Home Vegetable Garden Calendar
Home Vegetable Garden Calendar
Home Vegetable Garden Calendar
Home Vegetable
2020 Calendar
2020 Tennessee Home Vegetable Garden Calendar
This calendar has been developed to assist you in formulating an overall plan for your residential vegetable garden. Utilize the
calendar to schedule various planting, harvesting and management practices. However, there are many other excellent resources
available from UT Extension that will be an asset to you in planning and managing your garden, so they are linked within this calendar.
And, this calendar is also available online as a fillable PDF (extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W436.pdf).
We hope this calendar is one step in your successful garden vegetable journey.
Getting the Most from the 2020 Home Vegetable Calendar
Step 1. Be aware of climate and temperature trends in your specific location.
The dates listed in the calendar are averages for different regions of the state. However, there is a large range in growing season length across
Tennessee, so it is always good to be familiar with the local climate data to most usefully adapt dates from this calendar.
A brief table is below. Additionally, more detailed information can be found by consulting weather.gov/media/ohx/PDF/frostfreezeprobs.pdf.
This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) publication will allow you to look at frost/freeze probability data for all stations
in Tennessee.
Bristol Chattanooga Clarksville Crossville Dyersburg Jackson Knoxville Lawrenceburg McMinnville Memphis Mtn. City Nashville
Last Spring
May 3 April 17 April 27 May 10 April 15 April 18 April 22 April 30 April 28 April 9 May 26 April 21
First Fall
Oct. 6 Oct. 21 Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 16 Oct. 13 Oct. 17 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 30 Sept. 18 Oct. 10
*The values reported here are the most conservative because they are dates where there is only a 10 percent chance of a frost occurring after (spring) or before (fall) these dates.
Step 2. Utilize the full selection of UT Extension publications and resources for home gardeners.
Check out UThort.com to find all of these publications and more.
The Tennessee Vegetable Garden Series (W 346-)
A. Site selection and soil testing extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-A.pdf
B. Garden planning, plant preparation and planting extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-B.pdf
C. Managing plant nutrition extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-C.pdf
D. Plant management practices extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-D.pdf
E. Building and using raised beds extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-E.pdf
F. Season extension methods extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-F.pdf
G. Stewardship in soil management extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-G.pdf
H. Growing tomatoes extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-H.pdf
I. Harvest and storage extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-I.pdf
A series of ten crop specific publications on garden vegetables numbers D57-61, D68-71:
W 661 Conventional and organic garden products extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W661.pdf
W 316 Home vegetable garden disease control extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W316.pdf
PB 595 You can control garden insects extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/PB595.pdf
TASKS FOR JANUARY Getting Started on Your Garden Site — Soil Testing
• Check out this calendar as a fillable PDF to keep records through the year One of the most useful but overlooked practices for the home gardener is soil
extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W436.pdf testing. Knowing what nutrients are in your soil and the current pH can make a
• Harvest remaining fall cool-season crops still in the garden. Some of the most big difference in your garden success.
cold hardy are likely to be spinach and kale (below).
Sampling: The Where
• Work on your garden layout and planting plans for this year. These plans Remember, the results are only as good as the sample!
should be based on a rotation among plant families (see December). They • If your area is uniform, you can make one composite sample. Collect 10 to
should also include any changes that are required due to pest and disease 15 subsamples in a grid or zigzag pattern to make sure the overall sample
issues that were seen the prior year. represents the whole area.
• If the soil appears different in portions of your garden spot, you will need to
• Test germination on remaining garden seed to ensure viability. take multiple samples to represent each distinct area.
• Gather materials for producing transplants (if you grow your own). These
materials should include new or sanitized trays and containers as well as a Sampling: The How
pathogen-free growing substrate designed for seed starting. • If using a soil probe, take soil cores that are 6 inches deep since that is the
extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W346-B.pdf common rooting depth of many vegetable plants.
