A Review of Multiple Description Coding Techniques For Error-Resilient Video Delivery
A Review of Multiple Description Coding Techniques For Error-Resilient Video Delivery
A Review of Multiple Description Coding Techniques For Error-Resilient Video Delivery
Abstract- Multiple Description Coding (MDC) is one of the promising solutions for live video delivery over
lossy networks. In this paper, we present a review of MDC techniques based on their application domain and
we explain their functionality, with the objective of giving enough insight to designers to decide which MDC
scheme is best suited for their specific application based on requirements such as standard compatibility,
redundancy tunability, complexity, and extendibility to n-description coding. The focus is mainly on video
sources but image based algorithms applicable to video are considered as well. We also cover the well-known
Keywords Multiple Description Coding (MDC), Video Streaming, Best Effort Network
1 Introduction
Video transmission over noisy channels has been a challenging problem for more than two decades.
Transmission of raw video is not feasible due to the very large bandwidth required and so video
compression is inevitable. On the other hand, compressed video is very sensitive to data loss which
happens in best-effort networks such as the Internet. To counter the effect of data loss for video
transmission over noisy networks, there are three categories of approaches: a reliable Automatic Repeat
Request (ARQ) based transport layer protocol such as TCP, Forward Error Correction (FEC), and Error
Resilient Coding (ERC). ARQ and FEC are channel level protections, while ERC can be used as either
source level protection, such as Multiple Description Coding (MDC), or as both source and channel level
protection known as Joint Source Channel Coding (JSCC) such as Layered Coding (LC). In this paper,
we specifically focus on MDC as a method to counter video packet loss. We review existing MDC
schemes, and we provide a taxonomy and analysis to aid practitioners and researchers for better
understanding and selecting the most suitable MDC scheme for their specific application. But before
doing so, we need to have a high level understanding of loss resilient methods and where MDC fits in that
ARQ: In ARQ, the receiver asks, through a back channel, for the retransmission of a lost packet. Lost
packets are the packets not received at all or received with bit error. By checking the parity symbols, the
FEC: In this method, some correcting data is added to the main message in a redundant manner. If the
lost data are within the correcting capability of the FEC codes, the whole message can be recovered. The
correcting capability depends on the number of added parity symbols. For example, in Reed Solomon
ERC options of H.264/AVC: These coding options such as MB Intra-refreshment, B frame coding,
Slicing, and Flexible Macroblock Ordering (FMO) enable the decoder to conceal and regenerate the lost
data from the received data, exploiting the correlation existed among blocks of the images.
Layered Coding: In this method, which is also called Scalable Video Coding (SVC), the source is coded
into a Base Layer and one or more Enhancement Layers. At the receiver, the layers are superimposed on
each other hierarchically. The quality of the video is enhanced by the number of received enhancement
layers. The base layer is usually protected using FEC codes and hence LC categorizes as a JSCC method.
MDC: In MDC, independently-decodable and mutually-refinable streams of a video source are generated.
The streams, also called descriptions, are then transmitted separately, possibly through different network
paths. In MDC, as long as one or more descriptions arrive at the receiver, some video with certain quality
can be displayed. If a packet is lost, the corresponding packets of the other descriptions, containing a
different representation of the data in the lost packet, may be available and the video is decoded
Fig. 1 The main rationale behind MDC video. Black boxes indicate lost information
It should be noted that the aim of our paper is not to argue for or against any of the above schemes of
video transmission over lossy networks. With this in mind, in order to show the application domain of
ARQ versus MDC: ARQ’s applications are mostly presentational ones such as YouTube type of video
distribution and on-demand services, as opposed to conversational ones where two or more people
interact in a live session, such as video conferencing. It is clear that in live communications and in
channels with long Round Trip Time (RTT) this method is not suitable due to the time it takes to ask for
retransmission and then to receive it. In a presentational application the video can be paused while the
receiver waits for the retransmitted packet, but a conversational application cannot pause due to its live
nature. Also, in multicast communication where we are dealing with a potentially large number of
receivers, responding to the receivers’ request is not possible. MDC on the other hand does not have
FEC versus MDC: In FEC, if the loss rate is beyond the value based on which the FEC scheme is
designed, no lost data can be recovered, unless the codes are over-designed which in turn reduces the
efficiency of such schemes. Since channel condition is dynamic and loss rate is usually time variant, FEC
protection is not always a good approach. Experiment results presented in [1-4] compare the performance
of MDC and FEC and show the advantages of MDC in such cases.
ERC options of H.264/AVC versus MDC: These options work only if the loss rate is very low or at
most low. In moderate or high loss rate environments, MDC is more beneficial.
SVC versus MDC: Layers in SVC are hierarchical which means that a given layer cannot be decoded
unless all of its lower layers have been received correctly. This limits the error resiliency of SVC, while
MDC descriptions are not hierarchical and can be decoded independently and hence are more resilient
against loss than SVC layers. In other words, once the loss rate grows beyond a certain threshold, MDC
outperforms SVC as shown in [5-8]. On the other hand, SVC has less overhead than MDC and is more
suitable for low loss rate situations. Similar to MDC, SVC also supports heterogeneous receivers with
From the above, we can identify situations where MDC has advantages over other approaches and should
be seriously considered:
1- In real-time and/or live applications, where retransmission of a lost packet will miss the deadline and
is not acceptable. A popular example of this, in the context of today’s modern applications, is video
requirements such as maximum delay threshold and minimum video quality threshold make it a
challenging application for video streaming [9]. In HDVC, a lost packet cannot be retransmitted, and
will adversely affect the quality of the video, rendering useless the very purpose of HDVC [9].This is
why most HDVC systems today recommend the usage of a dedicated network with guaranteed
services. But such networks are expensive and with recurring costs. In this context, MDC can help
HDVC run over best-effort networks, in a manner that is not possible with ARQ.
2- In situations with higher than usual network loss. As mentioned above, it has been shown that MDC
outperforms SVC, FEC, and the built-in loss resiliency options of video codecs when the loss rate
goes above a certain threshold. A possible usage of MDC would therefore be in mobile video
streaming, another modern application in terms of today’s context, since wireless networks are more
lossy than wired networks. Indeed, in the literature we can see a recent tendency in using MDC for
mobile video streaming applications [10-13]. Another usage would be in video applications where
packet loss is unacceptable, such as our HDVC example. Even if in an HDVC session the loss rate
occasionally or rarely goes above a certain threshold, those rare moments could be the exact times
that an important event is happening in the meeting (signing of a contract, waiting for an important
answer, trying to see your counterpart’s facial expression to see if s/he is bluffing, etc.) So for those
3- Supporting heterogeneous receivers. To cope with bandwidth heterogeneity and make its
functionality resilient to peer joining and disjoining, MDC in conjunction with multiple-tree structure
provides a promising solution for P2P video streaming [14], as used in Hotstreaming [15],
Splitstreaming [16] , CoopNet [17] and TURINstream [18]. MDC as a robust stream delivery method
for Application Layer Multicasting in heterogeneous networks has been presented in [19].
