Basically, developing a problem statement is an extensive process and requires the proper brain
storming of the teams in order to identify the underlying loopholes or inefficiencies within the
organization. Also, it offers the specific insights to the management in understanding and looking at
the factors that have been hidden from the management sight, effecting the performance slowly and
Apart from this, while developing the problem statement, it is important for the Problem statement
to be clear and concise. Such is due to the fact, that it allows the management, stakeholder to
quickly understand the finding and also look on the main problem, rather getting entangled in the
symptoms of the problem. The conciseness of the problem statement is the key, as it allows the
reader to quickly understand the issue.
Moreover, clarity of the Educomp Shaping Education In The New Millennium problem statement is
important to maintain, in order to avoid the misunderstanding between the shareholders and
stakeholders. The clear problem statement is developed by stating the factors and the operations
getting effected and its overall impact on the organization specific the areas, such as Profitability,
sales or brand equity. Also, the purpose of the problem statement is to describe the external
environment and its effect on the overall organization in short and long-term. Moreover it also
delineates the impact of such changing factors on the users, and other stakeholders.
Many times, under the case analysis, the purpose of the problem statement is to improvise the
current state of the organization through pursuing innovation or other changes. hence ins uh cases,
the direct problem is no the ultimate organization factors but the process implementation that is
needed to e in lace, in order to bring change , avoiding the upcoming risk and hence sustaining the
competitive edge in the market (Spradlin, 2012).
Furthermore, the establishment of the problem statement, allows the organization and the
management teams to work in a specified direction. Such is important in order to allow the
organization move in a specified direction, reducing the chances of deviating From the actual path.
Also, it offers the benchmark to match the desired condition of the organization, hence putting the
efforts of the team in the right direction.
Yet, it is important to note that, the good problem statement does not delineates the solution or the
symptoms of the problem, but it clearly states the gap that lies within the organization. Moreover, it is
also determined, that a clear problem statement is half of the solution, hence it is important To state
the problem correctly.
In addition, the problem statement is a group process, and hence requires a detail understanding of
the issues the organization may be facing, by all members in the team. This will allow the team to
develop a better solution plan addressing all the factors and considering all the risk associated with
Perhaps, stating the Educomp Shaping Education In The New Millennium problem statement is not
just writing the fact, it’s more about the factors that are effecting or may affect the organization in
long term, therefore, while developing the problem statement, the factors such as human resource
skills innovation, technology, change resistance are considered, that have a direct effect on the
organization or is hidden cause of the problem. It is important to note, that the problem statement
can cover tangible or intangible issue but it needs to have a clear relationship with the organization
end goal.
In addition, while stating the problem statement, the aim of the management is to see the mission
and vision of the company and then analyze the current state of the organization, such also allow the
right identification of the problem and the lead to the development of concrete problem statement.
All in all, the problem statement gives a direction to the organization in understanding the right
solution path and also development of the solution sets in order to overcome the current issues that
are deteriorating the organizational performance or productivity. Perhaps, while writ the problem
statement, it is important to consider the small factors that are often overlooked such as the
intangible factors that effects the productivity of the organization in the long-term.