Mathematical Modelling of Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Panel/Array Based On The Physical Parameters From The Manufacturer's Datasheet
Mathematical Modelling of Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Panel/Array Based On The Physical Parameters From The Manufacturer's Datasheet
Mathematical Modelling of Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Panel/Array Based On The Physical Parameters From The Manufacturer's Datasheet
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Research Article
ABSTRACT. This paper discusses a modified V-I relationship for the solar photovoltaic (PV) single diode based equivalent model. The
model is derived from an equivalent circuit of the PV cell. A PV cell is used to convert the solar incident light to electrical energy. The PV
module is derived from the group of series connected PV cells and PV array, or PV string is formed by connecting the group of series and
parallel connected PV panels. The model proposed in this paper is applicable for both series and parallel connected PV string/array
systems. Initially, the V-I characteristics are derived for a single PV cell, and finally, it is extended to the PV panel and, to string/array.
The solar PV cell model is derived based on five parameters model which requires the data’s from the manufacturer’s data sheet. The
derived PV model is precisely forecasting the P-V characteristics, V-I characteristics, open circuit voltage, short circuit current and
maximum power point (MPP) for the various temperature and solar irradiation conditions. The model in this paper forecasts the required
data for both polycrystalline silicon and monocrystalline silicon panels. This PV model is suitable for the PV system of any capacity. The
proposed model is simulated using Matlab/Simulink for various PV array configurations, and finally, the derived model is examined in
partial shading condition under the various environmental conditions to find the optimal configuration. The PV model proposed in this
paper can achieve 99.5% accuracy in producing maximum output power as similar to manufacturers datasheet. ©2020. CBIORE-IJRED.
All rights reserved
Keywords: Forecasting, I-V characteristics, MPP, Partial shading, P-V characteristics, PV cell
Article History: Received: Oct 24, 2019; Revised: January 27, 2020; Accepted: February 04, 2020; Available online: February 15, 2020
How to Cite This Article: Premkumar, M., Kumar, C., and Sowmya, R. (2020) Mathematical Modelling of Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Panel/Array
based on the Physical Parameters from the Manufacturer’s Datasheet. Int. Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 9(1), 7-22
1. Introduction and this is the basis for four parameter PV cell model. A
simplified explicit model was developed by Chenni et al.
Due to the rapid growth in renewable energy sources, the
(2007) by considering the short-circuit current of the cell
PV power market is rapidly expanded, especially in
is equal to the photocurrent. To solve the problem of
distributed generation field. So, the PV designers are in
deriving the maximum power output from the PV cell,
need of a reliable and flexible tool to predict the power
Zhou et al. (2007) proposed the concept of fill factor.
generation by the PV systems of various sizes. The solar
The researchers such as Walker (2001); Premkumar
PV modeling is being updated endlessly to help the
et al. (2019); Ahmadi et al. (2018); Premkumar et al.
researchers for a better understanding of the operation.
(2018a); Longatt (2005); and Nguyen & Nguyen (2015)
Depends on the various simulation software’s such as
have developed the PV model using Matlab software to
Matlab, Simulink, C-program, Sci-lab, LTSpice, etc., the
find the output PV current from the voltage, cell
developed PV model differs from each other. However,
temperature, and solar irradiation, and discussed the
most of the mathematical models are developed based on
effect on the PV cell due to the change in operating
the voltage (V) – current (I) relations that result from
conditions such as cell temperature, diode quality factor,
simplifications to two-diode PV model presented by Chan
series resistance, and the solar irradiation. However, the
& Phang 1987. The V-I relations for the one-diode model
readers require a programming skill to understand the
takes responsibility that one diode is sufficient to define
overall concepts. Gow and Manning (1999) have developed
the PV cell characteristics. This V-I relation is the basis
a model using Matlab and C-programming and it is much
for all the PV cell modeling. The simplification to V-I
difficult to understand the concepts. Among the various
relation is done by considering infinite shunt resistance,
Corresponding author:
researchers, Salmi et al. (2012); Jiang et al. (2011); 2.1 I-V Characteristics for Single PV Cell
