The Effect of Traning and Development On Employment Performance (In Case of Abyssinia Bank)
The Effect of Traning and Development On Employment Performance (In Case of Abyssinia Bank)
The Effect of Traning and Development On Employment Performance (In Case of Abyssinia Bank)
Table content
2.5.2 Coaching.......................................................................................................................
2.5.3 Mentoring.................................................................................................................................
2.5.4 Tuition assistance programs.....................................................................................................
1. Lecture....................................................................................................................................
4. Case study................................................................................................................................
5. Simulation exercises....................................................................................................................
6. Vestibule training...............................................................................................................................
7. Apprentice ship....................................................................................................................................
3. Research methodology
4. Time Schedule…..................................................................................
5. Budget…………………………………………………………………..
6. References………………………………………………………………
Chapter one
Recent changes in the environment of business is will be make training and development
function even more helping an organization to maintain competitiveness and prepare for the
future. Competitive pressure is also change the organization way of operation and the skill that
employee need. Employee training and development activities are the key tools for the
organization survivals and growth as well as for better competitiveness. (Robert 1.mathisip 315).
The concept of training refers to a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized
procedure by which non managerial personnel learn the technical knowledge and
skill(Ivancevichip 416).it is learning experience that seeks a relatively permanent change in skill
knowledge, attitude towards their work or their interaction with co-worker their supervisor
(Tyson and yorik 141)
Development represents the effort to improve employee’s ability to handle Varity of assignment
and cultivate capabilities beyond those required by the current job.
Generally training is short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedures where
by acquire skill or knowledge to aid the achievement of goals but development is a way of
repairing someone for new and greater challenges heshe will encounter in other more
demanding jobs..Employee performance
Looked at in terms of behavior (Armstrong 2000). Kenney et al. (1992) stated that employee's
Performance is measured against the performance standards set by the organization. There are a
Number of measures that can be taken into consideration when measuring performance for
Example using of productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and profitability measures
(Abuja 1992) as briefly explained hereafter. Profitability is the ability to earn profits consistently
Over a period of time. It is expressed as the ratio of gross profit to sales or return on capital
Employee (Wood & Sangster 2002). Efficiency and effectiveness - efficiency is the ability to
Produce the desired outcomes by using as minimal resources as possible while effectiveness is
The ability of employee to meet the desired objectives or targets(Stoner 1996). Productivity is
expressed as a ratio of output to that of input (Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr 1995). It is a
Measure of how the individual, organization and industry convert input resources into goods and
Services. The measure of how much output is produced per unit of resources employed (Lipsey
1989). Quality is the characteristic of products or services that bear an ability to satisfy the stated
Or implied needs (Kittler & Armstrong 2002). It is increasingly achieving better products and
Training and development is a planned process that used to improve attitude knowledge , skill or
behavior through experience to achieve effective performance in a given range of activities
,however the question of how to create more trained and skilled employees in the organizational
success and employee performance improvement.
Now a day more organization concerns employee performance satisfaction, turnover rate, poor
performance, carelessness of employee and grievances highly trained employees can bring about
substantial increase in performance and substantial decrease in problem of the above.
Abyssinia bank in hosanna branch is one of the private organizations that have training and
development problem that able to affect employee performance. As me will be collect
information from the manager and employees of the bank training is given to employee per year
and the schedule or programs of training are within a short period of time. But there are so many
problems that lead to unexpected results those are lack of good trainer, lack of time and finance
for training, using irrelevant training method UN conditional environment and police are the
common problem in Abyssinia bank hosanna branch due to this problem the employee
performance on their job is not at the required level. As a result these problems affect the profit
of the organization because the profitability of every organization is highly determined
employee’s job performance and their trained skill on his or her specified career in all aspect of
the job. Therefore this study attempting to solve the problem and to answer the following
questions., employees are the indispensable asset and key element of gaining competitive
advantage of any organization, and training is essential tool for its actualization. That is, training
and development are believed to be indispensable strategic tools for effective individual and
organization’s performance Faille al. (2014) asserts that.,
The training programs were not responsive to the needs of the employees as their needs or
weaknesses have not been identified, and there was also no coordination among the different
stakeholders within these organizations. Healy (2001)
I study will be appraising the nature of training and development guaranteed by Abyssinia bank
moreover, these research will be examine the extent to which the training and development
programs of the bank are effective, responsive to the needs and expectation of its staff and how
these effects staff performance.
2. What are the common problems in the training and development program implementation?
The main objective of the study is to examine the effect of training and development on
employee performance in case of Abyssinia bank of main branch.
The study will be on conduct on Abyssinia main branch in hadiya zone the practical of
training and development of the program of the organization
It is obvious that training and development practice are crucial for the organization success
It enable the bank to improve its methods of training and development practice by seeing
the conclusions and recommend from the analysis
The study is helped anybody that conduct researches related topic on wider scale as are
Training maybe defined as a planning program designing to improve performance and to bring
about measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of employees for
doing a particular job(loyal boyars and leslies W. RUE:P. 210)
Training is short term process utilizing systematic and organizing procedure by which personnel
acquire technical knowledge and skill for definite purpose. (Robert Mathis: p.220).
