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Marine Policy 43 (2014) 283–287

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Marine Policy
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A review of sustainable sea-transport for Oceania: Providing context

for renewable energy shipping for the Pacific
Nuttall Petera,n, Newell Alisona, Prasad Bimanb, Veitayaki Joelic, Holland Elisabethd
University of the South Pacific and Sailing for Sustainability Trust, School of Economics, Laucala Bay, Suva, Fiji
School of Economics, University of the South Pacific, Laucala Bay, Suva, Fiji
School of Marine Studies, University of the South Pacific, Laucala Bay, Suva, Fiji
Climate Change, University of the South Pacific, Laucala Bay, Suva, Fiji

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper summarises research and options for sustainable sea transport in Oceania with a focus on
Received 27 May 2013 domestic shipping. This debate is situated initially within the context of the current Pacific domestic
Received in revised form shipping scenario, a region of minute economies connected by some of the longest sea transport routes
16 June 2013
in the world. All current options are fossil fuel powered and increasingly uneconomic and unsustainable.
Accepted 16 June 2013
Available online 17 July 2013
Many routes are marginal or unviable and a vicious cycle of old ships replaced with old ships prevails.
Although a central and essential issue of many Pacific communities, the option of pursuing sustainable
Keywords: sea transport is currently invisible within the policy space at all levels. Various renewable energy options
Sea transport are possible and increasingly available. Recent research finds that these have strong potential for
providing benefits across multiple wellbeings. The barriers to pursing this agenda are complex and
Renewable energy
poorly understood but are perceptual and institutional more than technological. A small number of
Sustainable shipping
critical experiments during the last oil crisis provide critical lessons and direction.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Recent Fiji centred research [4],[5] suggests that renewable energy
options for Oceania sea transport, if proven viable, offer numerous
This paper provides a summary of research and options for benefits for Pacific communities at local, provincial, and national levels
sustainable sea-transport in Oceania. Sea transport is an absolute and advocates for them to be pursued as a priority issue. A recent
necessity for most Oceanic communities. All current services are international conference, the Sustainable Sea Transport Talanoa 20121
fossil fuel based and increasingly unaffordable and unsustainable. saw input from leading expertise and has provided a starting point for
The Pacific region is the most dependent on imported fossil this critical debate. Such findings have general relevance to a number
fuels in the world with Pacific Island Countries importing more of Pacific settings. This paper provides an overview of the subject and
than 95% of needs [1]. Such dependency is recognised as having a summarises relevant issues and options.
crippling effect on national budgets and revenues and impacts on
key productive sectors in the region [2]. Various strategies to
reduce this dependency are being considered and implemented, 2. The current Pacific domestic shipping scenario
primarily targeted at electricity generation. In March 2013 donors
committed $NZ613M at the Pacific Energy Summit in Auckland for Issues of sea-transport remain universal and primary, a basic
programmes in this sector. human need of Oceanic peoples today and tomorrow as throughout
Transport generally has received far less attention, despite all past human interaction with the Pacific. The region's transport
being the region's single largest sector user of imported fuel issues are unique; tiny economies scattered at the ends of some of
(48% regional average) [3]. There is no reliable data to calculate the longest transportation routes in the world and arguably the
what percentage is attributable to sea transport but Mayhew [3] most challenging network to maintain per capita and per sea mile
considers it could be as high as 75% of all fuel used for some PICs. with the resource base available to support it [5]. Sea-transport is
Alternatives to current sea transport options are almost totally essential at all levels of society from fishing and local transport
ignored in current regional and national debates and the issue is needs of small isolated islands and villages to inter-regional shipping
invisible within the policy and donor strategy space at all levels. needs of nation states [6].

This conference was hosted by USP on behalf of a collaborative network of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +679 9979072. stakeholders. See https://www.usp.ac.fj/index.php?id=12456 for programme, pre-
E-mail address: hibiscus@wave.co.nz (P. Nuttall). sentations and outcomes record.