1.3 Contributions
Previous survey papers on MDC have been published by Goyal [20] and Wang et al.[21]. Goyal’s paper
has three parts. In the first part, the historical development of MDC is presented. In the second part, rate-
distortion behavior of MDC with an information theoretic view is studied and in the last part, the
applications scenarios of MDC are introduced. In other words, [20] focuses on introducing MDC for
applications such as multimedia transmission over lossy channels. Even though some examples of early
MDC methods such as splitting, MDSQ (Multiple Description Scalar Quantizer), MDTC (Multiple
Description Transform Coding) are presented, by now it is somewhat outdated and lacks not only newer
methods but also the domain based categorization presented in our paper. Wang’s paper is not actually a
review of MDC methods, as it mainly discusses mitigation methods to counter the error propagation
incurred by reference mismatch. Based on how the inter frame prediction is performed, it defines three
classes A, B, and C, and categorizes the existing works in these three classes. In other words, the
predictor types used in MDC papers are reviewed in [21], and the MDC techniques themselves and their
strengths and weaknesses are not discussed there. For example, for spatial domain MDC, [21] refers to
only some sample papers and their predictor type, while in our paper several modification techniques to
the basic spatial domain MDC are explained and reviewed in detail. The same is true for all MDC
domains. In addition, in our paper we examine each MDC scheme in details through four characteristics
of standard compatibility, redundancy tunability, complexity of the algorithm, and the possibility to
increase the number of descriptions. We also recommend a 5-question process to help practitioners select
an appropriate MDC scheme for a given application. Therefore, our paper complements and extends [20]
and [21] without much overlap, except for basic MDC concepts explained in all three.
In the next section, we present an overview of MDC and it’s basic operations. Then, in Section 3 an
overview of existing MDC techniques is presented. The solutions for avoiding drift are studied in Section
4. A comparison of MDC schemes with respect to their functionalities such as standard compatibility,
redundancy adaptation, complexity and capability to n-description extension are presented in Section 5
and a discussion on the best suited MDC for a specific application is provided in Section 6. Finally the
2 MDC Basics
Multiple Description Coding was originally used for speech communicating over circuit-switched
network in the 1970’s. Traditionally, to avoid communication interruption, an additional transmission link
was on standby and would be activated in the case of the outage of the main link. This approach however
was not cost efficient and therefore the idea of splitting the information over two channels; i.e. MDC, was
proposed. At the 1979 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, the MD problem was posed by Gersho,
Witsenhausen, Wolf, Wyner, Ziv, and Ozarow. Suppose a source is described by two descriptions each
coded at rate and . Each description can be individually decodable with distortion and ,
respectively, while decoding the two descriptions together leads to distortion ; the MD problem is to
characterize the achievable quintuples { , , , , }. The initial papers discussing this problem were
[22-24], with more attention devoted to the topic in succeeding years first from a rate-distortion
perspective and then in other engineering applications. Interested readers are referred to [20] for a deeper
Fig. 2 shows the basic block diagram of MDC. This figure shows a two-description case but a
higher number of descriptions is possible. In the figure, a source is coded such that multiple
complementary descriptions that are individually decodable are generated. After the descriptions are
built, they can be transmitted separately, possibly through different network paths. At the receiver
side, if only one description is available, it is decoded by the side decoder and the resulting quality
(distortion) is called side quality (distortion). When both descriptions are available, they are decoded
by the central decoder and the resulting quality (distortion) is called central distortion (quality). In
central decoder the descriptions are merged and hence a video with higher quality is achieved. In other
words, there exist two types of decoding at the receiver, when all descriptions are received the central
decoding is used, and if one or more descriptions are not received the side decoder is used for the received
Since predictive coding is used in all modern video codecs, the quality of a predicted frame will
depend on its reference frame. When MDC’s side decoder is active; i.e., when some descriptions are lost,
a reference frame may not be reconstructed correctly due to this loss, leading to noisy reconstruction of all
other frames which are predicted from it. Subsequently, some of the erroneous frames could in turn be
used as reference for other frames and so error propagation occurs. This phenomenon is known as drift
In MDC, each description in order to be individually decodable must have some basic information from
the source. At the central decoder, only one copy of that basic information is utilized and the others are
redundant. Therefore, MDC’s bit rate is larger than that of Single Description Coding (SDC) and they
provide the same quality over a lossless channel. This excess rate is called redundancy. In other words,
the descriptions, since they present the same source (but with distortion), are correlated and coding two
correlated descriptions separately, produces redundancy. For higher side quality, since the descriptions
are closer to the source and hence are more correlated, redundancy increases.
The cost of redundancy is accepted because of the error resiliency achieved by MDC. For channels with
high packet loss rate (PLR), the probability of side decoding is more and hence higher side quality is of
interest and therefore more redundancy is needed. However, for cases where all descriptions are received,
this redundancy must be minimized. So, redundancy tunability is one of the main features of MDC
schemes, and optimizing the amount of redundancy is the main challenge for MDC designers.
How to add the redundancy or equivalently enhance the side quality depends on the MDC method. In
section 3, we categorize and explain each MDC method as well as ways to add redundancy. But before
categorizing MDCs, we need to first define the characteristics used to categorize each MDC scheme. This
is discussed next.
There are four qualitative factors which are important for selecting an appropriate MDC for a specific
application: standard compatibility, redundancy tunability, complexity of the algorithm, and the
Standard compatibility allows the receivers to use their standard SDC decoder module without any
change. Since currently there is no standard for MDC, this feature is of much interest. A single decoder
can be used for SDC as well as for MDC. For merging the descriptions in the central decoder, some post-
processing is needed, but the post-processing tasks are performed outside of the decoder and hence do not
alter the standard compatibility of the MDC. This is the case for some side decoders, too. That is, as long
as the MDC related processes are outside of the decompressor engine, the algorithm is standard
As was explained, in MDC some common information must be copied into all descriptions in addition to
the header information. This information is crucial to decode and use each description individually. In
low loss-rate cases, mostly all of the descriptions are available and decoding one individual description
rarely occurs; therefore there is no need for high redundancy. On the other hand, in high loss-rate cases,
the probability of side decoding increases and side quality becomes more important. Therefore,
controlling the amount of redundancy continuously and as wide as possible is a major feature which
provides adaptive tunability, from very low to very high redundancy depending on the channel condition.
2.1.3 Complexity
Complexity is another important issue, especially for real-time applications. Even though the computation
power of processors increases year by year, computation consumption also increases correspondingly. For
example, the current video coding standard (H.264/AVC) is about eight times more complex than the
preceding ones, and also video frame rate and resolution are at least doubled compared to the past. On the
other hand, due to the rapid growth of battery powered devices such as smart phones and tablets, less
By complexity, we mean the volume of computations needed for generating the descriptions and not the
computation usually done in standard coding routine. In other words, the additional complexity compared
The capability to increase the number of descriptions is the other feature of an MDC scheme. Even
though two-description coding is suitable for most cases and the channels are not usually lossy enough to
warrant usage of four-description coding, there are reasons other than channel loss for using four
descriptions or even higher number of descriptions. For example, in some cases such as P2P video
interested in, say, eight or sixteen descriptions because an MDC with a higher number of descriptions
provides better bit rate scalability. Furthermore, MDC is sometimes paired with Multipath Transmission
(MPT) where each description is sent over a separate path. Some features of MPT such as total
aggregated bandwidth, probability of outage, and delay variability are improved with higher number of
paths and hence with higher number of descriptions, as much as system complexity allows. [25].