• Order seeds for your 2020 garden, especially those for transplants. Check out • If using a spade, remove a shovelful of soil 6 inches deep. Then take another
UT trial results to support your selection (see February). thin slice of the soil with the spade that covers the whole 6 inches of the hole.
• In some parts of Tennessee, seeds for cool-season spring transplants will The center of that slice is a great soil sample.
need to be started in January. • Be sure to remove any grass, rocks and other debris from the sample.
• Mix together all the subsamples in a clean (non-galvanized) bucket/
container and allow them to air dry before packaging.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Prepare your garden Make sure to follow Review any new
plan—by hand or a rotation of crop cultivars to try this
digitally. families. year and check out
the UT garden trial
report at uthort.com.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Test germination of Prepare seed order for Remember that many
leftover seed from last remaining cool-season diseases can be
year. and warm-season prevented by ordering
seeds for planting. disease-free seed.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Purchase or gather Be sure to purchase These green-colored There are several
materials to prepare pathogen-free media squares remind you record sheets at the
transplants. and clean containers. to keep track of your end of this calendar.
garden. There are also boxes
on each month.
26 27 28 29 30 31
Location, Location, Location Join with us for the 2020 trial at extension.tennessee.edu/MasterGardener/
Where to start home garden transplants depends on two important factors: Pages/Vegetable Garden Trials.aspx.
light and temperature. Home greenhouses can be a great spot because of the
good light, but you must also be able to control the temperatures to support
good germination, especially for warm-season crops. Since relatively few folks
have a home greenhouse, many start transplants indoors. Select a spot that
can be kept warm and has good air movement. Then, you will need to focus
on lighting. A cold frame or hotbed can also work well for starting transplants,
especially cool-season crops.
The Sun or a Substitute?
Most indoor locations don’t have enough light for good seedling growth, so
supplemental lighting is essential. The most common plant grow lights are
florescent lights called T5s. Make sure the growing flat is completely under
the light. Lights should be placed 6-10 inches (two-bulb fixtures) or 10-12
inches (four-bulb fixtures) from the top of the plant and run 12-14 hours each
day. Small one-bulb fixtures will likely not provide enough light. Watch your
seedlings' color and stem length/thickness and adjust lighting if stems are thin
or if you see leaf yellowing or burning.
The 2019 pickling cucumber trial of 'Cool Customer' (left) and 'H-19 Little Leaf' (right).
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Six weeks until early Investigate trials of Prepare seed order for
date to plant kale in vegetables before warm-season direct
East TN and cabbage/ making purchases. seeded crops.
broccoli in West TN.
Seed transplants now.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Prepare garden soil Eight weeks from Six weeks until Direct seed peas,
in West TN if not too frost-free date in early date to plant mustard, kale and
wet. Early seeding much of West TN. cabbage, broccoli and collards in West TN if
can be easier in raised Seed warm-season cauliflower in East TN. soil can be prepared.
beds. transplants now. Seed transplants now.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Monitor transplants Prepare garden soil Eight weeks from Make sure that young
closely to ensure that in Middle TN if dry frost-free date in transplants are not
they are not over- or enough. much of Middle TN. stretching, which
underwater. Seed warm-season indicates low light or
transplants now. high N.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Direct seed peas, Prepare garden soil in Eight weeks from
mustard, kale and East TN if dry enough. frost-free date in
collards in much of much of East TN.
Middle TN if soil can Seed warm-season
be prepared. transplants now.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Daylight Saving Plant or seed lettuce Direct seed peas, Time to transplant Row covers or low
Time Begins in Middle TN. Also mustard, kale and cabbage, cauliflower tunnels can be a great
consider planting Irish collards in much of and broccoli in way to push early
Potatoes if ground can East TN if soil can be West TN. season crops.
be well prepared. prepared.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Watch for signs of Early date to plant Maintain succession For a May 10 Carrots can be planted
maturity in cool crops potatoes in East TN. seeding of transplant date, today in most of the state in
such as radish to cool-season leafy could be the seeding March.
prevent harvesting crops. date for warm-season
too late. transplants. VERNAL EQUINOX
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Early date to plant Peas and potatoes Direct seeded Remember, a cover
cabbage and broccoli should all be seeded cool-season leafy crop needs a few
in East TN. by late March in crops should still be weeks to break down
West TN. able to mature in late before planting.
