Hap Free Cooling
Hap Free Cooling
Hap Free Cooling
This group of inputs on the Configuration tab describe free cooling controls and equipment for cooling mode. Items in this section are
as follows:
1. Use Free Cooling. Mark this check box if your system uses hydronic free cooling. Leave the check box blank if free cooling is not
2. Type of Free Cooling. The program offers three types of free cooling:
a. Strainer Cycle. When source water is sufficiently cold, source water is diverted into the chilled water loop to serve AHU cooling
coils and all chillers are turned off. Because fouling of the chilled water piping and heat exchangers is a concern, a strainer
device is used to filter the water as it flows from the source loop into the chilled water loop. Hence the name "Strainer Cycle".
Example: The operating LCHWT for a system is 44 F. For a certain set of operating conditions, the geo well field is able to
produce 41 F return water. The chillers in the system are all turned off. Source water is diverted into the chilled water loop and
is blended to provide 44 F water to AHU cooling coils.
b. Non-Integrated Waterside Economizer. A plate-frame heat exchanger is positioned in parallel with chillers in the plant (see
Figure 1). When return water from the geo well field is sufficiently cold, it is diverted through the plate-frame heat exchanger
where it cools water in the chilled water loop, and all chillers in the system are turned off. "Non-Integrated" refers to the fact that
the economizer only operates when it can meet the full plant load. With this control either the economizer meets 100% of the
load or the chillers meet 100% of the load, but economizer and chillers do not operate simultaneously.
Example: The operating LCHWT for a system is 44 F. A Plate-Frame Heat Exchanger is used and provides an approach of 3.0
F. For a certain set of operating conditions, the cooling tower is able to produce 41 F return water. With the 3 F heat exchanger
approach, source water can be used to produce 44 F water in the chilled water loop. Therefore the plate frame heat exchanger
can be used to supply cooling to the building. All chillers can be turned off.
c. Integrated Waterside Economizer. A plate-frame heat exchanger is positioned off the return water pipe upstream of the point
where return chilled water mixes with water from the common pipe (see Figure 2). When source water from the geo well field is
sufficiently cold, it is diverted through the plate-frame heat exchanger where it precools return water and thereby reduces the
load on the chillers. As the return cooling tower water temperature drops, the plate frame heat exchanger will be able to handle
progressively more of the plant load until the point where all heat pumps are off and the heat exchanger handles 100% of the
load. "Integrated" refers to the fact that the economizer can operate simultaneously with the chillers. It can therefore provide
partial as well as full free cooling and therefore yields greater energy savings potential than the non-integrated type of
waterside economizer.
Example: The operating LCHWT for a system is 44 F. An Integrated Waterside Economizer is used and provides an approach
of 3.0 F. For a certain set of operating conditions, return water temperature in the chilled water loop is 51 F and the geo well
field source water temperature is 46 F. The plate-frame heat exchanger can therefore precool return chilled water from 51 F to
49 F. This reduces the entering water temperature for chiller and therefore reduces the chiller cooling load.
3. Heat Exchanger Approach defines the performance of the plate frame heat exchanger used in a waterside economizer. The
approach is the difference between the temperature of water entering the heat exchanger minus the temperature of water in the
chilled water loop leaving the heat exchanger.
Example: For a given set of flow conditions, 41 F source water from the geo well field entering the plate-frame heat exchanger will
produce chilled water leaving the heat exchanger at a temperature of 44 F. Therefore the heat exchanger approach is 3 F.
Note for Plants Containing Air-to-Water Reversible Chillers. Free cooling inputs only apply for plants containing one or more
water-to-water reversible chillers. If you are entering a plant with all air-to-water reversible chillers, ignore this input. It will not have
any effect on system calculations.
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