In this paper, MDC schemes are grouped and analyzed based on their application domain. We present
here the details of these MDC groups and their specific MDC methods. Our focus is on video, but the
algorithms proposed and applied to images which can also be used for videos are considered as well.
The MDC process, i.e. generating and splitting the information into the descriptions, can be carried
out in several domains. The domains are spatial, temporal, frequency, and compressed, in which the
descriptions are generated by partitioning the pixels, the frames, the transformed data, and compressed
data, respectively. Under each domain, we present a number of categories of MDCs. For each of these
categories, we describe their objective and functionality, and we evaluate them based on the
characteristics described in 2.1. There exist also MDC approaches working in multiple domains. The
MDCs which are not based on splitting, namely unpartitioning methods, are discussed as a new
In this category, the MDC process is carried out in the pixel domain. The simplest approach is to divide
the image/frame into multiple subimages and encode each one independently. Fig. 3 shows Polyphase
Spatial Subsampling (PSS) of a frame to generate four subimages to achieve four-description coding. At
the decoder side, if all descriptions are received, the subimages are merged and the image in full
resolution is reconstructed. Otherwise, any missed description must be recovered using interpolation or
similar techniques. However, in this basic approach there is no way to add redundancy and hence no
provision for improving the side quality. The following solutions were therefore proposed to address this
problem. Note that subsampling in spatial or temporal domain reduces the correlation among the data
which in turn reduces the compressibility of the source. So subsampling indirectly imposes some amount
of redundancy compared to SDC, but this type of redundancy is not much advantageous in side quality.
H.264 Des2
H.264 Des3
H.264 Des4
Shirani et al. proposed zero padding in the DCT domain to control the redundancy for images [26] and for
videos [27]. Zero padding in the DCT domain means oversampling in the spatial domain and this way an
amount of redundancy is added to the image. At the preprocessing stage, the image is transformed by
DCT and then a number of zeros are padded to the transformed image which is followed by inverse DCT
(IDCT). The new larger size image is then partitioned and subimages are generated applying PSS. The
direction and dimension of zero padding are discussed in [28] which shows that one-dimension (1D) zero
padding (either vertical or horizontal direction in which the image is less predictable) is more efficient
than 2D zero padding. Fig. 4 shows both of these options for zero padding.
Fig. 4 Zero padding before subsampling, left: 1-D zero padding, right: 2-D zero padding
Standard compatibility: Zero padding is actually a way for subsampling and does not change the coding
Redundancy tunability: The amount of redundancy is determined by the number of padded zeros and,
Complexity: Compared to SDC, some additional processes are needed for DCT transform, padding zeros
and then inverse DCT and subsampling. Furthermore, due to the redundant samples added to the image,
more samples must be coded which leads to additional complexity. This complexity is increased by the
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: This depends on the original image size and the
display size. However, as long as the image and display sizes correspond, producing more than four
number of descriptions using this algorithm leads to the subimages much less detailed than the original
A method called Least Predictable Vector MDC has been proposed in [28] that duplicates the data which
is difficult to be estimated when it is lost. The image is divided into two subimages composed of even
rows and odd rows; the even rows that cannot be estimated in the odd subimage are duplicated in both
descriptions, the same concept is applied to the odd rows as well. The decoder is informed about the
Redundancy tunability: The amount of redundancy is controlled by the number of duplicated lines.
Complexity: Due to the processing needed to find the lines with higher priority for duplication, this
algorithm is complex.
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: The duplicated lines are totally redundant (unused)
in the central decoder. In a high number of descriptions, the unused lines increase even more which
There are some methods in which advanced filtering has improved the quality of interpolation when some
of the subimages are not available. That is, instead of simple bilinear or bicubic interpolation filters, a
more complex filter is used to generate the full resolution picture, as shown in Fig. 5. The filters are
optimally designed at the encoder and the filter coefficients are embedded into the descriptions. Based on
the experiments performed in [29] for both high texture and smooth area pictures, this method
outperforms the tested approaches: namely, bilinear interpolator, bicubic interpolator and zero padding.
Except for some images and one-description decoding for which zero-padding is the best, this method
gives the highest quality. This method can be combined with zero-padding to achieve even better results
Fig. 5 Approximating the lost descriptions when (a) only Description#1 is received and (b) the first and second descriptions are
Standard compatibility: Since the filtering process is done as post processing, this algorithm is standard
Redundancy tunability: The first constraint on filter coefficients is estimation error, and considering the
amount of redundancy as the second constraint, we would need complicated optimization algorithms to
tune redundancy. Therefore, the redundancy is not usually tuned in this algorithm.
Complexity: Finding the filter coefficients needs computation and it increases by the number of
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Finding the filter coefficients and filtering itself is
not an easy task to for a high number of descriptions. The filters become more complex (higher order)
In this approach, the subimage of description2 is predicted from the subimage of description1 and the
residual data is quantized and sent in description1, as shown in Fig. 6. This way, at the side decoder we
have one subimage and the prediction signal of the other subimage which will help achieving a higher
side quality; this was proposed for Intra frames and images [31-32].
Standard compatibility: Each description is composed of two streams, the subimage and the residual
image. The decoder must be customized to separate and decode the two streams.
Redundancy tunability: By adjusting the quantization parameter used for residual encoding, redundancy
Complexity: The residual encoding is an additional image encoding pass which leads to additional
computational complexity. Note that compressing the residual image is much easier than compressing the
image itself, since the residual image has much lower content.
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: In two-description-coding, there is one image and
one residual image in each description. For four-description-coding, there is one image while we have (at
least) three residual images. This makes the algorithm complicated and hence having four and higher
The method uses linear ployphase subsampling help to split the image along rows and columns with the
same sampling rate over the whole image. However, using nonlinear polyphase subsampling helps us to
insert more samples of the region of interest (ROI) in each description and hence a higher subjective side
quality is achieved [33], the same goal is achieved if first the image is nonlinearly transformed and then
Fig. 7 MDC using nonlinear polyphase subsampling on BARBARA image (a) original image, (b) the image after nonlinear
transformation, (c) multiple description, decoded from all four descriptions, (d) multiple description decoded from one
description [34]
Standard compatibility: As discussed, this is a way for subsampling and does not change the decoding
Redundancy tunability: Using the transform, we can tune the redundancy to some extent, but we do not
Complexity: For this MDC, some image processing tasks must be performed on each frame. The tasks
are finding ROI, finding a suitable transform and then applying it. So complexity is high.
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Finding an efficient transform for a high number of
descriptions is not an easy task. Even by nonlinear transform, more than four subimages leads to low
quality descriptions.
In this method, a copy of description2 will be embedded into description1, but with a coarser
quantization. In the spatial polyphase subsampling approach, this method is introduced in [35]. In this
structure, as is shown in Fig. 8, after partitioning into subimages, the subimage of one description is
encoded by and multiplexed by the subimage of the other description. This algorithm is useful for
Standard compatibility: Each description is composed of subimage1 and a lower quality of subimage2,
Redundancy tunability: Redundancy is controlled by the quantization parameter used for the low quality
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Due to the additional subimages having to be sent
and processed at the receiver, having a high number of descriptions is difficult. Furthermore, the higher
the number of descriptions, the less useful the added redundancy becomes and the lower the efficiency of
this algorithm. The situation here is the same as the method explained in 3.1.4 .
