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Computing Raw Scores Chapter

and Obtaining
Derived Scores

llrc ljrsl p.rrl oi llns chafler crplaLns ho$ tu cl)lnputc all subclorrains lre locrtccLon the fronL p:rge ol
.u:d recor'cl subdonarn ra,,r, scores rtcn usLng ciLher thc lhc Scor. R€porL. (\ote \ hen lhe Score Rcpon rs
sur\rl Inrcr\ r€\\ Forn or rhe l'lren l/C:rrcgi\ er Rxting det,rchcd lrom the rccokl boolild Lhe scole bo\es
li(rrLr. Thr sccond pirt shorrs ho\'ro conle raw scorcs r.. I ,; | ' 1 .. i Lr.

Lo cicrl eci scoLcs lor thc subdoLnrins. cLomarns. ancL dctechcd, thc prgc \\,LLh thc scorc boxcs is the bacli
ldrpLiyc lleharior Cornpositc. and ho\\'Lo usc the Score page ) ln the approprr.rLc scoLr bo:i. rccorcl rn Lhr
RrporL included in d1e rccord booliiets ro organize thc space labeJrd lren Belbrc &lsal the nunhcr ol Lhc
ias! rrslllts arL] conaLuct Lhe interprcnle stcps ilelll lujl Jr(]Io,r Lhe ircl'i1 mrrked lr. (ll rht' basal rterr
is iLcn1 l. \'rte 0 in the spicc.) TLren mllltipl) this
Computing Subdomain Raw Scores nutrbcr bl tl'o ancl rtcord Lhc rcsult rn Lhc bor on
I hrs sccrion dcscribcs thc necessarl srefs to ohtain thc
:lr scorc lor each stbdomrin. Thcsc sleps assume that 3. Compuie the nrmber ofDK and/or missing items.
rhc rLdminjstrllion rules describe.l i. Chapter 2 \\'cre Fron thc itcnl mark€d I rlnollgh the ilem nrrlicd
i.llo$c.i. All rulcs l]rrsr be lollorvccl prcrisell because r. corurt ihe number ol LLr:ns Lhat arc cithcr scoied
Lhe nonrs arc besr:d tpon Lhe applicatron ot these rulcs. DI{ or-xre rlor scored Record lhis lornl ir lhe bo\
,\nl de\ iarion mit result rn invrlid scorcs fhe steps hbcLe.l DK and./or Nlissing Toral. l'or exerrplc, r1
dcscribcd beLou are illusrrared in Figure 3.1 (Surre)' onc it€m is mrrhr.l DK anal onc rtem is noL scorecL.
, .., L , )J Figure f .2 /l'. e 1.i..r\.- \ .. , .

R.ring I:orm) tJran 2. then that subdomain crrlnot be score.l.

(When ii subdomarn catrnol bc scorcd because the
l. tdenii$ the basal item and ceiling item. Lolil ol itcnrs scor'i:d DK or rot scored is lireiller
lir compure a ra\r scorc lor r subdomain, 1'ou must th:rn 2.1ou musL lollorv up Nrth Lhc respondent rcr
hrsL identi[y the basa] nem and the ceilLng itern ol obtarn the rnlormation necdcd to rcsrorr DK rtems
rhar subdomein. fhe basal irem rs thr lrgfi.sl il.nr or score lhose not scorecl, or proratc the subc rmain.
rn Lhe highest set ol lour consccutiYe items scorc.l Prornti.g is dinllssed letcr in rhis chapler)
2 For exarnple, il rtcms 3 Lhrough 1 i constrtute the
highcst sel ol lour conse.utive rtcnls scored 2, lhen 4. Compute the number of N/Os.
rhc basal itcm is iLern 11 Con\crscl,\r thc ceiling ilem From Lhe itcnl nurkcd l) rhrough rhc irem mari{cd..
lr' r.r', )r \-n.et ..lu
'iLens( scored
.r.errt'\c corLnt Lhc nunber ol iLens scored N/O and record
0. Ila bNel iLelll \\'as not.stablishcd. this tot:rl in thc bo\ labelcd N/O lblil '
Lhen the firsl rrem rn thc subdom:rin beconres thc 5. Compute the sum of 2s and ls.
basal ircm ll.r cciling rtem \ras not esLlblished, then Frcm th. itcrn rn^rked b through lhe irem merlic.l .,
Ihe lasr rtrrrr becon('s lbe cerling rten. On Lbe recorcl conryute the sum olscores orr itcnls scori'cl 2 or l.
lorm. nrark a b next to the besaLilem and r.nc\L lo ancl record the roral rn the box Iabclcd Sum ol2s
thc ccrling riem and ls.'
2. Compute the number of points below the basal. 6. Calculal€ th€ subdomain raw score.
\. \,. n.. t L, -.or.-,^\ [o \. ..r,un I Surn rhe nul|ltrs Ln the four'boxcs ancl rccorcl the
On Lhe SrLFr',r) lntcrview FoIr, the scorc bo\ total in rhc spacc lor the subcLdnain r^\\ scort
is locared ar the cnd ol LlT e subdomarn. on Lbe
P^rcnL/Caregn'er Rlting Form, the score borcs lot

Virrrlrnrl Il Chdl)t'(t 3 145

Figure l.l Subdomain raw saolei computed tor the Written Subdomain on the Survey lnterview Form for a child
aged 5 years. No basal was established, so ltem I becomes the basal ilem.

S+a.+ *.^
B&yL t).'*

Repo@ Oprion: 2- Usoally, I =Sometimesor Panially, 0= Neve., DK= Don't Know


d{r,r ii.s otr. 01 m,)r.lphib.t lllt.tr rs kn{ \

ird dntnrsuish$ them ironr numb.r. @ 1lt't b

2 Ro.o3n zr! o\vf fJrn. n print.d lord.

o r 0l,(

kl(,nlinrs Jr krrl l0
'" 1 ';"; ". r-j '.
printod lctrssoirh. rlt)hib.t
:'" " :: j" , ," ; r,r

Pr nls or wriles osn tirn rnd lan nrme from memory.

9 R.ids d €61 l0 wor.l, rloud
PritrG nr citr r0 s nrfl. \vod rioo ii.mory {ior cxnmpc, /r,t, hall,th.,.t..) t! ?

11 Rcr(ls slmj)|. sbrn s rldrd h

ltorn\ wilh *nr.na\.)lrhioc roIvo wo{lr).

P,ints sinrde s.frcn.es oirhrceo, tou sods;fuy nrke

! n.ll.no6 in sp.l in8 or scnl{'n.. nr!.lrtrc. !l' 2 r 0

t:a. 13 P.ifts morc th.n 20 wod! Inm m.jmotu; nrav Drkc sn.llspelLingemtr

!1 r4 Rcads.nd undcur.nds ni.t ,ialol,,r cisr(ond-g,ndc .v.l s 2l 0

&tu Pulg lists oi$ords in ilph.b.lnrai o d.r 6 a1

Wik's sin)pl. .otrespondcfc. .n e.n rhrce scikrces ois
iu.^- , m F.......t I t\^1n..,...,.,-, -
Relds,nl urde,slirds mnrc,ial oi?t icrniounh studc """r
Wrtls repofts, pape6, o' c$a,vs nt lcn5l onc paEc longi nay use complhr
I 21t
t9 Wrii.s.onrpl.tc Di lingand rcluin.ddr€sses on lettets or p..ka8c! .i,
& 20 R€Jdsiid !ndebtrnds nirer ilof il lcJst sl\th grrdc lele. * :10
Fd G or corccls o\vn !\riltcn 1!o.k bciore hi.difg il n 1idcrtrnrpl.,
che.ks pun.turlion,,pe ling, Bdnmir, cr..r
wlil.! rrllatrc.rl co(cs|)ondc.cc ar l.nst l0 scnl.nccs ong;
22 :1 1'
p 23 Rends trnd undefli.ds m.t€rinlor.t ci\ ninlh gnxle lcv.l
? 210
* 'i^lJlr''. $i l, l' o . o \i *
\\ r .. F Fl F.. , flrr,., pl
| ,..\.r 1., . mnL use

E -E

a6 | Choptn J C.),r'.).:l;n{ pau nrr:t !}crrr d ,r.rq,, Yinelaud II

t t;",0"0:fliJ:;il
' '
written.subdomain on the parent/caresiver
nrrng war established, Rarins Form
cerrrng item. *u?r";"J".irll'|,"
so the last item in the

Reading and Writinc


: ir

.1 .r 1

I r,. 1. j I ,.. r.L i;

l0 | !.. ir. l,. .

ix :r ..,i. 1r!
1,2 '""..II (:"\r'rl

l, r'r, lr.r' (rr:' ':1r ri

o +ICrn* t

o z5

O -t.'

ra\ / scores comPUted for the Written Subdomain
on the Parent/'Caregiver Rating Form
-: .-u::= i.:- Subdomain
'" ' in the subdomain becomes the
ceiiing item,

Rc{otr.c Oplion5r i -, .r \i i,,.r.1 n,. .i l'.rir .rl:\,

Reading and Writing


)2 o
O ffi


l, or 0. The sleps in Figures 5.3 (Sune)
Computing Raw Scores for the are illustraied
'rte^tc\' I o-.n),rd Fiture f.4 (P- ct L/ar-.gj er
Maladaptlve Behavlor lndex Raiing Form).
This seciion describes lhe steps to comput€ the raw
score lor the three subscales o[ the optional Maladaptive
I. Compute the lnternalizing raw scorc.
Compute the sum ofscores on ilems scor€d 2 or L
Behavior lnde\ rvhen it is administered for an rndividual
For lhe SuFeI lniervrerv Form, record this total on
eged 3 or older (On the Par€n/Caregiver Rrling Fom1.
the record form in the box labeled Internalizing Rarv
the lnrernalizll]g, Externalizing. and Other subscales are
Score." For the Parent/Caregiver Raling Form, record
labeled Section A. Section B, and Section C, respecllvely)
the total in Lhe secrion labeled "Problem Behaviors.
,{ rav score lor a ma]adapti\,e subscale can be computed
in the box labeled "Secrion A Sum of2s and 1s."
onii, il every itcm within that subscrle has a scote of 2,

Figure 5.5 lntehalizin& Externalizin& Other, and MaladaPtive Behavior lndex iaw scores comPuted on the
survey lnteryiew Form {or a child ated 5 years

Rc4.ncOtrio.s: l= lsuallr I =Someiimes, 0= Newr

t.vp rd+endrRr i ., rl,n8lu..Irg!.r trhe.lorher., n\i{

dh.^ i..l n.is! tu bc tr dn
Arc d\ @,.
rlrerng(ifntrr6 tdeirmp.,.rs boirn or i! \.tlr
hortlt bo(L ov.i( rc @,'
hA ndluer n'qhh&'
l.x dt{p
dq! ! B,
n i.rlrie\ 'i'n e{npl., !.er$nrk,
r.rnr y norc or l{\i rhrn Np.1 n} his or hrr ){. @,,,
R.td!.\ b go k'nlror o,$.
ri. i!\ oi qt{ r or or Li)irbi..r.
L.!c,l!rn:i{trb.,rt0od! @r,
*h.i sEak ii.rr&krn tt.
e l! rd rir n...rfcron @"
d! itr ir .i{r!), @"

h ln,ru siv. rh i!,,r6 ! rh.trrihinlLdri , O .

@" ,
&' 6!, t}l
lnrcnr oiilh nno,es rful es rrbse n .a


!,tr.ois d!totc.r i'n.i! M b !th(s @,

k t)h) s ( rL
]{ir,.s vc f,tr.xin} t,, hir!, [{k, b(c!..k i
srr!.onritri$i,,3rriiA!ori.lr.mhrrrngqu.nn,d. Iprbln
,nr,\inplc, "\atr ( nr' o, "whd\ 1D1bi8 r..lfi'n3.i r.!r o.'' 1 @,
1O sohAos dtrpDqrdrlr ir rhr oq,nA.r otltr'

18 | Chaplcr 3 ecmiruting llaw g{oret 3n{, Obtainio{ Deri!€d t{si€s Vinelard lI
Compute the Externalizing raw score. Caregrver Ratug Form, record Lhc roLxl in rhe box
Computc Lhe sum ol s.orcs on llents scorcd 2 or l. labeled Scction C Sunl ol2s and ]s '
For Lhe SuNe)' inler\.ieN Form, record fiis total in
4. Calculate the Maladaptive Behavior lndex
Lhc bor labeled Erternalizing Ran Score lor the
Pnrcnt/Caregiver Riting Form. recor.l the roral rn
,, L,,. -'"d..ro p., ..t l..rdt, For Ihe Sur\,e)' lntervicw Fonn. sunr the
lnternalizing, Exrenulizing, and Orher rlr, scores
3. Compute the Other raw score. and recold the roLal in rhe box labeled Nlaiaclapri|e
Comput€ th€ sum ol scores on ttems scored 2 or l Behrlior lndex Raw Score. locared ar the end ol
For thc Surret lnlervi€w Form, record this total in thc Other secLror, For the Paren/Caregiler Rerinq
the bo\ labelcd OLher RaN Score For rhe Paren/ Form, enrer rhc total in the box labeled _Problern
Behaviorc Rn$, Score '
Fiture 3.3, L!rlrrr.d

Rspo.p op.ioB: 2 = Lr allt

r 15.1ii(. ! r r qii,r., n.1l. r.r rl!,
r\ r(, rh,i !, i!) L a\ ) ,[i.! trr r], rr rur \rr.rl r! .r
lr.l.,h.nd i dtr.,.,) Ns nill 0r

.,fr. rr!..r r-r.* rhli orh A.r.D. ia,

r n\ {ri,.r. \lo,t lr!j.rl ro
ll,.,q)r.,1 ) q,h\ @,
\ m n.r kn r,1 lrn a q or!.r
\ r!.nr nftu or\irl
ro. !s o, d!..i'r p.,\ rur.n t), @'
Llr nor.f. g x\ r,1\r)-, ntrrl @,
thc \.un. $.{ rr nn,


'r..i , tit:1;:./:,;t ::...

\;rcLnd rl Chafl.r 3 t-.::a'.tt.rt,, ) ttaurat
.r...at .
Figure 5-4 S€ction a s€ciion & section c, and-probrem Behavrors raw scores
computed on the parenvcaregiyer
Rating Form lor a child aged 5 years

R6pol'r€ OptioE: 2=Often, 1=Somerimes, 0=N€ver

Arcids othe6 and prcfeG to be alone.
Has eating difficukies (for example, eals t@ fasl or ioo sl@ty, troards rood,
@ereats, refuses to eal, et .).
Hd, depdrfti. Llri6rfd eumpte {cepwall5. hds.requprr righh".@i,;A;
{gn'lkanrly mrcor lss tih ryprcatfor hts or h$ a@r.
5 Retusesnlo€o io $h@l d wo* b€.aure of tea,, teetings of rejection o;

6 ls dedy a.xioos or nevous. i

7 Cri$ o, laughs too easily. I
I Has poor eye co.tacr {rhat is, d@s not l@k ato, face ohets when 5peakinS or I
a9!"n t"! _,.
9 k sad for no clerr eaen. I
1 0 Avoids social inte.acrion I
11 Lacks en€By or inleBt in

lnteniionally di$b€ys and defies $ose in
4 Taunts, ieass, or bullies,
5 ls incdsiderate or ins€.ritive ro olhers.

It ph)5i@lly agg6s!!€ {for enmple,

9 Sals embaru$n8 thhS\ q asl's embd,a$in8 quedion, puOti. rior erimph,
"You'rc fdl," or"Whafstharbit ed ftin8on lour no*r").'n
10 Behav€s inapp.opiately at the wSing of othes.

2 Wetr H o. mustwer diapeB at nighr.
3 A.rs ov€dy famaliar with stranSe.s (d mmpte, hot& hand, hqs, siu on tap, etc.I ?

Hastic5 (that is, inwlunrary blinkin& hrirchin& head shaldn& etc_).

io I Ctdptdi Cotttpating Raw Scores afid Oht i.tiflg Oer,ved S<orcs tiine{and-II l1
Fitwe t,4, continued

R$pon* Option$ 2=Ofleo, 1= Sofretines, 0= Never

6 C,ind5lee$ durin8the day orniSht. a

7 Has a hrrd time payLn8Jncn on. a

I h nore active o. re3dess than othe6 of same a8e. a

9 U+5 school or wo* propen-! (ior example, leiephone lntemet acccse I

oflice supplies, etc.)ior unappoved peGonal purpose5.

11 Runs away (that c, is missinE lor24 hou6or lon8en.

12 h huanl from schoolor work.

13 lgnores or d@sn'l p.y afiention looiheu around hifr or her

1 4 U$s mo.ey o,8ifis lo "buy" a#ection.
: U*s alcohol or illegal druEs during the school or wolk day.

-,,j t
R6p()G Opfiors: 2=Often, 1= sometimes/ 0= Nevet S= Severe, M= Moderate

1 Ensases in inapprop,iate sexuil behavior (ior example, expote5 self, masturbatet
in public, makes inp.oper *r!aladvancer elc.).
2 ls ob*$ed wirh objects or aciiviles (for example, constantly repeals words or I
ph€ses, ir pre@cupied wiih nechanical obj4h, etc.).
3 ExpB*s ihoughc thar do not make sense (for erample lalks about hearing I
sens deLlsional, et .).
4 has et,an8e habits or wayr (ior example, makes .epetirive ioi*s, t
o.ld hand movemenq elc.).
s Co.5islenlly pefets objds to peple (for example, pays moe attention
lo obi€ts than to peple, elc.).
6 Dasplays behavioN lh6t cau* injury to sell (for
bner *li tea6 al skii, etc.).
Desroy5 own or anolhe/s pos€$ions on p!rpo:e,

Uses bizare rpech {to. example, has conveRtlons

in ph.as€s or *nlences lhathave no meaning,

9 15 uflawareof what is happenins around him or her

in a "tog," sia16 blankly, elc.)-
l0 Rcks back and fdnh epeatedly.

11 h unusually fearfrloJ ordinary sou.ds, objeclt o,

12 Remedbe* odd infomation in delailyeats later

r5 ls unable rocumpletea no,malschoolor $orlday
chonic pa:n or fatiltue.
1 4 13 unable to (omplere a nomal s.huoi o, work day

Eneland lI Chaptet 3 Compuling Raw Scores and Obtaining Derived Scores lrt
Figure t-5 Front page of Detached Parenvcalegiver Rating Form s.ore RePolt

v'-*.M-an ParenVCaregiver
Rating Form Score Report
Chronological Age: l, - iL- ZO Assessment Date: Z - 1> M,
HrFhest Crade ComDleted:

Data from Other Tests: lntelligence:

Adaptive Behavior:

e r00i Acs tubL'lms 1lLn|br r?^rd. rtuludhi hn-irn a.\ Ptrbl,jli nA r i trrlrn ( riJ md. Dm! ot An$un
s.,.".. h. \" p,n d"",r-r.4 blt dttr(do.r$iM.d $.nvromnr lrt:iritu:Bvtrlro 'fu v trti p'mriion ';ulJrt
.rrt.pdbLtsh{ "ah'.
lr,hr.locDfl$r i! nor idld m trl fl hhll I|trorxnn sniland fraI h. rtr Pnfl'lr1t

F$ ru{litri b$lhrs, &tu rcs r$l shr{ 4rt sNlhnd bad. artrL |r^.: \l\ 1jor4 17e6r cll bll fr. 300r2&)jN

PUBLISHIN6 I'rdunNunrtr rlLrll

52 t chaptzr 3 Computing Rsw Scores and obtaining Derived Scores Vineland II

Table 3,1 Summary lnstructions tor Obtaining Derived
Completing the Score Report Scores lrom Tables in Appendixes B and c
scalron llhLnratcs thc sLeps necessarl'to complete Derived Scoi€s Table
:.J Srore Repon ol borh tlre 5Lln.) lntervre{'Form lnd ! t.. c !r!r.! nn r(Jt)ln. I
::: P.ucnL/C.rregr|eI RaLrng Fonn loprci arc organi:.d b.hr! or n'lroi[.s l]ig. lrr
:.:,.oordi Lc \ilh rhc rctlr:tL scqucncc olconplelrng St.rn(l.r ( qo(s riv iditlrv. lj l
. : m.:h\ r.Lual-s repol. lrorn enLcrng Lhc indiliduals bchdr or.lomi n! Pige I rt)

rr n r' . ' r.:p rr'\'c Sl.rnd.r. r.orc rorA.npri\t ll2

ol the dolrarn and subclomaLn scorcs &hivioConr)osilc P.r!..r10
l..r .r lull clescrprion ol thc qpes ol scores used on Lhe
:r:l.r:rd 11 Sun c1' lLrms :rn.L horv to inlerpre r th.m.
:- rr lo Ch.Lptcr'l Cofr {1.f.! nre rr \ ror C.l
5ub.lom.. ! s.Jl.,5ro !\
C*ver Paqe Corrrlofc. irl.^i s ntr C2
. r thr SrLr\'r) llllcruc$, I-ornl, thc co\.r oJ lhc n,Nl,tr(ls.oA lor in.pL \. Png..lil
-.-i.:.h.iblr +-pug. Scorc Reporl pro\idcs spice for \c lrdrnvitr C.nrpo\il.l
: -.rjfclin!i rhc in.h\'iclu^Ls name. .hronological r8e.
\.rlio.i r{{orl l. rn.ls C l
: .r..t (il .rppLicable). .rnd hi,thcsl gracle complctc.l (il .r xlni. n.s id ndip {r erg!:i.l
_jrirciblc): the rsscssnenr .:lute, the ri'spondenl: neme:
. . I i,rj ..rt)riv. Ln ulntr aon|os l.
.. : r rrorcLecL on rhe iront cor cr ol the rccord booLlct, c.l
.rlipl \c brhrv.i domi ns P.go:5:l
- r:.r in{ r1 on Lhc Scorc RrporL aLlor s 1ou to dttach
: . Sc,.rc RcporL lrorn thc rccord bcthlct ancL lile it
..''^r' .1. '. r'.I ''rii\'
:.::inq lifm, thc co\ rr ol lbe Score Rcpofl pro\ idcs
.:'.i.. lor rccordinlli.ientrlying nrformirtr,.n as lell ,rs
. :ii|ullr1q:rnd rccordinllsrLb.lomrin r;lw scorcj (see
Figu.e 5.5) Thr. drsign climinatcs Lhc nced lor score Conr.lef.! irn. !i ! br
:,t. rn fic rccorcl bookl:t r here thcy mal conlusc
_ ii.nr.Llr rrr.givers complcung Lhe lbrm
Mnlndipt\e ld. ! kt C7
Mn ndit)trc B. rvio ltl.r
Scare Sunmsry Page PnBe.li6

5ubdomain and Domain Scores

:: s s.ction ol the Score SunlmxD Pagc ProvLclcs space Somc scorcs aliilable onl,v lor subdclmans amL
: r rurrdrng rl1 ol thc dc rilcd scorcs corresponding orhers onl) lor donuins Ce11s al(: sh.rcLecl dark 9a1 Lrr
: :hc sLrbdonrarns. don.rins. and AclaPlLlc BeL)a\'ior lndicrlc that :r scorc is noL iiLrlc lhrt Lhc boxes
^\.il,ible scorcs corrcsponcl
- ..1rposLte Tllc cLeriled s.ores are arrinlled on Ll1e Score lor Lhc Aclipti\'e Behavror Composrtc
: .irm.1rl page ln thc order olcommon use, $'ith the ro rhc colurnn headings in dns seclion. and that aLl lhe
..Icr ) . . r.,o' ..r. rlcr'tr rtr r' cleri\'ed scores rhat c.n be obtain€d lor the domarns cill
: nbtlrLllrng these derived scores are prescntccL belorv in
:' .1.' . "'. .n , tl.c d.t't . B.\'\" aUr ^'
: : r.;Lmc order. Table 5,1 pmricles a sunnrry ol lhese Nloreoler, nore thrt wl,en;L headLng ill the Subdomair
xnd Domain Scores scction corresponds t\.rct\ to ;1
' '-.ng rr\e\1.t,d,-r\. B.l . ,or tl.''. '.
(c g., ConlicLence lnL€r\3l) the instructlons below
ippl) -%
!o thc nrrlx.L^pri\e section as Nell. Figure 3.6
rlrJ. ror It,l '_e<; to,*c

