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SOM Prospectus 2020-2021

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‫أعوذ ابهلل من الشيطان الرجيم بسم هللا الرمحن الرحيم‬

Prospectus, September 2020

School Profile:

Name: Safeer Online Madrasah (SOM)

(Owned by EduAid Limited, UK, Company No 09971816)

Mission: To create a generation who will always be guided by the Qur’an and Sunnah, and remain deeply
connected to Allah, His Messenger (Peace be upon him), the righteous caliphs, and authentic scholars in their
matters of life and death.

Vision: To provide high quality Islamic educational opportunities and experiences to young Muslim generations
around the globe.

Nature: This a part-time online madrasah, dedicated to Islamic education to our children and caters for ages 5 to

Future Progression:

Our curriculum has a progressive pathway for anyone to looking to become a strong Hafidh, professional Imam,
and Islamic scholar (Mufti, Mufassir, Muhaddith etc) with mastery in Arabic language at European Jamia Islamia or
any other higher education institutes.

Our students can continue their undergraduate studies and further studies at European Jamia Islamia, London or
any other Islamic universities around the world, in particular in our partner universities in the UK and Muslim
worlds including Medina, Egypt and Malaysia.

There will be no formal classes for children aged 1-4 and 19+, but there will be customised learning modules and
resources for them, InshaAllah.

Parents can separately purchase all these courses and resources at any time they like.

Chairman: Dr Abul Kalam Azad, London

Vice Chairman: Dr Faruq Ahmad Madani, Austria

Principal: Prof. Shaikh Mahmud Bin Sayeed, London

Vice Principal: To be appointed

School contacts:
Website: www.safeer.org.uk
Email: info@safeer.org.uk
WhatsApp: +447507053169 +447861467847
Facebook: www.fb.com/safeeronlinemadrasah
Youtube: Safeeronlinemadrasah

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 1

Admission form: https://forms.gle/C6McvyaeLWvnC2KS7

Academic year and terms:

Our Academic year follow UK & EU academic style: September to July.

There will be three terms as follows:

Autumn Term: 14th September to 24th December 2020
Holidays: 25th December-31st December 2020
Spring Term: 1st January 2021- 2nd April 2021.
Holidays: 5th April – 11 April 2021
Summer Term: 12th April 2021- 30th July 2021
Holidays: 31st July 2021-31st August 2021
Additionally, there will be Two Eid Holidays

Madrasah Student age groups:

Age 3-4 Pre-School Group: (register here, but no formal lessons)

Age 5-7 Infant Group:
Age 8-11 Primary Group:
Age 12-16 Secondary Group:
Age 17-19 Youth Group:
Age 19-24 University Group: (Apply to European Jamia Islamia Courses)
Age 24- Adult Group: (Apply to European Jamia Islamia Courses)