In temporal domain MDC, the descriptions are generated by a process performed at the frame level; i.e.,
the granularity of this category of methods is a frame. A simple case is frame splitting between
descriptions: odd frames in one description and even frames in the other description, as shown in Fig. 9.
At the side decoder, the lost frames are substituted by frame freezing or estimated by concealment
methods. Motion estimation/compensation is performed intra description, meaning even (odd) frames are
H.264 channel1 H.264 Frame
Encoder Decoder interpolation
channel2 Dside
H.264 H.264 Frame
Encoder Decoder interpolation
However, the efficiency of this approach depends on the inter-frame or temporal correlation. In
other words, if the inter frame motion is not slow enough, the interpolated version of the lost frame in
the side decoder is quite different than the original. Some solutions for this problem are proposed as
follows. As we will see, except for the first solution, the others lead to additional frame insertions into
the descriptions; these new frames can be exactly the same in all descriptions, be lower rate versions,
Motion information of the absent, say even, frames can be inserted in the description containing the odd
frames. This way, for estimating the lost frames in the side decoder, the Motion Vectors (MV) are
In [38], for each frame of description1, Motion Estimation (ME) against both neighbor frames in
description2 (as references) is performed and the MVs are embedded in the corresponding reference. This
approach is helpful in the reconstruction of the unavailable frames as mentioned earlier. In the test results,
the proposed method, denoted as “MVpred”, is studied against some other approaches, namely:
• “average”, in which the frame is recovered by averaging the two neighbor frames in the received
• “inplaceMC”, in which the decoder recover the lost frame using the MVs estimated as the 1/2 of
• “MCinterp”, which presents a motion-compensated interpolation between the previous and future
correctly received frames in the received description; the motion information of the lost frame is
Simulations carried out for sequences “garden” and “football” show that performance-wise “MVpred” is
the first, “MCinterp” is the second, “inplaceMC” is the third and “average” is the worst.
Standard compatibility: The decoder must separate the second description’s MVs and use them
Redundancy tunability: The only redundancy is due to the copied MVs, therefore the algorithm is not
Complexity: When, as in [37], MVs of the descriptions are simply copied, it has no additional
complexity. But when, as in [38], additional ME is performed, the algorithm becomes complex; since ME
descriptions are copied into one description; this produces a high amount of redundancy which cannot be
used efficiently. In other words, the efficiency of the algorithm degrades by the number of descriptions.
Extra frame insertion is discussed in [40]; the frames which are hard to be estimated from the other
frames, are duplicated in all descriptions. These frames are found by some pre-processing tasks at the
encoder. The pattern of frame insertion is sent to the receiver as side information.
Standard compatibility: Since the sent and dropped frames are specified in the headers, the standard
Redundancy tunability: Each frame can be either copied (full redundancy) or dropped (no redundancy);
Complexity: The process needed to find the frame being duplicated or dropped makes this algorithm
algorithm means that some frames exist in all four descriptions with no usage when at least two
descriptions are received. So, unused redundancy increases and makes the algorithm inefficient for a high
number of descriptions.
In multi-rate MDC, the redundant data is the coarse quantized (lower-rate) representation of the primary
data. The lower rate part might be Group of Pictures (GOP) [41], or one frame [42]. In [41], a GOP is
encoded multiple times but in different rates, one for each description and hence the generated
descriptions are unbalanced for each GOP. The lower rate descriptions are discarded in the side and
central decoders. In each description, the prediction references are chosen from the frames of that
description itself and for this reason, switching between descriptions is carried out when receiving an
Intra frame. In this approach, the side quality may be low for one or multiple GOPs. In [42], each
description contains the frames that alternatively are high quality (fine quantization) and low quality
(coarse quantization).
Standard compatibility: Obviously this algorithm does not change the standard decoding routine.
Redundancy tunability: Since the quantization parameter is used for low quality frames, redundancy can
be adjusted.
Complexity: The process needed to code odd (even) frames in even (odd) description, makes this
algorithm complex to some extent. Note that the ME and mode decision of low quality frames are less
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: For four-description coding, each side decoder has
one high quality frame and three low quality frames which leads to flicker in the video. Furthermore, in
high number of descriptions, we have multiple low quality frames are not useful and this reduces the
efficiency of the algorithm. However, since the redundant frames are coarsely quantized, the situation is
A method was proposed in [43] which makes the inter frame motion smooth before splitting frames into
odd and even frames by adding some new frames. This way, the local frame rate of high activity intervals
is increased. The motion between the subsequent frames in the new sequence has been reduced which will
be exploited in the side decoder for concealment of the lost frames. The pattern of frame adding will be
sent to the decoder. The same idea but with the option of removing the frames of slow intervals is
proposed in [44]. In other words, here, based on the motion activity of the sequence, some new frames
might be inserted or some of the frames might be removed. This method provides better rate-distortion
performance than what is presented in [36]. Fig. 10 shows the encoder and decoder structure of this
Video sequence
Channel 1
H.264 Encoder
Frame Skipping Odd/Even frame
Up-Sampling skipping
Channel 2
H.264 Encoedr
Frame interpolation
D2 H.264 Decoder
Frame interpolation
D1 H.264 Decoder
Standard compatibility: The variable frame rate cannot be handled by the standard decoder and it must
Redundancy tunability: Redundancy is controlled by the frame rate, though is not very flexible.
Complexity: The process needed to find whether to add or remove the frames makes this algorithm
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Adding or removing frames would be efficient for
enough non-uniform video content such that the ensuing variable frame rate is justified. For four-
description coding, the required non-uniformity is increased even more. So this algorithm is not
In frequency domain MDC, several approaches exist. They are MDSQ, coefficients partitioning, MDTC,
3.3.1 MDSQ
The concept of MDSQ is to use different quantization methods such that they refine each other at the
central decoder. The simplest way of MDSQ is shifting the quantization intervals of each side encoder by
Fig. 11 The simplest MDSQ, upper two lines: side encoder (decoder) quantization (dequantization), lowest line: central decoder
Quantization can be performed for descriptions with an offset not necessarily ½ of the quantization
interval. In H.264/AVC, there is an option (adaptive quantization offset) that can be used for this purpose.
This idea has been presented in [45] where the descriptions are generated using different quantization
, + + Δ
,, = . (, )
, + + Δ
,, = . (, )
At the central decoder, the two reconstructed values are averaged, and at the side decoder simple
= (|,, |. Δ − Δ" ). (,, )
The offset can be fixed or changed adaptively. The adaptive offset is optimally obtained given
coefficients’ distribution and channel conditions. The simulations show better performance of this
approach compared with fixed offset and also with the temporal subsampling method, particularly for
high loss rates. The redundancy is decreased by increasing the difference between the offsets. The offset
has an upper limit and thus, the redundancy is always beyond a certain value. For this reason, this method
In more complicated MDSQ, for each quantization level two indices are assigned, one for each
description. Fig. 12 shows an example with 21 levels which are mapped to 8 indices in each
description. When both descriptions are available, both indices are available and hence the
quantization level is uniquely determined according to the index assignment table; otherwise, the side
decoder must choose the level from the received single index and the possible values from the table.
