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What Is A Biorefinery?: Thore Berntsson Björn Sandén Lisbeth Olsson Anders Åsblad

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Thore Berntsson,
Björn Sandén
Department of Energy and Environment , Chalmers University of Technology*
Lisbeth Olsson,
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Chalmers University of Technology*
Anders Åsblad,
Chalmers Industriteknik

*Divisions of Heat and Power Technology (T. Berntsson), Environmental Systems Analysis (B. Sandén), Industrial
Biotechnology (L. Olsson). Chapter reviewers: Hans Theliander, Forest Products and Chemical Engineering,
Chemical and Biological Engineering; Fredrik Hedenus, Physical Resource Theory, Energy and Environment,

INTRODUCTION what should be meant by a “biorefinery” and in

The term “biorefinery” appeared in the 1990’s the next section we provide some of the defini-
in response to a least four industry trends. First, tions and additional meaning that has been
there was an increased awareness in industry attached to the concept. To give a more in-depth
of the need to use biomass resources in a more understanding of what a biorefinery might be, the
rational way both economically and environmen- following sections describe process technolo-
tally. The environmental issue was both policy and gies that are often considered as key constituent
consumer driven. Second, there was a growing parts of biorefineries and some opportunities for

interest in upgrading more low-quality lignocel- integration in existing processing industry that
lulosic biomass to valuable products. Third, there also can be viewed as biorefining.
was an increased attention to the production of
starch for energy applications. Finally, there was
a perceived need to develop more high-value
There exist several definitions of a biorefinery
products and diversify the product mix in order
and biorefining. The preference for one over the
to meet global competition and, in some cases,

other often depends on context. Two widely used
utilise an excess of biomass (especially in the
definitions are formulated by IEA and NREL,
pulp and paper industry).

In a biorefinery, biomass is upgraded to one or

“Biorefining is the sustainable processing of
more valuable products such as transport fuels,
biomass into a spectrum of marketable products
materials, chemicals, electricity and, as byprod-
and energy.”1
uct, heat (Chapter 3). In principle all types of

biomass can be used, e.g. wood, straw, starch,
“A biorefinery is a facility that integrates biomass
sugars, waste and algae (Chapter 4). But there is
conversion processes and equipment to produce
more to it than that. The aim of this chapter is to
fuels, power, and chemicals from biomass.” 2
explain in some more detail what a biorefinery is
or could be. 1 IEA (International Energy Agency) Bioenergy Task 42 on
Biorefineries. Minutes of the third Task meeting, Copenha-

gen, Denmark, 25 and 26 March (2008).
There have been many attempts to determine
2 NREL Biomass Research, accessed 2011-11-07

1 Two definitions related specifically to biorefiner- a broad range of technical systems, there are

ies in the forest industry add the requirement of several “grey zones” with configurations that
economic optimisation: some would consider to be biorefineries while
others would not.
“Full utilization of the incoming biomass and
other raw materials for simultaneous and eco- A biorefinery can produce traditional products
nomically optimized production of fibres, chemi- from biomass, e g electricity and heat. Some
cals and energy.” 3 would not consider a plant that only produces

electricity and heat to be a biorefinery. If these
“Maximising the economic value from trees,” traditional products are produced with a higher
which requires “an improved business model and efficiency or if the system for some other reason
corporate transformation”.4 is considerably improved through a non-traditional
upgrading of the biomass (e.g. via gasification),
In his speech on the Biorefinery Joint Call more people would probably accept the biore-
Info Day (Brussels, 16 September 2008), the finery label. Thus, the biorefinery concept also

European commissioner for environment Janez connotes novelty, something “non-traditional” or
Potočnik defined sustainable biorefineries as: even something more “efficient” or “better”.

“Facilities that can combine biomass conversion In contrast, some technologies are so novel that
processes and equipment to generate fuels, they for this reason are excluded from lists of
power and new materials … in an economically, biorefinery concepts. On example of a new tech-

socially and environmentally sustainable way.” 5 nology under development is biodiesel from algal
production and fermentation. This technology is
All definitions include biomass upgrading. The still at the research stage but can be an alterna-
incentives for upgrading differ, for some the tive to other vegetable as well as fossil oils. There
sustainability of the system and of the biomass is still a lack of knowledge about possible plant
use is enough, for some the combination of configurations and their technical and economic
sustainability and high-value products (economic characteristics.