Sudeepika & Khan (2014); Nema & Agnihotri (2010) and
An equivalent model conventionally represents the PV
Hossein et al. (2018) have developed a PV model based on
cell, and it consists of a diode in anti-parallel, one current
the cell/module/array mathematical equations and
source, a shunt & series resistance (Chan & Phang, 1987;
constructed with the various Simulink blocks. To
Masters, 2004; Jain & Kapoor, 2004; Desoto et al. 2006;
overcome the problems such as lack of simulation
and Premkumar et al. 2018b). The modified PV cell model
procedure and difficulty, Pandiarajan & Muthu (2011) and
is shown in Figure 1. The conventional equivalent circuit
Jena et al. (2014) have proposed a step-by-step simulation
is slightly modified by replacing the diode with external
procedure for the PV panel with user-friendly blocks and
current source controlled by diode current and the
dialogs in a similar way as proposed by Salmi et al. (2012)
and Nema & Agnihotri 2010. However, the researchers
failed to consider the effect of partial shading on the solar
Banu & Istrate (2012) used an experimental data
and curve fitting tool to construct the I-V and P-V
characteristics of the solar PV panel. However, it is
challenging and unable to collect the data if there is no
investigational system exists. Ibbini et al. (2014);
Ravinder Kumar et al. (2014) and Venkateswarlu & Raju
(2013) have used a predefined PV block in Simscape, and
the parameters such as open circuit voltage, short circuit Fig. 1 Equivalent PV cell model
current, etc. are taken from the manufacturer’s datasheet.
However, the few parameters such as temperature, Apply Kirchhoff’s current law in the model shown in
saturation current cannot be investigated. Varshney & Figure 1. The total PV current is presented in Equation 1.
Tariq (2014), Dehghani et al. (2018) and Mohammad et al.
(2018) discussed a model with two operating conditions I"# = I"%&'& − I)*&)+ − I" (1)
such as cell temperature and solar irradiation without the
step-by-step procedure.
Where Iphoto is an irradiance current or the photocurrent
The model efficiency is improved by adding two
when the PV cell is visible to incident sunlight. The
additional points along V-I characteristics with additional
photocurrent is linearly varying concerning solar
parameters provided by the National laboratory was
irradiance at a certain temperature. Idiode is an anti-
proposed by King et al. (2004). In this paper, the modified
parallel diode current, and it produces the non-linear
V-I relations was derived using the five parameter model,
response on the PV cell. The current flow through the
and it requires manufacturers data. In this paper, the
shunt resistor is represented by Ip. Substitute the
modified V-I relations for a single PV cell is expanded to a
expression for Ip and Idiode in Equation 1, and the PV
PV panel and PV array. The five parameter model was
current is derived in Equation 2.
proposed by Desoto et al. (2006), and the model uses the
V-I relations for a PV cell and only includes cells or panels / 01234 5 67
=>?34 @67
connected in series. I"# = I"%&'& − I, (e 89: − 1) − ( ) (2)
This paper proposes a modified model to this
method to account for parallel and series connections. The
Where q = 1.602×10−19 C, the diode ideality factor is
model proposed in this paper can be applied to a PV array
represented by n, Boltzmann constant represented as k =
of any size, and it is suitable for simulation software such
1.3806503×10−23 J/K, Io is the saturation current of the
as Matlab/Simulink, PSCAD etc. A series of simulation is
diode, the temperature of the PV cell is represented by T,
performed for different PV configuration to validate the
Rp & Rse represents the shunt and series resistance,
performance of the model. The major contribution of this
paper is as follows. (i) current source based PV model for
simulation studies; (ii) development of V-I characteristics
of the PV panel/array; (iii) enhancement of the PV model 2.2 I-V Characteristics of the PV Module
using the parameters from manufacturers datasheet; (iv) The PV module/panel comprises a number of series
model demonstration and validation through simulation connected PV cells, and Ns represents a series-connected
results. The paper is organized as follows: section 2 PV cell. For example, BP Solar BP170B panel consists of
explains the development of PV cell/module/array Ns=72, and SunPower SPR-76R-BLK-U panel consists of
characteristics. Section 3 presents the PV model Ns=24. The output current (Ipv,P) in terms of the output
parameters to develop the PV model. The simulation voltage (VP) of the PV module when Ns cells are connected
results under various operating conditions are discussed in series is represented in Equation 3.
in section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper.