The index assignment table comes from an optimization where given the maximum rate and side
distortion, the central distortion is obtained optimally. The first and most famous paper in this category
is [46], which solves the problem for uniform sources. This work was modified for video sources and
Description 2 indices
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 2
2 3 4 6
Description 1
3 5 7 8
4 9 10 11
5 12 14
6 13 15 16
7 17 18 20
8 19 21
Fig. 12 An example of MDSQ index assignment table.
Modified MDSQ (MMDSQ) [48], uses the two-stage quantization of Fig. 13. In the second stage, the
quantization bins of the first stage are finely quantized again and the corresponding levels are inserted in
each description, alternatively. At the side decoder, the second stage quantization data are not complete
and discarded; but at the central decoder both stages are used and a high quality reconstruction is possible.
The same approach is used and applied for predictive coding in [49].
MDSQ is optimized by information theorists even more [50-52]; however, those optimizations have
not been applied in practice for image/video sources. For this reason, we have not covered them in this
Standard compatibility: Due to the special procedure of side and central decoding, the standard decoder
cannot be used.
Redundancy tunability: As explained, redundancy can be tuned in each method of MDSQ. For
maximum redundancy, the indices of both descriptions are the same and only the diagonal of the index
assignment table are filled. For lower redundancy, the number of central levels is increased and more
table cells are used. Minimum redundancy is achieved when all cells correspond to specific central levels.
Complexity: Having AN index assignment table, allows for the generation of descriptions without
complicated processes.
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: The descriptions are generated by differently
quantizing the DCT coefficients; this does not have enough degree of freedom for a high number of
In this group, the transformed coefficients are partitioned or divided between descriptions. By the
transformed coefficients or simply coefficients, we mean the outputs of the DCT transform. In this paper,
we consider only DCT transform, and not wavelet transform, since all standard video codecs are DCT
In this method, some of the coefficients are duplicated in both descriptions and the others are split
between them; splitting a coefficient means that it is unchanged in one description and it is made to be
zero in the other description. In other words, the coefficients are treated as two groups, the coefficients of
the first group are inserted in both descriptions and the coefficients of the other group are alternatively
inserted. In the central decoder, all of the coefficients are available and the video is reconstructed with a
high quality. In the side decoder, all of the coefficients of the first group and half of the coefficients of the
second group (for two-description coding) are available, and a lower quality is achieved. The remaining
problem is how to categorize the coefficients into these two groups. There are three approaches for this
In the first approach, coefficients larger than a threshold are duplicated in all descriptions and the
others are alternated among descriptions. However, copies of the duplicated coefficients are totally
redundant in central decoder. This redundancy is determined by the value of the distinction threshold
[53-54]. In [54], the threshold is obtained such that the descriptions are balanced with respect to rate and
distortion. In another work presented in [55], the position and the sign of the coefficients of the
description2 are inserted into description1, and vice versa. This way the unreceived coefficients can be
block. This capability achieved at the cost of additional rate for sending the sign and position and also the
syntax modification.
In the second approach, some of the early first coefficients (low frequency coefficients) are duplicated
and the rest are forced to be zero in each DCT block of one description while they are remained
unchanged in the other description [56]. The main advantage of this approach compared to the first one is
the lower bit rate, at the same side distortion. The reduced bit rate is the result of the procedure used for
entropy coding in image/video coding standards. In this approach, there exists a run of zeroes, while in
the first approach the zeros are not consecutive. From the view point of bit rate saving, a run of zeros is
As the third approach, coefficients partitioning can be carried out block wise; however, block splitting
has poor side quality since a lost block must be estimated from its neighboring blocks with which it might
have no correlation. One solution is overlapping block transform, such as Lapped Orthogonal Transform
(LOT), in which the blocks have for example 50% overlapping, as is shown in Fig. 14. Due to the
overlaps, some common data exist in the descriptions so that can then be used for estimation of the lost
blocks. The results are much better than conventional non-overlapping block coding [57]. The same idea
has been used in [58] with this difference that the blocks of description2 are predicted from those of
description1 and the residuals are coded and sent in description1 as an additional part .This way, the side
decoder1 has more information about description2, thus it provides higher side quality but at the cost of
increased redundancy.
Fig. 14 (a) The overlapping blocks (b) decomposition into four descriptions by splitting the coefficient blocks
Standard compatibility: There is no need to change the decoding routine for side decoders, except for
[55], [57] and [58]. However, merging the descriptions must be done inside the decoder (and not as post
Redundancy tunability: As discussed, some of the coefficients are duplicated and the others are split. By
adjusting the number of duplicated coefficients, redundancy can be tuned well. The higher the number of
Complexity: The only work is to split the blocks or split the coefficients based on a predetermined
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Due to low quality of each description even for
two-description-coding, this algorithm is not used for a high number of descriptions. For higher number
3.3.3 MDTC
The main property of the DCT transform is decorrelation of the coefficients, so a coefficient cannot be
estimated from the others in the same DCT block. Instead, the same-position DCT coefficient of
neighboring blocks can be used. In cases of images with uniform texture, this approach may be helpful;
however, this is not beneficial for video. The reason is that, in video coding, the DCT transform is applied
on the residual signal and the data of residual signals are less correlated than the data of an image. MDTC
In MDTC, after the DCT transform, another transform called Pair-wise Correlating Transform (PCT)
is applied to a pair of data, and the two correlated pieces of data are generated. The correlating transform
would be helpful in estimation of the lost data from the received one and hence better side quality is
achieved. Correlating, on the other hand, acts in opposition to DCT and leads to increased bit rate for
transmission. This additional bit rate is the redundancy rate of this MDC method. As is shown in Fig. 15,
the transform can be applied only to some of the coefficients to avoid unusable redundancy. In fact, which
coefficients are suitable for pairing is also important. For example, pairing the coefficients with the same
The progress track of this algorithm which is done by two research groups: Reibman et al. and Goyal
et al. is explained as follows: the basic framework of the algorithm is introduced with a fixed transform
matrix [60]; rate-distortion analysis and discussing nonorthogonal/orthogonal transform as the transform
matrix are presented in [61], the algorithm was generalized for more than two descriptions with not
necessarily balanced or independent channels in [62] for general Gaussian sources and for image sources
in [63]. An arbitrary transform is also considered and optimally obtained with Redundancy-Rate-
Distortion sense in [64]. Deep analysis and experimental results are concluded in [59] where it is shown
that the MDTC in basic format has a good performance specially at low redundancy but its
performance becomes increasingly poor at high loss rates. This is due to the fact that we always send
one of two paired coefficients in each description and the side decoder cannot completely recover the
original coefficient from the paired coefficient even at high redundancy. This problem is addressed in
[65] in which the difference between the value of paired coefficient and the estimated coefficient is
coded and incorporated into the descriptions, at the cost of even more redundancy rate. And finally,
this method was used for video coding in [66]. A comprehensive study addressing Goyal’s work on
Standard compatibility: Due to the tasks needed for separating the coefficients and estimating the lost
Redundancy tunability: Due to the splitting nature of this algorithm, the amount of redundancy is
limited. However, as mentioned earlier, the algorithm presented in [65] does not have such a limitation.
Complexity: Pairing of the coefficients and generating the correlated coefficients make this algorithm
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: How to extend this algorithm for a high number of
descriptions is presented in Goyal’s works. However, due to limited number of coefficients on which the
algorithm is applied, we cannot generate efficiently say eight descriptions or higher for each video.