0308-597X/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
284 P. Nuttall et al. / Marine Policy 43 (2014) 283–287

All sources concur that policy priorities for Pacific shipping lie Tonga with loss of 74 lives in 2009 and the Rabual Queen in PNG in
on the domestic front ([2,6–8]). There are an estimated 2100 2012 (more than 200 lives lost) drew international headlines;
domestic ships providing services at various levels in PICs [6]. smaller scale tragedies are common place.
Despite fuel now comprising  40–60% of domestic fleet operating
costs [9] and this figure projected to show an increasing trend over
time, the search for alternatives is barely emergent. Prosecution of 3. Options for reducing shipping fossil fuel dependency
global-scale mitigation measures currently in train under the
International Maritime Organisation (IMO) leadership are likely Studies by the International Council on Clean Transportation
to lead only to increased costs and barriers for Oceania, whose [10] and IMO [11] concur on the range of technological and
contribution to the global issue is so minute as to be irrelevant, operational strategies available to the current global fleet. These
resulting in a double penalty for no visible benefit [5]. The changes include innovation in: propeller polishing, hull cleaning, speed
to the MARPOL2 Annex VI regulations, aimed at cutting levels of reduction, autopilot upgrade, air lubrication, main engine retrofits,
SOX emissions from global shipping, will alone contribute a  60% water flow optimization, hull coating, speed controlled pumps and
price increase in marine fuel for PICs at current oil prices by 2020 fans, weather routing, high-efficiency lighting, propeller upgrade,
for all vessels over 400 gross ton [5]. Current domestic shipping, waste heat reduction, alternative fuels, wind power, and solar
despite being often financially marginal and employing aged technology. These analyses also note that, the last three items
assets, maintains sufficient monopoly control of the industry to apart, these are largely already available and most responsible
continue to use fossil fuel technology because there is a lack of operators are already, at least partially, using. None of these
sufficient incentive to adopt new technologies and a lack of measures individually achieves more than minor savings, nor do
research and working models of viable alternatives. they represent any major paradigm shift. The cost of many of these
Providing adequate, efficient, and reliable domestic shipping is innovations makes them unavailable to Pacific shipping where
one of the most difficult challenges for PICs. Coastal and inter- much of the asset is at the end of its working life and is
island shipping services are generally operated by governments or uneconomic or impractical to upgrade.
small, independent shipping companies. Many routes are com- Most international operators already employ a policy of ‘slow
mercially marginal and a significant proportion are simply unvi- steaming’, reducing average passage speeds to reduce fuel con-
able. Governments are required to subsidise or otherwise provide sumption, particularly since the global economic slow down since
for these, with ever increasing costs. Given that the vast bulk of 2008. Production of larger ships to employ greater economies of
commodities and manufactured goods are transported by ship in scale and new generation designs incorporating more efficient hull
the Pacific, and that much domestic travel is by sea, the cost and and motors are coming on stream. LNG is increasingly being
quality of shipping immediately affects the welfare of the poor as targeted as the primary fuel for large and new shipping. Such
consumers and producers [8]. Transport is a priority area for developments will almost exclusively benefit the large-scale ship-
Pacific Forum Leaders under the Pacific Plan and its importance ping market and offers little immediate potential for the Oceanic
as a facilitator of economic growth is recognised [2]. scenario where ships are smaller and older. It could be some
The provision of transport services is affected by numerous decades before such technology is affordable in second hand mode
geographical, socio-economic, and technical factors including to Pacific operators. It can be described as a classic North–South
population mobility, susceptibility to natural disasters and other divide scenario. Those operators that can access investment capital
effects of climate change, national policies and regulations, and to procure new technology have an operating advantage. Those
international instruments. Additional factors include appropriate that can only afford second (third, fourth or fifth) hand ships will
vessel/craft operation and maintenance, route profitability, exist- have to wait in line and pay ever-increasing costs and penalties.
ing petroleum supply (quantity and quality), level of infrastruc- What options are available from renewable energy? There are a
ture, technical capacity, proximity of maintenance facilities, as well range of solutions potentially available, ranging from various
as mandatory safety and security auditing services [6]. Large measures to retrofit existing fossil fuel powered vessels with
distances, high fuel costs and low economies of scale make the renewable energy technologies, to hybrid vessels combining both
cost of developing and maintaining transport infrastructure rela- renewable energy and fossil fuel power, to custom built non-fossil
tively high. Narrow markets for local products and dependence on fuel designs. Each has various advantages and disadvantages
international trade create vulnerability to global developments as
well as fewer employment and livelihood options. Trade in remote
locations is limited by high freight costs leading to increasing
urbanisation [2]. Where it is lacking, access to reliable and
affordable shipping is a major impediment to development at all
levels of Pacific economies.
The marginal nature of the industry has always meant that
financing shipping investment, either for governments or private
operators, is difficult. The ships used are sometimes unsuitable,
often old and in poor condition [7]. The current global economic
environment has only exacerbated this with industry advisors
pointing to the finance market becoming increasingly cautious of
such investments. Many vessels do not meet recognised safety
standards, and arguably should be banned from service. However,
because they provide essential services to remote communities,
this step is rarely taken [8]. Shipping disasters directly attributable
to substandard ships are regular events, the Princess Ashika in

