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Mother's (Arithmetic : Ratio & Proportion + Partnership + Age) ag, Age 303. The ratio between the present ages of P and Q is 3:4 respectively. Four years hence Q will be five years older than P. What is P’s present age? Pelt Q ai aria are ta ar wae: STIS 24 Ba rian Q, Pasta ae tim Pat aa omy fete? (A) lS years (B) 20years (C) 25 years (D) Can't be determined The age ratio of laxmi and her mother is 3 : 11 and the age difference is 24 year. The age ra- tio of both after 3 year. ‘west at oy ste saat af at oy ar orga 3:11 #1 aaah omy ar ort 24 813 ah er Sat Sy aT TTA en a) (B)3:2 (3:5 (22:3 305. The sum of ages of father and son is 60 years. If 6 years ago father's age was 5 times of ‘son's age. The age of son after 6 years is? ‘en site ya ah tas oy a 2160 ar ae 6 = fern arg gat amg a earn th 6 arg eae? (A) 20 ye/ at 304. (O12 y1/ 306. Five ye er and s¢ ge of his fa father is vied Oi rat om frm arg 7 25%, ata arg a1? (a) 48 y1/ a4 (B) 51 y/ a4 (0) 56 y0/ (0) 61 yr/ 9 307. The sum of ages of father and son is 56 years. After 4 years father’s age will become thrice of his son’s age. Their ages are? er Fen oe sa ah oa a a 56 a B14 a a, font orgs pat orga SpA et re sat sr ra: (A) 44 ye/eri we 12 yr/ 8 (B) 16 yee men 44 ye) aH (€) 16 ye/ =i ven 42 yr/ 4 (D) 18 yx/ we 36 yr/ aH 808. The age ratio of Vicky and Sumi is 2 :3. After 12 years, this ratio become 11:15. The present age of sumi is? ‘esl oon agit at ar a oT 2: 3 112 eh ae er it omer arg LL: 15 chen epi at ater org? (A) 56 yr/ = (B) 32 yr/ a4 (©) 42 yr/ ae (D) 48 yr/ 74 308. 10 years ago the age rato fh and i ‘The present age ratio is 2 : of Aand Bis. low ATI B Tat : ct oe + ) 20, 30 ) 16, 24 aul age. After 5 years 5 times of my son’s age. rg 8 eh vino ee oa BE og 8 are Tht A oh, ah og Te? (AVS6 yxy wi (8) 39 yz/ 7 (©) 42ye/ a8 (0) 45 yr/ 74 311. 10 years ago Mahesh’s mother's age was 4 times of Mahesh’s age. After 10 years mother’s age will be twice of mahesh’s age. The present age of Mahesh is? 10 a ye eer at eT at org sae og a A HH 10 sa are ra ary A Ty ST He aT ET organ ? (A) 25 yr/ at (©) 20 yr/ 4 (B) 15 yr/ 4 (D) 30 yr/ 74 312. 10 years ago, father’s age was thrice of his son's age. After 10 years father’s age will be- come twice of his son’s age. The present age ratio of both are. fe a ory 10 rd pl ore a a ony a Reh hea 10 a are fen at ony ara a A a apt eh ‘seett eedars sary ar ors (Ay8:5. (B)7:3. (C)5:2 (9:5 E> HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jaipur-302018 0141-2711689 +91-7073909991 | www.motherseducationhub.orgMother's (Arithmetic : Ratio & Proportion + Partnership + Age) 313. Present ages of Rama is 80% Aryan Present age Five years hence Aryan ages become 120% of Rama. What is Rama's present age ? “rar a ate arg mrs at arg a 80 aft Es a aT carety at org ten wt ery 120 fre et om Ba cat a caters ory ene? (A) 25 years / =i (B) 22 years / 4 (C) 20 years / {D) 30 years / #4 814. The ages of Aryan is 75% of ages of Neeru. Four years earlier the age of Aryan was 71°/,% age of Neeru. Find the present ages of Aryan and Neeru. cea at tra arg Ae at rg a 75 area Bae EE aia a im ew a m7 1/96 9A sara Ue hs a cantare rg nt? (A) 24 years, 32 years (B) 26 years, 34 years (©) 22 years, 30 years (D) 27 years, 38 years A father's age is 4 times of his son's age. S years ago, father's age is 7 times that of son's age. Now the present age of father is? ee frm at ong, at ong ah 4 MS ot we a at mre aa omy 7 aan oh Fen a a arg Par? (A) 40 yr/ at (B) 30 yr/ 74 (C)45 yr/ ae (D) 35 yr/ 7H 816. Mohan's age is half of his father's age. 15 ye: ago Mohan’s age was 1/3 of his father’s 315. 817. Ritu’s Reps age. Tie fq at ory ee Sr a arg ai a TB a wi a seest arg 8 apr eon ret ects ayaa ? (a) 4, 2yn/ "i (B)8, 2yx/ 4 (©)2,6yr/ 74 (0)4, 12ye/ 4 818. 