incentive or optimisation) is included. The use of
“system” only means the biorefinery system itself, Most definitions allude to processes that upgrade
not necessarily any integration with a process biomass all the way to some type of end product
industry or other large energy system (e.g. (see Chapter 1 for discussion of end products
district heating). Furthermore, a biorefinery can and system delineation). In some industrial
be a “polygeneration plant” that produces many applications, however, upgraded biomass is
products simultaneously, but not necessarily so. used as an energy carrier or in an intermediate

With the definitions available, a biorefinery can process and is not a part of the end product.
be anything from one single machine for conver- Obvious examples are from the iron and steel
sion of biomass up to a complex, polygeneration industry, in which biomass in the future could be
plant integrated with other industries and energy used for chemical reduction instead of coal. Is
systems. this a biorefinery? As discussed below, in order
to use biomass it must first be upgraded to e.g.
Since the concept of a biorefinery can cover “bio-coke” or gas. This means that “biorefining” is

3 Swedish Pulp Mill Biorefineries, Swedish Energy Agency, needed, and this refining can be integrated with
ER 2008:26 subsequent processes. Hence one can argue
4 Paul Stuart, Biorefinery 101: Maximizing Benefits and
that this type of system should be included in a
Minimizing Risks Associated with Implementing the Forest
Biorefinery”, PIRA webinar, 2011-04-13. complete list of biorefinery concepts.
5 http://circa.europa.eu/Public/irc/rtd/susbioref/library?l=/
biorefinery_info/commissionerpdf/_EN_1.0_&a=d , accessed

9 17
1 Is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) a biore- interaction between feedstock, process and end

finery technology? As is discussed in more detail product. It is relatively easy to ferment sugar and
below, a CCS plant can be combined with or starch and only the cellulose and hemicelluloses
compete with an integrated biorefinery. In both parts of wood (Figure 2.1) can be processed and
cases CCS can be considered and assessed made available for fermentation, while all parts,
as an alternative option in various biorefinery including lignin, can be gasified. An important
configurations. end product of fermentation is ethanol while a
range of other substances, such as hydrogen,

To sum up, biorefineries constitute a broad methanol, methane and dimethyl ether (DME) are
class of processes that refine different forms of typical end products of the gasification pathway.
biomass into one or many products. Additional
meaning attached to the concept could be pro- Lignocellulosic material is the most important
duction of “novel products” in “novel ways”, “more feedstock in the Scandinavian system; it rep-
efficient”, “more environmental friendly” or “more resents the largest global potential in terms of
integrated with other systems”. Here, we refrain mass and energy and may display less direct

from taking an absolute stand on these concep- competition with land use for food production
tual matters. Instead we continue by explaining (Chapter 4). For this reason, there is some focus
some processes that have been considered to be on woody biomass in the following sections, while
key elements of various biorefining systems. sugar and starch based processes are included
in the section on fermentation below and further
discussed in Chapter 3.

A common delineation between different types
of biorefineries is the one between thermochemi- VGASIFICATION PATHWAY
cal and biochemical pathways. The dominant Gasification involves heating a material using a
processes within these classes are gasification gasification agent such as oxygen, steam or air.
and fermentation. However, also several other The feedstock is broken down to a mix of small
processes for conversion and upgrading exist as molecules, mainly carbon monoxide and hydro-
separate processes or as parts of other conver- gen, known as synthesis gas or syngas. This is

sion pathways (see sections below, Figure 3.1 in then used for building new more complex mol-
Chapter 3, and Chapter 5). ecules for use as fuels, chemicals or materials.
The syngas can also be used in a combined cycle
The most important types of biomass feedstock for producing electricity with high efficiency.
for use in biorefineries are sugar, starch and ligno-
cellulosic materials (woody biomass). There is an The biomass often needs some pre-treatment

8 Figure 2.1 Example of wood component distribution (softwood)

9 18
2 Figure 2.2 Schematic description of the gasification chain

before it is gasified and the product gas needs require different feedstock quality with respect
cleaning and conditioning before synthesis. A to moisture and particle size. A dry fuel is always
simple block diagram illustrating the different advantageous from an efficiency point of view
sub processes is shown in Figure 2.2 (see also (Chapter 6), but is not always required from a
Figure 9.1 in Chapter 9). There is a dependency practical perspective.
between the different sub processes. The type
of final product dictates which type of synthesis The fixed bed gasifier requires a coarse biomass

that is required, which in turn dictates necessary feed. Particle diameters in the range 3-50 mm
syngas properties (cleaning and conditioning) are preferred. Some biomass material needs to
and so forth. The different sub processes are be pelletized before use. Moisture in the fuel can
briefly discussed below. be handled although, according to some sources,
the moisture content should not exceed 40% for
The most common way to classify gasifiers is optimal performance.

