ultimately lead to wound chronicity. Submitted for publication June 27, 2011.
Basic/Clinical Science Advances: (1) Human fetal endothelial progenitor cells can *Correspondence: Department of Molecular
stimulate wound revascularization and repair following injury, as demon-strated in a novel Physiology and Pharmacology and the Center
for Innovations in Wound Healing Research,
mouse model of diabetic ischemic healing. (2) Advances in bioengineering reveal exciting Tufts University School of Medicine and
alternatives by which wound repair may be fa-cilitated via the creation of vascularized Graduate Program in Cellular and Molecular
microfluidic networks within organ constructs created ex vivo for wound implantation. (3) A Physiology, Sackler School of Graduate
Biomedical Sciences, Tufts University, Boston,
‘‘personalized’’ ap-proach to regenerative medicine may be enabled by the identification of MA 02111 (e-mail:
protein components present within individual wound beds, both chronic and acute.
Clinical Care Relevance: Despite the development of numerous therapies, im-paired Abbreviations
angiogenesis and wound chronicity remain significant healthcare prob-lems. As such, and Acronyms
innovations in enhancing wound revascularization would lead to significant advances in EC = endothelial cell
wound healing therapeutics and patient care. EPC = endothelial
Conclusion: Insights into endothelial progenitor cell biology together with de-velopments progenitor cell
in the field of tissue engineering and molecular diagnostics should not only further advance FPC = fetal progenitor cells
our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating wound repair but also offer
FPC133 + = CD133-positive
innovative solutions to promote the healing of chronic and acute wounds in vivo.
fetal progenitor cells
VEGF = vascular
endothelial growth factor
BACKGROUND endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In
Angiogenesis, the formation of new turn, ECs degrade their surrounding
blood vessels from the preexist-ing extracellular matrix, begin migra-tion and
vasculature, is indispensable for cell division (proliferation), and then
successful wound healing. Post-injury, reestablish cell–cell con-tacts, forming
microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) new capillaries. An-other critical
that line the inner surface of blood process required for wound
vessels are activated by low oxygen revascularization is vasculo-genesis,
tension/hypoxia and proan-giogenic which relies on the mobili-zation of
factors, including vascular endothelial progenitor cells
(EPCs) from the bone marrow to areas of regenerat-ing technologically or biologically hampered.9 Thus, the
or healing tissues. EPCs (both embryonic and adult) challenge persists to create innovative and effective
possess several stem-cell like surface markers, including therapeutics for acute and chronic wound repair.
the cell surface glycoprotein CD133, and can
differentiate into several cell types. Although stem cell BASIC SCIENCE CONTEXT
applications have proven beneficial in car-diovascular
A growing body of evidence has advanced our
settings,3 EPCs’ efficacy in fostering diabetic wound understanding of the mechanisms leading to non-healing,
healing remains problematic, be-cause diabetic patients chronic wounds.10 These include, but are not limited to,
possess both diminished and dysfunctional EPCs as reduced bioavailability of growth factors and receptors,
well as unfavorable wound microenvironments. As a abnormal production/ modification of matrix proteins,
need for molecular and cellular therapeutics remains diminished prolifer-ative capacity of resident cells, and
evident, alternative pathways are being explored, insufficient or impaired wound perfusion (Fig. 1). The
including the devel-opment of implantable bioengineered latter stems from EC dysfunction as well as impaired re-
microvascular networks that would enhance wound bed 11
cruitment of EPCs to the injury site. One method to
perfusion.6 Ultimately, understanding patient-specific circumvent this issue is the application of exogenous
meta-bolic and molecular profiles should provide potent adult or fetal progenitor cells (FPCs) to chronic wound
diagnostic tools, advancing the field toward a per- beds.12 Commonly expressing the EPC sur-face markers
sonalized regenerative medicine-based approach. CD133, CD34, and VEGF receptor-2 (KDR), these cells
can differentiate into both vascular endothelial and
perivascular (mural) cells. In addi-tion, CD133-positive
TARGET ARTICLES cells generate proangiogenic
1. Barcelos LS, Duplaa C, Krankel N, Graiani G,
Invernici G, Katare R, Siragusa M, Meloni M,
Campesi I, Monica M, Simm A, Campagnolo P,
Mangialardi G, Stevanato L, Alessandri G, Emanueli
C, and Madeddu P. Human CD133 + progenitor cells
promote the healing of diabetic ischemic ulcers by
paracrine stimulation of angiogenesis and activation
of wnt signaling. Circ Res 2009; 104: 1095.
