator adjust-
priate Maxon catalog specification table.) Check
ing screw in (clockwise) to obtain outlet pressure
that spark ignitor arcs at the end of your properly
of about 4"-6" wc higher than combustion cham-
positioned ignitor.
ber pressure (2"-4" wc for propane, considerably
9. Return burner control valve (or crank) to low
higher for some EB versions). Main flame should
fire position when purge of system is complete.
now appear larger than pilot-only flame.
10. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt
14. Establish high fire setting by slowly moving
spark ignition to light pilot while slowly turning
burner toward high fire position while observing
pilot gas regulator spring clockwise and/or
gas pressure at burner gas test connection.
adjustable orifice screw counter-clockwise to
Refine main gas regulator adjustment as neces-
increase fuel flow. Repeat procedure as neces-
sary to provide correct differential pressure
sary until pilot ignites as air might have to be bled
(gauge to combustion chamber, see step 7) at
out of fuel supply lines before reliable pilot flame
high fire. If pressure cannot be adjusted low
is established. Pilot gas regulator should normally
enough, a different regulator or regulator spring
be set for as low a pressure as possible, using
may be necessary, or a limiting orifice valve (such
fuller opening of pilot gas adjustable orifice (if
as Maxon's Series “BV”) should be added. Do
not, however, exceed 4" wc pressure drop
11. After ignition, adjust pilot flame for good stable
between regulator outlet and burner inlet.
flame shape. A rule of thumb is that any pilot over
a tennis ball size is probably too large. This
assumes you have visual access to the pilot
flame. If this is not possible, then adjust pilot to
give the strongest and most stable flame signal
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
18. Check out overall system operation by cycling
CAUTION: If burner(s) go out, close shut-off
through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
valve or shut main gas cock at once. Return to
and allowing temperature control system to cycle
minimum setting, re-light pilots if necessary,
burner from minimum to maximum and return.
then turn main gas on again. Check carefully
Recheck all safety system interlocks for proper
that every burner is lit before proceeding.
setting and operation.
NOTE: Typical gas firing control sequence for Maxon
Cycle burner from minimum to maximum
burner is provided only as a guide. Instructions
and refine adjustment, if necessary.
provided by complete system manufacturer incorpo-
For operation with interrupted pilot (as
rating Maxon burners take precedence.
recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
from minimum to maximum and back several For gas firing OVENPAK®-II Burner
times to verify the flame is maintained. Light-off: Shut-down:
15. When burner performance is satisfactory and 1. Close cocks, shut-off valve(s) 1. Close main &
stable throughout the firing range, reconnect 2. Verify burner at low fire pilot gas cocks
control motor. 3. Start recirculating/exhaust fans 2. Keep combustion
With interrupted pilot, it may be necessary to 4. Start burner blower air blower running
set control for somewhat higher than minimum 5. Purge at least 4 air changes after shut-down long
burner setting to permit hold-in of flame detection 6. Open pilot & main gas cocks enough to allow
system without pilot. burner to cool
CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the WARNING: Test every UV installation for
control motor may be damaged if linkage is dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
high or low fire position. radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
16. Re-check differential gas pressure with unit at
operating temperature. Refine high fire setting if 19. Before system is placed into full service,
necessary, considering differential pressure, instruct operator personnel on proper start-up
flame length, and appearance. Natural gas flame operation with shut-down of system, establishing
should normally be predominantly clear blue but written instructions for their future reference.
possibly with semi-luminous tips. Dust or contami-
nants in the air stream may affect flame appear-
17. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
dangerous fuel leakage. Replace equipment
cover caps and tighten linkage screws.
4/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Miscellaneous Accessories – Model “400” and EB OVENPAK®-II Burners
These items can be ordered loose with configured products or end product assemblies. They can also be ordered
as replacement items, if necessary.
Balancing and Swing Check Valves (sized for burner inlet pipe size)
Pipe Size (NPT) > 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
Model "400" and EB 415 425 435, 445, 456
405, 408
OVENPAK®-II Burners EB 1, 2, 3 EB 4 EB-5
Balancing Cv Flow Factor 5 42 80 138
Valves Valve Assembly Number 19120 (3) 19121 (4) 19122 (4) 19123 (6)
Balancing Cv Flow Factor 34 51 67 80
Valves Valve Assembly Number 35619 (1) 35937 (15) 35620 (15) 35621 (18)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Miscellaneous Spare Parts
Gas Nozzles
Model "400" and EB 405 408 415 425 435 456 487
445 470
OVENPAK® -II Burners EB-1 EB-2 EB-3 EB-4 EB-5 EB-6 EB-7
Natural gas nozzle 54038 54039 54040 40849 40850 40944 40840 41430 41429
Propane/butane nozzle 54041 54042 54043 40851 40852 40839 41428 41437 41438
Coated natural gas
47319 47320 47321 47322 47323 47324 47325 47326 47327
Coated propane/butane
47328 47329 47330 47331 47332 47333 47334 47335 47336
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Miscellaneous Spare Parts
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Page 2202
Series “67” LB TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner • Cost effective external blower (LB) version
showing version less blower for those
applications requiring multiple burner zones
from common combustion air source
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners Page 2203
Page 2204 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
Page 2206 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
Natural gas pressure required At gas inlet 3.2" wc 6.3" wc 3.9" wc 6.5" wc 10.5" wc 14.0" wc
(at maximum flow condition) At burner gas test connection 2.0" wc 2.0" wc 2.0" wc [2] 3.1" wc 4.9" wc 4.3" wc
Propane gas pressure required At gas inlet 1.3" wc 2.5" wc 3.1" wc 4.1" wc 7.5" wc 5.6" wc
(at maximum flow condition) At burner gas test connection 0.8" wc 0.8" wc 2.3" wc [1] 3.35" wc [1] 5.3" wc [1] 1.7" wc
Required air pressure at burner air inlet connection 3.0" wc 2.0" wc 3.0" wc 5.1" wc 5.0" wc 5.0" wc
Maximum combustion air volume required (SCFM) 140 260 435 522 660 870
Tube length (in feet, sized for 30% flue loss) 30 ft. of 6" 40 ft. of 8" 50 ft. of 10" 55 ft. of 10" 60 ft. of 12" 70 ft. of 14"
and diameter (Schedule #40 or lighter) diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter
Complete burner totally enclosed 1/3 HP 1/3 HP 3/4 HP 1-1/2 HP 1-1/2 HP 2 HP
motor horsepower and frame number FR# 48 FR# 48 FR# 56 FR# 143T FR# 143T FR# 145T
Page 2208 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
6-08 3.75 1 6 8.62 8.44 6.62
5.44 17.44 7.75 8.81 11.37 14 16.5 17.5 14.5 17.06
8-15 4.75 1-1/4 7 8.56 10.37 7.69 3.5
10-25 1-1/2 12.12 14.44 19 20.25 19.75
10-30 5.75 8 9.69 12.5 18.87 8.62 18 21
6.06 8.75 15.25 15.87 2.5 20 23.5 30.37
12-38 2
14-50 6.81 9 14 14.62 23.62 9.69 17.75 17.69 19 5 23 26.4 26 29.62
*Use of auxiliar y switches will add up to 1" to dimension D
Page 2210 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
Model A B C D* E G H J T U V W X Y AA BB
6-LB 3.75 1 6 8.62 8.44 6.62 5.19
5.44 13 4.37 7.25 8.31 6.37 0.44 5.44 3
8-LB 4.75 1-1/4 7 8.56 10.37 7.69 5.12
10-LB 1-1/2 9 10.69 5.62 4
5.75 8 9.69 14.5 12.5 8.62 8.87 7.75
12-LB 2 6.06 5.44 10.37 11.75 0.56 5.06 6
14-LB 6.81 2 9 14 9 14.62 9.69 9.62 11.12 11.75 10.25 8.19 8
*Use of auxiliary switches will add up to 1" to dimension D
Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners Page 2211
14.37 12.44 19.31 10.44 22.91 23.16 29.88 33.56
8-15 16
10-25 14.38 14.56 21.44 8.32 23.62 25.86 32.7 36.26
23.56 18.06 22 24.94 10.82 29.62 31.88 38.7 42.28
14-50 25.94 20.25 24 29.25 12.75 35.25 33.88 42.9 47.9
Page 2212 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
Burner Model
Standard LB
6-08 6-LB 2"
8-15 8-LB 3"
10-25 10-LB 4"
10-30 --- 7"
12-38 12-LB 7"
14-50 14-LB 4"
Burner Model WW XX YY A
6-08 6-LB 8.5 6.13 3.75
Spark Ignitor
8-15 8-LB 10.38 8.13 4.75
10-25 10-LB 3/8
10-30 --- 10.14 5.75
12-38 12-LB 14.62
14-50 14-LB 18 12.13 7/16 6.81
Burner Size "L"
6" with flame rod 2.5"
6" with UV scanner 3.5"
8" through 14" 3.5"
Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners Page 2213
Component Identification
Page 2214 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
Page 2216 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners Page 2200-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Instructions Gas supply piping must be large enough to
maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for the
Important: Do not discard packing material until particular burner size used with burner operating at
all loose items are accounted for. full rated capacity.
To prevent damage in transit, the spark ignitor, Anything more than minimal distance or piping
mounting ring, flame rod and connecting linkage turns may necessitate oversizing piping runs to keep
components may be packed separately and shipped pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
loose with your new Maxon TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner. Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at least
The burner itself is normally only a part of your four pipe diameters in length. If multiple burners are
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train fed from a single gas train, care should be taken to
accessories and control components will be required minimize pressure drop and give maximum uniformity.
for a complete system installation. The sketch below Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage
shows a typical gas train as might be used with a of pipe train components or burner gas ports.
Main Shut-Off Cock should be upstream of both
Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® gas fired burner.
the main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to
Piping Layout as sometimes required by shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during shut-
down periods of more than a few hours.
insurance and standards groups
The fuel throttling valve contained within a Maxon
burner is not intended for tight shut-off.
Block and Bleed gas train arrangement illustrated Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
with Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner uniform system supply pressure. If one pipe train
supplies multiple burners, provide a separate regula-
tor in the branch leading to each burner system.
Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
losses. Follow the instructions attached to the regula-
tor during installation and be sure to remove any
shipping pin or block.
Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
regulator, but downstream of the main gas cock. It
should normally include its own pilot gas regulator, a
solenoid valve and shut-off cock. A pilot adjustable
orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
your particular burner size.
The 3/8" pilot connection of the Series “67” TUBE-
O-FLAME® Burner is adequate for the pilot gas flows
shown, but care must be taken to assure that the
required gas pressure is available at pilot inlet. To
avoid excessive drop through solenoid and upstream
TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner provides the air supply valves and cocks, follow these guidelines:
(unless it is an LB version, which requires a separate
combustion air blower). It also serves as a fuel flow Suggested Pilot Natural Gas Flow
control and fuel/air mixing device. Burner Model
Pipe Size (cfh)
Burner should not be exposed to direct radiant 6-08 3/8" 55
heat or positioned where it might draw in inert gases.
8-15 3/8" 80
If such conditions exist, consider filters, relocation,
10-25 1/2" 145
and/or use of the LB version and external air supply.
Electrical service must match the voltage, phase, 10-30 1/2" 180
and cycle of all electrical system components and be 12-38 1/2" 195
compatible with burner nameplate ratings. Insure that 14-50 3/4" 300
all normal control safeguards are satisfied. Combus-
tion air blower should continue to run after shutdown
to allow burner to cool.
6/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 2200-S-2 Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Gas Burners
Installation Instructions
Fuel Shut-Off Valves (when properly connected to Suggested supporting arrangements
a control system) shut the fuel supply off when a
hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual
reset valves require operator attendance each time
the system is started up (or restarted after a trip-out).
Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic start or
restart when used with an appropriate control system.
Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
ment. They should be provided immediately down-
stream of the regulator and are included in the burner
itself. Test connections must be plugged except
when readings are being taken.
Exhaust stack dampers are necessary to the
proper operation of an immersion tube burner system.
They should be lockable, suitable for 1000ºF and
designed to prevent full stack closure.
Horizontal mounting is preferred. Most manufac-
turers’ control motors require operating shaft in a
horizontal plane.
Burner mounting requires four studs and a flat Exhaust Considerations
mounting surface perfectly centered on the firing tube. Immersion tubes are usually vented to the outdoors,
Burner can be mounted directly on tank wall using except for those in highly ventilated areas such as a
four welded studs, but the more common practice plating room with continuous high volume exhaust. An
utilizes an optional mounting ring (complete with exhaust fan may be required if the building is under
studs) welded to tank wall, end of tube, or other negative pressure. Exhaust is normally diluted to avoid
mounting surface. If the application calls for position- the need for high temperature fans, but adequate make-
ing the burner in other than its normal upright position, up air must be available.
be sure to align studs appropriately. This diluting can be done with an open tee installed
After placing burner in position over studs, add lock in a vertical run (or in a horizontal run with the open
washers and nuts, then draw up all four hand-tight end down), but such a system mixes slowly.
only. Check that burner is seated evenly around the An adjustable hood (shown in sketch below) offers
flange, filling any gaps to prevent air leakage, then much better performance. In all cases, care must be
tighten all nuts firmly. taken that all products of combustion are exhausted
For proper performance of any burner, air inlet and from the building.
motor should be surrounded by clean, fresh, cool air. An exhaust stack damper must be used, suit-
Burner and pipe manifold support may be able for 1000°F, and designed to prevent full
required to support weight of the burner and con- stack closure.
nected pipe train components. Air control motors, in
particular, require additional support. Maxon connect-
ing base and linkage assemblies are designed to
position the control motors to work with the burner,
not to support their weight.
The Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner may
require external auxiliary support provided by the
user. The support configuration may be similar to the
leg support or knee bracket support illustrated.
Additional burner support may be required in
conjunction with a stiffener plate when mounting
TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner (weighing 100-350 pounds)
onto tube or thin tank walls.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Protective covers for burner should be added in Field conversion from a flame rod version to a UV
the field if exposure to dripping condensate, splashing scanner version and vice versa may require additional
flux, exhaust steam, etc. is unavoidable. parts in the burner. Contact Maxon for requirements.
Sketches below illustrate some possible arrange- Alternate fuels may require correction of supply
ments. Any cover used should be removable to pressures.
provide access to burner and should not interfere with If TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner is equipped with
control linkage motion or observation port viewing. Maxon Hi/Lo Control Motor, low-fire start wiring can
be accomplished as shown in the sketch below.
2/93 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, Initial start-up adjustment should only be
and familiarize yourself with all the system's equip- accomplished during a “manual” burner
ment components. Verify that your equipment has control mode.
been installed in accordance with the original manu- 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
facturer's current instructions. Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
should be undertaken only by trained and adequate purge of your manifolds and immersion
experienced personnel familiar with combus- tubes. With main gas shut off, manually advance
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and TUBE-O-FLAME® Burner's operating crank to
with knowledge of the overall installation. “high fire” position so that air only flows through
Instructions provided by the company and/or burner and firing tube.
individuals responsible for the manufacture
and/or overall installation of complete system CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence typically controlling sequential operations.
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon
instructions conflict with any codes or regula-
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before
Series “67”
attempting start-up. TUBE-O-FLAME®
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Record air test port reading. Chart below shows 11. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt
normal balanced tube static condition readings. spark ignition to light pilot while slowly turning
pilot gas regulator clockwise and/or adjustable
10-30 orifice screw counter-clockwise to increase fuel
Burner Model 6-08 8-15 10-25 14-50
12-38 flow. Repeat procedure as necessary until pilot
Air Pressure ("wc) 3.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 ignites, as air might have to be bled out of fuel
supply lines before reliable pilot flame is estab-
If your reading exceeds these normal readings, lished. Pilot gas regulator should normally be set
you have a back pressure in your tube. for as low a pressure as possible, using fuller
If your readings are lower than the normal opening of pilot gas adjustable orifice (if used).
balanced readings, you have an exhaust suction 12. After ignition, adjust pilot flame for good stable
in your tube. flame shape. A rule of thumb is that any pilot over
Excessive suction can cause chugging and a tennis ball size is probably too large. This
implies hot combustion products are being drawn assumes you have visual access to the pilot
out of the tube too fast, reducing thermal transfer flame. If this is not possible, then adjust pilot to
efficiency. High tube suction also may affect give the strongest and most stable flame signal
differential gas pressure settings. Too high of a through your flame safety circuit. This signal
suction may lower inlet gas pressures so that low strength can be read with a micro-amp meter. The
gas pressure switches cannot be adjusted. signal strength (or range) will be determined by
Excessive back pressure can cause smoke the specific type of flame safeguard instrument
and may restrict firing capacity of burner. you have with your burner system.
13. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock
NOTE: The differential air pressure setting deter-
or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and
mines the burner's capacity and performance capabili-
refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get
ignition within a second or two. The flame safe-
7. Adjust exhaust fan and/or stack damper to guard relays should now power your main fuel
create burner air pressure test port readings as Shut-Off Valve(s).
close as possible to those shown for normal
balanced conditions to maximize system's thermal CAUTION: After completing steps above, re-
transfer efficiency. check all interlocking safety components and
circuitry to prove that they are properly in-
NOTICE: Burner performance can be drastically stalled, correctly set, and fully operational. If in
affected by tube configuration and static doubt, shut the system down, close pilot cock
conditions within tube created by exhaust fans and contact responsible individual before
and dampers in exhaust stack. proceeding further.
8. Determine the required differential gas pres-
14. Establish main flame. With burner at low fire
sure using this differential air pressure reading
position, back out main gas pressure regulator
obtained from step 6. High fire pressures are
adjusting screw (counter-clockwise) to get lowest
provided in Maxon product line catalog literature
outlet pressure possible. Open all manual fuel
and/or read data stamped into burner nameplate.
shut-off valves (automatic fuel shut-off valve
9. Verify that spark ignitor is properly positioned
should already be open) so gas flows to burner
and lines up with the appropriate dimensions
inlet. There should be little, if any, change in
required for your specific burner. (Refer to appro-
flame appearance. Turn main regulator adjust-
priate Maxon catalog specification table.) Check
ing screw in (clockwise) to obtain outlet pressure
that spark ignitor arcs at the end of your properly
of about 4"-6" wc higher than combustion cham-
positioned ignitor.
ber pressure (2"-4" wc for propane, considerably
10. Return burner control valve/crank to low fire
higher for some LB versions). Main flame should
position when purge of system is complete.
now appear larger than pilot-only flame.
9/95 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
15. Establish high fire setting by slowly moving 17. Re-check differential gas pressure with unit at
burner crank toward high fire position while operating temperature. Refine high fire setting if
observing gas pressure at burner gas test con- necessary, considering differential pressure,
nection. Refine main gas regulator adjustment as flame length, and appearance. Dust or contami-
necessary to provide correct differential gas nants in the air stream may affect flame appear-
pressure at high fire. If pressure cannot be ance.
adjusted low enough, a different regulator or 18. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
regulator spring may be necessary, or a limiting dangerous fuel leakage. Replace equipment
orifice valve (such as Maxon's Series “BV”) cover caps and tighten linkage screws.
should be added. Do not, however, exceed 4" wc 19. Check out overall system operation by cycling
pressure drop between regulator outlet and through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
burner inlet. and allowing temperature control system to cycle
burner from minimum to maximum and return.
CAUTION: If burner(s) go out, close shut-off NOTE: Typical gas firing control sequence for
valve or shut main gas cock at once. Return to Maxon burner is provided only as a guide. Instruc-
minimum setting, re-light pilots if necessary, tions provided by complete system manufacturer
then turn main gas on again. Check carefully incorporating Maxon burners take precedence.
that every burner is lit before proceeding.
For gas firing Series “67”
Cycle burner from minimum to maximum
and refine adjustment, if necessary. Light-off: Shut-down:
For operation with interrupted pilot (as 1. Close cocks, shut-off valve(s) 1. Close main &
2. Verify burner at low fire pilot gas cocks
recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
3. Start recirculating/exhaust fans 2. Keep combustion
from minimum to maximum and back several 4. Start burner blower air blower running
times to verify the flame is maintained. 5. Purge at least 4 air changes after shut-down long
6. Open pilot & main gas cocks enough to allow
16. When burner performance is satisfactory and burner to cool
stable throughout the firing range, reconnect
linkage to control motor. Recheck all safety system interlocks for proper
Control linkage travel must be such that burner setting and operation.
crank is moved throughout its complete travel, or
cataloged capacities and turndowns will not be WARNING: Test every UV installation for danger-
achieved. ous spark excitation from ignitors and other pos-
If less than full-rated burner capacity is re- sible sources of direct or reflected UV radiation.
quired, linkage can be adjusted to limit maximum Use only gas-tight scanner connections.
output. With interrupted pilot, it may be neces-
sary to set control for somewhat higher than 20. Before system is placed into full service,
minimum burner setting to permit hold-in of flame instruct operator personnel on proper start-up
detection system without pilot. operation with shut-down of system, establishing
written instructions for their future reference.
CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the
control motor may be damaged if linkage is
adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in
high or low fire position.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
Balancing and Swing Check Valves (sized for burner inlet pipe size)
Pipe Size (NPT) > 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2"
Series “67” TUBE-O-FLAME Burners 6-08, 6LB 8-15, 8LB 10-25, 10LB 10-30, 12-38, 14-50, 12LB, 14LB
Balancing Cv Flow Factor 5 42 80 138
Valves Valve Assembly Number 19120 (3) 19121 (4) 19122 (4) 19123 (6)
Balancing Cv Flow Factor 34 51 67 80
Valves Valve Assembly Number 35619 (11) 35937 (15) 35620 (15) 35621 (18)
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
6-08 8-15 10-25 12-38 14-50
Series “67” and LB TUBE-O-FLAME® Burners 10-30
6LB 8LB 10LB 12LB 14LB
16476 19330 27307 29469
Burner Mounting Ring 16477 (4)
(4) (4) (8) (12)
Flame Rod Assembly 47743 47744 47745 47746 47745
Replacement Spark Ignitor
24699* 19407 (1)
*For 6-08 TUBE-O-FLAME® arranged for flame rod only.
L = 2.5" L = 3.5"
If UV scanner is used, select #19407 (L = 3.5")
UV Scanner Adapter Plate 37430 (.5)
Control Motor Set (includes 59599 (10) 59600 (10)
control motor, enclosure, mounting
High-Low base & linkage components) 240v
59599 (10) 59600 (10)
Automatic 50/60 Hz
Control 120v
Motor Set 59601 (8)
Replacement Motor only from 50/60 Hz
above set 240v
59601 (8)
50/60 Hz
Pilot Adjustable Orifice 38009 (2) 50431 (3)
High Capacity Pilot Adjustable Orifice 50431 (3) N/A
General Purpose NEMA 1
20118 (1)
(indoors, non-hazardous locations)
Low Fire Weatherproof
Start Switch NEMA 1,3,3R,4,12, & 13 35610 (1)
(1 SPDT) (outdoors, non-hazardous locations)
Hazardous Duty/Weatherproof
NEMA 1,3,3R,4,7,9,12, & 13 35944 (1)
(outdoors, hazardous duty locations)
High & Low
General Purpose NEMA 1
Position 30460 (4)
(indoors, non-hazardous locations)
(2 SPDT)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
[1] Specify from Foxboro: [2] Specify from Foxboro: [3] Model cannot be used
WITH #B6301-LR yoke WITH #B6301-WR yoke on TUBE-O-FLAME®
WITH #B6301-KY connection assembly WITH #B6301-TY connection assembly Burner with UV scanner
LESS indicating pointer LESS indicating pointer option due to physical size
LESS travel indicator scale LESS travel indicator scale limitations
LESS stem locknuts LESS stem locknuts
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Do Not Reproduce
Number of Holes Fuel Gas Nozzle Part
Burner Model (in inches) Nozzle Part Number
6 - 08 8 1/4 Natural or Propane 19329 1055080
8 - 15 8 23/64 Natural or Propane 19311 1055081
7/16 Natural 19416 1055082
10 - 25 8
21/64 Propane 31036 1062920
7/16 Natural 28065 1055083
10 - 30 8
21/64 Propane 31037 1062921
7/16 Natural 28065 1055083
12 - 38 8
21/64 Propane 31037 1062921
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Page 2302
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2303
Page 2304 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
Page 2306 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
Differential natural gas At burner inlet 1.1 2.3 3.4 4.6 5.7 6.9 8.0
pressure required ("w.c.) At burner test connection 0.9 1.7 2.6 3.4 4.3 5.1 6.0
#2 oil pressure required At control valve (PSIG) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Flame length Inches, in still air 14 22 25 26 28 29 30
Differential natural gas At burner inlet 9.6 11.2 12.8 14.4 16.0 17.6 19.2
pressure required ("w.c.) At burner test connection 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0 8.8 9.6
#2 oil pressure required At control valve (PSIG) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Flame length Inches, in still air 35 37 40 42 44 46 48
Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2307
EBC-5 Natural gas pilot (only) 300 305 310 320 330 340 375 400
Minimum capacity
OVENPAK® (1000's Btu/hr) #2 fuel oil (only) 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266
Burner with compressed air on
Gallons per hour 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9
Compressed air Pressure (PSIG) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
(for oil firing only) Volume (SCFM) 8.8 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.5 8.5
Differential natural gas At burner inlet 4.3 7.2 8.6 10.1 11.5 12.9 14.4 15.8
pressure required
("w.c.) At burner test connection 3.4 5.7 6.9 8.0 9.2 10.3 11.5 12.6
#2 oil pressure
At control valve (PSIG) 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Flame length Inches, in still air 38 44 48 50 54 60 60 60
Page 2308 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
EBC-6 Natural gas pilot (only) 300 310 320 330 340 370 400 410
Minimum capacity
OVENPAK® (1000's Btu/hr) #2 fuel oil (only) 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Burner with compressed air on
Gallons per hour 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
Compressed air Pressure (PSIG) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70
(for oil firing only) Volume (SCFM) 14.3 14.2 14.1 14.0 14.0 13.9 13.9 13.8
Differential natural gas At burner inlet 4.1 5.5 6.9 8.3 9.7 11.0 12.4 13.8
pressure required
("w.c.) At burner test connection 3.2 4.2 5.3 6.3 7.4 8.4 9.5 10.5
#2 oil pressure
At control valve (PSIG) 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Flame length Inches, in still air 66 72 76 78 78 80 80 80
Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2309
Burner Model A B C D E F H K L M
508-SP 3.75 1 6.62 12.31 8.44 6.31 8.44 3.62
5.06 8.87
515-SP 4.75 1-1/4 7.69 12.25 10.37 8.25 10.37 4.44
525-SP 1-1/2
5.75 10.06 13.87 12.5 10.25 12.5 5.62
535-SP 2 5.69 8.62
550-SP 6.81 3 14.38 18.87 14.75 12.25 14.75 6.69
Burner Model N S CC DD EE FF GG HH JJ KK
508-SP 4.69 18.5
0.25 8.69 15.75 20 22 19
515-SP 15.25 3.5 17.5
525-SP 18.5
17.62 2.81 22 24
535-SP 0.37 9.31 20 30
550-SP 17.75 17.69 18.87 5.37 24.5 27 26
Page 2310 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
Burner Model A B C D E F H J K L
EB-2 3.75 1 6.62 12.31 8.44 6.31 8.44
5.06 8.87 4.37
EB-3 4.75 1-1/4 7.69 12.25 10.37 8.25 10.37
EB-4 1-1/2
5.75 10.06 13.87 12.5 5.44 10.25 12.5
EB-5 2 5.69 8.62
EB-6 6.81 3 14.38 18.87 14.62 6.5 12.25 14.75
Burner Model M N S U V W X Y AA BB
EB-2 3.62 6
0.25 8.69 8.5 9.94 6.37 0.44 5.44 4
EB-3 4.44 5.37
5.62 10.37 11.87 8.87 7.75 5.5 6
EB-5 0.37 9.31 0.56
EB-6 6.69 9.62 11.12 11.75 10.25 8.69 8
15 16 22 8 24 25 32 36 3/8
18 22 15 11 32 39 42
535-SP 25 1/2
550-SP 20.25 24 30 13 34 43 48
Spark Ignitor
1.375" .19"
Page 2312 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
Page 2314 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
Typical arrangement for all Model “500” Typical arrangement for all Model “500”
down-firing OVENPAK® Burners up-firing OVENPAK® Burners
Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2315
Component Identification
Page 2316 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
1 6 5
8 4
9 3
Page 2318 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners
Model “500-SP” OVENPAK Burners Page 2300-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Instructions Electrical service must match the voltage, phase
and cycle of all electrical system components and be
Important: Do not discard packing material until compatible with burner nameplate ratings. Insure that
all loose items are accounted for. all normal control safeguards are satisfied. Combus-
To prevent damage in transit, the oil flowmeter, tion air blower should continue to run after shutdown
spark ignitor, discharge sleeve, mounting gaskets, to allow burner to cool.
flame rod and connecting linkage components may be Gas supply piping must be large enough to
packed separately and shipped loose with your new maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for the
Maxon OVENPAK® Burner. particular burner size used with burner operating at
The burner itself is normally only a part of your full-rated capacity. Gas piping pressure drops to the
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train gas regulator should not exceed 1/2" wc at full flow for
accessories and control components will be required supply pressures of 8 oz. or less (10% of initial
for a complete system installation. The sketch below pressure if supply is higher than 1/2" PSIG).
shows a typical pipe train as might be used with a gas- Anything more than minimal distance or piping
fired Model “500-G” OVENPAK® Burner. turns may necessitate “oversizing” piping runs to keep
pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
Piping Layout as sometimes required by Oil and air piping should be sized for the pressure
insurance and standards groups and volume requirements of the burner, with supply
pressures high enough to permit subsequent regulation
“Block and Bleed” gas train arrangement illus- at each burner. Oil and compressed air should be avail-
trated with Model “500-G” OVENPAK® Burner able to the inlet of the train at 100 PSIG, with oil heated
if necessary so that viscosity does not exceed 50 SSU.
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage
of pipe train components or burner gas ports.
Main Shut-Off Cock should be upstream of both
the main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to
shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during shut-
down periods of more than a few hours.
The fuel throttling valve contained within a Maxon
burner is not intended for tight shut-off.
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. If one pipe train
supplies multiple burners, provide a separate regulator
in the branch leading to each burner system. Care
should be taken to minimize pressure drop and give
maximum uniformity.
Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
losses. Follow the instructions attached to the regulator.
Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
Burner provides the air supply (unless it is “EB” regulator, but downstream of the main gas cock. It
version, which requires a separate combustion air should normally include its own pilot gas regulator, a
blower). It also serves as a fuel flow control and fuel/ solenoid valve and shut-off cock. A pilot adjustable
air mixing device. orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
It should not be exposed to direct radiant heat or Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
positioned where it might draw in inert gases. If the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
problems exist, consider filters, relocation and/or use your particular burner size.
of the “EB” version and external air supply.
5/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Fuel Shut-Off Valves (when properly connected to Oil pipe train should be located reasonably close
a control system) shut the fuel supply off when a to the burner and below the burner inlet. The oil
hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual solenoid valve must be interlocked with the low
reset valves require operator attendance each time pressure compressed air switch. The oil flowmeter
the system is started up (or restarted after a trip-out). (included with the burner) must be installed with flow
Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic start- vertically upward.
restart when used with an appropriate control system. Use only UV flame sensor systems for oil firing.
Test connections are essential for burner adjust- Flame rods may be used ONLY with specially adapted
ment. They should be provided immediately down- GAS-ONLY burners.
stream of the regulator and are included in the burner Control systems should provide all normally
itself. Test connections must be plugged except recommended interlocks (including operation of fuel
when readings are being taken. shut-off valves). Sequencing Control Systems are
Blower location must deliver a reasonably clean available from Maxon that include provision for post-
and cool air supply. Inlet filters and silencers are purge pilots during all but emergency shut-downs.
available as options. Where external blowers are This sequencing is essential to minimize risk of smoke
used, care must be taken to keep pressure drops to a during oil-fired shut-down.
minimum and to independently support the weight of Always re-establish pilot before shutting off oil.
air piping. For gas and oil combination firing, valves for
Gas pipe train should be located reasonably close both fuels must operate simultaneously on light-off
to the burner. As much as 4" wc pressure drop at full and on shut-down.
flow is acceptable, but pressure increase at low fire For gas or oil firing, interlock fuel valves electri-
will cause increased minimum and reduced turndown. cally so only one or the other can be used, not both
Compressed air train should be located reason- together.
ably close to the burner. A union is necessary to Low fire start and interrupted pilot are essential to
permit withdrawal of the oil nozzle sub-assembly. For obtain cataloged minimums.
proper operation, a low air pressure switch interlocked
with the oil shut-off valve should be installed down-
stream of the air regulator, with no valving between
the switch and the burner itself.
Compressed Air
Pipe Train
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Horizontal mounting is preferred, but burner may Additional burner support may be required in
be mounted in any position suitable for automatic conjunction with a “stiffener plate” when mounting
control motor and UV scanner. OVENPAK® Burner (weighing 100-350 pounds)
OVENPAK® Burner will typically be installed through typical thin wall of heater/oven panels.
through an oven wall or insulated air duct. Cut opening For push-through systems, use Maxon special
approximately 1" larger in diameter than discharge back pressure gasket between stiffener plate and
sleeve to allow for thermal expansion of sleeve. discharge sleeve flange and use (2) ring gaskets
Burner mounting requires four studs and a flat between discharge sleeve flange and burner casting
mounting surface perfectly centered on the discharge to prevent back flow of high temperature air. Fill area
sleeve. After placing burner in position over studs, add D (see sketch below) with no more than 2" of high
lock washers and nuts, then draw up all four hand- temperature packing (too little will overheat mounting;
tight only. Check that burner is seated evenly all too much will overheat sleeve).
around the flange, filling any gaps to prevent air
leakage, then tighten all nuts firmly. Typical discharge sleeve mounting recommendations
For proper performance of any burner, air inlet and for Model “500” & “EB” OVENPAK® Burner applications
motor should be surrounded by clean, fresh, cool air.
Burner and pipe manifold support will be re-
quired to support weight of the burner and connected
pipe train components. Air control motors, in particu-
lar, require additional support. Maxon connecting base
and linkage assemblies are designed to position the
control motors to work with the burner, not to support
their weight.
The Model “500” OVENPAK® Burner requires
external auxiliary support provided by the user. The
support configuration may be similar to the leg support
or knee bracket support illustrated below.
5/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Four lock screws permit centering of mixing cone Flame sensing of oil must be accomplished by UV
within burner body and sleeve. They should be drawn scanner and should be mounted as close to burner as
up hand-tight, then backed out 1/4 turn to allow for feasible. Do not use cooling air to scanner port:
cone expansion. They must be re-checked after sighting is through gas cavity. Heat block, if used, may
start-up, and loosened if necessary to prevent affect signal strength with some brands of scanners.
deformation of cone. See start-up instructions for Alternate fuels may require correction of supply
details. pressures.
Over-tightening lock screws can lead to cone Specific piping and wiring diagrams should
distortion and greatly reduce cone and dis- always be submitted to the appropriate agen-
charge sleeve life. cies for approval on each application.
Discharge sleeve must be flush with, or extend Multi-burner installations may require special
beyond, interior wall. Maxon can supply a 12" long piping considerations, if supplied by a common pipe
discharge sleeve, but higher noise levels may result, train and/or air supply, to provide equal supply pres-
particularly when firing on propane. sures to each burner.
An external viewing port should be provided for Control system's circuitry must not allow main
flame observation, preferably in such a position that fuel shut-off valve to be opened unless combustion air
burner pilot and main flame can both be seen. is on, and must de-energize valve upon loss of
combustion air pressure, along with the other usual
system interlocks. Motor starter is to be interlocked
with valve, whether or not a combustion air pressure
switch is used.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Procedure required to convert gas-only Model “500-G” and “EB-G” OVENPAK® Burner
to combination fuel version (Model “500-SP” and “EB-SP”)
Oil conversion kits for Model “500-G” or “EB-G” 6. Insert the oil nozzle sub-assembly into the back
OVENPAK® Burners include the components shown plate and bolt into place firmly with four #10-24 x
below. 5/8" socket head cap screws. Be sure the oil line
(line with 90° reducing elbow) is closest to the fan
Adjustable Oil Control and the compressed air line (line with the pipe tee)
Quadrant Valve is closest to the oil control valve.
7. Connect the end of the oil tube to the oil control
valve with a brass oil tube connector and the other
end to the 90° reducing elbow with a brass oil tube
connector, making sure that the flowmeter is right
side up and in vertical position. Be sure these
connector fittings are made up tight.
8. Verify the oil control valve plunger is inserted in
Oil Flowmeter the oil control valve and that it will depress into the
Note: Current versions may vary in Sub-Assembly oil control valve approximately 3/4".
appearance from illustration 9. Loosen the set screw in the operating shaft
set collar so that the set collar is loose on the
operating shaft. DO NOT REMOVE THE SET
10. Slide the spacer onto the operating shaft on
the end from which the control crank was re-
11. Slide the screw carrier onto the operating
Sub-Assembly shaft and tighten the set screws in the screw
carrier onto the “flat” on the operating shaft. Move
the shaft back and forth if necessary to locate the
To make the conversion: “flat” and the set screws.
1. Disconnect the automatic control linkage from 12. Turn the screw carrier to the minimum posi-
operating crank. Save the toggle, bolt, washer, tion (indicator arrow pointing to “LO”) and push
nut, etc. the screw carrier firmly against the brass spacer.
2. Loosen set screw in operating crank. Remove Slide the set collar into the burner until it is snug
crank from operating shaft and discard. against the burner and tighten the set screw.
3. Remove the four #10-24 x 5/8" socket head cap Operate the screw carrier a few times between
screws from the retainer and cover plate. minimum and maximum to assure smooth opera-
4. Remove the gas nozzle sub-assembly com- tion. If the set collar is not snug or the screw
pletely from the back plate and discard. Gas carrier is not firmly mounted, repeat step 12.
nozzle sub-assembly is comprised of: 13. Connect the automatic control linkage to the
a. Retainer and cover plate screw carrier using the toggle, bolt, etc. from step 1.
b. Gas nozzle 14. Connect the compressed air line to the 1/8"
c. Gasket pipe tee on the oil nozzle sub-assembly.
d. All thread support rod 15. Double check all oil line connections to make
e. 1/4" – 20 hex nuts (2) sure they are tight.
5. Mount oil control valve sub-assembly to the 16. Adjust oil firing of the burner per catalog start-up
boss on main housing, using four 1/4" – 20 x 5/8" instructions and curves.
hex head cap screws.
5/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, control valve must be similarly loosened and
and familiarize yourself with all the system's equip- disconnected. Refer to specific adjusting proce-
ment components. Verify that your equipment has dures relating to control valve adjustment in
been installed in accordance with the original manu- Maxon catalog.
facturer's current instructions. Initial start-up adjustment should only be
accomplished during a “manual” burner
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off control mode.
should be undertaken only by trained and 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
experienced personnel familiar with combus- Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
tion systems, control/safety circuitry, and with direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
knowledge of the overall installation. Instruc- working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
tions provided by the company and/or indi- adequate purge of your manifolds and combustion
viduals responsible for the manufacture and/ chamber plenums. With main gas shut off, manu-
or overall installation of complete system ally advance OVENPAK® Burner's operating crank
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence to “high fire” position so that air only flows through
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon burner and combustion chamber.
instructions conflict with any codes or regula-
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
attempting start-up. typically controlling sequential operations.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
manometer connected between the burner's air pilot ignites, as air might have to be bled out of
pressure test port and atmosphere with the burner fuel supply lines before reliable pilot flame is
at high fire position, fuel valves closed, and all air established. Pilot gas regulator should normally be
handling systems running. Subtract the combus- set for as low a pressure as possible, using fuller
tion chamber static pressure obtained above from opening of pilot gas adjustable orifice (if used).
this air pressure reading to determine the differ- 11. After ignition, adjust pilot flame for good stable
ential air pressure reading. flame shape. A rule of thumb is any pilot over a
tennis ball size is probably too large. This as-
NOTE: The differential air pressure setting determines
sumes visual access to the pilot flame. If this is
the burner's capacity and performance capabilities.
not possible, then adjust pilot to give the strongest
Model EB and MA manual air OVENPAK® Burners,
and most stable flame signal through your flame
with their external air control valve(s), provide for the
safety circuit. This signal strength can be read
manual setting of this differential air pressure to the
with a micro-amp meter. The signal strength (or
burner. Refer to specific adjusting procedures relating
range) will be determined by the specific type of
to MICRO-RATIO® and control valve adjustment in
flame safeguard instrument used with your burner
Maxon product line catalog. MA OVENPAK® Burners
have an external locknut adjustment on the end of the
12. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock
air butterfly control valve. This lets you limit and set
or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and
the differential pressure to the OVENPAK® Burner.
refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get
Refer to Maxon specification tables in the catalog for
ignition within a second or two. The flame safe-
the differential air settings required for your specific
guard relays should now power the main fuel
OVENPAK® Burner capacity.
Shut-Off Valve(s).
7. Determine the required differential gas pres-
sure using this differential air pressure reading CAUTION: After completing steps above, re-
obtained from step 6. High fire pressures are check all interlocking safety components and
provided in Maxon product line catalog literature circuitry to prove that they are properly in-
and/or read data stamped into burner nameplate. stalled, correctly set, and fully operational. If in
8. Verify that spark ignitor is properly positioned doubt, shut the system down, close pilot cock
and lines up with the appropriate dimensions and contact responsible individual before
required for your specific burner. proceeding further.
a. Insert insulator To this point, gas firing and oil firing start-up
through collar into Shield procedures are identical. The gas-fired pilot that is
burner, rotating if Mixing required for both operating modes has been estab-
necessary, to Cone
1/8" lished.
engage in burner To continue adjusting for main gas firing only,
cone. Insert spark follow steps 13 through 20. To adjust for combination
ignitor until insula- oil firing, follow steps 13 through 33. If OVENPAK®
tor bottoms in spark shield then retract 1/8" to Burner is to fire with a gas pilot and oil only main
establish proper gap. fuel, proceed to steps 21 through 33.
b. Tighten locking bushing until insulator is held in
place. For main gas firing only (steps 13 through 20)
Check that spark ignitor arcs at the end of your 13. Establish main gas flame. With burner at low fire
properly positioned ignitor. position, open all manual fuel shut-off valves
9. Return burner control valve/crank to low fire (automatic fuel shut-off valve should already be
position when purge of system is complete. open) so gas flows to burner inlet. There should
10. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt be little, if any, change in flame appearance.
spark ignition to light pilot while slowly turning pilot
gas regulator spring cap clockwise and/or adjust-
able orifice screw counter-clockwise to increase
fuel flow. Repeat procedure as necessary until
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 2300-S-8 Model “500-SP” OVENPAK Burners
Start-Up Instructions
Turn main regulator adjusting screw in (clock- 16. Re-check differential gas pressure with unit at
wise) to obtain outlet pressure of about 4"-6" wc operating temperature. Refine high fire setting if
higher than combustion chamber pressure (2"-4" necessary, considering differential pressure, flame
wc for propane, considerably higher for some EB length, and appearance. Natural gas flame should
versions). Main flame should now appear larger normally be predominantly clear blue, but possibly
than pilot-only flame. with semi-luminous tips. Dust or contaminants in
14. Establish high fire setting on gas by slowly the air stream may affect flame color.
moving burner crank toward high fire position 17. Check for contact between mixing cone and
while observing gas pressure at burner gas test top-most centering screw after system has
connection. Refine main gas regulator adjustment reached maximum operating temperature. If set
as necessary to provide correct differential gas screw touches cone, back off an additional 1/8
pressure (gauge to combustion chamber, see step turn on top and both side set screws.
7) at high fire. If pressure cannot be adjusted low 18. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
enough, a different regulator or regulator spring dangerous fuel leakage. Replace equipment
may be necessary, or a limiting orifice valve (such cover caps and tighten linkage screws.
as Maxon's Series BV) should be added. Do not, 19. Check out overall system operation by cycling
however, exceed 4" wc pressure drop between through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot, and
regulator outlet and burner inlet. allowing temperature control system to cycle
burner from minimum to maximum and return.
CAUTION: If burner(s) go out, close shut-off Recheck all safety system interlocks for proper
valve or shut main gas cock at once. Return to setting and operation.
minimum setting, re-light pilots if necessary, NOTE: Typical gas firing control sequence for Maxon
then turn main gas on again. Check carefully burners is provided only as a guide. Instructions
that every burner is lit before proceeding. provided by complete system manufacturer incorpo-
rating Maxon burners take precedence.
Cycle burner from minimum to maximum
For gas firing Model “500-G” OVENPAK® Burner
and refine adjustment, if necessary.
For operation with interrupted pilot (as Light-off:
recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner 1. Close cocks, shut-off valve(s)
from minimum to maximum and back several 2. Verify burner at low fire
times to verify the flame is maintained. 3. Start recirculating/exhaust fans
15. When burner gas firing performance is satis- 4. Start burner blower
factory and stable throughout the firing range, 5. Purge system per appropriate NFPA standards
reconnect linkage to control motor. and/or other applicable codes and standards
Control linkage travel must be such that burner 6. Open pilot & main gas cocks
crank is moved throughout its complete travel, or Shut-down:
cataloged capacities and turndowns will not be 1. Close main & pilot gas cocks
achieved. 2. Keep combustion air blower running after shut-
If less than full-rated burner capacity is re- down long enough to allow burner to cool
quired, linkage can be adjusted to limit maximum
output. With interrupted pilot, it may be neces- WARNING: Test every UV installation for danger-
sary to set control for somewhat higher than ous spark excitation from ignitors and other pos-
minimum burner setting to permit hold-in of flame sible sources of direct or reflected UV radiation.
detection system without pilot. Use only gas-tight scanner connections.
CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the 20. Before system is placed into full service,
control motor may be damaged if linkage is instruct operator personnel on proper start-up
adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in operation with shut-down of system, establishing
high or low fire position. written instructions for their future reference.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
For initial OVENPAK® Burner oil firing 25. Refine main burner adjustment, if necessary,
start-up: using the flow/position curves shown below.
Complete steps 1 through 12 to establish gas-fired Determine need by advancing linkage slowly from
pilot and steps 13 through 20 for main gas firing (if low-fire position while viewing main flame for
combination fuel firing is to be used). satisfactory characteristics and the complete
absence of smoke, soot, odor, or unvaporized oil.
21. Prepare for initial oil firing start-up by checking Certain firing conditions may require significantly
that all the burner valves are closed, the combus- higher or lower flows for optimal combustion.
tion chamber purged, combustion air is estab-
lished, oil and compressed air is supplied at 90- Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Burner
125 PSIG, fuel selector switch is set for oil, control
motor linkage is disconnected, and OVENPAK® 40
Burner is set to “low fire” position. 60 Hz 550
22. Set compressed air pressure (using the regula- only
tor and gauge furnished as part of the pipe train) 30
to the figure shown for your burner size in the
Gallons/Hour - #2 Oil
table below. Re-adjust pilot gas if necessary. 25 535
Required Pressures 525
Compressed Air #2 Oil Pressure 15
Burner Model
(PSIG) [1] (PSIG)
508-SP EBC-2SP 35 5
515-SP EBC-3SP 50
525-SP EBC-4SP 60 35-60 70 Lo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Hi
Firing Position
535-SP EBC-5SP 70
80 For 50 Hz
550-SP EBC-6SP operation, 30 550
these burners 50 Hz
[1] Varies with air differential pressure are downrated 25 only
as shown in the
23. Adjust low compressed air pressure switch to chart at right. 535
Gallons/Hour - #2 Oil
break at about 5 PSIG below the desired supply
pressure. (It should be electrically interlocked with 15 525
the oil solenoid valve.)
NOTE: All Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Burners are 515
5/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
26. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and 31. Check out overall system operation by cycling
refine adjustment, if necessary. through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot, and
For operation with interrupted pilot (as allowing temperature control system to cycle
recommended): Test burner operation by cycling burner from minimum to maximum and return.
to low fire position and turning off oil, then pilot. 32. Re-check all safety system interlocks for proper
Re-light pilot and main flame, then cycle burner setting and operation.
through its firing range while checking for suitable NOTE: Typical oil firing control sequence for Maxon
flame signal. Repeat as necessary. burners is provided only as a guide. Instructions
27. Set low oil pressure switch (if used) to break provided by complete system manufacturer incorpo-
just below the established oil pressure at the rating Maxon burners take precedence.
sensing point. (It should be a manual reset switch,
on the low pressure side of the oil pressure For oil firing Model “500-SP” OVENPAK Burners
regulator). Light-off:
28. When burner performance is satisfactory and 1. Purge system per appropriate NFPA standards
stable throughout the firing range, reconnect and/or other applicable codes and standards
linkage to control motor. 2. Combustion air on
Control linkage travel must be such that burner 3. Burner at low fire
crank is moved throughout its complete travel, or 4. Gas pilot lit
cataloged capacities and turndowns will not be 5. Compressed air on
achieved. 6. Oil on main flame lit
If less than full-rated burner capacity is re- 7. Pilot gas off
quired, linkage can be adjusted to limit maximum 8. Firing rate controlled to need
output. With interrupted pilot, it may be neces-
sary to set control for somewhat higher than
1. Cycle to low fire
minimum burner setting to permit hold-in of flame
2. Re-establish pilot
detection system without pilot.
3. Main oil off
CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the 4. Compressed air off
control motor may be damaged if linkage is 5. Pilot gas off
adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in 6. Cool down oven
high or low fire position. 7. Combustion air off
29. Check for contact between mixing cone and WARNING: Test every UV installation for danger-
top-most centering screw after system has ous spark excitation from ignitors and other pos-
reached maximum operating temperature. If set sible sources of direct or reflected UV radiation.
screw touches cone, back off an additional 1/8 Use only gas-tight scanner connections.
turn on top and both side set screws.
33. Before system is placed into full service,
30. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
instruct operator personnel on proper start-up
dangerous fuel leakage. Replace equipment
operation with shut-down of system, establishing
cover caps and tighten linkage screws.
written instructions for their future reference.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
Gas Only Combination Gas Only Combination
EB2 EB2G 5OP (52) EB2C 5OP (60) EB2MRVG 5OP (46) EB2MRVC 5OP (48)
EB3 EB3G 5OP (59) EB3C 5OP (66) EB3MRVG 5OP (53) EB3MRVC 5OP (55)
EB4 EB4G 5OP (78) EB4C 5OP (87) EB4MRVG 5OP (73) EB4MRVC 5OP (75)
EB5 EB5G 5OP (90) EB5C 5OP (98) EB5MRVG 5OP (84) EB5MRVC 5OP (87)
EB6 EB6G 5OP (130) EB6C 5OP (140) EB6MRVG 5OP (124) EB6MRVC 5OP (128)
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Approximate net weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Model “500-SP” OVENPAK® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2300-A/P-3
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Combination 508-SP 515-SP 525-SP 535-SP 550-SP
Model "500" OVENPAK® Burner
Gas Only 508G-SP 515-G-SP 525-GSP 535G-SP 550-GSP
Model EB-SP OVENPAK® Burner
Pilot Gas Adjustable Orifice 38009 (2) 50431 (3)
Replacement Oil Nozzle Assembly 36545 (5) 36546 (5) 36547 (7) 36548 (10) 36549 (10)
for 500G-SP versions 36555 36556 36557 36558 36559
Oil Conversion Kit
for EBG-SP version 36550 36551 36552 36553 36554
with 29362
EBC-SP with 29362 upper tube upper tube with 29362 upper tube
versions with 29361 lower tube with 31602 with 31603 lower tube
for up-firing lower tube
applications with 29362 with 29362 with 29362
500-SP with 29362 upper tube upper tube upper tube upper tube
versions with 29361 lower tube with 31602 with 31602 with 29363
Flowmeter Piping lower tube lower tube lower tube
Option with 28984 with 28984 with 28984
EBC-SP lower tube lower tube lower tube with 28984 lower tube
versions with 28985 with 28986 with 31547 with 31548 upper tube
for down-firing upper tube upper tube upper tube
applications with 28984 with 28984 with 28984
500-SP with 28984 lower tube lower tube lower tube lower tube
versions with 28985 upper tube with 28986 with 31547 with 28987
upper tube upper tube upper tube
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Combination 508-SP 515-SP 525-SP 535-SP 550-SP
Model "500" OVENPAK® Burners
Gas Only 508G-SP 515G-SP 525G-SP 535G-SP 550G-SP
Model EB-SP OVENPAK® Burners
General Purpose NEMA 1
Low Fire 27106
(indoors, non-hazardous locations)
Switches Hazardous Duty/Weatherproof
(1 SPDT) NEMA 1,3,3R,4,7,9,12, & 13 35949 35950
(outdoors, hazardous duty locations)
High and General Purpose NEMA 1
Low Fire 29878 29883
(indoors, non-hazardous locations)
Switch Weatherproof NEMA 1,3,3R,4,12, & 13
35616 35617
(2 SPDT) (outdoors, non-hazardous locations)
Replacement Spark Ignitor 47663
Alternate UV Scanner Adapter Plate 30321
Discharge Diameter (in inches) 6" 8" 10" 12"
8" long sleeve (#310SS) 32730 32731 32732 32733 [1]
12" long sleeve (#310SS) 27019 27020 27021 27022
8" long sleeve (RA330) 34660 34661 34662 34663 [2]
12" long sleeve (RA330) 47339 47346 47353 47360
8" long high back pressure sleeve
34022 34023 34024 34025 [3]
12" long high back pressure sleeve
Discharge 47337 47344 47351 47358
Sleeve and
Mounting 8" long refractor y lined sleeve 38291 38292 38293 38294
Gasket 6" long sleeve (#310SS) --- --- --- 29860
6" long sleeve (RA330) --- --- --- 34664
Standard housing flange gasket 28475 28476 28477 28478
Standard flange discharge sleeve gasket
34027 34028 34029 34030
Standard discharge sleeve gasket 33975 33976 33977 33978
6" long HBP sleeve (#310SS) --- --- --- 34026
HBP discharge sleeve gasket 34018 34019 34020 34021
Refractor y lined discharge sleeve gasket 1050556 1050557 1050558 1050559
Linkage Maintenance Kits 33636 33637 33638 33639
[1] For propane or propane air ser vice with 500-SP or EB-SP OVENPAK® Burners, use #29860 discharge sleeve (length 6")
[2] For propane or propane air ser vice (as above), use #34664 (length 6")
[3] For propane or propane air ser vice (as above), use #34026 (length 6")
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Connecting base and linkage assemblies CB & L
Type Manufacturer Model No.
This listing of CB & L assemblies shows only a Assembly
sampling of the more popular control motors. We may EA51-58, also
be able to furnish CB & L for other operators not Barber-Colman with prefix MC,
MP, or MF (7)
cataloged (supply manufacturer’s name and model
number). M6184D, A, F
M6194D, B, E
Type Manufacturer Model No. CB & L Assembly M7384A
P-25 [1] 28436
Foxboro M7984D
P-50 [2] 28437 M7284A, C, Q
M9484D, E
01-11/861P Honeywell (8)
Honeywell 03-3/863T 28442 Electric M6284F
Air 01-9/861M M9184D, A, F
D-3153 M9484E, F, D
Johnson 29265 M6294D, B
M6284A, D, F
28440 M9194D, E
Taylor 40VF6
(18) M640A, M940A 28563 (9)
[1] Specify from Foxboro: [2] Specify from Foxboro: 10261
WITH #B6301-LR yoke WITH #B6301-WR yoke Leeds & 10262 28564
WITH #B6301-KY conn. asby. WITH #B6301-TY conn. asby. Northrup 10264 (9)
LESS indicating pointer LESS indicating pointer 10266
LESS travel indicator scale LESS travel indicator scale Penn/Johnson M-80, M-81 28562 (8)
LESS stem locknuts LESS stem locknuts
S Air Inlet Silencer Assembly includes housing and inlet guard 31243 (35) 31244 (100) 31245 (100)
L Air Inlet Filter Assembly for Silencer Assembly above
29742 (3) 29743 (6)
E includes (1) replaceable element
N Replaceable Filter Element for Silencer/Filter Assembly
C 31062 (2) 31051 (4)
R Air Inlet Filter Assembly for Silencer Assembly above
35567 (15) 35568 (20)
S includes (1) permanent element
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
15M MEGAFIRE® Burner firing on natural gas with 10:1 turndown ratio capabilities
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 289-8394
Page 2602
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765)286-8394
MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2603
Alternate Air
Inlet Positions
“IB” In-Line Blower version
End View Into
Lifting Lifting Lug
Lug 1/2" NPT
Oil Inlet
Face of Burner
Stainless Steel
Combustion Castable
Air Inlet Refractory
Same Mtg.
Flame discharge is through a stainless steel Suitable fuels include natural gas, propane, or #2
combustion sleeve (1100°F (593°C) maximum oil at 50 SSU viscosity or less. Atomizing steam or air
chamber temperature) or a refractory block (1600°F is required at 60 PSIG for oil firing. Simultaneous gas
(870°C) maximum chamber temperature) complete and oil firing is possible, up to the total rated capacity
with seal and support housing. of a MEGAFIRE® Burner.
Piloting is by an independent, spark-ignited, raw A complete system utilizing MEGAFIRE® Burners
gas pilot. also includes gas, oil, and atomizing media pipe trains
Burner mounting uses an integral mounting and a control panel.
flange, but additional support MUST be provided.
Combustion air control is accomplished with a
built-in air shutter, connected via control cable, to a
fuel control valve (Maxon MICRO-RATIO® Valve). The
“XC” version utilizing external control of air and fuel is
also available.
Page 2604 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
Flow 8000
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Max
Fuel Gas Control Valve Position
NOTE: The fuel gas pressures shown are measured at the fuel gas test connection downstream of the control valve at the gas
manifold inlet flange.
NOTE: The fuel gas control valve, represented on the x-axis of the above graph is a Maxon 3 inch
“-M” style control valve. This valve is supplied in the 15M, 30M and 45M MEGAFIRE® pre-assembled control
valve/pipe train package.
Fuel Oil Flow, gallons / hour
Fuel Oil Pressure, psig
Pressure 60
Flow 40
0 0
Min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fuel Oil Control Valve Position
NOTE: The fuel oil control valve, represented on the x-axis of the above graph is a Maxon 1/2" – O – 100 SYNCHRO
oil valve. This valve is supplied in the 15M MEGAFIRE® pre-assembled control valve/pipe train package.
Page 2606 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
Pressure 10000
0 0
Min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Max
Fuel Gas Valve Position
NOTE: The fuel gas pressures shown are measured at the fuel gas test connection downstream of the control valve at the gas
manifold inlet flange.
NOTE: The fuel gas control valve, represented on the x-axis of the above graphs is a Maxon 3 inch
“-M” style control valve. This valve is supplied in the 15M, 30M and 45M MEGAFIRE® pre-assembled control
valve/pipe train package.
Fuel Oil Flow, gallons / hour
Fuel Oil Pressure, psig
Pressure 150
Flow 100
0 0
Min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fuel Oil Control Valve Position
NOTE: The fuel oil control valve, represented on the x-axis of the above graph is a Maxon 3/4" – O – 200 SYNCHRO
oil valve. This valve is supplied in the 30M MEGAFIRE® pre-assembled control valve/pipe train package.
MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2607
20 30000
10 15000
0 0
Min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fuel Gas Valve Position
NOTE: The fuel gas pressures shown are measured at the fuel gas test connection downstream of the control valve at the gas
manifold inlet flange.
NOTE: The fuel gas control valve, represented on the x-axis of the above graphs is a Maxon 3 inch
“-M” style control valve. This valve is supplied in the 15M, 30M and 45M MEGAFIRE® pre-assembled control
valve/pipe train package.
Fuel Oil Flow, gallons / hour
Fuel Oil Pressure, psig
Flow 200
0 0
Min 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Max
Fuel Oil Valve Position
NOTE: The fuel oil control valve, represented on the x-axis of the above graph is a Maxon 1" – O – 400 SYNCHRO
oil valve. This valve is supplied in the 45M MEGAFIRE® pre-assembled control valve/pipe train package.
Page 2608 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
36.63 Combustion
Air Inlet
Lug 16.5
1/4" NPT
5/8" (.625) dia. 28.69 Access Comb. Air 7.0
Mounting Holes Plate Test Conn.
19.44 9.88
17.0 dia.
19.0 dia.
4" ANSI raised face 150# slip-on welding
9/16" (.562) dia. flange w/2.688 lg. 4" NPT Sch. 40 pipe
12.0 dia.
12 holes
outside Bolt holes to straddle centerline
15M IB MEGAFIRE® Combination Burners – Right Hand Arrangement
36.63 28.69 5/8" (.625) dia.
Mounting Holes
30.0 19.44
16.5 Lifting
Lifting Lug
1/2" NPT
Lug 27.656 dia.
Oil Inlet
9.88 29.656 dia.
Air Inlet
24.03 19.28
dia. dia.
22˚ 22˚
Page 2610 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
30M EB MEGAFIRE® Combination Burners – Right Hand Arrangement
Air Inlet 36.63
30.0 35.5 5/8" (.625) dia.
Lifting Mounting Holes
10.9 16.5 15.5 26.25
3/4" NPT
Oil Inlet
42.31 dia.
dia. 27.06
40.31 dia.
Main Stainless Steel
1/4" NPT
Gas Discharge Sleeve
Comb. Air Access Pilot
Inlet Test Conn. 2.0 Plate Inlet
22˚ Alternate
3/4" NPT Plate 22˚
Air Inlet
Atomizing Positions
Media Inlet
35.5 16.5
5/8" (.625) dia.
Mounting Holes 26.25 Lifting 1/4" NPT
15.5 Comb. Air 10.9
Test Conn.
42.31 dia.
dia. 33.63
Stainless Steel
Discharge Sleeve Access Plate
3/4" NPT Main Gas Inlet
Pilot Inlet Oil Inlet
Alternate Air Plate 2.0
3/4" NPT
Inlet Positions 22˚ 22˚ Atomizing
Gas Pressure Media Inlet
Test Connection
21.25 dia.
30M IB MEGAFIRE® Combination Burners – Right Hand Arrangement
30.0 35.5
Lifting 5/8" (.625) dia.
16.5 Lug 26.25 Mounting Holes
3/4" NPT
Oil Inlet
Air Inlet
42.21 dia.
36.63 27.06
dia. dia.
27.06 36.63
dia. dia.
Stainless Steel
Discharge Sleeve
Main Gas Inlet
3/4" NPT Access
22˚ 22˚ Pilot Inlet Plate
Oil Inlet Plate 2.0
3/4" NPT
Gas Pressure Atomizing
Test Connection Media Inlet
Page 2612 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
45M EB MEGAFIRE® Combination Burners – Right Hand Arrangement
Combustion 36.63
Air Inlet 3.0
Access Plate
Lifting 37.49
1" NPT Lug
28.25 5/8" (.625) dia.
12.9 Oil Inlet 15.5 Mounting Holes
46.78 dia.
44.78 dia.
46.78 dia.
dia. 37.59
44.78 dia.
Stainless Steel
Discharge Sleeve Main Gas Inlet
Alternate Air 22˚ 22˚
Inlet Positions Pilot Inlet 2.0
Gas Pressure
3/4" NPT Atomizing
Test Connection
Media Inlet
25.0 dia.
27.5 dia.
4" ANSI raised face 150# slip-on welding
20.0 dia.
9/16" (.562) drill thru flange w/2.688 lg. 4" NPT Sch. 40 pipe
20 holes Bolt holes to straddle centerline
45M IB MEGAFIRE® Combination Burners – Right Hand Arrangement
Lifting 37.49
16.5 Lifting
Lug 28.25 5/8" (.625) dia.
1" NPT Lug
15.5 Mounting Holes
Combustion OIl Inlet
Air Inlet
46.78 dia.
41.59 31.43
dia. dia.
44.78 dia.
Stainless Steel
Main Gas Inlet 1/4" NPT Discharge Sleeve
Access Plate Comb. Air Pilot Inlet Plate 22˚ 22˚
Test Conn.
3/4" NPT Atomizing
Media Inlet
37.49 1" NPT Lifting
5/8" (.625) dia. Lifting
28.25 Oil Inlet 1/4" NPT Lug
Mounting Holes Lug Comb. Air
15.5 Test Conn.
Air Inlet
46.78 dia.
31.3 dia.
Page 2614 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
Oil Gun Assembly Name
Combustion Air
Blower PILOT
See pilot
detail below
Mounting feet to be in
Atomizing Oil
down (6 o' clock) position
regardless of air, oil or
gas inlet rotation
MEGAFIRE® Raw Gas Pilot
No Gaps
Sight Pilot Gas
Port Connection
Note: Oil gun assembly must seat
solidly against mixing cone
UV Scanner
Refractory Block/Seal & Support Assembly
5/8" (.625)
16 holes
27.656 dia.
29.656 dia.
42.312 dia.
40.312 dia.
5/8" (.625) 16.0
16 holes
Page 2616 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
Refractory Block/Seal & Support Assembly
46.781 dia.
44.781 dia. 15.5
MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2617
4 5
1 3 1
Inlet → Flow →
1 3 1
Inlet → Flow →
Assembly includes:
1 3/4" ball valves
2 3/4" air filter
3 3/4" air regulator with (0-160 PSIG) gauge
4 Low pressure switch (5-150 PSIG)
5 3/4" solenoid valve
Page 2618 MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners
1 1
Inlet → Flow →
Assembly includes:
1 1" ball valves
2 1" strainer
3 Thermometer (30-300°F)
4 1" pressure regulator
5 Low pressure switch (50-150 PSIG)
6 1" solenoid valve
7 1/4" needle valve
8 Steam pressure gauge (0-100 PSIG)
Pipe Train Size Length Height Depth Minimum Inlet Pressure Maximum Inlet Pressure
#2 Light Oil 3/4" 76" 23" 13" 75 PSIG
Atomizing Steam 1" 56" 22" 8" 100 PSIG 150 PSIG
Atomizing Air 3/8" 38" 22" 5" 75 PSIG
MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners Page 2600-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Instructions Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. If one pipe train
Important: Do not discard packing material until supplies multiple burners, provide a separate regula-
all loose items are accounted for. tor in the branch leading to each burner system.
To prevent damage in transit, the control valves, Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
pipe trains, spark ignitor, combustion sleeve, mount- required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
ing gaskets and connecting linkage components may losses. Follow the instructions attached to the regula-
be packed separately and shipped loose with your tor during installation and be sure to remove any
new Maxon MEGAFIRE® Burner. shipping pin or block.
The burner itself is normally only a part of your Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train regulator, but downstream of the main gas cock. It
accessories and control components will be required should normally include its own pilot gas regulator, a
for a complete system installation. solenoid valve, and shut-off cock. A pilot adjustable
IB MEGAFIRE® Burner provides its own combus- orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
tion air supply (“EB” version requires a separate Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
combustion air blower). Both nozzle mixing burners the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
serve as their own fuel/air mixing device. your particular burner size.
Burner should not be exposed to direct radiant heat Fuel Shut-Off Valves (when properly connected to
or positioned where it might draw in inert gases. If a control system) shut the fuel supply off when a
problems exist, consider relocation and/or use of the hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual
“EB” version and external air supply. reset valves require operator attendance each time
Electrical service must match the voltage, phase the system is started up (or restarted after a shut-
and cycle of all electrical system components and be down). Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic
compatible with burner nameplate ratings. Insure that start-restart when used with an appropriate control
all normal control safeguards are satisfied. Combus- system.
tion air blower should continue to run after shutdown Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
to allow burner to cool. ment. They should be provided immediately down-
Gas supply piping must be large enough to stream of the regulator and are included in the burner
maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for the itself. Test connections must be plugged except
particular burner size used with burner operating at when readings are being taken.
full-rated capacity. Blower location must deliver a reasonably clean
Anything more than minimal distance or piping and cool air supply. Where external blowers are used,
turns may necessitate “oversizing” piping runs to keep care must be taken to keep pressure drops to a
pressure drops within acceptable ranges. minimum and to independently support the weight of
If multiple burners are fed from a single gas train, air piping.
care should be taken to minimize pressure drop and Gas, oil, and air piping should be located rea-
give maximum uniformity. sonably close to the burner and sized for the pressure
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage and volume requirements of the burner, with supply
of pipe train components or burner gas ports. pressures high enough to permit subsequent regula-
Main Shut-Off Cock should be upstream of both tion at each burner. Gas piping drops should not
the main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to exceed 10% of initial supply pressure.
shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during shut- NOTE: To prevent dripping of oil at shut-down, oil
down periods of more than a few hours. piping should include a means to purge the oil gun of
The fuel throttling MICRO-RATIO® Valve with a unburned oil after firing. This can be accomplished
Maxon MEGAFIRE® Burner is not intended for tight with a steam or air atomizing purge sequence. Oil
shut-off. shut-off should be located as close as possible to the
burner oil inlet.
8/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
For proper operation, atomizing train should Burner mounting requires 16 studs and a flat
include a low pressure switch, interlocked with the oil mounting surface perfectly centered on the combus-
shut-off valve, installed downstream of the regulator, tion sleeve.
with no valving between that tap and the burner itself. After placing burner in position over studs, add lock
Oil pipe train should be located below the burner washers and nuts, then draw up all 16 hand-tight only.
inlet. The oil solenoid valve must be interlocked with Check that burner is seated evenly all around the
the low pressure atomizing air switch. flange, filling any gaps to prevent air leakage, then
Control systems should provide all normally tighten all nuts firmly.
recommended interlocks (including operation of fuel For proper performance of any burner, air inlet and
shut-off valves). Sequencing Control Systems are motor should be surrounded by clean, fresh, cool air.
available from Maxon that include provision for post- Additional burner support will be required in
purge pilots during all but emergency shut-downs. conjunction with a “stiffener plate” when mounting
This sequencing is essential to minimize risk of MEGAFIRE® Burner (weighing 650-1000 pounds)
smoke during oil-fired shutdown. through typical thin wall of heater/oven panels.
Always re-establish gas pilot before shutting Combustion sleeve must be flush with, or extend
off oil. beyond, interior wall.
For gas-and-oil combination firing, valves for An external viewing port should be provided for
both fuels must operate simultaneously on light-off flame observation, preferably in such a position that
and on shut-down. burner pilot and main flame can both be seen.
For gas or oil firing, interlock fuel valves electri- Flame sensing must be accomplished by UV
cally so only one or the other can be used, not both scanner. UV scanner should be kept as close to
together. burner as feasible. Heat block, if used, may affect
signal strength with some brands of scanners.
Oil shut-off valves should be installed as close as
Alternate fuels may require correction of supply
possible to burner for dependable light off. If not, oil
may not reach the burner nozzle before flame
safeguard “times-out”. Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or
misuse of the layouts shown. Specific piping
Low fire start and interrupted pilot are essential to
and wiring diagrams should always be submit-
obtain cataloged minimums.
ted to the appropriate agencies for approval on
Burner and pipe manifold support will be re-
each application.
quired to support weight of the burner and connected
pipe train components. Air control motors, in particu- Multi-burner installations require special consid-
lar, require additional support. Maxon connecting erations if supplied by a common pipe train and/or air
base and linkage assemblies are designed to position supply. Air Balancing Valves and separate burner
the control motors to work with the burner, not to gas pressure regulators should be used for improved
support their weight. heating uniformity; Gas Swing Check Valves should
Horizontal mounting is preferred, but burner may be installed as close as possible to each burner inlet
be mounted in any position suitable for automatic for dependable light-off (gas manifold may otherwise
control motor and UV scanner. act as a reservoir, preventing light-off during trial-for-
MEGAFIRE® Burner will typically be installed ignition period).
through a refractory wall or insulated air duct. Cut Control system’s circuitry must not allow main
opening at least 2" larger in diameter than combustion Fuel Shut-Off Valve to be opened unless combustion
sleeve to allow for thermal expansion of sleeve. air is on, and must de-energize valve upon loss of
The MEGAFIRE® Burner requires external auxiliary combustion air pressure, along with the other usual
support provided by the user. Lifting lugs are provided system interlocks. Motor starter is to be interlocked
on the burner to assist in lifting and the alignment with valve, whether or not a combustion air pressure
mounting of the MEGAFIRE® Burner. switch is used.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, and 6. Prepare Maxon SYNCHRO Control Valve(s) for
familiarize yourself with all the system’s equipment initial fuel firing adjustment. (See catalog pages
components. Verify that your equipment has been 7000-S-1 through 4.) Remove screw carrier cover
installed in accordance with the original manu- plate(s) from top of fuel control valve(s) exposing
facturer's current instructions. multiple adjusting screws. If multiple fuel arrange-
ment, adjust linkage rods and toggle arrange-
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light off ments between SYNCHRO Fuel Valves, so that
should be undertaken only by trained and all fuel control valves travel together (from mini-
experienced personnel familiar with combus- mum to maximum positions). Leave SYNCHRO
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, Fuel Valve(s) at minimum position, as shown by
and with knowledge of the overall installa- pointer on the position indicator strip.
tion. Instructions provided by the company 7. Temporarily shut down MEGAFIRE® Burner
and/or individuals responsible for the manu- blower and remove the access hatch cover
facture and/or overall installation of com- entrance into your MEGAFIRE® Burner housing.
plete system incorporating Maxon burners This permits observing the internally mounted air
take precedence over these provided by shutter. Adjust length of the flexible operating
Maxon. If Maxon instructions conflict with cable by screwing the rod end bearings on either
any codes or regulations, contact Maxon end of the cable to insure that when the fuel valve
Corporation before attempting start-up. is at minimum position, the air control shutter is
completely closed. At maximum setting position
for the fuel valve(s), the air control shutter must
have been pulled to its full open position.
For initial system start-up: Once the air control shutter positions are
1. Close all burner fuel valves and/or cocks. Make confirmed with regard to the fuel valves' minimum
preliminary adjustments to fuel regulators and oil and maximum positions, the access hatch
back pressure relief valves. Check oil supply cover(s) must be replaced. Restart MEGAFIRE®
system to be free from air entrainment. Burner's combustion air blower.
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all safety 8. Verify differential air pressure setting. With
devices and interlocks are operable and function- combustion air blower on and all volume air fans
ing within their respective settings/ranges. Be operating, connect a manometer between the 1/4"
sure all manifolds are tight and that test ports are diameter air test connection on MEGAFIRE®
plugged if not being used. Burner and your combustion chamber static
3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are pressure connection. This differential pressure
properly positioned and locked into operating reading (burner over combustion chamber) should
positions. be set per values on page 2604. Obtain this
4. Start all system-related fans and blowers. Check setting by either adjusting inlet air control valve
for proper motor rotations and impeller direction. (on EB MEGAFIRE® Burner) or combustion
Verify safety interlocks are working. Allow air chamber shutters involved with IB MEGAFIRE®
handling equipment to run for adequate purge of Burner applications.
manifold and combustion chamber plenums. 9. With combustion air fan on, pilot gas regulator
should initially be set at approximately midpoint of
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers its adjustment range (range equals 0.5–5 inches
typically controlling sequential operations. wc). With pilot gas solenoid closed, open pilot gas
cock. Energize spark ignitor and pilot gas sole-
5. Using 3/16" allen wrench, disconnect the auto- noid. Observe pilot ignition through sight port of
matic control motor(s) linkage from Maxon pilot assembly and/or by viewing micro-amp
SYNCHRO Control Valve by loosening the control signal metered from flame safeguard relay circuit.
motor's connecting rod from the valve's toggle
linkage. Initial start-up adjustment should only be
accomplished during a manual control mode.
8/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
8/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
MEGAFIRE® Gas/Oil Burners Pre-assembled Control Valve/Pipe Train
Designation MEGAFIRE® Burner Size 15M 30M 45M
Burner Type IB / EB IB / EB IB / EB
Gas Only Burners 46683 46682 46468
Oil Only Right Hand 57298 57296 57294
Burners Left Hand 57299 57297 57295
Combination Right Hand 46681 46679 46467
57522 15M EB-COMBO-XC MEGAFIRE ASBY Burners Left Hand 46680 46678 46677
57360 30M IB-OIL MEGAFIRE ASBY Discharge Sleeve/Refractory Block
Assemblies at left must be equipped with one of
these options for a complete MEGAFIRE®
57504 30M EB-COMBO-XC MEGAFIRE ASBY assembly.
57362 45M IB-OIL MEGAFIRE ASBY MEGAFIRE® Burner Size 15M 30M 45M
57511 45M EB-GAS-XC MEGAFIRE ASBY 310SS Discharge Sleeve 57237 57236 57235
57517 45M EB-OIL-XC MEGAFIRE ASBY Refractor y Block and Seal with
46461 46462 46463
57519 45M EB-COMBO-XC MEGAFIRE ASBY Suppor t Housing
Position Switches*
XC = External Control
NOTE: This version does not include the air control shutter Assembly
or air control cable. External control of combustion air/fuel Number
gas and/or fuel oil is required. Maxon carries a complete Microswitch Low (MSLPS) 14309
line of control valves suitable for this version.
Omron Low (OMLPS) 14316
8/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Burner-to-tube direct firing system allows uniform heat transfer, eliminates “hot spots,” and
produces faster bring-up times.
• Economical and efficient package design with integral low-horsepower blower costs
less and saves energy (external blower models also available).
• No-hassle installation and easy maintenance access with wall or tube mounted design.
• Burns natural, propane or butane gas and produces reduced levels of NOx and CO.
Manufactured under U.S. Patents 5,399,085 and 5,520,537; Canadian Patent 2,138,783
Patents pending in Europe, Japan, Mexico and South Korea
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 2752
Typical piping layout with Block and Bleed gas train arrangement
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners Page 2753
Gas Burner with
customer’s control
motor and UV scanner
Page 2754 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
Page 2756 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
8" Pkg. (3.5M Btu/hr)
6" EB (3M Btu/hr)
6" Pkg. (2M Btu/hr)
Wetted Tube Length (feet)
4" EB (1.35M Btu/hr)
4" Pkg. (900K Btu/hr)
40 3" EB (750K Btu/hr)
3" Pkg. (500K Btu/hr)
Above 80%
Design for
65 70 75 80 85
Immersion Tube Efficiency (percent)
Design Notes due to increased maximum firing rate.
1. Systems sized for 80% efficiencies or higher need to Indirect Firing
account for condensation during extended idling Tube sizing chart above is applicable only to liquid-
periods. Refer to Design and Application Details on backed immersion tubes. Indirect-fired applications (non-
page 2755. liquid backed fired tubes) could require additional length
2. Curves shown are for 60 Hz applications only. depending on the specific application. For indirect firing in
3. Curves above are not parallel due to small differences in moving air streams, use the above chart and multiply
excess combustion air at maximum design rate. All the specified tube length by 1.75 to obtain the same
TUBE-O-THERM®Burners operate in a range of 2% to efficiency.
4% excess oxygen at maximum firing rate. Recommended air stream velocity across fired tubes
4. Use the centerline lengths of elbows when computing is 1500+ FPM.
total tube length.
5. Note that longer tube lengths are required to achieve the
same efficiency on external blower (EB) versions. This is
TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners Page 2757
Transfer Efficiencies
Transfer Efficiency % Btu/hr, ft2 (avg.) wetted tube surface
(based on tube length) 3" Pkg. 3" EB 4" Pkg. 4" EB 6" Pkg. 6" EB 8" Pkg. 8" EB
65 35,480 35,480 24,830 31,040 23,810 31,240 26,514 32,461
70 23,160 27,290 21,220 28,150 21,530 28,500 23,086 29,340
75 17,800 22,330 18,790 25,810 19,660 26,210 21,137 27,506
80 14,800 19,440 17,220 24,120 18,270 24,720 19,683 25,723
85 12,890 17,400 15,840 22,650 17,200 23,340 18,048 24,631
Page 2758 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
2.375 2.375
C Air Inlet w/o
control motor 6.75
.75 dia
Continuous weld 4 req'd.
H L mounting plate
This dimension is
critical for proper to tank wall
(see page 2750-S-3)
Spark Ignitor
G operation & must be held
+.031 3" stub mount
Combustion Air Location -.031
Test Connection 1/2" NPT
10.5 Mounting
1/8" NPT Req'd. dim. 2.375 2.375
F.O. NO.
3/8" NPT
50 40 30
PI L O T GAS Max stub
Gas Inlet MAXON
extending 6.75
from 6.0
tank wall
Main Gas Inlet
Air Test 1/2" NPT
1/8" NPT 3.0 dia.
Connection Scanner Location 4.5
1/8" NPT E 2.5 3/4" NPT Gas Test I Centerline of control motor
6.0 dia.
F Connection
K M16 studs
4 req'd.
Burner Size B* C D E F G H I J K L
3" Pkg. 13.113
4.0 4.875 5.75 19.62 19.0 26.5 6.5 15.75 18.75 4.188
3" EB 13.59
*This dimension is factory-set
Page 2760 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
4.0 dia.
11.5 dia.
B Continuous weld
H L mounting plate
This dimension is
critical for proper to tank wall
G operation & must be held (see page 2750-S-3) 4" stub mount
Spark Ignitor +.031
22.5˚ ˚
2.375 .375
F.O. NO.
3/8" NPT
50 40 30
extending 7.5
from 6.75
tank wall
Burner Size B* C D E F G H I J K L
4" Pkg. & EB 14.5 5.0 6.0 6.5 20.38 21.0 29.5 8.0 17.5 23.0 4.062
*This dimension is factory-set
6.0 dia.
1.0 dia.
15.234 +.031
-.031 6" stub mount
Air Test Connection 22.5˚
26.12 15.00 Mounting Plate
Required dimension
F.O. NO.
50 40 30
60 20
Connection 9.44
1/8" NPT S TA L L
7.750 H E
1/4" NPT
Gas Test 6.0 dia.
Main Gas Inlet Connection
8.2 3/4"NPT 8.50
24.31 20.50
3/4" NPT 9.5 dia.
M20 studs
8 req'd.
Tank Wall
A (inside)
16.35 C
Hex Nut
Burner Immersion Tube
EB (external blower) TUBE-O-THERM® Burners
Dimensions for the EB version are the same as
those shown above for the Packaged version with the
exception of a dimension for the air inlet required for an
external blower. Dim. A Dim. B Dim. C
Air inlet sizes for EB versions are as follows: Burner Thickness Burner Flange
6" EB – 6" dia. flange to of to inside of tank
Air inlet adapter flange assemblies are provided by end of stud hex nut wall (max.)
Maxon. (See page 2763.) 6" Burner 2.180" 0.63" 2.5"
Page 2762 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
15.875 14.25
7.0 dia. 10.38 19.5
Air Inlet w/o control motor dia.
5.375 1.0
This dimension is Continuous weld mounting
critical for proper plate to tank wall
operation & (see page 2750-S-3)
Spark Ignitor
must be held
Location 8.0 dia.
1/2" NPT 18.324 (Pkg.)
18.5 (EB)
Combustion Air
Test Connection
1/8" NPT
+.031 / -0.31
8" stub mount
29.8 14.0
Req'd. dimension
F.O. NO.
50 40 30
60 20
3/8" NPT
PI L O T 45˚
1/4" NPT
Main Gas Inlet
Gas Test
1-1/4" NPT Connection
8.0 dia.
Hex Nut
Burner Immersion Tube
Burner Size X Y
3" & 4" 8.75 9.0
6" & 8" 12.25 12.5
EB Adapter Flange
Burner Size A B C
3" & 4" 5.58 4.0 7.0
6" & 8" 7.5 5.79 9.19
Page 2764 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners Page 2750-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Instructions Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage
of pipe train components or burner gas ports.
Important: Do not discard packing material until Main shut-off cock should be upstream of both
all loose items are accounted for. the main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to
To prevent damage in transit, the spark ignitor, shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during shut-
mounting gaskets, and connecting linkage compo- down periods of more than a few hours.
nents may be packed separately and shipped loose The fuel throttling valve contained within a
with your new Maxon TUBE-O-THERM® Burner. Maxon burner is not intended for tight shut-off.
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
accessories and control components will be required uniform system supply volume and pressure. If one
for a complete system installation. pipe train supplies multiple burners, provide a sepa-
TUBE-O-THERM® Burner provides the air supply rate regulator in the branch leading to each burner
(unless it is EB version, which requires a separate system.
combustion air blower). It also serves as a fuel flow It is recommended that the regulator be sized for at
control and fuel/air mixing device. least 120% of full system capacity at the required
Burner should not be exposed to direct radiant heat pressure, carefully considering pipe train losses.
or positioned where it might draw in inert gases. If Follow the instructions attached to the regulator
such conditions exist, consider filters, relocation, and/ during installation. Refer to page 2758 for burner inlet
or use of the EB version and external air supply. pressure requirements.
Electrical service must match the voltage, phase, Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
and cycle of all electrical system components and be regulator, but downstream of the main gas cock. It
compatible with burner nameplate ratings. Insure that should normally include its own pilot gas regulator, a
all normal control safeguards are satisfied. Combus- solenoid valve and shut-off cock. The pilot adjustable
tion air blower should continue to run after shutdown orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
to allow burner to cool. NOTE: Most regulator manufacturers include an
internal relief valve in their standard regulators. These
NOTE: Burners supplied with standard blower relief valves will begin to vent when the downstream
motors have dual voltage capability (230/460v/ pressure is somewhere around 7 inches w.c. greater
3 Ph/60 Hz; 115/230v/3 Ph/60 Hz; 190/380v/3 Ph/ than the regulator set pressure. Regulators can be
50 Hz). Failure to connect plant voltage to proper ordered without an internal vent. The best option is to
fan wiring will result in poor burner performance. run the pilot interrupted. If the pilot is not interrupted,
Refer to wiring diagram on fan motor. catalog minimums cannot be obtained.
Gas supply piping must be large enough to Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for the the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
particular burner size used with burner operating at your particular burner size. Pilot solenoid should be
full-rated capacity. located within 5 feet of burner to allow gas to reach
Anything more than minimum distance or piping burner before flame safeguard “times-out”.
turns may necessitate oversizing piping runs to keep The 3/8" pilot connection of the TUBE-O-THERM®
pressure drops within acceptable ranges. Burner is adequate for the pilot gas flows shown, but
Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at least care must be taken to assure that the required gas
four pipe diameters in length. If multiple burners are pressure (8-12" wc) and flow are available at pilot
fed from a single gas train, care should be taken to inlet.
minimize pressure drop and give maximum uniformity. Fuel Shut-Off Valves (when properly connected to
NOTE: Multiple burner installations fed by a single a control system) shut the fuel supply off when a
pipe train should incorporate a balancing valve and a hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual
swing check valve installed as close as possible to reset valves require operator attendance each time
each burner gas inlet for improved heating uniformity the system is started up (or restarted after a shut-
and more dependable light off. Otherwise, gas down). Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic
manifold may act as a reservoir, preventing reliable start-restart when used with an appropriate control
light off during trial for ignition period of your control
panel sequence.
10/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 2750-S-2 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
Installation Instructions
Test connections are essential for burner adjust- Air and Gas Balancing Valves should be used for
ment. They should be provided immediately down- improved heating uniformity; Gas Swing-Check
stream of the regulator and are included in the burner Valves should be installed as close as possible to
itself. each burner inlet for dependable light-off (gas mani-
fold may otherwise act as a reservoir, preventing light-
Test connections must be plugged except when
off during trial-for-ignition period).
readings are being taken.
Control system’s circuitry must not allow main
Horizontal mounting of the burner is preferred, Fuel Shut-Off Valve to be opened unless combustion
but burner may be mounted in any position suitable air is on, and must de-energize valve upon loss of
for automatic control motor and UV scanner. combustion air pressure, along with the other usual
Burner mounting requires a standard 150# flange system interlocks. Motor starter is to be interlocked
to fit the burner’s studs (four studs for 3" burner, eight with valve, whether or not a combustion air pressure
studs for 4", 6" and 8" burners). Burner mounting switch is used.
gasket is a standard 150# flange gasket (supplied by
Because of the high firing rates possible with this
Maxon). Although the mounting uses standard ANSI
burner and the low cross-sectional area of the
dimensions, metric bolts are used for the burner
tubes, no draft or chimney effect should be de-
mounting. Therefore, Maxon will supply metric nuts
signed for, or expected, if the exhaust stack
with the burner. Customer should apply an anti-seize
diameter is equal to the fired tube diameter.
thread lubricant to mounting bolts before installing
burner onto flange connection. Immersion tubes are usually vented to the
After placing burner in position, add lock washers outdoors, except for those in highly ventilated areas
and nuts, then draw up hand-tight only. Check that such as a plating room with continuous high volume
burner is centered, then tighten all nuts firmly. exhaust. An exhaust fan may be required if the
For proper performance of any burner, air inlet and building is under negative pressure. Exhaust is
motor should be surrounded by clean, fresh, cool air. normally diluted to avoid the need for high
Burner and pipe manifold support will be re- temperature fans, but adequate make-up air must be
quired to support weight of the burner and connected available.
pipe train components. Air control motors, in particu- This diluting can be done with an open tee installed
lar, require additional support. Maxon connecting in a vertical run (or in a horizontal run with the open
base and linkage assemblies are designed to position end down), but such a system mixes slowly.
the control motors to work with the burner, not to An adjustable hood (shown in sketch below) offers
support their weight. much better performance. In all cases, care must be
The TUBE-O-THERM® Burner may require external taken that all products of combustion are exhausted
auxiliary support provided by the user. Additional from the building.
burner support may be required in conjunction with a
stiffener plate when mounting TUBE-O-THERM®
Burner onto tube or thin tank walls.
Protective covers for burner should be added in
the field if exposure to dripping condensate, splashing
flux, exhaust steam, etc. is unavoidable. Any such
cover should be removable to provide access to
burner and should not interfere with control linkage
motion, observation port viewing or air inlet.
Flame sensing is accomplished by a UV scanner.
Keep scanner as close to burner as feasible. Do not
use cooling air to scanner port. Heat block, if used,
may affect signal strength with some brands of
Alternate fuels may require correction of supply
Multi-burner installations require special consid-
erations if supplied by a common pipe train and/or air Cross-sectional area of the exhaust hood should
supply. be a minimum of 1.5 times the fired tube cross-
sectional area.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners Page 2750-S-3
Installation Instructions
Wall mounting installation (recommended) and stub mounting
The TUBE-O-THERM® Burner was designed to For most applications, the wall mounting option
transfer heat to your process as efficiently as pos- is recommended. Use of the wall mounting option
sible. As a result, your process tube, which bolts to will support the burner off of the tank, instead of
the outlet of the TUBE-O-THERM® Burner, can supporting the burner with the tube. Maxon also
become hot during the burner’s operation. suggests using a burner support independent of the
flange, which will allow for some expansion during
On optional stub mounted versions, the inlet
firing. Consult your Maxon representative for more
portion of this tube will overheat if it extends too
far outside the tank.
The maximum recommended length for the initial
To install the wall mounting:
portion of your process tube outside the tank is 1. Insert the immersion tube through the tank wall,
shown: making sure that it extends no more than 1/2" past
Burner flange to inside of tank wall (maximum): the outside of the wall (the tube should be as flush
Dimension “C” 3” burner 2.5” as possible with the Wall Mounting Plate once it is
Dimension “C” 4” burner 2.5” installed).
Dimension “C” 6” burner 2.5” 2. Weld the immersion tube to the tank wall.
Dimension “C” 8” burner 3” 3. Slip the Wall Mounting Plate over the immersion
tube (with the screw heads facing the tank wall)
Stub mounted installation and seal weld the I.D. to the tank wall.
Tank Wall
A (inside) Optional: Continuous weld the O.D. of the mount-
ing plate. If I.D. is seal welded, O.D. should be
B Tank Wall (outside)
intermittant welded for rigidity and strength.
Hex Nut
TUBE-O-THERM® 4. Attach the burner to the mounting bolts.
Burner Immersion Tube
Gasket (Maxon) high temperature RTV applied between burner body and gasket only
Existing Weld - tank wall/tube
As an option to seal welding the O.D. of the mounting
clearance where the tube welds to the tank wall
plate, customer can seal weld the I.D. to prevent leakage
of hot products of combustion.
8/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 2750-S-4 TUBE-O-THERM® Gas Burners
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, Initial start-up adjustment should only be
and familiarize yourself with all the system's equip- accomplished during a manual burner control
ment components. Verify that your equipment has mode.
been installed in accordance with the original manu- 6. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
facturer's current instructions. Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
should be undertaken only by trained and adequate purge of your manifolds and immersion
experienced personnel familiar with combus- tubes. With main gas shut off, manually advance
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and TUBE-O-THERM®Burner's operating crank to
with knowledge of the overall installation. high-fire position (90) so that air only flows
Instructions provided by the company and/or through burner and immersion tube.
individuals responsible for the manufacture
and/or overall installation of complete system CAUTION: Do not bypass control panel timers
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence typically controlling sequential operations.
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon
7. Determine the required gas pressure from
instructions conflict with any codes or regula-
chart on page 2758.
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before
attempting start-up. NOTE: Gas pressures (shown on page 2758) are
under actual high-fire conditions, once proper
differential air pressure has been established.
For initial TUBE-O-THERM®Burner start-up:
8. Verify that spark ignitor is properly positioned
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make and bottoms out inside the burner air plate.
preliminary adjustments to fuel gas regulators.
Remove pilot and main gas regulators' adjusting NOTE: Field experience shows that a full-wave
screw covers. Turn adjusting screw down (clock- spark ignition transformer provides a reliable
wise) to approximately mid-position. Close pilot ignition source.
gas adjustable orifice screw by turning in clock- 9. Return burner control valve/crank to low-fire
wise until it stops. (Do not over-tighten.) Then position when purge of system is complete.
back out the adjustable orifice (counter-clockwise) 10. Open main and pilot gas cocks, activate spark
approximately 2-3 turns. ignition transformer and pilot gas solenoid valve,
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all control then attempt pilot ignition to light pilot while slowly
devices and interlocks are operable and function- turning pilot gas regulator and/or adjustable orifice
ing within their respective settings/ranges. Be screw counter-clockwise to increase fuel flow.
sure all air and gas manifolds are tight and that Repeat procedure as necessary until pilot ignites,
test ports are plugged if not being used. as air might have to be bled out of fuel supply
3. Check that the immersion tube stack damper lines before reliable pilot flame is established.
is fully open and locked into position. Stack Pilot gas regulator should normally be set for as
dampers not required and can block exhaust even low a pressure as possible, using fuller opening of
if open. pilot gas adjustable orifice.
4. Check that air and gas pressure switches are 11. After ignition, adjust pilot to provide pilot gas
not marginally set to prevent troublesome system pressure as specified on page 2758. Use a pilot
shutdown during start-up. Set pressure switches gas pressure regulator that provides 8-12" wc gas
with some cushion for start-up and re-adjust pressure to the pilot gas inlet.
during final system tuning.
5. Disconnect the automatic control motor's
linkage from your TUBE-O-THERM®Burner's
operating crank arm by loosening the control
motor's connecting rod from the burner's linkage.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
12. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock Cycle burner from minimum to maximum
or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and and refine adjustment, if necessary.
refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get For operation with interrupted pilot, shut off
ignition within a second or two. The flame safe- pilots and cycle burner from minimum to maxi-
guard relays should now power your main fuel mum and back several times to verify the flame is
Shut-Off Valve(s). maintained.
15. When burner performance is satisfactory and
CAUTION: After completing previous steps, re- stable throughout the firing range, reconnect
check all interlocking safety components and linkage to control motor.
circuitry to prove that they are properly in- Control linkage travel must be such that burner
stalled, correctly set, and fully operational. If in crank is moved throughout its complete travel, or
doubt, shut the system down, close pilot cock cataloged capacities and turndowns will not be
and contact responsible individual before achieved.
proceeding further. 16. If attempts to start-up burner have been
unsuccessful to this point, refer to Service Tips on
13. Establish main flame. With burner at low-fire
pages 2750-S-6 and 7.
position, back out main gas pressure regulator
adjusting screw (counter-clockwise) to get lowest NOTICE: If less than full-rated burner capacity is
outlet pressure possible. Open all manual fuel required, adjust control motor and/or motor/gas
shut-off valves (automatic fuel shut-off valve shaft linkage to limit maximum output. Do not
should already be open) so gas flows to burner adjust gas/air linkage.
inlet. There should be little, if any, change in
flame appearance. Turn main regulator adjust- CAUTION: Do not limit capacity by adjusting gas
ing screw in (clockwise) until gas pressure at the pressure to the burner inlet. The internal gas
burner inlet (upstream of the burner) is as speci- valve is characterized to the air butterfly valve
fied on page 2758. Main flame should now and is based on the specified inlet gas pressures.
appear larger than pilot-only flame. Operation outside of these specifications will
result in unsatisfactory burner performance.
At cold start-up, some rumbling will occur as the
tube warms up. To reduce or prevent this rumbling, With interrupted pilot, it may be necessary to
a low-fire time period of approximately 2 minutes set control for somewhat higher than minimum
before continuing on to high fire is recommended. burner setting to permit hold-in of flame detection
system without pilot.
14. Establish high-fire setting by slowly moving
burner crank toward high fire position while CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the
observing gas pressure at burner gas test inlet. control motor may be damaged if linkage is
Refine main gas regulator adjustment as neces- adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in
sary to provide correct differential gas pressure at high or low fire position.
high fire. If pressure cannot be adjusted high
enough, a different regulator or regulator spring 17. Re-check differential gas pressure with unit at
may be necessary. Do not, however, exceed operating temperature. Refine high-fire setting if
6" wc pressure drop between regulator outlet and necessary, considering differential pressure,
burner inlet. flame stability, and appearance. Dust or contami-
nants in the air stream may affect flame appear-
CAUTION: If burner(s) go out, close shut-off ance.
valve or shut main gas cock at once. Return to 18. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
minimum setting, re-light pilots if necessary, dangerous fuel leakage. Replace equipment
then turn main gas on again. Check carefully cover caps and tighten linkage screws.
that every burner is lit before proceeding.
2/98 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
19. Check out overall system operation by cycling Recheck all safety system interlocks for
through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot, proper setting and operation.
and allowing temperature control system to cycle
burner from minimum to maximum and return. WARNING: Test every UV installation for
NOTE: Typical gas firing control sequence for dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
Maxon burner is provided only as a guide. Instruc- other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
tions provided by complete system manufacturer radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence. connections.
For gas firing 20. Before system is placed into full service,
TUBE-O-THERM®Burner instruct operator personnel on proper start-up
Light-off: Shut-down: operation with shut-down of system, establishing
1. Close cocks, shut-off valve(s) 1. Close main & written instructions for their future reference.
2. Verify burner at low fire pilot gas cocks
3. Start recirculating/exhaust fans 2. Keep combustion
4. Start burner blower air blower running
5. Purge at least 4 air changes after shut-down long
6. Open pilot & main gas cocks enough to allow
burner to cool
Service Tips
On occasions during cold start-up, a rumbling will TUBE-O-THERM®
occur in the tube until thermal equilibrium is estab- Burners
lished. This is normal and should disappear within a
few minutes. A low-fire time period of approximately 2
minutes is recommended prior to high-fire operation.
If, after several minutes of high-fire operation the
rumbling has not decreased or the burner exhibits
flame instability, shut off the burner and perform the
following checks:
1. Start all system-related fans and blowers to
duplicate conditions from step 6 of start-up
instructions on page 2750-S-4. Advance burner
operating crank to high-fire position.
2. Determine and verify differential air pressure
at burner backplate test ports.
Connect a manometer between the gas test
port and the air test port. With the burner
operating crank at high-fire position, fuel valve(s)
closed, air handling systems and combustion air
blower on, the manometer will read the differen-
tial combustion air pressure.
Air test port should be connected to the (+)
end of the manometer as it will have the higher
pressure over the gas test port.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Pilot fails to light. 1. On initial start-up, gas line may be filled with air. Repeat ignition
trial several times to purge.
2. No power to ignition transformer or pilot solenoid.
3. Open circuit between ignition transformer and ignitor plug.
4. Pilot gas cock adjusting screw closed.
5. Insufficient gas pressure into or out of pilot regulator.
Main flame fails to light or goes out 1. Insufficient pressure into or out of main gas regulator.
as burner cycles to high fire. 2. Marginal air pressure switch setting.
3. Marginal gas pressure switch setting.
4. Incorrect combustion air pressure.
Burner is unstable or produces 1. Gas/air ratio out of adjustment. Adjust fuel pressures and/or air
soot, smoke or excessive carbon linkage as instructed under Service Tips.
monoxide. 2. Air filter to combustion air fan is plugged or dirty. Replace or clean.
3. Exhaust stack damper is closed or partially closed, or another
restriction exists in the fired tube system.
10/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
Size Packaged & EB Burners
3" 3 TOT (79)
Approximate ship weight
4" 4 TOT (85) (in pounds) are shown in
6" 6 TOT (125) parentheses
8 TOT (184)
8HC TOT* (105)
*EB only.