\ irrhd ll ChaPtn 3
Fig!re 3.6 score Summary page

Dr,o 19",5-1 .",

Conf, ',l,il€
Adapiilr tquila-
As" Scor€ S(lrength)

DOMAIN S.nr€ Inl"!!:l RinL ler.l lcnl \li.im Medta," w(erlnes)


n -3'



PLay and Leis!rcllme

Coping Skills

3A +,


lumof Domaio
strndards.o,ds -r;1 |
b.1.Ltii th. nvlian
Adaptivc Bchavioi Composite 93 e1 z, a'I* )

Rnw v-S.ale Coni.
s.nr. s.ore lnlew.l Level

- Mcd.n < l0
lflcr a /in8 5ubdomain Stie.grht

Itemsl(ll( rrl ilcn\{tfdl.r ,rxl nrlrrl.llrrr.!. il!

l.: 2 1, 4 ; t,. 7 iJ 9. l0' ll 12 ll I'l ,

ita I Chalitr J
Raw Scorc. RIN scores ,1pp1) onlt to sub.iomarns .lnd each donain. compute rhe sum ol its subdomain 1' scrlc
:..rladeptile behaliorsubjcxlcs. lb lacrlirete xccuraLe scores and record ir on lhe line labcled Sum FincL
.rsl,rr of rhe sulxlol11air r:Lrv scores. Lhe subclomains thc stirnderd score corrcspondrng to thjs sum ol \ scalc
ir:.1 donains are presente.l irr the slme order,rs rhe)' scores bl usrng Teblc 8.2 in Appendi\ B. Frrld Lhe pnge
i:rrr..rr \,ilhin Ihe re.ord lbrm rn.l on dre lrcnL cover of o{ Iable 8.2 lorLhe rrclilLclualls chrorlc,logical rqc, und
::i. Pirenr/Caregiler RrLing fc)mr Score Repon. Transler lollot thc same procedure clcscribed abole rn thc r'-scalc
..or. l.n t.' b-l m. t -"'- t score sechon to obtain thc standarcl scorc.
'. \ ilocrLcd in Lhe recold Iorm or on rhc colcr prgc ol
r: scorc Repor0 thc appropriate bo\ rn the colLrmn
lo obtaLn the,\.laprrYe DehevLor ComposrLe. ILrst,
: Lo
conrpure the sum ol lhc clomain stanclard scorcs and
.. tle.l Ra!\.S.orr.'
record lhis tor;Ll in the boi.labcLed Sun ol llonain
i r ilr rniladeptL\e subscrlles. Lnnsler lhc Inlernillizll1S. Stardlrd Scores, locatcd jusL brlow dre Subdonrirl
::r'rr.rhzin!1. and \lala.lapti\.d Bcha\ior lnde\ mN scores an.l DomaLn Scores teble for rndiricluals egccl birLh
, :hr approprieLe bo\es in the colrlln labelcd R.\r lhrough 6 11. sum thc domarn scores lor aillrnu adaptLrt
:.rr:. As dcscribcd prt\rous\i on d1c Parenl,/C.Lrcgi\ e I behr\ ior domains. For inclniduals rged 7:tl and ,rlclcr,
:.:imr l:orn thcsc scalcs,rrc labcled Sectron ,\. seclion B, sun rhe Comrnunrca on. Dail) I r\rng Skills. ancl
i:.l l)f(rblem Bchaviors fxw scores, rcspccri\'el)i Socrr|zalion douein scores. (llo not inclrjde Ihc \loFr'
Skrlls Dom^in score ar lg.s 7 rnd older.) lher, usc lable
r-Scale Scorc. Lach subd,rmiin ind nrhclaptr|e lJ2 ro converL thc sum ol domain strndrrd scorcs Lo Lhc
ior sllbscrlc rav scorc hrs a co[espoLrdu'I8 l, scaie A.lipnle Beha|ior Composne srander.l srorc Recor.l thal
.-.,:,: \orm: tabies lor thc subclonrain r,-scalc scorcs ate laluc in lhe xPproPrjaL. ]ror ir rhe ro\r'labeled Aclaptr\ e
'r'riclr.l lor 9+ agc rrngcs, each occrLp),ing a pagt o[ Bchalior Compr)sire.'
:rrl. B I in AppendL\ B \onts L:rblcs lor the rna]a.laptiYt
- ::-r\ ior 1 sc.rlc scor es rr. pl.)\ i.lccL lor lLYe egc r .uges Conf. Interval. ConljdcDce inrerrals shoulcL bc

' T.-Jrl. B.3 The age rirnge rcpnsentcd b1 each palle rs -% lor v scalc scorcs an(L slllnclarclscores I hrce
:r: irrld rn thc top lelt conrer ol the prge lelels ol conIdcncc arc proyr.Le.l: 35 percent, 90 ferccnl.
;u1cl g5 perccnt Belirre conlplcting this colrilnr. chr)osc
.. obriin lh€ \.scalc scorc lor tach subdom.rin. firsL crne ol these Lhree conlidence lelcls and recorLl thal \riLrt
'..r1. the pige 01 Tible B.1 thaL corresponds to the rr1 bhnli space rt fic top ol lhe colunrn For mosl
',ll\icLuxl! (hronoLogical aElc find thc indn idu^l! purposcs the xutlmrs reconnncnd using the 90 perreni
:-:bdomln ra\\,scorc in Lhe column lir that subdomrin. conliclencc 1e!e1. Appendiri C prolrdcs thc nlll1ldric:rl
....lal ircross tl1€ ro\!'ro obt.un Lhc corresponding r'-scr1e \alues used t,:r consuuct conlidence rrnerr:rls Usc Tabie
i,.rr. .rnc[ record ir in Lhe approPriNle box in ihe C L krr subdomiin 1, scalc scorcs. lrble C 2 lor domain
- rirLnn labcled ! Sc;rle Scor.. Rcpext ihis procechue and Adaptl\,c Beha|roL Colnposite sLirndard scores, ancl
:-,r each subdonain lher1, repe:rt thc proccclure lor Table C 6 lor maladapue bcha\ior r scal. sc.rr.s. Io us.
::i. naladaptilc behr\ior ri$ scores (lntcrnalizing. rhese rables, lirsl locare Ihe age rheL c..rresponds Lo the
: \ i.nl;rliu rng, lncl \,lala.lapii\ e Beluvior lndex), using ndiliduels chronologicrL.rge. l hen, read acros. the ro\\'
: i. .rgc-appropri.rt. page ol Table B.3. ro Jind the conlLdence'inteNel \'aLLLe lor thar domain or
subdomain and conlidence lel.el. Rccord the velue in
Motor Skills Domain: Gross and Frnc lloLor
the lorver corner ol lhe appropriatr bo\ in the collLn
sLlbdomain v'sca1e scores are supplied I;r in.lividuals
bdNlcen the iges olblrih lnd 6:t I and between the
labeled % Conl. lnter\'al, ne{ to rh€ '+/' s)'lnboL.
Rep€at this procedure lor e:rch subdomaLn. maladaptLlc
igrs ol50 and 90 For indilidurLs between the ages ol
subscele, dornain, and the Adxpti\'e lleha\.ior Composite.
; ind 21. an esLimared \,-scale scoi: can be obtained For con\enience, thc valnrs corrcsponcling to the
by using Lhe v-scaLe conversion tabl€ contspondin€i
90 percent conlidencr lclel arc pnntcd at Ihe bortom
r., Lhe 6:9 through 6:11 age range Iror individuals
oi edch page ol fie norm tables lor subdoLn^rn ancL
bctrvcen the ages ol 22 and 49, rn €stimat€d v-scale
eol'rr. maladaptive behavlor r scrle scores
.^r..dr\ ob..r grhr
Lablc corr€spondtng to lhe 50 throllgh 54 age range. Next. subrract the conldence inter\.al raluc lrom each
5ee Clupt€r'1 lor i cliscussion ol the xpplopriate rLse v-scale score or sLandirrcLscore to obrarn the lorvcr end ol
ol Ihese estimatcd Nlolor Skills Domait scolts. rhat confidence inien'al. dnd add lhe va] e to th€ score to
obraln the uppcr cnd o[ the interla]. \liiie the rnterlrl.
Standard Score. Standard scol:s are prorided for the
as a range, in rhe approprirte bo\ rn rhe column labckd
,L.rn.rins and the AdapLi\c Behayror Composile For '_% Conf Interval \ot€ thrt $ hiche\'cr ol the lhree

\ ineland It Cho[t't:r.9 155

confidence le\'els is chosen. rhe same level should be Stanine. The linal derived score included in the
used lor alLsubdomerns and donuins. Subdomain and Domain Scores table is the stanine. Use
table C.3, also usecl to obtain percenlile ranks, to lind
%ile Rank. Pe!:enLile ranks are provided lor domain Ihe stanine that corresponds to each domain stendald
standard scolts erld the Adaptive Behavior Composite. score and the Adapti\.e Beha\.ior Composite. In the table!
Becausc the relationship betrveen percentile ranks and
standard score column, locate rhe value that corresponds
stendald scores ls th€ same lor every age group and to ihe indiuduals slandard scores Read across the row
o rll dol r-. crlp.\a"fl\eBe\r|orConfo>le to the column labeled 'Stanine and record that value
you can refer to;ust one rable. fable C 3, Io lind in lhe appropriate bor in the column labeled Sranine"
rhe percentile rank corresponding to each slandard on lhe Score Summart page. Repear rhis procedure lor
- ore . - .l.carc h rrd rJ""ls JanJdro..o.. rr each domain standard score and the Adaptive Behavior
the table Then. read across the row to lhe column Composite sundard score.
labeled Percentile Rank." and record this value in the
appropri|re box in Ihe column lebeied '%iie Rank.' Maladaptive Behavior Clitical ltems
Repeat rhe procedure lor each domain and the Adaptiye
In Ihe area ofthe Score Summarl'page labeled
Behavior Composite.
"Maladaptive Behavior Crirical hems.' circle rhe irem
Adaptive l-€vel. Adaptile levels provide a means number ofeach item thal was scored 2 or "1" on the
1o describe an individuals perlonnance usrng terms Maladapti\€ Behavior Critical lrems section ol the Surle)
rhat are nearly universal. The Vineland 1l defines five Inlerview Recold Form. ll the Parent/Caregiver Raring
adaptive levels for subdomain and domain scoles and form used. crrcle the item number o[ cach item thal
"r'rs _l" on Problem Behayiors Section D.
the Adaptive Behavior Composite: Lo\rr'. Moderaiely Loiv, was scored'2" or
Adequate, Moderately lligh, and High Use Table C.4 Addirionally, lor each item circied, circle "S (severe) or
.M" (moder:lle) to indicaie rhe severity ol
to clelermine lhe adaptive level corresponding ro each lhe behalior
r' scele score and sLandard score. ldenlify Lhe score range
that includes iilc indi\.idu^l! subdomain or domain
Strengths and Weaknesses
score, and record the adaptive level that corresponds to Thls section olthe Score Summary page alloNs you
rhar range in rhe appropriate box in the column labeled to evaluate an individual strengths and weaknesses by'
A.laptile Lelel.' compa ng his or h€r performance on subdomains $'ithLn
a domain. and by compadng his or her perlormance on
Maladaptive Level. The maladaptive subscales each domain with that on each ofthe oiher domains. in
rnd ihe N{aladaptrve Behavror Index use a different general, three steps are required to deiermine strengths
-r)srem lor describing an incliYiduals maladaptive and rveaknesses: conputing the individual! median
p I n.n.clerel: cor 'r.ringJrrhreeLdregofle, score either olthe subdomain v-scale scores within e
-\'€rage. Elevated, and Clinically Signilicant. Use Table domain, or ofthe domain standard scores; subtracting
C 7 to obtain the maladaptive l€\'el that corresponds the median lrom each o[ the subdomain r,-sca]e scores r..:
to each maladaptive v-scale score On the maladaptive domain standard scores); and comparing the dilferenc:.
beha\'ior section ol Lhe Score Summaly page. record to the siandards established lor subdomain and dom'r:r
rhe maladaptile level in the appropriate box in the slrenSths and weaknesses, $'hich are described in the !:-
column labeled Level. ' section below the Strengths and Weaknesses iable on i:a
Score Summary page.
Age Equivalent. The age equivalent ola subdomain ra$'
i ore repre cn ) ll e dte r w\rc\ '\.rl s.ore 5 r\' -g Calculating the Median Score. Order the
Because age equivalenLs correspond to ra\r, scores, rirhich subdomain r, scale scores rvithin a domain (or thr
are computed for subdomains onli', age equiva]ents are domain standard scores) lrom smallest to larg€.r
not given for domains. To obtain the age equilaLent Ne.li. detennine the median. Use the process
corresponding lo a subdomain raw score, use Table C 5. described below that corresponds to the nurnbe: -'
Scan down the coiumn for a given subdomain until you ordered scores.
lind ihe individual! subdomain raw score, and read
across the rcw to the value in the age equivalent column. a When two scores are used (e.g., lvhen com:::r::
Record that value in ihe appropri:lte box in rhe column \e Lr-os,and Iroe Moror>kill.5rbJom,ln.. : .
labeled Age Equivalent. Repeat ihis procedure lor each median is determined by summing the t\! rr s:-_::i
and dividing the sum by two

5s I Chalter 3 {&Erpulint t?r11, 5{*{e1 .*d *ttl&,$iqg ,eri!,ecl s{liree \ in.iaco li

\\h.n thrce scores fle rised, the medirr is the srores lcl subcLornair r scale scorcs ,\ graphic LlisPLr)
rnrckile score. olscorcs proYicles a snapshoL ol.rn rndirrclurls 1e!e1 ,rl
dclapiiYe luncironing and is a uselul \';r) Lo dcpicL.ur
\\ - IiJur !cor€5.' , I lt . lndnidual:s luncrionrl as:ers ind Lirh.its \1orro\'cr.ln
.al.rLlalrd b) sLrmmin!1thc rmddlt lvLr 5corcs and
rn.li\ iduirl-s graphlcal score prolile ma1 bc comparccL to
cLrliding rhe sum b\ t\o protorlpical prollcs lron clinic.rl groups as .r mcLhod t.'
\.r iprce js pro\ idcd on thc Score Sunmrry prge l,rr impro\ c classilicNrion
!.mDLrrirlg Lhc ln.dian ll r1cccssarl: rlsc scrrLch papcr
.r rhLr $'hiLe s-!l:rce to meke thc calculation Repert Completing the Score Profiles
rl.rs )rocess lor r:tch sel ols,rb.lomains an.l krr The Score Prohle page c(rnlains n\r) prolilei: Lhc Dolnain
tf r:loueins. -lhe
: Scolt PruliLe lrncl rhe Subdom^rn Sco-e prolile
1,rll)rrLng scciiors clcL:ril thc ncccss.rr; sleps ro corllplcr.
cornputing Differences. Usc thc column lilbcled
crch trolilc Figure 3.7 and 1.8 illusrrxrc complcrcd
:.o!. \linus \lediin ro rcrord the dillcrencc o1 D.rnlarn S.ot incl Subclomarn Scorc Prohlcs. rrspccLncll
.rch srbclomarn r scrle score (or domain strtndarci
..olc) liom the mcdiln For subdomeins, subtircl Domain Score Profilc
:.rr rlccliln \ scelc scorc lor Llut domaLn liom each I Fronl rhe Score SuDnrury pagc, Lranslcr rhc
:-i'rrl,: uin ! scale scor..:rnd r.cord each chittrencc inch\idull! domiin rncl.\daptL|t Brhauor
. 1.rot - \ ! -o' r l. r"o rr, C.:rmposire srlndiud icLrrcs and con{idencc er\ ali i
-. b , .r l' .d J,r... ro the rpfroprLatr lLne in the conecl columu on the
.::lil,:hrd score lrom cach domri1r sLafclird s.ore Score l\olile page
'.r' I n1l -." ,,r.,'.1
r)! ') on thc approprialr line
ComposLte. placc a mrrli .orrcsponding to thc
Strength or Weakness. A sulrdorrnirr is consrclerecl ''' '.d '. J. ' .3.
'!' r. ,. I rl '.. grlph linc.
.:Jrlrr Lhrn oI e.rrLal to +2 Srrnjlarl)r a suDdotlditr L Place e mark correstondLng o c:rch crd ol thr
: .Lrn,(iclcrcd a \'eilkness il the dillcrencc hon thc
.onli.lcn.. inrfl\il
rncl drrken rn Lhr :rrc,r oi
r:r:Crin is less th:rn or ecturl lo 2 (e I , :I dillerence rhc lin€ beL$cen thc L\\o cncls ol Ihe con1L.L.nc.
'' '' \ \dor
-,,r-.-:.ltrc.l r sLrcngrh il thc dillircncc lrcm the
:i:.'dr:rn is greaLer Lban or €qual to +10. Sirrilerl)t a Subdomain Score Pro{ile
,lol,tdi,r rs consil:lrred e \leakness iI thc dillcrence lron] l. From rhe Scorc SrLmmaD D^qe, trenslar the
:hJ mcdian is lcss th:rn or equirl Io i0. on lhe Score indirrclual! subclom.nrl r.scalc scorcs and
:-innary pagc. mark an S Lrr Strcnglh or mark I \l' conljdencc inrcrrals lo rhc approprLatr: l re in
:.rr- \\rakncss on the |ppropriatc linc in Lhe colunn Lhc corrict c.tumn or1 tJre Scorc lrohle pagc
'.r; '\' 'l r I 'un I
2 for erch subdon.rn. plice a marli eorri:sponding
!.'r rdomrin js ncither a strcngLll nor a Neakness, lea\€ ro lhc oblainc.l r,-sc^lc score on thc afpropnrtr
: . line blanl(. graph Lne

Sr:r:: l>rn{i!e Fag* 3 Piace an:rrk corrcspondlng to each encL ol the

conhclencc rnrerlal ard dlr[cn the erca ol th. Iinc
:. >.ore Prohlt prge ol the Scorc Repot a11ol's yon berNecn rhe nvo encis r)l lhc confidence inter\.a1.
-r..ohic.rlll rlisplal an inch\idual:.lonxjn stan.l:rr.l

. ,,,l.,rtl ll tthapttr 3 t57

Figure 3.7 Conpleted Domain Score Profile

Domair Score Prolile

e6 ab-e+

: L44Z
a k *1.
,t,ti,Ltl,l,t,it|ll ,t,,1
l ll

Figule 3.8 Completed Subdomain Score Profile

Subdomain Score Profile

. 9c$

t- Eab

I L ]2:9
: -!L.9:!
m -LP:&

-L 9:E
16 t7 13 19 m21 72 13 rt

58 | Chabtet 3 Computing Raw Scores and Obtaining Derived Scores Vinelaad II

Pairwise Conparisons Page Il the Motor Skills Domain was adminLstered lor en
individual between the ages o[ 7 and 49 and in estimared
The Pairwise Comparisons page. the last page ol the
standard score was obLained, do riot use rhe N,lotor Skills
Score Reporr. allo$'s you to make statistjcal analyses o[
Donuin in the compadsons.
lhe score diflerences betrveen pairs ol subdomains and
:.rirs ol domains, including wherher the dil{erenccs Subdomain Pairwise Comparisons
:re sraristically significant and rvhether they occurred
Subdomain pair\rise comparisons compare lhe ! scale
:nlrequently in rhe srandardizalion sample.
scores ol subdomains wrLhin a domiin. Additionally, Lhe
?.Linvise comparisons can be conducted three $'ays: user may compare the v scale scores ol subclon,ains lron,
rr comparing domain standard scores (lor example, dillerent domalns. Listed in rhis section are live across-
:.mparing Communication and Socializ^tion scores); domain comparisons that may provide meaninglul
- . rr1 ;nr g,.lbd. . or. .
', tlrr o
rnformation about related areas ol fincrioning
-.,Inain (lor exanple, comparing Personal and Dom€stic Additionai space js provided in Ihe across clornain
!i.rres \\'ithin the Daily LNing Skills Domain); and by secLion to lvrite in oiher ircross domain subdomxin
:.mparing subdomain \, scale scores across domains comparisons. es desired
:or erample, companng the Expressive score lrom the
:.rmmunicatron Domain wrth the Coping Skllls score Completing the Pairwise Comparisons Page
-,jnr rhe Socialization Domain) The loilowing sections descrlbe ihe steps lor compleiing
pernvise comparisons. The seciions ere organized to
Domain Painruise Comparisons ,o rrJc ' tl th o'n l-.-drlrrth. P.rn,.,
,-.rr individuals wbo \vere assessed on three domains Comparisons page Follorv these steps to complete both
:nmmunication, Daily Living Skills, and Socializaiion). dor "r p"r-" .c .^rrl ;n or s and r , r l r rr r>p
::ree domain pair\|'ise comparisons are possib]e For comparisons, wh€Iher within domain or across-domains.
:. .rrdu"l' r' 'o $F . d- ..q. d o r d 'otrJor.rr , /S." Fiture f.9 lor .rs-rmp'c.or p-eredP'.r*r.e
.:\ donuin painvise comparisons are possible. Piease Companson page )
:..r: rhat admininrallon of rhe Votor Skills Domein is
::ir.rnal lor individuals beLween the ages of 7 and 49.

\ inel;rnd II Chapto 3 l,,,t t?tttit ?, Xav': .i.etrt efid {}rta,*$1t; t}rti\'.4 at.*'. | \9
Figure 5.9 Cornpleted Pailsise Compadson pag€ for a child .ted 5 years 4 lnonths


Domeln com
Daily Living Skilk tb
Daily L'vins Stills

Oaily LivinS 5kills

subdonalD corr

lnte.pe.sonal Relationships

lnielpeBonal Relation5hips

Selecled Acro$-Dornaln :
subdoDaln i


60 | Chaptcr 3 Computing Raw Scores and Obtaining Derived Scores Vinela -II
Standard Score or r-Scale Scote. :. :-...,..: -r:i: FLrr rl,rntlrn conp:r\sorrs. crtcr lrblc D I arcl loc: e rh.
LLril- t-ritiLr:1s rla.
..i..:,'r:,.,i irrrii l..r.t.11 I
!Qi. Srorr. (lor

- .. : . r.i.rd lh. .rpl)Jo|nerr scorc lor tht dom:rn

.. .,iort.ur: Lo iLs left (scc Figure j.9): rhc lourilt
{, r.qurl rI Lhc veluc rn rhc r.rblt Lhcrt rhc
,ijrrritrr thrn
drJlcrcncc rs srrniIcant ]t.ro(l.r rhccli
.:::r:s Lr..d lo r..ord thc,rppioprrrr. rDrrk |r thf
scor.. lor rbr ipt)r.|rirrc bo\ lI rhc.o Lrrrn hbclccl Srnl Srgn
i:ir ni nrb.ln:I:In ro ir5 r.ighl Irronr thc Srorr Lc\i.1.
. ll Lhc rllcr.ent rs rirrr sigrrhcrLnr,l*vr- rhc
:::r.rrr p.r.$ Li]nslcf (h. lrdr\ i.lu:Ll! 1 sc.ric ,,,.i,,,fr,),-'
scorr\ l''.r''
IL, slLbcion rn conrp:irisors.loL,:lle
rr .iolnJir .ornlrr is,.rrj r|.i I
th. |.rn ol Trbl. D l
- -.nnt.tLJt !t)mt):lllsL)its
n:.rlc s.orcs lor Lhe '..