The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, Fig. 1. B9 Ship designs.
1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978. Source: B9 Shipping Ltd.
P. Nuttall et al. / Marine Policy 43 (2014) 283–287 285

Fig. 2. S.V. Greenheart, 220 t Sail/Solar Freighter.

Source: Greenheart.

depending on their application. Numerous researchers are inves- Renewable energy shipping offers benefits across multiple
tigating innovations in hull and engine design and wind (har- wellbeings: economic, environment, social, and cultural [5]. It offers
nessed by sails, kites and rotors), solar, biogas/biofuel for vessels of a potential future where fleets of smaller but sustainable new ships
all types, although investment is nothing of the scale dedicated to can replace current single, aged, large vessel operations. Realisation
developing conventional shipping. Again, most initiatives into new of this requires practical demonstration of commercially viable
technology solutions have focused on large-scale shipping. models if up-take on any scale is to be achieved. The agenda needs
There is little work being done on the 10,000 t and smaller to be viewed ultimately from its potential to revitalise all aspects of
vessels which service most of the developing world and contribute the domestic Pacific industry from ship construction to transport
26% of all global shipping emissions whilst carrying only  4% of operations to maintenance and end re-cycling—a cradle to cradle
global cargo load [12]. There are popular misconceptions that approach. Operation of the new transport asset is obviously the
hamper serious discussion of the issues of renewable energy first critical aspect to practically demonstrate, but the long-term
vessels at this scale, including that such vessels will be slower opportunity is broader and includes design, research, construction,
and less reliable, that sail and rotor rigs increase instability in bad maintenance, and auxiliary industries as well as seafaring.
weather (when the reality is the opposite), and that larger ships While this paper focuses primarily on domestic shipping,
are inherently safer and more efficient. Leading examples include renewable energy vessels have strong potential for inter-state
the B9 3000 dwt bulk carrier, the 7000 dwt Ecoliner container ship trade, particularly directly between PICs. Currently, exporters in
and Enercon's 127 m E-Ship1 Fig. 1. countries such as Fiji must trans-ship via Sydney or Auckland
Although any number of potential technologies have been making many sub-regional trade opportunities uneconomic and
mentioned in the literature and websites, the leading contenders increasing PICs’ dependence on imports from the developed
break down primarily to alternative fuels such as bio-fuels or bio- world. Vessels such as the Greenheart design are capable of direct
gas (for which there are question marks over the overall environ- container shipping of small consignments reliably and regularly,
mental benefit at the scale required), wind and solar3 . In Oceania with far lower overheads than the current large container ships.
bio-fuels/gases from local crop production (coconut and cassava
both have high potential) or by-product (e.g. molasses from the Fiji
sugar industry) offer possibilities. Ultimately it will come down to 4. Lessons from the past: The 1970s oil crisis.
the economics of production of such fuels versus the cost of
import of fossil fuels as to how fast development and uptake The oil crisis of the late 1970s resulted in a small number of
happens. Solar has potential as an auxiliary to other fuels but is not critical experiments in the Pacific with results showing strong
sufficiently advanced to provide primary propulsion. Wind energy savings in fuel use and improved ship performance from known
has strong potential in a variety of deployments, is well under- and available renewable energy technologies and these provide
stood and proven. Hybrid vessels, combining more than one type leadership for the search for innovation today. Research at this
of energy source, offer a ‘best of both worlds’ approach. time paralleled the current situation in identifying a number of
One vessel design by a Japan based not-for-profit organisation, key obstacles, in particular a reluctance of donor/development
Greenheart, offers strong potential for extremely cost effective agencies to provide financing for practical trialling. The relatively
220 t, 100% renewable energy powered freighters for inter-island short duration of the crisis and the subsequent fall in fossil fuel
and inter-regional trade conservatively displacing around one and prices saw further research curtailed at this time.
a half ton of fuel per day. A pilot vessel is under construction in In 1981 three UN agencies, UNDAT, UNCTAD and UNESCAP,
Bangladesh. Work has been ongoing into the use of small scale combined resources to undertake a series of studies in the Ha'apai
(4–10 dwt) cargo/passenger catamarans for more than three dec- Group of the Kingdom of Tonga [14]. The principal objective was to
ades in different Pacific locations. None of these initiatives have investigate an energy efficient government-operated vessel. Having
been successful in attracting adequate research and development comprehensively mapped the need and the options available, the
funding, unlike other renewable energy technologies, despite their project moved toward an implementation stage in 1983. Securing
demonstrated potential for both fuel savings and positive con- funding proved difficult with donors citing “insufficient insight into
tribution to economic development Fig. 2. the financial and technical feasibility of the project” [14 p:133–134]. Yet
without the funding, a formal feasibility study was not possible. The
vicious circle was broken in the end with UNESCAP and ADB providing
the resources to recruit prominent UK naval engineers to undertake
Work has been ongoing in regard to nuclear propulsion technologies led the necessary evaluations and designs, the latter was remarkably
largely by the US military industrial complex and this still remains the Pentagon's
preferred future alternative shipping fuel technology [13]. Even if it could be used
similar to the Greenheart design in scale and approach. That study also
cost-effectively, the political stance of PICs effectively rules it out of any contention mirrored recent findings in Fiji that a combination of small trading
for Oceania. catamarans and energy efficient small freighters are the most
286 P. Nuttall et al. / Marine Policy 43 (2014) 283–287

