6 9CAPreschoolCurriculumFrameworkv3 PDF
6 9CAPreschoolCurriculumFrameworkv3 PDF
6 9CAPreschoolCurriculumFrameworkv3 PDF
Volume 3
ISBN: 978-0-8011-1733-6
Ordering Information
Copies of this publication are available for purchase from the Cali-
fornia Department of Education. For prices and ordering informa-
tion, please visit the Department Web site at http://www.cde.
ca.gov/re/pn/rc/ or call the CDE Press sales office at 1-800-
The guidance in the California Preschool Curriculum Framework,
Volume 3, is not binding on local educational agencies or other en-
tities. Except for the statutes, regulations, and court decisions that
are referenced herein, the document is exemplary, and compliance
with it is not mandatory. (See Education Code Section 33308.5.)
Physical Sciences ..................................... 176 Earth Sciences ......................................... 215
1.0 Properties and Characteristics of 1.0 Properties and Characteristics of
Nonliving Objects and Materials ...... 178 Earth Materials and Objects ............ 216
2.0 Changes in Nonliving Objects 2.0 Changes in the Earth ...................... 221
and Materials .................................. 186 Bringing It All Together .......................... 227
Bringing It All Together .......................... 193 Engaging Families ................................. 227
Engaging Families ................................. 194 Questions for Reflection ......................... 229
Questions for Reflection ........................ 195 Concluding Thoughts ............................... 230
Life Sciences ............................................ 196 Map of the Foundations ............................. 231
1.0 Properties and Characteristics Teacher Resources ..................................... 232
of Living Things............................... 198 Appendix: Suggested Materials .................. 234
2.0 Changes in Living Things ................ 206 Endnotes ................................................... 237
Bringing It All Together .......................... 212 Bibliography .............................................. 241
Engaging Families ................................. 213
Glossary .................................................... 244
Questions for Reflection ......................... 214
A Message from the State
Superintendent of Public Instruction
WestEd Center for Child and Gloria de Napoli Peropat, LCSW-R,
Family Studies—Project Staff Prekindergarten Social Worker/Early
Childhood Specialist, New York City
and Advisers
Department of Education
Linda Brault
Melinda Brookshire Early Childhood Education
Caroline Pietrangelo Owens Stakeholder Organizations
Teresa Ragsdale
Representatives from many statewide
Amy Schustz-Alvarez
organizations provided input that affected
Charlotte Tilson
various aspects of this curriculum
Ann-Marie Wiese
California Department Action Alliance for Children
of Education Alliance for a Better Community
Asian Pacific Islander Community Action
Thanks are extended to the following
Network (APIsCAN)
staff members: Richard Zeiger, Chief
Association of California School
Deputy Superintendent of Public
Instruction; Lupita Cortez Alcalá,
Baccalaureate Pathways in Early
Deputy Superintendent, Instruction and
Childhood & Education (BPECE)
Learning Support Branch; Camille Maben,
Black Child Development Institute (BCDI),
Director, Child Development Division;
Sacramento Affiliate
Cecelia Fisher-Dahms, Administrator,
California Alliance of African American
Quality Improvement Office, Child
Educators (CAAAE)
Development Division; Desiree Soto,
California Association for Bilingual
Administrator, Northern Field Services,
Education (CABE)
Child Development Division; and Laura
California Association for the Education of
Bridges, Consultant, Child Development
Young Children (CAEYC)
Division, for ongoing revisions and
California Association for Family Child
recommendations. During the lengthy
Care (CAFCC)
development process, many CDE staff
California Association of Latino
members were involved at various
Superintendents and Administrators
levels. Additional thanks are extended to
Deborah Sigman, Deputy Superintendent,
California Child Care Coordinators
District, School, and Innovation Branch;
Association (CCCCA)
Gavin Payne, former Chief Deputy
California Child Care Resource and
Superintendent; Gail Brodie, Sy Dang
Referral Network (CCCRRN)
Nguyen, Luis Rios, Mary Smithberger, and
California Child Development
Charles Vail, Child Development Division;
Administrators Association (CCDAA)
and Meredith Cathcart, Special Education
California Child Development Corps
California Commission on Teacher
The following individuals are also Credentialing (CCTC)
acknowledged for their contributions to the California Community College Early
vignettes: Childhood Educators (CCCECE)
Aleksandra Klitinek, Prekindergarten California Community Colleges
Teacher, New York City Department of Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO)
Education California Council for the Social Studies
California County Superintendents Head Start State-Based Training and
Educational Services Association Technical Assistance Office for
(CCSESA) California
California Early Childhood Mentor Program Infant Development Association of
California Early Reading First Network California (IDA)
California Federation of Teachers (CFT) Learning Disabilities Association of
California Head Start Association (CHSA) California
California Kindergarten Association (CKA) Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP)
California Preschool Instructional Network Mexican American Legal Defense and
(CPIN) Educational Fund (MALDEF)
California Professors of Early Childhood Migrant Education Even Start (MEES)
Special Education (CAPECSE) Migrant Head Start
California School Boards Association National Council of La Raza (NCLR)
California Science Teachers Association Packard Foundation, Children, Families,
(CSTA) and Communities Program
California State PTA Preschool California
California State University Office of the Professional Association for Childhood
Chancellor Education (PACE)
California Teachers Association Special Education Administrators of
Californians Together County Offices (SEACO) Committee
Campaign for High Quality Early Learning Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)
Standards in California (CHQELS) Committee
Child Development Policy Institute (CDPI) TeenNOW California
Child Development Training Consortium University of California, Child Care
(CDTC) Directors
Children Now University of California, Office of the
The Children’s Collabrium President (UCOP)
Coalition of Family Literacy in California Voices for African American Students, Inc.
Council for Exceptional Children/California (VAAS)
Division for Early Childhood (Cal-DEC) ZERO TO THREE
Council of CSU Campus Childcare
(CCSUCC) Public Input
Curriculum Alignment Project (CAP) Ten focus groups consisting of 115
Curriculum & Instruction Steering participants provided valuable feedback,
Committee (CISC) and others offered suggestions during a
Desired Results access Project public review of the draft that was posted
Early Learning Advisory Council online.
English Language Learners Preschool
Coalition (ELLPC) Photographs
Federal/State/Tribes Collaboration Many photographers contributed to a large
Workgroup pool of photographs that were taken over
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids California the years and collected by WestEd. Special
First 5 Association of California thanks are extended to WestEd and the
First 5 California, California Children & photographers. The following child care
Families Commission agencies deserve recognition for allowing
photographs to be taken of staff members,
children, and families:
Note: The names, titles, and affiliations of the individ-
uals named were current at the time the publication American River College, Sacramento
was developed.
Antelope Elementary School, Antelope Supporting Future Growth, Site III, Child
Elementary School District, Red Bluff Care Center, Oakland
Brooklyn Early Education Center, Los Little People’s After School Learning Land,
Angeles Unified School District, Los Sacramento
Angeles Oakland Head Start Lion Creek’s Crossing,
Chinatown Community Children’s Center, Oakland
San Francisco Oakland Head Start West Grand Avenue
El Jardín de Los Niños, University Prepa- Center, Oakland
ration School at California State Univer- Poplar Avenue Elementary Campus Pre-
sity, Channel Islands schools, Thermalito Family Involvement
Friends of St. Francis Child Care, San & Literacy Center Preschool, Thermalito
Francisco Union School District, Thermalito
Fruitvale Elementary School, Oakland Roosevelt Infant Center, Los Angeles
Unified School District, Oakland Small Wonders Daycare, Buellton
Harrison Elementary School, Los Angeles Walnut Park Elementary, Los Angeles Uni-
Unified School District, Los Angeles fied School District, Huntington Park
Hoopa Valley Tribal Head Start, Hoopa West Street Elementary School, Corning
Valley Tribe, Hoopa Union Elementary School District,
Kidango Ohlone Lab Center, Fremont Corning
to the Framework
oung children enter preschool with a sense of wonder and a love of
learning. They have an insatiable appetite for knowledge when they
have learning experiences that are engaging and enjoyable. Posi-
tive experiences in which children are able to make choices and explore
can help them to feel competent and confident. How can we offer them
engaging and enjoyable learning experiences that fuel their intellectual
engines and build their confidence? How can we connect children’s fasci-
nation with learning to history–social science and science domains? How
can we integrate learning in those two domains with learning in all other
domains and make the most of children’s time
in preschool? With these ques-
tions in mind, the California
Department of Education (CDE)
developed this third volume
of the curriculum framework
for preschool programs, which
include any early childhood
setting where three- to
five-year-old children
receive education and
Like volumes 1 and 2 of the preschool The framework presents ways of set-
curriculum framework, volume 3 provides ting up environments, encouraging and
an overall approach for teachersa to sup- building upon children’s self-initiated
port children’s learning through environ- play, selecting appropriate materials,
ments and experiences that are: integrating learning experiences across
s DEVELOPMENTALLY Appropriate; domains, and planning and implement-
s REmECTIVE OF THOUGHTFUL OBSERVATION AND ing teacher-guided learning activities. As
intentional planning; much as possible, the writers of this doc-
s INDIVIDUALLY AND CULTURALLY MEANINGFUL ument have used everyday language to
s INCLUSIVE OF CHILDREN with disabilities or describe curriculum concepts and strate-
other special needs. gies that pertain to history–social science
and science. However, some technical ter-
a. In this document, the term teacher is used to minology appears in the text. The use of
describe any adult who has education and care TECHNICAL TERMS REmECTS THE NEED FOR PRE-
responsibilities in an early childhood setting. cise language and offers the reader the
Teachers include adults who interact directly with
opportunity to connect practice to theory
young children in preschool programs and family
child care home settings, as well as those who and abstract ideas. To aid the reader,
provide special education services. In family child technical words that appear in boldface
care, teachers may be referred to as caregivers. are defined in the glossary.
What children learn in the history– Two domains are the focus of volume 3
social science and science domains dur- of the CDE’s preschool learning founda-
ing the preschool years is presented in tions and this volume of the preschool
the California Preschool Learning Founda- curriculum framework: history–social sci-
tions, Volume 3.1 As preschool teachers ence and science.
plan learning environments and experi-
ences, the foundations provide back-
ground information to: California’s Preschool
knowledge and skills;
s CONSIDER APPROPRIATE WAYS TO SUPPORT fundamental consideration in plan-
children’s learning and development. ning curriculum for individual chil-
In essence, curriculum planning dren is being responsive to the competen-
should offer children learning opportuni- cies, experiences, interests, and needs
ties that are attuned to their developing each child brings to the preschool setting.
abilities and connected with their experi- The state’s preschool population includes
ences at home and in their communities. children who are culturally diverse, speak
The National Association for the Educa- languages other than English, possess
tion of Young Children’s accreditation different abilities, and come from diverse
criteria state that a curriculum includes socioeconomic backgrounds. When teach-
the goals for the knowledge and skills to ers and other program staff collaborate
be acquired by children and the plans for with families, they make curriculum indi-
learning experiences through which such vidually and culturally meaningful. An
knowledge and skills will be acquired.2 A increasingly prominent factor in the diver-
preschool curriculum typically defines a sity of California’s children is their early
sequence of integrated experiences, inter- experiences with language. Language and
actions, and activities to help young chil- literacy development contributes to young
dren reach learning goals. In contrast, a children’s learning and long-range suc-
curriculum framework provides general cess in many different ways. Children
guidance on planning learning environ- who enter preschool with competence in a
ments and experiences for young chil- language other than English rely on their
dren. Thus, as a curriculum framework, home language as they learn English.
this document provides: While building competence in English and
continuing to build competence in their
home language, children are able to draw
dren’s learning;
on all of their knowledge and skills as they
engage in learning in every domain. In
riculum planning for young children,
response to the need to support children
including observation, documentation,
with diverse early language and literacy
experiences, the CDE has developed the
preschool English-language development
and materials that engage children in
foundations; a chapter in the California
Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume
1, on curriculum planning that supports
dren’s knowledge, skills, and interests
English-language development;3 and Pre-
in the domains of history–social sci-
school English Learners: Principles and
ence and science.
Practices to Promote Language, Literacy, under the age of five. For 2009–10, more
and Learning4 (hereafter referred to as the than six million children were enrolled in
PEL Resource Guide). The third volume of California’s K–12 schools; 50.37 percent
the curriculum framework offers strate- were Hispanic, 27.03 percent were white,
gies that are aligned with the English- 8.51 percent were Asian, 6.85 percent
language development foundations, the were African American, and 2.53 percent
first volume of this curriculum frame- were Filipino.7 Similarly, in 2008 there
work, and the content of the PEL Re- were more than three million children
source Guide. ages zero to five living in California, and
Socioeconomic diversity is another 53 percent were Hispanic, 28 percent
trend that requires attention. The per- were white, 10 percent were Asian Ameri-
centage of children who live in low- can, and 6 percent were African Ameri-
income homes is high; almost 20 percent can.8 This trend is anticipated to con-
live below the poverty level.5 At the same tinue over the next several decades.
time, the benefits of high-quality pre-
school are more pronounced for children English learners
from low-income backgrounds than for Data for the 2008–09 school year
other population subgroups. Children indicate that, in California, there are
from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds more children who are English learners
are more likely to benefit from preschool enrolled in younger grades than in older
when the curriculum is attuned to their grades.9 In the 2010 California Report
learning strengths and needs. Card, Children Now estimated that 40
Children with disabilities or other spe- percent of children in California’s kinder-
cial needs are another part of California’s garten classrooms are English learners.10
preschool population. Children with dis- Children Now also reports that “Over
abilities or other special needs benefit one-third (39 percent) of California’s zero-
from learning in inclusive environments to-five population live in families where
with typically developing children. Stud- the most knowledgeable adult does not
ies have shown that children in inclusive speak English well.”11 These families are
environments, with appropriate sup- referred to as living in “linguistically iso-
port and assistance, achieve more than lated homes.”12 In an earlier report, Chil-
children in segregated environments.6 dren Now and Preschool California indi-
Inclusive environments benefit not only cated that young children living in lin-
children with disabilities or other special guistically isolated homes are less likely
needs, but also children who are typically to be enrolled in preschool programs.13
developing. As the following information The broad range of languages spoken
suggests, the diversity of young children by children in the state is clearly a sig-
means that every preschool program nificant factor in developing curriculum
NEEDS A mEXIBLE APPROACH TO CURRICULUM for preschool children who are learning
in order to be responsive to all children English. During the 2009–10 school year,
who enter its doors. 84.6 percent of California children in kin-
dergarten through twelfth grade who were
Demographics learning English spoke Spanish, followed
Compared with most other states, by Vietnamese (2.5 percent), Filipino (1.4
California has an extraordinarily diverse percent), Cantonese (1.4 percent), Hmong
population of children, particularly those (1.1 percent), and Korean (1.0 percent).14
Many families may come from similar children at risk of a disability or develop-
geographic regions outside the United mental challenges. Children with disabili-
States but may not necessarily speak ties represent the diversity of California’s
the same language.15 Preschool offers an entire preschool population and require
important opportunity for children whose unique considerations in the preschool
families speak a different language at setting. Three-, four-, and five-year-old
home to learn English while continuing children with identified disabilities have
to learn their home language. Compe- individualized education programs (IEPs)
tence in two languages will allow children that are consistent with the CDE’s pre-
to become adults who can contribute to school learning foundations. Under the
both the global economy and their local Individuals with Disabilities Education
communities. Preschool programs can Act (2004), all children must have access
best support young children by planning to the general curriculum and have their
curriculum that fosters English-language progress measured accordingly.21 In
development and supports the children’s California, the CDE’s preschool learning
continuing development of their families’ foundations inform curriculum planning.
language. Together, the foundations and curricu-
lum framework offer a comprehensive
Socioeconomic status approach to planning access to inclusive
The National Center for Children learning opportunities for all children.
in Poverty documented that, in 2008,
approximately 45 percent of children in
California under the age of six lived in Overarching Principles
a low-income family.16 In addition, com-
pared with other states, California ranks
20th in the nation in the number of chil-
dren under age eighteen living in pov-
A ll three volumes of the preschool cur-
riculum framework were developed
with eight principles in mind—principles
erty.17 According to the National Center that are grounded in early childhood
for Children in Poverty, younger children research and practice. The following prin-
(birth to six years) are more likely to live ciples emphasize individually, culturally,
in a low-income household than older and linguistically responsive learning
children.18 Young children of immigrant experiences and environments for young
parents are 20 percent more likely to live children:
in a low-income family than children of s 2ELATIONSHIPs are central
native-born, English-speaking parents. s 0LAY IS A PRIMARY CONTEXT FOR LEARNING
Young African American, Hispanic, and s ,EARNING IS INTEGRATED
Native American children in California s )NTENTIONAL TEACHING ENHANCES CHIL-
are also more likely than white children dren’s learning experiences
to live in very-low-income families.19 s &AMILY AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS
create meaningful connections
Children with disabilities or
other special needs
all children
In 2009–10, over 78,000 children in s 2ESPONSIVENESS TO CULTURE AND LAN-
the birth-to-five age range with identified guage supports children’s learning
disabilities attended preschool in Cali- s 4IME FOR REmECTION AND PLANNING
fornia.20 This number does not include enhances teaching
These principles have guided the devel- ties for social interactions (with familiar
opment of each volume of the preschool adults, peers), group participation, and
curriculum framework. Because these cooperation and responsibility. A climate
principles play a central role in the over- of caring and respect that promotes nur-
all development of the curriculum frame- turing relationships between children and
work, they are repeated in each volume. within the community of families sup-
Explanation of the principles follows. ports children’s learning in all domains.
for families by partnering with them are meaningful, connected, and develop-
to exchange information about their mentally attuned to each child. Creating
children’s learning and development an environment in which all children feel
and to share ideas about how to sup- welcome is important. When children
port learning at home and at preschool. with disabilities or other special needs
Partnerships with families extend to are included, the partnership with fami-
the community where the families live, lies is especially important. The family is
come together, and support one another. the primary bridge between the preschool
Building connections to the surrounding staff and special services the child may
community allows a program to become be receiving.
known and make use of community The family, teacher, and other pro-
resources. Getting to know the commu- gram staff can team together and include
nity also gives teachers insights into the other specialists in the preschool setting.
learning experiences and competencies Adapting to an individual child may mean
that children bring to the preschool set- modifying the learning environment to
ting and informs efforts to make pre- “increase a child’s access, potential and
school meaningful and connected for availability for learning through thought-
children. ful organization of materials and space.”25
Specifically designed professional support
Individualization of learning and development opportunities, as well
includes all children as specialized instructional strategies,
Each child is unique. Preschool teach- can help teachers deliver individualized
ers use their understanding of each education and care to meet the needs of
child’s blend of temperament, family and all the children in a program.
cultural experiences, language experi-
Responsiveness to culture and
ences, personal strengths, interests,
abilities, and dispositions to support the
language supports children’s
child’s learning and development. By learning
recognizing and adapting to each child’s Responsive preschool programs cre-
individual development, teachers are ate a climate of respect for each child’s
able to offer learning experiences that culture and language when teachers and
other program staff partner and regu- Time for reflection and planning
larly communicate with family members. enhances teaching
They work to get to know the cultural
Preschool teachers are professionals
strengths each child brings to preschool.
who serve an important role in society.
An essential part of being culturally and
In nurturing the development of young
linguistically responsive is to value and
children, teachers engage in an ongoing
support each child’s use of home lan-
process of observation, documentation
guage, for “continued use and develop-
ment of the child’s home language will
ning, and implementation of strategies
benefit the child as he or she acquires
in order to provide individualized and
English.”26 Equally important are nurtur-
small group learning experiences. As
ing interactions with children and their
increasing numbers of children with
families in which “teachers attempt, as
diverse backgrounds, including children
much as possible, to learn about the his-
with disabilities, participate in preschool
tory, beliefs, and practices of the children
programs, collaboration, teaming, and
and families they serve.”27 In addition to
communication are essential to extend
being responsive to the cultural history,
the benefits of preschool to all children.
beliefs, values, ways of communicating,
Curriculum planning requires time for
and practices of children and families,
teachers create learning environments
and to plan strategies that foster chil-
that include resources such as pictures,
dren’s progress in building knowledge
displays, and books that are culturally
and mastering skills. Preschool programs
rich and supportive of a diverse popula-
that support intentional teaching allocate
tion, particularly the cultures and lan-
time in teachers’ schedules to allow them
guages of the children and families in
their preschool setting.28, 29 Community
as a team. With appropriate support,
members also add to the cultural rich-
teachers are able to grow professionally
ness of a preschool setting by sharing
through a continuous process of learning
their art, music, dance, traditions, and
together and exploring ways to be respon-
sive to young children’s learning interests
and needs.
Organization of the
Given the great variation among chil- language on which effective teaching
dren who are learning English as a sec- strategies can be based.
ond language in preschool, their knowl- 2. Children who are learning English as
edge and skills in the English-language a second language may demonstrate
development domain are described at language and literacy knowledge and
the beginning, middle, and later levels. In skills in their home language before
other words, the English-language devel- they demonstrate the same knowledge
of second-language (English) learning 3. Children who are learning English as a
regardless of an individual child’s age. second language may need additional
This continuum shows that children who support and time to make progress in
are learning English while simultaneously all areas that require English knowl-
developing their home-language abilities edge and skills; therefore, the English-
use their knowledge and skills in their language development curriculum
first language to continue to make prog- framework presents strategies to sup-
ress in all other domains. Children who port children who are learning English
are English learners also vary greatly in in particular ways so that teachers can
the level of proficiency in their first lan- both provide scaffolding for children’s
GUAGEWHICH IN TURN INmUENCES their learning experiences and utilize mul-
progress in English-language develop- tiple modes of communication (e.g.,
ment. nonverbal cues).
In an integrated curriculum, the key to 4. The English-language development
supporting all children is to plan learn- foundations and curriculum recom-
ing activities and environments based mendations focus mainly on language
on an ongoing understanding of each and literacy learning, because that
child’s interests, needs, and family and learning is, by nature, language-
cultural experiences. For young children specific; in addition, children who are
who are learning English, this approach learning English will demonstrate com-
means focused attention to each child’s petence in other domains in their home
unique experiences in acquiring a second language (e.g., history–social science
language and an understanding of how and science).
to use a child’s first language to help her 5. An intentional focus on the process of
understand a second language. In apply- learning English as a second language
ing an integrated approach, teachers take is necessary at all times in an inte-
advantage of every moment to provide grated approach to curriculum in early
children with opportunities to communi- care and education settings.
cate with greater understanding and skill The level of additional support and the
while engaged in play or in adult-guided amount of time English learners need to
learning activities. The curriculum frame- demonstrate the knowledge and skills
work for English-language development is described by the foundations in domains
based on a number of key considerations such as history–social science and sci-
for supporting children learning English ENCE WILL BE INmUENCED BY THE CHILDRENS
in preschool settings. The chief consider- development in both their first language
ations are are as follows. and English. The language the child
1. Children who are learning English as speaks at home as well as the amount of
a second language possess a home rich experience the child has in the home
one a different color. Two children are to the children’s play, teachers set the
figuring out between themselves when to stage for this learning. As part of curricu-
add or take away blocks in order to make lum planning, the teachers made sure
a row of towers that increases in height. that the block area was well organized
To anyone who listens and watches, it is and stocked with engaging materials. As
evident that the children are building a a result, the block area holds its usual
foundation for addition and subtraction. basic inventory of materials, but it also
To make each wall just high enough to holds objects such as cardboard tubes,
SUPPORT A mAT ROOF THEY COUNT ALOUD THE recycled jar lids of different colors, and
number of blocks they are using for each a clipboard with pen and paper that are
wall, showing an emerging understanding new and challenging to the current group
of the math concept of cardinal numbers. of children, to provoke more complex
When they hear the signal that lunch ideas and theories and thereby support
is about to be served, one child finds a integrated learning.
clipboard with pen and paper attached, Children learn many concepts and
draws a rudimentary outline of the block skills within purposeful play and proj-
structure on the paper, and then asks the ects. As stated earlier, play is a guiding
teacher to write, “Do not mess up. We are principle for early childhood teaching and
still working on our towers.” learning. Curriculum for young children
In this moment of play, children means teaching in a way that supports
explore concepts that are foundational them in building concepts and skills in
to math, science, literacy, language, an integrated way as they gather infor-
the arts, and history–social science. For mation, experiment with it, and confront
example, they are building concepts problems within the natural course of
of number, quantity, pattern, equal- play and interaction with others. Rather
ITY PRINT REPRESENTATION AND CONmICT than being a series of fact-filled lessons,
negotiation. The learning is integrated, each intended to teach a specific skill or
purposeful, and self-motivated, with concept, effective curriculum for young
children developing important skills in children supports their natural, inquisi-
a project they initiated. With thoughtful tive nature as they investigate the sur-
planning, and by observing and listening rounding world. For example, young chil-
dren are eager to investigate language—
how it works and the power it holds to
engage others. They explore art media
with rapt attention—diving in to explore
the unique physical properties of each
medium (e.g., pencils, paint, or clay)—
and begin to figure out what they can do
with each one. With the eagerness of a
scientist, they explore and experiment
with objects from both the natural world
and the physical world. With a passion no
less intense than that of a debate team,
they exchange ideas and strategies with
others and orchestrate increasingly more
elaborate pretend play with peers and
Teachers Josh and Connie used a father, and her grandmother. It was a
simple question to plan Ashia’s intro- country in the continent called Africa.
duction to the classroom. On their To get here they had to take a long
plan, they wrote, “How will children plane ride.” Joaquin spoke up in
respond to Ashia’s arrival?” The excitement, “I was on a plane once.
teachers decided to introduce Ashia We visited my tia.” The teacher smiles
during a large-group morning circle. at Joaquin and adds, “I remember
Connie, who would be leading the that. You went to Arizona and were
group gathering, held Ashia on her gone for a whole week. It took Ashia
lap as she greeted the arriving chil- and her mom two whole days to
dren. Josh ushered in the last of travel to California, where we all live
the children and then settled at the and where she and her mother now
edge of the group, with video cam- live.” Connie picked up a globe that
era in hand, to document children’s was sitting behind her on a table.
responses to Ashia. Ashia’s face was She pointed to California and drew a
nestled into Connie’s shoulder, and line with her finger to Arizona, say-
Connie patted Ashia’s back gently ing, “This is where Joaquin traveled
as the children arrived. When all the when he went on a plane to see his
children were seated, Connie turned aunt.” She then put her finger back
Ashia toward the children and said, on California and drew a line across
“I would like you to meet my new the globe until she reached the African
friend. Her name is Ashia. Today is continent. “This is how far Ashia and
her first day of school, and she is a her mom had to travel—a long, long
bit nervous.” Estella, one of the four- way—so she is still very tired. And
year-old children, blurted out, “She’s do you remember that I said she was
not real. She’s fake!” Another four- sad, too? Well, she made the long trip
year-old echoed Estella’s comment: with her mother, and she had to say
“She’s just a doll. She’s fake.” Con- good-bye to her father and grand-
nie looked thoughtfully at Ashia and mother, who stayed behind.” Grant
then asked the two children who had interjected, “I miss my grandma. She
spoken, “Can you tell us why you say lives far away.” Connie smiled at
she isn’t real?” Estella repeated her Grant and said, “Sometimes I get sad
original claim: “Because she is fake.” like that, too, Grant.”
A nearby child offered, “Because she Connie scanned the children’s faces
don’t have bones.” Connie nodded in before continuing, “So some of you
reply, “You are giving my question a know what it feels like to miss some-
lot of thought, I can tell, but you know one who is far away. And you know
what? She is a real doll, actually a what? Ashia is also nervous, because
very special real doll to me, and I am she had many friends where she used
hoping she can be real for you, too.” to live, and in our class she doesn’t
Connie continued, “When Ashia’s know anyone.” Some hands flew up
mom dropped her off this morning, quickly amid a chorus of voices: “I
she told me that Ashia is very tired will be her friend.” “She can be my
and also very scared. Ashia is tired friend.” “We can take her out to show
because she and her mother recently her the yard. That will make her
moved from a place far away, where happy!” Connie reached below her
she used to live with her mother, her
chair for a backpack and unzipped it, setting into small, well-stocked interest
saying, “Since Ashia is missing her areas, young children use such spaces
home, her mother thought it would like mini-laboratories or mini-studios.
be helpful if she could leave some of In each interest area, children find both
Ashia’s special items in her class- familiar materials and novel materials,
room.” the latter added as a way to pique new
Connie pulled out a photo of a row interest or to add challenge and complex-
of brilliantly colored houses and ity to the children’s learning that is an
explained, “These are homes from integral part of their play.
