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TSP Withdrawl PDF

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Checklist for Completing Your Full Withdrawal Request

[ ] Make sure all prefilled information on Form TSP-70 is correct.

[ ] For your direct deposit, provide the required information about your financial institution and your
account in Section VI of Page 2.

[ ] Sign and date the form in Section VII. Your signature must be notarized.

You must submit all pages that are relevant to your request as a single package. Make a copy of
your completed form(s) for your records and mail your completed original form(s) to:

Thrift Savings Plan

P.O. Box 385021
Birmingham, AL 35238

Or fax to: 1-866-817-5023.

Note: Do not mail and fax your request. The TSP will automatically cancel the second request it
receives. If you need to make a change or correction on your form, call the TSP to cancel your first

If you have questions, call the toll-free ThriftLine at 1-TSP-YOU-FRST (1-877-968-3778) or the TDD
at 1-TSP-THRIFT5 (1-877-847-4385). Outside the U.S. and Canada, please call 404-233-4400 (not
toll free).
I. INFORMATION ABOUT YOU — This section is required.
1. This request applies to my: ✔ Civilian Account OR Uniformed Services Account

Last Name First Name Middle Name

330 5985103015
TSP Account Number
09 / 0 1 / 1984
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
5. 4056500109
Daytime Phone (Area Code and Number)

Foreign address?
6. 7. 4413 S WOFFORD AVE
Check here. Street Address or Box Number (For a foreign address, see instructions on back.)

Street Address Line 2

DEL CITY 9. OK 10. 73115–3751
City State Zip Code

II. MARRIED FERS AND UNIFORMED SERVICES PARTICIPANTS — If your total TSP account balance is more than $3,500,
your spouse is entitled to a joint life annuity with a 50% survivor benefit, level payments, and no cash refund. Check Item 11 be-
low to use your entire account balance to purchase that annuity. Otherwise, complete Items 12 – 15, then proceed to Section IV.
11. I choose the default joint life annuity with my spouse. (Option 3b in Section XIII). Skip to Section VII, then complete Page 6.

12. - -
Spouse’s Name (Last, First, Middle) Spouse’s Social Security Number

If you are not able to obtain your spouse’s signature below, provide your spouse’s name and Social Security number and
submit Form TSP-16, Exception to Spousal Requirements (TSP-U-16 for uniformed services), with this request.

Spouse’s waiver: I waive my right to a joint life annuity with a 50% survivor benefit, level payments, and no cash refund.

13. 14. / /
Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)
Spouse’s Signature
15. Notary: Please complete the following. No other acknowledgement is acceptable (see instructions).
The person who signed Item 13 is known to or was identified by me, and, before me, signed or acknowledged to have
signed this form. In witness thereof, I have signed below on this day of , .
Month Year

My commission expires:
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Notary Public’s Signature


III. MARRIED CSRS PARTICIPANTS — We must notify your spouse of your withdrawal request.

Spouse’s Name (Last, First, Middle)

Is your spouse’s address the same as your address?
Don’t know spouse’s address.
Yes No (Complete Items 18 – 22.) (Provide spouse’s SSN and submit - -
Form TSP-16.) Spouse’s Social Security Number

Spouse has
18. 19.
foreign address?
Street Address or Box Number (For a foreign address, see instructions.)
Check here.

Street Address Line 2

20. 21. 22. –

City State Zip Code
Do Not Write Below This Line
Form TSP-70, Page 1 (11/2015)
* P I I S 0 0 2 2 9 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P I I S *
Use this form if you are separated from Federal service or the uniformed AA for Zip Codes beginning with 340, and AP for Zip Codes beginning with
services and you want to request a full withdrawal of your entire vested 962 – 966. Then enter the appropriate Zip Code.
account balance in the form of a single payment, monthly payments, life
annuity, or any combination of these options, to be paid after your agency Spouses’ rights apply to accounts that total more than $3,500. If you are
or service confirms your separation. To request a partial withdrawal of married (even if separated from your spouse), you must comply with the
your account and leave the balance of your account with the TSP, do not spouses’ rights requirements outlined below:
complete this form; instead, complete Form TSP-77, Request for Partial
Withdrawal When Separated. Spouses’ Rights for Full Withdrawals

