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ABB Wind Turbine Converters - Lowres

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ABB wind turbine converters

Increased turbine output for creating the

perfect wind economy
Creating the perfect wind economy with every turn

ABB technology helps to make wind power economically viable.

The wind power market continues to expand farms avoid black-outs and other service disruptions resulting
Wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm owners are from transmission grid faults. Such faults can significantly
experiencing steady growth which is predicted to continue. impact the stability of the entire grid.
With many governments resuming their push for increased
renewable power capacity, the cost of energy is gaining ABB wind turbine converters for a better wind economy
more focus. The wind turbine converter plays an important role in helping
customers create the perfect wind economy. The selection of
Diverse grid codes provide special challenges the right wind turbine converter is critical in the turbine design
Wind farm owners and turbine manufactures need to efficiently and for a higher wind farm return on investment.
produce power and achieve the desired return on investment
while meeting grid code requirements. They must avoid making As part of the electrical drivetrain, ABB converters help
costly retrofits to newly installed turbines in response to grid turbines produce more megawatts more economically while
code changes. providing the technology to meet the grid code needs of
today and tomorrow. They are designed for high efficiency
Power utilities and governments have developed grid code and are backed by a comprehensive set of global life-cycle
specifications that outline expected wind farm behavior in services that ensure trouble-free operation and maximum
response to defined fault conditions. These codes help wind availability.

2 Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy | ABB wind turbine converters
More than delivering a product ABB helps its customers to create the perfect wind eco-
From the early evaluation phase of a new wind turbine to final nomy by:
operation, ABB provides consulting, support, training and −− Providing wind turbine converters designed to deliver
services. maximum efficiency and productivity at low operational
ABB converter specialists are experts in every aspect of the − − Optimally designing and dimensioning the drivetrain
drivetrain system. They will support turbine manufacturers − − Ensuring grid code compliance
in selecting the most suitable drivetrain concept, design and −− Offering global service and support throughout the entire
dimension the drivetrain components to function in perfect lifetime of the equipment ensuring trouble-free operation
sync and provide support in the grid code certification process. and maximum availability

ABB wind turbine converters | Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy 3
Grid code compliance

ABB has the expertise and technology to ensure its customers’

wind turbines meet the grid code needs of today and tomorrow.

Grid code reassurance Low voltage ride-through and grid support

As the installed capacity of wind farms increases, the share A common requirement for all grid codes is a fault ride-through
of power they provide to the transmission network rises. capability where the wind farm and the turbines must be capable
As such, the way a wind farm deals with a grid fault has a of operating continuously at reduced voltage and must not
significant impact on the stability of that grid. trip off-line because of transient voltages. Wind farms have to
remain connected during voltage dips and to provide active
Utility companies regulate these conditions by ensuring wind and/or reactive power to the network during the fault.
farms meet demanding regional grid code specifications.
Grid codes are becoming more demanding and vary between ABB has designed its wind turbine converters to provide full
countries. The wind turbine converter plays an important role reactive current immediately when the grid fault starts.
in helping the wind turbine meet these grid code requirements
and to obtain the necessary operational certification. Low voltage ride-through laboratory
ABB has taken the testing and certification process one step
Globally active in grid code working groups and research further. Its multi-megawatt grid code laboratory is designed to
ABB’s customer commitment is that its wind turbine converters replicate a complete wind turbine with generator, wind turbine
support the needs of the wind turbine in meeting the diverse converter, transformer, medium voltage switchgear, and is
grid code requirements. ABB invests significantly into research connected to a 20 kV transmission line. This configuration
and development and is active in grid code and power quality allows ABB engineers to test the low voltage ride-through
working groups supporting power system reliability. ABB behavior of wind turbines in a controlled environment. Various
engineers provide technical feedback on the feasibility of wind conditions can be simulated with a speed-controlled
proposed grid code changes, ensuring the current technology motor driving the generator. This allows testing of multiple
and production costs are compatible with the proposed changes. power levels more efficiently, reducing on-site testing costs.

4 Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy | ABB wind turbine converters
Complete drivetrain tests Turbine certification support
Besides comprehensive real-time simulations of grid code Turbine certifications are based on the grid codes used in
disturbances, fault ride-through and power quality tests of the the region where the turbine will be installed. When turbine
wind turbine converter, ABB is able to perform tests of the manufacturers are applying for certification, ABB engineers
complete drivetrain – including generator and converter – to can help the manufacturer use and maximize the converter’s
verify the performance and to ensure a smooth integration of technology to meet the requirements of the grid code.
the drivetrain into the customer’s wind turbine.

