Fatca/Crs Self Certification / Declaration For Individuals: Documents As Mentioned Below
Fatca/Crs Self Certification / Declaration For Individuals: Documents As Mentioned Below
Fatca/Crs Self Certification / Declaration For Individuals: Documents As Mentioned Below
If you have any questions about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. If you
are a US citizen or resident or green card holder, please include United States in the
foreign country information field along with your US Tax Identification Number. $It is
mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent if the country in which you are tax resident
issues such identifiers. If no TIN is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide
an explanation and attach this to the form.
In case customer has the following Indicia pertaining to a foreign country and yet declares
self to be non-tax resident in the respective country, customer to provide relevant Curing
Documents as mentioned below:
List of acceptable documentary evidence needed to establish the residence(s) for tax purposes:
2nd Applicant
3rd Applicant
2nd Applicant
3rd Applicant
To also include USA, where the individual is a citizen/ green card holder of USA
In case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide functional equivalent$
(b) Certification
Under penalty of perjury, I/we certify that: I understand that Punjab National Bank is relying on
this information for the purpose of determining the status of the account holder named above
in compliance with FATCA/CRS. Punjab National Bank is not able to offer any tax advice on
FATCA or CRS or its impact on the account holder. I shall seek advice from professional tax
advisor for any tax questions.
I agree to submit a new form within 30 days if any information or certification on this form
becomes incorrect.
I agree that as may be required by domestic regulators/tax authorities, Punjab National Bank
may also be required to report, reportable details to CBDT or other authorities/agencies or
close or suspend my account, as appropriate.
I have understood the information requirements of this Form (read along with the FATCA/
CRS Instructions) and hereby confirm that the information provided by me on this Form
including the taxpayer identification number is true, correct, and complete. I also confirm that
I have read and understood the FATCA/CRS Terms and Conditions and hereby accept the
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