CONNECTING BASE & Type of Connecting Base & HW_MOD Honeywell Modutrol electric CB&L
LINKAGE Linkage (CB&L), if desired NONE No CB&L
PENN_JOHN Penn/Johnson electric CB&L
NONE No position switch
Type of position switch, if
SWITCH TLHPSLPSWP Termecanique weather-proof hi/low position switch
TLLPSWP Termecanique weather-proof low position switch
FLTR Filter kit
Selection of filter kit or
FLTR &/O SILENCER FLTRSLNCR Filter/silencer assembly
filter/silencer, if desired
NONE No filter or silencer
MOD Modutrol control motor
MOD_WP Modutrol weather-proof control motor
Type of control motor,
CONTROL MOTOR NONE No control motor
if desired
120V_CONT 120V Maxon control motor
240V_CONT 240V Maxon control motor
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
TUBE-O-THERM® Burner Spare Parts
Burner Size > 3" 4" 6" 8" 8"HC
Spark ignitor assembly 42256 (2) 42148 (2) 42148
Pilot gas adjustable orifice 50431 (1) 50431
Combustion air fan filter kits 1042561 (3) 1042405 (3) 1042406 (7) 1042407 (7)
Filter / Silencer 1042560 1042401 1042402 1042403
Replacement foam filter element 1042393 1042393 1042394 1042394
44234 (Pkgd.)
Linkage repair kit 44235 44236 44237
45245 (EB)
Hi/Lo position switch assembly 44345 44346 45575 45576
NOTE: Approximate net ship weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
Replacement Blowers
Burner Size > 3" 4" 6" 8" 8"HC
115/230/1/60 43217 43218 43216 --- ---
230/460/3/60 42126 42259 42201 43491 ---
380/3/50 43743 43744 43745 43746 ---
575/3/60 44390 44391 44392 44393 ---
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Performance Curves
for Maxon FG Blowers used with EB versions of TUBE-O-THERM® Burners
(1-1/2 HP)
(3 HP)
(7-1/2 HP)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Bulletin 2800
• Provides clean combustion with NOx emission levels below 25 ppm (50 mg/m3) and CO
levels less than 75 ppm (90 mg/m3) at 3% O2. Lower emissions possible based on specific
application. Contact your Maxon sales representative for more information.
• Nozzle-mixing gas burner for use with natural gas or propane
• Packaged version available in 5 sizes – up to 3,700,000 Btu/hr (1100 kW)
• EBMRV version available in 4 sizes – up to 7,400,000 Btu/hr (2200 kW)
• Packaged version operates on low gas pressure – 16" w.c. (40 mbar) or less
• Simple installation, adjustment and start-up
• Turndown averages 15:1 (10:1 on smaller sizes)
• Designed specifically for oven-type applications with cross velocities up to 4000 fpm (20
• Packaged version handles oven conditions from 2" w.c. (5 mbar) suction to 2" w.c. (5 mbar)
back pressure
• EBMRV version offers good performance with a much wider range of suction or back
pressure applications
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Page 2802
Component Identification
Gas Bridge
Combustion Sleeve
Back Plate
Main Pilot Scanner
Gas Manifold Housing Pipe
Main Housing
Air Inlet Adapter
EBMRV Version Nozzle Back
Gas Inlet
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners Page 2803
Minimum Capacity (1000's Btu/hr) 30 - 45 56 - 70 107 - 133 180 - 225 247 - 308
Emission Turndown based on high fire 15:1 15:1 3.5:1 6:1 4:1
CO (corrected to 3% oxygen) 75 75 75 75 75
Page 2804 Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners
NOTE: Operation above the recommended gas pressure for a given air pressure will result in higher NOx and
lower CO. Operation below the recommended gas pressure curves will result in lower NOx and higher CO. Use of
propane as a fuel will result in higher emissions. Oven cross velocities and back pressures have a slight affect on
the optimum pressures to set.
Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners Page 2805
40 KBtu/hr
35 1600
Gas Pressure "wc
20 1200
10 800
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Air Pressure "wc
16 1600
Gas Pressure "wc
10 1200
4 800
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Air Pressure "wc
Page 2806 Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners
40 3200
Gas Pressure "wc
25 2500
10 1500
5 1000
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Air Pressure "wc
EB3MRV - Propane
20 3200
Gas Pressure "wc
5 1500
0 5 10 15 20
Air Pressure "wc
Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners Page 2807
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Air Pressure "wc
EB4MRV - Propane
25 KBtu/hr
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Air Pressure "wc
Page 2808 Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners
35 7400
25 6000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Air Pressure "wc
EB5MRV - Propane
25 KBtu/hr
5 3000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Air Pressure "wc
Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners Page 2809
1/4" NPT Gas Pressure
T dia.
Test Connection
dia. Foam Filter Hi Fire Switch Position
K Foam Silencer/Filter (optional)
1/4" NPT Hi/Lo Pressure B
Switch Connection 5/8" (.625) dia. burner
mounting holes
8 holes equally spaced
Main Gas Inlet
Pilot Gas 3/8" NPT
Page 2810 Packaged & EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners
1-1/2" NPT 9.52 SIZE
Main Gas
Spark Ignitor
22.0 1/2" NPT
6.32 rad.
Spark Ignitor Scanner
Removal 3/4" NPT
Clearance 5/8" (.625) dia.
0.38 Burner Mtg. Holes 22˚
19.88 15.88 Port
8 holes equally spaced
1/4" NPT Air Pressure 15.32 6.78
Test Connection
dia. dia.
1/4" NPT
Gas Pressure
Test Connection IN
Pilot Gas
3/8" NPT
22.0 Spark Ignitor 1/2" NPT
0.38 Spark Ignitor 7.73 rad.
A Removal 22˚ 5/8" (.625) dia.
Clearance Scanner 3/4" NPT Burner Mtg. Holes
23.46 45˚
8 holes equally spaced
Installation Instructions
Packaged Versions
Please read all installation and start-up instructions Electrical service must match the voltage, phase
before working with the burner. and cycle of all electrical system components and be
compatible with burner nameplate ratings.
IMPORTANT: Do not discard packing material
Gas and air supply piping must be large enough
until all loose items are accounted for.
to provide for the full flow and pressures shown in the
Some components may be shipped separately from catalog for your particular burner when it is operating at
your Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burner to prevent its full-rated capacity.
damage in transit. Do not discard packing until you Clean fuel lines are essential to preventing the
have accounted for all loose items. blockage of burner gas ports and pipe train compo-
The burner is only a part of your complete combus- nents. Dirty fuel lines may require special filters.
tion system. Additional pipe train accessories and Main shut-off cock should be upstream of both the
control components will be required for a complete main gas regulator and pilot take-off line.
system installation. The sketch below shows a typical Main gas regulator is essential to maintaining a
gas train as might be used with the burner. uniform system supply pressure. If one pipe train
supplies multiple burners, provide a separate regulator
in the branch leading to each burner system.
Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
losses. If the regulator has more than 3” wc (7.5 mbar)
of droop*, two-stage regulation is recommended.
Follow the instructions attached to the regulator and be
sure to remove any shipping pin or block.
*Droop is defined as the increase in gas pressure
(due to imperfections in a gas pressure regulator) as
the burner is throttled from high fire where the desired
gas pressure is set.
Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
regulator, but downstream of the main gas shut-off
cock. It normally includes its own pilot gas regulator, a
solenoid valve and shut-off cock. A pilot adjustable
orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment. The pilot
must be interrupted in order to obtain low emission
Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burner comes complete
levels. Continuous pilot is not recommended.
with its own combustion air blower. The burner also
NOTE: The 0.4m size burner is lit on main gas. It
provides fuel flow control and a fuel/air mixing device.
does not have a separate pilot.
The Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burner should not be
exposed to direct radiant heat or positioned where it Plumbing and electrical wiring must allow the
might draw in inert gases. If such conditions exist, pilot to be interrupted. Pilot take-off should be
consider filters, relocation, and/or use of the EBMRV upstream of the main gas regulator.
CYCLOMAX® Burner with an external air supply.
Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for the
CAUTION: Installation should be undertaken full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for your
only by trained personnel familiar with combus- particular burner size.
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and External support of the gas piping is recommended.
with knowledge of the overall installation. Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to a
Instructions provided by the company or indi- control system) shut the fuel supply off when a
viduals responsible for the manufacture and hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual reset
overall installation of the complete system valves require operator attendance each time the
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence system is started up (or restarted after a trip-out).
over these provided by Maxon. If there are any Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic start-
conflicts in these instructions, contact Maxon restart when used with an appropriate control system.
before proceeding.
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Packaged Versions
Test connections are essential for proper burner The Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burner can be
adjustment and operation and are included in the mounted in several positions. Some accessories,
Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burner. Test connections such as control motors, can limit the mounting op-
must be plugged except when readings are being tions. Burners are typically installed through an
taken. insulated wall that could be several inches thick. The
Burner mounting requires a stud pattern on a flat mounting hole diameter should be approximately 1 to
surface that matches the mounting holes on the main 1-1/2 inches (25,4 to 38,1 mm) larger than Dimension
housing of the CYCLOMAX® Burner (see dimension “R” on page 2809.
drawing on page 2809). After placing the burner in If the combustion air fan is supplied with a filter, the
position, add lock washers and nuts. Tighten se- filter must be kept clean. A dirty air filter can result in
curely. Connect the gas supply to the burner at the inadequate combustion air flow to the burner and
threaded inlet on the gas valve body. Recommended higher emissions. Decreased air pressure could
gas pressure at the burner is shown below for each indicate that the filter is becoming plugged.
burner size. NOTE: To make the burner lighter and easier to
handle, the blower can be removed before the burner
is mounted.
Recommended Gas Pressure "wc
A 5000-volt full-sine-wave spark ignition trans-
Burner Size 0.4M 0.8M 1.6M 2.7M 3.7M former should be used. Make sure the spark ignitor is
Natural 60 Hz 15.5 11.5 14.2 11.0 10.0 in the proper position by loosening the ignitor nut and
Gas 50 Hz 9.9 8.0 8.5 7.0 6.4 pushing the ceramic insulator as far in as possible.
Hold the insulator in place as the nut is retightened.
Improper positioning of the ignitor will result in diffi-
Recommended Gas Pressure mbar culty in lighting the burner.
Burner Size 0.4M 0.8M 1.6M 2.7M 3.7M Connect all remaining electrical and mechanical
Natural 60 Hz 38.6 28.6 35.4 27.4 24.9
Gas 50 Hz 23.2 19.9 21.2 17.4 15.9
Maintenance Instructions
If it is ever necessary to remove the fuel shaft from
the burner, be sure to use anti-seize lube or a light
grease on the fuel shaft during reassembly.
Apply the grease to the O-rings only – do not
apply it to the cutout area. Too much grease
can plug the area in the fuel shaft that affects
the gas flow.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Packaged Versions
Read all instructions before proceeding and 3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are
familiarize yourself with the system’s components. properly positioned and locked into operating
Verify that your equipment has been correctly positions.
installed. 4. Start all system related fans and blowers.
Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off
direction. Verify that all safety interlocks are
should be undertaken only by trained
working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
personnel familiar with combustion systems,
an adequate purge of manifolds and combustion
with control/safety circuitry, and with
chamber plenums.
knowledge of the overall installation.
5. Initial start-up adjustment can more easily be
Instructions provided by the company or
accomplished in a manual control mode.
individuals responsible for the manufacture
Disconnect the automatic control motor’s linkage
and overall installation of a complete system
from the burner’s control valve by loosening the
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence
control motor’s connecting rod from the valve’s
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon
toggle linkage.
instructions conflict with any rules or
6. Once the burner is installed and all safety devices
regulations, contact Maxon before attempting
are in place, the burner is ready to be fired.
Position the burner at its minimum firing rate. Do
The integral air-fuel shaft keeps the air-fuel ratio in not exceed minimum (overtravel), as the gas and
the proper range throughout the firing range. air valves will start to re-open. The 0.4M size does
not have a pilot; it is lit on main gas. For other
Proper air-fuel ratio control depends on a constant
sizes, pilot pressure can be as low as 6 to 12" wc
pressure upstream of the shaft. Regulators with
(14.9 to 29.9 mbar) under ideal conditions, but a
less than 3" wc (7.5 mbar) droop should be used.
higher pilot pressure will facilitate start-up under
A pneumatic or electric control motor can be stubborn lighting conditions. Maxon recommends
mounted to the air-fuel shaft and establish firing rates that the pilot take-off be upstream of the main gas
according to system demands. regulator. Ideal pilot flow ranges from about 70
Gas pressure test connections are essential for SCFH (0.02 m3/min) on the 800,000 Btu/hr (117
burner adjustment and are provided in the burner. Do kW) size to about 120 SCFH (0.06 m3/min) on the
not attempt to use test connections in pipe elbows or largest size (for natural gas).
tees, as internal turbulence can give erroneous 7. If the burner fails to light, it could be due to
readings. Test connections not being used must be trapped air in the gas line. Keep trying until the
plugged. gas purges the air. If the burner fails to light after
repeated attempts, check to see if the spark
For initial system start-up ignitor is pushed all the way in. For the 0.4M
1. Close all burner fuel valves and/or cocks. burner, adjust the gas bypass until a stable
Make preliminary adjustments to regulators. minimum flame at a gas pressure close to (or
Remove pilot regulator adjusting screw cover and slightly higher than) what is desired at high fire is
turn screw down to near mid-range condition. achieved. If working with a 0.4M burner and it is lit
Close pilot gas adjustable orifice screw by turning and stable on main gas at minimum, proceed to
it clockwise until it stops, and then back it out Step 10.
(counterclockwise) 2 to 3 turns. 8. Confirm that the pilot is lit before proceeding to
2. Check all electric circuitry and verify that all the next step.
safety devices and interlocks are functioning
within their respective settings/ranges. Marginally-
set pressure switches can result in numerous
nuisance trips and can delay start-up. Be sure all
manifolds are tightly sealed and that test ports are
plugged if not being used.
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Packaged Versions
9. With burner at minimum position, turn on the
main gas. The 0.4M and 0.8M sizes have a gas
bypass with an adjustable orifice which can be
adjusted to allow more gas to flow around the fuel
shaft at minimum. Shut off the pilot and confirm
that the burner is still lit. Adjust the main gas
regulator to 3" wc (7.5 mbar) more than the
recommended value.
10. Slowly increase the firing rate. As firing rate
increases, the pressure upstream of the burner
may decrease somewhat because of regulator
11. Bring the burner up to high fire, increasing
regulator pressure if necessary.
12. Readjust the regulator to the recommended gas
pressure upstream of the burner (see page 2800-
NOTE: Do not overtravel when going up to high
13. Once the burner is lit and has been fired
throughout the range, slowly bring it down to
minimum and verify that the gas pressure does not
increase by more than 3" wc (7.5 mbar) as the
burner is throttled down. High suction applications
can require higher gas pressures to the burner
because more air is pulled through the system.
High back pressure conditions can require that the
gas pressure be set lower than the values listed on
page 2800-S-2.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
EBMRV Versions
Please read all installation and start-up instructions has shown that with three 90° elbows and 10 feet (3048
before working with the burner. mm) of straight pipe, rated capacities can be obtained
with these sizes.
IMPORTANT: Do not discard packing material
Gas supply piping should be the same size (or
until all loose items are accounted for.
larger) than the size of the poppet gas valve:
Some components may be shipped separately 1” (25.4 mm) for EB2MRV
from your EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burner to prevent 1.5” (38 mm) for EB3MRV
damage in transit. Do not discard packing until you 2.5” (63 mm) for EB4MRV and EB5MRV
have accounted for all loose items. Pipe/duct the MICRO-RATIO® Valve to the air inlet
The burner is only a part of your complete combus- and attach the gas line from the MICRO-RATIO®
tion system. Additional pipe train accessories and Valve to the threaded gas inlet on the burner back
control components will be required for a complete plate. Smaller gas piping can be used, but will require
system installation. MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve higher gas pressure to compensate for the additional
(Style “P” gas valve and M- style butterfly air valve) pressure drop.
and FG Blower must be ordered separately. See Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent the
CYCLOMAX® (section 2800) and FG Blower (section blockage of burner gas ports and pipe train
9250) catalog literature for selection guidelines for components.Dirty fuel lines may require special filters.
choosing the appropriate blower for your burner and If an uneven flame is observed (dark spots on the
capacity requirements. sleeve, no flame in a particular region, etc.), one or
Do not position the EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burner more of the gas ports may be plugged. An uneven
or the FG Blower where they will be exposed to direct flame will cause higher emissions. Good flame
radiant heat or the blower could draw in inert gases. If uniformity allows for optimum performance of the
such conditions exist, consider filters or relocation. burner.
Main shut-off cock should be upstream of the
CAUTION: Installation should be undertaken
main gas regulator and the pilot line take-off.
only by trained personnel familiar with
Main gas regulator is essential to keep the
combustion systems, with control/safety
pressure upstream of the MICRO-RATIO® Valve
circuitry, and with knowledge of the overall
constant once the burner is set to the recommended
installation. Instructions provided by the
gas pressure versus air pressure curve. If one pipe
company or individuals responsible for the
train supplies multiple burners, provide a separate
manufacture and overall installation of a
regulator to the MICRO-RATIO® Valve of each burner
complete system incorporating Maxon burners
system. Size the regulator for full system capacity at
take precedence over these provided by Maxon.
the required pressure upstream of the MICRO-
If there are any conflicts in these instructions,
RATIO® Valve. Pressure to the MICRO-RATIO® Valve
contact Maxon before proceeding.
should be 1 psi (69 mbar) higher than the high fire
Electrical service must match the voltage, phase gas pressure at the burner. Follow the instructions
and cycle of all electrical system components and attached to the regulator and be sure to remove any
must be compatible with burner nameplate ratings. shipping pin or block.
Gas and air supply piping must be large enough Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main gas
to provide for the full flow and pressures shown in the regulator but downstream of the main gas shut-off
catalog for your particular burner when it is operating cock. It normally includes a pilot gas regulator,
at its full rated capacity. solenoid valve, and shut-off cock. A pilot adjustable
Attempt to minimize the pressure drop from the orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
blower to the burner. If air supply piping is unusually
Plumbing and electrical wiring must allow the
long and/or incorporates many fittings through which
pilot to be interrupted.
large pressure drops could occur, choose a higher
capacity blower. Do not use air piping smaller than 3”
(76 mm) on the EB2MRV 4” (102 mm) on EB3MRV, or
6” (152 mm) on the EB4MRV and EB5MRV. Testing
10/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
EBMRV Versions
Pilot piping must be large enough to provide the Burner mounting requires a stud pattern on a flat
full flow and pressures required for lighting the burner. surface that matches the mounting holes on the main
Pilots will light over a wide range of pressures. housing of the CYCLOMAX® Burner (see dimensional
Compensate for higher pressures by closing the drawings on pages 2809 and 2810). Place the burner
adjustable orifice. Unless available pilot pressure is in position and add lock washers and nuts. Tighten
significantly higher than the burner operating securely.
pressure, use the following guidelines for sizing the Connect the air valve of the MICRO-RATIO®
pilot gas piping: Valve assembly to the threaded inlet of the EBMRV
• EB2MRV & EB3MRV – use at least 1/2” (12.7 mm) adapter on the burner. Connect the gas valve of the
dia. pilot piping MICRO-RATIO® Valve assembly to the threaded inlet
• EB4MRV & EB5MRV – use at least 3/4” (19 mm) on the back plate of the burner. Adjust the linkage of
dia. pilot piping the MICRO-RATIO® Valve to achieve reliable light-off
External support of both the air and gas piping is and adequate air to support both the pilot and main
recommended. flames.
Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to The air valve should be set at 5 to 10 degrees open
a control system) shut the fuel supply off when a when the gas valve is at minimum to get reliable
hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual lighting.
reset valves require operator attendance each time Connect the FG Blower to the inlet of the MICRO-
the system is started up (or restarted after a trip-out). RATIO® air valve. Minimize the piping between the
Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic start- blower, valve and burner to reduce pressure drop.
restart when used with an appropriate control system. The EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burner can be mounted
in a variety of positions, but is most conveniently
The control valves which may be used with the
mounted with both inlets facing upward on the side of
EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burner are not intended
an oven. Downfiring is permitted. Burners are typically
for tight shut-off.
installed through an insulated wall. The mounting hole
Flame sensing can be accomplished only with a diameter should be approximately 1 to 1-1/2 inches
UV scanner. Cooling air to the UV scanner should not (25,4 to 38,1 mm) larger than Dimension “R” on page
be required. 2809.
Test connections are essential for proper set-up If using a filter with the FG Blower, check
of the EBMRV CYCLOMAX® Burners. The two test periodically to see if the filter is becoming plugged. If
connections for the EBMRV version are located on a drop in air pressure or change in flame appearance
the burner back plate (gas pressure) and on the is observed, the filter may be plugged. Inadequate air
circumference of the burner main housing (air flow to the burner can result in higher emissions.
pressure). Test connections must be plugged except A 5000 volt, full-wave spark ignition transformer
when readings are being taken. should be used. Verify that the spark ignitor is in the
Include observation ports in the combustion proper position by loosening the ignitor nut and
chamber design to provide a view of the flame. This pushing the ceramic in as far as possible. Keep
will simplify start-up and adjustment procedures. forward pressure on the ceramic as the nut is being
re-tightened. Improper positioning of the ignitor will
cause difficulty in lighting the burner. Connect all
remaining electrical and mechanical components.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
EBMRV Versions
Read all instructions before proceeding and 5. Initial start-up adjustment should only be
familiarize yourself with the system’s components. done in a manual control mode. Disconnect any
Verify that the equipment has been correctly installed. control motors from the MICRO-RATIO® Valve
linkage using an allen wrench to disconnect the
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off
control motor’s connecting rod from the valve’s
should be undertaken only by trained
toggle linkage.
personnel familiar with combustion systems,
with control/safety circuitry, and with
designed to be used with Maxon MICRO-RATIO®
knowledge of the overall installation.
Valves. The gas valve has a multiple screw adjusting
Instructions provided by the company or
cam which is used to adjust the gas pressure at each
individuals responsible for the manufacture
setting to correspond with the appropriate air pressure
and overall installation of a complete system
for each position. The numbers on the external
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence
position indicating strip correspond to a series of
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon
adjusting screws which should be initially set to give
instructions conflict with any rules or
the desired contour to the cam.
regulations, contact Maxon before attempting
Control valves are easily adapted to automatic
operation with an electric or pneumatic control
Gas and air pressure test connections are essential motor.
for proper burner adjustment. Test connections must Maxon offers a broad range of CB & L
be plugged except when readings are being taken. (connecting bracket and linkage) assemblies
to properly position and align the control motors
For initial system start-up: when used with Maxon control valves. Maxon
CB & L assemblies are designed to position
1. Close all burner fuel valves and/or cocks. the control operator, not to support its weight.
Make preliminary adjustments to regulators. User must provide auxiliary support in the form of
Remove pilot regulator adjusting screw cover and wall brackets, floor stands, turnbuckle hangers,
turn screw down to near mid-range position. Turn etc., to support the weight and size of the
pilot gas adjustable orifice screw clockwise until it operator.
closes, then turn screw counter-clockwise two or 6. Measure air pressure by connecting a
three turns. manometer to the air pressure test connection
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all safety which is located on the burner’s main housing
devices and interlocks are operable and approximately 4” (102 mm) back from the burner
functioning within their respective ranges. Be sure mounting flange.
all manifolds are tight and verify that test 7. Measure gas pressure by connecting a
connections are plugged if not being used. manometer to the gas pressure test connection
3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are on the back plate of the burner.
properly positioned and locked into operating NOTE: Maxon offers a test connection kit which
positions. provides a convenient means of connecting plastic
4. Start all system-related fans and blowers. tubing to the burner test port connections. Kit should
Check for proper motor rotation and impeller be removed after intial start-up and the test ports
direction. Verify that all safety interlocks are should be plugged for normal operations.
working. Allow air handling equipment to run for a 8. Open the MICRO-RATIO® air valve slightly to
sufficient purge time. provide enough air to support reliable light-off.
10/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
EBMRV Versions
9. Establish the maximum combustion air 16. Slowly move the MICRO-RATIO® Valve to next
pressure by moving the air valve crank assembly position. Adjust as necessary to maintain ignition
toward the higher positions until the desired air and the type of flame desired. Flame should be a
pressure is reached. This occurs around 90 steady blue color and should only fill
degrees, unless the burner and/or blower are approximately 25% of the can at lower firing rates.
greatly oversized. Observe the air pressure and adjust gas pressure
10. Reconnect the fuel valve to the air valve. to appropriate value shown in charts/graphs.
Having marked the minimum and maximum 17. Repeat Step 16
Adj. Screws
settings, adjust the linkage and travel of the with the (under cover)
stroke. Set the air and gas pressures throughout remaining
the entire range. adjustment Handle for
11. Re-check and verify that air handling devices screws until high Operation
are still operating. fire position is Position
reached. If a Pointer
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished any time
flameout occurs,
during steps 12 through 18, immediately shut- Locking Screw
allow purge time for manual
off gas and return MICRO-RATIO® Valve to operation
and return to Step
minimum position. Allow adequate purge time
12 in the adjustment procedure. At each setting,
for safety reasons. Re-light the pilot (if
use the adjustment screw to set the gas pressure
necessary) and reopen gas valve and turn
to the appropriate value corresponding to air
screw last adjusted in slightly further before
pressure reading. Refer to charts and graphs in
returning to that firing position. Refine
this catalog section.
adjustment if necessary.
18. Cycle the burner to verify that pressures are
12. Light the pilot. With pilot gas solenoid (or within the recommended ranges. The position
manual cock) closed, open the main fuel supply of each screw on the MICRO-RATIO® Valve
valve(s). Energize spark ignitor and open pilot gas affects the adjacent screws. It can take two or
solenoid (or manual cock). Observe ignition of three passes through the ranges to get the burner
pilot. Pilot should be set at the minimum gas flow gas pressures set to the desired values with
which will support reliable ignition. Adjust pilot repeatability. When high fire position is reached
using adjustable orifice and/or pilot gas regulator. with the MICRO-RATIO® Valve, slowly move the
13. Shut off the spark ignition and pilot and valve to the position immediately below high fire,
confirm easy re-ignition several times. read the air pressure, observe the gas pressure,
14. With pilot gas on and spark ignition off, turn on and adjust the appropriate screw if necessary.
the main gas. With the main gas flowing, verify Move the valve down to the next setting and
that flame is visible all around the burner nozzle. repeat this procedure with each of the remaining
If not, adjust the minimum adjusting screw of the adjustment screws until minimum fire is reached.
MICRO-RATIO® Valve until flame appears stable.
After the initial adjustment pass, adjust only the
Shut off pilot.
screw corresponding to the actual position of the
15. With the burner still set at minimum, adjust all
MICRO-RATIO® Valve and the NEXT adjacent
other screws on the cam to form a smooth ramp.
screw to be adjusted (either up or down the ramp).
NOTE: A preliminary setting can be established with
If possible, do not adjust the previous screw. Two
all the remaining adjusting screws. Generally, each
passes through the firing range is enough. Some
succeeding screw needs to be screwed in
sensitive applications may require three passes
approximately one full turn deeper than its preceding
with adjustments to get the ramp smooth enough to
screw. A smooth “stair-step” gradient pre-set at this
produce repeatable gas pressures at each setting.
point from low to high will simplify the remaining
adjustment steps.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
EBMRV Versions
CAUTION: If high temperature limit trips before 21. System should have an interrupted pilot. Verify
adjustment is complete, cycle burner back to that pilot is shut-off. Operation with the pilot on
minimum and allow the system to cool down before causes flame non-uniformity, significantly higher
attempting to make any further adjustment. emissions and can shorten can life.
22. When burner performance is satisfactory,
19. Observe the gas supply pressure during reconnect the linkage from the control motor to
adjustment. As firing rate is increased, the gas the MICRO-RATIO® gas valve.
supply pressure will drop off and could go below 23. Check out overall system operation by cycling
recommended levels. It may be necessary to the burner, observing the air and gas pressures,
adjust the regulator. If so, all positions on the re-igniting the burner, etc. Recheck all safety
screw carrier of the MICRO-RATIO® Valve will interlocks for proper setting and operation. After
need to be re-adjusted. air and gas pressures have been verified and are
Flame Appearance: While increasing the burner within recommended ranges, shut the burner
setting, continue to make adjustments to keep the down, remove all fittings and tubing from the test
flame stable. A flame that is too lean will be connections and plug the test ports with pipe
transparent and will lift away from the nozzle. A plugs.
flame that is too rich will be yellow and will burn on CAUTION: Test every UV installation for
the outside of the can. A rich flame looks lazy. It dangerous spark excitation from ignitors, other
will be darker than a lean flame and appear purple burners, and direct or reflected UV radiation.
in color. When adjusted properly, the flame will
appear bright blue in color. At low oven 24. Shut system down and close all fuel valves.
temperatures, the can color should be visible as a Allow an approved post-purge period before
slight glowing effect. At moderate to high oven shutting down all fans. Replace all equipment
temperatures, the can should appear as a uniform covers and caps and tighten all linkage set
medium red in color. Generally, a too lean flame screws.
condition creates high CO and low NOx, and a too 25. Instruct operating personnel on proper start-up,
rich flame condition will create lower CO but higher operation and shut-down of system. Establish
NOx. The best reference for CO and NOx levels is written instructions for reference.
the charts on pages 2803 and 2804. The optimum NOTE: It is good practice to check the air and gas
pressures can vary according to the characteristics pressures regularly. If the gas supply to the
of the natural gas used as well as furnace back MICRO-RATIO® Valve changes significantly, the
pressure or suction conditions. adjusting screws will need to be re-adjusted. If a
20. When all screws have been adjusted and filter is becoming plugged, a routine check of the
initial repeatability is verified, re-check air and gas pressures can uncover problems
pressures with unit at operating temperature. before they become serious. Poor burner
Refine settings if outside of the recommended performance will result if pressures are set
ranges shown on the graphs. incorrectly.
10/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Packaged Version - 60 Hz
For these products, please order per the Connecting Base & Linkage (CB & L)
following product numbers: Spare Parts
NOTE: This listing of CB & L assemblies shows a sampling
(configured products are those with alphanumeric
of the more popular control motors. P
Manufacturer CB & L
Maximum Capacity Assembly
Configured Type Name Model Number Number
Btu/hr kW Packaged Burners
P-25 24383
400,000 125 0.4M CM Foxboro
P-50 24384
800,000 250 0.8M CM 01-11/861P
1,600,000 470 1.6M CM Honeywell 03-8/863T
2,700,000 800 2.7M CM 01-9/861M 17711
3,700,000 1100 3.7M CM D-3153
Johnson 17867
NOTE: For 50 Hz operation, performance will be Taylor 40VF6 17708
downrated to approximately 83% of 60 Hz capacity. EA51-58, also
Barber-Colman with prefix MC, 17377
MP or MF
Segment choices are as follows for
configured products: M6194D,B,E
• Fuel M9184D, M7384A
• Motor (Combustion air fan) M7184A, M7984D
• CB & L’s M7284A,C,Q
Electric M9484D,E
• High and Low Fire Switches Honeywell 17372
M9494D, M6284F
• Filters/silencers M9184D,A,F
See Segment Choice Descriptions on M6294D,B
page 2800-A/P-3 M6284A,D,F
Penn/Johnson 17372
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
EBMRV Version
For these products, please order per the Segment choices are as follows for
following product numbers: configured products:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric • Fuel (natural gas or propane)
text) • Thread choice (ANSI or ISO)
Other styles of MICRO-RATIO® Valves (MM MRV OR MA MRV) can be used, but turndown may suffer. Use a
higher capacity and/or a higher pressure blower if a significant pressure drop between the blower and burner is
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burners
Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
PENN_JOHN Penn/Johnson electric CB&L
TAYLOR Taylor air CB&L
BOTH Both Hi & Lo switches chosen
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts for Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burners
Packaged CYCLOMAX® Burners 0.4M CM 0.8M CM 1.6M CM 2.7M CM 3.7M CM
Combustion air fan [1] 42259/44391 42259/44391 44883/47821 42201/44392 43491/44393
Spark ignitor [2] 44889 44889 44889 44892 44892
Rubber cover [2] 18722 18722 18722 18722 18722
Combustion sleeve [1] 43478 43478 43478 45986 45034
Combustion sleeve gasket [1] 44882 44882 44882 45057 45057
Foam filter kit [3] 1042405 1042405 1042405 1042406 1042407
Replacement foam filter element [1] 1042393 1042393 1042393 1042394 1042394
Pilot protection plate [1] 1042297 --- --- --- ---
Pilot protection plate fasteners [1] Qty 2 43768 --- --- --- ---
High or low fire switch assembly [3]
44884 44884 44884 44884 44884
(order 2 for both high and low)
Silencer/Filter assembly [3] 1042401 1042401 1042401 1042402 1042403
[1] Replacement par t [2] Suggested spare par t [3] Accessor y – must be ordered separately
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Bulletin 2900
• Cooler oven walls due to deeper penetration and shorter flame lengths
• Corrosion-resistant main gas/air body and durable stainless steel mixing plates
• Standard burner designed for use with low pressure natural gas, propane or butane
• Up to 40:1 turndown
• Capacities up to 1MMBtu/hr/ft
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
Page 2902
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
Maxon APX® Burners Page 2903
Differential Differential
Differential Nominal
Burner Gas Pressure Gas Pressure Maximum Heat Minimum Flame Blower
Air Air
Burner Length Standard Low Pressure Release Heat Release Length Horsepower
Pressure Volume
Size (inches) Drilling Drilling (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) (Inches) (Qty.)
(in. w.c.) (scfm)
(in. w.c.) (in. w.c.)
0.5 6 -- 5.5 400,000 1.5 80 12,500 30-40 1/12
1.0 12 21 11 1,000,000 4 200 25,000 30-40 1/2
1.5 18 21 11 1,500,000 4 300 37,500 30-40 1/2
2.0 24 21 11 2,000,000 4 400 50,000 30-40 3/4
2.5 30 21 11 2,500,000 4 500 62,500 30-40 1
3.0 36 21 11 3,000,000 4 600 75,000 30-40 1
3.5 42 21 11 3,500,000 4 700 87,500 30-40 1-1/2
4.0 48 21 11 4,000,000 4 800 100,000 30-40 1-1/2
5.0 60 21 11 5,000,000 4 1000 125,000 30-40 3
6.0 72 21 11 6,000,000 4 1200 150,000 30-40 1 (2)
7.0 84 21 11 7,000,000 4 1400 175,000 30-40 1-1/2 (2)
8.0 96 21 11 8,000,000 4 1600 200,000 30-40 1-1/2 (2)
9.0 108 21 11 9,000,000 4 1800 225,000 30-40 3 (2)
10.0 120 21 11 10,000,000 4 2000 250,000 30-40 3 (2)
11.0 132 21 11 11,000,000 4 2200 275,000 30-40 3 (2)
12.0 144 21 11 12,000,000 4 2400 300,000 30-40 3 (3)
13.0 156 21 11 13,000,000 4 2600 325,000 30-40 3 (3)
14.0 168 21 11 14,000,000 4 2800 350,000 30-40 3 (3)
15.0 180 21 11 15,000,000 4 3000 375,000 30-40 3 (3)
Page 2904 Maxon APX® Burners
6.5 2.2
LEFT 3.3
Flame Rod
1/4" NPT
Threads Spark Ignitor
10.5 14mm Threads
Distance req'd for removal 1.2
9.3 7.1
3.1 8.1
.438 x .750
Mounting Slots
Qty. 4
4.0 4.7
dia. dia.
opening 7.9 10.1
1.3 1.3
Wall Opening
Dist. req'd for removal
Spark Ignitor
Page 2906 Maxon APX® Burners
Burner Length (see below)
7.0 2.5
Wall 5.0
Opening U.V. Mount / Flame Rod
1" NPT
29.0 29.0
(24.9 for 9' APX) (24.0 for 9' APX) Pilot Gas
36.0 36.0
Burner Length (see below)
Burner Size 6 7 8 9 10 11
Main Gas Inlet Flange
Burner Length 73.5 85.5 97.5 109.5 121.5 133.5 3.1 1.5" NPT
Mounting Surface
1.5" NPT Nipple
Supplied by customer
18.0 11.0 A
47.0 18.0 Pilot Gas
54.0 54.0 U.V. Mount /
61.0 Flame Rod
1" NPT
Burner Length
(see below)
13 14
157.5 169.5
Page 2908 Maxon APX® Burners
1.1 Surface
.4 dia. 3.4 6.0
10.8 * Dist. req'd for removal
* Dist. req'd for removal
Spark Ignitor 1.8
10mm 3.6 .8 Pilot Air
Bleed Orifice
3.2 U.V. Mount / Flame Rod
1" NPT 9.4
* Dist. req'd for removal
Pilot Gas
3/8" NPT with adapter
Mounting 5.0
1.1 Surface
.4 dia. 9.3
*Dist. req'd for removal
Flame Rod
1/4" NPT Gas Test Port 1.5
18117 1.8 1/8" NPT Optional Sight Glass
3.6 (Not available on all configurations)
*Dist. req'd for removal
.4 dia.
Mounting 5.0
1.1 Surface
.4 dia. *Dist. req'd for removal
1.8 Gas Test Port
Spark Ignitor 1/8" NPT
3.6 1.5
* Distance required for
*Dist. req'd for removal removal dimensions is
not to scale
Page 2910 Maxon APX® Burners
1.1 Surface
.4 dia.
Spark Ignitor 10.7
47232 * Dist req'd for removal Pilot Gas
1/2"-14 UNC 3.6 18117 3/8" NPT
Flame Rod & .8
U.V. Mount
1/4" NPT
* Dist req'd for removal
.59 dia.
.394 dia.
1.27 dia.
.75 .75
Spark Ignitors
14mm Thread
#18110 #23739 1.36
1.8 1.02
.56 dia.
Page 2912 Maxon APX® Burners
Typical control motor
Modutrol shown)
2.0 2.1
6.1 2.3
Maxon APX® Burners Page 2913
1.80 .22
Actuator Specifications
Torque 35 in/lbs
Power 24 VAC
Signal 4-20 mAmp
2-10 VDC
Page 2914 Maxon APX® Burners
Maxon APX® Burners Page 2900-S-1
Installation Instructions
Please read all installation and start-up Filters for both fuel and air may be required in some
instructions prior to working with the burner. environments to prevent plugging of gas and/or air
View ports providing a clear view of the flame are ports.
recommended. The APX® Burner can be slot mounted or mounted
with a continuous mounting flange. Dimensional data
Do not discard packing material until all parts
for all mounting options for all sizes can be found on
have been identified. (Some parts are shipped
page 2904 through 2910.
loose with the burner.)
The APX® Burner may also be mounted within a
The burner accounts for a portion of the total fresh or recirculating air stream. The packaged
combustion system (see typical piping schematic combustion air fan may be utilized within the duct for
below). The sizing and installation instructions for fresh air applications and can be mounted with an air
other components such as valves, control motors, control damper on the outer wall for recirculating
blowers, gas pressure regulators, pressure switches, applications. In-duct applications will require additional
etc. can be found in the corresponding sections of the support for piping and air duct work.
Maxon Catalog. A typical pipe train is shown below.
The APX® Burner utilizes a combustion air blower
to supply combustion air. The combustion fan should
Installation Options:
not be positioned where inert gases could be drawn For UV scanner flame supervision, use of a UV
into the combustion air intake. Electrical service must scanner adapter will allow use of full phase ignitor
match the voltage, phase, and cycle of the combustion transformer. This will prevent spark excitation from the
fan as well as all other electrical system components. spark ignitor. This is the recommended installation for
a UV scanner. Half-wave spark transformers may
alternately be used without the UV scanner adapter.
4/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding and CAUTION: Do not bypass control panel timers
familiarize yourself with all components of the com- typically controlling sequential operations.
bustion system. Verify that the system has been
installed in accordance with the original 6. Set burner to low fire position. Main combus-
manufacturer’s current instructions. tion air blower should be on.
7. Adjust the combustion air shutter such that the
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off should combustion air differential corresponds to the
be undertaken only by trained and experienced chart on page 2903. Turn pilot gas pressure
personnel familiar with combustion systems, regulator spring in approximately 40% and open
with control/safety circuitry, and with knowledge pilot adjustable orifice 2 turns from fully seated
of the overall installation. Instructions provided position.
by the company and/or individuals responsible For direct spark ignition, proceed to step #10.
for the manufacture and/or overall installation of 8. Open main and pilot gas cocks. Energize spark
the complete system incorporating Maxon ignition transformer and pilot gas solenoid valve,
burners take precedence over these provided by then attempt pilot ignition. If necessary, slowly
Maxon. If Maxon instructions conflict with any increase pilot flow through adjustment of pilot gas
codes or regulations, contact Maxon Corporation pressure regulator or pilot gas cock. For burner
before attempting start-up. with Fig. 1 pilot, a pilot air shutter is also provided
to tune the pilot bypass air. Repetition of this
procedure may be necessary as ignition will occur
only when air trapped in the pilot line has been
For initial start-up of Maxon APX® Burner: bled. Pilot should be no larger than tennis ball size.
If an APX Burner is equipped for direct spark
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make ignition, adjust main gas control valve so that
preliminary adjustment to the fuel gas pressure minimum flame is a complete ribbon of uniform
regulators. flame in the trough of the burner.
2. Check all electrical circuitry. Verify that all 9. Shut off pilot gas flow and re-ignite several
control devices and interlocks are operable and times. The flame safeguard relays should now
functioning within their respective settings/ranges. power main fuel shut-off valves.
Be sure all air and gas manifolds are tight and 10. Light the APX® Burner. With pilot flame estab-
that test connections are plugged if not in use. lished and flame supervision operational, opening
3. Check that air and gas pressure switches are the main fuel shut-off valve will allow fuel flow to
not marginally set. Set pressure switches with a the burner.
large enough range to prevent system shutdown 11. Adjust main gas pressure regulator to maintain
during initial adjustment. During final system required differential gas pressure.
tuning, the pressure switches should be re- 12. If pilot is interrupted as recommended, turn off
adjusted. pilot and verify that flame supervision is opera-
4. Disconnect any automatic control motor tional.
linkage from the burner control valve. Initial 13. Slowly cycle the APX® Burner from light-off to
start-up should only be accomplished in a manual minimum through maximum and back to ensure
burner control mode. that the burner functions satisfactorily throughout
5. Start all system related fans and blowers. the operating range. Refine adjustment if neces-
Check for proper rotation of motors and impellers. sary.
Verify that all control interlocks are operating. 14. When burner performance is satisfactory and
Allow air handling equipment to adequately purge stable throughout the operating range, re-
combustion chamber. connect the control linkage and allow unit to
operate in automatic control mode.
15. Shut system down, closing all fuel valves.
Disconnect and plug all test connections. Re-
place all equipment covers and caps. Tighten all
linkage set screws.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
Burner Description Configured Product Number Burner Description Configured Product Number
0.5 ft. APX Lineburner .5 APX 7 ft. APX Lineburner 7 APX
1 ft. APX Lineburner 1 APX 8 ft. APX Lineburner 8 APX
1.5 ft. APX Lineburner 1.5 APX 9 ft. APX Lineburner 9 APX
2 ft. APX Lineburner 2 APX 10 ft. APX Lineburner 10 APX
2.5 ft. APX Lineburner 2.5 APX 11 ft. APX Lineburner 11 APX
3 ft. APX Lineburner 3 APX 12 ft. APX Lineburner 12 APX
3.5 ft. APX Lineburner 3.5 APX 13 ft. APX Lineburner 13 APX
4 ft. APX Lineburner 4 APX 14 ft. APX Lineburner 14 APX
5 ft. APX Lineburner 5 APX 15 ft. APX Lineburner 15 APX
6 ft. APX Lineburner 6 APX
7/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - APX® Burners
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
NONE None selected
PILOT ORIFICE Type of pilot orifice, if desired 38009_HC High capacity orifice
50431_VHC Very high capacity orifice
SLOT FIRED MOUNTING TABS Number of tabs required 0 Specify value
Number of brackets required 0 Specify value
BRACKETS (not valid for 0.5 ft. APX)
FIG1_FR Standard air bypass with flame rod
FIG1_UV Standard air bypass with UV scanner provision
FIG2_FR Flame rod end plate with flame rod
FIG2_PLN Flame rod end plate plain
FIG2_SG Flame rod end plate with sight glass
FIG3_SIEP Spark ignitor end plate
(See Page 2905 for left/right Pilot end plate options- left end
orientation) FIG4_FR Raw gas with flame rod
FIG4_UV Raw gas with UV provision
FIG5_FR In-duct end plate with flame rod
FIG5_UV In-duct end plate with UV provision
FIG6_FR Feed thru end plate with flame rod
FIG6_UV Feed thru end plate with UV provision
FIG1_FR Standard air bypass with flame rod
FIG1_UV Standard air bypass with UV scanner provision
FIG2_FR Flame rod end plate with flame rod
FIG2_PLN Flame rod end plate plain
FIG2_SG Flame rod end plate with sight glass
Pilot end plate options - right FIG3_SIEP Spark ignitor end plate
(See Page 2905 for left/right
orientation) FIG4_FR Raw gas with flame rod
FIG4_UV Raw gas with UV provision
FIG5_FR In-duct end plate with flame rod
FIG5_UV In-duct end plate with UV provision
FIG6_FR Feed thru end plate with flame rod
FIG6_UV Feed thru end plate with UV provision
NONE None selected
CV valve with direct coupled motor and LFS
W_BEL_MTR CV valve with direct coupled motor (GP)
Type of control motor if desired W_CB_L CV valve with CB&L
(not valid for 0.5 ft. APX)
W_CB_L_LFS CV valve with CB&L and LFS
W_MOD_LFS CV valve with mod motor and LFS
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Replacement Items & Accessories
0.5 ft. 1 ft. through 2 ft. 2.5 ft. through 15' ft.
Burner Size
.5 APX 1 APX - 2 APX 2.5 APX - 15 APX
Air Filter --- 1042405 1042407
Filter/Silencer --- 1042401 1042403
Replacement Foam Filter Element --- 1042393 1042394
ISO Flange 48342 48341
UV Adapter (wall mount) 47157
For Fig. 1 pilot 18110
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Replacement Blowers
240/480/3/60 575/3/60
APX Burner Size
Blower(s) Blower(s)
.5 APX 47386 48370
1 APX 47145 47387
1.5 APX 47146 47388
2 APX 47147 47389
2.5 APX, 3 APX 47148 47390
3.5 APX, 4 APX 47149 47391
5 APX 47150 47392
6 APX 47148 (2) 47390 (2)
7 APX, 8 APX 47149 (2) 47391 (2)
9 APX, 10 APX, 11 APX 47150 (2) 47392 (2)
12 APX 47149 (3) 47391 (3)
13 APX, 14 APX, 15 APX 47150 (3) 47392 (3)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Do Not Reproduce
Make-up Air
The Maxon APX™ burner can be utilized for make-up air applications. The burner is particularly useful when the
make-up air system has variable air flow. Several system variables need to be defined so that the APX™ burner
can be properly applied. These include:
A process air turndown of 2:1 will affect make-up air in two ways. At half the process air flow, only half the
dilution air is present. Also, only the lower half of the firing rate would be utilized as the maximum temperature
rise remains constant. The APX™ Burner can achieve a 5 ppm CO make-up air rating at 100oF temperature rise
without process air turndown. Like NP AIRFLO® Burner, the peak CO levels occur near 25% of firing capacity.
In order to obtain the best emissions throughout the highest turndown, the fuel and air should be controlled with
an MRV. Fuel and air should be throttled on ratio through a 2 - 3:1 turndown. From that point and below, fuel
only should be throttled. The air flow (not pressure drop because APX™ takes a drop across a distribution
plate) setting at 2 - 3:1 turndown would be equivalent to the air flow of NP-I with approximately .4 to .55 in wc
pressure drop.
The chart below demonstrates that the APX™ will deliver make-up quality air when fired in-duct. The chart
depicts CO emissions for APX™ with constant combustion air and APX™ with throttled combustion air. The
secondary y-axis demonstrates the effect of cutting the process air, and thus dilution air, by a factor of two. The
burner still generates the same amount of CO at a given firing rate on a “pounds” or “ppm at 3%” level, but
changing the amount of process air will change the “as read” levels.
5 10
2 APX w/ 4
Throttled Air
1 2
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Gas Flow (scfh/ft)
Note that only the lower half of the firing rate would be used when the process air is cut in half. In other words,
half process air would only require half the firing rate to obtain the same temperature rise as full firing rate at full
process flow. This is the reason variable process air flow systems require such large burner turndown.
Product Data Sheet Product: APX™ Burners
Do Not Reproduce
The APX™ Burner with the standard drilling can accomodate Natural Gas, Propane and Butane. The APX™
For fuels other than natural gas, special consideration should be given to the application.
Butylene and Propylene (more than 15% of volume of fuel gas is butylene and propylene combined)
50 Hz consideration
The APX™ burner can be applied for 50 hz applications. For natural gas, either downrate the burner to
accomodate the loss of airflow or order the next size blower to restore full firing capacity. For other fuels, the
airflow must be equivalent to 60 hz applications. Minimum differential air pressure at the burner connection is
3.5 in wc for alternate fuels, though the 4.0 in w.c. displayed in the catalog is preferred. To restore the burner to
60 hz equivalent on balanced ovens, modify the order as follows:
SN Sealed Nozzles
PREMIX® Blower Mixer shown with electric control motor (by others),
optional connecting base and linkage assembly, and combustion air
filter assembly
• Single point firing rate control to single or multiple burners VFL & VFH
• Low initial and operating costs through use of lower LINOFLAME® Burners
horsepower motor
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 3102
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
PREMIX® Blower Mixers Page 3103
Page 3104 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Capacity/Selection Data
PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Each PREMIX® Blower Mixer assembly includes a totally enclosed electric motor. You may select from a
variety of available voltages:
Capacity/Selection Data
PREMIX Blower Mixers with STICKTITE™ Nozzles
This page provides sizing and capacity information Table 1: Percent of capacity reduction
for systems using PREMIX® Blower Mixers and Back Pressure +.1" wc +.15" wc +.2" wc +.25" wc
STICKTITE™ and/or PILOTPAK™ Burner Nozzles.
PL 3 6 9 12
Capacities (in 1000’s Btu/hr) shown in Tables 3, 4, Percent
and 5 are based on firing through appropriately-sized PM 2-1/2 5 7-1/2 10
Series “T” Tuyere Blocks into a combustion chamber PH 2 4 6 8
whose internal pressure does not exceed +0.05".
Higher back pressures reduce capacities by the
percentages shown in Table 1 at right. Table 2: Percent of capacity increase
Suction conditions with adequate secondary air Application Oven & Furnace Immersion Tube
may allow capacity increases by the percentages
Suction -.05" wc -.1" wc -.05" wc -1" wc
shown in Table 2.
To select a mixer and burner combination, PL 6 12 12 24
determine required maximum capacity. Use tables Percent
PM 5 10 10 20
below to find nozzle size and mixer designation. Increase
PH 4 8 8 16
Multiple nozzles can be used, but the actual
capacities will depend upon the type, size, and quan-
tity of nozzles selected for your application.
Page 3106 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Capacity/Selection Data
Miniature PREMIX® Blower Mixers with STICKTITE™ Nozzles
The table below provides performance data for 500 unit is fired against +0.15" wc to +0.75" wc back
Miniature PREMIX® Blower Mixers used with pressure (+0.15" wc to +0.5" wc for other sizes). Do
STICKTITE™ Burner Nozzles. All minimum capacities not use against higher back pressures.
are based on natural gas firing at 0.25" wc differential The rich maximum capacity shown requires at
mixture pressure. least 6" wc gas pressure at blower mixer inlet, and is
Two maximum capacities are shown. The “on- attainable only when firing in open air.
ratio” maximum is attainable when firing against Data given for single STICKTITE™ Nozzles lists
balanced pressure conditions and requires 3" wc the flame length that may be expected under rich
natural gas pressure at blower mixer inlet. Maximum maximum firing conditions. Flame will be shorter under
capacities will be reduced by 5 to 50% when the M- all other circumstances.
Capacity/Selection Data
PREMIX Blower Mixers with Series “SN” Sealed Nozzles
This page provides sizing and capacity information Table 1: Percent of capacity reduction
for systems using PREMIX® Blower Mixers and “SN”
Back Pressure +.1" wc +.15" wc +.2" wc +.25" wc
Sealed Nozzles. Data is based on balanced conditions
PL 2-1/2 5 7-1/2 10
or less than +0.05" wc combustion chamber pressure. Percent
Suctions or drafts of up to 0.1" wc will have no PM 2 3 4 5
appreciable affect on capacity since these are sealed PH 2 3 4 5
burners. Higher back pressures reduce capacities by
the percentages shown in Table 1 at right.
To select a mixer and burner combination,
determine required maximum capacity. Use tables
below to find nozzle size and mixer designation.
Multiple nozzles can be used but the actual
capacities will depend upon the type, size and quantity
of nozzles selected for your application.
PREMIX® Blower Mixer Capacities (1000’s Btu/hr) with “SN” Sealed Nozzles
firing into balanced combustion chamber pressure (0 to +0.05" wc static pressure)
Table 2: "PL" Blower Mixers Table 3: "PM" Blower Mixers Table 4: "PH" Blower Mixers
Mixer Nozzle Mixer Nozzle Mixer Nozzle
Size Size Max:Min Size Size Max:Min Size Size Max:Min
PL-80 1" -9 80:25 PM-200 1-1/4" -12 200:40 PH-190 1" -9 190:25
PL-130 1-1/4" -12 130:40 PM-260 1-1/4" -14 260:60 PH-250 1-1/4" -12 250:40
PL-165 1-1/4" -14 165:60 PM-350 1-1/2" -16 350:75 PH-330 1-1/4" -14 330:60
PL-195 1-1/2" -16 195:75 PM-525 2" -20 525:160 PH-400 1-1/2" -16 400:75
PL-380 1-1/2" -18 380:100 PM-690 2" -24 690:170 PH-500 1-1/2" -18 500:100
PL-490 2" -20 490:155 PM-920 920:200 PH-700 2" -20 700:160
2-1/2" -27
PL-540 540:170 PM-1080 1080:200 PH-900 2" -24 900:170
2" -24
PL-630 630:170 PM-1200 3" -33 1200:360 PH-1220 1220:200
2-1/2" -27
PL-750 750:200 PM-2000 2000:560 PH-1400 1400:200
2-1/2" -27 4" -42
PL-850 850:200 PM-3200 3200:560 PH-1650 3" -33 1650:360
PL-1000 3" -33 1000:360 PH-2350 4" -42 2350:560
PL-1350 1350:560
PL-1440 4" -42 1440:560
PL-1700 1700:560
PL-2650 4" -45 2650:720
PL-3500 3500:1100
PL-4250 6" -60 4250:1100
PL-4600 4600:1100
Page 3108 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Capacity/Selection Data
PREMIX Blower Mixers with Style “A” or “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Information is provided on this page and page 3109 To select a mixer and burner combination,
for systems using PREMIX® Blower Mixers and Style determine your required maximum capacity. When you
“A” or “B” LINOFLAME® Burners firing in still air. locate suitable capacities, read the required PREMIX®
Capacities shown in the tables are based on 100% Mixer size from left side of the table. Choose any of
air/gas premixture through the burner and on minimal the burner footage/drilling combinations shown to the
use of secondary air. Maximum capacity may be right of capacity columns, matching the footage to your
reduced as much as 10% if fresh air is restricted. space available and heat distribution needs.
These tables are also based on balanced pressure LINOFLAME® Burner assemblies can be shaped to
conditions and the use of a regulated supply of natural meet the needs of your particular application (for
gas at 2" -7" wc (measured at blower mixer inlet). additional burner information, see Maxon catalog
Low-fire start is recommended for all such section pertaining to LINOFLAME® Burners).
applications, and particularly with Type “PH” Mixers,
because of the higher mixture pressures developed.
Table 1: Capacities (1000's Btu/hr) with "PL" Blower Mixers and indicated footage of Style "A" or "B"
LINOFLAME® Burner in still air applications [1]
Style "A" or "B" LINOFLAME® Burner assembly length
Blower Mixer Capacities (1000's Btu/hr)
(feet-inches of indicated type and drillings)
Maximum Minimum B-36-42-42 B-96-50-50 B-96-44-44 B-96-36-43 A-72-17-33 A-72-C-33
PL-80 80 20 1' --- --- --- --- ---
PL-130 130 45 1' 10" 1' 6" 1' 3" 1' --- ---
PL-165 165 66 2' 6" 2' 3" 2' 1' 3" --- ---
PL-195 195 78 3' 4" 2' 8" 2' 3" 1' 8" 1' ---
PL-380 380 105 4' 3' 6" 2' 8" 2' 1' 6" 1'
PL-490 490 165 6' 3" 5' 6" 4' 3" 3' 2' 1' 6"
PL-540 540 175 7' 6" 6' 3" 5' 3' 8" --- ---
PL-630 630 185 6' 10" 5' 10" 4' 6" 3' 3" 2' 1'6"
PL-750 750 210 8' 8" 7' 4" 5' 8" 4' 2' 8" 2'
PL-850 850 285 11' 3" 9' 6" 7' 4" 5' 4" 3' 6" 2' 6"
PL-1000 1000 330 13' 3" 11' 8' 6" 6' 3" 4' 3'
PL-1350 1350 450 18' 15' 12' 8' 6" 5' 8" 4'
PL-1440 1440 465 18' 4 " 15' 8" 12' 8' 8" 6' 4'
PL-1700 1700 520 20' 3" 17' 4" 13' 4" 10' 6' 6" 4' 6"
PL-2650 2650 730 29' 24' 3" 19' 13' 8" 9' 6' 6"
PL-3500 3500 1130 45' 38' 29' 8" 21' 6" 14' 10'
PL-4250 4250 1200 43' 4" 37' 28' 6" 20' 8" 14' 10'
PL-4600 4600 1200 44' 9" 37' 6" 27' 8" 21' 6" 14' 10'
[1] LINOFLAME® Burner located in fresh air and subject only to normal convection currents
PREMIX® Blower Mixers Page 3109
Capacity/Selection Data
PREMIX Blower Mixers with Style “A” or “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Table 2: Capacities (1000's Btu/hr) with "PM" Blower Mixers and indicated footage of Style "A" or "B"
LINOFLAME® Burner in still air applications [1]
Style "A" or "B" LINOFLAME® Burner assembly length
Blower Mixer Capacities (1000's Btu/hr)
(feet-inches of indicated type and drillings)
Maximum Minimum B-36-42-42 B-96-50-50 B-96-44-44 B-96-36-43 A-72-17-33 A-72-C-33
160 39 1' 6" 1' 3" 1' --- --- ---
200 45 2' 1' 6" 1' 8" 1' 2" --- ---
PM-260 260 60 2' 6" 2' 1' 8" 1' 2" --- ---
PM-350 350 88 3' 6" 2' 10" 2' 4" 1' 8" 1' ---
PM-690 690 190 7' 6" 6' 4" 5' 3' 9" 2' 6" ---
PM-920 800 190 7' 6" 6' 4" 5' 3' 8" 2' 6" ---
PM-1080 1050 265 10' 4" 8' 8" 6' 10" 5' --- 2' 6"
PM-1200 1200 310 12' 4" 10' 4" 8' 3" 6' 4' 3'
PM-2000 2000 510 20' 16' 8" 13' 6" 9' 10" 6' 6" 4' 6"
PM-3200 3200 700 27' 4" 23' 4" 18' 4" 13' 4" 9' 6' 6"
[1] LINOFLAME® Burner located in fresh air and subject only to normal convection currents
Table 3: Capacities (1000's Btu/hr) with "PH" Blower Mixers and indicated footage of Style "A"
or "B" LINOFLAME® Burner in still air applications [1]
Style "A" or "B" LINOFLAME® Burner assembly length
Blower Mixer Capacities (1000's Btu/hr)
(feet-inches of indicated type and drillings)
Maximum Minimum B-36-42-42 B-96-50-50 B-96-44-44 B-96-36-43 A-72-17-33
PH-190 190 35 1' 4" 1' 2" 1' 9" ---
PH-250 250 48 1' 10" 1' 8" 1' 3" 1' ---
PH-330 330 68 2' 8" 2' 3" 1' 9" 1' 3" ---
PH-400 400 82 3' 4" 2' 2' 3" 1' 6" ---
PH-500 500 108 4' 4" 3' 8" 3' 2' 2" 1' 6"
PH-700 700 130 5' 4' 3" 3' 4" 2' 4" ---
PH-900 900 180 7' 6' 4' 10" 3' 6" ---
PH-1220 1200 225 8' 6" 7' 4" 5' 8" 4' 3" ---
PH-1400 1400 280 10' 8" 9' 3" 7' 3" 5' 3" ---
PH-1650 1750 390 15' 6" 13' 6" 10' 6" 7' 8" 5'
2300 480 19' 16' 12' 6" 9' 6'
2800 750 29' 3" 24' 8" 19' 4" 14' 9' 6"
[1] LINOFLAME® Burner located in fresh air and subject only to normal convection currents
Page 3110 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Capacity/Selection Data
PREMIX Blower Mixers with Style “A” or “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Style “A” or “B” LINOFLAME® Burners may be Capacities of LINOFLAME® Burner assemblies
used in air heating applications with uniform air will vary from “still air” capacities when installed
stream velocities across burner in the range of 500- for air heating applications. Still air capacities will be
1500 SFPM and return air temperatures not to exceed increased by 5% when operating in an air stream of 0
500°F (260°C). A regulated supply of natural gas at 2- to +2.0" wc static pressure. An increase of 10% will be
7" wc is required to the blower mixer inlet. experienced when operating in an air stream with a
At least 25 SCFM fresh make-up air must be suction of -1.0 to 0" wc static pressure.
available to the recirculated system for each
100,000 Btu/hr of maximum capacity. If not
available, use capacities from “still air” tables shown
on pages 3108 and 3109.
Miniature PREMIX® Blower Mixer with Style “A” or “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Table 1 below provides capacity data for 500 unit is fired against +0.15 to +0.75" wc back
LINOFLAME® Burner/Miniature PREMIX® Systems. pressure (+0.15 to +0.50" wc for other sizes). Do not
Two maximum capacities are shown. The on-ratio use against higher back pressures.
maximum is based on 3" wc natural gas pressure at The rich maximum capacity shown requires at
mixer inlet and balanced pressure firing conditions. least 6" wc gas pressure at blower mixer inlet and is
Capacities will be reduced by 5% to 50% when the M- attainable only when firing in open air.
Table 1: Capacities (1000's Btu/hr) with Miniature PREMIX Blower Mixers and indicated footage of Style "A" and "B"
LINOFLAME® Burners firing into balanced combustion chamber pressure (0 to +0.05" wc static pressure)
Maximum Style "A" or "B" LINOFLAME® Burner assembly length
Blower Capacities (1000's Btu/hr)
Mixture (feet-inches of indicated type and drillings)
O n- Ra ti o R i ch Pressure
Designation Minimum B-36-42-42 B-96-50-50 B-96-44-44 B-96-36-43 A-72-17-33 A-72-C-33
Maximum Maximum (" wc)
20 39 50 1.3 1' 8" 4" 3" --- ---
30 44 70 1.25 1' 3" 9" 6" 4" --- ---
40 54 120 1.2 1' 6" 1' 8" 6" --- ---
45 65 130 1.1 2' 1' 4" 1' 8" 6" ---
60 85 140 1 2' 6" 1' 10" 1' 3" 1' --- ---
75 98 150 0.75 3' 6" 2' 6" 1' 8" 1' 3" 1' 6"
80 150 270 1.1 4' 8" 3' 3" 2' 1' 8" 1' ---
M-250 120 180 370 1 6' 4' 2' 8" 2' 1' 6" ---
175 225 450 0.9 8' 5' 6" 3' 8" 2' 8" 2' 1' 6"
210 360 600 1.7 10' 9" 7' 3" 4' 9" 3' 9" 2' 6" 1' 9"
300 500 820 1.6 13' 6" 9' 3" 6' 4' 6" 3' 3" 2'
310 580 1000 1.5 16' 9" 11' 3" 7' 6" 5' 9" 4' 2' 6"
475 670 1200 1.4 21' 6" 14' 6" 9' 6" 7' 6" 5' 3' 4"
PREMIX® Blower Mixers Page 3111
Capacity/Selection Data
PREMIX Blower Mixers with INFRAWAVE® Burners
Capacities and necessary burner footage for If additional turndown range is required, see
INFRAWAVE® Burner assemblies used with Type Table 2 providing similar information for Type “PH”
“PM” PREMIX® Blower Mixers are shown in Table 1 PREMIX® Blower Mixers which develop slightly higher
below. Follow the maximum capacity column mixture pressures.
downward until your desired capacity is reached, then
read across to the required burner footage and mixer
Table 1: Capacities with "PM" PREMIX® Blower Mixer Table 2: Capacities with "PH" PREMIX® Blower Mixer
Mixer Lineal Feet Lineal Feet Capacity (1000's Btu/hr) Mixer Lineal Feet Lineal Feet Capacity (1000's Btu/hr)
Size "SG" "DG" Minimum Maximum Size "SG" "DG" Minimum Maximum
1 1/2 10 55 1 1/2 10 65
2 1 20 105 2 1 16 130
3 1-1/2 30 150 3 1-1/2 25 195
4 2 40 200 4 2 33 260
PM-200 PH-190
5 2-1/2 50 245 5 2-1/2 40 315
6 3 60 295 6 3 48 375
7 3-1/2 65 320 7 3-1/2 55 420
8 4 72 360 8 4 60 500
7 3-1/2 70 340 7 3-1/2 60 440
8 4 75 375 8 4 65 525
9 4-1/2 83 415 PH-330 9 4-1/2 75 585
10 5 92 465 10 5 82 650
11 5-1/2 100 510 11 5-1/2 86 675
12 6 110 540 11 5-1/2 92 715
18 9 175 885 PH-500
12 6 100 785
20 10 185 925 12 6 110 800
PM-920 22 11 200 1020 14 7 110 845
24 12 215 1110 16 8 120 960
26 13 230 1175 PH-700
18 9 135 1080
24 12 235 1150
20 10 150 1200
26 13 250 1200
PM-2000 22 11 165 1280
28 14 260 1295
20 10 160 1275
30 15 275 1390
PH-900 22 11 170 1320
32 16 290 1440
24 12 175 1360
36 18 375 1800
24 12 190 1375
PM-3200 40 20 410 2000
26 13 200 1430
44 22 445 2200
PH-1220 28 14 210 1475
48 24 485 2400
30 15 225 1565
32 16 240 1650
36 18 270 1980
40 20 300 2200
44 22 330 2420
48 24 360 2640
Page 3112 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
All Sizes
Discharge Positions
#1 is supplied unless
otherwise specified
A B Outlet D E F G H J K L M N
M-100 4.56 2.25 1 4 9.12 13 5.19 2.25 4.06 2.21
3.19 3.94
M-250 4.81 1.94 1-1/2 4.25 6.75 9.44 14.62 5.38 2.56 5.31 3.44
M-500 4 2.75 2-1/2 6.5 4.69 4.69 10.12 13.5 8.19 3.25 3.75 ---
Sec. A-A
Page 3114 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Sec. A-A
Sec. A-A
Discharge and ratio valve quadrant position must be specified. Discharge positions 1-6
normally require ratio valve quadrant position “A”. Discharge positions 7-12 normally require
“B”. #1-A discharge is supplied unless otherwise specified.
Page 3116 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
1 2
Component Identification
Page 3118 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Installation Instructions
General Instructions 2. Electrical service must match the voltage,
phase, and cycle of all electrical system
Important: Do not discard packing materials components and be compatible with burner
until all loose items are accounted for. nameplate ratings. Insure that all normal control
safeguards are satisfied. Blower mixer air should
To prevent damage in transit, spark ignitors, flame continue to run after shutdown to allow burner to
rods, connecting linkage components, and filter cool.
housings/elements may be packed separately and 3. Gas supply piping must be large enough to
shipped loose with your new Maxon PREMIX® Blower maintain required fuel pressures (approximately
Mixer. 2" - 8" wc) at the ratio valve inlet while burner is
The blower mixer itself is normally only a part of operating at full capacity. The use of non-
your complete combustion system. Additional pipe standard gases or long, complicated piping may
train accessories and control components may be necessitate “oversizing” piping runs to keep
required for a complete combustion system pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
installation. 4. Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent
The sketch below shows a typical gas train as blockage of pipe train components or burner gas
might be used with a PREMIX® Blower Mixer. ports. All dirt, scale and pipe dope should be
Typical Piping Layout blown out of any new gas line before actually
connecting to the burner system.
5. Main shut-off cock should be upstream of both
main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to
shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during
shutdown periods of more than a few hours. The
ratio valve of your PREMIX® Blower Mixer is
not intended for tight shut-off.
6. Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. A separate
regulator should be provided in the branch
leading to each mixer if more than one is served
by a common main. Size regulator for full system
capacity at required pressure, including pipe train
losses. Follow the instructions attached to the
regulator during installation.
7. Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main
gas regulator, but downstream of the main gas
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or cock. It should normally include its own pilot gas
misuse of the piping layouts shown. Specific regulator, a solenoid valve and shut-off cock. A
piping and wiring diagrams should always be pilot adjustable orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies
submitted to the appropriate agencies for adjustment.
approval on each application. 8. Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog
1. PREMIX® Blower Mixer provides the air supply to for your particular burner size.
your combustion system and is essential to the
inspiration and mixing of fuel gas. It should be
located in the coolest, cleanest position that you
can find near the burner itself. It must not be
exposed to direct radiant heat or positioned where
it might draw in inert gases or hot air rising from a
furnace or oven. If such conditions exist, consider
filters, relocation and/or ducting of an outside air
7/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
9. Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected New Filter Assembly Installation
to a safety control system) are designed to shut
the fuel supply off when a hazardous operating To install a new filter assembly, refer to the
condition is sensed. Manual reset valves require photos below, then:
operator attendance each time the system is 1. Remove existing air inlet guard, saving screws
started up (or restarted after a trip-out). removed.
Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic 2. Place sleeve of new filter assembly over the open
start/restart when used with appropriate control end of mixer air inlet, turning so that filter suction
system. switch connection is opposite ratio valve
10. Ratio valve (part of mixer) controls burner heat quadrant.
release by throttling air and gas flows. It includes 3. Align holes in filter sleeve with those in mixer air
provision for an adjustable minimum and throttling inlet, then secure filter assembly in place with
over a turndown range that matches burner screws removed in step 1.
capabilities. 4. Check position of filter assembly cover hinge. If it
11. Downstream piping from blower mixer to burner is not at top, remove sheet metal screws holding
should be kept as short as possible. wire cage to filter sleeve and rotate as necessary,
12. Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at then re-fasten. Three unused holes must be
least four pipe diameters in length. If the mixer is plugged with remaining sheet metal screws.
supplying multiple burners or multiple inlets to a Warning: The filter material used is approved
single burner element, care should be taken so by UL as Class II (fire retardant). Hot welding
that air/gas mixing piping gives minimal pressure beads or direct flame can ignite filter material.
drop and maximum uniformity. Do not install any
shut-off device in the air/gas mixture line.
13. Test connections are essential for burner
adjustment. They should be provided (at a
minimum) downstream of the mixer and at each Air Inlet
burner inlet. Test connections in elbows or tees
should be avoided. Test connections must be
plugged except when readings are being taken.
14. Vent dampers and pressure controllers should
be used to maintain balanced or slightly positive
furnace or chamber pressures (0.0" to 0.5" wc) for
maximum efficiency. Excessive back pressure will Ratio Valve
reduce burner capacity. Negative pressures allow
infiltration of secondary air and will affect
efficiency and temperature uniformity.
Cover Hinge
Suction Switch Filter
Connection Sleeve
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Premixed Air/Gas Manifolding Suggestions
1. Always design air/gas manifold piping for uniform Sketch 1 shows four burners fed from one end-fed
distribution to multiple-feed or multiple-burner header. Note that full mixer size is continued past all
systems. Select manifold piping sizes by starting burner take-offs, and outlet extended and capped one
at the burner/nozzle end and working backward to pipe diameter length beyond last take-off. Always
the blower mixer outlet. keep blower mixer a minimum of four pipe diameters
2. Always make sure that any distribution header is in length from first take-off.
greater in cross-sectional area than the total
cross-sectional area(s) of any and all pipes being
3. Never install a throttling or shut-off device in any
air/gas mixture line between the blower mixer and
its burner(s).
4. If necessary to have a smaller size manifold, use
alternate discharge flanges available from Maxon
for most PREMIX® Blower Mixers.
The chart below gives typical pipe data for use
in designing air/gas distribution manifolds.
12 12 12.75 113.097
5/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Bringing in outside combustion air to blower mixers
In exceptionally dirty locations, or where a local Outside Air Supply Duct Sizes
code or plant regulation requires external-source
Blower Mixer Type Maximum Duct Footage
combustion air, a separate supply duct from outside
the room or building may be necessary. Standard
PL PM PH Oversize
The air inlet of a PREMIX® Blower Mixer is sized to
3" dia. 4" dia.
accept round sheet metal ducting for this purpose.
The accompanying table lists all available PREMIX® PL-8-
Blower Mixers together with a suggested maximum PL-130 PM-200 PH-190
duct run that will allow development of full-rated mixer PL-165 PM-260 PH-250 30 ft. ---
capacity. PL-195 PH-330
Two columns are shown: a standard size which PH-400
matches the PREMIX® Blower Mixer inlet diameter, PM-350 20 ft.
and an oversize column which reflects the length
PL-380 18 ft. 30 ft.
made possible by enlarging the entire duct one size.
A sheet metal transition could reduce duct to the PL-490 11 ft.
standard size at ratio valve air inlet. PL-540 4-1/2 ft. 19 ft.
Because of the additional friction involved in duct 4" dia. 5" dia.
elbows, treat each turn in direction as if it added PH-500
an additional 10 pipe diameters in length. 30 ft. ---
PM-525 PH-700
PL-630 PH-900 28 ft.
PL-750 20 ft.
30 ft.
PL-850 16 ft.
PL-1000 11 ft.
PL-1350 3 ft. 10 ft.
5" dia. 7" dia.
PM-690 PH-1400
30 ft. ---
PM-920 PH-1650
PM-1200 24 ft.
PL-1700 12 ft.
PH-2350 9-1/2 ft. 30 ft.
PL-1440 9 ft.
PM-2000 8-1/2 ft.
PL-2650 5 ft. 25 ft.
PL-3500 3 ft. 15 ft.
PL-4250 2 ft. 10 ft.
7" dia. 10" dia.
PM-3200 27 ft.
PM-4000 18 ft.
PL-4600 13 ft. 30 ft.
PM-4800 12 ft.
PM-5750 11 ft.
2-1/2 ft. 15 ft.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
PREMIX® Blower Mixers Page 3100-S-5
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, and 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
familiarize yourself with all the system’s components. Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
Verify that your equipment has been installed in direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
accordance with the manufacturer’s current working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
instructions. adequate purge of your manifolds and
combustion chamber plenums. With main gas
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off
shut off, manually advance blower mixer’s screw
should be undertaken only by trained and
carrier to “high fire” position so that air only flows
experienced personnel familiar with combus-
through burner and combustion chamber.
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and
with knowledge of the overall installation. CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
Instructions provided by the company and/or typically controlling sequential operations.
individuals responsible for the manufacture
6. Determine minimum differential mixture
and/or overall installation of complete system
pressure. Depending on the type of burner and
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence
its application, a method must be developed to
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon in-
connect a manometer between the combustion
structions conflict with any codes or regula-
chamber static pressure and into a straight
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before
manifold going to the burner (at a point farthest
attempting start-up.
from the PREMIX® Blower Mixer).
This method must take into consideration all of
the frictional pressure drops in the distribution
For initial PREMIX® Blower Mixer start-up: manifolding. You must maintain at least +0.25" wc
1. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all control differential mixture pressure (with natural gas)
devices and interlocks are operable and between the burner and the combustion chamber
functioning within their respective settings/ranges. to avoid potential backfire conditions. (For VF
Be sure all air and gas manifolds are tight and LINOFLAME® Burners, differential mixture
that test ports are plugged if not being used. pressure should be +0.1" wc.)
2. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Do not try to take a differential mixture
Remove pilot and main gas regulators’ adjusting pressure reading from a test port at or near an
screw covers. Turn adjusting screw down elbow in the piping manifolds due to potentially
(clockwise) to approximately mid-position. Close erroneous readings caused by turbulence set up
pilot gas adjustable orifice screw by turning in within the pipe by such pipe fittings. Measure in a
clockwise until it stops. (Do not over-tighten.) straight manifold with at least four pipe diameters
Then back out the adjustable orifice (counter- in length before and after the test port location.
clockwise) approximately 2-3 turns. 7. Set minimum differential mixture pressure with
3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are minimum stop screw located on the side of the
properly positioned and locked into operating screw carrier quadrant of blower mixer ratio valve
positions. (see sketch below).
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
linkage from your blower mixer’s screw carrier by
loosening the control motor’s connecting rod from
the toggle linkage.
Initial start-up adjustment should only be
accomplished during a “manual” burner
control mode.
7/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
This minimum stop screw creates a mechanical Turning in the adjusting screws ⑤ (clockwise)
block which prohibits the screw carrier quadrant gives a contour to flexible steel cam strips (see
and its direct-connected air butterfly valve from Sketch 2). These cam strips bear on a plunger
closing completely. Thus a “minimum” volume of and cap assembly ⑦ that determines opening of
air is allowed in through the ratio valve to be the gas butterfly valve. Cam strips serve to
delivered down the distribution manifold(s) to the provide a continuous gradient.
burner(s). This air is used to establish the
minimum differential pressure.
Screwing in (clockwise) on the minimum stop
screw through its lock nut will open up the air
butterfly and increase the minimum differential
Once your manometer readings confirm the
minimum differential mixture readings, lock the
minimum stop screw in that position so the ratio
valve cannot be moved back below this minimum
firing position. Regardless of what numerical
value the indicator strip shows, this becomes the
As shown in Sketch 3, the plunger and cap
minimum firing position for your specific system in
assembly ⑦ acts upon a roller/crank ⑧ to rotate a
this application.
valve shaft ⑨ to which the gas butterfly is
8. Adjusting the ratio valve of your PREMIX®
Blower Mixer: The heart of each PREMIX®
Turning adjusting screw in until it is flush with
Blower Mixer is its ratio valve. The description
quadrant opens gas butterfly fully. Do not
and accompanying sketches summarize its
attempt to force screw further.
A quadrant (shown in Sketch 1) is rotated either
manually or by a control operator to change firing
rate as indicated by a position indicator strip ① and
position pointer ②. A minimum stop screw ③ limits
rotation and establishes a minimum air flow.
Removing a cover strip ④ reveals a numbered
series of adjusting screws ⑤ which bear on a set
of cam strips beneath the quadrant.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
9. Prepare to adjust the ratio valve by removing 14. Light main burners at minimum, as follows:
the cover plate from the quadrant screw carrier First, make sure ratio valve is at its minimum
and turn all adjusting screws out until they are all setting (which may be at position 1 or 2 after
flush with the outer surface of the screw carrier completing step 6). With gas pilot established and
casting. (New equipment is shipped from factory flame supervision system operational, opening
with all screws already backed out to this level.) the main fuel Shut-Off Valve(s) will allow fuel flow
10. Return blower mixer quadrant to “low fire” to the blower mixer’s ratio valve. Turn
position when air purge of system is complete. corresponding screw in (clockwise) until flame
11. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt ignites at all burner nozzles. (This may take
to light burner pilot while slowly turning pilot gas several turns of the screw.)
regulator and/or adjusting orifice screw to NOTE: At this point, it is more important to get
increase fuel flow. Repeat procedure as any kind of a flame as soon as possible. The
necessary until pilot ignites as air might have to flame geometry can be adjusted and refined as
be bled out of fuel supply lines before reliable pilot needed later.
flame is established. Pilot gas regulator should Continue turning in slowly until flame becomes
normally be set for as low a pressure as possible, noticeably rich (usually purple or green with a
using fuller opening of pilot gas adjustable orifice slight yellow tip). Then slowly back the screw out
(if used.) until the flame becomes bright blue.
12. After ignition, adjust pilot flame for good stable 15. Once your flame is established and refined at this
flame shape. A “rule of thumb” is that any pilot position, and without advancing the screw carrier
over a tennis ball size is probably too large. This quadrant higher, screw all remaining screws down
assumes you have visual access to the pilot to at least the same level as your first adjusted
flame. If this is not possible, then adjust pilot to screws.
give the strongest and most stable flame signal NOTE: A preliminary setting can be established
through your flame safety circuit. The signal with all the remaining adjusting screws. Generally,
strength (or range) will be determined by the each succeeding screw needs to be screwed in
specific type of flame safeguard instrument you approximately one additional full turn from the
have with your burner system. preceding screw. A smooth “stair step” gradient
13. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock pre-set at this point from low to high will simplify
or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and the remaining adjustment steps.
refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get 16. Without advancing the ratio valve quadrant, screw
reliable ignition. The flame safeguard relays down on #2 screw (one or two turns). Then slowly
should now power your main fuel Shut-Off advance the ratio valve quadrant to the #2
Valve(s). position. Adjust flame appearance at this new
position #2.
CAUTION: After completing steps above, re-
NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory
check all interlocking safety components and
construction, allow your burner system to operate
circuitry to prove that they are properly
at this low setting for the necessary dry/cure out
installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
time period recommended by the chamber or
in doubt, shut the system down, close pilot
refractory manufacturer. Then continue
cock and contact responsible individual before
adjustment of ratio valve.
proceeding further.
Again, without moving ratio valve, bring #3 and
all remaining adjusting screws down to the same
level as #2 screw.
NOTE: If approximate pre-set gradient was
made earlier, the remaining screws will already be
at or below appropriate levels.
7/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Progressively work your way up through each 20. When burner performance is satisfactory and
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth stable throughout the firing range, reconnect
progression slope from your first screw to the linkage to control motor.
“maximum” position. As each is adjusted, you Control linkage travel must be such that burner
must turn the remaining unadjusted screws in at quadrant is moved throughout its complete travel,
least that far to prevent possible damage to or cataloged capacities and turndowns will not be
flexible cam strips inside the ratio valve. achieved.
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, you If less than full-rated burner capacity is
must move the ratio valve to the number you required, linkage can be adjusted to limit
desire to adjust. This aligns the adjusting screw maximum output. With interrupted pilot, it may
directly on top of the fuel valve plunger. A be necessary to set control for somewhat higher
resulting adjustment of the screw is directly than minimum burner setting to permit hold-in of
applied to the fuel valve plunger and its flame detection system without pilot.
interconnected valve body linkage. Always
CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the
adjust only the screw corresponding to the
control motor may be damaged if linkage is
position at which the ratio valve has been set.
adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately high or low fire position.
return ratio valve to minimum position and shut
21. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
off fuel (if flame safeguard has not already done
fuel leakage. Replace equipment cover caps and
so). Turn in slightly on adjusting screw at point
tighten linkage screws.
where ignition was lost, then return ratio valve
22. Check out overall system operation by cycling
to minimum position, re-establish pilots, open
through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
fuel valve and verify ignition.
and allowing temperature control system to cycle
17. Refine main gas regulator adjustment (if burner from minimum to maximum and return.
necessary) to give the required pressure. If a 23. Recheck all safety system interlocks for proper
major adjustment is made, you may then need to setting and operation.
re-adjust the screw(s) just set.
WARNING: Test every UV installation for
18. After adjusting through the full range, allow
dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
furnace or oven to reach operating temperature
other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
and refine adjustment as needed for hot
radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
19. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
refine adjustment, if necessary. 24. Before system is placed into full service,
For operation with interrupted pilot (as instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner operation, and shut-down of system. Establish
from minimum to maximum and back several written instructions for their future reference.
times to verify the flame is maintained. When
satisfied with adjustment, replace ratio valve
cover plate.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Miniature PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Before proceeding, verify that all system equipment
has been installed in accordance with the general
instructions found on pages 3100-S-1 and 2.
Initial adjustment and light-off should be
undertaken only by trained and experienced
personnel familiar with combustion systems,
control/safety circuitry, and overall installation.
Instructions provided by the company or
M-100/M-100-U M-500
individual responsible for the overall
installation of complete system take
precedence over those provided by Maxon. If
Maxon instructions conflict with local codes or
regulations, contact us before start-up. 4. Light pilot(s) at the burner nozzle(s).
5. Open main gas cock and the adjustable orifice
cock (where applicable).
For initial system start-up: 6. Turn gas adjusting screw slowly “out” (counter-
1. Start blower mixer and check for proper impeller clockwise) until ignition occurs, then refine setting
rotation. Correct if necessary. as necessary. You will find most adjustment
2. Close mixer fuel port. For M-100 and M-250 occurs within the first three turns of gas adjusting
sizes, see illustration above, then remove cap ① screw.
and lightly turn orifice screw “in” (clockwise) until it Allow time for remaining air to bleed out of gas
seats. line, but if ignition does not occur with reasonable
For the M-500, see sketch above. Insert 5/16" promptness, close the gas cock and check for:
Allen wrench through slot ② and turn gas adjusting A. Insufficient gas supply, possibly due to gas
screw “in” (clockwise) until it bottoms. regulator incorrectly installed, closed gas cock,
3. Open air shutter fully. Verify burner differential etc.
air pressure is at least +0.25" wc. Verify that it B. Too much gas as a result of turning the
meets required minimum for that specific burner adjusting screw too fast or too far.
nozzle(s). C. Improper piloting or insufficient spark.
7/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
for Blower Mixers, Inlet Filters and Replacement Filter Elements
PL, PM and PH PREMIX® Blower Mixers are Table 2: Assembly numbers for PM Mixers, Filters
listed in Tables 1 through 3, as well as the optional PREMIX® Blower Mixer Approx. Filter Numbers
filter assemblies and replacement elements to be Ship
Assembly Weight Assembly Elements
used with them. Designation HP-Frame
No. (pounds) (A) (R)
To order any blower mixer, specify:
PM-200 19374
1. Mixer size and assembly number
PM-260 19375 105 17411 25292
2. Electrical specification
3. Discharge position and ratio valve arrangement PM-350 1/3 -48 19376
4. Assembly number and quantity of accessory items: PM-525 19378 110 17412 25293
– Combustion air filter assembly PM-690 19380 130
– Connecting base and linkage assembly PM-920 19381
– Low fire start switch PM-1080 3/4 -56 19382 190 17413 25294
– Stand-by fuel arrangement PM-1200 19383
PM-2000 1 -56 19384 235
Table 1: Assembly numbers for PL Mixers, Filters
PM-3200 1-1/2 -56 19612 300 17414 25295
PREMIX® Blower Mixer Approx. Filter Numbers
Assembly Weight Assembly Elements
Designation HP-Frame Table 3: Assembly numbers for PH Mixers, Filters
No. (pounds) (A) (R)
PL-80 18543 PREMIX® Blower Mixer Approx. Filter Numbers
PL-130 18545 Assembly Weight Assembly Elements
100 Designation HP-Frame
PL-165 18546 No. (pounds) (A) (R)
M-250 #44354
M-500 #44355
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 3100-A/P-2 PREMIX® Blower Mixers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Bulletin 3200
Style A & B
• Air/gas mixing devices for use with all Maxon premix burner
systems to provide thorough blending of air/gas mixture VFL & VFH
• Uses most clean fuel gases
• May be used with single or multiple burner systems
• Series “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers are
designed for use with low pressure gas
• Series “HG” Mixing Tubes use kinetic energy of higher gas
pressures to thoroughly blend the air/gas mixture
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 3202
Maxon MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers are air/fuel proportioning They provide air/gas ratio control throughout
devices designed for use with all Maxon premix burner the firing range by incorporating an “LG” Mixing
systems, including both single and multiple burner systems. Tube and adjustable gradient air/fuel control
valve in one compact unit.
MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers are suited for use
Adjusting Screws
Air Oriface Plate
with most clean, low pressure gases.
Combustion air at 6 to 16 osi is used to entrain
the low pressure gas.
Mixture Built-in adjusting screws permit tailoring
Outlet Combustion
Air Inlet
burner performance to your specific needs.
Single point control simplifies adjustment.
Principle of Operation
Characterized air port and gas valve disc are
Gas Valve Disc carefully matched to achieve desired heat
Gas Inlet
release using most clean gases of 500 to 3200
Btu/ft3 heating value.
The unit delivers air/fuel mixture to premix
burners at mixture pressures as high as 13" wc
when using a 16 oz. pressure blower.
The MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer’s capacity can
be modified in the field by replacing compatible
air orifice plates.
Gas Chamber Air Inlet
Gas inlet
Typical Applications
The following illustrations show Maxon MULTI- One mixing device may be used to feed single or
RATIO™ Mixers and Series “LG” or “HG” Mixing Tubes multiple burner elements, or separate mixers may be
used in typical furnace applications. Both systems used for each unit or zone of a multi-stage system.
include a central combustion air supply and multiple A complete burner system will also include burner,
Sealed Nozzle Burners. This arrangement would be gas train, pressure blower and control panel. In addition,
similar for installations using other Maxon premix an “LG” or “HG” Mixing Tube system will require an air/
burners. gas control valve, such as the Maxon MICRO-RATIO®
Valve shown below.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Premixing Equipment Page 3205
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers
Page 3206 Premixing Equipment
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers with Sealed Nozzles
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers
with Style A or B LINOFLAME® Burners
Sizing and capacity information for systems To determine velocity, make a trial burner
using these mixers and Style A or B LINOFLAME® selection, calculate displacement at .20 ft2 per lineal
Burners is shown on page 3208. foot of burner, subtract from duct cross-sectional area
This information is applicable for natural gas or and divide into total air flow.
propane gas firing, with fuel supply being regulated in Recirculated air systems must include at least 25
the range of 3" wc to 8 osi. SCFM of fresh air for each 100,000 Btu/hr of
If burners will be firing in still air, use the maximum capacity.
information in the table on page 3208, which is based To select a mixer and burner combination,
on balanced pressures in combustion chamber and determine your available air differential pressure at
on 100% premixture (on-ratio firing). the mixer inlet and read downward under the
If burners are to be used to heat an air stream, appropriate column to your desired maximum
follow the guidelines given below the table for suction- capacity. Read across that line to the resulting
side or pressure-side firing. This information is based minimum capacity available.
on gas-rich firing, using part of the air stream as When you are satisfied with the indicated maximum
secondary air to complete combustion. and minimum firing rates, read across to the
Very high degrees of recirculation with resulting low appropriate mixer designation. On that same line,
oxygen content may reduce attainable maximum you will find six possible burner lengths.
capacities to those illustrated in the table. Choose the one that will best fit your space
Air velocities must be maintained in the range of requirements. Arrange a burner assembly using that
500-1500 SFPM, and return air temperature across total footage, then specify it with the drilling indicated
the burner in recirculating systems must not exceed at the top of that column.
500°F (260°C). For special application requirements, contact
your Maxon representative for possible “customized”
burner drillings based on total discharge area per
lineal foot.
Page 3208 Premixing Equipment
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers
with Style A or B LINOFLAME® Burners
Suction-side applications (up to -1.0" wc suction): capacities will increase approximately 30% over
still air capacities listed above
Pressure side applications (up to +2.0" back pressure): capacities will increase approximately
20% over still air capacities listed above
Premixing Equipment Page 3209
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers
with “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners
Capacities for Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners To select equipment, determine required heat
used with these mixers are shown in the table below. release and your available air differential pressure.
These capacities are based on natural gas firing and a Read downward in the appropriate column to the
minimum differential mixture pressure of 0.10" wc. desired maximum capacity. Opposite that data you will
Increased minimums may be necessary in air find the recommended size of mixing device and a
stream. summary of burner footage required for either “VFL” or
Maximum capacities are a function of the available “VFH” LINOFLAME® Burners.
air differential pressure and are shown for four different
ranges of air differential pressure. Consider pressure
drops carefully when sizing blower.
Page 3210 Premixing Equipment
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers
with INFRAWAVE® Burners
Capacities and required burner footage for Consider pressure drops carefully when sizing
INFRAWAVE® Burner systems fed by “LG” Mixing blower, so that the required differential is available.
Tubes or MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers are summarized in Once the mixing device has been sized for the
the table below. All capacity information given is for desired capacity, check the right side of the table for
natural gas firing. required burner footage of single grid or double grid
Minimum is based on approximately 0.25" wc INFRAWAVE® Burners.
differential mixture pressure in the burner. The
maximum capacities are obtainable when the indicated
air differential pressure is available at “LG” tube or
MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer inlet.
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes
Page 3212 Premixing Equipment
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with STICKTITE™ Burner Nozzles
Maximum and minimum capacities that may be negligible pressure drop between the “HG” Mixing Tube
expected from “HG” Mixing Tubes when firing through a outlet and STICKTITE™ Nozzle, and on 100% premix
single STICKTITE™ Nozzle of the indicated size are firing into a chamber with slight positive pressure.
shown in the table below. Multiple nozzles can be used, but the actual
The combustion air blower must be selected to allow capacities will depend upon the type, size and quantity
for whatever drop exists between it and the “HG” of nozzles selected for your application.
Mixing Tube inlet. All figures below are based on
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with Series “SN” Sealed Nozzle Burners
Capacities and nozzle sizing information are mixer). Be sure to allow for piping losses from
provided below for systems utilizing “HG” Mixing Tubes combustion air blower.
with Sealed Nozzles. The right side of the table deals Back pressures of +0.15" wc will reduce capacities
with capacities, and is based on natural gas firing by 5%; back pressures of 0.25" wc by 15%.
against balanced or slightly negative combustion Multiple nozzles can be used, but the actual
chamber pressures. capacities will depend upon the type, size and quantity
Maximum capacities are cataloged for three of nozzles selected for your application.
different air differential pressures (measured at inlet to
Single Series “SN” Sealed Nozzle capacities at various combustion air pressures
Maximum Capacity in 1000's Btu/hr
"HG" Mixing Tube Series "SN" Sealed Minimum Capacity at indicated differential air pressure (measured at mixing tube inlet)
Size Nozzle Burner 1000's Btu/hr
4 osi 6 osi 10 osi
2" SN-2"-20 160 690 840 1100
3" SN- 2-1/2" -27 260 1300 1500 1950
4" SN-4"-42 560 2200 2700 3350
6" SN-6"-60 1000 4350 5250 6700
Premixing Equipment Page 3213
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with Style A or B LINOFLAME® Burners
Sizing and capacity information for systems under the appropriate column to your desired maximum
using “HG” Mixing Tubes and Style A or B capacity, then across that line to the resulting
LINOFLAME® Burners is shown in Table 1 below and minimum capacity available.
Table 2 on the following page. When you are satisfied with the indicated maximum
If burners will be firing in still air, use Table 1 and minimum firing rates, read across to the
(below). appropriate mixer designation. On that same line, you
Table 1 is based on balanced pressures in the will find five possible burner lengths.
combustion chamber and on 100% premixture (on-ratio Choose the one that will best fit your space
firing). requirements. Arrange a burner assembly using that
Both tables apply for natural gas, propane and total footage, then specify it with the drilling indicated
butane gas firing, with fuel supply being regulated to at the top of that column.
the range of 2 PSIG. For special application requirements, contact
To select a mixer and burner combination, your Maxon representative for possible “customized”
determine required heat release and your available air burner drillings based on total discharge area per lineal
differential pressure at mixer inlet. Read downward foot.
Page 3214 Premixing Equipment
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with Style A or B LINOFLAME® Burners
If burners are to be used to heat an air stream, To determine velocity, make a trial burner
see Table 2 (below). selection, calculate displacement at .20 ft2 per lineal
Table 2 is based on gas-rich firing, using part of the foot of burner, subtract from duct cross-sectional area
air stream as secondary air to complete combustion. and divide into total air flow.
Very high recirculation may reduce attainable Recirculated air systems must include at least 25
maximum capacities to those illustrated in Table 1 SCFM of fresh air for each 100,000 Btu/hr of maximum
(page 3213). capacity.
Air velocities must be maintained in the range of
500-1500 SFPM, and return air temperature across the
burner in recirculating systems must not exceed 500°F
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners
Capacities of Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burner Maximum capacities are shown for three
assemblies supplied by “HG” Mixing Tubes are shown differential combustion air pressures.
in the table below. To size a system, determine required heat release
Minimum capacity is based on 0.10" wc differential and available air differential pressure at the mixer inlet.
mixture pressure in the “VF” burner. Air stream Read downward in the appropriate column to the
velocities higher than 1500 SFPM and larger burner desired maximum capacity. Opposite that figure you
assemblies may require increased minimums. will find the required “HG” Mixing Tube size, expected
minimum capacity, and the required burner footage.
Page 3216 Premixing Equipment
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with INFRAWAVE® Burners
Capacity and burner footage suggestions for To size a system, determine required heat release
systems utilizing Series “HG” Mixing Tubes and and available air differential pressure, then read
INFRAWAVE® Burners are summarized in the table downward in the appropriate column to the desired
below. capacity. Opposite that figure, you will find the required
Minimum capacities shown are based on “HG” Mixing Tube size and burner footage
approximately 0.25" wc differential mixture pressure in recommendations.
the burner. The three maximums shown are based on
the indicated combustion air differential pressure at the
inlet to the “HG” Mixing Tube.
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with Series “66” AL5 AIRFLO® Burners
For firing in recirculated air streams, see table at Recirculated air with Series “66” AL5
right for the capacities available from various lengths AIRFLO® Burner
of AL5 AIRFLO® Burner assemblies when used with
“HG” Mixing Tubes. Data is based on 2 PSIG natural Capacity Primary Combustion Air
"AL5" "HG"
1000's required [1] through
gas supply pressure at the mixer and 2600-3500 SFPM Btu/hr
Footage Size
"HG" Mixing Tube (SCFM)
air stream velocity across the burner. 325 1/2 18
Turndown ratios of 15:1 are possible using natural 2"
650 1 37
gas. Uneven and/or turbulent air flows, or the use of
975 1-1/2 55
propane, will give higher minimums and reduce
turndown. 1300 2 73
The capacities shown are based on a minimum 1625 2-1/2 92
of 80 SCFM of fresh air being added for each 1950 3 110
100,000 Btu/hr of heat input. Lower fresh air volumes, 2275 3-1/2 128
the presence of exceptionally high moisture, or other 2600 4 147
combustion-retarding or inert components may require 2925 4-1/2 165
special consideration. 3250 5 183
Differential air pressure of 5.2" wc is required for
3900 6 4" 220
all of these combinations and is measured between
4550 7 256
burner inlet and duct/chamber static pressure.
5200 8 293
Multiple “HG” Mixing Tubes may be used with a
single MICRO-RATIO® Valve, but remember to size 5850 9 330
blower for the combined SCFM required and allow for 6500 10 367
piping losses. 7150 11 403
7800 12 44 0
8450 13 47 7
9100 14 513
9750 15 550
10400 16 587
11050 17 623
11700 18 660
12350 19 697
13000 20 733
13650 21 770
14300 22 807
14950 23 844
15600 24 880
16250 25 917
16900 26 954
17550 27 990
18200 28 1027
[1] Approximately 1/3 of total required at maximum capacity.
Balance from air stream.