During normal wound healing, EPCs are effec-tively
recruited to the remodeling microcircula-tion, thus
leading to wound revascularization
and timely healing. This response is likely to be cell applications for wound healing. As an alter-native,
dampened in diabetic ulceration. Indeed, it has been the delivery of biomaterial scaffolds to fos-ter host-
recently demonstrated that EPCs from nor-mal but not specific recovery has been suggested. For example, silk
diabetic patients contribute to postis-chemic 6
fibroin, prepared as previously de-scribed, is routinely
revascularization. Diabetic EPCs are both lower in used for adult progenitor cell growth and
number5 and dysfunctional, displaying a shift toward a differentiation.19 Moreover, such bio-materials can be
15 fabricated into complex designs that mimic vascular
proinflammatory phenotype. Nor-mal adult and/or
FPCs (i) can differentiate into several cell types and (ii) branching patterns in vivo. In turn, the silk-based
have stimulatory effects on biological processes and are scaffolds can be populated with competent differentiated
therefore likely to be beneficial for chronic wound ECs, with fluid flow as a patterning guide. Described by
patients and those with impaired perfusion. However, Borenstein and coauthors, biodegradable microfluidic
successful uti-lization of stem cells for chronic wound constructs were seeded with human microvascular ECs,
healing still needs further development and optimization. which remained viable and retained their cell sur-face
In a recent study, fetal CD133-positive cells (FPC133 + ), markers for over a week. Additional modifi-cations
isolated from human fetal aortas and expanded as include coculturing with perivascular cells as well as
previously described,2 were used to stimulate is-chemic inclusion of a keratinocyte cell layer to create tissue
wound healing in diabetic mice using a collagen-based equivalents for implantation. Although the successful
12 implantation of such microfluidic devices into a wound
delivery system. Both FPC133 + and FPC133 +
bed in vivo has not been yet described, beneficial effects
-conditioned media accelerate rates of wound closure, on wound revascularization and healing are anticipated.
increase EC proliferation, and promote wound
revascularization. Strikingly, a minimal number of
vascular-associated FPC133 + are observed in wounds at Successful wound revascularization is largely
3 days postinjury/trans-plantation, yet the proangiogenic dependent on a permissive wound microenviron-ment.