Before making a withdrawal request, read the booklet Withdrawing Your Classification Requirement Exceptions
TSP Account After Leaving Federal Service and the TSP tax notice “Impor- FERS/ Spouse is entitled to a survivor Whereabouts unknown or
tant Tax Information About Payments From Your TSP Account.” If you do Uniformed annuity unless he or she waives exceptional circum­stances
not have these materials, you can download them from the TSP website Services that right.
(tsp.gov). CSRS Spouse is entitled to notification Whereabouts unknown
by TSP of participant’s election.
You should not complete Form TSP-70 if:
• Your vested account balance is less than $200. The TSP will auto-
matically send you a check for the balance of your account after your
If your total TSP account is more than $3,500, then by law your spouse has
agency or service reports that you have separated.
the right to a joint and survivor annuity with a 50% survivor benefit, level
• You expect to be rehired after a break in service of less than 31 payments, and no cash refund, unless your spouse waives the right to that
calendar days. You must be separated from Federal service for 31 or annuity. If you would like to use your entire account balance to purchase this
more days in order to be eligible for a post-employment withdrawal. If annuity, check the box in Item 11 indicating that you choose the default joint
you expect to be rehired after a break in service of 31 or more full cal- life annuity with your spouse, skip to Section VII, and then complete Page 6.
endar days, see the Withdrawal Booklet for information about rehired
participants and withdrawal restrictions. Note about annuities: If you have both a traditional (non-Roth) and a Roth
balance in your TSP account, the TSP will purchase two default annui-
• You are the spouse beneficiary of a deceased civilian or uniformed ties (one for each balance). The $3,500 minimum applies to each annuity
services TSP participant’s account. Instead, complete Form TSP-90, separately. If you are interested in purchasing an annuity, read the Special
Withdrawal Request for Beneficiary Participants. Rules for Annuities in the instructions for Page 6.
There are two ways to complete your post-employment withdrawal: If your total TSP account balance is more than $3,500, and you do not
• You can use the TSP website (tsp.gov) to begin your withdrawal re- choose the default joint life annuity in Item 11, then your spouse must
quest once your agency or service has reported your separation to the give consent to a full withdrawal from your TSP account by completing,
TSP. For the protection of your account, you will not be able to com- signing, and dating Items 12 – 14. Your spouse’s signature must be nota-
plete your withdrawal online, but the interactive screens will help you rized (Item 15). Because this form will be filed with a Federal agency in
complete the appropriate sections of the form correctly. Washington, D.C., the notary must complete the information in Item 15.
No other acknowledgement is acceptable.
After you print out the form, review it, complete any missing infor-
mation, provide required notarized signatures and documentation, If you cannot obtain your spouse’s signature, please provide your spouse’s
and mail or fax it to the TSP. Do not change or cross out any of the name and Social Security number in Item 12. The TSP cannot process
prefilled information you entered on the Web; the form will not be your withdrawal unless you have a spousal exception on file or if you ap-
processed if you do. ply for — and receive — an exception to the spouses’ rights requirements.
OR Exceptions are granted in rare circumstances. If you wish to apply for an
• Complete Form TSP-70, and mail or fax it to the TSP. exception, submit Form TSP-16 (TSP-U-16 for uniformed services), Excep-
tion to Spousal Requirements, along with this form.
SECTION I. INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. Complete Items 1 – 10. Check
whether you are withdrawing money from a civilian or uniformed ser- SECTION III. MARRIED CSRS PARTICIPANTS. If you are a married CSRS
vices account in Item 1. If you have more than one account and you do participant with an account balance of more than $3,500, then by law the
not check a box, your form will not be processed. Check only one box. TSP must notify your spouse of your full withdrawal. Please provide your
You cannot withdraw from both accounts using one form. Also, be sure spouse’s name in Item 16. If your spouse’s address is the same as your ad-
to only check the box for the account representing the employment dress in your TSP record, check “Yes” in Item 17. Otherwise, check “No” in
from which you are separated. Item 17 and complete Items 18 – 22.

The address you provide on this form will be used to update the address in If you do not know your spouse’s whereabouts, check the third box in Item
your TSP account record. If you have a foreign address, check the 17, and provide your spouse’s Social Security number. The TSP cannot pro-
box in Item 6 and enter the foreign address in Items 7 – 10 as follows: cess your withdrawal unless you have a spousal exception on file or if you
apply for—and receive—an exception to the spouses’ rights requirements.
First address line: Enter the street address or post office box number, and Exceptions are granted in rare circumstances. If you wish to apply for an
any apartment number. exception, submit Form TSP-16, Exception to Spousal Requirements, with
the required documentation.
Second address line: Enter the city or town name, other principal subdivi-
sion (e.g., province, state, county), and postal code, if known. (The postal If your spouse has a foreign address, check the box in Item 18 and follow
code may precede the city or town.) the foreign address instructions in Section I to complete Items 19 – 22.