Page 3218 Premixing Equipment
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with Types 5CF-5 & 4CF-5 COMBUSTIFUME® Burners
– Required heat release of 7,000,000 Btu/hr
– For system measured with 13.5% oxygen in air
stream D. 11 ft. x 41 SCFM/ft = 451 SCFM primary air
with differential pressure = 6.4" wc
From Table 1 (13 to 13.9%, middle column)
From Table 2 (301 - 520 SCFM)
A. Gross heat required
7,000,000 x 1.075 = 7,525,000 Btu/hr E. Select 6" HG Mixing Tube with
12 each 29/64 gas orifices per catalog page 3211
7,525,000 Btu F. Select MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve
B. = 10.75 ft. = 11 ft. of burner
700,000 Btu/ft – for 451 SCFM air = (27060 SCFH)
– for 7525 SCFH natural gas
11 ft
C. = 2 inlets
6 ft/inlet
Premixing Equipment Page 3219
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes with LO-NOX™ Burners
Fresh and recirculated air streams may be heated Table 1: Design Parameters
with LO-NOX™ Burners supplied with a full premixture
Differential mixture
of air and natural or propane gas. Maximum Combustion air
pressure (inches
capacity required through HG
A complete burner system to handle these difficult w.c.) as measured
heat release Btu/hr Mixing Tube
applications would include a LO-NOX™ Burner assem- between burner inlet
per lineal foot of (SCFM per lineal foot
and duct/chamber
bly, Series “HG” Mixing Tube, MICRO-RATIO® Control LO-NOX™ Burner of LO-NOX™ Burner)
static pressure
Valve and a combustion air blower. Your Maxon
200,000 40 2.5
representative can help you select from the broad
range of options available. 300,000 60 3.5
400,000 80 6.5
General Selection Procedure: 500,000 100 10
1. Calculate gross heat requirement.
550,000 120 11
2. Determine burner footage and inlet feed require-
3. Enter Table 1 under column with your capacity Table 2: Series "HG" Mixing Tube Selection
needs for parameters of your application. HG Mixing SCFM combustion air volume required at
4. Select “HG” Mixing Tube size from Table 2 based Tube Size maximum through HG Mixing Tube
upon the volume of air required. 2" 0 to 190
3" 90 to 260
Example: 4" 175 to 500
– Required heat release of 7,000,000 Btu/hr 6" 400 to 1167
8" 880 to 2500
From Table 1
7,000,000 Btu
B. = 14 ft
500,000 Btu/ft
From Table 2
Page 3220 Premixing Equipment
View AA
LG Mixing H J K
Tube gas inlet air inlet outlet
LG-75 8.88 3/4
LG-100 9.88 --- --- 1.44 1.69 2.38 --- 1/2 1-1/4 1 --- --- --- ---
LG-125 10.88 1-1/4
LG-150 12.25 5 1.5 1-1/2
5.75 1.5 2.25 3.25 1 2 1.81 1.5
LG-200 13.25 6 1.69 2 .44 .5
LG-300 17.5 9.25 6.84 1.41 4.38 1.81 1-1/2 3 3 1.94 1.75
LG-400 22.5 12 2.88 2.31 4 2.38 2
8.44 2.06 5.38 2 4 .56 .62
LG-500 26.5 16 2.38 5 2.62 2.25
Page 3222 Premixing Equipment
Mixer Size gas inlet air inlet outlet
MR-75 9.38 3/4
MR-100 10.38 --- 1.75 3.19 2.31 5.62 2.88 3/4 1-1/4 1 .56 --- --- --- --- ---
MR-125 11.38 1-1/4
MR-150 12.38 1-1/2 1.5
7.38 1.88 5.19 2.69 6.56 3.06 1-1/4 2 .69 3.62 1.5
MR-200 13.38 2 1.69 .44 .5
MR-300 17.75 8.5 4 3 3 1.81 3.88 1.75
MR-400 21.75 2.94 6.75 8.06 3.94 2 4 .56 4.75 2
9.75 4.12 4 2.62 .56 .62
MR-500 25.75 5 5.25 2.25
Component Identification
Page 3224 Premixing Equipment
Installation Instructions
General Instructions Piping Layouts as sometimes required by
insurance and standards groups
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer System
To prevent damage in transit, connecting linkage
components may be packed separately and shipped
loose with your new Maxon MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer,
“LG” or “HG” Mixing Tube system.
The mixer itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The sketches at
right show typical gas trains as might be used with
“LG”/“HG” Mixing Tubes or MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers.
1. Combustion air blower provides the air supply
to your combustion system and is essential to the
mixing of fuel gas. It should be located in the
coolest, cleanest position that you can find near “LG” Mixing Tube System
the burner itself. It must not be exposed to direct
radiant heat or positioned where it might draw in
the inert gases or hot air rising from a furnace or
oven. If problems exist, consider filters, relocation
and/or ducting of an outside fresh air supply.
2. Electrical service must match the voltage,
phase and cycle of all electrical system compo-
nents and be compatible with burner nameplate
ratings. Insure that all normal control safeguards
are satisfied. Combustion air blower should
continue to run after shutdown to allow burner to
3. Gas supply piping must be large enough to “HG” Mixing Tube System
maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged
for the particular burner size used with burner
operating at full-rated capacity.
Natural gas pressures generally required (as
measured at the mixer gas inlet) are 3" wc to 8
osi for “LG” Mixing Tubes and MULTI-RATIO™
Mixers, or 1 PSIG higher than air pressure for
“HG” Mixing Tubes.
Anything more than minimal distance or piping
turns may necessitate “oversizing” piping runs to
keep pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at
least four pipe diameters in length. If multiple Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or
burners are fed from a single gas train, care misuse of the piping layouts shown. Specific
should be taken to minimize pressure drop and piping and wiring diagrams should always be
give maximum uniformity. submitted to the appropriate agencies for
approval on each application.
8/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
4. Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent 9. Minimums: The MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer includes
blockage of pipe train components or burner gas a minimum air valve adjusting screw on the side
ports. All dirt, scale and pipe dope should be of the screw carrier for setting the minimum
blown out of any new gas line before actually differential mixture pressures.
connecting to the burner system. See specific start-up and adjusting instructions
5. Main gas shut-off cock should be upstream of for systems involving Maxon MICRO-RATIO®
both main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Control Valves to set minimums.
Use it to shut off fuel to both pilot and main 10. Minimize combustion air pressure drop
burner during shutdown periods of more than a between blower and mixer. Keep a minimum
few hours. Maxon Control Valves, such as the straight run of four pipe diameters into the mixer
MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer and MICRO-RATIO® air inlet. Downstream piping from mixer to burner
Valve, are not intended for tight shut-off. should be kept as short as possible.
6. Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a 11. Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at
uniform system supply pressure. A separate least four pipe diameters in length. If the mixer is
regulator should be provided in the branch supplying multiple burners or multiple inlets to a
leading to each burner system if more than one is single burner element, care should be taken so
served by a common main. Size regulator for full that air/gas mixture piping gives minimum
system capacity at required pressure, including pressure drop and maximum uniformity. Do not
pipe train losses. Follow the instructions attached install any shut-off device in the air/gas
to the regulator during installation. mixture line.
7. Pilot take-off should be upstream of main gas 12. Test connections are essential for burner
regulator but downstream of main gas cock. It adjustment. At a minimum, they should be
should normally include its own pilot gas provided downstream of the mixing tube and at
regulator (selected to meet pilot flow and each burner inlet. Test connections should never
pressure needs), a solenoid valve and shut-off be installed in elbows or pipe tees. Test
cock. An adjustable gas orifice at the pilot inlet connections must be plugged except when
simplifies adjustment. readings are being taken.
Appropriate pilots should be provided which 13. Vent dampers and pressure controllers should
are compatible with the type of burner and be used to maintain balanced or slightly positive
control system being used. furnace pressures (0.0" to 0.5" wc) for maximum
8. Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected efficiency. Excessive back pressure can damage
to a safety control system) shut the fuel supply furnace and/or reduce burner capacity. Negative
off when a hazardous operating condition is pressures allow infiltration of secondary air and
sensed. Manual reset valves require operator can seriously affect efficiency and temperature
attendance each time the system is started up (or uniformity.
restarted after a trip-out). Motorized shut-off
valves permit automatic start/restart when used
with appropriate control system.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, and are working. Allow air handling equipment to run
familiarize yourself with all the system’s equipment for adequate purge of your manifolds and
components. Verify that your equipment has been combustion chamber plenums. With main gas
installed in accordance with the original shut off, manually advance MULTI-RATIO™
manufacturer’s current instructions. Mixer or MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve’s
operating crank to “high fire” position so that air
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light off
only flows through burner and combustion
should be undertaken only by trained and
experienced personnel familiar with
combustion systems, with control/safety CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
circuitry, and with knowledge of the overall typically controlling sequential operations.
installation. Instructions provided by the
6. Check minimum mixture pressure at burners
company and/or individuals responsible for the
by turning the MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer or MICRO-
manufacture and/or overall installation of
RATIO® Control Valve to its minimum position
complete system incorporating Maxon burners
and reading differential air pressure only at each
take precedence over these provided by Maxon.
burner with a water column manometer. Any
If Maxon instructions conflict with any codes or
reading below 0.25" wc differential (natural gas),
regulations, contact Maxon Corporation before
or 0.10" wc for VF LINOFLAME® Burners,
attempting start-up.
requires re-adjustment as described below.
6A. Setting minimum mixture pressure with
MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer system:
For initial burner start-up: If minimum mixture pressure must be
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make increased, open the MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer
preliminary adjustments to fuel gas regulators. slowly (by turning toward the higher-numbered
Remove pilot and main gas regulators’ adjusting positions) until the required minimum differential
screw covers. Turn adjusting screw down air pressure is reached. Mark air valve dial at the
(clockwise) to approximately mid-position. Close position opposite pointer and note the numbered
pilot gas adjustable orifice screw by turning in position on screw carrier cam assembly which is
clockwise until it stops. (Do not over-tighten.) opposite index pointer (see sketch below).
Then back out the adjustable orifice (counter-
clockwise) approximately 2-3 turns.
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all
control devices and interlocks are operable and
functioning within their respective settings/
ranges. Be sure all air and gas manifolds are
tight and that test ports are plugged if not being
3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are
properly positioned and locked into operating
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
linkage from your MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve
or MULTI-RATIO™ Mixer’s operating crank arm
by loosening the control motor’s connecting rod
from the toggle linkage.
Initial start-up adjustment should only be accom-
plished during a “manual” burner control mode.
5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
Check for proper blower motor rotation and
impeller direction. Verify that all control interlocks
8/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Screw in on the minimum air stop screw on the Continue opening the MICRO-RATIO® air valve
side of the screw carrier cam. This makes a while watching the manometer connected into
physical “stop” that prohibits the screw carrier the burner’s air/gas mixture manifold. Determine
from going all the way down to the minimum the point at which further opening of the air valve
firing positions. Screw down until the established gives no appreciable increase in air pressure
minimum differential air pressure readings at within the manifold/burner. Mark the air valve dial
each burner are above the minimum mixture at this position opposite the air valve pointer. This
pressure settings described in step 6. point will become the maximum air setting for
Tighten down on the locking nut on the your MICRO-RATIO® Valve mixing tube system.
minimum air stop screw to lock the MULTI- Having marked and/or recorded the MICRO-
RATIO™ Mixer at the minimum air mixture RATIO® Control Valve’s air valve settings for both
pressure setting. minimum and maximum firing positions, you may
6B. Setting minimum mixture pressure with a adjust the linkage and travel of the gas valve’s
MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve and Series “LG” stroke (see sketch below).
or “HG” Mixing Tube system:
If minimum mixture pressure must be
increased, open the MICRO-RATIO® air valve
slowly (by turning toward higher-numbered
positions) until the required differential air
(mixture) pressure is reached, then mark air
valve dial at the position opposite pointer. This
point will become the minimum air setting for
your MICRO-RATIO® Valve mixing tube system
(see sketch below).
air valve setting.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Premixing Equipment Page 3200-S-5
Start-Up Instructions
Re-tighten binding screw “B” and return the NOTE: At this point, it is more important to get
MICRO-RATIO® Valve to the “minimum” air any kind of a flame as soon as possible. The
setting. flame geometry can be adjusted and refined as
This time, loosen set screw “A” and again needed later.
correct for just half of the distance required to Continue turning in slowly until flame becomes
make the air valve pointer indicate the minimum noticeably rich (usually purple or green with a
air valve setting. slight yellow tip). Then slowly back the screw out
Re-tighten set screw “A” and again return the until the flame becomes bright blue.
MICRO-RATIO® Valve to its maximum position. 10. Once your flame is established and refined at this
Similarly, correct one half the distance with position, and without advancing the screw carrier
binding screw “B” for the maximum setting, etc. quadrant higher, screw all remaining screws
Continue this adjustment procedure until the down to at least the same level as your first
gas and air valves reach their minimum and adjusted screw.
maximum positions simultaneously. Normally, NOTE: A preliminary setting can be established
this is accomplished within seven adjustments. with all the remaining adjusting screws.
7. Remove cover plate from screw carrier cam Generally, each succeeding screw needs to be
assembly and turn all adjusting screws counter- screwed in approximately one full turn more
clockwise until flush with outer surface of casting (clockwise) than its preceding screw. A smooth
(new equipment is shipped this way). “stair-step” gradient pre-set at this point from low
8. Open main and pilot gas cocks and light first to high will simplify the remaining adjustment
burner pilot following instructions appropriate for steps.
that burner and pilot type. If multiple pilots are
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately
used, open individual cocks and adjust each in
return MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve or MULTI-
RATIO™ Mixer to minimum position and shut
To light and adjust gas pilot: Check to insure
off fuel (if flame safeguard has not already done
pilot combustion air supply is flowing to any
so). Turn in slightly on adjusting screw at point
pressure pilot mixer. Pilot gas regulator should
where ignition was lost, then return valve/mixer
initially be set at approximately midpoint of its
to minimum position, re-establish pilots, open
adjustment range. With pilot gas solenoid closed,
fuel valve and verify ignition.
open main fuel gas and pilot gas cock. Energize
spark ignitor and pilot gas solenoid. Observe pilot 11. Without advancing the valve/mixer quadrant,
ignition through sight port of pilot assembly and/ screw down clockwise on #2 screw (one or two
or by viewing micro-amp signal metered from turns). Then slowly advance the screw carrier
flame safeguard relay circuit. quadrant to the #2 position. Adjust flame
Refine pilot setting for a hard blue flame (and/ appearance at this new position #2.
or strongest micro-amp signal) by adjusting gas NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory
flow through pilot orifice and/or pilot regulator. construction, allow your burner system to operate
Shut off pilot gas cock to extinguish pilot fire. at this low setting for the necessary dry/cure-out
Re-open and confirm easy re-ignition several time period recommended by the chamber or
times. The flame safeguard relays should now refractory manufacturer. Then continue
power the main fuel shut-off valves. adjustments of valve/mixer.
9. Light main burners at minimum as follows:
First, turn MICRO-RATIO® Valve or MULTI-
RATIO™ Mixer to its minimum setting (which
may be at position 1 or 2 after completing step
6), then open fuel shut-off valve and turn
corresponding screw in (clockwise) until flame
ignites at all burner nozzles. (This may take
several turns of the screw.)
8/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
12. Again, without moving valve/mixer, bring #3 and CAUTION: After completing previously listed
all remaining adjusting screws down to the same steps, check all interlocking safety components
level as #2 screw. and circuitry to prove that they are properly
NOTE: If approximate pre-set gradient was made installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
earlier, the remaining screws will already be at or in doubt, shut the system down, close main and
below appropriate levels. pilot cocks and contact responsible individual
Progressively work your way up through each before proceeding further.
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth
progression slope from your first screw to the 14. Reconnect linkage to control motor, plug all test
“maximum” position. connections, replace equipment cover caps and
As each is adjusted, you must turn the tighten linkage screws.
remaining unadjusted screws in at least that far 15. Check out overall system operation by cycling
to prevent possible damage to flexible cam strips through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
inside the screw carrier cam assembly. and allowing temperature control system to cycle
Turning a screw in “clockwise” gives more gas burner from minimum to maximum and return.
at that setting; turning it out gives less. Re-check all safety system interlocks for
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, you proper setting and operation.
must move the valve quadrant to the number you WARNING: Test every UV installation for
desire to adjust. This aligns the adjusting screw dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
directly on top of the fuel valve plunger. A other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
resulting adjustment of the screw is directly radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
applied to the fuel valve plunger and its connections.
interconnected valve body linkage.
13. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and 16. Before system is placed into full service,
refine adjustment, if necessary. instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
For operation with interrupted pilot (as operation and shut-down of system. Establish
recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner written instructions for their future reference.
from minimum to maximum and back several
times to verify the flame is maintained.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
[1] Gas orifice drillings must be designated on order
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 3200-A/P-2 Premixing Equipment
Assembly Numbers
Connecting Base & Linkage Assemblies for use with MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers
This listing of CB & L Assemblies shows only a NOTE: MULTI-RATIO™ Mixers M-200 and smaller
sampling of the more popular control motors. We may require operators capable of 90 in-lbs torque.
be able to furnish CB & L for other operators not MR-300 and larger require 120 in-lbs torque.
cataloged (supply manufacturer’s name and model
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Premix Burner
SN Sealed Nozzles
• Maintenance-free design
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 3302
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
VENTITE™ Inspirators Page 3303
Capacity/Selection Data
General To select the appropriate Inspirator/STICKTITE™
Capacity of a burner system incorporating Nozzle combination, determine your expected
VENTITE™ Inspirators is determined by the size, type negative pressure conditions and available gas
and number of burners or nozzles through which it pressure.
fires, and by the field conditions under which it Catalog data extends only to 30 PSIG. Higher
operates. Select from the following capacity/selection pressures are possible, but noise frequently becomes
tables for the combination of mixer, burner and a consideration.
operating conditions of your application. Locate your available gas pressure in the
Even slight variations in combustion chamber appropriate table and scan downward in that column
pressure, draft conditions or the availability of to the fuel and heat release required. Separate data is
secondary air can affect ratings and performance provided for 1000 Btu/ft3 natural gas and 2500 Btu/ft3
drastically. propane.
Designations of VENTITE™ Inspirators are based Identify VENTITE™ Inspirator size and spud
on outlet pipe size. For example: A 1-1/2" orifice drilling by following across the line showing
VENTITE™ Inspirator will discharge the air/gas your desired fuel, pressure and heat release.
mixture through a 1-1/2" standard threaded pipe Select and order the matching “HD”
connection. A specific spud orifice drilling must STICKTITE™ Nozzle from the information given in
always be designated when ordering a VENTITE™ the STICKTITE™ Nozzle catalog section.
Page 3304 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirator and STICKTITE™ Nozzle
SCFH natural gas capacities when firing into balanced combustion chamber pressure
(0 to -0.05" wc static pressure) – Under these firing conditions, approximately 80% primary air inspiration is
expected. Do not fire on propane gas with these conditions.
VENTITE™ Inspirator Inspirator's Spud Natural Gas [1] Pressures (PSIG) measured at VENTITE™ Inspirator Inlet
Size Orifice Drill Size
with single STICKTITE™ area of spud orifice in 1
2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 [2] 30 [2]
Nozzle size square inches Min.
1" #56
24 33 39 45 50 54 62 69 74 83 94 104 114
HD- 1" -9 .00169
1-1/4" #51
39 54 66 76 86 92 105 119 130 143 165 185 200
HD- 1-1/4" -14 .00353
1-1/2" #36
85 118 144 167 183 203 235 267 285 320 370 405 425
HD- 1-1/2" -18 .0089
2" #33
114 157 187 213 237 258 299 335 368 416 490 565 638
HD- 2" -24 .01003
2-1/2" #30
146 200 241 275 304 333 384 430 470 530 620 720 810
HD- 2-1/2" -27 .01297
3" 9/64"
172 238 284 324 360 393 454 508 560 631 743 855 968
HD- 3" -30 .01553
4" 13/64"
360 495 592 673 750 818 945 1060 1170 1317 1550 1780 2020
HD- 4" -41 .03241
5" 17/64"
610 840 1005 1140 1275 1380 1605 1790 1980 2240 2635 3030 3425
HD- 5" -50 .05542
6" 19/64"
765 1055 1260 1435 1590 1740 2005 2250 2500 2800 330 3800 4300
HD- 6" -60 .06922
8" 13/32"
1360 1870 2240 2550 2830 3100 3575 4000 4400 4980 5860 6750 7600
HD- 8" -88 .1296
[1] Gross heating value of natural gas assumed to be 1000 Btu/ft3 and specific gravity 0.60.
[2] Inlet gas pressures above 20 PSIG on a VENTITE™ Inspirator often result in higher noise levels.
Aluminum Hand Torches When ordering, specify spud orifice drilled #33
These are specialized aluminum VENTITE™ Inspira- for natural gas firing or #43 spud orifice for
tors with cast iron HD-2"-24 STICKTITE™ Nozzles and propane gas.
provisions for simple air/gas adjustments.
Three styles are offered (as illustrated at right):
straight type, 45° elbow type, and 90° elbow type.
Each style may also be specified in two (2) versions
(based upon available gas pressure). 90˚ Elbow Type
Low pressure gas version requires 0.2" wc to 8
osi natural gas pressure and a compressed air supply (Low Pressure Gas Version)
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirator and STICKTITE™ Nozzle
SCFH gas capacities when firing into slightly negative combustion chamber pressure
(-0.05 to -0.15" wc static pressure) – Under these firing conditions, approximately 65% primary air inspiration is expected.
Page 3306 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and STICKTITE™ Nozzle
SCFH capacities when firing into high negative combustion chamber pressure
(-0.15 to -0.3" wc static pressure) – Under these firing conditions, approximately 50% primary air inspiration is expected.
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirator and Series “SN” Sealed Nozzle
Where sealed-port firing is preferred for Capacities and nozzle sizing information are
atmosphere control or energy conservation, provided below and on the following page for burner
VENTITE™ Inspirators may be used to supply air/gas systems utilizing VENTITE™ Inspirators with Sealed
mixture to Series “SN” Sealed Nozzles as shown in Nozzles.
sketch below. The elimination of secondary air reduces To select the appropriate Inspirator/Sealed Nozzle
capacities somewhat from open-port or ribbon-firing combination, determine your expected back pressure
applications, but multiple inspirators and nozzles may conditions and available gas pressure. Catalog data
be used to achieve extends only to 30 PSIG. While higher pressures may
virtually any desired be used, higher noise levels must be expected.
heat input. Do not use Locate your available gas pressure in the
against back appropriate table and scan downward in that column to
pressures exceeding the heat release required. Identify the VENTITE™
0.20" wc or for Inspirator size and spud orifice drilling required by
propane or butane following across the line showing your desired pressure
fuels. and heat release. Select and order a matching SN
Sealed Nozzle from the information given in the
Sealed Nozzle catalog section.
SCFH natural gas capacities when firing against combustion chamber back pressures
(0 to +0.1" wc static pressure)
Inspirator's Spud Natural Gas [1] Pressures (PSIG) measured at VENTITE™ Inspirator inlet
VENTITE™ Inspirator Size
Orifice Drill Size
with single Series "SN" 1
area of spud orifice 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 [2] 30 [2]
Sealed Nozzle Burner size Min.
in square inches
1" #61
17 24 28 32 36 39 45 50 54 61 70 78 85
SN- 1" 9 .00113
1-1/4" #53
31 43 52 59 67 72 82 93 102 113 132 149 164
SN- 1-1/4" -14 .00278
1-1/2" #41
69 96 116 13 4 147 162 188 212 229 258 300 335 363
SN- 1-1/2" -18 .00724
2" #37
96 133 158 180 200 218 253 283 311 351 414 477 540
SN- 2" -20 .00849
2-1/2" #32
123 169 203 231 256 280 323 361 398 448 523 605 685
SN- 2" -24 .01057
3" #30
198 205 245 279 310 338 390 437 482 543 641 737 834
SN- 2-1/2" -27 .01297
[1] Gross heating value of natural gas assumed to be 1000 Btu/hr3 and specific gravity to be 0.60.
[2] Inlet gas pressures above 20 PSIG on a VENTITE™ Inspirator often result in higher noise levels.
Page 3308 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirator and Series “SN” Sealed Nozzle
SCFH natural gas capacities when firing against combustion chamber back pressures
(+0.1 to +0.2" wc static pressure)
Inspirator's Spud Natural Gas [1] Pressures (PSIG) measured at VENTITE™ Inspirator inlet
VENTITE™ Inspirator Size
Orifice Drill Size
with single Series "SN" 1
area of spud orifice 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 [2] 30 [2]
Sealed Nozzle Burner size Min.
in square inches
1" #70
10 14 17 19 22 24 27 31 34 38 45 52 59
SN- 1" 9 .00057
1-1/4" #56
23 31 37 42 47 52 59 67 74 83 98 113 128
SN- 1-1/4" -14 .00169
1-1/2" #48
53 74 88 100 111 121 140 156 172 195 230 265 300
SN- 1-1/2" -18 .00454
2" #42
78 108 129 147 163 178 206 230 254 286 338 388 440
SN- 2" -20 .00687
2-1/2" #36
100 137 164 187 208 227 262 292 325 365 425 490 555
SN- 2" -24 .00890
3" #31
124 171 205 233 259 282 325 365 404 455 538 618 700
SN- 2-1/2" -27 .01131
[1] Gross heating value of natural gas assumed to be 1000 Btu/hr3 and specific gravity to be 0.60.
[2] Inlet gas pressures above 20 PSIG on a VENTITE™ Inspirator often result in higher noise levels.
VENTITE™ Inspirators Page 3309
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Style “A” & “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Where wide distribution of heat is required, feeding two LINOFLAME® Burner assemblies in a still
VENTITE™ Inspirators may be used to supply air/gas air oven heating application. Some secondary air
mixture to LINOFLAME® Burner assemblies. should normally be supplied around the burner, possi-
Heat releases are affected by available gas pres- bly through secondary air ports as shown.
sures, air velocity, percent recirculation, and firing The sketch below shows one possible arrangement
chamber pressure conditions.
Capacities and burner selection information are
provided on pages 3310-3313 for burner systems
utilizing VENTITE™ Inspirators and Style “A” and “B”
To select the appropriate Inspirator/LINOFLAME®
Burner combination, determine your expected operating
conditions and the available fuel and pressure. Catalog
data extends only to 30 PSIG. Higher pressures are
possible, but higher noise levels will be experienced.
Locate your available gas pressure in the appro-
priate table and scan down that column to the heat
release required, then read across to identify the
necessary VENTITE™ Inspirator size and its spud
orifice drilling for your fuel gas (spud orifice drillings are
of the burner assembly mounted in an airstream to be
shown for 1000 Btu/ft3 natural gas or 2500 Btu/ft3
heated. For heat releases in excess of those in
capacity tables, multiple VENTITE™ Inspirators may
In the “burner length” section on the right side of the
table, you will find six possible LINOFLAME® Burner be used as shown and the LINOFLAME® Burner
footages and drillings which might be selected. assembly divided into separate sections by division
Identify the footage which best fits your applica- plates.
tion needs then, at the top of that column, read the
indicated LINOFLAME® type and drilling pattern.
Style “A” or “B” LINOFLAME® Burner heat
release must NOT exceed 525,000 Btu/hr per
lineal foot of burner.
Air stream applications require a minimum flow of
fresh make-up air, with the actual amount based on
heat release. Minimum fresh air (SCFM) columns
shown at the right of tables 2, 3 and 4 indicate a range
corresponding to the 5 PSIG through 30 PSIG maxi-
mum capacities. Minimum fresh air requirements for
intermediate pressures may be interpolated.
See “A” & “B” LINOFLAME® Burner catalog section
for additional burner information.
The sketch below shows VENTITE™ Inspirators
Page 3310 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Style “A” & “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Style “A” & “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Page 3312 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Style “A” & “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Style “A” & “B” LINOFLAME® Burners
Page 3314 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners
Capacities of Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burner Increased minimums may be necessary for
assemblies fed by VENTITE™ Inspirators are shown higher air stream velocities.
in the tables below and on page 3315. End bell of VENTITE™ Inspirator must be
To select, identify the appropriate application (still located in fresh air, even though Type “VF”
air or air stream), then check in the column showing LINOFLAME® Burners themselves may be installed in
available fuel supply pressure to locate your desired the recirculating air stream of a pull-through heater.
Within that same application section of the tables,
you will also find the minimum capacity, the
VENTITE™ spud orifice drill size, the VENTITE™
Inspirator size and the necessary burner footage.
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners
For air heating applications with air stream For fresh (non-recirculating) air heating appli-
velocities across burner less than 1500 SFPM for cations, “VF” Burners can be located on pressure or
“VFL” or less than 2000 SFPM for “VFH”, ambient suction side of volume air fan with VENTITE™
and/or return air stream temperatures over the burner Inspirator located inside of duct parallel to direction of
should not exceed 800°F (437°C). Downstream air flow.
temperatures should not exceed 1000°F (538°C) for For recirculating air heating applications, “VF”
recirculating air streams and 1200°F (649°C) for all Burner must be located on suction side of volume air
fresh air applications. fan with VENTITE™ Inspirator located outside of duct
in fresh air.
Table 2: Type “VF” LINOFLAME® Burners for air stream heating applications
with VENTITE™ Inspirator located in fresh air outside of duct while “VF” burner installed in the passing air stream
Page 3316 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Capacity/Selection Data
VENTITE™ Inspirators and Series “66” AIRFLO® Burners
Inspirator's Spud Orifice Series "66" Type AL-5 Maximum Minimum Capacities (1000's Btu/hr) at
VENTITE™ indicated air stream velocities (SFPM)
Area AIRFLO® Burner length Capacity
Inspirator Size Drill Size
(square inches) (feet) (1000's Btu/hr) 2200 2600 3000
1-1/2" 9/64" .01553 .5 300 45 50 55
2" 13/64" .03241 1 600 90 100 110
9/32" .06213 2 1200 180 200 220
11/32" .09281 3 1800 270 300 330
4" 25/64" .1198 4 2400 360 400 440
Approximate turndown range at indicated velocities 6.7:1 6:1 5.5:1
Approximate flame length at indicated velocities 15" - 18" 12" - 15" 11" - 14"
VENTITE™ Inspirators Page 3317
90° firing arrangements are available to reduce
space requirements by mounting VENTITE™
Inspirator parallel to chamber wall.
Support clamps are included as part of 3" and
larger VENTITE™ Inspirators. They are optional for 2"
and 2-1/2" sizes.
Page 3318 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Installation Instructions
General Alternate operating modes are illustrated below: for
VENTITE™ Inspirators are only a part of a manual operation, see sketch 2; for on-off
complete combustion system. operation, see sketch 3 (solid lines); for high-low
Sketch 1 below summarizes the additional operation, see sketch 3 (including dotted lines).
components that might typically be part of a complete 1. Electrical service must match the voltage, phase
modulated system. Use this sketch and the following and cycle of all electrical system components.
comments as a check list prior to actual installation. 2. Gas supply piping must be large enough to
maintain required fuel pressures (as high as 30
PSIG depending on application) at the
inspirator’s inlet while burner is operating at full
capacity. Anything more than minimum distance
or piping turns may necessitate “oversizing”
piping runs to keep pressure drops within
acceptable ranges.
3. Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent
blockage of pipe train components and inspirator
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or burner gas ports. All dirt, scale and pipe dope
misuse of the piping layouts shown. Specific should be blown out of any new gas line before
piping and wiring diagrams should always be actually connecting to the burner system.
submitted to the appropriate agencies for 4. Main shut-off cock ② should be upstream of both
approval on each application. main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it to
shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during
shutdown periods of more than a few hours.
5. Main gas regulator ③ is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. A separate
regulator should be provided in the branch
leading to each burner system if more than one is
served by a common main. Size regulator for full
system capacity at required pressure, including
pipe train losses. Follow the instructions attached
to the regulator for installation.
9/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
6. Pilot take-off ④ should be upstream of main gas 8. Fuel Control Valve controls burner heat
regulator but downstream of main gas cock. It release by throttling gas flow to it. It should
should normally include its own pilot gas include provision for an adjustable minimum and
regulator, a solenoid valve and a shut-off cock. throttling over a turndown range that matches
An adjustable orifice gas cock at the pilot inlet burner capabilities. In manual systems, it may be
simplifies adjustment. an indicating cock. Maxon Control Valves are not
Suitable pilots should be provided for the type intended for tight shut-off.
of burner and control system being used. 9. Minimize pressure drop between inspirator and
7. Fuel shut-off valve(s) ⑤ (when properly burner(s). Inlet pipe leading to any burner should
connected to a safety control system) are be a straight run of at least four pipe diameters in
designed to shut the fuel supply off when a length. If the VENTITE™ Inspirator is supplying
hazardous operating condition is sensed. Manual multiple burners or multiple inlets to a single
reset valves require operator attendance each burner element, care should be taken so that air/
time the system is started up (or restarted after a gas mixing piping gives minimal pressure drop
trip-out). Motorized shut-off valves permit and maximum uniformity.
automatic start-restart when used with an
Do not install any shut-off device in the air/gas
appropriate control system.
mixture line.
10. Test connections are essential for burner
adjustment. They should be provided
downstream of the main regulator and at each
burner inlet. Test connections must be plugged
except when readings are being taken.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Before proceeding, verify that all equipment has 7. Adjust inspirator air shutter opening (if
been installed in accordance with the general necessary) to obtain desired flame character.
instructions found in the preceding pages. Shutter will normally be wide open if spud orifice
has been correctly sized.
Initial adjustment and light-off should be
8. Cycle system off and re-light several times.
undertaken only by trained and experienced
When burner performance is satisfactory and
personnel familiar with combustion systems,
stable throughout the firing range, reconnect
control/safety circuitry and overall installation.
control valve linkage to control motor.
If Maxon instructions conflict with local codes
Control linkage travel must be such that control
or regulations, contact Maxon before start-up.
valve is moved throughout its complete travel, or
cataloged capacities and turndowns will not be
For initial system start-up: achieved.
1. Disconnect control motor from flow control If less than full-rated burner capacity is
valve (if applicable). Initial start-up should only be required, linkage can be adjusted to limit
accomplished during a “manual” burner control maximum output. With interrupted pilot, it may
mode. be necessary to set control for somewhat higher
2. Purge furnace or oven. Furnace doors, vents than minimum burner setting to permit hold-in of
and flues should all be wide open and the flame detection system without pilot.
purging allowed to continue until all possible
CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the
accumulation of explosive vapors is dispersed.
control motor may be damaged if linkage is
Twenty minutes or more may be necessary on
adjusted so as to cause binding.
large installations.
9. Re-check differential gas pressure with unit at
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
operating temperature. Refine “high fire” setting if
typically controlling sequential operations.
necessary, considering differential pressure,
3. Bleed air out of gas line leading to main gas flame length, and appearance. Dust or
cock, taking care not to allow accumulation of contaminants in the air stream may affect flame
flammable vapors. appearance.
4. Open main and pilot gas cocks and light pilots 10. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
following instructions appropriate for the burner dangerous fuel leakage. Replace equipment
and pilot type. If multiple pilots are used, open cover caps and tighten linkage screws.
individual cocks and adjust each in turn. 11. Check out overall system operation by cycling
5. Install manometer to read mixture pressure at through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
burner and to establish required minimum. With and allowing temperature control system to cycle
pilots burning, open fuel shut-off valve(s) and burner from minimum to maximum and return.
advance fuel control valve slowly from minimum Re-check all safety system interlocks for
setting until ignition of main flame occurs. proper setting and operation.
Refine main gas regulator setting, if necessary,
WARNING: Test every UV installation for
and verify control valve setting which gives
dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
required minimum mixture pressure. Adjust
other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
minimum stop of control valves as needed (if
radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
6. Advance control valve (or indicating firing cock)
manually to high fire position (adjusting if 12. Before system is placed into full service,
necessary), observing burner performance. instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
operation, and shut-down of system. Establish
CAUTION: If burners go out, close shut-off
written instructions for their future reference.
valve or shut main gas cock at once. Return to
minimum setting, re-light pilots if necessary,
then turn main gas on again. Check carefully
that every burner nozzle is lit before
9/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 3300-S-4 VENTITE™ Inspirators
Start-Up Instructions
For Low Pressure Gas Hand Torches
To start-up: To shut-down, close the gas valve first, then the air
1. Open air valve to the desired degree. valve.
2. With an ignition source at the hand torch nozzle, CAUTION: Always observe good judgement
open gas valve until flame is established. and common sense when operating a portable
3. Adjust gas valve for the desired flame with sharp hand torch.
well-defined structure. A flame with long weak
structure indicates a rich mixture and too much
gas. A short light flame with hissing noise
indicates a lean mixture with too little gas.
4. If higher or lower heat release is desired, re-
adjust air valve first, then refine gas valve setting.
Maintenance Instructions
The Venturi tube and air shutter of the VENTITE™ Burner nozzles should be regularly inspected for
Inspirator should be kept clean to assure normal possible deterioration and replaced if necessary.
operation. Generally, the higher the operating temperature, the
more frequent the inspections should be.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Assembly numbers for standard Standard VENTITE™ Inspirators and Accessories
VENTITE™ Inspirators and accessories
VENTITE™ Inspirator Spare Parts
are shown in table at right. Note that two
versions of the 1" size are shown. Approximate
90° Firing Support
Item No. Size Shipping Wt.
Optional 90° firing arrangement (pounds)
Arrangement Clamp Set
consists of an elbow and nipple in the
1" [1] 3
appropriate size to allow right-angle firing. 23191
Optional support clamp set (2" and 1" [2] Not
1.25" 23192 Available
2.5" sizes only) simplifies mounting of the
VENTITE™ Inspirator. 1.5" 6 23193
When ordering VENTITE™ Inspirators, 2" 14 23194
the desired spud orifice drill size must be 21494
VENTITE 2.5" 16 23195
specified. 3" 23196
4" 23197
Segment choices are as follows for
5" 55 23198 Included
configured products: 6" 60 23199
• Tube Size
8" 100 23200
• Thread Type
[1] Without primar y air shutter
• Spud Orifice Size
[2] With air shutter
• 90° Firing Arrangement
• Support Clamp Set
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
3" WIDE-RANGE® Burners: At right, basic burner assembly with UV scanner (supplied by customer), optional pressure pilot
assembly and its spark ignitor. Burner with optional seal and support assembly is shown at left.
• Burns most low-pressure gaseous fuels, including low-Btu waste gases and
• Flame retention at all firing rates with multi-stage stepped-tunnel refractory block design
• Faster bring-up times without temperature override with 40:1 turndown capability
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 4102
Principle of Operation Optional refractory block materials are available
Combustion air enters the burner body, surrounds to extend maximum operating temperature limits as
the gas insert nozzle, and exits through the air ports follows:
on the face of the gas insert nozzle. – up to 2800°F (1538°C); or
Low pressure gas enters the gas insert nozzle and – up to 3000°F (1649°C)
is directed out the gas ports (not shown), where it is These higher temperature material options are
intimately mixed with the combustion air in the multi- available at net extra cost and may extend normal
stage burner block tunnel. delivery schedules.
A pilot port tunnel and a flame supervision port Seal and support assemblies reinforce burner
intersect the main burner tunnel directly in front of the blocks in thin wall construction and air heating instal-
nozzle face. At this three-way tunnel intersection, the lations. Their larger area mounting plate and metallic
flame safeguard (flame rod or UV scanner) monitors cylinder surround a heavier round cast block, provid-
the pilot flame and/or main burner fire. ing additional strength and support.
Carbon steel seal and support assembly, when
Material temperature limits used in air heating applications, is suitable for return
Standard burner block material is suitable for temperatures across the burner of up to 600°F
operating temperatures up to 2600°F (1427°C). The (316°C) and/or downstream temperatures of up to
maximum operating temperature limit may be 900°F (482°C).
downrated to 2400°F (1316°C) if the WIDE-RANGE® Stainless steel seal and support assembly
Burner is operating under the following conditions: provides for return air temperatures of up to 1000°F
– burner is installed in a furnace with fiber wall (538°C) and/or downstream temperatures up to
construction 1500°F (816°C).
– frequent cycling inducing thermal shock and
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
WIDE-RANGE® Gas Burners Page 4103
Capacity/Selection Data
Capacity ratings of WIDE-RANGE® Burners vary Minimum capacity is more directly a function of
with the combustion air supply pressure and with operating conditions. The minimum capacities shown
operating conditions. below reflect actual main burner flame minimums (i.e.
Maximum capacity is a function of differential air when pilot is interrupted, minimum flame must hold in
and gas pressure supplied to the burner inlets. flame safeguard).
Combustion air blower rating should be at least 2 Natural gas pressure for rated maximum
ounces higher than burner air inlet requirements to capacities should be approximately 5" wc differential
allow for manifolding pressure losses. measured at burner gas inlet (2" wc for propane gas).
WIDE-RANGE® Burner Size > 1.25" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4" 6" 8"
14 225 450 675 1050 1800 3000 7500 13500
(24) (7 x 35) (9 x 52) (9 x 55) (12 x 65) (13 x 72) (16 x 101) (22 x 130) (30 x 156)
Maximum Capacities 12 210 420 620 1000 1700 2850 7050 12500
(1000's Btu/hr) (21) (7 x 30) (8 x 45) (9 x 47) (11 x 57) (12 x 63) (14 x 87) (21 x 112) (28 x 136)
Inlet 10 190 380 565 930 1600 2650 6600 11500
Air (17) (6 x 30) (7 x 40) (8 x 40) (10 x 50) (11 x 60) (13 x 80) (20 x 110) (26 x 125)
Approximate Flame Shape 8 170 340 520 850 1450 2450 5900 10200
in ounces
(diameter x length in inches) [1] (14) (6 x 25) (7 x 36) (8 x 36) (10 x 48) (11 x 55) (13 x 73) (19 x 106) (24 x 118)
(in inches)
at various combustion air 6 150 300 450 750 1300 2250 5250 8850
differential pressures (osi) (10) (5 x 20) (7 x 30) (7 x 30) (9 x 41) (10 x 47) (12 x 60) (18 x 92) (20 x 102)
4 120 250 375 640 1100 1950 4400 7250
(7) (4 x 15) (6 x 22) (6 x 22) (7 x 32) (9 x 38) (11 x 43) (17 x 58) (18 x 66)
Minimum Capacity (1000's Btu/hr) 15 25 30 40 60 100 250 340
[1] Flame geometry is in non-airflow condition to atmosphere
WIDE-RANGE® Burners are designated with a Every WIDE-RANGE® Burner must be ordered
three-part identification code: either with appropriate pressure pilot assembly or
with optional pilot port cover kit. If a pilot assembly
Example: WR F – 1.5"
is not ordered, it is recommended that a pilot port
WR = WIDE-RANGE® Burner cover kit be used to prevent the possibility of flame
F = Arranged for flame supervision by flame rod and/or hot combustion gases escaping through the
or UV scanner burner’s open pilot port tunnel.
All WIDE-RANGE® Burners are drilled and
1.5" = Burner size (also air inlet pipe size)
tapped 3/4" NPT to accept a flame supervision
The type of gas must be specified when order- device. When shipped, the flame supervision port is
ing any WIDE-RANGE® Burner. All nozzle inserts for plugged with a face bushing and a pipe plug. Flame
WRF burners must be specifically drilled to match the rod must be ordered separately or UV scanner
fuel gas to be fired. The WRF Burner will be drilled for supplied by others. Remove the pipe plug and/or the
natural gas unless specified differently on order. face bushing to mount your flame supervision device.
Air inlet arrangement “D” will be furnished (see
page 4106 ) unless specified otherwise.
Page 4104 WIDE-RANGE® Gas Burners
Accessory Options
Flame Rod
Refractory Block
Cooling Tee
Assembly UV Scanner
(supplied by customer)
Tee Assembly Pressure Pilot
Hinged Lighter Assembly
Port Cover Seal & Support
Basic burner with refractory block, optional pressure
3" WIDE-RANGE® Burner with seal and support assembly, pilot and its spark ignitor, and pilot adjustable orifice.
optional hinged lighter port cover, optional observation tee UV scanner (supplied by customer) is mounted in flame
assembly, optional flame rod and cooling tee assembly supervision port of burner.
Burner Size A B C D E F G H J M O P R S V W X Y
1.25" 2.12 3 7.5 5.0 1-1/4" 3/4" 6.38 8.75 3.75 3.5 4.88 9/32" .88 3.75 11.0 8.06 .12
1.5" 2.31 1-1/2"
4.5 9.0 7.5 1" 9.0 12.12 5.25 3.75 5.12 5/8" 1.0 5.25 14.5 11.62
2" 2.5 2" 2.38
2.5" 2.94 4.0 9.5 2-1/2" 1-1/4" 3.0
9.0 11.5 13.88 6.0 3.5 6.12 3/4" 1.25 6.25 16.5 13.56
3" 3.31 4.75 9.44 3" 1-1/2" 4.12
4" 4.19 5.56 11.5 11.5 4" 2" 13.5 16.0 7.0 4.56 5.0 6.56 3/4" 1.0 7.75 20.5 17.12 .25
Page 4106 WIDE-RANGE® Gas Burners
Burner Size A B C D E F G H J K M O P R S V W X Y
6" 5.94 10.69 10.5 16.38 6" 3" 20.5 --- 9.75 16 6.0 7.19 --- 9/16" --- 9.62 --- 17.12 ---
Air Inlet
Flange Set
(for 8" burners only)
Available Air Inlet Arrangements
WIDE-RANGE® Burners can be shipped in any of the piping
configurations shown. Arrangement “D” is always furnished unless
specified otherwise.
Entire burner may be rotated to suit piping, but positions which would
allow dirt or debris to block flame supervision port should be avoided.
For burners with pilot and flame rod
For burners with hinged lighter port cover set or UV scanner mounting
Component Identification
Page 4108 WIDE-RANGE® Gas Burners
WIDE-RANGE® Burners Page 4100-S-1
3/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
General Instructions
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The sketch below
shows a typical pipe train system as might be used
with gas-fired WIDE-RANGE® Burners.
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
To prevent damage in transit, the control valves,
pipe trains, spark ignitor, mounting gaskets, flame rod
and connecting linkage components may be packed Flexible connections are recommended in all piping
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon to reduce piping stresses and alignment/shifting
WIDE-RANGE® Burner. problems.
WIDE-RANGE® Burners can fire in any direction, The use of a monolithic seal of castable refractory
but the scanner manufacturer may impose limitations. around each WIDE-RANGE® Gas Burner (as shown
Avoid orientations which might permit pilot and/or above) will lessen the chance of shearing off the block
flame supervision ports to collect debris and/or because of unequal expansion of the refractory and
moisture. the furnace shell.
If burner piping arrangement does not meet your Excessive maintenance on the burner blocks and
installation requirements, see page 4100-S-1 for castings is frequently the result of external stresses
available alternatives and rotate burner body (if and strains transmitted to the burner through the
necessary) following instructions provided. piping. On large installations, consider the use of
Include observation ports in your combustion flexible piping connectors to provide “give-and-take” in
chamber design to provide a view of both main and both length and alignment. Installation of such
pilot flame area. Start-up and adjustment procedures connectors at certain key spots in the air or gas
will be greatly simplified. manifolding can prevent damage to the burners from
uneven thermal expansion.
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the piping layout
shown. Specific piping and wiring diagrams should always be submitted to
the appropriate agencies for approval on each application.
3/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 4100-S-4 WIDE-RANGE® Burners
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Sketch 3
Sketch 2
3/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, For initial system start-up:
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s equip- 1. Close all burner fuel valves and/or cocks.
ment components. Verify that your equipment has Make preliminary adjustments to fuel regulators.
been installed in accordance with the original 2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all safety
manufacturer’s current instructions. devices and interlocks are operable and function-
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off ing within their respective settings/ranges. Be
should be undertaken only by trained and sure all manifolds are tight and that test ports are
experienced personnel familiar with combus- plugged if not being used.
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and 3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are
with knowledge of the overall installation. properly positioned and locked into operating
Instructions provided by the company and/or positions.
individuals responsible for the manufacture Vent dampers and pressure controllers
and/or overall installation of complete system should be used to maintain balanced or
incorporating Maxon burner take precedence slightly positive furnace pressures (0.0" to
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon in- 0.05" wc) for maximum efficiency. Excessive
structions conflict with any codes or regula- back pressure can damage furnace and/or reduce
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before burner capacity. Negative pressures allow infiltra-
attempting start-up. tion of secondary air and can seriously affect
efficiency and temperature uniformity.
NOTE: The following instructions assume use of 4. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
piloted burners and Standard Cam MICRO-RATIO® Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
Valves: direction. Verify that all safety interlocks are
The photograph below shows a MICRO-RATIO® working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
Valve assembly consisting of an air butterfly valve to adequate purge of manifold and combustion
control combustion air flow and an adjustable-gradiant chamber plenums.
SYNCHRO gas flow control valve. The latter is CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
mechanically linked to the air valve and a series of typically controlling sequential operations.
adjusting screws permits setting of a desired air/fuel
ratio throughout the burner firing range. A pneumatic 5. Initial start-up adjustment should only be
or electric control motor will normally be mounted to accomplished during a “manual” control
this MICRO-RATIO® mode.
Valve assembly and Using a 3/16" allen wrench, disconnect the
establish firing rates in automatic control
accordance with system motor’s linkage from
demands. Maxon MICRO-RATIO®
Control Valve by
Additional data on loosening your control
Maxon MICRO-RATIO® motor’s connecting rod
Valves is provided in from the valve’s toggle
catalog bulletin 7000. linkage.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
3/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
3/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
WIDE-RANGE® Burner Size > 1.25" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4" 6" 8"
Configured Item Number > 1.25 WR 1.5 WR 2 WR 2.5 WR 3 WR 4 WR 6 WR 8 WR
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
1-1/2" Series G KINEMAX® Burners with spark ignitor, optional pilot gas adjustable orifice, and arranged for UV scanner mounting.
Standard refractory block is shown in background and burner equipped with seal and support assembly in foreground.
• Stir up the heat in your furnace with exit velocities up to 275 ft/sec (185 MPH) to promote
workload heat penetration and better temperature uniformity
• Operate on-ratio, with excess fuel, or with excess air to meet the specific demands of your
combustion process needs
• Burn most clean, low pressure gaseous fuels or #2 light oil with only 8-16 ounce
combustion air pressures
• 48:1 turndown capability promotes faster bring-up times without temperature override
• Maximum application flexibility provided with seven different sizes and capabilities up to
8,400,000 Btu/hr per burner
• Lower fuel consumption by using preheated combustion air up to 800°F (427°C)
• Lightweight refractory-less burner with stainless steel combustion sleeve for air heating
• Alternate refractory block materials for chamber temperatures up to 3000°F (1649°C)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 4202
KINEMAX® Burners
Principle of Operation Series G KINEMAX® Burners
for gas only firing
With Series G KINEMAX® Burners,
combustion air enters the burner body and
is swirled out into the burner block (or
sleeve) through the internal air orifice plate.
Low pressure gas enters the burner
body and exits to the block through
machined ports in the gas nozzle.
The gas and air are intimately mixed in
the cast burner block tunnel. The spark
ignitor is positioned to intersect the fuel/air
mixture directly in front of the nozzle face.
Pilot gas is introduced directly behind the
gas ports in the gas nozzle and essentially
flows through to the burner block through
the same ports as does the main gas. The
pilot capacity is the minimum firing rate of
the KINEMAX® Burner.
With Series C KINEMAX® Burners,
combustion air enters the burner body and
is swirled out into the burner block (or Series C KINEMAX® Burners
sleeve) through the air orifice plate. Low for gas/oil firing
pressure gas enters the body and exits to
the block/sleeve through the gas tube and
For light oil firing, the #2 oil enters
through the strainer and oil tube going to the
oil spinner nozzle where the stream of liquid
oil is atomized by the atomizing air directly in
front of the spark ignitor.
Gas for the pilot comes in through a
separate inlet in the gas body and flows
down the gas tube where it spins out the
face of the gas nozzle in front of the spark
KINEMAX® Burners provide a higher velocity set to give a choice between on-ratio and excess air,
stream of hot combustion gases that promote circula- or excess fuel firing. As high as 4700% excess air is
tion within your furnace or lehr, improving both possible at minimum capacity.
temperature uniformity and workload penetration. Maxon catalog bulletin
When used in conjunction with Maxon’s MICRO- 7000 describes MICRO-
RATIO® Control Valves, a KINEMAX® Burner may be RATIO® Control Valves which
adjusted to fire on-ratio throughout the firing range or throttle air and fuel volumes
to the KINEMAX® Burner.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
KINEMAX® Burners Page 4203
Typical applications include kilns, forge furnaces, A complete KINEMAX® Burner system includes
annealing furnaces, lehrs, and other applications that gas train, air/fuel proportioning equipment, pressure
require heating uniformity and broad ratio control. blower, and a control panel. Your Maxon
representative can help you choose from the broad
range available.
Page 4204 KINEMAX® Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
All KINEMAX® Burners can be fired on-ratio, ratio adjustment is required, or if the burner is to be
excess fuel, or with excess air. They include built-in ignited with full excess air.
test port connections for simplified start-up and Performance limits show the maximum excess air
adjustments, spark ignitor and a raw gas nozzle- ratio possible at minimum firing rate.
mixing pilot. Maximum capacity is a function of differential air
Performance data is provided in the tables below pressure supplied to the burner air inlet as read
and on the following page. between air test connection and combustion
Raw gas nozzle-mixing pilot requires natural gas chamber. Combustion air blower rating must be sized
be regulated separately and supplied to the pilot gas to allow for manifolding pressure losses.
inlet connection at 3-4" wc differential gas pressure. Fuel supply differential pressures (read between
Pilot capacity is that which gives reliable light-off with gas test connection and combustion chamber) are
3" wc natural gas pressure and a combustion air shown for both natural gas and propane.
differential pressure of 0.1" wc. To light off with full Flame geometry is also shown in tables. Flame
excess air requires considerably higher gas remains within the KINEMAX® Burner’s refractory
pressures. block at lower firing rates. The flame geometry shown
Minimums are based on an air differential of 0.1" is measured from the end of burner block at
wc and include excess air. Minimums increase if on- maximum rated capacity.
Capacities / Specifications for 1.5" - 6" Series G (gas only) KINEMAX® Burners
Burner Size 1.5" Series G 2" Series G 3" Series G 4" Series G 6" Series G
Combustion air osi 15 11 7 15 11 7 15 11 7 15 11 7 15
differential pressure inch wc 26 19 12 26 19 12 26 19 12 26 19 12 26
Maximum 550 470 375 1000 880 700 2400 2000 1600 4000 3400 2700 8000
Maximum with 800°F preheated
355 305 245 650 570 455 1560 1300 1040 2600 2205 1750 5200
combustion air
Capacities On-ratio pilot/minimum 30 40 50 300
(1000's Btu/hr) Pilot/minimum with approximately
20 25 30 200
75% excess air
Turndown ratio with 75% excess
27.5:1 50:1 96:1 133:1 40:1
Minimum capacity to light
35 50 100 500
Performance burner (1000's Btu/hr)
Limits with Percent excess air 2600 2200 1800 3900 3400 2700 4700 3900 3100 3900 3300 2600 3900
full excess air Turndown ratio with full excess
16:1 13:1 11:1 29:1 25:1 20:1 48:1 40:1 32:1 40:1 34:1 27:1 16:1
Combustion air volume required (SCFM) for
92 79 63 167 147 117 400 334 267 667 567 450 1470
maximum capacity (no excess air)
gas pressure Natural gas (inches w.c.) 4.2 3.1 2 4.2 3.2 2.1 3.8 2.8 1.8 3.2 2.3 1.5 6.2
required for
maximum Propane gas (inches w.c.) 1.7 1.3 0.8 1.7 1.3 0.8 1.5 1.1 0.7 1.3 0.9 0.6 2.4
Flame Length (inches) 8 6 4 14 10 8 24 18 12 40 30 24 48
geometry Diameter (inches) 6 5 4 6 5 4 12 10 8 15 12 10 36
KINEMAX® Burners Page 4205
Capacity/Selection Data
Capacities / Specifications for 2" and 6" Series C (gas/oil) KINEMAX® Burners
2" Series C 6" Series C
(on #2 oil) (on #2 oil)
Performance Factors osi 15 15
Combustion air differential pressure
inch w.c. 26 26
Differential fuel supply pressure Natural gas (in inches w.c.) 4.2 6.2
for maximum capacities #2 oil (in PSIG) 10 13
Length (inches) 36 96
Flame Geometry
Diameter (inches 8 24
[1] Excess air based on minimum capacity required for ignition. Slight smoke possible, depending on air temperature and fuel oil quality.
[2] When gas firing on Series C burner, a 1/2" diameter by-pass line is necessar y to keep atomizing air passage purged.
[3] Minimum capacity will be twice rating shown if pilot is not interrupted.
Page 4206 KINEMAX® Burners
Accessory Options
Refractory Block
Mounting Plate
Test Gasket
UV Scanner UV Scanner
(supplied by (supplied by
customer) customer)
Stainless Steel
Adjustable Combustion Sleeve
Spark 4" Series G KINEMAX® Burner with stainless steel
Test Connection Alternate Ignitor combustion sleeve, optional mounting plate
Kit UV Scanner Port gasket, and customer’s UV scanner. Optional
mounting plate gasket provides burner/wall sealing
1-1/2" Series G KINEMAX® Burner with standard when special mounting flange is used.
refractory block, spark ignitor assembly, optional
pilot gas adjustable orifice, and two optional test
Combustion Sleeve
connection kits. Optional pilot gas adjustable orifice
simplifies pilot adjustments. Optional test connection Optional Pilot Gas
kits simplify manometer hook-up for air and/or gas Adjustable Orifice
pressure readings during burner start-up and adjust-
ment. They include 1/8" brass hose barb and 1/8" test
cock. Kit must be removed and the test connections
plugged during normal burner operation. Note
alternate UV scanner port located on all KINEMAX® Oil
Page 4208 KINEMAX® Burners
Flame Rod
Spark Ignitor
Spark Ignitor
Page 4210 KINEMAX® Burners
Component Identification
Series G KINEMAX® Burners (gas only)
Page 4212 KINEMAX® Burners
KINEMAX® Burners Page 4200-S-1
7/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
General Instructions
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The sketch below
shows a typical pipe train system as might be used
with gas-fired KINEMAX® Burners.
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
To prevent damage in transit, the control valves,
pipe trains, spark ignitor, mounting gaskets, flame rod
and connecting linkage components may be packed
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon
Burner block and casting failure is frequently the
KINEMAX® Burner.
result of external stresses and strains transmitted to
KINEMAX® Burners can fire in any direction, but
the burner through the piping. Flexible connections
the scanner manufacturer may impose limitations.
are recommended in all piping to reduce piping
Avoid orientations which might permit flame supervi-
stresses and alignment/shifting problems. Installation
sion port to collect debris and/or moisture.
of such connectors at certain key spots in the air or
Include observation ports in your combustion
gas manifolding can prevent damage to the burners
chamber design to provide a view of both main and
from uneven thermal expansion.
pilot flame area. This will simplify start-up and adjust-
ment procedures.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
1 2
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Disconnect this
Test connections are essential for burner adjust- linkage from
ment. Each KINEMAX® Burner includes air and fuel MICRO-RATIO® Valve
test connections but additional connections should be
provided (at minimum) downstream of the regulator
and MICRO-RATIO® Valve.
Do not attempt to use test connections in pipe
elbows or tees, as internal turbulence can give
erroneous readings. Test connections must be
plugged except when readings are being taken.
4/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 4200-S-6 KINEMAX® Burners
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
KINEMAX® Burners Series G Gas Only Series C Gas/Oil
Complete 1.5" 2" 3" 4" 6" 2" 6"
Assemblies [1] 1.5 KM 2 KM 3 KM 4 KM 6 KM 2C KM 6C KM
[1] Refer to Product Data Sheet 9000-1 & 2 for alternate materials at net extra charge
Series "BV" 19122 (1-1/2") 19123 (2") 19125 (3") 19123 (2")
For air --- --- ---
Balancing Cv = 80 Cv = 138 Cv = 265 Cv = 138
Valves* 19119 (3/4") 19120 (1") 19122 (1-1/2") 19123 (2") 19120 (1")
(size) Cv flow For gas --- ---
Cv = 11 Cv = 18 Cv = 80 Cv = 138 Cv = 18
Pilot gas adjustable orifice 50431
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series G Gas Only Series C Gas/Oil
KINEMAX® Burners
1.5" 2" 3" 4" 6" 2" 6"
Replacement flame rod
51423 51425 51426 --- --- ---
assembly with rubber cover
Replacement & Spark ignitor sub-assembly 34042 39782 37160
Spare Parts with rubber cover
Rubber cover (R) 18722
Observation glass (R) 19284
Standard block 35000 35002 35004 35006 37034 50104 37034
Extended block 35904 35905 35906 35907 --- 50138 ---
Rated for Standard block & C.S.
35956 35959 35962 35965 --- 50139 ---
2600°F combustion sleeve
maximum Standard block & S.S.
35957 35960 35963 35966 37058 50140 37058
combustion sleeve
Extended block & S.S.
35958 35961 35964 35967 --- 50141 ---
combustion sleeve
Standard block 1037288 1037342 1037371 1037386 1037464 1037356 1037464
Extended block 1037290 1037344 1037373 1037388 --- 1037358 ---
Replacement Rated for Standard block & C.S.
1037292 1037346 1037375 1037390 --- 1037360 ---
Burner Block 2800°F combustion sleeve
Sub- maximum Standard block & S.S.
Assemblies 1037294 1037348 1037377 1037392 1037466 1037362 1037466
combustion sleeve
Extended block & S.S.
1037296 1037350 1037379 1037394 --- 1037364 ---
combustion sleeve
Standard block 1037289 1037343 1037372 1037387 1037465 1037357 1037465
Extended block 1037291 1037345 1037374 1037389 --- 1037359 ---
Rated for Standard block & C.S.
1037293 1037347 1037376 1037391 --- 1037361 ---
3000°F combustion sleeve
maximum Standard block & S.S.
1037295 1037349 1037378 1037393 1037467 1037363 1037467
combustion sleeve
Extended block & S.S.
1037297 1037351 1037381 1037395 --- 1037365 ---
combustion sleeve
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
RAMFIRE® Burners
1-1/2" RAMFIRE® Burners: At right, burner assembly with UV scanner (supplied by customer), spark ignitor and optional
mounting plate. Basic burner with standard refractory block and seal and support assembly is shown at left.
• Improve your furnace temperature uniformity and work penetration with rapid circulation
from RAMFIRE® Burner’s high exit velocities, up to 550 ft/sec (375 MPH)
• Increase furnace loading and reduce flame impingement potential with RAMFIRE® Burner’s
short flame length. Let the high velocity stream of hot combustion gases stir-up your furnace’s heat.
• Maintenance and/or field inspection is simple with burner’s removable backplate, giving direct and
easy access to the gas nozzle and refractory block
• 20:1 turndown capability promotes faster bring-up times without temperature override
• Operate “on-ratio” or with “excess air” to meet specific demands of your process requirements
• Clean burning with natural or propane gases to produce lower NOX levels
• Requires low pressure combustion air for heat releases up to 800,000 Btu/hr in two popular sizes
for maximum cost effectiveness
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 4302
RAMFIRE® Burners
Principle of Operation
Combustion air enters the burner
body and is swirled out into the burner
block through the air orifice plate. Gas
enters the burner body and exits to the
block through ports in the gas nozzle.
Gas and air are mixed on the face of
the nozzle directly in front of the spark
ignitor where it is ignited.
The pilot gas is introduced through
the side of the burner body and into the
gas nozzle.
The ignited gas/air flame front passes
down the refractory block tunnel to exit
through its reduced area discharge. This
helps to develop the short flame length
extending from the block and promotes
the very high exit velocities characteris-
tic of the RAMFIRE® Burner.
Each RAMFIRE® Burner includes a seal and Material temperature limits
support housing to insure block integrity, spark
ignitor, a sight glass, and four test connections to Standard burner block material is suitable for
simplify start-up and adjustment. operating temperatures up to 2200°F (1204°C). The
When used in conjunction with Maxon’s MICRO- maximum operating temperature limit may be
RATIO® Control Valves, a RAMFIRE® Burner may be downrated if the RAMFIRE® Burner is operating under
adjusted throughout the firing range to fire “on-ratio” the following conditions:
or with “excess air”. As high as 2100% excess air is – burner is installed in a furnace with fiber wall
possible at minimum capacity. construction
Maxon catalog bulletin – frequent cycling is present, inducing thermal shock
7000 describes MICRO- and stresses
RATIO® Control Valves which Seal and support assemblies reinforce burner
throttle air and gas volumes blocks in thin soft wall construction.
to the RAMFIRE® Burner. Carbon steel seal and support assembly is
Typical applications include suitable for chamber temperatures of up to 900°F
kilns, forge furnaces, annealing (482°C).
furnaces, lehrs, and other applications that require Stainless steel seal and support assembly
heating uniformity. provides for chamber temperatures up to 1500°F
Provision is made for a UV scanner to monitor both (816°C).
built-in raw gas pilot and main flame. Direct spark
ignition of burner is possible if sequencing incorpo-
rates low-fire start.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
RAMFIRE® Burners Page 4303
Capacity/Selection Data
All RAMFIRE® Burners can be fired “on-ratio” or Maximum capacity is a function of differential air
with “excess air”. They include built-in test port pressure to the burner air inlet connections as read
connections for simplified start-up and adjustments, a between A1 test connection and combustion chamber.
spark ignitor and a gas pilot. Combustion air must be available at 15 osi at the
Performance data is provided in table below. burner inlet. Combustion air blower rating should be
Gas pilot requires separately regulated natural gas at least 2 ounces higher than burner air inlet require-
differential pressure of 5-6" wc to the inlet of (optional) ments to allow for manifolding pressure losses.
pilot gas adjustable orifice. Combustion air flows show two figures: the first is
Cataloged minimums require an air differential of the flow (in SCFM) required at maximum rated
0.1" wc for 1-1/2" burner size and 0.2" wc for 2" capacity. The second set of numbers, denoted “for
burners. This translates to 35% excess air for the sizing”, indicates the actual flow rate that will be
1-1/2" burner and 75% for the 2" at rated minimum. If encountered in starting up a “cold” burner. If combus-
on-ratio minimum is required, output will be consider- tion blower is to be used to purge combustion cham-
ably higher. ber, blower must be sized for the larger air volumes to
Performance limits show the maximum “excess prevent possible blower motor overloading. The lower
air” ratio possible at minimum firing rate. figure at maximum rated capacity is the result of back
Fuel supply differential pressures (read between pressure developed within the burner while firing.
G1 test connection and combustion chamber) are Flame geometry is also shown in the table below.
shown for natural gas. To achieve cataloged maxi- Flame remains within the burner’s refractory block at
mum, natural gas must be supplied at 10 osi (18" wc) most firing rates. The flame length shown is mea-
at the burner inlet. sured from the end of burner block at maximum rated
capacity. The diameter shown is the greatest that may
be expected over entire capacity range.
Page 4304 RAMFIRE® Burners
Accessory Options
The photo below shows a RAMFIRE® Burner pressure readings during burner start-up and
with seal and support assembly, standard refrac- adjustment. Each kit includes 1/8" brass hose barb
tory block and spark ignitor assembly. Standard and 1/8" test cock. Kit must be removed and the
air inlet position is shown. test connections plugged during normal burner
Standard refractory material permits operation at operation.
firing chamber temperatures of up to 2200°F • Optional pilot gas adjustable orifice to simplify
(1204°C). pilot adjustments
The following accessories are also shown: • Optional mounting plate and gasket. Mounting
• Optional test connection kit. Test connection kit plates and gaskets attach to furnace or kiln wall and
simplifies manometer hook-up for air and/or gas provide desired location relative to inner wall face.
Refractory Block
Mounting Plate
Pilot Gas
Adjustable Orifice
Page 4306 RAMFIRE® Burners
Component Identification
2/95 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
General Instructions
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The sketch below
shows a typical pipe train system as might be used
with RAMFIRE® Burners.
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
To prevent damage in transit, the control valves,
pipe trains, spark ignitor, mounting gaskets, and
connecting linkage components may be packed
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon Burner block and casting failure is frequently the
RAMFIRE® Burner. result of external stresses and strains transmitted to
RAMFIRE® Burners can fire in any direction, but the burner through the piping. Flexible connections
the scanner manufacturer may impose limitations. are recommended in all piping to reduce piping
Avoid orientations which might permit flame supervi- stresses and alignment/shifting problems. Installation
sion ports to collect debris and/or moisture. of such connectors at certain key spots in the air or
Include observation ports in your combustion gas manifolding can prevent damage to the burners
chamber design to provide a view of both main and from uneven thermal expansion.
pilot flame area. This will simplify start-up and adjust- Gas check valves should be horizontally installed
ment procedures. in multi-burner applications as close as possible to
each burner inlet for dependable light-off. (Gas
manifold may otherwise act as a reservoir, preventing
light-off during trial-for-ignition period.)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
5/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
1 2
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, For initial system start-up:
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s equip- 1. Close all burner fuel valves and/or cocks.
ment components. Verify that your equipment has Make preliminary adjustments to regulators.
been installed in accordance with the original 2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all safety
manufacturer’s current instructions. devices and interlocks are operable and function-
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off ing within their respective settings/ranges. Be
should be undertaken only by trained and sure all manifolds are tight and that test ports are
experienced personnel familiar with combus- plugged if not being used.
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and 3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are
with knowledge of the overall installation. properly positioned and locked into operating
Instructions provided by the company and/or positions.
individuals responsible for the manufacture Vent dampers and pressure controllers
and/or overall installation of complete system should be used to maintain balanced or
incorporating Maxon burner take precedence slightly positive furnace pressures (0.0" to
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon in- 0.05" wc) for maximum efficiency. Excessive
structions conflict with any codes or regula- back pressure can damage furnace and/or reduce
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before burner capacity. Negative pressures allow infiltra-
attempting start-up. tion of secondary air and can seriously affect
efficiency and temperature uniformity.
NOTE: The following instructions assume use of 4. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
piloted burners and Standard Cam MICRO-RATIO® Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
Valves: direction. Verify that all safety interlocks are
The photograph below shows a MICRO-RATIO® working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
Valve assembly consisting of an air butterfly valve to adequate purge of manifold and combustion
control combustion air flow and an adjustable-gradiant chamber plenums.
SYNCHRO gas flow control valve. The latter is CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
mechanically linked to the air valve and a series of typically controlling sequential operations.
adjusting screws permits setting of a desired air/fuel
ratio throughout the burner firing range. A pneumatic 5. Initial start-up adjustment should only be
or electric control motor will normally be mounted to accomplished during a “manual” control
this MICRO-RATIO® mode.
Valve assembly and Using a 3/16" allen wrench, disconnect the
establish firing rates automatic control motor’s
in accordance with linkage from Maxon
system demands. MICRO-RATIO® Control
Valve by loosening your
Additional data control motor’s connect-
on Maxon MICRO- ing rod from the valve’s
RATIO® Valves is toggle linkage.
provided in catalog
bulletin 7000.
Disconnect this
linkage from
Test connections are essential for burner adjust- MICRO-RATIO® Valve
plugged except when readings are being taken.
4/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 4300-S-6 RAMFIRE® Burners
Rotate the air valve while watching the
manometer for the minimum air differential
A1 G2 pressure of 0.1" wc. (Note: This is a very small
increment on a normal manometer. Readings/
settings above 0.1" wc will lessen turndown ratio
of burner system.) Then mark red air valve dial
(see sketch below) opposite crank pointer.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
[1] Mounting plates and gaskets are required options. Mounting plate is normally welded in place at assembly to give
desired block placement relative to inner firing chamber wall. If you do not specify a desired mounting plate location, it will be
shipped “loose,” requiring welding at installation.
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
1-1/2" Series “G” VORTIFLARE® Burner assembly with seal and support, and optional pilot and mounting ring shown on left.
On right is 1-1/2" Series “G” VORTIFLARE® Burner assembly with basic refractory block.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 4402
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners Page 4403
Typical applications include kilns, forge furnaces, A complete VORTIFLARE® Burner system may
galvanizing tanks, annealing furnaces, lehrs, sinter include gas and/or oil trains, air/fuel proportioning
furnaces, and other applications requiring heating equipment, pressure blower, and a combustion
uniformity and broad ratio control. control panel. Your Maxon representative can help
you choose from the broad range available.
Page 4404 VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners
Capacities/Selection Data
Capacities/Specifications for Series “G” (gas only) and Series “C” (gas/oil) VORTIFLARE® Burners
Capacities and operating data shown in the table Atomizing air is required at 14 osi for oil firing,
below is based on firing with .65 Sp. Gr. natural gas optional for gas firing, with two capacity ranges
(1000 Btu/ft3) and #2 fuel oil (34.2 SSU viscosity at shown. Shutting off atomizing air on Series “C”
100°F) at approximately 140,000 Btu/gal. VORTIFLARE® Burners for gas firing gives lower
Gas pressures shown are “differential” (firing minimum capacities and slightly reduced maximums.
chamber to burner test connections). Propane gas Gas pilots require 25 CFH natural gas supply at
requires approximately 40% of the pressure shown for about 2" wc (at inlet) and 11" wc differential pilot air
natural gas. supply.
Oil supply must be regulated to the pressure Series “G” VORTIFLARE® Burner air/fuel ratios
indicated at the inlet to burner Y-strainer, and must be may be adjusted for up to 10% excess gas at maxi-
maintained at 40°F or higher (50 SSU minimum mum firing rate, up to 200% excess air at minimum
viscosity). firing rate or both if Maxon’s MICRO-RATIO® Control
Other light distillate fuels such as #1, #2, JP4, Valves are used. Data in the table below is based
etc. may be used. Do not use #4 or heavier oils. on “on-ratio” firing.
Accessory Options
Pilot Assembly
Seal & Support
Housing Mounting Ring
Mounting Clip
1-1/2" Series “G” VORTIFLARE® Burner basic block 1-1/2" Series “G” VORTIFLARE® Burner with seal and
with pilot assembly and mounting clips support assembly and mounting ring
Pilot Assembly Ring
Provision for UV Scanner
with cooling air
Spark Ignitor
2" Series “C” VORTIFLARE® Burner with seal and VORTIFLARE® Burner with optional eye bolt set to
support, pilot assembly, and provision for UV scanner enable supporting of burner weight while mounting into
cooling air chamber wall
Page 4406 VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners
Common items for all size VORTIFLARE® Burners Dimension “X” must be
specified on order. Burners
with seal and support housing
may be specified with an
optional mounting ring which
is welded in place at
assembly to give desired
block placement relative to
inner firing chamber wall. If
you do not specify a desired
mounting ring location
(Dimension “X”), it will be
Pipe threads on this page conform to NPT (ANSI Standard B2.1)
shipped “loose”, requiring
welding at installation.
VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners Page 4407
Page 4408 VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners
Component Identification
1.5" Series “G” VORTIFLARE® Burner To order replacement parts:
1. Specify parts by the names shown in the sketches
2. Indicate quantity desired
3. Indicate burner size from number cast on side of
nozzle body and/or pipe size of air inlet connection
4. If ordering refractory block sub-assemblies, identify
refractory material code stamped on block frame
near cast Maxon name
2" Series “C” VORTIFLARE® Burner 2" Series “G” VORTIFLARE® Burner
VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners Page 4400-S-1
5/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
General Instructions
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The sketch below
shows a typical pipe train system as might be used
with gas-fired VORTIFLARE® Burners.
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
To prevent damage in transit, the control valves,
pipe trains, spark ignitor, mounting gaskets, flame rod
and connecting linkage components may be packed
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon
VORTIFLARE® Burners can fire in any direction, but Burner block and casting failure is frequently the
the scanner manufacturer may impose limitations. result of external stresses and strains transmitted to
Avoid orientations which might permit pilot and/or flame the burner through the piping. Flexible connections
supervision port to collect debris and/or moisture. are recommended in all piping to reduce piping
Include observation ports in your combustion stresses and alignment/shifting problems. Installation
chamber design to provide a view of both main and of such connectors at certain key spots in the air or
pilot flame area. This will simplify start-up and adjust- gas manifolding can prevent damage to the burners
ment procedures. from uneven thermal expansion.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
restart when used with an appropriate control system.
5/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 4400-S-4 VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
plugged except when readings are being taken.
5/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 4400-S-6 VORTIFLARE® Radial Flame Burners
test connection locations
for Series “G”
test connection locations
for Series “C”
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
5/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
5/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
5/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Right: 2" MULTIFIRE® II Dual Fuel Burner with spark ignited pilot assembly and provision for UV scanner (scanner by others).
Left: 2" MULTIFIRE® II Burner with seal and support assembly.
• Clean burning of light distillate fuel oils or most gaseous fuels with low combustion air
• Wide turndown capabilities on oils or gases promote faster bring-up times without temperature
• Maximum application flexibility provided with five different sizes and “on-ratio” capacities up to
17,500,000 Btu/hr per burner
• 6" HO MULTIFIRE® Burner capable of firing #6 heavy oil (maximum viscosity of 90 SSU)
• Operate “on-ratio” or with “excess air” to meet the specific demands of your combustion
process. For air heating applications, most MULTIFIRE® Burners may be “overfired” without
increasing burner size providing lower costs per Btu.
• Alternate refractory block materials for temperatures up to 3000°F (1649°C) to provide
maximum cost effectiveness
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 4502
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners Page 4503
Typical MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burner installation for gas and light oil
Typical installation drawing above is schematic illustration. For clarity purposes, the oil piping is shown coming down to
burners; however, in actual installation, oil piping should always be piped below and go up to burners.
Page 4504 MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners
Capacities/Selection Data
Capacities/specifications in the following charts Normal minimum and on-ratio minimum shown on
are based on natural gas (0.65 specific gravity and chart assume minimal excess air volume.
1000 Btu/ft3 calorific value); #2 fuel oil (140,000 Example: Normal minimum on #6 oil of 2,500,000
Btu/gal); and #6 heavy oil (150,000 Btu/gal). Btu/hr with 6" HO MULTIFIRE® Burner assumed to
Other gaseous or distillate fuels such as pro- have approximately 10% excess air in combustion
pane, #1, kerosene and JP-4 may be used in all reaction. On-ratio minimum for 3" MULTIFIRE® II
MULTIFIRE® Burners, but #4 or heavier oils may only Burner on gas at 140,000 Btu/hr assumed to deliver
be fired in 6" HO MULTIFIRE® Burner. Propane gas 2% oxygen in combustion products (or 10% excess
may be fired at approximately 40% of the differential air).
gas pressure shown for natural gas. #6 heavy oil Maximum capacities are given for two alternate
must be heated to maintain a viscosity of 90 SSU or application conditions:
less to the burner inlet of 6" HO MULTIFIRE® Burner. • Nominal closed chamber maximum is based on
Air differential pressure readings are measured firing with no available secondary air (0 to 0.1" wc
between burner inlet (or burner test port connection) static pressure in combustion chamber). This would
and combustion chamber static pressure. be typical of applications with higher temperature
MULTIFIRE® Burners are 3-pipe burners with furnaces, etc.
gas and atomizing air flows using the same inlet • For air heating applications, extended capacities
connection. To achieve the on-ratio minimum capaci- are possible only if fresh secondary air is available
ties shown for gas firing, the differential combustion from passing air stream. Burners can fire across a
air pressure must not exceed 0.3" wc. fresh air stream at velocities of 1000 SFPM or less, or
In the oil firing chart (page 4505), operations with fire into a parallel fresh air stream up to 4000 SFPM.
excess air at minimum firing rates provide the lower
NOTE: If burners fire into a high moisture, inert,
minimum capacities shown as absolute minimum.
or recirculated air stream, maximum capacities
may decrease approximately 10% from those
shown for closed chamber maximums.
Capacities / specifications on natural gas (1000 Btu/ft3 and 0.65 specific gravity)
Burner Size & Type MULTIFIRE® MULTIFIRE® Burners
2" 3" 4" Burners Burners 6" 8"
Combustion air differential pressures 14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 22 osi 14 osi 22 osi 14 osi 14 osi
(inches w.c.) (25) (32) (25) (32) (25) (32) (25) (38) (25) (38) (25) (25)
For closed chamber
firing with no secondary
680 735 1450 1600 2825 3000 7500 9000 7500 9000 7500 16,000
Maximum air (0 to +0.1" wc back
capacity pressures)
(1000's Btu/hr) For air heating
applications with fresh 740 850 1850 1925 2858 3000 16,000 23,000 16,000 23,000 11,250 24,000
secondary air available
capacity On-ratio minimum 60 140 420 200 200 500 1000
(1000's Btu/hr)
SCFM combustion air required
114 123 242 267 471 500 1250 1500 1250 1500 1250 2667
for closed chamber maximum
Nominal turndown ratio 11.3:1 12.3:1 10.4:1 11.4:1 6.7:1 7:1 37.5:1 45:1 37.5:1 45:1 15:1 16:1
Differential natural gas pressure
22 27 13 15 26 30 -0.2 1 -0.2 1 20 30
(inches w.c.)
Flame Diameter (inches) 9" 12" 16" 24" 30" 24" 30" 24" 30"
(in still air) Length (feet) 3 ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 10 ft. 12 ft. 8 ft. 16 ft.
MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners Page 4505
Capacities/Selection Data
For oil firing minimums, the air control valve must For dual fuel operations and to gain full turndown
be fully closed, thus utilizing only atomizing air. A ratio on either fuel, a by-pass arrangement around
separate oil control valve is required for each burner the fully closed air control valve is necessary.
in a multiple burner installation, if cataloged oil-fired
minimum is to be achieved.
Capacities / specifications on #2 light oil [1] (at 34.2 SSU viscosity @100°F, 140,000 Btu/gal)
Burner size & type 6" HO MULTIFIRE® Burners MULTIFIRE® Burners
2" 3" 4" Burners 6" 8"
Fuel oil #2 oil #2 oil #2 oil #2 oil #6 oil #2 oil #2 oil #2 oil
Combustion air
14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 22 osi 14 osi 22 osi 14 osi 22 osi 14 osi 14 osi
differential pressures
(25) (32) (25) (32) (25) (32) (25) (38) (25) (38) (25) (38) (25) (25)
(inches w.c.)
For closed chamber
firing with no
Maximum secondary air 725 740 1450 1600 2835 2950 9300 10,700 10,000 11,500 9500 11,500 8000 17,500
capacity (0 to +0.1" wc back
(1000's pressures)
Btu/hr) For air heating
applications with fresh 798 1095 1824 1958 2835 2950 9300 10,700 10,000 11,500 21,470 26,000 12,000 26,250
secondary air available
Minimum Normal minimum 96 125 170 200 255 295 2500 2500 2000 2500 775 1400
Bt/hr) Absolute minimum 56 72 126 149 170 197 1200 1200 1385 530 980
Turndown Nominal 7.4:1 5.9:1 8.5:1 8:1 11:1 10:1 3.7:1 4.3:1 4:1 4.6:1 4.8:1 4.6:1 10.3:1 12.5:1
ratios Maximum [2] 12.9:1 10.3:1 11.5:1 10.7:1 16.7:1 15:1 7.8:1 8.9:1 8.3:1 9.6:1 6.9:1 8.3:1 15:1 17.9:1
SCFM combustion air required
121 124 242 267 473 492 1250 1500 1250 1500 1250 1500 1250 2667
for closed chamber maximum
Volume (SCFM) 14 16 27 31 54 61 417 417 334 417 128 175
air Differential pressure
14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 18 osi 14 osi 18 osi 22 osi 22 osi 14 osi 22 osi 14 osi 14 osi
Oil inlet pressure (PSIG)
5.5 6 20 24 16 18 5 8 5 8 4 5 17 10
required at burner oil inlet
Flame Diameter 9" 12" 16" 34" 36" 34" 36" 34" 36" 30" 36"
(in still air) Length 3 ft. 4 ft. 6 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. 9 ft. 11 ft. 10 ft. 16 ft.
[1] Shaded area indicates #6 oil
[2] Based on absolute minimum and closed chamber maximums
Page 4506 MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners
Accessory Options
UV Scanner
(supplied by others)
Flame Rod/
UV Scanner
Spark Ignitor
2" MULTIFIRE® II Burner with standard refractory 2" MULTIFIRE® II Burner with optional seal and
block, optional pressure pilot with spark ignitor, support assembly and pilot. Flame rod/UV scanner
and UV scanner (supplied by others). port shown with pipe plug (as shipped).
Flame Rod
Hinged Lighter
Port Cover
Accessory Options
Air By-pass System required for full turndown capabilities on oil firing
MULTIFIRE® Burners are normally used as part of Typical schematic illustration
a combustion system including MICRO-RATIO® Air/ for air by-pass system
Fuel Control Valves. For gas firing of the burner, the
air valve must be adjusted so that at its minimum
position, sufficient combustion air passes to allow
operation at minimum gas-firing capacity.
When firing on oil, the required minimum combus-
tion air is supplied as atomizing air, and the flow
through the partially open air valve which was neces-
sary for gas firing now becomes “excess” air, requir-
ing that the minimum oil firing rate be increased.
If the full turndown range of the burner is
required on oil, then the air valve must be closed at
minimum firing position, and an air by-pass system
installed to provide the minimum combustion air
required for gas firing (see sketch at right). Control
sequencing should be such that the air by-pass
solenoid valve is open for gas firing, and the balanc-
ing valve set for the desired minimum capacity.
Suggested by-pass solenoid valve sizes are included
in table below.
Air By-Pass
BV Balancing Valve
Burner Size Solenoid Valve
Size CV Flow Size CV Flow Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or
2" MULTIFIRE® II 1/2" -BV 5 1/2" 5 misuse of the piping layouts shown. Specific
3" MULTIFIRE II 1" -BV 18 1" 21
piping and wiring diagrams should always be
submitted to the appropriate agencies for
& larger sizes
1-1/4" -BV 42 1-1/4" 32 approval on each application.
Page 4508 MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners
Page 4510 MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners
Installation Instructions
General Instructions
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The sketch below
shows a typical pipe train system as might be used
with MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners.
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
To prevent damage in transit, the control valves,
pipe trains, spark ignitor, mounting gaskets, and
connecting linkage components may be packed
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon the burner through the piping. Flexible connections
MULTIFIRE® Burner. are recommended in all piping to reduce piping
MULTIFIRE® Burners can mount and fire in any stresses and alignment/shifting problems. Installation
direction, but the scanner manufacturer may impose of such connectors at certain key spots in the air or
limitations. Avoid orientations which might permit gas manifolding can prevent damage to the burners
flame supervision port to collect debris and/or from uneven thermal expansion.
moisture. Burner and pipe manifold support will be re-
Include observation ports in your combustion quired to support weight of the burner and any
chamber design to provide a view of both main and connected pipe train components. Air control motors,
pilot flame area. This will simplify start-up and adjust- in particular, require additional support. Maxon
ment procedures. connecting base and linkage assemblies are de-
Burner block and casting failure is frequently the signed to position the control motors to work with the
result of external stresses and strains transmitted to control valve, not to support their weight.
Typical installation drawing above is schematic illustration. For clarity purposes, the oil piping is shown coming down to
burners; however, in actual installation, oil piping should always be piped below and go up to burners.
submitted to the appropriate agencies for approval on each application.
6/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 4500-S-2 MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
1 2
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
pass line (usually with a solenoid valve).
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
MULTIFIRE® Dual Fuel Burners Page 4500-S-7
6/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order per the following product numbers:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric text)
Configured Item
2 MF 3 MF 4 MF 6 HO MF 6 HC MF 6 MF 8 MF
[1] Refer to Product Data Sheet 9000-1 and -2 for alternate refractory materials at net extra charge
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Provide clean combustion with low NOx levels, even with on-site generated oxygen
(approximately 90% purity) units. OXY-THERM® Burners use oxygen for the combustion reaction,
removing the major source of nitrogen available for the formation of NOx.
• Quickly convert between gas and oil service by changing the burner nozzle. Provides stand-by or
alternate fuel capabilities. Fuel oil capability ranges from light to heavy fuel oils.
• Designed for easy installation and maintenance. OXY-THERM® Burner nozzles can be removed
during furnace operation, eliminating costly downtime.
• Achieve higher flame temperatures by burning fuels with oxygen. OXY-THERM® Burners eliminate
the need for costly combustion air preheaters, regenerators or recuperators.
• Substantially improve the product quality by eliminating the flow reversals found in regenerative
melters. Oxygen-fuel firing reduces flue gas volume, resulting in less turbulence in the melter
• Quickly change burner capacity by replacing the thread-on burner nozzle (gas burners only).
• Improve heat transfer, leading to better homogenization and fining of the melt. Hence, lower seed
counts, higher pull rates and better selections.
• Eliminate the need for water cooling and related water piping and maintenance.
• Provide application flexibility with 5:1 turndown range.
Gas OXY-THERM® manufactured under U.S. Patent #4690635,
Canadian Patent #1260378, U.K. Patent #2192982,
German Patent P3722446.8 and French Patent #8704742.
Oil OXY-THERM® Burner manufactured under U.S. Patent #5092760.
Additional patents pending in Canada, Europe, Japan, South Korea and Mexico.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 4602
Oil Burner
(cutaway view)
Gas Burner
(cutaway view)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4603
Design Guidelines
Applications using oxygen-fuel burner technology (see diagram at right). 3-way Valve
can vary greatly. Therefore, Maxon is providing Block cooling air/
general information which should guide users and oxygen (or other air Cooling Air
designers of furnaces that use oxygen-fuel burners. source) connects to the
NOTE: Premium-quality materials have been used valve, in addition to
on the OXY-THERM® Burner, but metal components combustion oxygen.
can be destroyed by high furnace temperatures if the The cooling source ➤ To
burner is misused or left unprotected from cooling should not be com- Burner
flows. Because most oxygen-fuel burner applications pressed air, since
operate at very high temperatures, these guidelines compressed air could
focus on enhancing burner performance and contain oils which Oxygen
longevity. contaminate oxygen-
clean components.
Design Guidelines A 3-way valve is recommended. The valve
1. Whenever the gas or oil insert is installed in the should offer 180° operation, with shut-off at 90°.
burner housing, cooling flow should be Every component that comes in contact with
established through the combustion oxygen oxygen must be cleaned for oxygen service.
connection (see item 4 for recommended piping). 5. Quick-connect devices for the combustion
Cooling flow may be either air or oxygen, but not oxygen, atomizing air/oxygen and fuel will
compressed air. An example of a cooling air facilitate hook-up and installation, especially
source would be the block cooling air on a glass when switching from fuel gas to fuel oil. Quick-
melter. Minimum recommended cooling air/ connect devices also limit the amount of time that
oxygen flows are 15 scfm for Series 600 OXY- burner components are exposed to furnace
THERM® Burners and 30 scfm for Series 900 temperatures without cooling flow. This is helpful
OXY-THERM® Burners. during hot conversions or when replacing existing
2. If the burner will not be fired for an extended burners.
period (over 24 hours), then the gas or oil insert 6. Burner and piping should be supported as shown
should be withdrawn from the housing. The in the installation instructions. Unsupported
service nut should be installed in its place, and piping puts stress on the block/frame assembly. If
cooling air/oxygen flow established (see item 1 enough stress is present, the burner block could
for recommended flow rates). This cooling flow crack, affecting performance and burner life.
will extend gasket life and retard the collection of 7. The Zedmul 20-C block is recommended for fuel
particulate material inside the burner block gas fired applications. It provides an economical,
opening. As an alternative to cooling flow, the high-quality burner block material, and is familiar
burner housing may be removed, if desired, to users throughout industry. Zedmul 20-C burner
leaving the block/frame assembly mounted to the blocks have been used on applications such as
furnace wall. container glass, sodium silicate and fiberglass
3. On oil fired burners, reduced pressure atomizing furnaces.
air/oxygen should be maintained when the 8. The Zirconia block is required for all fuel oil fired
burner is not firing. Without atomizing flow, some applications. Even if fuel oil is anticipated only as
residual oil can communicate through the atom- a back-up fuel, the Zirconia block must be used.
izer holes and into oxygen clean components in The Zirconia block may also be used for gas
the oil insert. The atomizing flow will also serve to firing if the user has concerns about the compat-
cool the oil nozzle (10 psig atomizing pressure ibility of the Zedmul 20-C block with his or her
would be sufficient). Required safety practice is process.
that any time atomizing flow is shut off, oil inserts 9. All liquids and atomizing air/oxygen should be
are to be removed and re-cleaned to prevent any filtered. A 100-mesh duplex fuel oil filter is
fuel oil residue and oxygen from coming into recommended for oil fired OXY-THERM®
contact with each other. Burners. Filtering the atomizing air/oxygen will
4. To provide cooling flow to the burner housing, help prevent debris from plugging the atomizing
Maxon recommends installing a 3-way ball valve holes.
immediately upstream from the combustion 10. OXY-THERM® fuel gas burners should be specified
oxygen connection on the burner at or near expected design capacity. For
Page 4604 OXY-THERM® Burners
Series 600
Oxygen Flow (scfh)
0.1 1 10 50
Oxygen Pressure (inches w.c.)
Series 900
Oxygen Flow (scfh)
0.05 0.1 1 10 100
Oxygen Pressure (inches w.c.)
Page 4606 OXY-THERM® Burners
1 10 100
0.1 1 10 100
Oxygen Pressure (inches w.c.)
OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4607
Page 4608 OXY-THERM® Burners
• If oxygen is used for atomizing, its
volume should be factored in when
establishing the excess oxygen
requirements for each application. If air is
used for atomizing, the volume of oxygen
contained in the air is so small that it
represents an insignificant amount of the
oxygen required for combustion.
Therefore, it should not be factored into
the operating fuel/oxygen ratios.
• The volume of atomizing flow for cooling
as described on page 4603, item 3,
would equal approximately 20 percent of
the atomizing volume at 50 psig shown
on the chart.
Series 900
Page 4610 OXY-THERM® Burners
sealed port pilot
OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4611
Component Identification
Gas OXY-THERM® Burners
Page 4612 OXY-THERM® Burners
OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4600-S-1
Installation Instructions
The burner is normally only a part of your complete Possible Burner Mounting Configurations
combustion system. Additional pipe train accessories
and control components will be required for a com-
plete system installation.
Important: Do not discard packing material until
all loose items are accounted for.
To prevent damage in transit, the burner insert and
mounting gaskets may be packed separately and
shipped loose.
OXY-THERM® Burners can fire in all directions
except downward. Avoid orientations which might
permit an idle burner to collect debris.
Include observation ports in your design to provide
a view of the flame area. This will simplify start-up and
adjustment procedures.
Burner block failure could result from external
stresses and strains transmitted to the burner through
the piping. Flexible connections are recommended in
all piping to reduce piping stresses and alignment/
shifting problems. Installation of such connectors at
certain key spots in the oxygen or gas manifolding
can prevent damage to the burners from uneven
thermal expansion.
Burner Mounting
The sketches at right show two possible methods
of mounting and holding an OXY-THERM® Burner
block and frame assembly in place. Alternate support
methods are possible.
The primary focus is to compress the frame against
the wall of the melter and to support the weight of any
system piping.
The burner block sits on the sill or wall. The burner
block and frame weight should be supported and
equally distributed. If burner port holes are too large,
shims may be used to align the burner.
The opening in the furnace shell should normally
provide 1/16" clearance on all sides. High tempera-
ture furnace sealant or gasketing should be used
between burner mounting flange and furnace shell.
For maximum burner life, burner frame and furnace
shell must be protected from hot gas flows.
4/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Hot Installation Procedure for Materials commonly used in valves and burners for
Zedmul 20-C Burner Blocks ordinary service have ignition temperatures in gas-
eous oxygen that are above normal flowing tempera-
Over the last 20 years, the following procedure has tures. These may include organic materials such as
been used to install Zedmul 20-C burner blocks “on Neoprene, Viton, Teflon, lubricants and sealing
the fly” in glass operations. Most of the experience compounds. Therefore, the danger of combustion
has been in float and container glass operations with exists in materials being ignited not by the normal
hot face temperatures between 1425°C (2600°F) and flowing temperatures, but rather by localized higher
1675°C (3050°F). temperatures resulting from such conditions as:
1. All moisture within the burner block should be 1. Adiabatic Compression
removed before starting installation. This is Rapidly opening a valve may result in an abnor-
accomplished by placing the burner on the crown mally high gas temperature caused by adiabatic
of the furnace or under the port area for a day. compression of a low pressure gas at the valve
2. Where the new block will contact older, hot outlet.
materials, Fiberfrax paper should be used as a 2. Dirt or Foreign Particle Impingement
thermal buffer. A foreign particle that is being carried in a high
3. Remove the old block and clean the opening. velocity gas stream and which strikes the burner or
4. Insert the new block into the furnace. a valve body wall may transform its kinetic energy
5. Permit the new block to heat-up to near ambient into heat sufficient to raise the impinging particle or
temperatures (usually about one half to three the material it strikes to its respective ignition
quarters of an hour). temperature.
6. Resume normal operations. 3. Ignition by Stray Static Electricity Sparks
A valve, for example, that has already been heated
Burner Adjustment and Control
up by friction may transmit sufficient heat to ignite
Oxygen-fuel burners require accurate control of other surrounding metallic materials from static
both fuel and oxygen for optimum performance. electricity sparks.
Piping to individual burners should include control 4. Excessive Friction
valves for both oxygen and fuel. In addition, flow Heat generated by friction between two surfaces
meters for oxygen and fuel capable of local or remote may raise the temperature of one or both of the
readout are required for proper burner adjustment. surfaces to the ignition point of a substance within
Flame sensing may be accomplished by UV an oxygen atmosphere.
scanner. Burner design can incorporate a UV scan- Organic materials have ignition temperatures
ner port suitable for supervision of both pilot and main below that of metals. Therefore, use of organic
flames. UV scanner, if used, should be kept as close materials in contact with oxygen should be avoided as
to burner as feasible. Heat block, if used, may affect much as possible. The best material is one with the
signal strength with some brands of UV scanners. highest ignition temperature and lowest specific heat
Electrical service must match the voltage, phase that possesses the necessary mechanical properties
and cycle of all electrical system components and be for the application.
compatible with nameplate ratings. Ensure that all Lubricants and sealing compounds should be
normal control safeguards are satisfied. used sparingly and should be a material that is
CAUTION: Oxygen should only be used with suitable for oxygen service. Common petroleum
approved materials, properly cleaned pipe and lubricants are not satisfactory and are particularly
equipment, and specially designed systems. hazardous because of their high heat of combustion
Ordinary materials can be extremely flammable and high rate of reaction.
in the presence of oxygen and air enriched with O-rings should be lubricated with Series 25-10M
oxygen. Halocarbon or Fluoramics Lox 8 grease or equal. Pipe
threads should be sealed with Fluoramics Lox 8 pipe
All organic and many inorganic materials will joint paste or equal.
react with gaseous oxygen at particular temperature
and pressure conditions. Fire and/or an explosion
may result from this reaction.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Other Materials and Precautions Main fuel regulator is essential to maintain a
• Brass or copper pipe should be used in any pipe uniform system supply pressure.
carrying oxygen. Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
• Do not use Buna-N in any equipment that contacts required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
oxygen. losses. Follow the instructions attached to the regula-
• Packings, such as for valves, should be Viton or tor during installation.
Teflon. If used, pilot take-off should be upstream of the
• All accessory and pipe train components such main gas regulator, but downstream of the main gas
as regulators, solenoid valves, gauges, pressure cock. It should normally include its own pilot gas
switches, etc., must be oxygen service regulator, a solenoid valve, and shut-off cock. A pilot
compatible. adjustable orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies
Fuel supply piping must be large enough to adjustment.
maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for the Pilots do not use oxygen.
particular burner size used with burner operating at
full rated capacity. Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
Anything more than minimal distance or piping the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
turns may necessitate oversizing piping runs to keep your particular burner size.
pressure drops within acceptable ranges. Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to
If multiple burners are fed from a single fuel train, a control system) are designed to shut the fuel
care should be taken to minimize pressure drop and supply off with a loss of electrical power. Manual
give maximum uniformity. reset valves require operator attendance each time
Clean atomizing oxygen/air lines are essential to the system is started up (or restarted after a shut-
prevent plugging of critical atomizing ports in the oil down). Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic
insert. start-restart when used with an appropriate control
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage system.
of pipe train components or burner fuel ports. Any test connections must be plugged except
Fuel and oxygen piping should be located when readings are being taken.
reasonably close to the burner and sized for the Control systems should provide all normally
pressure and volume requirements of the burner. recommended interlocks (including operation of fuel
Main shut-off cock should be upstream of the shut-off valves). Sequencing control systems are
main fuel regulator and pilot (if supplied) line take-off. available from Maxon that include provision for post-
Use it to shut off fuel during shut-down periods of purge pilots during all but emergency shut-downs.
more than a few hours. Control system’s circuitry must not allow main
fuel shut-off valve to be opened unless oxygen is
A fuel throttling control valve is not intended on, and must de-energize valve upon loss of oxygen
for tight shut-off. pressure, along with the other usual system inter-
Start-up Instructions
Start-up instructions are specific to each applica-
tion. Contact your Maxon representative for instruc-
tions for your particular application.
4/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Gas OXY-THERM® Burners Oil OXY-THERM® Burners
Burner Series Configured Item Number Burner Series Configured Item Number
Series 600
Gas port sized according to firing rate
Series 900 by Maxon Sales personnel
11/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Product Data Sheet Product: OXY-THERM® Burners
Do Not Reproduce
Do Not Reproduce
4. Maxon is independent. We do not sell oxygen 6. The user can decide how to control the oxygen
and we do not design furnaces. We do not tell and fuel flow to the burner. Our burners have
glass engineers how to do what they already worked with a wide range of control schemes.
know how to do. We sell combustion equipment.
That’s our expertise. 7. The same burner is used to fire both gas and oil.
A mere change to the nozzle and you can
5. In numerous comparison tests where change from one fuel to the other in less than 5
competitor’s burners were fired in the same minutes - FLEXIBILITY.
furnace, Maxon burners have been chosen every
time. There have been lots of comparisons made In summary, Maxon offers users the freedom of
on paper, but we have won the ones that count choice: choice of furnace designer / consultant,
due to lower emissions and better quality glass choice of oxygen supplier, choice of control sche-
production. matic. Maxon has no obligations or ties to any of the
above suppliers of equipment and services. The
OXY-THERM® burner can be used with anyone’s
oxygen, with anyone’s controls and with anyone’s
engineering services.
Bulletin 4620
Maxon Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burner with square block and optional self-ignition feature
• Capacities up to 300,000 Btu/hr (88 kW) with choice of two block shapes.
• Burns any gaseous fuel, including poor quality fuels that may be unstable using air for combustion.
• Clean combustion with low NOx levels. OXY-THERM® Burners use oxygen for the combustion
reaction, removing atmospheric nitrogen as a source of NOx emissions.
• Easy installation and maintenance. OXY-THERM® Burner nozzles can be removed during furnace
operation, eliminating costly downtime.
• Dramatically increase available heat by producing higher flame temperatures from burning fuels
with oxygen. OXY-THERM® Burners eliminate the need for costly combustion air preheaters,
regenerators or recuperators.