according to fluid dynamics. There are three main
types. In fixed bed (or moving bed) gasifiers the In fludized bed gasifiers, the particle diameter
gasifying agent passes through a fixed bed of is normally in the range 0.1- 5 mm. Moisture is
biomass feedstock at a relatively low velocity. normally not a practical problem although high
Usually this type of gasifier is used in small scale moisture content leads to lower process efficien-
applications and the gasifying agent is typically cies. Dried biomass is therefore preferred.
air. With co-current design, the high exit gas

temperature lowers the problem with tars and the Entrained flow gasifiers normally require dried
product gas can after filtration directly be feed to material. It is not primarily the gasifier that sets the
an internal combustion engine. drying requirements, but the crushers, conveyors
and gasifier charging systems that needs a dry
In fluidized bed (FB) gasifiers the gasifying agent fuel to maintain a continuous flow of biomass to
has a velocity high enough to fluidize a bed the gasifier. The particles must be small, typically
containing a small fraction of biomass. Biomass is diameters below 0.1 mm for coal. However, since

continuously added to the bed. Two types of FB- biomass is more reactive than coal there are
gasifiers exist: bubbling and circulation fluidized studies indicating that particle sizes up to 1 mm,
beds. FB-systems are used in medium to large or even 2 mm, can be accepted.
scale applications. The gasifying agent can be air,
oxygen or steam. Hence, depending on the type of gasifier, differ-
ent pre-treatment methods are required such as
In entrained (or suspension) flow gasifiers, small drying, crushing and grinding. It could be noted

particles of feedstock are entrained in a gasifying that disintegration of wood into small particles by
agent, normally oxygen or steam. This type of crushing and grinding6 requires substantially more
gasifier is used in large scale applications. power than disintegration of coal to the same
particle size.
As mentioned earlier, there is a dependency
between sub processes in the gasification chain.

One example is that different gasifier types 6 Comminution is the professional term for this operation.

1 Another factor to consider is logistics. Untreated 90% of the energy content is retained in the solid

biomass is a bulky material and expensive to product.
transport. Therefore, decentralised energy
densification could be advantageous when trans- The cleaning and conditioning requirements
portation distances are long, which is not unlikely depend on the type of gasifier used and on
considering the size required to enable good downstream processing. Both simple filters and
economies of scale in gasification. Technologies chemical reactors (e.g. water gas shift reactors)
for energy densification include pyrolysis, lique- are included in this category. Low temperature

faction and torrefaction. gasifiers (below 1000°C) often need some kind
of tar conversion process. Besides carbon mon-
Pyrolysis is a conversion process that produces oxide and hydrogen, the product gas contains
a liquid oil and char. The oil can be used for elec- water, methane and higher hydrocarbons. If the
tricity or heat production or can be processed final product is not substitute natural gas (SNG),
further into transportation fuels or chemicals. a reformer is often included to reduce the amount
Fast pyrolysis is a process where biomass is of methane and increase the amount of hydrogen

heated rapidly to around 500°C in the absence in the syngas. Catalysts in the synthesis are often
of oxygen, thereby forming bio-oil, char and some sensitive for impurities like sulphur and for some
gas. The total energy losses in this process are synthesis reactions it is also necessary to remove
approximately 20%. Pyrolysis can be of interest carbon dioxide. This necessitates the inclusion of
in connection with large gasification plants, since absorption processes like Rectisol or Selexol. The
converting biomass into a liquid could be a way carbon dioxide from these processes could be

to reduce transportation costs of feedstock to sent to storage (CCS).
gasification plants not located close to harbours.
It could also facilitate feeding in pressurized
(especially entrained flow) gasification plants.
The fermentation pathway in a biorefinery concept
Pyrolysis as a biorefining technology is also of
offers a versatile possibility to convert the sugar-
interest for other reasons in process industries.
containing polymers, cellulose and hemicellulose,
For example, the pulp and paper industry can
to a range of products. The lignin part of the

