Processing of Molten Cast Iron PDF
Processing of Molten Cast Iron PDF
Processing of Molten Cast Iron PDF
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Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Academic materials for the Metallurgy engineering study programme at the Faculty of
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering.
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Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content Page
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 5
6 INOCULATION ............................................................................................................. 52
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
7 MODIFICATION........................................................................................................... 77
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Cast irons as construction material are still maintaining the standard of usability,
because they provide a wide range of usable properties and also because they require less
expensive metallurgy, or technology, and in many cases they provide a more economically
convenient solution. The following table gives an overview of the product mix of foundry
materials in the year 2001 in percentages according to individual countries compared to the
Czech Republic. [1]
The table above shows that alloys have an important status as a foundry material (CILG
– cast iron with lamellar graphite, CISG – cast iron with spheroidal graphite). At the same
time, however, it points out the low portion of CISG in the Czech Republic compared to other
countries. The position of cast irons in the table is the result of a long-term research of cast
irons crystallization, in other words the transition from liquid phase to solid phase, with all the
consequences for utility properties of castings. This research has been able to incorporate cast
irons to an equivalent position of mechanical properties as cast steels, or eventually forgings
and stampings.
One of the possibilities of controlling the transition from liquid phase to solid one is the
so-called out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron, based on the methods of processing
the cast iron using magnesium or other elements as calcium, aluminum, or eventually the rare
earth metals. The processes of out-of-furnace processing lead to improvement of the utility
properties of cast irons and it is possible to describe them as progressive methods in the field
of cast irons metallurgy. The present state of knowledge cannot be considered as final, as it is
constantly developing especially in the field of using the thermodynamic relations in the
metallurgy of steels.
In this material, we will present the basic problems of these processes and therefore the
material can also help the workers in metallurgy in foundry operations.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
From the physical and chemical point of view, the molten metals belong to liquids.
During the melting, their volume increase by about 26
% - that applies for the metals with tight arrangement of crystalline lattice.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The physical and chemical properties of molten metals, such as the density, thermal
capacities, thermal expansion coefficients, electrical and thermal conductivity all get near the
properties of solid crystalline metals, if they are close to the melting temperature.
Based on the study of the molten metals structure using the X-rays, theories about the
arrangement of basic particles in the molten metal solutions have been formulated:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
These theories are currently accepted and confirmed by further experiments but also in
The most important feature of solutions is their composition, which determines the
qualitative (which components are a part of the solution) and quantitative (in what relative
quantities are the individual components contained in the solution) properties.
Usually, the solution composition is given in weight percentages or in weight fractions.
For the purposes of the theory of melts metallurgy, it is far more precise to represent the
concentration of individual components using the atomic and molar fractions instead of
weight percentages.
Concepts called partial molar quantities, were introduced for the theoretical elaboration
of technically important properties of solutions (melts among them).
Example: the volume occupied by 1 gram atom of molten iron in the pure state and in a
binary melt with silicon is different and the molar volume of iron in the Fe-Si melt
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
is changing with its concentration. It has to do with the fact that real solution,
unlike the ideal solutions, have the real volume lower or higher than the
correspondent sum of volumes of individual components. The same applies for
other thermodynamic state quantities (thermal capacity, entropy, enthalpy).
It follows that the partial molar quantities are not properties, but they are changes in
properties, and therefore can be positive and negative. The numerical calculation of the value
of any partial molar solution has to specify its composition.
For practical metallurgical analysis, we are only interested in the difference in chemical
potentials (Gibbs chemical potential), which related to the free enthalpy of the given
substance in the pure state and we denote it G , by which we represent the relationship of
this quantity with other partial molar quantities of the given melt solution.
In metallurgy, liquid solutions consist of systems of molten metals and slags. From the
physical and chemical point of view, a convention is usually used, that says that the solvent in
these solutions of metals is the component that is in substantial excess. [9]
Similar to the existence of only the real gases, only the real solutions exist as well. To
express the properties of the solutions, the model of infinitely dilution of the solution (Henry's
law) is used, the model of an ideal solution based on the Raoult's law, and the model for real
solutions are used. See Fig.1.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
To clarify these concepts, we consider a real solution with a positive deviation from the
Raoult's law (Figure 2) in the area of concentration where Raoult's nor Henry's law are
1 …Raoult's law
2 …Henry's law
3 …Real solution
The activity represent the so-called effective concentration, a quantity, that needs to be
installed in the simple mathematical formulations of Raoult's or Henry's law so that the vapor
pressure of the real solution component is obtained.
The activity has the same role in real system as the concentration in ideal systems [9].
Activities are therefore the quantities, which after installing them in the equilibrium constant
instead of concentration, enable using the law of active matter even for real systems.
To be able to quantitatively express the activity of any solved substance in a solution, it
is necessary that its presence in the solution is related to a well-defined standard state, in
which the given substance has exactly defined chemical activity at given temperature and
pressure. This is the relation of activity of a random substance i in a solution:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
a H T = const. (2)
a H p
f T = const. (3)
%X % X p1%
a H f % X (4)
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
log f BC
T = const. (6)
The following then applies for the activity of the component B in the system A . . . E:
a B f A...E
%B (7)
Example: The results of measuring of the surface tension in binary and pure iron melts with
carbon show that carbon decreases the surface tension of iron (cast iron), but
considerably less than oxygen or sulfur. [12, 13]. With lowering temperature, the
surface activity of carbon increases slightly.
In ternary systems, where the presence of third component influences the activity of the
second component, the ratios are much more complicated. Oxygen and sulfur exhibit high
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Example: Cast iron with addition of Cu = 10 % (0.064 poise at 1550 °C) has the maximum
Volume changes are expressed by the changes of specific volume of the melt for given
temperature and content of C, Si. It is possible to express them using the following calculation
Example: The specific volume of pure iron at 1600 °C is 0.144 cm3.g-1. Steel at
T = 1600 °C, C = 0.3 %, Si = 0.4 % has the specific volume of 0.14559 cm3.g-1, in
other words an increase of 1.1 %. A cast iron with lamellar graphite (carbon is
freely dispersed) at T = 1600 °C, C = 3.5 %, Si = 2.5 % has the specific volume of
0.15747 cm3.g-1, which represents an increase in specific volume of the melt of
9.3 %. [11, 18]
The structure of molten cast iron can be described [19] using the theories based on the
existence of chemical non-homogeneity caused by additions. The molten cast iron contains
areas enriched with carbon, so-called carbon clusters Cn.
Since the cast iron contains also a high percentage of silicon apart from the high content
of carbon, there are local areas in the melt with SiC crystals, which are particularly rich in C
and Si. Due to the high solubility of Si and comparatively low solubility of C, which is further
lowered due to the influence of silicon, there is a melt rich in Si around the dissolving SiC
crystals. This results in formation of graphite.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The zones of “SiC-graphite”, rich in silicon and saturated with carbon, become the areas
that contain graphite in the form of porous “graphite sponge”, impregnated with melt. Apart
from them, there is a certain amount of carbon agglomerated, which also have their limited
durability. It depends first of all on the temperature and the diffusion and does not depend on
convection. The durability of carbon agglomerates is also influenced by trace elements, such
as S, which may slow down the dissolution of graphite.
In agglomerates of the graphite phase, which may endure in the melt for a longer period,
it concerns mainly the Cn molecules. These Cn clusters are not directly receivable on the
metallographic sections, but they are provable based on their influence on the graphitization
nuclei. This influence lasts for as long, until the Cn clusters fall apart through the Cn molecules
to atoms. Only these represent the ideal state for nucleation of graphite.
If Cn clusters exist, then the content of ideally dissolved carbon in iron is lower than
the analytically determined (total) content of carbon. Depending on how many undissolved Cn
clusters there are, the formation of primary austenite occurs at higher temperature. That means
that the Cn clusters may not only be the driving force in creating graphite nuclei, but they
should also influence the austenite crystallization.
This issue is further elaborated in the chapter about the inoculation of cast irons.
Collaud published a different opinion about the molten cast iron [11, 20, 21]. He
considers the cast iron to be a colloid solution, where pure iron is the solvent and colloids are
created by the molecules of chemical compounds of the basic elements like oxides, nitrides,
phosphides, sulphides and carbides.
The author divides the colloids [20] according to the size to gross, -1÷2, medium-fine-
3÷4, fine –4÷5 and atomic-5 see Figure 3.
These colloids on Figure 3 with dimensions of 10-3 and 10-4 mm may form the
nucleation stage of graphitization. The dimensions are approximating those of atomic
solution. On the other hand, the inclusions of the size 10-2 mm form a suspension in the cast
iron melt.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
perlite *
Fe lattice
Size in cm
Fe atom
Terms summary
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
What are the basic types and properties of solutions of ferroalloy?
What is the importance of the activity of elements in the melts of
multicomponent metal melt systems?
What is the importance of the interaction coefficients in multicomponent
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The application of thermodynamic laws for molten cast iron gain importance, because
they clarify the physical and chemical processes occurring during the melting and determine
the thermodynamic stability or instability of possible reactions during melting. Mutual
behavior of elements present in the melt is given by their weight representation expressed by
concentration as a percentage, by the melt temperature and by the activity that is derived from
The activities of elements in molten cast iron are evaluated and from them the reaction
between them are derived. Free energies of these reactions are defined and interaction
coefficients of the 1st (e) and 2nd (r) order are determined. After that, the activity coefficients
are calculated. In annex 1, the important interaction coefficients are listed.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
From this point of view, we are interested in chemical reaction of elements present in
the melt and further also of the elements we are adding to the melt during the out-of-furnace
processing. These are the main elements we are interested in: C, Si, Mg, Ca, Al, Ba, Sr, etc.
and not in the last place, the gases present in molten melt (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen), which
significantly influence the seeding. In annex 2, there is a list of elements present in cast irons
and their influences on the structure and properties.
Definitions of individual reactions will be described in chapter about inoculation and
modification of the cast iron. Gases in the molten cast iron, in particular oxygen and possibly
nitrogen and hydrogen form a substantial portion of chemical reactions.
Using the interaction coefficients, we are able to define the influence of gases on the
molten cast iron and their influence on the final properties of cast iron castings. In the
following table we are showing the informative contents of gases in molten cast irons in ppm.
Table 2 shows that the content of gases in molten cast iron is given by the melting unit
and desired chemical composition. The lower the content of carbon and silicon, the higher the
content of gases in molten cast iron. The content of these gases is much lower than in steel.
For example, the content of oxygen in molten steel is around 103 ppm. It is similar with
hydrogen and nitrogen. The presence of oxygen in molten cast iron has negative but also
positive effects. The negative effect is the creation of bubbles in castings (endogenous and
exogenous bubbles), creation of an enormous amount of slag and creation of solid inclusions
that disrupt the homogeneity of the structure of the basic metallic matter of the cast iron. The
positive effect of oxygen is the formation of nuclei phase of graphite in the form of oxides,
nitrides – heterogeneous nucleation that supports the stable solidification of the cast iron 22,
23. Created oxides and nitrides, mainly SiO2, strongly support the graphitization of the cast
iron during crystallization.
The formation of seeds of graphite takes place during the transition from melt to solid
state and particularly intensely during the eutectic delay. During this time, the optimal amount
of free oxygen and possibly nitrogen must be available, as they cause the creation of seeding
phase. The instant status can be determined from the DTA [8] by calculating the
crystallization heat of the eutectic reaction (further analysis of the cooling curve will be given
in later chapters) or by analyzing the slag, especially the ratios of acidic and basic components
of slag, for example, from the ratio we refer to as the degree of oxidation of the melt:
SiO 2
S 0.4 - 0.8 (9)
(FeO, Fe2O3 ) MnO
Lower values of this ratio cause the risk of shrinkages and opacities. On the other hand,
higher values lead to the emergence of slag and endogenous bubbliness in castings.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
CILG – cast iron with lamellar graphite CISG – cast iron with spheroidal graphite
CITG – cast iron with tempered graphite PI – pig-iron
a xx f x % X (10)
The reaction is defined by the free energy according to the following relation:
G A B T (11)
G0T R T ln K (12)
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
log K (14)
R T 2.3
Solubility of oxygen in the melt depends on the temperature and can be determined as
logO -
- 0.0359 where: T [K] (15)
a 00 f O . %O
Solubility of oxygen in the melt, depending on the temperature, is determined from the
following relation
Based on these formulas, it is possible to create a diagram that shows the dependence of
oxygen activity on the temperature in pure iron, as shown on Figure 4.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Oxygen activity
1373 1473 1573 1673 1773 1873
Teplota [K] [K]
Figure 4 – Oxygen activity dependent on the temperature in pure iron [8]
The activity of oxygen causes the creation of seeds based on oxides, which become
instable at higher temperatures and can dissociate or coagulate and then flow in the slag under
certain conditions (temperature, time, melt viscosity). With decreasing temperature of the
melt from the liquid temperature, the oxygen activity decreases until the start of eutectic
reaction. With the influence of crystallization heat of the eutectic reaction, the oxygen activity
increases again. [24, 25] At the liquid temperature, the oxygen activity increases due to the
crystallization heat of the emerging austenite while at the same time the remaining melt is
being enriched with carbon. Good conditions are thus created for the formation of graphite
seeds and its crystallization.