Ashia’s neighborhood where she used Children enter these play areas and
to live. If you’d like, we can put this explore what they might do with the eas-
photograph in the block area, and ily accessible materials. As children play,
some of you can show her the blocks they form hypotheses about what they
we have. Maybe you can try to make can make the items do. They experiment,
a house with Ashia that looks like her invent, and devise theories to make sense
grandma’s home, where she used to of their experiences, all embedded within
live.” Next, Connie pulled out a set of their play. Play-based interest areas,
four small copper cups. “One, two . . . both indoors and outdoors, each with
Wow, there are more! Count with me,” a distinct focus, are designed to offer a
she says, slowing down so that the basic inventory of materials with which
children can join in the count. “Ashia’s children can apply emerging skills and
mom told me that Ashia used to play develop concepts while they play.
with these cups at her grandma’s As teachers plan curriculum, they con-
house and that her grandma wanted sider ways to provoke more complex and
her to take them with her to Cali- coherent ideas by adding materials to
fornia. I’m wondering, do you think an area. When adapting the curriculum
Ashia might enjoy finding this set of to support all learners, teachers modify
four cups in the playhouse?” the play space or the materials avail-
able in the play space to make sure that
each child in the program has access.
The environment as curriculum: Such ongoing additions and changes to
Interest areas to support chil- the play spaces are essential to curricu-
dren’s play and child-initiated
The play environment of a preschool
setting is a primary source for early
childhood curriculum. Well-stocked play
areas, often called interest areas or activ-
ity areas, provide young children with
a vast array of possibilities for learning.
Driven to explore novel objects, people,
and events, young children relate to well-
planned play environments just as scien-
tists relate to their laboratories or artists
relate to their studios. When teachers
thoughtfully organize the space in the
utensils, and a cup. Such routines offer help her remember to keep her scarf
opportunities for children to build lan- on while playing near sand.” Janelle,
guage skills, to learn the rituals of shar- who has hair bundled into neatly tied
ing time with others, and to relate one braids adorned with beads, much
action in a sequence with another. Over like Ashia’s, smiles, saying softly, “I
the course of the project with the persona can help her.” Connie nods, “Oh, I’m
doll Ashia, the teachers look for ways sure Ashia would love that, Janelle.”
to extend children’s learning within the Connie and Josh have frequently
daily routines. heard Janelle’s mother reminding
her daughter to wear her hat when
Before the large-group discussion, playing in the sand. “And you know
Connie asked the children for ideas what? Ashia’s mom brought a basket
on where Ashia might store her back- of beautiful scarves, in case any of
pack. Ariel suggested that Ashia you would like to cover your hair, too,
hang it with the other backpacks while you are playing in the sandbox.”
on the hooks near the entry. Cody A chorus of excited voices rang out:
pointed to a low table near the entry “I do, I do!” and “I want to use one!”
area and said, And she could sign in Connie dismissed the group with this
where we do, too.” On this low table comment: “I’ll put the basket near the
near the entry, children know they door to the yard, so those who want
will always find the “sign-in binder” to put on a scarf before going outside
and a ring of cards with the names of can do so.” A few minutes later, to
all the children. On arrival, children the teachers’ surprise, almost every
explore making their version of their child—boys and girls—had made a
signatures, similar to what their fam- beeline to the basket to select a scarf
ily members do as they sign in their and surrounded a teacher with a
children. Paloma countered, But Ashia request for help in tying the scarf prior
doesn’t have a name there! We need to entering the yard.
to put her name there, so she can
find her name, too. And we need to The scarf basket became a regular part
put her picture on her card, too.” Con- of the transition ritual. Ashia’s arrival
nie agreed, saying, “These are good spawned several other new daily routines.
ideas. We will need to take a photo- In the writing area, teachers added a
graph of Ashia, make a name card for low hook, from which hung a clipboard
the sign-in book, and put her name where children could sign up when they
and photo by one of the coat hooks. wanted a special photo taken with Ashia.
Where else will we need to add her They also added two new job cards on the
name?” helper chart to designate who would be in
“Oh, there’s one more item here,” said charge of helping to take Ashia outside.
Connie, as she pulled out a blue scarf. Each new routine invited the children
“When Ashia’s mother brought her to to use emerging skills. Teachers over-
school today, she asked that I make heard the following conversation between
sure that Ashia wear this scarf when four-year-olds Alicia and T’syana, whose
she is playing in the sandbox. Sand is names were the first to go on the job
harmful to Ashia’s soft, curly hair. Her chart as “Ashia’s helpers.” Alicia, whose
mom was hoping each of you could first language is Spanish, handed a scarf
placed one of the dolls on Ashia’s lap. preparation and different teaching strate-
When he turned around and began gies.
to take some pretend food items from For some aspects of the curriculum,
the cupboard, Thomas walked over teachers may choose to organize an
to Ashia and removed the doll from activity with a small group of children.
Ashia’s lap. Angelica, who up to this Although initiated and guided by the
point had been watching and not teacher, an effective small-group encoun-
engaged in the play, reached out with ter of this nature should still be rich in
her arm toward Thomas. Angelica, possibilities for children to contribute
who has a hearing loss and who signs and negotiate ideas with each other.
to communicate, extended her palm in Teacher-guided activities in small groups
front of Thomas in a gesture for him work best in quiet spaces away from dis-
to stop. Thomas handed Angelica the tractions of the full group and provide a
doll, and she immediately placed it manageable context for children to dis-
back in Ashia’s arms. cuss and explore ideas and experiences.
The teacher listens to children’s ideas,
Josh added this brief interpretation to
helps orchestrate the give-and-take of
his note: “Angelica saw herself as part
ideas among children, and poses ideas or
of the play and conveyed her inten-
problems for children to wonder about,
tion very clearly to Thomas. Thomas
explore together, or even solve. Away from
responded, without argument, to her
the distractions of a large group, teachers
request. This was a big step for him,
can easily observe, listen, and converse
as he did not resist her request nor
with children in a small group, as well
try to maintain hold of the doll. This
as note how individual children think,
is a good example of both Angelica
express ideas, relate with others, and use
and Thomas displaying how they are
their emerging skills.
learning to resolve a conflict and share
Such teacher-guided conversations can
enrich children’s learning in all domains,
particularly the children’s language
Teacher-guided activities learning and vocabulary development. In
in small groups addition, teachers can intentionally guide
In a schedule with ample time for chil- the development of specific skills by plan-
dren to initiate play in well-stocked inter- ning small-group activities (e.g., songs,
est areas, there are times when teachers games, shared reading) for short periods
organize and guide specific activities for
children. Such teacher-guided curricu-
lum activities are clearly distinct from
child-initiated curriculum activities.
Teacher-guided activities occur in two
contexts—small groups and large groups.
A small group would consist of one
teacher working with a group of four to
eight children. A large group is typically
a gathering of all the children in an early
childhood setting. Each context serves a
different purpose and requires different
of time that playfully engage children in her experience with Ashia’s. After dis-
using specific emerging skills—such as cussing this together, Connie and Josh
sound and sound pattern recognition. decided to look for ways to address
In programs that have children who are Estella’s desire to form a special bond
English learners, small groups can foster with Ashia, but, at the same time, to
learning between children (also known as engage the other children in conversa-
peer learning). The PEL Resource Guide tions about how to maintain Ashia’s
provides several suggestions for promot- status as a classmate available to all
ing peer learning34 and for providing children. Rather than simply bringing
individual children with scaffolding that up the issue during a large gathering,
helps them engage in new and more com- the teachers decided to plan several
plex thinking. small-group conversations about the
Small-group activities have several recurring conflict over possession of
advantages over large-group activities. Ashia. They wanted to hear the chil-
With small groups of children, teachers dren’s ideas about sharing friends
can readily observe, listen, and docu- and to include the children’s ideas for
ment children’s developmental progress. resolving such conflicts.
Teachers can also individualize the cur- Connie invited a small group of six
riculum and use questions or prompts children to meet together in a quiet
to scaffold each child’s thinking in more area away from the larger group.
complex ways. In the following example, She selected children who had either
teachers and children who are getting to spent a lot of time with Ashia or had
know the persona doll Ashia engage in verbalized concerns about not having
a small-group discussion as part of this enough time to play with her. Con-
ongoing project. The conversation itself nie gave each child a clipboard with
is a context for curriculum and provides a pencil attached. She explained, “I
opportunities for children to reveal their thought that it might be a good idea
ideas and hypotheses. for us to talk about our new friend,
Ashia. These clipboards are for you
As they observed children’s play to use during our conversation. Some-
with Ashia, teachers Josh and Con- times I know you like to draw your
nie noticed recurring conflicts over ideas or make lists of ideas, like I
who would play with Ashia. These do. Do some of you remember what
conflicts were much like the disputes happened earlier today in the yard?
that occur when children share real I remember that Paloma and Jessica
friends. Estella, one of the older girls, were sad because they wanted to
had become particularly attached spend time with Ashia. Estella was
to Ashia. The teachers wondered playing with Ashia and told them
whether this had something to do that they could not play with Ashia
with Estella’s recent separation from because she was still playing with
one of her parents. One teacher had her.” Rachel and then Carlos added
overheard Estella saying as she their own stories of not getting to
played with Ashia, “Ashia’s not talk- play with Ashia when they wanted
ing, because she misses her dad.” to. Paloma frowned and said, “It’s
The teachers were sensitive to the not fair that only Estella holds her.”
possibility that Estella was linking Connie listened to the children and
repeated each child’s concern: “It nie wrote this down, saying, “Great
sounds like there are a lot of you who idea, Paloma. That way, we would
want to hold and play with Ashia. know who would be her helper in the
How can we make sure that Ashia’s morning and who would be her helper
time is shared with everyone?” Kelly in the afternoon. What do the rest
suggested, “We can make more of of you think?” All agreed to the idea
her, so she can have real friends, about helpers, so Connie proceeded:
too.” Jessica’s eyes lit up, and she “Okay, how about if some of you write
shouted, Yes! And we can make shoes Ashia’s name on your clipboards? You
and socks, too, and more of her.” can follow the letters I’ve written up
“These are great ideas,” Connie said, here.” Connie pointed to where she
“and I brought a book that might help had written “Ashia” on the large sheet
us plan some ways to share Ashia. of paper and said the name of each
This story is about two boys who letter as she pointed to it, “A-S-H-I-A.
were friends, and they had a prob- That way we have some names to use
lem about how to share a pet toad. for the helper chart. I know some of
I’m thinking that this book might give you have enjoyed signing your own
us some ideas. Would you like me to name when you come in, so you might
read it?” The group readily agreed, want to help Ashia write her name
and Connie recounted the story, after when she arrives.” Carlos watched
which she commented, “So that is as others copied the letters in Ashia’s
what the boys decided to do. What name onto their clipboards.
new ideas do you have about what “I’m wondering about another idea,
we might do to share Ashia? I’m going too,” said Connie. “What if we take a
to write down your ideas here on this clipboard and write “Ashia’s helper”
paper.” Kelly suggested again, Make at the top? And then, if any of you
more.” Estella turned to her and said would be interested in signing up to
emphatically, We can’t cut Ashia in be Ashia’s helpers, you could sign
two, because she’s a person!” The your name below. What do you think?
teacher Connie responded, “You bring Carlos, maybe we could use your clip-
up a good point, Estella. I’m not sure board.” As the others agreed, Carlos
that’s what Kelly meant.” Before Kelly pushed his clipboard toward Connie,
had a chance to respond, Carlos inter- who turned it so that Carlos could
jected, “She can’t walk by herself, so see her write the letters, again say-
she needs lots of us to help her walk ing each letter as she wrote “Ashia’s
around.” Connie repeated Carlos’ idea Helpers.” She invited Carlos to be
as she wrote it on the list and then the first to sign. He scribbled a row
said, “So, I’m wondering, from what of circles and then handed the pen-
Carlos suggested, one thing that we cil to Connie. Others followed, with
could do is divide the day into two some children’s names being a simple
parts: the morning and the afternoon. scribble, others showing the first let-
Then we could have morning help- ter of the child’s name followed by a
ers and afternoon helpers for Ashia.” line, and a few showing an attempt to
Paloma’s eyes lit up as she said, write each letter of the child’s name.
“They could be on the job chart! So Connie explained that she would put
we can read who is the helper.” Con- the list near the helper chart. Before
finishing, she suggested that the ings that occur at the end of day provide
small group share the plan with the opportunities to review noteworthy hap-
others during large-group time. penings and to anticipate what will be
available the next day. Teachers Connie
and Josh used a large-group gathering to
Whether the activities are child-
keep everyone current on Ashia’s experi-
initiated or teacher-guided, children’s
ences in the classroom.
use of materials in interest areas pro-
vide teachers with excellent opportuni-
ties to observe how they build concepts During a large-group gathering, the
and skills and how they negotiate ideas children who helped to make new
with others. For example, in the preced- cards for adding “Ashia’s Helpers” to
ing discussion, Connie was able to trace the job chart shared the new helper
each child’s ideas, solutions, and emerg- cards with the others. Then teacher
ing concept of how to sign her or his Josh asked the children, “Remember
name. Such moments of observed play how Ashia told us that she misses
and interactions also provide teachers her father, who lives far away? I was
with ideas on how to extend children’s wondering, since Ashia misses her
exploration and learning through future father, maybe we could help her make
encounters with related materials that a book that she could send him, with
add novelty, challenge, and complexity in photos and stories about her experi-
each domain. ences at school. I brought this book
that has lots of empty pages and
Teacher-guided activities places for photographs or drawings.
in large groups What do you think about keeping this
Large groups provide another context book in our book and story area? That
for teacher-guided activities. The large way, you can draw pictures or tell
group—typically a gathering of the entire stories that we can add to the book.”
class—works well for singing, acting out Niko offered, “And maybe we could
songs and stories, playing games, shar- take pictures of us and Ashia, too.”
ing experiences with each other, telling Thomas chimed in: “So her Dad can
stories, building a sense of community, see who we are, her new friends.”
and organizing the daily schedule and A chorus of voices backed this idea.
activities. Storytelling is one of the more “Sounds like others really like your
popular large-group experiences, one idea, Niko,” continued teacher Josh.
that has rich potential for adding to chil- “We can use this clipboard for a sign-
dren’s understanding about the world up sheet to have your photo taken
around them. Storytelling allows teach- with Ashia. That way, throughout
ers, children, family members, as well as the day, we can take some photos of
storytellers from the community to tap you and Ashia doing lots of different
into and build children’s knowledge and things at school. I’ll write “Sign-up for
experiences in meaningful ways. Large- Ashia Photo” at the top of the paper.
group time is also when teachers let the Watch to see the letters I use.” As
whole group of children know what new Josh wrote, he said each letter name
experiences will be available in the inter- aloud. “Okay, that’s ready to go, so
est areas or what will happen in small when you leave circle, you can find
groups that day. Large-group gather- this sign-up sheet in the writing area.
If you need help writing your name, tunity to engage in a conversation about
remember to flip through the name differences in skin color, a topic that
cards that have your photos on them. arose in children’s earlier conversations.
Once you find your name, if you want, Ashia’s skin tone was a deep brown,
you can look at your name as you her eyes were brown, and her hair was
write it.” braided with extensions and beads. The
teachers wondered whether a chance
to make drawings of each other’s faces
The Curriculum-Planning might invite the children to explore, in a
respectful, matter-of-fact way, the vari-
ous skin tones, hair, and facial features
of different individuals in the group.
brown, and mine are blue. Josh and thrust his arm into the air. Connie
I both have short hair, but our eyes nodded, “That’s right, Clayton, you’re
are different and our hair is different. Ashia’s helper. Clayton, can you bring
How many of you have brown hair, Ashia to the art table so she can look
like teacher Josh?” Almost everyone’s in the mirror, too?”
hand shot up. Niko, seeing three-year-
old Isabella raise her hand, declares, As teachers observe children’s play and
“Isabella, your hair is yellow, not interactions, children reveal evidence of
brown.” Isabella glances down at a their emerging skills and ideas. Such evi-
strand of her hair and looks up smil- dence, recorded as a written observation
ing. “You’re checking to see, aren’t or a photo, is used in a child’s portfolio
you, Isabella? And your hair is closer to demonstrate developmental progress.
to yellow in color, what we call blonde. As teachers observe children’s play and
That’s sort of what I was doing, look- interactions, they also discover ways to
ing at myself in the mirror, so that I extend experiences in order to support
could really see what color my eyes children in building more complex and
and hair are. Would you all like to use coherent ideas. Ideas for next steps in
some mirrors to look closely at the curriculum planning emerge as teach-
features of your faces? If so, today, ERS REmECT ON HOW THEY MIGHT EXPAND
when you are playing, you will find children’s thinking, language, and inter-
some mirrors on the table in the art actions. From ongoing cycles of mind-
area. These are mirrors that stand ful observing, listening, documenting,
up. Each mirror has two sides. This AND REmECTING ON WHAT MIGHT COME NEXT
way, two friends can sit side by side teachers not only gather evidence of chil-
and use one of the mirrors together to dren’s progress in learning but also gen-
compare your faces, to see how your erate curriculum plans.
faces look the same or how they look
different. Because some of you may Observe, reflect, document
want to draw what you see in the Observation means being present with
mirror, there is also a basket of pens, children and attentive as they play and
along with some paper. Teacher Josh interact with others and the environment.
will be there, too, to write down what This mindful presence is different from
you discover.” participating in children’s play or direct-
In the basket on the art table, the
teachers placed black pens with thin
felt tips. They discovered in prior
activities that these pens worked well
when their objective was to prompt
children to capture the detail in what
they were examining. Additionally,
they found that color choices were dis-
tracting. Before dismissing the group,
Connie asked, “Let’s look at the helper
chart. Who is Ashia’s helper this
morning? Can you tell?” Clayton, see-
ing his name near the photo of Ashia,
ing their play. Whether for one minute face to the left and then to the right
or five, a mindful and attentive presence and zooms up close to the surface of
means waiting to see what unfolds in the mirror. After repeating this action
order to gain a complete picture of chil- several times, she announces to the
dren’s play. A teacher who observes chil- others, “I see two of me and two pairs
dren as a first step in supporting learning of eyes.” She then points in the mirror
discovers small scientists at work—they and counts, “One, two, three, four,”
experiment, compare, make assumptions, and then she smiles before saying, “I
form theories about what things are like have four eyes!’” After about six min-
or what they can do, test ideas, and, utes of play, I [teacher Josh] mention,
over time, build mastery of a wide range “Don’t forget that the pens and paper
of concepts and skills. What follows are are here in case you want to draw
excerpts from Josh’s notes as he watched what you see.” In response, Estella
the children use mirrors and explore con- and Paloma reach for pens and paper.
cepts in the art area. Estella looks in the mirror once, but
then draws a face without looking
Paloma, Clayton, Estella, and Jessica in the mirror again. Paloma glances
sit around the table. Each child has frequently at her image in the mir-
her or his own mirror. At first, each ror, sometimes spending time making
explores her or his own image, show- faces to change the image she sees.
ing little interest in looking at some- Clayton watches as Paloma draws.
one else’s image. Jessica turns her I propose, “Let’s look in the mirror
the notes, photos, or work samples with includes strategies to enhance the learn-
the children, as a way to engage them in ing of all children in a group, as well as
thinking about what the children might strategies to support the learning of indi-
do next. vidual children. The experience of inviting
the persona doll Ashia to join the group
Josh told the children that he would of children presented many opportuni-
save their drawings so that they could ties for teachers to plan and implement
return to them another day and add curriculum prepared for the whole group
some colors to them. When he and and curriculum individualized for specific
Connie met to review the documenta- children.
tion, they reflected on how the chil- In each case, the curriculum came
dren were revealing their thoughts out of a process of observing, listening,
and ideas. Josh noted Estella’s accu- REmECTING DOCUMENTING DISCUSSING IDEAS
rate use of the term “pair” and her planning, and implementing, which, in
proclamation of “four” as the quantity turn, launched another cycle of observ-
she saw in the mirror and suggested ing and listening in order to find out what
that a copy of this note be placed in children did in response. In the example
her portfolio. They also decided to of offering colored pencils, teachers
place a copy of Clayton’s drawing, planned a follow-up experience to suggest
along with Josh’s notes, in his port- new problems and new challenges that
folio, since Clayton previously had might add complexity to the children’s
shown little interest in drawing. Josh ideas and understanding.
and Connie studied the drawings to
see if they could see any of the chil-
dren’s unique facial features. The Once a plan is written, teachers imple-
teachers decided that their next plan ment it, but the planning continues even
would be to invite this same small after an activity or experience is under
group of children to an experience way. As children encounter a teacher-
in which they would return to their prepared activity or initiate their own
drawings, but this time the available plan with the materials placed in an
materials would include colored pen- interest area, the teachers watch to find
cils selected to match the variety of out how children respond to the materials
hair, skin, and eye colors in this group they have prepared. In doing so, teach-
again. Curriculum planning is a continu-
ous cycle, as teachers watch to discover
Documentation serves as a spring-
how children respond to the planned cur-
board for coming up with possibilities for
riculum and how children show evidence
exploring more deeply a topic that has
of their developing skills and concepts
engaged the interest of the children, the
during the planned learning encounters.
teachers, and the families. Further explo-
ration might include, among other things,
materials to add to interest areas, related Several days after the first drawings
books to read in either large- or small- were made using the mirrors, Connie
group gatherings, or activities for small invited this same group of children to
groups. With clear ideas or objectives a small-group activity. She kept the
in mind, teachers plan curriculum that group small because she wanted to
with children who already speak Eng- discussed the possibility of doing an
lish in order to learn from one another? activity at the next parent meeting in
s (OW ARE THE CHILDREN SHOWING EVIDENCE which all the parents could explore
of progress related to the measures of the variety of flesh-toned colored pen-
the DRDP? cils and even to blend different tints of
homemade play dough that they could
Partnering with families take home to enjoy with their children.
in curriculum planning
When teachers share with the chil- Discussions about projects—among
dren’s families documentation of the teachers and with children’s families—
children’s experiences and learning, they add much to the curriculum plans. Such
INVITE THE FAMILIES TO REmECT TOGETHER WITH discussions become a conduit for the
teachers on children’s learning and ideas exchange of resources and ideas, from
for expanding the curriculum. Family home to school and from school to home.
members offer unique insights and pro- Curriculum projects that are planned
vide important suggestions for curricu- together with families help to connect
lum development. They also help teachers children’s home and community experi-
understand their expectations, values, ences and their experiences at school.
behavior and ideas. Connections: A fertile ground for
making meaning
During the small-group, face-drawing The curriculum project involving the
activity, Clayton was picking out persona doll (Ashia) illustrates how
pencils for his skin color when his teachers can help children connect with
mother arrived to pick him up. She and learn about the world around them.
knelt near the table as Connie read Such project-oriented curriculum also
the name printed on the colored pen- gives children an opportunity to apply
cil that Clayton had selected. “This
one says ‘sienna brown.’ What do
you think, Clayton?” Connie asked,
as she moved the tip of the pencil
near his arm. “Is that your color?”
Clayton smiled at his mother, “I’m
sienna brown, mommy. Which one
do you want to be?” A few minutes
later, when Clayton was retrieving
his things from his cubby, his mother
confided in Connie how much she
had enjoyed picking out her skin color
with Clayton. She had been uncer-
tain about how to talk with Clayton
about skin color, because she was of
European–American background and
Clayton’s father was African Ameri-
can, and most of the family members
living nearby were Caucasian. They
emerging skills and concepts—what will When several children said they had
become the foundation for language, lit- relatives far away, Connie and Josh
eracy, science, history–social science, decided to invite families to be part of
mathematics, physical development, the experience and placed a note near
health knowledge and skills, and the the map, with a basket of sticky notes
arts—within activities that are meaning- and a written request, asking the fam-
ful to them. When teachers plan curricu- ilies to tell where some of their family
lum to support children in constructing members live.
more complex ideas about experiences
that genuinely interest them, young chil-
Children bring much knowledge with
dren build connections in their rapidly
them from their home and their commu-
developing brains.
nity when they walk through the doors
Young children’s experiences at home,
of a preschool program. For example,
with their families, and in their communi-
children may come to preschool with
ties are a powerful source of meaningful
knowledge of many stories that come out
connections that support their learning.
of their family experiences. Their teach-
Curriculum for young children does not
ers may observe the children reenacting
reside solely within the walls of the early
these stories in the dramatic play area or
childhood environment. Teachers and
outdoors in the play yard. However, these
children’s families work together to cre-
stories remain unrecorded until teachers
ate curriculum. Teachers nurture in the
invite children to narrate them so that
children a desire to know more about the
the teacher can put them in print. Once
world around them, and they nurture in
a child’s story is put in print, the child
the children’s family members a desire
comes to see himself as an author, one
to join in as participants in developing
whose story can be read and re-read to
ideas for curriculum. When a dynamic
others. Stories can generate a wealth of
exchange of ideas and information occurs
possibilities for teachers, family mem-
between home and school, a curriculum
bers, and children to partner together in
emerges that is tailored to the community
documenting what goes on in their lives,
and responsive to the history, interests,
both at home and at school. Whatever
and values of the families and their cul-
the topic under study in a project or
investigation, story dictation can serve an
important role. In planning the curricu-
In response to conversations with
lum around Ashia (the persona doll), the
children about where Ashia had lived
teachers and family members might ask:
prior to coming to the school, Connie
and Josh decided to post a world map s 7OULD THE CHILDREN BE INTERESTED IN
in the classroom. During large-group seeing their family stories written
time, Josh put a sticky note to show down, just like they wrote down Ashia’s
where the school is and the com- story? And would such experiences
munity where Ashia and her mother help them increase their awareness of
now live. Then he put another sticky print in the world around them?
note on the spot where Ashia’s father s 7HAT STRATEGIES OR ADAPTATIONS FOR FAM-
and grandmother live. This gener- ily storytelling might engage a child
ated discussion about short distances who is nonverbal?
and long distances between places. s &OR CHILDREN WHO ARE LEARNING %NGLISH
as their second language, might it be
easier to make the connection between ers, children, and their families. When
the spoken word and print if the chil- children’s learning is embedded in the
dren could dictate their stories in their context of their own lives, and when cur-
home language to family members or RICULUM BUILDS ON AND REmECTS THE BEST
community volunteers? of what children, families, and teachers
s 7HAT TOPICS MAY BE INTERESTING AND bring in the way of interests and ideas,
engaging for children to dictate? What everything becomes more meaningful
kinds of questions might be used to and understandable for children. Teach-
invite children who may have never ers and families also engage the children
dictated a story before, or whose home emotionally, generating an experience
language is something other than Eng- that builds thinking and reasoning
lish, to dictate a story? Might asking while making learning pleasurable and
children about how their family helps a source of joy. The key is to discover
them get ready for preschool encour- which connections are meaningful for
age them to tell a story that has mean- each child. Doing so requires that adults
ing for them? Or for a child who likes observe and listen to the ideas that
to draw pictures, might inviting her to engage the mind of each child. What
describe what is going on in her draw- adults discover prepares them to support
ing be a way to introduce her to the young children in actively making mean-
idea of dictating a story? ing and constructing more complex ideas
s (OW MIGHT THE ACTIVITY BE ADAPTED TO and skills while engaged in play, explora-
accommodate children with disabilities tion, and interactions with others.
or other special needs?
These questions may open doors to
new topics for exploration by teach-
Bay Area Early Childhood Funders. Play: ———. A World Full of Language: Supporting
It’s the Way Young Children Learn. 2007. Preschool English Learners. DVD. Sacra-
http://earlychildhoodfunders.org/pdf/ mento, CA: California Department of Edu-
Play_pamphlet_eng.pdf (accessed November cation, 2007.
18, 2010). Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST).
California Child Care Resource and Referral “Universal Design for Learning.” 2007.
Network (CCCRRN). 2009 California Child http://www.cast.org/udl/ (accessed Octo-
Care Portfolio. San Francisco, CA: California ber 26, 2010).
