Earth and Life Science Module 1 PDF
Earth and Life Science Module 1 PDF
Earth and Life Science Module 1 PDF
Learning Objectives:
a. Recognize the uniqueness of Earth being the only planet in the solar system with properties
necessary to support life.
1. Hydrosphere
- Earth is sometimes called the “blue planet” or the “blue marble” because of its water
- Water is what makes Earth unique since it can appear in any of its three phases.
- The hydrosphere makes up 71% of Earth’s surface and most of it is saltwater found in the
oceans. It also includes the fresh water found in glaciers, rivers, streams, lakes and
- It is the fresh water part of the hydrosphere that is important to living things. Groundwater is the
largest reservoir of fresh water available to humans.
Oceans- 97% Fresh- 3%
Frozen- 77% Lakes, Rivers and Streams- 1%
- Hydrosphere is a dynamic mass of water that interacts with each of Earth’s spheres through
the water cycle.
Image source: The water cycle. Retrieved from
- The interaction of the geosphere and the hydrosphere is responsible for sculpturing Earth’s
surface that produces its magnificent landforms.
2. Atmosphere
- The atmosphere is the thin life-giving gaseous envelope of the Earth. It serves as a “blanket”.
- Its composition is divided into two: the major components and the variable components.
▪ Major components: the gaseous compounds Nitrogen and Oxygen along with the
trace gases. These provide the air that people breathe and it can also trap the
outgoing infrared radiation to keep Earth warm.
Nitrogen- 78% Argon- 0.9%
Oxygen- 21% Trace Gases- 0.1% (methane, helium, nitrous oxide, ozone, neon,
▪ Variable components: water vapor and aerosols, responsible for the weather and
climate that is experienced on Earth through the interaction of the atmosphere to the
hydrosphere and geosphere.
- Water vapor is needed for cloud formation and for trapping the heat on Earth.
- Aerosols serve as condensation nuclei for the water vapor and it can absorb, reflect
and scatter incoming solar radiation.
- Ozone which is another variable component that protects the Earth from the harmful
ultraviolet radiation of the sun.
- The atmosphere is divided into different layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and
▪ Troposphere- lowest layer of the atmosphere
where temperature decreases with altitude. It is
about 11 km thick and all-weather phenomena
occur in this layer.
o Tropopause- boundary between
troposphere and stratosphere.
▪ Stratosphere- about 11 km- 48 km from Earth’s
- in this layer, temperature increases with
altitude due to the presence of the ozone
o Stratopause- boundary between the
stratosphere and mesosphere.
▪ Mesosphere- temperature decreases with
altitude and it reaches about -90°C which is the
coldest temperatures in the atmosphere. It is also
in this layer that meteors burn up.
o Mesopause- boundary between
mesosphere and thermosphere.
▪ Thermosphere- starts at about 55 km and has no definite upper-limit. It has the least
amount of atmospheric molecules but these receive most of the high-energy radiation
that leads to the increase in temperature as altitude increases.
3. Geosphere
- It has a depth of 6,400 km, making it the largest sphere of the Earth. It is divided into different
layers: crust; mantle; outer core and inner core.
▪ Crust- outermost layer of the Earth. There are two types: the continental crust and
oceanic crust.
▪ Mantle- marked by Mohorovicic discontinuity, a distinct difference between the denser
mantle and the crust. This also marks the base of the crust or the top of the mantle.
- comprise 82% of Earth’s volumes and is divided into upper mantle and lower mantle.
o Lithosphere- 100 km tick of the upper mantle and is made of solid rocks together
with the crust.
o Asthenosphere- weaker region about 700 km thick semi-solid. Below is the lower
mantle that is hot semi-solid rock that is 2, 100 km thick.
