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NHPC Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterprise)

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(A Govt. of India Enterprise)



Purchase of Sirens and RTU panel for Siren for Chamera-ll Power station.

Tender Specification No.- NH/CPS-II/P-24 of 2020-21/20/33 Dated: 29/08/2020



SÉàÉä®É-** {ÉÉ´É® º]ä¶ÉxÉ/Chamera-II Power
BÉEÉÊ®ªÉÉÆ, SÉƤÉÉ ( ÉÊc.|É.) / Karian, P.O. Hardaspura
Chamba (HP) - 176310
nÚ®£ÉÉ­É / Ph. 01899-220149,220166
{ÉEèBÉDºÉ / Fax: 01899-220149/220030
E-mail: chamera2proc@gmail.com
CIN: L40101HR1975GOI032564
GST No.: 02AAACN0149C1ZB
(Domestic Open Competitive Bidding)
Online electronic bids (e-tenders) under two cover system are invited on behalf of NHPC
Limited (A Public Sector Enterprise of the Government of India) from domestic bidders
registered in India for “Purchase of Sirens and RTU panel for Siren for Chamera-ll
Power station.”
Tender Specification No.: NH/CPS-II/P-24 of 2020-21/20/ Dated: /09/2020

Tender document can be viewed and downloaded from NHPC Limited website
www.nhpcindia.com and Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) at

The bid is to be submitted online only on https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app up to last date

and time of submission of bids. Sale of hard copy of tender document is not applicable.

1.0 Brief Details & Critical Dates of Tender:

1.1 Brief Details of Tender

S. No. Item Description

Name of work “Purchase of Sirens and RTU panel for Siren for Chamera-
ll Power station”
Tender Specification NH/CPS-II/P-24 of 2020-21/20/33
(iii) Mode of tendering e-procurement system (Open –E-Tender)

(iv) Tender ID 2020_NHPC_ 580134_1

Rs. 590/- (Rupees Five Hundred Ninety only) inclusive of
GST@18%in the form of Crossed Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque
Cost of bidding
(v) (in case of local Bank at Chamba only) in favour of “NHPC
Limited” payable at payable at “SBI, Chamba (HP) (SBI Code-
(vi) Estimated cost Rs. 4,07,295 /- (Rupees Four Lakhs Seven Thousand Two Hundred
and Ninety Five only)
Rs. 8,000/- (Rupees Eight Thousand Only) in the form of Crossed
demand draft/Banker’s cheque (in case of local bank at Chamba
(vii) EMD (Bid Security) only) in favor of “NHPC Ltd” payable at SBI Chamba (HP) (SBI
Delivery time: Supply/Delivery of complete material shall be
completed within 02 (Two) Months from the date of issue of
Completion Period
(viii) supply order. The date of delivery shall be reckoned from the 7th
day from the date of issue of purchase order.

Required validity of
Bid 120 days from the last date of online submission.

Independent External i. Sh. Sutanu Behuria, IAS (Retd.)

Monitor ii. Sh. Rakesh Kumar Agrawal, CES (Retd.)
Name of Institution International Centre for Alternate Dispute Resolution,
for arbitration (ICADR),New Delhi
Sr. Manager (M), Procurement Division, Chamera-II Power Station,
Tender Inviting Disttt- Chamba(HP)-176310,
Authority Phone no-01899-220149,220166
email- chamera2proc@gmail.com

1.2 Critical Dates of Tender:

S. No. Particulars Date & Time
(i) Publish date and time 29/ 08 /2020, 15:00 Hrs
(ii) Sale / Document Download Start Date & Time 29/ 08 /2020, 15:00 Hrs

(iii) Sale / Document Download End Date & Time 29/ 09 /2020, 15:00 Hrs

(iv) Online Bid Submission Start Date & Time 29/ 08 /2020, 15:00 Hrs

(v) Online Bid Submission End Date & Time 29/ 09 /2020, 15:00 Hrs

Last date of submission of Cost of bidding document,

EMD and other offline supporting documents at “Sr.
Manager(M), Procurement Complex, Chamera-II
(vi) 03/ 10 /2020, 15:00 Hrs
Power Station, Distt- Chamba (HP)-176310,
Phone no-01899-220149,220166,
email- chamera2proc@gmail.com”

Bid Opening Date & Time

(vii) i. Technical bid along with offline documents 06/10/2020, 15:00 Hrs
ii. Price bid To be intimated separately.

2.0 Eligibility Criteria for Bidders:

2.1 Bids of those Bidders who have not submitted the requisite Cost of bidding document and EMD
(as per ITB Clause 3.0 & 4.0) shall not be considered for evaluation, except in case of exemption
as per Clause No. 3.2 ,Clause No. 4.1 & Clause 4.5 (Only for bid security/EMD ) of ITB. Further
those Bidders who fail to declare Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) number on Central Public
Procurement Portal (CPPP) shall not be able to avail the benefits available to MSEs as contained
in Public Procurement Policy for MSEs Order, 2012 issued by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium
Enterprises, for tenders invited electronically through CPPP. Such Bidders shall be treated as non-
MSE bidders and bids of such Bidders shall be considered only if it is accompanied by Cost of
bidding document/ EMD (if applicable against tender).

