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Inert Gas - New

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Area : IT Rooms

IG-541 (Inert Gas System )

IT Room 1 IT Room 2 IT Room 3 IT Room 4 TYCO

Length = 2.40 m Length = 3.60 m Length = 2.60 m Length = 2.60 m
Width = 3.00 m Width = 3.00 m Width = 3.00 m Width = 3.00 m
Height = 2.50 m Height = 2.50 m Height = 2.50 m Height = 2.50 m
Overall Volume Risk = 18.00 m3 Overall Volume Risk = 27.00 m3 Overall Volume Risk = 19.50 m3 Overall Volume Risk = 19.50 m3
Volume Reduction due to colums, equipment Volume Reduction due to colums, equipment Volume Reduction due to colums, Volume Reduction due to colums,
= 0.00 m3 = 0.00 m3 = 0.00 m3 = 0.00 m3
etc etc equipment etc equipment etc
Net Volume of Risk = 18.00 m3 Net Volume of Risk = 27.00 m3 Net Volume of Risk = 19.50 m3 Net Volume of Risk = 19.50 m3
o o o o
Temp = 22.00 C Temp = 22.00 C Temp = 22.00 C Temp = 22.00 C
Design Concentration of Gas = 38.50 % Design Concentration of Gas = 38.50 % Design Concentration of Gas = 38.50 % Design Concentration of Gas = 38.50 %
Specific Volume of Gas = 0.7118 m3/kg Specific Volume of Gas = 0.7118 m3/kg Specific Volume of Gas = 0.7118 m3/kg Specific Volume of Gas = 0.7118 m3/kg
= 12.30 kg = 18.44 kg = 13.32 kg = 13.32 kg
Gas Quantity Required Gas Quantity Required Gas Quantity Required Gas Quantity Required
= 12.29 kg = 18.44 kg = 13.32 kg = 13.32 kg
Weight of Gas per Cylinder = 16.30 kg Weight of Gas per Cylinder = 16.30 kg Weight of Gas per Cylinder = 16.30 kg Weight of Gas per Cylinder = 16.30 kg
No of Main Gas Cylinder = 0.75 Nos No of Main Gas Cylinder = 1.13 Nos No of Main Gas Cylinder = 0.82 Nos No of Main Gas Cylinder = 0.82 Nos
No of Standby Gas Cylinder = 0.75 Nos No of Standby Gas Cylinder = 1.13 Nos No of Standby Gas Cylinder = 0.82 Nos No of Standby Gas Cylinder = 0.82 Nos
No of Cylinder = 1.00 Nos No of Cylinder = 1.00 Nos No of Cylinder = 1.00 Nos No of Cylinder = 1.00 Nos
Actual Gas Quantity Required = 16.30 kg Actual Gas Quantity Required = 16.30 kg Actual Gas Quantity Required = 16.30 kg Actual Gas Quantity Required = 16.30 kg
Gas Flooding Factor = 0.91 m3/m3 Gas Flooding Factor = 0.60 m3/m3 Gas Flooding Factor = 0.84 m3/m3 Gas Flooding Factor = 0.84 m3/m3

IT Room 5 IT Room 6 IT Room 7 TYCO

Length = 3.00 m Length = 3.05 m Length = 3.10 m
Width = 3.00 m Width = 3.05 m Width = 3.05 m
Height = 2.50 m Height = 2.50 m Height = 2.50 m
Overall Volume Risk = 22.50 m3 Overall Volume Risk = 23.26 m3 Overall Volume Risk = 23.64 m3
Volume Reduction due to colums, equipment Volume Reduction due to colums, equipment Volume Reduction due to colums,
= 0.00 m3 = 0.00 m3 = 0.00 m3
etc etc equipment etc
Net Volume of Risk = 22.50 m3 Net Volume of Risk = 23.26 m3 Net Volume of Risk = 23.64 m3
Temp = 22.00 o
C Temp = 22.00 o
C Temp = 22.00 o
Design Concentration of Gas = 38.50 % Design Concentration of Gas = 38.50 % Design Concentration of Gas = 38.50 %
Specific Volume of Gas = 0.7118 m3/kg Specific Volume of Gas = 0.7118 m3/kg Specific Volume of Gas = 0.7118 m3/kg Equivalent Correction
= 15.37 kg = 15.89 kg = 16.15 kg Altitude (M) Factor
Gas Quantity Required Gas Quantity Required Gas Quantity Required
= 15.37 kg = 15.88 kg = 16.14 kg 0 1
Weight of Gas per Cylinder = 16.30 kg Weight of Gas per Cylinder = 16.30 kg Weight of Gas per Cylinder = 16.30 kg 1000 0.885
No of Main Gas Cylinder = 0.94 Nos No of Main Gas Cylinder = 0.97 Nos No of Main Gas Cylinder = 0.99 Nos 1500 0.83
No of Standby Gas Cylinder = 0.94 Nos No of Standby Gas Cylinder = 0.97 Nos No of Standby Gas Cylinder = 0.99 Nos 1000 -0.115
No of Cylinder = 1.00 Nos No of Cylinder = 1.00 Nos No of Cylinder = 1.00 Nos 1 0.000
Actual Gas Quantity Required = 16.30 kg Actual Gas Quantity Required = 16.30 kg Actual Gas Quantity Required = 16.30 kg 310 -0.036
Gas Flooding Factor = 0.74 m3/m3 Gas Flooding Factor = 0.74 m3/m3 Gas Flooding Factor = 0.74 m3/m3 310 0.964