/ 0 C 1234,C 5 67
=C >?34,C @67 E6
I"#,B = I"%&'& − I, (e D 6 89: − 1) − ( ) (3)
E6 @3
2. Development of the I-V Characteristics
The researchers require a reliable and flexible model to Equation 3 is extended to any value of Ns, and it is
precisely forecasts the power generated by PV cells when applicable to any PV module. Nps represent the number of
connected in parallel/series. panels connected in series, and Npvs represent the number
I"%&'& = I"%&'&,J+R [1 + αN\ (T − TJ+R )] (8)
`a,L7X `a
_ b
3. Important Parameters of the PV Model I& = I&,J+R T T e 9:L7X 9:
Before mathematical modeling of the PV cell, it is Where I&,J+R is diode saturation current at SRC and this
essential to study the significance of the PV model
parameter also an unknown parameter of the PV model.
parameters and its behavior under a change in
The band gap energy is represented by Eg (Kim et al. 2009)
and the expression for Eg is presented in Equation 11. The 3.5 Series Resistance (Rse) and Parallel Resistance (Rp)
relationship between the temperature and bandgap
energy for the different material is shown in Figure 3. To derive the PV model, the values of Rp and Rse are
required. First, Rp is derived by approximation, and it
\k presented in Equation 15.
Ed = 1.16 − 7.02 ∗ 10bj (11)
R" > (15)
Band Gap Energy in eV
1.4 Where Isc is short-circuit current and Voc is the open circuit
voltage. The relation between the parallel resistance, the
solar irradiation at the SRC and the actual operating
1 condition is given in Equation 16.
0.6 Si @3 W
= (16)
0.4 Ga @3,L7X WL7X
0.2 Others
0 The assumption calculates the value of series resistance,
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 and it is given in Equation 17.
Temperature in K R G+ <
Fig. 3 Temperature vs Bandgap Energy
The assumption for the series resistance is that it does not
depend on the solar irradiation and temperature at SRC
3.4 PV Cell Temperature (T) and actual operating condition. Again, the series
resistance is presented in Equation 18.
The PV cell temperature varies when the solar insolation
and the environment temperature changes. The R G+ = R G+,J+R (18)
expression for the cell temperature is presented in
Equation 12.
3.6 Determination of PV Model Parameters Based on
Epq\br,s q the Manufacturers Datasheet
T = TIno + G (12)
From Equation 5, the unknown parameters such as
The ambient temperature is represented as TIno and the Iphoto,ref, Io,ref, nref, Rse,ref and Rp,ref are solved by using the I-
nominal operating cell temperature (NOCT) is issued by V relationship of the mathematical PV model. The PV
the manufacturers. The solar irradiation at ambient model utilizes the manufacturer's data to get accurate
temperature is represented by Gamb (Duffie & Beckman results (Desoto et al. 2006). Except for the variable under
2006). The cell temperature is also expressed by including NOCT, the data under SRC is provided such as the solar
heat loss coefficients, and the expression is presented in irradiation 800 W/m2 and air mass modifier (AM) is 1.5 at
Equation 13. the nominal operating condition. Few manufacturers
provide the nominal operating condition parameters for
WKuv yz,Dwx:
(13) the PV panel. The model of the system is derived from the
\Dwx: b\Kuv,Dwx: WDwx: yz }~ following five equations as discussed in Chenni et al. 2007
and Nguyen et al. 2015. The first unknown equation is
Where TEpq\ is the cell temperature at the normal derived at SRC from the open circuit, where Iar = 0 and Var
operating condition, TIno,Epq\ is 20oC, the solar irradiation = VOC, ref. Equation 5 is replaced by Equation 19.