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 2

Our Courses and fees for the academic Year 2020-2021
Course Packages Class Size Total weekly days Total weekly hours Subjects taught Total fees
1 Alimiyyah- Basic 15 2 days (Mon-Tue) or 2.5 hours a day X 2= 5 Qur’an & Tajweed, Qur’anic Arabic, £525 per year, plus
Package (Wed-Thursday) hours a week= Qur’an Studies, Sunnah Studies, yearly admin fees:
Imaan & Yaqeen, Ahkamul Islam,
230 hours a year £30
Usul & Fikr, Akhlaq, Tarikh, skills
(only £2.28 per hour)
2 Alimiyyah- Extended 15 4 days a week 2.5 hours a day X 4= Double lessons on £1000 per year, plus
Package Mon-Thursday 10 hours a week = Qur’an & Tajweed, Qur’anic Arabic, yearly admin fees:
(Highly recommended) 460 hours a year Qur’an Studies, Sunnah Studies, £30
Imaan & Yaqeen, Ahkamul Islam,
(after 5% discount)
Usul & Fikr, Akhlaq, Tarikh, skills,
Plus Hifzul Qur’an, (only £2.17 per hour)
presentation, clubs, and
Suhbah time with scholars
3 Hifzul Qur’an – Basic 10 5 days a week 2 hours a day X 5= 10 Qur’an, Tajweed, Basic duas £1200 per year, plus
Package Monday-Friday hours a week and Fiqh yearly admin fees:
460 hours a year £30
(only £2.60 per hour)
4 Hifzul Qur’an – 10 6 days a week Mon-Friday= 10 hours Qur’an, Tajweed, Basic duas £1650 per year, plus
Extended Package Monday-Friday Saturday= 4 hours and Fiqh yearly admin fees:
(Highly recommended) Total= 14 hours a Plus Qur’anic Arabic, Basic Qur’an £30
week and Sunnah Studies, presentation, (only £2.56 per hour)
= 644 hours a year clubs, and Suhbah time with
5 Arabic, English, and 15 2 days a week 1 hour a day x 2= 2 Qur’anic Arabic, or English, or £250 per year, plus
other World Monday and Wednesday, or hours a week Bengali, or Hawsa, or German, £30 admin fees
Tuesday and Thursday, or
languages = 92 hours a year or French, or Urdu (only £2.71 per hour)
Friday and Sunday
(Prices per
6 Only Qur’an Reading 10 2 days a week 1 hour a day x 2= 2 Qur’an, Tajweed, Basic duas £375 per year, plus
& Tajweed Monday and Wednesday, or hours a week £30 admin fees
Tuesday and Thursday, or
= 92 hours a year (only £4.07 per hour)
Thursday and Friday, or Friday
and Sunday
7 Mujawwadul Qur’an 10 2 days a week 1 hour a day x 2= 2 Beautification of recitation £375 per year, plus
Monday and Wednesday, or hours a week (Qariyana) £30 admin fees
Tuesday and Thursday, or
= 92 hours a year (only £4.07 per hour)
Thursday and Friday, or Friday
and Sunday
8 Public Speech and 10 2 days a week 1 hour a day x 2= 2 Training on delivering public £375 per year, plus
Khutbah Monday and Wednesday, or hours a week speech, Khutbah, debate, TV £30 admin fees
Tuesday and Thursday, or
= 92 hours a year talk (only £4.07 per hour)
Thursday and Friday, or Friday
and Sunday
9 Writing skills 15 2 days a week 1 hour a day x 2= 2 Qur’anic Arabic, or English, or £250 per year, plus
(Arabic, English, Monday and Wednesday, or hours a week Bengali, or Hawsa, or German, £30 admin fees
Bengali, Hawsa, Tuesday and Thursday, or
= 92 hours a year or French, or Urdu (only £2.71 per hour)
French, German, Urdu) Thursday and Friday, or Friday
and Sunday
10 Nasheed Arts 10 2 days a week 1 hour a day x 2= 2 World class Nasheed singers £375 per year, plus
Monday and Wednesday, or hours a week will train young singers on £30 admin fees
‘Safeer Vocals’ Tuesday and Thursday, or
= 92 hours a year Nasheeds in Arabic, English, (only £4.07 per hour)
Thursday and Friday, or Friday
(Our own Nasheed and Sunday and other languages

Fees can be paid:

1- Direct to Bank Accounts

2- By PayPal (Please add extra 4% charge for PayPal Payments)
3- BKash (in Bangladesh)

Bursaries and Scholarships:

We have limited scholarship funds for brilliant but extremely needy pupils/families. Please apply here for
scholarships and bursaries.

Donations and Sponsorships:

Safeer Online Madrasah is a charitable non-commercial institute. You can donate your Zakat and make Sadaqah
Jariah donations to sponsor a Hafidh or Alim/Alimah, or to develop our resources.
Please donate here

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 3

Our classes for different time zones:

Time Zone A Time Zone B Time Zone C Time Zone D Time Zone E
Australia & New East Asia (Indonesia, South Asia and UK and Europe North America
Malaysia, Japan etc)
Zeeland Gulf countries (USA & Canada)
1 Pre-School Group Pre-School Group Pre-School Group Pre-School Group Pre-School Group
2 Infant Group Infant Group Infant Group Infant Group Infant Group
3 Primary Group Primary Group Primary Group Primary Group Primary Group
4 Secondary Secondary Secondary Group Secondary Secondary Group
Group Group Group
5 Youth Group Youth Group Youth Group Youth Group Youth Group
6 University University University Group University University Group
Group Group Group
7 Adult Group Adult Group Adult Group Adult Group Adult Group

Our Typical Class Time Table for Alimiyyah-(Basic) Course: (Examples are according to UK timing)

5.00-5.05pm 5.05- 5.30- 5.55- 6.05- 6.30- 6.55- 7.05-

5.30pm 5.55pm 6.05pm 6.30pm 6.55pm 7.05pm 7.30pm
Day One Registration Qur’an Qur’anic Break Imaan Akhlaqul Break Productive
& Dhikr Reading Arabic Muslim Muslims