Also in this period Save the Children Fund in Tuvalu and FAO/
UNDP initiated practical research into the potential of using either
pure sail or sail assisted vessels for artisanal and small-scale
commercial fishing in the Pacific. A variety of vessel types from
one-person dugouts to 11 m trimarans were built and some 300
vessels of different designs were distributed in eight PICs ([17–
19]). Again, the end of the oil crisis coinciding with the end of the
project funding and impetus saw this research largely curtailed,
although locally built, energy efficient catamarans are still being
built and used in Kiribati. The designs that resulted from this
research have as much applicability today as they did then.
The work in this period culminated in an ADB sponsored
conference into potential wind ship technology for the Asia-
Pacific region in Manila in 1985 [16]. There are strong parallels
between this conference and the USP hosted SSTT 2012, with a
similar range of expertise, needs, solutions and barriers identified.
The examples cited above provide a number of core lessons and
important directional indicators. For example, the research under-
Fig. 3. Na Mataisau, Fiji, 1984.
Source: [16]. scored the absolute need for such technology to be appropriate and
affordable to the local operating environment. High-tech and high-
cost assets introduced from outside the region were unlikely to
have significant uptake or prove sustainable. The catalytic nature
and benefits in all these cases from what were really quite minimal
amounts of donor investment appear clear. A coordinated pro-
gramme of work and research as opposed to disjointed short-term
pilot projects was shown to be necessary. The situation today is
certainly not a case of there being a technology vacuum. The
designs of the 1980s, particularly in terms of both trading catamar-
ans and inter-island/inter-state renewable energy powered freigh-
ters appear valid for current operating environments with the
added advantage that improvements in photovoltaic and electric
engine technology can be applied to further decrease fossil fuel use.