.- :ii ri)nrbol ii)r >(rsgrc.rlcr thin).<(r. l.sjlhrn)irr

= : t(iri.1i tol lo rr(ii.,ric r hcrher rlrr: scorc rrcorclrd ro '.1
.lr {r1 1 tLj .olulrrr rs Lr.llcr thin. l.ss I har. or .qu:rl
) , : l.....
c .rr . hL ,rrJc inr.rsecliof )n rh. shrrlL:cl iuc.r bclo\\ Lhc ch.re ril ol
iiand.rd Score Diffcrence or v-Scalc Score ,.
)iffcrence. ComNLl. thc ciillcrcr:cc b,:Lrrctr rhc

- -,rhrnn hbclc.cl Sr.1nda,ci Scor.L.Dillcrcncc 0or
'::rr romilrin)ns).r r,Sr:rb 5corc Dillrrr.nce ([]f ,, ., .,.,,.,
'..|Ijn rornp:tis(,lls) CorrpL!c tht drJlcrcrcr lor
- : ronrp:rrsor bcri.l midc I requcno ol Dillcrence. , I n
taristical Signilicance. Thc ncrL stcp rs Lo cr:rlurtc .1..,
:- ii.rl rlr.rlsi!ni|cenc. oi rht clillercncc compuLccl ' . Ji. ,.l r'
r : rr fr.rjous it.p lrirsr chooscc|hdrrh.0lie\rl I "/ , ,.1 .D,
': r rlI lcvrl. Thc lcrcl choscn sh,:uklbc rppliccl
For clornirrnsl:ornDrdso!]s, c\.ic\\.lib]c D 2 ar.l locftc
. iilibsequi.nl .o|rplrrj(r s. rorh clorrarn.tncl l":
'....lr.r:f tn tfc.{rlunrn laLelcd SraL Srqn lcrel . .,.^,.t., .: r.r '
- ,u
_ / LJ : l\.1 \
\r . ,.1 .D ... ,,. r
, '''.] ,
.. 1.. .... , i
o,i .i .,. t.. ...i ..
' Lrl ur; .i..r
.t .. ._r r. i. I (r .J
' '" :
,.. ..
. :
,, r.c lomDirisolrs cln be ma(lc, thc
''i t. , . 't..
plob.rbrlilv ol rn!, n r-r)rLLl [rr!l rtD c]|]r.r
: .r1,. .r, .i .ii .1,.. .. l'or subclonains. relre\ txbl. D 4 ard locrLc
. ,.b\....

-..Jd lor siirlsLrcil srgrrlicrncc

iL ritc |= tlt ln.l rll
.,., .9
..i rllcr In;lliinlltbcBonlcrortnr corrtjcLrou krr l5 , . , r , ,! ,,. .
::i.r'ison: Srgri|clncr \.rlues wlll.hrng..lcpcrcllng \ailic
J, :,.
o1 rhc,:iillcrcrcc rccorcl.d lor rhrL.ortpafjiln. R.]d
:r:.. rlLLmbcr ol romperisons Thc rurhors rrcornrencl
:-.t Lrbl. D i fur l0 conp:rrisons or mor-ei lor lc\cr
- ill liblc D.l is rccorn cn.le(1.
I r.- i...,'
, . :' ''
| ,.., ri.r .,r
- L !l
t t., I :.,...,r,.,,....,..,.,r
''... dr. ln . .,r.u Lu,ll , .,

L.i:,r,rl lI Clttl't, t t
Prorating The procedure for proraling is ro compure rhe sum ol
lhe r-scale scores on rhe two valid subdomains ol the
Someiimes a subdomain raw score cannot be computed
domain, and multiply rhar sum by 1.5 (rounding up)
b, . au.e n^-e \dn luo ilem< rr rl e *ere
'ubdomam to obtain the prorated sum o[ v,scale scores lor the
assigned a score ol DK (Doni Know) or were nor scored.
domain. Then proceed in rhe normai lashion io converr
In such a case. the examiner should arrempr ro obrain that sum ro ihe various derived scores. and include the
the missing inlormation by conracring the respondenr.
prorated domain score when compuling rhe Adaprive
ln lhe rare situation where it is impossible to score the Behavior Composire.
missing items. ifthe unscorable subdomain is pan ol
a domain having three subdomains and the orher rwo Mark P on ihe Score Summary page next to lhe
subdomains have valid scores, the domain score may be resuhing domain standard score and the Adaprir.e
estimated through prorating. Prorating is not permitted Behavior Composire standard score to indicare that
if the entire lorm contains more than one unscorable they were prorared
subdomain. Also, prorating is not permitted for the
Motor Skills Domain, or the other domains at ages Do not use the prorated domain score in any analyses
where only two subdomains are administered. of strengths and weaknesses or significant differences.
When idenrifying domain srrengths and weaknesses, use
as a reference point rhe median score on rhe domains rhat
are not prorated

62 | Chafter 3 Compltint Raw sco(es and Obtaining Derived s{or€s Vireland rI


{lter obtaining an individual! prolile olstandard scores Stsndard Sceres

on the Survey lnierliew Form or Parent/Caregi\.er Raling
The Vrn€land-ll uses slandard scores to describe an
Forn, the examiner shoulcL sysrematically int€rpreL
individuals overall funcrioning (i.e.. ihe Adaplile Behavior
rhe scores This chapier oliers a step-by-step approach
to inL€rpr€Iing global aclaptive lunciioning as \vell as
Conl^"1., r,\el r,"r,o l. le.e
in each ollhe edapule bebavior domarns A standard
nore specilic adaptiYe lunctioning in the domarns and
score rells Lhe distar,ce o[ Lhe individual! ra$' score lrorn
subdomains. lt includes:
the mean ra\i.scori. taking inlo accounl the st,rnclard
describing the sundard scores in lerms oftheir de|iation (degree ol|anabrlrty) ol the drstribution o[ ra['
.o oe r.e rr. r.al. -rnd t'a_.. rr g
r. rr ,rto scores Like a percentile rank. a standard scorc relates one
other metrics (such as percenLiLe ranks) to laciliiate lcr,o ferlo_i .rce orheper .r r,.l.. ol "p.r r.,r
.'r r.rLni.dlnr\\r''prr.rr.urolher.'eg. r. relerence group. ln rhe case of the Vineland-ll, this
relerence group consisls olorher indinduals olthe same
idemifying the indi\'idual\ strengths and r,r'eaknesses age Unlik€ percentile r^r,ks, horvevel a dilference o1 a
bodl wilh respect to others ol tl,e same age and certarn srze betrveen trvo standard scores represents the
relaii\'e to the individuals orvn overall level ol
saLre amount ol dilference in abilLty regaldless ol\\'here
adaptive lunctioning the score lal1s on thc scale: thus, the distance betu,cen
For a complete descrrption ofdomain and subdomarn slandard scores of 75 and 90 has the same meamng as
cc'nLent, see Table 2.1 Chapter 5 conlinues the the distance betrveen scores of 110 :rnd l2i.
rntcrpretive process by discussing the score patterns and
On the Vin€land-ll. as on almost all other individually
profiles consistenr with various disabilities and disorders.
:ldministered assessment instrumenls. the sLanclerd
score scale has a mean of 100 and a standard devialion
Vineland-ll Derived Scores ol 15, and score djstriburions lbr the Adaptive Behavior
Re$ scores on the Vineland-ll subdomains are not Composite and domains have been nonnahzed (put
. 11 r'e pr.tab c. Bc.ar'e . nr''l
rbdo into the form ol a normal curve) Th€ range olslandard
dillcrenL numbers ofitems, are not equally dillicu1t, scores thai is within on€ standard deriation ol ihe mean
hav€ unlque groMh cllrves, and produce wiclely varying in eirher direclion (i e , irom 85 to 115) jncludes about
disiributions o[ scores, ralv scores are not comparable 68 percenl ol the individuals in a gilen age; ihe range
lrom one subdomain to the n€xt. Even within a within two slandard deviations below and eboye the
I t. ul-'r ,uhoon-:in. rr\\ >Lo-e- do nol \ mean (70 to 130) includes 95 percent, and the range
rvell because the same rarv score may be high or lorv w hin three srrn.lard .leviarions below and abole the
depending on the indilidual! age. mean (55 to 145) includes 99 percent ofthe population.
The Adaprive Behavior Composite and domains ol
P'r -.or.< rl_ereore r. Jrobe,^.1\e.ed onotnt t\e the Vinehnd ll have a maximum range ol20 1() 160,
or derived scores with uniform neening lrom age to age
or fom about 5 slandard deviations below the meen
.rnd lrom subdomain to subdomain. For lhe Vine]and ll
to 4 standard deviations above the mean. The Score
Sur\'ey lnlerview Form and Par€nt/Caregiver Rating
Profile page ol ihe Score Repo (included in ihe Surley
Form. six dillereni normative scores ale available:
Inlerliew Fonn and Prrent/Caregiver Rating Fonn record
:tandard scores. v-scale scores, percentile mnks. adapti!'€ hooklets) shows a normal curve and indicates where
le!€ls, age equivalents, and stanines.
various standard score values fall on the curve

\ inelard Il Chal)to 1 ttLt pt 4"'t1t Ur:/i,:, t'

',. ' l 63
V-Scole Scores Percentile Ronks
The Vrneland-ii uses a type o[ standard-score scale called Although standard scores have excellent psychometric
the v-scale to describe an individuali relative level of properties, ih€y frequendy are not understood by
functionin€! on the subdomains and on the subscales ol parents, teachers, and others interest€d in the results
rhe Maladaprive Behal.ror lndex, compared ith others of an evaluaaion Thus, additional ways olreporting
ol the same age. V-scale scores are related to the scaied pe- o r,n,e ler el- r_e recessary lo. .on nL lrcJur g
scorrs olmany other tests, which have a mean o[ ]0 and a re,ult, Pe-cen.^le r,nk..an ld.ill,ate.\r,.ommunr.atror
standard de!'ration of 3: rhe difference ls that Vineland-I] because they tend to be readily understood by most
v-scale scores have a mean o[ 15 and a standard deviation people. Regardless o[ the domain, or the age ol the
ol3. This higher value o[ the mean is impo an! because ndrr'dua per,e' e Jr.r\on\p) .e.nrener'rrg.
adaptiYe behavior measures are olten used with very rhe percentage o[ people whom the individua]
low lunctloning individuals, including those with ourperformed in his or her age group. For example,
mental retardation or autjsm, creating the need for finer a 15 )'ear old who scores in the 84& percen[le in rhe
diff€rentiation at low levels ol perlormance. Vineland-ll Socialization Domain performed better than 84 percent
v-scale scores range from 1 (4% slandard de\'rations ol other 15-year-o1ds on ihai domain
belorv rhe mean) to 24 (3 standard deviarions above
For rhe Vineland-ll, percentile ranks are available lor lhe
rhe m€an). Like slandard scores. r,-scale scores display
equal units across the full range ofscores; dTus, the
Adaptive Behavior Composire and the domains. but not
for the subdomains. The reason is that the units o[ ihe
distance between !-scale scores of 10 and lJ has the
percentile scale exaggerate the precision ofthe v-scale.
same meaning as the distance between scores of J and 6
The ! scale covers with 24 poinls the same range rha! the
The normal cun'e shorvn on the Score Prolile page ol lhe
percemile ranks cover with 99 points; thus, each v scale
Score Repofl also indicates rvhere various v-scale score
scorc reprsents a mnge o[ percentile ranks. Furthermore,
Yalues lall on the curve.
lhe size oi that range vanes depending on the location
on !h€ rr-scale For example, a r,-scale score of 15 is
Confidence lntervals
represented by rhe percenrile ranks lrom 43 through 57.
Because all assessments are imprecise to some ln contrast. a r scale score o[ 23 and a r,-sca]e score of24
degree. examrners need to apply the standard error both correspond to a percentile rank o199.
ol neasurement (sEM) whenever they interpret and
describe an individuals performance. The SEM may be A maior limitalion of perc€nti1e ranks is thet, unlike
LhorLghr ol as rhe average dilference bettveen individuals' slandard score units, percentile rank uniis are nequal.
obtained scores and their true scores, that is. lhe scores For example, a l3-year-old child obtains a Daily Lilang
rhei \\ould oblain ifthe assessment instrument wete Skills standard score o[ 85 and a Socialization slandard
perlectl,v accurate The routine application ol SEMs to an score o170. with percentile ranks of 16 and 2, respectively
indLYidual! obtained sundard scores encourages a less Another l3-year-o1d child obtains standard scores o[ 100
rigid inlerpretaiion o[ the actual va]ues €arned and helps and 94, with percentile rank o[ 50 and 34. respecrively
thwart misinterpretation and test abuse ln these examples, the dillerences in percentile rank are
.. nilar. bul rhcre ic lirrle .imilanty rr the d kre r.e. r r
Placlng a band olerror around an obtained standard standard scores. Even though the di{Ierence in percent e
score or r-scale score creaies a range olscores (called ranks ls larger in the second example, it corresponds to
a conJidence intel.'al) th,.t has a certain likelihood a 6-point standard score diference; 1n the first example,
o[ including the individual! true score. Because a rhe percentile rank di{Ierence corresponds to a 1 5 point
conlidence inten'al is a function ol lhe reiiability ol the standard score difference. a difference that is more than
domain or subdomain. it is usually dilferenl for each age twice as large. For this reason, a good rule ol rhumb when
Conlidence inlen'a] \'alues for three levels of confidence interpreting perlormance scores is to check standard score
(85,90. and 95 percent) are presented in Appendix dilferences first.
C. Table C.2 for the Vineland-ll standard scores and
Table C.I for subdomain \, scale scores. The higher the Adaptive Levels
conlidence level, lhe wider the band oferror. Users may
In addition to the various t)?es ol derived scores
select any ofthe three confidence levels. but ihe authors
reviewed above, descriptive categories provide examiners
recommend the 90 percenl conlidence le\€l as being
wiih another tool for communicating test results to
suitable lor most applications.
individuals being assessed, rheir parenls, and teachers.
The descriplive categories used bt ihe Vineland-ll

6a I Chapterl totcrPretrns Periortnanle Vinelard II

ii.scnbe levels ofadaptive perlbrrnance in the domains indi!.rdual who is being assessed. For example, an age
:i:ld subdonuins. Broad ranges oI sLandard and ! scale equilalenL o[ 7:10 (7 years l0 months) on lhe Reccpll\'e
:.Lrres can be described using ihe adaptive 1eve1s ol High. Subdomain indicates IhaI the individual! r^w score
\h.leraiely High, Adequate, Moderately Lo\l': and Lo$l corresponds to the average rarv score lor indivrduals aged
7 years l0 months in ihe standardization sample
Table 4.1 presenis adaptive level descripiions that
,.rrespond to ranges o[ standald scofts. r]-scale scoris, Age equivalents leave much to be desrrecl because
,:nd percentile ranLs. Thes€ descriptions express in words ihe scale units ale unequal. One tear3 grofih has
:he approximate dNtance ol the score range lrom the age- a very diilerent meaning al dillerent poinls in lhe age
:rr)up mean. Adaprive leyels are delined by the standard continuum and lor dillereni areas olaclapLive behayior.
-.:\ rarion, lv h lhe Adequare level corresponding Lo rhe For instance, children acquire conmunication skills
:...ng€ lrom one stanclard deviation below the mean to more rapidly between the ages ol2 and 3 rhan between
-ire standard de\ution above (i e., ihe middle 68 percent Ihe ages ol l0 and I l; thus. a 3-year-old who obrains
.i scores). Mocletately Low js deljned as I to 2 srandard nn age equivalent ol2 years is lunher behind his or her
-:.r ialions below the mean. and so lorth. age mares than is an I l-year-o1d rvho obrains an age
equivalent o[ 10.
l-i.rptiye leveLs are best used to summarize an
::rirlidu^l! overall lelel ol luncrioning (e.9., the adaptive Age equi\'alents ar€ general\' considered subordinate
:r.l lo1 the Adaptire Behavior Composite) or io ro per,clrl.
"n.'ardde.. p.\e.. et.'r..ir
.r.thlight noleworth)' discrepancies among the domain the communication ol LesL results Because ol therr
'-bJ.rm.rn ' orc- Wher u.rr grhe-ecategone, limilations, age equivalents should be used sparingly
..ommunicate an indi\'iduaL's perlormance on the
Table C.5 in Appendlx C presents age equilalents
-:-.reLns and subdornains, it is wis€ to locus mosily on
:::rihcanrly hrgh or lorv scores as a means ol clarilying correspondrng to subdomein ra['scores. Age equi\,a]ents
::r or her strengths and rveaknesses arc'ror p|o rd. J tor re do . r) o .l-e qq,pl !e
B€havior Composile because age equivalenls can be
Table 4.1 Adaptive Level Descdptions compuitd on\'for raw scores The rable sho\\'s ho$.the
relalive concentration o[ adaptive behavior ski]ls \\ithin
a subdomain coresponds to chronological age. For
exanple, in the Receplive Subdomain, mosr raw scores
correspond ro age equilalents between 1 month and 3
years L1 monrhs, indicating ihai many o[ d1e adaptive
behaviors are developmentally appropriat€ in the age
range. On the oth€r hand, raw scores in the Wrilien
Subdomain spread more evenly across a broad range,
rellecing the persistent, sleady growth ol wrirten skills
across the school age years.

ln se\,elel subdonains a change olone raw score pornt

Age Equivalents corresponds to a largeiump in the age equivalen!. For
-:: equl'alents comn,unicate readily to many peopl€ e-nple rn rh. ler,oral > rodon a rd -d s.ore r.re,i)e
:..r are unfamiliar with staristical conceprs. when tor 7l o 72.ore,fo_ds o ar ;ge eqrr'--er t rr .re:.e
::Jrpreted carefulll age equivalents can provide ofabout 2 years The erratic relarionship betrveen rarv
::rrmation beyond wha! is expressed by standard score and age equivalenl underscores lhe importance o[
:--.fai or percentile ranks. Holvever, they also present inLerprering age equivalenis with caution.
::.:liticant problems of misinterpr etarion and should be
::rd1ed carefully. Stanines
Stanines are whole-number scors that rang€ lrom I to
:rough age equivalents ar€ norm-relerenced scores, q. Stanines have a mean of 5 and a standard deyiation
:-:r diller lrom standard scores and percentiles in ihat of2. Each stanine score represents a specilic range
:i:r: purpose is not to indicate where the individual's
ofpercentile ranks. Stanines are typically used when
:: ., lcore lalls in relaiion to the distribution o[ scores
discussing perlormance levels in broad, rather than
: i,.lhrr indivlduals olthe same age. lnstead, age
precise, tenns.
:,:r:\.1lents indicate the age level at which the average
:r:.rn in the population perlorms the same as the

\ inrland II Chapt{ I \nter?r*i',}g P*rf!}rffirtr | 65

Levelsof the Maladaptive administered and estimated Gross and Fine Subdomain
v scale scores may be obtained by using lhe procedure
Behavior lndex described in Chapter 3. For individuals between 7 and
Similar Io rhe use o[ descriptive calegories in adaPlive 21, the estimated scores are based on the perlormance ol
1cve1s. Lhree such categories help describe performance the age group 6:10:0 io 6:11:30 in the standardization
on InierniLizing, Externalizing, and lhe overall sample. For individuals 22 through 49, the esrimaled
\hiadapti\'e Beharior Index. These categories convey th€ scores are based on the perlormance ol the age group
degree ol maladaptive behavior an indiridual displays 50 through 54. When reporiing estimated scores,
!nr I. \\r' ), lcr.lhe,,rm€ "d. t rh notr"trre
en the user should emphasize that they are estimaies ol
sanrple lhe three 1eve1s correspond to the following performance on\ ll the estimaied scores indrcate deliciLs
ranges ol r scale scores: in performance. a more comprehensive evaluatjon of
motor development is suggested. such as the Bruininks-
Levcl v-Scale Score Range Oseretsky Test-Revised (Bruininks, in press)
A\'erage Below 18
Elevated 18-20
lnterpreting Raw Scores Neal
zero or Near the Maximum
Clinic^1ly Signillcant 21 24
Raw scores al or near zero or the maximum should be
The Maladaplive tsehavior lndex is best used as a inierpreied with ceution. For some subdomains, the
screening device to determrne th€ need lor lurlher. l
relarionshrp between rarv scores and scale scores may be
in deprh observations and evaluaiions ofbehavior. lt puzzling. The delelopmental nature o[ these subdomains
is not lntended to be a comprehensive assessment o[ produces litlle ranablliiy in perlormance lor some age
maladaptive behavior groups. For example, in the Domestic Subdomain. few
beheviors are acquired at very young ages, and you
A lev€l olAverege suggests that the individual displays may lind rarv scoi:s at or near zero corresponding to a
about the same number ofmaladaplive behauols as most \' )(r e -Lo,e ne:rr rl-" ,re.;gc ,lue o[ l5 Trur ( ,rron
individuals ,\n Ele|aLed level indicates the individual ofthe lower halt of the v-scale (\,-scale score < l5)
exhibirs more maladaptive behaviors than 84 percenl of inhibrts dillerenliation between adeqrate and less
rhos€ ihe same age in the standardization sample. When ' rd.l-adequ e l. \.t ol ,d-rpr.,e oe\aoo' [u .' rrorirg
.. clre -rrhe Ll,\, edrr.g" ,obened. lhele'l rl.'n' Similarl)', for certain older groups, raw scores at or near
scored 2 or I
should be reviewed to detennine the need the maximum correspond to r,-scale scores of 15 ln
l..r lollo{ up evaluations and obsen'ations. A Clinically these siluanons truncation ol the upper hallollhe v-scale
SignLlicanr level indrcates the indi\idual scored jn the inhibits dillerentiaLion betrveen adequate and nore than
e\lreme 2 perceni olindividuals the same age. and adequate levels oladapLive behavior functioning. These
sddirional observalion and eraluation is waranied. p\enome ra'elo,r tl'c la,t rhat brro.l'gp dSe..rerolc
a lair]y common raw score and. lor older ages, the highest
Interpreting Estimated Motor possible raw score is common.
Skills Scores for Ages 7-0-0 to
Age equivalents determrned lvlth raw scores at or near
49-t l-50 zero or at the maximum should be interpreted with
Standard scores for the Motor Skills Donain and .aL or. r. Jer"lopmenral nar e oIcubdomrin
\ ->Ldle (. oreq lor L re G o.' and f rre >rl,r.lon.rtr, rre perlormance is also evident jn subdomain age
available in Appendix B. Tables B.l and B.2. lor trvo equil'alents. If a rar. score ol zero results in an age
age ranges: individuals birth ihrough 6 years, and equivalenr higher than ihe indivjdual! chronological
individuals 50 through 90 years. For the first age range. age, this means rhat the individual is below lhe age at
motor development as measured by the Vineland-ll which the typical indiudual begins lo perlorm behaviors
Survey lorms shows the substantial growth expected in in that area. Similarly, i[ a subdomain raw score at lhe
early childhood; lor the second age range, motor skills maximum corresponds to an age equivalent lower than
begin to show some decline. However, because ofthe the individuals chronological age, he or she is performing
developmental nature ofthe Motor Skills Domain and as well as possibte in the behaviors measured by that
subdomains, there is liltle variabiliLy in perlolmance lor subdomain, and is not perlormingbelow age 1evel.
individuals aged 7 Io 50t rhus noims are not provided
lor this age range. lla motor dehcit is suspected in
Finalll when reporting domain and subdomain adaptive
levels. be aware that a subdomain raw score ofone or
an individuai between 7 and 50, lhe domain may be

