Request For Outward Remittance From NRO Account
Request For Outward Remittance From NRO Account
Request For Outward Remittance From NRO Account
Purpose Purpose
Tick Nature of payment Tick Nature of payment
code code
Date: Place:
Dear Sir,
Account No:
1. The property was purchased by me out of resident local funds, not involving any foreign
exchange considerations, while my status was *Resident Indian or received as Inheritance /
a) The immovable property was acquired by me in accordance with the provisions of the
foreign law in force at the time of acquisition;
b) The amount for acquisition of the immovable property was paid in foreign exchange
received through banking channels or out of funds held in my FCNR (B) / NRE account;
(In case an immovable property in India has been purchased by a PIO
resident outside India [who held property in India in terms of the erstwhile
FEM (Acquisition and transfer of Immovable Property in India) Regulations,
2000] or an NRI or a OCI out of housing loans availed in terms of Foreign
Exchange Management (Borrowing and lending in rupees) Regulations,
2000, as amended from time to time, and the repayments for such loans are
made out of remittances received from abroad through banking channels or
by debit to the NRE / FCNR (B) account of such person, such repayments
may be treated as equivalent to foreign exchange received).
2. In case of residential property, the repatriation of sale proceeds does not exceed the
proceeds of not more than two such properties.
3. Applicable Taxes has been paid on the amount or Remittance (CA certificate enclosed)
Yours faithfully
Place: * strike whichever is not