Child Care Resource and Referral Network, Children Now. California Report Card 2010:
2009. Setting the Agenda for Children. 2010.
California Department of Education. Assess- http://www.childrennow.org/uploads/
ing Children with Disabilities Who Are Eng- documents/reportcard_2010.pdf (accessed
lish Learners: Guidance for the DRDP Access October 18, 2010).
and the PS DRDP-R for Children with IEPs. ———. Children in Immigrant Families: A Cali-
2007. http://draccess.org/assessors/guid- fornia Data Brief. Oakland, CA: Children
ancefordrdp/ELGuidance.html (accessed Now, 2007.
November 18, 2010). Children Now and Preschool California. Kids
———. California Preschool Curriculum Frame- Can’t Wait to Learn: Achieving Voluntary
work, Volume 1. Sacramento: California De- Preschool for All in California. Oakland, CA:
partment of Education, 2010. Children Now and Preschool California,
———. California Preschool Learning Founda- 2004.
tions, Volume 3. Sacramento: California De- Douglas-Hall, A., and M. Chau. Basic Facts
partment of Education, 2012. About Low-Income Children: Birth to Age 18.
———. Inclusion Works! Creating Child Care New York: National Center for Children in
Programs That Promote Belonging for Chil- Poverty, 2007.
dren with Special Needs. Sacramento: Cali- Epstein, A. S. The Intentional Teacher: Choos-
fornia Department of Education, 2009. ing the Best Strategies for Young Children’s
———. Number of English Learners by Lan- Learning. Washington, DC: National Asso-
guage, 2008–09. 2009. http://dq.cde. ciation for the Education of Young Children
ca.gov/dataquest/LEPbyLang1.asp? (NAEYC), 2007.
cChoice=LepbyLang1&cYear=2008-09& Garcia, O., J. A. Kleifgen, and L. Falchi. From
cLevel=State&cTopic=LC&myTimeFrame= English Learners to Emergent Bilinguals.
S&submit1=Submit (accessed October 18, Equity Matters: Research Review 1. New
2010). York: The Campaign for Educational Eq-
———. Prekindergarten Learning and Develop- uity, 2008. http://www.equitycampaign.
ment Guidelines. Sacramento: California org/i/a/document/6468_ofelia-ELL_Final.
Department of Education, 2000. pdf (accessed September 14, 2012).
———. Preschool English Learners: Principles Guralnick, M. J., ed. Early Childhood Inclu-
and Practices to Promote Language, Literacy, sion: Focus on Change. Baltimore, MD: Paul
and Learning. 2nd ed. Sacramento: Califor- H. Brookes Publishing Company, 2001.
nia Department of Education, 2009. Hale-Benson, J. E. Black Children: Their
———. Students by Ethnicity, State of Califor- Roots, Culture, and Learning Styles. Rev. ed.
nia, 2008–09. 2009. http://www.ed-data. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
k12.ca.us/profile.asp?tab=1&level=04& Press, 1986.
ReportNumber=16&fyr=0809 (accessed Karoly, L. A., and others. Prepared to Learn:
October 18, 2010). The Nature and Quality of Early Care and
Education for Preschool-Age Children in Cali-
fornia. Pittsburgh, PA: Rand, 2008.
McWilliam, R. A., M. Wolery, and S. L. Odom. Passel, Jeffrey S., and D’Vera Cohn. U.S. Popu-
“Instructional Perspectives in Inclusive lations Projections: 2005–2050. Washington,
Preschool Classrooms.” In Early Childhood DC: Pew Research Center, 2008. http://
Inclusion: Focus on Change, edited by M. J. www.pewhispanic.org/2008/02/11/
Guralnick. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes us-population-projections-2005-2050/
Publishing Company, 2001. (accessed September 14, 2012).
National Association for the Education of Pew Hispanic Center. Statistical Portrait of
Young Children. NAEYC Early Childhood Hispanics in the United States, 2006.
Program Standards and Accreditation Crite- Washington, DC: Pew Research, 2008.
ria. 2008. http://www.naeyc.org/academy/ United States Census Bureau. 2006 Ameri-
primary/standardsintro (accessed Novem- can Community Survey: United States and
ber 18, 2010). States—R1704. Percent of Children Under
National Center for Children in Poverty 18 Years Below Poverty Level in the Past 12
(NCCP). California Early Childhood Profile. Months. http://factfinder.census.gov/
2009. http://www.nccp.org/profiles/pdf/ servlet/GRTTable?_bm=y&-geo_id=D&-_
profile_early_childhood_CA.pdf (accessed box_head_nbr=R1704&-ds_name=ACS_
October 18, 2010). 2006_EST_G00_&-_lang=en&-redoLog=
National Center for Education Statistics. false&-format=D&-mt_name=ACS_2006_
The Condition of Education 2006. 2006. EST_G00_R1701_US30 (accessed October
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18, 2010). A Conversation with Edward Zigler.” Educa-
———. English Language Learner Students tional Leadership 65 (2007): 8–14.
in U.S. Public Schools: 1994 and 2000
(issue brief). 2004. http://nces.ed.gov/
(accessed November 18, 2010).
History–Social Science
or many educators of young children, the terms history and social
sciences conjure up images of children studying past presidents,
learning about other countries, and exploring related topics during
the primary school years. Yet a look at young children’s emerging sense
of identity, their growing interest in the larger social world in which they
live, and their developing understanding of time and place shows that
history and social sciences are relevant to them also. Young children are
natural historians when they talk about their experiences and enjoy hear-
ing family stories of “long ago.” They are intuitive geographers when they
recognize the route to the grocery store and create a map of the preschool
room. Children are simple ecologists when they worry about a plant that
is wilted or a bird’s egg on a nature walk. They learn about democracy
through their participation in shared decision
making and taking turns
on the playground. Their
interactions with other
children acquaint them with
the diversity in culture, lan-
guages, backgrounds, and abil-
ities in society. Young children
are also everyday economists
as they begin to understand
how money, bartering,
and exchange work in the
world around them.
n early childhood education setting acquaints young children with
people who have different backgrounds, family practices, lan-
guages, cultural experiences, special needs, and abilities. In their
relationships with teachers and peers, preschoolers perceive how others
are similar to them and how they are different, and gradually they learn
to regard these differences with interest and respect rather than wariness
or doubt. This is especially likely if early childhood educators incorporate
inclusive practices into the preschool environment. The relationships that
young children develop with others in the preschool provide opportuni-
ties for understanding these differences in depth and in the context of the
people whom the child knows well. One of the most valuable features of a
thoughtfully designed early childhood program is helping young children
to perceive the diversity of human characteristics as part of the richness of
living and working with other people.
VIGNETTE Ava and Wenqi relax in the reading area, leaning against the big pil-
lows and looking at the new array of library books Ms. Zhang has
arranged on the shelves. Attracted by the cover illustration of a child
drawing with a stick in the sand, Ava begins paging through a book.
Wenqi gestures to the characters as Ava turns a page. “Those look
like the words in our books at home.” “They’re not words; they’re just
squiggles,” replies Ava. “They ARE words,” Wenqi insists, “My mama
reads them. Ms. Zhang can read them, too.”
Later, Wenqi shows Ms. Zhang the book and asks her to read it at
story time. Ms. Zhang introduces it to the group by telling them, “This
morning Wenqi noticed that I added some new library books to the
reading area. Some of them have English words, and some of them,
like this one, have Chinese words. This book is called At the Beach
by Huy Voun Lee. It is about a boy named Xiao Ming who goes to the
beach with his mother. His mother teaches him how to write Chinese
characters in the sand with a stick. I will read the Chinese words
and the English words. They look and sound very different, but they
tell us the same story.”
After Ms. Zhang finishes reading the story, she asks the class, “Do
you want to write some of these Chinese words?” “Yes!” many chil-
dren reply enthusiastically. Ms. Zhang writes on chart paper as she
says the words: “ ” (per-
son; pronounced as ren),
“ ” (big; pronounced as
da), “ ” (sky; pronounced
as tian). “I will put the At
the Beach book and these
Chinese words on the
writing table for you to
use later.”
VIGNETTE Emma, Rakesha, and Annie all choose the dramatic play area as
they make their plans for the day. Each of them has noticed the
shiny new crowns their teachers have added to the dress-up clothes
shelves since yesterday.
“Look at me. I’m a princess,” says Annie as she twirls in front of the
mirror with a crown on her head. “Me, too,” adds Rakesha, choosing
another of the crowns. “Mine has jewels.”
Emma, who has light skin and light hair and often takes the lead in
assigning dramatic play roles, looks at both girls and states emphati-
cally, “No!” She turns to Rakesha, who has darker skin and darker
hair, and says, “You can’t be a princess because you don’t look like
one. You have to look like the one in the princess book.”
Rakesha protests, “I can, too, be a princess! Everybody can be a
The three girls continue to argue loudly about who can be a princess,
and Ms. Denisha comes over to help them work out their disagree-
ment. She sits down on the rug and motions to all three girls to sit
down around her. She observes, “You girls look and sound pretty
upset. What is the problem? Rakesha, why don’t you tell us first
what made you feel so upset?”
Rakesha repeats Emma’s assertion that Rakesha can’t be a prin-
cess. Emma and Annie both add details to the story of the argument.
Ms. Denisha listens, asks questions, and restates the problem. She
then tells them, “It really hurt Rakesha’s feelings when you told her
she couldn’t be a princess. Rakesha was right. People with any skin
and hair colors can be princesses and other special characters. We
can find books about many kinds of princesses. Now, I will stay and
help you think of some ideas for your play this morning.”
VIGNETTE Mr. Scott enters the block area, where Damon and Charlie are build-
ing towers with the large wooden blocks. Mr. Scott heard a loud
crash and wants to make sure no one has been hurt. Charlie imme-
diately tells him, “That was Damon’s tower. He built it taller than
you said we were supposed to, and it crashed down. It almost fell on
me.” Mr. Scott replies, “I’m glad no one got hurt.”
Then he turns to Damon, who stands quietly with his eyes lowered.
Mr. Scott says, “Damon, do you remember a few minutes ago when I
asked you to build your block tower only as high as your shoulders?
This was the reason. When block towers are this tall, they can really
hurt someone if they fall. Would you like some help picking up these
Damon continues to look down at the floor and says quietly, “No, sir.”
“No, sir?’” repeats Charlie, in a puzzled tone of voice. “Why did you
say that? Mr. Scott isn’t a sir. That sounds stupid. He said he’d help
“Charlie,” says Mr. Scott, “the way Damon spoke to me was not stu-
pid. It told me that he had listened carefully to what I said. In some
families, children do call their fathers and other men ‘sir.’ In your
family, they may not. What do you call your dad?”
TEACHABLE In this situation, the two children who are building together
MOMENT come from two different family cultures. In Damon’s family,
a child in this kind of situation is expected to listen quietly
to the adult’s response and show respect, both by lowering
his gaze while listening and by addressing the male adult as
“Sir.” In the preschool setting, he is behaving consistently
with his home culture’s expectations.
Charlie is clearly having trouble understanding Damon’s
response, which is very different from the casual give-
and-take between adults and children that is the norm is
his family. Mr. Scott explains to Charlie that families are
different in the ways their members speak to each other.
He describes the difference to Charlie simply, without using
evaluative language. His words and manner convey to the
boys acceptance of both interaction styles.
VIGNETTE Circle time is beginning, and Nico, a child with physical disabilities,
is settling into his usual seat with help from Ms. Elena, the preschool
aide. Mara stands in front of them and asks, in a frustrated tone of
voice, “Why does Nico always get to sit with you? It’s not fair. I want
to sit with you, too.” Ms. Elena explains, “It’s my job to help Nico with
things that are hard for him to do by himself. Would you like to sit
right next to us?”
TEACHABLE Mara has noticed that Ms. Elena, an adult aide, assists
MOMENT Nico. Mara does not ask anything specific about Nico, but
she perceives that it is unfair for Nico to have Ms. Elena’s
full attention during preschool. Ms. Elena addresses Mara’s
frustration by giving a simple, matter-of-fact explanation
of her role and then welcoming Mara to join them. If Mara
continues to show frustration or curiosity about Nico or Ms.
Elena, Ms. Elena or the preschool teacher can follow up with
more thorough explanations.
2.0 Relationships
VIGNETTE Jaime and Max are riding a tandem (two-seat) tricycle around the
playground tricycle path, both grinning as they go around the curves.
“Just a minute,” Max tells Jaime. “I want to go over and get my
jacket.” “Okay,” responds Jaime. “I’ll save your seat.”
As Max leaves, Sofia approaches Jaime and gestures to the empty
second seat. “I want to ride with you,” she tells him. “No, you can’t.
This is Max’s place. I’m saving it for him,” explains Jaime. “You can
ride on that one,” he suggests, gesturing to a tricycle nearby.
“That’s not fair,” protests Sofia. “I want to ride with you.” “But I’m
riding with Max,” repeats Jaime. “We’re friends.” At that moment
Max returns, wearing his jacket. “Okay, ready to go again,” he tells
his friend as he climbs back on. They zoom down the path as Sofia
looks sadly after them.
Ms. Carla, monitoring the riding path area, approaches, squats
down, and puts her arm around Sofia’s shoulders. “It looks like you
wanted to ride, too,” she observes. Sofia tells her, “I want to ride with
a friend.”
Ms. Carla looks around the playground to see what other children
are doing, hoping to find another child she thinks Sofia might enjoy
joining in play. She notices Ana, also alone, hopping around the large
circle of stepping stones. Knowing that the two girls have enjoyed
conversation with each other indoors while building block structures,
she comments, “I see your friend Ana enjoying the stepping stones.
Shall we go over together and join her?” Sofia agrees, and Ms. Carla
helps her to greet Ana in a friendly way and ask if Sofia can hop
on the stepping stones with her. She leaves after the two girls begin
to make up a story together about crocodiles that are in the water
around the stepping stones and about how to avoid getting caught by
TEACHABLE Ms. Carla knows the children in her preschool group. She
MOMENT respects special friendships of the kind that Jaime and Max
have, while also being aware of children like Sofia, who need
extra help finding compatible play partners and initiating
interaction with them.
In this situation, she comforts and sympathizes with
Sofia, understanding that Sofia’s real desire is to play with
someone, rather than simply to ride the tricycle. She bases
her suggestion about joining Ana on her past observations
of the children’s interests and play styles and her judgment
that they would probably enjoy playing together.19 She also
knows that Sofia needs support to initiate interaction, so
she facilitates her entry into Ana’s game and observes until
the two girls seem to be playing companionably. She makes
a note to herself to find other occasions during play and
projects where she can nurture the children’s relationship.
interests, energy, developmental stage, language (“You gave Nolan a turn with
and emerging friendships. the typewriter. He looks excited to get a
chance to explore!”).
Teach children positive interaction
strategies during large-group meetings. Offer sensitive guidance as children
Use visual aids, including posters and experience challenges related to peer
cue cards, to enhance children’s under- interactions and friendship. Commu-
standing of pro-social behaviors. Break nicate matter-of-factly about children’s
down social skills into simple steps and emotions and perspectives. Offer ideas for
have children role- play—for example, coping—“It looks like you are feeling sad
“When you want to join others already that Van is playing with Riley. Sometimes
playing a game, the first step is to move friends play together, and sometimes
closer [points to picture of a child moving they play with other friends. That can be
closer]. Next, watch how they are play- frustrating. Maybe I could help you find
ing the game [points to picture of eyes]. someone who wants to play puzzles with
Finally, ask to play [points to picture of a you.”
child interacting with the group]. Say or
sign, ‘Can I play?’” Provide children with Facilitate positive social problem solv-
a chance to practice with toy people or ing. Use open-ended questions and com-
puppets. For specific ideas and strategies, mentary to summarize the problem—“It
refer to the teacher resources available sounds like Gwen wants to play with
from the Center on the Social and Emo- Jolie and Morgan, but Morgan, you just
tional Foundations for Early Learning want to play with Gwen.” Use active lis-
(CSEFEL); visit http://csefel.vanderbilt. tening to encourage perspective taking
edu/ for more information. (“Morgan, you are saying only two people
can play princesses”). Ask for solutions—
Provide all children with coaching and “What can we do? We have a problem.”
appropriate prompts as they maneuver Offer suggestions as appropriate—“I won-
through peer relationships. Observe der if there is another game you could all
the environment for children in need. play together that has three princesses.”
Take advantage of teachable moments to
remind children of skills previously intro- Read books that deal with the themes
duced in large-group experiences. Offer of friendship and relating to others.
words to support children’s constructive One example is Jamaica and Brianna by
behavior (“I can see you are waiting for Juanita Havill. Help children prepare and
a turn. Remember you can ask to ride confront challenges in relationships by
the swing. Say or sign, ‘I want a turn, offering indirect opportunities to explore
please’”). For more information about friendship. Select books carefully to
strategies to support children who are ensure they are representative of authen-
English learners, see chapter 5 of the Cal- tic experiences for the children in your
ifornia Preschool Curriculum Framework, care.
Volume 1.
VIGNETTE Marcella knows exactly what she wants to do this morning when
Mr. Paul greets her at the door. “I’m going to the block area,” she
indicates. She continues purposefully toward the shelves and takes
down all of the long wooden blocks, piling them on the floor. She
begins to build a pattern of horizontal and vertical blocks that looks
like a series of window frames, and becomes frustrated when they
fall over.
“We need some nails with the blocks,” she tells Mr. Paul. “You can’t
make boards just stay together by themselves.” As they converse
about this idea, she tells him that her papa is working every day
now, building the inside of a store. “Does he use nails when he
builds?” asks Mr. Paul. “He has nails in his tool belt, she answers.
“When we went there, he let me put it on. It was really heavy.”
When Marcella’s mother arrives to pick up Marcella from preschool,
Mr. Paul relates the story and finds out that the project is in a local
building that is being converted into two smaller stores. Marcella’s
papa and other carpenters have been hired to frame the interior
walls and put up drywall.
Since the project site is in the school neighborhood, Mr. Paul arranges
a walking field trip to visit it the following week. In preparation, the
class makes a list of questions about the project. Mr. Paul checks out
library books about carpentry and building projects to display on the
shelves in the block area. One of them is called Let’s Build a Club-
house by Marilyn Singer. He posts a set of blueprints and adds clip-
boards and pencils to a nearby shelf. He also brings out the carpen-
try prop box, which contains hard hats and plastic tools. He ensures
that the books and images portray a variety of people, including
women and people with disabilities, with active roles as architects,
designers, and members of the building trades. During and after
the field trip, he will observe what especially interests his class and
decide what other elements might enrich this curriculum.
Highlight the roles that elders play in Talk about future career goals. Ask
family life and in society. Invite chil- children to share, in a large group, what
dren’s grandparents and older family jobs they hope to do when they grow up.
members to visit the preschool setting, Write a list of their ideas. Counter mis-
either as program volunteers or to share conceptions directly (“Boys and girls can
skills, hobbies, or stories with the group. be teachers”).
Emphasize that children’s grandparents
are often in the paid workforce and in Visit community stores, businesses,
family caregiving roles. Read books that and service providers to observe work-
portray older adults positively, introduce ers in action. Include opportunities to
photos and news stories involving older visit places and participate in activities
public figures, and emphasize the roles that include people with physical disabili-
that elders have played in children’s fam- ties or other special needs (e.g., dance
ily histories. troupe that includes dancers with special
needs). Prepare them to ask questions
Incorporate books, magazines, and during the visit. Record children’s obser-
other forms of print that include VATIONS (ELP THEM REmECT ON THE PURPOSE
images and stories of different work- of the work and its impact on people’s
ers. Be sure to include people of differ- daily lives.
ent genders, abilities, and racial back-
grounds. Display in conjunction with cur-
rent program investigations.
can include some key vocabulary in their draw their child’s attention to the
home language. positive ways they interact and coop-
The teacher spends at least a few min- erate with others in their community.
utes each day playing a role in the res-
Support families to help their child
taurant, and sometimes invites a more
develop strong, warm relationships
socially or linguistically isolated child
with adults and children among their
to join her to provide experience with
family and friends. Children need
peer-group entry skills. She intention-
opportunities to practice their positive
ally interacts in ways that help children
social skills with people they love and
expand their collaborative play scripts
trust. Coach them in how to talk and
as they try on a novel set of adult roles.
play with others in polite and friendly
Pretend play interactions such as these
can be an important scaffold for children
who are English learners and children Suggest ways that family members
with special needs to build language and can talk with their child about the
social skills when they might otherwise daily work they do. The tasks adults
feel more isolated. do at home, at a job, in the commu-
nity, or in school are important for
Engaging Families children to be aware of as “work.”
They are beginning to learn about
n early childhood program is a wonderful setting for learning how
to get along with others and for understanding and respecting
differences between people. It is also an important setting for
learning about oneself as a responsible member of the group. In an early
childhood education setting, young children are enlisted into responsible
citizenship for the first time outside of the family, encouraged to think of
themselves as sharing responsibility for keeping the room orderly, cooper-
ating with teachers and peers, knowing what to do during group routines
(e.g., circle time), cleaning up after group activities, participating in group
decisions, supporting and complying with the rules of the learning com-
munity, and acting as citizens of the preschool.
This early experience in elementary sion, and accepting the judgment of the
civics is challenging for young children MAJORITY RESOLVING PEER CONmICT AND
because it requires that children balance finding a fair solution; understanding the
their own desires and goals with those of viewpoints of another with whom one dis-
others. For this reason, many of the skills agrees; respecting differences in culture,
of preschool community membership take race, or ethnicity; sharing stories about
time to develop as young children gradu- acting responsibly or helpfully and the
ally acquire the social understanding, guidance that older children can provide
self-regulatory capabilities, and motiva- younger children or children with less
tion to compromise, bargain, negotiate, positive experiences about being a pre-
take turns, and act in other ways that school community citizen. In this section,
respect the needs and interests of their specific strategies are discussed that sup-
partners. port development in each of the following
Many formal and informal activities substrands:
of an early childhood education setting 1.0 Skills for Democratic Participation
contribute to developing the skills of pre- 2.0 Responsible Conduct
school community membership. These 3.0 Fairness and Respect for Other
include group decision making that may People
occur during circle time (including voic- #ONmICT 2ESOLUTION
ing opinions, voting on a shared deci-
VIGNETTE The children gather with Ms. Yana in a circle on the rug for their
morning meeting. After they join in singing their greeting song, Ms.
Yana shares some news while holding a round fishbowl with a blue
beta fish in it. “Ms. Katrina, who works in our school office, has given
us this fish for our preschool room. She has given us the fishbowl
and fish food, too.” Many children are excited and want to ask ques-
tions and tell stories about fish. Ms. Yana reminds them of the class
rule they agreed on: “One person at a time. Please wait for your
turn,” she says. Several children indicate that they have ideas to
share. Ms. Yana calls each by name in turn, and several children in
the group remind others of their rule to listen quietly during others’
turns. During their meeting, they discuss ways to keep the fish safe
and healthy, and Ms. Yana lists on chart paper the ideas they sug-
gest. Their list includes: Feed it every day; don’t drop things into the
fishbowl; make sure the water is clean; don’t give it too much food;
and several other ideas.
Lev adds, “Hey, our fish needs a name.” Ms. Yana puts up a new
piece of chart paper and asks each child around the circle for a nam-
ing idea, which she writes on the list. “Now that we have everyone’s
ideas, we can vote on a name. It looks like we have five to choose
from. Listen as I read and point to our whole list of names. Think
carefully about which one you would like to give our fish, and then
raise your hand when you hear or see your favorite fish name.”
They complete the process of voting, and Ms. Yana records the num-
bers on the chart. Several of the older children identify “7” as the
highest number on the list. “Yes, seven people voted for the name
‘Stripey,’ so that will be our fish’s name. I will make a nametag for
the fishbowl during work time.”
Incorporate class meetings into the Generate community rules and expec-
daily routine of older preschool chil- tations to protect the rights of each
dren. Community meetings offer children individual and to create a community
an opportunity to practice communicat- of trust and security. Begin with a group
ing in groups by sharing their own ideas discussion about how rules keep order
as well as carefully attending to the ideas and ensure fairness for all. Extend the
of their peers. Set aside time each day for conversation to include rules of the com-
children to gather as a group for problem munity (e.g., circle time rules). With an
solving, project planning, and collabora- understanding of rules and expectations,
tive learning. Class meetings should be invite the children to create rules for the
brief, lasting no more than 10 minutes. indoor and outdoor settings.
Teachers set the tone for participation in
group meetings by creating a predictable Engage children in community brain-
structure for the event. They may consis- storming and problem solving. As
tently begin with a greeting song before children share their thoughts for pro-
introducing new materials for the week gram planning and problem solving, they
(“This week we have watercolor paints in develop their ability to communicate ideas
the art area. Does anyone know how to AND INmUENCE GROUP DECISIONS %NGAGE
use watercolors?”), opening up a discus- children in brief discussions both indi-
sion about a program problem (“A lot of vidually (“Sasha, what role will you play
our friends have been worried about not in the doctor’s office?”) and in small and
getting a turn with the new bikes. What large groups, documenting their ideas and
ideas do you have for solving our prob- using charts to organize suggestions for
lem?”), or inviting the children to share action (“Lili, I’m asking all of our friends
an important learning experience (“Taylor what we would like to have in our pretend
found out something about magnets. Let’s restaurant. Do you have ideas for me to
listen to what she has to tell us”). write down?”).
Support freedom of thought and speech Make group decisions when appropri-
in individual investigations, as well ate. Voting, a cherished right and privi-
as in planned group experiences. Free lege of democracy, introduces children to
speech is an important foundation of accepting the majority’s judgment while
democracy. Children can practice express- still respecting the minority view. Teach-
ing their own ideas, thoughts, and feel- ers should first set up voting activities
ings as they create unique art, build with that permit each child to have his or her
blocks, develop their own ideas about own way. (“Which topping will you have on
scientific phenomena, and dictate their your biscuit? Butter or jam?”) Graph votes
stories. Teachers should listen attentively to document individual and group deci-
TO CHILDRENS IDEAS AND MEDIATE CONmICT- sions (“Four friends will have butter, and
ing viewpoints and perspectives (“You 10 friends will have jam”). With experi-
think the balloon will get bigger, and Taiga ence, children can vote using the majority
thinks it will stay the same size. You have rule. Make decisions about what to name
different ideas”). Such intentional efforts a program pet, what type of restaurant
facilitate a communication-friendly envi- to add to the dramatic play area, or what
ronment that promotes critical thinking game to play at large-group time (“Some
and the sharing of differing ideas and per- of our friends wanted to play ‘Red Light,
spectives. Green Light,’ but more of our friends
wanted to play ‘Simon Says,’ so today also reinforce citizenship skills as they
we will play ‘Simon Says’”). When chil- model pro-social behavior in their rela-
dren have strong differing points of view, tionships with other adults—“I’m going to
build consensus through discussion and offer these extra crickets to Mr. Sanchez. I
negotiation.a know his group likes insects, too.”
example, use a variety of voting methods chapter 5 of the California Preschool Cur-
(e.g., buttons, stickers) to ensure all chil- riculum Framework, Volume 1. For more
dren’s active participation. By represent- information about resources for teach-
ing and including all children, teachers ers of children with disabilities or other
promote children’s positive self-concept special needs, see appendix D of the Cali-
and affirm the value of diversity. For more fornia Preschool Curriculum Framework,
information about strategies to support Volume 1.
children who are English learners, see
VIGNETTE On Monday morning, Will, Peter, and Emma choose the art area as
their first stop for the day. As they begin to gather the materials they
need for their projects, they are upset by the condition of the art area.
“Ms. Mary, the art area is messy! The glue sticks don’t work, and
the ribbons, buttons, and paper are gone. Yucky sticky scissors, too!”
they report to her with dismay. She joins them to survey the area.
Ms. Mary commiserates with the children. “I’m so sorry it looks this
way. While I was home sick last week, our teacher helpers had so
much to do, and they didn’t know how we store the things in our
classroom. We always keep our art shelves neat and clean. What
shall we do now to fix the art area?”
The children, who are used to their active role in helping maintain
the classroom environment, begin to talk about the things that need
to be done. As they do so, Ms. Mary brings over trays and suggests
that they place the dry glue sticks, sticky scissors, and empty collage
material bins on them. She then asks them to look around again and
tell her all the things that need to be done as she writes a list. As
she supplies soapy sponges, they volunteer to help clean up messy
shelves and art tools while she resupplies materials from the cup-
boards. After a few minutes of group work, Ms. Mary looks around
and says, “Thank you all for your hard work. This already looks bet-
ter. Work goes so much faster when we do it together.”