In this chapter, we are listing the reactions of important elements, which are contained
in inoculants and modifiers that are used during the out-of-furnace metallurgy as well as some
important reactions with oxygen and carbon, which take place in molten cast iron.
Carbon reaction
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
K Al2O3 2
log O log Al 1.17 Al
3 3
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The importance of both these elements lies in their mutual influencing of the
crystallization process, in other words, the activity of Si increases the activity of C, and the
creation of seeds in melt is influenced by that.
The influence of the activity of silicon on the activity of carbon can be expressed in the
following way:
With the given chemical composition and temperature, we calculate the activity of
carbon from the above mentioned relations
158 8.94
eCC 0.058 , rCC 0.0026
aCC f C %C
We will express the influence of the activity of silicon on the activity of carbon by
calculating the logarithm of the activity coefficient of silicon from the relation (16) using the
interaction coefficients of 1st and 2nd order:
162 1.94
eCSi 0.008 , rCSi 0.003 (17)
and then by adding the result to the logarithm of carbon activity and calculate the
carbon activity influenced by the presence of silicon.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
This implies that the graphitization ability of carbon has increased almost by 73 %.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
process of melting influence the quality of cast iron. Incorrect conduction of melting may
cause defects of castings.
Furthermore, the processes of reactions between silicon and oxygen and between silicon
oxide and carbon are described. These reactions were published in literature before 22, 27
and presently, there are various values of free energies that somewhat change the original
thermodynamic calculations.
Reaction of Si - O :
According to literature 24, 28, 29 :
Si 2 O SiO2 ( s ) GT0 587018 227 T J.mol-1.K-1
For the value of gas constant R = 8.31441 J.K-1.mol-1 the value of equilibrium constant
can be determined:
aSiO2 30645
log K p ( ) 11.85
Si 2
aSi a O
From the equation (19) we can then determine the equilibrium between the content of
oxygen and silicon for the given temperature.
On the Figure 5 there are the isotherms for 1300, 1350, 1400, 1450 and 1500 °C.
E.g. for the equilibrium temperature of 1450 °C, and the silicon content of 2 % , the
equilibrium content of oxygen is 8 ppm.
Figure 5 shows the bond between silicon and oxygen at various temperatures and the
formation of SiO2. This SiO2 comes to the slag and can cause the lowering of slag basicity,
which leads to the increase of fluidity of the slag, which can easily reach into the castings.
The degree of this oxidation can be the cause of other defects of castings.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content of O [ppm]
Content of Si [%]
Figure 5 – The course of isotherms of the oxidation of silicon by oxygen, forming SiO2
Reaction SiO2 – C :
These reactions, according to literature 28, define the influence of carbon on the
reduction of SiO2 in molten cast irons:
For the value of gas constant R = 8.31441 J.K-1.mol-1 it is possible to determine the
value of the equilibrium constant KPco.
From the equation (20) we can determine the relation for the calculation of partial
pressure CO, where we need to know the value of equilibrium constant KpCO and the contents
of silicon and carbon in percentages. If the SiO2-C reaction proceeds to the right, the gaseous
carbon monoxide is created, the partial pressure of which can be calculated according to the
equation (21).
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Kp CO %C
[atm] (21)
By adjusting the formula according to the publication [30] it is possible to calculate the
value of equilibrium temperature (TR) for a certain percentage content of carbon and silicon
and the correspondent partial pressure of CO.
TR [K] (22a)
Si 2
log 2 pCO 15.84
tR 273 [°C] (22b)
Si 2
log 2 pCO 15.84
When installing the percentage values of silicon and carbon content in the relation (22),
when the value of partial pressure of CO will be equal to 1atm, we gain the dependence
displayed on the Figure 6.
On the Figure 7 there is the dependence of equilibrium temperature on the ratio (Si/C2)
at various partial pressure of CO.
Content of Si [%]
Content of C [%]
Figure 6 – The course of equilibrium temperatures for the given ratio between silicon and
carbon and the partial pressure of CO (pco = 1 atm).
Using the pictures (Figure 6 and Figure 7) it is possible to determine the equilibrium
temperature and the correspondent partial pressure of CO, based on the content of carbon and
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
silicon in the melt. The partial pressure of CO is in equilibrium with the pressure conditions
of melting in the way that when melting in a furnace without a lid, it is equal to the sum of the
atmospheric pressure and ferrostatic pressure, which is given by the height of the column of
molten cast iron in a crucible furnace. When using a lid, with respect to its tightness, the
pressure can increase by tenths of atmospheres.
Figure 7 – The diagram of the dependence of the equilibrium temperature on the ratio (Si/C2),
at pressure of CO 0.25atm; 0.5atm; 0.75atm and 1atm.
From the point of view of the partial pressures of CO we are also interested in carbon
boiling temperature (tBP), where the deoxidation by carbon takes place. We can obtain the
boiling point by calculation from the formula (23), mentioned in literature [30].
To evaluate these temperatures we have the melting temperature of the molten cast iron
in the furnace. In the range of temperatures equilibrium temperature overheating
temperature boiling point, the melt will be able to absorb more oxygen. The source of
oxygen may be a heavily contaminated batch by iron oxides, oiled batch and also the oxygen
from the atmosphere of the furnace. The highest and fastest saturation of cast iron with
oxygen will take place under the boiling point, where there will be no creation and
evaporation of CO. The process of saturation of the melt with oxygen will proceed more
intensively when the melt stays longer on the correspondent melting temperature, thus
increasing the portion of FeO and MnO in the slag.
On Figure 8 there is the solubility of oxygen for various contents of silicon, dependent
on the temperature.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The mentioned dependence implies that the lower the content of silicon, the higher the
value of oxygen solubility in the melt and vice versa. On the figure, there is a highlighted
area, when decarburization occurs due to the reaction:
Figure 5 also implies that when the cast iron is molten with lower content of silicon, the
melt will contain more oxygen.
E.g. at 1500 °C, and the content of silicon of 1 % the content of oxygen is equal to
22 ppm. At the same temperature and the content of silicon of 2.5 %, the content of oxygen is
equal to 13 ppm.
These values, obtained by reading from the given dependence, correspond with reality,
because when melting cast irons in induction furnaces, the total amount of oxygen is indicated
between 8 to 25 ppm.
Tendency to decarburization
– beginning of CO release
overheating [K]
Figure 8 – The dependence of the solubility of oxygen on the temperature for the silicon
contents of 1 % and 2.5 %
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
without defects
Overheating [K]
Figure 9 – The dependence between the exposure period and the degree of overheating of the
cast iron in the furnace
The dependence has an exponential character, the exposure period 1 in minutes is on the
horizontal axes, the degree of overheating in Kelvins is on vertical axis. The more we are
moving above the value of 6800, the more the melt will be enriched by oxygen and the bigger
the risk of formation of endogenous bubbles in the castings.
Figure 9 further shows that these two variables are dependent – the higher the degree of
overheating, the shorter the time we have to keep the melt in the furnace aggregate and vice
versa, in order to avoid the formation of bubbles. These bubbles have endogenous character,
in other words they are formed directly in the cast iron during the melting and casting.
The practical use of the formula (24) and the dependence depicted on Figure 9 is
mentioned in the following example.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Example: We are melting a grey cast iron with the content of Si = 2.2 % , C = 3.5 % ,
TT = 1480 °C = 1753 K, partial pressure of CO = 1.2 atm, the period of keeping
the melt in furnace 1 = 3.5 min. From the relation (22) we determine the value
TR = 1709 K. We use the relation (24) for the calculation:
The value of the left side of the equation is lower than the right side, meaning that the
bubbles should not be formed in the castings.
If the value on the left side of the relation (24) is higher than 6800, it will be necessary
to use deoxidizing products to decrease the content of oxygen, or create conditions for
reaching the boiling point of the cast iron.
Conditions for boiling of the cast iron can be determined from the relation (25),
according to the literature 30.
(T p2 ) 2 T
1 2
p 1
The following example shows the use of the relation (25) in practice.
Example: We are melting a grey cast iron with the content of Si = 2.2 %, C = 3.5 %,
TT = 1480 °C = 1753 K, partial pressure of CO = 1.2 atm, the period of keeping
the melt in the furnace 1 = 5 min. From the relation (22) we determine the value
TR = 1709 K. We will use the relation (24) to calculate the value.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The value of the left side of the equation is higher than the right side of the equation,
meaning that the content of O2 may further increase in the cast iron. Therefore, there is a
danger of formation of bubble in the castings. To decrease the content of oxygen and thus
prevent the formation of bubbles in castings, it is possible to create conditions for a carbon
boiling of the cast iron, determined by the formula (25).
(T p2 ) 2 T
1 2
p 1
11 2 67.19
2 6.11 min
To successfully decrease the content of oxygen in the melt, and thus decrease the possibility
of formation of bubbles in the castings, it is necessary to increase the melting temperature by
at least 11 °C, in other words increase the temperature to the boiling point and the exposure at
this temperature should not exceed 6.1 minutes.
Principles of conducting the melting, which limit the formation of bubbles in the
1) Controlling the input batch material – pollution, humidity, lumpiness.
2) Ensuring as little contact of the melt with atmosphere as possible during the
melting – melting under a lid.
3) If the points 1) and 2) are accomplished, we may keep the melt temperature 30K
around the equilibrium temperature. This exposure should be longer than 15
If the points 1) and 2) are not accomplished, it is necessary to use deoxidation products
before casting.
It is not recommended to keep the melting temperature closely under the boiling point
of carbon.
Terms summary
What determined the solubility of oxygen in the cast iron?
How do the reactions of elements contained in the inoculants and modifiers
with the cast iron proceed?
What is the purpose of the thermodynamic relations for conducting the melting
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Eutectic crystallization
Graphite crystallization
The mechanism and kinetics of graphitization
Calculation of EGM
The transition from liquid to solid state, while crystals are being formed, is called
crystallization, which is an integral part of the out-of-furnace (after furnace processing, ladle
metallurgy). The crystallization takes place from the temperatures of the liquid to the
temperature of the surrounding environment. At higher temperatures – from the liquid
temperature to the solid temperature, the crystallization is called solidification. From the
temperature of solid till the temperature of surrounding environment, the crystallization is
called cooling off.
The crystallization of cast irons at higher temperatures from the temperature of the
liquid to the temperature of the solid is called primary crystallization and from the
temperature solid to the temperature of surrounding environment, it is called the secondary
crystallization. The final structure of the casting is formed during an eutectoid reaction. [27,
31, 42, 43, 47]
The final structure can be divided to:
1. basic metal matrix – ferrite, perlite and other structural components
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
melt + - phase
melt + graphite
- phase
Temperature [°C]
melt +
austenite melt +
- austenite
austenite + Fe3C/graphite
- phase
α - phase-ferrite + Fe3C/graphite
wt.% C
hm.% Fe3C
The influence of silicon on the critical points of the diagram is also recorded in this
A fundamental difference between crystallization of steel and a cast iron is that the cast
iron crystallizes either in a metastable state – in this case a high-carbon phase is released in
the form cementite (the cast iron is referred to as white); or it crystallizes in a stable state –
then the high-carbon phase is released in the form of graphite (the cast iron is referred to as
grey). At certain conditions, both form of high-carbon phase coexist at the same time (the cast
iron is referred to as poppy or half-hearted).
The decisive conditions for one form or the other are these:
1. chemical composition
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
2. cooling speed
It follows that the individual types of cast iron cannot be characterized only by chemical
composition, as in the case of steel, but we have to consider other conditions, which are
decisive for the final structure of cast iron – the cooling conditions.
