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Practice Material. Topic 3 I. Comment On These Noun Compounds, According To Quirk and Greenbaum's Model

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I. Comment on these noun compounds, according to Quirk and Greenbaum's



birdcage Endocentric N+N Verbless Jaula

blackboard Endocentric Adj + N Verbless Pizarra

bus driver Endocentric N+N V+ O Conductor de

egghead Exocentric N+N Verbless Empollon

frying pan Endocentric V+N V+O Sarten











II. Complete the following sentences with the corresponding noun derived
from the word in brackets.

1. She’s training to be a ………………………… (beauty)

2. The person a cheque is made out to is called the ………………………… (pay)
3. I am full of …………………………. for what she has achieved. (admire)
4. His parents gave him a lot of …………………………. in his studies
5. It is a ………………………… to say he did it when you know he didn’t. (false)
6. Please, put me two …………………………. of sugar. (spoon)
7. The thing I hate about him is his …………………………. (reliable)
8. We’re going to the first of the two ………………………… (perform)
9. To buy this car I made a monthly …………………………. of 400 euros for two
years. (pay)
10. Fortunately, …………………………. no longer exists in our society. (slave)

III. Give an adequate partitive or specific counter for the following uncountable

A ……………………………………… of anger A
……………………………………… of laughter
A ……………………………………… of ammunition A
……………………………………… of thunder
A ……………………………………… of coal A
……………………………………… of wood
A ……………………………………… of air A
……………………………………… of gunfire
A ……………………………………… of meat A
……………………………………… of snow
A ……………………………………… of furniture A
……………………………………… of chalk
A ……………………………………… of news A
……………………………………… of dust
A ……………………………………… of soap A
……………………………………… of luck
A ……………………………………… of applause A
……………………………………… of toast
A ……………………………………… of advice A
……………………………………… of wind

IV. What is the collective noun corresponding to the following?

1. A ………………………… of wolves.
2. A ………………………… of whales.
3. A ………………………… of bees.
4. A ………………………… of puppies.
5. A ………………………… of teachers.
6. A ………………………… of fish.
7. A ………………………… of chickens.
8. A ………………………… of birds.
9. A ………………………… of goats.
10. A ………………………… of singers.

V. Make a comment on each of these words with regard to the number

category. Check the pronunciation and spelling of the plural form.

1. Goose: mutation (change of the medial vowel)  geese

2. Memorandum: Irregular/ Latin nouns ending in –um > plural with –a 
memoranda. Also regular number  memorandums
3. Police: Plural invariable noun/ unmarked plural
4. Mumps: singular invariable noun (disease)
5. Clothes: Plural invariable noun/ Pluralia tantum
6. Wolf: Variable noun/ Irregular / Voicing (nouns ending in –f(e) > -ves  wolves
7. Criterion: irregular/ Greek nouns ending in -on > plural with –a  criteria
8. Sheep: variable noun/ zero plural (both for singular and plural)
9. Phenomenon: irregular/ Greek nouns ending in –on > plural with –a 
10. Erratum: irregular/ Latin nouns ending in –um > plural with –a  errata
11. Darts: singular invariable noun (game)
12. Shorts: plural invariable noun (dress)
13. Tooth: irregular variable noun/ mutation (change of the medial vowel)  teeth
14. Suspenders: binary, / plural invariable noun (dress)
15. Scissors: binary noun /plural invariable Noun (Tools)
16. Deer: variable noun/ zero plural (both for singular and plural)
17. Measles: singular invariable noun (disease)
18. Thief: irregular variable noun/ Voicing (nouns ends in –f(e) > -ves  thieves
19. Clergy (police)[clero]: plural invariable noun/ unmarked // -y > -ies  clergies
20. Cod: iiregular variable noun/ zero plural (both for singular and plural)

VI. Put the words in brackets into the sentences, in the same order, in their
plural forms. Say the type of plural they exemplify.