“Feet stay on the ground”). Give remind- values such as cooperation, generosity,
ers as children work to internalize rules kindness, compassion, and interdepen-
of conduct. Enforce developmentally dence. Read stories and engage children
appropriate consequences connected to in conversation about the content. Help
the behavior as needed (“It looks like it is them extend ideals described in text and
too hard to keep our blocks low right now. illustrations into their own lives and social
Let’s find a new activity. We can try again experiences.
Assign tasks for community care, such
Facilitate problem solving. Help chil- as watering plants, feeding program
dren plan for the future by asking open- pets, or helping to prepare snack, to
ended questions and offering supportive help children practice responsibility.
comments (“What could you do next time Rotate jobs and make developmentally
a friend takes your truck? . . . Yes, you appropriate adaptations to include all
could say no. What if they don’t listen to children’s active participation. For more
you? . . . Pushing could hurt, and our rule information about resources for teachers
is ‘be gentle.’ You could get a teacher to of children with disabilities or other special
help, though. Come find me next time a needs, see appendix D of the California
friend won’t listen to your words”). Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1.
VIGNETTE Three children spin around on the playground tire swing, two of them
laughing and talking as they go. “Faster, faster,” Mariana and Isabel
tell Mr. Kevin, who is pushing the swing. “No, slow down,” counters
Juana. “My head is feeling too dizzy.” Mr. Kevin stops the swing from
spinning and says, “It sounds like we have a disagreement about
how fast to swing.” “We want fast! We want fast!” chant the two
Mr. Kevin leans in to speak calmly to all three girls. “I know it’s fun
for you to twirl fast, but it makes Juana feel sick. What shall we do
to make sure she can have a good time on the tire swing, too?” They
all think for a minute. “I know,” responds Isabel.” “We can have a
turn for kids who want to ride fast and then a turn for kids who
want to ride slow.” Mr. Kevin turns to Juana. “How does that sound
to you?” Juana nods her agreement. Mr. Kevin repeats the plan and
then tells the girls, “You figured out a fair way for everyone to have
fun on the swing.”
VIGNETTE Four children play in the block area, building a complex array of
roads and garages for the small metal cars that teachers have just
introduced into the area. “Hey, that one is mine!” shouts Peter, who
has quickly gathered all but one of the shiny red cars close to his
legs. Abdul tightens his grip on the red car he holds and looks at
Peter. Nolan also notices that Peter has most of the red cars. He tells
him, “Peter, that’s not fair. We get some, too.” Peter still refuses to
let go of any of “his” cars, and tells the others that he got them first.
Owen, who is still working on the road, looks cautiously at the others
as he builds, listening to their conversation.
Nolan looks at the rest of the cars in a pile on the floor and tells Peter
he needs to share the good ones. When Peter refuses, Nolan finds
Ms. Deborah, who accompanies him back to the block area, where
she gathers the children around her on the rug and uses questions to
prompt them to describe what has happened and their feelings about
it. “You were all working on the road together, but now I hear that
everyone is upset and worried about who is going to use which cars
on it, especially the new red ones,” she summarizes. “I’m glad you
came and asked me to help you figure it out.”
Then Ms. Deborah asks, “What are your ideas for solving this prob-
lem?” She makes sure that each of them has a chance to contribute
to the conversation, rather than allowing it to be dominated by the
two most verbally assertive children. When they cannot agree on
which idea to try first, she suggests a plan that combines the ideas
from several children. As they get back to work, each with a couple
of cars, she selects a car that no one else has chosen and runs it
toward the road while asking the builders about the next step in their
road design.
label their emotions. Offer tentative inter- Create problem-solving kits. Prepare
pretations of the children’s emotional sets of visual cue cards (e.g., picture of
state as additional support (“You both children finding more, taking turns, wait-
look angry”). ing). Keep problem-solving kits easily
accessible and stationed throughout the
Prompt children with open-ended ques- early learning environment. Introduce
tions and statements. Ask each child their use to children during a large-group
to share their version of the incident meeting. Remind children of this resource
(“What happened, Taiga?”). Offer appro- AS CONmICTS ARISE h,ETS GRAB A SOLUTION
priate ways for the children to express kit to help us think of ways to solve our
their wants and needs—“Oh, you don’t problem”). For details about solution kits,
like it when Cara moves over your road. refer to the CSEFEL teacher resources
You can tell her to go around.” Attend to available at http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/.
the needs of children who have difficulty
expressing themselves verbally. Offer Read books related to social conflict.
them effective tools for communicating Help children connect previous experi-
with others. ence with storybook content. Invite them
to think of ways the characters could
Involve children in the problem-solving solve their problem.
process. Facilitate rather than direct the
solution process. Ask children to share Use “persona dolls” or puppets and
ideas for resolving the problem. Include social stories to promote skill develop-
ALL CHILDREN INVOLVED IN THE CONmICT ment and perspective taking. Choose
Patiently wait for them to agree upon a an area in which the children are cur-
solution—“So you are saying you don’t rently challenged in their social interac-
like that idea. What ideas do you have for tions. Prepare a puppet show or social
solving the problem? . . . What do you story based on the problem. Introduce
think Kelsey? Do you like Megan’s idea THE CHARACTERS AND THE CONmICT BETWEEN
of taking turns?” Once a decision has the characters. Encourage the children to
been made, offer follow-up support as support the characters in their resolution
needed—“Okay, I will come back in five OF THE CONmICT #REATE A LIST OF PRO
minutes when it is Kelsey’s turn to wear options. Demonstrate the positive resolu-
The children gather for circle time, and you are at teamwork, so they asked you.
after the group’s gathering song, Ms. Anya Pretty soon you gave them lots of help-
begins dramatically. “Today I am going to ful suggestions of places to look. And did
tell you a story about something that just they find the babies?” “Yes!” the children
happened in our room. call out. “And where were the baby dolls,
At the beginning of playtime today, two of Julia and Javier?” “They were out on the
our friends, Julia and Javier told me their porch!” the children respond, laughing.
plan was to work with the medical kits in Ms. Anya concludes the story by repeat-
the house area. They were going to use the ing, “Yes, you are right. The dolls were out
stethoscopes, bandages, and all the other on the porch drying after yesterday’s bath.
medical tools to take care of the babies. I Thank you all for helping us solve the
told them I would plan to visit later to see mystery of the missing baby dolls.”
if their patients were feeling better.
A few minutes later, Julia and Javier hur-
ried over to tell me that all the babies were
missing. They had looked all over the
T his anecdote illustrates one technique
a teacher has chosen to help build a
sense of community among her preschool
clinic, and had found no babies! Where do class members. Children love to hear sto-
you think they looked?” ries about themselves, especially stories
The children in the group call out their they can all help to tell. With practice,
ideas about all the places the children an attentive teacher can learn to recount
could have looked. Ms. Anya continues, and elaborate on everyday preschool
“You are right. They looked in all those experiences in ways that help a group of
places. No babies. So what did they do children remember them positively and
next?” Many children around the circle draw from them important lessons about
who are now recalling the incident call out, their own pro-social behavior. A good
“They asked us to help!” “That’s right,” story can do far more than merely enter-
affirms Ms. Anya. “They know what good tain. See the “Research Highlight” below.
problem solvers you are and how good
Research Highlight
Young children’s memories of past expe- paper picked up along the way, or the snack
riences are important, but their recall is after returning home. Likewise, the way peo-
sometimes scattered and incomplete. Adults ple tell about past experiences varies across
often discover that young children do not cultural groups. When an adult takes the
remember the details of an event that the time, however, to reminisce about the event
adult would expect (such as which team with the child, researchers have found that
won the ballgame, or the ducks encountered young children remember more and their
on a nature walk), but instead they recall the memories are better organized as a result.
funny sound of someone’s voice, a piece of Adults are particularly helpful when they
talk about the child’s past experiences in an not be familiar to the adult, thus supporting
elaborative manner.20 Elaborative speech the skills of memory and storytelling among
expands on the details of what happened, children from diverse cultures and linguistic
asks the child wh- questions (such as what backgrounds. Young children are just begin-
happened next? Why did she say that? Who ning to develop the skills of remembering,
was that person?), and provides clarifying and reminiscing about past experiences
feedback, such as confirming the child’s with an adult who is elaborative provides
accurate recall but questioning mistakes in children with enhanced memory for these
memory. Elaborative speech also supports experiences and help in recalling them.
alternative styles of storytelling that may
ne of our unique human character-
istics is the ability to think of
ourselves in relation to past
events and to anticipate the future.
The ability to see oneself in time
enables us to derive lessons from past
experiences, understand how we are
affected by historical events, and plan
for the immediate future (such as pre-
paring a meal) or the long-term (such
as obtaining an education). The ability to
see oneself in time is also the basis for perceiv-
ing one’s own growth and development, and the expec-
tation of future changes in one’s life.
As children mature, they are better able to Next level: Children demonstrate greater
relate past and future events to their current skill in relating past events to one another
experience. As they do so, they are develop- (Grandpa was a boy “long ago,” and that
ing an expanded and more detailed mental was before your mom was born), knowing
timetable that they can use for remember- how past events affect the present (Maria is
ing the past and anticipating the future. happy today because Daddy arrived home
yesterday from a long trip), and planning in
Beginning level: Children can talk about simple ways for future activities.
events in the immediate past and ask ques-
tions about activities in the near future, but Mature or proficient level: Children are now
they need an adult’s help to understand capable of distinguishing events that hap-
events in detail that are not part of immedi- pened “long ago” from those of the more
ate experience. recent past, and distinguishing events in
the near future from those much later in the
Next level: Children remember past events future. Their mental timeline is more detailed
easily, enjoy hearing stories about “long and accurate. In addition, children enjoy tell-
ago,” and anticipate events in the near ing more complex autobiographical stories
future, but are often confused about when about their own experiences, reflecting the
these events occur in relation to each other importance of their personal past to who
(for example, Grandpa was a boy “long ago,” they are today.
but is this the same “long ago” when the
dinosaurs lived?). Children also enjoy talk-
ing about their experiences of the recent
VIGNETTE At outdoor play time, Mateo hurries over to a large tree limb lying
at the edge of the playground. “Look what happened!” he exclaims.
“Yeah,” agrees Luis, who had joined him, “the wind did it. It crashed
down our big tree, too, right into the street. Some guys are coming to
saw it up.” Luis pauses. “My grandma said that tree was really old.”
Ms. Sofia, who has followed them to the area, joins the conversa-
tion. “Your grandma told me about that when she came with you this
morning. It’s a big surprise when a tree that was there just yester-
day suddenly isn’t there anymore today, especially when it had been
growing there for a long, long time. Things like that can happen fast.
What do you think will be different when you get home this after-
VIGNETTE As circle time begins, the teacher says, “Right before we went home
yesterday, we sang our ‘Slippery Fish’ song. This morning I noticed
that Jonah and Hailey were singing the song in the reading area and
were using these shark and whale finger puppets to act it out. I could
tell they were really enjoying singing that story, so I found more pup-
pets for them to use.” She holds up a small fish, a bigger fish, and
an octopus finger puppet as the children name them. She asks them
if they would all like to sing the song again and then asks them to
recall the sequence of the sea animals in the song. As they call out or
sign the animal names, she arranges them on the floor in the middle
of the circle. As she points, they name each one, and then the group
sings the song, performing the gestures. Afterwards, she tells them
that the basket of finger puppets will be in the reading area tomor-
row for them to use.
recollections (“I am usually ready for a
group time (“What did we do before we rest after a long day of playing, too”). Pay
came inside?”). Initiate one-on-one con- attention to the pace of the child’s com-
versation during child-initiated play— munication. Avoid rushing the conversa-
“You started this project yesterday during tion; pause and wait for details. See the
outside time. What did you use to build “Research Highlight” on page 83.
the bottom of your fort? . . . What will
you add today?” Document and display children’s work
at their eye level to encourage recall
Listen attentively to children’s narra- and reflection. Invite children to talk
tive descriptions. Regularly invite chil- about their learning experiences one-on-
dren to share past and current personal one (“Tell me about this drawing of the
experiences. Extend and expand on a robot you made. How many days ago did
child’s initial statement with descrip- you make it?”) as well as with peers dur-
tive language—“Yes, last week we did go ing large-group experiences—“During our
on a special field trip to the post office. class meeting, Kaylah is going to share
We had to walk very safely. We will have with us what she made with recyclables
to be safe again today when we go on on Monday.” Take pictures of projects
our neighborhood bird walk.” Make use that extend over time and converse about
ENDED the exploration process. Write down
questions—“I liked seeing the scrub jays the children’s words as they describe
and hearing their calls. What things did their work—“When we started our paper
you like best about our bird walk?” mache project last week, we first had a
wire shape. Then it took several days to
Communicate with awareness about add the wet strips of paper. Now that it
children’s narrative style, noting is dry, we can start painting our paper
preferences for time sequences, emo- mache animal.”
tional cues, and other practices that
influence the formation of mental Sing songs, recite poetry, and read
“scripts.” Adults may recall experiences books that involve sequencing. Popular
differently than children; they may attend stories, shared in book format or by oral
to different details of the event and bring storytelling, like The Very Hungry Cater-
a deeper understanding of sequence pillar by Eric Carle, We’re Going on a Bear
and time. Listen attentively to children’s Hunt by Michael Rosen, or The Three
descriptions of past events. Take note Billy Goats Gruff offer children a predict-
of what parts of the occasion were most able sequence of events to recall and dis-
important to the child. Ask open-ended cuss—“What happened first?” “Then what
questions to extend the conversation happened?” “How did the story end?”
(“What happened after you went to the Songs that include a progression in activ-
park?”). Add your own observations to ity, such as the Peanut Butter and Jelly
elaborate and expand on children’s initial song, offer a similar experience.
VIGNETTE Beata and Simon are painting at the easels when Ms. Neva begins
reminding children in each interest area that it is time to begin finish-
ing their work before cleanup time. As she approaches the easels,
Simon tells her, “Mira! I painted three pictures before cleanup time.”
VIGNETTE The children in Mr. Ricardo’s group have just returned from winter
break. During circle time, Mr. Ricardo tells them, “We’re going to start
a cooking project. We’ll make three different kinds of bread on three
different days this month.” He points to a date on the calendar, and
says, “On this day, Kristen’s father is going to bake corn bread with
us.” “Oh, I’ve had corn bread before. It’s soft,” says Sara. “It’s yel-
low,” adds Maya. “It’ll be fun to see whether our corn bread is like
the kinds you have had,” Mr. Ricardo says.
Next, he points to another date and says, “After that, on this day,
Mei’s mom will make scallion pancakes with us.” “Oh, I love scal-
lion pancakes! I’ve had them in a Chinese restaurant,” says Ben. Mr.
Ricardo responds enthusiastically, “I have never had them before.
I can’t wait to taste them! Our last bread will be tortillas. Yaritza’s
grandma will help us make them on this day,” he adds, pointing to
a calendar date at the end of the month. Several children share that
they eat tortillas at home. “We’ll take photos of all three breads and
you can draw your own pictures, too. We’ll also write down the reci-
pes to make a Bread Book.”
Mr. Ricardo then asks children to think about what kinds of cooking
tools they may need for the bread project, and he starts making a list
on large paper he has posted, repeating each item someone suggests
as he adds its name and a simple drawing of it to the group’s list (e.g.,
bowl, spoon, pan). “We have made a good start today. We will do more
planning tomorrow so we will be ready to make cornbread, our first
bread, on Friday,” he summarizes, pointing to Friday on the calendar.
VIGNETTE “My birthday is just two more days,” Jordan tells Ms. Trisha excit-
edly. She responds with enthusiasm and suggests that they look at
the class birthday calendar together. He finds his photo and name
on a calendar square, and she shows him the square for today
and notes how close together the two are. He begins looking for his
friends’ photos on the calendar and asking how soon their birthdays
are. Ms. Trisha converses with him about how many days make it
seem like a short or a long time, and about how it feels to be waiting.
Comment on behaviors that anticipate turn on the tire swing.” A paper chain can
future events. Describe steps for partici- be used to help children count the num-
pating in a daily routine—“Before we go ber of days before an exciting event—“We
to snack, we wash our hands”) or explain have two more rings on our chain. That
a child’s response to an expected expe- means two more days until our Día de los
rience—“I think Hailey is feeling excited Muertos celebration. I know Tia Liz has
about her dad coming for a visit. She’s been baking bread at home.” Mark special
missed him while he’s been away.” Explain days on the program calendar. Keep the
your actions that look ahead to a future calendar accessible and use child-friendly
event—“I am putting our outdoor water pictures and symbols (e.g., a photograph of
toys away. It is almost winter, and it will a child on a calendar square to denote his
be too cold to use them until the weather birthday).
warms up again in the spring.” See the
“Research Highlight” on this page. Talk with children using time words—
“Tomorrow morning we will have more
Promote planning as children engage time to play with our hamster. She needs
in child-initiated projects. Begin a play to rest now. I know a whole day can seem
period with a brief planning time. Ask like a long time to wait.”
children to share their idea for play. Using
comments and open-ended questions,
encourage children to provide details about
Research Highlight
their play plans. Help children anticipate
problems and support their ideas for solu- Planning for a future activity requires
tions—“So, you plan to play with the drop- anticipating what one might need, and
pers and test tubes in the science area. preschoolers are developing skill in this
Yesterday you ran out of baking soda for kind of “mental time travel.” In one study,
your experiment. What can you do today to three-, four-, and five-year-olds were
make sure you have enough baking soda shown photographs of several natural
to go with your vinegar?” settings and were encouraged to imagine
Involve children in program planning. that they were in those environments
To prepare for change in curriculum, invite (such as imagining walking across a sunny
children to share their current knowledge desert, or walking across a rocky stream).21
of a subject and then ask for ideas for sup- Children were then asked to choose what
plying the learning environment—“What do they would need for that activity from
you know about airports?” “What will we among three items. After hearing the
need to build an airport in our room?” Plan story about the desert, for example, chil-
meaningful celebrations by asking children dren were asked to choose a bar of soap,
to suggest elements from their home cel- a mirror, or a pair of sunglasses. Most of
ebrations that could be translated for the the children at each age chose the correct
group setting. See the “Research Highlight” item (e.g., the sunglasses for the desert),
on this page. but their skill improved with age, and
older children were much more capable
Introduce time-keeping tools to help
of explaining their choice with reference
children monitor the passage of time—
to a future need (e.g., “The sun will be
“I’m looking at our timer. We have to wait
three more minutes until it will be your
VIGNETTE Today is Annie’s fifth birthday, and her mother has sent an envelope
of photos of Annie at different ages for her to share at circle time.
Annie is excited to show them to Ms. Jen, who takes time to sit down
at a table with her to look at them. Ms. Jen comments on each one
Annie takes out, asking questions and encouraging her to reminisce
about what the photo shows her doing. She then suggests that they
line up all six photos on the table in sequence, starting with the one
that shows Annie as a newborn baby and ending with a recent fam-
ily celebration.
VIGNETTE Two children look around the room to find their teacher. “Mr. H, look
what we made!” Mr. H walks over to where they have finished con-
structing a long tunnel using cardboard tubes and masking tape and
are now rolling marbles through it. “You finished your experiment,
and now you’re testing it,” he observes enthusiastically. “Is it work-
ing the way you had wanted it to?” As the children decide to prop
it up on blocks to carry the marbles down faster, Mr. H stays with
them, and he and they converse about the long time they worked
on it, the challenge of getting the masking tape to hold together the
tubes, and the fact that they now are both very good at using mask-
ing tape themselves and at helping younger children and children
with motor difficulties learn how to use it.
VIGNETTE For today’s circle time, Ms. Robin has prepared a two-column chart
with the headings: “When I was a baby, I couldn’t . . .” and “Now I
can . . .” She reads the first phrase and asks the group to think of
things they were not able to do as babies. As children share their
ideas, including, “I couldn’t walk; I couldn’t ride a trike, I couldn’t eat
apples . . .” she lists them in the first column. When they finish, she
reads all the ideas aloud to the group.
Ms. Robin then points to the phrase, “Now I can . . .” and again asks
for children’s ideas. After they finish sharing, she reads aloud the
second list. As she points to each list, she comments to the group
enthusiastically, “Look how many things you couldn’t do when you
were a baby! Look how many things you can do now! You’ve grown
so much!”
questions to invite language-rich con- song of the child. Use language focused
versation and prompt children’s recall of on developing children’s understanding
specific details—“Tell me more about your of change—“You were three, and today
family reunion. It sounds like you had a you are four years old!” Where possible,
lot of aunts and uncles there. Did you eat invite families to participate—“Meera’s
something special at the party?” grandmother is here with her today to
share some family photos of her growing
Encourage children to express their up these last four years and to sing her
feelings and reactions to experiences. favorite song in Arabic.”
Ask children to share their personal reac-
tions as they pursue new challenges, face Provide activities that invite personal
frustration, and experience success—“It reflection. Use old photographs, clothes,
took a long time to climb that ladder. How and personal data (e.g., length at birth)
did it feel?” Use descriptive statements to help children think about personal
to paraphrase their response—“So you change—“You were 21 inches long when
were feeling scared at first, but then you you were born. Let’s use a tape measure
felt better after you climbed back down.” to see how big you are now . . . Wow!
Such conversation supports the develop- You are 40 inches tall! You’ve grown so
ment of self-awareness. much!” Ask questions to invite appropri-
ate comparisons—“What was something
Document children’s work over time you couldn’t do when you were a baby,
and create individual portfolios for but is easy now?”
each child. Include photographs, anec-
dotal notes, samples of writing and Make use of children’s stories that
artwork, and other pieces of work. Orga- explore growth and individual change.
nize materials in chronological order to Stories like Leo the Late Bloomer by Rob-
illustrate changes and the passage of ert Kraus, Peter’s Chair by Ezra Jack
time. Share with children and families Keats, or The Growing Story by Ruth
(“I remember when you first started pre- Krauss can be used to further children’s
school you rode the small yellow bikes. understanding of personal change over
Now [pointing at a picture] you are big time. Engage children in conversation
enough to pedal the large bikes.”). about their experiences of growth—“Peter
outgrew his chair. He was too big. Is there
Acknowledge birthdays. With sensitiv- something you had when you were little
ity to family preferences, plan a simple that you are too big for now?”
activity such as highlighting the date
on the calendar or singing a preferred
VIGNETTE The teacher notices that several children are standing by the tall sun-
flowers that the class had started from seeds last spring. She joins
them, asking if they remember planting the seeds. After listening
to their comments, she adds, “Yes, that does seem like a long time
ago. It was before we said good-bye for the summer. Now we are
back at school in the fall, and look how much our sunflowers have
grown and changed. They are taller than most of us, and their seeds
are almost ready to roast and eat or to save for planting time next
VIGNETTE Adelia’s aunt has come to the group’s circle time to tell stories about
her town’s holiday fiesta. She has brought a colorful dancing skirt
and shawl for the children to see. Adelia adds, “We only do that kind
of dancing at special parties. You need the right kind of music.” Her
aunt explains that, when she was growing up, many people played
musical instruments and danced often. The teacher converses with
the group about how sometimes the way people do things changes
over time. “Remember, when Lan’s mom came to talk to us about
Chinese New Year? She said that a long time ago, when she was
small, some of the most important things children could get were
new clothes. What about now?” One child raises his hand, and the
teacher asks him to speak: “People can get new clothes more often,
not just during the New Year.” The teacher makes a “mental note” to
find more books at the library about holiday traditions.
TEACHABLE For this group time, the teacher invites a child’s family
MOMENT member to share her own holiday memories and items. She
introduces to the children the idea that the ways people do
things can change over time, and she makes her own plan to
follow up using library resources.
The preschool year is almost over, and by children and has noted the date on the
Ms. Nguyen has finished compiling the back of each one. She encourages them to
portfolios for the children in her group. She converse with each other, as well as with
will review and discuss them with family her, about the memories their portfolio
members at year-end parent conferences, pages evoke.
and then families will be able to take them
home. First, though, she has brought them
to share with children during a small-
group time.
T he practice of making portfolios
to document children’s activities
and growth over the course of the year
“These are special books,” Ms. Nguyen contributes to their understanding of
tells the small group of children around the passage of time. It also affirms for
the table. “There is one for each of you, families how capable their children are
and it is all about you. Let’s see if we can becoming as they grow. Ms. Nguyen’s
figure out together which is whose.” She group viewed a sample portfolio early
holds up the first one, with a photo and in the year, and she explained that
large printed name on its cover. “That’s they could choose to save some of their
me!” exclaims Lamar, and Ms. Nguyen work to add to their own special book.
hands him the book. “We’ll need to turn Throughout the year, the teacher has
the pages gently so none of them will rip,” labeled and filed samples of each child’s
she reminds the group. The other children work, including art, writing, dictated
identify their books, and then they all stories, and teacher-recorded anecdotes
spend a few minutes paging through them,
looking at their photos, artwork, dictated
stories, writing and drawing samples, and
other items put aside in their folders dur-
ing the preschool year. While handing the
book over to Griselda, Ms. Nguyen opens
up the last few pages with Griselda’s
drawings and the dictated English sen-
tences beneath the drawings, and says
“Look, how much more English you can
say now than before!”
“Look! That’s me carrying back that bag
of apples we bought at the store,” Tyree
shares. As the children look and comment,
Ms. Nguyen reminisces with them about
the shared experiences their portfolios
document, like their walk to the grocery
store and the signs children made after-
ward while setting up their own store in
the dramatic play area. She has saved
these signs and other contributions made
about projects and milestones she has parent’s planned absence, a weekend
observed. At times, she has asked a child family gathering, or a move to a new
if a specific item should be saved for his apartment can help children cope
special book In addition, she and family with change.
volunteers have documented with photos
Share with family adults the impor-
some of the significant group experiences
tance of recounting past shared
and projects of the year, and the program
events with their children. Suggest
has printed copies for families. A portfolio
that they use storytelling to help
takes planning, but it is a significant gift
children remember the sequence
of personal history for both children and
and details of both everyday and
their families.
special experiences. Emphasize the
importance of including details and
Engaging Families using descriptive words that will both
increase children’s vocabularies and
ach person has a sense of the places to which they belong: home,
workplace, school, and other locations that are familiar and mean-
ingful. Young children experience this sense of place strongly
because familiar locations are associated with important people who con-
stitute the child’s environment of relationships. Locations are important
because of the people with whom they are associated: home with family
members, preschool with teachers and peers.
Preschoolers also experience a
sense of place because of the
sensory experiences associ-
ated with each location: the
familiar smells, sounds,
and sometimes tempera-
tures and tastes combine
with familiar scenes to
create for young children
a sense of belonging.
Developing a sense of place also their interest in caring for plants and ani-
derives from how young children inter- mals, concern for the effects of pollution
act with aspects of that physical loca- and litter on the natural environment,
tion. Preschool children relate with their and later, taking an active role in putting
environments as they work with materi- away trash and recycling used items.
als; rearrange tables, chairs, and other These interests present many oppor-
furniture; create maps to familiar loca- tunities to the early childhood educator.
tions; travel regularly from one setting Young children can be engaged in activi-
to another; and work in other ways with ties that encourage their understanding
their environments. Young children also of the environments in which they live,
interact with their environments as they whether they involve creating drawings
learn to care for them. Young children’s and maps of familiar locations, talking
natural interest in living things engages about how to care for the natural world,
With each year, children better understand Children also recognize the routes between
the settings where they live and learn, the well-known locations and may use simple
routes between these places, and the natu- drawings to describe them.
ral environment in which they are located.
As they do so, children also become inter- Next level: Children’s broadening under-
ested in places that are unfamiliar and dif- standing of the environment includes an
ferent. appreciation of landscapes like hills and
streams, weather patterns, and other fea-
Beginning level: Children use their knowl- tures of the environment. Children also
edge of familiar places, like home and become more skilled at understanding the
school, to confidently find the people and relative distances between familiar locations.
things they need. They can become con-
fused or distressed if these settings change Mature or proficient level: Children’s under-
abruptly, such as if a room is redecorated at standing of their own environment leads to
home. expanding interest in unfamiliar locations
and the people and activities associated with
Next level: Children are aware of a broader them. This can lead to an interest in maps
variety of physical settings, such as the and globes to understand “faraway” places.
places where familiar people live and work.
VIGNETTE Michael sits down with his peers and Mr. Sean at the snack table.