Cast iron crystallization differs from the steels by the eutectic delay, which occurs
during the solidification. The difference between the crystallization of steel and cast iron
results from the schematic cooling curves shown in Figure 11. While steel crystallizes in the
range of temperatures between the liquid temperature and the solid temperature without delay,
in cast iron an eutectic is formed during crystallization. In this eutectic, the melt is
equilibrium and the solid phase consists of austenite and graphite or cementite. [44, 45, 46].
Cementite eutectic is called ledeburite. The eutectic reaction widens the range of
crystallization temperatures and contributes to the final structure of the cast iron. According to
the content of carbon in the cast iron, we divide them into hypoeutectic (C<4.3 %), eutectic
(C=4.3 %), and hypereutectic (C>4.3 %). In an hypoeutectic cast iron, the austenite is mainly
released – mostly in a dendritic form. In an hypereutectic cast iron, the high-carbon phase is
released (primary cementite, graphite). In eutectic cast irons the austenite, graphite and
ledeburite crystallize at the same time. During the eutectic reaction, the melt, austenite,
graphite and ledeburite are all in equilibrium.
G L [J.mol-1.K-1] (26)
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The temperature of a stable equilibrium eutectic is 1153 °C, for a metastable eutectic, it
is 1147 °C, T = 6 °C.
Temperature in °C
Stable crystallization, in other words the activation of graphite seeds, does not need a
high value of ΔG, excretion of graphite takes place already at low degrees of undercooling
(around 8÷10 °C).
With lowering content of carbon in the cast iron, the value of undercooling becomes
During the crystallization of spheroidal graphite CISG, a high value of T (around
60 °C) is necessary, which is explained by the change of physical and chemical properties of
the cast iron processed by the modification with magnesium. If the undercooling is high, the
melt temperature reaches lower temperature than the metastable temperature – the melt will
crystallize without precipitation graphite (see alternative in Figure 13c,13d).
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The interval between the stable and metastable temperature is decisive for the
graphitization ability of the cast iron. This interval is influenced by the presence of other
elements in the cast iron (Figure 14). Elements that widen the interval between TS and TM,
will support graphitization and vice versa (Figure 15). The eutectic is defined as a eutectic
cell. A stable eutectic cell has an appearance according to the graphitization conditions and it
is related to the change of shape of the graphite (lamellar – vermicular – spheroidal).
Figure 14 – The presence of elements in the cast iron influencing the TS and TM
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The activity of carbon in the solution can be determined using the activity coefficient fC
for a given temperature and carbon content:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
1/ carbide forming (Zr, Ti, V, Mo, Cr, W, Mn) – increase the solubility of C and
decrease its activity
2/ graphite forming (Si, Al, P, Cu, Ni, Co) – decrease the solubility of C and increase its
With the change of activity of carbon comes the change of its concentration in the
solution depending on other present elements in the molted cast iron.
C X m x
where: CX is the change of solubility of carbon in %
m is the coefficient of the effect of element x on the activity of carbon
(see. Table 3)
x is the concentration of element x in %
element m x (wght. %)
S - 0.40 0.4
P - 0.33 3.0
Si - 0.31 5.5
Al - 0.22 2.0
Cu - 0.074 3.8
Mn + 0.027 2.5
Cr + 0.063 9.0
Ti + 0.14 -
From that it is possible to determine the real content of carbon in the eutectic.
CC / C iX (28)
Fe C i 1
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The degree of eutectiveness (SC) can be calculated from the following relation:
SC (31)
CC 4.26 0.31 Si 0.33 P 0.027 Mn 0.4 S
where C is the analytically determined total carbon in the cast iron according to the
ČSN and in practice, this formula is simplified to the form of:
1 hypereutectic cast iron
SC 1 eutectic cast iron (32)
4.26 0.3( Si P)
1 hypoeutectic cast iron
The carbon equivalent (Cekv), which determines – similarly to the SC – the position of
the cast iron in the Fe-C diagram, will be determined from the following relation:
C ekv C (mi xi ) % (33)
i 1
The above mentioned information imply the influence of chemical composition of the
cast iron on the process of crystallization of the eutectic.
Another important factor influencing the crystallization of cast irons is the cooling
speed of molten cast iron, in other word the speed of transition between the liquid state and
the solid state.
The influence of this factor is expressed by isothermal and anisothermic transformation
of the eutectic transition [31].
Figure 17 and Figure 18 show the mechanism of effect of the cooling rate on the final
structure of the cast iron. Temperatures T1 and T2 and the correspondent cooling rates v1 and
v2 provide the conditions for the transformation of structural components of the final structure
of the cast iron. In the temperature range between T1 and T2, both high-carbon phases are
formed at the same time. The resulting form is mottled structure, where two carbon phases
coexist together – graphite and cementite (mottled cast iron).
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
log time
Figure 17 – Curves of isothermal transformation
log time
Figure 18 – Curves of anisothermic transformation
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
In terms of the morphology of the solidification, the cast irons have mutual difference
that is related to the processing of the melt. They solidify differently when comparing the
graphitizing cast irons and white cast irons. The graphitization is also various, e.g. in CILG or
In the Figure 19 there is the schematic visualization of the solidification of CILG and
CISG. This picture shows the difference between the solidification of CILG eutectic and a
CISG cast iron. While in CILG an eutectic cell is formed during the austenite crystallization,
in CISG the austenite crystallization prevails over the formation of eutectic cell.
This different morphology of solidification of graphitizing cast irons is especially
important for the formation of shrinkages of these cast irons.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
graphite crystallization
1 1 1
In the denominator the mentioned processes take place simultaneously. The process that
is the slowest in this period is the limiting one. For example, during the crystallization of
CILG, the graphite is surrounded partly by austenite and the ends of lamellas are in contact
with the melt, that is why the graphite lamella grows faster in the longitudinal direction than
in the transverse direction, where the carbon diffuses into lamellae through austenite.
In the case of spheroidal graphite, the graphite grows uniformly, because more carbon
gets to the graphite crystal only through diffusion through an austenite envelope, that is why it
grows in all directions with the same speed. From the point of view of graphitization kinetics
– homogenous and heterogeneous – the speed of growth of seeds depending on time is
On the Figure 20 the graphitization kinetics is visualized. The temperature is on the
horizontal axis and the number of nucleus is on the vertical axis.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
number of seeds
Calculation of EGM
Original form:
Present form:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The above mentioned basic knowledge about the crystallization of the cast iron give an
idea about the complexity of this process and at the same time they enable us to understand
the basic laws of transition of melt from liquid state to solid state with the possibility to
influence this process.
The method of releasing the eutectic is decisive during the crystallization, because in
this period, there is the formation of graphite nucleus and by that the influence of the
graphitization ability of the molten cast iron. In CILG, the period of crystallization of the
eutectic is proportional to the carbon content – the lower the carbon content, the lower the
amount of eutectic and also the lower the graphitization ability of the cast iron. In CISG the
eutectic has the largest portion of the crystalline phase, because the carbon content is at high
levels around 3.7÷3.9 %C.
Term summary
Describe the Fe-C and Fe-Fe3C diagrams
Explain the eutectic crystallization in the cast iron
Describe the course of solidification of cast irons using the cooling curve
Describe the types of eutectic cells and the morphology of cast iron
Explain the mechanism and kinetics of the graphite formation in cast irons
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Current knowledge about the cast iron crystallization permit the modifications of this
process especially of the graphite crystallization – graphitization. The main task of a
metallurgist of cast iron is to preventively determine the graphitization ability of the cast iron
– the extent to which the carbon presence in the cast iron will activate the creation of graphite
One of many methods according to which the graphitization ability of a cast iron can be
determined, is a thermal analysis of the curves of 1st and 2nd derivation of temperature-time.
[44, 45, 46, 53] An example of a typical cooling curve is on the figure below.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
temperature parameter
On the Figure 21 there is a typical cooling curve of a cast iron solidifying in a stable way and
its first derivation.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
To assess the metallurgical quality of the cast iron, it is possible to use (Figure 22) the
proportion of residual eutectic to the starting amount of eutectic, which also expresses the
kinetics of the graphite seeding, because, as was already mentioned, deoxidation,
degasification and formation of graphite seeds are the core processes of inoculation.
0.4 0.6 low value, tendency to shrink
1 1.2 optimal, good quality
1.6 2 high value, slaginess, gassiness of the castings
This ratio can also be expresses base on the analysis of the slag through the ratio of
. If this ratio is high, then the slag and oxygen content is also high. If it is low,
then there is high tendency to shrink. The ratio is called the degree of
oxidation of the melt.
The analyses of slags from a cupola and a casting ladle can be used as an example –
table 4.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
overoxidation (bubbles)
underdeoxidization (slag)
without defect
overdeoxidation (shrinkage)
The melt marked with number 1 „slag-ladle“ has an optimal degree of oxidation, melt
n.3 “slag-pan” tends to have defects like slag or higher content of gases.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Using pure magnesium during modification is more prone to defects of the slag type,
or a gas content (marked 2).
The most used of various technological tests (chill) is the wedge test and the analysis
of the fracture in this test. Apart from the chemical analysis, the above mentioned tests also
complement the melt controlling during the melting process.
Terms summary
How do we obtain a cooling curve of a cast iron?
Why do we use the 1st derivation of the cooling curve and what is the
importance of the areas PA,EA,ER ?
How can we calculate the degrees of oxidation of the melt
How can we interpret the chemical analyses of the furnace and ladle slags?
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Contents of the chapter
Theory of inoculation
The influence of oxygen on the process of inoculation
The mechanism of inoculation effect
The methods of inoculation
Aim After studying this chapter you will have the knowledge about:
Theory of inoculation
The mechanism of inoculation effect
The influence of oxygen on the process of inoculation
The methods of inoculation
The comparison of the inoculation effect of various inoculants
One of the main methods of after furnace processing of molten cast iron (influencing
the final structure of the cast iron in a casting) is inoculation, meaning the formation of
sufficient amount graphitization nucleus. A bigger number of nucleus softens the graphite,
prevents the release of free cementite and by that it decreases the tendency to chills. The
precondition of this process in the first phase of melting (in the furnace) is that the molten cast
iron has a sufficient nucleation potential for the next inoculation process given by the
composition of the batch. [29, 34, 39]
The essence of inoculation is the heterogeneous nucleation, which is supported by the
introduction of inoculates, usually based on FeSi into the molten cast iron.
We use inoculation when we want to reach an increase of exogenous graphitization
nuclei and by that reach the softening of the released graphite, prevent the formation of free
cementite and decrease the occurrence of chill in the critical sections of the casting (sections
under the width of 8 to 4 mm).
The used inoculants and inoculation techniques will be listed in more detail in the
following chapters.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Increasing the number of
graphite nuclei
Physical and chemical
Presence of exogenous nuclei
↓ ↓
oxides, nitrides, carbides deoxidation
↓ ↓
Heterogeneous nucleation desulphurization
Change of wettability of the
nucleus – a melt of
homogenous nucleation
Change of the conditions of
graphitization during an
eutectic reaction
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Inoculating has become the subject of research of many experts who tried to explain the
process of nucleation taking place during the crystallization of cast iron and determine the
rules for the methods of inoculation, so that the scope of nucleation was preserved as much as
possible. Research of nucleation from 50 years of the last century has changed the views on
the scope of nuclei added to the melt. The resulting hypotheses until now can be divided into
the following groups:
a) physical and chemical nature of inoculation, in other word the role of the surface
tension of the melt, the crystalline structure of the inoculant and the affinity of the
parameters of the crystalline lattice.
b) thermodynamic nature of inoculation and the related nature of homogeneous and
heterogeneous nucleation, the formation of oxides, or other compounds constituting the
heterogeneous nucleation phase.
c) this group contains other hypotheses, which define the state of the melt before
inoculation, during it and they apply the knowledge from physical chemistry and
a) Physical and chemical nature of inoculation
Inoculants, inducing the formation of new nuclei, should have the same crystalline
lattice as graphite, hexagonal, or at least one parameter of the crystalline lattice should have
the same size as the parameter of the graphite lattice (deviation ± 5 %). [32]
Figure 23 shows the ideas about graphite nucleation using CaC2. That implies a
positive influence of calcium on the formation of seeds. The formation of CaC2 has been
explained according the reaction Ca-C in chapter 3.3.
