Course Information Summer Semester 2019/2020
Course Information Summer Semester 2019/2020
Course Information Summer Semester 2019/2020
1. Course Information
Summer Semester 2019/2020
Course ID: 34101 Course Name: Principles of Accounting (I)
Prerequisites None
Course Type College / Mandatory
Credit Hours 3 credits
Level 1st Year
Course Schedule Daily 10:0 – 11:00 , 12:00 - 1:00 & 1:00 - 2:00
Course Location Online
Wild, J., Kowk W., Shaw K; and Chiappetta, B., Principles of Financial
Accounting, 2nd edition, Mc-Graw hill education., 2016.
1- Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel P. D., and Kieso, D. E., Accounting Principles,
13th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014.
2- Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel P. D., and Kieso, D. E., Financial Accounting,
IFRS edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014.
Name: Dr. Rasha Alghazzawi Office No. B 204
I am available through my email almost all day
If you feel the need to talk to me, Don’t hesitate to let me know and we can
Office Hours setup one to one meeting on Zoom at any suitable time.
I encourage you to reach me with any problem you face, Don’t postpone it to
the end of the semester as solving it then will be harder.
Section 10:00 -11:00
Zoom links for Section 12:00-1:00
virtual lectures Section 1:00 – 2:00
2. Course Description
This course covers the definition of accounting, the accounting system and its main elements, the
double entry system, transactions related to capital, cash transactions, inventory transactions,
accounts receivable, and preparing the trial balance, income statement and statement of financial
3. Course Objectives/ Educational Aims
- Defining accounting and identify users and uses of accounting
- Explaining accounting principles and assumptions
- Analyzing the effect of business transactions on the accounting equation
- Knowing how to analyze record and report economic events for service companies.
- Knowing how to analyze, record and report economic events for merchandising concerns
- Knowing how to prepare trial balance and financial statements for service and merchandising
- Differentiating between accrual bases and cash bases accounting
- Preparing different types of adjusting entries
- Knowing how to prepare closing and correcting entries
- Understanding the accounting for merchandise companies and knowing how to calculate the
Cost of goods sold.
5. Teaching Methods:
6. Assessment Policy
Students must be aware that we need to follow any new instructions by our school and the
ministry of higher education. Accordingly, any necessary changes to the assessment policy during
the semester will be communicated to you by the instructor.
9. Rules and Regulations
Class Presence and Participation. According to the University rules, class attendance is
mandatory and students are expected to attend all classes. You are encouraged to participate in
the discussions during the class.
Book and Assignments: Students need to note that the main book for this course is purchased
online from the publisher McGraw-Hill Education. To do so, students need to contact the book
shop in the PSUT to fill the designated form online. The book shop will order your book code
at a reduced price. After you get your code by email, you need to register to your assigned
section through the link available on the e-learning portal of this course. After registration, this
code will give you access to the full e-book and assignments/ Quizzes. Each student must buy
his/her unique code for the book by the first week of the beginning of the semester.
Academic Integrity. Students, who copy assignments, allow assignments to be copied, or cheat
on tests will fail the assignment or test on the first offense, and may fail the entire course on the
Plagiarism means using words, ideas, or arguments from another person or source without
citation. Cite all sources consulted to any extent (including material from the internet), whether
or not assigned and whether or not quoted directly. For quotations, four or more words used in
sequence must be set off in quotation marks, with the source identified.