“There was a huge dump truck going down my street today,” he tells
everyone. Mr. Sean asks him what was in the truck. “Rocks and big
sidewalk pieces,” replies Michael. “I know that,” adds Rio. “It’s by
my house. Papa says they’re digging up the street for water pipes.”
Several other children nod and agree that they know where that is
and they have gone by it, too. Mr. Sean tells the children that the
construction site they are talking about is just around the corner and
down one block from their preschool. “Would you like to take a walk
together to watch them work?” he asks. “It sounds like a big and
exciting construction project is happening in our neighborhood.”
VIGNETTE “I like this place,” shares Maya as she looks around the small read-
ing area. “What do you like about it?” asks Ms. Nicole. “I like the
green. It’s like un bosque.” Yes, agrees Ms. Nicole. The green plants
do make it seem like a forest.”
Use children’s current knowledge to Integrate living things into the indoor
plan effective curriculum. Attend to learning environment. Choose program
children’s spontaneous inquiry and pro- pets carefully with thought to the amount
vide them with the materials and tools of care and attention they will require.
needed to expand their understanding of Provide a clean, comfortable habitat. Post
a particular topic or phenomena—“Hmm the name of the animal and information
. . . you are wondering if our pet walk- about its care at the children’s eye level.
ing stick has eyes. Let’s get a magnifying Encourage the children to participate
glass from our science kit and find out.” in its care as appropriate. Incorporate
child-safe, nontoxic plants throughout
Set aside time for outdoor explorations the program. Choose plants with dif-
each day. The natural world supports ferent shapes, colors, and textures. For
all areas of learning, but the program’s additional ideas, refer to Designs for Liv-
outdoor environment is especially appro- ing and Learning by Curtis and Carter or
priate for children’s dramatic play, gross- Natural Playscapes by Rusty Keeler.
motor activity, and scientific inquiry.
Children need plenty of time to investi- Observe life in its natural setting. In
gate, repeat actions, and attempt new addition to making observations in the
tasks. Plan the daily schedule to include outdoor learning environment, plan fre-
at least 30–40 minutes of outdoor play quent nature walks through surrounding
every day. Encourage weather-appropri- neighborhoods. Offer children tools to
ate clothing so that children may explore focus their observations (e.g., paper towel
the outdoor spaces year-round. tubes, binoculars, paper, pencils, cam-
eras). Talk with children about how to be
Provide children with sensory experi- good observers (e.g., sitting quietly and
ences, especially those with sand and giving an animal space to feel safe in its
water. Create a generously sized sandbox natural habitat).
in the outdoor environment with access
to water for children’s experiments. Model respect and care for the natural
Indoors, offer children a sensory table for world. "E CAREFUL TO LEAVE WILDmOWERS
similar, small-scale investigation. Supply branches from trees, and insects and
children with tools for exploration (e.g., other creatures alone—“I see a caterpil-
Research Highlight
Caring for the natural world gradually running when they brush their teeth” and
develops as young children begin to under- “Other children always turn the water off
stand how human activity affects animals, while brushing their teeth,” and they were
plants, and the natural environment. One asked to indicate which kind of child they
research team created a measure of envi- were like. The measure was given to children
ronmental understanding to assess how ranging in age from 40 to 73 months. The
much preschool children knew about research team found that scores for environ-
everyday practices that affect the environ- mental awareness increased with age, and
ment.22 In this measure, preschool children scores were also associated with parents’
were told about two different types of reports of how often children participated
children and were asked which they most in environmentally relevant activities in the
resembled. In one item, for example, they home, such as recycling.
heard “Some children like to leave the water
VIGNETTE “This is the castle for the princess and her friends,” explains Grace to
Tanya as she describes her unit block structure. “Here’s the bedroom
over here, and the tower over there.”
Ms. Julia, sitting in the block area to observe children’s play,
responds, “It looks like a very long way from the bedroom to the
tower. Do the princess and her friends ever get lost in the castle?”
“Well . . . sometimes they do,” replies Grace. “I wonder if we could
draw something to help them find their way,” suggests Ms. Julia.
“Like a map!” exclaims Tanya to Grace.
Ms. Julia offers to bring the clipboards, equipped with paper and
pencils, from the art area. She takes one and begins describing her
drawing plan. “First I’m going to draw a square for the bedroom in
this corner . . . ” The girls begin by imitating her technique and soon
are exchanging ideas with each other as they draw their versions of
the castle. When they are finished, Ms. Julia asks questions about
the parts of their castle maps and offers to label them. When the
maps are finished, labeled, and signed, Ms. Julia asks the girls’ per-
mission to display them on the block area wall.
shelf . . . hmm, could we use this block this picture of our city when I went on a
to be the shelf?” Next create a map on hike in the hills. What do you see in the
paper—“Let’s draw a picture of our picture?”
blocks. This will be our paper map of the
classroom.” Prepare a treasure hunt. Provide child-
friendly maps and clues for their search.
Invite children to use their imagina- Have children work in pairs or small
tion and create maps to go along with groups to support collaborative learning
familiar stories. Choose stories where and facilitate perspective taking—“What
the main characters are going on an do you think, Jorge? Where do you think
adventure (“How would Max get to the the blue bear might be hiding? . . . Your
where the wild things live?”). Help chil- idea is that the bear is where the blue
dren recall the land and water features mark is on our map. Let’s test your idea.
the characters would encounter on their Let’s go to the tree with the blue mark.”
Document work over time. Display chil-
View locations from different physi- dren’s map-making projects in the early
cal perspectives. Make opportunities learning environment at their eye level.
for children to explore familiar settings Maintain records of children’s work to
from different perspectives. Encourage illustrate a change in spatial awareness
ENDED QUESTIONS and attention to detail—“When you first
“What does our yard look like when we started drawing maps, you used lines and
are in the sandbox?” “How is it different ‘x’ marks. Now you have pictures of dif-
when we look down from our climbing ferent landmarks like the bridge and the
structure?” Take pictures of other local lake. It is clear how we had to go over the
attractions from different heights—“I took bridge to get to the lake.”
ings and naming playground features: he following ideas may help families
slide, balance beam, tree, sandbox. Mr. to increase their children’s familiarity
Kyle then points to some of the colored “X” and engagement with the world around
marks he has made on the map. “Each them.
X marks a spot where bears are hidden.
When we go outside, I will put the map Suggest that they look for maps in
on the picnic table so you can look for the places where their family goes. Draw
X marks and remember where to hunt for a child’s attention to maps posted at
bears. the bus stop, in a big store or shop-
ping mall, a museum, or elevator or
Checking for understanding, Mr. Kyle emergency exit in public buildings.
asks, “Andy, where do you see an X for Point to the “You are here” dot and
bears?” “By the slide,” responds Andy. “I trace with your finger where you are
see one at the bottom of the big tree,” adds going.
Jana. After several more children have
added their observations to the conversa- Suggest taking different routes when
tion, Mr. Kyle says, “I can see that you going to familiar places. Make a game
really know how to use this map. Let’s of taking a different route to a park,
meet at the door to get ready to go on a preschool, a friend’s house, or a store.
bear hunt.” Try narrating the trip, saying things
like, “Now we are turning the corner,
and then we will go over the bridge resources, compost, and so on). Sug-
and across the street.” gest giving a preschool child a role in
recycling items used at home, includ-
Encourage families to talk about
ing paper, food containers, and boxes.
nature (i.e., weather, seasons, plants,
Encourage children to think about
animals, and so on) with their child.
other ways their family can help prac-
Use different weather words to de-
tice conservation of the environment.
scribe the temperature, wind, cloud
patterns, and precipitation. Children Suggest that adult family members
can become more aware of the infor- share with their child elements of the
mation their senses are taking in if natural world they especially enjoy.
they have descriptive language for it. Hearing Mom say that spring is her
Saying, “The wind is cold and gusty favorite season or that Grandma loves
today” makes the experience more listening to birds sing can help chil-
favorites in the outdoors. Children
Encourage families to have conversa-
will often come to value the things
tions about ways they can help the
that the important adults in their
earth (reduce waste, conserve natural
lives value.
Marketplace (Economics)
oung children’s interest in adult roles and occupations extends to
the economy. Preschoolers know that adults have jobs, and they
observe that money is used to purchase items and services, but the
connections between work, money, and purchasing are unclear to them.
This does not stop them, however, from enacting these processes in their
pretend play and showing great interest in the economic transactions
they observe (such as a trip to the bank with a parent). Moreover, young
children are also active as consumers, seeking to persuade their families
to purchase toys or access to activities that they desire, sometimes hear-
ing adult concerns about cost
or affordability in response.
On occasion, they also learn
about economic differences
between people and fami-
lies, such as when a parent is
unemployed or when families
are living in poverty. All of
these activities convince them
that the economy, while little
understood by them, is impor-
1.0 Exchange
VIGNETTE For this week, Ms. Laura and Mr. Luan have transformed a corner of
the dramatic play area into a shoe store. They observed children’s
interest in the many dress-up shoes in the area and heard conversa-
tions about shoe sizes, styles, prices, and parent spending on shoes.
Setting up a store seemed like a good way to help children explore
these economic concepts in more depth.
A set of shelves displays open shoeboxes. Chairs for customers and
rulers for measuring feet fill the area. At the entrance is a table with
a cash register, play money, pencils, and receipt pads. Notepaper
and masking tape are available for making signs and price tags.
The first children to enter the store take on roles of seller and buyer.
“Hey, I can’t find the shoes I like,” says Alicia. “Where are the spar-
kly red ones?” Zara replies, “Maybe they already got bought. My
mommy really gets mad when that happens to her.” As the morning
progresses, many children visit the store and a teacher tries to be
present and engaged in some of the conversations that develop. Chil-
dren’s behavior and comments clearly reflect their own family experi-
ences. They bring “children” whose feet are growing “too fast,” tell
the cashier they have enough money this time only for school shoes—
not party shoes, and they want to trade one pair of shoes for another.
Mr. Luan helps interested children write sale signs and install them
and stick price tags onto shoeboxes. He encourages some boys, who
have not yet entered the store to come in and discover that there are
lots of shoes for them, too.
ing house, and our sink is broken. I can you for packing my groceries. Here is
give you money for fixing our sink. I will money for the things I bought.” Plan an
pay you twenty dollars.” Introduce the outing where children can observe the
vocabulary of the marketplace into play exchange of real money—“Today we will
experiences. walk to the market to buy strawberries
for snack.”
Draw attention to trends of consump-
tion in the preschool setting—“We used Visit local businesses. Prompt children
a lot of glue this week. We will need to to ask store owners or managers where
order more soon. I wonder if we can think the goods in their businesses come from
of ways to save some glue until our new and how the goods are transported from
glue is delivered.” Extend learning into one place to another. Document the out-
the home. Invite families to create a col- ing, including information shared by
lage of items their family purchases regu- store owners. Display photographs and
larly—What do they consume now? What dictation alongside ongoing explorations
do they want to consume in the future? of economics in the classroom to inspire
and support children’s play—“Remember
Converse about wants and needs. when we visited the smoothie store near
Speak with children about individual preschool? Worker Tiffany showed us
wants—“It sounds like you really wanted how to make a smoothie and collect
that school bus toy. We only had two, money from the customer.”
so you found a fire truck.” Use books to
further illustrate these concepts, such Create an opportunity for children to
as Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts. Talk make their own product. Plan, prepare,
about choices in consumption—“Did you and implement a Market Day for families.
like your choice of a fire truck?” Addition- Ask for children’s ideas about what to sell
ally, in large groups brainstorm materials at their market. Offer limited choices to
needed for the emerging investigations. ensure a reasonable plan—“Should we
Introduce economic alternatives—“We do sell muffins or breads in our market?”
not have enough money to buy new baby Encourage each child’s active participa-
beds for our baby hospital. What can we tion as they make signs, advertise their
use instead? . . . Yes, we could make beds product, and bake goods. Donate the
with shoe boxes from the art area.” money to a local charity and share how
the money will help someone else pur-
Allow children to make economic deci- chase needed goods.
sions. As a group, make a purchase for
the community. Pose a choice between
two options. Encourage the children to
discuss the reasons for their choice. Help
them distinguish between something the
program wants and something the pro-
gram needs.
Ms. Jen settles into the reading chair to coins and asks the group how long they
begin large group story time. She holds think it took for Josephine’s family to col-
a tall empty jar, a small cloth bag, and a lect enough coins to buy the chair. She
book. responds to their comments, listening as
“Today I brought something with me to they share their own related ideas. She
help me tell a story,” she begins. Then she concludes by telling them that the book
holds up the small drawstring bag and will be in the reading area tomorrow for
shakes it. “Money!” call out the children. them to enjoy again.
“Yes, it is money. My little bag is full of
coins: nickels, dimes and quarters,” she
says, pulling out one of each. “This book is
all about a family who collects coins and
R eading stories that incorporate eco-
nomic ideas and events is an effec-
tive way to put them in a real-life con-
saves them in a jar that looks a lot like text for children. This particular book
this one. It’s called A Chair for My Mother, addresses everything from earning wages
and Vera B. Williams is the author. She to losing material possessions in a fire,
wrote the words. She is also the illustrator, experiencing the generosity of friends
which means she painted the pictures.” and neighbors, planning and saving for
As Ms. Jen reads the book, she stops fre- a large purchase, and sharing good and
quently to converse with children about bad economic times as a family. The
what is happening in the story. “The teacher structures an interactive reading
mother in this story works as a server in a experience to introduce ideas that she
restaurant. That’s how she earns money can revisit with children later in play and
to buy the things her family needs.” After projects.
reading the page that describes the “tips”
that Mother brings home and puts into Engaging Families
the jar, Ms. Jen asks the group if anyone
they know gets tips at work. After explain-
ing the idea, she pours the coins from her T he following ideas may support fami-
lies as they help their children learn
about family wants and needs and the
small bag into the tall jar she has brought
as a story prop. roles that money and broader economic
conditions play in family life.
When she reads the pages about the fam-
ily’s moving day, when all their relatives Encourage families to talk with their
and neighbors brought things they needed child about the connection between
to replace the ones lost in the fire, Ms. Jen cost and decisions to buy items and
talks about how people don’t always buy services. Children can learn how to
all the things they have. Sometimes people look for the price signs at the grocery
receive gifts and things that others share store and compare numbers. Family
with them. adults can talk about how they decide
As each economic concept is introduced in which item to buy.
the book, Ms. Jen pauses to draw atten- Assure families that it is fine to have
tion to it, while maintaining the flow of the conversations about “wants” and
story. At the end, she holds up the jar of “needs.” Preschool children often feel
z When the teacher points to the art photo in the z As the group gets ready to go on a trip to the fire
picture schedule, the child begins to prepare station, asks the teacher whether they should
(putting on an apron, moving paper to the easel). bring the firefighter’s hat from the dress-up area.
z When asked what he is going to do tomorrow, z Tells a friend that she has to give away toys to
indicates that he will have breakfast and then make room for her grandparents from India, who
come to school. will be coming to live with her.
z Tells an adult, “When we go outside, I need a z Because of a special event, the day’s schedule is
plastic bag on my cast so it won’t get muddy.” changed. Several children express concern that
z Tells other children that she and her papa go snack time will be skipped.
outside to look at the stars when it gets dark, z Communicates to a friend, “Next time we go to
right after they eat dinner. THE ZOO ) WILL HAVE MY ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR SO )
z Knows, with the help of a picture schedule, that can keep up with you.”
snack time at preschool always follows circle z Tells teacher, “I get to visit my cousins on Satur-
time. day. Mommy says that’s after two more sleeps!”
z Excitedly tells the teacher, “We’re going to the z Encourages friend to put on his shoes and jacket
airport to pick up my uncle from Taiwan next fast so they will have more time to dig in the
week!” but has no idea how soon next week sandbox together.
will be. z When the nurse enters, a child tells her friend that
z At planning time, a child who is nonverbal uses it is time for a tube feeding and that she will come
a communication board with pictures to indicate back to play in 10 minutes.
where he will play first. z Knowing that park time is at 10:00 every day,
z When asked for an idea about what the group will brings jacket from cubby and asks, “Is it 10:00
need to bring on a lunchtime picnic, suggests a yet?”
Teacher Resources
Bisson, J. Celebrate! An Anti-Bias Guide to ———. Me, You, Us: Social–Emotional Learn-
Enjoying Holidays in Early Childhood Pro- ing in Preschool. Ypsilanti, MI: HighScope
grams. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press, 2002. Press, 2009.
Bredekamp, S. “Resolving Contradictions Hohmann, M., and D. P. Weikar. Educating
Between Cultural Practices,” in A World Young Children. 2nd ed. Ypsilanti, MI: High-
of Difference: Readings on Teaching Young Scope Press, 2002.
Children in a Diverse Society. Edited by C. Hopkins, S., ed. Hearing Everyone’s Voice:
Copple. Washington, DC: National Associa- Educating Young Children for Peace and
tion for the Education of Young Children, Democratic Community. Redmond, WA:
2003. Child Care Information Exchange, 1999.
The Center on the Social and Emotional Katz, L. G., and D. E. McClellan. Fostering
Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL). Children’s Social Competence: The Teacher’s
http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/. Promotes the Role. Washington, DC: National Association
social–emotional development and school for the Education of Young Children, 1997.
readiness of young children from birth to Keeler, R. Natural Playscapes: Creating Out-
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Understanding,” in Connecting: Friend- National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
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Press, 2004. Provides resources that encourage children
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entiated Sense of the Past and the Future, 20; L. M. Musser and K. E. Diamond, “The
in Advances in Child Development and Children’s Attitudes Toward the Environ-
Behavior 31, ed. R. V. Kail (San Diego, CA: ment Scale for Preschool Children,” Jour-
Academic [Elsevier], 2003), 229–69; W. nal of Environmental Education 30, no. 2
J. Friedman, “Developmental and Cogni- (1999): 23–30.
tive Perspectives on Humans’ Sense of 16. L. S. Liben, “Spatial Development in
the Times of Past and Future Events,” Childhood: Where Are We Now?” in Black-
Learning and Motivation 36, no. 2 (2005): well Handbook of Childhood Cognitive
145–58. Development, ed. U. Goswami (Oxford, UK:
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102, no. 4 (2009): 379–91; C. M. Atance Council, Learning to Think Spatially: GIS
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Young Children’s Ability to Anticipate and lum (Washington, DC: National Academies
Explain Future States,” Cognitive Devel- Press, 2006); N. Newcombe and J. Hut-
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Atance and D. K. O’Neill, “The Emergence MIT Press, 2000).
of Episodic Future Thinking in Humans,” 17. A. E. Berti and A. S. Bombi, The Child’s
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Familiar Events,” Child Development 66 36, no. 9 (1983): 791–812; M. C. Schug,
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13. K. C. Barton and L. S. Levstik, “Back The Elementary School Journal 87, no. 5
When God Was Around and Everything: (1987): 506–18; R. S. Siegler and D. R.
Elementary Children’s Understanding of Thompson, “‘Hey, Would You Like a Nice
Historical Time,” American Educational Cold Cup of Lemonade on This Hot Day?’:
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Some of Their Past’: Historical Salience 34, no. 1 (1998): 146–60; D. R. Thompson
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28 (1996): 531–76. Economics,” Child Development 71, no. 3
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ing,” Geography 91, no. 2 (2006): 55–74. and Ourselves (Washington, DC: National
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hildren have a sense of wonder and natural curiosity about objects
and events in their environment. Just like scientists, they seek
information and actively explore and investigate the world around
them, try things out to see what happens, and confirm or adjust their
expectations. Children’s exploration with water, sand, blocks, and other
objects and materials in the preschool environment
provide them with opportunities to discover the
physical characteristics of objects, to explore
concepts such as balance, forces, motion, and
ways that solid objects are different from liquids.
Observing and investigating plants and animals,
both indoors and outdoors, allows children to
discover what different living things look like,
how they behave, what their habitats and needs
are, and how they grow and change over time.
Thinking about experiences of night and
day, rain, wind, and other changes in
weather and the environment raises
interesting questions about the nature
of earth phenomena, and provides
children with opportunities to discover
characteristics of the natural world.
communicating findings and explana- think more deeply about the phenomena
tions all combine in an evolving process they observe, to notice patterns and draw
of developing science understanding and connections. They teach children how to
creating a disposition to choose to learn document their observations and ideas
science in the future. and share them with others. For example,
Science can be conducted in any pre- planting and sprouting seeds can become
school setting. All preschools, regardless a rich process in which children predict
of the level of resources and access to what plants will look like as they grow;
nature, can use their existing resources engage in detailed observations of plants
to create a program with meaningful sci- over time; track, measure, and record
ence learning experiences. Pushing cars their plant’s growth through drawings,
down an incline, building with blocks, words, and photos; and participate in
manipulating tubes at the water table, or group discussions, sharing their observa-
mixing clay with water are everyday play tions and thoughts. These kinds of expe-
activities that engage children in experi- riences deepen children’s understanding
menting with objects and materials. Col- of how plants change and what they need
lecting leaves, searching for insects in the to grow and develop. Children may draw
yard, sorting and classifying fruits and the connection to their own growth and
vegetables, and sprouting seeds in pots the growth of other animals and begin
engage children with living things. Expe- to develop a broader understanding of
riences of child-initiated play are impor- living things. Such experiences of scien-
tant as they provide children with oppor- tific inquiry not only support children’s
tunities to construct understandings development of scientific knowledge, but
and integrate knowledge. With teachers’ provide a natural vehicle for developing
intentional planning, guidance, and sup- children’s social skills, and their develop-
port, children’s play and interactions with
objects can become rich experiences of
scientific inquiry and facilitate children’s
knowledge and understanding of objects
and events in the world.
Preschool teachers play a pivotal role
in expanding children’s understanding
of science concepts and developing chil-
dren’s attitudes, skills, and the language
of scientific inquiry. The teachers can
focus children’s attention on particular
science concepts, those that are devel-
opmentally appropriate, interesting, and
engaging for both children and teachers.
They can create engaging inquiry experi-
ences, encouraging close observations of
objects and events. Teachers help chil-
dren formulate questions, make predic-
tions, and experiment with objects and
materials to test children’s predictions.
Teachers guide children to reason and
ment in mathematics, language, literacy, edge through physical and mental inter-
and other domains. actions with objects and people in their
Preschool teachers do not need to environment. The principles are drawn
have extensive knowledge about science from current research-based models and
in order to be able to teach it well, but approaches to early childhood science5
they should be willing to research and and are consistent with the National
gain general knowledge of the concepts Association for the Education of Young
and principles they explore with chil- Children (NAEYC) guidelines on develop-
dren. The kind and amount of informa- mentally appropriate practice.6
tion or knowledge they need to know is The preschool environment supports
readily available through basic research. children’s curiosity and encourages
Acquiring some background knowledge inquiry and experimentation.
about the topic helps teachers in plan- Teachers can create an environment
ning inquiry experiences and challenging that sparks children’s curiosity and
and supporting children through their supports children’s natural inclina-
explorations. Teachers do not need to tion to engage in scientific inquiry. The
have answers to all the questions chil- physical environment provides children
dren will raise. Rather than providing access to a wide variety of objects and
children with answers, teachers can use materials to explore and investigate
children’s questions as a springboard for and tools to support their investiga-
further investigations. They may say, “I tions. The social environment fosters
don’t know. Let’s find out together.” It attributes important for learning such
is essential that teachers become “sci- as curiosity, open-mindedness, critical
entists” together with children, model a reflection, respect for evidence, inde-
questioning mind for children and think pendence of thought, perseverance,
out loud, expressing interest and enthu- and cooperation. In a preschool envi-
siasm. Teachers’ thoughtful guidance ronment with a culture of inquiry, the
and support through inquiry experi- teacher:
ences builds a foundation for children’s
understanding of basic science concepts,
exploring their world;
fosters a positive approach to learning,
and develops learning skills and attitudes s ASKS open-ended questions to encour-
necessary for later success in science and age children to think and talk;
lary, including scientific terms such as
observe, explore, predict, and measure;
Guiding Principles
tific tools;
T he following principles guide teachers
in establishing a preschool science
program that fosters children’s curios-
ity and develops their skills and habits s ENCOURAGES CHILDREN TO SHARE THEIR
to explore and learn about their world. observations and communicate their
These principles are consistent with thoughts;
a constructivist approach to learning,
where children actively construct knowl-
scientific exploration when used appro- informational books about things and
priately. Computers, particularly those events in the world, such as insects,
with access to the Internet, provide animals, seeds, the seasons, fruits and
expanded resources and enable teach- vegetables, or the human body, provide
ers and children to obtain a great resources for children’s investigations
amount of information quickly. Teach- through pictures and descriptions,
ers may use the Internet to obtain and enrich children’s knowledge about
background information on any topic their world. Numerous story books,
of inquiry and to show photographs such as The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
or videos on a range of topics. In addi- or The Happy Day by Ruth Krauss,
tion to computers, other technologies have science connections and can be
such as video and digital cameras and starting points for discussing con-
tape recorders can be used to support cepts such as growth or seasonal and
children’s documentation practices. weather changes.15 Teachers can use
These can be powerful tools in record- books to introduce scientific concepts,
ing observations and tracking changes to encourage the use of scientific lan-
in objects and materials. guage (e.g., “What do you predict will
Present documentation of science- happen next?”), and to develop skills of
related experiences in the preschool scientific thinking. Reading for infor-
environment. mation supports language development
When engaged in scientific explora- and comprehension skills as well as
tions, children are encouraged to the learning of science. Not all books
record and document information in need to be purchased. Public librar-
drawings, charts, and photos or by ies are a great resource. Teachers can
constructing three-dimensional mod- create their own books, often by using
els. For example, to record the growth documentation of children’s work such
of lima beans, children, with the assis- as drawings, quotes, and photos (see
tance of the teacher, may create a the example on page 167).
chart with drawings or photos of the Use the outdoors for natural explora-
lima beans before and after sprouting tions and investigations.
and growing. Making children’s and The outdoor environment is where
teachers’ documentation visible in children can experience their natural
the room allows children to revisit an surroundings first hand, and learn
experience, provides a focus of conver- about concepts related to living things,
sation for children and teachers, and physical objects, and earth materi-
makes the process of inquiry visible for als and phenomena (e.g., rain, wind,
children and for families. It also gives a a rainbow). It provides ideal sites for
positive message to children about the explorations of natural objects such as
importance of their investigations and insects, plants, rocks, clouds, shad-
the value the teacher places on their ows, water, light, weather, and the
work. motion of objects. Outdoor explora-
Include children’s books with sci- tions also connect children with nature
ence-related content. and teach them to be respectful of
Children’s books provide powerful living things and the natural environ-
ways to extend children’s firsthand ment. There are endless opportunities
scientific experiences. Nonfiction, for children to experience and do sci-
VIGNETTE Ms. Lucinda notices that Yau and Tommy are very excited about the
ramp they built in the block area. They put the car at the top of the
ramp and watched it go down slowly by itself. They did it over and
over. At some point, Tommy raised the board and made the ramp
steeper. They put the car at the top and let it go again. Both of them
got excited when they noticed that the car was going down faster.
“Wow, that was fast,” Ms. Lucinda said. “It was faster. I wonder
what you did to make the car go down faster.” Tommy said, “I was
holding up the road. You see, like this.” Ms Lucinda asked, “How can
you change the ramp so the car goes down fast, even when you are
not holding it up?” Yau tried to place more blocks under the higher
side of the ramp (making the ramp steeper). Tommy then placed the
car at the top and let it go, and they watched the car go fast, “really
fast.” At circle time, Ms. Lucinda asked Yau and Tommy to share
how they learned to make the car go down the ramp faster.
TEACHABLE Observing Yau and Tommy playing in the block area, the
MOMENT teacher notices they have discovered, through play, how to
make objects go downhill faster. She intervenes and asks, “I
wonder what you did to make the car go down faster.” Yau
and Tommy were quickly engaged, and Ms. Lucinda observed
them solving the problem on their own. She later invites them
to share what they discovered with the rest of the group. She
also could have taken a photo or suggested to the children
that they draw what they had done, or count and record
how many blocks they used to make the car go faster. The
physical science of movement is exciting for young learners
because they can see immediately the cause and effect. They
can test and retest their solutions, get results, and draw
Scientific Inquiry
oung children’s experience of science is
an interplay between content knowledge
(what children learn about) and inquiry
skills (the skills and processes they apply
to explore and develop knowledge and
understanding of scientific ideas). Chil-
dren build knowledge and understanding
of concepts through active participation in
the process of scientific inquiry. Like sci-
entists, children have a natu-
ral desire to inquire, but they
need guidance in developing
the skills of scientific inquiry.