66 | Chnpr,r 4 r'rrc"|'etrr'l rrFr":'.{'"'{. \inreland lI

polnts may sometimes result ln an adapti\,e level
:.,t, Lr
Step 3. Describe pefiormflnce
--: \loderarely High or High. if a large proportion o[
:.a non, sample obuined a raw score ofzero or one. in the subdomains.
i::i:ler\a a subdomain raw score that is one or two Repo( the subdomein l,-scale scores, confidence inlerva]s.
: .lnts below the maxlmum may correspond to an adaptive levels and, i[ appropriate, age equiva]enis.
:-:ptrvc level ofModerately Low or Low, il most oflhe
' : rnpl. Jtl-a dg lurcd near lhernd\lmun Step 4. lnterryet the pattern of domain
standard scorcs to identify
lnterpretive Steps strengths and weaknesses.
:rdivrduals level ofadaptile lunctioning can be The Adaptive Behavior Composite has the limitation of
:-!:.s.d b)'comparing his or her perlormance to thar any overall summary score, namely thar ir can mask quire
:: -.:rers ol the same age in the nadonal sundardization diflerent levels ofadaplive lunclionug in the domains.
.::::rlc In addition, one may invesligale dillerences Therefor€, it is important ro invesrigate the pattern of
:::: rg an lndividualS domain stendard scores, or perlormance in the domains on the Sun'ey lntefiiew
::: rg .ubdornain v-scale scores. thus comparing the Form and the Parent/Caregiver Raiing Form.
-:.r,Jua1\ peribrmance in one area lvith pedormance
.::Iher area These methods and others will be Three methods ol evaluating the paltern o[ domain
:.:::lred in the interpretive steps belo\q which are standard scores are descnbed in this seciion. Th€ lirst.
-: r..rblc to all age groups. Steps I through 3, which which js recommended lor routine use, is to identify
::::re rhe individuals overall performance as well as domain scores that are substantially higher or lower
: :: her performance rn the domains and subdomains. than the individual's o$n average domain score. For ease
': ::>cnrid. Sreps 4 through 6, which profil€ the ol compulation, the average is defined as Lhe nl.didn
- .:url! strengths and rveaknesses, are recommended domain standard score. that is. the score thai is in ihe
: ::: as are provided lor lwo individuals ol differen! middle il the domain scores are put in order ftom lo$est
-:-! ,r.sha and Michael. to highest (See Chapter 3 for instruciions on ho\\. to
deiermine the median score.)
Slep L Describe generol
Another benefit ofusing the median is that rhe median
adoptive functioning. is less influenced than Lhe mean by unusual scores. Wirh
. - ::ouires the examiner ro obtain lhe Adaptive onh th-eeortou_.,o_e" on nbunng orh",ompu-lcn
:. _; .:: Composrte standard score and conlidence umrsual scores can have a substantial elfect or
: - :. The eraminer nlay also choose to repon the interpretation. For example, il the v-scale scores lor the
-, - ::.i percentile rank, adaptile level, and sianine. three Socializatron subdomains were 12, 13, and 19, the
median would be 13 and the mean would be 15. Typical
' : -1:i measure ol adaptive functioning rhe perlormance lor this individual in lhis domain is best
--r ' : B:halior Composite slandard score may be deccrrbed by rhe t"o lo pr <co_e!.q:rf l0_ppre.cnrirg
-,: :-.rtunction \\'ith an estimate ol intelleclual an unusually high score. In the evaluation of strengths
'. :::rg to decide whether an individual should be and weaknesses using the median, the subdomain wirh
-,. .- rh mental retardalion, or qualifies lor Social the score of 19 would represent a strength and the olher
: -: ].ebLlity lnsurance or other special program.
trvo subdomains rvould neither be characterized as a
-' -,:;:::\'e B€havior Composite is based on all ol the strength nor weakness. On the other hand. i[ the mean
r - , - :..r) domain, and so it is statistically the most were used as a measure o[ typical perlormance. then the
:! . rmrle o ddrp r\e lur rionint
two lower scores wouid be cbaracterized as weaknesses.
That characterization would contradict what appears io
9p 2. Describe performsnce in the be a typical score for that individual.
adoptive behovior domains.
When comparing each domain standard score with the
: ': Adaptive Behavior Composite, examiners
median, a difference o[ 10 poinls or more is considered
' -l . donrin sland.ird sLore, rrd thoi_
to indicate a personal strength or weakness. On the
::': ::tenals. Again, examiners may choose to standard score scale, 10 points equals two-thirds of
t: - _: :iirrcialed percentile ranks, adaptive levels,
a standard deviation, a difference that is generally
consldered moderate (Cohen, 1969).

lkroo lI Chlpt€r I tnletpteling Perrorfianra | 67

ln addition Lo belng computalionally easy and robust to H)'potheses can be genemied in two ways:
Lhe elfects ol ouLLiers, comparing each domain standald
,' Re|iew subdomain perlormance to generate
score \yilh th€ indilidual! median score is a compact.
hypotheses about the reasons lor signilicanl domain
.lrr.r.r' ...) o r' t1t-'1r'- elL n_nnl 4l
dilferences. For example, suppos€ the Socializalion
rndi\idual\ donsin score prolile. Ho\r'ever, 3 second
Domain, with a st^ndard score oI85, is lound to be
mdhod oleraluating lhe patt€rn ol domain scores n]ay
a weakness compared wLth the individual! average
also be use[ul, $']Ich is to compar€ parlicular palrs ol
level of lunciioning. lf the r, scale score lor the
clomain scores (?rai)11isr co, larison0. The dilferences
Interpersonal Relationships Subdomain is 18 to 20
lletween pairs ol standard scores may be evaluated both
(rn ihe Moderately High adapiive lelel range), the
for sralisrical signilicance and lor inirequency in lhe
Play and Leisure Tlme ! scale score is 13 to 17 (in
gencral population norm sample. using Tables D 1
the Adequate adaptiye level range), and the Coping
ind D.2 in Appendi\ D.
5ki11s ! scale score is 10 to 12 (in lhe Nloderately
A rhird nerhod o[ ela]uating the pattern o[ domain Lo\'!'adaptive level), the user can hypolhesize that
-!nre- \ 't. a r- ro opr. ll.1 ne rl eri_8L o[ don Jl. the indiriduals perlormance in Copjng Skills is a
standard scores. may be a uselulcheck olhow major contributor to his or her rveakness in the
accurately th€ Adeptive Behavior Composite rcpresents Socialization Domein.
lhe itldilidual! olerall leYel ol lunctioning. ll ihe , Review ihe iLems accordrng to their content.
clifLrence benveen the highest domain slandard score Detennine the content categories (see TabLe 2.1) in
and the lowest is grealer than 35, the Adaptive Behavior \\,hich rhe individual is or is not performing acli\'illes,
Composjle shoukl not be considered a meaningful and generate hypotheses about areas in rvhich
r€lrcc. r'nro r rhr o\e-rll h .. I o['Jr . ror 'le the indiyidunl! p€rlormance is superior, averege,
or deficieni. Be carefu] when inLerprering rlem
Step 4a. Evaluote the pottern of perlormance; the number of iiems jn each contenl
su b do m o i n v - scale scores calegory ls small. which limrts anel)sis olrelallve
to identify strengths and importance. Perlormance within a content category
should be inlesligated only to generate hypotheses
wesknesses, about why the individual obtained a particular result.
Subdonain perlormance may be anelyzed Ln tNo Alihlpotheses sug3ested by itens oflhe SurYey
\als. analogous to lhose used to er'aluate the paLtern lnrerview Form or the Parent/Car€giver Raling Form
ol domain scores. First, \,r'lthin each domain, con1pare must be supporred by administralion ol the ExPanded
.:rch subdornains ! scale score with lhe median v-scale lnten'iew Form. additional observations of behavior,
.c.r. lor thai donain. A dificrence ol2 points or greater, o e.' r- [ron orher te-r) o a<-e 5']re r.)
' ' n..;" rJ rg.c uo hr-d'"r . r.rnd- d der,rttn r,
more, rs considered meaningfu]. Secondl]', the user may Step 6. Describe msladaPtive behavior.
nake pairNise comparisons bet*'een subdomains and It the optional N4aladaplive Behavjor Domain lvas
e|aluate the slatistical significance and unusualness ol administered, rport the v-scale scores and confidence
these diflerences, using Tables D.3 and D '+ ln Appendix D intervals lor the Maiadapli\€ B€havior lnde)i and lhe
Internalizingand Externalizing subscales. Repori
Step 5. Generote hypotheses dbout rhe meladaptive levels. i[ appropriat€. If the opliona]
profile lluduations. Maladaptive Critical ltems seciion was administered,
n..e rhi nurnber ol ten . <r.rrcd 2 o rl'r 'ele_ty
The mosr imporianl inlormetion yielded by the Survey
raling, and review ihe item content.
lnterview Form or the Parent/Caregiver Reting Font is
the empirical resulis. with the appljcation oI clinical
.krl, l'on.cdte, rormd
the developmenLal spectrum. and simple logic. however,
the usel ol erther lorm can generate hypotheses about
prolLle lluctuation. These hypotheses require additional
srjppori fuom clinical obserlaLions ofbehavior as lvell as
lhe r€su1ts lrom other instrumenls.

68 | C h apt e r 4 l.:lef prtti r g I r tl':.":' :' tt :.t: Vireland lI

Example I : lnterpretation of Results for lasha
T.shx, a rhird-grade sruclent agecl 8 )eers 4 months, rvrs rclcrrcd lot elaluerion bccause she \.es
h.\ rug clilhculrl gcLtlng rlong $,ilh iler classmares end tcrchers and somerllles c\hibrted d€lixnr
classroom behrvtot ller morher Nas rnrcrlie\\ed lor rhe \,.inelend II Sur\ev lnrervre$ F!,ln.
Fiture4.I Lo,..r .!. .,n5J t...,.1.j,. r.
Figure 4.1 Score Summary for Erample l: Tasha

' ' 4,4

DOMAIN r.v.l l.rr nin:ff M4ri,. w(cilnos)

ta I

tz -l

-:. rr.l

,"-, z
-2 tJ

Clping5kilh *Y t't I
I'r ,r

Adnplile Echav;orComposite a) tt "*'f 3

score tuo.P rnre^it rett

: 2 j.(l) r. (, i 8 (b t0 l l2 l t.l

,,Jrnd II ctnu|t l
Step L Descfibe generol ddaptive functioning.
Tasha! Adaplive Behavior Composite sundard score of 83 summedzes her overall level ofadaptive
lunctioning The 90 percent confidence levelshows that the chances are good (90 percent) that
Tashas true Adaprive Behavior Composite is within lhe range ol79 to 87. Her Adaptive Behavior
Composite classilies her general adapove lunctioning as Moderate]y Lo$'; she scores higher than
13 percenr of orher 8-year-o1ds.

Step 2. Describe per{ormonce in the odoptive hehdvior domains.

Tasha! standard scores in the adaptive behavior domains. along wrth the bands olerror at the
90 percent level ofconfidence, are as follows: Communication, I00 r 7 (93-107); Daily Living
Skills, 83 r 7 (76-90); and Socialization, 7l ! 6 (65-77). Her score in ihe Communicatron
Domain conesponds to a percenlile rank ol 50 and is at lhe Adequate adaptive level. H€r
Daily Living Skills and Socialization scores, which correspond to percentile ranks of l3 and 3,
respectiveln are classified as Moderately Low when compared $'ith other children lhe same age.

Step 3. Describe pertomonce in the subdomains.

Tasha! v-scale scores in lhe subdomains, along with the bands oferror at the 90 percent level
o[ conlidence, are as lollows: Receptive. l6 t 2 (14-18): Expressive, l5 t 2 (13 l7); WnLren,
14 * 2 (12 l6)i Personal, 13 1 2 (ll-15); Domeslic, ]1 a 2 (9 l3); Communitt 13 r 2
(l I-15)t lnterpersonal Relationships, B : 2 (6-10); Play and Leisure Time. t0 t 2 (8-12); and
Coping Skills. 11 r 2 (9-13). Her subdomain v-scale scores in the Communicaiion DomaLn
are at the Adequate adaptive level. with age equivalents ol9:6. 8:4. and 8:0. Her subdomarn
r,-scale scores in the Daily Living Skills Domain are at the Adequate (Personal), Moderately Low
(Domestic). and Adequate (Community) adaptive levels, with age equivalents o[ 6:6. 3:ll, and
7:6. Her subdomain v-scale scores in the Socializaiion Domain are at the Lo\L' (lnterpersonal
Reiationships) and Moderately Low (Play and Leisure Time and Coping Ski1ls) adaptive levels,
with age equivalents ol 1:7, 3:l l, and 3:5.

Step 4. lnterpret the pattern of domoin standard scores

to identify strengths ond weoknesses.
Tasha's adaptive funcrioning rn the area of Communication (standard score of 100) represents a
personal strength because it is more than 10 poinls higher than her median standard score of83.
ln contrast, her adapti\.e lunctioning in the area o[ Socja]jzarion (standard score ol71) represents
a personal weakness because it is more than l0 points lorver than her median domain standard.
(See Fiture 4.1") Tashas domain score in Daily Living Skills is the median score. so it is neither a
relalive strength nor a weakness.

when evalr.rating pairwise compansons, the 29-point diflerence betwe€n Tashas Communicatlon
standard score of 100 and her Socialization standard score of 71 is both slalistically signilicant at
the .01 level and unusual; the dilference lalls in rhe extreme 5 percent lor her age group in lhe
national norm sample. The l7-point diference betrveen her Communication standard score and her
Daily Living Skills siandard score of 83 is both statistically significant at the 0 I ievel and unusual;
the difference [a1]s in the extreme I0 percent lor her age group in the national norm sample. (See
FiSure 4.2.)

70 | Chal)to 1 ,nterpreting pertoruan{E Vineland II

Figule 4.2 Pnirwise Comparisons lor Exanple l: T.sha


6 mudrdoi t66 > 17 1O

>7t ,
11, r"l:" ,.8,, 1. ,


lnrc?erorn R. al on+ ps {] < lO Pl.])' dlcilrrcI .

''"r111!!l11:11..16, --i r1 c:{!sl{


S€le€lcd AcGi-Dohain

Yhreland II Cha[ter I lnleryteting pettot,ranae | 7l

Note IhaI in case, Lhe hrsl method olelaluaiing domain slandard scores. which identilied
her signrlicant weakness in Socialization, proyided the most concis€ inlormation about her
domain lluctuaiions. The second meihod, evaluatrng pairiuse comparisons, indicared rhar such
a high Conmunicarion scor€ compar€d to both the Soculiza0on and Daily Liling Skrlls scores
occurs in the norm sample some\r'ha! infrequenrly (5 percem and 10 percenr, respectively). The
lhird method, derermining rhe range, suppLied no nelv inlormation. The range ol29 lalls $,iLhin
the 3t point range suggesred lor regardrng the AdaptiYe Behavior Composite as a meaninglul
de.crrpr,rrro[ | cl-.]"o\.rall"J p, \. t, ,rr.r g

When evaluating the pattern ofdomajn standard scores, do nor llood a case reporr with
descnptrons olresults from muhiple methods unless lhe eddirional meihods provide ne$,
inlormaiion or Ihere is e special need lor rhe resuhs.

Step 4o. Evoluate the pattern of subdomain v-scdle scores to

identify strengths ond wesknesses.
When looking at the subdomains wlthin the Socialization Domain, rhe domain thar is a personal
\\'eakness lbr Tasha, one sees rhat her perlormance in the lnterpersonal R€lationships Subdomain
(v scaLe score ol8) represens a personal rveakness becalrse it is 2 points lorver than her medjan
v-scah score ol 10. Her r-scale scores in the Play and Leisure Time and Coping Skills Subdomains
are classihed as Moderately Low 0-scale scores ol 10 and 11. respeclively) l,hen compared rvrth
other children the same age Tasha also obtained an adaptive levei ol Moderately Lorv 0, scalr
score ol L I, age equivalem ol3:l 1) in the Ilomeslic Subdomain. Tasha's perfomrance in all ol the
Communicalion subdomains is in the Adequaie range.

When evaluating commonlt made conpadsons between subdomains belonging to dillerent

domains (e 9., the ExpressiYe Subdomain liom lhe Communicalion Domain and lnterpersonal
Relaiionships lrom rhe Socialization Donlain), the 7-point differcnce betrveen her Expressrre
v-scale score o[ l5 and Interpersonal Re]ationships l, scale score ol8 is statistically signilican! at
the 0l level and rs unusual. The dillerence fatls rvithin the extreme I percent lor her age group
in rhe narional norn sample The'l-poin! diflerence betrveen her Expressive ! scale score end her
Coping Skills v scale score ot I 1 is not statistically signihcant at rhe .01 lelel.

Step 5. Generote hypotheses about profile fluctuations.

A clinician could generate seYeral hypotheses about lisha! perlormance on the Suryey hrtLnLL$
Form. First, her per{onnance in the lnierpersonal Relationships Subdomain appears to be the
major contributor to her rveakness Ln the Socralization Domarn, ahhough she also has a Moderarely
Low level ol perlormance in both lhe Plal and Leisure Time Subdomain and the Coping Skills
Subdomarn. The next logicel step rvould be to cxamine Tasha\ perlormance on the items ol
lnrerpersonal Relationships, as r'.11 lls on those in PLay and Leisurc Time and Coping S1dl1s. A1l
hypotheses generated by her perlbmrance on items in ihe Socialuation Domain must be supported
by addition:Il observarions o[behavror, or results lrorn other tests or assessments

72 | ChxPtut 4 ttitetr/?t).1{, Ui:tt t .: Vineland II

'r' ',,,.
Step 6. Describe malodoptive behavior.
?\ revie\r'ol the r scale scores in the \,laladapli!'e Behavior Domain conlirms a patLern olbehavior
that corroborates Tashas relerral lor dlllicuLty getting along with her classmates and teacher. Her
r-scale scores ol 19, 20. and 20 lbr lnternalizing, Ext€rnalizing. and the Maladapiive Behavior
lndex all lall rvrthin the Elelated level. Test itens in Lhis domain scored 2 or I should be reviewed
to delermine the need for lol]ow-up evaluations and obsen'ations

While Tasha! overall adapiive lunctioninli is in the Moderately Low rnnge. Lhe Survey Inler\ rew
Form resuhs show a weakness in Socialization in compadson rvith her orvn average level ol
luncrioning. Nlore inlonnalron about her weakness in Socia]ization is needed. paniculerL)
inlormation about her ebiliry to brm peer relationships and get along rvrth others. Such
inlormation will provide support lor the hypothesis LhaL her perlormance in the lnterperson:Il
Relarionships Subdomain is a major contnbutor to her Socializalion weakness. In additlon,
lurther evaluation is suggested in Lhe area of Daily Living Skills Finall)l ilTashas maladrltr\e
beha\ior continues aL lhe same level or increases into lhe CLinically Signilicant 1evel,
considerarion shoukl be grven for relerral to a clnical psychologist or a child psycliatrisi.

\ in.lind It ChaPIer 1 trt."t?"tt t,..a |'.I:."'. .:'..' | 73

Example 2: Interpretation of Results for Michael
\{ichiel. a srxrh grade student aged 1l ,vears 4 months, was relerred lor evaluation lTecause ol lorv
icaderric per-forrnence rnd deliam classroom behavior 1lls morher compleLed rhe \iinehnd-ll
Parcnrcaregilcr Raling Form. Fi8!re 4.3 shoNs the Score Sumn,ary lor \,licluel\ perlormance.
Figure 4.3 Score Summary for Example 2: Michael

t^i'J-4el- r.r \!: Ir4


$nINGIHS and
Medr,n' wleakms)



*Td:l.d"ilLrl =@
Adapti!e Eehavior Comp(t!ile b7 ,u21 I L*Zt

s.ore s.or hre0rl level

74 | Chtpto 1 :,.1. .t)t.:ttr...; :/t't' :,':.',.':..,. Vnrclanrl II

I Step I . geNrilse general rdapthtt {unctianing.
\'llchaels Adeptive Behnvior Composite standard score ol67 sumn,arizes his overall lelel ol
ad^ptive lunciioning The 90 percent conlidence Level shorvs that tl,e chances are good (90 pcrceno
that Michael! liue Adaptive Behanor Composite is withrn the range ol61 Lo 73. His Ada|f\,
Behavior Composit€ classifies his genera] adaptile lunclioning as Lo\r', he scores higher than
I percent ol olher i1-year-olds.

St*p 2. fresrribe pe$arn,sfiee in the adaptive behavior d*mains'

N4ichael! standard scores in the beha\,ior domains, along wrth the bands ol error al lhe
,0fc-.enr ..cut ..n.td. (e J, Jilo.!\. 'on_r rr ,tro.l.oo B'o-// Dd \LNit t
Skills. 68 1 8 (60 76); and Soclalization, 68 + 8 (60-76) Hrs scores tn lhe Communicetion, Dajly
Lrvrng Skills, an.] Socializalion Domains each colrespond io a percenLile rank ol2. and arc erch
classllied in the Low adapLrve level rvhen compered lvith other childrcn tl,e same age

Step 3. Eescribe perfarnance in the subdamains.

Mrchael! r scale scores in ihe subdomalns, eLong wilh lhe bends olerror at the 90 percent level
olconlidence. are as lollowsr Receptive,I t 2 (7-11);ENpressive,9 r 2 (7-l l);Wrilten, lo +,
(8-12):Personal, l l 1 3 (B-l'l), Dom€stic, 10 t 2 (8-12); Communi!)r7r2(5-9);lnlerpersonal
R€lationships. S r 2 (6 10);Playand Leisure hme, l0 + 3 (7-13):and Coprng Ski11s, 9 t 2
(7-11). His subdomain v scnle scores in lhe Communication Donain ere al the Lo\\ (RetePti\e
and lxprcssive) and Moclerately L ow (wrliten) adaplive levels, \\rLh age equilalenis ol2:l l, 4:4,
rnd 8r1 llis s bdomain rr-scale scores in ihe Daily Li!'ing Sliills Donain ere al the Moderai.l) Lolv
(PeFonal and Domestic) and Lorv (Communit)) a.lapti\'e levels, $rth age equivalenls oI7:5 7:0,
and 5:.1. His subdomain r scale scores in lhe Socialuation Domain are at the Low (lnlerpersonal
'llme) adaptile levels, wilh
Relarionships end Coping 5hi11s) and \toder tel) Low (Pla) and Leisure
age equivalents ol3:7, 6:7, and l:L 1.

Step 4. lnterprct the pattern a{ danain slanddrd scorcs to itlenti{y

stre gths 6fld uueekness#.
Ivlichaels donuin standard scores do not suggesl a personal sLrenglh or weakness in any area
because all clonarn scores are rithin 10 points oleach oiher (Communication, slan.larcl scole ol
69: Daily Liring Skills, standard score ol68; and SociaLizalion, standard score ol68) Ilis adapti|e
luncnoning in each domain is classified es Lo$r l_he evaluation olpainvise comparisons provides
no new inlormation. All domain pairwise compalisons are nonsignilicant.

Step ita. Evsluate the p$ttefi of subdamain v-scsle scor€s fo

identify strengths and uieaknesses.
when looking ai the subdornains *iihin the Daily Li\4ng Skills Domain, one sees thar lvhcheels
perlormance in Lhe Communil)' Subdomain (l_scale score o[ 7) represents a personal weakness
because it rs 3 points Lolver than his medien v scale score o[ 10 This score is c]assilied as Los'.
lvher.is his v-scale scores in the Personal and DomesLic Subdomains are classilied as Moderale]v Lo$r

\ ineland lI Chal't,r J r' I

.fEure {.4 PaiMise Comparisonr lor Erarnple 2: Michael



s.le.H Acrorr-Donalt

76 | Chaptcr 4 lntelPreting Performance Vineland-II

\'1ichecl! !
scalc scores in thc Comnumcarion Domitn nre clxssiii€d as L o$, or lvlfilcrarelf Lo\\
in thc Pla) and Leisure Time Subdomarn Hon'er'er. his r,-scale score of
as ls his r-s.rLc scorc
Iir lntce€rsonal Relationships is classjlicd as Lo$l although the sco|: docs nor r€presenr a
pcrsonal Ncakncss because it is not 2 or more pornts lo\\'er rhan iT is mcdian r'-scnle score ol9.
Nher1 elaluanng comperisons beL\!e€n subdomeins b€long|lg ro rhc samc domain, lhe 4 point
dillerencc bel\'een N{icheeLs Person.rl r-s.al€ score of 11 ancl his Communirv ! scale score ol7 is
llor starislicallf sjgnillcrnr. (Scr Figure 4.4.)

Step 5. Generate hypotheses about profile fluctuotions.

A clinicirll could grnclate several hlpoLheses lrcm l,{ichaels norher! raLings ol his pcrformance
on the Pnt[r-lcaregL|er Rating Fom \lichxeL! prolllc o[scor]s sholv signilicrnt generalized
clchcrts rn multple areas oladaptile behe\toi This pettcrn ol adaprive lunctioning, i.c , genera]izcd
clchcrts, or a llat prollle. is conststent \liLh the t]?ical proil€ for a group rvirh nenral retarclarion
Ll rddrtion. his Aclapri\e Behilior Composirc end his domain standerd scores are all rr leasL l\vcr
srandard delialions ftom the rncxn ol thc norm population. alld mor€ fian meet rhe requLremenrs
lirr a diagnosis ol m€ntal rchrdatLon. An e arninrtion ol \lichrel! iiem scores rn the Cotnrrumt)
Subclomain coulcl plovrde addrnonal inlornrtion rbout his personal leakness in this subdornain.

Step 6. Describe moladaptive behovior.