Reference NFPA 2001 (2018) NFPA 2001 (2018) TYCO Nozzle

18.000 100
W 2.303 log10
0.712 61.50

58.238 0.211

W 12.296 Kg

18.000 100
W ln
0.712 61.50

25.288 0.486

W 12.293 Kg
NFPA 2001 (2018) - Inert Gas
2001 (2018) - Inert Gas (IG-541)
Volume requrements of agent per unit volume o
o Specific Vapour Volume Design Concentration (% By
Temp ( C)
34 38 42 46
20 0.707 0.417 0.48 0.547 0.619
30 0.731 0.403 0.464 0.529 0.598

1 0.0024 -0.0014 -0.0016 -0.0018 -0.0021

2 0.0048 -0.0028 -0.0032 -0.0036 -0.0042
22 0.7118 0.4142 0.4768 0.5434 0.6148
0 0.707 0.417 0.48 0.547 0.619
1 0.7094 0.4156 0.4784 0.5452 0.6169
2 0.7118 0.4142 0.4768 0.5434 0.6148
3 0.7142 0.4128 0.4752 0.5416 0.6127
4 0.7166 0.4114 0.4736 0.5398 0.6106
For Cross 5
verification 0.719 0.41 0.472 0.538 0.6085
6 0.7214 0.4086 0.4704 0.5362 0.6064
7 0.7238 0.4072 0.4688 0.5344 0.6043
8 0.7262 0.4058 0.4672 0.5326 0.6022
9 0.7286 0.4044 0.4656 0.5308 0.6001
10 0.731 0.403 0.464 0.529 0.598

Volume requrements of agent per unit volume o

Specific Vapour Volume Design Concentration (% By
Temp (oC)
34 38 42 46
30 0.731 0.403 0.464 0.529 0.598
40 0.755 0.391 0.449 0.512 0.579

1 0.0024 -0.0012 -0.0015 -0.0017 -0.0019

6 0.0144 -0.0072 -0.009 -0.0102 -0.0114
36 0.7454 0.3958 0.455 0.5188 0.5866
0 0.731 0.403 0.464 0.529 0.598
1 0.7334 0.4018 0.4625 0.5273 0.5961
2 0.7358 0.4006 0.461 0.5256 0.5942
3 0.7382 0.3994 0.4595 0.5239 0.5923
4 0.7406 0.3982 0.458 0.5222 0.5904
For Cross 5
verification 0.743 0.397 0.4565 0.5205 0.5885
6 0.7454 0.3958 0.455 0.5188 0.5866
7 0.7478 0.3946 0.4535 0.5171 0.5847
8 0.7502 0.3934 0.452 0.5154 0.5828
9 0.7526 0.3922 0.4505 0.5137 0.5809
10 0.755 0.391 0.449 0.512 0.579
ents of agent per unit volume of hazard (V agent/ V encloure)
Design Concentration (% B
Design Concentration (% By Volume)
46 50 54 58 62 38
0.619 0.696 0.78 0.871 0.971 0.48
0.598 0.673 0.754 0.842 0.94 0.464

-0.0021 -0.0023 -0.0026 -0.0029 -0.0031 -0.0016

-0.0042 -0.0046 -0.0052 -0.0058 -0.0062 -0.0032
0.6148 0.6914 0.7748 0.8652 0.9648 0.4768
0.619 0.696 0.78 0.871 0.971 0.48
0.6169 0.6937 0.7774 0.8681 0.9679 0.4784
0.6148 0.6914 0.7748 0.8652 0.9648 0.4768
0.6127 0.6891 0.7722 0.8623 0.9617 0.4752
0.6106 0.6868 0.7696 0.8594 0.9586 0.4736
0.6085 0.6845 0.767 0.8565 0.9555 0.472
0.6064 0.6822 0.7644 0.8536 0.9524 0.4704
0.6043 0.6799 0.7618 0.8507 0.9493 0.4688
0.6022 0.6776 0.7592 0.8478 0.9462 0.4672
0.6001 0.6753 0.7566 0.8449 0.9431 0.4656
0.598 0.673 0.754 0.842 0.94 0.464

ents of agent per unit volume of hazard (V agent/ V encloure)

Design Concentration (% B
Design Concentration (% By Volume)
46 50 54 58 62 38
0.598 0.673 0.754 0.842 0.94 0.464
0.579 0.652 0.73 0.816 0.91 0.449