Day Two Registration Qur’an Sunnah Break Ahkamul Tarikhul Break Principles
& Dhikr Studies Studies Islam Islam and thoughts
of Islam-

Our Typical Class Time Table for Alimiyyah-(Extended) Course: (Examples are according to UK timing)

5.00- 5.05- 5.30- 5.55- 6.05- 6.30- 6.55- 7.05-

5.05pm 5.30pm 5.55pm 6.05pm 6.30pm 6.55pm 7.05pm 7.30pm
Monday Registration Qur’an Qur’anic Break Imaan Akhlaqul Break Productive
& Dhikr Reading Arabic Muslim Muslims

Tuesday Registration Qur’an Sunnah Break Ahkamul Tarikhul Break Qur’anic

& Dhikr Studies Studies Islam Islam Arabic

Wednesday Registration Qur’an Qur’anic Break Imaan Akhlaqul Break Principles

& Dhikr Hifz Arabic Muslim and thoughts
of Islam-
Thursday Registration Qur’an Qur’an Break Ahkamul Weekly Assembly
& Dhikr Hifz Hifz Islam (Scholarly talks and pupil presentations)

Our Typical Class Time Table for Hifzul Qur’an Course: (Examples are according to UK timing)

5.00-5.05pm 5.05-5.30pm 5.30-5.55pm 5.55-6.05pm 6.05-6.30pm 6.30-7.00pm

Monday Registration & Dhikr Hifz Revision Tajweed Revision
Tuesday Registration & Dhikr Hifz Revision Hifz Revision
Wednesday Registration & Dhikr Hifz Duas Break Hifz Presentation
Thursday Registration & Dhikr Hifz Hifz Revision Imaan
Friday Registration & Dhikr Hifz Qur’anic Hifz Revision
Saturday Registration & Dhikr Hifz Hifz Revision Fiqh

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 4

Our Brief Syllabus - Alimiyyah (Long Term):
Our Syllabus has been derived from the following core principles:
• Our children need ‘Tarbiyyah’ – a comprehensive upbringing based on knowledge of the Qur’an, Sunnah, ‘Hikmah’ -
the reasonable application methods of the knowledge needed to make inner changes of the individuals so that
prophetic characters become their habits and part of their natural way of life, InshaAllah.
• We apply constructive methods of development in our children and youth.
• We celebrate every single example of progress and achievement of our children.
• Our Syllabus is solely based on Qur’an, Sunnah, and ways of our righteous predecessors.
• Our ultimate goal is to support our children to become pious productive Muslims who go on to contribute to society.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Levels Qur’an Qur’anic Qur’an Sunnah Studies Imaan & Ahkamul Principles and Akhlaqul Tarikhul Productive
Safeerus Yaqeen Islam thoughts of Muslim Islam
Reading Arabic Studies Islam-
Sunnah Series Safeerul Safeerul Fiqh
Safeerul Usul
Imaan series Series Series
1 Elementary 100 Animal Stories about Articles of Basic rules of Frequently Love for Allah History of Creative
/Alphabets Qur’anic and bird Hadith Imaan 5 pillars of Asked (Duas) the creation works
words stories description Islam Questions
and by little
examples Muslims
2 Talqeen + 200 Stories of 40 Hadith Articles of Basic rules of Little Love for the Beginning Productive
Tahfeez Qur’anic Iblis and about Allah Imaan with 5 pillars of thinkers’ Prophet (SAW) and child at
Words Aadam Daleel Islam with thinking development home
Qur’anic ways of Islam
3 Makharej 300 Stories of 40 Hadith Tawheed Basic rules of Golden rules Love for Islam Prophet Productive
Qur’anic other about Qur’an and its types 5 pillars of about Imaan and Muslims (SAW) Muslim in
Words prophets and Sunnah Islam with before the the school
Sunnah Daleel age of 40
4 Sifaat Safeerul Essentials 40 Hadith Allah’s Details about Golden rules Self-respect Prophet’s 13 Discover
Qur’an L1 of Qur’an about names and Taharah and about and respect for years life in your talents
Part 1 Studies Prophet power all kinds of Qur’an others Makkah
(SAW) and
Ahle Bayt
5 AHkaam al Safeerul Meaning 40 Hadith Kufr, Shirk, Basic rules of Golden Islamic Prophets Develop
Madd Qur’an L1 and about 4 its types and foods and principles Manners and wives, your talents
Part 2 stories of khalifah, Nifaaq drinks about values children and
Sunnah grand
Surah great children
103-114 sahabah
6 Meem- Safeerul Meaning 40 Hadith Different Basic rules of Golden Personal good Prophets life Expose your
Noon Qur’an L2 and about Kabah, Beliefs dress, Principles qualities and work in personal
Sakina Wa Part 1 stories of Al-Aqsa and within jewellery, about Fiqh Medina skills
Nabawi- Muslims arts, and
Tanween Surah 90- Madinah and culture
-102 other holy sites
7 Waqf- Safeerul Studies in 40 Hadith Different Basic rules of Golden Social and 4 righteous Social skills
Ibtida Qur’an L2 Surah about Parents, beliefs and family, principles environmental caliphs
Part 2 Yaseen, children, its impact in marriage, and about Ilm qualities
siblings and our lives relationships and
Rahman relatives education
and Mulk
8 Rawm wal Safeerul Concise 40 Hadith Major world Meaning and Golden Characters of a Brief Muslim Professional
Ishmaam Qur’an L3 Studies in about elders, religions history of principles global Muslim history skills
Part 1 Surah sick people, (descriptive) Fiqh, Imam about jobs (regional and
neighbours, and, and global) till
Baqarah Imams and Madhahib professions 2000
9 Maraatib Safeerul Concise Famous Comparative Comparative Golden Dealing with Great Your skills
At-Tilawah Qur’an L3 Studies in Muhaddithun religions Fiqh Principles different Muslim in your own
Part 2 Surah and Hadith about problems scholars and projects
thoughts scientists
Aale books
10 Different Balaghatul Ijazul Sunnah as a Last Day and Basic rules of Great Extremism, History of Review your
Qiraat Qur’an Qur’an source of Ilm its signs Business, Muslim war and peace Muslims in skills and
and Shariah finance, and Thinkers the West projects
Each of the above topics consist of 45 lessons including assessment and presentation. Our team will develop all the
lessons, activities, and exercises according to this outline, InshaAllah.