City/State/Zip Code fields: Enter the entire country name in the City field; See the instructions in Section I for completing Air/Army Post Office (APO)
leave the State and Zip Code fields blank. or Fleet Post Office (FPO) addresses.

If you use an Air/Army Post Office (APO) or Fleet Post Office (FPO) address, Note: If you do not complete Section II or Section III, you are indicating that
enter that address in the two available address lines (include the unit desig- you are not married.
nation). Enter APO or FPO, as appropriate, in the City field. In the State field, Form TSP-70 (11/2015)
enter AE as the state abbreviation for Zip Codes beginning with 090 – 098, PREVIOUS EDITIONS OBSOLETE
Name: TSP Account Number:
(Last, First, Middle)

IV. WITHDRAWAL ELECTION — This section is required. Choose one or more methods. Indicate percentages in whole numbers.
If choosing monthly payments, include the dollar amount of each payment or choose to have the TSP compute your payments based
on your life expectancy.
23. I would like to withdraw my entire account balance as follows:

a. 1 0 0 .0% Single Payment

b. .0% Life Annuity (Must equal $3,500 or more. Also complete Page 6.)

c. .0% TSP Monthly Payments → Tell us how to pay your monthly payments:

1 0 0 %
(Total a, b, and c)
$ ,
. 00
per month ($25.00 or more)

Compute my payments based on my life expectancy.

24. I would like to transfer all or a portion of my single payment and/or eligible monthly payments (indicated in Section
IV) to an IRA or eligible employer plan. (See instructions for an explanation of eligible monthly payments. Note: You
must include the completed applicable transfer page(s) from this form with your withdrawal request package.)

VI. DIRECT DEPOSIT INFORMATION — Single payments and/or monthly payments that are not being transferred  to a tradi-
tional IRA, eligible employer plan, or Roth IRA can be paid by direct deposit to a checking or savings account at a financial insti-
tution. Do not complete this section if you want direct deposit for annuity payments. The annuity provider will send you the
necessary paperwork for direct deposit of those payments.

25. Pay by direct deposit (check all that apply): Single Payment TSP Monthly Payments

26. Type of Account: 27.

Name of Financial Institution
OR 28. 29.
Savings ACH Routing Number (Must be 9 digits) Checking or Savings Account Number

VII. CERTIFICATION AND NOTARIZATION — This section is required. I certify that I have read the information in this pack-
age, as well as the Withdrawal booklet and the TSP tax notice, and that I understand that my withdrawal election is irrevo-
cable. I certify that the information I have provided on all pages of this form is true and complete to the best of my know­ledge.
Also, I certify that I am separated from Federal serv­ice and that I do not expect to be rehired by the Federal Government within
31 days of my separation. Warning: Any intentional false statement in this application or willful misrepresentation con­cern­ing
it is a violation of law that is punishable by a fine or imprisonment for as long as 5 years, or both (18 U.S.C. § 1001).

30. 31. / /
Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)
Participant’s Signature

32. Notary: Please complete the following. No other acknowledgement is acceptable (see instructions).
The person who signed Item 30 is known to or was identified by me, and, before me, signed or acknowledged to have
signed this form. In witness thereof, I have signed below on this day of , .
Month Year

My commission expires:
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Notary Public’s Signature

[seal] Jurisdiction

Do not write in this section. Form TSP-70, Page 2 (11/2015)

