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beyond flexibility

full body mobility

full body mobility
This Full Body Mobility Routine is super short & sweet. You can do it at home, gym,

anywhere! It gets your joints nicely warmed up and prepared for any movement that

you're about to do.

Are you heading to jiu jitsu?

Are you going to lift heavy weights?

Are you going climbing?

Use these as a warm up!

Also, feel free to use these just on their own. It will keep your joints mobile and


One round of these is enough, two is better :).

wrist circles

Sit comfortably, bend your elbows and

start circling your hands.

Nice and big circles, go slow or fast,

whatever feels best.

Repeat 10 times one direction and then

switch directions.
shoulder opener
Start in an Extended Puppy Pose - knees

under your hips and your arms stretched


Tuck your tailbone and bring your belly to

the spine, keep your hands pressing to the


Hold this position for 30 seconds.

After that, arch your back, bringing your

chest as close to the mat as possible for

20 seconds.

For the last 10 seconds, re-tuck your

tailbone, bringing the belly to the spine

while trying to keep your armpits as close

to the mat as possible.

lat stretch

Lie down on your belly, extend your

left arm to the side with a 90

degree bend in your elbow.

Lift up your right leg and roll over to

the left side.

Right hand is pressing to the ground,

helping you shift the body.

Find the floor with your right foot.

Stay for 30 seconds on each side.

squat to stand
Start in a Squat with your feet

shoulder width apart, toes pointing

slightly outwards.

Put your palms down in front of you

and slowly stretch your legs allowing

your hamstrings to lengthen.

Don't worry if you don't stretch your

legs completely, simply bend your

knees, but make sure to still feel the

stretch in your hamstrings.

Hold the top position for 2 seconds

and then come back into a Squat.

Repeat for 10 repetitions.

knee away

Come into your Deep Squat position.

Place your hand on your knee from the

inner side and try to pull it away from

the body as much as possible.

Your hips might lift up which is

completely okay.

Let it drop back in.

Repeat 10 times and hold the last time

10 seconds.

Change sides.
knee in and out
Start in a Deep Squat position.

Try to push the right knee as far back as

possible, lightly lifting your right inner

side of the foot.

Then drop the right knee down to the

mat (as far down as it feels


Do 10 reps each side, while alternating

the sides.

You can use your hands in front for


Make it easier: Sit down on your bum

and do the same movement with the

legs, just seated.

upper body warm up
upper body warm up
Use this before practicing your backbends.

Going through this once (before every backbends practice) is sufficient.

wrist circles

Sit comfortably, bend your elbows and

start circling your hands.

Nice and big circles, go slow or fast,

whatever feels best.

Repeat 10 times one direction and then

switch directions.
first knuckle
Start in a Tabletop position with your

hands underneath your shoulders.

Keep the fingers on the mat, lift up your

palms and then slowly put them back.

You can make this exercise easier by

bringing your knees closer to your


Make sure your shoulders are above

your knuckles, not behind, the more

weight there is on your hands, the

harder it will be.

Repeat for 10 repetitions.

shoulder opener
Start in an Extended Puppy Pose - knees

under your hips and your arms stretched


Tuck your tailbone and bring your belly to

the spine, keep your hands pressing to the


Hold this position for 30 seconds.

After that, arch your back, bringing your

chest as close to the mat as possible for

20 seconds.

For the last 10 seconds, re-tuck your

tailbone, bringing the belly to the spine

while trying to keep your armpits as close

to the mat as possible.

This backbending routine stands on its own or is a great way how to work on

your backbends during gym time or in between other moves.

Repeat these exercises 2 times (Go first trough all five and then

You can do one exercise after another but give yourself a bit of rest in

between these exercises and the sets.

I like to take this routine to the gym and alternate the exercises with

practicing handstands or other mobility / flexibility things.

Feel free to combine it with any lower body routine!

dynamic camel

Start in a kneeling position.

Reach for you right heel, making a half

circle with your right hand, stretching it

out and opening the chest.

When going back, try to round your spine

and then reach for the other heel,

making a half circle with your other arm.

Make 5 repetitions on each side

Make this easier: Bring your toes down,

so your heels are closer to your hands.


Come into a full Camel position.

Puff up your chest.

You can either drop your head back or

look towards the sky, whatever feels


Stay in this position for a few breaths,

as long as it feels good.

Make this easier: Put the toes down if

you need your heels to be closer to

your hands.
wall flexibility

Come to the wall, stand about a

foot and a half away.

Bring your palms and arms on the

wall, arch your spine and try to bring

your chest on the wall.

Stay here for a few breaths.

Bend the knees, slide down with your

arms and chest.

Try to stretch the legs again, the

upper body stays where it is.

Stay here for a few breaths.

dynamic wheel

Start in a Deep Squat position.

Place your right hand behind you (fingers

reaching away from you).

Come onto your toes, open your chest

and half circle your left arm so it endes

up reaching behind you.

Come back into a Deep Squat and do

the same on the other side.

Make 5 repetitions on each side and if

you feel secure, come into a full Wheel

this way.
Come into a full Wheel position.

Make sure your hands are about

shoulder width apart (not too close

and not too wide) and legs about

hip width apart.

Try to open your shoulders as much

as possible by bringing most of your

weight onto your hands.

Look up to the sky, this way you can

open your chest and shoulders even


Stay in this position for a few

breaths, as long as it feels good.

lower body warm up
lower body warm up
Use this lower body warm up before working on your front splits and middle


Going through that only one time is sufficient.

squat to stand
Start in a Squat with your feet

shoulder width apart, toes pointing

slightly outwards.

Put your palms down in front of you

and slowly stretch your legs allowing

your hamstrings to lengthen.