2.2.1 The bidders must fulfill the following minimum Qualifying Criteria:-
(i) The bidder should be Manufacturer of the equipment/system/items of required capacity/
configuration as specified in the NIT.
The bidder should be authorized dealer/distributor of the manufacturer of quoted brands of the
item of required configuration/specifications as specified in the NIT to quote on behalf of their
Manufacturer, in case manufacturer does not quote directly. In such a case, the authorized dealer
shall have to submit relevant ‘Authorized Dealership’ certificate from the manufacturer showing
validity period. Only agencies submitting a general Dealership or Authorization certificate issued by
the Manufacturers, without reference to any specific tender and having validity of such
authorization for the considerable duration shall only be considered for determining the eligibility of
the bidder for the particular tender. Authorization issued with reference to the specific tender in
favor of dealer/bidder will not be entertained.
(ii) The bidder should submit a valid ISO certification of manufacturer of quoted brand of items.
(iii) In case a dealer is participating in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer, he is not allowed to
participate / quote on behalf of another manufacturer in this tender or in a parallel tender for the
same item. All such bids with same make / manufacture will be rejected.
(iv) The bidder should have supplied at least two similar equipment/items as specified in the NIT of
same Capacity or higher in previous seven years to any Govt. Department / PSU / SEB / any
reputed organization. In support of the same, the bidder should submit authenticated copies of
supply orders for similar items issued by various clients.
(v) Submission of copy of PAN in the name of firm/ proprietor.
(vi) Submission of copy of GST registration certificate with valid GSTIN.

2.2.2 All Startups (whether MSEs or otherwise), falling within the definition as per Gazette
notification- G.S.R. 501(E) dt. 23.05.2017 are exempted from meeting the qualification criteria
in respect of Prior Experience-Prior Turnover, subject to their meeting the quality and technical
specification. However, the Purchaser reserves the right to deny such exemptions to Startups
(whether MSEs or otherwise) in case of circumstances like procurement of items related to
public safety, health, critical security operations and equipments etc. Declaration in this regard
is to be submitted by the Bidder as per Annexure-VI.
2.2.3 All Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are exempted from meeting the qualification criteria in
respect of Prior Experience-Prior Turnover above in public procurement subject to meeting of
quality and technical specifications for which necessary documents shall be submitted by such
2.2.4 The reference date for considering the period for eligibility/qualification requirements above
shall be the last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited.

2.3 The Bidder should not have been banned / de-listed / black listed / debarred from business or
declared ineligible on the grounds mentioned in Para 6 of Guidelines on Banning of Business
Dealings (Annexure-A) to Integrity Pact , ITB Clause 8.0. Self-declaration in this regard is to be
submitted as per enclosed Annexure- IV.

2.4 To improve transparency and fairness in tendering process and/or during execution of work
undertaken, the Purchaser is implementing Integrity Pact as per Clause No. 8.0 of the ITB. The
bidder must submit the Integrity Pact as per Proforma (Annexure-III) duly signed as per Clause 8.0
of ITB.

Pre-contract Integrity Pact is to be executed on plain paper with NHPC Ltd. at the time of
submission of Bids. The successful bidder (Contractor) shall submit duly executed Integrity Pact
on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of appropriate value prior to issue of Supply Order.

To oversee the compliance under the Integrity pact, Sh. Sutanu Behuria, IAS (Retd.) and Sh.
Rakesh Kumar Agrawal, CES (Retd.) have been appointed as Independent External Monitor
(IEM) by the Purchaser. The Contact Address of IEM is as under:-
Room No. 214, NHPC Ltd.
Sector-33, Faridabad-121003
2.5 Bids of only those Bidders who are meeting the Eligibility Criteria specified above will be
considered for evaluation and award of the contract. Bidders will submit duly notarized
requisite supporting documents as per NIT and testimonials as above with their Bids to
prove their credentials and claim of meeting the Eligibility Criteria.
3.0 The details/ information regarding online tendering i.e. Registration on CPP portal, Preparation of
Bid and Submission of bid are available in the tender document and as well as on CPP Portal
under “Bidders Manual Kit”.
4.0 NHPC reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and shall not be bound to assign any reason
for such rejection.

For & On behalf of NHPC Ltd,

Sr. Manager (M)

Procurement Division
Chamera-II Power Station, Karian,
Distt.- Chamba (HP)-176310
Phone No.: 01899-220166
E-mail: chamera2proc@gmail.com


1. व र. ब धक (आईटी.),चमेरा-II पावर टेशन,इं ानेट पर काशन हेतु।

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Sanjay Kumar Singh
Date: 2020.08.28 15:48:52 IST
Location: eProcure-EPROC

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