Capitalize on ABB engineering

Wind turbine design demands a significant amount of
technical engineering. ABB supports turbine manufacturers
during their converter engineering phase, working with the
customer to integrate the converter into the turbine design
and control system. Additionally, ABB engineers help the
turbine manufacturer understand how to obtain the best
performance out of the converter to increase the overall
turbine performance.

ABB wind turbine converters | Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy 5
ABB wind turbine converters

ABB offers the complete range of wind turbine converters for

onshore and offshore installations.

ABB offers the complete range of converters for wind turbines – Converters for utility-scale wind turbines
from small wind turbines for residential or small business use Low voltage wind turbine converters (600 kW – 8 MW)
to utility-scale wind turbines installed in onshore or offshore Low voltage wind turbine converters are available in full power
wind farms. ABB wind turbine converters help increase turbines’ or doubly-fed designs, with air or liquid cooling. They feature
energy production through high availability, grid code compliance ABB’s direct torque control (DTC) which monitors the generator
and long life cycles. torque up to 80,000 times per second, enabling the most
efficient generator control. This provides the foundation for
Converters for doubly-fed and full power concepts grid code and fault ride-through compliance. Parallel connected
ABB offers doubly-fed and full power converter designs. sub-converters are available as design option for a higher
Doubly-fed power converters feature reactive power control, overall efficiency and redundancy.
high efficiency at the nominal point and very low total harmonic
distortion (THD). Full power converters isolate the wind turbine Medium voltage wind turbine converters (4 – 12 MW)
generator from line transients and enable fast response to line Designed for larger turbines, ABB’s medium voltage full
faults. They provide better ride-through capabilities and support power converters provide fault ride-through and grid code
during grid faults. compliance. They are characterized by low parts count, long
life expectancy even under load cycling, high availability and
Converters for small wind turbines (2 – 110 kW) low losses. The modular design allows easy customization to
ABB offers a wide range of small wind turbine converters for meet customer requirements. The liquid-cooled converters
residential or small business use. ABB’s portfolio includes enable low cost and efficient cable installation.
single-phase and three-phase wind turbine converters as well
as grid-tie transformerless solutions. The compact converters ABB’s low and medium voltage wind turbine converters are
are characterized by high efficiency and are easy to install and available in in-line, back-to-back or face-to-face configurations
maintain. and are suitable for nacelle or tower installation.

ABB low voltage wind turbine converter ABB medium voltage wind turbine converter

6 Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy | ABB wind turbine converters
ABB wind turbine converters are based on the same world
leading ABB variable-speed drive technology installed in
thousands of applications worldwide. They are designed for
operation in harsh environmental conditions, such as dust,
sand and salt and are available with up to IP54 levels of

Remote monitoring
Wind turbines typically have a built-in condition monitoring
capability that is used to assess the overall status of the
turbine. However, sometimes wind farm engineers and turbine
manufacturers need more information to help assess fault
conditions or to analyze the turbine’s performance.

ABB provides remote monitoring capabilities that allow wind

farm operators to directly access the converter to obtain data
such as voltage, power, reactive power, temperature and speed.

ABB wind turbine converters | Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy 7
Service and support

ABB offers comprehensive global life-cycle services to help

customers’ wind turbine converters operate like new.

ABB engineers not only work with turbine manufacturers Spares and consumables
during the design and converter specification phase, but Having the correct spare parts available at the correct
provide their services throughout the entire life cycle of the locations, either at the turbine manufacturer’s warehouse,
converters. regional stocking centers or at wind farms, needs to be well-
planned to ensure the highest wind turbine energy production.
Installation and commissioning ABB can help plan spare part stocking throughout the life
ABB’s certified onshore and offshore commissioning cycle of the wind turbine.
engineers have extensive know-how and experience in wind
turbine converters and mechanical start-ups, which makes Preventive maintenance
commissioning fast and smooth and lays the foundation for The turbine converter performs critical duties in power
high reliability and efficiency. generation and its failure may result in loss of production and
revenue. Adopting and implementing ABB’s converter-specific
Technical support preventive maintenance schedules reduces the risk of failure
ABB provides remote services for fast failure analysis as part and increases the lifetime of the converter, lowering overall
of its maintenance program for wind turbine converters. On operational costs. ABB developed preventive maintenance
customer request, a 24/7 support line for getting instant advice kits containing all the genuine ABB spare parts needed to
by ABB’s certified engineers, and on-site field support can be perform a specific maintenance task, helping to simplify the
provided. preventive maintenance process.