b) formation of graphite
planes and planes of CaC2
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 23a shows the crystalline lattice of CaC2 and graphite. Figure 23b shows the
scheme of effect of CaC2 on the seeding of graphite during the transition from the liquid phase
to the solid phase. In this case, the condition of minimal deviation of the parameters of lattice
is accomplisher (7.4Å in CaC2 and 7.42Å in graphite). The angle of wettability δ on the
interface between phases melt – alien seed – graphite seed has to be smaller than 180°, which
is clear from the Figure 24. In that case, according to the relation on Figure 24, the alien seed
is actively supporting graphitization. The interface tension is given by the physical and
chemical properties of the melt, which change after adding the inoculant and this determines
the wettability of the alien seed vis-à-vis the graphite seed. With an angle bigger than 180° the
alien seed would be repelled from the graphite. [32]
Using the thermodynamic laws, we are able to determine the processes of chemical
reactions that take place during inoculation. The inoculant added to the melt in the solid state
is melted and chemical compounds are being formed, mostly oxidic, which from the point of
view of heterogeneous nucleation are the most effective (mostly SiO2). Apart from these
oxides, other compounds are formed such as carbides, nitrides and sulphides, which support
the heterogeneous nucleation by their effects. To understand these laws, it is necessary to
know about the physical and chemical parameters of these elements contained in inoculants:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
log( PCaO ) 8082 / T 4.579
log Ca 1196 / T 2.192
log Kp 34104 / T 8.175
eCa 2.3 Kp
log O log Kp log Ca eOCa Ca 2
log Kp 62876 / T 23.5
1 2 eO 2.3 Kp
log O log Kp log Al Al 2
3 3 Al
log( PBaO ) 7535 / T 3.554
log Ba 760 / T 0.824
log Kp 31318 / T 8.269
eBa 2.3 Kp
log O log Kp log Ba eOBa Ba 2
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
log( PSrO ) 7422 / T 4.523
log Sr 310 / T 1.98
log Kp 32259 / T 7.972
eSr 2.3 Kp
log O log Kp log Sr e Sr
O 2
log( PMg ) 6333 / T 4.666
Element Si Ca Al Sr
Log |O| -4.6 -8.83 -3.8 -6.52 Σ
|O| 0.000025 % 0.000000001 % 0.00016 % 0.0000003 % 0.000185301 %
The above mentioned value enable us to state that in case of calcium and strontium,
their influence on the inoculation at given conditions is negligible. On the other hand, the
influence of silicon and aluminum is significant, however, it is necessary to take into account
that elements such as strontium and calcium can significantly influence the amount of sulfur
(formation of sulfides). Due to the low boiling point of strontium, its evaporation may occur
and it may positively influence the inoculation. The bond of calcium with carbon is more
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
important than with oxygen, because CaC2 is formed. The reaction proceeds to the right and
the higher the temperature the higher the possibility of creation of CaC2.
c) Other hypotheses
According to the current theoretical knowledge, the influence of inoculant on the
graphite nucleation is the following:
According to the author [23], the effect of FeSi and SiC as inoculant is schematically
displayed on Figure 25. It is a comparison of the effect of these two compounds, wherein SiC
has a very effective influence on the formation of graphitizing nuclei, but it cannot be used as
an inoculant. SiC has a great importance in the first phase of the melting to increase the
nucleation potential of the melt a by that improve the conditions of the subsequent inoculation
process. Figure 25 shows that the effect of the inoculant in the melt is divided into three
- Dissolving the Si applied to the melt by the inoculant
- Dissolving the formed graphite
- Dissolving the graphite clusters
The top part of the Figure 25 represents the mechanism of the influence of SiC, the
bottom part represents the influence of FeSi. A layer of SiO2 is formed around the layer of
SiC, which causes an intensive release of graphite (30 % of the total carbon released as
graphite and the formation of molecules of C) so-called pre-inoculation effect.
During this mechanism, nucleation and growth of austenite take place as well as the
releasing of graphite (inoculation effect) and releasing of cementite. The whole process take
place slowly and it prolongs the inoculation effect. It is caused by the fact that the carbon
clusters and carbon molecules easily dissolve in austenite and at the same time the graphite
nucleation easily takes place. The formation of cementite is conditioned by the formation of
atomic carbon.
When using FeSi, only 5 % of the total amount carbon is used for the reaction and the
formation of graphite is not as intensive. The dissolution of carbon clusters (the last part of
Figure 25) to atomic carbon follows.
In general, it is possible to explain the inoculation effect in a cast iron by the influence
of different concentration of silicon from the inoculant in the melt (high concentration around
the grain of inoculant) [33]. This results in the formation of cast iron with hypereutectic
composition in the areas of inoculant dissolution. The composition ensures the release of
primary graphite when the temperatures are lowered. This hypothesis emphasizes the
influence of the maximum dispersion of inoculant in the whole volume of the melt.
For the carbon to be released in the form of graphite, the activity of carbon has to be
aC≥1. If the value is lower than 1, graphite is not formed. The activity of carbon is therefore a
condition of the formation of graphite. As the solution of cast iron is also composed of other
elements, it is necessary to consider their influence on the activity of C.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
easily easily
Nucleus of
easily difficult
FeSi: Dissolution. Formation of SiC.
Releasing of graphite. Diffusion of Si Formation of Fe3C
and C (5 % of the total carbon released easily
as G or the formation of molecules of difficult
C CGr (40)
G R T ln aC (41)
The products of the reaction are dissolved and they form areas oversaturated with
carbon and silicon and the direct release of graphite follows.
According to author [34] Figure 26 and Figure 27 the effect of inoculation can be
described as follows:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The element reduces the solubility of carbon in the solution and does not form stable
compounds (Figure 26). The inoculation effect can be determined from the angle α, the lower
the angle, the bigger the inoculation effect. Furthermore, the inoculation effect is dependent
on the concentration of carbon in the solution A = CS – C1. The concentration C2 will not
cause the inoculation effect because its concentration and therefore its activity is low. The
activity of carbon ac will depend on the character of element, generally called M.
Solution of C
Figure 26 – Inoculation effect, where the M element does not form compounds
α – expresses the inoculation effect
M, MA – generally an element supporting the graphitization of
carbon in the melt
C1, C2, CS – content of carbon in the melt in percentage
Figure 27 shows another example when the added element decreases the solubility of
carbon in the solution, creates stable compounds, which can break up to form graphite.
Figure 27 shows the example of silicon.
If we inoculate using the FeSi 75 % type inoculant, then the concentration of Si in the
area of dissolution is 75 % and the SiC compound is formed, and it is stable at this
concentration of silicon. During further dissolution, the concentration of Si decreases to the
value of 22 %. At this concentration or lower, SiC breaks up and graphite is formed. If the
concentration of Si decreases under 3 %, no inoculation effect takes place. That is why silicon
is the base of graphitizing inoculants.
The following conclusion can be made [37]:
1/ Certain elements are capable of causing the releasing of graphite – they
increase aC - decrease the solubility of C in the solution. These are the
elements: Al, Si, Cu, Co, Ni, P.
2/ Certain elements decrease the ac and create stable compounds independent on
concentration and temperature. These are the elements: Cr, Mn, Mo, V.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Solution of C
break up of SiC
Figure 27 – The inoculation effect, when the element forms unstable compounds
(example for Si)
α – expresses the inoculation effect
M, MA – generally an element supporting the graphitization of carbon in the melt
C1, C2, CS – percentage content of carbon in the melt
As stated in literature [8, 25, 28, 36], various authors focus on the behavior of oxygen in
the molten cast iron, as it is considered to be the determining factor for the inoculation effect.
Many research works were made in this direction. They basically determine the dependence
of the stability of formed oxides with regard on the presence of elements with high affinity
towards oxygen. The dependence of the melt temperature and exposure time on melting
temperature is being observed with regard to the technological conditions of melting.
According to Figure 28, authors [22] state the presence of oxides in the individual
phases of casting. There is a formation of SiO2 in the furnace, during casting out of furnace
and inoculation in the casting pan, big amount of Al2O3 and a smaller amount of ZrO2 are
formed. After casting into a form, the presence of oxides is recorded in lower amount –
meaning that the inoculation effects stops after pouring the melt into the form.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Temperature [°C]
Figure 28 – Changes of content of oxygen in the melt, in the furnace, in the ladle
and for the inoculation in the casting
Relative reduction of oxygen in % after 10 min
Temperature [°C]
Figure 29 – Changes of the content of oxygen during overdosing the inoculant in the cast iron
melt (samples taken from the side zone of the casting) [22]
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
initial state
Time in min
Figure 30 – Gradual depletion of the melt from oxygen depending on the melting period at the
exposure temperature of 1290 °C
Figure 30 shows the influence of delay time on the content of oxygen in the melt at
T = 1290 °C, the delay time was from 0 to 260 min and the values of oxygen content lowered
from original 70 to 5 ppm.
As shown in these pictures, 1600 °C is the limiting temperature. At these temperature,
the carbon boiling occurs and during it there is a steep decrease of oxygen content
(deoxidation by carbon).
The above mentioned dependencies show that the formation of oxides is important
especially for heterogeneous nucleation. High overheating temperature influences this
nucleation negatively, because the oxygen content can totally decrease and by that the amount
of graphite seeds also decreases. The same goes for the exposure time at the given
The situation can be solved in the next stage of melt inoculation, so that the process of
formation of oxides can be renewed again. In practice, this means the use of three steps
method of inoculation, furnace- ladle, ladle - pouring ladle, pouring ladle- mould . In that
case the total amount of used inoculant is divided into individual stages. The last phase has
the lowest amount of inoculant. This arrangement permits variations.
Figure 31 is very important as it shows the influence of aluminum on the nucleation of
graphite as well as the influence of aluminum on deoxidation of the melt. On the vertical axis
there is the total amount of oxygen on the cast iron in the form of oxygen in ppm and on the
horizontal axis there is the total amount of aluminum in the melt in ppm. With regard to the a
possibility of deoxidation by aluminum, areas are shown in the Figure 31 where oxides
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
exceed considerably the content of aluminum, this area is defined as 25 % quality of the cast
iron. When the total oxygen decreases, the bottom right case might occur, where for given
oxides there will be aluminum in excess and that is the 35 % quality of the cast iron. The
optimal content of aluminum for the given amount of oxides in the melt is marked by the
middle area of 100 % quality of the cast iron. It is bordered by so-called minimum content
Al min 8.6 %O and then by Al max 24.1 %O .
25 % quality
– high content of O2
Content of oxygen [ppm]
– low content of Al
100 % quality
35 % quality
– high content of Al
– low content of O2
Figure 31 – Defining the areas for good metallurgical quality of cast iron depending on the
amount of oxygen and aluminum (for deoxidation) in the melt. [28, 35]
Example: We have the total amount of oxygen of 15 ppm in the melt, the amount of
aluminum in the melt before inoculation is 0.005 %. According to Figure 31 we
can calculate the minimum amount of oxygen in the melt. The optimal amount of
aluminum should be 15 8.6 129ppm 0.0129% Al. If we inoculate the melt by
0.7 % to mass of liquid metal then we will add by the inoculant with the content
of 1.2 %Al, 0.7 1.2 100 0.0084% Al. The total amount of aluminum in the melt
will then be 0.005 0.0084 0.0134% Al. By inoculating, we have considerably
improved the quality of the melt, so much, that we are now in the area of 100 %
quality of the cast iron.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Example: The analytically determined total amount of oxygen in the melt is 25 ppm, the
amount of aluminum is 0.006 %. The optimal amount of aluminum should be
25 8.6 206ppm 0.0206% Al. If we inoculate the melt with 0.6 % to mass of
liquid metal then we will add, with the content of 1.2 %Al in the inoculant,
0.6 1.2 100 0.0072% Al. The total amount of aluminum in the melt will then be
0.006 0.0072 0.0132% Al. In this case, we find ourselves in the top part (25 %
quality of the cast iron), it is necessary to add the difference between the optimal
and real value into the melt - 0.0215 0.0132 0.0083% pure aluminum.
Other authors [24, 25, 26, 49] state that there is a possibility of using the activity of
carbon and the activity of silicon to explain the influence of the inoculation on the quality of
the molten cast iron. The influence of inoculation on the quality is measured during a chill
In this method we calculate the activities of carbon and the activity of silicon on carbon
from the melt prepared to inoculated, which has a certain temperature. We add the determined
amount of inoculant and again calculate the correspondent change of activities caused by
inoculation for the given temperature after inoculation. Before and after the inoculation we
perform the chill test, because it is probable that the inoculation changed the activity of
carbon, especially due to the silicon contained in the inoculant. This increase may be
expressed as a multiplier or in percentage.
