Attendance Management System Using Barcode Identification On Students' Identity Cards
Attendance Management System Using Barcode Identification On Students' Identity Cards
Attendance Management System Using Barcode Identification On Students' Identity Cards
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This brings about the need to have a tool to Many academic institutions are beginning to
control students’ attendance. The existing model update their standards by issuing students with
of manual attendance monitoring (using paper identification cards that are equipped with
sheets and an old file system) is not efficient and barcodes, ID chips, radio frequency identification
it is also time consuming. These aforementioned (RFID) tags, and so on (Andrew, 2011). This
shortcomings among others serve as justification decision opens up a window to implement
for migrating from manual based to the proposed barcode identification systems in classrooms as a
system. The system is based on barcode reader management tool to solve many of the problems
technology and the details of this system are faced by lecturers and the institutions’
presented in this paper. The system can be easily management in classroom attendance
accessed by the lecturers and most importantly, management. Due to the inefficiency of traditional
the reports can be generated in real-time methods of attendance record keeping, a more
processing, thus, providing valuable information secure and accurate barcode technology model
about the students. is needed to be formulated and implemented.
(Keywords: attendance management, barcode scanner, Barcode Identification is one of the automatic
ID card, academic institution, examination identification technologies more in vogue
management) nowadays. A barcode is an optical machine-
readable representation that contain data relating
to the object in which it is attached. Initially
INTRODUCTION barcodes were systematically use to represent
data by changing the widths and spacing of
It is well known fact that virtually all organizations parallel lines, and this kind of pattern is referred
whether commercial or educational need to to as linear or one-dimensional (1D). Later they
maintain a properly record the attendance of its
One of the most prominent areas where This application requires correct feed on input in
classroom practices of individual faculty members to the respective field. Suppose the wrong inputs
differ is on the issue of attendance policies. Some are entered, the application resist to work, so the
faculty members require attendance, some faculty user find it difficult to use.
count attendance positively in grade
determination, while others count the lack of
attendance against the student's grade. Even LITERATURE REVIEW
most faculty who don't require attendance by their
students, encourage attendance in a variety of There are numerous proposals for Automatic
ways. Fundamentally, most faculty members Attendance Management Systems in the
probably believe that attendance is significant in literature and in the market. Nowadays, barcodes
student success but most of us can provide only are frequently used in most industries,
anecdotal evidence to support our belief. supermarkets, and wherever information needs
to be read automatically.
The existing system is a manual entry for the
students. Here the attendance will be recorded in Shoewu, Olaniyi, and Lawson (2011) proposed
hand written registers. It usually is a tedious job an electronic card-based solution to the lecture
to maintain the records for the users. The attendance problem in higher institutions in the
retrieval of the information is not as easy as the developing countries. This system used a single-
records are maintained in the hand written chip computer based on subsystems interfaced
registers. serially to the serial port of the digital computer.
Some of the limitations of this system are that not
Registration systems are implemented in many all computer systems possess serial port.
institutions for various reasons. While the
purpose of these systems is not a focus in this Mahyidin (2008) also proposed student
paper, it is clear that statistical information is attendance management system using Radio
required by most of those institutions that have a Frequency Identification (RFID). The system
large number of students. makes use of student card in order to grant or
denial the student from taking attendance. This
Since collecting attendance data in many technique also did not identify individual based
institutions has not been computerized, the on who he/she is which therefore, can lead to
proposal of transforming the present system was impersonation.
alluring and decided to face the challenge and
design a solution for it. Victor, Jonathan, Reece, and Lemire (2003)
presented a system that is based on student wolf
In the present attendance registration system, pack club tracking system to improve the process
teachers have to either ask the students to write of student wolf pack club ticket distribution for
Xue (2009), discusses a prototype system that The barcode on the students' ID card must be
uses facial recognition technology to monitor and accurate in terms of width and darkness in order
authenticate user or student for attendance taking. to ensure the accurate data retrieved.
A neural network-based algorithm was
implemented to carry out face detection, and an For this work, students have to sign in
eigen face method was employed to perform electronically with ID card at the beginnings of
facial recognition. The experimental results each class. Each student has their own ID card to
demonstrate the feasibility of near-real-time fill in class attendance signing system. By using
continuous user verification for high-level security this system, students can discipline themselves
information systems. to always carry their student ID card as it is
compulsory for attendance marking.
This study focused on reducing effort on paper The designed system is a fully automated
work and save the time required to generate system, reliable, fast, accurate, eliminate paper
accurate results from the student’s attendance. work, it saves times, eliminate attendance by
The proposed system of attendance management proxy, eliminate data forging, it also or serve as
is implemented using barcode technology. a tool to monitor student that skip class in order
Student’s record are entered into the system and to inform their parents, student don’t need to
tied to the barcode. The code is uniquely have multiple card.
associated to each student’s details for easy
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