• Substantially reduce the size of exhaust gas handling equipment. Oxygen-fuel firing can reduce
flue gas volume and exhaust gas treatment requirements by 75% or more.
• Self-cooling design eliminates the need for water cooling and related water piping and
• Simple, robust design and high operational turndown provides application flexibility.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 289-8394
Page 4622
Series 300 round block (bottom) and round block with Series 300 square block (bottom) and square block with
optional self-ignition feature (top) optional self-ignition feature (top)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 289-8394
Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4623
Page 4624 Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burners
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4625
Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burner with square block
.A. sq.
Page 4626 Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burners
Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burner with square block & self-ignition feature
.A. sq.
3/4" NPT
3.0" Oxygen Inlet
sq. Compression fitting
can be removed for 3.0"
(7.6 cm)
1/8" NPT inlet (7.6 cm)
Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burner with round block & self-ignition feature
3/4" NPT
3.0 NOTE:
Oxygen Inlet
sq. Compression fitting
can be removed for 3.0"
(7.6 cm)
1/8" NPT inlet (7.6 cm)
Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4627
Component Identification
Fully engage burner assembly (Item 2)
against inside lip of refractor block (Item 1),
then apply spring loaded set screw (Item 7)
as directed.
5 6 7 2 3 4 1
Page 4628 Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burners
Series 300 OXY-THERM® Burners Page 4620-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Instructions The burner is only a part of your complete
• Fuel and oxygen piping must be supported to combustion system. Additional pipe train accessories
prevent undue stress and damage to burner block and control components will be required for a complete
and components. system installation.
• Fuel and oxygen supply piping must be large Important: Do not discard packing material until
enough to maintain the required fuel pressure all loose items are accounted for.
cataloged for the particular burner size used with
burner operating at full rated capacity.
• Fuel and oxygen piping should be located reason- Cold Installation Procedure
ably close to the burner and sized for the pressure Read the entire installation procedure before
and volume requirements of the burner. proceeding with the installation of oxygen-fuel burners.
• Anything more than minimal distance or piping turns
Failure to follow the proper installation
may necessitate oversizing piping runs to keep
sequence noted below could result in damage or
pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
destruction of vital burner components. Cooling
• If multiple burners are fed from a single fuel train,
oxygen or airflows should be present at all times
care should be taken to minimize pressure drop and
when the burner housing and metal components
give maximum uniformity.
are mounted to a hot furnace.
• Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage of
pipe train components or burner fuel ports. 1. Visually inspect the burner. The burner is shipped
• Main shut-off cock should be upstream of the main fully assembled, and is designed for installation as a
fuel regulator. Use it to shut off fuel during shutdown complete unit.
periods of more than a few hours. 2. Confirm that cooling air or oxygen is available at the
• A fuel throttling control valve is not intended for tight individual burner ports and control stations before
shut-off. installing the burner.
• Main fuel regulator is essential to maintain a uniform 3. Install the burner assembly into the furnace wall.
system supply pressure. Refer to the information at right for Hot Installation
• Size the regulator for full system capacity at the Procedures. Refer to page 4620-S-2 for Burner
required pressure, carefully considering pipe train Mounting instructions.
losses. Follow the instructions attached to regulator 4. Complete connections for fuel, oxygen and electrical
during installation. (if burner is supplied with spark ignition feature).
• Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to a 5. Verify flow of clean-dry cooling air if the furnace will
control system) are designed to shut the fuel supply be heated up with another burner. Improper flows or
off with a loss of electrical power. Manual reset no cooling flows could damage or destroy the burner
valves require operator attendance each time the during heat-up.
system is started up (or restarted after a shut- 6. The UV scanner must be field-supported if the UV
down). Motorized shut-off valves permit automatic scanner is connected to the OXY-THERM® Burner.
start-restart when used with an appropriate control 7. Burner installation is complete.
system. 8. Other system safeguards and approvals must be
• Any test connections should be plugged except completed before the burner can be lit. These
when readings are being taken. safeguards include but are not limited to:
• Control systems should provide all normally recom- – Furnace operating temperature at the burner
mended interlocks (including operation of fuel shut- location must exceed the ignition temperature of
off valves). the fuel being used (for burners without the self-
• Control system's circuitry must not allow main fuel igniting feature).
shut-off valve to be opened unless oxygen is on, – Oxygen/fuel control must be functional and
and must de-energize valve upon loss of oxygen characterized to provide the proper oxygen/fuel
pressure, along with the other system interlocks. ratio to the burner.
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Start-up instructions are specific to each application. Burner Mounting
Contact your Maxon representative for instructions for
your particular application. The primary objective is to seal all openings
between the burner and furnace wall, and to support
Hot Installation Procedure the weight of any system piping. The burner block
Read the entire Cold Installation Procedure (as a sits on the sill or wall.
reference) before proceeding with the installation of The block must rest flat on the sill or furnace wall
oxygen-fuel burners. without rocking to allow the weight to be evenly
Failure to follow the proper installation sequence distributed. Failure to do so could result in cracking or
noted below could result in damage or block failure. If burner/furnace openings are too large,
destruction of vital burner components. Cooling shims may be used to align the burner.
oxygen or air-flows should be present at all times The opening of the furnace should provide a
when the burner housing and metal components minimum 1/16" clearance on all three sides. High
are mounted to a hot furnace. temperature furnace sealant or gasketing should be
used between the burner and furnace wall.
1. Temporarily remove the spark-insulation block from
burners that have the self-ignition feature. Failure to Burner Adjustment and Control
do so could cause the insulator to melt. It should be Oxygen-fuel burners require accurate control of both
re-installed just prior to burner light off. fuel and oxygen for optimum performance. Maxon can
2. All moisture within the burner block should be supply state-of-the-art electronic or manual oxygen/fuel
removed before starting installation. Preheating ratio control valves. Piping to individual burners should
burner block to remove moisture and reduce thermal include control valves for both oxygen and fuel. In
shock is advised. addition, flow meters for oxygen and fuel capable of
3. Where the new burner block contacts older or hot local or remote readout are required for proper burner
materials, silica paper should be used as a thermal adjustment.
buffer. The furnace opening should be clean and free Flame sensing may be accomplished by use of a
of debris. UV scanner. The UV scanner must be field-supported
4. Insert the burner block into the furnace wall. if an adapter is used to mount the scanner to the
5. Attach burner assembly to block, ensuring cooling air burner assembly. Heat blocks, if used, may affect
or oxygen flows are established to protect metal signal strength with some brands of UV scanners.
6. Allow the new burner block to heat up to near ambient
temperatures (usually about one half to three-quarters
Start-up Instructions
of an hour). Start-up instructions are specific to each
7. Resume normal operations as described in Cold application. Contact your Maxon representative for
Installation Procedure. instructions for your particular application.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Lowest NOx levels of any oxygen/fuel burner, even with on-site generated oxygen. NOx levels up
to 70% lower than conventional oxy-gas, up to 50% lower than conventional oxy-oil.
• Low pressure oxygen requirements allow the use of any oxygen source.
• Gas or oil fuel capability. Quickly switch between gas and oil service by changing only the burner
nozzle. Fuel oil capability ranges from light to heavy fuel oils. Atomize with oxygen, air or steam.
• Easy to change burner capacity by replacing simply the threaded burner nozzle (gas burners
• Three sizes available. Capacities up to 17.6 MMBtu/hr (5.2 MW) per burner in three size ranges.
• Designed for easy installation and service. OXY-THERM® LE Burner nozzles can be removed
during furnace operation, eliminating costly downtimes.
• Achieve higher flame temperatures by burning fuels with oxygen. OXY-THERM® LE Burners
eliminate the need for costly combustion air preheaters, regenerators or recuperators.
• Substantially improve the product quality by eliminating the flow reversals in regenerative
melters. Oxygen-fuel firing cuts flue gas volume, turbulence in the melter is reduced, as well as
exhaust gas treatment requirements.
Patents pending in U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Japan and South Korea
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 4652
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
OXY-THERM® LE Burners Page 4653
Page 4654 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
9. The Zirconia block is required for all fuel oil-fired 12. All OXY-THERM® LE Burners should be specified
applications, even if fuel oil will be used only as a so they run at or near design capacity. Maximum
back-up fuel. The Zirconia block may also be flame length occurs at maximum capacity. The
used for gas firing if the user has concerns about OXY-THERM® LE threaded gas nozzle can be
the compatibility of the Zedmul 20-C block with changed easily if more capacity is required in the
the process. future.
10. For oil-fired OXY-THERM® LE Burners, all liquids 13. OXY-THERM® Burners can fire in any direction
and atomizing oxygen/air/steam should be except straight down. Avoid orientations which
filtered. A 100-mesh duplex fuel oil filter is might permit an idle burner to collect debris.
recommended. 14. Observation ports which provide a view of the
11. For proper atomization, fuel oil should be flame will simplify burner start-up and adjust-
supplied to the burner inlet at a viscosity of 100 ment.
SSU (20 centistokes) or less. A typical #6 fuel oil 15. Burner block can be recessed into the inner
will normally be heated to approximately 220°F furnace wall by as much as 3 inches.
(105°C) to obtain proper viscosity.
OXY-THERM® LE Burners Page 4655
Series 600
Series Series 900 Series 1200
Oil OXY-THERM® LE Burners or 900
Size 70 100 150 200 300 300 400
Maximum fuel flow (liters/hr) 80 115 173 230 345 345 460
Maximum output (MMBtu/hr) 3.06 4.40 6.61 8.81 13.21 13.21 17.62
Nominal fuel flow (liters/hr) 70 100 150 200 300 300 400
Minimum with 5:1 turndown (MMBtu/hr) 0.61 0.88 1.32 1.76 2.64 2.64 3.52
Atomizing oxygen/air flow (scfh) at 50 psig 434 519 646 784 1205 1205 1591
Atomizing steam flow (scfh) at 70 psig (300°F) 568 679 846 1026 1577 1577 2082
Oxygen pressure to burner inlet ("wc) Refer to pressure cur ves on pages 4656-4658
Fuel pressure to burner inlet (psig) at nominal Refer to pressure cur ves on page 4660
Approximate flame diameter (inches) at maximum output 18 18 24 30 30 30 36
Approximate flame length (feet) at maximum output 6.0 8.0 11.5 13.5 17.5 17.5 20.0
Page 4656 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
O2 Flow2
*For pressures not shown on the curve, use the following equation: P2 = ( )2 x P1
O2 Flow1
Use a reference off the above curves for O2 Flow1 and its corresponding P1.
OXY-THERM® LE Burners Page 4657
O2 Flow2
*For pressures not shown on the curve, use the following equation: P = ( )2 x P1
2 O2 Flow2
Use a reference off the above curves for O2 Flow1 and its corresponding P1.
Page 4658 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
O2 Flow2
*For pressures not shown on the curve, use the following equation: P2 = ( )2 x P1
O2 Flow1
Use a reference off the above curves for O2 Flow1 and its corresponding P1.
OXY-THERM® LE Burners Page 4659
• If oxygen is used for atomizing, its
volume should be taken into account
when establishing the excess oxygen
requirements for each application. If air is
used for atomizing, its oxygen volume
should not be taken into account. The
volume of oxygen in atomizing air is too
small to be significant.
• Steam atomization will shorten the flame
pattern by as much as 25% compared to
air or oxygen atomizing.
Page 4660 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
Series 600 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
Page 4662 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
Series 1200 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
Installation Instructions
The burner is only a part of your complete combus- NOTE: A 19 mm (or 3/4") socket is required for
tion system. Additional pipe train accessories and mounting nuts. A manual speed wrench is recom-
control components will be required for a complete mended for quick and easy burner mounting.
system installation. 1. If fuel insert is shipped inside burner housing,
remove the fuel insert and insert nut and set aside
Important: Do not discard packing material until in a protected area.
all loose items are accounted for. 2. Install service nut on the burner housing.
3. Remove burner housing from the block/frame
Burner Installation Procedure assembly. Use caution to prevent damage to the
Read the entire installation procedure before mounting gasket. The mounting gasket should be
proceeding with the installation of oxygen-fuel sandwiched between the burner housing and the
burners. nozzle body insert.
4. Install block/frame assembly into furnace wall.
Failure to follow the proper installation sequence
Refer to page 4650-S-3 for hot installation proce-
noted below could result in damage or destruction
dure for burner blocks.
of vital burner components. Cooling oxygen or air
5. Pre-pipe quick-connect devices to the combustion
flows should be present at all times when the
oxygen, fuel and atomizing connections on the
burner housing and metal components are
burner housing and burner fuel inserts.
mounted to a hot furnace.
6. Confirm that cooling air or oxygen is available at
To prevent damage in transit, the fuel inserts, the individual burner ports and control stations
mounting gaskets and burner housing may be packed before installing burner housing.
separately. In most cases, the burner will be 7. Confirm that mounting gasket is in good condition
shipped assembled but with the mounting nuts and that nozzle body insert is held firmly in place
only finger-tight. In either case, the burner block by the two spring pins.
and frame will need to be disassembled from the 8. Confirm that service nut is installed on the
rest of the burner to allow installation of the block housing (to prevent hot furnace gases from
into the furnace wall. blowing out of the housing).
7/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
9. Mount housing to block/frame studs. 20. Other system safeguards and approvals must be
completed before burner can be lit. These
Use caution and work quickly once housing is in
safeguards include but are not limited to:
position to be mounted. Hot furnace gases can
– furnace operating temperature at the burner
deform or destroy the oxygen-compatible mounting
location must exceed the ignition temperature
of the fuel being used (for burners with no
10. Install and snug the four corner mounting nuts pilot).
and washers only. – oxygen/fuel control must be functional and
11. Connect the cooling oxygen/air source to the characterized to provide the proper oxygen/
combustion oxygen connection on the burner fuel ratio to the burner.
housing and begin cooling flow. Start-up instructions are specific to each
12. Install and snug the remaining mounting washers application. Contact your Maxon representative for
and nuts. Do not overtighten the mounting nuts. instructions for your particular application.
13. Apply an oxygen compatible lubricant to the two
O-rings on the fuel insert. Burner Mounting
14. Remove service nut from housing. The sketch below shows one possible method of
15. Install the fuel insert into the housing. mounting and holding an OXY-THERM® LE Burner
Fuel oil burners: Push the insert into the housing block and frame assembly in place. Other methods
until both O-rings are inside and the machined are possible.
flange on the oil insert contacts the housing.
Fuel gas burners: The gas nozzle is designed to The primary objective is to compress the frame
lock into the nozzle body insert. Push the insert against the wall of the melter and to support the
into the housing until both O-rings are inside weight of any system piping.
housing. Once gas nozzle contacts the nozzle The burner block sits on the sill or wall. The block
body insert, wiggle the fuel gas insert while must rest flat on the sill or wall without rocking to
pushing forward at the same time. This should allow weight to be equally distributed. Failure to do so
ensure that the nozzle has locked into the nozzle could result in cracking and block failure. If burner
body insert. Unlike the fuel oil insert, there is no port holes are too large, shims may be used to align
machined stop on the fuel gas insert. the burner.
If the fuel gas nozzle is not locked into the nozzle The opening of the furnace wall should provide
body insert, poor burner performance and higher 1/16" clearance on all sides. High temperature
emissions will result. The resulting improper flows furnace sealant or gasketing should be used between
generated could destroy the gas nozzle. burner mounting flange and furnace wall.
16. Immediately confirm that cooling oxygen or air is
flowing. If not, remove fuel insert and establish For maximum burner life, burner frame must be
cooling flow through housing. protected from hot gases.
17. Thread the insert nut onto the housing until it
bottoms out against the fuel insert. The insert nut
can be used to push the fuel insert fully into the
Possible Burner Mounting Configuration
housing. Once the insert nut bottoms out, back
the nut off 1/16 of a turn. It is not necessary for
the insert nut to be tight.
18. Connect fuel supply and atomizing medium (fuel
oil firing) to the fuel insert.
19. Burner installation is complete.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Hot Installation Procedure for Burner Adjustment and Control
Zedmul 20-C Burner Blocks Oxygen-fuel burners require accurate control of
Over the last 20 years, the following procedure has both fuel and oxygen for optimum performance.
been used to install Zedmul 20-C burner blocks Piping to individual burners should include control
without interrupting the glass operations. Most of the valves for both oxygen and fuel. In addition, flow
experience has been in float and container glass meters for oxygen and fuel capable of local or remote
operations with hot face temperatures between readout are required for proper burner adjustment.
1425°C (2600°F) and 1675°C (3050°F). Flame sensing may be accomplished by UV
1. All moisture within the burner block should be scanner. Burner design can incorporate a UV scanner
removed before starting installation. This is port suitable for supervision of both pilot and main
accomplished by placing the burner on the crown flames. UV scanner, if used, should be kept as close
of the furnace or under the port area for a day. to burner as feasible. Heat block, if used, may affect
2. Where the new block contacts older, hot signal strength with some brands of UV scanners.
materials, Fiberfrax paper should be used as a
thermal buffer. Start-up Instructions
3. Remove the old block and clean the opening. Start-up instructions are specific to each
4. Insert the new block into the furnace. application. Contact your Maxon representative for
5. Allow the new block to heat up to near ambient instructions for your particular application.
temperatures (usually about one half to three
quarters of an hour).
6. Resume normal operations.
7/94 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
General Instructions
• Fuel supply piping must be large enough to • If used, pilot take-off should be upstream of the
maintain the required fuel pressures cataloged for main gas regulator, but downstream of the main
the particular burner size used with burner gas cock. It should normally include its own pilot
operating at full rated capacity. gas regulator, a solenoid valve, and shut-off cock.
A pilot adjustable orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies
• Anything more than minimal distance or piping
turns may necessitate oversizing piping runs to
keep pressure drops within acceptable ranges. • Pilots do not use oxygen.
• If multiple burners are fed from a single fuel train, • Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
care should be taken to minimize pressure drop the full flow and pressures shown in the catalog for
and give maximum uniformity. your particular burner size.
• Clean atomizing oxygen/air/steam lines are • Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to
essential to prevent plugging of critical atomizing a control system) are designed to shut the fuel
ports in the oil insert. supply off with a loss of electrical power.
Manual reset valves require operator attendance
• Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage
each time the system is started up (or restarted
of pipe train components or burner fuel ports.
after a shut-down). Motorized shut-off valves
• Fuel and oxygen piping should be located permit automatic start-restart when used with an
reasonably close to the burner and sized for the appropriate control system.
pressure and volume requirements of the burner.
• Any test connections must be plugged except
• Main shut-off cock should be upstream of the when readings are being taken.
main fuel regulator and pilot (if supplied) line take-
• Control systems should provide all normally
off. Use it to shut off fuel during shut-down periods
recommended interlocks (including operation of
of more than a few hours.
fuel shut-off valves). Sequencing control systems
• A fuel throttling control valve is not intended are available from Maxon that include provision for
for tight shut-off. post-purge pilots during all but emergency shut-
• Main fuel regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. • Control system’s circuitry must not allow main
fuel shut-off valve to be opened unless oxygen is
• Size the regulator for full system capacity at the
on, and must de-energize valve upon loss of
required pressure, carefully considering pipe train
oxygen pressure, along with the other usual system
losses. Follow the instructions attached to the
regulator during installation.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Gas OXY-THERM® Burners Oil OXY-THERM® Burners
Burner Series Configured Item Number Burner Series Configured Item Number
Series 600 600 OT LE Series 607 607 OT LE
Series 900 900 OT LE Series 907 907 OT LE
Series 1200 1200 OT LE Series 910 910 OT LE
Series 915 915 OT LE
Series 920 920 OT LE
Series 930 930 OT LE
Series 1230 1230 OT LE
Series 1240 1240 OT LE
Series 600
Series 900 Gas port sized according to firing rate
by Maxon Sales personnel
Series 1200
11/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 4650-A/P-2 OXY-THERM® LE Burners
Assembly Numbers
Replacement Parts
O-rings (1) Viton 26471 32983 [2] 32984 32983 [2] 32984 32983 [2]
O-rings (2) Viton 38386 38386 30455 30455 30455 30455
O-rings (2) Viton --- 43359 [2] --- 43359 [2] --- 43359 [2]
Pilot Assembly 45422
[1] Maxon factor y order number required
[2] Inside oil inser t sub-assembly
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Oxy-pilot
Oxy-pilot Specifications
Fuel Flow Pressure Capacity
Natural Gas 25 CFH 2.25" wc
Propane 10 CFH 0.83" wc
Oxygen 53 CFH 0.5" wc
Gas Inlet
(3/16" O.D. Tube)
Ignition Transformer
NOTE: Swagelock fitting (1/2" NPT)
can be removed for
1/8" NPT attachment
Page 4676 OXY-THERM® Accessories
Maxon Oxy-pilot
Maxon recommends the use of a 6000 volt full- The Insulator Block helps reduce stray voltages
wave spark ignition transformer for use with the Oxy- that may migrate back up the fuel line and/or damage
pilot. A standard .250" female spade connector should any sensitive electronic equipment and must not be
be used on the ignition transformer connection. removed.
Assembly Numbers
Oxy-pilot Assembly Numbers
Maxon Oxy-pilot Assembly 58378
Compression Fitting 58417
Insulator Block 58375
Replacement Pilot Adapter (for use with
Parts Standard OXY-THERM®)
Pilot Adapter Gasket 18850
Pilot Adapter Bolts (3 required) 40261
Bulletin 4700
• Rugged design for oxidizers, process heaters, kilns, furnaces, and other high-temperature
• Provides excellent stirring and mixing with its medium velocity exhaust.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 4702
Fuel Gas
Pilot Gas
Fuel Gas
Air Blower
Low Nox Burner
Control Valve
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
KINEDIZER® Gas Burners Page 4703
Page 4704 KINEDIZER® Gas Burners
To find the required fuel pressure at any firing rate, Example: If 18.5" wc is measured on the
multiply the measured air pressure by the constant combustion air pressure test port of a 9M
above corresponding to desired excess air setting. KINEDIZER®;
• Multiply 18.5" x 3.03 = 56.1" wc
• Set the fuel pressure measured at the burner gas
test port to 56.1" wc for 30% excess air
1. For propane fuels, specifiy on ordering. All main gas pressures remain identical to those above.
2. Contact your Maxon representative for information on other fuels or for operation outside the shaded region.
KINEDIZER® Gas Burners Page 4705
.5M & 2.5M KINEDIZER® Burners
1/4" NPT
Chamber Test Connection .625 dia.
1/4" NPT mounting holes
AA 22.5° 22.5°
Air Test Connection Optional Air 8 req'd.
BB Inlet Flange 1/2" NPT Scanner
J dia. & Observation Port
View "A-A" Z
1/4" NPT
K dia. Purge Air
C dia. Connection
blk. iron
1/4" NPT
M14 x .25 thd.
Gas Test Connection
(spark ignitor)
Pilot Gas
G Inlet L
E X Main Gas Inlet
Size B E F G M X Y AA BB
NPT dia. pipe dia. dia. NPT* rad.
.5M 3/8" 1.97 3.5 3" 5.7 7.86 0.25 10.73 12.0 1/2" 4.69 3.562 3.62 5.28 3.956 2.981
2.5M 3/8" 3.12 6.625 6" 6.94 10.06 0.375 12.52 14.15 1-1/4" 6.19 4.49 4.63 6.049 3.831 2.856
* 1/2" NPT is female; 1-1/4" NPT is male
R dia. P R S T
S no. of holes Size N
dia. dia. # of holes dia.
.5M 45° 7.5 .75 4 6.0
2.5M 22.5° 11.0 .875 8 9.5
P dia.
T dia.
View "A-A"
Optional Air Inlet Flange
Conforms to 150# ANS Flg. Pattern
Bolt holes to straddle burner vertical & horizontal centerline.
Material: .250" thk. carbon steel
Page 4706 KINEDIZER® Gas Burners
M14 x .25 thd.
(spark ignitor)
NPT dia. pipe dia. # holes dia. dia. NPT rad.
5M 3/8" 3.85 8.625 8" 11.24 15.09 0.375 5/8" 8 15.12 16.75 1-1/2" 7.38 6.629 3.956 2.981 2.497 3.406
9M 1/2" 5.0 12.75 12" 14.75 19.75 0.5 5/8" 8 16.86 18.45 3" 12.5 7.685 3.956 2.981 3.303 4.607
18M 3/4" 7.2 12.75 12" 18.35 24.73 0.5 5/8" 8 18.82 20.45 3" 11.69 8.684 3.956 2.981 3.814 5.813
27M 3/4" 7.2 18.0 18" 23.84 29.71 0.5 5/8" 8 20.95 22.57 4"* 14.31 9.751 3.956 2.981 3.815 6.90
40M 3/4" 11.125 22.0 22" 37.09 48.21 0.5 5/8" 8 26.443 28.0 6"* 16.25 11.67 3.981 3.006 3.814 9.499
* 4" (27M) and 6" (40M) gas inlets are 150# raised face flanges, not NPT
P dia.
R dia.
S # of holes
Size N
dia. dia. # of holes dia.
5M 22.5° 13.5 .875 8 11.75
9M 15° 19.0 1.0 12 17.0
18M 15° 19.0 1.0 12 17.0
T dia. 27M 11.25° 25.0 1.25 16 22.75
40M 9° 25.75 .562 20 24.13
View "A-A"
Optional Air Inlet Flange
Conforms to 150# ANS Flg. Pattern*
Bolt holes to straddle burner vertical & horizontal centerline
Material: .250" thk. carbon steel
*NOTE: 40M air inlet flange does not follow ANSI bolt patterns
9M through 40M air inlet flanges have elongated holes
KINEDIZER® Gas Burners Page 4707
Short block
For installations in soft wall insulation, hard wall
refractory, or insulated metal panels. Good for appli- 2.5
cation temperatures up to 2200°F. Short Block Option
NOTE: Short block use with applications over 1400°F
will produce high burner backplate temperatures.
Heat Shield
For installations in metal panels, ducts, or other non-
insulated areas. Good for application temperatures as V
high as 1000°F. The heat shield is provided hollow
and may be filled with board-type insulation for
additional protection.
Size U V dia. W
.5M 9.518 8.562 2.155
2.5M 9.523 10.422 2.160
5M 9.523 12.994 2.16
9M 12.16 14.562 2.16
18M 12.16 16.562 2.16
27M 12.16 18.548 2.16
40M 12.03 23.913 2.15
Page 4708 KINEDIZER® Gas Burners
29.134 dia.
27.480 dia.
1/4" NPT
Pressure Tap
Sight Glass
KINEDIZER® Gas Burners Page 4700-S-1
Installation Instructions
Burner Protection SMARTFIRE Control System
1. The UV scanner must have a cooling air flow of 1 1. Consult the SMARTFIRE installation and
SCFM. This can be supplied by the combustion operation instructions. Only adequate regulator
air blower. It should be connected to the tee on adjustment will be required.
the UV scanner pipe nipple. (See pages 4705 &
4706.) An adjustable orifice can be used for fine Test Connections
control. 1. Install test fittings, tubes, and manometers or
– UV scanners generally cannot withstand more gauges at the air, gas and chamber pressure test
than 200°F (93°C). connections on the burner. (See pages 4705 &
– Note: The scanner and sight ports are 4706.)
interchangeable. 2. Air and gas pressures must be read differentially
2. The combustion air blower should remain on any against the system chamber pressure.
time the chamber temperature is above 800oF
(426°C). Mounting
1. Burner may be mounted at any orientation.
Pilot – Some automatic control motors require that the
1. The pilot solenoid should be located close to the control motor shaft be horizontal.
burner for quick ignition. – An upward-facing UV scanner can lose signal
2. An interrupted pilot is suggested; this maximizes over time as water and debris fall on the lens.
burner turndown. Interrupted pilot is required any 2. The block should be installed per the guidelines of
time the optional sealed pressure port pilot is page 4700-S-3.
used. Interrupted pilot is required for best
emissions. Combustion Air Supply
3. The pilot gas flow is 1/40 of maximum gas flow. 1. No air filtration is necessary for the KINEDIZER
Pilot flow and pressure requirements as well as Burner because of its open internal structure.
recommended pipe size for each burner are 2. Where outdoor air is used, temperature, i.e.,
shown in the KINEDIZER Capacities and density, must be considered.
Specifications chart (page 4703). – Air at 20oF (-7°C) is 21% denser than air at
4. An adjustable orifice is not required, but may 120oF (49°C).
afford fine tuning of pilots. – Cold air may extinguish a flame which was
® lean but stable on a hot day.
1. Set a smooth ramp on the gas SYNCHRO valve
with the MAX screw about two turns from flush
with the quadrant face, i.e., from fully open and
the MIN screw just one or two turns in.
2. Adjust the automatic-actuator-to-control-valve
linkage until the valve travels from MIN to MAX as
the control output ranges from 0 - 100%.
2/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Air Inlet Via Elbow* Flue Gas Recirculation*
1. If an elbow is located in close proximity to the 1. Flue gas may be piped into the combustion air.
burner air inlet, the air butterfly valve should be – This can substantially reduce exhaust
immediately upstream of the elbow for maximum emissions while increasing thermal efficiency.
turndown. The butterfly should open as shown on – The O2 must remain above 17% at all times.
Product Information Sheet 4700-1. This improves – The temperature at the burner inlet must be
the burner air flow profile at lower firing rates. below 800oF (426°C).
2. If an elbow is used, a sight glass in that elbow is
recommended. The sight glass and burner
centerlines should coincide. (See Product *Indicates Optional Equipment or Mode of Operation
Information Sheet 4700-1.)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Burner Mounting In refractory installations, size the opening in your
refractory wall to give a 3" gap around the burner,
In a refractory wall, bolt burner directly to the then ram with castable refractory such as A.P. Green
furnace shell as shown in Sketch 1. In oven or Kast-Set, B & W Kaolin Base Castable or equal,
insulated panel construction, follow Sketch 2. following manufacturer’s instructions. Allow sufficient
dry-out time before firing burner, and cure slowly at
Sketch 1
In thin-wall or soft-wall construction, where
burner should be equipped with Seal and Support
Housing, cut an opening 1" larger (diameter) than
Seal and Support. Weld studs to shell and mount as
Furnace shown in Sketch 3, then pack with soft insulation fiber.
If the firing chamber is designed for radiant tempera-
tures, be certain the stainless steel of the Seal and
Support Housing is shielded from radiant energy.
Sketch 3
Refractory Housing
(by others)
Sketch 2
Mounting Studs
Soft Insulating
2/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
All instructions may be superceded by applicable NFPA codes or governing local codes.
Setting the MICRO-RATIO® Air Valve Span Adjusting the Gas SYNCHRO Control
1. * Close the main and pilot gas cocks. Valve
2. Start all process and combustion blowers. 1. Once the pilot is proven, the main gas cocks may
3. * Disconnect the automatic motor from the be opened. At this point, the burner is ready to
MICRO-RATIO® valves. transition to main flame.
4. With the gas SYNCHRO valve at MIN, loosen the – If firing into an uncured refractory chamber,
connecting rod between air and gas valves and follow the manufacturer's schedule for curing.
adjust the air valve until the differential air – The burner block, which is cured at the factory,
pressure (burner air test connection to chamber needs no burnout time.
test connection) reads 0.1" w.c. (7mm w.c.). 2. Once your flame is established and refined at
5. With the gas SYNCHRO valve at MAX, adjust the this position, and without advancing the screw
air valve until the differential air pressure (burner carrier quadrant higher, screw all remaining
air test connection to chamber test connection) screws down to at least the same level as your
reads the desired value for the maximum first adjusted screw.
anticipated firing rate. Refer to the operating NOTE: A preliminary setting can be established with all
chart for your size burner on the KINEDIZER the remaining adjusting screws. Generally, each suc-
Burner Capacities and Specifications page ceeding screw needs to be screwed in approximately
(4703). one full turn deeper than its preceding screw. A smooth
NOTE: The air pressures on page 4703 produce “stair-step” gradient pre-set at this point from low to high
the minimum light off capacity for maximum will simplify the remaining adjustment steps.
turndown. 3. With allen wrench engaged in second screw,
6. Reconnect the air-gas linkage so the differential slowly move MICRO-RATIO® Valve to #1
air pressure varies from 0.1" w.c. to the maximum position, adjusting as necessary to maintain
value as the gas valve travels from MIN to MAX. ignition and the type of flame desired. Flame
This may require iteration between MIN and MAX length should increase slightly, burning with a
until both are set properly. blue center. Yellow tips may become evident on
lower excess air settings.
Lighting the Pilot If firing into an uncured refractory chamber,
1. Find the pilot pressure required at the burner gas allow system to run at this setting for the
pressure test connection by referring to the pilot dryout period recommended by the furnace or
specification table for your size burner in the refractory manufacturer, then continue adjust-
KINEDIZER Burner Capacities and ment of the MICRO-RATIO® Valve.
Specifications chart (page 4703). 4. Turn all remaining adjustment screws in
2. * Drive the burner to minimum. slightly further than the second screw, then
3. * Confirm that the system has been purged. with allen wrench inserted in third screw, slowly
4. Open the pilot gas cocks. move MICRO-RATIO® Valve toward #2 position,
5. Reset the low gas pressure switch, if required. adjusting as necessary.
6. * Confirm that all interlocks are proven.
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately
7. Energize the spark ignitor and pilot solenoid. If a
shut off gas and return MICRO-RATIO® Valve to
chamber sight port is available, confirm that the
minimum position. Verify that pilots are still
spark ignitor is arcing inside the burner throat.
burning then reopen gas valve and turn screw
Also confirm that the pilot solenoid is opening.
last adjusted in slightly further before returning
8. Adjust the pilot gas pressure regulator until the
to that firing position. Refine adjustment if
required pilot pressure is achieved. Repeated
ignition trials may be needed at first to fill the pilot
pipe train with fuel.
9. At no time should any safety or permissive
device be jumpered or otherwise disabled.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
All instructions may be superceded by applicable NFPA codes or governing local codes.
5. Progressively work your way up through each 7. When all screws have been adjusted, recheck
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth differential pressures with unit at operating
progression slope from your first screw to the temperature. Refine “high fire” setting if neces-
“maximum” position. sary, considering differential pressure, flame
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, you must length, and appearance.
move the SYNCHRO Valve to the number you desire 8. Complete final adjustment of the differential
to adjust. This aligns the adjusting screw directly on fuel pressure relative to the differential air
top of the fuel valve plunger. A resulting adjustment of pressure from the chart below.
the screw is directly applied to the fuel valve plunger – A lean low NOx flame is blue and short (4 in/
and its interconnected valve body linkage. MBtu/hr), while an on-ratio flame will have
If high temperature limit trips before adjust- yellow tips and a greater length (1 ft/ MBtu/hr).
ment is completed, cycle back to minimum and – Dust, powder, salt, etc. in the combustion air
hold there until the system cools down before will color the flame yellow or orange. Moisture
attempting further adjustment. will make it red. These colors are normal when
6. Note gas supply pressure while continuing the air carries such substances.
with adjustment. If it falls off below acceptable 9. * Plug all pressure test connections.
range, it may be necessary to re-adjust the 10. With the MICRO-RATIO Valve at minimum and
regulator. If so, lower firing positions will need automatic control output at 0%, reconnect the
rechecked and if necessary, re-adjusted before automatic control motor to the MICRO-RATIO
proceeding. Valve.
2/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For these products, please order the Segment choices are as follows for
following product numbers: configured products:
(configured products are those with alphanumeric • Plug shell option
text) (2.5M, 5M & 9M only)
• Air gas inlet body
Size Burner • Fuel
0.5M .5M KDZER • Block
2.5M 2.5M KDZER
Specials KDZER SPL
Spare Parts
Burner 0.5M 2.5M 5M 9M 18M 27M 40M
Spark ignitor 28548 28548 47789 47789 47789 47789 47789
Standard block 57453 57455 57456 57457 57458 57459 59824
Seal & support block 48812 48814 48815 48816 48817 48818 59823
Short block 59782 59783 59784 59785 59786 59787 59833
Heat shield 59764 59765 59766 59767 59768 59769 59831
Block gasket 48414 48424 48448 48434 48440 48446 59822
Plug shell gasket --- 59126 59127 59128 --- --- ---
Sight glass (1/2" NPT) 19284 ---
Sight glass (1" NPT) --- 37428
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Air Flow
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: KINEDIZER® Burners Page: 4700-2 Date: 2/00
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX 1-765-286-8394.
1 dia.
Air Flow
1 dia.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Product Data Sheet Product: KINEDIZER® Burners
Page: 4700-1 Date: 8/03
(for Maxon Personnel only)
Do Not Reproduce
KINEDIZER® Burners may be applied to a variety of performance. Attempt to keep the block slightly
applications for low to ultra-low emissions. NOx may recessed to nearly flush with the interior wall and
be controlled by the advanced mixing pattern, excess avoid any dog house or recess. Short block should not
air use, internal flue gas recirculation, or by recircula- be used in chambers with any process velocities.
tion of flue gas back to the combustion air source.
Factors that affect the NOx level include application Heaters
temperature, type of block used, excess air used, KINEDIZER® Burners adapt well to firebox and cabin
and other application parameters. heaters. (See furnaces above.) Avoid using the
burner in firetube or waterbath heaters. Experience
The following are suggested uses with example shows fast mix, high-energy burners are not appro-
expected emissions: priate for tube firing due to noise and vibration. In
addition, tight firing tubes may impede the entrainment
Oxidizers of flue gas necessary to suppress NOx emissions. To
In oxidizers and incinerators up to 1650°F, expect maintain <30 ppm NOx, required excess air may climb
NOx emission <30 ppm corrected with long block. to as high as 70%.
Excess air must be set at 30%. NOx should hold
through 8:1 turndown. CO will not be present at more Air Heating
than 50 ppm as long as the oxidizer temperature KINEDIZER® Burners may be used for air heating
remains above 1400°F with adequate dwell time and where a high capacity, low emissions, single point
mixing. burner is required. Best performance requires that
the flame be contained in a firing sleeve or chamber
Furnaces for thermal destruction of CO. Short block, long
In furnaces up to 1650°F with stack oxygen of 4-5%, blocks or heat shield may be used. (See note [3]
NOx < 30 ppm is attainable with long blocks. If below.)
installation will allow use of the short block, NOx can
be suppressed to < 25-30 ppm with flue gas Firing sleeves should be kept as short as possible
recirculation. Excess air should be set at 30% and while containing the flame length. Sleeve diameters
only reduced if internal fgr takes adequate effect. should be sized for <10,000 Btu per cross sectional
Installation of the short block is critical to emissions square inch to avoid potential noise.
Gas Fired Radiant Tube Burner System
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 4802
UNI-RAD® Features
Plasma Type Ignition Unlike most spark ignited burners, the UNI-RAD® Burner provides a zone of
ionized air enriched with a small quantity of combustion gas to provide high
energy ignition.
Annular Ignition Electrodes The UNI-RAD® Burner does not use a conventional spark plug; instead, the
primary air and gas inlet tubes provide the electrical path for the ignition spark.
This design feature provides many times the electrode area for extended life and
positive burner ignition.
Adjustable Flame Length The flame length may be tailored to your specific needs by changing the combus-
tion air to ignition air ratios. This simple adjustment allows the burner to obtain
optimum tube temperature uniformity over a wide range of firing rates and
preheated air temperatures.
Wide Input Range The unique design of the UNI-RAD® Burner allows it to operate over a large
range of fuel gas inputs. Stability is maintained and flame length is controllable
with firing rates ranging from as little as 80,000 Btu/hr input to as much as
700,000 Btu/hr.
Instantaneous Ignition The burner’s continuous plasma spark provides instantaneous ignition allowing
the burner to operate from the Duration Adjusting Type (DAT) output from a
Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) Control Loop. When controlled using the
appropriate valving, single point tube temperature variations may be reduced to
as little as plus or minus 4° F (2.2°C).
Flame Supervision The UNI-RAD® Burner may be used in conjunction with UV flame supervision
Super Forced Cooling In applications requiring rapid cooling, the UNI-RAD® Burner has been used with
secondary cooling manifolds to provide high rates of heat removal using conven-
tional radiant tubes. The UNI-RAD® Burner can sustain radiant tube pressure in
excess of 10 PSIG (0.7 bars).
Radiant Tube Types The UNI-RAD® System is suitable for use on customer-supplied pressure
tubes, negative pressure tubes, and electrified radiant tubes.
Modes Of Operation
The UNI-RAD® Burner can be operated in the following control modes:
• Proportional control over the entire firing rate range
• High-Low
• Pulse-Fired
The Pulse-Fired control mode is recommended, as it produces the tightest temperature
control available while also maximizing furnace alloy life.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners Page 4803
Combustion Air
View Port/Optic
Flame Sensor Mount
Ignition Air Housing
Electrical Tube
Air Inlet
Burner Selection
The UNI-RAD® Burner can be used with various The table at left gives typical maximum capacities for
radiant tube sizes, tube configurations, heat inputs, the conditions shown. The UNI-RAD® Burner has been
etc. The following information should be supplied to used with firing rates ranging from 80,000 Btu/hr to
assist Maxon in matching the correctly sized UNI- 700,000 Btu/hr, depending upon tube length and
RAD® Burner to your specific application: diameter.
1. Radiant tube inside and outside diameters
2. Radiant tube configuration Radiant Tube Life
3. Furnace or process temperature Competitive burner systems stress the fuel savings
4. Radiant tube length obtained by the use of combustion air preheated to
5. Radiant tube material 800° to 1000° from waste heat energy. The fact that
6. Method of mounting (standard flange, packing preheated air produces much higher flame tempera-
gland, etc.) tures, and consequently decreases furnace alloy life
7. Furnace wall thickness (see page 4800-S-1 for is generally ignored. The UNI-RAD® system over-
mounting instructions) comes this problem through the use of pulse firing
8. Requirement for heat recuperation (if used) and has consistently shown increases in the furnace
alloy life while saving fuel. An extensive number of
Typical Burner Firing Rates UNI-RAD® Burner users have increased their radiant
Housing Natural Gas Flow (CFH) Combustion tube life by as much as 300%.
Size and Btu/hr Capacity Air
(inches) x 1000 Btu/hr CFM UNI-RAD® Burners have also successfully been
4" 151 28 applied to silicon carbide tubes. These tubes can
handle higher operating temperatures than most alloy
4.5" 170 31
tubes, and allows for increased heat flux.
5" 188 35
6" 226 41
7" 264 48 The UNI-RAD® Burner is constructed of cast iron and
8" 302 55 carbon steel with internal components constructed of
stainless steel. The air inlet tube length must be
Note: Burner firing rate is based on: specified when ordering to provide for differences in the
1. 1000 Btu/CF Natural Gas furnace wall thickness.
2. 120" total "U" tube length within chamber
3. 2% excess oxygen and 0% combustibles
4. 100 Btu/ of tube surface area
Page 4804 UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners
M ain Ai r
M ain Ai r
M a i n A i r H e a de r
I g n i t i on A i r
I g n i t i on A i r
** Note:
Main Gas
Air Control
Main Gas
I g n i t i on A i r
Main G as Main G as
U-Shaped In-Situ Recuperator
The Maxon UNI-RAD® Burner System consists of two When these features are combined, they provide the
major components: following advantages over existing systems:
• Fuel savings ranging from 25% to 50% over non-
– UNI-RAD® Direct Spark Ignited Burner recuperative systems
– MAX-SAVER® In-Situ Recuperator • Increased alloy life
• Improved furnace temperature uniformity
• Improved production quality
• Long recuperator life
Schd. 40
Section Y-Y shown on page 4806
Page 4806 UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners
U-Shaped In-Situ Recuperator
Draw Band
(by others)
Bulkhead Plate
(by others) Radiant Tube
(by others)
Cooling Pre-heated Combustion Air
Section A - A
304 SS
Recuperator #58065
UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners Page 4807
A B 16.76
Sec. A
D 1/2" NPT
Air Inlet
1/2" NPT
3/4" NPT
Gas Inlet
Housing Size* A B C D
1.25 4 UR 3.38 6.25 3.38 5.19 1-1/4" 4.0
1.25 5 UR 3.38 6.25 3.38 5.19 1-1/4" 5.0
1.5 4 UR 3.38 6.23 3.38 5.19 1-1/2" 4.0
1.5 5 UR 3.38 6.23 3.38 5.19 1-1/2" 5.0
1.5 6 UR 3.38 6.23 3.38 5.19 1-1/2" 6.0
1.5 7 UR 3.38 6.23 3.38 5.19 1-1/2" 7.0
2 6 UR 3.63 6.25 3.63 7.19 2" 6.0
2 7 UR 3.63 6.25 3.63 7.19 2" 7.0
2 8 UR 3.63 6.25 3.63 7.19 2" 8.0
*Refers to size of burner housing; dimension "E" (NPT) and dimension "F" (inside diameter)
Page 4808 UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners
Sec. A 8.38
D 1/2" NPT
C Air Inlet
1/2" NPT
3/4" NPT
Gas Inlet
4 holes
3/4" dia. Air Inlet Nozzle
2.81 Tube Length Protrusion
Sec. A Length
3.02 7.83
Air Inlet
Section A-A Tube & Nozzle
Assembly Length
Housing* E F
Size NPT I.D.
1.25 4.5C UR 3.38 6.25 3.38 5.19 1-1/4" 4.5
1.5 6C UR 3.38 6.25 3.27 5.19 1-1/2" 6.0
*Refers to size of burner housing; dimension "E" (NPT) and dimension "F" (inside diameter)
10.38 2.13
1.25" NPT
1.66 dia.
*From 3.5" to
3.10 10.0" dia.
6.0 12.0
10.38 4.15
1.5" NPT
1.9 dia.
*Baffle diameters are normally selected to be 0.25" smaller than the I.D. of the firing tube
Page 4810 UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners
*5.5" to
10.0 dia.
6.0 12.0
14.35 5.1
2" NPT
2.38 dia.
*Baffle diameters are normally selected to be 0.25" smaller than the I.D. of the firing tube
UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners Page 4811
D 57942 .5" -27 SPUD HLDR W 57970 IGN INSL RETN FLG
F 57939 .75" X .125" STL HEX BSHG Y 1046010 M8X16 ISO4017 SS HEX HD
G 26284 .75" X .75" X .75" MALL TEE Z 53529 IGN TERM CAP
R 1053397 M9X10 CONE PT SET SCR For part numbers of shaded items, see next page
Page 4812 UNI-RAD® Radiant Tube Burners
Item "EE" - Gas Inlet Tube Assembly Item "GG" - Air Tube & Nozzle Assembly
Dimension "A" Dimension "B"
Air Inlet Tube EE Air Inlet GG
Gas Inlet Tube Assembly Air Tube & Nozzle
Length Assembly Length
4.0" 11.75 58058 4.0" 9.25 58056
7.0" 14.75 57959 7.0" 12.25 57958
9.5" 17.25 58050 9.5" 14.75 58048
11.5" 19.25 58054 11.5" 16.75 58052
13.5" 21.25 1041716 13.5" 18.75 1053137
15.5" 23.25 1053155 15.5" 20.75 1053138
17.5" 25.25 1053156 17.5" 22.75 1053139
NOTE: Air tube and nozzle available only as an
Item "JJ" - Air Inlet Gasket assembly, not separate items
Housing Size
JJ Item "KK" - Burner Air Inlet Housing
AIR INLT GSKT for alloy tubes (pictured above)
1.25 4 UR 57975 KK
Housing Size
1.25 4.5C UR 57976 BRNR AIR INLT HSG
1.25 5 UR 57976 1.25 4 UR 1053164
1.5 4 UR 57975 1.25 5 UR 1053065
1.5 5 UR 57976 1.5 4 UR 1053166
1.5 6 UR 58286 1.5 5 UR 1053167
1.5 6C UR 58286 1.5 6 UR 1053068
1.5 7 UR 58283 1.5 7 UR 1053169
2 6 UR 1053360 2 6 UR 1053170
2 7 UR 1053360 2 7 UR 1053171
2 8 UR 1053360 2 8 UR 1053172
Installation Instructions
All instructions may be superceded by appli- combustion air supply pressure or less. The burners
cable NFPA codes. are typically piped into multiple burner zones using
common air and gas manifolds. It is not uncommon to
control 5 to 10 burners on the same zone.
General Instructions
Important: Do not discard packing material Ignition Air
until all loose items are accounted for.
The UNI-RAD® Burner ignition air is a constant
To prevent damage in transit, some components
supply of air piped into the burner body and is typi-
may be packed separately and shipped loose with your
cally between 2% and 7% of the total air required to
new Maxon UNI-RAD® Burner.
complete combustion.
The burner itself is normally only a part of your
complete combustion system. Additional pipe train
accessories and control components will be required
for a complete system installation. The UNI-RAD® Burner ignition is provided by a
continuous plasma arc inside the burner. The electri-
cal energy to produce this arc is provided by a continu-
Mounting ous duty ignition transformer mounted near the burner
The UNI-RAD® Burner is mounted by bolting the air in a cool environment. The transformer is generally
housing to the furnace shell, with the combustion air turned on via an auxiliary contact in the safety shut-off
inlet nipple oriented for piping convenience. The burner valve, assuring that whenever gas is available to the
body is then bolted onto the air housing which can also burner, the ignition transformer is on.
be oriented for piping convenience. The UNI-RAD®
Burner is shipped with the air housing/burner body nuts Flame Safety
installed loosely. These should be hand-tight before
The UNI-RAD® Burner generally operates without
installation is complete.
flame safety, but in those situations where it is
required, UV and IR (infrared) scanners have been
Combustion Air Supply used successfully. Please contact Maxon for details.
Combustion air can be supplied either directly from
a blower or pre-heated up to 800°F. Higher pre-heat CAUTION: When connecting optic flame sensors
temperatures may be available. Contact Maxon for to gas tube/view port, a quartz isolation lens is
more information. The UNI-RAD® Burner is a low recommended between the gas tube and optic
pressure burner and typically requires 2 inches w.c. flame sensors.
Combustion Air
View Port/Optic
Flame Sensor Mount
Ignition Air Housing
Electrical Tube
Air Inlet
6/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, 7. Set the high and low gas pressure switches on the
and familiarize yourself with all the system's equipment main fuel train to 5 inches w.c. above and below
components. Verify that your equipment has been the main gas pressure regulator, respectively.
installed in accordance with the original manufacturer's 8. Open the main gas cocks in the main fuel train
current instructions. (not pictured).
9. Open the safety shut-off valve and verify that the
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off ignition transformer is energized and that the high
should be undertaken only by trained and voltage lead is properly installed on the burner.
experienced personnel familiar with combus- 10. Open the zone gas cock (not pictured).
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry, and 11. While looking into the burner sight glass, slowly
with knowledge of the overall installation. open the burner gas valve . Ignition commence-
Instructions provided by the company and/or ment should be immediate. Flame should be a light
individuals responsible for the manufacture
yellow to yellow-orange in appearance. Using some
and/or overall installation of complete system
type of pressure measuring device, verify the gas
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon pressure delivered to the burner spud.
instructions conflict with any codes or regula- 12. Look into the exhaust leg of the radiant tube and
tions, contact Maxon Corporation before look for the flame position. Open or close the
attempting start-up. limiting orifice valve in the combustion air line
until the flame length is maximized.
1. Close the main, zone and burner gas valves . Using an oxygen analyzer, adjust the combustion
2. Turn on the main power supply. air limiting orifice valve until 2-1/2% excess
3. Set the temperature control instrument to a oxygen is measured in the exhaust. The exhaust
sufficient set-point to ensure the burner is “on”. gas sample should be taken approximately halfway
4. Start the combustion air blower. Check impeller ®
up the MAX-SAVER Recuperator, or to the inside
rotation. edge of the refractory wall, if possible.
5. Verify that the combustion air pulse firing valve ®
If a MAX-SAVER Recuperator is being used, it is
is fully open and then set the proof-of-opening desirable for the flame to bend all the way around
switch so that the contact closes only when the the radiant tube and lick the end of the recuperator
air pulse firing valve is fully open. return bend when at operating temperature.
6. Open the burner air shut-off valve (ball valve or 13. Oxygen settings should always be confirmed at
equivalent) and main air limiting orifice valve to operating conditions. O2 readings will normally be
the fully open position. lower when taken during hot operating conditions
compared to cold start-up conditions.
** Note:
I g n i t i on A i r Air Control
** Note: ú From
Air Blower
Main Gas
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
UNI-RAD® Burners
NOTE: Metal and silicon carbide tubes normally supplied by others, not by Maxon
6/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
UNI-RAD® Burners
Ignition air ball valve (shipped ANSI ANSI Threaded (shipped loose)
loose) NO None provided
ANSI ANSI Threaded (shipped loose)
MAIN AIR BALL VALVE Main air ball valve (shipped loose)
NO None provided
Main air limiting orifice valve ANSI ANSI Threaded (shipped loose)
(shipped loose) NO None provided
NONE None Selected
125 1.25" Connection
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
MAX-SAVER® Recuperators
MAX-SAVER Recuperators
(when purchasing recuperator only)
1.25 1.5 2.0
Size [1]
Item Number 1.25 UR RECUP 1.5 UR RECUP 2 UR RECUP
[1] Size refers to the recuperator NPT connections or the
equivalent O.D. to Sched. 40 black pipe
6/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
120/60 IGN
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
6/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Manual Valves
Pressure Switches
Type of Switch Manufacturer's Description Maxon Part Number
Antunes JD2 Pressure Switch with red spring, .1-24" wc 1030337
Proof-of-Opening Pressure Switches ASCO Tripoint - Pressure Switch SA20D 1041818
ASCO Tripoint - Transducer TA20A11 1041819
Gas and Air Low Pressure Switch Honeywell #C437-F-1011, 0-26" wc 33224
Gas High Pressure Switch Honeywell #C437-D-1013, .5-5 PSIG 33591
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Direct-firing optimizes heat transfer efficiencies. All available heat from the gaseous fuel is
released directly into the passing air stream.
• 15:1 turndown ratio provides application flexibility for all fresh or recirculated air stream heating
• Long service life and lower maintenance cost result from rust-resistant cast iron burner bodies
and the controlled expansion of mixing plate’s design
• Modular burner design permits shaping the burner element and total heat release to match your specific
application’s requirements. Basic building block concept provides infinite number of possible burner
configurations to meet your needs.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 5102
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5103
Typical piping layout using VENTITE™ Inspirators A complete Series “66” AIRFLO® Burner system
and Series “66” AIRFLO® Burners normally includes a gas train, proportioning/mixing
equipment, combustion air supply, and a combustion
control panel. Your Maxon representative can help
you choose from the broad range available.
Page 5104 Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners and Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers for
fresh process air heating applications
Capacity in 1000's Btu/hr Nominal
Type of Gas and Type of Duct Static Pressure and per lineal foot of burner
Velocity SFPM Range of
Series "66" AIRFLO® Burner Series "66" AIRFLO® Mixer
Maximum Minimum Turndown
2600 650 43
0" to +2.0" wc
3000 750 50 15:1
3500 900 60
2600 600 43
+2.1" to +4.0" wc 14:1
3000 700 50
Natural Gas 3500 800 60 13:1
AL-5 Burner 2200 550 35
0" to -1.0" wc
2600 650 43 15:1
3000 750 50
2200 550 40 13:1
-1.1" to -4.0" wc
2600 675 47 14:1
3000 750 53 13:1
2600 600 43 14:1
0" to +2.0" wc
2800 650 47 13:1
3000 700 50 14:1
2600 550 43
+2.1" to +4.0" wc 12:1
2800 600 47
Propane Gas 3000 650 50 13:1
AL-5 Burner 2600 600 43 14:1
0" to -1.0" wc
2800 650 47 13:1
3000 700 50 14:1
2600 625 47
-1.1" to -4.0" wc
2800 675 50 13:1
3000 700 53
More selection data on fresh process air Flame length is approximately 22" to 26" on
heating with Series “66” FO-P, FO-PX, FO-S and natural gas (20"-24" on propane) measured from the
FO-SX AIRFLO® Mixers is available in Maxon forward edge of the mixing plates.
catalog bulletin 5300. Propane maximum capacities are reduced to avoid
overheating of the mixing plates; minimum capacities
differ due to velocity differences.
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5105
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners and Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers
for recirculated process air heating applications
Type of Gas and Type Duct Static Pressure Capacity in 1000's Btu/hr Nominal SCFM Fresh Air
Velocity per lineal foot of burner
of Series "66" AIRFLO® and Series Range of required per
Burner "66" AIRFLO® Burner Maximum Minimum Turndown 100,000 Btu/hr
2200 550 35 60
0" to +2.0" wc
2600 650 43 15:1 80
3000 750 50 120
2200 450 35 60
+2.1" to +4.0" wc
2600 550 43 13:1 80
Natural Gas 3000 650 50 120
AL-5 Burner 2200 550 35 60
0" to -1.0" wc
2600 650 43 15:1 80
3000 750 50 120
2200 550 40 13:1 60
-1.1" to -4.0" wc
2600 675 47 80
R-SX 14:1
3000 750 53 120
2600 600 43 70
0" to +2.0" wc
2800 650 47 14:1 80
3000 700 50 100
2600 500 43 70
+2.1" to +4.0" wc
2800 550 47 12:1 80
Propane Gas 3000 600 50 100
AL-5 Burner 2600 600 43 70
0" to -1.0" wc
2800 650 47 80
3000 700 50 100
2600 625 43 70
-1.1" to -4.0" wc
2800 675 47 80
3000 700 50 100
More selection data on recirculated process air Higher air velocities give shorter flame lengths
heating with Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers and and result in increased pressure drop across the
AIRFLO® Burners is available in Maxon catalog burner and profile plate.
bulletin 5300. Minimum capacity is determined by air stream
Flame lengths are 26" to 30" on natural gas (24" velocity across the burner, which must be maintained
to 28" on propane), measured downstream from the in the range of 2200-3000 SFPM. Fresh make-up air
forward edges of the mixing plates. must be added to the recirculated air stream at
Capacities for natural gas and propane differ at the rate of 60-120 SCFM per 100,000 Btu/hr heat
minimum because the recommended air stream release (introduced so as to pass effectively through
velocities differ. and over the burner).
Page 5106 Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners and VENTITE™ Inspirators
for recirculated process air heating applications
Capacity in 1000's Btu/hr
Type of Gas and Type of Velocity per foot of lineal burner Nominal Range SCFM Fresh Air required
Series "66" AIRFLO® Burner SFPM of Turndown per 100,000 Btu/hr
Maximum Minimum
2200 90 6.7:1
Natural Gas with
2600 600 100 6:1 100
AL-5 Burner
3000 110 5.5:1
More selection data on recirculated process air Higher air velocities give shorter flame lengths
heating with VENTITE™ Inspirators and Series and result in increased pressure drop across the
“66” AIRFLO® Burners is available in Maxon burner and profile plate.
catalog bulletin 3300. For recirculated process air heating, maximum
Flame length is approximately 12" to 18" on capacity is 600,000 Btu/hr per lineal foot. Minimum
natural gas measured downstream from the forward capacity is determined by air stream velocity across
edge of the mixing plates. the burner, which must be maintained in the range of
The VENTITE™ Inspirator must be mounted 2200-3000 SFPM. Fresh make-up air must be
directly in the air stream being heated and must feed added to the recirculated air stream at the rate of
directly into a burner back inlet. A natural gas supply 100 SCFM per 100,000 Btu/hr heat release (intro-
pressure of 4-1/2 PSIG measured at the inspirator’s duced so as to pass effectively through and over the
inlet is required. Higher inlet pressures are not burner).
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners and Series “HG” Mixing Tubes
for recirculated process air heating applications
Capacity in 1000's Btu/hr
Type of Gas and Type of Velocity per foot of lineal burner Nominal Range SCFM Fresh Air required
Series "66" AIRFLO® Burner SFPM of Turndown per 100,000 Btu/hr
Maximum Minimum
2600 600 40
Natural Gas with
3000 650 43 15:1 80
AL-5 Burner
3500 700 47
More selection data on recirculated process air Turndown ratios of 15:1 are possible using
heating with Series “HG” Mixing Tubes and Series natural gas. Uneven and/or turbulent air flows, or the
“66” AIRFLO® Burners is available in Maxon use of propane, will give higher minimums and reduce
catalog bulletin 3200. turndown.
Capacity data is based on 2 PSIG natural gas The capacities shown are based on a minimum
supply pressure at the “HG” Mixing Tube and 2600- of 80 SCFM of fresh air being added for each
3500 SFPM air stream velocity across the burner. 100,000 Btu/hr of heat input. Lower fresh air
Differential combustion air pressure of 5.2" wc volumes, the presence of exceptionally high moisture,
is required at the mixing tube and is measured or other combustion-retarding or inert components
between burner inlet and duct/chamber static may require special consideration.
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5107
Capacity/Selection Data
Total heat release and AIRFLO® Burner footage Total duct area displaced by this burner assembly:
are normally selected from the tables given in the
(3 x 0.7 ft2) + (2 x 0.75 ft2) = 3.6 ft2
various mixer sections of the Maxon catalog:
Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers .................. 5300 Volume (CFM)
Series “HG” Mixing Tubes ...................... 3200 Velocity (FPM) = Net Free
VENTITE™ Inspirators .......................... 3300 Area (ft2)
Based on capacity information given in these
catalog sections, and within the constraints of duct The net free area of the duct, and consequently the
size and air volume flows, a Series “66” AIRFLO® profile opening surrounding the burner element, can
Burner assembly is designed utilizing these available be determined by inserting the air volume and/or the
sections shown on the following pages. desired operating velocity into this formula. The
When ordering a burner assembly made up from burner displaces area in the duct and must be added
these available module components, be sure to to the air handling area to determine the appropriate
provide an assembly sketch of the complete burner profile dimensions.
(as viewed from the back, or upstream, side) including Air stream velocity and resulting static pressure
locations of all accessories and/or individual compo- drop affect performance and are achieved by means
nent sections. of a silhouette profile opening within the duct.
Start-up and operating procedures will be greatly A minimum profile plate width of 6" is required
simplified if observation ports are provided and surrounding all Series “66” AIRFLO® Burner
positioned to allow direct visual inspection of both assemblies.
pilot and main flame. Maintenance access should also
be provided upstream of burner. Burner inlet feed piping must be adequate to
All “open” ends of burner assembly must be closed provide a well-distributed flow of air/gas throughout
off with one of the end closures or pilot assemblies the burner assembly. Do not use more than 2-1/2 feet
shown on the following pages. Any end plate ports not of type “AL-4” or “AL-4S” burner in any direction from
used must be plugged. a burner section containing an inlet.
Do not use more than 2 feet of type “AL-5” burner
in any direction from a burner section containing an
Displacement area per section inlet.
For purposes of calculating operating air velocities Do not exceed the footage feed limitations shown
and resulting static pressure drops across the burner in the table below.
assembly and profile plate, use the following equiva-
lent displacements:
Each 6" straight section: 0.35 ft2 Inlet feed capacity limitations
Each 12" straight & 12B section: 0.7 ft2 Burner Inlet Flanges AL-4 & AL-4S AL-5
Each 12" x 6" tee section: 0.75 ft2 2" end inlet flange
2 ft. 1 ft.
Each 12" x 12" cross & BX section: 0.85 ft2 2" back inlet flange
Each 36" B (12" x 12" x 12" H) section: 1.5 ft2 2.5" back inlet flange 3 ft. 1-1/2 ft.
3" back inlet flange
For example:
A Series “66” AIRFLO® Burner assembly is made 4" back inlet flange 6 ft. 4 ft.
up of: 3" back inlet cross flange
(2) 12" straight section @0.7 ft2 displ. area 4" back inlet cross flange 12 ft. 8 ft.
(1) 12" back inlet straight @ 0.7 ft2 displ. area
(2) 12" x 6" tee section @ 0.75 ft2 displ. area Inlet flanges bolt directly to burner body casting
and accept threaded NPT piping. Chart above shows
maximum lineal feet of Series “66” AIRFLO® Burner
that may be fed by a given inlet flange.
Page 5108 Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners
6" straight 12" straight 12" x 6" tee 12" x 12" cross
section section section section
12" x 12"
12" back inlet section 36" back inlet section back inlet cross
A (size) B
A (size)
2 0.88
1.25 4
4 3.5
Page 5110 Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners
All open ends of a burner assembly must be closed off with one of these end closures,
or with a pilot end plate or pilot assembly as shown below and on page 5111.
flame rod
Page 5112 Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Optional air/gas pilot mixers for all Series “66” AIRFLO® pilot assemblies
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5113
Page 5114 Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners
1 Spark Ignitor
Spark Electrode
Universal support bracket
Normally used in pairs as shown below. Mount to 12"
burner assembly at any joint between sections.
Two versions available: zinc plated for maximum
inlet temperature up to 750°F (399°C) or #304SS for
maximum inlet temperature up to 1600°F (871°C).
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5115
Component Identification
Page 5116 Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Component Identification
There are two (2) types of fastener kits for Series “66” AIRFLO® Burner assemblies:
EP Fastener Kits (end plate fastener kit) provide Fastener Kit (mixing plate fastener kit) includes
an assortment of nuts, bolts, etc., that will mount any all the necessary nuts, bolts, etc., to fasten one
Maxon pilot, end plate, or end inlet flange to the open mixing plate to the adjoining mixing plate and to
end of an AIRFLO® Burner assembly. Depending mount any support bracket (gusset) or back-up bar
upon what specific end plate/pilot assembly you have, required. There may be some “excess” fasteners in
there may be some “excess” fasteners in the kit that the kit that may also be discarded, depending upon
can be discarded. There are enough fasteners to the specific mixing plate joint. These kits do not
secure the end plate/pilot to both side mixing plates include body casting flange joint bolts.
and to the end of the body casting flanges.
Series “66” AIRFLO® Burner Information Plate
Series “66” AIRFLO® Burners Page 5100-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to a
These mounting instructions for Series “66” safety control system) shut the fuel supply off with a
AIRFLO® Line Burners are in addition to the general loss of electrical power. Manual reset valves require
AIRFLO® Line Burner installation instructions operator attendance each time the system is started
published on Maxon catalog pages 5000-S-1 through up (or restarted after a shut-down). Motorized shut-
5000-S-10. off valves permit automatic start/restart when used
Specific instructions are also offered for other with appropriate control system.
Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
Maxon component items:
– Shut-Off Valves (pages 6000-S-1 through S-14) ment. At a minimum, they should be provided down-
– Flow Control Valves (pages 7000-S-1 through S-4) stream of any mixing tube and at each burner inlet.
– Mixing Tubes (pages 3200-S-1 through S-6) Test connections should never be installed in elbows
Read complete instructions before proceeding, or pipe tees. Test connections must be plugged
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s equip- except when readings are being taken.
ment components. Verify that your equipment has
been installed in accordance with the original
manufacturer’s current instructions. Bolt Torque Tightening
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage 1. Apply Never-Seez (anti-seize and lubricating
of pipe train components or burner gas ports. All dirt, compound) to the threads of the bolts to improve
scale and pipe dope should be blown out of any new the pre-loading of the gasket.
gas line before actually connecting to the burner 2. Tighten the bolts to 1/2 the specified value (see
system. table below), starting at position 1 and working to
Main gas shut-off cock should be upstream of position 6.
both main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it 3. Tighten the bolts to the full torque value, starting at
to shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during position 1 and working to position 6.
shutdown periods of more than a few hours. MICRO- 4. Tighten the bolts again to the full value starting at
RATIO® Control Valves are not intended for tight position 1 and working to position 6.
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. A separate regulator
should be provided in the branch leading to each
burner system if more than one is served by a com-
mon main. Size regulator for full system capacity at
required pressure, including pipe train losses. Follow
the instructions attached to the regulator during
Pilot take-off should be upstream of main gas
regulator but downstream of main gas cock. It should
normally include its own pilot gas regulator (selected Torque Values
to meet pilot flow and pressure needs), a solenoid Bolt Size Bolt Material Torque Value Units
valve and shut-off cock. An adjustable gas orifice at M10 Plated steel 186 in lbs
the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment. M10 Stainless steel 248 in lbs
Appropriate pilots should be provided which are M10 High Alloy 45 ft lbs
compatible with the type of burner and control system
being used.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Premixed Air/Gas Manifolding Suggestions
1. Always design air/gas manifold piping for uniform Sketch below shows four inlets being fed from one
distribution to multiple-feed or multiple-burner end-fed header. Note that full premixture manifold
systems. Select manifold piping sizes by start- size is continued past all burner take-offs, and outlet
ing at the burner/nozzle end and working extended and capped one pipe diameter length
backward to the premixer discharge. beyond last take-off. Always keep premixer device a
2. Always make sure that any distribution header is minimum of four pipe diameters in length from first
greater in cross-sectional area than the total cross- take-off.
sectional area(s) of any and all pipes being fed.
3. Never install a throttling or shut-off device in any
air/gas mixture line between the premixing device
and its burner(s).
The chart below gives typical pipe data for use in
designing air/gas distribution manifolds.
12 12 12.75 113.097
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
A fully premixed air/gas mixture must be supplied to Natural gas pressure generally required (as mea-
your Series “66” AIRFLO® Burner to support proper sured at the mixer gas inlet) is 1 PSIG higher than air
combustion. With “fully-premixed” Series “66” AIRFLO® pressure for “HG” Mixing Tubes.
Burner systems, a Series “HG” Mixing Tube with Anything more than minimal distance or piping
MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve is often used to premix turns may necessitate “oversizing” piping runs to keep
gas and air prior to its introduction to the Series “66” pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
AIRFLO® Burner assembly. Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at least
A typical “HG” Mixing Tube system piping four pipe diameters in length. If multiple burners are
layout is illustrated below. fed from a single gas train, care should be taken to
minimize pressure drop and give maximum uniformity.
CAUTION: Do not install any shut-off device in
the air/gas mixture line.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Initial start-up adjustment should only be accom-
plished during a “manual” burner control mode.
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
linkage from your MICRO-RATIO® Control
Valve’s operating crank arm (or from your
Maxon Control Valve) by loosening the control
motor’s connecting rod from the valve’s toggle
linkage. Manually set and secure control valve in
its “minimum” position.
5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
Check for proper blower motor rotation and
impeller direction. Verify that all control inter-
locks are working. Allow air handling equipment
to run for adequate purge of your manifolds and
combustion chamber plenums. With main gas
shut off, manually advance MICRO-RATIO®
Control Valve’s operating crank to “high fire”
position so that air only flows through burner and
combustion chamber.
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
typically controlling sequential operations.
6. Check minimum mixture pressure at burners
by turning the MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve to
its minimum position and reading differential air
pressure only at each burner with a water Having marked and/or recorded the MICRO-
column manometer. Any reading below 0.10" wc RATIO® Control Valve’s air valve settings for
differential (natural gas) requires re-adjustment both minimum and maximum firing positions,
as described below. you may adjust the linkage and travel of the gas
Setting minimum mixture pressure with a valve’s stroke (see sketch below).
MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve and Series Loosen Allen set screw “A” and binding screw
“HG” Mixing Tube system: “B” in toggle “C”. Move the toggle in universal
If minimum mixture pressure must be in- cam assembly slot towards the center of rotation
creased, open the MICRO-RATIO® air valve so that gas valve can rotate from its minimum to
slowly (by turning toward higher-numbered maximum position, while the air valve swings
positions) until the required differential air between the established (and marked) minimum
(mixture) pressure is reached, then mark air and maximum settings.
valve dial at the position opposite pointer. This
point will become the minimum air setting for
your MICRO-RATIO® Valve mixing tube system.
Continue opening the MICRO-RATIO® air
valve while watching the manometer connected
into the burner’s air/gas mixture manifold.
Determine the point at which further opening of
the air valve gives no appreciable increase in air
pressure within the manifold/burner. Mark the air
valve dial at this position opposite the air valve
pointer. This point will become the maximum air
setting for your MICRO-RATIO® Valve mixing
tube system.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Place air valve on pre-determined “minimum” Refine pilot setting for a hard blue flame
position and rotate gas valve to its “minimum” (and/or strongest micro-amp signal) by adjusting
setting position. Tighten down set screw “A” and gas flow through pilot orifice and/or pilot
binding screw “B” with both valves set at regulator.
“minimum”. Shut off pilot gas cock to extinguish pilot fire.
Establish set screw “A” as minimum-end Re-open and confirm easy re-ignition several
adjustment point and binding screw “B” as times. The flame safeguard relays should now
maximum-end adjustment point. (Note: It doesn’t power the main fuel shut-off valves.
matter which is maximum or minimum, as long 9. Light main burners at minimum as follows:
as you identify and keep the same reference First, turn MICRO-RATIO® Valve to its
points for the next adjustment steps.) minimum setting (which may be at position 1 or
Now rotate MICRO-RATIO® Valve to “maxi- 2 after completing step 6), then open fuel shut-
mum” position. The air valve maximum setting off valve and turn corresponding screw in
was previously determined. Loosen binding (clockwise) until flame ignites across burner
screw “B” and adjust pointer and linkage to face. (This may take several turns of the screw.)
correct just half the distance required to make NOTE: At this point, it is more important to get
the air valve pointer indicate the maximum air any kind of a flame as soon as possible. The
valve setting. flame geometry can be adjusted and refined as
Re-tighten binding screw “B” and return the needed later.
MICRO-RATIO® Valve to the “minimum” air A good minimum fire should provide uniform
setting. flame across the entire burner face, contained
This time, loosen set screw “A” and again within the zipper flame channel at the base of
correct for just half the distance required to burner mixing plates. Any thin spots or gaps
make the air valve pointer indicate the minimum indicate uneven air velocity over the burner
air valve setting. which must be corrected or a higher minimum
Re-tighten set screw “A” and again return the fire established by continuing to turn in on the
MICRO-RATIO® Valve to its maximum position. minimum stop screw.
Similarly, correct one half the distance with 10. Once your flame is established and refined at
binding screw “B” for the maximum setting, etc. this position, and without advancing the screw
Continue this adjustment procedure until the carrier quadrant higher, screw all remaining
gas and air valves reach their minimum and screws down to at least the same level as your
maximum positions simultaneously. Normally, first adjusted screw.
this is accomplished within seven adjustments. Once the gas is applied to the burner, you
7. Remove cover plate from screw carrier cam may find that a LOUD howling is set-up by the
assembly and turn all adjusting screws counter- duct system. This howling means that the burner
clockwise until flush with outer surface of casting is firing too rich. Back out on the gas screws and
(new equipment is shipped this way). the noise will stop. The burner is then adjusted
8. Open main and pilot gas cocks and light first so that the flame is lean. You will know you have
burner pilot following instructions appropriate for adjusted the burner too lean if the flame fails to
that burner and pilot type. If multiple pilots are cross ignite across the face.
used, open individual cocks and adjust each in NOTE: A preliminary setting can be established
turn. with all the remaining adjusting screws. Gener-
To light and adjust gas pilot: Check to ally, each succeeding screw needs to be
insure pilot combustion air supply is flowing to screwed in approximately one full turn more
any pressure pilot mixer. Pilot gas regulator (clockwise) than its preceding screw. A smooth
should initially be set at approximately midpoint “stair-step” gradient pre-set at this point from low
of its adjustment range. With pilot gas solenoid to high will simplify the remaining adjustment
closed, open main fuel gas and pilot gas cock. steps.
Energize spark ignitor and pilot gas solenoid.
Observe pilot ignition through sight port of pilot
assembly and/or by viewing micro-amp signal
metered from flame safeguard relay circuit.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 5100-S-6 Series “66” AIRFLO® Burners
Start-Up Instructions
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately NOTE: Dust and/or chemicals entrained into
return MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve to passing air stream may affect physical color of
minimum position and shut off fuel (if flame flame. In this case, adjust burner for stable flame
safeguard has not already done so). Turn in shape and geometry.
slightly on adjusting screw at point where To measure mixture pressure, connect
ignition was lost, then return valve to minimum water column (manometer) to the test connec-
position, re-establish pilot, open fuel valve and tion in burner’s end plate. To determine air
verify ignition. velocity, use a velometer at the profile opening.
Correct velocities by increasing or decreasing
11. Without advancing the valve quadrant, screw profile opening size.
down clockwise on #2 screw (one or two turns). If flame is too short, gas pressure may be too
Then slowly advance the screw carrier quadrant low and should be increased, or velocities are
to the #2 position. Adjust flame appearance at too high and may need to be decreased.
this new position #2. NOTE: Air velocities should be measured only
NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory construc- when the fan is handling air at the desired
tion, allow your burner system to operate at this control temperature.
low setting for the necessary dry/cure-out time 13. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
period recommended by the chamber or refrac- refine adjustment, if necessary.
tory manufacturer. Then continue adjustments of For operation with interrupted pilot (as
valve. recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
12. Again, without moving valve, bring #3 and all from minimum to maximum and back several
remaining adjusting screws down to the same times to verify the flame is maintained.
level as #2 screw.
NOTE: If approximate pre-set gradient was CAUTION: After completing previously listed
made earlier, the remaining screws will already steps, check all interlocking safety components
be at or below appropriate levels. and circuitry to prove that they are properly
Progressively work your way up through each installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth in doubt, shut the system down, close main and
progression slope from your first screw to the pilot cocks, and contact responsible individual
“maximum” position. before proceeding further.
As each is adjusted, you must turn the 14. Reconnect linkage to control motor, plug all
remaining unadjusted screws in at least that far test connections, replace equipment cover caps
to prevent possible damage to flexible cam and tighten linkage screws.
strips inside the screw carrier cam assembly. 15. Check out overall system operation by cycling
Turning a screw in “clockwise” gives more through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
gas at that setting; turning it out gives less. and allowing temperature control system to
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, you cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
must move the valve quadrant to the number return.
you desire to adjust. This aligns the adjusting Re-check all safety system interlocks for
screw directly on top of the fuel valve plunger. A proper setting and operation.
resulting adjustment of the screw is directly
applied to the fuel valve plunger and its intercon- WARNING: Test every UV installation for
nected valve body linkage. dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
Observe flame characteristics carefully. other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
Flame should remain a bright blue color with a radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
length beyond the mixing plates as indicated in connections.
capacity/specification data. If flame becomes 16. Before system is placed into full service,
long and yellow, gas pressure is too high and/or instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
air velocity is too low. operation and shut-down of system. Establish
written instructions for their future reference.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Back Inlet Feed 12" back inlet straight 1049752 1049753 1049751
AL-4-12B AL-4S-12B AL-5-12B
Sections (31) (31) (31)
(each requires an 1049787 1049788 1049794
36" back inlet "H" [1] AL-4-36B AL-4S-36B AL-5-36B
inlet flange from (95) (95) (95)
options listed 1049831 1049832 1049830
below) 12" x 12" back inlet cross [1] AL-4-XB AL-4S-XB AL-5-XB
(42) (42) (42)
Cast iron 04122 (3) / 21380* for "12B" section
2" NPT
Ductile iron 20042 (3) / 25934* for "36B" section
4" NPT Cast iron 15348 (7) / 25949* for "12B" section
For 12" x 12" XB 3" NPT Ductile iron 18806 (6) / 24493*
back inlet cross
sections 4" NPT Ductile iron 18807 (7) / 22006*
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order appropriate configured item number. To order loose items,
order individual assembly numbers.
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series "66" AIRFLO® Line Burner Gray iron Gray iron Gray iron
Material Specifications> bodies [1] with bodies [1] with bodies with
aluminized #321 stainless #321 stainless
Item Description steel mixing steel mixing steel mixing
plates plates plates
Built-in pilot and end plate set FR/SI for direct end-mounted
flame rod/UV scanner & spark ignitor (includes #18075 spark 1050158 (6)
Built-in Pilot Sets ignitor; order flame rod separately)
(use with 6"-P
sections only) Built-in pilot end plate set FR/SI for externally mounted flame
rod/UV scanner & spark electrode (order flame rod and/or spark 1050159 (6)
electrode with an external mounting assembly separately)
AIRFLO-PAK pilot set FR/SI for direct end-mounted flame
AIRFLO-PAK rod/UV scanner & spark ignitor (includes #18075 spark ignitor; 1050146 (8)
Pilot Sets (each order flame rod, if used, and pilot mixer, separately)
requires a pilot
mixer from options AIRFLO-PAK pilot set FR/SI for externally mounted flame
listed below) rod/UV scanner & spark electrode (order flame rod and/or spark 1050147 (8)
electrode, pilot mixer, and external mounting assembly separately)
Atmospheric pilot mixer 16948 (1)
Pilot Mixer
Options for Atmospheric pilot mixer includes shut-off cock, tubing, and
12326 (2)
AIRFLO-PAK pilot #39294 adjustable orifice
assemblies above
Pressure pilot mixer includes #38579 adjustable orifice 17082 (2)
For internal spark ignitor & internal flame rod 19225 (3)
Mounting Plate For external spark electrode & external UV scanner (order
36593 (3)
Assemblies spark electrode separately)
For external spark electrode & external flame rod (order spark
36594 (3)
electrode & flame rod separately)
Spark 14mm spark ignitor (for direct mounted assemblies) 18075 (0.5)
Sub-Assemblies 18" long spark electrode (for external mounting assemblies) 36538 (1.5)
Flame Rod Flame rod L = 7-1/8" (for direct mounted assemblies) 18117 (0.5)
Sub-Assemblies Flame rod L = 24" (for externally mounted assemblies) 36537 (1.3)
zinc plated carbon steel,
Universal support bracket 23577 (0.2)
good up to 750°F
(order in pairs) (A)
#304SS, good up to 1600°F 39940 (0.2)
Plated 1050482
End Plate
Stainless Steel 1050483
Spare Fastener Kits
A-286 Hi Temp 1050484
Accessory and Division plate (A) 18891 (0.5)
Items Profile plate bracket (A) 20223 (0.5)
Adjustable orifice 3/8" (for pressure pilot mixer) (R) 38579 (0.5)
number. To order loose items, order individual assembly numbers.
Approximate net ship weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5100-A/P-3
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for Series "66" AIRFLO® Burners
Configured Item Number Segment Name Segment Description
DIRECT MTD SPARK IGNITOR Direct mounted spark ignitor
DIRECT MTD FLAME ROD -7.125" Direct mounted flame rod (length = 7.125")
EXTERNAL MTD FLAME ROD -24" External mounted flame rod (length = 24")
SPARK ELECTRODE -18" Spark electrode (length = 18")
RUBBER COVER Rubber cover for flame rod or spark electrode
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (PRESS) Adjustable orifice (pressure)
BODY FLANGE GASKET Body flange gasket
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -STR Back inlet flange gasket - straight
AL4 RSP BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -H Back inlet flange gasket - H
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -CROSS Back inlet flange gasket - cross
GASKET SEALANT Gasket sealant
STR FLANGE KIT 200F (MAX) Straight flange kit 200 degrees F (maximum)
STR BI FLANGE KIT 200F (MAX) Straight back inlet flange kit 200 degrees F (maximum)
36H BI FLANGE KIT 200F (MAX) 36H back inlet flange kit 200 degrees F (maximum)
CRSS BI FLANGE KIT 200F (MAX) Cross back inlet flange kit 200 degrees F (maximum)
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (ATMOS) Adjustable orifice (atmosphere)
SHUT-OFF COCK Shut-off cock
DIRECT MTD SPARK IGNITOR Direct mounted spark ignitor
DIRECT MTD FLAME ROD -7.125" Direct mounted flame rod (length = 7.125")
EXTERNAL MTD FLAME ROD -24" External mounted flame rod (length = 24")
SPARK ELECTRODE -18" Spark electrode (length = 18")
RUBBER COVER Rubber cover for flame rod or spark electrode
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (PRESS) Adjustable orifice (pressure)
BODY FLANGE GASKET Body flange gasket
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -STR Back inlet flange gasket - straight
LV3 RSP BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -H Back inlet flange gasket - H
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -CROSS Back inlet flange gasket - cross
GASKET SEALANT Gasket sealant
STR FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Straight flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
STR BI FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Straight back inlet flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
36H BI FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) 36H back inlet flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
CRSS BI FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Cross back inlet flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (ATMOS) Adjustable orifice (atmosphere)
SHUT-OFF COCK Shut-off cock
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Electro-mechanical device for producing a partial premixture for Series “66” AIRFLO®
Line Burners
• Air/gas ratio control at all firing rates using most clean, low pressure fuel gases
• Provides clean combustion with low levels of NOx
• Includes electric motor and non-loading paddle-wheel impeller in cast iron blower case
• Integral ratio valve provides thorough air/gas mixing
• Optional stand-by fuel arrangement allows changeover to alternate gaseous fuels
• Single point firing rate control for Series “66” AIRFLO® Line Burner assemblies
• Low initial and operating costs through use of lower horsepower motor
• Application flexibility provided with eight different models in 76 popular sizes
• Heat releases up to 6,750,000 Btu/hr
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 5302
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers Page 5303
Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers come in a broad range
of sizes and versions, and must be selected carefully
to match your specific application needs.
The mixer must be matched to discharge areas
and mixture pressure requirements of the burners
used. Eight series are available as outlined in table
below, in a total of 76 sizes:
Each AIRFLO® Mixer assembly includes a 3400 RPM totally enclosed motor. You may select from a variety of available voltages:
60 Hertz Options 50 Hertz Options (possible net extra cost)
115/208 - 230/1/60 208 - 230/460/3/60 575/3/60 190 - 200/1/50 380 - 415/3/50 500/3/50
1/3, 3/4 & 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Page 5304 Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers
Capacities/Selection Data
Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers for recirculated air heating applications
These Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers designed for Maximum capacities shown are based on
use in recirculated air heating applications are standard burner design velocities. Ratings may be
designated “R” type. reduced if air stream velocities are lower.
Capacity data, designations and motor Minimum capacities are different for natural gas
information are shown in the tables below, cross and propane due to the higher air stream velocities
referenced to a specific burner footage. required for propane firing.
NOTICE: ALWAYS SELECT AN AIRFLO® MIXER Be sure to choose the appropriate mixer column for
TO MATCH YOUR REQUIRED BURNER YOUR cold differential pressure conditions.
Capacities/Selection Data
Fresh air (non-recirculating) process air heating applications
These Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers designed for reduced if air stream velocities are lower. Note that
use in fresh process air heating applications are maximum capacities are downrated when burning
designated “FO” type. propane (to reduce likelihood of overheating mixing
Capacity data, designations and motor plates with the faster-burning fuel).
information are shown in tables below, cross Minimum capacities are different for natural gas
referenced to a specific burner footage. and propane due to the higher air stream velocities
NOTICE: ALWAYS SELECT A MIXER TO required for propane firing.
MATCH YOUR REQUIRED BURNER FOOTAGE. Be sure to choose the appropriate mixer column for
Maximum capacities shown are based on YOUR cold differential pressure conditions.
standard burner design velocities. Ratings may be
Page 5306 Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers
Suction Side Mixers (-S, -SX) Pressure Side Mixers (-P, -PX)
AIRFLO® Mixer Dimensions AIRFLO® Mixer Dimensions
Q Valve size [1] Q Valve size [1]
Type Size X Y Z Type Size X Y Z
975 thru 1950 3.5 9.75
1" 1125 thru 1500 4 10.25 6.56
2275 and 2600 6.56
3.69 9.94 1"
FO-S FO-P 2625 and 3000
3900 thru 5200 1.25" 4.44 10.69
7.38 4.5 10.75 7.38
4.94 11.19 3375 thru 4500 1.25"
6500 1.5" 8
1015 thru 2025 3.5 9.75
1" 1050 thru 1400 4 10.25 6.56
2360 and 2700 6.56
3.69 9.94 1"
FO-SX FO-PX 2450 and 2800
4050 thru 5400 1.25" 4.44 10.69
7.38 4.5 10.75 7.38
4.94 11.19 3150 thru 4200 1.25"
6750 1.5" 8
975 thru 1950 3.5 9.75
1" 975 thru 1950 4 10.25 6.56
2275 and 2600 6.56
3.69 9.94 1"
R-S R-P 2275 and 2600
3900 thru 5200 1.25" 4.44 10.69
7.38 4.5 10.75 7.38
4.94 11.19 2925 thru 3900 1.25"
6500 1.5" 8
340 thru 2025 3.5 9.75
1" 275 thru 1650 4 10.25 6.56
2360 and 2700 6.56
3.69 9.94 1"
3035 and 3375
R-SX R-PX 1925 thru 2475
4050 thru 5400 1.25" 4.44 10.69
7.38 4.5 10.75 7.38
4.94 11.19 2750 thru 3300 1.25"
6750 1.5" 8
[1] Based on 3" wc drop using propane gas
Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers Page 5307
Page 5308 Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers
Stand-by Fuel Arrangement
(using Maxon Series “Q” Control Valve)
Stand-by fuel arrangements permit quick
changeover to alternate fuels.
Maxon Series “Q”
Flow Control Valves
described in catalog
Bulletin 7000 provide
the additional flow
control point for the
stand-by fuel arrange-
A single control operator (rated for at least 150
inch-pounds torque) operates both the ratio valve
furnished as part of the AIRFLO® Mixer and an
additional Series “Q” Control Valve (ordered sepa-
rately). Typical piping arrangement is shown below.
Maxon does not supply the piping shown.
When this arrangement is used, the AIRFLO®
Mixer is first adjusted for the primary fuel (usually Stand-by-by Fuel
natural gas), then the “Q” Valve is adjusted to provide
proper alternate fuel flow.
Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixer
shown in discharge
position #1A with Series
Alternate piping arrangements “Q” Gas Control Valve and
For discharge positions 1A to 12A connecting base and
linkage assembly
positioning customer’s air
control motor
Page 5310 Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers
Accessories (continued)
Inlet Air Filters Accessory Switches
Optional inlet air filters should be installed where Several types of accessory switches are offered for
the air supply is dusty or foreign matter may be drawn Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers.
into the system and will plug burner or mixer system NEMA 1 Low Fire Start Switches meet system
ports. requirements calling for the burner system to be at its
Easily installed on the air inlet, this filter assembly low-fire or minimum position before start-up can
includes a washable/replaceable foam filter element proceed. A typical arrangement is shown in photo
in a protective wire cage. The mounting collar in- below.
cludes a filter suction switch connection to allow Choose from the broad range of accessory
monitoring of filter condition. switches stocked as convenience items by Maxon.
Filter assemblies may be added in the field, or These switches are available with either a carbon
specified when ordering the mixer. steel or stainless steel air butterfly shaft.
Warning: Filter material is UL-rated as Class II
Fire Retardant (“when clean, burns moderately
when attacked by flame or emits moderate
amounts of smoke or both”). Hot welding beads
Low Fire
or direct flame can ignite filter material. Start Switch
Ducting of an outside air source may be advis-
able if the AIRFLO® Mixer must be located in an
exceptionally dirty location and filter maintenance
would be a problem. If so, contact Maxon for recom-
mendations regarding run and size limitations for Air Differential Switches can be used to prove
sheet metal ducting from an outside air source to the operation of the mixer blower. Mounted as shown in
inlet of mixer ratio valve. the photograph below (cross-connected between the
connections provided on ratio valve air inlet and near
Cover mixer discharge), they require the pressure differential
developed by mixer operation to close a switch in the
control circuit. Setting should be as high as possible
Element Cage without nuisance shutdown.
Filter Suction Switch can be used to monitor filter
Mixer condition, and wired into an alarm circuit or in such a
way as to prevent system operation when suction on
the filter exceeds the preset .45" wc.
Pressure Switch Pressure
Suction to high side
Connection of switch
to low side
of switch
Series “66”
Air Inlet AIRFLO®
Lock Ring
Sleeve Mixer in
position #5B
with optional
air inlet filter
Suction Switch
Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers Page 5311
Component Identification
Page 5312 Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixers
Installation Instructions
General Instructions 2. Electrical service must match the voltage,
phase and cycle of all electrical system compo-
nents and be compatible with mixer’s nameplate
Important: Do not discard packing materials
ratings. Insure that all normal control safeguards
until all loose items are accounted for.
are satisfied. AIRFLO® Mixer air should continue
To prevent damage in transit, spark ignitors, flame to run after shutdown to allow AIRFLO® Burner
rods, connecting linkage components, and filter to cool.
housings/elements may be packed separately and 3. Gas supply piping must be large enough to
shipped loose with your new Maxon AIRFLO® Mixer. maintain required fuel pressures (approximately
The AIRFLO® Mixer itself is normally only a part of 2" - 8" wc) at the ratio valve inlet while burner is
your complete combustion system. Additional pipe operating at full capacity. The use of non-
train accessories and control components may be standard gases or long, complicated piping may
required for a complete combustion system installa- necessitate “oversizing” piping runs to keep
tion. pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
The sketch below shows a typical gas train as 4. Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent
might be used with a Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixer. blockage of pipe train components or burner gas
ports. All dirt, scale and pipe dope should be
blown out of any new gas line before actually
Typical Piping Layout connecting to the AIRFLO® Burner system.
5. Main shut-off cock should be upstream of both
main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it
to shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner
during shutdown periods of more than a few
The ratio valve of your AIRFLO® Mixer is not
intended for tight shut-off.
6. Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. A separate
regulator should be provided in the branch
leading to each AIRFLO® Mixer if more than one
is served by a common main. Size regulator for
full system capacity at required pressure,
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or
including pipe train losses. Follow the instruc-
misuse of the piping layouts shown. Specific
tions attached to the regulator during installation.
piping and wiring diagrams should always be
7. Pilot take-off should be upstream of the main
submitted to the appropriate agencies for
gas regulator, but downstream of the main gas
approval on each application.
cock. It should normally include its own pilot gas
1. AIRFLO® Mixer provides the air supply to your regulator, a solenoid valve and shut-off cock. A
combustion system and is essential to the pilot adjustable orifice at the pilot inlet simplifies
inspiration and mixing of fuel gas. It should be adjustment.
located in the coolest, cleanest position that you 8. Pilot piping must be large enough to provide for
can find near the AIRFLO® Burner itself. It must the full pilot flow and pressures shown in the
not be exposed to direct radiant heat or posi- catalog for your particular AIRFLO® Burner size.
tioned where it might draw in inert gases or hot
air rising from a furnace or oven. If such condi-
tions exist, consider filters, relocation and/or
ducting of an outside air supply.
11/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
9. Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected New Filter Assembly Installation
to a safety control system) are designed to shut
the fuel supply off with any interruption in the To install a new filter assembly, refer to the
electric current supply. Manual reset valves photos below, then:
require operator attendance each time the 1. Remove existing air inlet guard, saving screws
system is start-up (or restarted after a shut- removed.
down). Motorized shut-off valves permit 2. Place sleeve of new filter assembly over the open
automatic start/restart when used with appropri- end of mixer air inlet, turning so that filter suction
ate control system. switch connection is opposite ratio valve quadrant.
10. Ratio valve (part of AIRFLO® Mixer) controls 3. Align holes in filter sleeve with those in mixer air
burner heat release by throttling air and gas inlet, then secure filter assembly in place with
flows. It includes provision for an adjustable screws removed in step 1.
minimum and throttling over a turndown range 4. Check position of filter assembly cover hinge. If it
that matches AIRFLO® Burner capabilities. is not at top, remove sheet metal screws holding
11. Downstream piping from AIRFLO® Mixer to wire cage to filter sleeve and rotate as necessary,
burner could be kept as short as possible. then re-fasten. Three unused holes must be
12. Inlet feed manifold to any AIRFLO® Burner plugged with remaining sheet metal screws.
should be at least four pipe diameters in length. Warning: The filter material used is approved
If the AIRFLO® Mixer is supplying multiple inlets by UL as Class II (fire retardant). Hot welding
to a single burner element, care should be taken beads or direct flame can ignite filter material.
so that air/gas mixing piping gives minimal
pressure drop and maximum uniformity. Do not
install any throttling or shut-off device in the
air/gas mixture line.
Air Inlet
13. Test connections are essential for burner Guard
adjustment. They should be provided (at a
minimum) downstream of the AIRFLO® Mixer
and at each burner inlet. Do not attempt to use
test connections in pipe elbows or tees, as
internal turbulence can give erroneous readings.
Test connections must be plugged except when
Ratio Valve
readings are being taken. Quadrant
Cover Hinge
Suction Switch Filter
Connection Sleeve
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Premixed Air/Gas Manifolding Suggestions
1. Always design the size of your air/gas manifold The sketch below shows four inlets fed from one
piping for uniform distribution to multiple-feed end-fed header. Note that full mixer outlet size is
burner systems. Select manifold piping sizes by continued past all burner feed take-offs, and outlet
starting at the burner inlet end and working extended and capped one pipe diameter length
backward to the AIRFLO® Mixer discharge. beyond last take-off. Always keep AIRFLO® Mixer a
2. Always make sure that any distribution header is minimum of four pipe diameters in length from first
greater in cross-sectional area(s) of any and all take-off.
pipes being fed.
3. Never install a throttling or shut-off device in any
air/gas mixture line between the AIRFLO® Mixer
and the AIRFLO® Burner inlet(s).
The chart below gives typical pipe data for use in
designing air/gas distribution manifolds.
12 12 12.75 113.097
11/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, and 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
familiarize yourself with all the system’s components. Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
Verify that your equipment has been installed in direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
accordance with the manufacturer’s current working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
instructions. adequate purge of your manifolds and
combustion chamber plenums. With main gas
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off
shut off, manually advance AIRFLO® Mixer’s
should be undertaken only by trained and
screw carrier to “high fire” position so that air only
experienced personnel familiar with
flows through burner and combustion chamber.
combustion systems, with control/safety
circuitry, and with knowledge of the overall CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
installation. Instructions provided by the typically controlling sequential operations.
company and/or individuals responsible for the
6. Determine minimum differential pressure.
manufacture and/or overall installation of
Depending on the type of AIRFLO® Burner and
complete system incorporating Maxon burners
its application, a method must be developed to
take precedence over these provided by Maxon.
measure chamber static pressure by connecting
If Maxon instructions conflict with any codes or
a manometer between the combustion chamber
regulations, contact Maxon Corporation before
and a straight manifold going to the burner (at a
attempting start-up.
point farthest distant from the AIRFLO® Mixer).
This method must take into consideration all
For initial Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixer of the frictional pressure drops in the distribution
start-up: manifolding. You should maintain at least +0.1"
wc differential mixture pressure (with natural gas)
1. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all between the burner and the combustion chamber
control devices and interlocks are operable and static pressure to avoid potential backfire
functioning within their respective settings/ conditions.
ranges. Be sure all air and gas manifolds are Do not try to take a differential pressure
tight and that test ports are plugged if not being reading from a test port at or near an elbow in
used. the piping manifolds due to potentially
2. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. erroneous readings caused by turbulence set up
Remove pilot and main gas regulators’ adjusting within the pipe by such pipe fittings. Measure in a
seal cap covers. Turn adjusting screw down straight manifold with at least four pipe diameters
(clockwise) to approximately mid-position. Close in length before and after the test port location.
pilot gas adjustable orifice screw by turning in 7. Set minimum differential pressure with
clockwise until it stops. (Do not over-tighten.) minimum stop screw located on the side of the
Then back out the adjustable orifice (counter- screw carrier quadrant of AIRFLO® Mixer ratio
clockwise) approximately 2-3 turns. valve (see Sketch 1 below).
3. Check that all duct and chamber dampers are
properly positioned and locked into operating
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
linkage from your AIRFLO® Mixer’s screw carrier
by loosening the control motor’s connecting rod
from the toggle linkage.
Initial start-up adjustment should only be
accomplished during a “manual” burner
control mode.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
This minimum stop screw creates a gives a contour to flexible steel cam strips [8]
mechanical block which prohibits the screw (see Sketch 3). These cam strips bear on a
carrier quadrant and its direct-connected air plunger and cap assembly [7] that determines
butterfly valve from closing completely. Thus a opening of the gas butterfly valve. Cam strips
“minimum” volume of air is allowed in through the serve to provide a continuous gradient.
ratio valve to be delivered down the distribution
manifold(s) to the burner. This air is used to
establish the minimum differential pressure.
Screwing in (clockwise) on the minimum stop
screw through its lock nut will open up the air
butterfly and increase the minimum differential
Once your manometer readings confirm the
minimum differential mixture readings, lock the
minimum stop screw in that position with the lock
nut so the ratio valve cannot be moved back
below this minimum firing position. Regardless of
what numerical value the indicator strip shows, As shown in Sketch 4, the plunger and cap
this becomes the minimum firing position for your assembly [7] acts upon a roller/crank to rotate a
specific system in this application. valve shaft [9] to which the gas butterfly is
8. Adjusting the ratio valve of your Series “66” attached.
AIRFLO® Mixer: The heart of each AIRFLO® Turning adjusting screw in until it is flush with
Mixer is its ratio valve. The description and quadrant opens gas butterfly fully. Do not attempt
accompanying sketches summarize its operation. to force screw further.
A quadrant (shown in Sketch 2) is rotated
either manually or by a control operator to
change firing rate as indicated by a position
indicator strip [1] and position pointer [2]. A
minimum stop screw [3] limits rotation and
establishes a minimum air flow.
Removing a nameplate [4] reveals a numbered
series of adjusting screws [5] which bear on a set
of cam strips [8] beneath the quadrant.