Authors [26, 49] have made a number of measurements of the influence of the activity
on the depth of chill, and they have expressed these measurements in the dependencies in the
Figure 32 and Figure 33.
depth of chill [mm]
Figure 32 – The dependence aCC Si depending on the chill depth before inoculation
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 33 – The dependence of aCC Si depending on the chill depth after inoculation
The above mentioned hypotheses suggest the following requirements for inoculants.
1) good solubility in the melt
2) content of elements increasing the activity of carbon, such as Si, Al and others
3) content of elements, which change the interphase tension by increasing the surface
tension of the melt, such as Ba, Ca, Zr and others
4/ keeping the chemical composition of the inoculant in constant allowable limits
according to the customer requirements is needed
5/ storage of the inoculants in closed metal containers in a dry environment is required.
type Si Ca Al Ba Zr Sr
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
type Si Ca Al Zr Mg REM
* special graphitizing inoculant for the cast iron with spheroidal graphite
At present, various different methods are used to add the inoculant to molten cast iron.
With the gradual change of methods of inoculation, also the requirements for inoculant types
have changed:
1/ inoculation by liquid inoculant (less frequent method)
2/ inoculation by granulized inoculant (the most frequent method), the dimension of
grains varies from 0.2 mm to 8-10 mm
3/ inoculation by compact bodies inserted to the pouring basin or to the reaction
chamber in the gating system
4/ inoculation by filled profiles
One of the commonly used methods (not optimal) is to add the inoculant to the pouring
channel of the melting furnace during the pouring of the liquid cast iron into the casting ladle,
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
or the inoculant can be placed on the bottom of the casting ladle before its filling. In case of
inoculation in the ladle, it is necessary to fill the ladle with a certain amount of liquid metal
before adding the inoculant. By this we prevent the inoculant from staying at the bottom of
the ladle (uneven distribution of the inoculant in the melt). Both cases are methods without
investment costs and are financially inexpensive. However, these methods carry a risk of
decreasing the incubation period of the inoculation effect (shortening the effective period of
the inoculant), the time limit of which was determined at around 20 minutes from adding the
inoculant in the melt after casting the product.
That is why there is an effort to inoculate the melt immediately before casting or
directly during the pouring into a casting mould. The amount of used inoculant is
informatively set in the range of 0.1-1.2 % of the weight of liquid metal and it is totally
individual according to the given conditions of casting and it is not possible to prescribe it.
Furthermore, some other inoculation methods will be listed according to the individual
Figure 34 shows the inoculation using the compact inoculants placed in the gating hole.
The body is inserted in the hole in such way, so that it is gradually melted away during the
pouring process. This method is used when pouring the products of higher weight category
and it has many advantages. First of all, it solves the problem of the incubation period of the
inoculation effect, because the inoculation takes place immediately before solidification of the
casting. The size and weight of the inoculating bodies are fixed for the given weight of the
casting and type of cast iron, therefore the exact dosage is ensured. The bodies are produced
in various categories of chemical composition.
This method of graphitizing inoculation is used in the production of massive castings
from cast iron with spheroidal graphite with the use of so-called starting block.
stopper plug plug
partition core
Inoculation in the gating system is displayed on the Figure 35 and Figure 36. The
inoculation chamber is divided by a dividing plane and a compact inoculant may also be used,
or the granulized inoculant (Figure 36). This method has a number of advantages but also
some disadvantages. Also in this case the conditions of keeping the incubation period and
keeping the exact dosage of the inoculant for the weight of cast metal are complied with. The
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
dynamic effect of flowing metal through the gating system ensures the good solubility of the
inoculant. [37]
On the other hand, there is a risk of leakage of inclusions generated after inoculation
into the casting. That is why it is recommend for pressurized castings (strained by the pressure
of gaseous or liquid medium) to place sieve or filter to the gating system with the the
corresponding cross-sectional dimension of the slag trap. Table 12 and 13 show the
dimensions of the gating system according to Figure 35 and Figure 36.
diving diving
plane plane
reaction space
output space
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Moulds with low weight of the liquid metal in a flask are produced in a large number
during a relatively long period of time and the melt inoculated in a holding furnace would lose
it properties of an inoculated cast iron after some time.
During the last few years a new method is starting to be used. It also solves the above
mentioned problems. It is the method of inoculation using filled profiles. In this method, the
inoculant is pressed in a steel thin-walled pipe and is injected into the melt in the furnace
using a feeding device. The speed of feeding has to be selected for the given conditions, so
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
that the dissolution of the core wire takes place near the bottom of the pan, which ensure the
good spread of the inoculant in the whole volume of the melt. For large volumes, it is possible
to increase the good spreading of the inoculant by purging it with an inert gas. This method is
operative and exact. It is suitable to dose it just before casting into form – it moderately
Figure 37 shows a diagram for determining the speed of feeding of the core wire (CW)
depending on the weight speed of casting and the type of inoculating FP for the added amount
0.05 % of the weight of the liquid metal.
1 mo Z
V [m.sec-1] (44)
100 I
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
inoculation wire
Figure 37 – The selected wire movement speeds depending on the feeding speed and the type
of used inoculant IW (applies for CILG and the amount of inoculant in IW = 0.05 %
on weight of molten metal ).
Figure 38 shows the possibility of adding the profile into the stream of metal during the
casting from casting ladle through the beak.
Figure 38 – Inoculation by wire (FP): a) into the ladle b) into the stream
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 39 shows the disposition of feeding of a core wire into the ladle hanging on the
casting crane.
Feeding equipment
inoculation wire
casting crane
Figure 40 shows the case of feeding the CW during the casting from the ladle with
bottom outflow. The inoculation by core wire during the casting from holding furnaces is
displayed in two variations on Figure 41 and Figure 42. Figure 41 shows the inoculation
carried out in a semi-ladle equipped with a partition, which prevents the inflow of slag and
products of inoculation into the form. Figure 42 shows the case when the filled core wire is
fed directly through the stopper. The feeding device is controlled together with the controlling
device dosing the needed amount of metal during the casting into the frame.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Casting ladle
inoculation wire
Foundry mould
Casting ladle
inoculation wire
pontoon ladle
Foundry mould
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Inoculation wire
Foundry mould
Figure 42 – Inoculating by FP during the casting from casting device using the stopper
Filled profiles allow different combinations of inoculant composition, which is another
advantage of this method of inoculation.
Table 4 shows the examples of composition of filled profiles and other important data
such as the weight of the filling, total weight of the profile, diameter and thickness of the
casing. This method is suitable for graphitizing inoculation during the production CISG, as
will be described below.
The inoculation of cast irons is a very important intervention into the crystallization, by
which we are influencing the final structure of the casting. Even if it is a quite long known
method (since 1950s), it is becoming clear that it is necessary to pay due attention to it,
because up until now this method is not totally theoretically mastered.
Gradually, the inoculation gets new importance and meaning, as there are new methods
being developed and the quality of inoculants is improving.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The aim of metallurgists engaged in casting cast irons is to achieve even structure of the
graphite and the basic metal matrix.
Terms summary
What are the basic theories of inoculation?
What is the mechanism of action of the inoculant?
How is the effect of oxygen on the inoculation process demonstrated?
What are the methods of inoculation?
What is the effect of the inoculant based on FeSi and SiC?
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Contents of the chapter
We use modification to influence the shape of the graphite during its crystallization, so
that the lamellar graphite changes to a spheroidal shape due to the influence of the modifier
(noduliser). This considerably changes the utility properties of the cast iron but also the
physical properties such as thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion and
technological properties such as corrosion resistance, the possibility of welding and
All these properties are expressed in Czech and European technical norms. The cast iron
becomes tough with corresponding mechanical properties. The important thing is that these
properties of cast iron with spheroidal graphite can be achieved in casted state or by
subsequent heal treatment. That is why the modification has a long reaching importance for
the utility of cast iron with spheroidal graphite as a construction material.
Theories existing and explaining the mechanism of modification can be summarized
into these basic main views :
1. During the modification, evaporation of magnesium takes place, magnesium comes to
atomic state and is absorbed on the surfaces of the existing graphite crystal, thus
changing the speed of crystal surfaces growth.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
mark Mg Ca Si Al Ce REM
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Mg 100 [%] (48b)
Filled profiles
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Example: For 500 kg of metal, 10 kg of modifier, 50 sec casting and flow method of
q 10 kg sec-1
10 kg
1 sec
10 kg sec-1
10 kg/sec
KR 2
0.033 kg sec-1 cm 2
300 cm
1 1
30.3 sec
K R 0.033
QK MOD 0.033 300 30.3 297 kg the amount of metal in which the modified has dissolved
100 60% the ratio of dissolution period and the flow time of the melt through the chamber
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Modification is an after furnace processing of the molten cast iron, which can be
divided into:
1. Preparation of the cast iron for the modification: chemical composition and melting
2. The processes taking place during the modification:
Chemical (refining the melt)
The properties of the cast iron designed for the production of CISG are somewhat
different from the normal CILG, especially from the point of view of its chemical
composition. [37, 59, 60]
Molten cast iron that we want to process by modification, has to have a high
graphitization ability, because the modification is a refining process, it decreases the
graphitization ability of the melt meaning that it increases the tendency of metastable
Chemical composition of the cast iron has to have a high content of C + Si, the elements
supporting graphitization.
The recommended content of C= 3.5÷3.8 % and the content of Si = max. 2.8 %. The
amount of initial silicon depends apart from other things on the type of used modifier. If this
modifier contains silicon as the main element, the initial content of silicon in the melt is
decreasing, because certain amount of silicon transits from the modifier to the melt. However,
the decisive factor is the graphitizing inoculation which accompanies the modification.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
From the point of view of occurrence of shrinkages andchills the limiting content of Si
for the given content of C = 3.7 %.
Si (3.7 3.5) 7 1.4%
high tendency
increased shrinkage to chill
Figure 44 shows the influence of the module of the casting, content of carbon and
silicon on the flotation of graphite.
The content of other basic elements – Mn, P and S is ranging in the values used in cast
steels – Mn = 0.2 – 0.6 %, P = 0.03 – 0.06 %, S = 0.01 – 0.03 %. More details about the
influence of these elements will be given in following chapters. During the modification the
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
main role is played by trace elements, which may disturb the process of modification. We call
these elements disturbing elements, they prevent the formation of spheroidal graphite. The
disturbing elements get into the melt with the metal batch that may be polluted by these
elements in various ways.
The disturbing elements are: Pb, Sb, As, Bi, Ti, Sn and others. [54]
Content of carbon [%]
Figure 44 – The influence of C, Si and the module of casting (M) on the flotation of graphite
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The condition of successful modification of the cast iron is sufficiently high temperature
of modification at which we are processing the melt with magnesium. The modification is
accompanied by the decrease of temperature due to the melting and evaporation of
magnesium. The decrease of temperature ranges from 40 to 70 °C from the practical
7.3 The losses of magnesium during the production of cast iron with
spheroidal graphite
The losses of magnesium occur during the modification and are related with the period
of standing of the modified cast iron, with the period of casting and subsequently with the
period of solidification of the molten cast iron in the form and with the thickness of the wall
(casting module).
Literature [60] gives these loses as the total value of magnesium decrease in the molten
cast iron after the casting has been finished.
Further losses occur during the pouring of the melt into the form:
c) influence of the casting modulus
d) solidification time of the casting
Other losses:
e) slag removing
f) the transport of the ladle to the pouring field
g) casting period
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
d) – the period of hardening depends on the temperature when pouring into the mould,
on the coefficient of solidification and on the determining modulus of the
casting according to the formula:
Mg ztr 0.086 M TL 1150 250 2 0.001
where 0.086 – solidification constant for bentonite molding mixture
and CISG
(for CT forms and CISG, the constant has the
value of 0.0742)
M – modulus of the casting
250 – change of temperature influenced by the crystallization heat
of the graphitization
TL – temperature of pouring
e), f), g) – we obtain these losses by observing the operation and they range from 5
minutes to maximum of 22 minutes, which is the value, when the effect
modification vanishes.
Example: the amount of added magnesium to the melt MgVS= 0.13 % , the amount of
sulphur before modification SPOČ = 0.025 % , the temperature of metal poured into
the form 1320 °C and the module of casting 1.7 cm
The formula from the Figure 44 is visually represented on Figure 45 and Figure 46,
where the solidification time is given depending on the modulus of the casting and in the right
part there are the corresponding losses of Mg depending on the period of manipulation with
the liquid metal and the solidification time of the casting.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 45 – Losses of Mg depending on the solidification time and the M of the casting.
Duration of solidification [min]
Figure 46 – Losses of Mg depending on the solidification time and the M of the casting.