Pre-sessional Arabic Course:

Any students entering into our Alimiyyah course will have to study an intensive Arabic language course for at least one term in
order for them to communicate with the teachers and fellow students in Arabic and confidently read and understand books
written in Arabic.

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 5

Admission Procedures and Policy:

1. Everyone must submit the SOM online admission application form

2. The office will send an acknowledgement email/message to the applicant with detailed instructions.
3. The SOM teachers will interview the applicant to assess their suitability for the chosen level and course.
4. Teachers may ask versatile questions to understand the applicant’s learning attitudes, abilities and family
backgrounds to determine the ways SOM may give utmost personal care to each pupil.
5. Teachers and admission team will decide whether a place can be offered to a particular child for a particular level or
6. SOM, under no circumstances, is obliged to provide the parents with the reasons behind their decision.
7. If parents are not satisfied with the decision, they can make an appeal to the Principal or the Chairman of the
Governing Body via a prescribed form.
8. Once a place is offered to an applicant, a deadline will be given to parents to confirm the acceptance of the offer by
paying the advised fees and signing an acceptance contract.
9. Applicants will be admitted to a class or course for at least one year or other full duration of the course.
10. If for any reasons SOM needs to withdraw the course or class, refunds will be made for uncompleted duration, but an
admissions fee may be applied.
11. If an applicant needs to withdraw from a class or course, no refunds will be made unless there is a reasonable
replacement for the vacant seat.
12. Applicants must follow the deadlines for application, acceptance, and payments. Failure to do so may result in the
offer being retracted.
13. Each applicant will have to meet all academic and behavioural standards of SOM in order for them to transit to the
successive year and parents have to confirm their continuation in writing, and by paying the required tuition and
admission fees.
14. Siblings will have a preference in admission consideration subject to the positive track records of the existing sibling/s
at SOM. A sibling is defined as a brother or sister, half brother or sister, step-brother or sister or adopted brother or
sister whose main residence is at the same address. This criterion will apply to applicants with a sibling living at the
same address who is already on roll of the SOM.

Assignments and Homework Policy

It is a well-established fact that simply providing lessons for students is not enough. Students learn in a variety of ways and thus it is
crucial that a range of other activities are offered to aid learning. With this in mind, students will have the opportunity to complete
extra work in the form of assignments, group tasks, homework etc. All work will be marked, and students will receive feedback
signposting them towards how to improve further.