,\ rc\1e\r'ol lllichael! v scale scores in the Nh1^dxPlir'c Beha\'ior Domair'r conlLrlns a prtLcrn ol
bchaliL) that corroborares Nlicluel! relerrel lor ciefiant classroom beherior. His r'-scale scores of
18. 19, ind I8. lor lnLernalLzing. E\L€rnalizrng, and th€ Maladipri\ e Behryjor lnde)i all lall wirhin
the El€\aLed Level, \rith hrs ExternalLzing score the highesl Test iLems in this subscale scored 2 or
L shoLrkl br: relierved ro dcterminc rhe need lor loLlo\\' up ev^]uarions and obser-\'alions

Whrle N,lichaels overall adaprile hLnctionrng is classilied as Lorl and hrs profilc ol scotes sho*'
siglilicenr generaljzed delicits in muliple ar€as. th€ Paren/Caregiler Raring Forn rcsuhs sholv
Personrl \lcikress rn the Comnur,itl' Subdomain This linding is noi surprising gi\'en rhat
jnclili.lual! r,1th inental retardation ofien hale trouble l'rth behavjors and sLilis such as ielling
time. counting nonel and monng about the commu.ii)' indepcndentl). The rrems in rhrs
subdomain can be useclto Iarg€r supports Lo impro\e Nlichaels lunctronrng in this ire^. 1l \'lichaells
malidiplive beluvior conrinlLes aL the same le\'el or increascs inlo rhe Clinicail), Signilicani le|el,
cortlderatron should bc gir,en lor referral to a clrnrcal psychologist or a ch]ld psychiarrLs

\ includ II 177
Using the Survey Interview Form , a delinitior, oladaptile behavior end the reason lor
adminisLering an assessment of adaplive beha\,ror
or Parent/Caregiver Rating Form
with the Vineland-ll Teacher '' a nontechnical c\planation olpercenrile ranks and
aclapliYe lev€ls (ft is imponant to note thar tl,e rerms
Rating Form Above Av€rage, Average. and Belo$'Alerag€. Nhich ar.
Thc us€ ol thc SrLrr,i) lntcrlie\r Form or the Parent/ comnonlv understood by parcnLs and others, ar€ used
Caregi\.r Ratin8 Forl11 \\'rth the Vineland-ll Teacher in the reports in place ol the nore clinical terminologl'
Ratng Irorrn proudes inlormation about an individual\ Moderately High, Adequate. and trfoderarely Lo$r)
adapri\'e beharior in l\r'o dillerent settings (home - maladapiive resuls
and school), ftom tl,e poinl olvierv ol t\r'o dlllerent
responclents. Because thc standardizatron sample lor
. a general summary olresults and rcconmendations
the S r\ e)' inie ie$' Form and Pareni/Caregi!'er Rating Figure 4.5 shows the summal' ol adaptjve behaljor
Form o|erlaps the standardizarion sample for lhe-]tacher domain performance and subdomain perlormar,ce
Rating Form, direcl comparisols can be made bet$'ecn lroLn the Rcport to Parenls. Scores lor Tesha. discuss€d
eerLjer (Figure 4.1), are summarized in Figure 4.5. Thc
Lrser records the percentiJe rank lor each ol the adaptrvc
{.rswpletinq the fteqart ta pc"trents behevior domains and plac€s e chech narli indicarrng
T\\,o lorLns, the Repon to ParenLs and the Report to the adapiive le!'eL ol each subdomain.
Caregilers. arc a\'ailable to help communrcate results Lo

'., .or. l.. .g\., 1, .f.r.., rdrr.

Fi$rre 4.5 Piofile chart trom the Report to Parents completed for Tasha, ated I years 4 months. (See also
Figure 4.1.)

5ummarv of Vineland-ll Results

Aka$ Ah@A!€Eg€ High
(131h33d'li,ilc) (3a6-97I! g"il€) {$rh 9'dile)

,6 1/

l\rg nrla.(osnu i It
Soci.l Skille and rehiid.lli9e

u "s !"'s: fl,',l '

lS I ChapXrf ,.,..)t,.:,'t,.'.: .:: ,. , ;. t

,.. ; . ,'. :, Vinelaud II
Subdomain and .,tplN:nlir
Domain Norms

rl I \'Scali: Scores Corresponding to Subdomain

Ra1l Scorcs.
+0 .+ I
rti t2 +l I
-,Iltr ts+ lr +i
,'ii) ;s +:l .t0l
tsl 'I r0 I ti .l(ll
)rj i I ttt l
)rl tl 20.i

L' la l0 rss
,jI i0 rss l:lf ill
I irl.r S9 b:0 ii 2
r0 .lll;
.t lt) t90
- I lt I ltl 20s
l!) l / rr 7l
r ILl l9r 7)7i
.ta l9l 7 ar ;:S I t(r
ta l9l ; q-7 lt .|0
-ln t9l
lLj t9i
lLl ltr tr+
- nr t9r
- I lLr t9l t};97 lll
' ln I9a)
la tga ILla lLl I
-l L+
. l!17 l0.l l0:7
l(l lri
197 rrrs t0.t l lti
lc)8 u0 ul I6
tqs l:+-l l:/
199 I lS Llrll . 2)1
199 l2tl t2l )t7
2Ll0 12 + it7 )tA
200 l2:8 l2 ll 2ls

1!lo it B : l8l
I r-Scale Scores Correspondint
to Subdomain Raw Scores

i :.rine Erp.e$ive lvritren Pesonal DoDenic Contru

lnlerp.^onal L.nurr coDins
Elilt"n'hip' ri." sii ,'
r N.l
i l0 j t-t ----;i
I I rl
ia tl
I l!
-' ] j - t8
I l -r
i tl



Daily tiviDg SIitlj

ryEonir pomstic community nrrironlh'Pl Tim. CopinR
Stilt\ qo$ rine v_scte
i N.l

ll j l0

liri t8
j II-ll ;
l li
.1 , l 1.1

,] :i
l l 1)
l lt
I l
I . I


Apll (rir B
SUBDOMAIN v-Scale Scores

Daily tivinB Sldlh sodalization

lnlerpeBonal Leisure Coping
v-Scale ; Rcceptnr Expr€$ive Wtillen P€Nnd Domenic CodmunitY Relationlhip! Tim€ tlills

t0 {t2 14
''l' ,
6! 810 l:l

20 tl 207 55 20
l0 I ll- l.t 6 t9
- 175 -1 18
Ii 1.1 .1 t5
l; l2 I t:
.r l0 14

I l 0
56 t2
tl .1
l r

t0 ) l- 0- t0
I I - 8

Diilr tivinS Stilk Socializalion rrloior skilrs

lnlerperona! L€hurc CoPinS

PeKonal Doncsric Conmunil R€lationships lime skilh

21 l0 02 2a 1-6 l0 62 l7 80 11.72
li l6 249 ll
2l l,t l] r0 22

2l 2l , ll 21

20 l 5 2A/ 20

5 18
li l ) t6
t5 5 l .
r2 ll
t:l 9 r0 2 3 1l
ii 12
tl ) 0 ll
l l t0
8 2 3
l 1) 0 )- I
l- = '
- 2

.onrrirLr.rl o, ral f.(.

181 | Afpmd;xB .. \ irehnd ll

SUADOMAIN v-Scale Scor€s

lnlerp.reonal Leisure coping

i-eptne txpresiv€ Writen P.Bonal Domenic Commun Relation'hio! Time tlills

r tt 108 0 lt2 r0 a2 1,1

ia tl
. :i .tl t.l t5 2)
ll ll 1.2 l] l0 21
l1 ) )l ).) :21)

.- l l8
:0 , ,1

I l5 lii j
ll ll 1 5
l2 rl
) 1 tl
E l 12
!r6 ll
a ; I l
+a l
tl u

t: I . t
l l

Dailt Livin8 slills SD.ializalion

.{.Dtne ErDre$ile Wriiien Pe^onal Domeslic Comdun

l9 02 )2 i2 21
27 19 t5 22 l7 t1
l0 l2 l8 l() 22
I tl
: I li lt ri t0
D li B
')) , ll r.l
IL -tO.I i t3
t0 t6
li t6 5 l5
ll :l t1 I ) j
]E r2 tl ll
t4 ll l 12
l l
It a l0
l )
l 8
: I 0 I,
) )
l I
; 0
: 2

.rr,rr. l,rrr \rf rt

APPndis B lr85
SUBDOMAIN v-Scal€ Scores

Conmunicalion Daily living skilh socializalion

Plal nnd
lnlerpetronal teisure copin8
v-s.ah Receplile Expr€rsive Wrilten Pc6onal Dome{c Communily R€lalionships Tine skilh Cro$ Finc k;J.
s.o. I '
tl ! ,t {l:l -t t lJo tt :l
.)) ll i2 t6 iJ t9.i0 20 tl 20 Ii
.)) lt tll
]l Nti tt.ti
:(l lt tl l; 0 I ii tl
l9 it ti
I tl ti !ll ti t.l
tl )l , ; ll ll
l5 t0 lN l! i ll
1.1 l
j j
tl il
ll ) DI tl

l l) li 0
5 I

90"; I I
Conf. lnl. coni. tnl

Communicnlion Daily LivinS Skilk 5o(ializalion

lnlerpeFonal Lenure CopinE

r-s.,te . Rcccpriv€ Expressile lvritlen Pcnonnl Domesli. Comnunily Relalionships lim€ Slills
s.o'"E I s.n'"
l.l )J i)
lr tl
Ir t.l
..., tl
?l ti t2 .16 :l(i !11 I
20 t.t 6 ll 15 Li tl ;
l9 t.l .ltr l.l ll
l8 .ti t0 | lii I li l;
lt l] r:i lJ lt tl
7 tl 227 Ll t.l I

t5 li lt,t.l ti
l4 r9 5
tl 7l0
12 I 15 t6 I :l
i3 j li-].1 j ; II
t0 ) t2 i
t0 | .2 )-)
8 j ) I 8
J1 l
:l 15 6
5 tl tl j
I 0t
2 .)
l I
) annf lnr

,l,rt n,

t86 | Al ltutt B Yinthril ll

SUBDOMAIN v.Scale Scores

Daily living skillr Sociali/ation

lnterpersonal teisur. Coping
Pebonil Domesri. Communil RelalionshiDs linre skilk Cro$ Fine r-S(at.

-ta ti l:l
5 i l0
li :t:
ti 0l |i]l ll i
r:i a, ll li

) ) ti
T ltl t.l
t0 lt l
l :

Dni! tivins slilk Sociali/ation

lnterpebonal teisur. CopinB
i - \P frnr.$iv. Wrilren tebonal Dome(i( Codmuni R€lnlionsiiDs Time skilh

l.t llt )i:l )1

.1:ill ).). .\ 2l
t9 l0 a)i ll
lt, t.l li it 2t)
t.t .) r i ll l0 i-t 7 rt
t6:t! 6 lrl
.ll it ti ti ti ; l,_
|lL H 16
li IiJ..t0 | li
ii ; 21 .t? I ti 17 | t]
) rr ;t tJ
I ll ll ili I r)
0 !r It
l li 1.1 l lJ ili r0
) 6- la 9
olt I

I )J I i

) J

B 187
SUBDOMAIN v.S.ale S.ores

? conmuni.ation Dnily Living Skilh Sociali/alion

lnlerpe^onil Lenurc Coping

v,s.ate Rcccplive Expre$ile writlen PeEonil Domenic Communilr Relalionships nm€ 5lilk

;t lfi t; it tl
tl l(r it .21
tl .lr ':li .l.l ll .ll
tt t{r -| tr
t() t0 .I ii r0 ll l0
tl ij ir) 7 lrl
Il ili lt r!
ll tn i i: l{, 'r
,l r) ri
t0 I l; I ll t.i t; i t{l
I li20 i 1l
I l) 7 I tl
l i l) t) li ll) I ll
l I t0 tl
ttl ,r rl
ir ri q

0l l , :6 6
:6 .t i I
II 1r I 6
) lt l
t,l l
l 1

comouni.alion Drily Li!in8 skills so.ializition

lnlcrpeEonal Leisurt Coping
u-\.ite R.ccptivc Exprc$iv€ writlen P€Eonal Doneni( Codnuni R.hlionlhio! Tifre tlill! 610$ fine y-S.ate

l1 Jt 6,t
tl ti ii
tl 2.1
ll )l )) ]ltl rt l3 !tl tl

:t ll )t L tl l.l :
.t l,l t0 ll ll
t5 t0 I l 21 0 2i.lr ll t5
l.l )t )l ).1 tl
ll H t5 !) )) lll .10 ll rl
l2 li ll ll
ll I j ll
t0 ll t0
3 l0 l-) l IJ

) rti 0 t:l
I t.l I
_l t) 2
I l

Lt tt), J tt|r \t I 1l

188 l All)(ndir B Vi,rthrrrl II

SUADOMATN y.Scate Scores

Diih tnrni ttitj\

:: ri r\I'c$iv. $rrilrpn P€ronal Doneni. Conmuni

lnrcrp.bondt rcErrc Coxinr
Reririnn\hita r,mc a.;tk"

I i t.t D tl 2.1
ll l
:]l ti l2
,l ti lL)

tt -tl
l tl l.l
]] il

Daily tilinE 5kilh
Molor slith

, : . E\prcsiv. Wriftn Pe nl hl€'l'ebonJl tei\urc coninq

Domesti. Comnunity xebton.h,p< Tjhe sti .^ C@ Fin. e-S.,h

li ii Il. t0| )t
tl 22
tt:11 ;l i.l
.t r-tti t:t t; 2t

ll j.l
, llr
l] ]l
27 t1 t5
t0 | l
tt .tl l.l
I il t0 -tl tl
l I lt -10

ll l.l l0

] I 1)

tl ll
l l.l

,4[!o]t;\ B
. 189
SUBDOMAIN v-S.ale Scores

Dait riving skilk Socializalion

Play and
tnterpeBonal Lehure CopinR
P.6onal Dor€stic Communily Rdalionships line skilh

24 5:l32 ti.t3 l7 B8 53 76 38 6t 27 rio 24

2) 4t 52 tj-t.t l.l la 1?, 52 l1 37 21 26 2l
22 I J-.12 I I t2 t2-tj 4t-.1t 29 ll 21 21 62 68 28 :ll 22
2l )a 12 9l0 t0-' 15-.10 1i 2B 1B 20 ji 61 2i 27 ll
l0 21 78 8-9 ll l.t 21 26 t5 17 j j.1 21 l0
21-25 lt 1,1 tr 2l 6 7 ll 12 22)) 21.1 .17 50 2l 2l t9
t3 2|r) )7 30 l8 20 5 6 l0 20 lt 0tl
t/. t9 )t )6 t6 17 + i u9 I lJ-19 79 1l
l3 l5 I r 27 )8 16-17 6
t5 ll tr .20 2l :16 tr 15 5 :t2,ji ti t6 l5
t0 ll 18 19 10 lt I 3 21 1a t: ll 17 lt t.l
1J t:l 9 J )J 26 rl ]J
ll )1 12 t2 12
tl 7 l]-tl tlio 6 l t7 20 tl ll
t0 lt t2 li-t6 t0 l0
9 l.tt6 ll 0 9
3 ]] l3 l ll
t8 9r0 0l (7 l5
78 13 rl 6
5 .1 6 13 0 5
l5 l-.1 0
j 0.1 t-l l
2 2J 0 2
l 0l l

Daily Liviig slilh

play and
lnr€rp€mnal Leisure Coping
y-Scab in€.€plive Expre$ive wrilten P.Aonal Dom€srtu Conmu

24 l:l 40 il B2 171?, 17 uu 53-76 24

2] ll :12 60 6t ,11 5r2 tj,t6 l.l,t6 18 52 2l
2) l0 5.r t9 lr 12 12-rl lt-Jl lt t:l 12
21 29 .ll t:l 29,)7 910 t0tl 18 ",ll 58 61 )6)9 :!1
20 18,12 25-2{J t8 89 15 l7 26 15 li 55 57 25 20
t9 24 27 34 37 21,)1 6 7 21 25 l] l,l 31 54 )2 21 t9
18 2l :3 l0 3l t1J-20 5 6 21 )3 r0 ll '17 50 19 2l 18
17 l8 20 27 29 t6-13 1 5 29 l0
l6 2) 2t 15 3 4 28 16 18 6 J0 -11 17
l5 ll r5 2t 22 lJ 1,1 2 l4 t5
t4 12 lr t2 l 24-25 l2 | 5 )2 1a 1,1 t4
l3 l0 tl t0 0 I 2:i t:l
12 15. t7 89 ) 21 2) 2) )6 12 12
tl t:l-l,l l9 20 6l t8 2l ll tl
1!l l] t2 l7 t8 5l t0
9 l0 1.1 l6 3.1 0
I I l- 1l t3 2 8
8 ?- 9 r0 0l 67 3 5
l .l 5 12
6 0

- 0l

.onl/nrr1i on nc{l p4gr

l9l:l I Apfen(lix B ')'..t:t.,,tt.'"tat\ i|,.t i:t;tr'jt'.1 4...,,.,' lnrclard II

Scores o
Daity LirjnS skilts

i-:. tnc E\pr€sir€ lvrilt€n hlerpebnnJl Lci\rre .n"i""

ltra,iubhiPs rin. aiiii:'
.t il 5 ra i;-t:o .:;,-t 21

ll il
.1.1 il )1
.tl !2
Iit ll ti t6
tr I r-:tj lt l0
1.1 6 I.l ,) jt tl -r;
j jt j.t l tj
l 19 .]ll l0 iI
ll) ll I I tl :lri lri I.i ij I
2a l-t L j
lr l.l
1, it t:
l! tl ll t(r l ll

tl I
: 1

0 rj tl
tl -

Dailr Lnrnt S(ith

{- -' ,. E\pi.$i!e Wriften Inhrpc^onat teiure

gg!3lqohesric an,nno
I:l4"n,hip, rim" srili."

l{l 5.1
)6 j7 27-19

iiJ-.1.1 lt 12
.10 il 2l
:jl -ll )t 1l
2.i-t8 .lri-ltr la tj 5ll 6l )6 )7

rll I )1 )i tl
I ) 1.1
tl l;
3l lu
:t ;., .lt tl
.) t5
I I tl 16 ta .l tj 5
]1-t5 -l tj .l
t0 B il
.12 li ll
it], l )2
l tl
t2-t6 l0
rt l1 o I 7-t l
li 2

l I

Alltulit B
i ror
SUBDOMAIN v-Scale Scores

Daily Li!ing Skills Socialization

lnlcrpeBonal Leisuie coPing
P€^.n,I Don€sti( C RelationshiDs Tine Slill!

5l 82 17.18 :18 62 l0 60 21
.18 52 15 16 27 )9 21

,13 17 ll 14 n8 i2 l5 21'26 6t /') Jl ll ??

2r,lr ll ll
31 :lJ 21-)i 65 6B l0 ll 21
5J 5t 20
ta-il l0 ll
29-t2 7 3 3B -10 15 t7 i8 6t 26 1/ t9

3 i 16 17 llt ,t2 J1 )7 it t; t2 l1 1i ,i 21 ?5 t8
2t 21 i 2t-2J t0 1l 5t 5J 21 ))
rb I 2l lr i0 ll l 20 4 ll-12
77 )9
I6 l8 6

r:l lt ) 21i 18 r,1 l5

lt l2 21 )1 l2 1l
ll : lrli 2l 2) I
)2 15 tl t2
r) I oll l8 l9 t0 0 1 )2 21
.17 lr
l5 17 l l9 2l 11

0 l7 lll 22 26 l0 t0
I.t t6 :l-l 9
Lt tl ) I
.1-j I l-11
t0 r0 ii
J 0l 6
) {5 12
_ 5
ln 1

Daily Li!ing skilh socializttion

lnterpesonal Leisure coPin8
Pe6onal Donesti. Communi Rolatio.shios Time Skilh

BJ ]08 17 -18 20 88 )3 76 l€ 62 l0 60 24
36 17 27)9 2l
ll i4 8i t0 i4
,18 52 3J li 21 26 22
ll .l2 ll l2 l2 l:l 14.17 ll ll 21 2l 67 69 32 rl 2l
l0 ,11 29 l0 lil l0 rt0
li l9 'l-10 l0 I I '11
l3 40 26-28 15 l7 59 62 211-29 t9
:l I l.l
l5 l7 2;25 12 l{ 55 58 16-]7 t8
)6 2i 2lr3 10 ll 5l 54 21-21
21 25 13.12 2i 26 56 3l 1,1 17

l0 ,1 i ll:12 19 20 79 17,54 21 2J t6
21 2\ :lt l7 22
rGlS 4.1-,16 19 20 t5
ll l'l 29 rO 6
l8 20 27
)6)a 11 15 .10 ,:ll 17 lB t4
23 26 2- 5
t:l 21-25 12 l:l '1
tt-]5 20 22
22)t 9ll i l2 l5 12 ll 12

l92l 7n 2 27 )t ll 1l
rTlB 5-6 l 22 16 l0 lo
1,1 16 1-4 0 9
11 lU 2 tl t6 6-8 I
5 L0
910 01 610 1-5
.1 89 ,1-5 I 6
78 2
56 r.l 0 5

1:4 0-
0-- 2

.onlinrdldn nrrt |.rg.

..:.,...a. ;.. . j.a.,..:..1 ..,.... :..,, t :.t,. I t. Vnrelard II

1s2 | AfPen(|ix B "
SUBDOMAIN v-S(ale 5corcs

Daily Li!inB skilk So.iali,ilinn

lnlerpe6onal Leisure
pla),and i;
r- a.re trpre$ire writlen Pe(onal Domestic Community

61 82 17 ,1u 21 3{l :
5l-61 t5 t6 :0 t2 57 59
,18 52 ln t7 l9 i3 56
.li 17 t2 ll 1t6 l8 5l 69./) 3l ll 2l
il i:i :t ti l1
Jt j7
1ll0 t0 tl .]] .11
2rt 78 B9 .tB i0 26 lll ti- l/ i8 61 26 )7 t8
25 23 6 li l7 2l l5 l.t I.l a3 57 )! )i
?l ll.1
5 l:l ll 202t l0| i1 i1 21 23 16
:il ll 17 50 l9 20 t5
16 l7 I ,l
Ii ti ) ) 40 1:t t5 t6 I
ll t2 I 2 l-2 t.l l0-t 2 l t)
l0 0 l 19 21 li ir ll ll
8' 0 l7 l8 56 I t0 I
I t6 l.r 0 17 21 ,t l0
t6 I I tl 0
l ol l

0l 1

t1 I

0 2
l I

Daily tivin8 Slills Socialization

play and
rnlery€Eoml teisrc CopmS
.. 11! E\ore$i\e Wrillen P€tsonal Doneslic Communirv

ll0 i2-72 24
i3 67 16 :10:16 t7 5t .2:l
li 16 12
ll:ll 11
)1.21 65 63 l0 ll t0
t3-20 61 6.1 ?B 2t t9
l5.ll l8
l5-J7 ll l4 !5 57 11 23
r0 ll i1 a1 22 23 t6
ilt l2 79 t9 2l t5
: trl 29 l0 a
ti-.16 26 28 l5 t6 1J
21 25 l6-J9 ll l4 12
22 2) )-) 12 J5 l2 ll
l9 2t I 2,1 ll 1l 1q
t.l 19 2J t0 9
39 a
13 t2
tl 5
I .l

(r1li,rr.d.r n.\r jrdrtd

A\fendix B '.: t.l ...1:.. i lej


communication Daily tivinSSkills So.ializalion

Play nnd

y,s.ib Receptiv€ trprc$ive Writlcn Petronal Domenic Communit) Skills Cross rine r-Sete
S-t"'I Es.o.n
N0 it ;.1 .t{
1 5li 6l
) ll 50 5l la it 5/ t)
l :lt ll ll ll lt il ir ji .tt 16 2l
l:l 2r:r

t0 I

)t il :! 25 tl il t:
II 25 lti ll I 2i lr 11 il ):1)
I 2l )| 2! lt ll '
Llt .10
ll li l Iili ) tl
) t0 tl t.t ll l t) :11 -li tl
l I )).t)
ti ii t.t il ll
tl ll
I l; )
la l)

l l
2i 0

2 I

Daily Living Skilk 5ocializnlion

lnlcr?eGonnl Leisurc coping

r-SGle Re.eplivc trpre$ive Wrifio Relalionthips Time skills

ll {t0 ;l 7l l1
)2 iu t9 ;i.i7
2l l] ]1 l] l7 nl ll 1l
20 ll B tl
lll l:l ll ll
l ll l7 t0 .{r .tl t6 .Ii la lll I8
t't ll ll -21 ll ll
1l !) J(l li l, )8 :; lt ll l0 l.l ji;7 ,tt li
t5 )1 )1 j lt.t.i 1t
4 I {i :10 2r:10

t.l tt li ]l 2; l] .tli I 2i tl t; l:t ti l t2

tl It rl lrll0 lt l.l I 2t tl 12 It li ll
l0 li r0 i] l7 t0
7 ll lJ 1 9

I 16 l0 lL ll li ') ll t 81r 8

3i ) t5 t2
5 0l li 0
t; ll
l . 12 I
2 2l )
l 0l

..nrin rll o,r n,rr t)ds.