Multi-rate coding in the transform domain can be performed coefficient-wise or block-wise. As a case of
the former, DCT coefficients are coded using different quantization parameters, where the redundant
coefficients are quantized coarsely instead of being set to zero as in the DCT coefficient partitioning
method. An example is [68] where in each description 1/ (: number of descriptions) of coefficients are
coded with fine quantization parameter and the rest are coded by a coarse quantizer as shown in Fig. 16.
Quantizer D1 Dequantizer
Quantizer D2 Dequantizer
Quantizer D3
Final reconstruction
In block-wise multi-rate MDC, when two-description coding, for a pair of blocks, each description
contains a low rate version of one block and a high rate version of the other block. This idea has been
proposed in [69] where two slice groups are defined: Slice Group A (SGA) and Slice Group B (SGB)
which are selected based on Dispersed Slice Group shown in Fig. 17. SGA is finely quantized and SGB is
coarsely quantized in description1, and the opposite is used for description2. Furthermore, the authors
propose not to send any MV for low rate blocks and instead estimate the MVs of them from those of the
high rate group and save the bit rate. The same idea with some minor modifications has been presented in
The low-rate MBs can be coded as redundant slices as in [71] as shown in Fig. 18. Redundant slice
is another tool of the H.264/AVC standard, beneficial for video transmission in lossy conditions. For
each of the primary slices, the standard allows inserting the redundant slices in the bitstream
representing a lower-rate version of the primary slices which are used when the primary data are lost.
For MDC, the redundant slices with the same role can be used. The work in [71] discusses the
quantization parameter of the redundant slices in the rate-distortion optimization sense, taking into
account the network condition and effect of drift. The quality is improved even more considering the
role of each slice in error propagation within a GOP and optimizing redundancy allocation at slice
Standard compatibility: Each description is composed of finely and coarsely quantized DCT
coefficients, so the standard decoder can be used when only one description is received. But the coarse
quantized coefficients are discarded in cases that at least two descriptions are received, so, the decoder
must be modified appropriately in such cases. However, when coding low rate blocks as redundant slices,
Redundancy tunability: By adjusting the quantization parameter, redundancy can be tuned easily.
Complexity: The additional process of encoding the low quality coefficients/blocks makes the algorithm
complex to some extent. Note that MVs and mode types of fine data are usually used for coarse data; this
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: As discussed, low quality data are discarded when
high quality ones are available. The data discarded increases by the number of descriptions; so this
3.3.5 MLMDC
In MLMDC, proposed by us in [73-74], each description is composed of the combination of the base
layer and the enhancement layer of coarse granular SNR scalable coding. The coefficients of the base and
enhancement layers are combined and the resulting combined coefficients and base coefficients are
alternatively placed in the descriptions, as shown in Fig. 19(a). At the central decoder, the coefficients are
decombined and similar to SVC layers are superimposed to achieve a higher two-layer central quality, as
shown in Fig. 19(b). At the side decoder, the coefficient for which the base coefficient is not available is
& &'
[&' + &'
&' &') + &')
&'* … ]
[&' &' + &'
&') &'* + &'*
… ]
Fig. 19 MLMDC: (a) encoder, (b) central decoder and (c) side decoder
In other words, each description contains the base layer and one half of the enhancement layer,
which are combined together. This combination of 1.5 layers is sent as one description. At the central
decoder both descriptions are available and the base and enhancement layers are separated and
superimposed on each other, thus we have two-layer video quality. At the side decoder, an estimator is
This method gives a side quality significantly higher than what is achieved by other tested DCT
domain MDC approaches with almost the same central quality, leading to better side-central quality
trade-off and hence higher average video quality when transmission in error prone environments. In
addition, higher side quality reduces the descriptions mismatch and leads to less drift. For four
descriptions, due to dividing the combined coefficients among the four descriptions, with at least two
received descriptions, all base coefficients and hence the reference frame can be exactly reconstructed
Standard compatibility: Due to the estimation task for side decoding, this algorithm is not standard
compatible, although for low values of 0, the estimation can be bypassed and hence a standard decoder
can be used as side decoder. Central decoding also needs some special tasks which do not exist in the
standard decoder.
Redundancy tunability: The redundancy is tuned by 0. However, the redundancy cannot be reduced
arbitrarily since the base layer, mixed by or itself, is common in all descriptions.
Complexity: Generating the enhancement layer and mixing the layers make this algorithm complex.
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Due to high amount of redundancy that exists in
this algorithm, having a high number of descriptions is not efficient. In four-description-coding, the
algorithm is capable to mitigate the drift and is useful, but higher number of descriptions is not
As the name implies, these MDC schemes are applied after the video has been encoded already. This can
also be called packet domain MDC. The main idea here is to partition a layer into 1 segments which are
then expanded to 2 > 1 segments using FEC codes. Due to using channel codes, this scheme can be
assumed to be a JSCC method. Then, these 2 segments are partitioned again into multiple descriptions
which are sent independently. It is known that with any 1 out of these 2 segments, the 1 source
segments are recoverable. The idea was inspired from [75] and then introduced and customized for
multiple description coding in [76] and [77]. As is shown in Fig. 20, the video or image is encoded into a
scalable bit stream where layer is partitioned into segments, and for 2 description coding, Reed-
Solomon codes, 4(2, ), are generated for these segments. The descriptions are composed by collecting
one and only one segment (source or FEC code) from each layer. This configuration and the optimal bit
rate for each layer are addressed in [77]. The algorithm proposed in [76] is basically the same but is
performed byte-wise and is advantageous where we have fine granular layered coding.
Generally, the number of segments for each layer determines the trade-off between loss resiliency
and redundancy. The lower the number of segments in a layer, the higher the redundancy of that layer
and the more likely for it to be reconstructed at the receiver. This idea can be used for adapting MDC
streams to channel condition as in [78]. This algorithm is essentially MDC transcoding and is useful
when we do not have access to the original source and hence changing the rate of each layer is not
possible. The number of segments in each layer is determined by an optimization approach while the
original source is not changed or at most truncated in high packet loss conditions.
Standard compatibility: This algorithm is applied on the coded stream and does not affect the coding
Redundancy tunability: The number of segments in each layer directly determines the amount of
redundancy, so we can see that redundancy cannot continuously and precisely be tuned.
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Since the algorithm is applied on the coded stream,
In hybrid domain MDC, the MDC process is carried out in two of the above-mentioned domains. This is
particularly used when we want higher number of descriptions where working in a single domain might
not be efficient. For example, generating four descriptions using temporal domain MDC may not be
reasonable, since each single description contains one quarter of the frames and the others must be
estimated, leading to a poor side quality. As in [79], temporal and spatial partitioning can be used
concurrently to generate the descriptions, or as in [80] and [81], a hybrid of spatial and frequency domain
MDC (DCT partitioning and MDSQ, respectively) can be used, as shown in Fig. 21. The main advantage
of working in two domains is preserving the inter description correlations for concealment of the lost
information and hence creating a higher chance to have a higher side quality.
Standard compatibility: The hybrid of spatial and temporal MDC is decodable by a standard decoder;
since spatial and temporal partitioning/merging are carried out outside of the encoder/decoder engine.
However, this is not the case for the spatial and frequency hybrid.