at ambient temperature is GIno , GEpq\ is equal to 800
W/m2, U€ and U€,Epq\ is heat loss coefficient at the actual / 0 s|,L7X
operating condition and NOCT condition. The cell 0 = N" I"%&'&,J+R − N" I,,J+R (eD6 8L7X 9:L7X − 1) − ( D6s|,L7X ) (19)
efficiency at T is represented by ɳ• , τα is the emittance and D3
The Equations (12-14) will give the same results at the IG•,J+R = N" I"%&'&,J+R − N" I,,J+R e D 3 8L7X 9:L7X
−1 −
foreseen cell temperature. To find the value of T, D6
Equations (13-14) will be problematic because of the new ?6|,L7X ∗@67,L7X ∗
unknown parameters involved in the calculation. The cell D6
D 3 3,L7X
temperature is calculated as per Equation 12 in this
The final unknown equation confirms the open circuit 4. Simulation Results and Discussions
temperature coefficient (β\ ), and the PV model is
forecasting the data appropriately. The PV model is developed using Matlab/Simulink with
the help of unknown equations derived from Equations
†=s| =s| b=s|,L7X
Temperature coefficient, β\ = = (23) (19-29). The PV model is tested for a few PV panels and
†\ \b\L7X
the result obtained from the model is constant as the data
given by the panel manufacturers. The data given by the
V&• = V&•,J+R + β\ T − TJ+R (24)
manufacturers are suitable for different irradiation and
temperature conditions. For simplified analysis, the
Very few manufacturers provide the data for relative simulation results obtained for three different rating
temperature coefficient (βN\ ) and the relation between βN\ panels are presented in this paper. The selected panel
and β\ are given in Equation 25. includes BP Solar BP365TS, BP Solar BP3230T, and
SunPower SPR-200-WHT-U. The model parameters are
β\ = βN\ V&•,J+R (25) calculated as per the equation for BP Solar BP365TS, BP
Solar BP3230T, and SunPower SPR-200-WHT-U panel
V&• from Equation 24 at cell temperature, T = TJ+R ± 10K is and listed in Table 1.
the open circuit voltage condition. The 10K temperature is Since the derived expressions are non-linear, the
an assumption but TJ+R will give the same answer. An extra simulation results are very much sensitive for the values
temperature can be varied from 1K to 10K. Similar to listed in Table 1 at reference conditions. With the help of
Equation 19, Voc is obtained from Equation 5 to derive the data provided by the manufacturer, the PV module is
Equation 26. modeled in Matlab/Simulink, and the model is shown in
Figure 4.
/ 0 s| ∗:
=s| ∗\
0 = N" I"%&'& − N" I, (e D 6 89: − 1) − D6 (26)
D3 3 Table 1
Reference parameters of the PV model
The reference solar irradiation is assumed as G=Gref to SunPower
BP Solar BP Solar
find the parameters such as nref, Io, ref, Iphoto, ref, Rse, ref and Parameters SPR-200-
BP365TS BP3230T
RP, ref. The Equations (7-8), (10-11), 16, 24 are substituted WHT-U
in Equation 26 to find the fifth unknown Equation to I"%&'&,J+R (A) 8.1225 8.4929 5.4103
derive the PV model regarding parameter reference. All I,,J+R (A) 2.1008.10 -10 1.4902.10 -10 1.2832 .10-11
the equations are solved by using the Matlab/Simulink R G+,J+R (Ω) 0.13134 0.41305 0.4427
non-linear equation solver (fsolve). The first step is to find R ",J+R (Ω) 49.95 179.89 232.82
all the reference parameters then the PV model can prove nJ+R 0.9768 0.9624 0.96675
the effectiveness of the PV array of any capacity at any
operating situation. It is necessary to determine the SCC,
(b) (c)
(d) (e)
Fig. 4 Overall PV model; (a) The PV panel model; (b) various parameter initialization, (c) model for shunt current and diode current, (d)
model for phase current, (e) model for load current and thermal voltage and various solar irradiation: 1000 W/m2; 750 W/m2; 500 W/m2;
250 W/m2
Fig. 5 I-V and P-V characteristics for BP Solar BP365TS PV panel
at 250C constant temperature
Fig. 7 I-V and P-V characteristics for Sunpower SPR-200-WHT-
U PV panel at the constant temperature of 250c and various solar
irradiation: 1000 W/m2; 750 W/m2; 500 W/m2; 250 W/m2
Table 4
PV Model and BP Solar BP365TS Parameter Comparison
Operating BP Solar BP3230T
Conditions Model Datasheet
Voc (V) 36.7 36.7
SRC Isc (A) 8.4 8.4
1000 W/m2 Vmpp (V) 29.1 29.1
25oC Impp (A) 7.9 7.9
Pmax (W) 229.9 230
Voc (V) 32.7 33.4
NOCT Isc (A) 6 6.8
800 W/m2 Vmpp (V) 25.3 25.9
47oC Impp (A) 6.41 6.32
Pmax (W) 162.4 165.6
The model developed in this paper helps the
researchers to predict the parameters with high accuracy
and reliable under various operating conditions. The
parameters such as MPP voltage and current, MPP power,
open circuit voltage, and SCC are predicted accurately
under different operating conditions (various solar
irradiations and cell temperatures). The simulation
results proved the accuracy of the I-V and P-V relations of
the PV model of any ratings. Table 5 presented the
physical MPP and predicted MPP for all the three panels
at 25oC PV cell temperature and the various levels of solar
irradiation: 1000 W/m2; 750 W/m2; 500 W/m2; 250 W/m2.