If there is a requirement for the lowering of the content of Mgzbyt= 0.035 %, then
Qmod = 9.67 kg, which corresponds with the real consumption.
The practical utility of these relations require operational verification in the given
conditions of a foundry. The time required for the manipulation and the casting time of the
modified cast iron remain important factors.
These data will affect the total effectiveness of the modification.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Terms summary
What characterizes the process of modification?
Which criteria are used with the basic formulas for controlling the
What are the basic conditions of the modification?
How are the magnesium losses calculated during the production of cast iron
with spheroidal graphite?
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
has the character of steel. It is therefore possible to apply some of the experienced gained for
steel in defining the thermodynamic conditions of the modification.
The pressure of magnesium vapors depends on the temperature [ PMg f (T )] and can be
calculated from the formulas (57÷60), listed on Figure 47. Mutual deviation of individual
authors is negligible. [24, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 56] According to these relations, it is possible to
calculate the corresponding pressure of magnesium vapors, in other words the pressure, for
which the dissolved magnesium in the melt will be in equilibrium with the given melt
temperature. If we increase this pressure for the given temperature, then the evaporation of
magnesium will be suppressed and the magnesium will be in a liquid state in the melt
solution. The above mentioned values apply for pure iron.
At lower pressure of the Mg vapors, than corresponds with the equilibrium values, there
will be an intensive evaporation and great losses of magnesium during the modification.
7100 1090
B. Marinček log PMg 5.16 [bar] (57)
K. Vaščenko log PMg 1.22 log T 9.52 [bar] (58)
K.Kulikov log PMg 4.66 [bar] (59)
Kubashewsky log PMg 1.41 log T 12.79 [torr] (60)
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Pressure [bar]
Temperature [°C]
Temperature [°C]
Figure 48 – The pressure of magnesium vapors depending on the temperature and the
corresponding concentration of magnesium in the melt in % (for pure iron).
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Used formulas:
Mg 970 2.804 (61)
log PMg 4.666 [bar] (62)
Mg 970 2.804 (64)
%Mg PMg 10 T
PMg = [bar] (65)
%Mg PMg 10
PMg = [Mpa] (66)
The values calculated according to relation (65) are visually shown in Figure 49.
The amount magnesium in the solution decreases with increasing temperature and
increases with increasing pressure over the level of the melt. These values apply for pure iron.
For a real melt of a cast iron, it is necessary to consider the content of carbon and
silicon, or other elements, which have a considerable concentration for the thermodynamic
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Mg in solution [%]
Figure 49 – Magnesium in equilibrium with the temperature and pressure in pure iron
(calculated according to formula 65).
The coefficient of activity fMgis is calculated based on the values eMg as follows:
log f Mg eMg
%Mg eMg
%C eMg
%Si (68)
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
eMg %Mg 1
f Mg
970 2180
2.804 2.441
K 10 T [bar] K 10 T [MPa]
For 3.5 % C and 2.5 % Si and the pressure of 1 bar the concentration of Mg at the
temperature of 1673 K according to formula (68) is fMg = 0.805
%Mg 5.96 10 1
K 10 1673
5.96 10 3
[bar] 7.4 103%
%Mg 7.27 10 1
K 10 1673
7.27 10 2
[MPa] 9.04 103%
On the next Figure 50 there is a nomographic chart that represents the relation between
the pressure of saturated magnesium vapors (marked PMg ) and the temperature (marked T in
Kelvin degrees) and the concentration of magnesium in the melt for the given temperature and
the value of modification pressure (marked PMg), applicable for pure iron. The dashed
connector indicated the orientation in the nomogram according to the selected example and
expresses the present physical condition of the modification. In the mentioned case, the
modification pressure was 8 bar and at the temperature 1773K (1500 °C) the concentration of
Mg = 0.044 % in the solution in equilibrium, while at this temperature, the pressure of
saturated vapors will be around 12 bars. There will be an evaporation of magnesium, the
intensity of which is given by the difference of both monitored pressures. We may easily find
out that the decrease of the value of modification pressure at the same temperature will lead to
a higher intensity of evaporation of magnesium, to its higher losses and because of that, to its
lower concentration in the solution. If the value of magnesium in the solution is lower than
0.03 %, then there is no formation of spheroidal graphite.
Figures 51a, b, c show the three basic examples of utility of the modification pressure.
Figure 51a shows the case of the effect of atmospheric pressure (open ladle – pouring
methods). Figure 51b shows the case of the effect of magnesium vapors (the course of the
pressure is depicted on Figure 52 and reached the values of 3.5 bar). This case is typical for
dipping methods with the ladle closed by a lid, there the Tundish methods and the methods of
closed convertor pans but not closed hermetically.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 51c shows the case of the modification pressure (modification by dipping in an
autoclave with overpressure (system MŽ Olomouc).
However, in all the mentioned cases it is necessary to always add the metallostatic
pressure, given by the liquid level in the ladle and calculated from the following formula:
Pmet h (69)
Temperature [°C]
Figure 50 – Nomographic chart of the dependence between the temperature and the
modification pressure ( PMg ), the amount of magnesium in the solution and the
pressure of magnesium vapors ( PMg ) at the given temperature (applicable for pure
iron). Calculated according the formula 65.
Figure 50 shows the nomographic chart representing the physical condition of the
modification. At the given temperature and modification pressure which is given by the
method of modification (see Figure 51 a,b,c), we can read the corresponding concentration of
Mg in the solution in %, which is in equilibrium with the temperature T = 1400 °C. If we
increase the modification temperature to T = 1500 °C, there will be a magnesium boiling at
the pressure of 12 bar, which is necessary for the formation of spheroidal graphite.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 51 – The modification pressure during the production of cast iron with spheroidal
Pressure of Mg vapors
Time [sec]
Figure 52 – Pressure of Mg vapors in a hermetic ladle (currently not used due to the safety
The maximum value of this pressure component of the modification is ensured by the
“slimness” of the modification ladle, which is recommended to have a diameter of
h min . 1.5 2 d , where d is the diameter of the ladle. The total value of the modification
pressure can be calculated from the following formula:
PMg Pa ,b,c (h ) [bar] (70)
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
where Pa,b,c is the pressure over the level of the melt, the value of which depends on the
method of modification (Figure 51).
During the above mentioned analysis of the physical condition of the modification, we
find out that at the chosen modification temperature, its process can be influenced by
pressure, which is, to some extent, decisive for the process and effectiveness of the
As shown in the table 5 (the composition of the modifiers) some master alloys contain
also calcium and that is why it is necessary to evaluate their effect from this point of view.
These values suggest that with regard to the temperature of the molten cast iron, a more
important role will be played by the evaporation of magnesium (see the previous chapter).
[28, 29, 55]
Thermodynamic conditions of the influence of calcium on the modification can be
determined from the following relations:
Ca 1196 2.192
and then
%Ca PCa 10
[bar] (72a)
%Ca PCa 10
[MPa] (72b)
The following applies for the alloy of iron containing carbon and silicon:
a Ca f Ca %Ca
K (73)
The coefficient of activity fCa can be calculated based on the values of eCa , as follows:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
log f Ca eCa
%Ca eCa
%C eCa
%Si (74)
log eCa %Ca 1
eCa 34 10 2 Si
eCa 9.7 102
For the selected content of C=3.5 % a Si=2.5 % je f Ca 0.0369 .
For the temperature of 1400 °C and the pressure of 1 bar, the concentration of calcium
in the alloy is:
K 101673 and by replacement in the formula (73)
K PCa 0.033 1
[%Ca] 0.902%
f Ca 0.0369
0.0626 0.1
[%Ca] 0.169% according to the formula (72b)
Elements present in the modifier come to chemical reactions according to the affinity
in the following manner:
2 Ca O2 2 CaO G 1010kJ mol 1
2 Mg O2 2 MgO G 1000kJ mol 1
3 2
Al O2 Al 2O3 G 850kJ mol 1
4 3
2 Ca S 2 2 CaS G 840kJ mol 1
2 Mg S 2 2 MgS G 620kJ mol 1
In the following text we are going to define the course of isotherms based on free
energies and with regard to other conditions mentioned in the previous chapter. We will
preferably state the reaction between magnesium and sulphur, because sulphur is listed as the
most important condition of the modification. Sulphur is a very important element during the
modification because it forms the MgS compound, which gets into the slag and that is why it
does not influence the modification, in other words, the formation of spheroidal graphite.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
From that
G 0 65311.5
ln K 28.84 (75)
R 8.314 J K 1 mol 1
log K 12.522
The amount Mg in the solution %Mg f %S ,T , PMg is given by the formula::
12.522 eMg C
%C eMg
% Si
eSS %S eSC %C eSSi %Si log%S log PMg
We calculate the corresponding isotherms for given temperatures and pressures from the
equation (76). In general, these relations can be displayed on Figure 53, where we can see the
isotherm of the reaction Mg-S as well as the concentration of magnesium depending on the
temperature and the pressure for generally selected conditions (the perpendicular lines
determine the concentration of magnesium).
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content of S [%]
evaporation vector
resultant vector
desulphurization vector
Content of Mg [%]
Figure 53 – The influence of evaporation and desulphurization during the modification on the
final value of residual magnesium.
Figure 53 also indicates the slope of the line determining the magnesium consumption
to sulfur according to the stoichiometric ratio of the Mg-S reaction (Mg = 0.76.S):
Mg S MgS Mg 0.76 S
If we have a certain concentration of magnesium before the modification (according to
Figure 53 0.04 %) and a certain concentration of sulphur (0.15 %) in the melt, there will be
two processes ongoing from this initial point (marked A):
- Evaporation (horizontal vector) and
- Desulphurization (oblique vector)
By combining the two vectors, we obtain the amount of magnesium that will remain in
the solution as the result of these two processes. This value is of interest, because it
should reach the value of Mgzbyt = 0.03 %. Based on this thought, other possible
combination determining the process of modification are given.
Figure 54 shows the isotherms for various temperatures and contents of sulphur in the
cast iron with the content of 3.5 % C and 2.5 % Si. On the picture, the concentration of
magnesium in % for PMg 1 bar is shown for at the given temperature. According to equation
(76) it is possible to calculate the Mg-S isotherm for whatever chemical composition based on
the above mentioned interaction coefficients eMg .
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content of S [%]
Content of Mg [%]
Figure 54 – Isotherms for various temperatures and contents of sulphur at the pressure of 1
With the decreasing temperature, the desulphurizing ability of magnesium rises even for
very low contents of sulphur. For example, at the modification temperature of 1300 °C and
the content of S = 0.001 %, there is an equilibrium at the content of Mg = 0.0012 %, which
practically means a total bond of magnesium to sulphur.
On the other hand, at 1500 °C and the content of S = 0.01 % it is in equilibrium with
0.012 % Mg and therefore the bond with sulphur might not occur, because part of the
magnesium will evaporate to the value of 0.0072 % at the pressure of 1 bar.
Calculated isotherms (Figure 54) consider the pressure of 1 bar. The influence of
pressure is shown on the Figure 55, where the isotherms are shown for the temperature of
1300 °C and the pressure of 1 and 5 bars.
Due to the influence of higher modification pressure, the isotherms move to the right
and expand the area of mutual reaction of magnesium and sulphur, which decreases the
desulphurizing ability of magnesium at the given ratio of magnesium and sulphur.
Let us analyze the Mg-S relation in detail for various cases based on the above
mentioned thermodynamic relations.
Figure 56 shows the dependencies Mg-S at the temperature of 1400 °C and the
modification pressure of PMg = 1.5 bar for two types of cast irons (full and dashed lines). On
the picture, there is also the dependency of magnesium content on the bond with sulphur at
constant stoichiometric ratio of 0.76. There is also a vertical line determining the content of
magnesium in %, which is in equilibrium in the solution at the given temperature and pressure
(0.0113 %, or 0.0161 % depending on the type of cast iron).
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content of S [%]
Content of Mg [%]
Figure 55 – Isotherms for the temperature of 1300 °C and the pressure of 1 and 5 bars
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Chemical composition:
Content of S [%]
Content of Mg [%]
Figure 56 – Isotherm Mg-S for a constant content of sulphur and a varying content of added
magnesium, at the temperature of 1400 °C and pressure of 1.5 bar
For a non-alloyed cast iron 1 (full lines, a comment for an alloyed cast iron is further
in the text) the constant amount of sulphur of 0.02 % has been selected and the amount of
added magnesium was changing. Assuming that the desulphurization and the evaporation of
magnesium are occurring at the same time, its final value in the solution will be the result of
combined vectors of desulphurization (vector of the same direction as the stoichiometric
ration 0.75) and the vector of evaporation (horizontal direction until the amount of
magnesium that is in equilibrium for given conditions (see Figure 53).