April or early May.
29 30 31
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Make sure to Prepare mulched beds Don’t forget to also Nearing the end of Direct seeding of early Keep track of the
follow soil test ahead of time if using prepare irrigation if dates to direct seed beans and sweet corn Spring rains in the
recommendations for plastic mulch. using plastic mulch. lettuce. could begin in weather blocks at the
pre-plant fertilization. Middle TN. bottom of the page.
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Nearing the end of Many warm-season Determine how much If buying transplants, Direct seeding of early
dates to direct seed transplants can be pest control materials look for stocky, dark beans and sweet corn
kale in West TN. placed in soil in remain from previous green seedlings with could begin in
West TN. year. no sign of pest or Middle TN.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Many warm-season Make sure to April and into early When was that last
transplants can be transplant at a time May is the time to frost this year? Make
placed in soil in when the soil temp plant turnips in sure to note it!
Middle TN. is warm enough for East TN.
good root growth.
26 27 28 29 30
Okra can be seeded
for West TN.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Do your cool-season Direct seed cucurbits Some gardeners wait Record your favorite In many parts of Remember, it is also Seedless watermelons
leafy crops need in East TN. until soil warms to cool-season crops this Tennessee, heat-loving about soil temps, not and supersweet corn
any fertilizer install natural mulches year at the end of the plants such as peppers just air temps. will germinate poorly
side-dressing? such as straw. calendar. and eggplant can wait if soil is too cool.
to be transplanted.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Be ready to harvest This is the early date Succession planting Have some common Be scouting on a
cool-season crops for seeding okra in could also be done insecticides and regular basis to
at the peak of their East TN. for zucchini or fungicides on hand. prevent getting
quality. cucumbers. caught off guard by
pests or diseases.
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Sweet potatoes are Continue succession When you do see
often one of the last seeding of corn and diseases or insects,
crops to be planted. beans. make a record of
them at the end of the
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Succession planting Don’t forget to attend Early beans may be Still time to get some Keep an eye out for
of beans should be the Fruits of the close to harvest in okra seeded. cool-season crops to
nearly done in Backyard field day in many areas. Some can harvest.
West TN. Spring Hill, Tennessee. mature in only 50-55
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Keep track of when Keep an eye on plant Harvest summer Be ready for Enjoy the longest
you apply fertilizer health and be ready squash while the skin side-dressing for gardening evening of
and how much you with fungicide if is still glossy. many crops that are the year!
apply. needed. setting fruit.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Keep on picking! Succession planting Watch out for early Make sure to keep
of beans should be blight on your track of anything you
nearly done in tomatoes. spray. A record sheet
East TN. is found at the back.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Make sure that you Many cool-season A 6-week-old You better not miss Keep an eye out for
have enough seed for crops will need to be transplant for an Summer Celebration mature sweet corn.
fall cool-season crops. seeded in July. August 22 planting in Jackson, Tennessee! You must hurry to
would be seeded beat the varmints!
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Don’t let the weeds Have you seen any of Watch the irrigation Practice good Keep on picking!
get ahead of you. those pesky tomato/ and make sure that sanitation. If a plant
Annual weeds that go tobacco hornworms? growing plants are not is damaged/diseased
to seed only create If so, make a record getting too dry or wet. remove it and place it
future issues. of them! far from other crops.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Do you have enough In many parts of Don’t let disease get Make sure to follow Keep a record of your
seed for a late Tennessee, late July ahead of you. There pre-harvest intervals sprays and track their
planting of summer will be the time to is still much harvest listed on pesticide efficacy for future
squash or other start fall cool-season time left if plants are labels. reference.
cucurbits? transplants. healthy.
26 27 28 29 30 31
Are your Brussels
sprouts planted?
Long season cool
crops may need to be
planted soon.