Young children actively search for information about objects and events in their environment.
with their lips and tongues. They start with brief, simple explorations of objects. They repeat
the same experience and then try out different things with an object to see what happens,
or how things work. For example, purposely throw a rattle to hear it land or push a ball and
watch it roll.
For example, they build with blocks or other materials not only to knock it down, but also to
create something. They demonstrate a broader interest in objects and events in their environ-
ment and may ask questions about them.
simple investigations of an object and event of interest. They can use prior knowledge and
experience to make predictions and then test and verify their predictions through observa-
tions or simple experiments.
nifiers or measurement tools to expand their observations. They recognize similarities and dif-
ferences between objects and phenomena and engage in comparisons.
gations of objects and events, with the assistance of adults. They may participate in more
focused experiments, collect and record data, and analyze evidence.
VIGNETTE In the fall, Ms. Linda brought a big pumpkin to class and placed
it on a table. When children came in, they noticed the pumpkin.
Alonzo and Lai tried to pick it up and commented, “This pumpkin is
heavy.” During small-group activity, Ms. Linda invited the children
in the group “to observe” the pumpkin, “When we observe it,” she
explained, “we use our senses to find out about it. We use our eyes
to notice carefully what it looks like. We may find out what it smells
like and touch it to find out what it feels like. We may even decide
to taste it. What do you observe about the pumpkin?” She invited
children to examine the pumpkin and make their own observations.
Andrea said, “It is big and round.” Veronica seemed very interested.
She touched the pumpkin but did not share her observations. Slowly,
more children became comfortable making observations. Tim said,
“It has a stick on it.” On a group chart, Ms. Linda recorded each
child’s name and observation. She touched the pumpkin and said,
“It feels bumpy.” Kim touched it and said, “I can feel the lines on it.”
Then Veronica felt comfortable sharing her observation and said,
“Hard.” Ms. Linda expands Veronica’s statement: “Yes, the pumpkin
feels hard” and writes it on the chart. After all the children had a
chance to share their observations, Ms. Linda said, “Let’s see what
we observed about the pumpkin,” and read their observations to the
group. She then invited children to document their observations by
drawing a representation of the pumpkin they observed.
VIGNETTE While exploring the play yard, children became fascinated with pill
bugs (usually called roly polies by children). In the yard, they would
look for pill bugs and enjoy watching them curl into balls. One day,
Ms. Lopez noticed that a group of children collected pill bugs in a
bucket. She invited the children to put the “roly polies” on a tray and
observe them closely at the outdoor investigation table. Ms. Lopez
said, “Let’s use our tools and look really closely at the pill bugs.
What do you notice about their body?” Ms. Lopez assisted Jennifer
in holding the magnifier above the pill bug: “Wow, it looks so big,”
Jennifer said. Jose observes the pill bug with a magnifier and gets
excited: “I can see its head.” Ryan asked, “When is it going to open
up again? I want to see how many legs it has.”
in a purposeful way. The teacher has an direction and support in using these
important role in promoting the mean- tools. Children with motor impairments
ingful use of scientific tools in children’s or other disabilities may need more assis-
investigations. tance from an adult or peer in using the
tools. For example, the teacher may need
Introduce children to scientific tools
to hold the hand lenses steady for the
and their function. Teachers can take
children to help them observe closely or
time to introduce children to the tools
offer them the use of a stationary magni-
and to demonstrate their functions. Not
fier. As with all materials in the preschool
all tools should be introduced at once.
environment, children need to learn to
Instead, the teacher should gradually
take turns using tools; this is an oppor-
increase the number of tools in the envi-
tunity to remind children about the con-
ronment. This will increase children’s
cepts of waiting and sharing.
tendency to use tools in the intended
way. For example, to introduce magni-
fiers, the teacher can set up a situation Measure
in which children observe an object and Young children begin to compare objects
need to see details more closely than they by size or weight and use words such
can with just their eyes (e.g., in observ- as “heavier,” “taller,” or “longer” to make
ing ants, seeds, the pattern on a leaf, or comparisons. They may compare length
grains of sand). by placing objects side by side, and as
Suggest language to introduce magnifi- they get older, they begin to measure
ers to children: “You still need your eyes length using nonstandard units (e.g., unit
to see, but the eyes and the magnifiers blocks, hands). Tools to measure length,
together allow us to see some things big- weight, or volume extend scientific inves-
ger. The magnifiers help us to “observe.”26
As with any new object, children need
time to explore, interact, and use it on
their own. Teachers can use the oppor-
tunity to explain how wearing glasses
helps some children to see things more
clearly and magnifiers help children to
see things enlarged.
Support children in using the tools.
After being introduced to tools and expe-
riencing their use with the help of teach-
ers, children may begin to spontaneously
pick up the magnifiers or a ruler and
ask to use them in context. For example,
while observing a worm, the child might
say, “I need the magnifying glass to look
very close” or “I want to see how big it
is.” Preschool children are not expected
to know how to use a ruler on their own
and may need help in holding the magni-
fer properly. They will need the teacher’s
tigations by enabling observers to find tools on their own; however, with teach-
out how long something is, how much it ers’ guidance, they learn that specialized
weighs, and how much space it takes up. tools are used to measure attributes such
Measurement tools also allow compari- as length, height, volume, and weight
son of one object to another in an accu- (see the California Preschool Curriculum
rate way (e.g., “Which is longer?” “Which Framework, Volume 1, chapter 6, “Math-
is heavier?”). Preschool children are not ematics,” for more information about
expected to know how to read and use measurement concepts).
VIGNETTE Following a group discussion about seeds, Mr. Adato set out a tray
with a variety of beans of different sizes and colors, including kid-
ney, pinto, and lima beans. He told the children that there were
different kinds of beans and mentioned some of their names. The
children were engaged in free exploration of the beans. They piled
them up and then spread them out on the tray or filled containers
of different sizes with beans, and then poured the beans back on
the tray. He provided them with small containers on the table and
demonstrated, “I am going to put all the white beans here.” Chil-
dren began to sort the beans, mainly by color. He noticed that Lee,
a new child to the group, was sorting the white beans by size, and
he asked, “I wonder why you put those beans together and those
beans together?” Lee pointed to the piles she created and said, “Big
here and small here.” During group time, Mr. Adato invited children
to observe the lima beans and the red kidney beans. He wrote down
children’s observations and led a discussion about the similarities
and differences between the two kinds of beans: “What do you notice
about their size and shape?” “What about their color?” “Are all the
red ones the same color red?”
changes; for example, different kinds of ferent. One is green, and one is red. One
squash or a caterpillar as it metamorpho- is bigger than the other. What else do you
ses into a butterfly. The ability to com- notice about these apples?” See the Cali-
pare and contrast is a critical thinking fornia Preschool Curriculum Framework,
skill and strengthens children’s classifi- Volume 1, chapter 4, “Language and Lit-
cation skills. It also sets the foundation eracy,” and chapter 5, “English-Language
for children’s understanding of experi- Development,” for strategies to encourage
mentation, in which children observe children to use language and engage in
similarities and differences between two conversations.
objects or events that differ in only one
Invite children to compare and con-
way; for example, observing similari-
trast objects and phenomena related
ties and differences between two tomato
to their current focus of inquiry. The
plants growing in similar conditions,
skill of comparing and contrasting is a
except that one plant is in the dark, and
powerful tool for constructing meaning
another plant is in sunlight.27
and knowledge about scientific concepts.
Comparing and contrasting different
kinds of leaves, for example, not only
Interactions and Strategies
expands children’s knowledge of leaves in
the environment, but more importantly,
Ask questions and model compara- introduces children to the concept of
tive language to introduce the idea variation and diversity. Similarly, com-
of comparing: “How are these alike or paring and contrasting an object before
similar?” “What is the same about these and after change due to growth or other
two things?” “How are these different?” transformations (e.g., seeds before and
Such open-ended questions may spark after sprouting, cornstarch before and
a conversation and encourage children after being mixed with water; or trans-
to describe similarities and differences. formations such as a moth transforming
Model comparative language for children from an egg, to a larva, to a pupa, to a
who may not be ready to answer open- moth) highlights changes in objects, and
ended questions: “These apples are dif- the concept of cause-and-effect.
VIGNETTE Ms. Brown presented children with a big cube of ice. She asked
the children to touch or hold it and tell her what they notice about
it: “What does it feel like? What does it look like?” Children shared
their observations: “It is cold.” “It is slippery.” “It is very smooth.”
“It is wet.” “It is white.” “It is square.” Ms. Brown asked the chil-
dren, “What do you know about ice?” Some children shared their
ideas: “We keep it in the freezer,” “It’s very, very cold.” “If you put it
in water, it disappears.” She invited children to draw their observa-
tions of the ice cube in their notebooks. The next day, Ms. Brown told
the children that together they are going to explore what will happen
to ice when it is left outside of the freezer. She has asked children:
“What do you think will happen to this ice cube if we leave it in this
bowl? What is your prediction?” “Will it stay the same?” “What will
be different?” Children made predictions, and she wrote them on a
chart (e.g., “It will not be so cold anymore.” “It will turn into water”),
“After lunch, we’ll check our ice cube and find out what happened.”
happened. Writing down children’s pre- riences: “Remember the time we forgot
dictions conveys to children that their to water the plants over vacation?” or “I
predictions are valuable and that docu- remember the last time we went outside
mentation is integral to the process of and the grass was wet.”
scientific inquiry. A small-group activity,
Use everyday observations to model
in which each child expresses her predic-
inferring. Everyday interactions and
tion and the teacher records it on a chart,
observations provide many opportunities
illustrates for children that not all predic-
for making inferences. For example, the
tions are the same, and each child can
sky turns dark, and the teacher says, “It
have her own prediction.
looks like it is going to rain soon.” Dur-
Draw Inferences and Conclusions ing mealtime, the teacher can lead the
children to make a similar inference; for
example, drawing the children’s attention
to the steam rising from the soup, asking
Interactions and Strategies what they notice and what it might mean,
leading them to infer that the steam they
Facilitate children’s ability to make see indicates the soup is hot.
inferences and draw conclusions. Pre-
Encourage children to explain the rea-
dicting and inferring are processes of
soning behind their inferences. When
reasoning that rely on observable infor-
children make inferences and draw con-
mation. When predicting, children guess
clusions, encourage them to explain their
what will happen next and then check
reasoning: “What makes you think the
their prediction. When inferring and
plant needs some water?” “What tells us
drawing conclusions, children observe
that it is probably cold outside?”
what happened and make an assump-
tion about the cause. Their assumption
is based on previous experience, even
though they cannot observe the cause
directly. For example, noticing that the
grass is wet, a child may infer that there
was rain before he went outside. Chil-
dren constantly try to make meaning of
their observations. From a very young
age, they use observations to make infer-
ences. For example, a child notices that
the plant is wilting and infers that it
needs water. The teacher can help chil-
dren draw connections to previous expe-
objects or events nonverbally, using a variety of gestures, or with short phrases of one or two
words (e.g., “big ball”).
to describe and compare physical characteristics.
tions and to record information in a variety of forms, including drawings, words, photos, and
engage in conversations related to scientific inquiry. They share observations, make predic-
tions, and discuss similarities and differences between objects and events.
and simple graphs. They also engage in deeper discussions in which they communicate their
thoughts and share findings and explanations.
VIGNETTE The children in Ms. Moreno’s group are taking turns bringing home the
picture book they created as a group. Today, it is Emilia’s turn to take
home this book. This picture book was created to document the growth of
their plant. Emilia points to the photos in the book (taken by Ms. Moreno
to document the process) and to children’s drawings. She tells the story
out loud to her grandmother, who is picking her up, “First we had to buy
seeds (points to a photo of the seeds packet on the first page), then we
put the soil, and then we put the seeds inside the dirt . . .” Emilia con-
tinues with more details while looking at the pictures in the book: how
they put the pot in the sun, watered the plant, and measured its growth.
“Here it was one inch, and here it was bigger, and here it was very tall,
and it has many leaves.” At home, Emilia will share it with her family,
and together they will retell the story in her home language.
the following reasoning with children, promote and extend children’s recording
“Like scientists, we record things to keep (e.g., “Let’s look at it again. How many
track of our observations and ideas. We branches are coming out of the stem?”).
can look at them later to remind us of Remember, it is the process that is impor-
the things we observed and the ideas we tant, not the final product.32 Children’s
had.”31 descriptions of their drawings, models,
or photos will reveal their conception
Promote the use of different forms
and understanding of the object or event
to record and document information.
they recorded, regardless of whether
Children may create a representation by
their representation is accurate. Refrain
drawing a picture, making a three-dimen-
from making judgments about children’s
sional model, or taking a photo. They
representations; instead, ask them to
may have a specific science notebook
describe what they have drawn. For
or journal, which they use on a regular
example, the teacher said to the child,
basis, to record their observations with
“Tell me about your drawing (or model
drawings and verbal or sign language
or photo),” and the child explained, “This
dictations. They may also participate in
is the snail, and this is the leaf, and this
recording information on a group chart
line is how the snail got from here all the
or by keeping data logs; for example,
way to the leaf.” The teacher can record
tracking the height of their plant or the
in writing children’s explanation of their
temperature outside at different times of
drawing and display drawings on the
the day. Different forms of documenta-
wall, so that children (and families) can
tion provide children with multiple ways
view all the different representations of
to process information and express their
the same object (e.g., a pumpkin). See the
ideas, using verbal and nonverbal means
California Preschool Curriculum Frame-
of communication.
work, Volume 1, chapter 4, “Language
Consider adaptations for children with and Literacy” (Concepts about Print) for
special needs. Children with speech
or language delays also benefit from
expressing themselves using nonverbal
means of communication. Children with
motor delays or other disabilities may
appreciate dictating their drawing ideas
or “directing” the teacher to photograph
something for their journal. A child who
is not physically able to draw can benefit
from holding the object on her wheelchair
tray while the other children draw or take
photographs from various angles for her
to use as her observation record.
Encourage children to describe their
representations while you write their
words. Creating a representation of an
object or event is a skill that develops
over time. Sensitive adult guidance and
encouragement are often necessary to
VIGNETTE Maya fills up a cup with water and pours the water into the open-
ing of a long, clear tube, watching the water going down the tube
and coming out at the other end. She repeats it over and over. Seth
is holding his hands at the other end of the tube, touching the water
that is coming out. Then, Seth puts a bucket right underneath the
bottom of the tube.
Maya and Seth pour
water into the funnel
and watch the water
flowing down the clear
tube and filling up the
bucket. “More, more
water!” He tells Maya.
“Let’s fill it all the
way up to here.” He
points to the top of the
bucket. “Ms. Ruben,
look! We are filling the
bucket with the tube.”
Ms. Ruben says, “Tell me how you do it.” Maya explains, “We put
water in this hole, and then the water goes in here and down to the
bucket.” Ms. Ruben says, “You used the tube with a funnel to make
the water fill up the bucket. What an interesting way to make the
water flow down. I wonder what would happen if the tube is held
this way (she holds it horizontally)? (Pause) What do you predict?
What do you think the water will do?”
TEACHABLE Ms. Ruben observes the children as they play and explore
MOMENT with water and materials at the water table. She waits for the
right moment to intervene and is invited over by the children.
She asks questions to engage children in talking and
reflecting on their experience of making the water flow down
the tube. She asks questions to encourage them to describe
and explain what they were doing and to predict what might
happen if the position of the tube is changed. She wants the
children to think about how water moves and what they can
do to affect its movement. The teacher also plans ahead for
the next time the children will be at the water table. She will
add tubes of different sizes and diameters and different size
buckets to facilitate children’s work and provide them with
more opportunities to discover how water moves.
s Questions to elicit children’s predic- other children in the group may have a
tions and explanations: “Why do you different idea from theirs. Teachers sup-
think this plant grew and this one did port children’s understanding of concepts
not?” “Why do you think the pill bug through effective adult–child interactions
turned its body into a ball shape?” and scaffolding. They may ask children to
“What do you think would happen if describe their observations, make predic-
you mix salt with water?” tions, and challenge them to give reasons
and explanations for their ideas: “Leah,
Engage children in collaborative dis- what did you do to make your tower
cussions. A powerful way to encourage stable?” “Kim, how did you get the water
children to discuss their ideas, share to flow through the tube?” “Which ball do
their experiences, and listen to others’ you think will roll farthest when we let go
perspectives is through small- and large- of it at the top of the slide?” Discussions
group discussions. While children inter- are richer when children refer to concrete
act with adults and peers, they learn to examples, including children’s represen-
express their ideas and thoughts in a way tations, documentation, and the actual
that others can understand them. They objects and materials they discuss while
learn to take turns and understand that sharing their experiences.
Ms. Linda had noticed how engaged chil- you put all the green ones. What other
dren were in observing the pumpkin in the ways can we sort the squashes?” The chil-
room and looked for ways to extend their dren who placed all the orange squashes
explorations. She remembered that when- together started to order them by size.
ever she gave her children opportunities to They explained, “This pumpkin is the big-
compare objects, the children learned more gest, this one is medium, and this one is
about each of them. She brought in several the baby.” They were also excited to find
more pumpkins and other squashes in out which of the two larger pumpkins was
various sizes, shapes, colors, and texture bigger or heavier. For example, Ms. Linda
(e.g., acorn squash, butternut squash, gold helped them check how many hands it
nugget, sweet dumpling, zucchini, and took to go around each pumpkin. She also
yellow squash). During group time, she showed them how they can measure the
showed them the variety of squashes and circumference of both pumpkins, using a
pumpkins, including the pumpkin already measuring tape, to find out which one is
in the room, and asked them questions to larger.
engage their interest. She wanted to draw On a different day, Ms. Linda invited
the children’s attention to the character- them to predict the inside of a pumpkin.
istics of the different squashes: “Look at Children came up with different predic-
all of these squashes. What do you notice tions; for example, “seeds,” “orange stuff,”
about them? What colors do you see? How “juice.” Ms. Linda recorded their predic-
are they alike? How are they different?” tions and asked, “How do you think we
These types of questions generated a rich can find out?” One of the children said,
discussion of comparing and contrast- “Let’s cut it and see what’s inside.” Chil-
ing. Children shared their observations: dren observed the inside of a pumpkin.
“These are really big, and this one looks For some of the children who are sensi-
like a baby pumpkin.” “This one is long, tive to textures, Linda provided gloves
and this one is more like a pumpkin.” “The and sticks to explore the inside of the
pumpkins are orange and big, but these pumpkin. They were mostly fascinated
(pointing to other squashes) are orange with the great number of seeds inside,
and green and yellow.” Ms. Linda some- “Wow! So many seeds.” Ms. Linda asked,
times rephrased their observations: “So “How many seeds do you estimate it has
you observed that all the pumpkins are inside? What is your estimate? How many
orange, but the other squashes have many do you guess?” Children came up with a
different colors.” Or, “So you noticed that wide range, from twenty to one million.
some are big and some are small.” She Ms. Linda told them that the seeds would
told the children that the squashes would be available for their explorations. “You
be available for more observations and may try to count the seeds to find out how
explorations during their choice time. many seeds are inside the pumpkin.” “The
Ms. Linda observed the children explor- children recorded their observations of the
ing the squashes and posed questions or inside of the pumpkins through drawings
made comments along the way: “So here and dictations. During group time, Ms.
you put all the orange squashes, and here Linda pointed to one of the other squashes
There is a growing recognition that out-of-school activities, including family social activities, din-
ner table conversations, access to books, and visits to nearby parks, museums, zoos, or libraries
have a cumulative effect on children’s science learning.33 Studies of dinner table conversations,
visits to the zoo, and other everyday activities have uncovered rich conversations on a variety of
scientific topics.34 Families of all backgrounds engage with children in everyday conversations
about a range of topics related to science. Through these kinds of interactions, children engage
in questioning, explaining, and making predictions.35 Evidence indicates that parents’ involve-
ment and their explanations to children during a museum visit or while watching TV (e.g., an
educational children’s program) enhance children’s learning experience and make it more ben-
eficial and productive for children.36
Physical Sciences
oung children’s inquiry in physical science involves the active explo-
ration of nonliving objects and materials and of physical events
in their everyday environment. When children build with blocks;
play with different balls; push or slide objects of different kinds; play with
water, sand, clay, and other objects in the preschool environment; they
explore materials in different ways and begin to form ideas about the
physical properties. They manipulate objects, act on them, and observe
what happens. They may try a certain strategy over and over to see if the
same result happens again. Through such exploratory interactions with
objects and solid and nonsolid materials, children can learn about cause-
and-effect relationships, the physical properties of objects and materials
(e.g., size, shape, rigidity, texture), and about changes and transforma-
tions of objects and materials. For example, when building with various
kinds of blocks, children may learn about the size and shape of
the blocks and about the characteristics of the materials used
to make the blocks (e.g., wood, foam, plastic). They may dis-
cover that the big card-
board blocks should be
used at the bottom of a
tower and the small unit
blocks on top in order
to create a strong and
stable tower. When
playing at the water
table, they experience
how water flows down
and takes the shape of
the container.
In exploring objects and materials, children develop understanding of key concepts about the
physical world.
its function.
cutting will produce changes in materials and that some changes are reversible and some
are irreversible.
The following section provides practical strategies to engage children in rich, playful
explorations of the physical world.
VIGNETTE Jin is busy building in the block area. He places two flat rectangle
blocks one on top of the other. On the top block, he puts two cylinders
and spreads them apart. He then looks for another rectangle block.
He notices that the rectangle block he picked is not big enough to
cover both cylinders. Instead, he grabs a bigger, flat rectangle block
and places it gently on top of the two cylinders, trying to balance
the structure, moving the rectangle block more to the right. Then, on
top of it, he stacks smaller rectangle blocks vertically, one on top of
the other, until the structure begins to lose balance. He takes away
the last rectangle block that he added on top and tries to balance it
again. He gently adds to the top small foam blocks, one on top of the
other, and a small triangle block at the very top. As he sits back and
0(93)#!, 3#)%.#%3 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ./.,)6).' /"*%#43 !.$ -!4%2)!,3 \ 179
180 \ 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ./.,)6).' /"*%#43 !.$ -!4%2)!,3 PHYSICAL SCIENCES
When teachers have a basic understand- children have with the same objects and
ing of the scientific phenomena embed- materials, the more likely they are to
ded in children’s activities, they are more become aware and reason about their
likely to be thoughtful and selective about properties, and be creative in their exper-
the materials they provide children and imentation with objects. A project explor-
to guide children toward exploring and ing water or building structures can last
thinking about concepts of physical sci- for weeks and even months.42 Long-term
ence. To have clear goals for children’s projects allow children a deep exploration
scientific explorations, the teacher needs of the phenomena they investigate and
to prepare herself and acquire back- result in effective and powerful learning.
ground knowledge about the topic. For This may necessitate designating some
example, in preparation for a project that space to store projects between explora-
involves explorations of different materi- tions.
als, teachers may need to read and think
Experiment with materials and objects
about the different materials in the chil-
before offering them to children. It is
dren’s environment (e.g., wood, metal,
important that the teachers themselves
plastic, water, juice, paper, glass, fabrics)
experiment with the materials and objects
and how they react in different ways. The
children will investigate prior to offering
teacher may want to gain basic knowl-
them to children. By experimenting with
edge about the three different forms that
objects directly, teachers can learn first-
materials can take (solids, liquids, and
hand about the characteristics and how
gases), and about how materials change.
the objects behave. For example, prior to
Some changes in materials such as freez-
introducing children to a variety of mate-
ing and melting of water, are reversible
rials to explore sound, teachers need to
(physical changes), and others are irre-
experiment with actions and materials
versible, as in cooking (chemical change).
to produce different sounds and engage
The teacher does not need to become
in some of the science experiences and
an expert on these topics and should
concepts children are likely to encounter
not introduce theoretical information to
in their explorations. Similarly, before
young children, but rather have a basic
teachers introduce children to a variety
understanding of the scientific phenom-
of building materials and tools, they need
ena children investigate in order to sup-
to work with the tools and learn about
port and challenge children through their
the form and function of each tool. It will
explorations. Please refer to the “Teacher
prepare teachers in guiding children’s
Resources” section for more informational
investigations and will help them antici-
pate children’s questions, challenges,
Engage children in projects that allow and interesting ideas for investigation.43
them to explore, experiment, and Beyond this, teachers themselves can
invent with objects and materials for experience the pleasure of working with
an extended period of time. Children materials and experimenting. Through
need extended opportunities to explore this preparation, the teacher can also
and investigate concepts of physical sci- be more aware of any safety issues, par-
ence. They need time to experience and ticularly if there are children with special
revisit a variety of activities with the needs who may use materials in different
materials to deepen their understand- ways (e.g., may still explore objects with
ing of a concept. The more experiences their mouths).
0(93)#!, 3#)%.#%3 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ./.,)6).' /"*%#43 !.$ -!4%2)!,3 \ 181
Invite children to observe and describe use tools such as a magnifier, a ruler,
the characteristics and physical or a scale to observe and study it more
properties of the objects and materi- closely. Talk with children and ask ques-
als they investigate. Objects may be tions to guide their observations: “What
hard, soft, rough, smooth, heavy, light, do you notice about this maraca?” “What
springy, firm, shiny, dull, and so on. Cre- does it sound like when you shake it?”
ate opportunities for children to observe, “What does this wagon look like?” “How is
describe, and document their observa- it different?” “What does this blanket feel
tions of objects. Encourage them to touch like?” For more information about strate-
or hold the object, when possible, and gies to support observation skills, see the
to note specific details about the inside Scientific Inquiry strand, pages 156–157.
and outside of the object. Children may
182 \ 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ./.,)6).' /"*%#43 !.$ -!4%2)!,3 PHYSICAL SCIENCES
0(93)#!, 3#)%.#%3 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ./.,)6).' /"*%#43 !.$ -!4%2)!,3 \ 183
184 \ 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ./.,)6).' /"*%#43 !.$ -!4%2)!,3 PHYSICAL SCIENCES
the materials they are made of, and the This discussion may lead to an investiga-
function they serve. Encourage children tion about whether different tools could
to observe tools and machines closely; still serve the same function if made of
describe what they look like, inside and different materials. Children should have
outside; and the function of specific parts opportunities to operate and use tools
(e.g., “This one is sharp because it was and machines. They will learn best about
designed for cutting.” “This was created their function through use and opera-
with wheels so that we can move it eas- tion, whenever possible. Children with
ily from one place to another”). Talk with motor impairments, visual impairments,
children about the physical characteris- or other disabilities may need assistance
tics of different tools, what they are used from adults or peers while operating
for, and what materials they are made of. tools.
0(93)#!, 3#)%.#%3 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ./.,)6).' /"*%#43 !.$ -!4%2)!,3 \ 185
Movement of Objects
Everyday play activities (such as roll-
ing, dropping, or throwing balls; riding
materials of which the object is made of, movement of objects and changes in their
and the friction created by the surface on position. Kamii and Devries proposed
which the object is moving. A stimulating four criteria for good activities: (a) the
preschool environment provides children child must be able to produce the phe-
with opportunities to experiment with nomena by his or her action; (b) the child
objects and make them move; to describe must be able to vary his or her action; (c)
the direction, speed, and way they move; the reaction of the object must be observ-
and to investigate and reason about the able; (d) the reaction of the object must
different factors that affect the movement be immediate.51 These four criteria were
of objects. used as guidelines in developing the fol-
Inquiry in physical science must lowing strategies to broaden and deepen
involve hands-on direct explorations with children’s experimentations with objects
objects and materials, whether about and materials and their understanding of
changes in objects and materials, or the cause-and-effect.
VIGNETTE While outdoors, Ms. Rosalinda notices that Darren is rolling the ball
down the slide over and over. He is letting go of the ball at the very
top of the slide and watching it roll down. Jasmine is sitting on the
ground about three feet from the bottom of the slide, facing the slide,
and watching the ball roll down. “Roll it all the way to me,” she tells
Darren. He goes up the slide, and this time, instead of just letting go
of the ball, he pushes the ball slightly when rolling it down the slide.
They observe the ball rolling down all the way to Jasmine. Jasmine
and Darren get really excited, exclaiming “Let’s do it again!” Now
Jasmine takes the ball up the slide, pushes it down even harder at
the top of the slide, and watches it roll down all the way to the tree.
“You made the ball roll all the way to here,” Ms. Rosalind remarked.