Development on the other hand is the systematic processes of education, training and growing by
which a person learns and applies information knowledge, skill, attitudes and perceptions (Shaw
Development is said to include training to increase skill and Knowledge to do particular job and
education concerned with increasing general knowledge and understanding.
Development is a way of preparing someone for new and greater challenges he/ she will
encounter in other more demanding jobs. (IVANCEVICH: p .417)
In general development is more future orients and more concern with education then become the
employee better performer.
Training have five major purpose such as increase knowledge and skill, increase motivation to
success, improve chance of advancement, improve moral and the sense of competence and pride
in performance and increase quality and productivity.
2.3 objective of training
The most important objectives of training are the task to done and employee abilities attitude and
skill needed to the job training too important for the organization.
Therefore the need of training and development is obvious to the organizational goals by the
following reasons.
To orient new employees: when they are firs third employee needs to gain them with the
work environment including necessary skills and techniques.
2.5.2 Coaching
Employee coaching consists of owing sometimes spontaneous meeting between managers and
their employees to discuss the employees career goal’s enhances productivity and can spur a
managers own advancement( Ivan ceviche:p.431)
2.5.3 Mentoring
Mentoring is a developmentally oriented relationship between senior and junior colleagues’ or
peers. Mentoring relationships which can occur at all levels and in all areas and organization
generally involve advising, role modeling, sharing contacts and giving general support.
There are several factors that affect training and development program such as technological
advance, complexity of the organization, nature of the job conduct in the organization and other
factors influencing the organization to make training and development program for the
1. Lecture
- Cost effective.
Definition: A speech by the instructors with a lot of participation (questions and comments) from
the listeners.
3. Role playing
Definition: -create realistic situation and having trainees assume parts of specific personalities in
the situation. Their action is based on the roles assigned to them.
4. Case study:-
Definition: - a written narrative description of areal situations issue or incident that a manager
faced in a particular organization
- Develop trainees ability to make proper decision in real like situation (transfer of
- Often difficult to select the appropriate case for the specific training situation.
- Requires high over of skills by both trainees and trainer as the discussion can become
5. Simulation exercises
Definition: - same as management games except a computer is used to input information and
analyze the team decisions.
6. Vestibule training
Definition: - setting up a training area very similar to the work area in equipment, procedures and
environment but separated from the actual one so trainees can bear without affecting the
production schedule.
7. Apprentice ship
o A failure to identify the specific needs learners and for learners to their own development
o Little acceptance be learners of the need to take responsibility for their own development
3. Research methodology
In this study for describing the effect of training and development on employees performance in
case of Abyssinia bank descriptive research design will be use.
The primary data gather from primary source such as questioners which is closed-ended and
open ended and interview.
Secondary data are collect from books, internet and from certain written materials about the
The target populations of the study are employees of the Abyssinia bank of hossana branch. The
total employees are 14 in number.
The research will collect the data from first hand by using census method from
all employees of the organization and questionnaire will distribute to the total
population which is 14 employees and there is no sampling because of the
number of population is to small
Both primary and secondary data uses in the study. The primary data collect by self-Administered
questionnaire for employees and structure interview for mangers. Secondary data collect from
organizational records and source written about the organization.
After the data are collect from different source research are editing and code the data properly
and finally the analyze data source.
4. Time Breakdown
Time will allocate to different faces on the research presentation of it requirements. The table below
specifies the time period that will be covered until the completion of the study. In general total time
period available are evocated among the major activity on their basic importance of this activities for
successfulness of the study and presentation.
N o A c t i v i t i e s M o n t h l y
2 Title selection *
3 Literature review *
4 Preparing proposal *
5 Data collection *
6 D a t a e d i t i n g *
7 Da ta a nal ysi s *
8 Calculation finding *
9 Recommendation *
1 0 P r e s e n t a t i o n *
5. Budget Breakdown
Throughout the infestation each activities and steps will be undertake according to the relevance for
successfulness on the study. Each activities undertaken associate with current price and market condition
of our country it is described by that as follows.
3 Flash memory 16GB 1 2 5 0 2 5 0 0 . 0
4 T e l e p h o n e 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 . 0
5 T r a n s p o r t 5 k m 3 1 0 0 0 . 0
6 Typing and Printing 3 4 p a g e 4 1 3 6 0 . 0
7 Miscellaneous 1 0 1 5 1 5 0 0 . 0
8 I n t e r n e t 3 m b 1 5 4 5 . 0 0
9 T o t a l 9 0 2 . 0 0
LioyedL.Bayers and Leslie W.Rue: Human resource management 5th edition 1997
John M. Invancevich. Human resource management 1998 8th edition by McGraw-hill companies
Robert D. Maso, Douglas A. Lind, William G.Marchal statistical techniques in business and
economics 10th edition Mcgraw-hillcomponies, INC
Shaw Tyson and Alfred York Human resource management 3 rd edition by adevisionof Red
education and professional Publishing Ltd
Robert L.mathisHuman Resource Management 13th edition westerncaenage learning inc, 2009.
Fisher schoenfeldtShawHuman Resource Management 3rdedition, Hong thon Mifflin Company,