6 years ago, mother’s age was 18 years more than the son's age then. If the sum of their present ages is 30, what was the age of the mother 6 years back? 6 ov wi og sare a wa omy 18 a safer oh ome at a ata og BATT 30 FA 6 a AT ST B19, Two years ago, A was four times as old as B. 8 years hence, A’s age will exceed B’s age by 12 Years. The ratio of the present ages of A and B is Da Ata Base TTS TAA aise Bat a 8 12 ae afr tt amet A oie Be sates ony ar orga TE? (A)1:3 (B)S:1 (C)3:5 (D)2:3 ‘The sum of the ages of two children, is 33'/ % age of his father age. But 20 years hence his age will be equal to the sum of their ages. Then. the father’s age is 320. “Seif rat ory a er rr at acta ory aH 331/% srs & 1 20 ee ae Se a Pye RC ET, a feat sa ame? (A) 30 years (C) 35 years 321. (B) Aye: (D) #5 yes /3 of his wife. The 5 of Ram's age and Ram's 1's age, find the age of Ram's father is 50 year old. poor ah woh omg 1/3 % Aa Ve a Hh yA 4/5 she a ory are eA SAE A 23/5 &, ara ae aa are, ae OH eT AT Some (A) 8 yr/ (B) 10 ys/ 4 (©) 12 yr/ ae (D) 6 yr/ ae . A father’s age is twice of his elder son's age. ‘After 10 year father’s age will become thrice of his younger's age. If age difference of both sons, is 15 year. The age of father is? ae Fen at cg me a a eh ce ae Fe at Bea hepa seh aie ai PT 15 aH aT oR a, aa fem at arg aa? (A) 30 yr/ 74 (B) 60 ys/ 774 (C) 50 yr/ ve (D) 55 yr/ 74 324. The average age of 8 children of a family is 12 year. If age of 7 children are 12, 8, 14, 11,9, 13, and 15 years respeatively. The age of 8" child is? we wf 8 wait a tte ory 12 oi Eafe sae 7 avi 3 org aM: 12,8, 14, 11,9, 13 94 15-4 8, wc ae a ome we? fare oh 2 = ina ears eo (A) 12 yr/ ai (8) 14 yx/ 2 (C) 30 years (D) 18 years (©) 13 yr/ ae (D) 15 yr/ 7 E> HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jaipur-302018 0141-2711689 +91-7073909991 | www.motherseducationhub.orgMother's (Arithmetic : Ratio & Proportion + Partnership + Age) 325. Mother's age is thrice of his son's age. 5 years ago son was 1/6 of his father’s age. If his fa- ther is 5 years order than his mother. The age of son is? versa sate a wat dah EIS oH ea om fens saa oat ona seen fi, iat oa 5S aha aapawaet (a) 15 ye/ art (8) 12 ye/ i (©) 10 yr/ a8 (D) 18 ye/ A father said to his son, at the time of your birth, my age was 5 years more than your present age. If now father's age is 39 years, then the age of son 5 year ago was? ar fen 8 ort a 8 a, Bet a, AG oe, TE cafe 38 A ee cafe sha ora Fea 3 30 ol, at 326. att on atari we fet oh? (a) 17 yr/ rt (B) 12 yr/ 4 (©) 15 yr/ 44 (D) None of these 327. A say to B, lam twice as old as you when | was, as old as you were. The sum of their ages is 63 year $ find the difference of their ages. AaB amet Gert sao aa TAR wT ‘reer ng fat ot ah sat org art 63 eH sash ong 4 oie ara FE (27 yr (B)25yr 328. Aryan got married 27 is 2!/, times At present age. ia mer saat (A) 16 yr" (D) Can't be det 329. If C's age is twige the average age of A, Band C. A's age isf@pe half the average of A, B and C IfBis 5 years old, the average age of A, B and C is SRC iy A, B att C site say at He Az 3m, A, Baik C% sta ony a sete se B a tT 2g 57H, HA, B ate C Batters omy we? (a) 10 yr (B) 15 yr (C) l2yr (D) 9 yr 330. A mother said to her son, “15 years from now, you will be as old as I was when you were 5 years old”. Which one of the following can be the age of the son and mother respectively ? 331. 33% WHA eT ae a, THA 15 TAS TA OT aS ermal Ravn a at ra 5 et ae A Preah Sat waa: ye steam at ong eae e? (A) 12 yr, 30 yr (B) 8 yr, 25 yr (C) 10 yr, 30 yr (D) 10 yr, 32 yr Ratio in ages of three friends Veer, Sandeep and Satish is 1/3 : 1/2 : 1/4. Average age of Veer and his wife is 33 years and average age of Sandeep & his wife is 39 years. Age of Satish’s wife is 3/8 of sum of Veer's wife and Sandeep's wife. Ratio of Veer's age and age of Satish’s wife is 4: 3 then find out the age of three friends. ‘ita Fi at, ahs sitet ory ar orgIT 1/3: 1/2 21/481 sitar eft aA sy oma 33a & sah itty oft sat aot at atten ary at et ore, shea vet ieee sin 3/ 4 isnow, when Akbar ages is 37 years and the if Akbar and Anthony is 6 percent more is the sum of ages \d Akbar more than the sum of Smt oe et at oe Br ern & tad a sr a arg ele re eee oer A a ost aT aor 37 ad te ora afte et at ome org 5&1 sede ome ity seat args ara sit et i OTST aT a FreaT witre TFT e 7 (A) 8 years: (B) 10 years (C) 12 years (D) 14 years HEAD OFFICE : J-7, Himmat Nagar, In front of BIG Bazar, Gopalpura Pulia, Jaipur-302018 0141-2711689 +91-7073909991 | www.motherseducationhub.org
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