Behaviour Policy

The expectations at SOM are designed to focus on positive action rather than what a student should not do. The expectations
are agreed actions so that there is consistency and fairness in all areas of school life.

However, we recognise that all students may have specific needs. Therefore, within this consistent approach is an element of
flexibility to address the needs of specific children. SOM promises to:

1. Treat all students consistently and fairly.

2. Support will be made available to aid students’ learning and behavioural needs.
3. Students will be encouraged to make positive choices.
4. All students will be given the chance of a new start throughout the day and every day.
5. All successes will be celebrated.
6. High expectations will consistently be maintained, supported, and promoted.
7. Students will always be listened to.

Exclusion Policy:

Whilst it is never the intention to exclude students, we recognise that at times, it may be in the best interest of all parties
involved to remove the student from the course. This decision will not be taken lightly and will only be made after thorough
conversations with students and parents alike.

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 6

Reasons for exclusion may include:

1. Serious breach of the school’s rules or policies

2. Serious risk of harm to the education or welfare of the students.
3. Any exclusion will be at the decision of the Head of School, usually in consultation with other members of the senior
leadership team and parent/guardians.

The decision to exclude

If the Head of School decides to exclude a student, he/she will:

• ensure that there is sufficient recorded evidence to support the decision

• contact the parents, explain the decision and ask that the student is collected
• send a letter to the parents confirming the reasons for the exclusion
• the length of the exclusion and any terms or conditions agreed for the pupil’s return

Attendance and punctuality policy

Safeer Online Madrasah is committed to providing an education of the highest quality for all its students and recognises this
can only be achieved by promoting excellent attendance. This is based on the belief that only by attending lessons regularly
and punctually will students be able to take full advantage of the opportunities available to them.

Attendance Policy for teachers:

Teachers will be in the classroom at least 15 minutes prior to the designated lesson time and must remain for another 5
minutes after the lesson finishes.

If any teachers are absent for a reason, SOM will arrange for a cover teacher and parents and students should be notified in
due time.

If a cover teacher cannot be arranged for any reason, a rescheduled class will be arranged, and students and parents will be
notified of the details of the rescheduled class.

Attendance Policy for students:

• All students are expected to attend all lessons.
• Students should aim to be present 5 minutes before the lesson begins.
• Any student who arrives to the lesson after 5 minutes will be marked as ‘late’.
• A persistent late attender will be dealt with after lesson detention or attending extended sessions. An extra
fee may be applied to cater for the exclusive lessons.
• Our attendance target is 100%. However, if the attendance falls below 95% in any two consecutive weeks,
students will have to go through our internal attendance improvements measures, which involves phone calls
to parents, one-to-one online meetings with parents and even penalties if it is proven to be deliberate
unauthorised absence.
• Excellent attendance will be rewarded by certificates, rewards, media coverage, and prizes.

Fees Policy:
1. All fees must be paid in advance.
2. Fees can be paid in two instalments should there be any genuine reasons.
3. No sibling discounts can be offered.
4. No refunds are available (If for any reasons SOM needs to withdraw the course or class, refunds will be made for
uncompleted duration, but an admissions fee may be applied. If an applicant needs to withdraw from a class or
course, no refunds will be made unless there is a reasonable replacement for the vacant seat)
5. Late payments will incur a 20% penalty charge
6. The fees for programmes are set out in the Prospectus, and SOM reserves the right to change this when required.
7. Payments can be made only when a place at SOM is offered to an applicant.
8. All fees, refunds, and credit notes are quoted and will be calculated in GB pounds sterling. Any international exchange
rate calculation or fluctuations will follow established procedures in the currency markets.
9. SOM reserves the right to different fee rates for different groups because of socio-economic situations and
backgrounds of the pupils.

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 7

10. Some programmes of SOM might be extremely popular and have a limited number of places, which may require a
non-refundable deposit to be paid in order to secure a place when accepting an offer.
11. Any deposit made in advance will be taken as part of the overall course fee, and not as an additional amount.
12. Tuition fees are charged annually at the rate set for each programme for the appropriate mode of study.
13. SOM may allow a student to take a non-standard study load and, in this situation, there will be a different tuition fees
14. All non-standard tuition fees are subject to the decision of SOM.
15. Students who wish to change programmes or mode of study during the same academic year will have course fees
recalculated for the full year of study based on the mode transferred to.
16. Students who find themselves in a position where they are unable to pay tuition fees at any time should contact SOM
immediately for advice and support.
17. SOM may introduce ‘Financial Support Scheme’ (FSS) for genuinely needy families, subject to availability of the funds.
18. As a non-profitable institute, SOM can receive donations, Zakat and Sadaqah money from any individuals.