The equivalent circuit and I-V relationship equations
are easily modeled and developed by Matlab/Simulink
simulation software. The process of deriving the model is
straightforward, and it results in accurate predictions. So
Fig. 8 I-V and P-V characteristics for BP Solar BP3230T PV panel
at the constant temperature of 25◦C and various solar irradiation: far, the different types of PV panel under various
1000 W/m2; 750 W/m2; 500 W/m2; 250 W/m2 operating conditions were simulated and discussed. Next
sub-chapter explains the effect of shading conditions on
the panels.
The I-V and P-V characteristics of the PV model
for BP Solar BP3230T panel are shown in Figure 8 at 25oC 4.1 Effects of Partial Shading on the PV Model
constant temperature under various solar irradiation
levels. The MPP values from the datasheet and the PV The derived PV model can also be used to test the
model are compared in Table 4 and it is observed that the partial shading effect on the PV cells in a panel and a PV
predicted values are accurate. string and finds better connections based on the bypass
Table 5
MPP Power Prediction Comparison under Change in Solar Irradiation
SunPower SPR-
BP Solar BP365TS BP Solar BP3230T
Solar 200-WHT-U
Irradiation MPP
MPP from MPP from MPP from MPP from MPP from
(W/m2) from
Model Datasheet Datasheet Model Datasheet
1000 65.25 64.94 199.75 200 229.9 230
The shading on one set of cell reduces the performance of W/m2 solar irradiation; 19-36 cells are operated at 0 W/m2
the PV panel; two sets of cells are shaded causes the without bypass diode; 39-54 cells are operated at 750 W/m2
reduction in performance further. The I-V characteristics without bypass diodes; 55-72 cells are operated at 750
of the shaded panel are shown in Figure 10, and the P-V W/m2 with bypass diodes.
characteristics of the shaded panel are shown in Figure
11. The unshaded cells from 1-18 are operated at 1000
Fig. 10 I-V Characteristics for the SunPower SPR-200-WHT-U module under unshaded, and partially shaded with/without bypass diode
at 250C cell temperature
In all the shading cases, the I-V and P-V curves of the same irradiation level (750 W/m2) without and with
shaded cells with a bypass diode are similar to the bypass diode respectively. The cells from 55-72 exhibit
unshaded cell with high power, and it prevents the hotspot more power than the cells from 39-54 due to the addition
issues. The cells from 39-54 and 55-72 are operated at of a bypass diode.
Fig. 11 P-V characteristics for the SunPower SPR-200-WHT-U module under unshaded, and partially shaded with/without bypass diode
at 250C cell temperature
As per the above discussion, all the PV cells from the panel provides an easy way to test the above effects and helps to
is provided with bypass diode for the effective tracking of find the optimum configuration for the PV array. The PV
the MPP, but this is not possible in view of designers and array is made with four SunPower SPR-200-WHT-U
manufacturers. Kyocera KC85TS PV module has three panels. The PV array with three different configurations
bypass diodes. However, most of the manufacturer is is shown in Figure 12. The three configurations are tested
providing one bypass diode across the module to protect for the various solar irradiation conditions with constant
the panel and to improve the power extraction. In large PV temperature and the various temperatures with constant
string operations, the PV modules are operated at solar irradiation.
