The Most Beautiful Equation BBC
The Most Beautiful Equation BBC
The Most Beautiful Equation BBC
Simple and
Explain mathematical theory of knots Profound
String theory
the Wave Equation How the Universe works at most
Oil prospecting Study on phenomena
fundamental level.
The Most Beautiful Equation
Safety on ships Changed the understanding of nature and
BBC evolution of the Universe.
Quaternion algebra
Calculate the probability that one event (A) is
Hamilton's Quaternion Formula true, given that another event (B) is also true.
Describe objects orientations on the screen.
Usage Underlie rational thinking and decision
Computer graphics industry making, rather than because of any intrinsic
aesthetic appeal.
Detect faults
A sequence of numbers separated by the
same amout. Bayee's Theorem Surveillance
Algorithmic Reduction
Usage Military Defence
A "Simple" Arithmetic Progression
Great complexity may arise from very simple the Logistic Map Deeper rule governing which numbers are
rules. prime.