E-safety Policy:

General E-Safety Policy:

1. All our lessons will be delivered on online platform, preferably on Zoom Cloud.
2. However, with the permission of the SOM management, teachers may use other platforms such as Google Classroom
and Google Meet.
3. Students must keep their videos unmuted during the lesson time.
4. Teachers will have full control over muting and unmuting the audio or videos of the pupils.
5. Teachers will be recording all the lessons for office and marketing purposes.
6. All the recordings are copyrighted and belong to SOM and not for individual use.
7. Recordings of teaching sessions are provided for limited purposes only for the cohort of students for which the lesson
was delivered.
8. The recordings, including excerpts, are not intended for release to or use by the general public, and may not be
published, disseminated, or shared in any format or media.
9. Pupils can be permitted to use recordings only for their own private study and non-commercial research.
10. Students found in breach of the usage policy may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
11. Recordings will be sorted on a secure cloud based folder accessed by the SOM or their own clients.
12. Recordings will normally be made available to students only during the academic year in which the recording takes
place; subject to Faculty Board approval, a longer access period may be agreed. Recordings will be retained for one
year beyond the agreed access period and will be stored and destroyed in line with SOM’s Statement of Records
Management Practice.
13. Recordings can be used by SOM for the use of continuing professional development or career progression
14. Students will not be permitted to access recordings after the agreed access period and an archive will not be provided.

E-Safety Policy for SOM teachers and staff:

1. Teachers should be in a neutral area where nothing personal or inappropriate can be seen or heard in the
2. Teachers must be prepared for all the lessons and lesson contents must be checked before sharing with the students.
3. Lesson contents must be transferrable to their line managers for further improvements or dispute resolution.
4. Teachers must not instruct students to navigate other sites during the lesson unless supervised by another adult next
to him or her.
5. Whether hosting or joining a livestream, teachers must receive consent from parents, carers, and children for any
images of or identifying information about the child may be used.
6. The online stream should take place in school time and on school premises and must be supervised by appropriate
adults at all times.
7. Teachers must remain sensitive to the needs of individual students, including deaf and disabled individuals, and
individuals who may be sensitive to certain topics or issues that may arise during the livestream.
8. Appropriate staff should supervise and be on hand to handle any sudden changes or upsetting developments that
may occur during the livestream.
9. Any one-to-one sessions, for example pastoral care meetings, should be risk assessed and approved by the school’s
leadership team (DfE, 2020). Teachers should be aware of taking any safeguarding measures if they are having a one-
to-one conversation with a student.

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 8

10. Teachers should use parent or carer email addresses or phone numbers to communicate with children, unless this
poses a safeguarding risk. Teachers should use school accounts to communicate via email or online platforms and not
their personal accounts.
11. Teachers should ensure any phone calls are made from an anonymous number so that personal contact details are
not visible.
12. Teachers should liaise with students regarding social distancing. Teachers should talk to students regularly about the
benefits and risks of the online world and give them space to ask questions and talk about anything that worries them.
13. Under no circumstances, should SOM teachers and staff use online platforms outside classrooms with their own
pupils or anyone else.
14. Teachers and staff should always use SOM official emails and other communication channels to communicate with the
parents and pupils.

E-Safety Policy for students

1. Students are not allowed to disclose private information to teachers, staff, or any other students or parents.
Safeguarding concerns should be raised within the appropriate channels.
2. Students are not allowed to respond to contact requests from people they are unfamiliar with.
3. During lessons, students are not allowed to use any other apps or sites asides what the teacher has requested.
4. Students should report to parents, guardians, and teachers should they see or hear anything upsetting or
inappropriate displayed during lessons.
5. Pupils are not allowed to create their own meeting rooms for SOM pupils outside the class time without the consent
of their parents
6. Pupils are not allowed to share their online IDs and passwords with any other pupils or adults.

E-Safety Policy for Parents/Guardians

Parents and Guardians are the ultimate responsible party for their children’s safety and wellbeing at home and during SOM
lesson time.

SOM Prospectus 2020-2021 9

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