Turning in the adjusting screws [5] (clockwise)
11/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
9. Prepare to adjust the ratio valve by removing 14. Light main burners at minimum, as follows:
the cover plate from the quadrant screw carrier First, make sure ratio valve is at its minimum
and turn all adjusting screws out until they are all setting (which may be at position 1 or 2 after
flush with the outer surface of the screw carrier completing step 6). With pilot gas established
casting. (New equipment is shipped from factory and flame supervision system operational,
with all screws already backed out to this level.) opening the main fuel shut-off valve(s) will allow
10. Return AIRFLO® Mixer quadrant to “low fire” fuel flow to the AIRFLO® Mixer’s ratio valve. Turn
position when air purge of system is complete. corresponding screw in (clockwise) until flame
11. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt ignites at burner. (This may take several turns of
to light burner pilot while slowly turning pilot gas the screw.)
regulator and/or adjusting orifice screw to NOTE: At this point, it is more important to
increase fuel flow. Repeat procedure as get any kind of a flame as soon as possible. The
necessary until pilot ignites as air might have to flame geometry can be adjusted and refined as
be bled out of fuel supply lines before reliable needed later.
pilot flame is established. Pilot gas regulator Continue turning in slowly until flame
should normally be set for as low a pressure as becomes noticeably rich (usually purple or green
possible, using fuller opening of pilot adjustable with a slight yellow tip). Then slowly back the
orifice (if used). screw out until the flame becomes bright blue.
12. After ignition, adjust pilot flame for good stable 15. Once your flame is established and refined at this
flame shape. A “rule of thumb” is that any pilot position, and without advancing the screw carrier
over a tennis ball size is probably too large. This quadrant higher, screw all remaining screws
assumes you have visual access to the pilot down to at least the same level as your first
flame. If this is not possible, then adjust pilot to adjusted screws.
give the strongest and most stable flame signal NOTE: A preliminary setting can be
through your flame safety circuit. The signal established with all the remaining adjusting
strength (or range) will be determined by the screws. Generally, each succeeding screw needs
specific type of flame safeguard instrument you to be screwed in approximately one additional full
have with your AIRFLO® Burner system. turn from the preceding screw. A smooth “stair
13. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock step” gradient pre-set at this point from low to
or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and high will simplify the remaining adjustment steps.
refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get 16. Without advancing the ratio valve quadrant,
reliable ignition. The flame safeguard relays screw down on #2 screw (one or two turns). Then
should now power your main fuel shut-off slowly advance the ratio valve quadrant to the #2
valve(s). position. Adjust flame appearance at this new
position #2.
CAUTION: After completing steps above, re-
NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory
check all interlocking safety components and
construction, allow your AIRFLO® Burner system
circuitry to prove that they are properly
to operate at this low setting for the necessary
installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
dry/cure out time period recommended by the
in doubt, shut the system down, close pilot
chamber or refractory manufacturer. Then
cock and contact responsible individual before
continue adjustment of ratio valve.
proceeding further.
Again, without moving ratio valve, bring #3
and all remaining adjusting screws down to the
same level as #2 screw.
NOTE: If approximate pre-set gradient was
made earlier, the remaining screws will already
be at or below appropriate levels.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Progressively work your way up through each 20. When AIRFLO® Burner performance is
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth satisfactory and stable throughout the firing
progression slope from your first screw to the range, reconnect linkage to control motor.
“maximum” position. As each is adjusted, you Control linkage travel must be such that
must turn the remaining unadjusted screws in at AIRFLO® Mixer’s quadrant is moved throughout
least that far to prevent possible damage to its complete travel, or cataloged capacities and
flexible cam strips inside the ratio valve. turndowns will not be achieved.
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, If less than full-rated AIRFLO® Burner
you must move the ratio valve to the number you capacity is required, linkage can be adjusted to
desire to adjust. This aligns the adjusting screw limit maximum output. With interrupted pilot, it
directly on top of the fuel valve plunger. A may be necessary to set control for somewhat
resulting adjustment of the screw is directly higher than minimum burner setting to permit
applied to the fuel valve plunger and its hold-in of flame detection system without pilot.
interconnected valve body linkage. Always
CAUTION: Internal drive mechanism within the
adjust only the screw corresponding to the
control motor may be damaged if linkage is
position at which the ratio valve has been set.
adjusted so as to cause binding with burner in
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately high or low fire position.
return ratio valve to minimum position and shut
21. Plug all test connections not in use to avoid
off fuel (if flame safeguard has not already done
fuel leakage. Replace equipment cover caps
so). Turn in slightly on adjusting screw at point
and tighten linkage screws.
where ignition was lost, then return ratio valve
22. Check out overall AIRFLO® Burner system
to minimum position, re-establish pilots, open
operation by cycling through light-off at
fuel valve and verify ignition.
minimum, interrupting pilot, and allowing
17. Refine main gas regulator adjustment (if temperature control system to cycle AIRFLO®
necessary) to give the desired pressure. If a Burner from minimum to maximum and return.
major adjustment is made, you may then need to 23. Recheck all safety system interlocks for
re-adjust the screw(s) just set. proper setting and operation.
18. After adjusting through the full range, allow
WARNING: Test every UV installation for
oven to reach operating temperature and refine
dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
adjustment as needed for hot conditions.
other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
19. Cycle AIRFLO® Burner from minimum to
radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
maximum and refine adjustment, if necessary.
For operation with interrupted pilot (as
recommended), shut off pilots and cycle 24. Before system is placed into full service,
AIRFLO® burner from minimum to maximum and instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
back several times to verify the flame is operation, and shut-down of system. Establish
maintained. When satisfied with adjustment, written instructions for their future reference.
replace ratio valve cover plate.
11/91 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
To order any Series “66” AIRFLO® Mixer, specify:
1. AIRFLO® Mixer designation and assembly number
2. Electrical motor specification
3. Discharge position and ratio valve arrangement
4. Assembly number and quantity of accessory
– Air filter assembly
– Connecting base & linkage assembly
– Low fire start switch
– Stand-by fuel arrangement
6/96 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Optional Low Fire Start Switches are shown in the table below. There are two assemblies available. One
includes a carbon steel air butterfly shaft and the other includes a stainless steel shaft. With either selection, the
standard air butterfly shaft in the ratio valve assembly must be removed when a low fire start switch is
NEMA #1 Low Fire Start Switch (S.P.D.T.) for indoor, general purpose/non-hazardous duty locations
Low Fire Start Switch
Assembly Number 18715/45708 18716/45709 18717/45710 18718/45711 18719/45712
(carbon steel/stainless steel)
66-R-xxxx-S 975 1300 - 1950 2275 - 3250 3900 - 4550 5200 - 6500
66-R-xxxx-SX 1015 1350 - 2025 2360 - 3375 4050 - 4725 5400 - 6750
66-R-xxxx-P --- 975 - 2925 3250 - 3900 --- ---
AIRFLO® 66-R-xxxx-PX --- 825 - 2475 2750 - 3300 --- ---
Type 66-FO-xxxx-S 975 1300 - 1950 2275 - 3250 3900 - 4550 5200 - 6500
66-FO-xxxx-SX 1015 1350 - 2025 2360 - 3375 4050 - 4725 5400 - 6750
66-FO-xxxx-P --- 1125 - 3375 3750 - 4500 --- ---
66-FO-xxxx-PX --- 1050 - 3150 3500 - 4200 --- ---
Connecting Base & Linkage Assemblies Optional Connecting Base and Linkage
Type Manufacturer Model No. Assembly No. (CB & L) Assemblies to mount and position
P-25 [1] 24383
customer’s electric control motor or air operator are
Foxboro listed at left.
P-50 [2] 24384
NOTE: Control motor must provide at least 50 in-
01-11/861 P [3]
03-3/863 T
17376 lbs of torque for use with a Series “66” AIRFLO®
Air Mixer.
01-9/861 M 17711
This listing of CB & L assemblies shows only a
Johnson 17867 sampling of the more popular control motors. We may
Taylor 40VF6 [3] 17708 be able to furnish a CB & L for other operators not
EA 51-58, also
cataloged (supply manufacturer’s name and model
Barber- number).
with prefix MC, 17377
MP, or MF
M644 [4]
M744 [4]
M941 [4]
Electric M944 [4]
M640A (Discontinued)
M940A (Discontinued)
Herculine 1066900
Penn/ M-80 [5]
Johnson M-81 [5]
[1] Specify from Foxboro: [3] Dimensional interference prevents use with discharge
WITH #B6301-LR yoke position #3A. For position #11A, order WITH #15983
WITH #B6301-KY connection assembly spacer
LESS indicating pointer [4] Specify from Honeywell: WITH #7616BR crank arm
LESS travel indicator [5] Specify from Penn/Johnson: WITH #LVR27A-601 crank
LESS stem locknuts arm
[2] Specify from Foxboro:
WITH #B6301-WR yoke
WITH #B6301-TY connection assembly
LESS indicating pointer
LESS travel indicator scale
LESS stem locknuts
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Bulletin 5400
• Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burners provide stable, efficient, raw-gas operations in air streams
with relatively low duct velocities. Duct static pressure drops may be as low as 0.2" wc.
• Produces clean and odor-free combustion with natural or propane gases
• Air stream temperatures approaching a Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burner can be up to 1050°F
• Air stream oxygen levels (as low as 12% by volume) can be tolerated without a need to add
primary combustion air to the system
• Modular burner design provides burner assembly configurations and total heat release for
maximum application flexibility
• 17 varieties of Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burners available, each optimized in materials and/or
performance factors to match your specific application requirements
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 5402
Principle of Operation
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burners are designed for
heating process air in motion and consist of a rust-
resistant gray iron, ductile iron, or aluminum bronze
body (which serves as the raw gas or air/fuel manifold),
drilled to discharge the fuel gas/mixture between
diverging stainless steel or Hastelloy-X mixing plates.
The entire burner assembly is mounted inside your
duct directly in the air stream being heated. The air
stream passes across the burner and through the
mixing plates and is used as additional combustion air,
particularly at the higher firing rates. Carefully con-
trolled mixing plate aeration patterns give progressive
mixing, superior cross-ignition and flame retention
across the entire burner assembly length. The Series
“LV” AIRFLO® Burner burns clean and odor-free with • LV-NP-1 AIRFLO® Burner with its gray iron body
low levels of NOx production. and #321 stainless steel mixing plates is the most
Air velocities and the resulting duct static economical choice for a raw gas burner system for
pressure drop are the key to successful operation. fresh air heating with low heat release per lineal foot.
They are established by the use of a customer-
• LV-3G AIRFLO® Burners also have gray iron bodies
installed profile within the duct.
and #321 stainless steel mixing plates. Four different
A minimum profile plate width of 6" is required
versions are available, either for raw gas burner
surrounding all Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burner
applications or those requiring a partial air/gas
premixture system and/or outlet temperatures up to
Optimum burner performance and maximum
1000°F (538°C).
service life demands that air stream velocities be
uniform across the entire burner assembly. • LV-4D AIRFLO® Burner has a ductile iron body and
Normal capacities vary widely with application and #310 stainless steel mixing plates as above for
duct pressures. Fuel used and design velocities affect applications with outlet temperatures up to 1500°F
turndown. Modular design permits shape and total heat (816°C).
release to match application needs.
• LV-5D AIRFLO® Burners compliment their ductile
Performance data varies depending upon tempera-
iron bodies with Hastelloy-X mixing plates for use in
ture of air upstream and downstream of burner assem-
applications with up to 1700°F (927°C) outlet tem-
bly, the percent of oxygen (by volume) in the passing
perature requirements.
air stream, and the allowable duct static pressure drop
(which relates to velocity of air) across the Series “LV” • LV-5B AIRFLO® Burners have an aluminum bronze
AIRFLO® Burner. body casting with Hastelloy-X mixing plates for use
Several varieties of Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burn- with applications requiring up to 1700°F (927°C)
ers are offered. Each type is optimized for a specific outlet temperatures.
type of application. All varieties can be used as raw
gas type systems or partial air/gas premixture is used
for heating process air-in-motion where higher up-
stream temperatures and/or lower oxygen levels are
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5403
Page 5404 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Page 5406 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
NOTE: Continuous operation in shaded region should be avoided in general fume incineration applications.
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5407
Page 5408 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burners
Page 5410 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Typical installation Typical block & bleed piping layout for raw gas INCINO-PAK®
in cylindrical incinerator Burner system as frequently required by insurance authorities
Page 5412 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
A Size A
Size B 3" NPT 3
2" NPT 0.88 4" NPT 4
3" NPT 1.75
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5413
Plain End Plate Set 2" End Inlet Set 2" Inlet Pilot Set
Page 5414 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Page 5416 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Direct Mounted
Spark Ignitors
Externally Mounted
Spark Electrodes
Dimension "A" 12 18 24 36
Dimension "B" 13.8 19.8 25.8 36.2
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5417
Component Identification
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Part Description
To order replacement parts: Number
1. Identify specific Series “LV” AIRFLO® 1 Burner body
series/type from burner assembly informa- 2 Back up bar (straight)
tion plate pictured on page 5419. 3 Gasket, body (straight)
2. Provide sketch of burner arrangement, 4 Back up bar (inside)
5 Gasket, inside
as viewed from back (or casting side) of
6 Back up bar (outside)
assembly. For example:
7 Gasket, outside elbow
8 Support bracket gasket 18 GA
9 6" mixing plate
10 Corner mixing plate
12 M10 - 1.5 x 45 hex head cap screw
13 M10 - 1.5 finished hex nut
14 #10 -24 FLEX-LOK hex nut
15 #10 -24 x 1/2" indented hex head machine screw
3. Specify quantity of each replacement 16 #10 -24 x 2-1/4" indented hex head machine screw
item required from table at right. 17 Washer
18 #10 -24 x 3/8" indented hex head machine screw
19 M10 - 1.5 hex nut finished
20 M10 - 1.5 x 35 hex head cap screw
21 1/4" -20 x 3/4" hex head cap screw
Page 5418 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Series A B L X
600 23.81 37.25 31.65 1.5 Pipe threads on this page conform to
800 31.5 45.25 39.34 1.75 NPT (ANSI Standard B2.1)
1100 43.31 56.25 51.15 1
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5419
Component Identification
Page 5420 Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5400-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to
a safety control system) shut the fuel supply off with a
These mounting instructions for Series “LV”
loss of electrical power. Manual reset valves require
AIRFLO® Burners are in addition to the general
operator attendance each time the system is started
AIRFLO® Line Burner installation instructions
up (or restarted after a shut-down). Motorized shut-
published on Maxon catalog pages 5000-S-1 through
off valves permit automatic start/restart when used
with appropriate control system.
Specific instructions are also offered for other
Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
Maxon component items:
ment. At a minimum, they should be provided down-
– Shut-Off Valves (pages 6000-S-1 through S-14)
stream of any mixing tube and at each burner inlet.
– Flow Control Valves (pages 7000-S-1 through S-4)
Test connections should never be installed in elbows
– Mixing Tubes (pages 3200-S-1 through S-6)
or pipe tees. Test connections must be plugged
Read complete instructions before proceeding,
except when readings are being taken.
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s equip-
ment components. Verify that your equipment has
been installed in accordance with the original
manufacturer’s current instructions. Bolt Torque Tightening
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage 1. Apply Never-Seez (anti-seize and lubricating
of pipe train components or burner gas ports. All dirt, compound) to the threads of the bolts to improve
scale and pipe dope should be blown out of any new the pre-loading of the gasket.
gas line before actually connecting to the burner 2. Tighten the bolts to 1/2 the specified value (see
system. table below), starting at position 1 and working to
Main gas shut-off cock should be upstream of position 6.
both main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it 3. Tighten the bolts to the full torque value, starting at
to shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during position 1 and working to position 6.
shutdown periods of more than a few hours. MICRO- 4. Tighten the bolts again to the full value starting at
RATIO® Control Valves are not intended for tight position 1 and working to position 6.
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. A separate regulator
should be provided in the branch leading to each
burner system if more than one is served by a com-
mon main. Size regulator for full system capacity at
required pressure, including pipe train losses. Follow
the instructions attached to the regulator during
Pilot take-off should be upstream of main gas
regulator but downstream of main gas cock. It should
normally include its own pilot gas regulator (selected Torque Values
to meet pilot flow and pressure needs), a solenoid Bolt Size Bolt Material Torque Value Units
valve and shut-off cock. An adjustable gas orifice at M10 Plated steel 186 in lbs
the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment. M10 Stainless steel 248 in lbs
Appropriate pilots should be provided which are M10 High Alloy 45 ft lbs
compatible with the type of burner and control system
being used.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
INCINO-PAK® Burner Mounting CAUTION: Prior to attempting burner separa-
tion, completely remove the spark ignitor from
the INCINO-PAK® Burner assembly. Replace
ignitor only after INCINO-PAK® section is
securely mounted.
Remove remaining (3) flange bolts from burner
inlet flange. (Instruction packet is attached to this
flange joint at time of manufacture.) Once the (4) body
inlet flange bolts are removed, the burner element can
be separated from the gas inlet tube sub-assembly by
pulling gas inlet body out of burner element.
NOTICE: The gas scanner
tube and spark ignitor tube
must align themselves with
the large holes in the burner
body casting face.
A typical method of through-wall mounting of
This alignment and the
INCINO-PAK® Burner is shown above. The
inlet flange joint integrity
INCINO-PAK® Burner’s back housing is normally
must be maintained when
mounted and secured onto a separate “wall plug” that
burner is re-assembled.
is large enough to allow the burner element to be
Place large body flange
inserted through the duct/chamber wall opening and
gasket (shipped loose) onto
center itself in the profile plate. The burner element’s
gas inlet tube to seal body
weight must be independently supported.
inlet flange and combustion
The “wall plug” is secured into the opening of the
chamber wall joint prior to
duct/chamber wall, positioning the burner element in
mounting burner element and/
the air stream, and providing a maintenance/inspec-
or gas inlet burner body into
tion access port for the burner and combustion
position on your combustion
The INCINO-PAK® Burner sections can be used
Provide a liberal coating of
alone (with appropriate end plates, etc.) or as an inlet
the high-temperature “Never-
feed section in a larger Series “LV” AIRFLO® Burner
Seez” gasket paste (shipped
loose) on both metal flange
You must separate the INCINO-PAK® Burner
surfaces. Insert the 2" diam-
body housing and gas scanner tube sub-assem-
eter inlet flange gasket
bly from the AIRFLO® Burner element, then re-
(shipped loose) between
assemble it after mounting in your duct/chamber.
these surfaces prior to re-
assembling burner element
and inlet tube sub-assembly.
NOTE: Wooden alignment
dowels inserted through the
large holes of the burner
element face casting will help
to remount and align the gas
scanner tube and spark
ignitor tube when re-assem-
bling the burner assembly.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burner Material Gray iron bodies [1] Ductile iron bodies with
Specifications> with #321 stainless steel mixing plates #310 stainless steel mixing plates
Configured Item Number> LVNP1 LV3G24 LV3G48 LV3G96 LV3G120 LV4D24 LV4D48 LV4D96 LV4D120
Old Style LV-NP1 LV-85 --- --- --- LV-4CF --- --- ---
Item Designations>
Current LVNP1 LV3G24 LV3G48 LV3G96 LV3G120 LV4D24 LV4D48 LV4D96 LV4D120
36721 1049732 1049729 1049730 1049731 1047315 1047322 1047329 1047336
6" straight (-6)
(8) (14) (14) (14) (14) (13) (13) (13) (13)
36722 1049742 1049736 1049737 1049738 1047316 1047323 1047330 1047337
12" straight (-12)
(13) (21) (21) (21) (21) (20) (20) (20) (20)
18" straight (-18) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Burner (20)
Sections 36725
24" straight (24) --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
1049845 1049839 1049840 1049841 1047317 1047324 1047331 1047338
12" x 6" tee (-T) ---
(29) (29) (29) (29) (28) (28) (28) (28)
1049778 1049760 1049765 1049770 1047318 1047325 1047332 1047339
12" x 12" cross (-X) [1] ---
(36) (36) (36) (36) (35) (35) (35) (35)
Back Inlet 12" back inlet straight (-12B) [1] 36723 1049750 1049747 1049748 1049749 1047319 1047326 1047333 1047340
Feed (16) (30) (30) (30) (30) (29) (29) (29) (29)
Sections 1049825 1049810 1049815 1049820 1047320 1047327 1047334 1047341
(each 12" x 12" back inlet cross (BX) [1] ---
(41) (41) (41) (41) (40) (40) (40) (40)
requires an
inlet flange 1049805 1049789 1049795 1049800 1047321 1047328 1047335 1047342
from below)
36" back inlet “H” (-BH) [1] ---
(90) (90) (90) (90) (85) (85) (85) (85)
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order appropriate configured item number. To order loose
items, order individual assembly numbers.
Approximate net ship weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series "LV" AIRFLO® Line Burner Material Ductile iron bodies Aluminum bronze bodies
Specifications> with Hastelloy X mixing plates with Hastelloy X mixing plates
Configured Item Number> LV5D24 LV5D48 LV5D96 LV5D120 LV5B24 LV5B48 LV5B96 LV5B120
Old Style LV-5CF --- --- --- LV-6CF --- --- ---
Item Designations>
Current LV5D24 LV5D48 LV5D96 LV5D120 LV5B24 LV5B48 LV5B96 LV5B120
1047343 1047350 1047357 1047364 1047371 1047375 1047379 1047383
6" straight (-6)
(13) (13) (13) (13) (15) (15) (15) (15)
1047344 1047351 1047358 1047365 1047372 1047376 1047380 1047384
12" straight (-12)
Burner (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20)
Sections 1047345 1047352 1047359 1047366 1047373 1047377 1047381 1047385
12" x 6" tee (-T)
(28) (28) (28) (28) (30) (30) (30) (30)
1047346 1047353 1047360 1047367
12" x 12" cross (-X) --- --- --- ---
(35) (35) (35) (35)
1047347 1047354 1047361 1047368 1047374 1047378 1047382 1047386
Back Inlet Feed 12" back inlet straight (-12B) (29) (29) (29) (29) (31) (31) (31) (31)
1047348 1047355 1047362 1047369
(each requires an 12" x 12" back inlet cross (BX) --- --- --- ---
(40) (40) (40) (40)
inlet flange from
below) 1047349 1047356 1047363 1047370
36" back inlet “H” (-BH) --- --- --- ---
(85) (85) (85) (85)
A.N.S. 2" NPT 2" Inlet Flange (12B, 36B) 2.0D BIF 2B BIF
Inlet For 12B & 36BH inlet
2.5" NPT 2.5" Inlet Flange (12B, 36B) 2.5D BIF 2.5B BIF
Flange sections
Options 3" NPT 3" Inlet Flange (12B, 36B) 3D BIF 3B BIF
for ductile iron
back inlet 4" NPT 4" Inlet Flange (12B, 36B) 4D BIF ---
feed sections
above For 12" & 12" 3" NPT 3" Inlet Flange (Cross) 3D XIF ---
(BX) back inlet cross
sections 4" NPT 4" Inlet Flange (Cross) 4D XIF ---
Segment Choice Detail –Configured Inlet Flanges for Back Inlet & Cross Sections
Configured Item Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Choice Description
Number (DEFAULT is shaded)
NOTE: All choices are not available NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order appropriate configured
in some cases. item number. To order loose items, order individual assembly numbers.
Approximate net ship weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Series “LV” AIRFLO® Line Burners Page 5400-A/P-3
Assembly Numbers
Ductile iron Ductile iron Aluminum
Gray iron bodies with
Series "LV" AIRFLO® Line Burner bodies with bodies with bronze bodies
#321 stainless steel
Material Specifications> #310 SS Hastelloy X with Hastelloy X
mixing plates
mixing plates mixing plates mixing plates
LV3G24 - LV4D24 - LV5D24 - LV5B24 -
Configured Item Number> LVNP1
LV3G120 LV4D120 LV5D120 LV5B120
Old Style LV-NP1 LV-85 LV-4CF LV-5CF LV-6CF
LV3G24 (&
Item Designations> D24) thru LV4D24 thru LV5D24 thru LV5B24 thru
Current LV-NP1
LV3G120 LV4D120 LV5D120 LV5B120
36713 (3) 1050134 (4) 1047723 (4) 1047730 (4) 1047737 (4)
Plain end plate set
End Plate &
End Inlet --- 1050135 (4) --- --- ---
2" end inlet set
Flange Sets
1.25" END INLT FLG SET 36715 (4) --- --- --- ---
1-1/4" end inlet flange set
Direct spark set (includes #18075 spark ignitor &
--- 1050136 (5) 1047724 (5) 1047731 (5) ---
provides for mounting a flame rod; order #18117
2" INLT DS SET W/ 18075 SI
Direct Spark 2" inlet direct spark set (includes #18075 spark
End Plate & --- 1050137 (5) 1047725 (5) 1047732 (5) ---
ignitor & provides for mounting a flame rod; order
End Inlet #18117 flame rod separately)
Flange Sets
NPF- 1-1/4" FR-SI 2-piece direct spark set includes
36716 (4) --- --- --- ---
#23739 spark ignitor (order #18117 flame rod
Built-in pilot set, for direct mounted flame rod/UV
scanner & spark ignitor, includes #18075 spark
--- 1050138 (6) 1047726 (6) 1047733 (6) 1047738 (6)
ignitor (order flame rod, if used, separately)
Built-in Pilot
Built-in pilot set, for externally mounted flame
rod/UV scanner & spark electrode (order flame rod, --- 1050139 (6) 1047727 (6) 1047734 (6) 1047739 (6)
if used, electrode, and external mounting assembly
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order appropriate configured item number. To order loose
items, order individual assembly numbers.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Ductile iron Ductile iron Aluminum
Gray iron bodies with
Series "LV" AIRFLO® Line Burner bodies with bodies with bronze bodies
#321 stainless steel
Material Specifications> #310 SS Hastelloy X with Hastelloy X
mixing plates
mixing plates mixing plates mixing plates
LV3G24 - LV4D24 - LV5D24 - LV5B24 -
Configured Item Number> LVNP1
LV3G120 LV4D120 LV5D120 LV5B120
Old Style LV-NP1 LV-85 LV-4CF LV-5CF LV-6CF
LV3G24 (&
Item Designations> D24) thru LV4D24 thru LV5D24 thru LV5B24 thru
Current LV-NP1
LV3G120 LV4D120 LV5D120 LV5B120
ATMOSPHERIC PILOT MIXER --- 16948 (1) 20103 (1) 20103 (1) [1]
Atmospheric pilot mixer
Pilot Mixer
Options Atmospheric pilot mixer includes shut-off cock, --- 12326 (2) --- --- ---
tubing and #39294 adjustable orifice
pilot assemblies
Pressure pilot mixer includes #38579 adjustable --- 17082 (2) 11680 (2) 11680 (2) [1]
AIRFLO-PAK pilot set, for direct mounted flame
rod/UV scanner & spark ignitor, includes #18075 --- 1050140 (8) 1047728 (8) 1047735 (8) 1047735 (8) [1]
spark ignitor (order flame rod, if used, and pilot
mixer separately)
AIRFLO-PAK pilot set, for externally mounted flame
rod/UV scanner & spark electrode (order flame rod, --- 1050141 (8) 1047729 (8) 1047736 (8) 1047736 (8) [1]
if used, spark electrode, pilot mixer, and external
mounting assembly separately)
NP MINI-PAK pilot assembly, includes #23739 spark
36718 (3) --- --- --- ---
ignitor & #38577 adjustable orifice (order #18117
flame rod, if used, separately)
NP MINI-PAK pilot assembly, includes #23739 spark
ignitor, #38577 adjustable orifice, 5/16" shut-off cock 36719 (4) --- --- --- ---
& 24" of 5/16" dia. tubing (order #18117 flame rod, if
used, separately)
NP-PAK PILT SET W/ SI 36714 --- --- --- ---
NP-PAK pilot set w/ SI
[1] Uses ductile iron castings instead of aluminum-bronze castings. Lowers the maximum approach temperature to 1000°F.
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order appropriate configured item number. To order loose items,
order individual assembly numbers.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Ductile iron Ductile iron Aluminum
Gray iron bodies with
Series "LV" AIRFLO® Line Burner bodies with bodies with bronze bodies
#321 stainless steel
Material Specifications> #310 SS Hastelloy X with Hastelloy
mixing plates
mixing plates mixing plates X mixing plates
LV3G24 - LV4D24 - LV5D24 - LV5B24 -
Configured Item Number> LVNP1
LV3G120 LV4D120 LV5D120 LV5B120
EXT MTG PLT: INT SI & EXT UV --- 40907 (3) --- --- ---
For internal spark ignitor & external UV scanner
EXT MTG PLT: INT SI & INT FR --- 40908 (3) --- --- ---
External For internal spark ignitor & internal flame rod
Plate For external spark electrode & external UV scanner --- 36593 (3) 36544 (3)
Assemblies (order electrode sub-assembly separately)
For external spark electrode & external flame rod (order --- 36594 (3) --- --- ---
electrode & flame rod sub-assemblies separately)
DIRECT MOUNTED SPARK IGN: 14MM 23739 (0.5) 18075 (0.5) 18075 (0.5)
Direct mounted spark ignitor 14mm (R)
EXT MTD ELECTRODE: L=12" --- --- 36539
12" externally-mounted shrouded electrode
EXT MTD ELECTRODE: L=18" --- --- 36540
18" externally-mounted shrouded electrode
EXT MTD ELECTRODE: L=18" --- 36538 ---
Spark 18" externally-mounted electrode
Ignitor Sub-
Assemblies EXT MTD ELECTRODE: L=24" --- --- 36541
24" externally-mounted shrouded electrode
EXT MTD ELECTRODE: L=36" --- --- 36542
36" externally-mounted shrouded electrode
Quar tz ignitor with DI flange
Quar tz ignitor with AL-BZ flange
FR-DIRECT MOUNTED (L=7.125") 18117
Direct mounted flame rod sub-assembly (length=7.125")
Flame Rod FR-DRCT MNTDF (L=7.125") W/ RBR CVR
Sub- Direct mounted flame rod sub-assembly (length=7.125") 1037597
Assemblies with rubber cover
External mounted flame rod sub-assembly (length=24")
--- 36537 ---
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order appropriate configured item number. To order loose
items, order individual assembly numbers.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Ductile iron Ductile iron Aluminum
Gray iron bodies with
Series "LV" AIRFLO® Line Burner bodies with bodies with bronze bodies
#321 stainless steel
Material Specifications> #310 SS Hastelloy X with Hastelloy
mixing plates
mixing plates mixing plates X mixing plates
LV3G24 - LV4D24 - LV5D24 - LV5B24 -
Configured Item Number> LVNP1
LV3G120 LV4D120 LV5D120 LV5B120
Universal suppor t bracket, zinc plated, good up 23577
to 800°F (order in pairs) (A)
Universal suppor t bracket, #304SS, good up to 39940
1600°F (order in pairs)
18133 1048448
Division plate
and 20967 36580
Profile plate bracket
Items Electrode Cover for flame rod or spark ignitor,
good for up to 450°F (R)
Flame rod L = 24" (R) --- 18410 (1) --- --- ---
1049624 or 1048207 or 1048206
Body flange kits (fastener kits for joining two --- 1050598
(depends on temperature)
burner bodies)
--- --- LV4D 2EIF LV5D 2EIF LV5B 2EIF
End inlet flange kit (See table below)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail – Quartz Ignitors
Configured Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Choice Description
Item Number (DEFAULT is shaded)
12 12" long
18 18" long
20 20" long
24 24" long
30 30" long
36 36" long
42 42" long
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for LV3 AIRFLO® Burners
Configured Item Number Segment Name Segment Description
DIRECT MTD SPARK IGNITOR Direct mounted spark ignitor
DIRECT MTD FLAME ROD -7.125" Direct mounted flame rod (length = 7.125")
EXTERNAL MTD FLAME ROD -24" External mounted flame rod (length = 24")
SPARK ELECTRODE -18" Spark electrode (length = 18")
RUBBER COVER Rubber cover for flame rod or spark electrode
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (PRESS) Adjustable orifice (pressure)
BODY FLANGE GASKET Body flange gasket
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -STR Back inlet flange gasket - straight
LV3 RSP BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -H Back inlet flange gasket - H
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -CROSS Back inlet flange gasket - cross
GASKET SEALANT Gasket sealant
STR FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Straight flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
STR BI FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Straight back inlet flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
36H BI FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) 36H back inlet flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
CRSS BI FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Cross back inlet flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (ATMOS) Adjustable orifice (atmosphere)
SHUT-OFF COCK Shut-off cock
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Configured Spare Parts Kits for LV4 & LV5 AIRFLO® Burners
Description Aluminum bronze bodies Ductile iron bodies
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for LV4 & LV5 AIRFLO® Burners
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Choice Description
Aluminum Bronze Ductile Iron
DIRECT MTD SPARK IGNITOR Specify quantity No segment choices available
MOUNTED FLAME ROD Specify quantity No segment choices available
MTD FLAME ROD W/RUBBER COVER Specify quantity No segment choices available
12" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 12" spark electrode
18" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 18" spark electrode
24" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 24" spark electrode
36" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 36" spark electrode
12" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 12" spark electrode with rubber cover
18" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 18" spark electrode with rubber cover
24" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 24" spark electrode with rubber cover
36" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 36" spark electrode with rubber cover
12" QUARTZ IGNITOR 12" quar tz spark ignitor
18" QUARTZ IGNITOR 18" quar tz spark ignitor
20" QUARTZ IGNITOR 20" quar tz spark ignitor
24" QUARTZ IGNITOR 24" quar tz spark ignitor
30" QUARTZ IGNITOR 30" quar tz spark ignitor
36" QUARTZ IGNITOR 36" quar tz spark ignitor
42" QUARTZ IGNITOR 42" quar tz spark ignitor
48" QUARTZ IGNITOR 48" quar tz spark ignitor
12" QUARTZ IGNITOR 12" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
18" QUARTZ IGNITOR 18" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
20" QUARTZ IGNITOR 20" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
24" QUARTZ IGNITOR 24" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
30" QUARTZ IGNITOR 30" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
36" QUARTZ IGNITOR 36" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
42" QUARTZ IGNITOR 42" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
48" QUARTZ IGNITOR 48" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
12" QUARTZ IGNITOR 12" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
18" QUARTZ IGNITOR 18" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
20" QUARTZ IGNITOR 20" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
24" QUARTZ IGNITOR 24" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
30" QUARTZ IGNITOR 30" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
36" QUARTZ IGNITOR 36" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
42" QUARTZ IGNITOR 42" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
48" QUARTZ IGNITOR 48" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
RUBBER COVER Specify quantity No segment choices available
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE Not Available NONE Available only with ductile iron body assemblies
GASKET SEALANT Specify quantity No segment choices available
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for LV4 & LV5 AIRFLO® Burners (Continued)
Segment Name Segment Choices Secondary Segment Choices Segment Choice Description
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
NONE Do not include with order
YES Include with order
NOTE: Any secondary segment with multiple choices is also a configured item. The quantities must be specified at
this level as well.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Raw Gas INCINO-PAK® Burner Sections Segment choices are as follows for
(includes spark electrode & adjustable pilot gas orifice) configured products:
Ductile iron bodies Ductile iron bodies
Description with #310 stainless with Hastelloy X • Connection type
steel mixing plates mixing plates • Back inlet type
Series 600 LV • Section type
Series 800 LV LV4D IP LV5D IP
• Extension (location A)
• Extension (location B)
Series 1100 LV • Extension (location C)
NOTE: Each open end of these burner sections must be closed • Extension (location D)
off with an end plate from options listed on page 5400-A/P-3. • Max. Approach Air Temp (F)
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Configured Spare Parts Kits for LV INCINO-PAK® Burners
Description Ductile Iron Bodies
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Series “NP” & “RG” AIRFLO Burners
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Page 5502
The entire burner assembly is mounted directly in Several variations are offered, each optimized for a
the air stream being heated. The fresh air stream specific type of application as follows. All are raw-gas
passes through the mixing plates and mixes with the burners, intended for use in fresh air streams.
fuel as combustion air; thus all available heat from the
gaseous fuel is released directly into the air stream. For make-up air heating, NP-I and NP-II burner
types provide a nominal capacity of 500,000 Btu per
Carefully controlled aeration patterns provide hour per foot and turndowns of 25 to 1 or higher using
progressive mixing, superior cross-ignition, flame either natural gas or propane. Optimum air stream
retention and clean, odor-free combustion. velocity is 3000 standard feet per minute (SFPM).
Air velocities across the burner assemblies (the key For process air heating, NP-I and NP-II burners
to successful operation) are established by the use of may be used. If higher firing rates are desired, NP-III
profile plates. burner may be specified, providing a nominal capacity
of 1,000,000 Btu per hour per foot at an optimum air
Optimum performance demands that air veloci- stream velocity of 4000 SFPM, but with reduced
ties be uniform across the entire burner. turndown.
Fan Fan
Preheat NP/RG AIRFLO® Burner Staged
NP/RG AIRFLO® Burner (If Required) NP/RG AIRFLO® Burner
Fan Fan
Air Fan
Air Chamber Intake
Page 5504
At 500,000 Btu/hr per ft. Minimum at Nominal 20,000 Btu/hr per ft.
Duct Walls
dM n
ain rai
Ga asT
sT o tG
n Pil
8 Volume
5 6 9
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Series "NP" & "RG" AIRFLO® Burners Page 5505
esign A
n Are
Page 5506 Series "NP" & "RG" AIRFLO® Burners
Airstream velocity across and through your burner's mixing Table 1: Burner Displacement (ft2/section)
plates must be kept uniform and within desired limits by use of a Section NP RG
silhouette profile plate through which the burner fires. A 6" (mini- 6" Straight 0.25 0.33
mum) profile plate should be installed surrounding the interior duct 12" Straight 0.50 0.66
walls at the leading edge of your burners mixing plates.
18" Straight 0.75 0.99
Optimum design ranges for the various burner types are shown
in the above graphs. Velocities (SFPM) are measured with a 24" Straight 1.00 1.32
velometer directly in the duct at the plane of the profile plate and 12" Back Inlet 0.50 0.66
leading edge of burner mixing plates. 36" Back Inlet 1.20 1.50
To determine profile opening areas, add burner displacement 12" x 6" Tee 0.60 0.75
areas (Ft2/section) from Table 1 for your complete burner assembly
6" x 6" Elbow 0.45 0.60
to "Net Free Area" of your duct:
Inlet Feed Limitations:
"Net Free Area" of Duct (Ft2) = Fan Volume (SCFM)
Velocity (SFPM)
1-1/4" end ≤4' ≤4' ≤2000 ≤4'
Net Free Area (Ft2) + Burner Displacement (Ft2) = Profile Area (Ft2)
inlet flange KBtu/hr
1-1/2" back ≤5' ≤5' ≤4500 ≤5'
Various duct size/profile area relationships may give slightly
different field site data than is shown in Table 2. Velocities should inlets* KBtu/hr
*Note: For 36 back inlet sections, not more than 6"
always be confirmed and established by use of a velometer on
off any one leg
actual field site installation.
Pilot Capacities: Nominally rated at
25,000 Btu/hr with natural gas differen-
Table 1: Velocity Factors tial pressures of 4-6" w.c.
Desired velocity across burner at profile plate opening (SFPM) 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4500 5000
Appoximate velocity pressure reading at profile plate ("wc) 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.49 0.57 0.64 0.77 0.88 1.00 1.26 1.55
Series "NP" AIRFLO® Burners Page 5507
Burner Sections
(All burners shown are available in NP-I, II or III versions. Use one of these numbers (I, II or III) in place of asterisk (*) in
burner designation when ordering.)
Page 5508 Series "NP" AIRFLO® Burners
Plain End Closure Sets End Inlet & Pilot Flange Sets
NP-EC (1 pc) NP-EP (2 pc) NPF- 1-1/4" -FR-SI (1 NPF- 1-1/4"- EP NPF- 1-1/4"- FR-SI (2
End Closure Set End Plate Set pc) Pilot Set w/SI (2 pc) End Inlet pc) Pilot Set w/SI
Flange Set
Pilot End Plate Sets
NP-Pak Pilot Set NP-Pak Pilot Set NP-Pak Pilot Set NP-EC-SI-3/4"UV NP-EC-SI-1/2"-FR
w/SI w/Adj. Orifice/SI w/orifice/cock/tube/ (1 pc) Pilot Set w/ (1 pc) End Closure
SI SI Set w/SI
Common Dimensions (Nominal, in Inches) Pilot Assembly Section
Typical End View NP-6P Pilot Sec-
tion w/Built-in Pilot
includes end plate
pilot w/SI onto its
own special 6"
Burner assembly
1 - 1/8" test connection
2 - 1/4" pilot gas connection
3 - 14mm spark ignitor connection
4 - 1/2" or 3/4" UV/FR connection
bushed to 1/4" for FR
5 - Alternate 1/4" angled FR location
6 - 1/8" pilot gas connection
7 - 1-1/4" NPT gas inlet
Series "RG" AIRFLO® Burners Page 5509
Burner Sections
RG-IV-6 RG-IV-12 or RG-IV-18 RG-IV-24
6" Straight or RG-IV-12B 18" Straight 24" Straight
6"P Pilot 12" Straight or 12B
Back Inlet
Page 5510 Series "RG" AIRFLO® Burners
Plain End Closure Sets End Inlet & Pilot Flange Sets
RG-EP (2 pc) RGF- 1-1/4" -FR-SI (1 RGF- 1-1/4"- EP RGF- 1-1/4"- FR-SI (2
End Plate Set pc) Pilot Set w/SI (2 pc) End Inlet pc) Pilot Set w/SI
Flange Set
1 - 1/8" test connection
2 - 1/4" pilot gas connection
3 - 14mm spark ignitor connection
4 - 1/2" UV/FR conn. bushed to 1/4" for FR
5 - Alternate 1/4" angled FR location
6 - 1/8" pilot gas connection
7 - 1-1/4" NPT gas inlet
Adjustable Orifice
Support Bracket
Normally used in pairs as shown here.
Mount to burner assembly at any joint.
Division Plate
Provides isolation of burner feed where desirable.
Page 5512 "NP" & "RG" AIRFLO® Burners
Series "NP" & "RG" AIRFLO® Burners Page 5500-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Sketch 2 shows the burner suspended from a strap
iron frame using Maxon USB support brackets. Note
Important: Do not discard packing material until that rigid mounting is avoided by the bracket hole
all loose items are accounted for. which slips loosely over a bolt or steel rod attached to
the support. Gas piping would need independent
Avoid bending or damaging the steel mixing plates support.
of your Series "NP" or "RG" AIRFLO® Burner during Sketch 3 shows the burner assembly resting upon
uncrating and installation. angle iron brackets and not attached to them in any
These burners are used way. Be sure the angle iron supports allow the burner
only for the heating of flanges to expand and contract. Gas manifolding
fresh air in motion and would be independently supported and prevent
should not be used in forward movement of the burner.
recirculating air systems.
Mount the burners so they
fire parallel to and in the
same direction as the
movement of the air (see
sketch 1 at right).
Velocity and flow of air
at operating temperature
must be uniform. Minimum
silhouette profile plates of 6" should be installed in
duct to completely surround burner assembly.
Series "NP" & "RG" AIRFLO® Burner assemblies
must be adequately supported and positioned.
Avoid rigid mounting. Burner assembly expands
and contracts with temperature variations.
Maintain smooth, even air flow over the burner by Sketch 4 shows simple strap iron used to support
designing supports to provide minimum interference, the burner. Note that narrow edge of strap faces air
deflection and turbulence. flow to avoid undue turbulence.
The sketches below show typical installation and Sketch 5 shows gas manifolding used to support
support methods: the burner. If there are
multiple inlets, you must
avoid rigid connection by
using the oversize U-bolt
(loosely drawn up) illustrated.
Support for down-fired
burners can be accomplished
as shown in the illustration at
right. Always avoid rigid
Sketch 6 shows Maxon
USB support brackets
suspending the burner from
an overhead angle iron.
Sketch 7 shows an alter-
nate arrangement which
offers the advantage of more
controlled positioning.
5/88 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, and
familiarize yourself with all the system's equipment
components. Verify that your equipment has been
installed in accordance with the original manu-
facturer's current instructions.
8/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Series "NP" & "RG" AIRFLO® Burners Page 5500-S-5
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
18 2
11 10 6
13 Item No. Burner Body NP-I NP-II NP-III
14 6" Straight 18061 20700 20899
To order replacement parts: 12" 18070 20699 20900
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type. 18" 21840 21847 21848
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side). 1 24" 21841 21851 21852
3. Specify replacement items required from sketch. 12" Back Inlet 18062 20548 20901
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from 36" Back Inlet 2008 20010 22011
tables below and at right: 12 x 6 Tee 18071 20547 21332
2 6 x 6 Elbow 18060 20549 21324
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4 2
11 10 6
17 Item No. Burner Body RG-IV
14 6" Straight 18061
1 12" 18070
To order replacement parts: 18" 21840
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type. 1 24" 21841
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side). 12" Back Inlet 18062
3. Specify replacement items required from sketch. 36" Back Inlet 22008
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from tables below 12 x 6 Tee 18071
and at right: 2 6 x 6 Elbow 18060
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Periodic maintenance will insure continued trouble- visually that no holes in the mixing plates are
free operation of your Series NP or RG AIRFLO® blocked. See Product Information Sheet 5500-3
Burner system. for inspection and maintenance instructions for
At least a yearly inspection is recommended for gas ports.
make-up air heating installations and more frequently
WARNING: Do not enlarge burner ports or
for process applications in year-round operation. Your
performance may be drastically affected.
own experience is the best guide in determining
frequency of inspection, but as a minimum the follow- If any mixing plates are loose or missing fasteners,
ing procedure should be followed: tighten/replace as necessary. Always use zinc plated
1. Shut the system down totally, disconnecting or or stainless fasteners.
locking out power supply so there can be no 3. Put system back into operation and, if possible,
accidental start-up during inspection. view from downstream side while cycling burner
2. Inspect the burners carefully, including upstream through full firing range. This will give a visual
and downstream sides of mixing plates as well as check for blocked burner ports.
burner body face. Any accumulation of scale or 4. Observe flame pattern and, if necessary, take
foreign material on either side of the mixing plates steps to correct velocity and/ or air distribution
should be removed with a wire brush. Check problems.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series NP/RG AIRFLO® Burners - cast iron bodies
Burner Type
#430SS mixing plates #430SS mixing plates #430SS mixing plates #321SS mixing plates #430SS mixing plates
Configured Item
Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly
Description Designation Designation Designation Designation Designation
Number Number Number Number Number
12" straight section NP-I-12 20865 (13) NP-II-12 20871 (13) NP-III-12 20904 (13) RG-IV-12 23677 (14) NP-V-12 34251
6" straight section NP-I-6 20866 (8) NP-II-6 20872 (8) NP-III-6 20903 (8) RG-IV-6 23678 (8) NP-V-6 34250
18" straight section NP-I-18 21870 (20) NP-II-18 21874 (20) NP-III-18 21878 (20) RG-IV-18 23686 (21) NP-V-18 34255
24" straight section NP-I-24 21871 (25) NP-II-24 21875 (25) NP-III-24 21879 (25) RG-IV-24 23687 (27) NP-V-24 34256
6" x 6" elbow section NP-I-L 20869 (12) NP-II-L 20875 (12) NP-III-L 21352 (12) RG-IV-L 23683 (13) NP-V-L 34253
12" x 6" tee section NP-I-T 20868 (19) NP-II-T 20874 (19) NP-III-T 21351 (19) RG-IV-T 23682 (20) NP-V-T 34254
12" back inlet
NP-I-12B 20867 (16) NP-II-12B 20873 (16) NP-III-12B 20905 (16) RG-IV-12B 23679 (17) NP-V-12B 34252
36" back inlet
NP-I-36B 22012 (41) NP-II-36B 22013 (41) NP-III-36B 22014 (41) RG-IV-36B 24096 (45) NP-V-36B 34257
6" pilot assembly
section includes
NP-I-6P 24874 (9) NP-II-6P 26670 (9) NP-III-6P 26671 (9) RG-IV-6P 24875 (10) NP-V-6P ---
built-in pilot & spark
6" pilot assembly
section with built-in NP-I-6P 1020084 --- --- --- --- RG-IV-6P 1020085 --- ---
pilot only
Approximate net ship weight (in pounds) shown in parentheses
10/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 5500-A/P-2 Series “NP” & “RG” AIRFLO® Line Burners
Assembly Numbers
Burner Type NP-I, NP-II, NP-III & NP-V RG-IV
Assembly Assembly
Description Designation Designation
Number Number
Plain End 1 piece end closure set NP-EC 36710 (4) --- ---
Closure Sets 2 piece end plate set NP-EP 20881 (3) RG-EP 21651 (4)
1 piece pilot set includes spark ignitor NPF- 1-1/4 -FR-SI 36712 (4) RGF- 1-1/4 - FR-SI 28365 (5)
End Inlet & 1 piece pilot set without spark ignitor NPF- 1-1/4 -FR 1063669 RGF- 1-1/4 - FR 1063671
Pilot Flange
Sets 2 piece pilot set includes spark ignitor NPF- 1-1/4 -FR-SI 20883 (3) RGF- 1-1/4 - FR-SI 21654 (4)
2 piece end inlet flange set NPF- 1-1/4 -EP 20882 (4) RGF- 1-1/4 - EP 21652 (5)
1 piece end closure set includes spark ignitor NP-ED-FR-SI 36711 (4) --- ---
1 piece end closure set w/out spark ignitor NP-ED-FR 1063668 --- ---
1 piece pilot set includes spark ignitor NP-ED-SI-3/4-UV 37004 (4) --- ---
Pilot End 1 piece pilot set without spark ignitor NP-ED-3/4-UV 1063670 --- ---
Plate Sets 2 piece pak-pilot set includes spark ignitor NP-PAK 23184 (3) RG-PAK 23183 (3)
2 piece pak-pilot set includes adjustable
NP-PAK 23185 (3) RG-PAK 23187 (3)
orifice & spark ignitor
2 piece pak-pilot set includes adjustable orifice,
NP-PAK 23186 (4) RG-PAK 23188 (4)
shut-off cock, tubing and spark ignitor
Flange to flange fastener kit 1053850 1053917
Fastener 1 piece end plate fastener kit 1053919 1053924
Kits 2 piece plain end plate fastener kit 1053920 1053925
2 piece pilot end plate fastener kit 1053921 1053926
Universal suppor t bracket (order in pairs) USB 23577(CS) / 39940(SS)
Rubber cover for flame rod or spark ignitor 18722
Flame rod (L = 7-1/8) 18117
Flame rod with rubber cover 1037597
Division plate 18133
Profile plate bracket (NP) 20967
Adjustable pilot gas orifice (3/8" NPT) 38009
External mounting plate (feed through) 40908
14mm spark ignitor 23739
Pilot gas adjustable orifice (for pak-pilots only) 38577
Gasket 1053686
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series NP/RG AIRFLO® Burners - aluminum bodies
Burner Type
#430 SS mixing plates #321 SS mixing plates
Configured Item Number NP1AL RG4AL
Assembly Assembly
Description Designation Designation
Number Number
12" straight section NP-I-12 (AL) 45606 (9) RG-IV-12 (AL) 39800 (10)
6" straight section NP-I-6 (AL) 45605 (5) RG-IV-6 (AL) 39799 (5)
12" x 6" tee section NP-I-T (AL) 45608 (12) RG-IV-T (AL) 1034084 (13)
12" back inlet section NP-I-12B (AL) 45607 (13) RG-IV-12B (AL) 39801 (14)
36" back inlet section NP-I-36B (AL) 45609 (28) RG-IV-36B (AL) 1041513 (32)
Plain End
2 piece end plate set NP-EP 45612 [1] (3) RG-EP 51034 [1] (4)
Closure Sets
2 piece pak-pilot set includes spark ignitor NP-PAK 45610 [1] (3) RG-PAK 51029 [1] (3)
Pilot End
Plate Sets 2 piece pak-pilot includes adjustable orifice
NP-PAK 45611 [1] (3) RG-PAK 51032 [1] (3)
& spark ignitor
Flange to flange fastener kit 1053850 1053917
1 piece end plate fastener kit 1053919 1053924
Fastener Kits
2 piece plain end plate fastener kit 1053920 1053925
2 piece pilot end plate fastener kit 1053921 1053926
Universal suppor t bracket (order in pairs) USB 23577 (CS) / 39940 (SS)
Rubber cover for flame rod or spark ignitor 18722
Flame rod (L= 7.125) 18117
Flame rod & rubber cover 1037597
Division plate 18133
Profile plate bracket (NP) 20967
Adjustable pilot gas orifice (3/8" NPT) 38009
External mounting plate (feed through) 40908
14mm spark ignitor 23739
Pilot gas adjustable orifice (pak-pilots only) 38577
Gasket 1053686
[1] Electroless nickel plated
10/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series NP/RG AIRFLO® Burners - aluminum bodies w/stainless steel fasteners and back up bars
Burner Type
#430 SS mixing plates #321 SS mixing plates
Configured Item Number NP1ALSS RG4ALSS
Assembly Assembly
Description Designation Designation
Number Number
12" straight section NP-I-12 (AL) 1042278 RG-IV-12 (AL) 1042283
6" straight section NP-I-6 (AL) 1042277 RG-IV-6 (AL) 1042282
12" x 6" tee section NP-I-T (AL) 1042280 RG-IV-T (AL) 1042285
12" back inlet section NP-I-12B (AL) 1042279 RG-IV-12B (AL) 1042284
36" back inlet section NP-I-36B (AL) 1042281 RG-IV-36B (AL) 1042286
Plain End
2 piece end plate set NP-EP 45612 [1] (3) RG-EP 51034 [1] (4)
Closure Sets
2 piece pak-pilot set includes spark ignitor NP-PAK 45610 [1] (3) RG-PAK 51029 [1] (3)
Pilot End
Plate Sets 2 piece pak-pilot includes adjustable orifice
NP-PAK 45611 [1] (3) RG-PAK 51032 [1] (3)
& spark ignitor
Flange to flange fastener kits 1053851 1053918
Fastener Kits 2 piece plain end plate fastener kit 1053922 1053927
2 piece pilot end plate fastener kit 1053923 1053928
Universal suppor t bracket (order in pairs) USB 39940
Rubber cover for flame rod or spark ignitor 18722
Flame rod (L = 7.125) 18117
Flame rod & rubber cover 1037597
Division plate 18133
Profile plate bracket (NP) 20967
Adjustable pilot gas orifice (3/8" NPT) 38009
External mounting plate (feed through) 40908
14mm spark ignitor 23739
Pilot gas adjustable orifice (pak-pilots only) 38577
Gasket 1053686
[1] Electroless nickel plated
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
mCORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Page 5552
Input Rating Up to 1,000,000 Btu/hr/ft
- Standard - Cast Iron Body, Cast Iron End Plates
Spark Ignitor
UV Flame Scanner Connection
Flame Rod
Adjustable Pilot Orifice
Division Plate
External Mounting Assemblies
CO Emissions Profile
NO2 Emissions Profile Nominal Conditions NP1-LE
Nominal Conditions CO vs. Temperature Rise
NP1-LE NO2 vs. Temperature Rise 5.0
4.0 Natural
NO2 ppm (as measured)
CO ppm (as measured)
Natural Gas
0.50 3.5 Propane
0.30 2.0
0.20 1.5
0.00 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Temperature Rise (F) Temperature Rise (F)
Page 5553
Fan Fan
Preheat NP-LE AIRFLO® Burner Staged
NP-LE AIRFLO® Burner (If Required) NP-LE AIRFLO® Burner
Fan Fan
Grain Bin
Fresh Hot Air
Air Chamber
AIRFLO® Burner
Intake Louvers
Profile Plate
Duct Walls
dM in
s Tra
sT Ga
n Pil
8 Volume
5 6 9
1 Outside ther mostat
2 Intake high temperature limit switch
3 Control valve
4 Vent valve
5 Strainer
6 Dr ip leg
7 Differential air switch
8 High temperature switch
9 Discharge air ther mostat
10 Sequencing Control Panel
201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax (765) 286-8394
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5555
400 Natural Gas
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Profile Differential Pressure ("w.c)
Differential Fuel Pressure ("w.c.)
8 Natural Gas - NP1-LE
7 Natural Gas - NP2-LE
6 Propane - NP1-LE
5 Propane- NP2-LE
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Heat Input (MBtu/hr/ft)
Page 5556 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
NOx (ppmvd @ 3% O 2)
Natural Gas
60 Propane
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Heat Input (Mbtu/hr/ft)
CO Emissions Profile
Profile Dp 0.7" w.c.
CO (ppmvd @ 3% O 2)
Natural Gas
300 Propane
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Heat Input (Mbtu/hr/ft)
Note: Emission performance is application specific and may vary.
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5557
NO2 ppm (as measured)
Natural Gas
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
CO Em issions Profile
Nominal Operating Conditions
NP1-LE CO vs. T e mperature Rise
CO ppm (as measured)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Page 5558 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
Flame Length
Flame Length (inches)
Profile ∆P
0.5"w .c.
15 0.7"w .c.
0.9"w .c
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
Pilot Capacities
Flow Pressure
Description Fuel
(SCFH) ("wc)
Cast Iron End Plate with 20-30 2-5
Fixed Orifice
Propane 8-12 1.4-3
LT End Plate Without Fixed 10-60 0.1-2
Propane 4-24 0.1-1.0
Note: Excessive pilot fuel flow will lead to lighting difficulties and
ignitor failure.
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5559
Net Free Area of Duct (ft2) = Fan Volume (SCFM)/Design Velocity (SFPM)
Effective Burner Displacement (ft2) = Sum of Section Areas (per Table 1) – Effective Displacement Adjustment
Effective Displacement Adjustment (ft2) = Length of mixing plate adjacent to profile plate (inches) x 1.85/144
Example Calculation:
Mixing Eff. Displ. Adj. (ft2) = 2(24") x 1.85/144 = 0.6 (ft2)
Eff. Brnr. Displ. (ft2) = 2(1.8) – 0.6 = 3.0 (ft2)
Page 5560 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
6" Straight 12" Straight 12" Back Inlet 18" Straight
NP-LE End Profile 12.0 12.0
8.6 8.6
1-1/2" NPT Inlet
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5561
Plain Upper End Plate Pilot Upper End Plate
1/4" NPT
Pilot Fuel/Air
2.7 2.7
1/8 NPT
1-1/2" NPT Fuel Press.
Test Conn.
3.8 3.8
Pilot 1" Angled Upper End Plate LT Pilot Upper End Plate
9.7 3.0
1/2" NPT
Flame Scanner
1" NPT Spark Ignitor 3.8
UV Scanner 7.2
Page 5562 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
End Plate Assemblies
FR = Flame rod
LT = Low temp applications
PILT = Pilot end plate
1" 15DEG = UV or FR port is 1" NPT angled 15
degrees toward burner manifold
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5563
Accessories/Replacement Items
Spark Ignitor Flame Rod
0.90 2.4
Page 5564 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
Component Identification
8 2
see below 17
7 note
below 11
1 see 7 1
5 note
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section Part Description
18" Str.
12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str. 1050373 24" Str.
1 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1050373 1050376 + 1050376
1050387 1050389 1050385 1050390
1050376 Asby. No.
2 2 4 6 8 2 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 1 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 6 8 4 18049 Back Up Bar
6 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 24 48 18 20 20 48 1051567 M5 K-Nut Plated
8 12 12 24 6 12 12 24 1051583 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
9 4 8 12 16 12 8 8 24 1051570 M5 x 45 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
10 2 2 4 1050679 Outside Corner Back Up Bar
11 4 2 8 1050672 Inside Corner Back Up Bar
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5565
Component Identification
8 2
see below 17
7 note
below 11
1 see 7 1
5 note
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section Part Description
12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str.
1 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1050375 1050384
1050388 --- 1050386 1050391 Asby. No.
2 2 4 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 4 18049 Back Up Bar
6 2 1 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 18 20 48 1051567 M5 K-Nut Plated
8 12 6 12 24 1051583 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
9 4 8 12 8 24 1051570 M5 x 45 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
10 2 4 1050679 Outside Corner Back Up Bar
11 4 8 1050672 Inside Corner Back Up Bar
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
Page 5566 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
Component Identification
see see
note note
7 below
below 17
12 11
see 7 1
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section
No. Part Description
12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str.
1 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1050375 1050384
1050388 1050389 1050386 1050391 Asby. No.
2 2 4 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 4 45613 Back Up Bar (Aluminum)
6 2 1 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 18 20 48 1051566 M5 Nut Stainless Steel
8 12 6 12 24 54619 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Hex Head Screw (Stainless Steel)
9 4 8 12 8 24 1051569 M5 x 45 Hex Head Screw Class A (Stainless Steel)
10 2 4 1050680 Outside Corner Back Up Bar (Aluminum)
11 4 8 1050673 Inside Corner Back Up Bar (Aluminum)
12 4 20 18 20 48 1051853 M5 Stainless Steel Lockwasher
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5567
Component Identification
8 2
see below 17
7 note
below 11
1 see 7 1
5 note
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section Part Description
18" Str.
24" Str. 12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str. 1051634
1 1051636 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1051634 1051636 +
(qty. 2) 1051640 1051644 1051638 1051642
1051636 Asby. No.
2 2 4 6 8 2 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 1 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 6 8 4 18049 Back Up Bar
6 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 24 40 18 20 20 48 1051567 M5 K-Nut Plated
8 12 12 24 6 12 12 24 1051583 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
9 4 8 12 16 12 8 8 24 1051570 M5 x 45 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
10 2 2 4 1050679 Outside Corner Back Up Bar
11 4 2 8 1050672 Inside Corner Back Up Bar
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
Page 5568 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
Component Identification
Fastener Kits
Flange to Flange Fastener Kit
M5 x 10
Hex Head Screw
M5 Nut
M5 Lock Washer
(SS only)
M10 x 1.5
Hex Nut
M10 x 40
Hex Head Screw M10 Lock Washer
Body Gasket
Assembly Numbers
Replacement Items
Flange to Flange Fastener Kit (includes gaskets) 1051879 1051879 1051880 1051879
Body Gasket 1050424 1050424 1050424 1050424
Metal Shim Gasket 1049071 1049071 1049071 1049071
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5569
Component Identification
Fastener Kits
End Plate to Flange Fastener Kit
End Plate
M5 x 20
Hex Head Screw M5 Lock Washer
(SS only)
M5 K-Nut
M10 x 1.5
Hex Nut
Body Gasket
Body Gasket
Assembly Numbers
Replacement Items
End Plate to Flange Fastener Kit (includes gaskets) 1051881 1051881 1051882 1051881
Body Gasket 1050424 1050424 1050424 1050424
Metal Shim Gasket 1049071 1049071 1049071 1049071
Metal End Plate Gasket 1050423 1050423 1050423 1050423
LT Plain End Plate to Flange Fastener Kit 1057896 1057896 N/A 1057896
LT Pilot End Plate to Flange Fastener Kit 1057893 1057893 N/A 1057893
LT - Metal End Plate Gasket - Pilot 1056603 1056603 N/A 1056603
LT - Metal End Plate Gasket - Plain 1056604 1056604 N/A 1056604
Page 5570 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5550-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Sketch 2 shows the burner suspended from a strap
iron frame using Maxon USB support brackets. Note
Important: Do not discard packing material until that rigid mounting is avoided by the bracket hole
all loose items are accounted for. which slips loosely over a bolt or steel rod attached to
the support. Gas piping would need independent
Avoid bending or damaging the steel mixing plates support.
of your Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burner during Sketch 3 shows the burner assembly resting upon
uncrating and installation. angle iron brackets and not attached to them in any
These burners are used way. Be sure the angle iron supports allow the burner
for the heating of fresh air flanges to expand and contract. Gas manifolding
in motion. Mount the would be independently supported and prevent
burners so they fire parallel forward movement of the burner.
to and in the same direc-
tion as the movement of
the air (see sketch 1 at
Velocity and flow of air
at operating temperature
must be uniform. Minimum
silhouette profile plates of
6" should be installed in
duct to completely surround burner assembly.
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burner assemblies must be
adequately supported and positioned.
Avoid rigid mounting. Burner assembly expands
and contracts with temperature variations.
Maintain smooth, even air flow over the burner by
designing supports to provide minimum interference, Sketch 4 shows simple strap iron used to support
deflection and turbulence. the burner. Note that narrow edge of strap faces air
The sketches below show typical installation and flow to avoid undue turbulence.
support methods: Sketch 5 shows gas manifolding used to support
Allow Space the burner. If there are
Strap Iron for Burner
Frame Expansion multiple inlets, you must
Maxon Air Air
Support Movement Movement avoid rigid connection by Angle
Brackets using the oversize U-bolt Support
(loosely drawn up) illustrated.
Support for down-fired
Strap Iron Support
brackets to move with
burner expansion
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 5550-S-2 Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners
Strap Iron
Typical Piloted System
Air Air
Movement Movement
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, and
familiarize yourself with all the system's equipment
components. Verify that your equipment has been
installed in accordance with the original manu-
facturer's current instructions.
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
when the fan is handling air at the desired
control temperature.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burners Page 5550-S-5
1/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
8 2
see below 17
7 note
below 11
1 see 7 1
5 note
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section Part Description
18" Str.
12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str. 1050373 24" Str.
1 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1050373 1050376 + 1050376
1050387 1050389 1050385 1050390
1050376 Asby. No.
2 2 4 6 8 2 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 1 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 6 8 4 18049 Back Up Bar
6 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 24 48 18 20 20 48 1051567 M5 K-Nut Plated
8 12 12 24 6 12 12 24 1051583 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
9 4 8 12 16 12 8 8 24 1051570 M5 x 45 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
10 2 2 4 1050679 Outside Corner Back Up Bar
11 4 2 8 1050672 Inside Corner Back Up Bar
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
8 2
see below 17
7 note
below 11
1 see 1
5 note
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section Part Description
12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str.
1 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1050375 1050384
1050388 --- 1050386 1050391 Asby. No.
2 2 4 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 4 18049 Back Up Bar
6 2 2 1 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 18 20 48 1051567 M5 K-Nut Plated
8 12 6 12 24 1051583 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
9 4 8 12 8 24 1051570 M5 x 45 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
10 2 4 1050679 Outside Corner Back Up Bar
11 4 8 1050672 Inside Corner Back Up Bar
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
1/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
see see
note note
7 below
below 17
12 11
1 7
see 1
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section
No. Part Description
12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str.
1 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1050375 1050384
1050388 1050389 1050386 1050391 Asby. No.
2 2 4 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 4 45613 Back Up Bar (Aluminum)
6 2 2 1 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 18 20 48 1051566 M5 Nut Stainless Steel
8 12 6 12 24 54619 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Hex Head Screw (Stainless Steel)
9 4 8 12 8 24 1051569 M5 x 45 Hex Head Screw Class A (Stainless Steel)
10 2 4 1050680 Outside Corner Back Up Bar (Aluminum)
11 4 8 1050673 Inside Corner Back Up Bar (Aluminum)
12 4 20 18 20 48 1051853 M5 Stainless Steel Lockwasher
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
8 2
see below 17
7 note
below 11
1 see 7 1
5 note
To order replacement parts:
1. See burner nameplate and indicate burner type.
2. Sketch burner arrangement (as viewed from casting side).
3. Specify replacement items required from diagrams above.
4. Specify quantity of each and assembly numbers from table below:
Quantity Required for Indicated Section Part Description
18" Str.
24" Str. 12" x 6" 6" x 6" 12" 36"
6" Str. 12" Str. 1051634
1 1051636 Tee Elbow B.I. B.I. Burner Body
1051634 1051636 +
(qty. 2) 1051640 1051644 1051638 1051642
1051636 Asby. No.
2 2 4 6 8 2 2 4 4 1049073 Mixing Plate
3 2 1 4 1052004 Mixing Plate: Inside Corner
4 1 1049075 Mixing Plate: Wedge
5 2 4 6 8 4 18049 Back Up Bar
6 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 1049071 Gasket/Shim (Metal)
7 4 20 24 40 18 20 20 48 1051567 M5 K-Nut Plated
8 12 12 24 6 12 12 24 1051583 M5 x 10 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
9 4 8 12 16 12 8 8 24 1051570 M5 x 45 ISO 4017 Plated Hex Bolt
10 2 2 4 1050679 Outside Corner Back Up Bar
11 4 2 8 1050672 Inside Corner Back Up Bar
NOTE: These items included with fastener kits. See pages 5567 & 5568 for fastener kit details.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
End Plate
Gasket M5 x 10
Hex Head Screw
M5 Nut
M5 x 20
Hex Head Screw M5 Lock Washer
(SS only) M5 Lock Washer
(SS only)
M5 K-Nut
M10 x 1.5
Hex Nut
M10 x 1.5
Hex Nut
Body Gasket
Assembly Numbers
Replacement Items
Flange to Flange Fastener Kit (includes gaskets) 1051879 1051879 1051880 1051879
End Plate to Flange Fastener Kit (includes gaskets) 1051881 1051881 1051882 1051881
Body Gasket 1050424 1050424 1050424 1050424
Metal Shim Gasket 1049071 1049071 1049071 1049071
Metal End Plate Gasket 1050423 1050423 1050423 1050423
LT Plain End Plate to Flange Gasket Kit 1057896 1057896 N/A 1057896
LT Pilot End Plate to Flange Gasket Kit 1057893 1057893 N/A 1057893
LT - Metal End Plate Gasket - Pilot 1056603 1056603 N/A 1056603
LT - Metal End Plate Gasket - Plain 1056604 1056604 N/A 1056604
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Periodic maintenance will insure continued trouble- visually that no holes in the mixing plates are
free operation of your Series NP-LE AIRFLO® Burner blocked. See next page (5550-S-12) for inspec-
system. tion and maintenance instructions for gas ports.
At least a yearly inspection is recommended for
make-up air heating installations and more frequently WARNING: Do not enlarge burner ports or
for process applications in year-round operation. Your
performance may be drastically affected.
own experience is the best guide in determining
frequency of inspection. As a minimum, the following If any mixing plates are loose or missing fasteners,
procedure should be followed: tighten/replace as necessary. Always use zinc plated
1. Shut the system down totally. Disconnect or lock or stainless metric fasteners.
out power supply so there can be no accidental 3. Put system back into operation and, if possible,
start-up during inspection. view from downstream side while cycling burner
2. Inspect the burners carefully, including upstream through full firing range. This will give a visual
and downstream sides of mixing plates as well as check for blocked burner ports.
burner body face. Any accumulation of scale or 4. Observe flame pattern and, if necessary, take
foreign material on either side of the mixing plates steps to correct velocity and/ or air distribution
should be removed with a wire brush. Check problems.
1/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Pin Vise
Burner Body 1 inch
(Mixing Plates Not Shown)
Gas Ports
All are #43 Drill Size
(Exception is several #47
holes at the intersection of #47
12x6 tee's and 36 BI's) Holes #43
Here Holes
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Assembly Numbers
Plain end plate 1052060 1052060 1052067 1052060
End Plate Upper pilot, lower plain end plate 1052057 1052057 1052064 1052057
Sets Upper pilot, lower fuel inlet end plate 1052058 1052058 1052065 1052058
Upper plain, lower fuel inlet end plate 1052059 1052059 1052066 1052059
with rubber cover 1052109 1052109 1052109 1052109
Spark ignitor without rubber cover 23739 23739 23739 23739
LT version 18075 18075 --- 18075
with rubber cover 1037597 1037597 1037597 1037597
Flame rod
without rubber cover 18117 18117 18117 18117
Adjustable orifice 38577 38577 38577 38577
Universal suppor t bracket (CS) 23577 23577 --- 23577
Universal suppor t bracket (SS) 39940 39940 39940 39940
Division plate 1049076 1049076 1049076 1049076
Flange to flange fastener kit (includes gaskets) 1051879 1051879 1051880 1051879
End plate to flange fastener kit (includes gaskets) 1051881 1051881 1051882 1051881
External mounting assembly 40908 40908 40908 40908
Body gasket 1050424 1050424 1050424 1050424
Metal shim gasket 1049071 1049071 1049071 1049071
Metal end plate gasket 1050423 1050423 1050423 1050423
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Operational flexibility
• Extremely low emissions - NOx levels of 25 ppm and CO levels of 250 ppm at 3% O2 are
possible. Contact your Maxon sales representative about your specific application.
• Nozzle-mixing line burner for use with low pressure natural gas firing
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
Page 5602
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
CROSSFIRE® Line Burner Page 5603
Performance Data
Lineal heat release at high fire Btu/hr/ft 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 1,750,000 2,000,000 2,250,000 2,500,000
Minimum lineal heat release Btu/hr/ft 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Turndown ratio 10:1 12.5:1 15:1 17.5:1 20:1 22.5:1 25:1
Flame length inches [1] 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Pilot pressure/heat release "w.c.* [2] / Btu/hr 5-8" w.c. / 40,000 Btu/hr
Combustion air flow SCFM 283 344 400 455 510 562 617
Air pressure at burner inlet ("w.c.) [3] 3.1 4.8 6.6 8.7 11.1 13.7 16.7
Air pressure at burner test
("w.c.)* 2.9 4.5 6.2 8.2 10.5 12.9 15.7
Fuel pressure at burner inlet
("w.c. ) [3] 8.0 12.3 17.7 23.9 31.1 39.2 48.4
(natural gas)
Fuel pressure at burner test
("w.c.)* 7.4 11.4 16.4 22.1 28.8 36.3 44.8
connection (natural gas)
NOx emissions [4] ppm @ 3% O2 <25 ppm corrected to 3% O2 dry
CO emissions [4] ppm @ 3% O2 <250 ppm corrected to 3% O2 dry
[1] Flame lengths listed are at 50% excess air.
[2] At inlet of adjustable pilot orifice.
[3] Air and gas ÆP is differential over system static pressure.
[4] Emissions stated are not guaranteed. Actual emission performance may var y. Contact Maxon for specific application details.
*Differential pressures measured at burner test connections. Air and gas ÆP is differential over system static pressure.
Operating Envelope
100 250 500 750 °F
Upstream Temperature
Consult Maxon for operation in shaded region. Ability to operate in
shaded region is dependent upon operating conditions.
Page 5604 CROSSFIRE® Line Burner
34 Lower CO
22 Lower NOx
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Differential Air Pressure ("w.c.)
NOTE: Pressure measured at burner test connections; refer to inlet pressure requirements for fan sizing
2 .2 5 M M B t u/hr /f t
14 Lower CO
12 2 .0 M M B t u/hr /f t
9 Lower NOx 1.75 M M B t u/hr /f t
7 1.50 M M B t u/hr /f t
5 1.2 5 M M B t u/hr /f t
3 1.0 0 M M B t u/hr /f t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Differential Air Pressure ("w.c.)
NOTE: Pressure measured at burner test connections; refer to inlet pressure requirements for fan sizing
CROSSFIRE® Line Burner Page 5605
Coupling required
for ISO connection
6.5 6.9
UV Scanner 4.3
3/4" NPT 5.9
Spark Ignitor
14mm 7.6
Gas Test
Connection 13.4
1/8" NPT
16.3 16.3
Pilot Fuel/Air
1/2" NPT 19.4
Combustion Air
Test Connection
1/8" NPT
.5 ft. burner - end inlet 1 ft. burner - end inlet 1.5 ft. burner - end inlet
4.2 4.2
2.8 8.9 2.8 14.9 4.2 20.9
6.2 12.2 2.8 18.2
3.1 6.1 9.1
3.6 3.6
7.2 7.2
CROSSFIRE® Line Burner Page 5607
Page 5608 CROSSFIRE® Line Burner
11.7 18.9 17.7
2 BI XF GRD with 12" span
2 BI XF GRD with 18" span
26.9 26.9
24.2 24.2
12.1 12.1
11.9 36.9
23.7 30.9
2 BI XF GRD with 24" span
2 BI XF GRD with 30" span
24.2 26.9
12.1 12.1
9.0 47.7
36.2 36.2
18.1 18.1
3 BI XF GRD with 12" span 3 BI XF GRD with 18" span
36.2 38.9
18.1 18.1
30.9 36.9
11.9 14.9
3 BI XF GRD with 24" span
3 BI XF GRD with 30" span
36.2 38.9
18.1 18.1
17.9 23.9
9.0 47.7
Page 5610 CROSSFIRE® Line Burner
50.9 50.9
48.2 48.2
11.7 18.9
50.9 50.9
48.2 48.2
24.1 24.1
11.9 30.9 14.9
23.7 29.7
4 BI XF GRD with 24" span
4 BI XF GRD with 30" span
24.1 24.1
42.9 54.9
9.0 47.7
11.7 17.7
62.9 62.9
60.2 60.2
18.1 18.1
11.9 14.9 36.9
23.7 29.7
9.0 24.0
9.0 24.0
5 BI XF GRD with 24" span
5 BI XF GRD with 30" span
62.9 62.9
18.1 18.1
17.9 42.9 23.9
9.0 47.7
9.0 24.0
Page 5612 CROSSFIRE® Line Burner
74.9 74.9
72.2 72.2
18.1 18.1
18.9 24.9
11.7 17.7
36.0 9.0
6 BI XF GRD with 12" span
6 BI XF GRD with 18" span
74.9 72.2
72.2 18.1
11.9 30.9
9.0 9.0
36.0 36.0
74.9 74.9
72.2 72.2
42.9 54.9
17.9 23.9
35.7 47.7
9.0 9.0
6 BI XF GRD with 36" span 36.0
84.2 84.2
11.7 17.7
36.0 36.0
7 BI XF GRD with 12" span 7 BI XF GRD with 18" span
86.9 86.9
84.2 84.2
24.1 24.1
30.9 36.9
11.9 14.9
36.0 9.0
7 BI XF GRD with 24" span
7 BI XF GRD with 30" span
24.1 24.1
7 BI XF GRD with 36" span
Page 5614 CROSSFIRE® Line Burner
18.9 17.7
9.0 9.0
48.0 48.0
96.2 96.2
48.0 9.0
8 BI XF GRD with 24" span
8 BI XF GRD with 30" span
96.2 96.2
24.1 24.1
17.9 23.9
35.7 47.7
9.0 9.0
8 BI XF GRD with 36" span 48.0
18.9 17.7
11.7 24.9
9.0 9.0
72.0 72.0
110.9 110.9
108.2 108.2
11.9 14.9
23.7 29.7
36.0 9.0
110.9 110.9
108.2 108.2
17.9 23.9
35.7 47.7
9.0 9.0
72.0 36.0
9 BI XF GRD with 36" span
9 BI XF GRD with 48" span
Page 5616 CROSSFIRE® Line Burner
9.0 9.0
60.0 7.5 typ.
9.0 9.0
36.0 36.0 7.5 typ.
15.0 15.0
42.0 42.0 7.5 typ.
48.0 48.0 7.5 typ.
15.0 15.0
39.0 39.0
54.0 54.0 7.5 typ.
15.0 15.0
45.0 45.0
CROSSFIRE® Line Burner Page 5617
Page 5618 CROSSFIRE® Line Burner
CROSSFIRE® Line Burner Page 5600-S-1
Installation Instructions
Please read all installation and start-up and air may be required in some environments to
instructions prior to working with the burner. A prevent plugging of gas and/or air ports.
view port providing a clear view of the entire flame is For CROSSFIRE® Burner assemblies four feet
strongly recommended. and over in length, multiple gas and air inlets are
Do not discard packing material until all parts utilized to ensure uniform distribution. As with all
have been identified. (Some parts are shipped loose combustion systems, proper manifolding practices
with the burner.) must be sufficient to feed each air and gas inlet with
equal flow. However, it is further recommended that
The burner accounts for a portion of the total
balancing dampers and air pressure taps be installed
combustion system (see typical piping
within each branch of the air manifold to facilitate
schematic below). The sizing and installation
equal distribution of the combustion air flow to each
instructions for other components such as
air inlet.
valves, control motors, blowers, regulators,
The pilot/ignition system requires air to be fed
switches, etc. can be found in the
from the combustion air piping (upstream of the
corresponding sections of the Maxon Catalog.
MICRO-RATIO® Valve) to the pilot gas mixer as
The CROSSFIRE® Burner requires an external shown in the piping schematic.
blower to supply combustion air. The combustion The burner may be mounted horizontally or
fan should not be positioned where inert gases could vertically within a duct. Additional support is
be drawn into the combustion air intake. Electrical required to support the weight of the burner and gas
service must match the voltage, phase, and cycle of piping. Care should be taken not to introduce any
the combustion fan as well as all other electrical additional stresses on the gas inlet(s) at the burner.
system components. Furthermore, burner and gas piping support should be
Gas and air are piped separately into the burner designed for thermal expansion.
assembly. The gas piping and air ducting should be Once the burner is installed within the duct, the
sufficiently large enough to flow the maximum ignitor and UV scanner tube can be installed.
capacity at the rated pressures. Filters for both fuel Separate conduit should be used for the wiring of the
scanner and ignitor.
Typical CROSSFIRE® Burner piping layout
Vent to Safe Location
Main Shut Maxon
Off Valve
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the piping layout shown.
Specific piping and wiring diagrams should always be sumitted to the appropriate
agencies for approval on each application.
10/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
The spark ignitor assembly utilized by
CROSSFIRE® Burners is designed to be fed through Caution:
the wall of the duct. Replacement of the ignitor is • Burner assembly and fuel piping must be
easily accomplished from outside of the duct. properly supported.
To initially install the ignitor, first carefully • Avoid external loads to fuel inlet(s).
remove the internal sub-assemblies and set aside.
Insert the outer tube through the opening in the duct • Do not overtighten fuel piping to burner
wall and thread into the pilot end plate. (Access connection.
covers and seal plates are available from Maxon to • Use back-up wrench when tightening inlet
facilitate installation.) piping.
• Flexible connection recommended to allow
UV scanner installation: for expansion.
A UV magnifying lens enhances pilot flame signal
and is recommended for scanner tube lengths greater • Do not lift burner assembly from fuel
than 24". inlet(s).
Optional Seal Plate Kit (shipped loose) Flame Scanner (not included)
Spark Ignitor (not included)
Cover Plate
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
For initial start-up of Maxon CROSSFIRE® 7. Set burner to low fire position. Main combus-
Burner: tion air blower should be on.
8. Open manual and pilot gas cocks, activate
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make spark ignition transformer and pilot gas
preliminary adjustment to the fuel gas regulators. solenoid valve, then attempt pilot ignition. If
Remove pilot and main gas regulators’ adjusting necessary, slowly increase pilot flow through
screw covers. Turn adjusting screw down (clock- adjustment of pilot regulator or pilot gas cock.
wise) to approximately mid-position. Close pilot Repetition of this procedure may be necessary as
gas adjustable orifice screw by turning clockwise ignition will occur only when air trapped in the
until it stops. (Do not over-tighten.) Then back pilot line has been bled. Adjust pilot gas pressure
out the adjustable orifice (counter-clockwise) 2-3 as specified.
turns. 9. After ignition, slowly open pilot bleed air to
2. Check all electrical circuitry. Verify that all shorten pilot flame. The pilot is not designed to
control devices and interlocks are operable and be a full premix pilot. The pilot bleed air will
functioning within their respective settings/ranges. prevent soot formation on spark electrode.
Be sure all air and gas manifolds are tight and 10. Shut off pilot gas flow and re-ignite several
that test ports are plugged if not in use. times (bleed air should be left in the open posi-
3. Check that air and gas pressure switches are tion). The flame safeguard relays should now
not marginally set. Set pressure switches with a power main fuel shut-off valves.
large enough range to prevent system shutdown 11. Light the CROSSFIRE® Burner. With pilot flame
during initial adjustment. During final system established and flame supervision operational,
tuning, the pressure switches should be re- opening the main fuel shut-off valve will allow fuel
adjusted. flow to the burner.
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor 12. Turn minimum adjusting screw on the MICRO-
linkage from the MICRO-RATIO® Valve. Initial RATIO® Valve “in” (clockwise) to increase gas
start-up should only be accomplished in a manual flow at minimum until burner ignites. Flame will
burner control mode. be blue at the base with yellow tips. Flame
5. Start all system related fans and blowers. should be continuous along its length.
Check for proper rotation of motors and impellers. 13. Adjust main regulator to maintain required
Verify that all control interlocks are operating. differential gas pressure. Re-adjust minimum
Allow air handling equipment to adequately purge adjusting screw.
combustion chamber. For an application with 14. If pilot is interrupted as recommended, turn off
variable process flow, set process flow to maxi- pilot and verify that flame supervision is opera-
mum. tional.
CAUTION: Do not bypass control panel timers 15. Progressively work your way up through each
or interlocks typically controlling sequential adjusting screw position as per Maxon catalog
operations. sections 7000 and 7100. Above minimum firing
rate, flame will transition to light blue in color. A
6. Refer to CROSSFIRE® Fuel/Air Settings graph flame that is too lean will exhibit voids along its
(on page 5604) to obtain maximum and minimum length. Adjust the flame at each adjusting screw
air and fuel pressure settings for the system’s so that it is as short as possible, light blue in
maximum heat release (up to 2,500,000 Btu/hr/ft). color, and without voids in the flame. Dust in the
Preliminarily set the stroke of the air and fuel combustion air stream or process stream may
valves in accordance with Maxon catalog sections cause yellow “sparklers”. The air and gas pres-
7000 and 7100. For maximum control, ensure that sures should be close to those presented in the
the fuel valve quadrant has a full stroke of 90°. Fuel/Air Settings chart. If high temperature limit
trips prior to completion of adjustment, cycle back
to low fire and allow the unit to cool before
continuing the adjustment process.
10/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Test Connection Pressures Operating Tips:
Required Air Required Fuel The minimum firing rate attainable is dependent
Maximum Capacity
Pressure Pressure
(inches w.c.)* (inches w.c.)* upon low firing rate control. Size the MICRO-RATIO®
Valve, both air and fuel valves, with at least 1-3 inches
1.00 2.9 7.4
w.c. pressure drop. Use the full stroke of both valves,
1.25 4.5 11.4
if possible. A butterfly disc or gate valve installed
1.50 6.2 16.4
upstream of the combustion air blower intake and/or
1.75 8.2 22.1 downstream of the combustion air outlet (prior to
2.00 10.5 28.8 MICRO-RATIO® Valve) will enable full stroke of the air
2.25 12.9 36.3 butterfly.
2.50 15.7 44.8 At minimum firing rate, only the tips of the flame
*Differential pressures measured at burner inlet. Air and gas DP is should be yellow. The base of the flame should still
differential over system static pressure. be light blue in color. Readjustment of the minimum
air setting and/or minimum MICRO-RATIO® Valve
Test Connection Pressures (metric) adjusting screw may be necessary. A flame that is
Required Air Required Fuel yellow at the base of the flame is deficient of air and
Maximum Capacity
Pressure Pressure may form soot on the face of the burner.
(mbar)* (mbar)* Variable process flow with greater than 4 inches
300 7.2 18.4 w.c. pressure swing will significantly affect the fuel/air
375 11.2 28.4 ratio of the flame and, subsequently, emissions.
450 15.4 40.9 Check burner operation from minimum to maximum
525 20.4 55.0 firing rates and at minimum and maximum process
600 26.2 71.7 flow to ensure proper flame at all operating condi-
660 32.1 90.4
For optimum performance and emissions control in
732 39.1 111.6
applications with variable process flow, use Maxon’s
*Differential pressures measured at burner inlet. Air and gas DP is
differential over system static pressure.
SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control System.
See Maxon catalog section 7200 for more details.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Standard Burner Assemblies Segment choices are as follows for the
Configured Item Number Description configured item numbers:
.5 EI XF STR 6" straight CROSSFIRE, end inlet • Fuel
1 EI XF STR 1' straight CROSSFIRE, end inlet • Gas Connection
1.5 EI XF STR 1.5' straight CROSSFIRE, end inlet
• Body Material
• Housing Material
2 BI XF STR 2' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet
• Air Connector
3 BI XF STR 3' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet
• Air Connector Material
4 BI XF STR 4' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet • Cross Member Span (Grids only)
5 BI XF STR 5' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet • Cross Member (Ladders only)
6 BI XF STR 6' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet • End Plate
7 BI XF STR 7' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet • Division Plate
8 BI XF STR 8' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet • End Mounting Bracket
9 BI XF STR 9' straight CROSSFIRE, back inlet • Center Mounting Bracket
2 BI XF GRD 2' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet
• Maximum Firing Rate
• To be used with SMARTFIRE
3 BI XF GRD 3' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet
• Customer Number
4 BI XF GRD 4' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet
• Burner Capacity
5 BI XF GRD 5' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet • Lifting Lugs
6 BI XF GRD 6' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet
7 BI XF GRD 7' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet
8 BI XF GRD 8' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet Descriptions of segment choices and
9 BI XF GRD 9' grid CROSSFIRE, back inlet available options are listed on pages
4 BI XF LDR 4' ladder CROSSFIRE, back inlet 5600-A/P-2 through 5600-A/P-4.
5 BI XF LDR 5' ladder CROSSFIRE, back inlet
6 BI XF LDR 6' ladder CROSSFIRE, back inlet
7 BI XF LDR 7' ladder CROSSFIRE, back inlet
Please furnish a sketch when ordering
8 BI XF LDR 8' ladder CROSSFIRE, back inlet
any CROSSFIRE assembly. This includes
9 BI XF LDR 9' ladder CROSSFIRE, back inlet
straight, grid, and ladder assemblies.
Indicate the position of the pilot end plate
on all assemblies. In addition, indicate
the position of the end gas inlet if order-
ing the 6”, 1’, or 1.5’ straight CROSSFIRE
assembly. Sample configurations appear
on pages 5600-A/P-5, 5600-A/P-6 and
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Details
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
BUT Butane Gas
FUEL Type of fuel NAT Natural Gas
PROP Propane Gas
GAS CONNECTION Type of gas inlet connection
CTD Coated
BODY MATERIAL Type of body material used
STD Standard
SS Stainless Steel
HOUSING MATERIAL Type of housing material used
STD Standard
No Connector (Customer
Square air inlet not available for Type, if any, of air connector
SQ 6.524" x 7.503" Square
.5', 1', and 1.5' sections.
RD 8" Round
NONE No Material
Type of material of air connector,
if any
STD Standard
1 12" Span
1.5 18" Span
CROSS MEMBER SPAN Spacing, in feet, between cross 2 24" Span - 1 Air
(GRID ONLY) member centerlines 2.5 30" Span - 1 Air
3 36" Span - 1 Air & Gas
4 48" Span - 1 Air & Gas
112 Qty 1 - 12" Spacing
212 Qty 2 - 12" Spacing
312 Qty 3 - 12" Spacing
412 Qty 4 - 12" Spacing
118 Qty 1 - 18" Spacing
218 Qty 2 - 18" Spacing
318 Qty 3 - 18" Spacing
CROSS MEMBER 418 Qty 4 - 18" Spacing
Quantity and centerline spacing,
(Quantity & Spacing)
in feet, of cross members 124 Qty 1 - 24" Spacing
224 Qty 2 - 24" Spacing
324 Qty 3 - 24" Spacing
424 Qty 4 - 24" Spacing
130 Qty 1 - 30" Spacing
230 Qty 2 - 30" Spacing
330 Qty 3 - 30" Spacing
430 Qty 4 - 30" Spacing
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Details (continued)
Segment Choices Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description
(DEFAULT is shaded) Description
PLN Plain End Plate
END PLATE (POS 1)* Type of end plate used in position 1
STD Standard Piloted End Plate
PLN Plain End Plate
END PLATE (POS 2)* Type of end plate used in position 2
STD Standard Piloted End Plate
PLN Plain End Plate
END PLATE (POS 3)* Type of end plate used in position 3
STD Standard Piloted End Plate
PLN Plain End Plate
END PLATE (POS 4)* Type of end plate used in position 4
STD Standard Piloted End Plate
NO No Division Plates
DIVISION PLATE (LOC A) Type of division plate used at location A
YES Division Plates
NO No Division Plates
DIVISION PLATE (LOC B) Type of division plate used at location B
YES Division Plates
NO No Division Plates
DIVISION PLATE (LOC C) Type of division plate used at location C
YES Division Plates
NO No Division Plates
DIVISION PLATE (LOC D) Type of division plate used at location D
YES Division Plates
END MOUNTING BRACKET Number of end mounting brackets required (QUANTITY) (Optional)
CENTER MOUNTING BRACKET** Number of center mounting brackets required (QUANTITY) (Optional)
1 1 MMBtuh/ft
1.25 1.25 MMBtuh/ft
Maximum rate per foot at which burner 1.5 1.5 MMBtuh/ft
operates 1.75 1.75 MMBtuh/ft
2 2 MMBtuh/ft
2.25 2.25 MMBtuh/ft
Is CROSSFIRE to be used with optional Maxon NO SMARTFIRE Not Used
CUSTOMER NUMBER Attach customer number to burner? (to be filled in) (Optional)
Capacity of burner (based on firing rate and
burner length) (calculated) ---
No user input required for this field
LIFTING LUGS Quantity and location to be specified on order (QUANTITY) (Optional)
*Denotes secondary segment choices involved (see next page)
**Available on End Inlet burners only.
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Secondary Segment Choice Details for Standard Piloted End Plates
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
CTD Coated Gray Iron
MATERIAL Type of end plate material
STD Gray Iron
CONNECTION Type of connection for end plate
NO Choice Not Selected
GAS MIXER Optional gas mixer
YES Choice Selected
NO Choice Not Selected
PILOT ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE Optional adjustable orifice for pilot
YES Choice Selected
Feed Thru Ignitor w/SS Tube
(available in 12", 18", 24", 30", 36", 42", 48")
IGNITOR Type of ignitor required NONE Ignitor Customer Provided
STD Std Ignitor w/o Feed Thru Plate
STDP Std Ignitor w/Feed Thru Plate
NONE No Detector Provided
FLAME DETECTION Type of flame detection required
UV Set Up For UV (Customer Provided)
SEAL PLATE KIT NO Choice Not Selected
Optional seal plate kit
(ship loose) YES Choice Selected
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
CROSSFIRE® – Straight Assembly
Combustion Air Inlet
Gas Inlet
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
CROSSFIRE® – Grid Assembly
3 ft. span between cross members, 1 air & gas
End Plate End Plate
Position 4 Position 1
Tee Housing Gas Inlet
Cross Members /
Vertical Tee
Tee Housing End Plate
End Plate
Position 2
Position 3
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
9 ft. CROSSFIRE® Ladder Back Inlet
with (2) cross members at 30” spacing
End Plate
Position 4
End Plate
Position 1
Plate B
Vertical Ladder Cross Members /
Gas Inlet
Housing Inner Ladder
Division Housings
Plate B
Plate C Vertical Ladder
Division Outer Ladder
Plate C Housing
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• For direct-fired fume incineration and higher temperature process air heating applications
• Modular burner design provides burner assembly configurations and total heat release for maximum
application flexibility
• COMBUSTIFUME® Burner provides stable, efficient, raw gas operations in air streams with
oxygen levels as low as 16% (by volume), or with inlet temperatures up to 1050°F (566°C)
• Burns clean and odor-free with low levels of NOx production
• When air stream oxygen content is low, primary combustion air may be added through the
COMBUSTIFUME® Burner system to produce combustion of most clean gaseous fuels
• Fume incineration costs are minimized by direct firing COMBUSTIFUME® Burner in the effluent air
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX 765-286-8394
Page 5702
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX 765-286-8394
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Page 5703
Design Considerations
To properly select the appropriate type Any combination of temperatures and oxygen levels
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burner to meet your specific falling above the raw gas firing diagonal line should
application requirements, these four factors must first support combustion with a raw gas COMBUSTIFUME®
be determined: Burner system.
1. Percent (by volume) of oxygen remaining in air Any combination of incoming temperature and
stream to be heated measured percent of oxygen falling below the
2. Allowable duct static pressure drop, which is a diagonal line will normally require the designated
direct relationship to the velocity of air across the percentage of premixing through a
burner and/or profile plate COMBUSTIFUME® Burner system.
3. Air stream temperatures approaching and
Notice: When primary combustion air is
downstream of the COMBUSTIFUME® Burner
supplemented in the system, a corresponding work
4. Type of fuel to be fired through the burner
load increase must be factored into the gross
Oxygen content and temperature of effluent/air heating requirement to heat the fresh combustion
stream dictates how and which COMBUSTIFUME® air being introduced.
Line Burner must be applied. Flammability of a raw
gas burner is affected by oxygen content, air stream
temperature and moisture content. Since a typical
application for COMBUSTIFUME® Burners would
involve an air stream temperature of 700°F or higher,
air streams with measured oxygen levels above 16%
(by volume) will normally support combustion by a
raw gas burner and not require additional primary
combustion air. However, if measured oxygen content
in air stream is less than 16% or air stream
temperature is less than 500°F, a percentage of
partial premixed gas/air may be required to
supplement the lower oxygen levels in your system
for a complete combustion reaction to occur. Please
refer to the Air Stream Flammability Chart on this
page for the exact oxygen requirements of effluent/air
Elevated air stream temperatures approaching
a COMBUSTIFUME® Burner can be as high as
1050°F (566°C). This naturally causes changes in air
density and net air velocities, and results in an effect
on COMBUSTIFUME® Burner performance.
The combination effect of lower inlet
temperature and lower oxygen levels will normally
require a partial percentage of premixture be added
through the COMBUSTIFUME® Burner system.
This combination effect (or air stream flammability)
is graphically illustrated in the chart at right.
Since oxygen content within the air stream is
critical to the flammability range of a
COMBUSTIFUME® Burner, it also directly affects the
maximum capacity (Btu/hr per lineal foot) of the
burner assembly.
Page 5704 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
“HG” Mixing Tube System for partial premixed COMBUSTIFUME® Burner system
Page 5706 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
Page 5708 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
Required burner footage = 5.7 lineal feet 11. Determine dimensions of profile plate opening
using these general guidelines:
= (round-off to 6 lineal ft.) A. Profile opening should be 1" longer than
9. Lay out a proposed burner assembly using nominal length of burner assembly (dimension
these general guidelines: X + 1" in the sketch below)
A. Use as few tee sections as possible to conform B. Edge of profile plate should be 6-1/2" from
to general shape of the combustion chamber. centerline of any “outside row” of castings
B. Minimize use of cross or back inlet cross “Typical Configuration” Example:
sections for general fume incineration
applications, since they do not provide the
same degree of exposure to the flame
achieved by straight or tee sections.
C. If multiple burner rows are used, they should
be placed on 12" centers to avoid need for
between-the-row profile plate baffles.
D. Do not exceed 3,500,000 Btu/hr capacity for
any 2" diameter end inlet flange.
E. 2" diameter back inlet flange and INCINO-
Example: 6 lineal feet assembly
PAK® inlet feed section should feed no more
than 7,000,000 Btu/hr capacity.
F. 3" diameter back inlet flange on “12B”
section can feed up to a maximum of
10,000,000 Btu/hr, or 8,300,000 Btu with any
36BH section.
G. Keep burner assembly balanced and as
symmetrical as possible around all inlet feeds.
NOTE: Several possible burner arrangements 12. Calculate gross area of profile plate opening
could be devised. For this example, we will
propose the burner layout illustrated below: Sq. ft. area = inches length x inches width
144 sq. in. / sq. ft.
Example: 6 lineal feet
If we assume a gross profile area of 13" x 61"
Btu/hr per ft. = 5,750,000 – (20 gal. x 110,000)
6 ft.
= 591,667
If above figure falls below 150,000 Btu/hr per ft.,
burner footage must be reduced and/or a compromise
of other design parameters must be made. Our
example is well above the 150,000 limit, so the
turndown range of a standard COMBUSTIFUME®
Burner system should be adequate.
16. Select the proper type COMBUSTIFUME®
Burner from these general guidelines:
Type of COMBUSTIFUME® Burner: With inlet effluent
Maximum Maximum
Optimum pressure should be in the 1 - 1.5" range. COMBUSTIFUME® Static
Inlet Discharge
Burner Type Pressure
– If the pressure drop is too high, the profile Temperature Temperature
opening must be increased.
CF4D 1500°F 2" wc
– If the pressure drop is too low, the profile
1000°F (816°C)
opening must be reduced. CF5D 2.5" wc
NOTE: Chart is based on tight profiling. If sizeable CF5D
gap is maintained around burner, pressure drop will be 1700°F
1050°F 2"
CF5B (927°C)
less than indicated in Graph “B”. (566°C)
Pressure drop across burner and profile plate temperature of 700°F, discharge temperature of
(refer to Graph “B”) 1500°F, and a pressure drop of approximately 1.9" wc
(2645 SFPM @ 700°F) = 1.1" wc drop for burner assembly selected:
It would be better to change the opening to
Page 5710 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
Based on capacity information given in this catalog burner assembly. Burner assembly layout should be
section, and within the constraints of duct size and air symmetrical and balanced with relation to inlet feed
volume flows, a COMBUSTIFUME® Burner assembly sections.
is designed utilizing these available sections shown on Do not exceed the capacity feed limitations shown
the following pages. in the table below.