effects persisted for 7 days, suggesting an indirect However, the identification and standardi-zation of the
(paracrine) mechanism that sustains FPC functionality molecular profiles of the individual wounds remains
post-injury. In fact, several soluble mediators, including challenging. Recently, a concept of ‘‘wound bar coding’’
VEGF, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, monocyte was proposed20 to provide a classification scheme based
chemoattractant protein, and granulocyte-colony on gene expression patterning by resident or peripheral
stimulating factor, have been validated as produced by wound bed cells. The levels of gene activity can be
FPC133 + .12 This observation provides an im-portant assessed using modern RNA microarray technologies
insight into the mechanisms of stem cell– mediated and presented in a ‘‘heat map’’ style, depicting both up-
repair. Of note, CD133 + cells are found in several and downregulated genes. This strategy provides potent
human cancers ; therefore, their delivery to wounds information, which may both guide wound debridement
might be undesirable. On the other hand, proangiogenic and lead to appropriate selection of treatment strategies
cytokines generated by CD133 + cells provides a means based on individual patient needs (personalized
to replace live progenitor cells with their conditioned medicine). However, several potential drawbacks include
media. Although cell-free preparations containing the requirement of multiple biopsies from numerous
bioactive molecules demon-strate wound healing locations and the inability to assay for specific proteins
within a wound. Therefore, a more conducive option
potential in animal models,12 a major obstacle to this
might be the noninvasive probing of the wound environ-
therapy is the insufficient growth factor receptor density ment from wound exudates as was reported by Eming
and responsiveness of cells residing within the wound and coauthors.7 This test not only enables repetitive
bed, as is often the case among chronic wound monitoring of gene expression patterns but also
sufferers. Alternative strategies include modification of determines protein composition of wound
patient-specific EPCs, themselves, through inhibition of microenvironments and thus might provide pow-erful
certain cell signaling pathways to increase reparative predictions of the actual conditions within the wound. A
func-tion.18 All together, progenitor cell therapy and/or recent study of comparative proteomics of acute and
appropriate modifications could prove beneficial to chronic wounds using this approach 7 has demonstrated
promote a chronic healing phenotype to an acute re- that the nonhealing ulcers have de-creased amount of
sponse. Additional work is needed to delineate cell type, several extracellular matrix components, namely, heparan
modification protocol, and mode of delivery. sulfate proteoglycan and collagen type I, both of which are
critical for
normal wound revascularization. Moreover, this tious disease transmission, exist. Additional re-search
study confirms a previously established and significant remains to clarify progenitor cell biological processes
increase in production of multiple prote-ases, which are and prevent undesirable effects of cell-based therapies.
detrimental for both wound extra-cellular matrix
components and proangiogenic growth factors. 23 In Progenitor cells can be differentiated in vitro and
addition, it identifies species that are exclusively present delivered into the wounds within bioma-terial-based
in acute healing, such as the serine protease thrombin and scaffolds, thus reducing the risk of undesirable cell
the antimicrobial dermicidin. Finally, these authors differentiation in vivo.
report the identi-fication of certain proteins, which have
Combination of RNA- and protein-based di-
never been previously associated with wound healing,
agnostic tools could be used to direct suc-cessful
including the matrix molecule olfactomedin-4. Together,
wound revascularization and healing.
these results shed light on how the normalization of
wound microenvironment in a patient-specific manner,
which in turn could be directed by microarray and
proteomic analysis,7 would culminate in the promo-tion The use of adult and/or embryonic endothelial
of wound revascularization or healing. progenitor cells in combination with biocompatible
artificial microvascular networks could provide a useful
tool for revascularization and enhancement of wound
healing. Optimized protocols designed to ob-tain and
INNOVATION expand patient-compatible stem cells should be devised
In recent decades, embryonic and adult endo-thelial and would continue to add to the regimen of personalized
progenitor cells have been proposed to have therapeutic medicine. Additional studies using novel animal models
potential. However, it remains to be shown whether these will determine the cellular and molecular mechanisms
cells are applicable for treatment of ischemic diabetic that underlie acute and chronic healing and provide a
wounds. The work of Barcelos and coauthors12 better understanding of the basic biology underlying
demonstrates that, in fact, FPC133 + have proangiogenic stem cell application, which would demonstrate both the
properties in this model and thus might be a useful tool safety and effi-cacy of this treatment for the clinic.
for treatment of ischemic wounds in diabetic patients. Insightful crea-tion of therapeutic interventions as well
Further, endothelialized microvascular networks based as powerful predictive tools would positively affect the
on degradable silk scaffolds may provide a valuable outcomes for managing and healing chronic wounds.
platform for future development of vas-cularized Ulti-mately, these approaches should be based on per-
biomaterials. Finally, identification of protein sonalized approaches to wound diagnosis and innovative
components within wound microenviron-ments advances treatment modalities in efforts to decrease the chronic
the field reach of the development of personalized wound burden of the population.
approaches to wound care.
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