▪ Core- marked by Gutenberg discontinuity. It is made up of iron-nickel alloy making it
very dense and it is divided into the outer core and inner core. These two are
separated by the Bullen discontinuity, the hottest part of the core.
o Outer core- 2, 260 km thick, liquid iron- nickel composition, very low viscosity
allowing convection to happen
o Inner core- 1, 216 km thick, solid, contains more iron than nickel
4. Biosphere
- Biological component of the Earth.
- Includes all of the microbes, plants and
animals that can be found from about a
kilometer above the sea level down to the
deepest parts of the oceans. It extends to
any place that life of any kind might exist.
Under the biosphere is the anthroposphere
or the “human sphere”.
1. Earth is a unique that can sustain life because it can maintain water in its liquid form.
2. The basis of life is carbon since it can form long and complex molecules.
3. The four major spheres of the Earth are the hydrosphere (water portion), atmosphere
(gaseous portion), geosphere (solid portion), and biosphere (totality of life on Earth).
4. The four major spheres and its interactions make the Earth a system.
5. 71% of Earth’s surface is made up of water; 97% of all the waters on Earth are from oceans
and 3% are fresh water from glaciers, rivers, lakes and underground.
6. The layers of the atmosphere was determined using the changes in temperature and these
are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.
7. The solid Earth is divided into different layers: crust, mantle, outer core and inner core.
8. Lithosphere is the crust and the solid portion of the upper mantle that floats on top of the
asthenosphere—the weaker, plastic region of the upper mantle.
Sia, S.R. and L.A. Cortez.(2016).Earth and life science.Quezon City.Sibs Publishing House, Inc.
The earth system.(2020). Retrieved from
Warm welcome:finding habitable planets.(n.d.). Retrieved from
What makes earth suitable for life.(2019). Retrieved from
Test Your Understanding!
Activity 1
Earth as the Only Habitable Planet
A. Essay
Write a short essay about the video on “What makes Earth Suitable for Life?” Click
the link below for you to watch the video. Please be guided with the criteria in
writing your essay.
Excellent Very Good Average Improvement Unacceptable
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Content It is clear and It is mostly The writer is Topic is not well- As yet, the paper
focused. It holds focused, and beginning to defined and/or has no clear
the reader's has some good define the there are too sense of purpose
attention. Relevant details and topic, even many topics. or central
details and quotes quotes. though theme.
enrich the central development is
theme. still basic or
Organization The organization Paper (and The Sentences The writing lacks
enhances and paragraphs) organizational within a clear sense of
showcases the are mostly structure is paragraphs direction. Ideas,
central idea or organized, in strong enough make sense, details, or events
theme. The order, order, and to move the but the order of seem strung
structure of makes sense to reader through paragraphs together in a
information is the reader. the text without does not. loose or random
compelling and too much fashion; there is
moves the reader confusion. no identifiable
through the text. internal structure.
Total Score
B. Analyze and complete the graphic organizer.
Hydrosphere Atmosphere
Lithosphere Biosphere
1. How may each of the Earth's four spheres (hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere)
have caused the event to occur? (These are sphere vs. event impacts.)
2. What are the effects of the event on each of the Earth's four spheres (hydrosphere, atmosphere,
lithosphere, and biosphere)? (These are the event vs. sphere impacts.)
3. What are the effects of changes in one of Earth's four spheres (hydrosphere, atmosphere,
lithosphere, or biosphere) on each of the other spheres (hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, or
biosphere)? (These are the sphere-to-sphere interactions.)
NOTE: This approach of answering the questions above is performed during every analysis; simply
replace the term "event" with the event you wish to investigate.
Earth System Interaction example:
Typhoon Yolanda/ Haiyan, November 2013
1. Oil spill
2. Acid rain
3. Deforestation
4. Wildfires
5. COVID-19
6. Drought
7. Flooding
8. Tsunami
9. Hurricanes
10. Volcanic eruption
Graphic Organizer Rubrics
Sources Used varied and Used varied Used varied Few sources are
reliable sources. and reliable sources. cited.
All sources are sources. Most sources are
cited. Most sources reliable and
are cited. cited.
Total Score