different operating conditions; few panels may get the The configuration-I is made with four panels in
solar irradiation, and few panels may get the different cell series connection. The configuration-II is made with four
temperature. The model developed in Matlab/Simulink panels in series and parallel connection with two panels in
Fig. 14 Case I – I-V characteristics of three configurations with one bypass diode across each panel
Fig. 15 Case I – P-V characteristics of three configurations with one bypass diode across each panel
From the Figure 14 and Figure 15, it concluded that the 4.3. Case II - Constant Solar Irradiation with Different
configuration-III is an optimal configuration in terms of Cell Temperature
high-power production. This is because the current varies
rapidly when solar irradiation changes rapidly. In case 2, the PV modules are operated at different cell
temperatures such as 45oC, 35oC, 25oC, and 15oC
Table 6 respectively, and the respective module numbers are
Case I - Maximum Power Generation from Each Configuration shown in Figure 12 at constant solar irradiation of 1000
Maximum W/m2. Since the voltage of the panel is depends on the cell
No. Configuration Power (Pmax)
(Vmax) in
temperature, the current in each panel remains the same.
in Watts Similarly, the current is depending on the solar
1 I 381.2 123.2
irradiation, the voltage in each panel remains the same.
Figure 16 and Figure 17 shows the I-V characteristics and
2 II 503.9 82
3 III 557.4 39.84
P-V characteristics for all three configurations. Both the
characteristics have relatively high power as discussed
earlier with at least one bypass diode.
Fig. 16 Case II – I-V characteristics of three configurations with one bypass diode across each panel
Fig. 17 Case II – P-V characteristics of three configurations with one bypass diode across each panel
The current and power of all the configurations are 4.4. Case III - Different Solar Irradiation and Cell
increased as solar irradiation changes. The maximum
power produced in all the configurations is presented in
Table 7. The configuration-I shows the MPP at 783 W; the In case 3, the PV modules are operated at different cell
configuration-II shows the MPP at 770.1 W; whereas the temperatures such as 45oC, 35oC, 25oC, and 15oC
configuration-III shows the MPP at 767.6 W. respectively, and different solar irradiation levels such as
1000 W/m2, 900 W/m2, 800 W/m2, and 700 W/m2
Table 7 respectively. Since the voltage of the panel is depends on
Case-II - Maximum power generation from each configuration
the cell temperature, the current in each panel remains
Maximum Maximum Voltage
Configuration Power (Pmax) in (Vmax) in Volts.
the same. Similarly, the current is depending on the solar
Watts irradiation, the voltage in each panel remains the same.
158.1 Figure 18 and Figure 19 shows the I-V characteristics and
I 783
P-V characteristics for the three configurations with the
II 770.1 78
panels provided with one bypass diode. The maximum
III 767.6 38.69
power produced in all the configurations is presented in
Table 8. The configuration-I shows the MPP at 590.6 W;
From the Figure 16 and Figure 17, it concluded that the the configuration-II shows the MPP at 630.8 W; whereas
configuration-I is an optimal configuration in terms of the configuration-III shows the MPP at 649.1 W. From the
high-power production. This is because the voltage varies Figure 18 and Figure 19, it concluded that the
rapidly when the cell temperature changes rapidly. The configuration-III is an optimal configuration in terms of
configurations-II and III exhibits almost the same power. high-power production. This is because the
Fig. 18 Case III – I-V characteristics of three configurations with one bypass diode across each panel
Fig. 19 Case III – P-V characteristics of three configurations with one bypass diode across each panel
Table 8 MPP and one global MPP. If the bypass diodes connected
Case-III - Maximum Power Generation from Each Configuration additionally, both I-V and P-V characteristics show the
Maximum smooth variation and extract more power from the panel.
S. Voltage
Configuration Power (Pmax) The derived PV model in this paper is useful to investigate
No. (Vmax) in
in Watts
the PV panel under partial or full shading on the PV array.
1 I 590.6 164.5 Depends upon the rating/size of the PV array, the total PV
2 II 630.8 78.2 unit is divided into many sub-arrays, and it is operating
3 III 649.1 37.92 at same operating conditions. The shading effect and
different cell temperature effect on the PV cell in large size
From the results of all the configurations, the fact is that PV array are not discussed in this paper, but the same can
an addition of bypass diode across the PV module, the I-V be investigated in Matlab/Simulink. Finally, the optimal
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