When ordering a burner assembly made up from
these available module components, be sure to provide
Raw gas firing capacity limitations for inlet feed
an assembly sketch of the complete burner (as viewed
from the back, or upstream, side), including locations
of all accessories and/or individual component COMBUSTIFUME® Burner
sections. Inlet Pipe Size
Burner Section Btu/hr per inlet
All open ends of burner assembly must be (NPT)
closed off with one of the end closures or pilot End inlet flange set 3,500,000
assemblies shown on the following pages. Any end 2" 12" straight (12B)
plate ports not used must be plugged. INCINO-PAK® (12B & 36B)
Air stream velocity and resulting static pressure 36" back inlet (BH) 8,300,000
drop affect performance and are achieved by means of 3" 12" straight (12B)
a silhouette profile plate within the duct. 10,000,000
12" x 12" cross (XB)
A minimum profile plate width of 6" is required 4" 12,000,000
surrounding all COMBUSTIFUME® Burner
assemblies. Inlet flanges bolt directly to burner body casting and
accept threaded NPT piping. Chart above shows
Burner inlet feed piping must be adequate to maximum lineal feet of COMBUSTIFUME® Burner that
provide a well-distributed flow of air/gas throughout the may be fed by a given inlet flange.
Section Code
6 = 6" straight section Body Material
12 = 12" straight section D = ductile iron body
T = 12" x 6" tee section B = aluminum bronze body
X = 12" x 12" cross section
12B = 12" back inlet straight section
Number of (#30) drilled holes per lineal foot
BX = 12" x 12" back inlet cross section
24 = 24 holes (0.3113 in2/ft) discharge area
BH = 36" back inlet “H” section
48 = 48 holes (0.6226 in2/ft) discharge area [1]
96 = 96 holes (1.2451 in2/ft) discharge area [1]
120 = 120 holes (1.5564 in2/ft) discharge area [1]
[1] These drill patterns available for special applications such as
low Btu/fuels and partial premixing system
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Page 5711
Typical block & bleed piping layout for raw gas INCINO-PAK® Typical installation
Burner system as frequently required by insurance authorities in cylindrical incinerator
Page 5712 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
Series A B L X
600 23.81 37.25 31.65 1.5
Pipe threads on this page conform to 800 31.5 45.25 39.34 1.75
NPT (ANSI Standard B2.1) 1100 43.31 56.25 51.15 1
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Page 5713
6" straight 12" straight 12" x 6" tee 12" x 12" cross
section section section section
Page 5714 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
12" x 12"
12" back inlet section 36" back inlet section back inlet cross
A (size) B A (size)
2 0.88 3
3 1.25 4
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Page 5715
All open ends of a burner assembly must be closed off with one of these end closures,
or with a pilot end plate or pilot assembly as shown below and on page 5716.
flame rod
UV scanner can be
mounted through straight-
in flame rod location. 1"
tap is bushed to 1/4" for
flame rod.
Page 5716 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
All 6" straight sections, Aluminum bronze 12" x Ductile iron 12" x 6" tee
whether gray iron, ductile 6" tee section can accept sections can have built-in
iron, or aluminum bronze, built-in pilot only on right pilot assembly mounted on
can accept built-in pilots on end of straight 12" side any end.
one end. (when viewed from back NOTE: Gray iron tee
side of the assembly). sections do not accept
built-in pilot assemblies.
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Page 5717
Page 5718 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
Optional external
(shrouded) spark
electrode for above
1 14mm
Spark Ignitor
Universal support bracket 7-1/2"
Normally used in pairs as shown below. Mount to
burner assembly at any joint between sections.
Two versions available: zinc plated carbon steel for 24"
maximum inlet temperature up to 750°F (399°C) or
#304SS for maximum inlet temperature up to 1600°F
Page 5720 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
Component Identification
INCINO-PAK® Burner Back Inlet Feed Section
Component Identification
Page 5722 COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Page 5700-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to
a safety control system) shut the fuel supply off with a
These mounting instructions for COMBUSTIFUME®
Burners are in addition to the general AIRFLO® Line loss of electrical power. Manual reset valves require
Burner installation instructions published on operator attendance each time the system is started
Maxon catalog pages 5000-S-1 through 5000-S-10. up (or restarted after a shut-down). Motorized shut-
Specific instructions are also offered for other off valves permit automatic start/restart when used
Maxon component items: with appropriate control system.
– Shut-Off Valves (pages 6000-S-1 through S-14) Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
– Flow Control Valves (pages 7000-S-1 through S-4) ment. At a minimum, they should be provided down-
– Mixing Tubes (pages 3200-S-1 through S-6) stream of any mixing tube and at each burner inlet.
Read complete instructions before proceeding, Test connections should never be installed in elbows
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s equip- or pipe tees. Test connections must be plugged
ment components. Verify that your equipment has except when readings are being taken.
been installed in accordance with the original
manufacturer’s current instructions. Bolt Torque Tightening
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage 1. Apply Never-Seez (anti-seize and lubricating
of pipe train components or burner gas ports. All dirt, compound) to the threads of the bolts to improve
scale and pipe dope should be blown out of any new the pre-loading of the gasket.
gas line before actually connecting to the burner 2. Tighten the bolts to 1/2 the specified value (see
system. table below), starting at position 1 and working to
Main gas shut-off cock should be upstream of position 6.
both main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it 3. Tighten the bolts to the full torque value, starting at
to shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during position 1 and working to position 6.
shutdown periods of more than a few hours. Maxon 4. Tighten the bolts again to the full value starting at
Control Valves, such as the Series “CV” and position 1 and working to position 6.
MICRO-RATIO® Valves, are not intended for tight
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. A separate regulator
should be provided in the branch leading to each
burner system if more than one is served by a com-
mon main. Size regulator for full system capacity at
required pressure, including pipe train losses and any
positive chamber pressure. Follow the instructions
attached to the regulator during installation.
Pilot take-off should be upstream of main gas
regulator but downstream of main gas cock. It should
normally include its own pilot gas regulator (selected Torque Values
to meet pilot flow and pressure needs), a solenoid
Bolt Size Bolt Material Torque Value Units
valve and shut-off cock. An adjustable gas orifice at
M10 Plated steel 186 in lbs
the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
M10 Stainless steel 248 in lbs
Appropriate pilots should be provided which are
compatible with the type of burner and control system M10 High Alloy 45 ft lbs
being used.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
INCINO-PAK® Burner Sections
INCINO-PAK® Burner sections are special configu- INCINO-PAK® Burner sections mount through the
rations of 12" and 36" back inlet feed sections de- duct/chamber wall and extend the AIRFLO® Burner
signed to provide “outside-the-duct” access to the body and mixing plates out into the air stream. They
pilot, ignitor and flame safeguard components. must still be profiled in the duct, since velocity must
These sections are used in end-fired incinerators or be maintained just like all Maxon AIRFLO® Burners.
preheaters, or when burner is fired at an elbow in the The externally mounted burner body housing
ductwork. As such, the mounting and installation of remains on the outside of the duct/chamber.
INCINO-PAK® Burner sections differs slightly from the A typical INCINO-PAK® Burner system piping
other Maxon AIRFLO® Burners. layout is illustrated in the drawing below:
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the piping layout shown. Specific piping and
wiring diagrams should always be submitted to the appropriate agencies for approval on each
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
INCINO-PAK® Burner Mounting CAUTION: Prior to attempting burner separa-
tion, completely remove the spark ignitor from
the INCINO-PAK® Burner assembly. Replace
ignitor only after INCINO-PAK® section is securely
Remove remaining (3) flange bolts from burner
inlet flange. (Instruction packet is attached to this
flange joint at time of manufacture.) Once the (4) body
inlet flange bolts are removed, the burner element can
be separated from the gas inlet tube sub-assembly by
pulling gas inlet body out of burner element.
NOTICE: The gas scanner
tube and spark ignitor tube
must align themselves with
the large holes in the burner
body casting face.
A typical method of through-wall mounting of
INCINO-PAK® Burner is shown above. The This alignment and the
INCINO-PAK® Burner’s back housing is normally inlet flange joint integrity
mounted and secured onto a separate “wall plug” that must be maintained when
is large enough to allow the burner element to be burner is re-assembled.
inserted through the duct/chamber wall opening and Place large body flange
center itself in the profile plate. The burner element’s gasket (shipped loose) onto
weight must be independently supported. gas inlet tube to seal body
The “wall plug” is secured into the opening of the inlet flange and combustion
duct/chamber wall, positioning the burner element in chamber wall joint prior to
the air stream, and providing a maintenance/inspec- mounting burner element
tion access port for the burner and combustion and/or gas inlet burner body
chamber. into position on your combus-
The INCINO-PAK® Burner section can be used tion chamber.
alone (with appropriate end plates, etc.) or as an inlet Provide a liberal coating of
feed section in a larger COMBUSTIFUME® Burner the high-temperature “Never-
assembly. Seez” gasket paste (shipped
You must separate the INCINO-PAK® Burner loose) on both metal flange
body housing and gas scanner tube sub- surfaces. Insert the 2"
assembly from the COMBUSTIFUME® Burner diameter inlet flange gasket
element, then re-assemble it after mounting in (shipped loose) between
your duct/chamber. these surfaces prior to re-
assembling burner element
and inlet tube sub-assembly.
NOTE: Wooden alignment
dowels inserted through the
large holes of the burner
element face casting will help
to remount and align the gas
scanner tube and spark
ignitor tube when re-assem-
bling the burner assembly.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Ductile iron bodies Ductile iron bodies
Material Specifications > w/#310 SS mixing plates w/ Hastelloy X mixing plates
Configured Item Number > CF4D24 CF4D48 CF4D96 CF4D120 CF5D24 CF5D48 CF5D96 CF5D120
Old Style 4CF 4CF4 4CF5 --- 5CF 5CF4 5CF5 ---
Designations >
Current CF4D24 CF4D48 CF4D96 CF4D120 CF5D24 CF5D48 CF5D96 CF5D120
1047387 1047394 1047401 1047408 1047415 1047422 1047429 1047436
6" straight (-6)
(15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15) (15)
1047388 1047395 1047402 1047409 1047416 1047423 1047430 1047437
12" straight (-12)
Burner (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18) (18)
Sections 1047389 1047396 1047403 1047410 1047417 1047424 1047431 1047438
12" x 6" tee (-T)
(30) (30) (56) (30) (30) (30) (30) (30)
1047390 1047397 1047404 1047411 1047418 1047425 1047432 1047439
12" x 12"cross (-X)
(37) (37) (37) (37) (37) (37) (37) (37)
1047391 1047398 1047405 1047412 1047419 1047426 1047433 1047440
Back Inlet Feed 12" back inlet straight (12B) (31) (31) (31) (31) (31) (31) (31) (31)
1047392 1047399 1047406 1047413 1047420 1047427 1047434 1047441
(each requires 12" x 12" back inlet cross (-BX)
(42) (42) (42) (42) (42) (42) (42) (42)
inlet flange from
Page 5700-A/P-2) 36" back inlet "H" section (-BH) 1047393 1047400 1047407 1047414 1047421 1047428 1047435 1047442
(95) (95) (95) (95) (95) (95) (95) (95)
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order the appropriate configured item number. To order loose
items, order individual assembly numbers.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Inlet Flange Options
Description All CF4 CF5D CF5B
1.5" 1.5" Inlet Flange (12B) 1.5D BIF 1.5B BIF
Segment Choice Detail –Configured Inlet Flanges for Back Inlet & Cross Sections
Configured Item Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Choice Description
Number (DEFAULT is shaded)
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order the appropriate configured item number. To order loose
items, order individual assembly numbers.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Ductile iron bodies Ductile iron bodies Aluminum bronze
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Material Specifications> w/#310 SS mixing w/Hastelloy X bodies w/Hastelloy
plates mixing plates X mixing plates
Configured Item Number> CF4D24 - 120 CF5D24 - 120 CF5B24 - 120
End Plate Sets (A) 1047743 (4) 1047750 (4) 1047757 (4)
Plain end plate set - 2 piece
Direct spark set includes #18075 spark ignitor &
1047744 (4) 1047751 (4) ---
provision to mount a flame rod (order #18117
Direct Spark End flame rod, if used, separately)
Plate & End Inlet
Flange Sets (A) 2" INLET DS SET W/18075 SI
2" inlet direct spark set includes #18075 spark
1047745 (4) 1047752 (4) ----
ignitor & provision for mounting a flame rod (order
#18117 flame rod, if used, separately)
Built-in pilot set, for direct mounted flame rod/UV
scanner & spark ignitor, includes #18075 spark 1047746 (6) 1047753 (6) 1047758 (6)
ignitor (order #18291 flame rod, if used,
Built-in pilot set, for externally mounting flame
rod/UV scanner & spark electrode (order flame rod 1047747 (6) 1047754 (6) 1047759 (6)
and/or electrode and external mounting assembly
Pilot End Plate separately)
AIRFLO-PAK pilot set, for direct mounted flame
rod/UV scanner & spark ignitor, includes #18075 1047748 (8) 1047755 (8) 1047755 (8) [1]
spark ignitor (order #18291 flame rod, if used, and
pilot mixer separately)
AIRFLO-PAK pilot set, for externally mounting
flame rod/UV scanner & spark electrode (order 1047749 (8) 1047756 (8) 1047756 (8) [1]
flame rod and/or spark electrode, pilot mixer and
external mounting assembly separately)
20103 (1) 20103 (1) [1]
Pilot Mixers for Atmospheric pilot mixer
(A) Pressure pilot mixer 11680 (2) 11680 (2) [1]
includes #38579 adjustable orifice
40907 (3)
External Mounting For internal spark ignitor & external UV scanner
Plate Assemblies EXT MTG PLT: EXT SPK ELEC & UV
(A) For external spark electrode & external UV 36544 (3)
scanner (order shrouded electrode separately)
[1] Uses ductile iron castings instead of aluminum-bronze castings. Lowers the maximum approach temperature to 1000°F.
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order the appropriate configured item number. To order loose
items, order individual assembly numbers.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Ductile iron bodies Ductile iron bodies Aluminum bronze
COMBUSTIFUME® Line Burners Material Specifications> w/#310 SS mixing w/Hastelloy X bodies w/Hastelloy
plates mixing plates X mixing plates
Configured Item Number> CF4D24 - 120 CF5D24 - 120 CF5B24 - 120
18075 (0.5)
Direct mounted spark ignitor 14mm
12" External mounted shrouded electrode
18" External mounted shrouded electrode
Spark Ignitor EXT MTD SHROUDED ELEC: L=24"
Sub-Assemblies 24" External mounted shrouded electrode
36" External mounted shrouded electrode
Quar tz ignitor w/ DI flange (See Page 5700-A/P-6)
Quar tz ignitor w/ AI BRZ flange CF5BQIGN
(See Page 5700-A/P-6)
Direct mounted flame rod sub-assembly 18117
Direct mounted flame rod sub-assembly 1037597
(length=7.125") with rubber cover
Direct mounted flame rod sub-assembly 18291
Flame Rod (length=12")
Direct mounted flame rod sub-assembly 1050318
(length=12") with rubber cover
Externally mounted flame rod sub-assembly 18410
Externally mounted flame rod sub-assembly 1050319
with cover (length=24")
Universal suppor t bracket, plated carbon steel, 23577
good up to 800°F (order in pairs)
Universal suppor t bracket,#304SS, good up to 39940
1600°F (order in pairs)
Division plate (A)
Accessory & 24003
Profile plate bracket (A)
Replacement Items
Electrode cover for flame rod or spark ignitor,
good for up to 450°F (R)
1049627 or 1049626 or 1049625
Body flange kits (fastener kits for joining two
(depends on temperature)
burner bodies)
End inlet flange kit (See Page 5700-A/P-5 for CF4D 2EIF CF5D 2EIF CF5B 2EIF
segment choices)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Configured End Inlet Flange Kits - Segment Choices
Item Segment Choices Descriptions Segment Values
2" NPT W/ .75"-10 THRD
For quar tz ignitors
2" ISO W/ .75"-10 THRD
2" NPT W/ 18075 (14MM) IGNITOR
Local internal ignitor
2" ISO W/ 18075 (14MM) IGNITOR
CF4D 2EIF For feed-through shrouded ignitors
CF5D 2EIF 2" ISO W/ .62 DRILL-THRU Specify quantities
600F BODY FLANGE KIT (STL) 600°F body flange fastener kit
800F BODY FLANGE KIT (SS) 800°F body flange fastener kit
High temperature body flange kit for
CF4D and CF5D
High temperature body flange
fastener kit for CF5B
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail – Quartz Ignitors
Configured Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Choice Description
Item Number (DEFAULT is shaded)
12 12" long
18 18" long
20 20" long
24 24" long
30 30" long
36 36" long
42 42" long
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Configured Spare Parts Kits
Description Aluminum bronze bodies Ductile iron bodies
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for COMBUSTIFUME® Burners
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Choice Description
Aluminum Bronze Ductile Iron
DIRECT MTD SPARK IGNITOR NONE No segment choices available
7.125" LONG (FOR DIR MTD) 7.125" flame rod for direct mounting
MOUNTED FLAME ROD 12" LONG (FOR DIR MTD) 12" flame rod for direct mounting
24" LONG (FOR EXTL MTD) 24" flame rod for external mounting
7.125" LONG (FOR DIR MTD) 7.125" flame rod for direct mounting
MTD FLAME ROD W/RUBBER COVER 12" LONG (FOR DIR MTD) 12" flame rod for direct mounting
24" LONG (FOR EXTL MTD) 24" flame rod for external mounting
INERNAL SPARK FEED-THRU NONE No segment choices available
FEED-THRU INSULATOR PACKING NONE No segment choices available
12" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 12" spark electrode
18" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 18" spark electrode
24" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 24" spark electrode
36" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 36" spark electrode
12" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 12" spark electrode with rubber cover
18" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 18" spark electrode with rubber cover
24" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 24" spark electrode with rubber cover
36" SHROUDED ELECTRODE 36" spark electrode with rubber cover
12" QUARTZ IGNITOR 12" quar tz spark ignitor
18" QUARTZ IGNITOR 18" quar tz spark ignitor
20" QUARTZ IGNITOR 20" quar tz spark ignitor
24" QUARTZ IGNITOR 24" quar tz spark ignitor
30" QUARTZ IGNITOR 30" quar tz spark ignitor
36" QUARTZ IGNITOR 36" quar tz spark ignitor
42" QUARTZ IGNITOR 42" quar tz spark ignitor
48" QUARTZ IGNITOR 48" quar tz spark ignitor
12" QUARTZ IGNITOR 12" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
18" QUARTZ IGNITOR 18" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
20" QUARTZ IGNITOR 20" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
24" QUARTZ IGNITOR 24" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
30" QUARTZ IGNITOR 30" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
36" QUARTZ IGNITOR 36" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
42" QUARTZ IGNITOR 42" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
48" QUARTZ IGNITOR 48" quar tz spark ignitor with carbon steel tube
Continued on following page
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for COMBUSTIFUME® Burners (continued)
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Choice Description
Aluminum Bronze Ductile Iron
12" QUARTZ IGNITOR 12" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
18" QUARTZ IGNITOR 18" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
20" QUARTZ IGNITOR 20" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
24" QUARTZ IGNITOR 24" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
30" QUARTZ IGNITOR 30" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
36" QUARTZ IGNITOR 36" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
42" QUARTZ IGNITOR 42" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
48" QUARTZ IGNITOR 48" quar tz spark ignitor with stainless steel tube
RUBBER COVER NONE No segment choices available
Adjustable orifice available only with ductile iron body
GASKET SEALANT NONE No segment choices available
Segment Choice Detail -Configured Spare Parts Kits for COMBUSTIFUME® Burners (continued)
Segment Choices
Segment Name Aluminum Secondary Segment Choices Segment Choice Description
Ductile Iron
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
FLANGE GASKET ONLY Includes flange gasket only
600F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 600°F
800F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 800°F
1050F (MAX) GASKET KIT Gasket kit for up to 1050°F
NONE Do not include with order
YES Include with order
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Optional Accessory and Replacement Items - Spark Ignitors
Ductile iron bodies Ductile iron bodies Aluminum bronze
with #310 SS mixing with Hastelloy X bodies w/Hastelloy X
Material Specifications >
plates mixing plates mixing plates
Configured Item Number > CF4D24 - 120 CF5D24 - 120 CF5B24 - 120
12" 24715
18" 21063
Ceramic ignitor
24" 21064
36" 35553
12" 36539
Ceramic ignitor 18" 36540
with rubber cover 24" 36541
36" 36542
12" 44665
18" 44666
20" 45716
24" 44667
Quartz ignitor
30" 44668
36" 44669
42" 44935
Spark Ignitors 48" 44670
(R) 12" 44658
18" 44659
20" 45715
Quartz ignitor 24" 44660
with carbon steel tube 30" 44661
36" 44662
42" 44933
48" 44663
12" 44652
18" 44653
20" not available
Quartz ignitor 24" 44654
with stainless steel tube 30" 44655
36" 44656
42" 44934
48" 44657
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Optional Accessory and Replacement Items - Flame Rods
Ductile iron Ductile iron bodies Aluminum bronze
bodies with #310 with Hastelloy X bodies w/Hastelloy X
Material Specifications >
SS mixing plates mixing plates mixing plates
Configured Item Number > CF4D24 - 120 CF5D24 - 120 CF5B24 - 120
7.125" long (for direct
Mounted Flame mounted)
Rod 12" long (for direct mounted) 18291
24" long (for external mounted) 18410
Flame Rods
7.125" long (for direct
Mounted Flame mounted) 1037597
Rod with Rubber
12" long (for direct mounted) 1050318
24" long (for external mounted) 1050319
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Raw Gas INCINO-PAK® Burner Sections Segment choices are as follows for
(includes spark electrode & adjustable pilot gas orifice) configured products:
Ductile iron bodies Ductile iron bodies
Description with #310 stainless with Hastelloy X • Connection type
steel mixing plates mixing plates • Back inlet type
Series 600 CF • Section type
• Extension (location A)
Series 800 CF CF4D IP CF5D IP
• Extension (location B)
Series 1100 CF • Extension (location C)
NOTE: Each open end of these burner sections must be closed • Extension (location D)
off with an end plate from options listed onpage 5700-A/P-3. • Max. Approach Air Temp. (°F)
MAX. APPROACH AIR Maximum approach air 450 450°F approach air temperature (max)
TEMP (°F) temperature 600 600°F approach air temperature (max)
800 800°F approach air temperature (max)
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Configured Spare Parts Kit for CF INCINO-PAK® Burners
Description Ductile Iron Bodies
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners have been specifically designed for the thermal incineration in
cylindrical combustion chambers of combustible gaseous effluents from a wide variety of industrial
• Considerable savings in primary energy are realized since the raw gas Circular INCINO-PAK®
Burners do not require any external combustion air source. All the oxygen for combustion comes
from the oxygen content normally in most effluent air streams.
• Two popular sizes are offered: 4,000,000 or 8,000,000 maximum Btu/hr capacities. Both sizes
provide 20:1 turndown capabilities on natural gas.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 5752
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX 765-286-8394
Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners Page 5753
Page 5754 Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners
Gross opening =
net area + (425.6 in2 – burner net free area)
(from (approx. area (from chart
step 6) of extension pg. 5753)
sleeve blockage)
300,000 600,000
200,000 400,000
Page 5756 Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners
Spark Ignitor
Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners Page 5757
Component Identification
Page 5758 Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners
Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners Page 5750-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to a
safety control system) shut the fuel supply off with a
These mounting instructions for Circular INCINO-
PAK® Burners are in addition to the specific instruc- loss of electrical power. Manual reset valves require
tions offered for other Maxon component items: operator attendance each time the system is started
– Shut-Off Valves (pages 6100-S-1 through S-10) up (or restarted after a shut-down). Motorized shut-
– Flow Control Valves (pages 7000-S-1 through S-4) off valves permit automatic start/restart when used
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage with appropriate control system.
of pipe train components or burner gas ports. All dirt, Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
scale and pipe dope should be blown out of any gas ment. At a minimum, they should be provided at each
line before actually connecting to the burner system. burner inlet. Test connections should never be
Main gas shut-off cock should be upstream of installed in elbows or pipe tees. Test connections
both main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it must be plugged except when readings are being
to shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during taken.
shutdown periods of more than a few hours. Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners are special configu-
rations of back inlet feed sections designed to provide
Maxon Control Valves, such as the Series “Q” “outside-the-duct” access to the pilot, ignitor and
and MICRO-RATIO® Valves, are not intended for flame safeguard components.
tight shut-off. These burners are used in end-fired incinerators or
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a preheaters. As such, the mounting and installation of
uniform system supply pressure. A separate regulator Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners differs slightly from
should be provided in the branch leading to each other types of Maxon AIRFLO® Burners.
burner system if more than one is served by a com- Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners mount through the
mon main. Size regulator for full system capacity at duct/chamber wall and extend their burner mixing
required pressure, including pipe train losses and any cones out into the air stream. They must still be
positive chamber pressure. Follow the instructions profiled in the chamber, since a pressure drop must
attached to the regulator during installation. be maintained within certain limits just like all Maxon
Pilot take-off should be upstream of main gas AIRFLO® Burners.
regulator but downstream of main gas cock. It should The externally mounted burner body housing
normally include its own pilot gas regulator (selected remains on the outside of the duct/chamber.
to meet pilot flow and pressure needs), a solenoid A typical Circular INCINO-PAK® Burner system
valve, and shut-off cock. The adjustable gas orifice piping layout is illustrated in the drawing below:
cock at the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment.
Maxon assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the piping layout shown. Specific
piping and wiring diagrams should always be submitted to the appropriate agencies for
approval on each application.
7/92 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 5750-S-2 Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners
Installation Instructions
Circular INCINO-PAK® Burner mounting
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
7/92 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
7/92 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series “G” Circular INCINO-PAK® Burners Replacement Items
Series "G" Standard Burner assembly Spark Ignitor assembly includes
INCINO-PAK® through-wall complete with #41058 ignitor, #18722 electrode cover,
Burner Size assembly wall plug spark wire & ceramic spacers
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
24 lineal feet assembly of LN4-12-G LO-NOX™ Burner including end plates and pilot assembly
• Provides direct-fired, in-the-duct, process air heating with greatly reduced generation of NOx
• Burns clean and odor-free with most low pressure gaseous fuels
• Direct-firing optimizes heat transfer efficiencies. All available heat from the gaseous fuel is
released directly into the passing air stream.
• Modular burner design permits shaping the burner element and total heat release to match your
specific application’s requirements. Basic building block concept provides infinite number of possible
burner configurations to meet your needs.
• Long service life and lower maintenance cost result from rust-resistant iron burner bodies and
the controlled expansion of stainless steel mixing plate’s design
• High turndown ratio promotes application flexibility for all fresh or recirculated air stream
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX 765-286-8394
Page 5802
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX 765-286-8394
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5803
Volume (CFM)
Velocity (FPM) = Net Free
Area (ft2)
Page 5804 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Capacity/Selection Data
LO-NOX™ Line Burners with Series “HG” Mixing Tubes
Fresh and recirculated air streams may be heated Table 1: Design Parameters
with LO-NOX™ Burners supplied with a full premixture Maximum Combustion air Differential mixture
of air and natural, propane, or butane gas. capacity required pressure (inches w.c.)
A complete burner system to handle these heat release through "HG" Mixing as measured between
applications would include a LO-NOX™ Line Burner Btu/hr per lineal Tube (SCFM per burner inlet and
foot of LO-NOX lineal foot of duct/chamber static
assembly, Series “HG” Mixing Tube, MICRO-RATIO® ™ Burner LO-NOX™ Burner) [1] pressure
Control Valve and a combustion air blower. Your
200,000 40 1.7
Maxon representative can help you select from the
300,000 60 3.5
broad range of options available.
400,000 80 6.5
General Selection Procedure: 500,000 100 10
1. Calculate gross heat requirement. 550,000 110 12
2. Determine burner footage and inlet feed [1] This air volume is for a 12:1 air/gas ratio.
3. Enter Table 1 under column with your capacity
needs for parameters of your application. Table 2: Series "HG" Mixing Tube Selection
4. Select “HG” Mixing Tube size from Table 2 based "HG" Mixing SCFM combustion air volume required at
Tube Size maximum through "HG" Mixing Tube
upon the volume of air required.
2" 0 to 190
Example: 3" 90 to 260
– Required heat release of 7,000,000 Btu/hr 4" 175 to 500
From Table 1 6" 400 to 1167
8" 880 to 2500
A. Gross heat required: 7,000,000 Btu/hr
7,000,000 Btu Table 3: Gas Orifice Drillings for Series "HG" Mixing Tubes
B. = 14 ft. NOTE: Drillings below based on 2 PSIG inlet gas pressure
500,000 Btu/ft (measured at "HG" Mixing Tube gas inlet)
For fully premixed systems
C. 14 ft. x 100 SCFM/ft = 1400 SCFM primary air with Size of "HG"
Combustion air Gas orifice drillings for
Mixing Tube
differential mixture pressure = 14" wc pressure LO-NOX™ Burners (number of gas
measured at air for for for orifices in
From Table 2 inlet of "HG" Natural Propane Butane parentheses)
Mixing Tube Gas Gas Gas
D. Since single 8" “HG” Mixing Tube is rated for a
maximum of 2500 SCFM, this requires (1) 8" “HG” 8 osi 11/64" 9/64" #29
Mixing Tube with gas orifices from Table 3. 12 osi 7/32" #16 #18 2" HG
E. Select MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve 16 osi 15/64" #11 #14
– For 1400 SCFM air = (84,000 SCFH) 8 osi 3/16" #23 #27
– For 7000 SCFH natural gas 12 osi 13/64" #18 #22 3" HG
(See Maxon catalog bulletin 7000) 16 osi 7/32" #15 #18
NOTE: Select gas control valve carefully to achieve 8 osi A #1 2 #15
maximum operating flexibility within its adjusting 12 osi F #3 #8 4" HG
capability. Keep control valve size small so pressure (8)
16 osi J #1 3/8"
drop through fully open valve at maximum flow
8 osi F #4 #8
capacity is within range of controllability. 6" HG
12 osi K #1 7/32"
F. If available inlet gas pressure is above 10 PSIG, (12)
16 osi N D A
consider double stage regulation to minimize
8 osi S 9/32" 17/64"
12 osi 13/32" U 11/32" 8" HG
16 osi 15/32" U 11/32"
Page 5806 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
6" straight 12" straight 12" x 6" tee 12" x 12" cross
section section section section
A (size) B A (size)
2 0.88 3
2.5 4
4 3.5
Page 5808 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
All open ends of a burner assembly must be closed off with one of these end closures,
or with a pilot end plate or pilot assembly as shown below and on page 5809.
Pilot set
UV scanner can be
mounted through straight-
in flame rod location. 1"
tap is bushed to 1/4" for
flame rod.
flame rod
UV scanner can be
mounted through straight-
in flame rod location. 1"
tap is bushed to 1/4" for
flame rod.
flame rod
NOTE: See catalog page position
5804 for specific inlet
feed capacity limitations.
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5809
Atmospheric type
with fixed orifice
Atmospheric type
with adjustable orifice Pressure type with adjustable orifice
NOTE: Order
18" long spark
electrode sub-
Page 5810 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
1 14mm
Spark Ignitor
Spark Electrode
Universal support bracket
Normally used in pairs as shown below. Mount to 12"
burner assembly at any joint between sections.
Two versions available: zinc plated carbon steel for
maximum inlet temperature up to 750°F (399°C) or
#304SS for maximum inlet temperature up to 1600°F
Page 5812 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Part Description
To order replacement parts:
Number 1. Identify specific LO-NOX™ Burner series/type
1 Burner body from burner assembly information plate pictured
2 Back up bar (straight)
3 Gasket, body (straight)
2. Provide sketch of burner arrangement, as
4 Back up bar (inside)
5 Gasket, inside
viewed from back (or casting side) of assembly.
6 Back up bar (outside) For example:
7 Flame protection rail (outside)
7a Flame protection rail (inside)
8 Support bracket gasket 18 GA
9 6" mixing plate
10 Corner mixing plate
12 M10 - 1.5 x 45 hex head cap screw
13 M10 - 1.5 finished hex nut 3. Specify quantity of each replacement item
14 #10 -24 FLEX-LOK hex nut
required from table at left.
15 #10 -24 x 1/2" indented hex head machine screw
16 #10 -24 x 2-1/4" indented hex head machine screw
17 Washer LO-NOX™ Line Burner Information Plate
18 #10 -24 x 3/8" indented hex head machine screw
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5800-S-1
Installation Instructions
General Fuel shut-off valves (when properly connected to
These mounting instructions for LO-NOX™ Line a safety control system) shut the fuel supply off with a
loss of electrical power. Manual reset valves require
Burners are in addition to the general AIRFLO® Line
operator attendance each time the system is started
Burner installation instructions published on
Maxon catalog pages 5000-S-1 through 5000-S-10. up (or restarted after a shut-down). Motorized shut-
Specific instructions are also offered for other off valves permit automatic start/restart when used
with appropriate control system.
Maxon component items:
– Shut-Off Valves (pages 6000-S-1 through S-14) Test connections are essential for burner adjust-
– Flow Control Valves (pages 7000-S-1 through S-4) ment. At a minimum, they should be provided down-
– Mixing Tubes (pages 3200-S-1 through S-6) stream of any mixing tube and at each burner inlet.
Read complete instructions before proceeding, Test connections should never be installed in elbows
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s equip- or pipe tees. Test connections must be plugged
ment components. Verify that your equipment has except when readings are being taken.
been installed in accordance with the original
manufacturer’s current instructions.
Clean fuel lines are essential to prevent blockage Bolt Torque Tightening
of pipe train components or burner gas ports. All dirt, 1. Apply Never-Seez (anti-seize and lubricating
scale and pipe dope should be blown out of any new compound) to the threads of the bolts to improve
gas line before actually connecting to the burner the pre-loading of the gasket.
system. 2. Tighten the bolts to 1/2 the specified value (see
Main gas shut-off cock should be upstream of table below), starting at position 1 and working to
both main gas regulator and pilot line take-off. Use it position 6.
to shut off fuel to both pilot and main burner during 3. Tighten the bolts to the full torque value, starting at
shutdown periods of more than a few hours. MICRO- position 1 and working to position 6.
RATIO® Control Valves are not intended for tight 4. Tighten the bolts again to the full value starting at
shut-off. position 1 and working to position 6.
Main gas regulator is essential to maintain a
uniform system supply pressure. A separate regulator
should be provided in the branch leading to each
burner system if more than one is served by a com-
mon main. Size regulator for full system capacity at
required pressure, including pipe train losses. Follow
the instructions attached to the regulator during
Pilot take-off should be upstream of main gas
regulator but downstream of main gas cock. It should
normally include its own pilot gas regulator (selected
to meet pilot flow and pressure needs), a solenoid Torque Values
valve and shut-off cock. An adjustable gas orifice at Bolt Size Bolt Material Torque Value Units
the pilot inlet simplifies adjustment. M10 Plated steel 186 in lbs
Appropriate pilots should be provided which are M10 Stainless steel 248 in lbs
compatible with the type of burner and control system M10 High alloy 45 ft lbs
being used.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Premixed Air/Gas Manifolding Suggestions
1. Always design air/gas manifold piping for uniform Sketch below shows four inlets being fed from one
distribution to multiple-feed or multiple-burner end-fed header. Note that full premixture manifold
systems. Select manifold piping sizes by start- size is continued past all burner take-offs, and outlet
ing at the burner/nozzle end and working extended and capped one pipe diameter length
backward to the premixer discharge. beyond last take-off. Always keep premixer device a
2. Always make sure that any distribution header is minimum of four pipe diameters in length from first
greater in cross-sectional area than the total cross- take-off.
sectional area(s) of any and all pipes being fed.
3. Never install a throttling or shut-off device in any
air/gas mixture line between the premixing device
and its burner(s).
The chart below gives typical pipe data for use in
designing air/gas distribution manifolds.
12 12 12.75 113.097
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
A fully premixed air/gas mixture must be supplied Natural gas pressure generally required (as
to your LO-NOX™ Burner to support proper combus- measured at the mixer gas inlet) is 1 PSIG higher
tion. With “fully-premixed” LO-NOX™ Burner systems, than air pressure for “HG” Mixing Tubes.
a Series “HG” Mixing Tube with MICRO-RATIO® Anything more than minimal distance or piping
Control Valve is often used to premix gas and air prior turns may necessitate “oversizing” piping runs to keep
to its introduction to the LO-NOX™ Line Burner pressure drops within acceptable ranges.
assembly. Inlet pipe leading to any burner should be at least
A typical “HG” Mixing Tube system piping four pipe diameters in length. If multiple burners are
layout is illustrated below. fed from a single gas train, care should be taken to
minimize pressure drop and give maximum uniformity.
CAUTION: Do not install any shut-off device in
the air/gas mixture line.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Initial start-up adjustment should only be accom-
plished during a “manual” burner control mode.
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
linkage from your MICRO-RATIO® Control
Valve’s operating crank arm (or from your
Maxon Control Valve) by loosening the control
motor’s connecting rod from the valve’s toggle
linkage. Manually set and secure control valve in
its “minimum” position.
5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
Check for proper blower motor rotation and
impeller direction. Verify that all control inter-
locks are working. Allow air handling equipment
to run for adequate purge of your manifolds and
combustion chamber plenums. With main gas
shut off, manually advance MICRO-RATIO®
Control Valve’s operating crank to “high fire”
position so that air only flows through burner and
combustion chamber.
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
typically controlling sequential operations.
6. Check minimum mixture pressure at burners
by turning the MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve to
its minimum position and reading differential air
pressure only at each burner with a water Having marked and/or recorded the MICRO-
column manometer. Any reading below 0.10" wc RATIO® Control Valve’s air valve settings for
differential (natural gas) requires re-adjustment both minimum and maximum firing positions,
as described below. you may adjust the linkage and travel of the gas
Setting minimum mixture pressure with a valve’s stroke (see sketch below).
MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve and Series Loosen Allen set screw “A” and binding screw
“HG” Mixing Tube system: “B” in toggle “C”. Move the toggle in universal
If minimum mixture pressure must be in- cam assembly slot towards the center of rotation
creased, open the MICRO-RATIO® air valve so that gas valve can rotate from its minimum to
slowly (by turning toward higher-numbered maximum position, while the air valve swings
positions) until the required differential air between the established (and marked) minimum
(mixture) pressure is reached, then mark air and maximum settings.
valve dial at the position opposite pointer. This
point will become the minimum air setting for
your MICRO-RATIO® Valve mixing tube system.
Continue opening the MICRO-RATIO® air
valve while watching the manometer connected
into the burner’s air/gas mixture manifold.
Determine the point at which further opening of
the air valve gives no appreciable increase in air
pressure within the manifold/burner. Mark the air
valve dial at this position opposite the air valve
pointer. This point will become the maximum air
setting for your MICRO-RATIO® Valve mixing
tube system.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-Up Instructions
Place air valve on pre-determined “minimum” Refine pilot setting for a hard blue flame
position and rotate gas valve to its “minimum” (and/or strongest micro-amp signal) by adjusting
setting position. Tighten down set screw “A” and gas flow through pilot orifice and/or pilot
binding screw “B” with both valves set at regulator.
“minimum”. Shut off pilot gas cock to extinguish pilot fire.
Establish set screw “A” as minimum-end Re-open and confirm easy re-ignition several
adjustment point and binding screw “B” as times. The flame safeguard relays should now
maximum-end adjustment point. (Note: It doesn’t power the main fuel shut-off valves.
matter which is maximum or minimum, as long 9. Light main burners at minimum as follows:
as you identify and keep the same reference First, turn MICRO-RATIO® Valve to its
points for the next adjustment steps.) minimum setting (which may be at position 1 or
Now rotate MICRO-RATIO® Valve to “maxi- 2 after completing step 6), then open fuel shut-
mum” position. The air valve maximum setting off valve and turn corresponding screw in
was previously determined. Loosen binding (clockwise) until flame ignites across burner
screw “B” and adjust pointer and linkage to face. (This may take several turns of the screw.)
correct just half the distance required to make NOTE: At this point, it is more important to get
the air valve pointer indicate the maximum air any kind of a flame as soon as possible. The
valve setting. flame geometry can be adjusted and refined as
Re-tighten binding screw “B” and return the needed later.
MICRO-RATIO® Valve to the “minimum” air A good minimum fire should provide uniform
setting. flame across the entire burner face, contained
This time, loosen set screw “A” and again within the zipper flame channel at the base of
correct for just half the distance required to burner mixing plates. Any thin spots or gaps
make the air valve pointer indicate the minimum indicate uneven air velocity over the burner
air valve setting. which must be corrected or a higher minimum
Re-tighten set screw “A” and again return the fire established by continuing to turn in on the
MICRO-RATIO® Valve to its maximum position. minimum stop screw.
Similarly, correct one half the distance with 10. Once your flame is established and refined at
binding screw “B” for the maximum setting, etc. this position, and without advancing the screw
Continue this adjustment procedure until the carrier quadrant higher, screw all remaining
gas and air valves reach their minimum and screws down to at least the same level as your
maximum positions simultaneously. Normally, first adjusted screw.
this is accomplished within seven adjustments. Once the gas is applied to the burner, you
7. Remove cover plate from screw carrier cam may find that a LOUD howling is set-up by the
assembly and turn all adjusting screws counter- duct system. This howling means that the burner
clockwise until flush with outer surface of casting is firing too rich. Back out on the gas screws and
(new equipment is shipped this way). the noise will stop. The burner is then adjusted
8. Open main and pilot gas cocks and light first so that the flame is lean. You will know you have
burner pilot following instructions appropriate for adjusted the burner too lean if the flame fails to
that burner and pilot type. If multiple pilots are cross ignite across the face.
used, open individual cocks and adjust each in NOTE: A preliminary setting can be established
turn. with all the remaining adjusting screws. Gener-
To light and adjust gas pilot: Check to ally, each succeeding screw needs to be
insure pilot combustion air supply is flowing to screwed in approximately one full turn more
any pressure pilot mixer. Pilot gas regulator (clockwise) than its preceding screw. A smooth
should initially be set at approximately midpoint “stair-step” gradient pre-set at this point from low
of its adjustment range. With pilot gas solenoid to high will simplify the remaining adjustment
closed, open main fuel gas and pilot gas cock. steps.
Energize spark ignitor and pilot gas solenoid.
Observe pilot ignition through sight port of pilot
assembly and/or by viewing micro-amp signal
metered from flame safeguard relay circuit.
9/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 5800-S-6 LO-NOX™ Line Burners
Start-Up Instructions
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately NOTE: Dust and/or chemicals entrained into
return MICRO-RATIO® Control Valve to passing air stream may affect physical color of
minimum position and shut off fuel (if flame flame. In this case, adjust burner for stable flame
safeguard has not already done so). Turn in shape and geometry.
slightly on adjusting screw at point where To measure mixture pressure, connect
ignition was lost, then return valve to minimum water column (manometer) to the test connec-
position, re-establish pilot, open fuel valve and tion in burner’s end plate. To determine air
verify ignition. velocity, use a velometer at the profile opening.
Correct velocities by increasing or decreasing
11. Without advancing the valve quadrant, screw profile opening size.
down clockwise on #2 screw (one or two turns). If flame is too short, gas pressure may be too
Then slowly advance the screw carrier quadrant low and should be increased, or velocities are
to the #2 position. Adjust flame appearance at too high and may need to be decreased.
this new position #2. NOTE: Air velocities should be measured only
NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory construc- when the fan is handling air at the desired
tion, allow your burner system to operate at this control temperature.
low setting for the necessary dry/cure-out time 13. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
period recommended by the chamber or refrac- refine adjustment, if necessary.
tory manufacturer. Then continue adjustments of For operation with interrupted pilot (as
valve. recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
12. Again, without moving valve, bring #3 and all from minimum to maximum and back several
remaining adjusting screws down to the same times to verify the flame is maintained.
level as #2 screw.
NOTE: If approximate pre-set gradient was CAUTION: After completing previously listed
made earlier, the remaining screws will already steps, check all interlocking safety components
be at or below appropriate levels. and circuitry to prove that they are properly
Progressively work your way up through each installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth in doubt, shut the system down, close main and
progression slope from your first screw to the pilot cocks, and contact responsible individual
“maximum” position. before proceeding further.
As each is adjusted, you must turn the 14. Reconnect linkage to control motor, plug all
remaining unadjusted screws in at least that far test connections, replace equipment cover caps
to prevent possible damage to flexible cam and tighten linkage screws.
strips inside the screw carrier cam assembly. 15. Check out overall system operation by cycling
Turning a screw in “clockwise” gives more through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
gas at that setting; turning it out gives less. and allowing temperature control system to
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, you cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
must move the valve quadrant to the number return.
you desire to adjust. This aligns the adjusting Re-check all safety system interlocks for
screw directly on top of the fuel valve plunger. A proper setting and operation.
resulting adjustment of the screw is directly
applied to the fuel valve plunger and its intercon- WARNING: Test every UV installation for
nected valve body linkage. dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
Observe flame characteristics carefully. other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
Flame should remain a bright blue color with a radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
length beyond the mixing plates as indicated in connections.
capacity/specification data. If flame becomes 16. Before system is placed into full service,
long and yellow, gas pressure is too high and/or instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
air velocity is too low. operation and shut-down of system. Establish
written instructions for their future reference.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Burner 12" straight (-12) LN3-12-G-120 1049739 (22) LN4-12-G-120 1049740 (22) LN5-12-G-120 1049741 (22)
Sections 12" x 6" tee (-T) LN3-T-G-120 1049842 (30) LN4-T-G-120 1049843 (30) LN5-T-G-120 1049844 (30)
12" x 12" cross (-X) [1] LN3-X-D-120 1049775 (35) LN4-X-G-120 1049776 (35) LN5-X-D-120 1049777 (35)
Back Inlet 12" back inlet straight
Feed Sections LN3-12B-G-120 1049754 (31) LN4-12B-G-120 1049755 (31) LN5-12B-G-120 1049756 (31)
(each requires
an inlet flange
from options 12" x 12" back inlet
LN3-BX-D-120 1049833 (42) LN4-BX-D-120 1049834 (42) LN5-BX-D-120 1049835 (42)
listed below) cross (-BX) [1]
Plain end plate set LN3-AL3-G 1050142 (4) LN4-D 1050148 (4) LN5-D 1050153 (4)
End Plate &
End Inlet 2" NPT inlet set LN3-AL3-G 1050143 (4) --- --- --- ---
Flange Sets 2" NPT inlet set w/ SQ
LN3-AL3-G 1052134 --- --- --- ---
Pipe Plug
DS set includes #18075
spark ignitor & provision
for mounting flame rod LN3-AL3-G 1050144 (5) LN4-D 1050149 (5) --- ---
(order #18117 flame rod,
Direct Sparked if used, separately)
End Plate &
End Inlet 2" inlet DS set includes
Flange Sets #18075 spark ignitor &
provision for mounting
LN3-AL3-G 1050145 (5) LN4-D 1050150 (5) LN5-D 1050154 (5)
flame rod (order #18117
flame rod, if used,
[1] 12" x 12" cross and 12" x 12" back inlet cross sections include ductile iron body castings; all others are gray iron
* ISO threaded.
NOTE: To order line burner arrangements, order appropriate configured item number. To order loose items,
order individual assembly numbers.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
LO-NOX™ Line Burner LN3 LN4 LN5
Material Specifications > Gray iron Gray iron Gray iron
bodies [1] with bodies [1] with bodies [1] with
#321 stainless #310 stainless Hastelloy X
Item Description steel mixing steel mixing mixing plates
plates plates
AIRFLO-PAK pilot set FR/SI for direct end-mounted
flame rod/UV scanner & spark ignitor (includes #18075
1050146 (8) 1050151 (8) 1050155 (8)
AIRFLO-PAK Pilot Sets spark ignitor; order flame rod, if used, and pilot mixer
(each requires a pilot separately)
mixer from options listed AIRFLO-PAK pilot set FR/SI for externally mounted
below) flame rod/UV scanner & spark electode (order flame rod
1050147 (8) 1050152 (8) 1050156 (8)
and/or spark electrode, pilot mixer, and external mounting
assembly separately)
Atmospheric pilot mixer 16948 (1) 20103
Pilot Mixer Options for
Atmospheric pilot mixer includes shut-off cock, tubing,
AIRFLO-PAK pilot 12326 (2) --- ---
and #39294 adjustable orifice
assemblies above
Pressure pilot mixer includes #38579 adjustable orifice 17082 (2) 11680
For internal spark ignitor & external UV scanner 19561 (3)
For internal spark ignitor & internal flame rod 19225 (3)
External Mounting For external spark electrode & external UV scanner
Plate Assemblies 36593 (3) 36544 (3)
(order spark electrode separately)
For external spark electrode & external flame rod (order
36594 (3) ---
spark electrode & flame rod separately)
14mm spark ignitor (for direct mounted assemblies) (R) 18075 (0.5)
L = 12" --- 36539 (2.5)
Spark Ignitor/Electrode
L = 18" 36538 (4) 36540 (4)
Sub-Assemblies Externally mounted electrodes (A)
L = 24" --- 36541 (6)
L = 36" --- 36542 (8)
Flame Rod Flame rod L = 7.125" (for direct mounted assemblies) 18117 (0.5) ---
Sub-Assemblies Flame rod L = 24" (for externally mounted assemblies) 36537 (1.3) ---
Plated 1068679
End Plate Spare
Stainless steel 1068678
Fastener Kit
A-286 high temp 1068686
Universal support Plated carbon steel,
23577 (0.2)
bracket good up to 800°F
(order in pairs) (A) #304SS, good up to 1600°F 39940 (0.2)
Division plate (A) 18891 (0.5)
Profile plate bracket (A) 20223 (0.5)
Optional Accessory L = 12" --- 24715 (2)
and L = 18" 17426 (1) 21063 (3)
Replacement Spark electrode (R)
Items L = 24" --- 21064 (4)
L = 36" --- 35553 (5)
Flame rod L = 24" (R) 18410 (1)
Rubber cover for flame rod/spark ignitor (A/R) 18722 (0.2)
Adjustable orifice 3/8" (for pressure pilot mixer) (R) 38579 (0.5)
Adjustable orifice (for atmospheric pilot mixer) (R) 39294 (0.5)
[1] 12" x 12" cross and 12" x 12" back inlet cross sections include ductile iron body castings
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
LO-NOX™ Line Burners Page 5800-A/P-3
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for LN3 LO-NOX
Configured Item Number Segment Name Segment Description
DIRECT MTG SPARK IGNITOR Direct mounted spark ignitor
DIRECT MTG FLAME ROD -7.125" Direct mounted flame rod (length = 7.125")
EXTERNAL MTD FLAME ROD - 24" External mounted flame rod (length - 24")
SPARK ELECTRODE - 18" Spark electrode (length = 18")
RUBBER COVER Rubber cover for flame rod or spark electrode
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (PRESS) Adjustable orifice (pressure)
BODY FLANGE GASKET Body flange gasket
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT - STR Back inlet flange gasket - straight
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT - H Back inlet flange gasket - H
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -CROSS Back inlet flange gasket - cross
GASKET SEALANT Gasket sealant
STR FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Straight flange kit 600 degrees F (maximum)
STR FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) Straight flange kit 800 degrees F (maximum)
STR BI FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) Straight back inlet flange kit 800 degrees F (maximum)
36H BI FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) 36H back inlet flange kit 800 degrees F (maximum)
CRSS BI FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) Cross back inlet flange kit 800 degrees F (maximum)
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (ATMOS) Adjustable orifice (atmosphere)
SHUT-OFF COCK Shut-off cock
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Configured Spare Parts Kits for LN4 & LN5 LO-NOX™ Burners
Configured Item
Segment Name Segment Choices Segment Description
DIRECT MTG SPARK IGNITOR Specify quantity Direct mounted spark ignitor
DIRECT MTG FLAME ROD -7.125" Specify quantity Direct mounted flame rod (length = 7.125")
EXTERNAL MTD FLAME ROD - 24" Specify quantity External mounted flame rod (length - 24")
FEED-THRU INSULATOR PACKING Specify quantity Feed-thru insulator packing
CERAMIC IGNITOR Ceramic ignitor
CERAMIC IGNITOR W/RUBBER CVR Ceramic ignitor with rubber cover
LN4 RSP RUBBER COVER Specify quantity Rubber cover for flame rod or spark electrode
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (PRESS) Specify quantity Adjustable orifice (pressure)
BODY FLANGE GASKET Specify quantity Body flange gasket
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT - STR Specify quantity Back inlet flange gasket - straight
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT - H Specify quantity Back inlet flange gasket - H
BACK INLET FLANGE GSKT -CROSS Specify quantity Back inlet flange gasket - cross
GASKET SEALANT Specify quantity Gasket sealant
STR FLANGE KIT 600F (MAX) Specify quantity Straight flange kit 600° F (maximum)
STR FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) Specify quantity Straight flange kit 800° F (maximum)
STR BI FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) Specify quantity Straight back inlet flange kit 800° F (maximum)
36H BI FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) Specify quantity 36H back inlet flange kit 800° F (maximum)
CRSS BI FLANGE KIT 800F (MAX) Specify quantity Cross back inlet flange kit 800° F (maximum)
ADJUSTABLE ORIFICE (ATMOS) Specify quantity Adjustable orifice (atmosphere)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Bulletin 5900
• Process pressure drops across the burner as low as 0.2" w.c. (0.5 mbar)
• Extremely clean and odor-free combustion with low NOx and CO production levels
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 5902
End Plate
End Plate Burner
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
“HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners Page 5903
“HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners English Units Metric Units
Maximum capacity for TEG 5.5 MBtu/hr/ft 1600 kW/ft
Maximum capacity for fresh air 6.1 MBtu/hr/ft 1800 kW/ft
Minimum capacity for TEG and fresh air heating 0.68 MBtu/hr/ft 200 kW/ft
Fuels Natural gas - hydrogen gas or mixture of both
Natural gas pressure for maximum capacity 14.5 psig 1 bar
TEG 0.2" - 0.6" w.c. 0.5 - 1.5 mbar
Process air pressure differential over burner
Fresh air 0.2" w.c. 0.5 mbar
TEG max. 6.6 ft. 2m at max. capacity
Flame length with natural gas fuel Fresh air 6.6 feet @ 3.4 MBtu/hr/ft
25 m at 1 MW and over
max. and over
Flame width with natural gas fuel 3.28 ft. Approx. 1 m at max capacity
Maximum burner length for end feed fuel inlet 6 ft. 1.83 meters
Burner width 16.53" 420 mm
Burner displacement 1.237 ft2/foot length 1150 cm2/unit
Upstream of
1112°F 600°C
Temperature limits
1742°F 950°C
of burner
CO < 100mg/nm3 @ 3% O2
Fresh air CO < 84 ppm @ 3% O2 dr y
dr y
Emissions NOx < 102 ppm @ 3% O2 NOx < 200mg/nm3 @ 3%
Fresh air
dr y O2 dr y
TEG ① Less than TA luft air quality standards
➀ NOx and CO emissions are affected by the O2 level of the turbine exhaust gas (TEG). Check with technical staff at Maxon
Cor poration or Maxon International.
Page 5904 “HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners
Net free area cm2 required per 1000 actual m3/h air flow
Inlet temperature °C
drop 15 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
0.5 394.32 372.34 346.49 325.37 307.69 292.61 279.55 268.10 257.95 248.87 240.69 233.26 226.48 220.26
0.55 375.97 355.02 330.36 310.23 293.37 279.00 266.55 255.63 245.95 237.29 229.49 222.41 215.94 210.01
0.6 359.96 339.90 316.30 297.02 280.88 267.12 255.20 244.74 235.48 227.19 219.72 212.94 206.75 201.07
0.65 345.84 326.57 303.89 285.37 269.86 256.64 245.19 235.14 226.24 218.27 211.10 204.58 198.64 193.18
0.7 333.26 314.69 292.84 274.99 260.05 247.30 236.27 226.59 218.01 210.33 203.42 197.14 191.41 186.16
0.75 321.96 304.02 282.91 265.66 251.23 238.92 228.26 218.90 210.62 203.20 196.52 190.46 184.92 179.84
0.8 311.74 294.36 273.92 257.23 243.25 231.33 221.01 211.95 203.93 196.75 190.28 184.41 179.05 174.13
0.85 302.43 285.57 265.75 249.55 235.99 224.42 214.41 205.62 197.84 190.88 184.60 178.90 173.71 168.93
0.9 293.91 277.53 258.26 242.51 229.34 218.10 208.37 199.83 192.27 185.50 179.40 173.86 168.81 164.18
0.95 286.07 270.13 251.37 236.05 223.22 212.28 202.81 194.50 187.14 180.55 174.61 169.23 164.31 159.80
1 278.83 263.29 245.01 230.07 217.57 206.91 197.68 189.58 182.40 175.98 170.19 164.94 160.15 155.75
1.05 272.11 256.94 239.10 224.52 212.33 201.92 192.91 185.01 178.00 171.74 166.09 160.97 156.29 152.00
1.1 265.85 251.03 233.60 219.36 207.44 197.28 188.48 180.75 173.91 167.79 162.27 157.27 152.70 148.50
1.15 260.01 245.52 228.47 214.54 202.88 192.94 184.33 176.78 170.09 164.10 158.71 153.81 149.34 145.24
1.2 254.53 240.35 223.66 210.02 198.61 188.88 180.45 173.06 166.51 160.65 155.36 150.57 146.19 142.18
1.25 249.39 235.49 219.14 205.78 194.60 185.06 176.81 169.56 163.14 157.40 152.22 147.53 143.24 139.31
1.3 244.55 230.92 214.88 201.78 190.82 181.47 173.37 166.27 159.97 154.34 149.27 144.66 140.46 136.60
1.35 239.98 226.60 210.87 198.01 187.25 178.08 170.13 163.16 156.98 151.46 146.48 141.96 137.83 134.05
1.4 235.65 222.52 207.07 194.44 183.88 174.87 167.07 160.22 154.16 148.73 143.84 139.40 135.35 131.63
1.45 231.55 218.65 203.47 191.06 180.68 171.83 164.16 157.44 146.14 141.34 141.34 136.98 133.00 129.34
1.5 227.66 214.97 200.05 187.85 177.65 168.94 161.40 154.79 143.69 138.96 138.96 134.67 130.76 127.17
"K" factor = 0.78
With Profile
s s s
“HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners Page 5905
Net free area cm2 required per 1000 actual m3/h air flow
Inlet temperature °C
drop 15 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
0.5 307.57 290.43 270.26 253.79 240.00 228.24 218.05 209.12 201.20 194.12 187.74 181.94 176.66 171.81
0.55 293.26 276.91 257.68 241.98 228.83 217.62 207.91 199.39 191.84 185.09 179.00 173.48 168.44 163.81
0.6 280.77 265.12 246.71 231.67 219.09 208.35 199.05 190.90 183.67 177.21 171.38 166.09 161.27 156.84
0.65 269.76 254.72 237.04 222.59 210.49 200.18 191.24 183.41 176.47 170.25 164.66 159.58 154.94 150.68
0.7 259.94 245.46 228.41 214.49 202.84 192.90 184.29 176.74 170.05 164.06 158.67 153.77 149.30 145.20
0.75 251.13 237.13 220.67 207.22 195.96 186.36 178.04 170.75 164.28 158.50 153.29 148.56 144.24 140.28
0.8 243.15 229.60 213.66 200.64 189.74 180.44 172.39 165.32 159.06 153.47 148.42 143.84 139.66 135.82
0.85 235.89 222.75 207.28 194.65 184.07 175.05 167.24 160.39 154.31 148.88 143.99 139.55 135.49 131.77
0.9 229.25 216.47 201.44 189.16 178.88 170.12 162.53 155.87 149.97 144.69 139.93 135.61 131.67 128.06
0.95 223.13 210.70 196.07 184.12 174.11 165.58 158.19 151.71 145.97 140.83 136.20 132.00 128.16 124.64
1 217.48 205.36 191.10 179.45 169.70 161.39 154.19 147.87 142.27 137.26 132.75 128.65 124.92 121.49
1.05 212.24 200.41 186.50 175.13 165.61 157.50 150.47 144.31 138.84 133.96 129.55 125.55 121.91 118.56
1.1 207.36 195.81 182.21 171.10 161.81 153.88 147.01 140.99 135.65 130.88 126.57 122.67 119.10 115.83
1.15 202.81 191.50 178.21 167.34 158.25 150.50 143.78 137.89 132.67 128.00 123.79 119.97 116.48 113.29
1.2 198.54 187.47 174.45 163.82 154.92 147.33 140.75 134.99 129.88 125.30 121.18 117.44 114.03 110.90
1.25 194.52 183.68 170.93 160.51 151.79 144.35 137.91 132.26 127.25 122.70 118.74 115.07 111.73 108.66
1.3 190.75 180.12 167.61 157.39 148.84 141.55 135.23 129.69 124.78 120.39 116.43 112.84 109.56 106.55
1.35 187.18 176.75 164.48 154.45 146.06 138.90 132.70 127.27 122.45 118.14 114.25 110.73 107.51 104.56
1.4 183.81 173.56 161.51 151.67 143.43 136.40 130.31 124.97 120.24 116.01 112.19 108.73 105.57 102.67
1.45 180.61 170.54 158.70 149.03 140.93 134.03 128.05 122.80 118.15 113.99 110.24 106.84 103.74 100.89
1.5 177.58 167.68 156.04 146.52 138.56 131.77 125.89 120.74 116.16 112.08 108.39 105.05 101.99 99.19
"K" Factor = 1
Without Profile
s s s
Page 5906 “HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners
To Be
Specified 2" NPT Mixing Plate
L Male Support Bracket
To Be
Burner A B C D
inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm
HC-1 14.09 358
HC-1.5 20.0 510
HC-2 24.5 622
HC-2.5 32.0 815
HC-3 38.0 967
HC-3.5 16.53 420 8.188 208 3.34 85 1.67 42.5 44.0 1120
HC-4 50.0 1272
HC-4.5 56.10 1425
HC-5 62.0 1577
HC-5.5 68.0 1729
HC-6 74.0 1882
“HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners Page 5907
“HC” AIRFLO® Burner Plug-Mounted
Mounting Support
Process Flow
Mounting Plug
Pressure Taps 1/4" .
M .
L .
To Be Burner To Be J
Specified Specified H
To Be Size
Dimensions A B C D E F G H J K L M N P
inches 11.8 3.34 1.96 16x.433 22.0 20.94 5x4.19 12.20 11.10 3x3.7 3.34 0.177 9.84 9.84
mm 300 85 50 16x11 560 532 5x106.5 810 282 3x94 85 45 250 250
NOTE: Dimensions “N” and “P” are minimums. Radiation from flame should be considered when sizing
burner length relative to duct size. If dimensions less than 18" are required, a flame shield is
recommended for the duct walls.
Page 5908 “HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners
“HC” AIRFLO® – Pilot Burner (Gas)
038009 Adjustable Orifice
1" NPT Adjustable Orifice
Spark Wall Mounting Set* d = 2.283"
Ignitor (optional) (58mm) Pressure Test
Length (L)
Assembly Numbers
inches mm
300561 17.72 450
300563 23.62 600
300565 29.63 750
300567 35.43 900
300574 to be specified
NOTE: capacity 50K - 150 KBtu/hr
nat. gas inlet pressure differential at orifice = 4.0" wc (10 mbar)
M14 x 1.25
310005 310243 Insulator 310441 Insulator
Ignitor Cap Wrench Size L = 0.905" (23mm) L = 0.748" (19mm)
0.826" (21mm)
0.511" (13mm)
Length (L)
Assembly Numbers
inches mm
300562 15.75 400
300564 21.65 550
300566 27.56 700
300568 33.46 850
300575 to be specified
“HC” AIRFLO® Gas Burners Page 5900-S-1
Installation Instructions
These mounting instructions for “HC” AIRFLO® burner. Also, the burner should not be mounted too
Burners are in addition to the general AIRFLO® Line near a turn in the duct which may cause air to be
Burner installation instructions published on Maxon directed at an angle over the burner.
catalog pages 5000-S-1 to 10. Velocity and flow of air at operating temperature
Specific instructions are also offered for other must be uniform and not less than the values speci-
Maxon component items: fied for the application and the air should not have a
– Shut-off Valves (pages 6100-S-1 through S-14) swirl.
– Flow Control Valves (pages 7000-S-1 through S-4) Install adjustable profile plates to attain this velocity
The “HC” AIRFLO® Line Burner is used only for the if required.
heating of air in motion. It should be mounted so as to Install a differential pressure switch, or any flow
direct the air perpendicular to the burner axes. It can proving method, across the profile plate to make sure
fire in any direction. the burner can only operate when air velocity is high
Do not mount the “HC” AIRFLO® assembly so that enough.
the movement of air is across the face of the line
Direction of
air movement
Gas Inlet
Burner Support Observation
Bracket Profile Plate
Mounting Plug "HC" Port
Mounting Manhole (if applicable)
Burner Support
7/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
A manhole is recommended for inspection or the other end should be able to move fully. Only the
maintenance. Sufficient observation ports should be weight of the burner should be supported by the
installed to overview both pilot and main burner burner support. Ample duct length and space around
flames. the burner shall be designed to prevent duct over-
Ample space shall be reserved to remove mainte- heating. Space between two burner rows should not
nance/replacement parts from the burner for regular be less than 1000 mm.
inspection. The Maxon “HC” AIRFLO® Burner is a Gas piping and valves should be sufficiently large
single piece burner and requires space for complete enough to flow the maximum capacity at rated
burner removal if necessary. pressures.
The burner inlet side is fixed to the duct wall and
End Plate
Weight of Burner
Movement of Burner
Burner Body
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Start-up Instructions
Read complete instructions before proceeding, and 1. Bleed air from the gas pipe train.
familiarize yourself with all the system’s equipment 2. Check process air flow and check whether
components. Verify that your equipment has been system has been purged.
installed in accordance with the original 3. Light the pilot as follows:
manufacturer’s current instructions. – Set the pilot regulator to get a reliable ignition
of the pilot (slightly above combustion chamber
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off
should be undertaken only by trained and
– A pilot should have a steady blue color and be
experienced personnel familiar with combus-
about 2.4–4.0 inches (60-100 mm) in height.
tion systems, with control/safety circuitry and
– The capacity of the pilot is 68K Btu/hr (51K –
with knowledge of the overall installation.
154K Btu/hr).
Instructions provided by the company and/or
4. Adjustment of the Maxon gas control valve:
individual responsible for the manufacture and/
(see catalog section 7000)
or overall installation of a complete system
– Disconnect the control motor.
incorporating Maxon burners take precedence
– Place the handle of the gas control valve in the
over these provided by Maxon. If Maxon in-
low fire position. The valve is now closed. Then
structions confict with any codes or regula-
open the main gas shut-off valve.
tions, contact Maxon Corporation or Maxon
– Increase the low fire position on the gas control
International before attempting start-up.
valve slowly until the flame covers the entire
The “HC” AIRFLO® Burner is a raw gas burner. There burner surface between the mixing plates.
is no flammable air-gas mixture in the feeder line and, – Open the gas control valve completely. Set the
therefore, a flashback cannot occur. However, the main gas regulator to obtain the rated differen-
burner depends completely on the process air to tial gas pressure. Flame length will vary
supply the oxygen for combustion. A correct air depending on the actual pressure drop.
velocity and well distributed air flow is therefore very – Connect the control motor in such a manner
important. The minimum process air pressure is the that it travels between the minimum and
design pressure drop and should not be less than maximum position of the gas control valve, as
0.2" wc (0.5 mbar). It should be checked prior to start- set.
up as well as checking the burner installation and its 5. Operate the control valve several times by
profile plates, the electrical wiring and the leak testing adjusting the temperature controller higher and
of the pipe train. lower. Make sure that the adjustment is satisfac-
tory and reproducible.
Check all other safety devices such as pressure
switches, high temperature limits, etc. and adjust
these devices to their correct value.
7/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Burner Type Assembly Number
HC-1 300955
HC-1.5 300956
HC-2 300957
HC-2.5 300958
HC-3 300959
HC-3.5 300960
HC-4 300961
HC-4.5 300962
HC-5 300963
HC-5.5 300964
HC-6 300965
7/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 6102
Accessory Options
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Maxon Valves Page 6105
Normally closed shut-off valves are used in Normally open vent valves are most often used
burner system fuel supply lines on industrial boilers, as the bleed valve in a block-and-bleed pipe train,
furnaces, ovens, kilns, and other heating processes. sometimes required by insurance authorities. They
All valves are designed to shut-off fuel automatically are designed to open a vent line automatically and
and instantly with any interruption in the electric instantly upon any interruption in the electric power
power supplied through your safety circuit. supply through your safety control circuit.
These valves are also used for the manual or These normally open valves are also used in
motorized opening or closing of pipe lines carrying protective atmosphere systems and other gaseous
gases and liquids commonly used in industrial proc- and fluid service requiring quick opening or by-pass
esses. Normally closed valves cannot be opened until purging action.
the interlocking safety control circuit is proven and
resulting electrical power is supplied to the shut-off Like the normally closed versions, both automatic
valve. and manual reset actuators are available for remote
access locations, or when operating personnel's
Motorized automatic valve actuators are used physical presence is preferred.
where remote access or unmanned applications are
needed. All Maxon valves feature one-piece cast iron or
cast steel bodies with micro-lapped seats and discs.
NOTE: Valve motors are protected against thermal Straight through flow path minimizes pressure drop
overload. Normal duty cycles of 1 cycle per minute or through full open swinging gate or rising stem (guillo-
less should allow motor thermal overload to suffi- tine action) bodies.
ciently cool between cycles. If the normal valve duty
cycle is exceeded, the motor must be allowed to cool
before the thermal protection will automatically reset.
Page 6106 Maxon Valves
Page 6108 Maxon Valves
1.5" RS
1.25 v
20 C
&1 " RS
.75 "
0.5 5
Page 6110 Maxon Valves
0.5 5 50
Maxon Valves Page 6111
Page 6112 Maxon Valves
Selection Data
Normally closed, swinging gate valves
Temperature Limits
All of these valves can handle fluid temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to
+250°F (+121°C). The Series 33000 valves are designed to handle higher
fluid temperatures up to +450°F (+232°C) and even up to +550°F (+288°C)
with addition (at extra charge) of special stem seals.
Ambient temperature limits vary. Any valve on this page using DC
voltage and all Series 8700 valves can handle ambient temperatures from
-20°F (-28°C) to +125°F (+52°C). The other valves on this page handle
ambient temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to +140°F (+60°C).
All of these electro-mechanical valves require a constant supply of
electrical energy to their holding solenoids inside the top assembly actua-
tors. Once the solenoid is energized, the manual reset valve may be
opened manually, or the automatic reset valve will automatically open. Any
interruption of the electrical power to either of these valves causes an 1" Series 760
immediate trip of the valve to its normally closed position.
Selection Data
Normally closed, rising stem valves
Series Designation Features:
Body Material> Gray Iron Cast Steel • Normally closed
Top Assembly Sanctioned Special Service Sanctioned Special Service
Function Service [1] (Non-sanctioned) [2] Service [1] (Non-sanctioned) [2] • Electrically actuated
Manual Reset 808; 808-CP 818; 818-CP 808-S; 808-S-CP 818-S; 818-S-CP
• Rising stem body
Automatic 5000; 5000-CP 5100; 5100-CP 5000-S; 5000-S-CP 5100-S; 5100-S-CP
Reset 7000 7100 7000-S 7100-S
• For shut-off service
[1] Sanctioned valves may carry one or more sanctions (UL, FM, CGA) for air, natural and liquified
petroleum gases. They are normally approvable for clean fuel gases. Additionally, series with internal trim -2
are sanctioned for #1 and #2 fuel oils (except Series 7000 (-S) are not listed FM approved for #2 fuel oil).
'SG' valves are preferable for liquid service (see page 6112).
[2] Non-sanctioned valves do not carry blanket sanctions, and the pressure limits shown apply only for
selected special service applications. An analysis of your fluid will determine the actual rating, trim and
specifics for your application.
Temperature Limits
All these valves can handle fluid temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to +140°F (+60°C).
Oil viscosity not to exceed 5000 SSU. Ambient temperature limits vary. Any valve on
this page using DC voltage and all Series 7000 valves can handle ambient temperatures
from -20°F (-28°C) to +125°F (+52°C). The other valves on this page handle ambient
temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to +140°F (+60°C).
All of these electro-mechanical valves require a constant supply of electrical energy to
their holding device inside the top assembly actuators. (In Series 808 and 5000 valves,
the device is a solenoid and Series 7000 valves use an electro-magnetic clutch.) Once
that device is energized, the manual reset valve may be manually opened, or the auto-
matic reset valve will automatically open. Any interruption of the electrical power to either
of these valves causes an immediate trip of the valve to its normally closed position.
4" Series 7000
Available Sizes and Pressure Ratings
Maximum Inlet Pressure (psi) [3]
Pipe Size Body CV
(inches) Flow Factor Gray Iron Bodies Cast Steel Bodies
Clean Gases Special Service Clean Gases Special Service
.75 125 30 --- ---
1 125 30 125 30
1.25 45 100 30 --- ---
1.5 53 70 20 70 20
70 15 70 15
2 86
70 15 70 15
40 10 --- ---
2.5 127
40 10 --- ---
50 15 50 15
2.5 CP 304
50 15 50 15
3 173 30 5 --- ---
40 10 40 10
3 CP 423
40 10 40 10
4 CP 490 40 10 40 10
4 HC [4] 719 60 10 60 [5] 10
6 869 30 5 30 5
6 HC [4] 1172 50 10 50 [5] 10
[3] Maximum operating pressure differential (MOPD) in psi must not exceed maximum inlet pressure shown.
[4] Series 7000 valves
[5] Contact your Maxon representative for pressure ratings for 5-3 trim
NOTE: Shaded areas indicate flanged valve bodies. All others are threaded.
Page 6114 Maxon Valves
Selection Data
Normally open, rising stem valves
Temperature Limits
All these valves can handle fluid temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to
+140°F (+60°C). Oil viscosity not to exceed 5000 SSU.
Ambient temperature limits vary. Any valve on this page using DC
voltage can handle ambient temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to +125°F
(+52°C). The other valves on this page can handle ambient temperatures
from -20°F (-28°C) to +140°F (+60°C).
All of these electro-mechanical valves require a constant supply of
electrical energy to their holding solenoids inside the top assembly
actuators. Once the solenoid is energized, the manual reset valve may be
manually closed, or the automatic reset valve will automatically close.
Any interruption of the electrical power to either of these valves causes
2.5" Series STO-ACP
an immediate trip of the valve to its normally open position.
NOTE: Shaded areas indicate flanged valve bodies. All others are threaded.
Maxon Valves Page 6115
Page 6116 Maxon Valves
#302 Stainless #302 Stainless #302 Stainless #302 Stainless #302 Stainless #302 Stainless #302 Stainless
9 Disc Spring Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel
10 Inner Stem Thrust Ring Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Grafoil Teflon
12 Body Gaskets Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron
13 Stem Bushing Gasket Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron Soft Iron
15 Stem Packing Ring Grafoil Grafoil --- --- --- --- ---
16 Packing Nut Zinc-Plated Steel Zinc-Plated Steel --- --- --- --- ---
Page 6118 Maxon Valves
Typical construction of
1.5" through 2" flanged body valves
Maxon Valves Page 6119
Component Identification
General Maintenance and Spare Parts
All safety devices should be tested at least To determine suggested spare parts, identify
monthly* and more often if deemed advisable. series designation and serial number from the valve’s
Periodic testing for tightness of manual or motor- nameplate. Refer to the illustration and legend below
ized shut-off valve closure is equally essential. to identify suggested spare parts.
*per NFPA 86-Appendix B-4 (1995)
To order, specify:
These Maxon valves are designed for long trouble-
1. Quantity
free service. Only items shown as suggested spare
2. Assembly part number (if available)
parts are considered field replaceable.
3. Description
WARNING: Do not attempt field repair of valve 4. Electrical specification
body, top assembly or motor drive unit. Any 5. Full nameplate information (from existing valve)
alterations void all warranties.
Manual Reset Automatic Reset (typical)
Note: Drawings are illustrative only. Actual valves may vary slightly. (shown for listed
valves; others
designation does
not reflect external
1 accessory items or
motor limit switch
2 3
Normally closed valve designation
Series 808
Series 5000 3" 5000-S CP D 2
VCS Used *
DC Solenoid (if used)
CP Body (if used)
Steel Body (if used)
2 1
Valve Series
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Page 6120 Maxon Valves
Electrical Data
for normally closed valves
General Diagrams show valve in its normally closed (at rest)
All Maxon shut-off valves are electrically actuated position. The indicated internal wiring is present only
from a power source, normally through the flame when the appropriate auxiliary switches are specified.
safeguard and/or safety control circuits. Automatic reset valves always include a VOS-1 SPDT
Standard valve assemblies include an internal valve open motor limit switch.
holding solenoid or printed circuit board for 115 volt Good practice normally dictates that auxiliary
60 hertz AC power. (Other electrical current options switches in valves used for safety shut-off functions
are available upon request.) should be used for signal duty only, not to operate
Series 808, 730, 760, 5000, 4730, and 4760 valves additional safety devices.
have the internal solenoid. Series 8700 and 7000 Signal switch designations:
valves incorporate the printed circuit board.
VCS (Valve Closed Switch) is actuated at the end
The solenoid (or the printed circuit board) is
of the closing stroke. VCS-1 is SPDT; VCS-2 is
energized whenever the valve is powered. The motor
operator on automatic reset versions is powered only
VOS (Valve Open Switch) is actuated at the end of
during the opening stroke.
the opening stroke. VOS-1 is SPDT; VOS-2 is DPDT.
Switch wiring diagrams (reproduced on the next
Switch amp ratings are shown on the schematic
page) are part of each valve assembly, summarizing
wiring diagrams on page 6122. DO NOT EXCEED
electrical data and wiring for a valve equipped with
rated amperage or total load shown.
terminal block and a full complement of optional
signal switches.
Electrical Data
for normally closed valves
Page 6122 Maxon Valves
Electrical Data
for normally open valves
General Signal switch designations:
All Maxon normally open vent valves are electri- VCS (Valve Closed Switch) is actuated at the end
cally actuated from a power source, normally through of the closing stroke. VCS-1 is SPDT; VCS-2 is
the flame safeguard and/or safety control circuits. DPDT.
Standard valve assemblies include an internal VOS (Valve Open Switch) is actuated at the end of
holding solenoid for 115 volt 60 hertz AC power. opening stroke. VOS-1 is SPDT; VOS-2 is DPDT.
(Other electrical current options are available upon Switch amp ratings are shown on the schematic
request.) wiring diagrams below and on the next page. DO
The solenoid is energized whenever the valve is NOT EXCEED rated amperage or total load shown.
powered. The motor operator on automatic reset
version is powered only during the closing stroke. Volt Ampere (VA) Ratings
Switch wiring diagrams (reproduced below and on Valve AC Operation DC Operation
next page) are part of each valve assembly, summa- Size Series Closing Holding Closing Holding
rizing electrical data and wiring for a valve equipped
.75" – 3" STO-M 22 22 14 14
with terminal block and a full complement of optional
2.5" – 4" STO-M CP 34 34 14 14
signal switches.
.75" – 3" STO-A 220 [1] 22 212 14
Diagrams show valve in its normally open (at rest)
position. The indicated internal wiring is present only 2.5" – 4" STO-A CP 232 [2] 34 214 16
when the appropriate auxiliary switches are specified. [1] 220 VA is for 60 her tz; if 50 her tz, then VA is 342
[2] 232 VA is for 60 her tz; if 50 her tz, then VA is 354
Automatic reset valves always include a VCS-1 SPDT
valve closed motor limit switch.
Good practice normally dictates that auxiliary The VA rating shown in the DC column is based on
switches in valves used for safety shut-off functions an AC motor, DC solenoid.
should be used for signal duty only, not to operate
additional safety devices.
SHOWN H(+) N(-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(2) 3/4" NPT
Conduit D
A Pipe Size
(2) 1/4" NPTF
“R” “L”
J H Test Connection
2.3 C
7.13 3.5 4.5
5.44 1.87 2.0
“AW” “TO”
(2) 3/4" NPT
Conduit Connection D
NOTE: 2.75" needed
for terminal block
A Pipe Size cover removal.
(2) 1/4" NPTF
J H Test Connection
808 & STO-M
Pipe Valve
Size Series
808 & STO-M 11.58
5000 & STO-A ---
2.00 12.25 3.81 1.90 .78 1.94 .81 8.11
808 (-S) & STO-M (-S) 11.58
5000 (-S) & STO-A (-S) ---
808 12.14
1.25" 2.44 12.81 .22 1.56 8.67
5000 ---
4.00 2.00 2.12
808 (-S) & STO-M (-S) 12.61
1.5" 2.69 13.31 .38 1.68 9.14
5000 (-S) & STO-A (-S) ---
Page 6124 Maxon Valves
K (2) 3/4" NPT
Connection D
A Pipe Size
(2) 1/4" NPT “R” “L”
Test Connection
Equally spaced H
7.61 2.73 “AW” “TO”
2.38 1.97 5.63
A Pipe Size
for terminal block
cover removal.
Pipe Valve
Size Series
808 (-S) & STO-M (-S)
2" 4.38 2.19 --- --- --- --- --- ---
5000 (-S) & STO-A (-S)
3.25 14.75 .44 2.25 1.88 10.6 14.38
808 (-S) & STO-M (-S)
2" F --- --- 3.01 2.38 .75 4 3.50 7.0
5000 (-S) & STO-A (-S)
808 14.25
2.5" 3.50 5.0 2.5 2.12 2.25 --- --- --- --- --- ---
5000 14.62 10.46
2.5" F 808 & 5000 --- --- --- 2.5 2.0 3.5 2.75 .75 4 --- 3.75 7.5
3" 808 & 5000 2.94 14.86 5.19 2.59 2.12 2.56 10.71 --- --- --- --- --- ---
Maxon Valves Page 6125
2.5" CP through 4" CP and 6" valves with rising stem bodies
Series 808 (-CP) & STO-M (-CP) Available
10.94 5.7 Top Assembly
8.87 2.83 4.2 Positions
6.09 7.25 D
Pipe Size
3.0 (2) 1/4" NPTF
0.88 J H Test Connection
View A-A C
(2) 3/4" NPT 11.68
Connection “R” “L”
Pipe Size
M N (dia.) A
P (no. of holes) (2) 1/4" NPTF
Equally spaced H Test Connection
8.87 2.83 4.2 7.51
B “AW” “TO”
6.07 7.25 D
Pipe Valve
Size Series
808 (-SCP) 14.56
2.5" CP 4.31 5.0 2.5 .50 2.25 --- --- --- --- --- ---
5000 (-SCP), STO-A (-SCP) ---
14.56 2.12
2.5" F 808 (-SCP) 14.56
4.5 --- --- --- 2.2 3.5 2.75 .75 4 3.75 7.5
CP 5000 (-SCP), STO-A (-SCP) ---
808 (-SCP) 17.97
5000-CP, STO-ACP 5.12 5.5 2.75 .62 2.12 2.56 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
5000 (-SCP), STO-A (-SCP) 17.97
3" F 808 (-SCP) 15.29 17.97
5.22 2.24 2.6 3.75 3.0 4 4.0 8.0
CP 5000 (-SCP), STO-A (-SCP) ---
--- --- --- .75
4" F 808 (-SCP) 17.97
5.55 2.25 2.56 4.5 3.75 8 4.5 9.0
CP 5000 (-SCP), STO-A (-SCP) ---
6" 808 7.5 20.75 --- --- --- 3.38 --- 5.5 4.75 .88 8 23.43 5.25 10.5
Page 6126 Maxon Valves
Note: Series 8700 valves are
3/4" Conduit
available in top assembly positions
"R" and "TO" only.
Pipe Size
2.30 (for .375")
3.18 1.69 (for .5" & .75") 2.93
Series 23300 & 25300 (1.5" & 2") Available Top Assembly Positions
13.14 for Series 23300 & 25300
“L” “R”
Pipe Size
S (dia. of holes)
T (no. of holes) G
7.59 2.9
E 8.75
K “TO” “AW”
NOTE: 2.75" needed
Pipe Size for terminal block
A cover removal.
R S (dia. of holes)
T (no. of holes) G
Page 6128 Maxon Valves
16.08 16.28
Pipe Size
1.44 1.44
7.63 2.77
C D E 7.56
3/4" Conduit
Pipe Size
VOS actuator
(VOS-2 shown) VCS
(VCS-2 shown)
VOS wands
VCS wand
VOS actuator VCS actuator
VCS actuator
Page 6130 Maxon Valves
VCS actuator
(VOS-2 shown)
Tandem Arrangements
(for simultaneous opening of main and blocking valves)
ment latches the blocking valve just before the main VCS in
valve is latched, assuring latching of both valves. Main Valve
Vent Valve
If it is necessary to locate a tandem valve above (Normally Open)
arms reach, an overhead wheel and chain assembly VOS in
may be added which includes a loop of chain acces- Main Valve
Flow loop length Flow
Piping by others if overhead Piping by others
wheel &
chain option See Table 1
Page 6132 Maxon Valves
12.19 Maximum
Maximum 7.25
2.31 dia.
5.25 4.06
Installation Instructions
1. Read complete instructions before proceeding B. Teflon tape acts as a lubricant and greatly
and do not discard packing materials until any/all reduces the pipe wrench turning force re-
loose items are located. Also, make sure that the quired to seal the threads.
installation of the Maxon valves will be in compli-
Take care not to overtighten threads as
ance with all applicable governmental, insurance
this can damage the valve.
and/or agency requirements or codes, such as
NFPA-70, National Electric Code, CSA C22.1, C. Good piping practice dictates that piping be
Canadian Electric Code, etc. independently supported, so that valve bodies
2. General considerations: are not placed in a bind. In addition, large
A. Prior to shipment, each valve is operated valves may require support.
electrically and cycled at rated and 1-1/2 D. Clean pipe lines of foreign materials before
rated pressure while being leak tested. Every installing valve into line.
Maxon valve is operationally tested and
For new installations, a gas filter or strainer shall be
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104
installed in the fuel gas piping to protect the
Class VI Seat Leakage when it leaves our
downstream safety shut-off valves.
plant. per NFPA 86-4-2.4.3 (1999)
B. Inspect your valve for any shipping damage. NFPA 86C-4-2.4.3 (1999)
Contact Maxon Corporation with the valve’s NFPA 86D-4-2.4-3 (1999)
serial number (printed on the valve's name-
plate) for replacement and/or repair parts.
C. Read the nameplate on your valve. This If normal inlet pressure to the fuel pressure regula-
gives the maximum pressure, temperature tor immediately upstream from the valve exceeds
limitation, voltage requirements and service the valve’s pressure rating, a relief valve shall be
conditions of your specific valve. DO NOT provided and it shall be vented to a safe location.
per NFPA 86-5-7.1.7 (1999)
exceed nameplate ratings. NFPA 86C-5-7.1.7 (1999)
D. Select mounting location carefully. Your NFPA 86D-5-7.1.7 (1999)
Maxon valve is designed to operate for many
years if installed in a location that is cool, E. Mount valve so that open/shut window
clean and dry. indicator [1] will be visible to your operating
3. Pipe the valve in the direction of the flow arrow personnel. The open/shut window indicator
[3] on the valve body. The Maxon valve body can should never face downward. With Maxon
shut off flow in one direction only. electro-mechanical top assemblies, the motor
A. Remove all thread and flange protectors access side plate [2] should always be
before installing valve in your service line. vertical to the ground. Valves are usually
installed in horizontal piping; however, other
2 1
5 2
1 5
4 4
1/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4 4
Series 25300
with socket welded
Series 5000-CP Series 808 nipples & flanges
Maxon valves can and should be ordered in a con- Auxiliary Switch Arrangement
figuration compatible with planned piping, but if open/
shut indicator window is not visible and/or valve orienta-
tion is not proper, the top assembly can be rotated in
90° increments around the valve body centerline axis
by the following procedure:
1. Shut off all electrical power and close off up-
stream manual cock.
2. Remove wiring access cover plate [2] and
disconnect power lead wires. (Tag carefully for later
3. Remove conduit and electrical leads.
4. Note physical position of any signal switch
actuator wands on auxiliary signal switches (see Wiring Diagram
switch arrangement sketch).
5. Unscrew the two body bolts [4] screwed up from A– Number Coded Wires H– Mounting Screws
the bottom to 1/4 inch. DO NOT completely re- B– Rubber Grommet I – Spring Retainer Extension
move. These bolts secure the valve body [3] to the C– Mounting Screws J– Switch Wand
D– Normal (de-energized) K– Actual (energized)
valve’s top assembly housing [5]. Position Switch Position Switch
6. Gently lift the top assembly [5] (not more than E– Insulating Barrier L– Switch Wand
1/4" in height); just enough to break the seal F– Bracket Mounting Pad M– Switch Mounting Bracket
between the valve body assembly and the rubber G– Drive Pin & Locating Hole N– Gasket
gasket adhering to the bottom of the top housing.
1/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Four top assembly positions are available for body and the arrow on the valve body casting points
most Maxon valves. When looking at the open/shut in direction of fluid flow: to the right (position "R"), to
window indicator of an electro-mechanical valve the left (position "L"), towards you (position "TO") or
assembly, the motor (for motorized version), or the away from you (position "AW"). With smaller size
operating handle (for manual version), will be on the swinging gate valve bodies, only position "R" and
right side of the top assembly. The valve body is on position "TO" may be used.
the bottom. From this view, the unidirectional valve
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Operating Instructions
Refer to appropriate catalog bulletin and specifi- Electro-mechanical manual reset valves require
cation page for operating sequence applying to your two positive actions to open: a half rotation of
specific valve. Never operate valve until all essen- handle to latch internal mechanism, and a reversed
tial allied equipment is operative and any neces- half rotation of handle to open valve. This refers to
sary purges completed. Failure of electro-mechani- normally closed valves. With normally open valves,
cally operated valve to operate normally indicates that the procedure is the same, but the valve body position
it is not powered. Check this first! Then check (i.e., open or closed) is opposite to the normally
internal holding solenoid and/or motor operator. closed version.
Main system shut-off should always be accom- Remotely located manual reset valves may be
plished with an upstream leak-tight manual fuel equipped with wheel-and-chain assembly. Instructions
cock. to operate the valve are on hand grip. Locate counter-
All Maxon valves react within a fraction of a weight overhead at pipe level and hand grip can be
second when de-energized (can drop out if electrical brought down to convenient operating personnel
power is interrupted for less than 1/2 cycle [8 ms]). height.
Normally closed motorized valves begin open-
All electro-mechanical manual reset valves may
ing cycle immediately upon being powered; motor
be operated manually when solenoid is electrically
runs only until full open position is reached. Normally
energized, but electrical tripping is recommended
open valves begin to close immediately, and motor
for normal shut-downs.
runs until fully closed position is reached.
Operator should be aware of and observe characteristic opening/closing action of the valve. Should operation
ever become sluggish, remove valve from service and contact Maxon for recommendations.
Address inquiries to: Maxon Corporation, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307
Phone (765) 284-3304
FAX (765) 286-8394
Always include valve serial number and nameplate information to insure positive identification.
1/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Maxon valves are endurance tested far in excess of
the most stringent requirements of the various ap- Insurance authorities agree . . .
proval agencies. They are designed for long life even . . . that the safety of any industrial fuel burning
if frequently cycled, and to be as maintenance-free installation is dependent upon well-trained
and trouble-free as possible. operators who are able to follow instructions and
Every Maxon valve is operationally tested and to react properly in cases of emergency. Their
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104 Class VI knowledge of, and training on, the specific
Seat Leakage when it leaves our plant. installation are both vital to safe operation.
Top assembly components require no field Safety controls may get out of order without the
lubrication and should never be oiled. operator becoming aware of it unless shutdowns
Auxiliary switches, motors and solenoids, may be result. Production-minded operators have been
replaced in the field. known to bypass faulty controls without reporting
the trouble.
WARNING: Do not attempt field repair of valve Continued safe operation of any installation is
body, top assembly or motor drive unit. Any then assured only if the plant management
alterations void all warranties. carefully develops an exact schedule for regular
Valve leak test, performed with valve in line as periodic inspection of all safety controls, insisting
prescribed by jurisdictional authorities, is strongly that it then be rigidly adhered to.
encouraged and should be done on a regularly A main gas shut-off cock should be located
scheduled basis. In rare instances where valve shows upstream from all other fuel train piping compo-
leakage, perform Pre-Operational Exercising (see nents and used to shut off all flow of fuel for
below) and retest. If leakage does not stop, remove servicing and other shutdowns.
valve from service. All safety devices should be tested at least
Pre-operational exercising: Prior to initial fluid monthly* and more often if deemed advisable.
flow start-up and with upstream manual cock still Periodic testing for tightness of manual or motor-
closed, operate the valve electrically for 10-15 cycles. ized shut-off valve closure is equally essential.
*per NFPA 86-Appendix B-4 (1995)
This not only provides an electrical check, but also
wipes valve body disc and seat free of accumulated
foreign matter.
Maxon valves are designed to be used with
clean fluids. If foreign material is present in the
fuel line, it will be necessary to inspect the
valve to make certain it is operating properly. If
abnormal opening or closing is observed, the
valve should be removed from service. Contact
your Maxon representative for instructions.
Operator should be aware of and observe characteristic opening/closing action of the valve. Should operation
ever become sluggish, remove valve from service and contact Maxon for recommendations.
Address inquiries to: Maxon Corporation, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307
Phone (765) 284-3304
FAX (765) 286-8394
Always include valve serial number and nameplate information to insure positive identification.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
bracket using the mounting holes appropriate for valve 4" – 6" 7000 2 1
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Electrical Data
Normally Closed Valves
Manual Reset Series:
.75" – 3" Series 808, 818 (-S);
1" – 1.25" Series 730, 760, 790 (-S);
1" – 1.25" Series 33790 (-S):
2.5" – 4" Series 808-CP (-S); 818-CP (-S);
6" Series 808, 818 (-S)
4" – 6"
Series 7000, 7100 (-S)
.375" – .75"
Series 8730, 8760,
and 8790 (-S)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Electrical Data
Normally Open Valves
SHOWN H(+) N(-) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Tandem Arrangements
(for simultaneous opening of main and blocking valves)
Installation Instructions
Review and comply with all general valve installa- 8. Rotate the operating handle of the main valve
tion instructions provided separately. (See sketch fully to latching position for your particular valve,
below.) then hold handle firmly in this position while
1. Mount both valves in fuel line with center to center performing the next few steps.
spacing as originally specified, and blocking valve 9. Rotate blocking valve wheel fully counter-clock-
(without handle) downstream of main valve (with wise until it strikes a stop (it will slide within the
handle). loop of chain).
2. Check valve alignment to be certain that operat- 10. Still holding main valve wheel in place, move
ing wheels lie in the same plane. blocking valve wheel approximately 1/4 to 1/2
3. Remove tape from the wheel of the main valve inch back in the clockwise direction. Insert the
and unwind the attached chain. Do not remove #10-24 X 1/2" screw (furnished) through the chain
the screw holding chain to wheel; it has been link that lines up with the tapped hole on bottom
factory positioned to assure correct alignment. Do of blocking valve wheel, then fasten securely.
not remove tension spring attached to one end of 11. Verify that the valves are wired in parallel as
chain or the wooden block insert which preloads shown in wiring schematic on page 6121.
the spring.
4. Take free end of chain and loop it around the To add wheel & chain assembly to
wheels of both main and blocking valve as shown existing tandem valves:
in sketch below. Depending on the specific valve 1. Verify that both valves are in the same top
series and arrangement, tension spring may be assembly position (TO or AW). Rotate if neces-
located either above or below the wheel center- sary. (See top assembly rotation instructions on
line. pages 6100-S-3 and 6100-S-4.)
5. Draw free end of chain and tension spring to- 2. Bend handle of main valve outward about 25°.
gether so that as much slack as possible is 3. Cut off handle of blocking valve at outer wheel
eliminated, then insert the open eye of the spring face.
"S" hook through the link in the chain that will 4. Remove hardware holding main valve wheel in
most nearly maintain this position. place and mount new wheel and spacer to the
6. Crimp the "S" hook shut around the chain link, existing wheel with new hardware provided.
then cut and discard excess chain. 5. Cut chain loop to the desired length and secure to
7. Remove spring preload wood block insert from both wheels.
the tension spring, and verify that the chain is
drawn tight.
Piping by others
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6.94 12.19
Maximum 7.25
2.31 dia.
5.25 4.06
2/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
CAUTION: Valve leak testing should be under- Suggested leak test procedure for
taken only by trained and experienced personnel. double-blocking shut-off valves (without
Instructions provided by the company and/or vent line)
individuals responsible for the manufacture and/or
overall installation of complete system incorporat- (a) Shut down combustion system per manufacturer’s
ing Maxon valves take precedence over these recommended procedure.
provided by Maxon. If Maxon instructions conflict (b) Close manual valves A and B.
with any codes or regulations, contact Maxon (c) Visually inspect to verify that shut-off valves #1
Corporation before attempting this procedure. and #2 are closed.
(d) Remove the 1/4” pipe plug from downstream side
Valve leak test should be performed on a of shut-off valve #1. Install leak test apparatus.
quarterly basis to assure continued safe and Safely vent any trapped gas pressure.
reliable operation. Each valve should be checked (e) Open manual shut-off valve A, then close leak
with available line pressure. Absolute zero leakage test apparatus. Insert tube into a container of
may not be obtained in the field. Any valve that water just below the surface.
exceeds the allowable leakage, as set forth by your (f) Open test apparatus and test valve for leakage.
local codes or insurance requirements (15 bubbles As a guideline, valve should be tested for 2
per minute), should be removed from service and minutes per inch of pipe diameter. Large diameter
your Maxon representative should be contacted. pipes or long piping runs between shut-off valves
may need additional testing time.
Every Maxon valve is operationally tested and (g) If valve testing indicates leakage exceeding 15
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104 Class bubbles per minute, perform pre-operational
VI seat leakage when it leaves our plant. exercising as outlined on Page 6100-S-2 and
retest the valve. If valve continues to exceed
allowable leakage limit, remove from service and
Example of a gas piping diagram for leak test contact Maxon.
Shut-off Shut-off
Manual Gas Pressure Valve Valve
Valve Regulator #1 #2
A LGP HGP Manual
Switch Switch Valve
To Combustion
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Suggested leak test procedure for double-blocking shut-off valves (without vent line) - continued
(h) Secure test apparatus on valve #1. retest the valve. If valve continues to exceed
(i) Remove the 1/4” pipe plug from downstream side allowable leakage limit, remove from service and
of shut-off valve #2. Install leak test apparatus. contact Maxon.
(j) With an auxiliary power supply connected to valve (l) Secure test apparatus on valve #2.
#1, open test apparatus and test valve for leak- (m) Upon completion of valve leak testing, test all
age. As a guideline, valve should be tested for 2 other safety interlocks per manufacturer’s instruc-
minutes per inch of pipe diameter. Large diameter tions and verify they are operational.
pipes or long piping runs between shut-off valves (n) Restore combustion system to operational
may need additional testing time. condition. Be sure to remove all auxiliary power
(k) If valve testing indicates leakage exceeding 15 supplies and jumpers that may have been used
bubbles per minute, perform pre-operational during testing.
exercising as outlined on Page 6100-S-2 and
Suggested leak test procedure for double-blocking shut-off valves with vent line
Example of a gas piping diagram for leak test with vent line Vent
If vent valve is
present, use auxil- Shut-off
Manual Gas Pressure Valve
iary power supply to Valve Regulator #1 Shut-off Valve #2
power vent valve to A LGP Manual
closed position Switch Switch Valve
during this test B
procedure. Follow
test instructions
above. Once test is To Combustion
complete, be sure Drip
vent valve is re- Leg
stored to normal
2/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 808 Shut-off Valves
Normally closed, rising stem, electrically actuated, manual reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Non-sanctioned Valves
(for clean fuel gases and light oils) [1] Valve Size (for special services)
(psi) Designation (lbs) Designation (psi)
Assembly Number Cv Factor Assembly Number
Series Series
125 1 808
808 1" 23
1 818 30
808-S Cv = 20 818-S
70 1.5 808
808 1.5" 23
1.5 818 20
808-S Cv = 53 818-S
808 818
2" 34
70 2 808 808-S 818-S 2 818 15
Cv = 86
808 35 818
808 2.5" 36 818
40 2.5 808 2.5 818 10
808 Cv = 127 46 ---
808-CP 44 818-CP
50 2.5CP 808 808-CP
2.5" CP 818-CP 2.5CP 818 15
Cv = 304 63
808-SCP 818-SCP
40 4CP 808
808-CP 4" CP 89
4CP 818 10
808-SCP Cv = 490 818-SCP
30 6 808
808 6" 143
6 818 5
808-S Cv = 869 818-S
[1] Light oil suitability restricted to trims 1-2 and 2-2 only
Shaded areas are flanged body valves (valves with -S designation are raised face)
*Approximate. Actual weight will vary based on options selected.