194 ) 11hl)( dix B

\ irrr.hnd ll
SUBDOMAIN T-Scate Scores

Daily Livinij skills Socializarion _!

plaf and
lnl.rt).bonal L.nure CopinS
': ,: E\prerlilc lvrillcn Psonil Dom€sti( Comhunily
gq: Finc v-s(atc

li .t tl iti

I tl 6
t0 .t.l 2l
t|.tl ll tl
lt I
l) i
) r0


Dnily tiving slil15 Soci.lilarion

ttay and
j ' ": - E\prcsirc Written Personal Donciti. Communii!
lnlerp.^o.nl tenurr Coping
RelilionrhiDs lim. st;tk

)l i.).
.l.l ; :l
;j i8 ti ili r) tl
;t t1 ti 17 i0 ;l :0
I tl rj j
lll ll i.l
ti J r
I.i 2t ]] t5
| 2.t l0 tl l5
5l.il t.l ti
l| tl I
tt ti tl
:l lr ti -)
t!:tl ll
I )1 ), l.l tl l
ll tl tt t:l ]]jj

a]l t9 2l 1.1 ii
)3 5

1l l)ntt;]l B 195
SUBDOMAIN v-Scale Scores

Daily Li!ingSkilk sodalization

Plar and
lnlcrf.donal Lcisurc Coping
r,s.at. R.ceptir€ lxprrssive Wrilltn Pchonal Domeni( Community Rclalionships Timc Skills Cro$ Fine r S.rte

t.l ll
)) tl
j tl

til f it )2 Ji
1 ll

l .t(r t.l l; l:- i 6 12

I ) D I.l l I
I r', ]lti I

u ll
] i
) )

l tl 0

Dailr tivinS tkills So.ializalion

lnlcee6onal L.iurc copirg
,.r.rte R€c€plive F\t.$i\'. wiitlen Pc^onal Domcilic Conmunily Relalionships limc slills Cnxs rine v.Scat.

1.1 t.1
t,l 2l
:| ri .10 .t.l .10 ji l2 il 2l
20 ';a lll
lt tJ li;i 50 il
lt tJ ll it ji )! !1 t{l
! t0 | tl
t5 lt.ti ll t
tl .20 I 0:2 It
li ) ).) 19.1r lt it ll l:i
12 .10 tl Ili ltl t.l
I] I tl 1-) )7
l0 .1 li -|.1l I tt t.l t0
9 ll ll
lt 0 tl l; l0 ll
: I

5 It
rt J]
.l .t) )

nrrlrrl,nlon n.!r fij!

t96 .tll,rnnit B
Drir\in:ililL! io.ializali0n
PIJ\ and
lnlerpeEonal tei!ure CopinB
" i :_-... \l'ill.n Pebonal Domenic Cohmunih Rel.ljonships ljme Skilh Cros Fine r-s.ate

tt) i) tl
i') i-t irr tl
7i ili rli ii 2l
I) l0 ll il li l0
i)it .10 ll t!
l] i rl It
iat) i) r li

li l, ll ti tl 6t .li t9 rl
l0 22 t0 rl 5j ilt ta.ti
:i it tl it il tit; l
lr rt i0 tl .tl
: l-l ll la :) n 1l ti
.l:t I l; ril
lri ll:r, ii

t 0 67
ti lt i
0 tl

Daily liviig skills So.ializalion

lnlerpesonal Leirur€ Copirg

.F !:. , :,::6:nc Wrillen Personal Dodeiti. Comnun Rclaliunrhiu! lim€ slilh

l lr
lli ; t0
t! lli l') i I ti(,
i0 al :10 il llni )5);
II l:l )) )1
.r.2 li rl tl .ll l0 l9.tl
rr)'ll 15
)l ):1 D.rr
29 ll 1n 22 t0 ll ]j iii t6 2ii ti
)l i1 l1.lr t2
20 tr t7 l0 It i0 l,r ll ll
I I .t2

20 tzl
t-- I tlJ ti i
JL t7 t; t
) 2i 0t :tl

Lortrrrrl ru r.rt 1,,.1r

APlttnlit B , t97
SUBDOMAIN v'5cale Sco.es
: Daily Lilin8ski t
di Playand
lnlerpetronal teisure CopinS

r0!r08 19 50 )1 62 ic0 i2 24
tot 0.t
t t6 l8 2532 13 .12 i0-51 ,11 50 63 71 23
99 100 1.1 t5 )2-21 19 32 l9-.12 22
11 6167 IJ-21 26 2B 2l
20 60,61 17 21 25 42 .{:l 77 52 55 20
19 l,r-r6 39 -11 29 ll t9
t8 8,1-88 t 5.1-56 12-11 lS t9 26 28 t8
l1-)) 11 36
.16-l1t 9 t0 t:l-15 lr 3l t9 2l 69 70 Jt-]9 r6
l5 )7 )A 68 7l 4 42.]5 8 r r-r 2 28 l0 l6 t8 65 68 :15 16 t5
)5 26 6t 6j j :18'll 61 9 t0 1t 2i ll t5 62 6.r :l:l ln
tl 21 j,] 60 31 J7 i i8 22 2.t 412 \7 61 29 Jl
12 22 23 ,ra il 2 29 ll ,1 56 I8-2 r 5:l i6 26 12€

tl 20 2l 25 2U :l .t 1i l7 ,13-i2 2.1 25
t0 lB l9 l1 l3 0 2au t:t 2l t3 ll 12-47 22 2l
2:l l0 r0 l2 ll ,1i )0-21 9
I ri t6 22 l2 l.l 59 )1 32 5-r9 r 3
B 12 l2 t; 21 t8 2l t-rl r
B ll 0l i:l t7 9-r0
17 5 t2 iI 5
I ) 0l 74 4
0 0l 3
2-:l 2
0t - 1

Daily Li!ing skilh So.ializalion

Play and
lnterperenal Lehure CopinS
Receptive Expr€ssive Wrilt€n P€Bonal Domesli. Communirv Relationships lime skilh

- lot 108 22 50 74 A2 ll -,18 ;ll €8 7) 7a 54 62 5l 60 72
12:J l0l 10.1 l6 21 72 73 29 )2 JA12 63 70 5l 53 .r7 50 69 71
.. 22 ... 40 99 102 l4 t5 99:1 . ??:?9 10 17 .,!,:!1 19:rr 3e 46 80 61 68
21 :18 39 9G9A t2 tl 66 68 t1)21 27 29 6:l-65 47 48 37 38 79 56 60
20 :17 93 95 t0 tl 61 65 t7]t 2326 60-62 41 .16 35 36 77 7B 52 i5
t9 :15-36 89 92 8 9 \9 62 t5 t6 20 22 : , 18:i1
18 l4 at33 7 55 i3 t4 ta t9 l8
17 t2 3l 79 3l r; 50 i.t t2-t:l 16 17 J4 36 25 27 17
31 74 7A 46,19 l0-l l l:l- 15 lt,:l:l 22-24 16 .-
15 29 10 687J 5 .12 -15 ! ll-12 29-:10 t5
2724 61 67 4 l8 -11 7-8 26-23
. l3 25 26 5.1 60 3 59 62 29 lt 13
'12 23 24 ,16 5l 2 55 58 26 28
ll 21 22 ls -45 l 51 54 24 25
t0 1e 20 llla o II 31 47 50 22 23
9 16 t8 26 l1 0 12 4216 20 21
I l4 ti 2t 2a 1,116 0 3211 t7 t9
rr:rl L!:?! l0 ll ta:11 t4-16
6 910 l2 t4 a9
5 47 5

.onrnrdd on ncrl i'ds.

tqs l AppPnd;\B'i.: (', .r. 1 ' Vinelard II

SUBDOMAIN v_Scale Sco.es

Daily LilinE Skilh sociali/arion

PlaY and

.i- -: .. E\preli\c \lrill€n PcEonal Dom$lic CommunitY Cross Fine v,Scale

i.l ll
l'l l
a'l-il :l i
|i) a5-{)li ll
;9 6L ()L :1
li i() r,0
/-7. it) l0
il ii lq
rl ai 7{) lll i lll
I tl lll (l ;t il 7) t3 li ]i 1i
it it rl ll 6

t! li 611 70 lli l0
l t:t Ii ilt ll l 1 !.1 ()-, 6iJ l) l; l1
)1 ); lr i r)t aj llil li
l]i; t.t ll l0 i2 j/- t,t t(l ]l tl
il i() Il, lli
ti lli i 1l ll rl l-1 ri ltr
i0:ll 0l ]] ri ll l.i rl
jj rl l(l I Il
tl ti l2 t; l!
- 0l ti ii ll l1
9 il i r.l I(i ll a

1l; :() 1

.1 6 i
0l 2

Daily tivinij Skilh Socinlization

Plal and
lntcrpesonal teisuie CoPinB

F{ : E\Pre$i\e lvrillen Pcr.nal Domenic Conmu.ily R.talionshiDs lime 5lilk

lt i0 7l ill ll lll liliti

lr) ]l ,)i,, 29 ir i6 1l
6!r tI li lN ll li !! rL ri lll 2)
ll ti {)() alt -l:l l 1 ./9 l:l
L!.ll l0
) l) 6i 6) 16 lri
I l,l a:l li llJ ll l.) it lt ll i.l
5l it l1 il, ll ll j'i:7
51 56 Ll l:l 161') 5l tJ
rO ji l0 ll 16 li 1.1 16 )! )1
ll l!ll t5
.16 l! 'l ll li lJ 17
{ ll-1r tli ll ll
lB it 6 910 llt .10 ))17 ll lr
l 1.1 it a ltl )) 11 l0 ll tl
.l ;6 ll
l .t9 ll
2t-28 II j.l t0
0 ]t t7 l.l .ll
tO,tl 12 21 26
ll 1l l0.21 I
L5 l9 ll
t0 lJ
- 2.1
ll 9 ll Ll
,l 2 t tl l0 ll )
)i l
0t )1

,,nrirr.,l ,,,r ii\r t,i Sr

i 199
tlPortit B
SUBDOMAIN v-Scale S.o.es

T Conmuni..tion Daily Living skills Sodalizalion

PIay and
lnrcrpcnonal tcisur. Coping
Re.eplne tipre$ive Wrillen P.6onal Doneslic Communily R€litiorshiDs rimc skilk

t0i t|6 20 2l 5l rl l{l n)
ll 5t i-t t5 .1;
)o )2 tJ il
t)) ta 0 t: t6 tt ri li it ti;
ll ti t0 .tl i.l i6
rl 56 i0 il 7l 7) li ti
li nli r1l iJ .11 16 I ri
l ilt ri tl-t; It
I ).) )) ll li
2I 1l IItu t.t t; Ii
.)6 I l)
D tli ll _ti li r! )6 ]| l.] ri rLl
l ll rl [ ]i rr lr
I r.l il) rl
,) 0l

Daily Living skilh Socializalion

Play nnd
lnterp€Eonal Leisure CopinS
Pebonal Domcsli. Conmunily n€btionships Time skills

2J 55 6.t lt a0 i) .tl
tl it 5; .;lJ i0
t2 ti 2li lc -ll 5t tt Ji .1t
tl tl
20 .21 .29 ll
lu r, t6 2fl
t8 li 16 17 ll ti lll
ri 15 )a 2).
ll iJ 56 L 18 l! 50 rl
ti i0 5l t5
11 Iti li 5 9 L0 21 27 1 I2
tl )1)t l2 ll .20 t.l tJ l0 ll
l0 )o) .1i t2 0 29 lr t0
21 2ii 0L i.1 I ti ) 5 1) li )1 2-)

8 16 ll lr lJ t2 Jl ll .)c 2?
t:l ti ri .tl t0 1,1 Li l9
I I tl tl l.l 1l 1.1 0l ]] ]7 ll Li
! 611 i l2 l0 l-t
01 -t5 j
2 0:l 2i )
I l
5UBDOMAI\ r-Sele Sco.es

Daih tninn Skillr So.ializntion

PJat and
lntorp€Eonal teisurc Coping
+ i:..rli\. E\Drelii\e Writl.i PeEonal Domesli. Conimuniry Relariunrhip\ Time \lills Cros fine r_s.,te

iJ 21
tl i.l 5i ir ;l i) )l
6rl i| t?
1l1l 6i i ul
t)1 t.tl /9 6i at t0
r ti ,r 60 6t t9
ii i6 i! ll]
:0 l /r) ;l ,i t-
rl i$ l-l .l tr ti i )l t) 1i .t{i ; 16
it 5'l /i .:i 1i t;
.1!r , i ll t(t I t)7t l] l.t t.l
l ]i r0 li
l I -t.l 1i)t L ti li tt; lj itr l.)
l l.t ti r0 il ,-Q l0J.t ll
.,1 6 ti t(r t0
0 .rt ii li it .tl t6
(Jl )1 26 ti ]lt tt ti 3
;) 20 lr llt:| |
lr I l!) 16 li 6
9| ;I |i a
ll 0t 0 2 ,l
69 u

Conmunicalion Daily LirinE Skilh Sociali/ation

hterpebonal tci\ure Copin8
i-.:rinc E\pre$ive writlon P€rtonal Donesli. Comdunity {.lationships Tine skills

tllt 1"r 50
:jj it i.l )i
aj j.t ]li i0 .t)
)5 )/ lti .tl lt ll 15 .li I
l0 tt )t i2

tJ tr 1) il
tl lt t l9 i0 !.1 li
il :lJ t/ :10
l.t )7 Jt i5
rti 0 I
' 0 I.l 2Ii Ii
lt t:l ll l7 tt
0 6
i ti lj j 5
;l .2J 0J t0tl
tl 2
0l I

tllo it B i2ol
SUADOMAIN v-S.al€ Scores

J Communi.alion Dait Living skills So(ializalion

; ptayand

,.-S.rh R..eli\c Erprc*ile lvriltcn Pebonnl Don€stic Comnru Cro$ Fin. y-s.at.

tt 5 ;l i )a
tl l]() 70 tl
j l,/ 6ll .l
liO l,i {)() l(l
iti ;rr 1, i ().1 t'l
61 6l lll
t- il i.l i, 1/ )t tl
I t t))) 6
t; I[ 1] 2 n) 1-t itit t(J ir l5
,t t; I tl
li li ili) I ll Il
l all tr jt l(r tl
l I t0 I f tl tl 6, itt6 |
tt tl ti n) i0 lt tll
li 5l 0 ri n, .t; )t
lrlr ta ta 2) .)t) t
t.r tl rlr t: [j .].) i
., ) I t; ltlr a i i
lt t0 i ]] ]i Ii l
;j 0l 0I l
l .)) tt )
I 0t

Dri! Livinij Slilk sorializalion

lnl.rpcBonal Leirure Copin8
i\c Fucsnc wriltcn Peronil Dotoeni. Communily Rclalionships linc Slilh

li i 1l
]I a a) 1t li t'
t0 iri til


59 6t l.l ti 11 )J l0 .1:t ]lt-10

li 56 iil 1) 1t) nl i2
it l! Jl.:16 )1 ))
ll ti t8:10 1.1 ra tl
ll )1 16 5 t0 | )1 2i 1l
l0 )t )l 5i5'l l t02i lt 0
9 20 2t 15 i) 0 ) i7 :19 l
I lt ]li 1) -) :1 5
.1 .ll :) li l 7 02 .10.J1 lll tl
l] t2 tr .| t0 ti
5 0i i ll lt rl
I i li ll
0l :

202 : tufuti\ B
SUBDOMAIN v'Scale scores

Daily Livin8 5kill5 Socialization

Play and
lnrcrpeBonal L€islre Copin8
R€lalionshios lim. Skilh

ll 50
2l :ll i2 72

22 2t']) 55 50 5l
2t l0i 71 it .2i -18 .li l(l
t0 l0l r01 ;]-il .tl .ll
t9 100 r02 t7 l8 .tl 2l i5 l.l .1U 10 J9 .12

t8 t.l2l il l,l
tl ti t6 lll zll l0 17 )t
[ ]l ln l5 )J)7 Jt nl tt ll ii a()
i) i) ll ll rJ rr-2j 50 il l8n0 \17
B-t 35 I r0 l0 lli l0 i5J7 r 2l
tl ;.1 r5 tt l1 t7 20
tl )i t! Jl
2.1 )6 .1 It .18 i ll L2 16:18
l0 2) )l ;i 62 :ll l,t li t.t ti 1l l0 ai 6)
t0 ll lt lr .ti ll
i6 t5 tr ll 0,t a/ t.t t7 J \
D 16 tr 2l 17 )1 t0 l.l
l2 21,.15 lJ t9
5 I2.!0 ; !l
i It 2l t0 :2

0l )J )a
l 0l
i 9o'rt

annduni.alion Daily LivinS Skilk socializalion

PIay and 1

Inl€rpe6onal Lekur€ Coping

' Rec€plile Expre$ile Wrillcn PeKonal Domedic Communily Relalionships Tim€ Slilh

10rJ ll 50 -1u
l.t 58 0ll i1
l2 i:l ,1 57 72 i6 5:l ia 2l
.- 2! lt :0 il 5i 50 52 )2
t05 :l 2l /t 7i il in .16 -+9 ll
l0l tol 20 21'26 l0 J.l 61 67 1t i2 ll li !0
iiJ 22 2i la l9 l8 50 l9 J2 - t9
t6 t8 23 l0 tt J5 l:l l5
6) H-li 11 27 ,ll lt ]lJ ll
t) jj i9 6l ll ./l 2l 50 il lfl l0 )1-27 t5
- l0 ll 32a5 910 i6 58 l0 l3 20 l! l7 2r 2l 71 71 19 52 t4
i2 55 ll 1,1 17 20 7t 7! ,15 18 IJ
27 J9 J2 12
.1.1 Jll : ll l2 26.2ii ll ll lt
2) )3 ii 62 ).3 l -1 l0 l2 3i ,25 I r0 l0
l0 2l ,16!1 0I ) 29 3l t82l 6t 9
16.1i 24-li 0l 57 12 2a 1) l7 tj 35 16 L)6 8

ll L6 16 35 1.1- 2l 11 21 711 0:2 20 11 1r3 2) I

I I t2 21 25 l0 ll
12 20 5 t:l ll li 5

5 tl 23 0,,1 l0 12

0l )t :l
2i 0l 25 2
01 0l l
.l )

rt,rr rr.J I nr\r fr!i

I] Altlttndix B 20
SUBDOMAIN rscale S.ores
J Daily tivir8 slilk
Play and
lnlerpenonal L€isure Coping
Pesonal Dom6li. Commun R.liiinn(hinr nnc s&ilh

1.r 60 8B /3 76 i3-62 58 60
2:l ll 57 59 72 t6 57 5J 57 23

?? I .lr2 50 -56 71 aa 51 52 22
21 JO 69 7A 5l 5.1 .18 i0 21
39 to.t 0i 2t-21 67 68 5t 52 4i .17 2l)
19 lot 101 )o 65 66 49 50 4r -r.l t9
la 20 22 l2-J5 61 64 47 1A l8 r0 t8
:16 i t9 2tt- Jt 6A 62 .15 J6 33 37
:li 16-17 21-)7 57 a9 4l l.l ll :1.1

15 l.l ll 1Jt tl 14
t*t 6A 61 r J-r5 )3 5l 56 40,!2 2{t l0 a6 t9
.l: u,a7 tl ll 57 59 ll 12 '19 .2r 50 i2 l7 :19 21 27 i2 55
ll 79-8i 9 I0 5l 56 .r l0 16 l8 .t6-,19 i,l 16 )t 2l t:l
12 .19 52 78 1.1 lJ .t2-,1j i]-li 17)a 1)
tl ,15-13 i6 l2 l3 18,11 2ii-:10 Il 16 :17 -11 tl
10 11 )a l,l lr 21 )7 | ll t0
9 2l-)l 5l l9 l 1a,40 2 B9 l0 ll 20.11 I r0 l0 l2 9
8 t7 )o 16 i2 0 rr-17 262t t6 19 57 2/ 29 I
tl t6 ll l5 t92i I lt 0.1 lu-16
I t2 t6 l0 16 l8 8 t0 6
5 t6 21 r1 l5 17 t:1. I5 5
7?, 611 ri l0 uJ t0 I2
l J5 25 3

2 01 23 2
0l - 0l I

Daily ti!inE skilh

R€c.plrre E\pr6live !ryrilten Pesonal Donesri. Community slith

103 15.50 79 82 :1,1 ,18 60 88 24

t07 li-:1,1 /-7 78 ll 58 59 /) 21
)a i2 75 7a ll l2 3.1 57 22.

loal )6 27 7J 71 29 l0 50 5l ',: 2t
roi )1-25 71 72 )7 2A 15 ,19 20
Iot r0,1 -2:l
.2 r 69 70 21 26 ,10 4,1
-68 19
100 102 r9,20 67 68 )) 2i l5 39 79 66 67
ars 6a r9 ll 3l 1,1 78 6:1 65
t5 16 9,196 t5-16 61 6r lGtS 28 l0 60 62 16....
ll 9t 9:l 1:l 1,4 62 14 l5 21 27 15
l2 86 90 r1 12 59 6l ll13 2l 2:l 75 76 53 56 l4
l0 112 35 9 l0 i6-53 9l0 I B-20 72 74 49 52 l3
17 2A 29 76-81 7 A 52,5i 74 l5-l7 69 7t ,li-..18 12
tl 26 )7 7A-7i 6 ,19-51 5 6 ll..1.1 ll
10.. 24 2a 6r-69 4 5 ,r4 48 :l-,1 I l-12 10
9 21 2J 5562 2:l l8 -11 ) 10 s5-60 32 16 9
8 1G\1 0I ll l7 I 89 i9 il 27 J1 I
7-, ]] 16 :ll 15 20 30 0 57
6 12 2630 t6 l9 34 2A 23 1G17
5 8 t9 tl t5
0 z 10.r

0l 2,1 2i
- 0l

.0rrinrdd on ndrr fd:r

2oa | ,4ppendix B t,:ttd.:ti1|1, I r rj l,r:n":lr r:r:r':: virrlard II

SUBDOMAIN v.S.al€ S.ores

Daily Li!ing Skilh Socialization J

Play and
lnlerpedonal Leblrc Copin8
Per\dnal Domcstic Commu RelatiDnships lime Skilh

il i0 2l

it ll ;l ii ir) il jj :)
l,r l0 ;0 a.l ji 5l .I
I.l ta 1t tl '| 5l .lt t:
t.t lt 16 l0
tl ll i:l l;
5,r ta ll
1 t:l I1..! 50 il lt t0 )1 )i l4
:.; |tl l;-i7 .2t ti 5r i: l.l
i.t.j.: t/ lrl t7 I

iu.ll .12 l6 ]l
i J tl t6t8 lr rl
l0 i0 ll rr t: it 0
l0tl ai I
l) 9 lr 2 It l5 ll c ri :
t8 ,,_
2a 2

Daily LivinS Skilh So.ialization

lnl€rp€.onal Lcisure Coping
L .r: E\p($ire Wrilten Pc6onal Domenic Commu R€lation5hiD! Tinc slilh

i:l l1 ll ill 1l tl
II :r2 i1 al 56 jj jj )2
5i 511 5.1 )1
21 ), 5t 52 tl .li
22 2l 16-10 l8
rq 2t i2 15 li
t6 ]lt liJit 6.1 ari
tJ 5 21 )i 1t
i0 iJ 16 .10 )1 )7
L|2 52 5; tl
ll :6 ta lalT 6! il 12

n! 52 29 I ,l1ri ll
l.t ll :l 26 2ll ]t lJ l0
)3 2 l0 ))2i 810 5i 60 9
26 29 l3 :21 5 i 19 i.l 8
20 l0 l'l 2a
il lt t0 2A ).-) 6
9 15 til I I t5 B rl 5
2-ll 0l t0 tl
0l l
0l I