• Late plantings of summer squash can be done this month. Carrots When roots are of appropriate size, firm, and brittle. Tops are often
about 1 inch in diameter. Image on left courtesy of Randi Nott, one
• Keep an eye on soil moisture levels, irrigation and any need for side dressing of our home garden variety trial citizen scientists.
for fruiting crops. Radish When firm and brightly colored but less than 1 ½ inches in
diameter. Attaining large sizes can lead to a pithy or less firm root.
• Prepare soils for fall cool-season crops and maintain crop rotations.
Turnips After they reach 2 inches in diameter, but while still tender.
• Transplant fall cool-season crops that take the most days to mature.
Warm Season
Beans, snap While pods snap easily (as opposed to being tough and flexible)
Reasons Not to Forget Fabulous Fall Garden Crops and seeds are still green.
• You get another cool-season crop opportunity. Corn, sweet Kernels should be filled out nearly to the end of the ear and milky
if crushed. Silks dried down.
• Cool temps during maturation can increase Cucumber When seeds are small, flesh is still firm, and color is green.
crop quality.
Eggplant When fruit is still shiny and the color has not dulled. Edible from
• Season extension techniques can provide 1/3 grown until full grown.
winter cool-season crop harvests. Muskmelon When melons can be lifted and the vine pulls away from the fruit
with little resistance (slips).
• Less sweating!
Okra When pods are 2 ½ to 3 ½ inches long and tender.
Pepper When full size and firm. Green is immature, and fruit will color to
red, yellow, or orange and contain more sugars when ripe.
Secrets to Fall Success Potato, sweet After reaching desired size, but before moist and cool fall soil
conditions reduce quality and storage life.
1. Maintain moisture — Seeding during the late summer means that moisture for
germination and early growth is critical. Late summer heat and uneven rainfall Squash, summer When skin is still tender and glossy and the large end (zucchini) is
1 to 2 ½ inches in diameter.
mean that special attention is required.
Squash, winter When rind has hardened and is not easily scratched.
2. Manage weeds — Ensure that weeds do not overtake or out-compete.
Tomato When uniformly colored (pink to orange) but still somewhat firm.
3. Monitor for disease and insects — Young seedlings may be grown with older Watermelon When tendrils next to fruit die back and the rind on the underside
plants, so practice close scouting. of the fruit turns from white to a creamy yellow.
4. Apply needed fertilizer — Soil used for spring or summer crops may be low in
some necessary nutrients, so reapply N or other nutrients if needed.
Transplants for many
fall crops in East TN
are planted in early to
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Practice good Record any disease Keep on scouting and How can you Knoxville first frost
sanitation in the issues and how well manage weeds. It can determine when to average is October 22.
garden to prevent disease is controlled help this year and plant fall crops? 50 days + 10 for fall
disease spread. by any applied sprays. next year! Example: A zucchini slower growing + 14
that will mature in days to harvest is an
50 days. August 9 seeding.
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
If you are buying Make sure you have When should you Nashville first avg. frost is October 28. 60
fall transplants, look the seed for direct plant fall crops? days + 10 for slower fall growth. We can plan
for young, actively seeded cool-season Example: A broccoli to harvest for a couple weeks after frost.
growing plants. crops. transplant that will Seventy days back from November 11 is
mature in 60 days. September 2. Or July 22 to grow a 6-week-old
transplant yourself.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Get those "best of Direct seeded fall How can you Nashville first avg. frost is October 28. 35 days
show" crops ready for cool-season crops determine when to + 10 for slower fall growth. We can plan to
the county fair! will require attention plant fall crops? harvest for a couple weeks after frost, though.
and water for best Ex: a lettuce that will Count back 45 days from November 11. Aim for
germination. mature in 35 days. about a September 27 seeding.
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Plan your cover crops Attend the Fall Winter squash is
for fall and make sure Gardeners’ Festival in ready to harvest when
you order enough Crossville, Tennessee! rind hardens. Does
seed. it scratch with your
• Make sure that fall cool-season crops are properly watered and fertilized.