5/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 5000 & 7000 Shut-off Valves
Normally closed, rising stem, electrically actuated, automatic reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Non-sanctioned Valves
(for clean fuel gases) Valve Size (for special services)
(psi) Designation (lbs) Designation (psi)
Assembly Number Cv Factor Assembly Number
Series Series
125 1 5000
5000 1" 24
1 5100 30
5000-S Cv = 20 5100-S
70 1.5 5000
5000 1.5" 27
1.5 5100 20
5000-S Cv = 53 5100-S
5000 5100
2" 36
70 2 5000 5000-S 5100-S 2 5100 15
Cv = 86
5000 54 5100
5000 2.5" 39 5100
40 2.5 5000 2.5 5100 10
5000 Cv = 127 60 ---
5000-CP 44 5100-CP
50 2.5CP 5000 5000-CP
2.5" CP 5100-CP 2.5CP 5100 15
Cv = 304 68
5000-SCP 5100-SCP
40 4CP 5000
5000-CP 4" CP 88
4CP 5100 10
5000-SCP Cv = 490 5100-SCP
60 4 7000
7000 4" 145
4 7100 10
7000-S Cv = 719 7100-S
50 6 7000
7000 6" 175
6 7100 10
7000-S Cv = 1172 7100-S
Shaded areas are flanged body valves (valves with -S designations are raised face)
*Approximate. Actual weight will vary based on options selected.
Segment choices are as follows for Segment choices are as follows for
configured 5000 valves: configured 7000 valves:
• Fuel • Solenoid voltage • Fuel • Clutch voltage
• Body trim • Enclosure rating • Body trim • Enclosure rating
• Body connection • VOS switch • Body connection • VOS switch
• Minimum fuel/ambient temp. • VCS switch • Minimum fuel/ambient temp. • VCS switch
• Maximum fuel temp. • Terminal block • Maximum fuel temp. • Terminal block
• Maximum ambient temp. • Time delay • Maximum ambient temp. • Top assembly position
• Motor voltage • Top assembly position • Motor voltage • Tagging
• Motor timing • Tagging • Motor timing
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series STO-M Valves
Normally open, rising stem, electrically actuated, manual reset, trip open
Sanctioned Valves Non-sanctioned Valves
(for clean fuel gases and light oils) [1] Valve Size (for special services)
(psi) Designation (lbs) Designation (psi)
Assembly Number Cv Factor Assembly Number
Series Series
125 1 STOM
STO-M 1" 23
1 STOMU 30
70 1.5 STOM
STO-M 1.5" 23
1.5 STOMU 20
2" 34
Cv = 86
[1] Light oil suitability restricted to trims 1-2 and 2-2 only.
Shaded areas are flanged body valves (valves with -S designation are raised face)
*Approximate. Actual weight will vary based on options selected.
4/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series STO-A Valves
Normally open, rising stem, electrically actuated, automatic reset, trip open
Sanctioned Valves Non-sanctioned Valves
(for clean fuel gases) Valve Size (for special services)
(psi) Designation (lbs) Designation (psi)
Assembly Number Cv Factor Assembly Number
Series Series
125 1 STOA
STO-A 1" 24
1 STOAU 30
70 1.5 STOA
STO-A 1.5" 27
1.5 STOAU 20
2" 39
Cv = 86
2.5" CP 66 STO-A-UCP 2.5CP STOAU 15
Cv = 304
Cv = 423 69
STO-A-CP 4"CP 88
These assemblies include General Purpose 115/60 AC motor and solenoid with General Purpose VCS-1 motor limit switch
Shaded areas are flanged body valves (valves with -S designation are raised face)
*Approximate. Actual weight will vary based on options selected.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 700 / 23000 / 33000 Valves
Normally closed, swinging gate, electrically actuated, manual reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Non-sanctioned Valves
(for clean fuel oils and heavy oils) Valve Size (for special services)
(psi) Designation (lbs) Designation (psi)
Assembly Number Cv Factor Assembly Number
Series Series
300 730 790 300
1 700 1" 37 1 790
760 790-S
600 Cv = 12 600
--- --- 41 33790 1 33790
300 730 790 300
1.25 700 1.25" 1.25 790
760 40 790-S
600 Cv = 17 600
--- --- 33790 1.25 33790
4/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 4700 / 8700 / 25300 / 33479
Normally closed, swinging gate, electrically actuated, automatic reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Non-sanctioned Valves
(for clean fuel oils and heavy oils) Valve Size (for special services)
(psi) Designation (lbs) Designation (psi)
Assembly Number Cv Factor Assembly Number
Series Series
Segment choices are Segment choices are Segment choices are Segment choices are
as follows for as follows for as follows for as follows for
configured 4700 configured 8700 configured 25300 configured 33479
valves: valves: valves: valves:
• Fuel • Fuel • Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim • Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection • Body connection • Body connection
• Min. fuel/ambient temp. • Min. fuel/ambient temp. • Min. fuel/ambient temp. • Min. fuel/ambient temp.
• Maximum fuel temp. • Maximum fuel temp. • Maximum fuel temp. • Maximum fuel temp.
• Maximum ambient temp. • Maximum ambient temp. • Maximum ambient temp. • Maximum ambient temp.
• Motor voltage • Motor voltage • Motor voltage • Motor voltage
• Motor timing • Motor timing • Motor timing • Motor timing
• Solenoid voltage • Clutch voltage • Solenoid voltage • Solenoid voltage
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS switch • VOS switch • VOS switch • VOS switch
• VCS switch • VCS switch • VCS switch • VCS switch
• Terminal block • Terminal block • Terminal block • Terminal block
• Time delay • Time delay • Top assembly position • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Top assembly position • Tagging • Tagging
• Tagging • Tagging
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
General Purpose .75" through 3" RS and 1" through 2" SG Valves
Normally Closed Valves
Valve Size
Old Switch Assembly Number 1" through 2" SG
.75" & 1" RS 1.25" RS 1.5" RS
2" through 3" RS
VCS1 (NC) VOS1 (NO) 18428 18428 57335 57347 57250
VCS2 (NC) VOS2 (NO) 18429 18429 57336 57348 57251
VCS1, VOS1 SW ASY 17541 W/19599 57325 57337 57349 57252
VCS2, VOS1 SW ASY 17542 W/19599 57326 57338 57350 57253
VCS1, VOS2 SW ASY 17541 W/25467 57327 57339 57351 57254
VCS2, VOS2 SW ASY 17542 W/25467 57328 57340 57352 57255
8/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Valve Size & Series
1" & 1.25"
730 (-S); 760; 790 (-S)
4730 (-S); 4760; 4790 (-S) 2.5", 3", & 4"
.75", 1", 1.25", & 1.5" 808 (-S) CP; 818 (-S) CP
Electrical 2", 2.5", & 3"
808 (-S); 818 (-S) 5000 (-S) CP; 5100 (-S) CP
Specification 808 (-S); 818 (-S)
5000 (-S); 5100 (-S) STO-M (-S) CP; STO-A (-S) CP
5000 (-S); 5100 (-S)
STO-M (-S); STO-A (-S)
STO-M (-S); STO-A (-S)
1" & 1.25" 6"
33790 (-S); 33479 (-S) 808 (-S); 818 (-S)
23v 60 Hz 21025 22049 35885
46v 60 Hz 35886 35887 35888
50 Hz 37741 37747 37753
60 Hz 35894 35895 35896
50 Hz 37742 37748 37754
60 Hz 17555 22055 23243
50 Hz 37744 37750 37755
60 Hz 35897 35898 35899
50 Hz 37745 37751 37756
60 Hz 21026 22056 23244
50 Hz 37746 37752 37758
60 Hz 35889 35890 ---
460v 60 Hz 21027 22052 ---
24v DC 39543 39545 39549 [1]
48v DC --- 39546 39550 [2]
120v DC 39544 39547 39551 [3]
240v DC --- 39548 39552 [4]
[1] None available (24v DC) for 6" 808, 818 (-S)
[2] For 6" 808, 818 (-S), use 39553 for 48v DC
[3] For 6" 808, 818 (-S), use 39555 for 120v DC and with TD-II unit
[4] None available (240v DC) for 6" 808, 818 (-S)
Key: v = Volts
Hz = Hertz
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Key: v = Volts
Hz = Hertz
DC = Direct Current
12/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Extra chain for Wheel & Chain Assemblies (in 1 foot increments) – 00035
Standard length on CP and larger valves is 7 feet; all other valves is 5 feet
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Triple Block
Pipe Train
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: Electro-mechanical Valves Page: 6100-3 Date: 1/89
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
Top Assembly Replacement for 4", 6" Series 7000 (S), 7100 (-S) valves et al.
Step 10 Step 11
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: Electro-mechanical Valves Page: 6100-4 Date: 1/89
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
Mismatching Sizes
Top assemblies for 6" valves deliver more thrust
and travel than their 4" counterparts. However, they
can be mounted on a 4" valve body and modified for
correct operation.
Conversely, a 4" top assembly could be mounted
on a 6" valve body but would not deliver adequate
thrust or travel. No modifications are available. This
arrangement should not be attempted.
1. Proceed to install 6" top assembly on 4" body
➨ same as 4" to 4", but stop prior to remounting
top cover.
2. Install 5/32" x 2-1/4" roll pin as shown in photo-
graph. This pin will actuate motor limit switch
(not shown) 3/4" early and compensate for ➨
shorter travel required for 4" valve body.
3. Complete remainder of installation same as for
4" top assembly.
4. Always operate valve electrically several times
Step 1 and check carefully for correct operation before Step 2
returning to service.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: Electro-mechanical CP Valves Page: 6100-19 Date: 1/99
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
Figure #1
3 8 9
1 – Spring pin
1 2 – Mounting screws
3 – Mainbase
4 – Solenoid linkage
11 5 – Solenoid bracket
6 – Solenoid plunger
4 7 – Roller bearing
8 – Catch finger pedestal
10 9 – Spring retainer
10 – Bumper
11 – Catch finger lever arm
12 – Solenoid power leads
12 2 5
1. Shut off all electrical power and close off upstream manual cock.
2. Remove side cover access plate and disconnect solenoid power leads (12).
3. Knock out spring pin (1) in top of cast boss of the mainbase with a 3/16" punch.
4. Unscrew mounting screws (2) and remove the solenoid linkage assembly (4)
5. Place the new solenoid linkage (4) in the middle of the cast boss in the top of the mainbase. Make sure that
the catch finger lever arm (11) is to the right of the solenoid linkage (4). See Figure #1 for correct
6. Start the spring pin (1) through the front side of the boss, through the solenoid linkage (4) and then through
the back side of the boss. Once started through the back side, drive the spring pin in until it is even with the
front side of boss.
7. Align holes in mainbase and solenoid bracket (5). Applying Loctite to the screws is recommended (Loctite
not included). Start threading mounting screws (2) to mainbase. Locate the solenoid in the upmost position
(away from valve body) before screws are tightened securely.
8. Reconnect the electrical leads.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: Electro-mechanical CP Valves Page: 6100-20 Date: 1/99
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
9. Verify correct operation of the solenoid and catch finger linkage. To do this, first energize the valve. After
the solenoid plunger pulls in, place a large screwdriver behind the solenoid linkage (4) (see Figure #2).
While maintaining pressure to the solenoid linkage (4) with the screwdriver, shut-off the power to the valve
when the center of the roller bearing is horizontally in line with the center of the spring retainer pin (see
Figure #3).
CAUTION: Keep fingers clear of the mainbase internals.
Solenoid Plunger
Figure #2
Tab Stop
At this point, slowly release screwdriver pressure until the valve trips to the closed position and note the position
of the solenoid linkage. Verify that there is a visible gap between the end of the solenoid linkage pin and the tab
stops on the solenoid bracket.
Center of Spring
Catch Finger
Roller Bearing Retainer Pin
Figure #3
Center of
roller bearing is
horizontally in line
with center of
spring pin in
spring retainer
Tab Stop
Linkage Pin
Note: If there is no visible gap, the solenoid may need to be adjusted. Loosen the mounting screws attaching
the solenoid bracket to the mainbase. Move the solenoid as far horizontally and vertically, in the direction of the
observation glass, as allowed. Tightly secure the two solenoid bracket screws and perform step 9 again.
10. Replace and secure side cover access plate and place valve in service.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: Electro-mechanical CP Valves Page: 6100-21 Date: 1/99
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
Figure #1 8 9
3 7
1 – Spring pin
1 2 – Mounting screws
3 – Mainbase
11 4 – Solenoid linkage
5 – Solenoid bracket
4 6 – Solenoid plunger
7 – Roller bearing
10 8 – Catch finger pedestal
9 – Spring retainer
10 – Bumper
11 – Catch finger lever arm
12 – Solenoid power leads
12 2 5
10. CHECK that roller arm assembly is aligned in the center of the catch finger pedestal, insuring that the roller
tracks up the center of the pedestal track.
11. Tighten body bolts securely and recheck the alignment of the roller arm to the center of the catch finger
12. Reconnect the electrical leads.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: Electro-mechanical CP Valves Page: 6100-22 Date: 1/99
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394.
13. Verify correct operation of the solenoid and catch finger linkage. To do this, first energize the valve. After
the solenoid plunger pulls in, place a large screwdriver behind the solenoid linkage (4) (see Figure #2).
While maintaining pressure to the solenoid linkage (4) with the screwdriver, shut-off the power to the valve
when the center of the roller bearing is horizontally in line with the center of the spring retainer pin (see
Figure #3).
CAUTION: Keep fingers clear of the mainbase internals.
Solenoid Plunger
˚Figure #2
Tab Stop
At this point, slowly release screwdriver pressure until the valve trips to the closed position and note the position
of the solenoid linkage. Verify that there is a visible gap between the end of the solenoid linkage pin and the tab
stops on the solenoid bracket.
Center of Spring
Catch Finger
Retainer Pin
˚Figure #3 Roller Bearing Pedestal
Center of
roller bearing is
horizontally in line
with center of
spring pin in
spring retainer
Tab Stop
Linkage Pin
Note: If there is no visible gap, the solenoid may need to be adjusted. Loosen the mounting screws attaching
the solenoid bracket to the mainbase. Move the solenoid as far horizontally and vertically, in the direction of the
observation glass, as allowed. Tightly secure the two solenoid bracket screws and perform step 13 again.
14. Replace and secure side cover access plate and place valve in service.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Product Data Sheet Product: Maxon Valves
Do Not Reproduce
Do Not Reproduce
• Electrically actuated valves shut off gas or oil lines in less than one second.
• Normally open versions available for vent or process purge lines with Maxon's long-
lasting metal-to-metal seating.
• Application flexibility provided with 3/4" through 6" diameter line sizes, Cv flow
factors up to 765, and line pressures up to 600 PSIG.
• All Maxon top assembly enclosures meet approval sanctions:
– NEMA 1, 3, 3S, 4, and 12; Available with NEMA 4X trim (optional)
“NI” valves are FM approved for hazardous locations:
Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D: T5 (AC)
Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G: T5 (AC)
Class III, Division 2: T5 (AC)
“NI” Valves are built in accordance with the Non-Incendive Component Criteria as outlined
by NEC/NFPA 70-1996 Articles 500-2(a)(6)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Page 6202
Accessory Options
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: 765-286-8394
Hazardous Location Valves Page 6205
Normally closed shut-off valves are used in Normally open vent valves are most often used
burner system fuel supply lines on industrial boilers, as the bleed valve in a block-and-bleed pipe train,
furnaces, ovens, kilns, and other heating processes. sometimes required by insurance authorities. They
All valves are designed to shut-off fuel automatically are designed to open a vent line automatically and
and instantly with an interruption in the electric power instantly upon an interruption in the electric power
supplied through your safety circuit. supply through your safety control circuit.
These valves are also used for the manual or These normally open valves are also used in
motorized opening or closing of pipe lines carrying protective atmosphere systems and other gaseous
gases and liquids commonly used in industrial proc- and fluid service requiring quick opening or by-pass
esses. Normally closed valves cannot be opened until purging action.
the interlocking safety control circuit is proven and
resulting electrical power is supplied to the shut-off Like the normally closed versions, both automatic
valve. and manual reset actuators are available for remote
access locations, or when operating personnel's
Motorized automatic valve actuators are used physical presence is preferred.
where remote access or unmanned applications are
needed. All Maxon valves feature one-piece cast iron or
cast steel bodies with micro-lapped seats and discs.
NOTE: Valve motors and solenoids are protected Straight-through flow path minimizes pressure drop
against thermal overload. If the valve duty cycle is through full open swinging gate or rising stem (guillo-
exceeded, the motor and/or solenoid must be allowed tine action) bodies.
to cool before the internal thermal protection will
automatically reset.
Page 6206 Hazardous Location Valves
Page 6208 Hazardous Location Valves
" RS
1.25 20
1" RS
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
" RS 20
" RS
1 .25
" RS
" &1
0.1 0.5 1 5 10
Page 6210 Hazardous Location Valves
RS size valves, must not exceed
6" RS 12 2.5 PSIG.
CP S 86
Select valve size on basis of
50000 4" P R RS the lower of these parameters
3" CP 53 to avoid critical flow conditions.
2.5 RS 45
3" RS
10000 2"
. 5 "R
1 S
5 "R
0.1 0.5 1 5 10 5 0 100
0.1 0.5 1 5 10
Page 6212 Hazardous Location Valves
Selection Data
Normally closed, swinging gate valves
Temperature Limits
All of these valves can handle fluid temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to
+250°F (+121°C).
Ambient temperature limits vary. The valves on this page handle
ambient temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to +140°F (+60°C).
All electro-mechanical valves require a constant supply of electrical
energy to their holding solenoids inside the top assembly actuators. Once
the solenoid is energized, the 730NI and 760NI valves may be opened
manually, or the 4730NI and 4760NI valves will automatically open. Any
interruption of the electrical power to either of these valves causes an
1.25" Series 4760NI
immediate trip of the valve to its normally closed position.
Selection Data
Normally closed, rising stem valves
Series Designation
Body Material > Gray Iron Cast Steel • Normally closed
Top Assembly Function Sanctioned Service [1] Sanctioned Service [1] • Electrically actuated
808NI 808NI-S • Rising stem body
Manual Reset
808NI-CP 808NI-SCP
5000NI 5000NI-S • For shut-off service
Automatic Reset
5000NI-CP 5000NI-SCP
[1] Sanctioned series carr y FM sanctions for air, natural or liquified petroleum gases. They
are normally approvable for clean fuel gases. Additionally, series with internal trim -2 are
sanctioned for #1 and #2 fuel oils. Other gases and liquids may be sanctioned. Contact
Maxon with your fuel analysis.
Temperature Limits
All these valves can handle fluid temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to +140°F
(+60°C). Oil viscosity not to exceed 5000 SSU. Ambient temperature limits
vary. The valves on this page handle ambient temperatures from -20°F (-28°C)
to +140°F (+60°C).
All of these electro-mechanical valves require a constant supply of electrical
energy to their solenoid inside the top assembly actuators. Once that device is
energized, the Series 808NI (-CP) valves may be manually opened, or the Series
5000NI (-CP) valves will automatically open. Any interruption of the electrical
power to either of these valves causes an immediate trip of the valve to its
normally closed position.
3" Series 808NI
Available Sizes and Pressure Ratings
Maximum Inlet Pressure (psi) [1]
Pipe Size Body Cv
Gray Iron Bodies Cast Steel Bodies
(inches) Flow Factor
Clean Gases Special Service [2] Clean Gases Special Service [2]
.75 125 65 --- ---
1 125 65 125 65
1.25 45 100 65 --- ---
1.5 53 70 65 70 65
70 65 70 65
2 86
70 65 70 65
40 40 --- ---
2.5 127
40 40 --- ---
50 50 50 50
2.5 CP 304
50 50 50 50
3 173 30 30 --- ---
40 40 40 40
3 CP 423
40 40 40 40
4 CP 490 40 40 40 40
6 869 30 30 30 30
[1] Maximum operating pressure differential (MOPD) in psi must not exceed maximum inlet pressure shown.
[2] In accordance with NACE Standard MR0175-96, special ser vice valves should be reviewed thoroughly before application
is completed.
NOTE: Shaded areas indicate flanged valve bodies. All others are threaded.
Page 6214 Hazardous Location Valves
Selection Data
Normally open, rising stem valves
Temperature Limits
All these valves can handle fluid temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to
+140°F (+60°C). Oil viscosity not to exceed 5000 SSU.
Ambient temperature limits vary. The valves on this page can handle
ambient temperatures from -20°F (-28°C) to +140°F (+60°C).
All of these electro-mechanical valves require a constant supply of
electrical energy to their holding solenoids inside the top assembly
actuators. Once the solenoid is energized, the STO-MNI (-CP) valves may
be manually closed, or the STO-ANI (-CP) valves will automatically close.
Any interruption of the electrical power to either of these valves causes 1" Series STO-ANI
an immediate trip of the valve to its normally open position.
Page 6216 Hazardous Location Valves
No. .75" Ð 2" 2.5", 3" 2.5" Ð 4" CP 6"
3 Seat #303 SS (hard faced) #303 SS (hard faced) #303 SS (hard faced) #303 SS (hard faced)
80-55-06 Ductile Iron 80-55-06 Ductile Iron 80-55-06 Ductile Iron 80-55-06 Ductile Iron
4 Disc
(chrome plated) (chrome plated) (chrome plated) (chrome plated)
303 SS 303 SS 303 SS
5 Follow Ring 303 SS (chrome plated)
(chrome plated) (chrome plated) (chrome plated)
6 Seat O-ring Viton Viton Viton Viton
7 Bonnet O-ring Viton Viton Viton Steel
8 #302 Stainless Steel #302 Stainless Steel #302 Stainless Steel #302 Stainless Steel
9 Stem Steel (chrome plated) Steel (chrome plated) Steel (chrome plated) Steel (chrome plated)
10 Stem/Disc Pins #420 Stainless Steel #420 Stainless Steel --- Shear-Proof Steel
11 Stem O-rings Viton Viton Viton Viton
12 Striker Plate #17-7 Stainless Steel #17-7 Stainless Steel #17-7 Stainless Steel Carbon Steel
13 Bumper Viton Viton Viton Viton
Typical stem/disc
connection used with
smaller sized valves
13 13
9 12
6 5
threaded body
CP design
is shown 3
Hazardous Location Valves Page 6217
11 5
Typical construction
of 1"and 1.25"
screwed body valves 13
12 7 6 9
Page 6218 Hazardous Location Valves
Component Identification
General Maintenance and Spare Parts
All safety devices should be tested at least To determine suggested spare parts, identify
monthly* and more often if deemed advisable. series designation and serial number from the
Periodic testing for tightness of manual or motor- valve’s nameplate. Refer to the illustration and
ized shut-off valve closure is equally essential. legend below to identify suggested spare parts.
*per NFPA 86-Appendix B-4 (1995)
To order, specify:
These Maxon valves are designed for long trouble-
1. Quantity
free service. Only items shown as suggested spare
2. Assembly part number (if available)
parts are considered field replaceable.
3. Description
WARNING: Do not attempt field repair of valve 4. Electrical specification
body, top assembly or motor drive unit. Any 5. Full nameplate information (from existing valve)
alterations void all warranties.
designation does
not reflect external
accessory items or
motor limit switch
Hazardous Location Valves Page 6219
Electrical Data
for normally closed valves
All Maxon shut-off valves are electrically actuated Good practice normally dictates that auxiliary
from a power source, normally through the flame switches in valves used for safety shut-off functions
safeguard and/or safety control circuits. should be used for signal duty only, not to operate
Standard valve assemblies include an internal additional safety devices.
holding solenoid for 115 volt 50/60 hertz AC power.
(230 volt 50/60 hertz available upon request.) Signal switch designations:
The solenoid is energized whenever the valve is VCS (Valve Closed Switch) is actuated at the end
powered. The motor operator on automatic reset of the closing stroke. VCS-1 is SPDT; VCS-2 is 2
versions is powered only during the opening stroke. SPDT switches mounted side by side.
Switch wiring diagram (reproduced below) is part VOS (Valve Open Switch) is actuated at the end of
of each valve assembly, summarizing electrical data the opening stroke. VOS-1 is SPDT; VOS-2 is 2
and a full complement of optional signal switches. SPDT switches mounted side by side.
Diagram shows valve in its normally closed (at rest) Switch amp ratings are shown on the schematic
position. The indicated internal wiring is present only wiring diagram below.
when the appropriate auxiliary switches are specified. DO NOT EXCEED rated amperage or total load
Automatic reset valves always include a VOS-1 SPDT shown.
valve open motor limit switch.
Volt Ampere (VA) Ratings: Manual Reset Volt Ampere (VA) Ratings: Automatic Reset
AC Operation AC Operation
Valve Valve
50Hz/60Hz 50Hz/60Hz
Size Series Opening Holding Size Series Opening Holding
.75" - 3" 808NI (-S) .75" - 3" 5000NI (-S)
24/15 24/15 344/213 24/15
1" - 1.25" 730NI (-S), 760NI 1" - 1.25" 4730NI (-S), 4760NI
2.5" - 6" 808NI-(S)CP 34/26 34/26 2.5" - 4" 5000NI-(S)CP 354/224 34/26
NOTE: Total VA of solenoid (manual reset valves) or solenoid and motor (motorized valves) must not exceed the limits shown.
Page 6220 Hazardous Location Valves
Electrical Data
for normally open valves
General Automatic reset valves always include a VCS-1 SPDT
All Maxon normally open vent valves are electri- valve closed motor limit switch.
cally actuated from a power source, normally through Good practice normally dictates that auxiliary
the flame safeguard and/or safety control circuits. switches in valves used for safety shut-off functions
Standard valve assemblies include an internal should be used for signal duty only, not to operate
holding solenoid for 115 volt 50/60 hertz AC power. additional safety devices.
(230 volt 50/60 hertz available upon request.) Signal switch designations:
The solenoid is energized whenever the valve is VCS (Valve Closed Switch) is actuated at the end
powered. The motor operator on automatic reset of the closing stroke. VCS-1 is SPDT; VCS-2 is 2
version is powered only during the closing stroke. SPDT switches mounted side by side.
Switch wiring diagrams (reproduced below and on VOS (Valve Open Switch) is actuated at the end of
next page) are part of each valve assembly, summa- opening stroke. VOS-1 is SPDT; VOS-2 is 2 SPDT
rizing electrical data and a full complement of optional switches mounted side by side.
signal switches. Switch amp ratings are shown on the schematic
Diagrams show valve in its normally open (at rest) wiring diagrams below and on the next page.
position. The indicated internal wiring is present only
DO NOT EXCEED rated amperage or total load
when the appropriate auxiliary switches are specified.
Volt Ampere (VA) Ratings: Manual Reset Volt Ampere (VA) Ratings: Automatic Reset
AC Operation AC Operation
Valve Valve
50Hz/60Hz 50Hz/60Hz
Size Series Opening Holding Size Series Opening Holding
.75" - 3" STO-MNI (-S) 24/15 24/15 .75" -3" STO-ANI (-S) 344/213 24/15
2.5" - 4" STO-MNI-(S)CP 34/26 34/26 2.5" - 4" STO-ANI-(S)CP 354/224 34/26
NOTE: Total VA of solenoid (manual reset valves) or solenoid and motor (automatic reset valves) must not exceed the limits shown.
(2) 3/4" NPT
Conduit Connection D “L” “R”
A Pipe Size
2.27 Maxon Maxon
C (2) 1/4" NPTF
5000NI, STO-ANI Test Connection
11.5 “TO” “AW”
5.5 1.81
5.48 4.88
(2) 3/4"
B K NPT NOTE: 2.75" needed
Conduit for terminal block
Connection D
cover removal.
A Pipe Size
2.27 (2) 1/4" NPTF
Test Connection
Pipe Valve
Size Series
808NI & STO-MNI 11.58
5000NI & STO-ANI ---
2.00 12.25 3.81 1.90 .78 1.94 .81 8.11
808NI (-S) & STO-MNI (-S) 11.58
5000NI (-S) & STO-ANI (-S) ---
808NI 12.14
1.25" 2.44 12.81 .22 1.56 8.67
5000NI ---
4.00 2.00 2.12
808NI (-S) & STO-MNI (-S) 12.61
1.5" 2.69 13.31 .38 1.68 9.14
5000NI (-S) & STO-ANI (-S) ---
Page 6222 Hazardous Location Valves
R 3/4"
Connection D
A Pipe Size
“L” “R”
J H (2) 1/4" NPTF
J S Test Connection
G Pipe Size
Maxon Maxon
Equally H
7.59 2.84
1.97 7.52 “TO” “AW”
B K (2)
3/4" NPT
NOTE: 2.75" needed
Conduit D
Connection G for terminal block
cover removal.
A Pipe Size
7.25 D
A A 5.32
5.32 7.25
A Pipe Size 3.0
3.0 J H (2) 1/4" NPTF
J H (2) 1/4" NPTF 0.88
View A-A C Test Connection
0.88 C Test Connection
View AA
(2) 3/4" NPT 11.68
Conduit Connection J S
Pipe Size
N (dia.) A
P (no. of holes)
(2) 1/4" NPTF
Available Top Assembly Positions
equally spaced H
T Test Connection
Page 6224 Hazardous Location Valves
(2) 3/4" “R” “TO”
4.54 Pipe
2.94 Size
(2) 3/4"
NPT Conduit
4.54 Pipe
2.94 Size
Page 6226 Hazardous Location Valves
Tandem Arrangements
(for simultaneous opening of main and blocking valves)
Blocking Blocking
Valve Valve
Flow loop length Flow
Piping by others if overhead Piping by others
wheel &
chain option See Table 1
Page 6228 Hazardous Location Valves
12.19 Maximum
Maximum 7.25
2.31 dia.
5.25 4.06
* * *
* *
* *
Access Cover
Plate * Operator
808NI, STO-MNI, 730NI 5000NI, STO-ANI, 4730NI
Page 6230 Hazardous Location Valves
Hazardous Location Valves Page 6200-S-1
Installation Instructions
1. Read complete instructions before proceeding B. Teflon tape acts as a lubricant and greatly
and do not discard packing materials until any/all reduces the pipe wrench turning force re-
loose items are located. Also, make sure that the quired to seal the threads.
installation of the Maxon valves will be in compli-
Take care not to overtighten threads as
ance with all applicable governmental, insurance
this can damage the valve.
and/or agency requirements or codes, such as
NFPA-70, National Electric Code, CSA C22.1, C. Good piping practice dictates that piping be
Canadian Electric Code, etc. independently supported, so that valve bodies
2. General considerations: are not placed in a bind. In addition, large
A. Prior to shipment, each valve is operated valves may require support.
electrically and cycled at rated and 1-1/2 D. Clean pipe lines of foreign materials before
rated pressure while being leak tested. Every installing valve into line.
Maxon valve is operationally tested and
For new installations, a gas filter or strainer shall be
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104
installed in the fuel gas piping to protect the
Class VI Seat Leakage.
downstream safety shut-off valves.
B. Inspect your valve for any shipping damage. per NFPA 86-4-2.4.3 (1999)
Contact Maxon Corporation with the valve’s NFPA 86C-4-2.4.3 (1999)
serial number (printed on the valve's name- NFPA 86D-4-2.4-3 (1999)
plate) for replacement and/or repair parts.
C. Read the nameplate on your valve. This If normal inlet pressure to the fuel pressure regula-
gives the maximum pressure, temperature tor immediately upstream from the valve exceeds
limitation, voltage requirements and service the valve’s pressure rating, a relief valve shall be
conditions of your specific valve. DO NOT provided and it shall be vented to a safe location.
exceed nameplate ratings. per NFPA 86-5-7.1.7 (1999)
NFPA 86C-5-7.1.7 (1999)
D. Select mounting location carefully. Your NFPA 86D-5-7.1.7 (1999)
Maxon valve is designed to operate for many
years if installed in a location that is cool, E. Mount valve so that open/shut window
clean and dry. indicator [1] will be visible to your operating
3. Pipe the valve in the direction of the flow arrow personnel. The open/shut window indicator
[3] on the valve body. The Maxon valve body can should never face downward. With Maxon
shut off flow in one direction only. electro-mechanical top assemblies, the motor
A. Remove all thread and flange protectors access side plate [2] should always be
before installing valve in your service line. vertical to the ground. Valves are usually
installed in horizontal piping; however, other
1 1 1
2 2
5 5
4 4
1/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
5 2
4 4
Series 4760NI
with socket welded
Series 808NI-CP Series 5000NI nipples & flanges
Maxon valves can and should be ordered in a con- Auxiliary Switch Arrangement
figuration compatible with planned piping, but if open/
shut indicator window is not visible and/or valve orienta-
tion is not proper, the top assembly can be rotated in
90° increments around the valve body centerline axis
by the following procedure:
1. Shut off all electrical power and close off up-
stream manual cock.
2. Remove wiring access cover plate [2] and
disconnect power lead wires. (Tag carefully for later
3. Remove conduit and electrical leads.
4. Note physical position of any signal switch
actuator wands on auxiliary signal switches (see Wiring Diagram
switch arrangement sketch).
5. Unscrew the two body bolts [4] screwed up from A– Number Coded Wires H– Mounting Screws
the bottom to 1/4 inch. DO NOT completely re- B– Rubber Grommet I – Spring Retainer Extension
move. These bolts secure the valve body [3] to the C– Mounting Screws J– Switch Wand
D– Normal (de-energized) K– Actual (energized)
valve’s top assembly housing [5]. Position Switch Position Switch
6. Gently lift the top assembly [5] (not more than E– Insulating Barrier L– Switch Wand
1/4" in height); just enough to break the seal F– Bracket Mounting Pad M– Switch Mounting Bracket
between the valve body assembly and the rubber G– Drive Pin & Locating Hole N– Gasket
gasket adhering to the bottom of the top housing.
4/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Maxon
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Operating Instructions
Refer to appropriate catalog bulletin and specifi- Electro-mechanical manual reset valves require
cation page for operating sequence applying to your two positive actions to open: a half rotation of
specific valve. Never operate valve until all essen- handle to latch internal mechanism, and a reversed
tial allied equipment is operative and any neces- half rotation of handle to open valve. This refers to
sary purges completed. Failure of electro-mechani- normally closed valves. With normally open valves,
cally operated valve to operate normally indicates that the procedure is the same, but the valve body position
it is not powered. Check this first! Then check (i.e., open or closed) is opposite to the normally
internal holding solenoid and/or motor operator. closed version.
Main system shut-off should always be accom- Remotely located manual reset valves may be
plished with an upstream leak-tight manual fuel equipped with wheel-and-chain assembly. Instructions
cock. to operate the valve are on hand grip. Locate counter-
All Maxon valves react within a fraction of a weight overhead at pipe level and hand grip can be
second when de-energized. One cycle drop in electri- brought down to convenient operating personnel
cally supplied power can cause this reaction. height.
All electro-mechanical manual reset valves may Normally closed motorized valves begin open-
be operated manually when solenoid is electrically ing cycle immediately upon being powered; motor
energized, but electrical tripping is recommended for runs only until full open position is reached. Normally
normal shut-downs. open valves begin to close immediately, and motor
runs until fully closed position is reached.
Operator should be aware of and observe characteristic opening/closing action of the valve. Should operation
ever become sluggish, remove valve from service and contact Maxon for recommendations.
Address inquiries to: Maxon Corporation, Muncie, IN 47302, Phone (765) 284-3304
FAX (765) 286-8394
Always include valve serial number and nameplate information to insure positive identification.
4/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Maxon valves are endurance tested far in excess of
the most stringent requirements of the various ap- Insurance authorities agree . . .
proval agencies. They are designed for long life even . . . that the safety of any industrial fuel burning
if frequently cycled, and to be as maintenance-free installation is dependent upon well-trained
and trouble-free as possible. operators who are able to follow instructions and
Every Maxon valve is operationally tested and to react properly in cases of emergency. Their
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104 Class VI knowledge of, and training on, the specific
Seat Leakage when it leaves our plant. installation are both vital to safe operation.
Top assembly components require no field Safety controls may get out of order without the
lubrication and should never be oiled. operator becoming aware of it unless shutdowns
Auxiliary switches, motors and solenoids, may be result. Production-minded operators have been
replaced in the field. known to bypass faulty controls without reporting
the trouble.
WARNING: Do not attempt field repair of valve Continued safe operation of any installation is
body, top assembly or motor drive unit. Any then assured only if the plant management
alterations void all warranties. carefully develops an exact schedule for regular
Valve leak test, performed with valve in line as periodic inspection of all safety controls, insisting
prescribed by jurisdictional authorities, is strongly that it then be rigidly adhered to.
encouraged and should be done on a regularly A main gas shut-off cock should be located
scheduled basis. In rare instances where valve shows upstream from all other fuel train piping compo-
leakage, perform Pre-Operational Exercising (see nents and used to shut off all flow of fuel for
Installation Instructions) and retest. If leakage does servicing and other shutdowns.
not stop, remove valve from service. All safety devices should be tested at least
monthly* and more often if deemed advisable.
Maxon valves are designed to be used with Periodic testing for tightness of manual or motor-
clean fluids. If foreign material is present in the ized shut-off valve closure is equally essential.
fuel line, it will be necessary to inspect the *per NFPA 86-Appendix B-4 (1995)
valve to make certain it is operating properly. If
abnormal opening or closing is observed, the
valve should be removed from service. Contact
your Maxon representative for instructions.
Operator should be aware of and observe characteristic opening/closing action of the valve. Should operation
ever become sluggish, remove valve from service and contact Maxon for recommendations.
Address inquiries to: Maxon Corporation, Muncie, IN 47302, Phone (765) 284-3304
FAX (765) 286-8394
Always include valve serial number and nameplate information to insure positive identification.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
4/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Electrical Data
Electro-Mechanical Valves
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Tandem Arrangements
(for simultaneous opening of main and blocking valves)
Installation Instructions
Review and comply with all general valve installa- 8. Rotate the operating handle of the main valve
tion instructions provided separately. (See sketch fully to latching position for your particular valve,
below.) then hold handle firmly in this position while
1. Mount both valves in fuel line with center to center performing the next few steps.
spacing as originally specified, and blocking valve 9. Rotate blocking valve wheel fully counter-clock-
(without handle) downstream of main valve (with wise until it strikes a stop (it will slide within the
handle). loop of chain).
2. Check valve alignment to be certain that operat- 10. Still holding main valve wheel in place, move
ing wheels lie in the same plane. blocking valve wheel approximately 1/4 to 1/2
3. Remove tape from the wheel of the main valve inch back in the clockwise direction. Insert the
and unwind the attached chain. Do not remove #10-24 X 1/2" screw (furnished) through the chain
the screw holding chain to wheel; it has been link that lines up with the tapped hole on bottom
factory positioned to assure correct alignment. Do of blocking valve wheel, then fasten securely.
not remove tension spring attached to one end of 11. Verify that the valves are wired in parallel as
chain or the wooden block insert which preloads shown in wiring schematic on page 6219.
the spring.
4. Take free end of chain and loop it around the To add wheel & chain assembly to
wheels of both main and blocking valve as shown existing tandem valves:
in sketch below. Depending on the specific valve 1. Verify that both valves are in the same top
series and arrangement, tension spring may be assembly position (TO or AW). Rotate if neces-
located either above or below the wheel center- sary. (See top assembly rotation instructions on
line. pages 6200-S-3 and 6200-S-4.)
5. Draw free end of chain and tension spring to- 2. Bend handle of main valve outward about 25º.
gether so that as much slack as possible is 3. Cut off handle of blocking valve at outer wheel
eliminated, then insert the open eye of the spring face.
"S" hook through the link in the chain that will 4. Remove hardware holding main valve wheel in
most nearly maintain this position. place and mount new wheel and spacer to the
6. Crimp the "S" hook shut around the chain link, existing wheel with new hardware provided.
then cut and discard excess chain. 5. Cut chain loop to the desired length and secure to
7. Remove spring preload wood block insert from both wheels.
the tension spring, and verify that the chain is
drawn tight.
Piping by others
4/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6.94 12.19
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
CAUTION: Valve leak testing should be under- Suggested leak test procedure for
taken only by trained and experienced personnel. double-blocking shut-off valves (without
Instructions provided by the company and/or vent line)
individuals responsible for the manufacture and/or
overall installation of complete system incorporat- (a) Shut down combustion system per manufacturer’s
ing Maxon valves take precedence over these recommended procedure.
provided by Maxon. If Maxon instructions conflict (b) Close manual valves A and B.
with any codes or regulations, contact Maxon (c) Visually inspect to verify that shut-off valves #1
Corporation before attempting this procedure. and #2 are closed.
(d) Remove the 1/4” pipe plug from downstream side
Valve leak test should be performed on a of shut-off valve #1. Install leak test apparatus.
quarterly basis to assure continued safe and Safely vent any trapped gas pressure.
reliable operation. Each valve should be checked (e) Open manual shut-off valve A, then close leak
with available line pressure. Absolute zero leakage test apparatus. Insert tube into a container of
may not be obtained in the field. Any valve that water just below the surface.
exceeds the allowable leakage, as set forth by your (f) Open test apparatus and test valve for leakage.
local codes or insurance requirements (15 bubbles As a guideline, valve should be tested for 2
per minute), should be removed from service and minutes per inch of pipe diameter. Large diameter
your Maxon representative should be contacted. pipes or long piping runs between shut-off valves
may need additional testing time.
Every Maxon valve is operationally tested and (g) If valve testing indicates leakage exceeding 15
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104 Class bubbles per minute, perform pre-operational
VI seat leakage when it leaves our plant. exercising as outlined on Page 6200-S-2 and
retest the valve. If valve continues to exceed
allowable leakage limit, remove from service and
Example of a gas piping diagram for leak test contact Maxon.
Shut-off Shut-off
Manual Gas Pressure Valve Valve
Valve Regulator #1 #2
A LGP HGP Manual
Switch Switch Valve
To Combustion
2/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Suggested leak test procedure for double-blocking shut-off valves (without vent line) - continued
(h) Secure test apparatus on valve #1. retest the valve. If valve continues to exceed
(i) Remove the 1/4” pipe plug from downstream side allowable leakage limit, remove from service and
of shut-off valve #2. Install leak test apparatus. contact Maxon.
(j) With an auxiliary power supply connected to valve (l) Secure test apparatus on valve #2.
#1, open test apparatus and test valve for leak- (m) Upon completion of valve leak testing, test all
age. As a guideline, valve should be tested for 2 other safety interlocks per manufacturer’s instruc-
minutes per inch of pipe diameter. Large diameter tions and verify they are operational.
pipes or long piping runs between shut-off valves (n) Restore combustion system to operational
may need additional testing time. condition. Be sure to remove all auxiliary power
(k) If valve testing indicates leakage exceeding 15 supplies and jumpers that may have been used
bubbles per minute, perform pre-operational during testing.
exercising as outlined on Page 6200-S-2 and
Suggested leak test procedure for double-blocking shut-off valves with vent line
Example of a gas piping diagram for leak test with vent line
If vent valve is
present, use auxil- Shut-off
iary power supply to Manual Gas Pressure Valve
Valve Regulator #1
power vent valve to Shut-off Valve #2
A Manual
closed position LGP HGP
Switch Switch Valve
during this test B
procedure. Follow Strainer
test instructions
above. Once test is To Combustion
complete, be sure System
vent valve is re- Drip
stored to normal
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 808NI Shut-Off Valves
Normally closed, rising stem, electrically actuated, manual reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Ship
Valve Size & MOPD
Series Valve Body Sub-assembly [1] Weight
Cv Factor Assembly Number (psi)
Designation Trim ANSI ISO (lbs.)
1-1 29662 31730
.75 808NI 808NI 1-2 29667 31735 125 21
Cv = 20
3-2 29678 ---
1-1 29663 31731
808NI 1-2 29668 31736
1" 3-2 29679 ---
1 808NI 125 23
Cv = 20 2-1 29672 31740
808NI-S 2-2 29675 31743
4-2 30038 ---
1-1 29664 31732
1.25 808NI 808NI 1-2 29669 31737 100 23
Cv = 45
3-2 29680 ---
1-1 29665 31733
808NI 1-2 29670 31738
1.5" 3-2 29681 ---
1.5 808NI 70 23
Cv = 53 2-1 29673 31741
808NI-S 2-2 29676 31744
4-2 30039 ---
1-1 29666 31734
808NI 1-2 29671 31739
3-2 29682 ---
2-1 29674 31742
2 808NI 808NI-S 2-2 29677 31745 70
Cv = 86
4-2 30040 ---
1-1 38987 38988
808NI 1-2 38989 38990
3-2 38991 ---
2.5 808NI 808NI 1-1 18010 21116 40 36
Cv = 127
3 808NI 808NI 1-1 18011 21117 30 38
Cv = 173
[1] Valve body sub-assemblies in bold are standard bodies in this valve assembly
10/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 808NI Shut-off Valves
Normally closed, rising stem, electrically actuated, manual reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Ship
Valve Size & Cv MOPD
Series Valve Body Sub-assembly [1] Weight
Factor Assembly Number (psi)
Designation (lbs.)
1-1 35968 35986
808NI-CP 1-2 35971 35989 44
3-2 35974 ---
2.5" 1-1 38999 39000
CP 2.5CP 808NI 808NI-CP 1-2 39003 39004 50
Cv = 304 3-2 39007 ---
2-1 41162 41170
808NI-SCP 2-2 41163 41171
4-2 41178 ---
1-1 35969 35987
808NI-CP 1-2 35972 35990 48
3-2 35975 ---
3" 1-1 39001 39002
CP 3CP 808NI 808NI-CP 1-2 39005 39006 40
Cv = 432 3-2 39009 ---
2-1 41186 41194
808NI-SCP 2-2 41187 41195
4-2 41202 ---
1-1 35970 35988
808NI-CP 1-2 35973 35991
4" 3-2 35976 ---
CP 4CP 808NI 40 89
Cv = 551 2-1 41210 41218
808NI-SCP 2-2 41211 41219
4-2 41226 ---
1-1 29403 29405
808NI 1-2 29406 29408
6" 3-2 30032 ---
6 808NI 30 143
Cv = 765 2-1 41270 41272
808NI-S 2-2 41271 41273
4-2 41274 ---
[1] Valve body sub-assemblies in bold are standard bodies in this valve assembly
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 5000NI Shut-Off Valves
Normally closed, rising stem, electrically actuated, automatic reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Ship
Valve Size & Cv MOPD
Series Valve Body Sub-assembly [1] Weight
Factor Assembly Number (psi)
Designation (lbs.)
1-1 29662
.75" 31730
.75 5000NI 5000NI 1-2 29667 125 23
Cv = 20 31735
3-2 29678
1-1 29663 31731
5000NI 1-2 29668 31736
1" 3-2 29679 ---
1 5000NI 125 24
Cv = 20 2-1 29672 31740
5000NI-S 2-2 29675 31743
4-2 30038 ---
1-1 29664 31732
1.25 5000NI 5000NI 1-2 29669 31737 100 25
Cv = 45
3-2 29680 ---
1-1 29665 31733
5000NI 1-2 29670 31738
1.5" 3-2 29681 ---
1.5 5000NI 70 27
Cv - 53 2-1 29673 31741
5000NI-S 2-2 29676 31744
4-2 30039 ---
1-1 29666 31734
5000NI 1-2 29671 31739
3-2 29682 ---
2-1 29674 31742
2 5000NI 5000NI-S 2-2 29677 31745 70
Cv = 86
4-2 30040 ---
1-1 38987 38988
5000NI 1-2 38989 38990 54
3-2 38991 ---
2.5 5000NI 5000NI 1-1 18010 21116 40 39
Cv = 127
3 5000NI 5000NI 1-1 18011 21117 30 40
Cv = 173
[1] Valve body sub-assemblies in bold are standard bodies in this valve assembly
10/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 5000NI Shut-off Valves
Normally closed, rising stem, electrically actuated, automatic reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves
Valve Size & Cv MOPD
Series Valve Body Sub-assembly [1] Weight
Factor Assembly Number (psi)
Designation (lbs.)
1-1 35968 35986
5000NI-CP 1-2 35971 35989 44
3-2 35974 ---
1-1 38999 39000
2.5" CP
2.5CP 5000NI 5000NI-CP 1-2 39003 39004 50
Cv = 304
3-2 39007 ---
2-1 41162 41170
5000NI-SCP 2-2 41163 41171
4-2 41178 ---
1-1 35969 35987
5000NI-CP 1-2 35972 35990 49
3-2 35975 ---
1-1 39001 39002
3" CP
3CP 5000NI 5000NI-CP 1-2 39005 39006 40
Cv = 432
3-2 39009 ---
2-1 41186 41194
5000NI-SCP 2-2 41187 41195
4-2 41202 ---
1-1 35970 35988
5000NI 1-2 35973 35991
4" C P 3-2 35976 ---
4CP 5000NI 40 27
Cv = 551 2-1 41210 41218
5000NI-SCP 2-2 41211 41219
4-2 41226 ---
[1] Valve body sub-assemblies in bold are standard bodies in this valve assembly
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series STO-MNI Vent Valves
Normally open, rising stem, electrically actuated, manual reset, trip open
Sanctioned Valves
Valve Size MOPD
Series Valve Body Sub-assembly [1] Weight
& Cv Factor Assembly Number (psi)
Designation (lbs.)
1-1 29704 31754
.75 STOMNI STO-MNI 1-2 29708 31758 125 21
Cv = 20
3-2 30044 ---
1-1 29705 31755
STO-MNI 1-2 29709 31759
1" 3-2 30045 ---
1 STOMNI 125 23
Cv = 20 2-1 29712 31762
STO-MNI-S 2-2 29715 31765
4-2 30048 30048
1-1 29706 31756
STO-MNI 1-2 29710 31760
1.5" 3-2 30046 ---
1.5 STOMNI 70 23
Cv = 53 2-1 29713 31763
STO-MNI-S 2-2 29716 31766
4-2 30049 ---
1-1 29707 31757
STO-MNI 1-2 29711 31761
3-2 30047 ---
2-1 29714 31764
2 STOMNI STO-MNI-S 2-2 29717 31767 70
Cv = 86
4-2 30050 ---
1-1 38993 38994
STO-MNI 1-2 38995 38996 35
3-2 38997 ---
1-1 36005 36023
STO-MNI-CP 1-2 36008 36026 44
3-2 36011 ---
1-1 39011 39012
2.5" CP
2.5CP STOMNI STO-MNI-CP 1-2 39015 39016 50
Cv = 304
3-2 39019 ---
2-1 41164 41172
STO-MNI-SCP 2-2 41165 41173
4-2 41179 ---
1-1 36006 36024
STO-MNI-CP 1-2 36009 36027 48
3-2 36012 ---
1-1 39013 39014
3" CP
3CP STOMNI STO-MNI-CP 1-2 39017 39018 40
Cv = 432
3-2 39021 ---
2-1 41188 41196
STO-MNI-SCP 2-2 41189 41197
4-2 41203 ---
1-1 36007 36025
STO-MNI-CP 1-2 36010 36028
4" CP 3-2 36013 ---
4CP STOMNI 40 89
Cv = 551 2-1 41212 41220
STO-MNI-SCP 2-2 41213 41221
4-2 41227 ---
[1] Valve body sub-assemblies in bold are standard bodies in this valve assembly
These assemblies include Non-Incendive 115-50/60 VAC solenoids. Other gases and liquids may be sanctioned. Contact Maxon with your fuel analysis.
Shaded areas are flanged body valves (valves with -S designation are steel body valves)
Segment choices are listed on page 6200-A/P-7
10/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 6200-A/P-6 Hazardous Location Valves
Assembly Numbers
Series STO-ANI Vent Valves
Normally open, rising stem, electrically actuated, automatic reset, trip open
Sanctioned Valves
Valve Size & Cv MOPD
Assembly Series Valve Body Sub-assembly [1] Weight
Factor (psi)
Number Designation (lbs.)
1-1 29704 31754
.75 STOANI STO-ANI 1-2 29708 31758 125 21
Cv = 20
3-2 30044 ---
1-1 29705 31755
STO-ANI 1-2 29709 31759
1" 3-2 30045 ---
1 STOANI 125 23
Cv = 20 2-1 29712 31762
STO-ANI-S 2-2 29715 31765
4-2 30048 ---
1-1 29706 31756
STO-ANI 1-2 29710 31760
1.5" 3-2 30046 ---
1.5 STOANI 70 23
Cv = 53 2-1 29713 31763
STO-ANI-S 2-2 29716 31766
4-2 30049 ---
1-1 29707 31757
STO-ANI 1-2 29711 31761
3-2 30047 ---
2-1 29714 31764
2 STOANI STO-ANI-S 2-2 29717 31767 70
Cv = 86
4-2 30050 ---
1-1 38993 38994
STO-ANI 1-2 38995 38996 35
3-2 38997 ---
1-1 36005 36023
STO-ANI-CP 1-2 36008 36026 44
3-2 36011 ---
1-1 39011 39012
2.5" CP
2.5CP STOANI STO-ANI-CP 1-2 39015 39016 50
Cv = 304
3-2 39019 ---
2-1 41164 41172
STO-ANI-SCP 2-2 41165 41173
4-2 41179 ---
1-1 36006 36024
STO-ANI-CP 1-2 36009 36027 48
3-2 36012 ---
1-1 39013 39014
3" CP
3CP STOANI STO-ANI-CP 1-2 39017 39018 40
Cv = 432
3-2 39021 ---
2-1 41188 41196
STO-ANI-SCP 2-2 41189 41197
4-2 41203 ---
1-1 36007 36025
STO-ANI-CP 1-2 36010 36028
4" CP 3-2 36013 ---
4CP STOANI 40 89
Cv = 551 2-1 41212 41220
STO-ANI-SCP 2-2 41213 41221
4-2 41227 ---
[1] Valve body sub-assemblies in bold are standard bodies in this valve assembly
These assemblies include Non-Incendive 115-50/60 VAC solenoids. Other gases and liquids may be sanctioned. Contact Maxon with your fuel analysis.
Shaded areas are flanged body valves (valves with -S designation are steel body valves)
Segment choices are listed on page 6200-A/P-7
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Hazardous Location Valves Page 6200-A/P-7
Assembly Numbers
Series STO-MNI and STO-ANI Valves
Segment choices are as follows for Segment choices are as follows for
configured products: configured products:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Motor voltage
• Enclosure rating • Motor timing
• VCS switch • Solenoid voltage
• VOS switch • Enclosure rating
• Terminal block • VOS switch
• Time delay • VCS switch
• Top assembly position • Terminal block
• Handle sideplate • Time delay
• Tagging • Top assembly position
• Tagging
10/97 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series 730NI/760NI Valves
for oil and liquid service
Normally closed, swinging gate, electrically actuated, manual reset, trip close
Sanctioned Valves Ship
Valve Size & Cv MOPD
Series Valve Body Sub-assembly Weight
Factor Assembly Number (psi)
Designation Trim ANSI ISO (lbs.)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Signal Switches
Hermetically Sealed 3/4" through 3" RS and 1" through 2" SG Valves
Valve Size
Old Switch Assembly Number
3/4" & 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" through 3"
VCS1 (NC) VOS1 (NO) 43268 43268 57341 57353 57256
VCS2 (NC) VOS2 (NO) 43269 43269 57342 57354 57257
VCS1, VOS1 SW ASY 43271 W/43273 57331 57343 57355 57258
VCS2, VOS1 SW ASY 43271 W/43270 57332 57344 57356 57259
VCS1, VOS2 SW ASY 43272 W/43273 57333 57345 57357 57260
VCS2, VOS2 SW ASY 43272 W/43270 57334 57346 57358 57261
2.5", 3", & 4"
Maxon Valve Size 1" & 1.25"
.75", 1", 1.25", 808NI (-S)CP; 5000NI (-S)CP;
and Series > 730NI (-S); 760NI; 4730NI (-S); 4760NI
& 1.5" STO-ANI (-S)CP
808NI (-S); 5000NI (-S); 2", 2.5", & 3"
Electrical STO-MNI (-S); STO-ANI (-S) 6"
808NI (-S); 5000NI (-S);
Specification 808NI (-S)
115v 50/60 Hz 47120 47121 47122
230v 50/60 Hz 47123 47124 47125
24 VDC 1040851 1040580 1040581*
* Not available with 6" 808NI.
12/01 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
NEMA 4X Hardware Kits – Manual Valves Wheel & Chain Accessory Option
Must be returned to factory Extra chain (in one foot increments) – 00035
Standard chain length on CP and larger valves is 7
NEMA 4X Hardware Kits – Automatic Valves feet; all other valves is 5 feet
.75", 1", 1.25", & 2", 2.5", & 3"
1.5" 5000NI
Maxon Valve Series 5000NI STO-ANI
& Size 1" & 1.25"
.75", 1", & 1.5"
4730NI (-S)
47695 47696
Assembly Number
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Air actuated valves shut off gas or oil lines in less than one second
• FM (Factory Mutual) approved for General Purpose and Hazardous Duty locations
• CGA (Canadian Gas Association) certified for General Purpose and Hazardous Duty locations
– Series 1000 and Series 2000 valves only
• Powerful spring-loaded air operators permit much higher differential pressure ratings
than are possible with listed electro-mechanical operators
• Gain application flexibility with 1/2" through 6" diameter line sizes, Cv factors up to 1230, and line
pressures up to 700 PSIG
• Internal trim options provided for special service lines
• Handle flowing fluid temperatures from -40°F (-40°C) to +550°F (+288°C) with ambient temperatures
from -40°F (-40°C) to +140°F (+60°C)
• Bodies designed to ASME/ANSI standards (ISO standards also available)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 6302
ACTIONAIR® valve enclosures meet NEMA 1, 2, 3, 3R, 4 & 12; and CSA 2, 4
& 5.
All ACTIONAIR® Valves meet: Hazardous Duty ACTIONAIR® Valves meet:
Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, & D Class I, Div. 1, Groups C & D
Class II, Div. 2, Groups E, F, & G Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F, & G
Class III, Div. 2, ID #T3B Class III, Div. 2, ID #T3B
Rotatable top assembly for field piping convenience and lubrication-free body
design means minimal field maintenance.
Cast iron or cast steel bodies feature metal-to-metal seating that wears in,
not out. Straight-through flow path minimizes pressure drop through full open
swinging gate or rising-stem guillotine action bodies.
1-1/2" Series 1210
Large two-color open/shut indicator provides positive visual indication of
valve's body position.
Series 2000 – 3/4" to 4" rising stem bodies with normally-open actuators are CGA (Canadian Gas Associa-
tion) certified and have FM (Factory Mutual) approval listings for use with air, natural gas, LP
gases, #1 and #2 fuel oils.
Series 3000 – 1/2" to 1-1/4" swinging gate bodies with normally-closed actuators have FM (Factory Mutual)
approval for use with #1, #2,# 4, and preheated #5 and #6 fuel oils.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
ACTIONAIR® Valves Page 6303
G = Gas specific gravity (air = 1.0)
Gf = Specific gravity @ flowing temperature °F
P1 = Inlet pressure PSIA (14.7 psi + psi gauge)
P2 = Outlet pressure PSIA (14.7 psi + psi gauge)
Q = Cubic feet per hour @ 14.7 PSIA and 60°F
Tf = Flowing temperature absolute (460° + °F)
V = Flow in U.S. gallons/minute
Page 6304 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Approximate pressure
drops for various valve
sizes and flows may be
determined by using this
Typically, pressure drop
for fuel flows should not
exceed 10% of inlet
pressure; however, for 2"
and smaller valves, the
drop should not exceed 5
PSIG, and for 2-1/2" and
larger size valves, must
not exceed 2.5 PSIG.
Select valve size on
basis of the lower of these
parameters to avoid critical
flow conditions.
ACTIONAIR® Valves Page 6305
Approximate pressure
drops for various valve
sizes and flows may be
determined by using this
Typically, pressure drop
for fuel flows should not
exceed 10% of inlet
pressure; however for 2"
and smaller valves, the
drop should not exceed 5
PSIG, and for 2-1/2" and
larger size valves, must
not exceed 2.5 PSIG.
Select valve size on
basis of the lower of these
parameters to avoid critical
flow conditions.
Page 6306 ACTIONAIR® Valves
To select a valve
for YOUR applica-
tion, use either Cv
factor calculations, or
this graph showing
approximate pres-
sure drop at various
flows of #2 oil.
Typically, pressure
drop for fuel flows
should not exceed
10% of inlet pres-
Selection Data
Series Designation
General Purpose (GP) Hazardous Duty (HD)
Body Material
Gray Iron Cast Steel Gray Iron Cast Steel
Special Special Special Special
Actuator Sanctioned * Sanctioned * Sanctioned * Sanctioned *
Service (Non- Service (Non- Service (Non- Service (Non-
Function Service Service Service Service
sanctioned) sanctioned) sanctioned) sanctioned)
Automatic 1010 1110 1210 1310 1010-HD 1110-HD 1210-HD 1310-HD
Manual 1020 1120 1220 1320 1020-HD 1120-HD 1220-HD 1320-HD
Power-to-Close --- 1130 --- 1330 --- 1130-HD --- 1330-HD
*Sanctioned ser vice fuels include: air, natural gas, manufactured gas, liquified petroleum gases, #1 and #2 fuel oils.
NOTE: All standard actuators require 115v 50/60 AC electrical signal to operate the air control
solenoid, which opens the valve assembly. Contact your Maxon representative for optional
electrical voltages.
Page 6308 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Selection Data
Series Designation
General Purpose (GP) Hazardous Duty (HD)
Body Material
Gray Iron Cast Steel Gray Iron Cast Steel
Special Special Special Special
Actuator Sanctioned * Sanctioned * Sanctioned * Sanctioned *
Service (Non- Service (Non- Service (Non- Service (Non-
Function Service Service Service Service
sanctioned) sanctioned) sanctioned) sanctioned)
Automatic 2010 2110 2210 2310 2010-HD 2110-HD 2210-HD 2310-HD
Manual 2020 2120 2220 2320 2020-HD 2120-HD 2220-HD 2320-HD
Power-to-Close --- 2130 --- 2330 --- 2130-HD --- 2330-HD
*Sanctioned ser vice fuels include: air, natural gas, manufactured gas, liquified petroleum gases, #1 and #2 fuel oils.
NOTE: All standard actuators require 115v 50/60 AC electrical signal to operate the air control
solenoid, which closes the valve assembly. Contact your Maxon representative for optional
electrical voltages.
ACTIONAIR® Valves Page 6309
Selection Data
NOTE: Minimum ambient and fluid temperature limit is -40°F (-40°C). Maximum ambient temperature limit is +140°F (+60°C). Maximum fluid
temperature limit for standard body is +150°F (+66°C) at the pressure listed in the table above. Fluids up to 450°F can be used with a
reduction in the maximum inlet pressure (see Product Information Sheet 6300-1 & 2), and with special high temperature body can go up to
+550°F (+288°C).
Series Designation
General Purpose (GP) Hazardous Duty (HD)
Body Material
Gray Iron Cast Steel Gray Iron Cast Steel
Special Special Special Special
Actuator Sanctioned * Sanctioned * Sanctioned * Sanctioned *
Service (Non- Service (Non- Service (Non- Service (Non-
Function Service Service Service Service
sanctioned) sanctioned) sanctioned) sanctioned)
Automatic 3010 3110 3210 3310 3010-HD 3110-HD 3210-HD 3310-HD
Manual 3020 3120 3220 3320 3020-HD 3120-HD 3220-HD 3320-HD
Power-to-Close --- 3130 --- 3330 --- 3130-HD --- 3330-HD
*Sanctioned ser vice fuels include: light oil (i.e. #1, 2 & 4) and preheated heavy oils (i.e. #5 & 6) with maximum viscosity of 5000 SSU
NOTE: All standard actuators require 115v 50/60 AC electrical signal to operate the air control
solenoid, which opens the valve assembly. Contact your Maxon representative for optional
electrical voltages.
Page 6310 ACTIONAIR® Valves
ACTIONAIR® Valves Page 6311
Page 6311A ACTIONAIR® Valves
Typical construction of
1-1/2" through 2" flanged body valves
Page 6312A ACTIONAIR® Valves
Operator Type
1 = Automatic solenoid valve
2 = Manual solenoid valve Solenoid Valve Voltage
3 = Power-to-XXX solenoid valve A = AC voltage
D = DC voltage
NOTE: Nameplate shows
specific voltage
Operator Cylinder Designation
There are five designations (#1 – #5) Operator Classification
which are automatically selected with GP = general purpose
actuator HD = hazardous duty
Electrical Data
General For normally closed versions
ACTIONAIR® Valves are air operated and the air (Series 1000 & 3000)
supply is controlled by a 115V 50/60 AC solenoid VCS (Valve Closed Switch) is actuated at the end of
valve wired directly into the control system. the closing stroke. VCS-1 is SPDT; VCS-2 is DPDT.
Switch wiring diagrams (reproduced below) are VOS (Valve Open Switch) is actuated at the end of
part of each valve assembly, summarizing electrical opening stroke. VOS-1 is SPDT; VOS-2 is DPDT.
data and wiring for a valve equipped with terminal Switch amp ratings are shown on the schematic
block and a full complement of optional switches. wiring diagrams below. DO NOT EXCEED rated
Good practice normally dictates that auxiliary amperage or total load shown.
switches in valves used for safety shut-off functions Diagrams show valve in its normally closed (at rest)
should be used for signal duty only, not to operate position with a full complement of switches. The
additional safety devices. indicated internal wiring is present only when the
appropriate auxiliary switches are specified.
Normally closed
Series 1000 & 3000
(internal wiring schematic)
Series 1000 & 3000
(internal wiring schematic)
Valves equipped with
Power-to-Close actuator
assembly require electrical
power and compressed air
to be opened. The valve
will remain in the opened
position for a minimum of
15 minutes on loss of
power. The valve will return
to its normally closed
position with a loss of
cylinder air or continuous
power to the overriding
solenoid valve.
Page 6314 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Normally open
Series 2000
(internal wiring schematic)
Series 2000
(internal wiring schematic)
Valves equipped with
Power-to-Open actuator
assembly require electrical
power and compressed air
to be closed. The valve will
remain in the closed
position for a minimum of
15 minutes on loss of
power. The valve will return
to its normally open
position with a loss of
cylinder air or continuous
power to the overriding
solenoid valve.
ACTIONAIR® Valves Page 6315
Figure A B G H J K L M N
2 25.4 1.9 3.81 0.81
1-1/4" I 2.43 26.5 --- --- --- ---
2 4 1.56
1-1/2" 2.69 27.2
2.19 4.38 1.88
2" 3.25 28.3
II 3.5 7 2 3/4 4 3 2.38
I 4.31 2.5 5 --- --- --- ---
2-1/2" 35.9 2.25
II 4.5 3.75 7.5 3/4 4 3.5 2.75
I 5.12 2.75 5.5 --- --- --- ---
3" 37.5 2.56
5.25 4 8 4 3.75 3
4" 5.43 37.7 2.27 3/4
II 4.5 9 4.5 3.75
4 HC 7.31 46.5 3.25 8
6" 8.38 51 5.25 10.5 3.62 7/8 5.5 4.75
Fig. II - Iron bodied flanged valves are flat-faced ANSI Class #125.
Steel bodied flanged valves are flat-faced ANSI Class #150.
Special "raised face" ANSI Class #150 steel bodied valves are
available. Contact Maxon representative for cost and availability.
Page 6316 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Figure A B E G H J K L M N P
1.19 29.1 6.8 4.34 3.19
2.91 --- --- --- --- ---
1" I
1.44 29.5 7.2 4.78 3.25
6.84 4.36
1-1/2" 1.88 32.4 7/8 4 3.06 2.25 3.7
9.4 7.02 11.4 2.72
2" 2.12 33.6 7.27 11.9 3/4 8 3.25 2.5 4.5
Fig. II - Steel bodied flanged valves are raised face ANSI Class #300
Installation Instructions
1. Read complete instructions before proceeding E. Mount valve so
and do not discard packing materials until any/all that open/shut
loose items are located. Also, make sure that the window indicator
installation of the Maxon valves will be in compli- [1] will be visible
ance with all applicable governmental, insurance to your operating
and/or agency requirements or codes, such as personnel.
NFPA-70, National Electric Code, CSA C22.1, F. Main system
Canadian Electric Code, etc. shut-off should
2. General considerations: always use a
A. Prior to shipment, each valve is operated manual leak-tight
electrically and cycled at rated and 1-1/2 upstream fuel
rated pressure while being leak tested. Every cock.
Maxon valve is operationally tested and G. Time lag between
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104 valve action and
Class VI Seat Leakage. fluid flow (or flame
B. Inspect your valve for any shipping damage. response) is
Contact Maxon Corporation with the valve’s reduced if valve is
serial number (printed on the valve's name- located near the
plate) for replacement and/or repair parts. burner (or outlet).
C. Read the nameplate on your valve. This 4. Wire the valve in
gives the maximum pressure, temperature accordance with all
limitation, voltage requirements and service applicable codes and standards. Supply voltages
conditions of your specific valve. DO NOT must agree with valve’s nameplate voltage within
exceed nameplate ratings. -15%/+10% AC for proper operation. For electri-
D. Select mounting location carefully. Your cal wiring schematics, refer to appropriate Maxon
Maxon valve is designed to operate for many catalog literature and/or the wiring schematic
years if installed in a location that is cool, diagram affixed inside your valve’s access cover
clean and dry. plate.
3. Pipe the valve in the direction of the flow arrow A. The Maxon valve must be electrically
[3] on the valve body. The Maxon valve body can interlocked with your safety-limit devices in
shut off flow in one direction only. accordance with all applicable codes, stan-
A. Remove all thread and flange protectors dards, and the authority having jurisdiction
before installing valve in your service line. over the safety requirements for your overall
B. Teflon tape acts as a lubricant and greatly system installation. Normally, Maxon valves
reduces the pipe wrench turning force re- are electrically wired in series with all of your
quired to seal the threads. safety-limit devices. Therefore, any one
device can cause the valve to react. Each
Take care not to overtighten threads as
valve was production tested when manufac-
this can damage the valve.
tured. If it now appears inoperative, make
C. Good piping practice dictates that piping be sure it is being powered properly from and
independently supported, so that valve bodies through your control circuit.
are not placed in a bind. In addition, large B. Maintain integrity of Maxon top assembly
valves may require support. enclosure by using dust and water-tight
D. Clean pipe lines of foreign materials before electrical connectors. Use cable-sealing grips
installing valve into line. and strain-relief loops for any cord or cable.
Use internal sealing materials on all conduit
For new installations, a gas filter or strainer shall be
connections. Moisture can have a harmful
installed in the fuel gas piping to protect the
effect on valve internals if permitted to enter
downstream safety shut-off valves.
per NFPA 86-4-2.4.3 (1995)
12/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
12/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Maxon
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Operating Instructions
Refer to appropriate catalog bulletin and specifi- All manual reset valves may be operated manu-
cation page for operating sequence applying to your ally when solenoid is electrically energized, but
specific valve. Never operate valve until all essen- electrical tripping is recommended for normal shut-
tial allied equipment is operative and any neces- downs.
sary purges completed. Failure of pneumatically Manual reset valves require two positive actions
operated valve to operate normally indicates that it is to open: a half rotation of handle to latch internal
not powered. Check this first! Then check air control mechanism, and a reversed half rotation of handle to
solenoid and/or cylinder air supply. open valve. This refers to normally closed valves.
Main system shut-off should always be accom- With normally open valves, the procedure is the
plished with an upstream leak-tight manual fuel same, but the valve body position (i.e., open or
cock. closed) is opposite to the normally closed version.
All Maxon valves react within a fraction of a Normally closed motorized valves begin open-
second when de-energized. One cycle drop in electri- ing cycle immediately upon being powered; motor
cally supplied power can cause this reaction. runs only until full open position is reached. Normally
open valves begin to close immediately, and motor
runs until fully closed position is reached.
Operator should be aware of and observe characteristic opening/closing action of the valve. Should operation
ever become sluggish, remove valve from service and contact Maxon for recommendations.
Address inquiries to: Maxon Corporation, Muncie, IN 47302, Phone (765) 284-3304
FAX (765) 286-8394
Always include valve serial number and nameplate information to insure positive identification.
12/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Maxon valves are endurance tested far in excess of
the most stringent requirements of the various ap- Insurance authorities agree . . .
proval agencies. They are designed for long life even . . . that the safety of any industrial fuel burning
if frequently cycled, and to be as maintenance-free installation is dependent upon well-trained
and trouble-free as possible. operators who are able to follow instructions and
Every Maxon valve is operationally tested and to react properly in cases of emergency. Their
meets the requirements of ANSI B16.104 Class VI knowledge of, and training on, the specific
Seat Leakage when it leaves our plant. installation are both vital to safe operation.
Top assembly components require no field Safety controls may get out of order without the
lubrication and should never be oiled. operator becoming aware of it unless shutdowns
Auxiliary switches, motors and solenoids, may be result. Production-minded operators have been
replaced in the field. known to bypass faulty controls without reporting
the trouble.
WARNING: Do not attempt field repair of valve Continued safe operation of any installation is
body, top assembly or motor drive unit. Any then assured only if the plant management
alterations void all warranties. carefully develops an exact schedule for regular
Valve leak test, performed with valve in line as periodic inspection of all safety controls, insisting
prescribed by jurisdictional authorities, is strongly that it then be rigidly adhered to.
encouraged and should be done on a regularly A main gas shut-off cock should be located
scheduled basis. In rare instances where valve shows upstream from all other fuel train piping compo-
leakage, perform Pre-Operational Exercising (see nents and used to shut off all flow of fuel for
Installation Instructions) and retest. If leakage does servicing and other shutdowns.
not stop, remove valve from service. All safety devices should be tested at least
monthly* and more often if deemed advisable.
Maxon valves are designed to be used with Periodic testing for tightness of manual or motor-
clean fluids. If foreign material is present in the ized shut-off valve closure is equally essential.
fuel line, it will be necessary to inspect the *per NFPA 86-Appendix B-4 (1995)
valve to make certain it is operating properly. If
abnormal opening or closing is observed, the
valve should be removed from service. Contact
your Maxon representative for instructions.
Operator should be aware of and observe characteristic opening/closing action of the valve. Should operation
ever become sluggish, remove valve from service and contact Maxon for recommendations.
Address inquiries to: Maxon Corporation, Muncie, IN 47302, Phone (765) 284-3304
FAX (765) 286-8394
Always include valve serial number and nameplate information to insure positive identification.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
12/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Electrical Data
Series 1000 & 3000
(internal wiring schematic)
Valves equipped with
Power-to-Close actuator
assembly require electrical
power and compressed air
to be opened. The valve will
remain in the opened
position for a minimum of
15 minutes on loss of
power. The valve will return
to its normally closed
position with a loss of
cylinder air or continuous
power to the overriding
solenoid valve.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Electrical Data
Series 2000
(internal wiring schematic)
Valves equipped with
Power-to-Open actuator
assembly require electrical
power and compressed air
to be closed. The valve will
remain in the closed
position for a minimum of
15 minutes on loss of
power. The valve will return
to its normally open
position with a loss of
cylinder air or continuous
power to the overriding
solenoid valve.
12/99 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
.75" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem, threaded body
Series Designation
Size .75" C v
= 19 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 6300-A/P-2 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Assembly Numbers
1" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem, threaded body
Series Designation
Size 1" Cv = 20 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
1.25" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem, threaded body
Series Designation
Size 1.25" Cv = 44 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 6300-A/P-4 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Assembly Numbers
1.5" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem, threaded body
Series Designation
Size 1.5" Cv = 53 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
2" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem
Series Designation
Size 2" Cv = 86 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 6300-A/P-6 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Assembly Numbers
2.5" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem
Series Designation
Size 2.5" Cv = 304 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
3" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem
Series Designation
Size 3" Cv = 432 Iron Steel
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 6300-A/P-8 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Assembly Numbers
4" Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem, flanged body
Series Designation
Size 4" Cv = 551 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
4" HC Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem, flanged body
Series Designation
Size 4"HC Cv = 903
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 6300-A/P-10 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Assembly Numbers
6" HC Series 1000: Normally closed, rising stem, flanged body
Series Designation
Size 6"HC Cv = 1230
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
.75" Series 2000: Normally open, rising stem, threaded body
Series Designation
Size .75" C v
= 19
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
1" Series 2000: Normally open, rising stem, threaded body
Series Designation
Size 1" C v
= 20 Iron Steel
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
1.5" Series 2000: Normally open, rising stem, threaded body
Series Designation
Size 1.5" C v
= 53
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
2" Series 2000: Normally open, rising stem
Series Designation
Size 2" C v
= 86
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
.375" Series 3000: Normally closed, swinging gate, threaded body
Series Designation
Size .375" Cv = 3.4
Assembly Number
Segment choices are as follows for configured Segment choices are as follows for "Power-to-
ACTIONAIR® Valves: Close" configured ACTIONAIR® Valves:
• Fuel • Fuel
• Body trim • Body trim
• Body connection • Body connection
• Minimum fuel/ambient temperature • Minimum fuel/ambient temperature
• Maximum fuel temperature • Maximum fuel temperature
• Maximum ambient temperature • Maximum ambient temperature
• Solenoid voltage • Primary solenoid voltage
• Cylinder pressure • Secondary solenoid voltage
• Solenoid valve body and tubing material • Cylinder pressure
• Enclosure rating • Enclosure rating
• VOS & VCS switch • VOS & VCS switch
• Time delay • Top assembly position
• Top assembly position • Tagging
• Tagging
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Page 6300-A/P-16 ACTIONAIR® Valves
Assembly Numbers
.5" Series 3000: Normally closed, swinging gate, threaded body
Series Designation
Size .5" C v
= 3.4
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
.75" Series 3000: Normally closed, swinging gate, threaded body
Series Designation
Size .75" Cv = 9.6
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
1" Series 3000: Normally closed, swinging gate, threaded body
Series Designation
Size 1" Cv = 12 Iron Steel
Assembly Number
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
1.25" Series 3000: Normally closed, swinging gate, threaded body
Series Designation
Size 1.25" Cv = 17 (45 for HC)
Iron Steel
Assembly Number
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Series 1000 & 2000 ACTIONAIR Valves
Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
AMM Ammonia
BUT Butane Gas
COKEC Coke Oven Gas (clean)
COKED Coke Oven Gas (dir ty)
DEL Delco Combusted
DIG Digester Gas
ENDO Endothermic AGA 302
EXO Exothermic
HYDC Hydrogen Gas (clean)
FUEL Type of fuel
HYDD Hydrogen Gas (diaphragm cell)
MFGD Manufactured Gas
NAT Natural Gas
NIT Nitrogen Gas
OXYH Oxygen High Pressure
OXYL Oxygen Low Pressure
PROP Propane Gas
REF Refinery Gas
SOUR Sour Natural Gas
TOWN Town Gas
11 1-1 Trim
12 1-2 Trim
21 2-1 Trim
BODY TRIM Type of valve body internal trim
22 2-2 Trim
32 3-2 Trim
42 4-2 Trim
ANSI_FFFLG ANSI Flat-Face Flanged
ANSI_RFFLG ANSI Raised-Face Flanged
DIN_FFFLG DIN Flat-Face Flanged
BODY CONNECTION Type of connection DIN_RFFLG DIN Raised-Face Flanged
IS0_THRD ISO Threaded
NIP Nippled
NIP_150 Nippled w/150# flanges
NIP_300 Nippled w/300# flanges
Minimum fuel and ambient NEG20 -20F temperature limit
temperature limit NEG40 -40F temperature limit
Choice of maximum fuel 125 125F/50C temperature limit
temperatures 140 140F/60C temperature limit
MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Maximum ambient temperature 140 140F/60C temperature limit
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Series 1000 & 2000 ACTIONAIR Valves (continued)
Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
115V50 115V 50Hz
115V60 115V 60Hz
Choice of primary solenoid valve 120VDC 120VDC
voltage 230V50 230V 50Hz
230V60 230V 60Hz
115V50 115V 50Hz
SEC SOLENOID VALVE VOLTAGE Power-to-Close valves only
115V60 115V 60Hz
65 65 PSI
Choice of cylinder pressure (in pounds 75 75 PSI
per square inch) 85 85 PSI
95 95 PSI
Choice not available on Power-to- SS Stainless Steel materials
Close valves STD Standard materials
ENCLOSURE RATING Rating of top enclosure 4 NEMA 4 rated
NONE No switch ordered
VOS & VCS SWITCH Type of switches available VCS1_VOS1 VCS-1/VOS-1 switch
VCS2_VOS2 VCS-2/VOS-2 switch
Choice not available for Power-to-
TIME DELAY NO Choice not selected
Close valves
AW Away
L Left
TOP ASSEMBLY POSITION Valve body top assembly position
R Right
TO Toward
ALW Aluminum (wire-on)
NONE No tagging
TAGGING Types of tagging available
SSP Stainless Steel (permanent)
SSW Stainless Steel (wire-on)
Maximum operating pressure
MOPD RATING Calculated ---
differential rating
PRIM SOLENOID VALVE CURRENT Current of primary solenoid valve Calculated ---
SEC SOLENOID VALVE CURRENT Power-to-Close valves only Calculated ---
Not applicable to Power-to-Close
Not applicable to Power-to-Close
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Series 3000 ACTIONAIR Valves
Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
AMM Ammonia
BUTL Butane (liquid)
KERO Kerosene
NO1OIL No. 1 Fuel Oil
NO2OIL No. 2 Fuel Oil
FUEL Type of fuel NO4OIL No. 4 Fuel Oil
OXYH Oxygen HighPressure
OXYL Oxygen Low Pressure
PNO4OIL (Preheated) No. 4 Fuel Oil
PNO5OIL (Preheated) No. 5 Fuel Oil
PNO6OIL (Preheated) No. 6 Fuel Oil
1B 1-B Trim
1D 1-D Trim
BODY TRIM Type of valve body internal trim 2D 2-D Trim
3D 3-D Trim
4D 4-D Trim
IS0_THRD ISO Threaded
NIP Nippled
BODY CONNECTION Type of connection
NIP_150 Nippled w/150# Flanges
NIP_300 Nippled w/300# Flanges
NIP_600 Nippled w/600# Flanges
Minimum fuel and ambient NEG20 -20F temperature limit
temperature limit NEG40 -40F temperature limit
150 150F/65C temperature limit
Choice of maximum fuel 250 250F/120C temperature limit
temperatures 450 450F/230C temperature limit
550 550F/290C temperature limit
MAXIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Maximum ambient temperature 140 140F/60C temperature limit
115V50 115V 50Hz
115V60 115V 60Hz
Choice of primary solenoid valve 120VDC 120VDC
voltage 230V50 230V 50Hz
230V60 230V 60Hz
115V50 115V 50Hz
SEC SOLENOID VALVE VOLTAGE Power-to-Close valves only
115V60 115V 60Hz
65 65 PSI
Choice of cylinder pressure (in 75 75 PSI
pounds per square inch) 85 85 PSI
95 95 PSI
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - Series 3000 ACTIONAIR Valves (continued)
Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
Choice not available on Power-to- SS Stainless Steel materials
Close valves STD Standard materials
ENCLOSURE RATING Rating of top enclosure 4 NEMA 4 rated
NONE No switch ordered
VOS & VCS SWITCH Type of switches available VCS1_VOS1 VCS-1/VOS-1 switch
VCS2_VOS2 VCS-2/VOS-2 switch
Choice not available for Power-to-
TIME DELAY NO Choice not selected
Close valves
AW Away
L Left
TOP ASSEMBLY POSITION Valve body top assembly position
R Right
TO Toward
ALW Aluminum (wire-on)
NONE No tagging
TAGGING Types of tagging available
SSP Stainless Steel (permanent)
SSW Stainless Steel (wire-on)
Maximum operating pressure
MOPD RATING Calculated ---
differential rating
PRIM SOLENOID VALVE CURRENT Current of primary solenoid valve Calculated ---
SEC SOLENOID VALVE CURRENT Power-to-Close valves only Calculated ---
Not applicable to Power-to-Close
Not applicable to Power-to-Close
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Items
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Items
Quick Exhaust Valve Assemblies
Rising Stem (gas) Series 1000 Series 2000 1130
Size Style SOV (auto) SOV (manual) STO (auto) STO (manual) PTC (auto)
GP, HS 38418 38417
HD 38440 38428
GP, HS 38418 38417
HD 38440 38428
GP, HS 38418 --- ---
1.25 38418 38416
HD 38440 --- ---
GP, HS 38418 38417
HD 38440 38428
GP, HS 38418 38417
HD 38440 38428
GP, HS 37945 38443 37547
HD 39590 39585 39588
GP, HS 37945 38443 37547
HD 39590 39585 39588
GP, HS 37945 38443 37547
4 ---
HD 39590 39585 39588
GP, HS 37946 38445 37341
HD 39491 39587 39592
GP, HS 37946 38445 37341
HD 39591 39587 39592
Swinging Gate - iron bodied (oil) Series 3000 3130
Size Style SOV (auto) SOV (manual) STO (auto) STO (manual) PTC (auto)
GP, HS 38418
HD 38440
GP, HS 38418
HD 38440
GP, HS 38418
.75 38418 --- 38416
HD 38440
GP, HS 38418
HD 38440
GP, HS 38418
HD 38440
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Items
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Items
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Items
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Items
8/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Items
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Pneumatically actuated valves with powerful closing spring for reliable operation
• Compact design with integral solenoid, quick exhaust, switches and cylinder that protects components,
simplifies piping and minimizes space requirements
• Factory Mutual (FM) and CSA (6.5 C/I & 3.9) approved safety shut-off and vent valves
• Hazardous Location approved: Intrinsically Safe for Class I, Div. 1; Non-Incendive for Class I, Div. 2
• Top mounted 360-degree open-shut visual position indication
• Cast iron, carbon steel, low temperature carbon steel and stainless steel body assemblies with internal
trim options to handle general purpose or corrosive gases; oxygen compatibility available
• Ambient temperature ranges of -40°F (-40°C) to 140°F (60°C); Gas temperature range of -40°F (-40°C) to
212°F (100°C)
• Application flexibility provided with 3/4" through 4" line sizes (6" size pending) & line pressures up to 255
• Actuator assemblies are field-replaceable and available in 120VAC 50/60 Hz, 240VAC 50/60 Hz, and
24VDC, rated for NEMA 4, NEMA 4X and IP65
• Unique bonnet design eliminates packing adjustments, reducing maintenance and minimizing drag on
• Series 8000 Valves meet Fluid Control Institute (FCI) 70-2-1998 control valve standard for Class VI seat
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
Page 6402
Switch Assemblies
• Provides positive valve position - open or
• Complies with "proof of closure" requirements
• Easily integrates with an analog control
system, DCS or PLC
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves Page 6405
Internal Trim
Body Seals
& Bumper
300 C 81 1 1 A A 1 1 B 1 A 1
Page 6406 Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves
Body Connections: Body Material: Trim Package Options and Typical Material:
A – ANSI Threaded 1 – Cast Iron 1 – 400 Series Stainless Steel Seat, Hardened Cast Iron
B – ANSI Flanged 2 – Carbon Steel Disc, Nickel Plated Carbon Steel Follower Ring
C – ISO Threaded 5 – Stainless Steel 2 – Hard Faced 300 Series Stainless Steel Seat, Chrome
D – DIN Flanged 6 – Low Temp Plated Cast Iron Disc, Chrome Plated Follower Ring
E – Socket Welded Nipple Carbon Steel 3 – PEEK Seat, 300 Series Stainless Steel Disc, PEEK
F – Socket Welded Nipple Follower Ring
w/150 lb. ANSI Flange Body Seals and Bumper:
G – Socket Welded Nipple All configurations allow for Buna-N and Viton elastomers
w/300 lb. ANSI Flange as standard. Kalrez and Ethylene Propylene are available
for special services. Consult Maxon for proper application.
Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves Page 6407
Body Connections: Body Material: Trim Package Options and Typical Material:
A – ANSI Threaded 1 – Cast Iron 1 – 400 Series Stainless Steel Seat, Hardened Cast
B – ANSI Flanged 2 – Carbon Steel Iron Disc, Nickel Plated Carbon Steel Follower
C – ISO Threaded 5 – Stainless Steel Ring
D – DIN Flanged 6 – Low Temp 2 – Hard Faced 300 Series Stainless Steel Seat,
E – Socket Welded Nipple Carbon Steel Chrome Plated Cast Iron Disc, Chrome Plated
F – Socket Welded Nipple Follower Ring
w/150 lb. ANSI Flange 3 – PEEK Seat, 300 Series Stainless Steel Disc,
G – Socket Welded Nipple PEEK Follower Ring
w/300 lb. ANSI Flange
Body Seals and Bumper:
All configurations allow for Buna-N and Viton
elastomers as standard. Kalrez and Ethylene Propy-
lene are available for special services. Consult Maxon
for proper application.
Page 6408 Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves
Typical stem/disc
connection used with
3 smaller sized valves Body Seals and Bumper Material
6 Item No. Description Material
Standard material options
2 1 Seat O-Ring
are Buna-N and Viton.
12 2 Body O-Ring Kalrez and Ethylene
5 Propylene are available
16 for special service.
3 Stem O-Ring
9 1
8 7
1. Other body and trim packages may be acceptable pending fuel analysis. For pricing inquiry, Viton body seals and
bumper material will be standard option. Contact Maxon for details.
2. Valve maximum operating pressure (MOPD) to be reduced by 25% from standard ratings.
3. 0°F (-17°C) minimum ambient temperature limit
Page 6410 Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves
25 26
21 23
20 20
17 18 35
7 24
8 14 View without Top Plate
9 48A 46A
5 5
31 48 46 45 47 47A
10 32
7 34 49
29 6
12 36B
4 29 6 42
2 12
1 38
40 41 39 37
General Purpose Switch Assembly
Typical Cylinder Assembly Mounting
w/Terminal Block & Leads Mounted
Electrical Data
Series 8000 Valves are pneumatically operated and VCS (Valve Closed Switch) is actuated at the end of
a solenoid valve controls the air supply. The solenoid the closing stroke.
valve is directly wired into the control system. VOS (Valve Open Switch) is actuated at the end of
Switch wiring diagrams (reproduced below) are the opening stroke.
part of each valve assembly, summarizing electrical
data and wiring for a valve equipped with terminal block Switch amperage ratings are shown on the sche-
and a full complement of optional switches. matic wiring diagrams below. DO NOT EXCEED rated
Good practice normally dictates that auxiliary amperage or total load shown. Diagrams show valve
switches in valves should be used for signal duty only, with a full complement of switches. The indicated
not to operate additional safety devices. internal wiring is present only when the appropriate
Valve position switches are offered in SPDT auxiliary switches are specified.
(Single Pole/Double Throw). Standard packages
include one open switch and one closed switch,
(VOS1/VCS1) and additional auxiliary switches
designated by VOS2/VCS2.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Field Wiring
Cett soupape
' doit etre ' Cablage
' ' Externe
raccordee tel qu'indique ici
Valve Mode VOS-1 VCS-1 VOS-2 VCS-2
Position de la Valve 3-4 3-5 6-7 6-8 9-10 9-11 12-13 12-14
Fully Shut
IP67 '
Fermee Completement
AVERTISSEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Cett soupape doit être Field Wiring
raccordeé tel qu'indiqué ici Câblage Externe
Valve Mode VCS-1 VOS-1 VCS-2 VOS-2
Position de la Valve 3-4 3-5 6-7 6-8 9-10 9-11 12-13 12-14
Standard Fully Shut
Page 6412 Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves
Electrical Data
General Purpose — Series 8011, 8111, 8021 & 8121
Solenoid valve power ratings
Amperage (amps) Power
In-Rush Holding In-Rush Holding
24VDC .20 .20 4.8 Watts 4.8 Watts
120VAC 50Hz .09 .07 11 VA 8.5 VA
120VAC 60Hz .08 .05 9.4 VA 6.9 VA
240VAC 50Hz .05 .04 11 VA 8.5 VA
240VAC 60Hz .04 .03 9.4 VA 6.9 VA
Class I, Div. 2 Hazardous Location — Series 8012, 8112, 8022 & 8122
Solenoid valve power ratings
Amperage (amps) Power
In-Rush Holding In-Rush Holding
24VDC .20 .20 4.8 Watts 4.8 Watts
120VAC 50Hz .09 .07 11 VA 8.5 VA
120VAC 60Hz .08 .05 9.4 VA 6.9 VA
240VAC 50Hz .05 . 04 11 VA 8.5 VA
240VAC 60Hz .04 .03 9.4 VA 6.9 VA
Electrical Data
Class I Div. 1 - Series 8013, 8113, 8023 & 8123
The Series 8000 Valve achieves Class I Div.1 include the barriers/isolators that are depicted below in
hazardous location certification through the Intrinsically the NON-HAZARDOUS LOCATION; however, they can
Safe protection method. Below is a representation of be provided as an additional accessory. Consult
the Control Drawing. Maxon standard offering does not Maxon Corporation for details.
Page 6414 Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves
2.6 K
Page 6416 Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves
Pipe Size
3.6 K
R Dia. of Holes K K
K L R Dia. of Holes L
S No. of Holes L S No. of Holes
(equally spaced) (equally spaced)
Speed Control Set Kits
Manually adjustable valve restricts flow to the
actuator inlet and so reduces opening speed of the
normally closed shut-off valve or reduces the closing
speed of normally open vent valves.
- Available in carbon steel and stainless steel
- 90° mating elbow provided for easy assembly
- Tamper-proof set screw prevents accidental Kit No. 1067124 Kit No. 1067125
misadjustment Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
construction construction
Page 6418 Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves
Series 8000 Air Actuated Valves Page 6400-S-1
Installation Instructions
B. Inspect your valve for any shipping damage.
The Installation, Operating and Maintenance
Contact Maxon Corporation with the valve’s
Instructions contain important information that
serial number (printed on the valve's name-
must be read and followed by anyone operating
plate) for replacement and/or repair parts.
or servicing this product. Do not operate or
C. Read the nameplate [10] on your valve. This
service this equipment unless the instructions
gives the maximum pressure, temperature
limitation, voltage requirements and service
conditions of your specific valve. DO NOT
exceed nameplate ratings.
D. Select mounting location carefully. Your
1. Read complete instructions before proceeding
Maxon valve is designed to operate for many
and do not discard packing materials until any/all
years if installed in a location that is cool,
loose items are located. Also, make sure that the
clean and dry.
installation of the Maxon valves will be in compli-
3. Pipe the valve in the direction of the flow arrow [1]
ance with all applicable governmental, insurance
on the valve body. The Maxon valve body can
and/or agency requirements or codes, such as
shut off flow in one direction only.
NFPA-70, National Electric Code, CSA C22.1,
A. Remove all thread and flange protectors
Canadian Electric Code, etc.
before installing valve in your service line.
2. General considerations:
B. Teflon tape acts as a lubricant and greatly
A. Prior to shipment, each valve is operated
reduces the pipe wrench turning force required
electrically and cycled at rated and 1-1/2
to seal the threads.
rated pressure while being leak tested. Every
Maxon valve is operationally tested and Take care not to overtighten threads as this
meets the requirements of FCI 70-2 Class VI can damage the valve.
Seat Leakage.
C. Good piping practice dictates that piping be
independently supported so that valve bodies
are not placed in a bind. In addition, large
2 valves may require support.
9 D. Clean pipe lines of foreign materials before
installing valve into line.
For new installations, a gas filter or strainer shall be
3 installed in the fuel gas piping to protect the down-
stream safety shut-off valves.
5 per NFPA 86-4-2.4.3 (1999)
NFPA 86C-4-2.4.3 (1999)
NFPA 86D-4-2.4-3 (1999)
If normal inlet pressure to the fuel
pressure regulator immediately
upstream from the valve exceeds the
valve’s pressure rating, a relief valve
shall be provided and it shall be
vented to a safe location.
per NFPA 86-5-7.1.7 (1999)
NFPA 86C-5-7.1.7 (1999)
NFPA 86D-5-7.1.7 (1999)
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
6. Series 8000 Valves require clean, dry gas piped to the inlet of the actuator at the designated pressures de-
picted on the valve nameplate. Typically compressed air is the actuating medium, however, certain applications
require the use of other gases to the actuator inlet.
A. Compressed Air
i. The vent, located on the underside of the base plate, should be protected from accidental blockage.
ii. Although Maxon Series 8000 Valves do not require lubrication, they do contain Buna-N seals in the
actuator sub-assembly. Quality of the compressed air supply must not contain any lubricant that is not
compatible with Buna-N elastomers. Although many synthetic oils and additives have been publicized for
advanced lubricating characteristics in pneumatic systems, strict attention should be exercised to avoid
their use, even in minute amounts.
B. Natural Gas and other fuel gases can be used to actuate the Series 8000 Valve when the appropriate
considerations are taken into account.
i. Apply only the Intrinsically Safe Series 8000 Valve for the application. The general purpose and non-
incendive options are not suitable for fuel gas activation.
ii. The activating fuel gas must be clean and free of moisture. The Series 8000 actuator contains Buna-N
elastomers and brass components that will come in contact with the activating gas. The quality of the
gas must not contain any contaminates or constituents that are not compatible with Buna-N or brass. If
needed, contact Maxon Corporation for appropriate application assistance.
iii. The exhaust gas must be vented to the atmosphere in a safe manner by piping from the filtered vent,
located on the underside of the actuator’s base plate. A female 1/8” NPT connection in the base plate
allows for proper piping.
7. Environmental Specifications
A. Actuators are rated for NEMA 4, IP65 or NEMA 4, 4X, IP65
B. Ambient temperature range of -40°F (-40°C) to 140°F (60°C) for the 8011, 8111, 8021, and 8121 General
Purpose and 8012, 8112, 8022, and 8122 Non-Incendive series valves.
C. Ambient temperature range of -40°F (-40°C) to 122°F (50°C) for 8013, 8113, 8023, and 8123 Intrinsically
Safe series valves.
D. All valves for oxygen service or using Ethylene Propylene body seals are limited to a minimum ambient
temperature of 0°F (-17°C).
8. Product Approvals
Area Classification Applicable Standards
A. General Purpose FM 7400, CSA 6.5-2000,
CSA 22.2 No. 1010.1
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Access Switch Access Cover [4]
Screws [9]
Bolts [6]
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
7. Carefully rotate/replace actuator assembly to 10. Reconnect conduit, electrical leads, and all
the desired position. Reposition the actuator back pneumatic lines, then check that signal switch
down onto the valve body casting. wands are properly positioned. Failure to correct
8. Realign holes in valve body casting with the any such misalignment can result in extensive
corresponding tapped holes in the bottom of the damage to the internal mechanism of your
actuator base plate. Be sure the gasket is still in valve.
place between the body and actuator base plate. 11. Energize valve and cycle several times from
9. Reinsert the body bolts up from the bottom closed to full open position. Also electrically trip
through the body and carefully engage threads of the valve in a partially opened position to prove
the actuator assembly. Tighten securely referring valve operates properly.
to Table 1 on page 6400-S-2 for appropriate torque 12. Replace and secure cover plates and place valve
specifications. in service.
Four actuator assembly positions are available for view, the unidirectional valve body and the arrow on
Maxon Series 8000 Valves. When looking at the the valve body casting points in direction of fluid flow:
terminal block access cover plate on the actuator, the to the right (position "R"), to the left (position "L"),
valve body is positioned on the bottom. From this towards you (position "TO") or away from you (position
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Field Installation of Valve Position Switch
NOTE: Instructions below are written for nor-
Substitution of components may affect suitability
mally- closed shut-off valves. For normally-open
for Hazardous Locations. Reference tables below
vent valves, reverse switch nomenclature. (VOS
for the appropriate switch
becomes VCS and vice versa.)
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
Field Installation of Valve Position Switch (continued)
1.5" VOS
3"CP, 4"CP,
2", 2.5" & 3" VOS 4" & 6" VOS
1.25" VOS
3"CP, 4"CP,
4" & 6" VOS
1.5" VOS
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Electrical Data
Normally-Closed Shut-Off Valves
Switches: Standard
Internal Wiring
Solenoid Valve: Standard WARNING
' '
Cablage Interne
Hazardous Location
Normally-Closed Valves
Series 8012 & Series 8112
Switches: IP67
Solenoid Valve: Standard
24 VDC, 4.8W
120VAC, 50/60 Hz, 11/9.4 VA Peak, 8.5/6.9 VA Holding
240VAC, 50/60 Hz, 11/9.4 VA Peak, 8.5/6.9 VA Holding
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Electrical Data
Normally-Open Vent Valves
240VAC, 50/60 Hz, 11/9.4 VA Peak, Valve Mode VCS-1 VOS-1 VCS-2 VOS-2
Position de la Valve 3-4 3-5 6-7 6-8 9-10 9-11 12-13 12-14
8.5/6.9 VA Holding Standard
Standard Fully Shut
Hazardous Location
Normally-Open Vent Valves
Series 8022 & Series 8122
Switches: IP67
Solenoid Valve: Standard
24 VDC, 4.8W
120VAC, 50/60 Hz, 11/9.4 VA Peak, 8.5/6.9 VA Holding
240VAC, 50/60 Hz, 11/9.4 VA Peak, 8.5/6.9 VA Holding
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Operating Instructions
Refer to appropriate catalog bulletin and Main system shut-off should always be
specification page for operating sequence applying to accomplished with an upstream leak-tight manual
your specific valve. Never operate valve until all fuel cock.
essential allied equipment is operative and any Normally-closed shut-off valves begin opening cycle
necessary purges completed. Failure of valve to immediately upon being powered.
operate normally indicates that it is not powered or Normally-open vent valves begin to close
supply air pressure is not adequate. Check this first! immediately upon being powered.