“How did you do that?” Jasmine says, “You have to push it hard,
and then it goes all the way to here.” Ms. Rosalinda brought a small
ball and asked, “What do you think will happen if we used this ball
instead, and just let go of it at the top of the slide? How far do you
think it will go?”
TEACHABLE When children push, roll, kick, throw, and bounce balls, they
MOMENT have opportunities to explore phenomena in physical science.
At first, Darren is watching the ball roll down due to the force
of gravity, but it stops before it reaches Jasmine. Darren and
Jasmine discover that to make the ball roll down farther, they
need to push it, to apply force to the ball. Ms. Rosalinda asks
them questions to raise their awareness of how they made
the ball roll farther. She also encourages them to try using
a different type of ball and find out whether they would get
the same result. This could evolve into a series of experiences
in which children roll balls of different sizes and different
materials down the slide. Children who have had experience
playing with balls can predict and test which balls roll fast
or slow and how far different balls would go. For additional
support in extending this activity, see Ramps & Pathways:
A Constructivist Approach to Physics with Young Children by
VIGNETTE During the last cooking activity Ms. Moreno noticed that the children
were fascinated when they mixed the flour with water. The children’s
reactions gave Ms. Moreno an idea for extending the group’s explora-
tions with dry materials and engaging them in exploring mixtures.
In small-group time, Ms. Moreno introduced the children to different
dry materials, such as salt, flour, cornstarch, and sugar, and invited
them to explore them. She then suggested that they mix some of these
materials with water. The teacher asked the children questions to
invite them to make predictions: “What do you think will happen if
we add salt to water . . .” As the children watched the salt crystals
disappear, they discovered that when salt is mixed with water, it can-
not be seen anymore. The teacher immediately asked questions that
encouraged the children to check their predictions. Ms. Moreno asked
the children, “What happened when you stirred the salt in water?”
Children came up with
different answers:
“It disappears.” “It is
inside the water, but
you cannot see it any-
more.” Ms. Moreno
invited the children to
taste plain water and
the water stirred with
salt, and tell the differ-
ence. When the children
communicated that they
tasted the salt and that
it was still in the water, the teacher introduced the word dissolve to
the children and explained that the salt dissolved in water to make
salt water. The children tried out different materials and discovered
that some dissolve in water and others, such as flour or sand, do not.
The next day, the children tried mixing other materials such as glue,
lemonade powder, tea leaves, and play dough to find out what hap-
pens to each of these materials when mixed with water.
nection between their actions and the between what they do and the outcome
effect, the reaction must be observable they obtain.
and immediate. A delayed reaction makes
Invite children to set up an experi-
it difficult for the child to make a con-
ment and collect and analyze data.
nection between their actions and the
Older children in the group can also
reactions of the objects. Furthermore,
participate in focused experiments and
the activity must provide children with
collect and analyze data. For example,
ways that their actions can be varied; for
they may investigate the characteristics
example, when mixing clay with water,
of the ramps they build and explore how
adding different amounts of water, and
the height of the ramp and its steepness
observing the effect on clay. When rolling
affect how far the ball would roll. They
a ball down a ramp, vary the height of the
may vary the height of the ramp and
ramp or the type of ball, and observe how
measure the distance from the ramp to
far the ball will go. This kind of variation
the point where the ball stopped, using a
makes experimentation possible. Other-
yardstick or unit blocks, with the assis-
wise, children reproduce only the same
tance of an adult. The teacher can also
action over and over and cannot explore
help children use a chart to record their
the effect of their own actions on the out-
data and think about the evidence. Col-
come.52 Some children tend to engage in
lecting data and analyzing evidence help
more repetitive actions and will need to
children reach conclusions such as “a
be encouraged to explore variations.
really steep ramp matters.”54
Use cooking activities as opportuni-
Focus children’s attention on the
ties to reason about transformations
effect of one aspect (variable) at a
in materials. Cooking activities invite
time. In order to help children reason
experimentation and provide opportuni-
about the relation between their action
ties to integrate math, science, literacy,
and the outcome, teachers may need to
and social studies in meaningful ways.53
help children vary only one aspect (vari-
Cooking is also an opportunity to explore
able), and leave the other constant. For
recipes, ingredients, and utensils used
example, while exploring the relation-
by children’s families. Cooking not only
ship between the steepness of a ramp
increases children’s knowledge of food
and how far the ball would go, children
and nutrition, it can also stimulate chil-
need to vary the height of the ramp, and
dren’s scientific reasoning and illustrate
other variables such as the surface of
concepts of chemistry and physics. For
the ramp or the kind of ball rolling down
example, through cooking activities chil-
should not vary. Another example is
dren learn that heat changes things. It
when children experiment with different
makes some things harder (e.g., eggs)
materials (e.g., beads, pebbles, sand) to
and other things softer (e.g., potatoes).
find out which materials inside a maraca
They distinguish between dry ingre-
make a softer sound and which make a
dients and wet ingredients. They also
louder sound. The teacher may need to
experience what happens when liquid is
make sure that other variables, such as
added to a dry mixture and how materi-
the external material of the maracaa or
als change when chopped, ground, or
the amount of beads or pebbles inside, is
blended together. Allow children to try
about the same. This helps children attri-
out their ideas and variations in recipes.
bute differences in the sounds only to the
Children begin to see the relationship
content of the maraca, and not to other child collaborative discussions encourage
variables.55 children to put their thoughts into words,
challenge children’s thinking, and facili-
Lead children to make predictions
tate their understanding of scientific phe-
about what they expect to happen.
In physical sciences, children can have
many opportunities to try things over As children reflect, describe and explain,
and over and see what happens. Because they also learn to use a variety of new
the reactions are immediate and observ- words. For example, in experimenting
able, children can first predict what they with moving objects, children learn to
expect to happen, try out their ideas describe their actions (e.g., pulling, push-
and immediately return to the evidence ing, throwing), and the direction, speed,
and check their prediction; for example, and different ways that things move (e.g.,
whether an object will sink or float in rolling, sliding, flying). This is especially
water, where a car will stop after roll- relevant for children who are English
ing down a ramp, or what is the result learners and get the opportunity to learn
after they mix the lemonade powder with a variety of new words in meaningful,
water. Encourage children to make pre- authentic learning experiences.
dictions by asking them questions: “What
Encourage children to record and
do you think will happen if we mix the
document investigations with objects
flour with water?” “What do you predict
and materials. Children’s documentation
will happen to this block when we drop
and representation of their work is part
it in the water?” “What will happen if
of children’s inquiry in physical sciences.
you let the ball drop in this direction?”
Children may draw a representation or
They may not be accurate, but they can
make a model of their constructions with
make a reasonable guess based on their
objects, such as their tower or ramp
previous experiences and knowledge
built with blocks. They may also draw
of objects. For more information about
a representation of what materials look
strategies to support the skills of pre-
like before and after being mixed or com-
dicting and checking, see the Scientific
bined together, what they predict would
Inquiry strand, pages 163–164.
happen, and what actually happened.
Ask questions to raise children’s The teacher may also use a camera or
awareness of how they produced an video to capture elements of movement
effect. Offer opportunities for children to and actions involved in physical science
reflect and become conscious about how events; for example, how the ball is roll-
their actions produced a reaction in an ing down a structure, or the different
object or material: “How did you make steps involved in preparing play dough.
the ball roll down faster?” “Can you do Experiments with objects and materi-
that again?” “What did you do to make als also provide opportunities to record
your tower stronger?” “How did you get data on charts and graphs. For example,
the water in the tube?” “Which ball do record on a chart which materials sink
you think will slide farthest when we let in water and which ones float or how far
go of it at the top of the slide?” Encourage each ball rolled. For more information
children to describe what they have seen about strategies to support processes of
and done and to give reasons and expla- recording and documenting, see the Sci-
nations for their ideas. Such teacher– entific Inquiry strand, pages 167–169.
VIGNETTE The children were playing at the water table and taking turns toss-
ing an object into the water, to find out which objects sink and which
objects float. Ms. Schultz held a plastic cup, and asked, “What do
you predict will happen to this cup when you put it in the water? Will
it sink or float?” David said, “It will float like the other cup,” refer-
ring to the Styrofoam cup they tested earlier. Dana said, “It will sink
because it is more hard than the white cup.” Gaby said, “Maybe if
we put it in like this (facing up), it will not sink.” Ms. Schultz asked,
“Why do you think so?” Gaby said, “Because the water will not go
inside.” She put the cup in the water, facing up, and the children
observed the cup floating. “You see! It is floating.” David said, “Now,
let’s put it in like this (facing down).” Ms. Shultz said, “That’s a great
idea. Let’s put the cup in the water facing down and see what hap-
pens. What is your prediction? Will the cup sink or float?”
The children predicted that the plastic cup will float again. Ms. Shultz
asked, “Why do you think it will float?” David answered, “Because
it was floating before.” She put the cup in the water, facing down,
and everyone, including Ms. Schultz, was surprised when they saw
the cup sinking in the water. The children were fascinated with what
they discovered. They kept putting the cup in the water, one time fac-
ing up and one time facing down, watching it turn from a “floater” to
a “sinker.”
provided children with different materi- family night, for example, the teacher
als and invited them to plan, design, and may provide parents and family mem-
construct a track for a ball to roll down. bers with opportunities to engage in
This project not only facilitated children’s physical sciences through hands-on
understanding of properties and char- manipulations of objects and materi-
acteristics of objects, and the physical als similar to those of the children’s
science of the motion of objects downhill, experiences. Sending home children’s
but also fostered children’s math skills, work or items related to children’s
language skills, creativity, and ability to experiences of inquiry is a power-
work cooperatively. ful way to connect with families and
to encourage family conversations
Engaging Families about children’s projects in preschool.
Once parents and family members
Learn about children’s prior experi- are informed and aware of children’s
ences, preferences, and particular science activities in preschool, they
interests with objects and materials. can become more involved and sup-
Some children may have had many portive. They can refer children to
opportunities to play and experiment examples in their everyday life that
with different materials (e.g., blocks, illustrate the phenomena they learned
sand). Other children may come from about in the program. They can help
cultures where they are discour- children collect objects in the home
aged from getting dirty or playing environment related to children’s cur-
with messy materials. Teachers may rent focus in preschool (e.g., rolling
need to explain to family members objects; a musical instrument, or a
the importance of active hands-on tool) to share with other children in
explorations of objects and materials their group.
in physical sciences. Some children Involve family members as volunteers
may have specific interests and are and rich resources in the preschool
intrigued by particular objects or environment. Family members can
materials such as cars, blocks, water, also come to the preschool to share
or sand, while others may avoid their expertise in a particular area of
interacting with particular objects or study. They can make presentations
materials. Talk with family members to the children, set up exhibits, or
to learn about their approach and engage children in different activities.
children’s prior experiences and inter- For example, as part of the children’s
ests. Such information is vital in con- experience of building structures
necting with families and in support- with different materials, the teacher
ing children’s explorations in physical can invite a family member who is a
sciences. builder, architect, engineer, or car-
Inform families about children’s penter to come talk with the children.
explorations and experimentations The visiting parent can tell children
with objects and materials. Share what they do and share designs,
with parents and family members tools, books and stories related to
your goals, what children are focusing their work. Children benefit from see-
on, and why it is important. During ing their parents and family members
Life Sciences
ife sciences for young children are about nurturing children’s curi-
osity and fascination with the natural world and building their
understanding and appreciation of living things. Preschool children
have various opportunities to engage with living things in their preschool
environment. When playing in the yard, they may come across small ani-
mals or bugs or notice changes in the trees. They may help take care of
the class pet or plants in the room. They participate in different planned
activities related to living things, such as going on a neighborhood walk to
collect different leaves, search for bugs or other small animals in the yard,
sort and classify fruits and vegetables, explore various seeds, plant bulbs,
sprout seeds, or grow a garden. Such experiences in the preschool envi-
ronment can provide the context for rich experiences of scientific inquiry
about properties and characteristics of living things. The goal is to pro-
vide children with opportunities to closely observe living things, including
human beings, and to encourage them to question, explore and investigate
physical characteristics, behaviors, habitats, and needs. Through ongo-
ing opportunities to observe and discuss what they have seen, children
develop their ideas about liv-
ing things, how they are the
same, and how they differ
from one another. They start
to sort and classify and look
for patterns. They begin to
recognize commonalities such
as the physical structure and
basic needs of different liv-
ing things, but also the
diversity and variation
among different organisms.
The teacher has an important
role in guiding children through experi- observe closely, raise questions, inves-
ences of exploring and observing animals tigate more about a topic, describe and
and plants around them, whether out- represent their observations, and by cre-
doors, as they exist in nature, or indoors ating opportunities for discussion and
in an environment that is as natural reflection.57 At the same time, they model
as possible. They deepen children’s wonder and excitement of the natural
understanding of living things, includ- world and an attitude of respect for living
ing features of their own body parts and things and their habitats.
processes, by encouraging children to
In studying animals, plants, and humans, children develop understanding of key concepts
related to living things such as:
VIGNETTE While playing outdoors, Gregory pointed up to the oak tree and
shouted, “Look, a squirrel up in the tree.” Joanna whispered,
“Shhh . . . You will scare the squirrel away.” They stood there
silently, watching the squirrel. Soon more children joined them. Ms.
Leon, watched them observing the squirrel and asked, “What do you
think the squirrel is doing?” (Pause) “What do you think he is look-
ing for?” She listened carefully to the children’s ideas and questions
while observing the squirrel: “It is climbing up.” “He is looking at us.”
“I think he is looking for something to eat.” Joanna asked Ms. Leon,
“Is that where he lives?” Ms. Leon turned the question right back to
her and asked, “What do you think?” Ms. Leon expected this ques-
tion to come up because recently they were talking about the habitats
of different animals and commented that some animals live in trees.
Later, during group time, Ms. Leon invited children to share with the
group their observations of the squirrel. She brought up her ques-
tion again: “What do you think the squirrel was looking for in the
tree?” Some children said that squirrels were looking for food. Ms.
Leon asked, “What kind of food do you think squirrels may find in
the tree?” Joanna suggested, “Maybe they eat leaves.” Miguel said,
“Maybe the squirrel was looking for seeds.” Ms. Leon answered, “Oh,
so you think that squirrels may eat leaves, nuts, and seeds. Let’s get
our small binoculars and journals and observe the squirrels to find
out what squirrels are doing in the tree and what they like to eat.”
LIFE SCIENCES 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ,)6).' 4().'3 \ 199
with adults who model deep curiosity s Document children’s outdoor explo-
and interest in studying living things. rations. Encourage children to draw a
Share your excitement with children, picture of what they observed to docu-
look closely at plants and animals, ment their explorations. Take photo-
wonder aloud, and comment on inter- graphs or draw sketches of the plants
esting features: “Look at this leaf. What and animals that captured children’s
does it look like? What tree do you interest, and write down children’s
think it came from?” “I wonder if we questions and snippets of conversa-
can find some bugs under this log.” tions or words they use to describe
“What do you think we will find under what they observe. During group time,
the rock?” children can share their drawings of
a plant or animal they observed out-
s Remind children to be respectful
doors. The teacher can also make chil-
of nature. While teachers model deep
dren’s and teachers’ documentation
curiosity and interest in living things,
visible in the room, to allow children to
they should also convey an attitude of
revisit an experience, and to use it as a
respect toward living things and their
focus of conversation for children.58
habitats. Help children understand
that they study animals and plants by Provide children with tools for explo-
looking at them carefully and that ani- rations of living things. The study
mals and plants are living things and of life sciences has a strong basis in
need to be treated with respect. The observation. It is about observing and
more aware children are of the unique exploring the life of different organisms
needs of plants and animals, the more through direct sensory experiences. It
likely they are to interact with them also involves the use of tools such as
in ways that keep plants and animals hand lenses, digging and collecting equip-
healthy and safe. ment, and measurement tools, to extend
the ability to see details and take exact
s Engage children in conversations
measurements. Magnifiers, such as hand
about what they notice and point
lenses, can help children observe details
their attention to important aspects
in plants or animals that are too small
of living things. Encourage children to
to see without tools. Penlights help chil-
talk about what they notice and find:
dren see plants or animals that live under
“What did you find in the dirt?” “What
rocks or in other dark places. Small
does it look like?” “How is it moving?”
sticks (e.g., tongue depressors), tweezers,
“Who else found living things under
containers, and other digging and collect-
ing equipment can be used to safely col-
communicating with children: “Some
lect living things. Children also can use a
of you found leaves in the dirt. Some of
clipboard, paper, pencil, and art materi-
you found roots and rocks. Some even
als to record and represent what they dis-
found insects.” Draw children’s atten-
cover. Learning how to use tools properly
tion to key concepts related to living
and safely takes time and practice. The
things such as their physical struc-
teacher should take time to introduce the
ture, habitats, and the changes in local
tools and support children in using them.
plants and animals over time (e.g.,
For more information about strategies to
leaves that change color or fall or the
support the use of scientific tools, see the
growth of buds, flowers, or fruits).
Scientific Inquiry strand, pages 158–160.
200 \ 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ,)6).' 4().'3 LIFE SCIENCES
Include plants and animals indoors. places with limited access to natural out-
Plants and animals in the indoor environ- door areas, bringing plants and animals
ment provide opportunities for children to inside will be very important. Check for
look more closely at characteristics and zoning or legal restrictions due to local
needs of living things and learn how to program policies before deciding which
treat plants and animals with care and pets or plants to include in the preschool
respect. The preschool environment may environment.
include indoor plants and pets, such as
Engage children in close observa-
birds, fish, chameleons, guinea pigs, liz-
tions of living things. Invite children to
ards, or rabbits. Bringing nature indoors
closely observe small animals and vari-
may also take the form of a terrarium (an
ous plants from their environment. Focus
open container with soil) and a collec-
children’s explorations on a particular
tion of small plants and small animals,
aspect of living things and engage them
in which living things live indoors in as
in close observations of this aspect; for
natural an environment as possible. The
example, their physical structure, how
terrarium, or vivarium, could serve as
they move, what they eat, where they
“home” for visiting animals that the chil-
live (what is their habitat), and how they
dren have collected outdoors such as
protect themselves. Invite children to
worms, snails, pill bugs, and caterpillars.
describe and record their observations
Having a terrarium is an especially mean-
using different methods and to share and
ingful experience for children when they
discuss what they have learned about the
are involved in creating it, helping to col-
lect terrarium materials (e.g., dirt, small
opportunities to ask thought-provoking
plants, stones, and sticks), and to decide
questions and encourage children to
what animals and plants to include in it:
share their developing ideas and theories,
“How do we make this a good place for
whether in small or large groups.
snails?” “Why do we need to put in dirt?”
“What plants should we include?” When s Close observations of animals. Chil-
actively involved in putting together the dren may explore in depth animals
terrarium, children become engaged in such as worms, snails, pill bugs, cat-
observing and caring for living things erpillars, or insects, both in the out-
in the terrarium and are more aware of doors and indoors, by bringing animals
ways to provide for the needs of animals inside the room for a short period of
and plants. In urban centers, or other time. For example, to engage children
in deep explorations of the physi-
cal characteristics of living things,
encourage children to look closely at
the structure and body parts of the
particular animal they observe: “What
shape is the pill bug?” “What does it
look like when it curls up?” “Look at
the snail’s antennae. What is the snail
doing with them?” Probe children’s
thinking by posing questions: “What do
you think the snail uses their antennae
for?” “Why do you think it has a hard
LIFE SCIENCES 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ,)6).' 4().'3 \ 201
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children may share their experiences of Some of the books should present living
feeding their pet (or the preschool pet things in a scientifically accurate way,
they took home over the weekend). In dis- and not as they appear in fantasy. They
cussing fruits or vegetables, children may should be engaging, informative, and
share a fruit or a vegetable they tried at relevant to the group’s current interest.
home for the first time or one that their For example, books can illustrate the
family likes to eat. Family members may body structure or growth process and life
come to the preschool and share with cycle of living things through accurate
children stories, pictures, or samples of images, and serve as resources for chil-
plants or animals special to their culture dren and teachers. Make books acces-
(for example, a fruit or a vegetable unique sible to children either in the book area
to their kitchen). They can also teach the or around the area where they observe
teacher and the children in the group the plants and animals closely, and use them
names of animals or plants in their home during small- or large-group time to sup-
language. Such experiences enhance chil- port the discussion. Children may look
dren’s learning and build home–school at the images of animals and plants in
connections. the books and compare them to the living
things they observe. Fiction books about
Use books to enrich and extend chil-
plants and animals (e.g., Tiny Seed) can
dren’s study of living things. Children’s
also enrich children’s learning experi-
books can extend children’s firsthand
ences about living things. The teacher
scientific explorations and enrich their
can invite children to reflect about the
experiences. Include in the environment
content of the story and encourage them
a selection of books that focus on living
to act out and demonstrate with their
things, including fiction books, infor-
bodies how the plant or animal has
mation and reference books, and books
grown or changed.
with clear and vivid images of the kinds
of plants and animals children observe.
VIGNETTE Children were fascinated with their observations of the pill bugs at
the outdoor exploration table. Mr. J invited children to use their hand
lenses to observe them closely and documented their observations:
“Look it is rolling up again.” “It is moving now.” He directed chil-
dren’s attention to one of the pill bugs that was not curled up and
asked, “What shape is its body?” “How is it different from the one
that is curled up?” Mr. J encouraged them to draw representations of
their observations, of what the pill bug looks like, before and after it
curls into a ball. Diana pointed to her drawing and explained, “First
it looked like this, just straight,” referring to a horizontal line, “and
then it was round,” and pointed to the circle she drew next to it. Maya
showed with her body how pill bugs curl up. Mr. J encouraged other
children to try to curl up like pill bugs, “Can you use your body to
show me how the pill bugs curl up?” He helped Kashira curl her hand
up, because she wore a leg brace and could not curl her body up. He
then asked, “I wonder why pill bugs curl into a ball?” Sharon said,
“Maybe because they are shy?” Mr. J asked, “Why do you think they
LIFE SCIENCES 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ,)6).' 4().'3 \ 203
curl up when they are shy? What makes you think that?” Kayla said,
“I think it is because they get scared.” Mr. J asked, “Why do you think
pill bugs curl up into a ball when they are scared?” Tim jumped up,
“Because they are afraid we are going to hurt them.” Mr. J replied,
“How does curling up into a ball help them protect themselves?” Tim
answered, “Because they can hide inside,” and Kayla said, “Because
they look like a ball. They do not look like a bug anymore.”
VIGNETTE The teacher cut open the avocado, and Danny got really excited. “I
knew there was going to be a big seed inside.” Ms. Wilson replied,
“You did predict that there was going to be a big seed inside.” She
invited children to observe the inside of the avocado. Rena said,
“It has this thing inside.” Sara pointed to the empty half and said,
“This is where it was.” The teacher replied, “It is the avocado seed.”
She took out the seed and handed it to Rena. “Oh, it is slippery.”
Ms. Wilson put it on a tray and said, “It does feel very slimy.” She
invited children to observe the seed. “What does it look like? What
does it feel like?” After she gave children time to observe the avocado
seed, she pointed to the other fruits in the basket and said, “I won-
der if these fruits are also going to have seeds inside. What do you
think?” Rena said, “Maybe the orange will not have very big seeds.”
Danny said, “The avocado has a big seed inside, not the orange.”
Ms. Wilson asked, “What do you think is inside the orange?” The
teacher invited the children to predict what kind of seeds are inside
204 \ 02/0%2 4)%3 !.$ #(!2!#4%2)34)#3 /& ,)6).' 4().'3 LIFE SCIENCES
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The notion of growth and change is fundamental to children’s understanding of living things.
From a very young age, children recognize that people, animals, and plants change over time
due to growth and that these changes are specific to living things.63 By the age of five, children
realize that animals grow over time and can go through a metamorphosis.64 Children under-
stand some aspects of the life cycle of plants.65 From a very young age, children also associate
growth of plants and animals with feeding or watering. They understand that animals and plants
have needs and require care. They may suggest that plants require rain and sunshine but overall
have less understanding of what plants need in order to grow compared with animals.
VIGNETTE After children were given time to explore lima beans, Mr. Adato asked
them, “What do you think will happen to the lima beans if we plant
them in our garden?” Sara predicted, “They will grow, and we will have
more beans.” Eric predicted that the lima beans will get bigger.” Shawn
predicted “If we water the beans, we will have a bean tree.” Mr. Adato
wrote the children’s predictions and then read them to the group. He
then asked, “What might we need to help them grow? What do you think
our lima beans will need to grow?” Mr. Adato invited the children to
share their ideas, so the children responded, “Water.” “Soil.” Mr. Adato
said, “These are great ideas. Plants need water to grow, and many
plants need soil to grow. What else do you think the lima beans need to
grow?” The children said: “A garden.” “A pot.” “Dirt.” “Rain.” Mr. Adato
recorded their ideas and asked, “Do you think they may need light?”
One of the children said, “They need to be outside, because they need
sunshine.” Another child said, “No, they can grow inside.” Mr. Adato
suggested that they grow some beans inside the room in a pot and out-
side in the garden and find out what happens. He said, “Let’s walk out-
side and find a good place in our garden for growing lima beans.”
s Invite children to record and docu- cycles, one that goes through meta-
ment their observations of chang- morphosis and one that does not go
ing animals. As children observe through metamorphosis, and encour-
changes in an animal, encourage them age children to compare the two. “What
to record their observations by drawing do baby snails look like when they
or through other forms of communica- grow? What do caterpillars look like
tion. Date their work and write down when they grow?” Young children can
their observations in their journal. The also compare the life cycle of animals
teacher can use children’s drawings to their own process of growth and
and photos taken with a camera to development.
create a class book that describes the
Discuss the death of living things. As
life cycle of these animals. Some of the
part of children’s care and study of living
older children may decide to measure
things, they may come across the death
animals’ changes in size. For example,
of a plant, insect, bird, or a flower. Death
they may pick a larva and measure it
is part of life, and children are aware of it.
every couple of days, with the assis-
At the age of four, children have a basic
tance of an adult in the room, and see
understanding that living things can die,
how much the larva has grown. They
but they may still view death as tempo-
may also predict and chart the number
rary, reversible, and not universal to all
of days until the animal goes through
transformation. For more information
of death continues to develop through-
about strategies to support processes
out their childhood. By the age of ten,
of recording and documenting, see the
children have a more solid understand-
Scientific Inquiry strand, pages 166–
ing that death applies to all living things,
including plants, humans, and animals;
s Encourage children to compare life that all living things eventually die; and
cycles of different animals. Engage that dead things cannot physically come
children in a discussion about how back to life. Preschool children may ask
other animals grow and change over questions and show intense curiosity
the course of their life. If possible, ABOUT DEAD INSECTS AND ANIMALS 5SE
provide opportunities for children to incidents of death as opportunities to talk
observe or read about different life with children about death, address their
questions from the scientific perspective
of death, and explain to them that all liv-
ing things die.
Death may be made more comprehen-
sible to children by explaining it in terms
of the absence of life functions familiar
to young children. For example, when
people die they do not breathe, eat, talk,
or think; dogs do not bark or run; and
dead flowers do not grow or bloom.67
Family members may have different ways
of explaining death to children (e.g., “The
dog had to go away.” “Nana is sleeping in
heaven”). When the topic of death is dis-
cussed in preschool, parents and families grow like this?” This could be a good
should be informed of the discussions to transition to invite children to investigate
be prepared to answer questions. what happens to them when they grow.
