Chapter 4 PDF
Chapter 4 PDF
Chapter 4 PDF
a b a b
(ii) If A = c d , is a matrix then determinant of matrix A is written as |A| or det (A) = c d .
(iii) Only square matrices have determinants.
2. Minors - The determinant obtained by deleting the i-the row and j-th column passing through the element
aij is called the minor of element aij and is denoted by Mij.
3. Cofactors - The cofactor of element aij is (–1)1 + j times the determinant obtained by deleting the i-th row
and jth column passed through aij and is denoted by Cij i.e. Cij = (–1)1 + j Mij
4. Values of the determinant - The sum of the products of elements of any row (column) by the corresponding
co-factors is equal to the value of the determinant.
a11 b12 c13
let = 21 b 22 c 23 , Then = a c + a c + a c
11 11 12 12 13 13
a 31 a 32 a 33
5. Area of a Triangle - The area of the triangle whose vertices are (x1 , y1) , (x2 , y2) and (x3 , y3) is
x1 y1 1
= x y2 1
2 2
x 3 y3 1
(i) The area is positive, take only absolute value.
(ii) If the three points are collinear, the area of triangle is zero.
6. |AB| = |A| |B|
7. A square matrix is invertible if and only if A is non-singular.
8. Linear system of Equations -
Consistent System - The system of equation is said to be consistent if it has one or more then one
Inconsistent System - The system of equation is inconsistent if it has no solution
Consider the system of equation
a1x + b1y + c1z = d1
a2x + b2y + c2z = d2
a3x + b3y + c3z = d3
a1 b1 c1 x d1
a b 2 c 2 , X y and B d 2
let A= 2
a 3 b 3 c3 z d 3
The given system of equation can be written as
a1 b1 c1 x d1
a 2 b2 c 2 y d 2
a 3 b3 c3 z d 3
or AX = B
X = A–1 B.
9. Consistence/Inconsistence of system of Equations
(a) For a non-homogeneous system of equation AX 0
(i) If |A| 0, AX = B has a unique solution.
(ii) If |A| = 0, and (adj A) B 0
then the system of equation is inconsistent.
(iii) If |A| = 0 and (adj A) B = 0, then the system of equation has infinitely many solutions.
(b) For the homogeneous system of equation AX = 0
(i) If |A| 0, the solution is x = 0, y = 0, z = 0. This is called the trivial solution.
(ii) If |A| = 0, the system has infinitely many solution. In such a case, we put one of the variables equal
to k. let z = k, then we find the value of x and y in terms of k.
10. Adjoint of a Determinant - The adjoint of a square matrix is the transpose of matrix cofactors. If Aij is the
cofactor of aij of det A or |aij|, the
A11 A12 A13 A11 A 21 A31
A 23 A12
adj A = A 21 A 22 A 22
A31 A32 A33 A13 A 23 A33
11. Inverse of a matrix - Inverse of a matrix A, A–1 = adj A ; if |A| 0 i.e., matrix A is invertible or non-
12. If A is a square matrix, then A (adj A) = (adj A) A = |A| . I
13. (i) (AB)–1 = B–1 . A–1 (ii) A–1 = (A–1) T (iii) (A–1)–1 = A
1. The value of the determinant does not change when rows and columns are interchanged. The determinant
obtained by interchanging the rows and columns is called the transpose of the determinant and is denoted
by T. Thus = T.
2. If all the elements of a row (column) are zero, then the value of the determinant is zero.
3. The interchange of any two rows of the determinant changes its sign.
Thus if * is the new determinant obtained on interchanging any two rows (columns), then
= – *
If i-th and j-th row are interchanged then this operation is denoted by Ri Rj.
4. If all the elements of a row (column) of a determinant are multiplied by a non-zero constant, then the
determinant gets multiplied by the same constant. Thus if we apply Ri pRi, i.e, each element of i-th row
is multiplied by p, then we get
* = p or = * (P 0)
5. If all the elements of a row (column) are proportional (identical) to the elements of some other row (column)
then determinant is zero.
6. If each element of any row (column) is sum of two numbers, the determinant can be expressed as the sum
of two determinants of the same order eg.
a1 1 b1 c1 a1 b1 c1 1 b1 c1
a 2 2 b2 c2 a 2 b2 c2 2 b2 c2
a 3 3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3 3 b3 c3
7. The value of a determinant remains unaltered under an operation of the form
Ri Ri + pRj similarly, for columns i.e., operation of the form Ci Ci + pCj +q Ck; j, k i
8. If a determinant (x) becomes zero on putting x = , then (x – ) is a factor of (x).
9. Determinant which have all elements equal to zero except the diagonal elements, is equal to the product of
the diagonal elements.
a 0 0
0 b 0 = abc
0 0 c
Class 12 Maths NCERT Solutions
NCERT Solutions Important Questions NCERT Exemplar
Chapter 1 Relations and Chapter 1 Relations and
Relations and Functions
Functions Functions
Chapter 2 Inverse Chapter 2 Inverse
Concept of Relations and Functions
Trigonometric Functions Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 3 Matrices Binary Operations Chapter 3 Matrices
Chapter 4 Determinants Inverse Trigonometric Functions Chapter 4 Determinants
Chapter 5 Continuity and Chapter 5 Continuity and
Differentiability Differentiability
Chapter 6 Application of Chapter 6 Application of
Matrix and Operations of Matrices
Derivatives Derivatives
Transpose of a Matrix and Symmetric
Chapter 7 Integrals
Chapter 7 Integrals Ex 7.1 Matrix
Inverse of a Matrix by Elementary Chapter 8 Applications of
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.2 Operations Integrals
Chapter 9 Differential
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.3 Equations
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.4 Expansion of Determinants Chapter 10 Vector Algebra
Chapter 11 Three Dimensional
Properties of Determinants
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.5 Geometry
Inverse of a Matrix and Application of Chapter 12 Linear
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.6 Determinants and Matrix Programming
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.7 Continuity and Differentiability Chapter 13 Probability
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Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.9 Differentiability
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.10 Application of Derivatives
Rate Measure Approximations and
Integrals Class 12 Ex 7.11 Increasing-Decreasing Functions
Integrals Class 12
Tangents and Normals
Miscellaneous Exercise
Chapter 8 Application of
Maxima and Minima
Chapter 9 Differential
Chapter 10 Vector Algebra Types of Integrals
Chapter 11 Three Dimensional
Differential Equation
Chapter 12 Linear
Formation of Differential Equations
Chapter 13 Probability Ex Solution of Different Types of Differential
CBSE Sample Papers NCERT Solutions
13.1 Equations
Probability Solutions Ex 13.2 Vector Algebra
Probability Solutions Ex 13.3 Algebra of Vectors
Probability Solutions Ex 13.4 Dot and Cross Products of Two Vectors
Probability Solutions Ex 13.5 Three Dimensional Geometry
Direction Cosines and Lines
Linear Programming
Conditional Probability and Independent
Baye’s Theorem and Probability