.orlrlrLlc.i oD nr\r lrrsr

Tfprndit B | 2o5
SUBDOMAIN v-5cale Scores

CommuniGlion Daily LivinF skilk Socializalion

lnlerpersonal Leisurc Coping
Ro.eplnr Expr.$ive lvritlen PcronJ Domenic Commu. Relalionshios ]im. skill! Cro$ rine y.s.jte

2.1 oil il lll t,r lt.t l(l lli ai lili

2i i, ll t- i3 ll l') 60 6l :l
',)l 1ll:jj] ,a ,-6 II 5ll i(J 7) l2
]l i: ti t2 )J i7 l
l0 0) r0r, lii l0 il t1i-t0 i0 il j.1 ll ri ltl
jlt lt i l0l la l; 11 7) )) )- l: 1')
ll iit ilt l0r ll l; a{r i0 t.)) lt Jl tli
tt 1r,r i1i0 ll ll al ti], tl).| i6 10
ll, ji lt) !r, r)it t() t0 lt It
jr !.) 9i li _llj rJl6 rNl i1 )t- lt ti lj il
! | irli ! l) l() 6t t.l ll 2l l:
j r(r jt lit ti tll: 59 () t) I :ll li tl
l llr .)r tij! llll j.1 ill i ii li--20 1) l) il ):; l
I .1..t: i0;6 ! 0 .t!i; 56 1116 ial l
.1.1 li ()l rilr i 1l .r.r 13 .1 I I ll t0
l]tt ji il 16 i|:l ) ) l0 ))24 ]t 0 ji 6i Lt 1l
l7 l0 i{);1 0l lr Ji I lilr l, il 1t :)
.i 11, | 1) .10 10 0 a7 t,r 2l 1i7 0l
lt t6 jtr t6 lr) Jl tlt t5 16 t;
5 I l0 t()ll I li ? r li
, tJ 6 il tlt 0
l 0l
l Ii .li )
I 0 l

Codmunicnlion So.ializalion
lnlerpesonal Lcisure coping
r-c.alc Receptilc txpr€$ive wtill€n Relalionshios Time skilh

)) it N) .10 li l: ltli t.l

)t it 7t], ln l9 a0 61
)) i)t6 ll alti9 i2 ii ji a6 tl
tt 7l .ll l.l il 57 ]I
l0 7l llJ l0 ;0 il .t0
l0l I01 11 7) 2i 17 .1) It rl il .ll 16
t0r 10:2 :t.l --ti a9 70 )) 11 .11 11 i0 5l .11 ll l6
l7 t). L) a;61t Ir 2l i6-10 ti
20 lr 65 6(r l7 3 l'l
t5 6t.61 l.l 16 lli ll 5t 5l l5
6t t:t I i ).t )7 ll 5l t1
ll ri l; i9 6l !| ll ll ll
tl t1 L2 i1 ;li 78 17 )A li J6 l7 l0 t) il 51 t5 tl
lt ltll i6 ll a) tl
l0 .tt 2! .l.l .|t ,l II 1l .t628 ll ll l0
.I 2J )) tJl :18 II .r .J l0 2l li ll-10 5i 6t i:tI
ti l0 0.i ll .lt I lJ ,l t62l a/ lo il 27- ll
tl r6 ll lr 20 l0 a a; 26 l0 lll .16
ll ll 16 lq i.1 t0 t5 t6 l/
l6 li !; 12 |-15
tu 0 o7 l0 l2
:l ,t, 0t )i
) 0l 0l l
l 0t l

206 \ lff. d;r B

SUBDOMAIN v-5cale Scores

i :. mmuni.riinn Daily Lilin8 Skilh Socializarion _!

lnlcrpebonal teisure Copin8
b- {r' Erp,e$nc Written Penonal Donenic Connunity Rcl.lion\hip\ Time tlills
.tl 50
it.]] jj iu 21
r0.rl 2rl i0 ij j.1
,17 ]t llr 5l t9
I.r .26 15 li i t-it .lt li
:! 2i 2) )i lt rl
l0 tl ai 3t l5
t]li tt lo 5.1 ii 1i I talt
I tl tt tl ll
I ti tl
I ll lt
1ll ;l 5.6 ll rJ
l.r .t lt 8
il J Mtu 2i i1 0
-2 -t il l].t6
17 )t l0 t-t
ll lt It t02l ti i
tl i11

Daily living Skilh Socializalion

lnlcr?e6o.al Lcisure Copin8
r." T.: :\Dre$ne wrillpn Pereonal Don€stic Conmunity RelJlionrhipr fine Slilh

lt 50 21
, lt ll tl
ti l7 i7 5i 56 2l
7) t0
.18J0 5l il 19
), 27 .1! i.t t8
12 11 ,15 .13 io ;t lt .11
6B 6t
22-)l 1i
31 ii | .r5 2B 32
l] D ti lt) ir il l0 .t: )1 17 ll
{l .ll )1 21 t,l
,r l]li 51 atJ tl
. 6 t: 29 l? t.t t5
I lt12
,12 lt6 tl ll 0,.1
t7 2) ]ll 20 t0 -tl
:l-.1 1) t7 t0tl B l; 5
t8 t 11 0:l

(orrml.J dn n.rr trl.qr

,4ll? dia B I zoz

SUBDOMAIN v-S(nle Scores

lntcrpeFonal Leisure Coping
livc ErDr€$ive wiitlcn Relarionships Time tkilh

tl 2r
tl I I .t.l
2l )2
lr 17 all rr i6 :ll
t0 t.l
t )1 .r3 lll
t,l | 1l l.l
it il t(i ?l ,: -)i
ll ; 5i
ll t1
l -li
It j j
.1 tl ll ?.1 .tu li ll
t,t rl
l ti.l t l0 - t-l
. tr i1 i
ls i) Ill
) 0i :ti 2

Communic.lion Daily Li!ing Skilh SocialiTation

PIay nnd
ht.rtcbonal Leisure Coping
Pcisonal Domedic Communi Relalionships lime skilh

2j . ti tl t! llt l5 rll i0 llll 21

:il 12 J.1 63 69 2l
)) t6 li !..lt a: 6i t2
l ir i() i8 12 6l iJ rt) 55-i6 tl
in ji li )ll 6l 20
7l l'r ll 5) ;7
3 7! )6 2U :2 5l t8
lt11 2rl:, 19;l 5l t? lt.11
68 r,!) 20 l.l li .13

It 66 L7 17 l! ll J1 ll
61 6i ll 16 i6 Ja rl 5i
a2 6l l-l i ll Ji .rr rJ \t t; J:J

tl n) it lJi lli :! 61 9 ll l0 t2
ll i.t 5iJ i ll .21 1l tl
li-ti llt il ;6 lt :10 ,10 3t t2 tl
lt tl ,12..17 I ll 16 212lt 811 9

t8 ll ll ill l.l 9ll 2l-)l 102.1 1i l2 Jt 8

: 22 Jl 0-l 7l
li:l l0 t2 2))'
,l ll] i.l l7 t0ll li lr j
0i i0 ll
:l or 0
0l 2

I drrj,r!d on nrrl |.r.q.

208 t A\f?tuli.l B
SUBDOMAIN v.Scale Scores

Daily li!ing Skilk Socialilalion J

plal and
lnl€rp€Eonal t€isurc Coping
l.- -llre trDr€$iv€ Wri cn Pc6onal Domeslic Conmunity Relationships Ime Skilh

{10 ll2 6l
,t J .15

73 21
i8.10 )t
57 r.t 55
ll Jt il 55 51J i5 5a i0 5i
rlir r06 32 ll ll
i2 )i )7 i9 i.l i:l 5l l.l--16
0l i02 1t t2 I.j .r5 .18 t{) i J0,tl
19 lt Jl ,ll t5
5iJ 6l
ll]6 i3J' 51 57 .ll .li 27 i1
:l :13 l? i0 ii ,r0.t:t :t.t 2a tl
.: ill ll t5 t0
r,.i7l l2 li l!) I
ir 6t 8i0 ). I ll l.l )1 )7 5 t0
t.; i0 27 )j i2 )1 )n t.) 11 Il
.t; li 0l l3 22
217 i t0
i]l 20 l.l

play and
lnterpcBonal reisurc CopinB
+ri E\pre$ile Wrilten Relalionlhips Timc slills

16 i0 21
It2 t2 r.r 68 69 2!
19.10 l9 J] 6367 :lt
l7 l8 :16 l8 62 61 i7 l0
l5 16 :ll l5 58 6l il 56 tll
1.1 l8
26 28 52 5.1 17
l0 ll 2l 2i .r9 5l 61 66 ir 52 16
2A 12 .lr .18 6: 6.1 ,r9 50 l5
i€ 6l
25 26 .1 r! :$ 12 j.t 57 tl
2l )4 ll B 11 .37 i0 5l tl
20 22 9 t0 2812
5 t-56 6a )327 t0
l] l5 ,tl 5t) ,ri 1721
ii l2 :11 .12 2J 12 16 8
0r 711
0l l8 22


.rlrhr1llrll on rr\1 frllr

Altfuntth B l2o9
SUBDOMAIN v.Scale Scores

! Daily LivinF Skilh So.iali/ation

Play and
lnrerpcbonnl Leisure CopinB
PeEonnl Domedi. Codnunily Relalionships Ime Skills

21 :tt
),) 0u lI i2 i-) ll
ai il ti 20
15 a6 il ii
), )) )) )t :1 llt 50
tol 0; ll ll t6 It il:ii
i: ) )) l0 li
ti 5

') i I i.l I i lj ii )2
tit lti t0 -11 ll
t0 .10 ll
:t lt it ll t.l
llt ll i 6i 6 tl .| ul I i tl ri l)i r lll 3
I i It tt.ll ti. ]l l.l
lt r! i lt zrl ll1 I
j i t0 r
7li -1 {l )
l .l)
l li 0l l

communielion Drily Lirin,j Skill, Soci.lizalion

lnleryereonal Leilure Coping

,.scat. i Re.eptive Exprc$iv€ Wtillcn Pcrronal Domeslic Conmun'ry Relalionships Time skills Cro$ fine v-Scate
s.o,"- E s.n'"
1.1 lto lJ2 ,14 ill 7:2 0u a)
|a 7t l: 7l
.)) 7/- 11 1t 6q i0 7l
tl | .12 16 .10 I 67 63
20 li li l9 65 (rtr
.10 lj j.l 16 6t 61 ;6 it.5j
tj il :ll 5li 60
il 17 :10 r5 57
t6 tol l0l lt il /0 7l 2.1.16 it i1 it i.t ,l(l r.i
t5 ()ti 69 20 2l n! :0
1.1 a6 G' t7 t! n'i Jli
ll 6t 6i t.r t6 l0 Il jt 3i
l? ll ll l.l t(l
ll ,li l0 3t tii 2.2 I r
.) l0 2tJti
l0 7.1 lit lli 11 )) )i
tt.15 l1 ).) 2lt.it ll il
a I-Lrl il 6i 612 t:t tL, l)i 110
lt 17 1.1 r0 27 )) l) 0 22 zlt t;I I I
II 1.2 27 lj 0 tl 2l l :I ll t.t 0
r l0
7lJ 6 r:i :,i 1)
l ]; OL
l 2l

) 2 l ami l(

210 i tl)f(,:!.lir B
SUBDOMAIN v-Scale Scores

Communi.aiion l)aily tiving Skilh Socialization 1

lnlcrpebonal reisure Copins
>ste Re@ptive Erpre$ive wrilten Pcrsonal Dom. i. aonm Relationships Tine Skill!

,tr t) lL.rt
iti i,r !') 72 t), :2J
1.1 li 7i 11 /t) tl
76 lt .t I 6tt 6(l 11
.10 l 7) )r)l 6i6i 5lt i6 i7 l0
il i6 ili 61 6.1 5i )1 .)5

/l ji tj ill 6t 55 i6 it 5l
19 ll i) 5i
0l 0) tJ i) )6 )B il il
02 0j i2 jj 7l) ll ll .lr .ltr ll :it 5.2 lt ll l5
100 0i i0 it {)ll 6(l l0 ll 16 lli
l1 I) 66 6i li l, 1l ta ll
! ]t 6J a5 I la iti .tl rl
60 6.2 0 t2 tj i7 tl
/i 85 10 rl at t9 lt lt .17. )! t0
tt li ii .tl
ir ll iJ

2l| t2 ll tJ li l9 lt -li r .l
tri 0 it
rtli I.r t.t [i
6 i: .tt ll
0t 0 l
tl 1
' annr- lnl

Communicilion Dailt Living Skilk so.ializrli0n

lnterpe*onal Leisule Coping
Re.eplile Expressive Witlen P.Konal Domestic Cddmu RelaliunlhiD lide slilh Co$ Fine v-s(at€

Itl 50 lJo ul l1
1t ;7 22
lolt .11 !5 j') 53
.12 jj 20
loi ,10 .J t .,7 A .,)
jr) lll i9 56 ;l 5l
1r 106 t7 jj .13 50
r,i 0; lt 16 72 27 i0 ;i 57 la)
tot 0l t.l 21 2a ;t 5l 1r il n0 rl l5
r, 100 02 ll ll
: i; t)t t9 :10 ll IJ
ir {lt !16 l0 29 :l 5: il
, il iJ6 9l )a 17 .l! 5l l0 -11 20 2.1 ll
t,r 77 85 )1 )1
t) G1 in tlJ 2l '1i-rl l0 1.1 | t5 9
tt il 63 ll 17 l9
t.r 5-r0 I
rJ l7 50 tl2 2.1 ll II lt tl rr2l .2r
-r i .10 ta .l tr t9lJ t1t ll
i, la,t! 0i l2 lt
6 t5 2B i ll
.": .

lpfo iB I 2ll
SUADOMAIN v-Scal€ S.ores

1 Drily tiving Skill! So.iali/alion

lnl.rpcsonal L.nure copinS
!-\rate Re.eplive ErPre$iv€ wriilen Pcnonal Doncslic Com,n Rclntionshins Time Skills

tl lrl
lt -tl

il a:t l0 ti

ll il;i

IJ l,l rl
.2 ti
I ii ,r .l.l
llr r

l ti 0l

Dnilr Liing Skilh Socializalion

lnlcipelsonal Lcisurc Coping

u-r.ate Receptivr trpressive Wrillcn Pe6onal Domenic Codnunity Relaiionshirs Timc Skill!

ilo ti.r JN
.1i 7i lill I.t
ll i, .li 16 i) i1 tl
t.l lll .1.1 i 2.1

1l toli ll l5 77 .r2 l:l 6'l i0 59 lli 2l

i6 .10 11 6i 6ll ilt 16 i: )0
73 )7 iq 6i 66
rt6 6i6l t8
ll ji 6 6l r) lli n)
7) )7 1A i8 60
70 7l l.l la ji 5i t5
t.l l(]2 l0l ir 6U 69 l0 ll il 51 ia 31 t5 l9
tl 6l /- )1) .lil :n lit 6l ll
l2 6i L6 i 16 117 t2
tl 6061 ll li l;l ll
ri!'t ') t0 )7 a)
! Ii ti lj il I li 20 lll l0 l! r rr
t'l -tl nl r1 la Li lll
2,1 | I,l it it )) tt) ttlt -tl
tli l,) Ii
'l 3 lJ i12
tlJ 12
l .1 ; 0t ll J

l 0i )

nnrin r.l,D rr!\r f.1rrl

212 t Afp.ndir B \ inelarrtl lI

SUBDOMAIN v"Scale Scores

Daily Livin8 Slills Socializalion

play and
lnterpebonal rcislre Coping
Pe6onal Domerli. a.mmuni R€lationshios Tim. slilk
r() il lll
.15 16
I0il .{.1

;2 1l 75 i8 ji i6
i0 toi 1t
]llt0 ii i6 i0 i2
l9 106 Il 72
{t toi 16 i; il r1 tl ta,
l0l io.l t.1.1; il rJ .10 l.l
li-i6 00 to,t ]l jj
jii1 q79, l0 it 56 611
it it2 92 96 til t9 1i 3i
til l0 li-t 9t 1i 27 0 1.2 l.t i9 17 i,l
li ti 6u Nl )t 2.1
.| tl .)t 6, : l,l J2 l')
lrr ll .10 i0 ! I.I t7 ilt 2.+ ll )t).) Ii
illt ]2.t.) 6I 2t 26 1 ) i.ti l0 ll lll t0 0l
tlllr t.lt 05 |20 tt Irl t) i
ll il 6tl 2 t0 tl
. t0 It u-. 0
16 t:i
|I 0l

Communicalion Daily ti!ingSkilh Socialiralion

play and
lnlerpenonal Lcisur€ Coping
Re.€plive Expresile writlen Pesonal Domeslic Comnunir! Relalionships line S&ilk

ii2 .21
.13 l1i6
ti 5i 56
12 i) 'li
5; 5:l 5l
56 l0 il ltt
72 l0 lr ,16
105 i )7 )t : rs
7A 2i 26 i5. at rJ J0 l.l : 11
l0t r 0l a8 69 20 2) 5l i.l 50 52 15 t9 .- : rl
98 l0l lt Jl 18 t2 5tt 6l :1)
B2 9l 23 27 :15 1l
20 2,1 i0 i7 I -10
t5 l.) llt ?5
.t0 i0 ti l8 i.6 2.1 rl 2)25 3i
21 26 1,1 5tJ 2A 2l tij 20 0l
,: ll 20 t 2 219 1) 17
2 l0 0 ll
.li 0t l)

..rrlrnrdl.n nr\r fd'rr

Appendir B - I 213
SUADOMAIN v-Scale Scor€s

Communicalion Daily Li!inB skilh Socializ.tion

lnlctpe*onal Leisurc Coping
Receptive Expre$ivc Wrill€n PeEonal Dom.slic Communily Rclalionships lid€ Skills

ll lll
l 1t
103 1r '16
t1l r0 toi li i7 ;t 5l ll
jr) l0l, .rl
i8 tol llr .lr) l5
t.l t, tor ii lrJ | 2i tii iri tl
tj ir, ili.l lr)i li 16 lr
ji lj 1,| L0 | t.l 12
ll I it 'rt r)l tN ll ll
,)t ni lit 'l: ),17 t0
)a )i (i lJ: -20 21 !10 ti jj
.21 ti ) Gi lt 1l / ll l{t -26 IJ
q) t0 n) qtl li]l )l .l'' ) )
l7 ili !jl] ait ]i t6 it i iJ l0.ti
j lltn lj ii 0; llt0 tl i.1
I il 6 ,
l i 0 .1 i
2 i6 2l l
l l

Daily Living Skills So(ialization

lnl€rp€EoDal teisure Coping
!,s.ah . Re.eptik txpr€slive Writl€n Pc6onal Dome(ic Conmunity Relationships Time skills

24 l1
tl :i
t2 tl
tl 6r it 21
ll t-J
lll i! i5 ia' l3

t5 ii 15 ttJ
Jir roa it il J 11 l!
l:t 16 l7 l0i I0l
1) 1.1 ll r0 t? :t i.l l, 5t i2 li l2
II l
io It t0 ll .ri 2l 16 10
il 60 I t5 1t .17 t) 9
8 [r .]l .ti 5.1 IJ

ll tl li ;5 li.16 ilt 5.ti l0

2.t 69
)421 .li
5 0i j
tl ii 619 t6 tl tl t2 2lJ ltl
l I l
) l
l l

214 | Al)l tdirB

SUBDOMAIN v-Scale scores

Dnily rivint s(ittr So.i.lization

Plny and
hlcrpebonal lehure Coping
tive [xDr€$iv. wrilicn Pc6onal Domenic Community Rrl.lion\hip! Timc tlills
l.l |)
t.l NI

l .11

t5 ji $ .lii li
tl 2t j it.60 I.l
jj ll
t2 Ji 100 0rl lo lr i6 l'r il t.t tl tl
ll ll
t0 Jt .lt )i 26 t0
.ti-;2 )7 I t0tl
.tl -t6 i6 7 ) ii tl li
: .t tl ,]] jj 0lr
6 9 20 lti l.l lOtt jj
! 0l
lt li 6 19 1.1 ) I :ll
9 t.t ,1 i 6 li J
l :
l l

Daily ti!ing skills Socialization

play and
lnlerpesonal lcisurc Coping
R€.eplive Expre$iv. W.itlen Peronal Doneslic Conmun Relalionships linc Slilk

,tt ii2 I.l

2l ll
'llr .t1 ti it 11 l0
t3 l0li .15 .]lr ilt i5 ili
10 .j.l ii 5l it
t0/ .tl i6 .l':l i2
)a lq 106 .11 r2 ll l.t 6l a? i! .15 l8 It
t.l lrJ t05 :19 ,10 5i .t .11 It
i6 l7 toj 10.1 t7 l8 2a 17 i7-5lJ ar 6u
t2 ra loo llr:r 15 16 L21 5l i6 .19 il lt :li 12
tl :ll 1.1 {ll 99 i2 l1 l8 2t 19 ll ll
t0 l0 i2 89 g,t llJ ll t.t .15 2l t6 l0
9 27 2t 76 gB )i 27 tJ rr 1a 1i l3 .1r 20a) 9
8 21 )6 t6 7i 18 22 rt 5i 3l- i7 t0 l.) 8
)1.)) lj i: I0 t/
t{l t0 l;.12 611 i 6 10 tl 27 l0 20ti J5
j i6 l8 20 lt 0'l I.l lt l l lrl l9 26 r.t l9 a1 j
1.1 li 6 t! 2 t,) lt l8
l l
0i .l', I I tl 3

.onrt ..l r,n !.\r tr.,l.

lplt)1li\ B t, 215
SUaDOMAIN v-S.al€ Scores
I Daily living skills Socializalion
l.l.rperson Lenure Coping
,.s.ab Rc.epln'. Ekpre$ile wrillcn P.4onal Domeslic Conn{n Rclilionrhi!! lim€ slilk



1l ii il l1
ia ii trl t5

l] tl t2 t.t it i1 ll
il ]lt .ti lit ! ;;;:
t7 t: -2li II it il l2 ri tt li
tt t6 ),2i B:i lill l55
:t tl llt 5i t; tl
)).)), 6
i lli ]lt6
i.t ]l jj tll
Conl lnl.

Daily Livin8skill! so(inlization

lnlerpe4onal Lcisurc Corrins
Receptirc fxprc$ive Wriltcn Pc6onnl Don.ni. Comdunity Rehtion'hiDs Iime slill!

l2 li 12
') 2l

t0 l0ll 16
i7 ,-. a:
i9 t0; 1l i() .lil ; ti
iit iOi tor, .1 rl l.l
17 :tl l0l l! l0 5l a.l .10 ll
') t; lt) itll l0l li lll iL i:t t; i(l 12

ll tj 1.1 tt; ,)!) tj j6 2l )1 ).1 il l

il ii,) 9t i2 il lt| .ltr t0
ti ir 3J liiJ lli it 5.1 il .12 i5 !) )t
.t5 l() il i)l )i .l/ .1;5 Il;t l8li
t.: i6 ii tt l2 I it ll ir
t) .! lt i0i5 !t2
5 tlr .)l jll ]l I ij 5
ll La t.lti lt 20 t5
'| (t I rti r Li 1l l
I 0ll l

drrlrrirl!,l.rr r,rt |d,r.

216 . tpfmdi' B \'irclrrrrri ll


;i!€ :Ssglve Erpre$ivc wrirten

ph, ,nd J
SlglJ ponenic comDuni

ll 0ll
t't oi 22
6;l u0
/l t9
;! jj n,

5 i-ir .10-l.l
a2 )j jt jl
lj ii jjtl .tt 5.1 .lt .li :l
i6 75 lt li tit

-t ll t8 0 j
/ )) ,]


Dairy riviDs slitj;

ilplire rxpre$ive Wrilrcn

g1__g9l9ri. cu,.uniry lt["fiil1 flj" :tilr
t;.1 113

; _
iit _ ))
lta t_,
1ti t5-i7

1L ti ia.71
au ;i
i1 i8 i5 56
jt 5?_j.l
105 ,l _.1^l
)5 )7 j.l.56 ll
6t 6J 1)
ljt lt8 ut It
I Jl t,t.2)
t.t-16 .J/

/8 j3-10 t1 t9
2t 27

2a-) 27 I 6
-li t0 j

l-L l
0-6 0l 2

..nlrlr,r,1rr rl, !r f,r,j..