Some activities that have been used with
Invite children to investigate their
young children by Gelman and other
own growth. Children have ideas about
researchers include comparing baby pic-
the process of growth in humans based
tures to recent pictures, having children
on their own experience of growth from
visit an infant room and comparing their
a baby to a toddler to a young child or
hand sizes and heights to babies’, and
through their experiences with younger
recording changes in shoe sizes or height
siblings. Invite children to compare the
from when they started preschool to
stages of growth and change in the ani-
when they leave.68
mal they observed to their own lives and
experiences: “What about you? Do you
Ms. M invited the children in her group to any changes. “Look how their head is
observe the stages in the life cycle of silk- white and green, but the rest of the body
worms, hatching from eggs, growing as is still brown.” “What do you think this
larvae, and spinning cocoons. She read white stuff is around them?” She invited
the children a book about the life cycle of children to record the growth and changes
silkworms and showed them pictures of through drawings and words. Their draw-
the metamorphosis. The next day, Ms. M ings were dated, and later Ms. M put them
showed the kids the box with silkworm into a book. At the end of each day, Ms. M
eggs. She invited the children to observe invited the children to share their observa-
them closely using hand lenses, “What do tions with the whole group during circle
these eggs look like?” She helped some time. She asked them questions to focus
of the children hold the magnifiers and the conversation and invited some of the
observe the silkworm eggs closely. She children to share their drawings: “What
encouraged children to record their obser- did you notice when you observed the silk-
vations of the eggs by drawing them, and worms today?” “How are they different?”
she wrote down their words: “They are “What do you predict will happen next?”
tiny.” “Many black eggs.” Ms. M. asked Children described the cocoons of the lar-
the children, “What do you predict will vae, and it evolved into a discussion about
happen to the eggs in a few days?” She what it is and how silk is produced. Ms.
wrote down their predictions. One of the M also invited Lynn’s mother, who works
children had brought in mulberry leaves to with textiles, to share with the group the
feed the silkworms. A few days later, the story of how silk is used to make clothing.
silkworms hatched. Ms. M invited children The mother shared with children items
to observe the silkworms, and the children made of silk such as a silk dress and a
immediately noticed the change: “They silk scarf.
move very slowly.” “They are black.”
“They have hair.”
Observing the silkworms grow and
The children were fascinated with the change introduced children to the devel-
growth of the silkworms. They had been opment of an animal through metamor-
watching the larvae get bigger and big- phosis and allowed them to observe the
ger and were excited each time they changes and transformations over time.
noticed new changes. They would stop by The children learned from direct observa-
the container to look at them and would tions about the life cycle of silkworms,
share their observations with each other. what they need in order to grow, and how
“Look, this one is really big.” “They stay they grow and develop. In addition, books
on the leaf.” “Maybe they need more about silkworms served as an important
leaves, I think they are hungry.” They took resource for introducing children to the
turns cleaning the container and feeding process and for learning some impor-
the worms with mulberry leaves. They tant information about how to care for
enjoyed watching them growing rapidly silkworms. The use of inquiry skills was
and molting. Ms. M encouraged the chil- embedded in the process. Ms. M invited
dren to observe them closely and notice children to observe the silkworms closely
using observation tools, to make pre- lary words related to living things in
dictions, to record their observations the child’s home language.
in their books, and to reflect and share
Share with families children’s experi-
their observations and ideas with others
ences of inquiry in life sciences. Share
during group time. It also provided an
with parents and family members
opportunity to invite family members to
how to provide children with oppor-
the preschool to expand on their learning
tunities to closely observe plants and
experience. Most importantly, it gener-
animals and the strategies to encour-
ated in children an excitement and fas-
age children to question, explore and
cination with a process of growth and
investigate the characteristics of liv-
change in nature.
ing things. Invite parents and other
family members into the preschool or
Engaging Families host a family night where families can
learn about the science curriculum,
Ask families about children’s previ- observe documentation of children’s
ous experiences, cultural beliefs, and work, and experience firsthand explo-
theories about living things. Some rations of living things. Also, share
children may have had contact with with parents and family members the
many living things, while others may ongoing information and documenta-
have had little contact. Some may tion of children’s work through news-
view certain living organisms as dan- letters and the family communication
gerous, scary, or elusive, while others bulletin board in the room.
may view certain living organisms as
divine or sacred. Children’s day-to- Involve family members as volunteers
day interactions with the natural and rich resources in the study of life
world and their sensitivity to the cul- sciences. Parents or family members
ture and belief systems of their com- with certain expertise or interest (e.g.,
munities influence their reasoning an avid gardener or a bird watcher)
about concepts of living things. For can be invited to the preschool to
example, there may be differences in share their knowledge in a particular
the understanding of concepts such area of study. They can make pre-
as, which things are alive, whether sentations to children, share with
plants are alive, and the ability to children about what they do, set up
view humans as animals. All of these exhibits, or engage children in dif-
are related to children’s previous ferent activities. They can also share
experiences (i.e., rural or urban), tools, books, and stories related to
naming practices in their languages, their work or culture and assist as
and the cultural belief systems within volunteers with explorations of living
their communities.69 It is essential things outdoors or indoors.
for teachers to talk with and listen Support families in facilitating chil-
to children’s families to learn more dren’s curiosity and learning about
about children’s previous experiences, living things. Remind family members
beliefs, and interests with regard to of the many opportunities to engage
living things. They can also engage children in life science explorations
family members in teaching them and outside the preschool environment.
the children in the group key vocabu- Such experiences provide the con-
text for observing and learning about ily members simple activities they
characteristics of living things. Pro- can do with their children such as
vide family members with tips to planting seeds, building a terrarium,
guide children’s explorations of liv- or looking for living things in their
ing things, for example, what they neighborhood. The teacher might also
may note about animals or plants provide a list of suggested places they
when observing them together, key can visit such as the zoo, botanical
vocabulary associated with these gardens, aquariums, museums, and
experiences, sample questions to farms in their area and a list of chil-
spark some conversations, and ways dren’s books that are related to the
they can support children in express- life science concepts they are learn-
ing their thoughts. Share with fam- ing.
Earth Sciences
hen children play with dirt, jump in puddles, collect rocks,
observe the rain, or feel the heat of the sun, they have direct
contact with aspects of the earth. Daily interactions and direct
contact with objects and earth events provide children with the context to
observe and explore properties of earth materials and to identify patterns
of change in the world around them (for example, patterns of day and
night, and changes in temperature). With teachers’ guidance,
children’s everyday interactions and direct contact with
objects and earth events can become rich, inquiry experi-
ences of earth sciences. Teachers can provide children
with opportunities to explore the physical properties of
earth materials and to observe, record, and track changes
in the weather and how it affects the living world. Explor-
atory interactions with earth materials and ongoing obser-
vations of earth phenomena enhance children’s connection
to nature and raise their awareness of the impor-
tance of caring for and respecting the natural
world. The box below summarizes key con-
cepts in earth sciences. The following section
provides practical strategies to engage chil-
dren in rich, focused explorations of earth
materials and phenomena.
In studying earth materials and phenomena, children become aware of key characteristics of
VIGNETTE Ms. Tina observes the children playing at the sandbox. Ted fills up the
bucket with water and pours it on the sand. Olivia and Ted watch as
the water is absorbed by the sand. Next they begin to pile the sand into
a mound. Olivia says, “It’s like a mountain. Let’s make it bigger.” They
add more sand and compact it together. Their mountain is beginning to
take shape and gets bigger and bigger. Olivia says, “I am going to get
water.” She gets a small bucket and gently pours it on top of the moun-
tain. She notices how the water creates a depression in the sand and
then flows down. Ted says, “Like a river.” He gets more water in the
bucket and pours it again in the same place. The depressed part gets
bigger. Ms. Tina gets closer and asks, “What happens when the water
is flowing down your mountain?” Ted describes, “The water makes a
hole in the mountain. Olivia says, “It takes the sand down.” Ms. Tina
said, “A little bit of water at the beginning helped to hold the moun-
tain together, but pouring a large amount of water causes the sand to
slip and slide away. It can also happen in nature, when water breaks
down the land.”
VIGNETTE Timothy was very excited this morning about the rock he brought from
home. “Tell us about your rock,” said Mrs. Hunt. Timothy told the
group, “I found it when I went to the beach with my mom and dad, and
I kept it in my pocket.” Mrs. Hunt asked if he could pass around his
white rounded pebble, so that everyone had a chance to look at it, and
asked the group, “Have you seen a rock like this before?” One child
said she saw one in her garden. Another child said he saw many rocks
like this when he went to the beach. “What have you noticed about
Timothy’s rock? What does it look like? How does it feel?” The chil-
dren were sharing their observations of the rock. They have mentioned
that it is white and smooth, and it has one hole on the side. Mrs. Hunt
wondered aloud, “What kind of rocks do you think we can find in our
yard? I wonder if the rocks we have in our yard look similar to Timo-
thy’s rock.” Later, while playing in the yard, Mrs. Hunt noticed that
some of the children in the group were searching for rocks. Mrs. Hunt
had joined the children in searching for rocks on the playground. She
noticed how the children got excited with every rock they found and
invited the children to put the rocks on a tray. By the time they had to
go back inside the room, they had a collection of rocks to observe and
investigate over the next several days.
describe their sorting and classifying: it affects its texture. Children may dis-
“Tell me how you sorted these rocks. Why cover what happens to clay when it dries
did you put these rocks together?” Activi- out and whether they can make it soft
ties of this kind not only highlight for again.
children the variation in earth materials,
Use opportunities to explore earth
but also introduce children to descriptive
materials in the context of studying
words and expand their vocabulary in a
living things or when exploring other
context that is meaningful for them. Con-
solid and nonsolid materials. Much of
sideration should be made for children
the explorations of earth materials can be
with special needs through assistance by
a natural extension of children’s explora-
teachers or peers or adaptation of mate-
tions in physical and life sciences. Living
rials so they are able to fully participate
things use earth resources to grow and
and make observations. See the Cali-
survive. The study of plants, for example,
fornia Preschool Curriculum Framework,
provides an opportunity to explore prop-
Volume 1, chapter 6, “Mathematics,” for
erties of soil and to discuss with children
additional strategies to support children’s
the way soil helps plants grow. As chil-
sorting and classification skills, and
dren take part in putting together all the
chapter 4, “Language and Literacy,” for
materials needed for creating a terrarium
strategies to support vocabulary and lan-
for their indoor plants, they may notice
guage skills.
that the teacher puts gravel in the bottom
Invite children to explore and experi- of the terrarium and soil on top of the
ment with earth materials. Exploring gravel. The teacher may use this as an
and experimenting with earth materials opportunity to explore these earth mate-
lead children to discover more of their rials with children: “How are gravel and
properties. For example, when playing soil different? Why do you think we need
with rocks, children may discover that gravel at the bottom and soil on top? How
they can use certain rocks to draw on a do these materials help plants grow?” As
sidewalk, that some rocks break more children investigate the habitats of differ-
easily, or change color or texture when ent animals, they notice that some pre-
put in water. Children also discover what fer to live in soil, some live under rocks,
happens when water is poured onto soil and some live in water. This creates the
or sand and how it affects the water opportunity to explore different earth
and the sand. Wet and dry sand and materials and how they provide for the
soil do not behave in the same way. Wet needs of different animals. The explora-
sand behaves like mud, while dry sand tion of sand, soil, clay, water, and rocks
behaves in some ways like liquid. Dry can also be part of children’s explora-
sand can be easily poured through a fun- tion of other solid and nonsolid materials
nel to fill up a bottle, but it can be more (e.g., wood, play dough, rubber, metal), as
challenging to try to fill the bottle with described in the Physical Sciences strand.
wet sand. Clay is another earth material
Invite children to share in-home expe-
that is derived from minerals. When add-
riences with earth materials. Engage
ing water to solid clay, children may dis-
family members in children’s explora-
cover how it transforms into a soft, slip-
tions of earth materials and phenomena.
pery material that can be cut, rolled, or
For example, invite families to send in
flattened. They can also vary the amount
samples of rocks or soil from their neigh-
of water they add to clay and notice how
borhood or from a trip to a different area. what rocks, sand, soil or other natural
Teachers may also send home a journal materials they find outdoors.
for children to record in words or pictures
VIGNETTE Before going outside, Mrs. Cooper showed children a trowel and asked,
“What do you think this is for?” Nikko said, “It’s for digging in the
mud.” Hanna said, “My mom uses it for taking out the plants.” Mrs.
Cooper explained, “It is used for digging, and it’s called a trowel. We
are going to use this tool to dig up and collect some soil. I wonder what
we are going to find in the soil, when digging in it. What do you predict
we may find in the soil?” The children came up with different predic-
tions: “Rocks.” “Leaves.” “A ladybug.” “Old flowers.” “Ants.” “Seeds.”
Mrs. Cooper wrote down their predictions. Later, Mrs. Cooper brought
outside several trowels and hand lenses. She helped the children
use the trowels to dig in the dirt and collect some soil from the gar-
den, which they put in a dishpan. After they collected enough soil for
their plants in the dishpan, Mrs. Cooper invited them to observe more
closely the soil they collected. She brought a sieve and showed the
children how they could use it to sift the soil. She also provided them
with tweezers to pick up decomposing plant and animal materials.
The children looked curiously at the soil and, using their magnifiers,
were excited to discover roots, small rocks, slugs, and even worms.
During group time, Mrs. Cooper invited the children to describe what
they discovered in the soil, and she made a list of all the things they
found. She read the list and explained, “Soil is made up of all of
these things. Small rocks, minerals, and plant and animal materials
make up soil.”
VIGNETTE It was a rainy day, and Mr. Kim decided to take the children out to
explore the rain. Before they went outside, Mr. Kim discussed the
excursion with the group and asked for their ideas about what the
rain may feel, sound, taste, and smell like, and where they think it
comes from. After coming back inside, the children were all excited.
They were still observing the rain through the window. Mr. Kim
invited the children to share their observations of the rain and the
clouds. “What did you notice about the rain?” Simon said, “I saw the
rain falling on the ground.” Reina said, “I felt the raindrops on my
face. It tickled.” Mr. Kim asked the children, “Can you show me with
your body how the rain was falling down?” “It falls down like this,”
said Nicholas, and started jumping fast, rocking his feet on the floor.
Mr. Kim said, “Oh, so rain is falling down from above (showing with
his hands the direction in which the rain is falling). “Where do you
think the rain is coming from?” John said, “It’s falling down from the
sky.” Tommy said, “It is coming from the clouds.” Mr. Kim invited
children to observe the clouds again. “What do you notice about rain
clouds?” Children looked outside and shared their observations:
“They are up in the sky.” “They are not white.” “They are grey.”
“They have lots of rain inside.” Mr. Kim said, “These are rain clouds.
Scientists call them cumulonimbus clouds.”
PLANNING Mr. Kim guides the children to think about where rain comes
LEARNING from, and to notice what rain clouds (cumulonimbus clouds)
OPPORTUNITIES are like. He did some basic research about different types of
clouds and introduces the names in a meaningful context.
Even though the children may be too young to understand
how water droplets are formed in the clouds, they can
begin to understand where rain comes from. The teacher
encourages children to use all their senses to observe the
rain and clouds. Such experiences help children to develop
their ability to describe their observations, in words and
through body movements, and to allow children who are
nonverbal to participate and communicate their observations
of the rain. Mr. Kim may also invite children to record their
observations of the rain through drawings and dictations in
their weather journals.
s Develop an awareness of the daily they may say, “It rained three days this
weather. During large- or small-group week,” or “How many sunny days did
time, take opportunities to talk about we have this month?”
the weather. Invite children to observe s Invite children to observe and dis-
and describe the weather: “What do cuss the effects of weather and
you see?” “How is the weather different seasonal changes on their life and
from yesterday?” “What happens when the environment around them. Chil-
the wind blows?” Children may start dren notice that it is necessary to wear
making predictions based on their jackets in the winter, because it is
observations. For example, by observ- cold outside, and they may need their
ing the sky, they may predict whether boots and umbrella when it is raining.
they think it is going to rain. Encour- Weather can cause immediate changes
age children to label their observations, in the environment. After the rain, chil-
using words such as windy, cloudy, dren may notice puddles, or a stream
foggy, rainy, sunny, and to represent of water in the yard. They may notice
their observations in drawings or trails of water through the sand or soil.
actions. The wind may blow away leaves, toys,
s Invite children to record and dis- and other objects on the playground.
cuss changes in the weather. On a hot day, children may notice that
Recording the weather may take dif- the slide is too hot to slide on or that
ferent forms: drawing a picture of the the sand in the sandbox is hotter than
weather and describing it in words, usual. Provide opportunities for obser-
recording the weather in their jour- vations and discussions of the changes
nal, or recording their observation on they notice in their environment.
a weather chart (for example, using With seasonal changes, there are
a picture with a drawing of clouds to noticeable changes in weather and
indicate that it is a cloudy day). Chil- temperature and some observable
dren can also learn about the different changes in plant and animal activ-
types of clouds (e.g., cumulus, cumu- ity. For example, in the autumn, the
lonimbus, cirrus), and may observe leaves of some trees and plants may
the sky and record the clouds they are change color and fall down. Furry ani-
observing in their journals. The teacher mals have thicker coats to keep them
may read the thermometer, a tool for warm during the coming winter, and
measurement of temperature, with the many birds travel to warmer places.
children. For example, children may In the spring, temperatures become
read an outside thermometer, with warmer. Trees sprout buds and grow
assistance from adults, and record new leaves and flowers, and more birds
observations in their journals or in and bugs are seen around. Draw chil-
a chart. Systematic recording of the dren’s attention to seasonal changes
weather in a chart allows children to in their environment. Invite chil-
look back at the data and learn about dren to observe, record, and discuss
changes in the weather over time. changes in plants and animal activity.
Children discover that the weather For example, children may observe
may change from day to day and dur- a tree or a bush in the yard regu-
ing the day, and they can identify and larly throughout the year and track
describe weather patterns. For example its changes over time: “Does it lose
its leaves?” “Is it growing new leaves?” and seasonal changes in the environ-
“Does it grow flowers or fruits?” “Which ment around them. Teachers may send
animals can be seen around the tree or home lead questions to guide in home
use it as part of their habitat?” Children observations with parents and other
may record their observations of the tree family members; for example, “Is it
or bush at different times of the year. sunny or cloudy this morning?” “Is it
s Engage families in children’s explo- windy?” Discussions with family mem-
rations of weather and seasonal bers will provide children with oppor-
changes. Invite children to share expe- tunities to use vocabulary in either
riences related to weather and seasonal their home language or English or in
changes while at home and while on both languages to describe the differ-
family trips to other areas. Parents and ent types of weather they experience
other family members should be part and the changes they notice in their
of children’s explorations of weather environment.
VIGNETTE During group time, Ms. Reese invited the children to record the
weather. Tania said, “It is windy. When I came, I felt the wind on my
face, and it moved my hair.” Ms. Reese told the group, “Tania says
that it is windy or breezy, because she felt the wind blowing her
hair when she came in this morning. Let’s look outside. How can we
tell if it is still windy or not?” She opened the door, and the children
could feel the wind coming in. Ms. Reese asked, “Is it a strong breeze
or a light breeze?” The children agreed it was a strong breeze. Ms.
Reese told the group that there are special
ways to tell if it is windy and to measure the
strength of the wind. She showed the group
a windsock that she had ordered in advance
and explained to the children what it is. She
told the children that she is going to hang it
up high in the yard. “Together we will look at
it and will be able to tell different things about
the wind; for example, how fast it blows and
in what direction it is going.” Then she asked
Tania, “Will you please help us record on our
weather chart that it is windy today?”
VIGNETTE Today, Rena’s father came to school to share with the group some
of his kites and to build a kite with the children. First, he invited the
children to observe him flying one of his kites in the air, and then
the children took turns flying the kite together with him. After they
came inside, Rena’s father asked the children, “So what do you think
makes the kite fly up?” Children came up with different answers.
“The wind touches the kite all around, and it goes up in the sky. It
pushes the kite up, up, up, up in the sky.” Another child said, “The
air goes through the holes of the kite, and it moves the kite to the
sky.” Rena’s dad invited children to notice the shape of the kite, and
together they discovered that the kites he brought have a similar
shape, “like a diamond.” He also asked them why they think the
kite needs to be light and not heavy, and one of the children said,
“Because it needs to fly up.” Rena’s dad told them, “A long time ago,
kites were invented in China. People used bamboo sticks and silk
to make kites.” He then invited children to build a kite. “Now we are
going to build our own kite. What do you think we need to build a
The children in Ms. B’s group spend a lot menting the changes the children observe
of time exploring the outdoor environment. each month. By the end of the school year,
While outdoors, whether in the yard or on the book will include their documentation
a walk outside, she talks with the children of the tree in order of the seasons: fall,
about the weather. She is always excited winter, spring, and summer (based on an
to draw their attention to different trees example from Chalufour and Worth).71
and plants, how they change or grow,
and any birds or bugs that the children
come across in their environment. There This project illustrates the natural con-
is one particular tree that the children in nection between earth sciences and life
her group follow very closely and track its sciences. Through regular observations
changes over time. The valley oak tree is recorded of the valley oak tree throughout
native to California’s valleys. In autumn the year, children notice changes in the
its leaves turn a yellow or light-orange tree and how they coincide with weather
color and become brown by mid to late and seasonal changes. Ms. B enhances
fall. By midwinter, the oak tree is leafless. children’s awareness and involvement
In the spring, the oak tree sprouts new in the process by encouraging them to
leaves, and in the summer, it has heavy, describe and record their observations
green foliage. and by making documentation materi-
als visible to children. Documentation
Every month the children observe the oak
allows children to see the changes in the
tree outdoors and keep records of how
tree over time and provides the context
it changes from month to month. Ms. B.
for rich discussions and comparisons of
encourages children to make drawings of
current and previous images of the tree
the tree, and together with the children,
and ideas about why the tree or plant has
she takes photos of it once a month. While
changed. Experiences of ongoing observa-
observing the tree, Ms. B invites them to
tions in the outdoors enhance children’s
share their observations: “What changes
connection to nature and their awareness
do you see?” “Why do you think the tree
of changes in their natural environment.
changed like that?” Through such discus-
sions, Ms. B helps children to begin to
draw the connection between the changes Engaging Families
they observe in the tree and the changes
in the weather and seasons. In the fall,
Support families in facilitating chil-
dren’s curiosity and learning about
children collected fallen oak acorns and
their world. In the course of their
leaves. They were fascinated with its
daily life, children ask the adults
deeply lobed leaves, and some of them
around them for explanations about
made drawings of the oak leaves in their
how the world works; for example,
journals. They also observed the acorns
why the moon is sometimes invisible,
and talked about what them and other
how the seasons change, why the sun
trees around the yard that have dry fruit
cannot be seen at night. Provide fam-
similar to the acorn. Ms. B creates a class
ily members with tips to support chil-
book with the observational drawings,
dren’s awareness and understand-
children’s words, and photographs docu-
Domain Science
Strand Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
z Observes different rocks collected on a nature z Pours water on sand and compares the dry sand
walk (using the senses of sight and touch). Sorts with the wet sand (e.g., “The wet sand sticks
out all the smooth rocks. together”). Demonstrates how to make a cake
z Plays with rocks and discovers that she can use a with wet sand by filling up the bucket and then
rock to draw on a sidewalk. turning it over.
z Fills a bucket with soil and comments, “We need z Pours water in the sandbox to form craters, lakes,
water to make it more squishy.” and dams.
z While playing in the sandbox, pours sand into z Investigates the surfaces of different rocks and
a bottle and communicates to his friend in his sorts the rocks based on how shiny they are.
home language, “I can fill up the bottle with sand Communicates, “Here are very shiny rocks, and
all the way up.” here are not so shiny rocks.”
z While outside, observes a windmill spinning. z In explorations of air, observes a kite flying and
Responds, “I can feel the wind. The air is pushing communicates, “The wind blows really hard, and
it.” the kite goes really high into the clouds.”
z A child who is visually impaired holds different z Collects soil from the garden and uses a magnify-
rocks and communicates, “This one feels really ing glass to observe the container of soil closely.
smooth, but this one is not very smooth.” Describes and records, with adult assistance,
observations: “The soil has tiny rocks inside. The
z Uses a magnifying glass to observe sand and soil has some yellow leaves and some leaves that
communicates, “I can see many tiny pieces.” turned almost black. The soil is a little wet and
z Explains that sand and water are needed to make feels very soft.”
a sand castle.
Teacher Resources
Scientific Tools
Observation Tools Magnifying glasses, hand lenses
Tools to extend close Binoculars
observations Tweezers
Trays (Collectors’ trays)
Living Things
Plants* Bulbs
Indoor terrarium
Garden area
Garden tools
Plants, tubers, cuttings
Seeds (planted in soil or germinated with paper towels/cotton)
Informational Books Nonfictional, informational books about topics from the physical,
life, and earth sciences.
*Choose your plants carefully, as some plants are poisonous. More information about common poisonous houseplants can be
found at http://www.nybg.org/hgc_online/fact_sheets_detail.php?id_fact_sheet=4.
1. National Academy of Sciences and Na- in Programs for Children Birth through
tional Academy of Engineering. Nurturing Age 8: A Joint Position Statement of the
and Sustaining Effective Programs in Sci- National Association for the Education of
ence Education for Grades K-8: Building a Young Children (NAEYC) and the National
Village in California: Summary of a Convo- Association of Early Childhood Specialists
cation (Steve Olson, Rapporteur), ed. Jay in State Departments of Education (NAECS.
B. Labov (Washington, DC: The National SDE) (Washington, DC: NAEYC, 2003).
Academies Press, 2009). 7. National Research Council, and Kinder-
2. E. S. Spelke, “Principles of Object Percep- garten through Eighth Grade Committee
tion.” Cognitive Science 14 (1990): 29–56; on Science Learning, Taking Science to
R. Baillargeon, “Physical Reasoning in In- School: Learning and Teaching Science in
fancy,” in The Cognitive Neurosciences, ed. Grades K–8, ed. R. A. Duschl, H. A. Sch-
M. S. Gazzaniga (Cambridge, MA: the MIT weingruber, and A. W. Shouse, Board on
Press, 1995). Science Education, Center for Education,
3. D. J. Martin, Constructing Early Childhood Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Science (Albany, NY: Delmar Thomson and Education (Washington, DC: The Na-
Learning, 2001). tional Academies Press, 2007).
4. K. Worth and S. Grollman, Worms, Shad- 8. N. L. Gallenstein, Creative Construction of
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cause and effect. Cause is what makes life sciences. The study of living things,
something else happen (e.g., kicking the including plants and animals, their
ball), and effect is what happens as a result characteristics, life cycles, habitats, and
of the cause (e.g., the ball rolled). their interrelationships with each other
classify/classification. The sorting, and the environment. The life sciences
grouping, or categorizing of objects encompass biology, physiology, and
according to established criteria. ecology.
communication. The skill of expressing living things. Living organisms that have
ideas, describing observations, and the capacity for self-sustaining biological
discussing findings and explanations with processes such as growth, breathing,
others, either orally, through sign language, reproduction, and responding to stimuli.
or in written form (e.g., drawings, charts, Examples of living things are humans,
pictures, symbols). animals, and plants.
compare and contrast. Looking at similarities measurement tools. Simple tools used
and differences in real objects and events. to measure length, volume, or weight.
constructivist approach. According to this Examples include rulers, scales, measuring
approach, children construct knowledge cups, and spoons.
and build theories through active observation. The process of gathering
experimentation and interaction with information about objects and events using
objects and people in their environment, the senses of sight, smell, sound, touch,
rather than passively taking in information. and taste, and noticing specific details
documentation. Different forms of recorded or phenomena that ordinarily might be
information, including drawings, overlooked.
photographs, written transcripts, charts, observation tools. Tools to extend
journals, models, and constructions. observations, such as magnifying glasses.
earth materials. Naturally occurring open-ended questions. Questions that do not
materials found on earth, including have a single right answer or that cannot
minerals, rocks, soil, and water. be answered with yes or no.
earth sciences. The study of the earth, patterns. Regularities or elements in events
which includes topics related to properties or objects that repeat in a predictable
of earth materials (i.e., soils, rocks, and manner.
minerals), the ocean, weather, and forces physical characteristics of objects.
that shape the earth. Major components Attributes or properties of objects, such
of earth sciences are geology and as the size, color, shape, and material the
oceanography. object is made of.
habitat. The home, place, or environment physical properties. Observable features of a
where an organism or a biological material, such as how it looks (e.g., shape,
population normally lives. color), feels (e.g., solid, liquid, texture), or
hypothesis. A proposed explanation for an behaves (e.g., sinks in water).
observable phenomenon that can be tested physical sciences. The study of nonliving
by an experiment. A confirmed hypothesis matter and energy. These sciences
supports a theory. deal with physical properties and
inferences. Logical assumptions or transformations of substances, as well as
conclusions that are based on observations the nature of motion, force, and energy
but are not directly observed. (e.g., mechanical energy, heat, sound,
investigation. Part of the process of scientific light, electricity). The two major branches
inquiry that involves asking a question of physical sciences are physics and
and conducting systematic observations or chemistry.
simple experiments to find an answer. prediction. A guess or estimation that is
life cycle. The series of changes in the growth based on prior observations, knowledge,
and development of humans, animals, or and experiences.
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