Germination and early growth of leafy crops and brassicas require even When can you use a cover crop?
moisture and appropriate nitrogen levels. Cover crops can be a great winter cover in your garden to add organic matter
extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/D70.pdf and prevent soil loss in the off season. However, they also can also be used
• Transplant and direct seed fall cool-season crops. Keep in mind that days to during breaks in crops in the main growing season to add organic matter or
harvest estimates often need to be lengthened in the cooler and lower light suppress weed germination and growth. A summer buckwheat crop is shown in
days of fall. the image on the left.
What are common cover crop species?
• Many cover crops are best seeded in September to get good stands.
• Legumes (peas, beans, clover, vetch, alfalfa) have root nodules that contain
N-fixing bacteria. This nitrogen will be available for later crops after the
legume is killed and incorporated into the soil.
• Grasses (cereal rye, barley, wheat and oats) that would be grain crops if
grown to maturity are some of the most common cover crops. They are
grown because they are economical, easily established and can produce
large amounts of plant material in a relatively short period of time. These
crops stabilize the soil, prevent erosion and help break some plant disease or
pest cycles in addition to increasing organic matter.
• Buckwheat (in image on left), rape and radishes are examples of cover crops
that are neither a grass nor a legume. These crops can increase organic
matter, improve soil structure and some have biofumigation properties
(decomposing tissue releases compounds to suppress pests or disease in the
soil) when incorporated.
1 2 3 4 5
Early fall is often the Keep track of how Do some research on
driest time of the much and how often cover crops to make
year in Tennessee. watering is needed. sure they are best for
Be prepared to meet Without rain, estimate your system and crop
crop water needs. 1-2 inches per week. rotation.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
It’s Labor Day! Keep Keep on eye out for Most cabbage,
on picking those pests/disease on your broccoli and
warm-season crops. cool-season crops. cauliflower should
Row covers can be transplanted by
reduce insects. mid-September in
West TN.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Brassicas, lettuce Are your fall Have you seen any Want a few leafy Containers can also
and many fall crops cool-season crops of those pesky crops for fall without be a great way to
are fast growing and getting enough armyworms? If so, managing a whole produce a bit of fresh
may need a fertilizer water? record make a record garden? Build a small produce for late fall.
side-dressing. of them! raised bed.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Many cover crops may Vetch and other September through In fact, here in Remove warm-season If the plants were
produce best in East legumes benefit from November are the Tennessee, we can crops as they finish healthy, it could be a
TN with a September early fall seeding, times to plant garlic grow both hardneck producing to lighten great time to begin a
seeding. while rye can be across Tennessee. and softneck garlic. the load of fall compost pile.
sown later. See November for cleanup.
27 28 29 30
It is getting close to A row cover or low Watch for high temps
the end of seeding tunnel can add a under cover on very
for fall leafy crops in couple of weeks to the warm September
Middle and East TN. fall season. days.
The Real Deal on Garden Soil pH Sugar Cube Muskmelon Flavor, yield, small size for easy eating
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Getting close to the Remember, cool Be on the lookout for Also be on the lookout
end of time to direct season crops can fruit from late seeded for first frosts in parts
seed fall crops in survive low temps but warm-season crops. of East TN.
West TN. may not grow and
produce much yield in
some areas.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Many cover crops can You don’t have to October is a great Take 10-15 Make sure that late What were your
still produce well in seed the whole time to take soil sub-samples about 6 season crops have favorite peppers and
East TN if planted in garden in cover at samples. inches deep. adequate (but not tomatoes this year?
mid-October. once. Cool-season excessive) water and Make sure to write
sections can be last. nutrients. down the varieties.
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Sometimes brassica Have you had a frost Bring your tools in Extend the life of your
crops taste better yet? Write it down in from the garden. tools with proper
after they are exposed the record sheet in the Clean them well. sharpening and oiling.
to a bit of frost. back of this calendar. See November.