Al f(n(ti\ B
SUBDOMAIN v-5cale Scores

conmunkailon Dairyrilin8skirh so.ialization

! t lnlerpcEonal tcislrc Coping
P.6.nal Dom€rli. RelationshiDs Time
iiiiiiiiiiii Communih Skilh

u2 lJl 2l
{10 -lJt 22
tl ul 62 2l
t0 ; 2A
72 i1 61 59
l{l .1lJ t5 iJ 458 llj
)t 5i
'10 a2 71 iu i! 5a
ti l8 l9 11 ii tt 51 I5
1l lt -,ll t::+ IJ
t2 1t,10 23 ll 57 .it iJ 5.1 19 .11 t2
tl )547 ir 5l l.r l8 1l
t0 .t.t t.1 i0 il l0
29 ll tt-| :l 5ar

B t7 13 .18 52 -lr ,]] 20 2J

r.1 l:. il i9 t8 16 11 .10 Ll 19
)) )t 61 71 l0 tl ')1 )t
! tll ]l iJ 6l li 28 6 5
25 l0 20 21 0
1 0 l
2 ,r t2 lr ]ll 22-:ll J] ?
l 0lt I
9O"/o t ) l 2
a.nf l.r I

communicarion Dai\ tiving Skills Socializalion

lnterpetsonal Lehlte copin8
R€.eplive Expre$irc Written Pe6onal Domdlic Comnunily l€la{onships Time Sk'lh

24 31 88 21
22 22
_21 t0 B] 2l
20 80
t9 79 75
t8 3
17 tOu .l8
1A 47 12 ,lJ 67 6B 72 55 56
l5 roi 46 71 5l 5'r 15
rq 106 .li i7 l9 61 6.1 ,t1 52
ll rr 105 11,1) 72 t6
il.] 61 62 i5 i6 15 ]u tl
12 :17 lo2 101 .ll -12 u0 ll 5{t 60 6,1 66 5l 5.r 12

ll :lt.16 99 l0l l3 -10 7A )a 29 51-il 61 6l 5t 52 ]l

1! ll-1,1 95 9B 31 lt 68 69 48 50
:J0 l:2 90 9J 29 lJ 5J t6 24 28 9
8 )7 29 B2 B'r )t)8 I l-16 ii 4J JB 52 )a )j 8
21 26 12 t\] 14-2) i.t !9 1aJ7 I I l9
22 23 ar 7r r0 ll ,18 t2 7-11 22 2i l0-12 7 l0 6
5 l9 21 56-6t2 3 9 25 2t t6 5
l7 lt .t25i 02 :la-.12 ll 711 t25:10
3 ll t6 :lt .11 t2-37 l8 2l I'r l9 :l
2 9r2 1730 24:ll 5 rl : 2
1 03 0 t6 08 l
2 2 ) 2 l

m,rrnr.d on n(\l t)dsi

2r8 | Al,lt.nti.t B \rirtbrrl II

SUBDOMAIN v-Scale Sco.es


t\pre$nr Wri
lnierp*sonal teislre Copin8
lit RcleprAe cn P€ronal Donesli( Community C.o$ Fine v_s.ite

I lJli
0t {li

ia 5N 5.t i.l
ij i6 .1; .lli
ll il trt II
)2 2t i0 tl
l7)t ,ll It 1-) It :lllJ
lI 0() .21 .18
I :11 lll 2l
i)11 t1l 9-l-t -t lt 16
6aiI l0 ll ;0 )l
t) :2t I tr
tj i0
I .ti
0 t5
I 'll'
i it .t.1

Diilt tniiB5lLilk So.i.liuation

play and
l.l$peEonJl Lci\ur€ Copins
Pcceplnc E\prc$nc wriften Pe6onal Doncsti( Comnrniiv Reliliunship( fine Shtk

tit 85

l0{i ii
r06 75
i6 ,li .lli 3
i.: .1t ll 72 ", ,
262' i5 58 5t 5t il l3 t
L 13 50 i.l llt-io 29 l.l lL)
5l i6 9
! :l lll lI il 1

71 81 11 )) 9rr :8 i6
I 5o i.l l1 l ito 6
16 t5tl 5
t t 0 l.l t5 2i
t .ll 18 l.t l!
l0 2)
tr 20

21 ]1 27 a)3

rrntin rJ rn nr-v t)d,{.

t1 Al !( dix B
| 2te
SUBDOMAIN v_Scale S(ores

+ rlaY rnd
lnlopcbonal tcisure coPing
R.talionshiDs lim€ Slilh
u-s.:te Rc.ePtiv€ ErPre$ivc Wrillen

ti tl
')) ll

ll i)
tl :oi] il ii

jl tr lj ll
:lr :- l) li l0
m -ll liJ.ti
l I

Daily tiviig 5!ill! Sodaliznlion

lnlerpcsonal Leilurc CoPing
PerDnal Domcslic CommunilY Rehii.nshior nne slills Cross rine , v,scnle
y.scate Rcceptiv. Eruessilc Wtillen

tl ).1
): tl
ti Il 1.1

17 i8 ,1') il
tl n
ll i! a2 ;0 5:t ,37 t0
)) ), i0 i.l il llt
I .21 .J2
t6 l2 12 l'l
)1 )7 78 0a ti 1l
i2 lr ll l1
))- ))
ji 5il
; i2 7l
ll il
5 l0 tall
t9ll 2

1, l2 r0 1

\ in.l"nd ll
220 a :1!)Poul;r B
Dajh tniietLill! 5o.iJlizalion
lnlerpeAonal Leisurc Copin8
ive Frpre$ne t\rillen Pe6onnl Dofreslic Commlnily Relalionshipr l'ime Skills

{t.t ljj

tr 52 ;r

)) 1L i1 ,rir
j.1 i'i ro,]: l.r li
ll )) r0 il it ;3
ll ll I'l l!
tt tl :t I il.lr ii II
'rl it 5i
0l .lli 5t
i li
i; lli it tii

Communicalion Daily LirinB Skill! Socinlization

lnl€rpe*o.al Leisure Coping
,-i.:te Receptiv. Erprcssive Wrilt€n Pe6onal Domenic Conmunity Relationships Time Skilh
r]a 07 ))
lll -

.10 t5
72 t.l
lll 7i 12
i1 l5 59 6l i0 12 31 17 l0
,26 ll0 )6 5.1 i8 9
:2 iJ ]I
,)! !) i6 58 ln 11 i; lil 1l
t, )1 42,i5 l0 ll 2) n) l{lt2 l7
lt l0 26 it )J 2; 0
r0 59 l,l t5 lli -21
0:2 I| )

Irrril rd r),r rr.rr f.(r

,.hud lt APltcnii B I 22r

SUBDOMAIN v-S.ale Scores

_! communi.alion Daily ti!ins skill! Sociali/ation

lnl€ipeKonnl L€ilur€ Coping
u-s.ab Rcccptie0 E\pre$iv€ Writlen P€rsonal Domeslic Community Relalionships Time skill!

tl 14
tl l2
I l
lll lI tlt


l 1
l tl
)t 2tt 5; ia
2.1 25 .tq:i
I It 6
it i
) ,)

D.i!y Living skills 5ocializtlion

lnterpeEonal teisure CopinS
Pehonal Doncsli. Communily Relalionships lime skilh

2.1 ))
)) t2
ti :l
iit ijj :0

t5 m .ltl t5
t.l - l1t 6r ii ia
'19 r0: 17 ll
tl :ilt 106 .16 12

tl 17 r)l iol Jt .1i i3 56 ,i 1.1 ,tt ll

i6 tol loj J0 -12 7i il l0
j.l-il ri 00 1.1 ill
i:t il ,0 r)l 15 ll , )6 .tt i6 a
zll.ii iJi ti9 16 2.1 ilt li ti l1l
)6 )t i9 lt1 II li t6l8 i1 ic
5 2) )t 7) 7t\ i l0 12l] l: l1 l0 ll 17 5

21 )1 6ti) 02 ;t )ll 2l i) 25:! 0

17 1a ;6 6() .{9 i.i l
l | 6 .1.1 ',i5 t5 I 2
I 0 t-t l

222 t '1fflut;t B !ilrhnrl II

SUBDOMAIN v.Scale Scores

communi(alion Daily LirinE skills Socializarion

lnl.tpeBonal Leisure coping

' Rcccplive Expie$ile wriften Pe^onal Domeslic Communily Relalionshios lime skills Cros tine
Z Es-.,

l(l 20


ll tN 12
I l

.ti l l]li
1i )t)
r)0. 90q;
a.ni.lnl. Conf. tnl.

Communication l)aily Li!ingSkilh Socializalion

?lar and
lnlcrpcronal Lrisur€ CopinS
,.scak . Receplile Expre$ive willcn Pc6on.l Dodeni( Conmunit) Rclalionshifi Tine Skilh

titJ ll
Il l6

':7 ,) t5
6r a5 ic
72 t:l
ilJ 12
101 l0) .| .1; ll
6J 61
'14 r2 r0 li

ll:li t.t15 i0 li
I :t.l 8ll tr 2q 2ll li
li:10 17 22 2i .|-!;
a1 l]I t6 20
0 r5
90'" l

..lrtrfl r.rl dr r.!1 flrS"

Altu nti\ B 223

SUBDOMdIN v-S.aleS.or€r

: Dai! LivinF Skills So.ializalnrn

lnlerpebonil Lchur. Coping
Pe6onal Don{sti. Commu Relalionships nn. Skills

t.1 24
ll )t
)J )2
2l ]
:0 t0
lt t9
t8 lu t8

1i 5t
ll i2 a0 6L ,2 il D
tl tl
{0 .1.1

ti ti ltJ il B

ll 15 .1t ll lt l7 1r rl
5 Il li tt it 5
.l 6| 26.i1
,, ;l l.t t7 2l t; l
2 jj il r: ]l :5:20 2
a) li l

Daily Living Slilh So.ializalion

Play and
lnterp€Eonal raisure CopinS
v-s.ah i Rerepl'rc trpreslive rryriten Pebonal Dom€dc Commu n€litionshiDs Tine sLilk

2) 2l
2) '.

)t ll
t0 d8 l0
t9 19
lll t 82 lli 8i 86 7a '
l0B al +r 0t,t: 75
t5 ili t5
1a i9 3\ \7
tl 7tJ .52ii tl
ll 1l
lt tl
l0 I ll li 6t 66 it jj lu-.tl l0
)7 11 t7 tri '18 i.l l0 l7
B .18 i5 20 t9
2li lt l9 2r t0 l8 li tl
.11 .11 i[ 17 I ll
5 )) l) ?lr ll l7 5
t )1 2) :7 tiJ It-tI 2't t2
ri .10 5i ;6 )) 26
2 0.l 16l5 t6 lt
l l) 12 0 ti 0 r5

.drrtrri in n.\r r.' .

224 | Altt di R \-irclarrl ll
SUBDOMAIN v'Scale S.ores

Comnun'.ali.n Dril,v Li!ingSkills Sociali/alion


, Re.eDlive Expre$ive lvritlen Personal Dodeni( Comnunil! Slills Cro$ Finc
s.","n Es.o.


ltl lit


ltt') ;;61
Ill t0 tt ti lr lil );
Itn i) li
8:i it tj
titil I
t- )) )

Comnnrni.ali0) Di;ly tivinS Skills So.ialilalion

lnterpeEonil tcisurc Coping

..i(at. Re.eplive Exp,e$ivc Witl.n Pcaonal Domenic Communily Relnlionships lnnc slilk Gro$ Finc v S.ate

t1 tOi 1!l
106 .17 rN t-l
ilt li ra li
ii t01 05 { 12 l0
r() 't7 toi li t!
ji !, (r)
]] I lt) , :t.t t-t I 1l 2.i.rN
]l 16 ult 2 i -1ll
.fr t0 1Ji li5 l7.t) 5

tt t| /6 liO B i6 l; Il
t)t6 iat, 0ll I
ti.ti 61 6't :'l ril tt l
(r .)t 0a 06 I

' 90"n
Conl lni,

. ,/rrr I' r ,tr, i, rl

SUBDOMAIN v'Scale Scores

I Dairy tivins skills Socializalion


r,Scat. Receplivc E\Pr.$ivc writlen Pe$onal Domcslic Communill Cro$ Fine e-S.rl€





I loa ti a, tll i9 llJ )l
lt 1| toi .r0 l)
i? 'tit lli ri llr
in ,]'i lri la ln
L t) lrt rL l.l ll
)i il
I it li: li; ILl6 itii l t)
.l iLr iit lli ii l0 q ! tt;) ll ti
) li t't ,r:'r ll n
l ta t; i,ii:l .l.l
06i |8 0 it 0i
I t))

Comnunicalion Dril.v LirinS skill! Socinlizalion

lnllrpe^onal Lcisur. Coping

, s.rk R€rcpln. E\pre$irr Wrilrcn Pebonal Dom.slic Conmuniry Rclationships Tine 5kilh Cro$ fine , v.sc.te
s.","- E s.n'"



t2 jtl 107 .17 lll
IL t(r6 ri l(,
lll L0{ l0r l0 ll
17 ')l l0l 17 i!]
{l t6 (rr !7 l5 16
I i li () lll i.l 11 Jt ,11 li.t6
.| till l0 n) il
i ti r lil )t ), 1i );
t0 i0 i| t1 16 ]].| 52ii | 5r
.tt I'J a ttl l0 )l .15 :t
'l ,]] l:i
I !6 )i 61t ii 16 l!
ll ,li 0 ()t 0 li
90.; l
2 aoni lol

226 : ,lltntl* B
SUBDOMAIN v.Scale Scorer

Comfrunic.tion Daily LivingSkills Socialization


Rec.plive Erpre$ile lvriltcn

lnlcrpeEonal teislre Copint
Pebonal Dom.rtic Conmuni

.)) ?l

It t|i .tl
i1 )
ll ]ll 06 i7 lll l
l lOi 1i ra
t0 ]ll t.) tOl 1r i:l
li lri 0l )) it)
i6 r. ,r5 ltl
il ll rr) 1l] ir i ii i.;
l ll it lia) ri,r l.t ri
I ll itiijj ir) l
lN t9 trr ril lr .r!
)a.)/ it lt )t, )7
i 04 Oii |tl

Daily Li!inB Skills So(ialization

lnt€rposonal L.isurc Copin8
ile Erpressirc lvrilt.n Penonal Don€sli. Conmunilv R€l,rionships Time Skills

Ir _t.t

tl l1
107 .rt) lit .i/ 117
2 j'r l0t, .lt tN lto .16 iji tr, ll
t0t iN t9 lt.15 llt ltl
)t -)a
l€ 02 i0| l0 ll t6 i; t0 [ :() t0 ,].] rr
ti (I) 0i /1;t lli l! i.) /)
rll 9l lt it 1t
16 t6 /l .16 lr 69 l
t; !t 9l i5 t) l, 6t 6u
li ! 110 1l
i.l it |.i1 6; ri6
li ll ii6 tr j.r ii t9 7a ,2 n) Ll
i0 |J tjj i(l ll 611 l0 II ;(r 6
lti .t1t ir) ii.) .lt trr .]lj tl 5i ;ll i r );
l 1a )- /-1 71t tl :ti 6t
ri.t 2t Ji jt ;l it jj t9 t.l r0 l 5l ir i7. ill l
0ti 07i 06i 0tti 0:o I

rl frr,!r.r r,l nr\r l)rttf

\;r,ri:,,,{l Il lllrntit Is
SUBDr'M IN e-Sole Srores

r Daily LivinS skilh Socializalion

Play and
lnt€rp€nonal Leisure Coping
P€rsnal Done\li. commrn'lv Relationships lime Skilh

.)l 23
)2 ?2
ll 21
t9 t9
t8 1ll

t6 50
It l5

tl It] t7 87 71 73 I3
t2 {J0 .16 35 36 12
ti r0i 7ta 19 .11-,1i u l-3.1 71 72 ,r8 5l ll
l0 t8 lot I0.1 ,r0 4l 76 77 1A Q /6-30 6i 6a 6!l i0
9 J7 lt) 74 73 :18 J9 /)-7i 9
8 36 73 36 J7 67 i1 .tl 61 66 67 8
ji t2 ,J l3 35 68 72 2l l5 ,18 66 6t-61 .17 60 6.1 65 7
ll:ll !0 ll l2 66 67 )8 13 17 6
5 ll l2 86 89 61 65 27 39 12 58-59 31 12 61 62 5
l0 8l 8i 30 ll 61 62 26 3,1 38 56 57 :14-15 lr .16 59 60
l 28 29 i7 6A 2i 3l :tl 5.15i u)a i7 58
,] 21 17 5r 56 21 26 i0 5l 5l l0:ll 15 2l 55 56
i 021 052 02:l 025

Daily Li!inB Skills

Play and
lnlerpeBo.al Leisure Coping
i!€ txpr€$i!€ Wrirlen Pe*olal Domeslic Comhunily Relalionships nm€ slilh

2l 2l
?? 27
21 21

t9 l9
ta t8

t5 t5
l4 t-t
13 107 l8 -,19 t:l
12 .19 106 1447 ll0 .1i-16 32 8i 72-7i 58,s9 12
11 7n-7t ,12-.1,1 76 8l ti
t0 l7 lB l0l l0l :la -,12 t4-77 l8 ,1r 72 7a t0
9 la 91 100 t6,t/ 7:l 16 :17 67 71 9
8 35 92 9l ll-lt 68-72 2! :15 l8 66 62 64 11 43 I
10 11 32 91 21,12 58 67 t0 28 I7.47 60 6t l0 ,10
6 15 )6 5557 89 l316 59 26 29 6
5 26 21 12-/l 22-21
2ta5 66 7t 19 21 !a:19 6 12
2t 23 58 65 l5 r€ l7 -,1:l 5 5-6 6-)f 2t-:)) l
1t 2A 18 47 | r,1 0-5 r9-i0 2
0 t6 0 -47 0-10 l

tunxn dd d, rr\i r. -

225 | A 14) oul i x B'.,., i t,a :,'.t'. t.1 ;'.1': {.} t :,.. ?t,, l: : t, ?:':' Viueland II
Daih ri\in8 Stjtls
elay and
lolor 5lili! ,l
lntc.pssoml teisure Coping
+6onal poTcstic conmuniry
Cro$ finc rs.,te


. 17 t6N' ti
Nt t5 -lrr tt N:j
/t u0 .ll t.r 7{) l|
A 7i Jti-ll 71 i5 t:
;.1 t6 G7 l
It) i.) .t9 tt' .{t 6l l0
jN 6i l0 lj
)t ), ti 1; l0r0 j
i.2 ji lt 816
1AtI I 5; ia
i:7 0
,- )1 !6 tt 2j .! tit j/ j1l
l.r- 10
it i.l l| tl l0 tl i
i0 tl
lj .]] .l 4
1;11 0l .12 r; o.l
0 tl I i.! ?

it I1l) tt)) .lit


I l.t I I |) I llr I rl 9O\'!

Dai\ Living srrith

hlerpcbonal Lc^ure Cooin!

Rrladon\hip! rime srih'

tl 2i
lll t9 00 .

irl Ii
:j .1€ .19
15 .t7 82 Bj t5
12 11 61 8l
il Ji t9 tot ob
ti ati /.1 ll
.17 5? 6l a3
5) 5i ii-at 3
11 2\ jj-i6
27 29 t6-ro
j .r0 ]l 03 t8 2t
2 t 12.] 6{ 6lJ 17 19 ll 10
2A ))
l0 5l
2i lil 5-ll D t5
l IJ I] 15-21 l
0 1,1 2

. .1,,lrl tl
Correrponding lo sums oI subdomain v-Scale scores and sums ot Domain Standard scor€s

I (omn,uii- Drilv
trinda.d I tving So.lJ

i,Ltr,.l.trn!r r.rtln(L -(,:-

2so ', Affu)kli1 B

.::, (,1 ,L.L,i. | 'r,r{i., ,1 n,) .i

lll()ttr]t B
Commlni- tiling Sodnl. Molor Conmun| rivin'g so.iil. Moloi
calion skilk izriion skill! carion slilG izalion Skill!

li 23

:?a:1! ''.1






1?1 .

: I rll

r0tr06 - 5r



'Sun ol domarn sn.da,d s.ot.s

.dn.in dd on n.\l fd.q.

*2 | Al)!) d;x B Subd*l'lain en{i lJatti}ii l"tront!5 \';nr$nl II

sundid commutri' tiring so.ial
cilion S(ilh iuation




ir r.l{ltN.trn ilind.L scoirs rr,iil f rl(i L)n rr\r |,r!.

\ irrl.rn,l ll Allnnit B 1 233

S{and d Communi Diiytiving so.J Sta.drd uing
Com'nuni. Daily So. l
sklll\ izrrion s.ore .arion skillr ,iuon

'sLiN.l Ll.mri, n.fina n.i.!

%a | /!Pt li\ R
Sland d . Commsni Da rtiving so.iJ.


Sim !l(1i.,., n -,.nl.rJ n! .'

AIltnt;x B I i5
strndd (ohnrDi Diilf rnii$ \o.iil.
S.me sklL izirion

i,tr,,.l a.nrrt.1.r( N(r -.:r d, iur.rlr! ,.\r fdg,

236 1\fu tll]r l:j \ incfu,rd II

.r::,.rr {rlld norrs
r(),rl , !nlr{ nr'!r frr.!.
5lrndrd (ommuni Di,ttning so(lJ sr,.dad con,muni' Drilv uvin€ So(iil-
sklll\ i/ilioi tlilh iz ion


\rn, . ,lonlr si.tr .r.lr..r.'

238 ) Afrlklir B
rtndad Communi Drilr riring solial

4,, !l ff rf! !

j.r1i ll tltlrndit B 239

aommoni. DailvlivinA So.ial'
aomnuni. DiilyLivins So.ial' slilk itario.
skills ization

. -!! -



2l3jrr0 :

)6 ).i

17!176 i !3

19 19


r,r ll ll
3 !0

sun\ oldom nnand d scor.s

vintlard tI
240 | Al,1)oklix B xtlbaj'1'17tt"ii) l-rt:ta"':* t::':"t'
t'an{hrd tu mu Drlr ti"! \( it. Communi, Dilll tivin8
5r.ru '. si r.



\rm f l(loDii. i:hlhid so.:

,.nrnru..l., rrr' f.l.L]r

\ irrrLrrl II ,1funni.r D I 2-11

Communi. Dailyliving soci.l.
.alion Skilh izrtion


,- t!






rt-]37 ..: 36

t2t 321

'sxn, ol domarn sta.dad scor.!

.ontiur., d,l ,1.r4 PdS,j

242 | APpe d.ix. B 9*b*t:t;,a|n ijtl{ t}\1tt..,1 lt,','^ ' \ inelantl II

Conmuni Daily tivin8 s(ial- Livinx
Commoni- Daily S{cial
.,tinn llirh calion Skill5 ization




-,ql .-



r55 r5t

t17 1r3


;; ;" l9

4l 1l

'sum oldomain ndrda.d scoies

.orlirrrJ dr rrr\i fi:ll

Yirrctand tI Appendix B luhdc*xni* itld tlqm:ii ta;,,t:', | 243

aommun L' ne 5o(iil. Moror Connun-tivins so.iil. Molor
srili ralion Skilla iz.liod skill5
'zarion sr'll,









ii 6l


I .-ag9l -. .l

5ud ol domr n{rndaril *o(s conlinu.d o,l nr.tr td3.

'ir-tlt4:**t* ird lJrn:i:l a1i::''
214 I APPendh B
Ll,ii ,i ,rr L!, |!\r /r r.

Communi- riving social- Molor


1]6!169 . r9

250-252 r0

?tt 4r

l?9:24 1

?!!r0q . I

!! ryLr!!

53 20_
!! r5',]5,t''.


1t!. !q .rl!!11l ..1

lrl l:l:r 3r
r29 l]1

-4S - l !!-

'sum ofd.mrir elnd.rd s.or€s

2as I Apfendix B 9l;ldlruin aad Oenr.,r l'*urt 1t Vireland-II

.: :!

i ri
::::,.'_ _








..r.',,,i ll Allttndit B : 217

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