2 Some Sunglasses/a Pair of Sunglasses 3 Some Advice/a Bit of Advice 4 Some Furniture 5 Some Scales 6 Some Headphones/a Pair of Headphones
2 Some Sunglasses/a Pair of Sunglasses 3 Some Advice/a Bit of Advice 4 Some Furniture 5 Some Scales 6 Some Headphones/a Pair of Headphones
2 Some Sunglasses/a Pair of Sunglasses 3 Some Advice/a Bit of Advice 4 Some Furniture 5 Some Scales 6 Some Headphones/a Pair of Headphones
3 Mark these nouns countable, uncountable, or countable and uncountable. If they can be both, write sentence examples to
show the difference.
4 Complete these dialogues using a suitable plural noun or uncountable noun from the opposite page. Make sure the form of
each word is correct. Look at the example first. Example A: It’s too hot for jeans. B: You need a pair of skorhs.
1 A: I have to cut this paper into three pieces.
8: You need...........................................................
2 A: I can’t see because the sun is in my eyes.
8: You need...........................................................
3 A: I don’t know what to do when I leave school.
8: You need...........................................................
4 A: My room looks so empty.
8: You need...........................................................
5 A: I want to find out how much I weigh.
8: You need...........................................................
6 A: I can’t play my music loud because my mother always complains.
B: You need.............................................................