use pyrolysis to convert by-products into bio-oil.
biomass cannot be converted via the fermentation
The oil refining industry can use it to produce
biobased diesel through hydrotreating or crack-
ing and the iron and steel industry can use the
The core in the fermentation pathway is the fer-
pyrolysis products, both the oil and the char, as
mentation step in which microorganisms are used
reducing agents in the blast furnace.
to convert the sugar to a specific product. One of

the benefits of microbial sugar conversion is that
Liquefaction is another technology which, like
the microorganisms act as specific catalysts that
pyrolysis, converts solid biomass feedstock into
can produce a range of products. The metabolic
a liquid. The difference is that liquefaction occurs
capacity of the cell enables microorganisms to
under high pressure at a lower temperature and
produce compounds that cannot be produced, or
in the presence of hydrogen and a catalyst. This
can be produced only with difficulty, via chemical
technology has a higher reactor complexity, which
routes. There are also examples were biochemical
makes it more expensive and the technology is

and chemical routes are close competitors.
not as developed as pyrolysis. Torrefaction is
a slow thermal degradation of biomass at low
Fermentation processes are traditional pro-
temperatures in the absence of oxygen. During
cesses, for thousands of years used to preserve
the process about 70% of the mass is retained
food. Since the World War I, fermentation pro-
as a solid product resulting in a stable coal-like
cesses have been used for industrial production
material and the rest is obtained as gases. About
of energy carriers and chemicals. The last years’

9 20
4 Figure 2.3 Examples of fermentation routes for producing bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials. SHF =Separate

hydrolysis and fermentation, SSF=Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation and CPB=Consolidated biopro-
cessing. Figure based on Olsson L., H. Jørgensen, K. Krogh and C. Roca (2005). Chapter 42 Bioethanol production
from lignocellulosic material. In: Polysaccharides: structural diversity and functional versatility, S. Dumitriu, Ed. Sec-
ond Edition, revised & expanded. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York. p: 957-993.

development in life science has further advanced for this purpose (see Chapter 4). Before such raw
the possibility to design microorganisms for material streams can be fermented they need to

production of selected chemicals that cannot be be converted to a monosaccharide solution.
produced efficiently by microorganisms found in
nature. Major efforts have been made in developing
bioethanol production via the fermentation route.
From a biorefinery perspective, it is of particular Different process concepts have been developed.
interest to use microorganisms to produce Below we discuss how such a process may

chemicals and energy carriers. Examples of look like as a show-case for how a number of
fermentation products produced today at an other fermentation products can be produced.
industrial scale are ethanol, lactate, amino acids The experience from developing the bioethanol
and citric acid. Several studies show the potential process will be very important for the further
to produce a large range of chemicals in fermen- development of different fermentation pathways
tation processes, pointing to the possibility to and biorefinery concepts.
produce all necessary platform chemicals by a

fermentation route (see also Chapter 3). The lignocellulosic material is first mechanically
degraded, i.e. chipped, grinded or milled in order
Sugar and starch can easily be fermented with to increase the surface area. Over the years, a
traditional methods. However, also lignocel- number of different methods have been proposed
lulosic feedstock can be used in more advanced for hydrolysis of the lignocellulosic material.
biorefinery concepts, including different waste Generally, two routes are employed to hydrolyse
streams and plants and trees grown especially the lignocellulosic material. The first route is the

9 21
1 use of acid hydrolysis and the second is the use may either be addressed by optimising the

of a pretreatment process prior to enzymatic processing steps to decrease the release and
hydrolysis. In both cases, there are several production of these compounds or by adapting
possible methods or operation modes and the the microorganism to the fermentation media. A
choice of method has to be based on a number strong research effort is taking place to design
of considerations, e.g., type of feedstock, organ- microorganisms at the genetic level.
ism used for fermentation of the released sugars,
process integration and overall economics. After the fermentation step, the ethanol is

recovered in a distillation step. The solid fraction
Figure 2.3 depicts three different configura- containing lignin and other components can
tions of the enzymatic route: (i) SHF, separate be used to either produce heat and electricity
hydrolysis and fermentation (ii) SSF, simultane- for the production plant or for external energy
ous saccharification and fermentation, and (iii) use, or alternatively be converted to high value
CBP, consolidated bioprocessing. A requisite co-products (see Chapter 6 for a discussion on
process step for SHF and SSF is the production how the valuation of byproducts affect the energy