-0.0019 -0.0021 -0.0024 -0.0026 -0.003 -0.0015

-0.0114 -0.0126 -0.0144 -0.0156 -0.018 -0.009
0.5866 0.6604 0.7396 0.8264 0.922 0.455
0.598 0.673 0.754 0.842 0.94 0.464
0.5961 0.6709 0.7516 0.8394 0.937 0.4625
0.5942 0.6688 0.7492 0.8368 0.934 0.461
0.5923 0.6667 0.7468 0.8342 0.931 0.4595
0.5904 0.6646 0.7444 0.8316 0.928 0.458
0.5885 0.6625 0.742 0.829 0.925 0.4565
0.5866 0.6604 0.7396 0.8264 0.922 0.455
0.5847 0.6583 0.7372 0.8238 0.919 0.4535
0.5828 0.6562 0.7348 0.8212 0.916 0.452
0.5809 0.6541 0.7324 0.8186 0.913 0.4505
0.579 0.652 0.73 0.816 0.91 0.449
Design Concentration (% By Volume) NOAEL (No Effect Level)

42 0.5 38.5 42 46 1 43
0.547 0.008375 0.488375 0.547 0.619 0.018 0.565
0.529 0.008125 0.472125 0.529 0.598 0.01725 0.54625
0 0
-0.0018 -2.5E-05 -0.001625 -0.0018 -0.0021 -7.5E-05 -0.001875
-0.0036 -5E-05 -0.00325 -0.0036 -0.0042 -0.00015 -0.00375
0.5434 0.008325 0.485125 0.5434 0.6148 0.01785 0.56125
0.547 0.008375 0.488375 0.547 0.619 0.018 0.565
0.5452 0.00835 0.48675 0.5452 0.6169 0.017925 0.563125
0.5434 0.008325 0.485125 0.5434 0.6148 0.01785 0.56125
0.5416 0.0083 0.4835 0.5416 0.6127 0.017775 0.559375
0.5398 0.008275 0.481875 0.5398 0.6106 0.0177 0.5575
0.538 0.00825 0.48025 0.538 0.6085 0.017625 0.555625
0.5362 0.008225 0.478625 0.5362 0.6064 0.01755 0.55375
0.5344 0.0082 0.477 0.5344 0.6043 0.017475 0.551875
0.5326 0.008175 0.475375 0.5326 0.6022 0.0174 0.55
0.5308 0.00815 0.47375 0.5308 0.6001 0.017325 0.548125
0.529 0.008125 0.472125 0.529 0.598 0.01725 0.54625

Design Concentration (% By Volume) NOAEL (No Effect Level)

42 0.5 38.5 42 46 1 43
0.529 0.008125 0.472125 0.529 0.598 0.01725 0.54625
0.512 0.007875 0.456875 0.512 0.579 0.01675 0.52875
0 0
-0.0017 -2.5E-05 -0.001525 -0.0017 -0.0019 -5E-05 -0.00175
-0.0102 -0.00015 -0.00915 -0.0102 -0.0114 -0.0003 -0.0105
0.5188 0.007975 0.462975 0.5188 0.5866 0.01695 0.53575
0.529 0.008125 0.472125 0.529 0.598 0.01725 0.54625
0.5273 0.0081 0.4706 0.5273 0.5961 0.0172 0.5445
0.5256 0.008075 0.469075 0.5256 0.5942 0.01715 0.54275
0.5239 0.00805 0.46755 0.5239 0.5923 0.0171 0.541
0.5222 0.008025 0.466025 0.5222 0.5904 0.01705 0.53925
0.5205 0.008 0.4645 0.5205 0.5885 0.017 0.5375
0.5188 0.007975 0.462975 0.5188 0.5866 0.01695 0.53575
0.5171 0.00795 0.46145 0.5171 0.5847 0.0169 0.534
0.5154 0.007925 0.459925 0.5154 0.5828 0.01685 0.53225
0.5137 0.0079 0.4584 0.5137 0.5809 0.0168 0.5305
0.512 0.007875 0.456875 0.512 0.579 0.01675 0.52875
LOAEL (Low Effect Level)

50 54 2 52
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738
0.696 0.78 0.042 0.738

LOAEL (Low Effect Level)

50 54 2 52
0.673 0.754 0.0405 0.7135
0.652 0.73 0.039 0.691
0 0
-0.0021 -0.0024 -0.00015 -0.00225
-0.0126 -0.0144 -0.0009 -0.0135
0.6604 0.7396 0.0396 0.7
0.673 0.754 0.0405 0.7135
0.6709 0.7516 0.04035 0.71125
0.6688 0.7492 0.0402 0.709
0.6667 0.7468 0.04005 0.70675
0.6646 0.7444 0.0399 0.7045
0.6625 0.742 0.03975 0.70225
0.6604 0.7396 0.0396 0.7
0.6583 0.7372 0.03945 0.69775
0.6562 0.7348 0.0393 0.6955
0.6541 0.7324 0.03915 0.69325
0.652 0.73 0.039 0.691

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