By combining these vectors, we obtain a resultant of these processes. By evaluating the
resulting values of magnesium (Mgzbyt) we will find out the basic parameters of these
processes for Mg = 0.03 %, Mg = 0.04 % and Mg = 0.05 %. We will prepare the table 21
from the conversion of the data from Figure 56.
%Mg [%] Mgzbyt. [%] Yield of Mg [%] Evaporation of Mg [%]
0.03 0.0046 15 47 38
0.04 0.0052 13 36 51
0.05 0.0060 12 28 60
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content of Mg [%]
Figure 57 – Mg-S isotherm for a constant content of sulphur and variable amount of
magnesium, temperature of 1450 °C and pressure of 1.5 bar
0.03 0.0078 26 42 32
0.04 0.0092 23 33 44
0.05 0.0085 17 20 53
0.08 0.0120 15 15 70
The utilization of magnesium has increased a little, but it decreases quickly with the
increasing amount of Mg coming to the reaction, even the value of 0.08 % is considered. It is
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
possible to say the same that was said in the first case: the higher the content of magnesium,
the higher the value of its evaporation.
Content of S [%]
Figure 58 shows the reverse method. At the constant amount of Mg = 0.05 %, the
content of sulphur coming into the reaction with magnesium was changing in the range
of 0.005-0.02 %.
The yield of magnesium has increased considerably. It increases with the decrease of
sulphur, and at the same time the desulphurizing ability of magnesium also decreases. The
value of evaporation ranges between 50-60 %.
The case on the Figure 58 documents the importance of the initial amount of sulphur in
the cast iron before the modification. At 0.05 % of added magnesium for the modification
and the amount of S = 0.005 %, the residual magnesium is 0.022 % and the utility of
magnesium reaches 42 %.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 59 shows a model case where the temperature is chosen at 1400 °C and the
pressure of modification is changing from 1.5 to 3 and 5 bars. The amount of sulphur in the
cast iron is 0.008 %, in the second case 0.005 %. The value of magnesium content coming to
the reaction is 0.025 % and 0.045 %.
Content of S [%]
Content of Mg [%]
Pressure [bar] Mg yield[%] Evaporation [%]
1.5 37 24 34
3 72 20 8
5 85 15 0
From the Figure 59 we can read the increasing yield of magnesium and a sharp decrease
of the proportion of evaporation down to 0 at the pressure of 5 bar.
Figure 59 also shows the real case of a modification using the In MoId method (directly
in the form), where the amount of magnesium coming into the reaction was 0.045 % (0.8 %
modifier with 5.6 % Mg), the amount of Mgzbyt= 0.026 % and the amount of initial
S = 0.005 %. With regard to the level of melt in the ladle during the pouring into the form
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
(pouring from greater height increases the metallostatic pressure) it is possible to presume the
modification pressure of 3 bars. According to Figure 59 the course of modification is the
The final value of Mg = 0.024 %, which is almost identical to the real value (0.026 %).
The condition of low content of sulphur is justified, because by increasing the content of
sulphur we will increase the component of desulphurization at the expense of added
magnesium (the vector of evaporation is constant).
It is possible to mention other alternative changes of modification conditions, in
particular changing the chemical composition:
C = 3.8 % Mn = 0.6 % Mo = 0.5 % (alloyed CISG- Figure 53)
Si = 2.2 % Cu = 2 %
The temperature and the pressure are constant, as well as the initial amount of sulphur:
1400 °C, 1.5 bar a 0.02 % S.
Changing the chemical composition has led to a change of magnesium content in the
solution, which is in equilibrium for the given temperature and pressure 0.0113 = to
0,0161 %. Figure 56 shows the change of shift of the correspondent isotherm calculated from
the equation (76) – it is marked with a dashed line. The change of modification conditions is
in the following table.
The residual magnesium is low in both cases and does not warrant the formation of
spheroidal graphite:
at 0.03 % Mgv = 0.00978 % Mgzbyt , at 0.05 % Mgv = 0.0118 % Mgzbyt
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Ca – S reaction
4.78 eCaC
%C eCaSi
eSS %S eSC %C eSSi %Si log%S
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Note: PCa is not considered in this equation, because there is no evaporation of calcium at the
given temperature (the temperature of the molten cast iron is low).
Figure 60 shows the calculated isotherm for the temperature of 1400 °C, 1450 °C and
1500 °C.
The constant proportion of Ca/S = 1.25, which derives from the stoichiometric ration of
both components entering the reaction, is marked on this figure.
Example on Figure 60 initial content S = 0.014 % and the initial content of
Ca = 0.025 %. The equilibrium of desulphurization corresponds with the values of sulphur
depending on the temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower the desulphurization
ability of calcium.
The next Figure 61 visually shows the combination of Mg-S and Ca-S isotherms at the
temperature of 1450 °C and with the chemical composition of iron containing 3.5 % C and
2.5 % Si.
Initial considered values: S = 0.012 %
Ca = 0.017 %
Mg = 0.035 %
Due to the effect of calcium (the reaction occurs before the reaction with magnesium
due to the affinity of calcium to sulphur) the amount of sulphur will decrease from 0.012 % to
0.004 %. This changes the modification conditions in such a way that for Mg = 0.035 % there
is Mgres. = 0.0202 %.
pure Fe
5,0 bar
Content of S [%]
Content of Ca [%]
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content of S [%]
If calcium was not present, then at Mg = 0.035 % the Mgzbyt. = 0.012 % (marked with
a dashed line on Figure 61).
The thought about the effect of calcium as a desulphurizing agent is complicated
because of the fact that the desulphurizing ability is dependent on temperature and pressure as
well as on its concentration in the solution.
From the above mentioned example we assume the preferential reaction of calcium
with sulphur at the same time in the case that the initial values of magnesium and calcium
during the modification will be the same (in the mentioned example, the initial content of
calcium is lower than the content of magnesium).
The decrease of the content of oxygen during the modification is generally recognized,
although literary and operating data are contradictory. Chemical reactions of the elements
present in the modifiers are to be defined, so that we can calculate the magnesium losses
during the modification. The analyses of slags after the modification unambiguously define
the course of the processing of the molten cast iron by the modifier. We are presenting the
chemical analysis of the modification slags.
The degree of oxidation of the melt is given by the proportion. In case of
using the pre-alloy it is 0.8, which is the optimal value expressing the quality of the
If pure magnesium is used, this proportion is 1.02 – the degree of oxidation is higher
and there is a risk of creation of bubbles and slags in the casting. Pure magnesium, as an
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Table 27 – The composition of a slag after the modification by a pre-alloy FeSiMg5 and by
pure Mg
FeSiMg5 pure Mg
Reaction Mg - O
Mg O MgO GT0 143572 37.26 T
aMg aO 31375
ln K 8.208
aMgO T
Isotherms for the Mg-O reaction can be determined from the relation:
log%O K MgO log a MgO log%Mg 160 %Mg 243 %O
Figure 62 shows the correspondent isotherm for the temperatures of 1400 °C and
1500 °C. This figures also show the concentrations of magnesium at different modification
pressures, marked with vertical lines. The course of isotherms shows that the reaction with
oxygen may occur at concentrations that are lower than corresponding to the given
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
temperature and pressure, in our case for T = 1400 °C the concentration of Mg = 0.055 %.
Figure 62 shows the examples of deoxidation at various initial content of magnesium during
modification. Anyhow, the consumption of magnesium for deoxidation is not high. The
higher the content of oxygen in the melt, the more probable the occurrence of deoxidation by
The influence of calcium and aluminum is given by the following thermodynamic
conditions of the corresponding reactions.
Ca-O reaction
The isotherms for the Ca-O reaction can be determined from the relation.
log%O KCaO log aCaO log%Ca 416 %Ca 1040 %O
where: log aCaO 1
1040 2.3 K CaO
log 1040 %O
log416 %Ca log eOCa 11949
Figure 63 shows the corresponding isotherms for the temperatures of 1400 °C and
1500 °C. This figure also shows the concentration of calcium at the pressure of 1 bar and for
the corresponding temperatures. Furthermore, it shows the decrease of oxygen depending on
the content of initial calcium during modification. The reaction of deoxidation by calcium is
very unlikely even at low contents of calcium, and may favorably influence the process of
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 62 – Isotherms Mg - 0 for temperatures 1400 °C and 1500 °C and the consumption of
magnesium by bonding with oxygen at the pressure of 1 bar and the temperature of
1500 °C and 1400 °C.
Figure 63 – Isotherm Ca - 0 for temperatures of 1400 °C and 1500 °C. The decrease of
oxygen content at the Ca content of 0.01 % Ca.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Al-O reaction
2 Al 3 O Al 2O3 GT0 291830 94.18 T
ln K AlO 20.57
Figure 64 shows the isotherms for the temperatures of 1400 °C and 1500 °C. The
reaction also depends on the mutual concentration of aluminum and oxygen during
modification. Figure 64 shows an example for the concentration of 0.1 % Al in the solution.
At this concentration, there is deoxidation by forming Al2O3 while at the same time the
content of oxygen decreases.
The presence of calcium and aluminum in the modifier is important with regard to the
oxygen present in the molten cast iron, because the deoxidation through these elements
favorably influences the course of modification.
Deoxidation increases the nodulation effect of Mg.
Figure 64 – Al-0 isotherm for temperature of 1400 °C and 1500 °C. The decrease of oxygen
content due to the reaction with aluminum
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
log%Ca %O
6.0 (77)
log%Ca %S
6.95 (78)
At the value of
K CaC2 2.96 (80)
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 65 – The calculation of mutual effect of Ca, O a S – the initial values in the melt.
a) steel with 0.02 % O and 0.03 % S
b) cast iron with 0.008 % O and 0.03 % S
Figure 66 shows the influence of Mg on [O] and [S] according to the constants:
log%Mg %O
1.5 log T 16.5 (81)
log%Mg %S
8.5 (82)
Figure 66a applies for the content of S = 0.04 % and the Figure 66b applies for the
content of S = 0.008 %. At the low content of S the proportion of Mg-S bond decreases
considerably. MgK marks the final content of Mg after the modification.
logCe O
2 3
logCe S
7.95 (84)
Figure 67 shows that the deoxidation occurs first and then comes the desulphurization,
which creates more CeS.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 66 – Calculation of mutual effect of Mg, O and S in the molten cast iron – the initial
values in the melt. Full line – oxygen, dashed line – sulphur.
a) with 0.04 % S b) with 0.008 % S
Figure 67 – Calculation of mutual effect of Ce, O and S in the molten cast iron.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Content of Sv [%]
Figure 68 – The relation between the content of sulphur in the cast iron before the
modification (Sv) and the necessary amount of Mg (Mgvs) for the given utility of Mg during
the modification.
The following conclusions can be made from the above mentioned facts:
1/ Magnesium is a strong desulphurization agent due to its high affinity to sulphur. The
correspondent isotherms show that desulphurization occurs even at very low
concentrations of magnesium in the solution. This means that the Mg-S reaction
cannot be prevented, we can only define the mutual proportion of Mg : S = 3 : 1,
which is given as authoritative for this reaction.
Figure 68 shows the relation between the content of sulphur in the cast iron before
modification (Ss) and the necessary amount of magnesium for modification (Mgvs) at
the given utility of Mg during modification.
2/ The assessment of the influence of temperature and pressure shows that the most
important factor is the pressure and its importance clearly dominates.
3/ The presence of calcium in the modifiers favorable influence the process of
modification, because it helps the spheroidizing effect of magnesium with its
desulphurization effect. Its content in the modifiers varies depending on the method
that we use to manufacture CISG. The similar principle applies for Ce.
4/ The deoxidizing effect of calcium and aluminum favorably influences the process of
modification by decreasing the content of oxygen in the molten cast iron. It decreases
the deoxidizing effect of magnesium and supports its spheroidal effect.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Terms summary
How can we define the physical conditions of the modification?
How can we practically use the definition of the modification pressure?
What are the chemical conditions of modification?
What is the process of the deoxidation of the melt by magnesium, calcium and
aluminum during the modification?
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Thermodynamic analysis of the modification suggest that its principle is given by the
physical and chemical processes, which gain importance according to chosen method.
The scheme on Figure 69 depicts the various options of modification. There are three
options listed, one of which, representing the physical conditions of the modification
(temperature and pressure of the modification), is common for the other two options and is
determining the meaning (see the theoretical analysis).