of cellulytic and hemicellulytic enzymes (either conversion efficiency of the process and Chapter
on-site or in specialised production plants located 8 for the value of heat).
elsewhere). In SHF, the stream from pretreatment
is completely hydrolysed enzymatically before
fermentation. SHF offers the opportunity of
choosing operating conditions optimised for each
In many cases biorefining would benefit from

step. In SSF, hydrolysis and fermentation occur at
being integrated with a processing industry. This
the same time. SSF confers a lesser product inhi-
may be crucial in order to achieve reasonable
bition in the hydrolysis than SHF does, because
energy efficiency and economy. With the excep-
of concurrent sugar consumption in the fermenta-
tion of some concepts for producing specialty
tion.7 CBP is the most elegant and efficient way
chemicals in certain pulp mills (Chapter 5),
of producing ethanol since production of cellulytic
implemented biorefineries in process industries
and hemicellulytic enzymes, complete hydrolysis
are very rare. This section therefore provides an

and fermentation only demand one process step.
overview of suggested or planned biorefinery
concepts in some process industries.
In all fermentation routes, it is of utmost impor-
tance that all sugar residues are fermented with
The pulp and paper industry is, for obvious
high product yield in order to use resources effi-
reasons, a key industry when it comes to biore-
ciently and reach good economic performance.
finery integration. There are several ongoing and
Consequently, the fermentation microorganism

planned projects for implementation of biorefinery
must be able to convert all monosaccharides
options in this industry. Examples are extraction of
present in the stream to the wanted product with
hemicelluloses and lignin in the pulping process,
high efficiency. An additional challenge is that
black liquor gasification, biomass gasification
the streams are not streams of only monosaccha-
and ethanol production as a part of the pulping
rides, but different by-products have accumulated
process. This is further discussed in Chapter 5.
during the processing, including acids (released
from the raw material, added as process chemi-

Most of the metallurgical processes of iron and
cals or stemming from the sugar degradation),
steel-making industry are energy intensive and
furans (sugar degradation product) and phenolics
are conducted at temperatures above 1,000°C.
(lignin degradation products). These compounds
Steel can be produced from scrap in an electric
influence the cellular metabolism and may hamper
arc furnace while steel production from iron ore is
efficient fermentation. Solutions to this challenge
often carried out in a blast furnace. Raw material

7 “Product inhibition” means that the product of an enzyme
reaction binds to the enzyme and inhibits its activity.

3 Figure 2.4 Schematic process flow chart for an oil refinery

4 in the form of iron ore pellets, coke and limestone

are charged into the blast furnace. Ore is con-
verted into iron by heating whereby the carbon
atoms from coke and coal powder combine with
the oxygen atoms in the ore. The liquid iron is
alternative is carbonisation of biomass to enrich
the carbon content and remove oxygen. The
resulting biomass charcoal can then be injected
into the blast furnace.

then transported to a converter where the carbon The crude oil refining process is very complex
content is reduced to below 2% and the iron is and includes many conversion units in order to
turned into steel. keep pace with market demand. Approximately
7- 15% of the crude oil feedstock is used as fuel
Due to the magnitude of the energy use, large in the refinery. The refinery process converts the
amounts of biomass could be used in the iron crude oil using a number of different processes
and steel industry. However, the variety of options depending on which products that are to be pro-

for increased use and refining of biomass in the duced. The more light products that are produced
iron and steel industry are limited. One way is to and the less heavy residues that are left the more
replace fossil carbon with carbon from biomass, conversion units are included in the process and
either as a reducing agent in the blast furnace or the more complex is the refinery. A simplified flow
as a fuel in heating furnaces. Another possibility chart of an oil refinery is provided in Figure 2.4.
is to develop an industrial symbiosis together
with a stand-alone biorefinery where excess heat Oil refineries have the opportunity to integrate

from the iron and steel industry can be used in biorefinery options in many ways. Biofuels can be
processes at the biorefinery.8 upgraded to meet existing fuel standards by using
catalytic cracking to reduce oxygen content and
Alternative biobased reducing agents include molecular size and improve thermal stability. The
methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, ethanol catalytic cracking process is still under develop-
and methanol. To give an example, approximately ment. A driving force for this technology is that
one-third of the injection coal can be replaced no hydrogen is needed, which is beneficial for

methane. Using solid biomass as an alternative the energy economy of the oil refinery. Another
reducing agent would probably create practical opportunity is hydro-treating of liquids, e.g.
problems due to the lower heating value. An pyrolysis oil). In this way biobased diesel can be
8 There are also some other processes being proposed,
e g using biomass for syngas production in so called molten
iron-bath reactors. This technique is yet at an early stage of