SECTION IV. WITHDRAWAL ELECTION. You must complete Item 23. SECTION V. TRANSFER ELECTION. Check the box in this section if
You may withdraw your account balance by choosing any one, a com- you want all or a part of the single and/or eligible monthly payments
bination of any two, or all three of the basic withdrawal options (single you elected in Section IV to be transferred to an IRA or eligible em-
payment, life annuity, TSP monthly payments). In the boxes provided ployer plan. In order for a monthly payment to be eligible for transfer,
for each method, indicate the percentage of your account that you it must be of a fixed dollar amount that results in payments that are
would like to withdraw by that method. Use whole percentages only. expected to be completed in less than 120 months. You cannot trans-
Be certain that the percentages in Items 23a, b, and c add up to 100%. fer monthly payments expected to last 120 months or more, or those
Note: You can use the calculators on the TSP website to project a life that are computed based on your life expectancy.
annuity or a monthly payment amount.
If you want to transfer all or any part of the traditional (non-Roth)
If you have both a traditional (non-Roth) and a Roth balance in your portion of your single and/or eligible monthly payments, you and the
TSP account, your withdrawal will be paid proportionally from IRA trustee or plan administrator must complete Page 4. You must
your traditional and Roth balances for each withdrawal option that include the completed page with your withdrawal request package.
you select. If you want to transfer all or any part of the Roth portion of your
single and/or eligible monthly payments, you and the IRA trustee
Example: or plan administrator must complete Page 5. You must include the
TSP account balance = $10,000 completed page with your withdrawal request package. If you want
to transfer both the traditional and the Roth portions of your single
Traditional portion of balance at time of withdrawal = $5,000
and/or eligible monthly payments, you and the IRA trustee or plan
administrator must complete Pages 4 and 5. You must include the
Roth portion of balance at time of withdrawal = $5,000 (50%) completed pages with your withdrawal request package.
Withdrawal election:
Single Payment = 20%
tion to have the TSP send your single payment or monthly payments
Life Annuity = 0% directly to your checking or savings account by means of a direct
TSP Monthly Payments = 80% deposit (electronic funds transfer [EFT]). Provide all of the requested
information. If you do not know the 9-digit routing number, contact
Result: your financial institution for information. EFTs will be made only to a
Single payment = $2,000, comprised of $1,000 (50%) tradi- financial institution in the United States.
tional money and $1,000 (50%) Roth money.
In Item 26, check only one box. Your single and/or monthly payments
Monthly payments = $8,000. Each monthly payment will be
can be directly deposited into only one account.
comprised of 50% traditional money and 50% Roth money.
If the TSP determines that the EFT information you provided is
Note: If your account contains tax-exempt contributions or Roth
incomplete or invalid, your request will be processed, but you will
contributions, each withdrawal method will be disbursed propor-
receive your payment in the form of a check mailed to you.
tionally from taxable and nontaxable amounts.
Note: Do not complete this section if any of the following are true:
If you choose to withdraw your account as a life annuity, the mini-
mum amount to purchase the annuity is $3,500. This means that if – You would like to receive your payment(s) by paper check to your
you are withdrawing only a portion of your account by means of an address of record.
annuity (Item 23b), the percentage you choose must equal $3,500
or more of your account balance (vested account balance if you are – You selected a life annuity. The annuity provider will send you the
FERS). To complete your annuity purchase, you must also provide necessary paperwork for direct deposit of your annuity payments.
information needed for the annuity on Page 6 of this form. – Your payment(s) will be transferred to an IRA or eligible employer
If you have both a traditional (non-Roth) and a Roth balance in your
TSP account, the $3,500 minimum amount will apply to both balances
separately. You cannot select just one balance for your annuity pur- SECTION VII. CERTIFICATION AND NOTARIZATION. Read the certifi-
chase. If you are interested in purchasing an annuity, read the Special cation carefully and sign and date the form. By signing the certifica-
Rules for Annuities in the instructions for Page 6. tion, you are certifying that the information you have provided is true
and complete to the best of your knowledge. You are also certifying
If you are withdrawing any portion of your account by means of TSP that you are separated from Federal service and that your separation
monthly payments (Item 23c), write in the box the dollar amount that will last for 31 days or more. In addition, if you chose to transfer any
you would like to receive each month (must be at least $25) OR check portion of your traditional balance to a Roth IRA, you are certifying
the box to have the TSP compute your monthly payments based on that you understand that you must pay tax on the amount trans-
your life expectancy. ferred for the year of the transfer. Your signature must be notarized;
otherwise, your request cannot be processed. Because the form
• If you write in a monthly dollar amount, you will receive that will be filed with a Federal agency in Washington, D.C., the notary
amount until you change it or until your entire account balance must complete the notarization in Item 32. No other acknowledge-
has been paid out. ment is acceptable.
• If you choose to have the TSP compute your payments, we will
use the IRS Single Life Table, Treas. Reg. 1.401(a)(9)-9, Q&A 1
(for participants who are under age 70 after June 30 of the cal-
endar year when payments are calculated) or the Uniform Life-
time Table, Treas. Reg. 1.401(a)(9)-9, Q&A 2 (for participants who
turn age 70 before July 1 of that year).

Form TSP-70 (11/2015)


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