Maintenance Instructions
Maxon Series 8000 Valves are endurance tested far
in excess of the most stringent requirements of the Insurance authorities agree . . .
various approval agencies. They are designed for long . . . that the safety of any industrial fuel burning
life even if frequently cycled, and to be as mainte- installation is dependent upon well-trained opera-
nance-free and trouble-free as possible. tors who are able to follow instructions and to react
Every Maxon valve is operationally tested and properly in cases of emergency. Their knowledge
meets the requirements of FCI 70-2 Class VI Seat of, and training on, the specific installation are both
Leakage when it leaves our plant. vital to safe operation.
Actuator assembly components require no field Safety controls may get out of order without the
lubrication and should never be oiled. operator becoming aware of it unless shutdowns
Auxiliary switches or complete actuator may be result. Production-minded operators have been
replaced in the field. known to bypass faulty controls without reporting
the trouble.
WARNING: Do not attempt field repair of valve Continued safe operation of any installation is
body or actuator. Any alterations void all then assured only if the plant management
warranties. carefully develops an exact schedule for regular
Valve leak test, performed with valve in line as periodic inspection of all safety controls, insisting
prescribed by jurisdictional authorities, is strongly that it then be rigidly adhered to.
encouraged and should be done on a regularly A main gas shut-off cock should be located
scheduled basis. In rare instances where valve shows upstream from all other fuel train piping compo-
leakage, perform Pre-Operational Exercising (see nents and used to shut off all flow of fuel for
Page 6400-S-2) and retest. If leakage does not stop, servicing and other shutdowns.
remove valve from service. All safety devices should be tested at least
monthly* and more often if deemed advisable.
Maxon valves are designed to be used with clean Periodic testing for tightness of manual or motor-
fluids. If foreign material is present in the fuel ized shut-off valve closure is equally essential.
line, it will be necessary to inspect the valve to *per NFPA 86-Appendix B-4 (1995)
make certain it is operating properly. If abnormal
opening or closing is observed, the valve should
be removed from service. Contact your Maxon
representative for instructions.
Operator should be aware of and observe characteristic opening/closing action of the valve. Should operation ever
become sluggish, remove valve from service and contact Maxon for recommendations.
Address inquiries to: Maxon Corporation, Muncie, IN 47302
Phone (765) 284-3304; Fax (765) 286-8394
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
CAUTION: Valve leak testing should be undertaken Suggested leak test procedure for double-
only by trained and experienced personnel. Instruc- blocking shut-off valves (without vent line)
tions provided by the company and/or individuals (a) Shut down combustion system per manufacturer’s
responsible for the manufacture and/or overall recommended procedure.
installation of complete system incorporating Maxon (b) Close manual valves A and B.
valves take precedence over these provided by (c) Visually inspect to verify that shut-off valves #1
Maxon. If Maxon instructions conflict with any and #2 are closed.
codes or regulations, contact Maxon Corporation (d) Remove the 1/4” pipe plug from downstream side
before attempting this procedure. of shut-off valve #1. Install leak test apparatus.
Valve leak test should be performed on a Safely vent any trapped gas pressure.
quarterly basis to assure continued safe and (e) Open manual shut-off valve A, then close leak
reliable operation. Each valve should be checked test apparatus. Insert tube into a container of
with available line pressure. Absolute zero leakage water just below the surface.
may not be obtained in the field. Any valve that (f) Open test apparatus and test valve for leakage.
exceeds the allowable leakage, as set forth by your As a guideline, valve should be tested for 2
local codes or insurance requirements (15 bubbles per minutes per inch of pipe diameter. Large diameter
minute), should be removed from service and your pipes or long piping runs between shut-off valves
Maxon representative should be contacted. may need additional testing time.
(g) If valve testing indicates leakage exceeding 15
Every Maxon valve is operationally tested and bubbles per minute, perform pre-operational
meets the requirements of FCI 70-2 Class VI seat exercising as outlined on Page 6400-S-2 and retest
leakage when it leaves our plant. the valve. If valve continues to exceed allowable
leakage limit, remove from service and contact
Example of a gas piping diagram for leak test without vent line
Shut-off Shut-off
Gas Pressure Valve Valve
Regulator #1 #2
Valve HGP
A Switch
LPG Manual
Switch Valve
To Combustion
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
Suggested leak test procedure for double-blocking shut-off valves (without vent line) - continued
(h) Secure test apparatus on valve #1. the valve. If valve continues to exceed allowable
(i) Remove the 1/4” pipe plug from downstream side leakage limit, remove from service and contact
of shut-off valve #2. Install leak test apparatus. Maxon.
(j) With an auxiliary power supply connected to valve (l) Secure test apparatus on valve #2.
#1, open test apparatus and test valve for leak- (m) Upon completion of valve leak testing, test all
age. As a guideline, valve should be tested for 2 other safety interlocks per manufacturer’s instruc-
minutes per inch of pipe diameter. Large diameter tions and verify they are operational.
pipes or long piping runs between shut-off valves (n) Restore combustion system to operational
may need additional testing time. condition. Be sure to remove all auxiliary power
(k) If valve testing indicates leakage exceeding 15 supplies and jumpers that may have been used
bubbles per minute, perform pre-operational during testing.
exercising as outlined on Page 6400-S-2 and retest
Suggested leak test procedure for double-blocking shut-off valves with vent line
If vent valve is present, use auxiliary power supply to power vent valve to closed position during this test proce-
dure. Follow test instructions above. Once test is complete, be sure vent valve is restored to normal operation.
Example of a gas piping diagram for leak test with vent line
Vent Valve
To Combustion
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
To determine the Configured Item Number:
Select one choice each from the following five categories
Flow Capacity:
S – Standard Segment choices for Series 8000
C – CP Body Construction Air Actuated Valves are shown on
the following pages
Pressure Rating:
80 – Pneumatic Standard Pressure
81 – Pneumatic High Pressure
Normal Position:
1 – Normally-Closed Shut-Off Valve (also actuator only)
2 – Normally-Open Vent Valve (also actuator only)
Area Classification:
1 – General Purpose
2 – Non-incendive, Class I Div. 2
3 – Intrinsically Safe, Class I Div. 1
4 – Valve Body Only
Valve Size space Flow Capacity space Pressure Rating, Normal Position, Area Classification
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - NOTE: Some choices may not be available with all sizes and types of valves.
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
MODEL NUMBER 1 Calculated ---
MODEL NUMBER 2 Calculated ---
SIZE Determined by Calculated ---
FLOW CAPACITY Configured Item Number Calculated ---
PRESSURE RATING selection (see page 6400-A/P-1) Calculated ---
NORMAL POSITION Calculated ---
* (*) Actuator only
A (A) ANSI threaded
B (B) ANSI flanged
C (C) ISO threaded
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - NOTE: Some choices may not be available with all sizes and types of valves.
Segment Choices
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
* (*) Valve body only
ENCLOSURE RATING Rating of actuator enclosure A (A) NEMA 4, IP65
B (B) NEMA 4X, IP65
Second language for valve * (*) Valve body only
labeling 1 (1) French
AMM Ammonia
BUT Butane Gas
COKE Coke Oven Gas
DEL Delco Combusted
DIG Digester Gas
ENDO Endothermic AGA 302
EXO Exothermic
HYD Hydrogen Gas
LAND Landfill Gas
FUEL Type of fuel to be used
MFGD Manufactured Gas
NAT Natural Gas
NIT Nitrogen Gas
OXYH Oxygen (up to 200 psig, <200 fps
OXYL Oxygen (up to 30 psig, <200 fps
OXYX Oxygen (up to 255 psig, <175 fps)
PROP Propane Gas
REF Refinery Gas
SOUR Sour Natural Gas
TOWN Town Gas
AW Away
L Left
R Right
TO Toward
ALW Aluminum (wire-on)
NONE No tagging
TAGGING Type of tagging
SSP Stainless steel (permanent)
SSW Stainless steel (wire-on)
No choices available Calculated ---
MOPD No choices available Calculated ---
No choices available Calculated ---
No choices available Calculated ---
AGENCY SANCTIONS No choices available Calculated ---
7/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Spare Parts
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Body Types
Threaded Bodies Flanged Bodies (single-or double-seated)
Single-seated Double-seated
Standard “FL” Extended outlet “XL” Elbow Outlet “EL” Single Inlet –
Double Outlet
Operating Mechanisms
Lever Wheel Fusible Link
for fast manual for slower for “automatic”
operation manual opening or closing
operation of manually
“cocked” valve
upon exposure to
ambient tempera-
tures exceeding
link rating.
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 6502
Figure 1 shows the threaded outside packing nut
Seat arrangement furnished on 1/2" through 1-1/4" threaded
valves (Type SL) and 1", 1-1/4" flanged valves (Type
XL, EL).
Bodies and Trims Figure 2 shows the bolted outside packing gland
All feature metal-to-metal seating, with a swinging arrangement furnished with all 1-1/2" through 8" flanged
gate design that minimizes leakage potential by body valves.
requiring only slight rotation of stem through double
Stem Packing Options
stem packing/seals.
Stem packing is offered in the three versions
Flanged and threaded, single and double seated
shown in the photograph below.
versions are available in 1/2" through 8" pipe sizes.
– Standard trim consists of a carbon-based composi-
Ratings to 1000 PSI or 1000°F.
tion (Grafoil) inner ring and chevron formed set of
Valve Body Trim Selection Teflon outer packing. It is suitable for temperatures
“Modular” Special Service Valve bodies are offered up to 450°F (232°C).
in two basic trims: Trim 3 and Trim 5. – Trim “G” uses the Grafoil composition ring forms for
Our “standard”, Trim 3, includes Stellited Steel seat both inside and outside packings and is suitable for
and disc and is suitable for a broad range of pressures temperatures up to 1000°F (538°C).
and temperature conditions, including steam and some – Trim “T” uses the
corrosive services. formed Teflon rings for
A lower cost alternative where high temperatures both inside and
and corrosion are not a problem is Trim 5, which outside packings and
includes Stellited Steel seat and Nodular Iron disc. is restricted to tem-
peratures below 450°F
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6503
Valve body casting ratings Maximum non-shock service pressure rating (PSIG)
All valve body assembly ratings may be specified Primary service pressure rating (PSIG)
with at least four different ratings:
Temp. °F 150 250 300 600
• WOG rating: Generally accepted to be the maxi- -20 285 500 740 1480
mum water, oil or gas pressure rating at ambient 100 285 500 740 1480
temperatures (-20°F or -29°C to +100°F or +38°C)
that a valve body can accept. 150 270 480 705 1415
200 260 460 675 1350
• WSP rating: Defined as the maximum working 250 245 415 665 1330
steam pressure rating that the valve body can
accept. This WSP rating must always be a psi rating 300 230 375 655 1315
at a given temperature. It is typically lower than 350 215 335 645 1295
WOG ratings. 400 200 290 635 1270
• ANS rating: Primarily a mechanical piping code for 450 185 250 615 1235
wall thickness, metallurgy, bolt circle dimensions 500 170 --- 600 1200
and flange thickness, etc. This rating is used to 550 155 --- 575 1100
insure pipe line fixture compatibility. A 300# ANS
valve should mate with any ANS 300# companion 600 140 --- 550 1095
flange, etc. 650 125 -- 535 1075
700 110 --- 520 1065
• Primary non-shock service pressure ratings:
This is another way of presenting the WOG and 750 95 --- 505 1010
WSP ratings. The primary service rating is the 800 80 --- 410 825
maximum pressure and temperature combination 850 65 --- 270 535
that a valve body can withstand. (This is also the
WSP rating definition.) 900 50 --- 170 345
950 35 --- 105 205
1000 20 --- 50 105
Page 6504 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Valve Body Quality Assurance (per Maxon Material Specification Sheet #MP-1042)
Whether you are a long-time customer that origi- bodies is not a standard option). All flanged valves
nally knew us as Okadee, or a first-time contact, you going into service in a refinery, utility, chemical
will find Maxon’s reputation for quality products is plant, or boiler blow-off service must be subjected to
well-deserved. During manufacture, ALL Maxon hydrostatic shell testing. Hydrostatic shell testing
“Modular” Special Service Valve bodies are tested should always be requested for valves handling a
as follows: hazardous fluid unless such testing cannot be given
because of service restrictions, such as oxygen
• Seat tests: All seats are tested for tightness at air service valves.
pressures of 25 PSIG and 300 PSIG. In addition, a
Hydrostatic test should be requested for all
lower seat pressure test, such as 5 PSIG, may be
valves (threaded or flanged) going into greater
requested if the valve is to be used at low differen-
than 200 PSIG service (at net extra charge).
tial pressure. The lower seat pressure test is not a
Regardless of maximum operating pressure, the
standard option.
following hydrostatic test pressures are used:
• Shell tests: All valves are tested for porosity and
joint tightness while immersed under water while WOG rating Hydrostatic test
Type of Valve
being subjected to 300 PSIG internal air pressure. (PSIG) pressure (PSIG)
Our intent is to test all valves at a minimum of one FL-15 285 430
and one-half times the maximum pressure that the SL-25 500 750
valve will be subjected to in actual service. SLD-30 600 900
• Hydrostatic shell tests (must be specified on SL-30
740 1110
order ): Hydrostatic shell testing is standard on all FL-30
XL and EL valve bodies (testing on other valve SL-60 1480 2200
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6505
Valve body sizing/selection That Cv factor may be used to determine gas and
Maxon “Modular” Special Service Valves are noted liquid flow rates or pressure drop for your conditions,
for their full-open flow port design with extremely low using the appropriate formula from those given below:
pressure drops. Always select valve size based Liquids: V = Cv (P1 - P2)
upon volume flow capacities at their acceptable
pressure drop conditions. Gf
Approximate pressure drop as a function of
water flow is shown in the chart below. The Cv factor
(shown in parentheses after valve size) is, by defini- W = (500) Cv (P1 - P2) Gf
tion, the number of U.S. gallons per minute of water
which will pass through that valve with exactly one (1)
psi pressure drop. Gases: Q = (1360) Cv (P1 - P2) (P1 + P2)
G Tf 2
&8 Sat. Steam: W = (3) Cv (P1 - P2) P2
" (87 Where:
1) G = Gas specific gravity (air = 1.0)
" (49 1)
3 4 Gf = Specific gravity @ flowing temperature °F
/2 " (3
2-1 8) P1 = Inlet pressure PSIA (14.7 psi + psi gauge)
(21 P2 = Outlet pressure PSIA (14.7 psi + psi gauge)
3) Q = Cubic feet per hour @ 14.7 PSIA and 60°F
" (12
/2 ) Tf = Flowing temperature absolute (460° + °F)
1-1 " (85
1 / 4 V = Flow in U.S. gallons/minute
1- )
(55 W = Flow in pounds per hour
1) w2 = Density of steam (pounds/cubic foot)
/4 " (3
/2 " (1 For example: If your application calls for a flow of 60
gpm of #2 oil at 100°F, 150 psi inlet pressure and with
an allowable drop of 5 psi, we can calculate . . .
1 V = gpm 60 = Cv 5
Gf = .865 60 = Cv 5.78
P1 - P2 = 5 PSIG 60 = Cv (2.4)
required Cv = 25
Page 6506 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Maxon “Modular” Special Service Valves are
identified by a six-part designation system that
provides the following information:
• Part 1 – Valve and pipe size
• Part 2 – Valve seating (single or double) and
operator type
• Part 3 – Body type
• Part 4 – ANS body class
• Part 5 – Seating and stem packing materials
• Part 6 – Accessory items
Each “Modular” Special Service Valve bears a
nameplate similar to the one reproduced at right. The
information stamped there at manufacture allows
permanent identification of the valve.
11 12
Spring closing 2" Fig 19 – FL – 30 – 3 T – AM Accessories
Factory Mounted
(rack & pinion oper.) A
Spring closing Valve and
13 14 fusible link M Special Machining
(lever operator) Pipe Size
Spring closing
15 16 fusible link
(rack & pinion oper.)
Spring opening The example above in simplified nomenclature describes a 2" single-seated,
17 18 fusible link flanged, 300# ANS valve with stellited steel seat and disc, Teflon inner and outer
(lever operator) stem packings, complete with ATO/SC (single acting air cylinder/spring closing
19 20
Cylinder to open mechanism) and with both special machining and factory-mounted accessories.
Spring to close The actual order for such a valve would also include assembly numbers
Cylinder to close shown in appropriate catalog section and might look like this:
21 22
Spring to open
1 2" Fig 19-FL-30-3T-AM valve consisting of
Double-acting air
23 24 1 2"-0-FL-30-3 valve body assembly
1 with inside Teflon packing
25 26 Cross lever 1 with electroless nickel body
1 with 3 x 7 ATO/SC mechanism (one spring)
1 with SPDT Limit Switch & Bracket sub-assembly
1 with Air Control Set (120/60)
1 and with Speed Control Set
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6507
Page 6508 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Pipe Designations F G H J
size A B C D E dia. dia. bolt dia. bolt quantity K L
Single Double No.
(inches) flange circle holes of holes
seated seated
1 0-XL-30-3 --- 9.25 7.72 2.25 4.75 3.06 4.88 3.5
1.25 0-XL-30-3 --- 3 9.38 7.91 2.44 4.94 3.53 5.25 3.88 ---
0-XL-30-3 00-XL-30-3 11.44
7.59 4 45°
1.5 0-EL-30-3 00-EL-30-3 4 9.53 2.88 6.25 3.68 6.12 4.5 0.88 4.5
Single-seated version
Fig. 0-SL-25
Fig. 0-SLD-30
Fig. 0-SL-30
Fig. 0-SL-60
Double-seated version
Fig. 00-SL-25
Fig. 00-SLD-30
Fig. 00-SL-30
Fig. 00-SL-60
Page 6510 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Page 6512 “Modular” Special Service Valves
NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body details, see pages 6508 and 6509.
Page 6514 “Modular” Special Service Valves
NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body details, see pages 6508 and 6509.
Modular Special Service Valves Page 6515
Page 6516 Modular Special Service Valves
NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body details, see pages 6508 and 6509.
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6517
Page 6518 “Modular” Special Service Valves
NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body details, see pages 6508 and 6509.
Modular Special Service Valves Page 6519
Page 6520 Modular Special Service Valves
Page 6522 “Modular” Special Service Valves
For .5" – 1.25" Threaded Body Valves For 1.5", 2" Valves
For Threaded Body For Flanged Body
Valve Dimension
Type Size Series A D E F [1]
For 4" – 8"V Flanged Body Valves
.5", .75" SL-25, 60 9.5 6 3.19 4.5
1", 1.25" SL-25, 30, 60 10 9.5 6 9
(only Rack & Pinion versions)
SL, SLD 1.5", 2" 11 16.62
SL-30, 60
2.5" SL-30, 60 19 18.62
3" SL-30, 60 18.5 18.62
1.5" FL-30
10.5 8.62 11.38
2" FL-15, 30 16.62
18.5 18.62
3" FL-15, 30
FL-15 24.62
FL-30 [2] 25 20 9.62 15.12
FL-15 18.5 30.75 10.25 15
8"V FL-15
25 20 9.62 15.12
FL-30 [2]
1", 1.25" XL-30 10 9.5 6 9 NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body
XL, EL 1.5", 2" XL, EL-30 11 16.62 details, see pages 6508 and 6509.
8.62 11.38
2.5" XL, EL-30 19 18.62
[1] Clearance to disengage handle.
[2] Rack & pinion version
Page 6524 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Valve Dimension
Type Size Series A D E F [1]
For 2.5" – 4" Valves
1", 1.25" SL-25, 30, 60 10.5 9.5 6.38 9
For Threaded Body For Flanged Body 2.5", 3 SL-30, 60 18.5 18.62
1.5" FL-30 12
2" FL-15, 30 10.5 16.62
FL-15 8.62 11.38
FL FL-30
3" FL-15, 30 18.5
4" FL-15 24.62
8"V FL-15 30.75 8.38 13.12
1", 1.25" XL-30 10.5 9.5 6.38 9
1.5" XL, EL-30 11.5
XL, EL 16.62
2" XL, EL-30 12 8.62 11.38
2.5" XL, EL-30 18.5 18.62
[1] Clearance to disengage handle
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6525
Page 6526 “Modular” Special Service Valves
ATO/SC Air-to-Open/Spring Closing Operating Mechanisms
Air to Lower ▲
ATO/SC air-to-open/spring closing operating mechanisms
Valve Maximum operating pressure Minimum air cylinder Cylinder size
Quantity of springs
Size Series differential (PSIG) pressure (PSIG) dia. x length (in inches)
.5" & .75" SL-60 300 75 1 1-1/8 x 3
110 75 1-1/8 x 3
1" 70 1 2x4
SL-60 295
35 3-14 x 4
90 75 1-1/8 x 3
1.25" 70 1 2x4
SL-60 245
35 3-14 x 4
SL-30, SL-60 290 50
290 50 3-1/4 x 7
1.5" 65
FL-30 410
720 65 2
SL-30 175 50
SL-60 245 65
3-1/4 x 7
175 50 1
FL-15 245
2" 490 70 2
175 50
3-1/4 x 7
65 1
FL-30 40
490 70 2 4x7
660 90 3
SL-30 140 65 1 3-1/4 x 7
SL-60 275 70 2 4x7
100 50
3-1/4 x 7
65 1
FL-15 140
2.5" 40
275 70 2
65 3-1/4 x 7
140 1
FL-30 40
275 70 2
SL-30 95 65 1 3-1/4 x 7
SL-60 190 70 2 4x7
3" 65 3-1/4 x 7
FL-15 95 1
FL-30 40
190 70 2
65 3-1/4 x 7
45 1
FL-15 40
90 70
135 65 2 4 x 12
FL-30 100 40
5 x 12
200 70 4
55 65 4 x 12
8"V FL-15 40 40
5 x 12
80 70 4
Page 6528 “Modular” Special Service Valves
For .5" through 1.25" SL-30, -60 valves with 1-1/8" dia. x 3" lg cylinder only
Valve A B C
Size Series (cylinder size) (cylinder size & number of return springs) radius
15.19 1.97
.5" & .75" SL-60 --- --- --- 7.12 5
(2" X 3") (2" X 3")
2.38 7.75
SL-30 20.38 20.38
1" & 1.25" (2" X 4" --- --- 10.75 6.12
SL-60 (2" X 4") (3-1/4" X 4")
SL-30 26.56 26.69
1.5" & 2" --- --- 6.7
SL-60 (3-1/4" X 7") (4" X 7")
SL-30 27.19 27.31
2.5" & 3" 8.5
SL-60 (3-1/4" X 7") (4" X 7")
26.56 26.69 1.88
2" 6.5
(3-1/4" X 7") (4" X 7") (3-1/4" X 7" 11.62 6.5
FL-15 W/1) 3.06
2.5" (4" X 7"
(4" X 7" W/2)
27.19 27.31
3" 8
(3-1/4" X 7") (4" X 7")
NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body details, see catalog pages 6508 and 6509
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6529
ATC/SO Air-to-Close/Spring Opening Operating Mechanisms
FL-15 50 70
FL-30 220
110 4 4" X 12"
8"V FL-15 90
Page 6530 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Valve A B C
Size Series (cylinder size) (with number of return springs) radius
NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body details, see pages 6508 and 6509.
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6531
ATO/ATC Air-to-Open/Air-to-Close Operating Mechanisms
Page 6532 “Modular” Special Service Valves
For 1" & 1.25" SL-30, -60 Valves For all others
with 1-1/8" x 4" cylinder only
Valve A B C
Size Series (cylinder size) (cylinder size) radius
14.44 1.25
.5" & .75" SL-60 --- --- 7.12 5
(2" x 3") (2" x 3")
SL-30 17.38 1.88
1" & 1.25" --- --- 9 6.12
SL-60 (3-1/4" x 4") (3-1/4" x 4")
SL-30 22.56 1.25
1.5" & 2" --- --- 6.7
SL-60 (2" x 7") (2" x 7")
22.56 1.88
FL-15 --- --- 6.2
2.5" (3-1/4" x 7") (3-1/4" x 7")
FL-30 --- --- 10.12 6.5
FL-15 25.31 --- 2.25 ---
FL-30 (4" x 7") --- (4" x 7") --- 8
NOTE: For dimensions related to valve body details, see pages 6508 and 6509.
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6533
Component Identification
Threaded Body Assemblies - Valve Bodies
Page 6534 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Component Identification
Threaded Body Assemblies - Operating Mechanisms
Parts for wheel operating mechanisms Parts for rack & pinion operating
Item Description
20 – Sector (left hand) Item Description
– Sector (right hand) 36 – Sector
21 – Shaft bearing 37 – Socket head cap screw
22 – Worm gear (left hand) 38 – Information plate
– Worm gear (right hand) 39 – Escutcheon pin
23 – Badge plate 40 – Pinion lever
24 – Drive shaft 41 – Pinion lever handle
25 – Worm shaft (left hand) 42 – Hex nut
– Worm shaft (right hand) 43 – Hex head cap screw
26 – Cotter pin 44 – Lockwasher
27 – Shaft washer 45 – Hex head cap screw
28 – Gear case 46 – Pinion lever adapter plate
29 – Hex head cap screw 47 – Eccentric fulcrum
30 – Lockwasher 48 – Flat steel washer
31 – Handwheel caution plate
32 – Hex nut
33 – Handwheel
34 – Spacer
Parts for lever operating mechanisms
Item Description
18 – Stem nut
19 – Lockwasher
35 – Handle
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6535
Component Identification
Flanged Body Assemblies – Valve Bodies
Page 6536 “Modular” Special Service Valves
Component Identification
Flanged Body Assemblies – Operating Mechanisms
All others
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6537
Component Identification
Flanged Body Assemblies – Operating Mechanisms
Parts for wheel operating mechanisms Parts for lever operating mechanisms
Item Description Item Description
23 – Hex, jam nut (XL & EL only) 12 – Handle (FL)
24 – Lockwasher (XL & EL only) – Handle (EL & XL)
26 – Socket jam screw (FL only) 13 – Handle cap screw
27 – Taper screw (FL only) 14 – Hex nut
28 – Sector FL (right hand) 23 – Hex, jam nut (XL & EL only)
– Sector XL & EL (right hand) 24 – Lockwasher (XL & EL only)
– Sector FL (left hand)
– Sector XL & EL (left hand)
29 – Worm gear FL (right hand)
– Worm gear XL & EL (right hand) Parts for rack & pinion operating
– Worm gear FL (left hand) mechanisms
– Worm gear XL & EL (left hand)
30 – Thrust washer Item Description
31 – Bearing 57 – Socket jam screw
32 – Body stud 58 – Taper screw (FL only)
33 – Gear pad spacer 59 – Sector (FL only)
34 – Pin – Sector (EL & XL only)
35 – Drive screw 60 – Flat steel washer
36 – Badge plate 61 – Information plate
37 – Cotter pin 62 – Pinion lever
38 – Shaft washer 63 – Hex nut
39 – Gear case 64 – Pinion lever handle
40 – Lockwasher 65 – Hex head cap screw
41 – Hex nut (heavy) 66 – Hex nut (heavy)
42 – Square head set screw 67 – Lockwasher
43 – Plug 68 – Adapter stud
44 – Spacer 69 – Hex nut (jam)
45 – Shaft bearing 70 – Lockwasher
46 – Bearing 71 – Pinion lever adapter plate
47 – Adjusting screw 72 – Eccentric fulcrum
48 – Worm shaft (left hand) 73 – Cotter pin
– Worm shaft (right hand) 74 – Hex head cap screw
49 – Hand wheel 75 – Socket head cap screw
50 – Hand wheel caution plate
51 – Hex nut
52 – Spring
53 – Washer
54 – Bushing (Oilite)
55 – Hex head cap screw
Page 6538 “Modular” Special Service Valves
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6500-S-1
Installation/Operating/Maintenance Instructions
General Data: Operation:
Maxon “Modular” Special Service Valves Do not exert excessive force at the end of travel
feature metal-to-metal seating. Because seating on manually-operated valves. Shut-off is obtained
faces of discs and seats are ultra-lapped to near- as soon as the disc laps the seat. Since discs are full-
perfect flatness, parts are field-replaceable. floating and move parallel to the seats (without
Valves discs are full-floating and move parallel wedging), strain on the operating mechanism and
to the seats. They do not wedge but wipe seat faces stem packing can be minimized by backing off slightly
clean due to the combined action of line pressure and from either full-open or closed position.
disc spring. Discs also rotate a few degrees with each “Modular” Special Service Valves require no
operation, thus promoting uniform wear. lubrication to provide tight shut-off. The stem
packing gland is properly adjusted at assembly. If
Single-seated valves seal in the indicated
stem leakage develops, tighten gland or stud as
direction only. Double-seated valves may be
necessary, or remove from line and replace packing.
installed with flow in either direction.
The operating mechanisms of Rack & Pinion or
All valves are non-lubricated and provide a full- geared valves may be lubricated. An eccentric
open, non-restricted port. Each is leak-tested and screw permits adjustment of tooth engagement on
cycled at 150% of its maximum rated pressure before some Rack & Pinion Valves.
To insure long valve life and dependable service, Maintenance:
read and follow the installation and operating proce- If the simple installation and operating instructions
dures outlined below. outlined above have been observed, Maxon “Modular”
Special Service Valves will give long and satisfactory
All valves except those intended for oxygen service without further attention. We recommend,
service are sprayed internally with a rust however, that you run periodic checks observing
preventative oil after final factory tests. This operation and noting any departure from normal feel
should be flushed out with a good solvent or conditions.
before installation. Seats and discs may be relapped in the field if
scratches are only minor. Worn or deeply scratched
Installation: parts should be replaced with new.
All valves are shipped with end protectors to If adjustment or repairs are necessary, your
prevent entrance of foreign material in valve or valve can be returned to our factory in Muncie,
damage to flange faces or threads. Do not remove Indiana for reconditioning on a “time and material”
protectors until ready to install. basis, or parts can be supplied for your installation per
Piping and upstream systems should be blown the procedures outlined on the back of this sheet.
or flushed clear of abrasive materials which could
cause damage to valve seats and discs. See component identification drawings and
accompanying tables for identification. Always
If optional manual bleed has been furnished
specify quantity, assembly number, valve size,
with double-seated valves, note carefully the fluid
serial number, and all available nameplate
temperature limitation of 450°F imposed by the Teflon
information when ordering repair parts.
seat within bleed valve.
Do not orientate valve with body bulge down- Various valve operating mechanisms such as
ward or line debris may accumulate there to prevent wheels, cylinders, solenoids, springs and fusible
full-opening. links may require additional maintenance as
indicated in applicable catalog pages.
WARNING: Do not tighten or loosen hex nut of Fusible link valves should be inspected regularly
threaded valves. Use two wrenches: one to for dust, corrosion, grease or paint build-up which might
hold hex nut, the other to turn pipe. Failure to affect link accuracy or performance. A spare link should
do so may affect valve operation and/or cause be kept on hand, and in some circumstances, periodic
leakage. replacement may be desirable.
Air Cylinders should be inspected regularly for
O-ring seal deterioration and care taken to maintain a
“dry” air supply.
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maintenance Instructions
To disassemble: seat permanently. (Double-seated bodies 1-1/2"
Refer to appropriate component identification diagram and smaller must have stem and disc carrier
on pages 6533 to 6537, then: placed on a ledge or track, which assures align-
1. Remove Rack & Pinion or gear assembly secured ment with the discs, to prevent locking.)
to body by cap screws (and stud nut for some 7. Flanged valves only: reinstall outlet to body,
flanged valves). pulling stud nuts down gradually and evenly
2. Remove handle or stem nut and sectors (fitted according to the following sequence correspond-
over a tapered square on stem end). ing to the number of studs present (1-3-2-4,
3. Open valve fully so that discs are contained in the 1-4-3-6-2-5, or 1-5-3-7-2-6-8-4).
body bulge. 8. Replace any additional operating mechanism re-
4. Flanged valves only: remove stud nuts and lift off moved in steps 1 and 2 of disassembly procedure.
outlet. 9. Cycle valve repeatedly to check for proper operation.
5. Threaded valves: remove hex nut seat by un- Be sure to pressure test for leakage before
screwing from body. Discard used metal ring valve is placed back in service.
gaskets. Flanged valves: remove stem-side seat,
tapping outside of the body (not seat) if necessary
to break it loose. Seat Alignment:
6. For double-seated valves: remove back disc and
WRONG – Insufficient
hex nut seat. Threaded valves: will require an
gaskets. Disc must climb seat
open-end wrench of proper size and handle
in closing and will not wipe
extension to provide necessary leverage. Flanged seat properly. Add gaskets to
valves: may require a special spanner wrench. align seat surface with disc
7. Close valve and remove disc(s). track.
8. Remove gland assembly, stem bushing, stem and
carrier in order listed.
RIGHT – Seating surface in
To reassemble: alignment with disc track.
1. Clean body and all parts thoroughly, inside and out. Select gaskets to give best
2. Make certain that all machined surfaces where possible alignment.
gaskets are applied are clean and smooth. During
assembly, use only new gaskets of a compound
AND JOINT SEALING” or equivalent. WRONG – Too many
3. Install back disc and hex nut seat of double-seated gaskets. Disc must climb disc
valves. track to open, causing hard
4. Install carrier, stem, stem bushing and gland operation. Remove gaskets to
assembly. If composition packing is used, tighten align seat surface with disc
to 40 ft-lbs then loosen and retighten to 10 ft-lbs. If track.
Teflon packing is used, tighten firmly.
5. Replace disc and disc spring and move valve to
OPEN position so disc(s) is/are contained in body Inlet Torque (threaded body):
bulge. Once gaskets have been chosen to give proper
seat alignment, threaded body seat should be torqued
WARNING: Valve must be in OPEN position when
into place with approximate force (ft-lbs) shown in
installing seat, or both seat and disc may be damaged.
table below. Over-tightening can damage threads.
6. Make test installation of hex nut seat (threaded Under-tightening can cause leakage. (Additional data
bodies) or seat (flanged bodies) using a test upon request.)
combination of various metal ring gasket thick-
Seat Type
nesses supplied. Seats must be as nearly in line
Valve Size Iron Steel Stellited
with the disc track and body as is possible. See
w/S.S. seat ring w/S.S. seat ring steel
accompanying illustration for proper alignment.
1/2" & 3/4" --- --- 175
Select the combination of gasket sizes which gives
1" 125 200 375
best alignment and smooth operation, then apply
1-1/4" 145 225 400
gasket compound to each gasket and assemble
1-1/2" --- --- 425
2" --- --- 525
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
“Modular” Special Service Valves Page 6500-A/P-1
Assembly Numbers
Valve Body Selection
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Valve Body Selection
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Operating Mechanisms
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Operating Mechanisms
Right Hand Wheel (RHWHL) and Standard Left Hand Wheel (WHL) - not configured
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Operating Mechanisms
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Operating Mechanisms
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Operating Mechanisms
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For Threaded Body Valves
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For Threaded Body Valves
Parts for wheel operating mechanisms Parts for lever operating mechanisms
Item Description 1" & 1.25" 1.5" & 2" 2.5" & 3" .5" & 1" & 1.5" & 2.5" &
Item Description
Sector (left hand) 71371 71711 71402 .75" 1.25" 2" 3"
20 18 Stem nut 40028 40040 40046 40058
Sector (right hand) 71372 71712 71403
19 Lockwasher 40097 40100 40102 40103
21 Shaft bearing 71373 71720
35 Handle 70770 70793 70385 70358
Worm gear (left hand) 71369 70252
Worm gear (right hand) 71370 70253 Parts for rack & pinion operating mechanisms
23 Badge plate 70304 71885 Item Description 1.5" & 2" 2.5" & 3
24 Drive screw 40420 36 Sector 70447 71387
Worm shaft (left hand) 71376 70428 71404 37 Socket head cap screw 40378 40384
25 38 Information plate 71536 71530
Worm shaft (right hand) 71386 70425 70426
39 Escutcheon pin 40159
26 Cotter pin 40124 40135
40 Pinion lever 73535 73534
27 Shaft washer 71374 70301
41 Pinion lever handle 73537 73538
28 Gear case 71375 70722
42 Hex nut 40019
29 Hex head cap screw 40292 40325
43 Hex head cap screw 40269
30 Lockwasher 40097 40101 44 Lockwasher 40101
31 Handwheel caution plate 71182 45 Hex head cap screw 40325
32 Hex nut 40028 40035 46 Pinion lever adapter plate 70450 71413
33 Handwheel 71364 70247 47 Eccentric fulcrum 74447 71414
34 Spacer --- 71405 48 Flat steel washer 40081 40084
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
For Flanged Body Valves
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Parts for lever operating mechanisms (flanged body valves)
Series FL-15 Item Series FL-30, XL- and EL-30
Part Description
2" 2.5" 3" 4" No. 1" 1.25" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
70138 70107 Handle (FL) --- 70138 70107 70108 70019
--- Handle (EL & XL) 70743 70793 70385 71358 ---
40300 40307 13 Handle cap screw --- 40300 40307 40650
40028 40031 14 Hex nut --- 40028 40031 ---
--- 23 Hex, jam nut (XL & EL only) 40040 40046 40058 ---
--- 24 Lockwasher (XL & EL only) 40100 40102 40103 ---
Parts for rack & pinion operating mechanisms (flanged body valves)
Series FL-15 Item Series FL-30, XL- and EL-30
Part Description
2" 2.5" 3" 4" 6" 8"V No. 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4" 6"
40412 40413 57 Socket jam screw 40412 40413 40414
71140 71091 58 Taper screw (FL only) 71140 71091 70453 ---
70409 71481 71460 71899 Sector (FL only) 70409 71481 71460 70382
--- Sector (EL & XL only) 70447 71387 ---
40081 40084 --- 60 Flat steel washer 40081 40084 ---
71536 61 Information plate 71536
73535 73534 73536 62 Pinion lever 73535 73534 73536
40019 63 Hex nut 40019
73537 73538 73539 64 Pinion lever handle 73537 73538 73539
40269 65 Hex head cap screw 40269
--- 40048 66 Hex nut (heavy) --- 40048
40101 40102 67 Lockwasher 40101 40102
--- 70415 68 Adapter stud --- 70415
--- 40058 69 Hex nut (jam) --- 40058
--- 40103 70 Lockwasher --- 40103
70450 71413 70379 71 Pinion lever adapter plate 70450 71413 70379
70451 71414 70380 72 Eccentric fulcrum 7447
70451 71414 70380
--- 40135 73 Cotter pin --- 40135
40325 --- 74 Hex head cap screw 40325 ---
40664 40384 75 Socket head cap screw 40378 40664 40384
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Parts for wheel operating mechanisms (flanged body valves)
Series FL-15 Item Series FL-30, XL- and EL-30
Part description
2" 2.5" 3" 4" 6" 8"V No. 1" 1.25" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4" 6" [1] 6" [2]
--- 23 Hex, jam nut (XL & EL only) 40040 40046 40058 ---
--- 24 Lockwasher (XL & EL only) 40100 40102 40103 ---
40412 40413 26 Socket jam screw (FL only) --- 40412 40413 70714 40414
71140 71091 27 Taper screw (FL only) --- 71140 71091 70453
70368 71478 --- Sector FL (right hand) --- 70368 71478 ---
--- Sector XL & EL (right hand) 71372 71712 71403 ---
70367 71477 71479 71477 Sector FL (left hand) --- 70367 71477 71479 71671
--- Sector XL & EL (left hand) 71371 71711 71402 ---
70253 --- Worm gear FL (right hand) --- 70253 ---
--- Worm gear XL & EL (right hand) 71370 70253 ---
70252 70436 Worm gear FL (left hand) --- 70252 70436
--- Worm gear XL & EL (left hand) 71369 70252 ---
--- 30 Thrust washer --- 71687
31 Bearing --- 71830
--- 70035 32 Body stud --- 70035
--- 33 Gear pad spacer --- [3]
--- 34 Pin --- 33418
40420 35 Drive screw 40420 40426 40420
71885 71533 36 Badge plate 70304 71885 71533
40135 37 Cotter pin 40129 40135 40136
70301 38 Shaft washer 71374 70301 40085
70722 71400 39 Gear case 71375 70722 71400 71675
40101 40102 40 Lockwasher 40097 40101 40102
--- 40048 41 Hex nut (heavy) --- 40048
--- 42 Square head set screw --- 40532
--- 43 Plug --- 71678
--- 71405 --- 44 Spacer --- 71405 --- 71673
71720 70256 45 Shaft bearing 71373 71720 70256 71688
--- 46 Bearing --- 71831
--- 47 Adjusting screw --- 71676
70428 71404 70435 Worm shaft (left hand) 71376 70428 71404 70435 --- 71674
70425 70426 --- Worm shaft (right hand) 71386 70425 70426
70247 70418
49 Hand wheel 71364 71363 70247 70418 70246
71182 50 Hand wheel caution plate 71182
40035 51 Hex nut 40028 40035
--- 52 Spring --- 70251
--- 53 Washer --- 40085
--- 70257 54 Bushing (Oilite) --- 70257 ---
40325 --- 55 Hex head cap screw 40242 40492 40325 ---
[1] Valves built prior to Jan. 1, 1983 unless designated HRW (High Ratio Wheel)
[2] Valves built after Jan. 1, 1983 or designated HRW (High Ratio Wheel)
[3] Combination of #74345 (.060"), #74346 (.125") and #74347 (.188") as determined at assembly.
7/00 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Maxon Product Information Sheet
Product: Air-to-Open Relay Valve Page: 6500-4 Date: 7/92
Maxon Corporation, PO Box 2068, Muncie, IN 47307-0068. Phone (765) 284-3304. FAX 1-765-286-8394.
Mounted in a line to control fluid flow, Maxon’s Air- Lower piston cavity vents to outlet. Venting to
to-Open Relay Valve is normally closed. Introduction atmosphere is available at extra cost. Simple con-
of 50 to 150 psi instrument or compressed air struction gives virtually trouble-free operation.
through 1/4" operating inlet overcomes spring Typical applications include air trap condensate
pressure and opens valve allowing flow. Loss or drain and compressor cooling water flow control.
interruption of control air pressure causes valve
Parts Index
Item No. Assembly No. Description Materials
1 70102 Body Bronze
2 70104 Valve Stainless steel
3 70103 Valve spring Stainless steel
4 70108 Valve cap Steel
5 70198 Cylinder Bronze
6 70106 Piston Brass
7 70105 Piston cap Composition
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Bulletin 7000
Air Gas
M- 4" x 1-1/2" -P MICRO-RATIO® Valve
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Page 7002
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX (765) 286-8394
Flow Control Valves Page 7003
Cut-away view of
3/4" -O -200
Cut-away view of M- 3" x 1-1/4" -P MICRO-RATIO ® Valve SYNCHRO Oil Valve
with standard cam
The tandem linkage gives accurate proportioning of
the air/fuel(s) ratios required for your specific burner
The multiple screw adjustment feature of the
SYNCHRO Valve provides a mechanical means of
adjusting the air/fuel(s) ratios at each of twelve valve
positions throughout the capacity range of each valve.
Maximum application flexibility is provided from
over 500 possible valve combinations.
Air-gas-oil valves in tandem-linked combination
are ideal for multi-zone or stand-by fuel system
Totally enclosed cam assemblies are available
to protect the valve’s internal adjusting mechanism Cut-away view of
against moisture and/or hostile environments. 2-1/2" -P
Air-gas-oil SYNCHRO Valves may be used SYNCHRO Gas
Valve with standard
independently for single control or throttling of
cam assembly
multiple flow paths or fuels.
Page 7004 Flow Control Valves
Performance Data
(M-) Style Control Valves – Air Service
Air Valves are normally
sized to match the combustion
air pipe sizing. Pressure drops
of 1" wc to 2.5" wc are typical.
If supply pressures are higher
than required, smaller valves
can be used, or travel limited to
restrict maximum flow rate.
Page 7006 Flow Control Valves
Performance Data
SYNCHRO Gas Valves – Natural Gas Service
Note: The capacities and
pressure drops indicated in
this chart are based on flow
through a wide-open valve. If
valve is less than fully open,
higher drops and lower flows
will result.
Gas Valves are normally Gas Inlet Pressure Suggested Pressure Drop
sized based on inlet pressure 3" wc - 5" wc 0.5" wc - 1.5" wc
and allowable pressure drop. 4 osi - 8 osi 1" wc - 2" wc
See guidelines at right. 8 osi - 16 osi 2" wc - 5" wc
2 psi - 3 psi 6" wc - 10" wc
Flow Control Valves Page 7007
Performance Data
SYNCHRO Gas Valves – Propane Gas Service
Note: The capacities
and pressure drops
indicated in this chart
are based on flow
through a wide-open
valve. If valve is less
than fully open, higher
drops and lower flows
will result.
Gas Valves are normally sized Gas Inlet Pressure Suggested Pressure Drop
based on inlet pressure and 3" wc - 5" wc 0.5" wc - 1.5" wc
allowable pressure drop. See 4 osi - 8 osi 1" wc - 2" wc
guidelines at right. 8 osi - 16 osi 2" wc - 5" wc
2 psi - 3 psi 6" wc - 10" wc
Page 7008 Flow Control Valves
Performance Data
SYNCHRO Oil Valves – #2 Fuel Oil Service
Oil Valves are normally sized for
approximately 5 psi pressure drop. For #2 oil
service, see chart at left.
For preheated #5 or #6 oil, multiply the
required flow rate in gph by the factor given in
the table shown below the chart, then select a
valve based upon that equivalent flow of #2 oil
and its allowable pressure drop.
Oil Grade #5 #6
Temperature (°F) at
125 160 122 140 180 210 220
Factor 1.43 1.11 2.86 2 1.25 1.11 1.05
Page 7010 Flow Control Valves
Size A B C D E G H J K L
1-1/2" -M 3.62 1.94 1.94 1.82 0.75 1.94
3" -S 7.0 2.56 2.56 3.5 2.25 2.56
2" -M 3.56 6.5 3.62 1.91 1.94 8.31 1.82 0.75 1.94 6.75
4" -S 8.25 3.19 3.19 4.12 2.75 3.19 Pipe threads on this page conform to NPT
(ANSI Standard B2.1)
2-1/2" -M 3.88 2.38 2.38 1.94 2.38
3" -M 4.06 4.0 2.62 2.62 2.0 2.56
7.5 9.31 0.75 7.75
4" -M 4.56 4.25 3.19 3.19 2.12 3.19
6"-M 5.94 9.56 4.25 6.06 4.44 11.31 2.12 4.44 9.81
Page 7012 Flow Control Valves
Page 7014 Flow Control Valves
Component Identification
MICRO-RATIO® and SYNCHRO Flow Control Valves
(-M) SYNCHRO Gas Valve (-O) SYNCHRO Oil Valve (-P) SYNCHRO Gas Valve
Butterfly-type with totally Poppet-type with standard Poppet-type with standard
enclosed cam assembly cam assembly cam assembly
Item Description
1 Adjusting Screws
Duplex MICRO-RATIO® Valve 2 Cam Springs
3 Plunger/Cap Assembly
(M-) air valve with (-M) type gas valve 4 Plunger Bushing
and standard cam assembly 5 Set Collar
6 Operating Crank
7 Upper Spring Retainer
8 Gas Valve Spring
9 Spring Return Shaft
10 Shaft Retainer
11 Lower Spring Retainer
12 Packing Collar
13 O-rings
14 Operating Shaft
15 Valve Disc
16 Valve Body
17 Valve Disc Spring
18 Valve Disc Guide
19 Valve Stem
20 Spring Support Plug
21 Stud Bolt
22 Bushing
23 Locking Screw
Suggested Spare Parts
– Cam Springs SYNCHRO Valve Nameplate
– Plunger/Cap Assembly
– Adjusting Screws
Order spare parts for Flow Control Valves by identifying required
items from drawings above, and referencing information on SYNCHRO
Valve nameplate (shown at right)
Page 7016 Flow Control Valves
The Series “Q” butterfly gas valve is equipped with CB & L assemblies are available for the most
the Maxon multiple-screw adjusting cam for adjusting commonly-used electric and air operators.
the flow from maximum to minimum. The numbers on Maxon CB & L assemblies are designed to
an external indicator strip correspond to a series of position control operators, not to support them.
adjusting screws which may be set initially to give the User must provide auxiliary support in the form of wall
desired contour to the cam. brackets, floor stands, turnbuckle hangers, etc. to
A Series “Q” Valve may be used for most gas support the weight and size of your operator.
throttling applications and provides flexibility of Optional tandem linkage assembly is available to
adjustment. connect two Series “Q” Valves together for control by a
Series “Q” Valves can be easily adapted for single automatic control operator.
automatic operation with either electric or pneumatic Connecting linkage is available to mount a Series
control operators. “Q” Valve in a stand-by fuel arrangement with
Maxon has designed a broad range of Connecting PREMIX® Blower Mixers or Series “66” AIRFLO®
Base and Linkage (CB & L) assemblies to properly Mixers as shown on page 7018.
position and align those operators for control of Maxon
Flow Control Valves.
Series “Q” Valve with connecting base and linkage Series “Q” Valve with connecting base and linkage
positioning a typical electric control operator positioning a typical pneumatic control operator
Page 7018 Flow Control Valves
Performance Data
Series “Q” Control Valves – Natural Gas Service
Note: The capacities
and pressure drops
indicated in this chart
are based on flow
through a wide-open
valve. If valve is less
than fully open, higher
drops and lower flows
will result.
Gas Valves are normally sized Gas Inlet Pressure Suggested Pressure Drop
based on inlet pressure and 3" wc - 5" wc 0.5" wc - 1.5" wc
allowable pressure drop. See
4 osi - 8 osi 1" wc - 2" wc
guidelines at right.
8 osi - 16 osi 2" wc - 5" wc
2 psi - 3 psi 6" wc - 10" wc
Page 7020 Flow Control Valves
Performance Data
Series “Q” Control Valves – Propane Gas Service
Note: The capacities
and pressure drops
indicated in this chart
are based on flow
through a wide-open
valve. If valve is less
than fully open, higher
drops and lower flows
will result.
Gas Inlet Pressure Suggested Pressure Drop Gas Valves are normally sized
3" wc - 5" wc 0.5" wc - 1.5" wc based on inlet pressure and
4 osi - 8 osi 1" wc - 2" wc
allowable pressure drop. See
guidelines at left.
8 osi - 16 osi 2" wc - 5" wc
2 psi - 3 psi 6" wc - 10" wc
Flow Control Valves Page 7021
Size (inches) A B C D E G
1.81 7.19 3.5 2
5 2.5
2.25 7.44 3.75 2.62
2-1/2" 3.88 1.94
3.12 8.19 4.5 3.62
3" 4.25 2.12
Page 7022 Flow Control Valves
Component Identification
Series “Q” Adjustable Gradient Gas Control Valves
Page 7024 Flow Control Valves
Performance Data
Series “BV” and “CV” Gas Control Valves – Natural Gas Service
Note: The capacities and
pressure drops indicated in
this chart are based on
flow through a wide-open
valve. If valve is less than
fully open, higher drops
and lower flows will result.
Gas Inlet Pressure Suggested Pressure Drop Gas Valves are normally
3" wc - 5" wc 0.5" wc - 1.5" wc sized based on inlet
pressure and allowable
4 osi - 8 osi 1" wc - 2" wc
pressure drop. See
8 osi - 16 osi 2" wc - 5" wc
guidelines at left.
2 psi - 3 psi 6" wc - 10" wc
Flow Control Valves Page 7025
Performance Data
Series “BV” and “CV” Gas Control Valves – Propane Gas Service
Note: The capacities and
pressure drops indicated in
this chart are based on flow
through a wide-open valve.
If valve is less than fully
open, higher drops and
lower flows will result.
Gas Valves are normally Gas Inlet Pressure Suggested Pressure Drop
sized based on inlet 3" wc - 5" wc 0.5" wc - 1.5" wc
pressure and allowable
4 osi - 8 osi 1" wc - 2" wc
pressure drop. See
8 osi - 16 osi 2" wc - 5" wc
guidelines at left.
2 psi - 3 psi 6" wc - 10" wc
Page 7026 Flow Control Valves
Performance Data
Series “BV” and “CV” Gas Control Valves – Air Service
Note: The capacities and
pressure drops indicated in
this chart are based on flow
through a wide-open valve.
If valve is less than fully
open, higher drops and
lower flows will result.
Air Valves are normally sized to match the combustion air pipe sizing.
Pressure drops of 1" wc to 2.5" wc are typical. If supply pressures are higher
than required, smaller valves can be used, or travel limited to restrict maximum
flow rate.
Flow Control Valves Page 7027
Size B C D E G
B-C [1] M-H [2]
1/2" 1.78
3/4" 3.25 1.89 1.62
4.19 4.62 3.06
1" 1.98 1
1-1/4" 3.38 1.94 1.19 1.69
3.94 4.38 3.31 3.62 2.38 1.62 1.81
2-1/2" 4.62 2.69 1.94 2.31
3.19 3.62 4.06
3" 5 3.06 2.31 2.5
[1] Barber-Colman
[2] Honeywell
Page 7028 Flow Control Valves
Size A B C D E
3/4" 1.25 3.25 1.25
1" 1
1-1/4" 1.38 3.38 1.19 1.44
1-1/2" 1.81 1.31 1.56
2.5 3.62
2" 1.88 1.62 1.88
2-1/2" 4.62 1.94 2.19
2.75 3.25
3" 5 2.31 2.56
Component Identification
Series “BV” Balancing Valves and Series “CV” Flow Control Valves
Page 7030 Flow Control Valves
Adjustable Stop Connecting Base & Linkage Assemblies
for air control Maxon has designed a broad range of Connecting
valves Base & Linkage Assemblies (CB & L) to properly
Optional Adjustable position and align the popular operators for control of
Stop shown at right Maxon flow control valves.
sets a minimum to Proper position and alignment are essential for
prevent full closure of smooth and trouble-free operation of flow control
the air valve. valves.
Installation Instructions
– Support weight of piping independently. Do not lessens the chance of internal flow turbulence being
place any Maxon Flow Control Valve in a piping set-up in the piping manifolds and control valve.
bind. Provide pipe hangers and/or special support – Check fluid flow direction through “-P” and “-O”
for related manifolds. poppet-type valves. It must flow only in direction
– Maxon connecting base and linkage assemblies matching the arrow cast into valve body. If neces-
are designed to locate and/or position the sary, valve body may be rotated per instructions
control operator for its interaction with the Flow given on page 7016.
Control Valve assembly. They are not intended to – Install flow control valves carefully and maintain
support the weight of the control motor. Special adequate dimensional clearance to allow full
provisions will be required to support the weight of stroke and travel of the valve’s control linkage.
the control operators. Internal drive mechanisms within a control motor
– Use of pipe heavier than schedule #40 can may be damaged if linkage is restricted as to cause
cause interference with butterfly-type Flow Control binding in high or low flow position.
Valves and restrict the valve from full opening.
CAUTION: All Flow Control Valves are designed
– Flow Control Valves provide the means to
for throttling service only and are not intended
adjust fluid and/or gas flows. They should be
for tight shut-off.
installed with at least four pipe diameter lengths of
straight pipe before and after the valve. This – Main system shut-off should always use a
manual “leak-tight” upstream fuel cock.
Mounting Instructions for motor operator on Series “CV” Flow Control Valves
For those Series “CV” Valve assemblies furnished with
connecting base and linkage, the accompanying diagrams Honeywell
illustrate mounting procedures relative to each specific type #M644, M744,
operator. M941 or M944
First, mount your control motor to connecting base in (7616BR Crank)
accordance with diagrams at right.
Mount with four short bolts
Secondly, determine if your electric operator travels
and nuts at indicated holes. Crank & Linkage Side
through 90° or 180° rotations. Then arrange connecting
linkage and motor crank arm as shown below for your
specific operator.
M80, M81
(MD3-600 Crank)
Mount with two short bolts
and nuts and long bolt
90° Control Motor 160° – 180° Control Motor screwed into operator base
through slotted hole. Crank & Linkage Side
11/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
Notice: Only generalized instructions can be provided 3. Check that any air handling dampers are
here. Detailed adjusting instructions are provided with properly positioned and locked into operating
each individual Maxon burner and/or mixer system. positions.
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
General Instructions linkage from your control valve’s operating crank
arm by loosening the control motor’s connecting
Important: Do not discard packing materials
rod from the burner’s toggle linkage.
until all loose items are accounted for.
Initial adjustment should only be
To prevent damage in transit, some connecting accomplished during a “manual” control
base and linkage components may be packed mode.
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
Flow Control Valve. Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
The Flow Control Valve is normally only a part of direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
your complete combustion system. Additional pipe working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
train accessories and control components may be adequate purge of your manifolds.
required for a complete system installation.
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
Read complete instructions before proceeding,
typically controlling sequential operations.
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s
equipment components. Verify that your equipment 6. With MICRO-RATIO® Valve combinations of
has been installed in accordance with the original air and fuel valves, the minimum differential
manufacturer’s current instructions. pressure setting is initially established with
the air valve only.
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off of
A. By disconnecting the linkage between the air
burner systems should be undertaken only by
butterfly valve and interconnected fuel
trained and experienced personnel familiar with
valve(s), the minimum and maximum limits of
combustion systems, with control/safety
travel on the air valve may be determined.
circuitry, and with knowledge of the overall
For example, a combustion system may
installation. Instructions provided by the
need the air valve to be 15° open for the
company and/or individuals responsible for the
“minimum” setting and the “maximum”
manufacture and/or overall installation of
requirements are satisfied with the air valve
complete system incorporating Maxon burners
open to 60°. By marking these points on the
take precedence over these provided by Maxon.
air valve’s indicating strip, you are ready to
If Maxon instructions conflict with any codes or
reconnect the SYNCHRO Fuel Valve’s
regulations, contact Maxon Corporation before
linkage to the air valve.
attempting start-up.
B. The next step involves adjusting the
connecting linkage between the air valve
and the fuel valve(s) so that each fuel valve
For initial adjustment and/or burner start-up: travels its full quadrant range (i.e. from
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make minimum to maximum), while the air valve
preliminary adjustments to fuel gas regulators. swings from its pre-determined minimum and
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all maximum positions.
control devices and interlocks are operable and C. With Series “CV” Valves and Series “Q”
functioning within their respective settings/ adjustable-gradient Flow Control Valves,
ranges. Be sure all air and fuel manifolds are the minimum flow position is set by their
tight and that test ports are plugged if not being minimum stop screw. This adjustable stop is
used. located on the side of the screw carrier of
Series “Q” Valves and at the base of crank
arm of Series “CV” Valves. Screwing “in” on
the minimum stop screw produces a physical
stop on the quadrant’s travel that prohibits
valve from being completely closed off.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
D. SYNCHRO gas and oil valves have 10. To light and adjust burner on gas:
multiple adjusting screws and, when used With gas pilot established and flame supervision
alone (without an inter-connected air valve as system operational, opening the main fuel Shut-
in the MICRO-RATIO® Valve assemblies), the Off Valve(s) will allow fuel flow to the Flow
minimum adjusting screws are not screwed Control Valve.
in, thus not permitting flows at the specific 11. To adjust SYNCHRO Fuel Control Valve(s):
minimum flow positions. With SYNCHRO
E. Series “BV” Balancing Valves have fixed Valve at minimum
Adj. Screws
setting control points. The butterfly-type body position, open (under cover)
may be locked in any particular flow position upstream fuel Handle for
by simply screwing “in” on the locking Allen cock. Using the Manual
screw on the side of the wheel handle. Allen wrench Position
provided, turn
CAUTION: Verify all safety interlocks are Pointer
minimum adjusting Locking Screw
operational before opening any main and/or
screw “down” for manual
individual burner valves. operation
(clockwise) to
7. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt permit fuel flow to
spark ignition to light pilot while slowly turning your burner.
pilot gas regulator clockwise and/or adjustable NOTE: At this point, it is more important to get any
orifice screw counter-clockwise to increase fuel kind of flame as soon as possible. The flame
flow. Repeat procedure as necessary until pilot geometry can be adjusted and refined as needed
ignites, as air might have to bled out of fuel later.
supply lines before reliable pilot flame is 12. Once your flame is established and refined at
established. Pilot gas regulator should normally this position, and without advancing the screw
be set for as low a pressure as possible. carrier quadrant higher, screw all remaining
8. After ignition, adjust pilot flame with pilot gas screws down to at least the same level as your
adjustable orifice for good stable flame shape. A first adjusted screw.
“rule of thumb” is that any pilot over a tennis ball NOTE: A preliminary setting can be established with
size is probably too large. This assumes you all the remaining adjusting screws. Generally each
have visual access to the pilot flame. If this is not succeeding screw needs to be screwed in
possible, then adjust pilot to give a strong and approximately one full turn deeper than its preceding
stable flame signal through your flame safety screw. A smooth “stair-step” gradient pre-set at this
circuit. This signal strength can be read with a point from low to high will simplify the remaining
micro-amp meter. The signal strength (or range) adjustment steps.
will be determined by the specific type of flame
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately
safeguard instrument you have with your burner
return Flow Control Valve to minimum position
and shut off fuel (if flame safeguard has not
9. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock
already done so). Turn in slightly on adjusting
or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and
screw at point where ignition was lost, then
refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get
return Flow Control Valve to minimum position,
ignition within a second or two. The flame
re-establish pilots, open fuel valve and verify
safeguard relays should now power your main
fuel Shut-Off Valve(s).
13. Without advancing the Flow Control Valve
CAUTION: After completing steps above, re-
quadrant, screw down on #2 screw (one or two
check all interlocking safety components and
turns). Then slowly advance the Flow Control
circuitry to prove that they are properly
Valve quadrant to the #2 position. Adjust flame
installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
appearance at this new position #2.
in doubt, shut the system down, close pilot
cock and contact responsible individual before
proceeding further.
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory construction, 15. Refine adjustment as needed, always turning
allow your burner system to operate at this low setting valve so that position indicator matches screw
for the necessary dry/cure-out time period being adjusted.
recommended by the chamber or refractory For more fuel, turn screw in (clockwise). For
manufacturer. Then continue adjustments of Flow less fuel, turn screw out (counter-clockwise).
Control Valve. If screws must be turned in flush with carrier
Again, without moving valve, bring #3 and all casting, increase fuel pressure and re-adjust.
remaining adjusting screws down to the same 16. Repeat procedure for any other fuels.
level as #2 screw. (If approximate pre-set 17. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
gradient was made earlier, the remaining screws refine adjustment, if necessary. Always set
will already be at or below appropriate levels.) Flow Control Valve to the numbered position you
14. Progressively work your way up through each wish to adjust.
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth For operation with interrupted pilot (as
progression slope from your first screw to the recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
maximum position. from minimum to maximum and back several
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, you must times to verify the flame is maintained.
move the Flow Control Valve to the number you 18. Reconnect linkage to control motor, plug all
desire to adjust. This aligns the adjusting screw test connections, replace equipment cover caps
directly on top of the fuel valve plunger. A resulting and tighten linkage screws.
adjustment of the screw is directly applied to the fuel 19. Check out overall system operation by cycling
valve plunger and its interconnected valve body through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
linkage. and allow temperature control system to cycle
burner from minimum to maximum and return.
CAUTION: Oil flames are highly radiant. Use eye
20. Recheck all safety system interlocks for proper
protection and avoid prolonged viewing. Prepare
setting and operation.
to shut off oil quickly if there is a noticeable
drop in oil pressure or if ignition does not WARNING: Test every UV installation for
occur. dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
NOTE: To avoid possible damage to cam strips,
radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
always turn all higher-numbered screws in as far as
the last one adjusted.
21. Before system is placed into full service,
instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
operation and shut-down of system. Establish
written instructions for their future reference.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Installation Instructions
– Support weight of piping independently. Do not lessens the chance of internal flow turbulence being
place any Maxon Flow Control Valve in a piping set-up in the piping manifolds and control valve.
bind. Provide pipe hangers and/or special support – Check fluid flow direction through “-P” and “-O”
for related manifolds. poppet-type valves. It must flow only in direction
– Maxon connecting base and linkage assemblies matching the arrow cast into valve body. If neces-
are designed to locate and/or position the sary, valve body may be rotated per instructions
control operator for its interaction with the Flow given on page 7016.
Control Valve assembly. They are not intended to – Install flow control valves carefully and maintain
support the weight of the control motor. Special adequate dimensional clearance to allow full
provisions will be required to support the weight of stroke and travel of the valve’s control linkage.
the control operators. Internal drive mechanisms within a control motor
– Use of pipe heavier than schedule #40 can may be damaged if linkage is restricted as to cause
cause interference with butterfly-type Flow Control binding in high or low flow position.
Valves and restrict the valve from full opening.
CAUTION: All Flow Control Valves are designed
– Flow Control Valves provide the means to
for throttling service only and are not intended
adjust fluid and/or gas flows. They should be
for tight shut-off.
installed with at least four pipe diameter lengths of
straight pipe before and after the valve. This – Main system shut-off should always use a
manual “leak-tight” upstream fuel cock.
Mounting Instructions for motor operator on Series “CV” Flow Control Valves
For those Series “CV” Valve assemblies furnished with
connecting base and linkage, the accompanying diagrams Honeywell
illustrate mounting procedures relative to each specific type #M644, M744,
operator. M941 or M944
First, mount your control motor to connecting base in (7616BR Crank)
accordance with diagrams at right.
Mount with four short bolts
Secondly, determine if your electric operator travels
and nuts at indicated holes.
through 90° or 180° rotations. Then arrange connecting
linkage and motor crank arm as shown below for your
specific operator.
M80, M81
(MD3-600 Crank)
Mount with two short bolts
and nuts and long bolt
90° Control Motor 160° – 180° Control Motor screwed into operator base
through slotted hole.
11/90 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
Notice: Only generalized instructions can be provided 3. Check that any air handling dampers are
here. Detailed adjusting instructions are provided with properly positioned and locked into operating
each individual Maxon burner and/or mixer system. positions.
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
General Instructions linkage from your control valve’s operating crank
arm by loosening the control motor’s connecting
Important: Do not discard packing materials
rod from the burner’s toggle linkage.
until all loose items are accounted for.
Initial adjustment should only be
To prevent damage in transit, some connecting accomplished during a “manual” control
base and linkage components may be packed mode.
separately and shipped loose with your new Maxon 5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
Flow Control Valve. Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
The Flow Control Valve is normally only a part of direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
your complete combustion system. Additional pipe working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
train accessories and control components may be adequate purge of your manifolds.
required for a complete system installation.
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers
Read complete instructions before proceeding,
typically controlling sequential operations.
and familiarize yourself with all the system’s
equipment components. Verify that your equipment 6. With MICRO-RATIO® Valve combinations of
has been installed in accordance with the original air and fuel valves, the minimum differential
manufacturer’s current instructions. pressure setting is initially established with
the air valve only.
CAUTION: Initial adjustment and light-off of
A. By disconnecting the linkage between the air
burner systems should be undertaken only by
butterfly valve and interconnected fuel
trained and experienced personnel familiar with
valve(s), the minimum and maximum limits of
combustion systems, with control/safety
travel on the air valve may be determined.
circuitry, and with knowledge of the overall
For example, a combustion system may
installation. Instructions provided by the
need the air valve to be 15° open for the
company and/or individuals responsible for the
“minimum” setting and the “maximum”
manufacture and/or overall installation of
requirements are satisfied with the air valve
complete system incorporating Maxon burners
open to 60°. By marking these points on the
take precedence over these provided by Maxon.
air valve’s indicating strip, you are ready to
If Maxon instructions conflict with any codes or
reconnect the SYNCHRO Fuel Valve’s
regulations, contact Maxon Corporation before
linkage to the air valve.
attempting start-up.
B. The next step involves adjusting the
connecting linkage between the air valve
and the fuel valve(s) so that each fuel valve
For initial adjustment and/or burner start-up: travels its full quadrant range (i.e. from
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make minimum to maximum), while the air valve
preliminary adjustments to fuel gas regulators. swings from its pre-determined minimum and
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all maximum positions.
control devices and interlocks are operable and C. With Series “CV” Valves and Series “Q”
functioning within their respective settings/ adjustable-gradient Flow Control Valves,
ranges. Be sure all air and fuel manifolds are the minimum flow position is set by their
tight and that test ports are plugged if not being minimum stop screw. This adjustable stop is
used. located on the side of the screw carrier of
Series “Q” Valves and at the base of crank
arm of Series “CV” Valves. Screwing “in” on
the minimum stop screw produces a physical
stop on the quadrant’s travel that prohibits
valve from being completely closed off.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
“Push-to-Close” SYNCHRO Valve
D. “Push-to-Close” SYNCHRO gas and oil CAUTION: After completing these steps, re-
valves have multiple adjusting screws and, check all interlocking safety components and
when used alone (without an inter-connected circuitry to prove that they are properly
air valve as in the MICRO-RATIO® Valve installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
assemblies), the minimum adjusting screws in doubt, shut the system down, close pilot
are screwed “in”, thus reducing flows at the cock and contact responsible individual before
minimum flow positions. proceeding further.
WARNING: The “Push-to-Close” SYNCHRO
Valve is adjusted differently than a standard 10. To light and adjust burner on gas:
Maxon SYNCHRO Valve. Before installing or With gas pilot established and flame supervision
operating, read and comply with all instructions system operational, opening the main fuel Shut-
and warnings shipped by Maxon Corporation in Off Valve(s) will allow fuel flow to the “Push-to-
envelope with your Maxon Flow Control device. If Close” SYNCHRO Control Valve.
you are unclear about the method of adjustment NOTICE: If fuel valve has been shipped directly
or if these instructions were misplaced or not from the factory, the adjusting screws will normally
received, immediately contact Maxon be in their inner position (valve port fully closed).
Corporation in Muncie, Indiana, U.S.A. for a set Turn adjusting screws “counter-clockwise” to open
before attempting to use the valve. valve port and/or increase flow. This is opposite
CAUTION: Verify all safety interlocks are to standard Maxon SYNCHRO Control Valve.
operational before opening any main and/or 11. To adjust “Push-to-Close” SYNCHRO Fuel
individual burner valves. Control Valve(s):
7. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt With SYNCHRO Adj. Screws
spark ignition to light pilot while slowly turning Valve at minimum (under cover)
pilot gas regulator clockwise and/or adjustable position, open Handle for
orifice screw counter-clockwise to increase fuel upstream fuel Operation
flow. Repeat procedure as necessary until pilot cock. Using the Indicator
ignites, as air might have to be bled out of fuel Allen wrench Pointer
supply lines before reliable pilot flame is provided, turn Locking Screw
for manual
established. Pilot gas regulator should normally minimum operation
5/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
“Push-to-Close” SYNCHRO Valves
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately NOTE: To avoid possible damage to cam strips,
shut off fuel (if flame safeguard has not already always turn all higher-numbered screws “out” as far
done so) and return Flow Control Valve to as the last one adjusted.
minimum position . Re-adjust screw slightly at 15. Refine adjustment as needed, always turning
point where ignition was lost, then return Flow valve so that position indicator matches screw
Control Valve to minimum position, re-establish being adjusted.
pilots, open fuel valve and verify ignition. For more fuel, turn screw “out” (counter-
clockwise). For less fuel, turn screw “in”
13. Without advancing the Flow Control Valve (clockwise).
quadrant, screw “out” on #2 screw (one or two 16. Repeat procedure for any other fuels.
turns). Then slowly advance the Flow Control 17. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
Valve quadrant to the #2 position. Adjust flame refine adjustment, if necessary. Always set
appearance at this new position #2. Flow Control Valve to the numbered position you
NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory construction, wish to adjust.
allow your burner system to operate at this low setting For operation with interrupted pilot (as
for the necessary dry/cure-out time period recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
recommended by the chamber or refractory from minimum to maximum and back several
manufacturer. Then continue adjustments of “Push-to- times to verify the flame is maintained.
Close” Flow Control Valve. 18. Reconnect linkage to control motor, plug all
Again, without moving valve, bring #3 and all test connections, replace equipment cover caps
remaining adjusting screws “out” to the same and tighten linkage screws.
level as #2 screw. (If approximate pre-set 19. Check out overall system operation by cycling
gradient was made earlier, the remaining screws through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
will already be at or above appropriate levels.) and allow temperature control system to cycle
14. Progressively work your way up through each burner from minimum to maximum and return.
adjusting screw position, developing a smooth 20. Recheck all safety system interlocks for proper
progression slope from your first screw to the setting and operation.
maximum position.
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, you must WARNING: Test every UV installation for
move the “Push-to-Close” Flow Control Valve to the dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
number you desire to adjust. This aligns the adjusting other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
screw directly on the fuel valve plunger. A resulting radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
adjustment of the screw is directly applied to the fuel connections.
valve plunger and its interconnected valve body 21. Before system is placed into full service,
linkage. instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
CAUTION: Oil flames are highly radiant. Use operation and shut-down of system. Establish
eye protection and avoid prolonged viewing. written instructions for their future reference,
Prepare to shut off oil quickly if there is a emphasizing the difference between these
noticeable drop in oil pressure or if ignition “Push-to-Close” valves and the standard Maxon
does not occur. SYNCHRO Valve.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - M Style Air Control Valves (sizes 1.5" through 8")
Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
200 Standard 200 degree valve
Temperature rating desired 450 450 degree valve
800 800 degree valve (3" through 8" sizes only)
ISO ISO threaded flange (1.5" through 3" only)
FLANGE TYPE Type of flange required SOC Socket welded flange (4", 6" & 8" sizes only)
STD NPT threaded flange
BAR_COL_HT Barber-Colman electric EA70 high torque CB&L
BARB_COL Barber-Colman electric EA51-58, MC, MP, MF CB&L
FOX_P25 Foxboro air P-25 CB&L
FOX_P50 Foxboro air P-50 CB&L
HW_ACTION Honeywell electric Actionator (Discontinued)
Type of connecting base and HW_AIR Honeywell air 01-11/861P 03-8/863T CB&L
linkage assembly (CB&L), if HW_HERC Honeywell Herculine motor
desired HW_MOD Honeywell electric Modutrol CB&L
HW_01986M Honeywell air 01-9/861M CB&L
LEEDS_NOR Leeds & Nor thrup electric CB&L
PENN_JOHN Penn/Johnson electric M80, M81 CB&L
TAYLOR Taylor air 40VF6 CB&L
GPLF General pur pose lo position switch
Type of position switch NONE No switches
required OM Omron lo position switch
WLF weather proof lo position switch
ADJUSTABLE STOP Optional adjustable stop NO No adjustable stop
OPTION feature YES Adjustable stop wanted
GASKET MATERIAL STD Standard neoprene gasket
Type of gasket material
CHOICE SURSEAL Fiber with nitrile binder
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Segment Choice Detail - M Style Air Control Valves (sizes 10" through 18")
Segment Choice
Segment Name Segment Description Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
TEMPERATURE 200 Standard 200 degree valve
Temperature rating desired
RATING 800 Special 800 degree valve
NONE No flange
FLANGE TYPE Type of flange required 125 125# cast iron
150 150# cast steel socket welded
BAR_COL_HT Barber-Colman electric EA70 high torque CB&L
BARB_COL Barber-Colman electric EA51-58, MC, MP, MF CB&L
FOX_P25 Foxboro air P-25 CB&L
FOX_P50 Foxboro air P-50 CB&L
HW_ACTION Honeywell electric Actionator (Discontinued)
Type of connecting base and HW_AIR Honeywell air 01-11/861P 03-8/863T CB&L
linkage assembly (CB&L), if HW_HERC Honeywell Herculine motor
desired HW_MOD Honeywell electric Modutrol CB&L
HW_01986M Honeywell air 01-9/861M CB&L
LEEDS_NOR Leeds & Nor thrup electric CB&L
PENN_JOHN Penn/Johnson electric M80, M81 CB&L
TAYLOR Taylor air 40VF6 CB&L
GPLF General pur pose lo position switch
Type of position switch NONE No switches
required OM Omron lo position switch
WLF weather proof lo position switch
STD Standard cam
CAM STYLE Type of cam required
TE Totally enclosed cam
ADJUSTABLE STOP Optional adjustable stop NO No #23226 adjustable stop
OPTION feature YES Adjustable stop wanted (#23226)
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Duplex MICRO-RATIO® Valves NOTE: When ordering any duplex or triplex MICRO-
MICRO-RATIO® Valve Configured Item Number RATIO® Valve assembly, choose the same cam style
MXP MP MRV and air valve temperature rating at all levels. Any
MXM MM MRV MICRO-RATIO® Valve which uses Series “A” Valves
MXS MS MRV must use the standard cam style.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Triplex MICRO-RATIO® Valves NOTE: When ordering any duplex or triplex MICRO-
RATIO® Valve assembly, choose the same cam style
MICRO-RATIO® Valve Configured Item Number
and air valve temperature rating at all levels. Any
Triplex MICRO-RATIO Assembly TRIPLEX MRV MICRO-RATIO® Valve which uses Series “A” Valves
must use the standard cam style.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series Q Gas Control Valves
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series CV Control Valves
Type of connecting base and HW_AIR Honeywell air 01-11/861P 863T CB&L
linkage assembly (CB&L), if HW_HERC Honeywell Herculine motor
desired HW_MOD Honeywell Modutrol electric CB&L
JOHN_CONT Johnson Controls air CB&L
PENN_JOHN Penn/Johnson electric CB&L
TAYLOR Taylor air CB&L
BELIMO_LFS Belimo Low Fire Star t Switch
POSITION SWITCH Type of position switch NONE No position switch
[2] required OMWPHLPS Omron weatherproof hi & low position switch
OMWPLPS Omron weatherproof low position switch
Maximum operating
MOPD RATING Default is maximum pressure and varies according to valve size
pressure differential (psi)
[1] ISO threads are not available on UL versions.
[2] These selections are not available on UL versions.
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series BV Balancing Valves
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Auxiliary Signal Switch Assemblies - SYNCHRO, MICRO-RATIO® & M Style Air Valves
Switch Description M Style Air Control Valve
with standard cam with totally-enclosed cam
Auxiliar y position switch 14309 --- ---
General pur pose lo position switch 14316 --- 33089
General pur pose, hi & lo position switches 18189 --- ---
Hazardous duty lo position switch 35945 53508 ---
Weather proof lo position switch 35614 53507 35612
Weather proof, lo & hi position switches 39508 --- ---
Omron lo position switch --- --- 46656
9/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
• Valve bodies are designed to meet ANSI specifications (DIN flange option for future availability)
• SYNCHRO Valves may be used independently for individual adjustable gradient fuel flow
control, or in tandem with other fuel control valves for more sophisticated multi-zone control
or multi-fuel applications.
• Low torque
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: (765) 286-8394
Page 7102
“Duplex” MICRO-RATIO® Valve assembly
A-4” X 1-1/2 ”-A
(air) X (gas)
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. FAX: (765) 286-8394
Series “A” Flow Control Valves Page 7103
Torque Requirements listed in tables above are Example #1: Linear Cam Strip Setting
important and are to be used in selecting your auto- A-4" x 1-1/2"-A MICRO-RATIO® Valve
matic control operators. Torque figures (inch-pounds) A-4" manual requires 140 in-lbs.
1-1/2"-A SYNCHRO requires 70 in-lbs.
are additive for your complete MICRO-RATIO® Valve
Total torque required: 210 in-lbs.
Example #2: Non-Linear Cam Strip Setting
When pneumatic actuators are applied, oversize to A-4" x 1-1/2"-A MICRO-RATIO® Valve
achieve accurate control. A-4" manual requires 140 in-lbs.
1-1/2"-A SYNCHRO requires 140 in-lbs.
Total torque required: 280 in-lbs.
Page 7104 Series “A” Flow Control Valves
B dia.
A dia.
C dia.
Brass Bodies
Size A B C D E
1" 3.12 0.63 4.25 0.66 1.31
1.25" 3.50 0.63 5.00 0.66 1.31
1.5" 3.88 0.63 5.00 0.66 1.31
2" 4.75 0.75 6.00 0.84 1.69
2.5" 5.50 0.75 7.50 0.91 1.81
3" 6.00 0.75 7.50 0.91 1.81
Series “A” Flow Control Valves Page 7105
E 3.17 2.83
Low Position Switch Top View
C 3.0
2.0 3.0
Adapter B
1.0 Foot
Page 7106 Series “A” Flow Control Valves
Inlet 6.24
Low 3.65
Flange Set Accessory Position
1/2" NPT
Conduit Inlet 2.98
1.11 10.69
2.0 3.0
Adapter Foot Mounting 2.0
“O” Type
4.88 Outlet Inlet
Oil Valve
2.38 Spacer
“P” Type
4.88 Outlet Inlet
Gas Valve
For dimensions not shown
on this page, see pages
5.50 Spacer 7009 through 7014.
“M-” Type
Air Valve
10.27 D
Page 7108 Series “A” Flow Control Valves
Position switches Connecting Base
for electrical indication of valve position and Linkage
Standard Low Fire Start (LFS) switch opens the Assemblies
circuit when valve leaves minimum position. Hi/Lo fire Maxon has designed a
position switch set includes (2) SPDT switches. One broad range of Connecting
switch may be field-set to activate at high position, Base and Linkage assem-
while the other is set to activate at low position. blies (CB & L) to properly
position and align the
popular operators for
control of Maxon flow
control valves.
Proper position and
alignment are essential for
smooth and trouble-free
operation of flow control
Other Accessories
Component Identification
Series “A” Manual Control Valves
5 6
Item Description
1 Manual Valve Adapter
2 Cap Screws
3 Indicator Plate
4 Manual Shaft Bushing
5 Manual Handle
6 Manual Sleeve
7 Set Screw
8 Brake Spring
9 Brake
10 Valve Body Sub-Assembly
Page 7110 Series “A” Flow Control Valves
Component Identification
Series “A” SYNCHRO Flow Control Valves
10 23 22
Legend 28
Item Description
1 Housing
2 Operating Rack
3 Operating Rack Bearings
16 17 18 17
4 Compression Spring 10 19 20 19
5 Spring Retainer
6 Base 13 9
Section A-A
7 Locking Screw
15 30
8 Base Bolts 31
9 Lube Fitting
10 Screw Carrier
11 Cam Screws
12 Retainer Screws
13 Cam Strips
14 Yoke
15 Dust Cover 8 5 4 3 2
Screw Carrier Bolt 7
16 11
17 Washer
18 Bearing
19 Washer
20 Bearing
21 Set Screw
22 Indicator Strip
23 Plate Screw
24 Cam Screw Cover Plate
25 Identification Plate
26 Drive Screw
27 Valve Body Sub-Assembly
28 Ground Straps (Brass Only)
29 Drive Screw (Brass Only)
30 Spur Gear
31 Cap Screws
32 Cover Plate
Series “A” Flow Control Valves Page 7111
Manufacturer Lubricant
Page 7112 Series “A” Flow Control Valves
Series “A” Flow Control Valves Page 7100-S-1
Installation Instructions
• Support weight of piping independently. Do not • Install flow control valves carefully and maintain
place any Maxon Flow Control Valve in a piping adequate dimensional clearance to allow full
bind. Provide pipe hangers and/or special support stroke and travel of the valve’s control linkage.
for related manifolds. Internal drive mechanisms within a control motor
• Maxon connecting base and linkage assemblies may be damaged if linkage is restricted as to cause
are designed to locate and/or position the binding in high or low flow positions.
control operator for its interaction with the Flow
CAUTION: All flow control valves are designed
Control Valve assembly. They are not intended to
for throttling service only and are not intended
support the weight of the control motor. Special
for tight shut-off.
provisions will be required to support the weight of
the control operators. • Main system shut-off should always use a
• Use of pipe heavier than Schedule #40 can cause manual “leak-tight” upstream fuel cock.
interference with butterfly-type Flow Control Valves
and restrict the valve from full opening.
• Flow Control Valves provide the means to adjust
fluid and/or gas flows. They should be installed
with at least four pipe diameter lengths of straight
pipe before and after the valve. This lessens the
chance of internal flow turbulence being set-up in
the piping manifolds and control valve.
Spur Gear
Base Bolts
6/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
Series “A” Push/Pull SYNCHRO Valves
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
For initial adjustment and/or burner start-up: CAUTION: Verify all safety interlocks are opera-
1. Close all burner fuel valves and cocks. Make tional before opening any main and/or individual
preliminary adjustments to fuel gas regulators. burner valves.
2. Check all electric circuitry. Verify that all
7. Open main and pilot gas cocks, then attempt
control devices and interlocks are operable and
spark ignition to light pilot while slowly turning
functioning within their respective settings/
pilot gas regulator clockwise and/or adjustable
ranges. Be sure all air and fuel manifolds are
orifice screw counter-clockwise to increase fuel
tight and that test ports are plugged if not being
flow. Repeat procedure as necessary until pilot
ignites, as air might have to bled out of fuel
3. Check that any air handling dampers are
supply lines before reliable pilot flame is
properly positioned and locked into operating
established. Pilot gas regulator should normally
be set for as low a pressure as possible.
4. Disconnect the automatic control motor’s
8. After ignition, adjust pilot flame with pilot gas
linkage from the control valve’s operating crank
adjustable orifice for good stable flame shape. A
arm by loosening the control motor’s connecting
“rule of thumb” is that any pilot over a tennis ball
rod from the burner’s toggle linkage.
size is probably too large. If visual access to the
Initial adjustment should only be
pilot flame is not available, adjust pilot to give a
accomplished during a “manual” control
strong and stable flame signal through the
flame safety circuit. This signal strength can be
5. Start all system-related fans and blowers.
read with a micro-amp meter. The signal strength
Check for proper motor rotation and impeller
(or range) will be determined by the specific type
direction. Verify that all control interlocks are
of flame safeguard instrument used with the
working. Allow air handling equipment to run for
burner system.
adequate purge of your manifolds.
9. Re-check pilot ignition by closing pilot gas cock
CAUTION: Do not by-pass control panel timers or otherwise causing pilot outage. Re-light and
typically controlling sequential operations. refine pilot gas adjustment as necessary to get
ignition within a second or two. The flame
6. With MICRO-RATIO® Valve combinations of
safeguard relays should now power the main fuel
air and fuel valves, the minimum differential
Shut-Off Valve(s).
pressure setting is initially established with
the air valve only. CAUTION: After completing steps above, re-
A. By disconnecting the linkage between the air check all interlocking safety components and
butterfly valve and interconnected fuel circuitry to prove that they are properly
valve(s), the minimum and maximum limits of installed, correctly set, and fully operational. If
travel on the air valve may be determined. in doubt, shut the system down, close pilot
For example, a combustion system may cock and contact responsible individual before
need the air valve to be 15° open for the proceeding further.
“minimum” setting and the “maximum”
10. To light and adjust burner on gas:
requirements are satisfied with the air valve
With gas pilot established and flame supervision
open to 60°. By marking these points on the
system operational, opening the main fuel Shut-
air valve’s indicating strip, the SYNCHRO Fuel
Off Valve(s) will allow fuel flow to the Flow
Valve’s linkage is ready to be reconnected to
Control Valve.
the air valve.
11. To adjust SYNCHRO flow control valves:
B. The next step involves adjusting the
With SYNCHRO valve in minimum position, open
connecting linkage between the air valve
upstream fuel cock. Using a 5/32" hex wrench,
and the fuel valve(s) so that each fuel valve
turn minimum adjusting screw (first adjusting
travels its full quadrant range (i.e. from
screw) clockwise to permit fuel flow to the burner.
minimum to maximum), while the air valve
swings from its pre-determined minimum and
maximum positions.
6/02 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Adjusting Instructions
CAUTION: Pre-set of adjusting screw gradiant CAUTION: Oil flames are highly radiant. Use eye
may permit fuel flow at minimum position. protection and avoid prolonged viewing. Prepare
Flame safeguard interlocking safety to shut off oil quickly if there is a noticeable
components and circuitry must be operating drop in oil pressure or if ignition does not
properly. occur.
NOTE: At this point, it is more important to get any
14. Refine adjustment as needed, always turning
kind of flame as soon as possible. The flame
geometry can be adjusted and refined as needed later. valve so that position indicator matches screw
being adjusted.
12. Once flame is established and refined at this For more fuel, turn screw in (clockwise). For
position, and without advancing the screw carrier less fuel, turn screw out (counter-clockwise).
quadrant higher, place the 5/32" hex wrench on If screws must be turned in flush with carrier
the next screw and rotate to position #1 (second casting, increase fuel pressure and re-adjust.
adjusting screw). Observe and refine flame 15. Repeat procedure for any other fuels.
characteristics per the appropriate burner 16. Cycle burner from minimum to maximum and
adjustment procedures. refine adjustment, if necessary. Always set
Flow Control Valve to the desired numbered
position to be adjusted.
CAUTION: If flame is extinguished, immediately For operation with interrupted pilot (as
return Flow Control Valve to minimum position recommended), shut off pilots and cycle burner
and shut off fuel (if flame safeguard has not from minimum to maximum and back several
already done so). Turn in slightly on adjusting times to verify the flame is maintained.
screw at point where ignition was lost, then 17. Reconnect linkage to control motor, plug all
return Flow Control Valve to minimum position, test connections, replace equipment cover caps
re-establish pilots, open fuel valve and verify and tighten linkage screws.
ignition. 18. Check out overall system operation by cycling
NOTE: If firing chamber is of refractory construction, through light-off at minimum, interrupting pilot,
allow the burner system to operate at this low setting and allow temperature control system to cycle
for the necessary dry/cure-out time period burner from minimum to maximum and return.
recommended by the chamber or refractory 19. Recheck all safety system interlocks for
proper setting and operation.
manufacturer. Then continue adjustments of Flow
Control Valve.
WARNING: Test every UV installation for
13. Progressively work up through each adjusting dangerous spark excitation from ignitors and
screw position, developing a smooth progression other possible sources of direct or reflected UV
slope from the first screw to the maximum radiation. Use only gas-tight scanner
position while adjusting and refining flame connections.
geometry as required.
20. Before system is placed into full service,
NOTE: To adjust the flame at any position, move the
instruct operator personnel on proper start-up,
Flow Control Valve to the desired number to be
operation and shut-down of system. Establish
adjusted. This aligns the adjusting screw directly on
written instructions for future reference.
top of the fuel valve yoke shaft and its interconnected
valve body linkage.
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Series “A” Valves
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
MICRO-RATIO® Valve Combinations NOTE: When ordering any duplex or triplex MICRO-
RATIO® Valve assembly, choose the same cam style
MICRO-RATIO® Valve Configured Item Number
and air valve temperature rating at all levels. Any
MXA MA MRV MICRO-RATIO® Valve which uses Series “A” Valves
AXA AA MRV must use the standard cam style.
NONE No switch
OM Omron low position switch
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Duplex MICRO-RATIO® Valve Combinations
Segment Choices
Configured Item Number Segment Name Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
1 A-1" Manual Handle Air Valve
1.25 A-1.25" Manual Handle Air Valve
1.5 A-1.5" Manual Handle Air Valve
AIR VALVE CHOICE 2 A-2" Manual Handle Air Valve
2.5 A-2.5" Manual Handle Air Valve
3 A-3" Manual Handle Air Valve
4 A-4" Manual Handle Air Valve
1 1"-A Gas SYNCHRO Valve
AA MRV 1.25 1.25"-A Gas SYNCHRO Valve
1.5 1.5"-A Gas SYNCHRO Valve
2.5 2.5"-A Gas SYNCHRO Valve
3 3"-A Gas SYNCHRO Valve
4 4"-A Gas SYNCHRO Valve
ALW Aluminum wire-on
SSW Stainless steel wire-on
1 A-1" Air Valve
1.25 A-1.25" Air Valve
1.5 A-1.5" Air Valve
2.5 A-2.5" Air Valve
3 A-3" Air Valve
4 A-4" Air Valve
.5 .5"-P Gas Valve
.75 .75"-P Gas Valve
AP MRV 1 1"-P Gas Valve
GAS VALVE SELECTION 1.25 1.25"-P Gas Valve
1.5 1.5"-P Gas Valve
2 2"-P Gas Valve
2.5 2.5"-P Gas Valve
ALW Aluminum wire-on
SSW Stainless steel wire-on
CAM STYLE STD Standard cam
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Duplex MICRO-RATIO® Valve Combinations
Segment Choices
Configured Item Number Segment Name Segment Choice Description
(DEFAULT is shaded)
1 A-1" Air Control Valve
1.25 A-1.25" Air Control Valve
1.5 A-1.5" Air Control Valve
AIR VALVE SELECTION 2 A-2" Air Control Valve
2.5 A-2.5" Air Control Valve
3 A-3" Air Control Valve
4 A-4" Air Control Valve
.375 3/8"-O-8 Oil SYNCHRO Valve
.5100 1/2"-O-100 Oil SYNCHRO Valve
AO MRV .520 1/2"-O-20 Oil SYNCHRO Valve
.75 3/4"-O-200 Oil SYNCHRO Valve
1400 1"-O-400 Oil SYNCHRO Valve
1750 1"-O-750 Oil SYNCHRO Valve
ALW Aluminum wire-on
SSW Stainless steel wire-on
CAM STYLE STD Standard cam
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Triplex MICRO-RATIO® Valves NOTE: When ordering any duplex or triplex MICRO-
RATIO® Valve assembly, choose the same cam style
MICRO-RATIO® Valve Configured Item Number and air valve temperature rating at all levels.
Triplex MICRO-RATIO Assembly TRIPLEX MRV Any MICRO-RATIO® Valve which uses Series “A”
Valves must use the standard cam style.
6/03 Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Assembly Numbers
Flange Kits
Valve Size 1" 1.25" 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 4"
Cast iron ANSI threaded 44300 44301 43993 44302 44303 44304 46596
Carbon steel ANSI threaded 46969 46970 46971 46972 46973 46974 46975
Carbon steel welded 46810 46811 46812 46813 46814 46815 46816
Brass ANSI threaded 44310 44311 44312 42629 44314 44315 ---
Brass soldered 44305 44306 44307 42593 44308 44309 ---
Maxon practices a policy of continuous product improvement. It reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.
Do Not Reproduce
Series “A” SYNCHRO Valve - Technical Data Sheet Instructions:
(Data sheet is located in Phoenix\Template\Engineering Worksheets\Valve Sizing\A-VALVE sizing sheet 1060228.xls)
See following page for detailed explanation of the data sheet shown below.
Product Data Sheet Product: Series “A” Flow Control Valves
Do Not Reproduce
3. If “other” is selected from the Gas pull-down menu, inputs are highlighted under the “Other Gas” heading in light
4. Label Technical Data Sheet by “Customer Name” and “Proposal or Job #”.
6. Input “Gas Temperature”, “Maximum Flow” and “Turndown Required” in their respective units.
7. Select “Gage Pressure Units” from the pull-down menu in inches of H2O or PSI.
8. Input “Valve Inlet Pressure at Maximum Flow (P1)” in previously selected units.
8.1 This is the static pressure measured 2 nominal pipe diameters upstream of the control valve.
8.2 Piping losses must be considered between the regulator and the control valve.
For example:
At maximum flow conditions, the customer has 8 in. of H2O outlet of the regulator and will achieve an
additional 1.5 inches of H2O drop up to the control valve (due to piping and SOVs). The value to input will
be 6.5 of H2O.
9. Input “Valve Outlet Pressure at Maximum Flow (P2)” in previously selected units.
9.1 This is the static pressure measured 6 nominal pipe diameters downstream of the control valve.
9.2 This value is typically the gas pressure required at the burner at maximum flow. However, if significant
piping losses are to occur between the control valve and burner, the losses must be accounted for in this
11. The Application Summary section tabulates the flow, inlet and outlet pressure and a preliminary Cv required at
maximum and minimum conditions. The values assume equal valve size and line size.
Do Not Reproduce
14. “Suggestions” box will help you to accurately size the valve per the above requirements:
14.1 When the Application Required Cv is greater than Valve Catalog Cv at Maximum:
- Choose a larger valve or increase inlet pressure.
14.2 When the Application Cv is less than 60% of the Valve Catalog Cv at Maximum:
- Choose a smaller valve or decrease inlet pressure.
14.3 When the Application Cv is greater than 90% but less than 100% of the Valve Catalog Cv:
- Increase inlet pressure to decrease capacity to < 90%
14.4 When the Application Cv is greater than 60% but less than 80% of the Valve Catalog Cv:
- Lower inlet pressure to increase capacity to > 80%
14.5 When Minimum Catalog Cv is greater than Minimum Condition Application Cv:
- Turndown not achievable. Modify parameters.
14.6 When fluid velocity at outlet is greater than 33% sonic velocity:
- Caution: Velocity should be < 33% sonic to minimize noise.
Product Data Sheet Product: Series “A” Flow Control Valves
Do Not Reproduce
Using the Series “A” SYNCHRO Technical Data Sheet for Valve Sizing:
Intelligent Combustion Control System
• Meets requirements for European Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Low Voltage
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
Bulletin 7202
CORPORATION 201 East 18th Street, P.O. Box 2068, Muncie, Indiana, 47307-0068. Phone: (765) 284-3304. Fax: (765) 286-8394
SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control Page 7203
Electrical Specifications
Valve Position Control 0.1 angular degree resolution
Flow Control ± 1% of flow reading over a turndown of 20:1
Air/Fuel Ratio Control ± 2% with turndown of 20:1
100-120 VAC @ 2.5 Amps max, 50-60 Hz
Power Supply Input
200-240 VAC @ 1.5 Amps max, 50-60 Hz
Approvals FM & CSA (CE approval pending)
Ambient Temperature -20°F to 122°F (-29°C to 50°C)
Output: 350 Ohms max user load resistance
4-20 mA I/O
Input: 20 mA max current, 250 Ohm input resistance
Input Coil: 120 VAC @ 7.5 mA
Control Relays 240 VAC @ 3.8 mA
Output Contacts: 250 VAC @ 10 Amps, 30 VDC @ 10 Amps
Dimensions (inches)
Interface Panel
Mounting Holes
24 VDC
User Display
Size: 3.25 x 5.75
Size: 5.5 x 4.125
Page 7204 SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control
Dimensions (inches)
Flow Controller Weight:
3 pounds plus Flow Body
Probe Length:
Oxygen (or Air) Stainless Steel Flow Body Dimensions Low Range High Range
(Inches) Min Flow Max Flow Min Flow Max Flow High Range
No. of Weight Flanges 1000's 1000's 1000's 1000's Pressure
Size O.D. Length D rop ("wc)
Pcs. (lbs.) Type Weight scfh scfh scfh scfh
2 2.38 8 1 13 ANSI* 15 0.2 2.7 0.3 5.4 8.3
3 3.5 12 1 28 ANSI* 20 0.5 8.1 0.4 8.1 7.1
4 4.5 16 1 45 ANSI* 28 0.6 11.3 0.6 11.3 9.0
6 6.63 24 1 70 ANSI* 32 1.3 22.5 1.1 22.5 7.1
*150 lb. rating
SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control Page 7205
4 8
7 8
Page 7206 SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control
7 11
8A 6A
7A 10A
4A 9A
Page 7208 SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control
10.2 10.2
.62 dia.
.62 dia. 4 holes
4 holes
3.0 45˚ 45˚
4.2 dia. 3.5
3.5 dia.
bolt circle
3.1 dia.
2.5 bolt circle A
2.7 1.4 5.0 dia.
1.1 dia. 3.2 dia.
Dimensions (inches)
4.0 4.4
2.0 4.4
.5" NPT
.5" NPT
Threads Threads
10.2 10.2
12.7 12.7
1.69 1"
Page 7210 SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control
4.0 4.0
2.0 4.4 2.0
.5" NPT .5" NPT
Threads Threads
10.2 10.2
13.2 13.2
.75 dia.
7.5 dia. 4 holes
.75 dia.
4 holes
7.5 dia.
4.0 45˚ 4.0 45˚
2.6 dia.
3.3 dia.
6.0 dia.
bolt circle
4.2 3.8 5.5 dia. 4.2 3.8
bolt circle
M8 - 1.25 tap
M8 - 1.25 tap
1 1 .62 deep
1 1 .62 deep
2 holes
2 holes
1.81 1.81
4.0 2.0
4.4 .5" NPT
.5" NPT Threads
10.2 10.2
1/2-13 UNC
8.9 dia. 6 holes
9.0 dia. 4.3 dia.
.75 dia.
A 4.9 8 holes
M8 - 1.25 tap
.62 deep 6.1
1 1
2 holes 1.5
4.3 1.0 .438 deep
2.06 1.0 4 holes
Page 7212 SMARTFIRE™ Intelligent Combustion Control
10.2 10.2
10.25 dia. 16.0 dia.
1/2-13 UNC 18.4
bolt circle
6 holes 14.2 dia.
13.0 dia. bolt circle
8.0 dia.
1.5 1.0
.438 deep 1.0
4.4 4 holes
1.0 2.5
3.0 6.5 1.0
1.0 .438 deep 1.0
4 holes
3.0 1.0
10.2 10.2
21.0 dia.
17.0 dia.
bolt circle 18.8 dia.
19.4 bolt circle
19.0 dia. 20.6
1.0 dia.
12 holes 17.4
10.2 16.0 dia. 13.2