The condition of modification in this option are very demanding on the metallurgical
process of melting. At these conditions, we are trying to reduce the chemical processes to a
minimum, so that Mg contained in the modifier serves as a spheroidizer during the
crystallization of graphite, in other words meaning that the molten cast iron has to contain
minimum amount sulphur, oxygen and disturbing elements. Therefore, this melt has a
minimum amount of inclusions and that is why the CISG produced in this way is suitable for
very demanding castings, e.g. hydraulic elements or castings replacing castings from cast
These conditions are met by the synthetic method of melting (the cast iron is melted
from the steel scrap by carburization and other modification of the chemical composition).
Electric arc furnace is a suitable melting aggregate. In such a furnace, it is possible to
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
correspondingly change the contents of P and S. The metallurgical process is well controllable
from the point of view of chemical composition.
The melting process is carried out in the oxidation and reduction period with
carburization and final change of the chemical composition. This method is energy intensive.
The semi-synthetic method of melting allows the use of electric induction furnace crucible as
well as arc furnace by selecting the suitable composition of the batch (certain proportion of
quality pig iron in the batch). This case is more or less a method of re-melting with the final
chemical change of the melt. It is less energy intensive, but more demanding on the quality of
batch material.
The cast iron melted in this way has a low content of S (under 0.01 %) and a low
content of O2. It allows to use Mg with minimal excess and production of CISG with
Mgres.= 0.03 % it is possible to achieve the spheroidal graphite in the structure with the
content even lower than Mgres. < 0.03 %.
The choice of “clean” process of modification is therefor given not only by technical
conditions but also by solid economic reasons.
We compare the costs of melting and preparation of initial cast iron with the savings on
modifier and the operational certainty of the modification.
There are very specific conditions in the production of ductile cast iron CISG for the
casting of higher weight category (> 5 t), where the cooling of the casting lasts longer and the
modifier has to be applied for a longer period to cause the spheroidization of graphite. If we
accept the desulphurization by magnesium in these conditions, then if the reaction of
desulphurization proceeds until the solidification of the casting, then there is a great danger of
formation of imperfect spheroidal graphite in the thermal axes of the casting.
As seen above, the choice of a suitable method of production of a cast iron with
spheroidal graphite is given by a broad spectrum of knowledge of the initial inputs, which
determine the optimal methods for the production of CISG.
9.3 Conclusion
The diagram on Figure 69 includes all the possible methods of production of CISG, also
taking into account the economic point of view. During the CISG production, it is not
possible to clearly recommend one method or the other, because the decisive factor is the state
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
and possibilities of melting of the initial cast iron including the control over the melting
process. Another decisive factor is the range of produced castings. Especially in CISG, this
point of view is important for the choice of production method.
The range of castings is determined from these points of view:
a) the weight of the casting
b) requirements on the casting function, in other words its functionality and durability
c) series production
All the three mentioned criteria have their relevance, and their mutual importance is
used in particular conditions, expressed in the order and closed contract.
Terms summary
What is the principle of the “clean“ process option?
What is the principle of the chemical process option?
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Chapter division
Pouring methods
Converter method
Immersion methods
Method of filled profiles
Currently, there are around 200 patented methods of adding modifiers into a melted cast
iron, the use in practice represents around 40 to 50 ways to produce CISG. Requirements that
condition a certain certainty of modification can be summarized into these points:
1/ reliability
2/ economy
3/ low costs
4/ ecological conditions
Later on we will give the main representatives of the individual groups of the
modification methods. They are:
Pouring (“Sandwich”)
filled profiles
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
In Table 28, these methods are stated. With each method of modification in a ladle it is
necessary to maintain a certain measure of its thinness, as resulted from physical conditions of
the modification. The thinness is given, i.e. the height of the ladle h 1,5 d of the diameter
as the minimum thinness.
From the stated, different opinions arise on evaluation of the individual methods of
CISG. These differences affirm that it is not possible to straightforwardly prefer this or that
method but rather that every method is specific for certain conditions, which exist in a
foundry from the king of melting aggregate to the type of produced castings.
device, necessary simple,
necessity of simple for mass
any, no device necessary of device, automatic
operator production
processing processing place adjustment
Inoculation by graphite can be done consequently with the modification (as one-step
inoculation) or inoculation can be done during pouring from modification ladle into the
casting ladle or innoculate in the form or a combination of these options.
These methods are very simple, they do not require high investment costs, but they are
uneconomical from the viewpoint of the modifier use. The principle of this method is in
placing the modifier on the bottom of the ladle, which is either modified with a small chamber
or divided by a partition. Before the pouring, it is necessary to cover the modifier by steel
turnings or plates to delay the melting and thus keep the modifier near the bottom of the pan.
This method allows for the production in high amounts (in up to 60-ton pans). Certain
improvement in the economy is represented by the Tundish-Cover method (ladle with a
cover), where the ladle is covered during the pouring by a lined cover, which also serves as
the funnel and thus prohibits the oxidation of Mg and creates a high modification pressure due
to the Mg vapor. The ladle is not hermetically sealed by the lid. Figure 70 shows a
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
construction of the modification ladle for the Sandwich method and figure 71 shows it for the
Tundish-Cover method. The liquid metal is poured into the ladle on the opposite side from
where the modifier is placed.
Figure 70 shows that the pouring hole’s volume corresponds with the amount of
modified melt. Before the modification, we cover the releasing opening by a plug. This
method is suitable for a smaller amount of metal from 300 to 500 kg and is reliable.
lid with
space for for
master alloy liquid
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
In a horizontal position of the ladle, the filling by the liquid metal occurs. The modifier
is placed in a specially adjusted space which prevents rise of the modifier to the surface. This
meets the condition of the effect of metalostatic pressure of the column height of the melted
cast iron. The modification occurs by rotating the ladle into a vertical position. The ladle can
be enclosed by a cover which limits the Mg oxidation during the modification and it is
controlled remotely so that the staff is not endangered during the modification by any
splashing of the liquid metal.
Modification in a converter ladle is a reliable method; the use of Mg is given in relation
with the content of sulphur S = 45 - 60 %. Up to 0.15 % of initial sulphur in the cast iron is
acceptable. Graphite innoculation is recommended, but not during the modification. The
amount of modified cast iron is up to 5 t. The use of this method requires high acquisition costs
and special treatment of the workplace within the foundry.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Cover of ladle
protective cover
immersion bell
block of modificator
modification ladle
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Immersion stake
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
In this method of CISG production, the modification occurs during casting of liquid
metal from the melting aggregate and we modify either directly in the gating system of the
casting mold (i.e. In Mold method) or by pouring into a specially prepared reaction chamber,
where the modifier is placed and then into the casting ladle (i.e. Flotret method).
Continuous method of modification is very effective, because apart from the
aforementioned conditions, dynamic effect of the metal flow is also used, which ensures good
dissolution of the modifier and high effect of graphite innoculation. On the other hand it
requires a low amount of S in the cast iron (under 0.01 % of S), because desulphurization
during the modification is not possible.
The acquiring costs are low to minimal, with a reaction chamber, the only cost is on its
We can clearly see on figure 76 the arrangement of the gating system for direct
modification in mold cavity, i.e. the In Mold Method. In the gating system, a reaction
chamber is placed in the parting plane, where granular modifier in form of a master alloy is
placed before closing the mold, this contains up to 5 % of Mg and an increased amount of Ca
(max. 2 %). The dimension of the chamber are determined based on this relation:
mo / sec
Kd 0.04 0.06
where Kd - coefficient of dissolution
mo/sec - mass speed of casting in kg/sec
S - floor surface of the chamber in cm2
slag trap
reaction chamber
The volume of the chamber is calculated from the amount of modifier used. Due to a
low amount of S in the cast iron, 0.8 - 1.1 % of the total mass of liquid metal is the amount of
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
modifier used. It is important to set the period of pouring, which can be determined based on
commonly used formulas; however, it is better to use practical measurement, because the
casting period = the time in which the modifier dissolves. We keep around 30 % of the overall
chamber volume in the chamber for the so called free space necessary for the mixing of the
If complete purity of the casting is required, it is necessary to use ceramic sieves and
filters placed behind the reaction chamber. These will hold possible products of the
modification. The disadvantage of this method is the necessary control of nodulation of each
An example of reaction chamber calculation:
Chamber volume
mO / s
Floor surface S RK [cm2]
mM mass in kg
Minimum volume of the modifier VM
M bulk density v kg/cm 3
This method is shown as an example, there are similar procedures according to various
authors differentiating in only minor details, such as the chosen value of the dissolution
coefficient Kr. Detailed description of the calculation is stated in the literature. [63]
This problem is solved by the second alternative to continuous modification, the so
called modification in the reaction chamber (Flotret method). In this method, the modified
cast iron in the casting ladle can be controlled in terms of the effectiveness of the
Figures 76, 77 and 78 show schematics of various alternatives to this method of
continous modification. Figure 77 is the Flotret method. The treatment chamber, where the
modification occurs has the character of an tundish.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The bottom outlet flows away the cast iron into the pouring ladle.
Figure 78 is yet another construction of a tundish called Incomod. The function of
treatment chamber is evident from figure 78. Figure 79 shows another alternative where the
liquid metal can be input in three ways, labeled A,B and C on figure 79.
The modified cast iron flows out into the maintenance tundish with a drain stopper. This
arrangement allows for rising of modification slag to the surface.
opening with lid for modificator additive
expansion space
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Method A
pouring cup
engine Method B
reaction Method C
mixing space
pontoon ladle
By using this method, we can modify immediately and cast, because this ladle can also
serve as the pouring ladle.
Modification by this method can be controlled by calculation (see chapter 7.1).
This method has been gathering some importance recently. It is relatively simple and
The principle of this method consists of injecting the molten cast iron with a core wire
at certain speed so that the profile is melted away at the bottom of the ladle.
The method is characteristic for its high investment costs to acquire the ladle of certain
thinness with a cover and also a dosing device which ensures the movement with the
possibility of regulating the speed of the filled profile. The method ensures control of the
amount of core wire and all types of CISG can be produced using this method. A problem of
this method is graphitizing inoculation, which is necessary to perform after the modification is
finished when it is cast into the pouring ladle. Graphitizing inoculation done during the
modification is only possible with another core wire containing the graphitizing inoculant.
The ladle is covered by a lid during the modification. The utilization of Mg is given
based on the amount of S from 35 % to 70 %. The initial amount of S is not limited.
Core wire is a hollow wire with the steel cover of 0.2 - 0.5 mm thick filled with its own
modifier and other accompanying elements. Examples are shown in the table.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Core wire is injected by the dosing device which allows for a change of speed in
feeding the profile and registers its use in metres. Profiles are made in various diameters: 3, 5,
8, 12 and 18 mm. Construction of the dosing device is such that 2 or 3 profiles can be fed at
once. This allows for consequent graphitizing inoculation.
An example of the modification balance is shown in table 30.
Modifier Mg 40 Si
ø profile 9 mm
Thickness 0.4 mm
Filled Mg 34 g/m
The consumption of a filled profile, as is evident from the table, and the related
consumption of Mg (or the profile) depends on the amount of S, temperature and speed of the
profile injection. Figure 80 shows the principle of the method. The use of core wire requires
some adjustment of the workplace so that the safety requirements and workplace hygiene are
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The arrangement of the workplace based on the aforementioned is shown on figure 81.
It consists of the day storage of filled profile, dosing device and foundry and casting
The advantage of this method of modification is the ability to choose various
composition of the modifier for given conditions and also this method offers other use in
out-of-furnace processing of cast iron, as shown in figure 82.
Core wire
with lid
Fig.80 – The principle of ductile cast iron production by injection of filled profile.
Core wire
Pouring space
Fig.81 – Schematic arrangement of the injection when using multiple core wire.
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Target After studying this chapter, you will have learnt about:
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Cupola furnace
desulphurisation heated transport induction processing pouring foundry
GAZAL forehearth ladle furnace with master alloy ladle mould
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Cupola furnace
Figure 84 – Cupola furnace-GF converter combination
processing with
pouring temperature
Figure 85 – CISG production with master-alloys when using electrical induction furnace
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Figure 86 – Production of ductile cast-iron CISG by the GF-convertor method with the use
of electrical induction furnace
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
The phrasing of the questions corresponds to the names of the chapters in the section
„Chapter division“
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
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Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014
Metallurgy of cast irons. Out-of-furnace processing of molten cast iron. 2014