Design of Two-Way Slab
Design of Two-Way Slab
Design of Two-Way Slab
Material Properties TWO-WAY
Concrete f'c = 20.70 Mpa Type = Case 8
Use thickness, t = 100.00 mm ● Calculate Moment:
Use floor finish = 25.00 mm Ma, neg = 5.060
Slab Reinforment Use: Ma, pos = 3.480
d bar = 10.00 mm 1/3 Ma, neg = 1.160
min r = 0.0051 Mb, neg = 9.353
Applied forces: Mb, pos = 3.888
Live Load = 1.90 kPa 1/3 Mb, neg = 1.296
Additional Load = 1.60 kPa ● Calculate Shear Note:
Slab Weight = 2.35 kN/m Wa= 0.33 Wb= 0.67 1.) Bars along the shorter span shall be placed below those along the longer span at midspan and over
Total Deadload = 4.54 kN/m fVc = 26.10 kN the longer span at sections near support (column line).
Factored w DL = 6.35 kN/m Va = 10.48 kN 2.) Bar spacing along column strip can be approximately 1-1/2 times of the middle strip but in no case
Factored w LL = 3.23 kN/m Vb = 12.84 kN greater than 3 times the slab thickness.
Total Factored w u = 9.58 kN/m Ok for Shear! 3.) If top bars of adjacent slabs differ at their common support, the smaller spacing shall govern.
Ma, neg = 5.06 kN.m Ma, pos = 3.48 kN.m 1/3 Ma, neg = 1.16 kN.m
d= 75.00 mm d= 75.00 mm d= 75.00 mm
Ru = 1.00 Mpa Ru = 0.69 Mpa Ru = 0.23 Mpa
Mb, neg = 9.35 kN.m Mb, pos = 3.89 kN.m 1/3 Mb, neg = 1.30 kN.m
Lb/4 Lb/2 Lb/4
L/2 = Middle Strip d= 65.00 mm d= 65.00 mm d= 65.00 mm
Top Bar L/4 = Column Strip Ru = 2.46 Mpa Ru = 1.02 Mpa Ru = 0.34 Mpa
req'd rho = 0.01 req'd rho = 0.00 req'd rho = 0.00
Use rho = 0.01 Use rho = 0.01 Use rho = 0.00
As = 626.63 mm2 As = 329.71 mm2 As = 108.08 mm2
Ast = 200.00 mm2 Ast = 200.00 mm2 Ast = 200.00 mm2
TOP BARS 10Ø @ 200 NONE 10Ø @ 300 10Ø @ 100 NONE 10Ø @ 300
BOTTOM BARS 10Ø @ 300 10Ø @ 300 10Ø @ 300 10Ø @ 400 10Ø @ 200 10Ø @ 200
Lb/4 Lb/2 Lb/4