5. What are the barriers to developing sustainable

Fig. 4. Shin Aitoku Maru. sea transport for Oceania?
Source: http://seaspout.wordpress.com/2012/08/03/propulsion-revolution-2/
There are numerous challenges to further investigation and
appropriate technology options [5]. It is assumed the sharp fall in oil practical trialling of renewable energy shipping in order to fully
prices after 1985 was the cause of no further development work prove its validity. These are complex and poorly characterized or
happening on this project. understood. Issues of policy, ownership, financing and manage-
In related research, ADB also funded the same engineers working ment, not the technology itself, are the central ones to now
with the Fijian Government and experts from Southampton grapple with. It is essential to recognise that the industrial
University to undertake the retrofitting of two small ( 300 gt) application needs to occur within a wider setting than just an
passenger/cargo ships with auxiliary sail rigs. These performed above economic or commercial sphere; especially in Oceania where
expectation, resulting in fuel savings of 23–30%, increased stability, traditional culture and society continue to play roles.
increased passage speeds, and much reduced engine wear. The IRR Findings from a recent analysis [5] mirrored the lessons from
on the US$40,000 cost of the retrofit of the first vessel was calculated the Ha'apai study in the 1980s and conclude that the primary
at an impressive 123% on the most favourable routes and 30% on barriers to research and practical trialling of alternatives are both
‘average’ routes [15]. A decrease in just one knot of average speed structural and perceptual in nature. Sea transport generally is
would have pushed the IRR to 180% on the ‘best’ routes. These considered a private investment issue with public or donor
calculations included maintenance of the equipment but did not investment restricted exclusively to shore infrastructure (primarily
factor in benefits other than fuel savings Fig. 3. ports), policy and regulation. Financing for shipping asset is
In Japan, oil tanker owners successfully trialled modern square notoriously difficult to access in any regard for this often marginal
sails, initially on a 900 t vessel, Shin Aitoku Maru, using aircraft wing industry. Old ships being replaced with old ships or reliance on
manufacturing technology and computer-controlled rigs. These rigs donated and often inappropriate vessels is the established norm in
were an evolution of the historic “square-rigger” design. The reported most PICs. Commercial banks do not find domestic island shipping
results were impressive with overall fuel savings of more than 30%, attractive for lending because of the high risk for low returns and
increased passage speeds, increased stability and greatly reduced lack of adequate collateral. There are also cultural barriers. Larger
engine wear. Contrary to initial concerns, the sail-fitted vessels were and faster engines and ships are seen as markers of increasing
able to safely maintain course in typhoon conditions where sister development while use of technologies such as sails are perceived
vessels had to heave to [17]. Over three years a fleet of eight ships as a step away from progress and development. There is also
ranging from 600 to 31,000 t was commissioned. However, plummet- popular misconception that renewable energy technology will be
ing oil prices meant the IRR on the technology was uneconomic, slower and less efficient than fossil fuelled counterparts.
especially given the cost and limits of the computer technology Unfortunately, despite the inherent logic of exploring sustainable
employed, and the experiment was largely discontinued Fig. 4. sea transport as a regional priority, there has yet to be any uptake
P. Nuttall et al. / Marine Policy 43 (2014) 283–287 287

either by the commercial industry or the development/policy agencies. technologies. Putting this off only condemns PICs to a fossil fuel
One of the primary barriers to accessing funding for any aspect of dependent and ever more expensive future and ignores the
alternative shipping here and globally is the near total invisibility of potential benefits, especially to small and remote communities,
sea transport in the policy space. Sustainable shipping is not men- that alternative options to current shipping offers. The case for
tioned in any Pacific national, regional or development agency energy, resourcing a revolution in sea transport toward renewable energy
transport, or climate change strategy to date. options appears obvious and rational. The lessons from the past
Such barriers have also been found to be true at a global level. show that the level of investment required is relatively small.
Rojon [20] considered the potential for the IMO to promote the
reintroduction of wind powered technologies for international
shipping and examined the uptake in development of fixed sails, Acknowledgements
kites, and rotor technology over the past century. That study found
that several structural barriers exist, including a lack of policies
Grateful acknowledgements to Professor John Bythell of the
and incentive schemes promoting wind propulsion, lack of finan-
University of the South Pacific and Professor Alastair Couper of
cial resources, insufficient collaboration among different actor
Cardiff University.
groups, and conservative and risk-averse attitudes prevalent in
the maritime industry. It concluded that the number and severity
of the structural barriers outweigh those of the mostly emerging References
structural drivers.
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