1 Transesterification is a process for converting CCS AND BIOREFINERIES

vegetable oils into biodiesel. This process is CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) means
interesting for industries that have oil residues that CO2 in e.g. flue gases from an industry is
that can be converted into a biodiesel, such as captured in an absorption medium and then
raw tall oil in the pulp and paper industry, or for desorbed in a separate vessel, pressurized and
industries interested in using biodiesel to blend transported to an onshore or offshore storage.
into petroleum products, such as the oil refining To reach very low CO2 emission levels, or even
industry. negative emissions, such processes can become

important components in future biorefineries and
To meet the increasing demand for hydrogen complement or compete with other biorefinery
and at the same time introduce biomass into the processes.
petroleum processes, one option could be to
produce hydrogen through on-site gasification of Currently four CO2 capture processes are
biomass. One such pathway could be to co-feed developed: post-combustion, pre-combustion,
byproducts from the oil refinery, such as coke, oxy-combustion and chemical looping. All four

with biomass, or biobased energy commodities, processes can be of interest in different types
into a gasification plant for hydrogen production. of industrial plants. The post-combustion is most
Another option is gasification followed by Fischer- commonly discussed for industrial applications
Tropsch synthesis of the syngas. Products from and is therefore presented here in some more
the Fischer Tropsch process are naphtha, diesel detail.
and wax. To maximise the amount of diesel

the wax can be is cracked at the refinery. The Separating CO2 after combustion implies that
naphtha fraction can be converted into gasoline the CO2 is removed from the flue gases. Several
through isomerisation to improve the octane methods are available and the composition and
number. properties of the flue gas decides which method
to select. These parameters are in turn depend-
There are large amounts of excess heat at rela- ent on the fuel and combustion process used.
tively high temperature levels in an oil refinery. If The post-combustion process can be applied

there is no district heating system (Chapter 8) or to all combustion plants and is the only method
other heat-consuming industry in the vicinity and available for retrofit.
no planned internal novel use, the heat can be
used for biomass drying (to be shipped and finally The most common method for post-combustion
used elsewhere) or for desorption in a CCS unit is chemical absorption, since it can handle low
(see below). partial pressures of CO2. Other methods for
post-combustion capture include cryogen and

There are at least two existing biorefinery con- membrane technologies. In chemical absorp-
cepts in the oil refinery industry. In 2010, Preem tion, the separation efficiency is relatively high,
started producing diesel with a 30% renewable above 85 %, and an almost pure CO2 stream
content in a modified mild hydrocracker unit. This is produced. The CO2 is then compressed and
unit has a capacity of 330,000 m3 diesel per cooled to liquid state. The process requires large
year (11 PJ per year). The renewable feedstock is amounts of energy for the regeneration of the
raw tall oil, which is a by-product from kraft pulp absorbent. There are many absorbents being

mills (Chapter 5). Neste Oil in Finland is another discussed. The two most common ones are MEA
oil refining company that produces diesel from (monoethanolamine) and ammonia.
biobased feedstock (NExBTL) by modifying an
existing hydrotreater. NExBTL is to 100% based Several studies have shown that the most expen-
on palm oil. sive part is the heating for desorption of the CO2.

9 24
1 In many industrial applications, this heat could into one or many products or services. Additional

be supplied from available excess heat (tempera- meaning attached to the concept could be pro-
ture levels of 90-120 °C are needed), thereby duction of “novel products” in “novel ways”, “more
considerably decreasing the total cost for the efficient”, “more environmental friendly”, “sustain-
whole CCS system. This is a reason why CCS able” or “more integrated with other systems”. In
in industry sometimes could achieve the same this book we embrace this somewhat vague and
economy as in coal condensing plants, despite open umbrella definition.
the smaller sizes. On the other hand, the use of

excess heat for CCS may compete with other The biorefinery concept can be filled with real
ways of using excess heat in a biorefinery (see world examples of processes that make use
Chapters 5 and 8). of biomass to produce useful products and
services. In this chapter we have discussed
gasification and fermentation pathways and a
range of possibilities to integrate biorefining in the
Different definitions of “biorefinery” have been
processing industry to fill the concept with some

suggested. We can conclude that “biorefineries”
meaning. In other chapters more content will be
is a concept that represents a broad class of
added to the concept.
processes that refine different forms of biomass

9 25

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