Redundancy tunability: In the hybrid of spatial and temporal MDC, redundancy cannot be controlled
unless additional provisions are supplied. In frequency partitioning, some of the coefficients are
Complexity: Only partitioning is needed. The descriptions have lower spatial/temporal resolution and the
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: Due to working in two domains, the algorithm can
In this category, two descriptions of the video are generated so that their reconstruction error is
uncorrelated; these two noisy representations of the video are then merged to better reconstruct the
original video. The more independent the distortions or errors can be made, the more accurately the
original values can be estimated. This process is used for central decoding or when at least two
descriptions are available. The inserted redundancy in this method is high but there is no provision to
These different representation of the video source can be achieved using different coding
parameters such as prediction reference, ME direction, and quantization parameters, as shown in [82].
Likewise in [83], all frames are included in both descriptions but frames in each description are coded
with a different quantization parameter and different prediction references. The different
representations of each frame in the central decoder are used for better reconstruction of the frame
leading to a higher fidelity. The reconstructed frame is a weighted sum of the two frames in each
description; the weights are obtained by estimation theory and sent to the decoder as side information.
To reduce the bit-rate cost of these weights, they are quantized and entropy encoded.
To make the coding noise signals independent, one approach is to change the block boundaries in
each frame: the video codecs are block based and changing the boundaries will lead to different
position of pixels in the block and hence different coding representation. This idea was proposed in
[84]. Different coding noise can be obtained using different transforms as shown in [85] where DCT is
used for one description and no transform used for the second description; this is not necessarily optimum
In another method, the encoder configuration and settings are the same for both descriptions, but the
input frames of the side decoders are different [86]. In this scheme, each original video frame is encoded
with the encoder to get the first description. Then the error residuum of each coded frame of the first
description is then added up to the corresponding original frame and the resulting new frame is encoded
by the same encoder to generate the second description. At the central decoder, the two received
descriptions of a frame are averaged which leads to a frame with lower quantization noise or higher
Standard compatibility: As discussed, except for [85] which uses different a transform in each
description, other algorithms do not change the encoding process and are standard compatible.
Redundancy tunability: The difference of the descriptions is the quantization error and does not provide
Complexity: Each description is coded as complex as SDC. Furthermore, some tasks such as finding
estimation parameters are added. That is, for two-description-coding, the complexity is more than twice
of SDC’s complexity.
Capability to increase the number of descriptions: As mentioned, these MDCs are based on making
different the quantization error in each description. The quantization error cannot be different as much as
4 Drift
In the previous sections, drift was brought up a number of times while discussing various MDC
approaches. In this section, we will study this phenomenon and solutions to mitigate it. Drift originates
from reference mismatch at the encoder and the decoder. Video compression standards make use of
predictive coding for higher efficiency but this also makes a frame’s quality dependent on its reference
frame. When a reference frame is not correctly reconstructed at the decoder, it leads to the noisy
reconstruction of all other frames which are predicted from it. Some of the erroneous frames are in turn
used as the reference for other frames and so error propagation occurs. This is known as drift and results
As mentioned earlier, an excellent review of drift avoiding techniques are provided in [21], but since drift
is an important issue in video MDC and in order to make our paper self-contained, the proposed solutions
to mitigate or solve this problem in MDC are presented in this section, with our point of view. In the
following, based on the number of prediction loops, the drift solutions are categorized and shortly
4.1 Single-prediction-loop
A simple yet efficient method to mitigate drift is to formulate and incorporate the effect of error
propagation when designing MDCs. The result is to make the first few frames in the GOP more similar in
the descriptions, since the error in the earlier frames is more destructive than the later frames, and then to
decrease the redundancy gradually as moving toward the last frames [71] [87]. The slice-wise or block-
Another method is prediction based on a virtual frame, as proposed in [89]. In this paper; instead of
previous frame itself, an intermediate frame based on the previous frame and leaky prediction is generated
and used as prediction reference. The more different this virtual frame is from the current frame, the
lower the sensitivity of the reconstruction quality of the current frame on the fidelity of the reference
frame. This is achieved at the cost of higher bit rate; i.e., we move closer to intra coding. In this approach,
the compression efficiency and error resiliency are something in between intra coding and inter coding.
4.2 Two-prediction-loop
One solution is to have a specific prediction loop for each description; e.g., for two-description coding,
there exist two prediction loops at the encoder and the reference picture for each description is
reconstructed separately at the corresponding side loop [90]. For the DCT domain MDCs, having
different reference pictures leads to different DCT coefficient sets in each description which are hardly
mutually refinable. Therefore, this algorithm is efficient for other MDCs such as spatial and temporal
domain. Furthermore, in this approach, when a side reference, say description1, is corrupted, even though
description2 with its own reference can be decoded, description1 still suffers from the drift until the end
of the GOP, similar to single reference approaches. Therefore, this is suitable for the applications in
which for a while one description is available and the other is not, for example when MDC is used for rate
scalability. However, in a packet loss scenario where each frame might by decoded either by the side or
4.3 Three-prediction-loop
loops are used at the encoder; one for central decoding and two for side decoding (the case of missing
both descriptions is not taken into account). The idea is to code and send a signal to compensate the
mismatch between the side and central references. In the following, the existing methods are explained.
The idea of using three prediction loops is introduced in [66] where two three-loop algorithms are
proposed, namely algorithm1, algorithm2. In these algorithms, the difference between the residual
signals when using central reference and when using side references, is sent to decoder.
Fig. 23 shows the encoder structure of algorithm1, for the first loop only, the loop corresponding to
At the encoder, in addition to central reference (FM0), each side decoder is simulated and the side
references are built (FM1 and FM2 for description1 and description2, respectively). The residual signal
based on the side references is produced which is then subtracted by the residual signal of the main stream
in description1 and the result (G1) is sent as side information of description1. If description2 is lost,
description1 with it’s side information are able to reconstruct the frame, correctly and without error
propagation. The central reference and the other side reference can be reconstructed, as well. In this
procedure, there will be almost no drift, but at the cost of some redundancy rate. This redundancy is
controlled by , the quantization parameter of the mismatch encoder. This algorithm is optimized for
redundancy-rate-distortion in [91], and also is utilized with odd/even frame splitting MDC in [92] where
in order to reduce the mismatch signal, the central predictor is made to be the average of the side
predictors. This way, the side and central predictors are more similar and hence there is less mismatch
between the residual signals created based on them, so the side information is reduced.