Don't worry if you don't stretch your

legs completely, simply bend your

knees, but make sure to still feel the

stretch in your hamstrings.

Hold the top position for 2 seconds

and then come back into a Squat.

Repeat for 10 repetitions.

knee away

Come into your Deep Squat position.

Place your hand on your knee from the

inner side and try to pull it away from

the body as much as possible.

Your hips might lift up which is

completely okay.

Let it drop back in.

Repeat 10 times and hold the last time

10 seconds.

Change sides.
prayer squat
Start in a Squat with your feet

shoulder width apart, toes pointing

slightly outwards.

If your heels lift up off the floor while

doing that, put blocks or books under

them for support.

Bring your hands into a prayer position

with your elbows touching the inner

sides of your thighs.

Press your elbows to your thighs

allowing them to open even more.

Repeat for 10 small pulses and hold

the last rep for 10 seconds.

knee in and out
Start in a Deep Squat position.

Try to push the right knee as far back as

possible, lightly lifting your right inner

side of the foot.

Then drop the right knee down to the

mat (as far down as it feels


Do 10 reps each side, while alternating

the sides. MAKE IT EASIER

You can use your hands in front for


Make it easier: Sit down on your bum

and do the same movement with the

legs, just seated.

front splits
front splits
This front splits routine stands on its own or is a great way how to work on

your front splits during gym time or in between other moves.

Repeat these exercises 3 times (Go first trough all three and then

You can do one exercise after another but give yourself a bit of rest in

between these exercises and the sets.

I like to take this routine to the gym and alternate the exercises with

practicing handstands.
one leg good
Start with your legs hip width apart, one

leg in the front.

Put a yoga block / books under your front


Try to arch your spine and slowly bring your

chest down.

Don't drop down too much, keep arching

the back.

Keep your hands at the chest.

For a harder version: Take a dumbbell or

any weight and hold it at your chest (start


Do 5 reps each side and hold the last one

for 5 seconds.
wushu head
to toe
Stand with your feet hip width

apart, one foot in the front.

Elevate the foot on books

/ block.

Connect the hands together

(picture for reference) and try to

tap your forehead on the thumb.

Do 20 repetitions and then

switch sides.

The hands are there for

reference, each day you try this,

try to go a bit lower.

front split prep

Right leg is stretched out in front of

you, while the other is bent.

Bring your hands on the floor or on

yoga blocks / books.

Slide down with your front foot


Engage your muscles and pull the leg

back into the starting position.

Repeat 10 times and on the last rep,

go into your passive front split.

Hold for about 10 seconds.

Switch sides.
middle splits & pancake
middle splits & pancake
This middle splits and pancake routine stands on its own or is a great way

how to work on your splits during gym time or in between other moves.

Repeat these exercises 2 times (Go first trough all four and then

You can do one exercise after another but give yourself a bit of rest in

between these exercises and the sets.

I like to take this routine to the gym and alternate the exercises with

practicing handstands.
Sit on the floor and spread your legs about 90


Either point or flex your toes.

Bring your torso down (as much as you can) and

then up.

Try to keep your spine straight, if your back is

rounding, sit up on something and go forward

only until your back is straight.

Make it harder: Place your hands behind your

head or have them stretched out in front of you.

Make it even harder: If you're in a gym, take a

dumbbell or a weighted plate (start with small

weights!) and do these with your weight on your

upper back - GAME CHANGER!

leg overs

Spread your legs about 90 degrees.

Put a book next to your right foot and

bring your hands on the floor next to your


The further the hands are, the harder it is

going to be.

Lift up your leg, bring it over the book

and put it down on the other side of the


That's one repetition.

Do 20 repetitions.

For an easier variation: Bend the other

1) active
middle split
This exercise has two parts.

1) Stand with your legs comfortably


Squeeze your butt as much as possible

and try to bring your feet apart (they

won't actually move, but your muscles

will activate).

Hold for 10 seconds.

Then try the opposite - try to bring your

feet away as much as possible (again,

they don't move).

Hold for 10 seconds.

2) Do the same as in the previous

exercise but go deeper.
passive middle split

Come into your Middle Split, as down

as possible.

Place your hands in front of you for

support or place them on something

(chair) if you're too high.

Hold for 15-30 seconds.

handstand mobility
handstand mobility
Are you working on your handstands or other weight bearing move? Then

these following moves are absolutely essential!

Do them before every one of your sessions.

One round is generally enough.

wrist circles

Sit comfortably, bend your elbows and

start circling your hands.

Nice and big circles, go slow or fast,

whatever feels best.

Repeat 10 times one direction and then

switch directions.
first knuckle
Start in a Tabletop position with your

hands underneath your shoulders.

Keep the fingers on the mat, lift up your

palms and then slowly put them back.

You can make this exercise easier by

bringing your knees closer to your


Make sure your shoulders are above

your knuckles, not behind, the more

weight there is on your hands, the

harder it will be.

Repeat for 10 repetitions.

shoulder opener
Start in an Extended Puppy Pose - knees

under your hips and your arms stretched


Tuck your tailbone and bring your belly to

the spine, keep your hands pressing to the


Hold this position for 30 seconds.

After that, arch your back, bringing your

chest as close to the mat as possible for

20 seconds.

For the last 10 seconds, re-tuck your

tailbone, bringing the belly to the spine

while trying to keep your armpits as close

to the mat as possible.

lat stretch

Lie down on your belly, extend your

left arm to the side with a 90

degree bend in your elbow.

Lift up your right leg and roll over to

the left side.

Right hand is pressing to the ground,

helping you shift the body.

Find the floor with your right foot.

Stay for 30 seconds on each side.

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