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
We are getting close Review soil reports Enjoy a homegrown
to first frosts in many and make additions if jack-o'-lantern for
areas of West TN. needed to adjust pH Halloween!
for next year.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Even if it is a It may even be close Keep notes on the Write those notes
mid-November to a first frost in crops and cultivars in the record sheets
seeding, a cover crop Memphis by now! that performed well in the back of this
like rye can still be for you this year. calendar.
of benefit.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
What were some What were some Knowing your There are many
of your pest issues of the disease issues gardening challenges resistant varieties that
this year? you faced? is great info to help can help you address
select crops for disease issues.
next year.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
• Always plant potatoes on Good Friday? Sure, some years maybe, but always
is a pretty rare garden occurrence in Tennessee!
• Adding sugar to the soil can increase tomato sweetness? The soil
microbes might appreciate it, but sugars in the tomato fruit come from
photosynthesis and are influenced by genetics, water, nutrition and other
growing conditions.
• Planting peppers when you are mad makes them hotter? Probably not, but,
scientists have found that getting certain soil bacteria on your hands when
you garden can increase serotonin — our natural antidepressant. So, getting
your hands in the soil when planting might actually make you happier!
1 2 3 4 5
There can be great Sort and count You could even test
December harvests remaining seeds to germination (take
of cool-season crops prevent over-ordering percentage of 10-25
in many parts of for next year. seeds) to confirm
Tennessee. viability.
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
It is almost seed Clean and store your
catalog time. Don’t tools for next year.
be afraid to get some
early orders in.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Start to think about Map out crop It is a great time to
the garden plan for rotations for next year service tillers and
next year. in light of any diseases other equipment.
or pests encountered. Sharpen blades and
change oil.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Gardening hours start
increasing from here!
27 28 29 30 31
Pepper 1st fruits are 1 inch 0.5 to 1 lb 1 to 2 lb 1.4 to 2.8 lb 2.8 to 5.7 lb
Later in season (if needed) 0.5 to 1 lb 1 to 2 lb 1.4 to 2.8 lb 2.8 to 5.7 lb
Vine crops (Cucumbers, Vines are 1 foot long 0.75 to 1 lb 1.5 to 2 lb 2 to 2.8 lb 4.2 to 5.7 lb
melons, pumpkins, squash)
Sweet corn Plants are 12-18 inches tall 1 to 1.5 lb 2 to 3 lb 2.8 to 4 lb 5.7 to 8.5 lb
Okra, eggplant 3 to 4 weeks after seeding/ 0.5 to 1 lb 1 to 2 lb 1.4 to 2.8 lb 2.8 to 5.7 lb
6 to 8 weeks after seeding/ 0.5 to 1 lb 1 to 2 lb 1.4 to 2.8 lb 2.8 to 5.7 lb
Broccoli, cabbage, 2 to 3 weeks after 1 lb 2 lb 2.8 lb 5.7 lb
cauliflower, Brussels transplanting
5 to 6 weeks after 0.5 lb 1 lb 1.4 lb 2.8 lb
Kale, collards, lettuce, 3 to 4 weeks after seeding 0.5 to 0.75 lb 1 to 1.5 lb 1.4 to 2 lb 2.8 to 4.2 lb
spinach, mustard
*Natural or organic fertilizers will be available more slowly than chemical (often 1-4 months).
This calendar is also a fillable PDF to enable digital record keeping:
Crop Cultivars grown Date seeded Seeded or transplanted First flower First harvest Insect issues Disease issues Last harvest
transplants in the garden
Garden Climate and Management Overview
(Use this page as a summary of notes recorded in the separate month calendars)
General climate Spring records and last frost Summer records Fall records and last frost Other notes
General climate Spring temperature trends Summer temperature trends Fall temperature trends Winter temperature trends
Rainfall Spring rainfall total Summer rainfall totals Fall rainfall totals Other notes
Irrigation Spring irrigation summary Summer irrigation summary Fall irrigation summary Other notes
Soil management Spring tillage Summer cover crops Fall cover crops Other notes
Crop and issue Date of action Material and method used Rate and volume used Notes on efficacy
19-0021 W 436
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