40 - Us. V. Apostol, 14 Phil 92 (1909)
40 - Us. V. Apostol, 14 Phil 92 (1909)
40 - Us. V. Apostol, 14 Phil 92 (1909)
After Tabilisima, Celestino Vergara, and Tranquilino Manipul said that they knew
nothingabout it, Catalino Apostol told them to leave the house. However, they refused to
do so.Thus, Catalino set fire to the hut and the same was burnt down.
According to the trial court, the testimonies of the injured party provided sufficient
evidenceto prove the responsibility of the accused.
Therefore, Catalino was proven to have committed the acts within the provisions of
article 549 of the Penal Code. He sentenced to sixteen years and one day of
cadena temporal. And he ordered to indemnify the value of the burnt hut worth 1 pesos
1. No.
As provided in Art 1 Penal Code, Criminal intent as well as the will to commit a crime
arealways presumed to exist on the part of the person who executes an act which the
lawpunishes, unless the contrary shall appear.In the case, there was no need to prove
the intent of Catalino for committing the act. Asintent is largely a mental process, there
is always a presumption of intent arising from overtacts.
2. No.
Based on the testimony of Tabilisima, they lived in the house that was situated in
anuninhabited place, surrounded by fields and far from the nearest house. They
accused andhis companions arrived around 8 pm and questioned them about the
missing carabaosstolen from them. They knew nothing about it thus Catalino set the hut
on fire. Their criesfor help could not be heard from another house. The said house was
not worth more thanP1 because it was small and they themselves constructed it.