8 Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy | ABB wind turbine converters
Training Services for ABB wind turbine converters
ABB provides a wide selection of wind turbine converter –– Installation and commissioning
training to turbine manufacturers and wind farm operators.
–– Grid integration support
The training can take place at ABB training centers or at the
customers’ locations. –– On-site support
–– Training
Service agreements –– Remote diagnostics
Depending on the needs of the turbine manufacturer or wind –– 24/7 support line
farm operator, ABB can bundle individual services in one
–– Maintenance
contract. A contract can be made at any stage of the wind
turbine converter’s service life. –– Customized maintenance contracts
–– Spare parts and logistics network
Global network, local presence
ABB’s global presence and worldwide organization with its
network of selected partners provide local support, training
and services as and when required. –– Reduced down- and recovery time
–– Lifetime extension of converter
–– Enhanced operational efficiency
–– Lowered captial expenditure
–– Improved cost control

ABB wind turbine converters | Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy 9
ABB wind turbine drivetrain packages

ABB can provide the complete electrical drivetrain, including

converter and generator.

ABB generators Complementary ABB products for wind power

ABB has supplied more than 35,000 generators over the last ABB’s offering for wind power extends beyond just the
30 years to leading wind turbine customers all over the world. electrical drivetrain. ABB is one of the largest suppliers of
It offers the complete range of generators for wind turbines, electrical products and solutions to the wind industry.
supporting all drivetrain concepts. It has been the leader in
Permanent Magnet Generator (PMG) technology since the Transformers
1990s. ABB transformers for wind applications include small turbine
step-up transformers located inside the wind turbine, as
The standard power range is from 100 kW to 8 MW, with well as large transformers used to connect the wind farm
generators available up to 20 MW and 15 kV. substation to the transmission grid.

ABB generators are designed for harsh operating conditions. Low voltage AC drives and motors
The special ABB high performance F-class insulation system ABB motors and drives are used for various applications in
and the rigid form-wound windings guarantee a long lifetime wind power such as pumps, fans and yaw systems.
with high overload capability in high temperatures, even with
the continuously changing loads common to wind turbines. Contactors, breakers and more
The bearing construction is designed for reliable operation ABB offers the complete range of low voltage products, such
with long service intervals. as breakers, PLCs and contactors for use in wind turbines.

Electrical drivetrain packages Power quality systems (STATCOM)

ABB provides electrical drivetrain packages that work in ABB’s STATCOM systems and synchronous condensers
perfect sync. ABB experts support turbine manufacturers in provide reactive power compensation and fault-ride through
designing and dimensioning the drivetrain components and capabilities and deliver grid code compliance to wind farms.
provide support in the grid code certification process. Besides
comprehensive simulations and tests of the wind turbine
converter, ABB is able to perform tests of the complete
drivetrain to verify the performance and to ensure a smooth
integration of the drivetrain into the customer’s wind turbine.

10 Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy | ABB wind turbine converters
ABB, an experienced global partner

With over 30 years of wind power experience, ABB has the

know-how and experience you can trust.

Benefits of buying from ABB Global support

Reliable products ABB’s global service organization ensures preventive
ABB wind turbine converters are based on the same world maintenance, refurbishment and spare parts contracts are
leading ABB variable-speed drive technology installed in readily available anywhere.
thousands of applications worldwide. They are designed for
reliable operation in harsh environmental conditions. ABB, your partner in wind power
−− Global leader for wind power electrical products and
Drivetrain components working in sync solutions
ABB drivetrain specialists will support turbine manufacturers − − More than 30 years of wind power experience
in selecting the most suitable drivetrain concept, design and − − Delivered more than 50,000 converters and generators
dimension the drivetrain components to function in perfect −− Active in grid code and power quality working groups
sync and provide support in the grid code certification process. − − State-of-the-art grid code testing facilities
−− Global support and service with a 24/7 hotline
Grid code expertise
Activity in grid code working groups and standard definition
enables ABB to ensure its converters have the adaptable
technology to meet current and future grid code requirements.
ABB wind turbine converters are subjected to comprehensive
fault ride-through and power quality tests to ensure they can
withstand grid disturbances and comply with all standards.

ABB wind turbine converters | Increased turbine output for creating the perfect wind economy 11
Contact us

For more information contact your local ABB representative © Copyright 2014 ABB. All rights reserved.

3AFE68756031 REV F March 2014

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