1. A large number of mice fled in fear when a flock of geese suddenly landed within
a few feet of them. (mouse, goose, foot)  Mutation: change of the medial vowel

2. Automobile companies have all too many stories of delays in deliveries of the
special security keys and are considering ways of manufacturing their own.
(company, story, delay, delivery, key, way)  variable nouns/ Treatment of final –
y: -ies when preceding by a consonant. If the way is preceded by a vowel –s

3. Security chiefs believe the thieves climbed along the roofs of several houses
before forcing open an upper window of the office building with knives and escaping
with the contents of two safes (chief, thief, roof, knife, safe) Nouns in –f(e) > –
ves. Voicing.

4. With the help of old photos, war-time Paris was recreated in the film studios for
the film 'echoes of War', in which all the heroes were played by unknown actors.
(photo, studio, echo, hero)  regular nouns ending in –o (when the –o is
preceded by a vowel > –s; when the –o is preceded by a consonant > es)

5. Passers-by were surprised when no fewer than six commanders-in-chief in full

uniform, carrying brief-cases, arrived in police cars to attend a series of courts-
martial (passer-by, commander-in-chief, brief-case, police car, court-martial) 
plural in compound nouns (some plural in the last element; some other in the
first element when the compound is not appositional)
6. The deer and sheep in the park are sometimes alarmed by low-flying aircraft
(deer, sheep, aircraft)  zero plural

VII. Concord: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present
simple. Justify your choice.
1. Our livestock are not (not to be) as numerous as they used to be. (unmarked
2. People always tell (to tell) me that mumps is (to be) something for a man to
avoid, since the consequences can be serious.
3. Vermin cause (to cause) diseases.
4. The police are trying (to be trying) to contact the dying woman’s son.
5. The clergy dress (to dress) differently from laymen.
6. Darts is (to be) a very popular game in British pubs.
7. Mathematics seems (to seem) difficult at first sight.
8. Some people think (to think) that politics is (to be) the art of the impossible.

VIII. Write either the masculine or the feminine of the following words and say
how gender is expressed in each case:

1. Buck: Doe  different word (morphologically unmarked for gender)

2. Niece: nephew  different word (morphologically unmarked for gender)
3. Widow: widower  Gender suffix (morphologically marked for gender)
4. Landlady: landlord  different word (morphologically unmarked for gender)
5. Host: hosts personal dual gender (who he/she coreference)
6. Witch: wizard  different word (morphologically unmarked for gender)
7. Teacher: (=)  personal dual gender also called common gender (who
he/she coreference)
8. prince: princess  Gender suffix (morphologically marked for gender)
9. monk: nun  different word (morphologically unmarked for gender)
10. queen: king  different word (morphologically unmarked for gender)
11. bachelor: maid/spinster  different word (morphologically unmarked for
12. friend: (=) personal dual gender (who he/she coreference)

IX. Comment on the difference between the following pairs.

1. A tea-cup / A cup of tea

- A tea-cup: a cup for drinking tea
- A cup of tea: a drink
2. Peter’s and Jane’s cars / Peter and Jane’s cars
- Peter’s and Jane’s cars: each one has their own car
- Peter and jane’s cars: cars that both have
3. A furniture van / A van of furniture
- A furniture van: a van used for carry furniture (or whatever)
- A van of furniture: a van with furniture (not necessary used for
4. A cargo boat / The cargo of a boat
- A cargo boat: kind of boat
- The cargo of a boat: load of the boat
5. A pay-day / A day’s pay
- A pay-day: when you receive money
- A day’s pay: amount of money you receive of one day of work
6. Day-time / A day’s time
- Day-time: when during the day (not night)
- A day’s time: 24 hours of the day
7. The rush hour / An hour’s rush
- The rush hour:
- An hour’s rush:
8. Your brother’s e-mail / An e-mail from your brother.
- Your brother’s e-mail
- An e-mail from your borther

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