In algorithm2, the aim is to decrease the redundancy rate. The idea is the same as algorithm1 but
instead of sending the whole side information, it is itself coded by MDC and only one of the descriptions
is sent. Therefore, compared to algorithm1, we have only partial mismatch control and in return less
redundancy rate. Algorithm2 provides better rate-distortion performance compared to the algorithm1, the
Another method is an architecture which is basically similar to the algorithm1 but with the difference that
instead of the original signal (signal X in Fig. 23), its reconstruction by the central decoder is used in the
side prediction loops [93]. This way, in the case of packet loss, the decoder central references are made
more similar to the encoder central reference. The achievement is a gain up to 0.4 dB in PSNR, the
simulations provided in [94] show that. This algorithm with reduced computational complexity has been
In the algorithms explained above, the side information was totally redundant when both descriptions
are available. The algorithms presented in [96] and [97] try to make them beneficial. The authors of [96]
propose to combine the difference of the reference picture decoded by the central decoder and the
corresponding side decoder with residual signal and send it as one description. This algorithm shows
better performance compared to the structure of algorithm1, the rate-distortion curves show. However,
due to the mentioned combination performed at the encoder, this algorithm has the limitation of two-
prediction-loop method; that it, it is suitable for the applications in which for a while one description is
The combination of the method proposed in [96] and algorithm1 is presented in [97]. While it has not
the above described restriction of [96], the proposed structure is able to utilize the side information not
only for avoiding drift but also for central decoding higher quality. The performance curves are about
0.25 dB higher than that achieved by algorithm1 at low loss rates. This PSNR gain is however
5 Summary
Based on the above descriptions and criteria, the MDCs and their functionalities are summarized in Table
1. In the table, the standard compatibility property of methods is indicated by “Yes” or “No”. For some
MDCs, side decoding can be done with a standard decoder while it is not the case for central decoding;
these states are also indicated in Table 1. For example SD:Yes, means that only side decoder is standard
In Table 1, there are three levels of “Low”, “Moderate”, and “High”, indicating the capability of the
algorithm for adapting its redundancy. In cases where redundancy can be continuously changed from
minimum to maximum, they are indicated by “High”; “Low” indicates that the method has no provision
for redundancy adaptation. The MDCs in which the redundancy are controllable but not from minimum to
The next column of the table is complexity. The less complex algorithms are indicated by “Low”, and
algorithms for which the complexity is scaled by the number of descriptions are indicated by “High”. The
rest of the algorithms which fall somewhere in between are designated as “Moderate”.
The second-last column specifies the capability of each algorithm for higher number of descriptions. In
the table, “High” indicates that creating a high number of descriptions, say more than four, using this
algorithm is easily executable, whereas “Low” indicates that having more than two descriptions is not
efficient. The other MDCs by which up to four descriptions is practical, are indicated by “Moderate”.
Capability to
MDC Standard Redundancy increase the
MDC approach References Complexity Summary
domain compatibility tunability number of
Zero padding provides an
Zero padding [26-28] Yes High High Moderate efficient way for redundancy
Having available the least
predictable data in each
Duplicating least
[28] Yes High High Low description leads to higher
predictable data
side quality, at the cost of
additional rate.
The unreceived description
Filtering at the is estimated from the
encoder and/or [29] Yes Low High Moderate received description using
Spatial-domain MDC
reconstruction error is
Generation two
6 Discussion
Our goal in this paper was to review existing MDC schemes and provide a taxonomy and analysis to aid
practitioners and researchers for better understanding and selection of the most suitable MDC scheme for
error-resilient video delivery over lossy networks. We saw that MDC is one of a number solutions for
error-resiliency, and that for cases with moderate to high packet loss rates, such as wireless video
streaming, or for live applications where packet retransmission or buffering is unacceptable, such as live
video conferencing, MDC is a better solution to counter video packet loss compared to existing methods.
We also saw that MDC can be coupled with P2P transport to support video transmission to heterogeneous
receivers. Finally, a comprehensive taxonomy and discussion of MDC techniques was presented in
Based on what was presented in the paper, we can suggest a 5-question process to choose an MDC
Fig. 24 Proposed decision process for choosing an appropriate MDC method for a specific video application.
The first question to be answered is whether standard compatibility is needed or not? For standard
compatible MDCs, there is no need to change the decoder, and the default SDC decoder can be used. To
merge the descriptions when more than one description is received, some post processing tasks are needed
The second question is that, based on the specific application, how many descriptions do we need? To
combat packet loss in the real world, most of the time two-description coding is sufficient. However, if
MDC is also used for scalability to heterogeneous receivers, four, eight, sixteen or even more descriptions
might be needed. As seen in Table 1, compressed and hybrid domain MDCs easily provide higher number
of descriptions. For more than eight descriptions, compressed domain MDCs are preferred.
The third question is how much redundancy tunability is needed, which depends on channel behavior. As
discussed, redundancy is not needed to be high for low loss channels but needs to be high for high loss
channels. Since in the real world, channels dynamically vary, MDCs with high redundancy tunability are
of more interest. Note that MDCs are resilient against variable loss rates, and this can be used to get the
The fourth question is what the best suited domain for MD generation is. Generally, there is no
straightforward solution for this, and the answer needs a qualitative approach. The situation is similar to
choosing the best SVC modality among spatial, temporal and SNR scalable modalities. As an example for
SVC, if I have 3 receivers with different bandwidth and I need to create 3 layers, should my base layer
consists of the video at a lower screen size (spatial), lower frames per second (temporal), lower SNR
quality, or a combination of the three? This is a very difficult problem to solve methodically and there is
no general rule and mostly it is case dependent. A similar scenario applies when choosing and MDC
domain. For example, when considering spatial domain MDC, we encounter the following questions:
a) What is the original video size compared to the display sizes at the receivers? If the image size is
itself small, spatial subsampling in order to generate the descriptions makes the situation worse and is
not recommended.
b) What is the available bandwidth? The available bandwidth determines the compression degree. If we
have a strong compression, the resolution of the image at the receivers is less important and so spatial
c) What is the video content? If the video content is such that for example temporal resolution is more
stringent than spatial resolution, spatial MDC is preferred, and vice versa. Whether spatial MDC
provides subjectively satisfactory quality depends on the video content and what the viewers are
looking for.
Finally, as the fifth question, we must check whether the encoder has any processing power constraints. If
it does, for example as in mobile encoders, the complexity issue must also be taken into account and a
Based on the above 5 questions, in practice we can significantly narrow down the choice of the specific
7 Conclusions
In this paper we presented an overview and survey on video MDC. We showed that for video
transmission over channels with moderate to high and fluctuating loss rate, MDC is a good solution due
to the redundancy inherent in MDC streams. We also saw that because of this redundancy, MDC in not a
Based on the domain at which the MDC separation is done, we categorized existing MDC methods into
six groups and the corresponding papers were also cited in Table 1. In the table, the performance of
MDCs of each group with respect to four criteria, namely standard compatibility, redundancy tunability,
complexity, and extendibility to n-description coding were compared. We also presented a 5-question
process that can be used with the table to help scientists and practitioners choose the best suited MDC for
For future work, there are a number of directions. For example, to solve the drift problem, there can be
some solutions which mitigate drift without using two or three prediction loops as discussed in section 4.
The allocated redundancy determines the mismatch of the side and central pictures. The higher the
allocated redundancy, the less mismatch the side and central pictures have and hence the smaller error
propagation. Therefore, at higher loss rates, the need for higher redundancy is increased. Moreover, the
influence of early frames of the GOP in error propagation is more than that of end frames. So it is not
reasonable to allocate the same amount of redundancy to all frames of the GOP for all channel conditions.
Although there are some works in this regard [87] [88], they are for a specific MDC and not applicable to
other MDC methods. The issue of optimal redundancy allocation is therefore understudied and requires
more research.
There are also some works discussing ME, mode decision, and rate control in SDC. However, their
results are not applicable to MDC. For example, the best MVs for SDC are not necessarily the best MVs
for MDC. Taking into account the effect of side and central mismatch, packet loss rate, and error
propagation of MDC, ME and mode decision in the codec’s rate control become topics of interest which
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