46 - PP v. Dilim, SUPRA
46 - PP v. Dilim, SUPRA
46 - PP v. Dilim, SUPRA
Accused-appellants Marlon, Ronald and Leon, together with Manuel alias Bong
andRobert, all surnamed Delim, were indicted for murder of Modesto Manalo Bantas,
who wasadopted by the father of the accused.On January 23, 1999, Modesto was
forcibly taken by defendants who were armed from his home;Marlon poked his gun at
Modesto while Robert and Ronald simultaneously grabbed and hog-tiedthe victim; Rita
and Randy (his wife and son) being warned not to leave the house. His body
wasdiscovered 4 days later by Randy and his relatives. The accused were found guilty
for murder.
The Information read “that on or about January 23, 1999, in the evening at Brgy. Bila,
Sison,Pangasinan, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused,armed with short firearms barged-in and entered the house of Modesto Delim
and once inside with intent to kill, treachery, evident premedidation (sic), conspiring
with one another, did thenand there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously grab, hold,
hogtie, gag with a piece of cloth, broughtout and abduct Modesto Delim, accused Leon
Delim and Manuel Delim stayed in the houseguarded and prevented the wife and son of
Modesto Delim from helping the latter, thereafter withabuse of superior strength stabbed
and killed said Modesto Delim, to the damage and prejudiceof his heirs.”
The trial court rendered judgment finding accused guilty of aggravated murder, and
wassentenced to death.
ISSUE: W/N the crime charged in the information is kidnapping or murder? Murder.
Where the specific intent of the malefactor is determinative of the crime charged
such specific intent must be alleged in the information and proved by the
prosecution. A decade ago, this Court held in People v. Isabelo Puno, et al. that for
kidnapping to exist, there must be indubitable proof that the actual specific intent of the
malefactor is to deprive the offended party of his liberty and not where such restraint of
his freedom of action is merely an incident in thecommission of another offense
primarily intended by the malefactor.